El uso del ordenador y las nuevas formas de aprendizaje

Ya no hay ninguna duda de que el ordenador es el instrumento tecnológico más potente puesto al servicio de la educación. El medio informático tiene cabida en todos los niveles educativos. Más aún, hoy el aula de Educación Infantil no es un lugar en donde estos equipos estén marginados, en muchos centros escolares ocupa un lugar preferente, más allá de ser el protagonista de uno de los rincones de aula.

Hasta no hace mucho era frecuente encontrar en los centros escolares que los mejores equipos, los más potentes, multimedia o los conectados a la red eran de uso exclusivo para el profesorado y el alumnado de cursos superiores. Esta distribución ocultaba la errónea concepción de que los pequeños son simples observadores, no tomando en consideración el hecho de que este elemento es cotidiano en los hogares de niños y niñas y lejos de resultarles extraño están familiarizados con él.

En la revisión empírica de las aplicaciones del ordenador en el ámbito de la Educación Infantil, Patterson (2004) pone de manifiesto sus enormes posibilidades para alcanzar los objetivos curriculares, a saber:

– Prelectura
– Aprendizaje de conceptos básicos en matemáticas y geometría
– Psicomotricidad (fina)
– Organización espacial
– Reflexibilidad
– Tratamientos terapéuticos, de rehabilitación, recuperación
– Etc.

Todos estos aspectos, que forman parte del desarrollo psicomotor, cognitivo y emocional general, están a la base de un cuidado inicio en la adquisición de estrategias de aprendizaje que conformarán más adelante una amalgama bien estructurada de capacidades de trabajo intelectual. Estas capacidades permitirán a los alumnos afrontar de una manera diversa las distintas formas en que conocimientos, saberes, valores, actitudes, aplicaciones, destrezas, etc., se nos aparecen, para una total competencia en el conocimiento.

De incorporar sistemáticamente los ordenadores en las aulas de Infantil obtendríamos una mayor autonomía en el autoaprendizaje, aumento del control y toma de decisiones sobre las tareas a realizar, adquisición de destrezas, alta comprensión del lenguaje iconográfico y visual, equivocaciones sin temor y corrección automática, aumento de la colaboración, la ayuda mutua entre niños (se enseñan los unos a los otros, comparten, deliberan), fomento de valores de convivencia y respeto, es decir, niños pequeños que investigan, escuchan, ven, oyen, aprenden muy deprisa, reciben una gran cantidad de estímulos en un afán de búsqueda y curiosidad por hacer, ver, oír, probar, justo en un ambiente de ausencia de miedo al ordenador.

Son muchas las investigaciones que aportan las evidencias de estos comentarios precedentes. Por ejemplo, Domingo Segura (2000) afirma que en Infantil y el primer ciclo de Primaria la realización de operaciones sencillas con el equipo, mejora y ejercita la atención, la percepción, la adquisición de conocimientos básicos y el acercamiento a los medios y su uso. En definitiva, los primeros años de vida son una etapa clave para sentar las bases de futuros aprendizajes. Precisamente por eso, no se trata de que los niños observen con interés las acciones de su profesor; en estas edades tempranas se recomienda la inclusión del ordenador en el aula y el desarrollo de habituales incursiones en el mismo. Las computadoras, así, pueden ser empleadas para trabajar en equipo en tareas de indagación colectiva, expresión, creación, toma de decisiones o mejora de habilidades, superando las tradicionales fichas.

También se ha descrito cómo estos equipos informáticos están a la base del desarrollo del lenguaje, del pensamiento matemático y la resolución de problemas, de la diversidad cultural y los «backgrounds” del lenguaje, del apoyo a los niños con necesidades especiales de aprendizaje, etc. (O’Rourke y Harrison, 2004). Recordemos el enorme potencia de la informática con el uso de los agentes de software inteligentes en el tratamiento a las necesidades educativas más diversas (más información en José Manuel Bautista Vallejo: Los agentes de software inteligentes y la respuesta didáctica a la diversidad).

Es necesario, al mismo tiempo, completar esta tecnología con medios electrónicos propios para la informática o derivados de la ingeniería web; así, por ejemplo, el ordenador se complementa con el uso de un adecuado software, altavoces, lector de CD-ROM, impresora a color y escáner de mano para digitalizar los trabajos de los alumnos. No podemos engañarnos, todas estas tecnologías son hoy ya definitivamente y en este nivel tecnologías sencillas en su inclusión e uso.

Así mismo, las experiencias determinan que no importan tanto la calidad técnica del mismo (compatibilidad, duración, buen diseño sin errores, condiciones de hardware necesarias para su funcionamiento, uso de otras tecnologías asociadas, claridad de instrucciones y facilidad de manejo), como su potencial curricular y cualidades educativas (en cuanto a contenidos, adecuación, motivación, proceso de interacción didáctica, seguimiento de los progresos del alumnado, objetivos previstos, simulación y ambientación, captación del interés, posibilidad de intervención del profesor, etc.). Es más, su mejor potencial está en el conjunto de capacidades fundantes que deja en los niños, justo en el origen de su desarrollo intelectual.

La definición de la inclusión de las computadoras, de todo el entramado TIC en las aulas de Educación Infantil obedece, pues, a estos argumentos. Si bien esto, las investigaciones ponen de manifiesto la frecuente y problemática distancia existente entre las posibilidades de desarrollo en los niños, sobre todo en el terreno de sus capacidades de trabajo intelectual, creciente y fundantes desde el momento inicial, y la competencia de los profesores para hacer de éstos instrumentos clave en el desarrollo infantil. Se acredita un uso pobre y en ocasiones erróneo de estas tecnologías, lo que implica la pérdida casi total del potencial de las mismas.

Las experiencias en los centros TIC en el ámbito nacional e internacional están siendo un vivero importante para el desarrollo de estas cuestiones, pero no olvidemos que estamos todavía en la prehistoria de la tecnología informática.


Domingo Segura, J. (2000). La utilización educativa de la informática. En Cabero, J. (ed.) y otros (2000). Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas a la educación. Madrid: Síntesis.

O’Rourke, M., & Harrison, C. (2004). The introduction of new technologies: New possibilities for early childhood pedagogy. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 29 (2), 11-18.

Patterson, M. (2004). How can ICT enrich the learning environment in early childhood centres? Computers in NZ Schools, 16 (1), 25-30.

216 respuestas a “El uso del ordenador y las nuevas formas de aprendizaje”

  1. It is true, that the computers help in the education, sithence with the technology we can progress at home, all the information is on the internet, we can learn languages with different programs, and so on. And of course we have to teach to the children how to use them properly and safety, because in their future live they have to know it for their job. So in these days the computers and internet become the part of our life, but we have to pay attention, because we can be addicted easily, and the new generation will never get to know how amusing to spend their times with their friends in the fresh air, or how enjoyable to read a real book.

  2. The introduction of technology in early education is crucial. This is because of how heavily we rely on it everyday. It is therefore important that young people are educated on this from an early age, as failure to do so would result in less opportunities for them. We must take into consideration though that if we do not teach our children basic skills such as reading and writing then it will still continue to cause problems in their future, regardless of how well they can use technology. It’s important that we develop the education system whilst continuing to teach basic skills. But the influx of technology may prevent us from doing so in schools and in the home.

  3. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    Technology in the classroom is a very useful tool for the teacher as it is easily accessible and readily available at the touch of a button. Students also find the use of a computer in the classroom a lot more interesting than the use of textbooks. But this can be a negative thing, in my opinion there should be a balance between the use of books and the use of technology in the classroom. We shouldn’t rely so much on computers as books are still very important for a childs learning. Depending on too much technology is bad as they are prone to technical problems and there could be many issues with a device whereas books are the way children should read. Using a dictionary instead of google translate is a lot more useful to the student. Students should learn more from textbooks but also for more visual learning technology is useful.

  4. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    The computer is a tool that you can use it in many different styles. I also believe that he has to be necessarily used in the classroom. I am of the opinion that there needs to be taken with caution, however. If we make any teaching computer based, I think we generate people based on the computer and have other skills deficits often. I would like also to motor skills. Certainly clicking with joystick, mouse and Co. is but do you think that the youth of today do not do that enough at home in front of the computer game?

  5. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    New technologies develop really quickly. It was sure that soon or later they will get into the schools. Actually I don’t know if it is good or bad.. On the one hand, they can make lessons more attractive and more interesting. Linked with traditional methods it can be really good solution. We have a lot of applications that can help you learning the languages or help you improve your other skills. This sounds quite cool. Also it is really useful nowadays to be familiar with new technologies, because soon we will use them almost everywhere.
    On the other hand we need to be careful, because we spend too much time with all these electronics devices. Especially, with the kids, if they use smart phones, tablets or PC’S for the study is good, but we shouldn’t let them to spend too much time on games or something. It is better to spend with your child some time or let them play outside instead of letting them living in the cyber world.

  6. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    I think nowadays when we are living in a technical world, its good for the children to use the computers, tablets for learning. I agree on that the computers can be a distraction, but in kindergarden, and in the first 1-2 classes it can be good for them. They learn how to use, how to concentrate, and even working in groups effectively. In a couple of countries, they already use this technique, and apparently its working, the kids love to work with it, and their performance show a good result. I fully support this idea, because i think its just good for everyone, the classes can be more effective.

  7. I prefer ‘old-school’ teaching; with the green tables and chocks, because I thing children or students pay more attention in this case, then if notes are already written somewhere. But for sure, we live in world where technology rules the world. And children need to start to work with computers in early age, but for work, not for games. If it is for games, let this be the games that are encouraging creativity of children, not to make them dumber. If we will let children to live just in the world of computers, I’m afraid Einstein was right when he said ‘the world will have a generation of idiots’. We need to control technology, we need to limit the power of computers and children needs to work on computer, but live a real live.

  8. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    I think it makes sense to divide the work with the computer in two areas; Learning and Free time. Learning in early childhood mainly includes learning the first steps of working with this tool, and later as a source of information for school obligations. But the major part of children using computer just for gaming and entertainment. Instead of strict control, it is better to establish a sincere relationship with the child and set limits that the child must take when working with your computer. It is necessary to ensure that computer does not replace the reading of fairy tales, problem solving in children’s magazines, walks in nature, talking and playing with their peers. The reason, that parents often allow unlimited use of the computer, is just to recruit child in order to gain some valuable free time.

  9. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    I think, nowadays it is not possible to live without technologies. Everybody needs them everyday for their work, study, acquire new information. The children have to learn working on the computer, with internet and everything. In my opinion, it is not good for them from their early childhood, but nowadays it is necessary. It is very important to learn children, that computers are especially for work, not for spend of all their free time. Computers are very good tools for us, for our work, but they can be very dangerous for us also. People should control the computers, not the computer control people.

  10. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    «But do not forget we are still in the prehistory of information technology.» I think, this sentence should be underlined. Yes we are at the very beginning of information tehnology. So I agree with the ide of children’s development with technology. But by doing that, we should be careful about lack of social aspects such as hanging out with friends, reading a real book, playing sport games, etc… From now on, people who manage to these two aspects equally, will have the future and success in both private life and work life. That’s why I agree with the idea, which is the fact that children should be educated by laptop, ipad, or computer at a certain level and should be socialized also.

  11. In nearly every job it is necessary to have computer skills. Every flat has one ore more computer with internet. It is necessary in our modern world.A lot of thinks are only able to manage with the computer and internet. So why shouldn´t we teach children how to use an computer. It is very important in their former live. It would be terrible if we dont teach them how to use a computer. They will need it for their jobs! We also can teach them how to surf in the internet in a save way. Also this is very important.

  12. Personally, I don’t agree in teaching a child through the use of Ipads, computers etcetera. I don’t condemn it as I know for a fact that some games or an educational program on a Ipad could help a child learn, but I don’t believe it being solely used to educate a child. Most participants who are reading this article did not grow up with the use of technology, therefore I don’t understand why this method cannot be taught the same way for our future generation? Call me old fashion, but I think by learning to read a book or learning to write in the more traditional form, will help a child to be more creative and to appreciate the things in life. A child who spends 3/4 hours a day on a game-boy or computer could have use that time to be creative in building a ship out of a cardboard box or a house out of blankets and chairs. This sort of activity helps them to develop their creativity and will leave a longer lasting imprint in their mind.

    As Albert Einstein once said,

    «I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.»

  13. Iveta Lošáková dice: Responder

    Nowadays is really an essential part of education became a computer. Already children in elementary school have a regular teaching information technology. On the bases of some schools in Czech Republic, the children on the first grade of education they write homeworks on the computer and store them on the school website to a folder of the subject. Children and teachers can also be found on the internet all the utilities and information necessary to the subject. In some schools there are educational programs on the computer for children, where they can practice their knowledge on the subject. I also like learning programs for business correspondence, such as Zaviačič. In addition, there are many special education programs, such as reading for blind people, a computer for disabled, global syllabary, programs Life Tool and more. In the Czech Republic is very used Pachner program where children will find tutorials, dictionaries and enciklopedie to help them with their studies. I personally advocate the use of computer technology in schools but only to a limited extent. Children should always do your homework and tests by hand, to practicing grammar and able to realize where they make mistakes in writing without them word correct mistakes automatically.

  14. I think it’s really good that the children use more technnology for learning and using internet as a source of information. Computer can be very usefull in a lot of diferent way but in another hand the computer can be also very adictive.
    In my opinion the computer can replace a traditional educational curriculum. The computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools.

  15. This is a major topic in education and needs be thought in every aspect. There’s always a good and a bad side to these kind of products. I don’t think kids should have unlimited access to these devices, the usage of it should be handled responsible. I’d rather prefer having my kid read a book than playing games on the internet for hours, although there a really good learning games as well. I think the problem that comes with the usage of computers etc, is that kids forget how to interact with other kids or just play outside, which also has a big effect on cognitive understanding and the creativity.

  16. Numerous new ways of learning occured with the technology coming into the classrooms. Also in my country students in technology-supported classrooms are armed with powerful tools to help them gather information, consult with colleagues, and present their findings. Their autonomy and confidence increase as they rely less on their teacher and more on their own initiative for knowledge-creation. Technology enables students to manipulate information in a manner that accelerates both understanding and the progression of higher-order thinking skills. As students gather more real-world data, share their findings with learners beyond their school, and publish their findings to the world, their role broadens from investigators of other products to designers, authors, purveyors, and publishers of their own work.

  17. I think that technology will be very helpful in the classroom as nowadays children are growing up surrounded by technology. At home, they can see laptops, computers, ipods, ipads, smartphones and many more. Technology is used for everything in everyday life and for children to progress well in the future they need to be able to use technology. Some children may not be have the money at home to be able to buy the newest technologies so if technology is not introduced until they are older they will not have the same grasp of it as other children and will not feel comfortable in using it and this will affect their learning progress. Young children learn very easily so it is best to introduce technology into the classroom when children are young. The visual learning will help them and make school more interesting. I agree that the autocorrect will help the children to recognise their mistake as it will be fixed instantly and not they will not be learning it wrong for a period of time.

  18. Like in each area, there are also lots of researches in the area of introduction of technology in schools and kindergartens. We can find those which convince us about the benefits of the technology and how well it affects the learning and development of children, and also those referring to disadvantages such as accommodation disorder, fewer social contacts, problems with fine motoric …. I cannot help, but for now I believe there are more disadvantages than advantages about the use of technology in the early childhood. Computer in the classroom should be present as an accessory for teacher to show children certain thing in many ways, or for easier and quicker preparation for lessons. Children should run, play, socialize, speak and listen and create with their own hands, feel and touch….. because they, in my opinion, in this days don’t get enough of this.

  19. mert yilmaz ozbas dice: Responder

    Students can build on their own understanding by using computers as resource tools, as work stations for individual learning, or as communication channels to share their ideas with other learners. Individual understanding and experiences must be shared and compared to curriculum content. By uncovering students’ individual understandings, teachers can determine the influence of students’ prior knowledge and further their education through new experience.Access to a computer-equipped classroom can also be important because you can find lot of good information.

  20. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Puede ser por mi carácter o por la ninez yo tenía, pero a mi personalmente no me gusta tan grand uso de la tecnología, especialmente para los ninos pequenos. Claro, vivimos en el mundo informático, donde las informaciones son ya mucho más poderosos que una arma en la mano y si sábes como obtener las informaciones correctas, mejor. Pero como en todas cosas, ni aquí necesitamos un extremo, que me parece que a veces podemos ver en las escuelas etc. Los ninos siempre con sus moviles, ipods, iphones o lo que sea en sus manos. Está muy bien que ya desde chiquitos sáben muchas cosas sobre ordenadores y la tecnología en general, pero todavía son ninos, ser humanos, una parte de la naturaleza y me parece como una gran lágrima que estamos cambiando esta conección para la wifi.

  21. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    The introduction of technology in early education is an inevitability. Such is the influence of technology that we rely heavily on them on a day to day basis. It is therefore important that young people are educated on this from an early age, as failure to do so would result in less opportunities in the future. However we need to be careful that we do not place to much emphasis on technology and still continue to teach young people basic essential tools (maths, english etc) whilst also developing their social skills. It’s important that we develop the education system whilst continuing to teach basic skills. Change is a positive thing however too much change could potentially have a detrimental affect.

  22. In our society, media became essential. Therefore I think that children should have a basic knowledge about how to use these technologies. However, it must be mentioned that there are studies, which show that using technologies at an early age has negative effects on learning.
    In his book (Digital Dementia, 2012) the neuroscientist Dr. Manfred Spitzer warns parents and teachers of the dangers of allowing children to use electronic devices such as laptop and smartphones. He claims that digital media should be banned from classrooms, since children are likely to become addicted and that the deficits in the brain development are irreversible. Especially for kids, I think it is very important that the things that they do or what they play do not depend on something, such as technologies. Children are supposed to play outside and being imaginative in what they play.
    In my mind, Dr. Spitzer has good points. Reading his books and the results of some studies were shocking for me, though it must be admitted that it would not be very beneficial for the child’s future, if he or she would not have any knowledge about technologies.
    The task is to strike the middle way between teaching how to use and learn with technologies and not getting children addicted to the media and prevent from deficit in brain development and learning.

  23. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    On the one hand, modern parents declare that the meeting with their peers in the fresh air and traditional toys are essential for the proper child development. On the other hand, more and more we allow the possibility of contacting a child with his peers by Internet and use of modern equipment and technology instead of the classic toys. So how new technologies influence the development and education of children? Personaly I think we are up to development stage of the world , that we can not escape from new technologies in any case , and the number of products will only increase in the close future. Perhaps the question should not sound , what impact new technologies for education of children, but what would they do to bring a positive effect? And I think that before the challenge facing all of us today , especially parents and those who providing them products, which are used for nurturing and educating children.

  24. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    Computers are the future and education may well make use of it. Only we are the generation that go on all change. I think get 90% of learning in 50 years done by computers at school. This new form of education should be a well-developed plan. Children learn faster and learning remains attractive by computers, but there are certainly drawbacks. Disadvantages such as social and enticing aspects. If these disadvantages can be well packed, I think we’re in a good 50 to 60 years of computer-based education.

  25. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    Technology and multi-media evolves every day. There is no escape. But is this bad for development in education? I think there both as disadvantages.
    Currently, each child has a computer, ipad, laptop or something in their house. A child knows how it is accessed, or is able to handle with.
    Nowadays there is for each subject something to download, language, math, history and other programs as well.
    But you can also practice your handskills on a computer? No, you can not.
    I don’t think that the computer needs to be replaced, all you have to do some activities without correct. Touching, feeling how something feels or how something works.
    Also, the communication is a lot less by working with the computer. You have a lot less attention to other children.
    I think that the computers must be in the classroom, but absolutely not replace other activities.

  26. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    Nowadays computers, tablets etc. become more and more important. Nearly everybody has at least a computer with internet access at home. The technology is already very important and will be more significant in the future. In nearly every job you have to have computer knowledge. So why don`t use computers in schools? I think this is very important and also very interesting for the pupils. My cousin here in Spain is now 9 years old. He is a very intelligent boy and already skipped one class. Every Friday he has classes for highly gifted children were they do computer programming. He just created his own computer game. I think that’s really interesting and will be great for his future because when he already learns how to use the computer and how programming is working he will be quiet good with computers later on. And the jobs in the future will exactly look like that. I think there will be a lot of jobs related to the new technology and it is only an advantage to already be able to programme easy things with 9 years. And it’s fun for him to learn this things.

  27. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    Technology is developing day by day and we can not escape before it, but we can learn how to use it wisely. Computer programs can help teachers to convey knowledge in a more effective way, they can help develop a topic, for example by showing videos, pictures and so arouse interest in students. It should be important to find the best way to connect the traditional way of teaching with the possibilities offered by technology. If parents and teachers will rightly control the child, then i believe that computers and technology will bring many benefits and help to develop various skills.

  28. Using computers in school has many advantages. It makes learning more interactive. Lessons can now be taught through the LCD, and this will enable students to watch and picture what the teacher is teaching. The usage of computers also match learner’ development needs with personal interests. Students are always finding something new to let their brains feed on, as they are born curious. With the usage of computers, it makes learning more real.
    Students who learn using computer will be able to share information among the school community and family members too! This is because they have a much clearer concept on what has been thought by the teachers. Students might also pick up a few new skills, like learning how to use the computer, and relate that knowledge to his or her family members.
    But, every good thing has its disadvantages too. One of the many disadvantages of using computers in school is all teachers and students enter school, most of them are computer literate. Also a large sum of money has to be allocated by the school too to pay off the high cost of maintenance of the computer. And with using of computers it is possibility to lose personal contacts with classmates.
    Therefore, there are many advantages and disadvantages of using computers in schools. In the end, it’s up to the students and teachers themselves to decide whether the usage of computer benefits them or destorys them.

  29. It is true that using computers in schoolwork is controversial. In my opinion, there are many arguments ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ about use of the latest technology by children. We think that the use of computers will impoverish independent thinking of our children, that they will not be able to deal with solving problems in the proper way, that it will impair their ability to make social contacts … But perhaps we are wrong because we are accustomed to other methods of teaching and now we cannot change our thinking about education. Technology is our future, maybe we should train a new generation especially in this direction. As mentioned in this article «but to not forget we are still in the prehistory of information technology.» Maybe our children contributes to progress in this field. We must to think about it!

  30. Computers, internet and whole electronic issue which surround the present-day world is a controversial matter. Should children, students use this every day on lesson? Of course there is a variety of arguments for and against it. In my opinion there is more advantages than disadvantages, just look how far we get and how fast we develop comparing to times without computers. Using computers is a great help for teachers: by tablets, overhead projectors they can prepare a lesson in the more interesting way. What is more applications which students can have on their computers teach by play and are far more interesting than traditional way of studying. So people may say that by using computers children become more self-contained people. But in my opinion by connecting using computers and teamwork we can avoid problem of repressed students.

  31. Electronic devices are all over the world. They are a huge help in order to learn new language. There are many programs online, where we can learn some new words, tenses, etc. The great incentive is that there are many prices, so people want to do it, want to be a part of it.
    But it shouldn’t be the only way of teaching. Let’s be honest. Children wouldn’t learn only, but would play games etc. It is not a solution. Computers, tablets might be the help in teaching, really usefull. Many programms help children with maths. Multiplying, addition, motor coordination, observation. It is very important factor of 21st cetury, but I hope it won’t be the only one.

  32. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    Modern technology is a very important part in our fast moving society. Of course, pupils should learn to use computers as a resource of knowledge, but I would us computers and other modern technologys only if it’s necessary. Many children spend nowadays lot’s of time in front of the television, computer or smarthphone. That’s the reason, why I prefer to work with other materials, which are also interesting and useful. New is for me not always better, I prefer materials, which children can touch, feel and move. In my opinion it’s better to teach things like relations, geometry or areal orientation in a practical way, with games ect. But of course, I also would check for example the knowledge from the pupils about a topic with the computer. In summary a computer or tablet is for me not the best way to start with or present a new topic.

  33. I think today computers, tablets etc. are really important tools in education. When I think about all the different and great ways you can use it in a classroom and how much more interesting you can make lessons for children – it is really amazing.
    It is really a great way for pupils to work on the different skills from an early age on because in today’s society there are just too many jobs where you need the knowledge of technical devices. And like I said, it can be made very itnteresting for children, so they don’t lose their motivation to learn something new.
    Of course, it’s not healthy to sit the whole day in front of a computer and the old ways of teaching something are also very important.
    We just have to find a healthy balance between these two and I’m sure we could give the pupils the best of both worlds, so to speak!

  34. Technology is a great tool within education to engage and stimulate pupils. Compared to, for example 20 years ago the advancements made have allowed for greater methods to teach with, from my own experience teaching preschool children basic spanish I found that when I used my iPad they were more engaged and paid more attention. In the evolving world we are living in technological advancements are an obvious positive development. However, there is a downside to this, children are becoming too accustomed to having technology to help them within daily life, as well as the fact that technology effects can have an impact upon general health, for example sat at a computer screen in class as well as at home can have adverse effects such as obesity or even eye problems. The solution to this is to closely monitor a child’s use of technology. Another disadvantage of this has to be the depletion of face to face interactions, social and communication skills are taking a hit, a lot of young people email and text etc and don’t have social interactional skills.

  35. Technology is a great tool within education to engage and stimulate pupils. Compared to, for example 20 years ago the advancements made have allowed for greater methods to teach with, from my own experience teaching preschool children basic spanish I found that when I used my iPad they were more engaged and paid more attention. In the evolving world we are living in technological advancements are an obvious positive development. However, there is a downside to this, children are becoming too accustomed to having technology to help them within daily life, as well as the fact that technology effects can have an impact upon general health, for example sat at a computer screen in class as well as at home can have adverse effects such as obesity or even eye problems. The solution to this is to closely monitor a child’s use of technology. Another disadvantage of this has to be the depletion of face to face interactions, social and communication skills are taking a hit, a lot of young people email and text etc and don’t have social interactional skills.

  36. Technology has a huge beneficial impact on education. In schools in Ireland a lot of them have new white boards and computers which help teachers when teaching a class of students. Technology makes the classroom more interesting. We all know how difficult to engage the children in learning. However they enjoy the process when the instructor uses white board or touch screen technology in order to make classes more interactive and interesting. In that way it’s easy to attract the kid’s attention. By the way, the involving technology in the educational process makes education more enjoyable both for the instructors and the learners. Technology gives people a wide span of information about certain topics. New technology increases study as people download applications and go online to help them with their study. I think without technology it would be a lot more intensive in schools and it wouldn’t be as interesting.

  37. If you take now and ten years ago, we can see a radical change in technology, not just in schools but globally. Technology is advancing rapidly right before our eyes. From working in a secondary school, I believe that computers and other forms of media can be very beneficial in teaching. I think that teachers in current society should be using more and more forms of technology in the classroom. I found during my placement in a secondary school that students paid more attention to a video clip when I was explaining something rather than reading directly from the book and later having to explain it. I think that all teachers should be thought how to use new technology techniques in a classroom. We are entering a generation where technology plays a major role not only in our lives but our daily life. I think it would be great to combine both old and new traditions of teaching as it would relate to all students, those who are book smart and those who are a ‘whiz’ at technology. This would only work if both resources were used in the right manner and teachers were trained properly to use the new forms of media. Overall, I think that teachers should have an open mind to this new resource of teaching, but yet not forgetting the old traditional ways. New technology teaches children new ideas which can be spread among others, but it is also important to not let technology take over the classroom, teacher focus is most important.

  38. Si partimos de la base de que el autor confunde los medios y los instrumentos, no se puede llegar a una conclusión sana. Según autor del articulo, el ordenador es la herramienta tecnológica mas importante en el aula. Eso lo avalan ciertos estudios que olvidan el eje de la educación en la historia: la voz del maestro y el sabio libro. El ordenador sólo debería ser una herramienta a la hora de elaborar ciertos tipos de trabajos o aprender a manejar cierto tipo de programación. En una clase de literatura, el ordenador sólo distrae, en una de matemáticas puras no creemos que pueda hacerles ningún bien a nadie.

  39. Technology is the way forward in my opinion and incorporating it into the lives of children from an early age is key to ensuring it is a success for all. The cost of technology in 2014 is so much lower than 2004, 1994 and keeping this cost low is key to ensuring access for all who need it, as the poorest families now in society have access to the internet, and can access vast amounts of information which can be used in day to day tasks. Many critics feel that primary school children should not have access to technology, internet, laptops, tablets, smart phones ect However it is in my option the exact opposite. If we want to ensure our children grow up computer literate, and not afraid of technology like so many older generations then we need to ensure technology is part of their daily lives as children are the least likely group of individuals to resist change. It is in my opinion that being resistant to change is a bad thing for society.

  40. I think this sort of technology is a very important tool that we as future educators can and should use to our and the children’s advantage, to help make every child reach full potential with the help of many different methods is a positive step for the future. Today, there are new specially designed games and programmes available that help gain concentration from a child, once this concentration level is reached it’s much easier for the teacher to teach them new topics. Topics that now seem just as exciting as the initial computer game etc. However, there needs to be a fine balance implanted, not only is using new technological advancements everything but children must also use traditional techniques, such as libraries. A good use of both seems somewhat perfect, the children realise the information is at the touch of a button but also appreciate it’s true origin. It’s very important children have an educational environment that not only provided them with knowledge but also wellbeing. Physical education and socialising with their peers is critical for children time chance life skills and have a healthy body and mind. The balance is difficult to achieve, but bery possible. Too much technology may not be good for the body eg eyes and head but in moderation it’s perfect. Moderation and balances are key.

  41. Computer systems are starting to help teachers achieve the dream of providing individualized education for every student.
    New systems can tailor classroom experience and lesson plans to individuals. Even in the largest high schools, they can help make each student’s educational experience unique. Wisely used, computer systems can motivate the gifted and make sure that underachievers don’t fall through the cracks.

  42. I think that modern technology is a huge advantage when it comes to education. We can use it in many helpful ways. Thank to the internet and multimedia boards classes can be more interesting and moreover children can understand better and faster. However despite all the benefits we need to be careful with that. In my opinion the biggest threat is that the technology can create many distraction for children. What’s more I consider that especially parents need control how their children use the technology because in my opinion nowadays in spite of learning or even spending time outside with friends, more and more children sit at home in front of the screen of their computer.

  43. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    In today’s society it is hard for us to ignore the use of technology and if used correctly it can benefit our children. Yes they can have a more interactive and fun way of learning and they can find the answers they seek within mere seconds. However there are also negatives to this, we become so dependant on this way of learning that we forget about books and going out into the world and learning from experience. While it is important to be able to use technology for many careers as it is one of the main factors that employers look for it is also important to be able to speak from experience.

  44. As everybody knows, computers are a part of our lives and they provide lots of benefits to us. If you use it in right way, you can get benefit. So, as it is mentioned in this article, using computers in the schools get benefits to the children. It develops the children’s perspectives. I totally support the idea that each school should provide computers to their students. Moreover, as it is mentioned in the article, using computer in the schools will develop to student’s skills such as: Pre-Reading – Learning basic concepts in mathematics and geometry – Psychomotor (Fine) – Spatial organization – reflexivity – therapeutic treatments, rehabilitation, recovery – Etc. – So, if we use this system, it will be fine for the childrens.

  45. Christina Burgholzer dice: Responder

    Technology and Computers in all kind of different forms are doubtlessly one of the most powerful and attractive tools nowadays. As mentioned in the article various different studies have shown that the use of computers and tablets at an early age can tear the attention of kids and pair is with learning and creativity. However, I am convinced that we must not forget the other side of the coin. It is very important for a healthy mind and brain development to offer children the possibility to be outside in nature, explore new things, experience their own bodies and physical abilities. Even more important are social contacts and emotional intelligence that need to be developed in a healthy way, which is only possible through communication and intervention with other people and kids. Moderation is the main word in that relationship. Offer possibilities but don´t limit at the same time opportunities for other things to do than playing on a tablet or PC.

  46. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    The computer are now an integral part of everyday life and we can find them in almost every house. Of course children can use computers to play games and watch films but also they can be used in education. Personally I think that every school should have multi-media classrooms but real one, well-equipped with computers and software so as children can study lessons easily with the aid of computers. As XXI century is the era of new technologies, innovations it is necessary to include them in teaching process. Traditional ways of studying are now boring for pupils. The computer can be a extremely useful tool for learning in many areas. That is why teachers should focus on discovering new ways to integrate computers into classes and curriculums.

  47. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    For me as a future elementary school teacher’s multimedia not be ignored. Every school that I see today offers a wide range of multimedia. The children of today find it simply and consider it normal. I can still remember that I was as a student for the first time on a computer, which was a great experience. children of today are the teacher often ten steps.

    So multimedia forms an important part of today’s education. And I certainly agree with the positive points that are in this article. Multimedia is not to dodge and you have to see it to use. Children see it as a huge challenge to work on the computer, and experience this as more challenging than activities from the workbook. Though this is often the same activities, yet it is by way of working with the computer often much more attractive.
    I always try to put it where possible. Many computers as possible Always closely watching the learning outcomes. It should make sense and content have. They can also play games at home

  48. I agree that electronic devices can support the learning process to a large degree. There are many computer programmes that help e.g. with learning foreign languages. The colourful animations, interesting layout and the system of rewards and competing helps children learn much faster than using books. Such methods do not apply only to children, the programmes supporting language acquisition can be used at all the education levels. However, it is also important not to make computers or tablets the primary source of educational experience, in my opinion it should always be a human being who will make the material more accessible and relevant to the childrens´ environment and situation.

  49. I think this is an important tool that we could en should use to educate children. There are programs and games specially developed for children that draw their attention, so once you have their attention you can teach them new things. But everything in moderation so also the use of pc’s/tablets. Not only reading on tablets but also going to the library and teaching children how they can find books is interesting for their general knowledge. Playing with peers outside and practicing sports is important, it’s important for the social skills, health and mind. Maybe the use of tablets or pc’s could be harmful for the eyes, so this is something we shouldn’t forget.

  50. Computer assisted instruction, programmed learning materials with students using computers that interact, in other words, through computer programs that perform learning, learning can monitor and evaluate a self-teaching format.Student-computer interaction, more fun compared to other programmed instructional materials and students will gain experience in nature could be more concrete.For the child, even if you use a stand-alone computer may be of interest.Computer responses, according to student’s level of complex multi-dallı may offer programs.Students in a variety of ways to reinforce the correct answer to the next learning unit it is encouraged and can be sent to.

  51. I think that computer science play a big role in today’s world. So, I think that children from an early age should be taught using the latest technology. The stores of different software vendors such as Apple, Samsung, and HTC can find a lot of educational applications that help in learning the language, or understanding of the world by children.Thanks to them, children can learn not only a new language, improve your memory, have fun, but also to use the tablet or ultrabook. According to me already in primary school children should learn the use and operation of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, as more and more how we show up in these areas affects on the one who will choose our future employer.

  52. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I believe new technology can be a blessing but also a curse. Yes I can see how it helps children interact more with their studies and can make things a lot more interesting and fun. It is also important that children are well used to using technology for further education and future professions, because businesses and higher education are becoming more and more dependant on it. While also newer versions and improvements are made year after year.

    However I do feel monitoring a Childs use of technology is important. I have young cousins who could sit all day glued to technology instead of playing outside. This is taking away their childhood, which after all is only a very short time. I can also see how it can cause them to become inward and antisocial which is definitely not good for their futures.

    To conclude I do believe technology is important for children but can also see how it is damaging. We need to get a healthy balance when using it!

  53. In my opinion, computers and modern technology is an inseparble part of education. Important aspect of compter science in educaton is the use of educational software as a learning tool. Increasingly, our students are coming to college already possessing advanced skills and practices with regard to electronic learning and communication. I think, it’s a nice way to diversify activities and interest of students. Labeled by some as «digital natives» ( J. Brown, S. Pappert, MD. Prensky), the computer and its electronic offshoots are so integral to their modes of thought, information acquisition and communication – indeed, central to their core behavioral repertoire – that they literally live in a virtual vernacular world.

  54. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    Many educators would agree that a vital indicator of student success is students’ ability to develop both skills and an interest for lifelong learning. If this is the objective, however, then it follows that the modes of teaching we employ and the overall educational experience and environment we offer should reinforce these skills. In this context, I want to discuss the importance of educational technology. Formerly merely an issue of what machine was used to achieve a particular type of presentation, the use of technology has emerged as a keystone issue with regard to lifelong learning,The integration of technology in education is no longer a «new» idea. Because technology has become such an integral part of society, it is necessary to integrate its use in education in a variety of ways.Today’s technology can provide teachers and students with opportunities for teaching and learning that were impossible in the past and Computers in the classroom develop important skills. First, in business, the ubiquity of computers makes understanding how to use them essential. The use of computers can help enhance information processing skills.

  55. I think that modern technology are really usefull for education. Nowdays there are so many things and ways how to improve education using technology. It is really easy to access to information online and get knowleges in some computer programmes and websites.
    But i think the main problem of nowdays generation is the easy way of learning from computers but not make an effort to learn everythink on themself. Nowdays small childrens spend more time in computer playing games that spending time outside or communicated with other childrens. Nowdays tehnology and electronic devises are so widespread and easy to access that nobody wants to read real book or write with hand because you can tipe it on computer or mobile phone.
    I think it is really great for young people to use tehnologies to learn and be educated but not for small childrens in kindergarten.

  56. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Nobody can deny the convenience and benefits of technology especially the computers in a learning environment. The importance of audotarial, visual and experimental elements in learning process is known by all of us today. Computer has all of them. That is one of the best advantages in education. It enables students to see, to hear, to play, to try, to read, to have fun and to search. I have one only doubt about it and it is »focusing». How much effective it is and how it can provide focusing are can be discussed. In my oipinon it is unique in a classroom environment, you have everything you need but when it comes to self studying, it is hard to focus and carry on. For example I can never maintain studying very long time without doing something else in the computer. You can be distracted easily because it has everything more than you need. I believe that it has bad side in this way. Of course it has more benefits than negative effects in terms of education. Nowadays smartboards are also integrated in education. I’m strongly in favor of education which is integrated with technology as much as possible. Through this, our students can have everything they need. An informantion, an example, a song, a video, a game, a book, an exam, a self evaluation, an experiment, a comparison and many more educative facilities.

  57. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I believe that there are many adventages in the development of learning and there are also disadvantages. This stories has two sides. 
I agree to O’Rourke and Harrison that technology is giving much influence and adventages for the language development, mathematical thinking and problem solving, cultural diversity and the backgrounds of language. Because of the open information flow true media, internet, etc., we have a lot of opportunities to find the information we need. If we want to know local news from the other side of the world, we could easily find this on the world wide web. Ofcourse this can be in your profit as it comes to personal development. I also believe that the development of technoligy kills creativity in a way. We are so used to all the technoligal sources. For example, we don’t take the affort anymore to go to the libary, find the specific book you need, read this and finally find the information you need. I think this kind of real experiences are really important for your own development. Also on social level the developments of technology are no benefit. People spend more time behind their computers and mobiles, that the end of seeing the world true the eyes of (social) media instead of their own imagination.

  58. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    The era in which we live has been determined: the era of computers. Nowadays, it is inevitable learning and to use without a computer. This technology using everyone. It is true that sometimes children know more about the computer than their parents. For example, in the case of my parents, who are learning how to use a computer , the whole of my siblings have long known how to use a computer. It is important that parents are able to indicate good and bad sides to use a computer. Everyone knows that a computer is necessary, not only to learn but also to personal progress.However, parents and teachers can not forget that the computer is never replace the real world, for example, go for a walk or live conversations. We know that the computer provides a variety of information and makes life easier. However, if we used something in the right amounts is good for us. We must be careful for the time we devote to the computer so that one day we do not run out on a simple live conversation .

  59. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    Today, one of the characteristics of the educational environment is the possibility of students and teachers access to a structured training-methodical materials, teaching multimedia complexes of the whole university at any time and in any point of space. Besides the availability of educational material, information technology can provide the learner the possibility of communication with the teacher, receive consultations on-line or off-line. As for children, certainly they do like computers, tablet PCs or mobile phones and it is a great opportunity to combine study and entertainment. Also this will generate great motivation to learn for them.

  60. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    In our time there is no escape from automation. This is a really effective way to learn, interacting with training programs on a computer. It’s much more interesting to study visual slides, manuals, interactive material using programs, rather than using books. But some schools went much further: there are large laboratory bonds with native variety of necessary equipment deployed (for example Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT, where students can already conduct their scientific activity and make developments in various fields of science). , in addition to theoretical knowledge, simulators for medical students, laboratory stands for computer geeks, classes for chemists and more would give students an opportunity to gain their practical skills. I think it’s important to develope more actively in this direction to cook excellent future professionals.

  61. I agree with the opinion of O’Rourke and Harrison concerning use and importance of computer technology in schools. But I would point the availability of computers for all pupils in classrooms. Not all schools have a capacity for technological equipment and use of them by schoolchildren. I think that the issue of importance of IT use in schools is already proved by time, and now the question is how frequently a student uses computers at school, and for what. It depends greatly on how many computers are available and whether they are located within the classroom or elsewhere. Especially in high school academic classrooms—with their extensive curricular demands and 50-minute period structure—a shortage of individual computer stations in the classroom has long restricted more frequent, systematic, and well-integrated use of technology. I know many schools with only several computers in computer labs, indicating that those schools give a possibility to use them during class hours; however I am not sure if this type of “computerization” is effective.

  62. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    I think it is very important to know how to work with computer nowadays, beyond doubt it eases the work, because the world today has become one big computer full of data living in it (us). It is a pitty, that during my school years teachers did not pay so much attention to teach us how to work right with computer programs. First year during my high school they taught us how to write quickly with all ten fingers. It is little bit useless, unless your life dream is to become a really quickly writing secretary… But in general I think that in school they should teach pupils how to work with Excel (why everybody think it’s so easy!), how to programme a website and so on. Everybody should have the possibility to try it, not only nerds in their garages who has to figure it out by themselves, bcause we are not in 90’s anymore

  63. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    It is good that more and more time I can see in a lot of schools new technologies, like computers or tablets. Children can use it for learning, but we can`t give them a lot of time for playing the games. It is a lot of imroves that for example some disabled persons are possible to learn something because of new technologies. Also it is really good, beacuse you have a lot of applications that you can improve yours skills with them, like math, chemistry, piano playing, or some games that you can improve your english, german or any language you want, even chinese! In Japan all the students studying based on the newest technologies. Everything there based on the computers and the internet, and thats why their level of science is so advanced.

  64. The use of technology which computers are brought mankind many blessings, successes and discoveries. Thanks to the technology of our civilization very quickly moving forward. The more we definitely should use the early learning with technology using it 100%. She creates a variety of new opportunities that are not possible using traditional study of tools. The teacher can start your imagination and knowledge and transfer it to a digital screen with interesting effects. Thereby increasing the motivation of students to learn. I hope that in the future you will be able to create various projects using their own hands, manually, for example by holograms, not like today, a few hours sitting in the same position, in front of a computer.

  65. During the time reading this article I came to think in many different directions. It is a complicated matter and it comes with both pros and cons. My conclusion of this matter is finally that I am not that keen on letting computers play a big role at todays kinder gardens or to children at younger ages in general. This is the conclusion if I have to «pick side».
    I believe that this could interfere with the creativity of youth teachers in general. If computers or other digital equipments will be introduced at the younger age it could unconsciously encourage teachers to take a step back and let the kids enjoy themselves (infront of the computer). Nowadays you often hear that «you could look it up online» and as the article states for example it is a great way to learn a new language or gaining knowledge about other cultures. YES, that is true! BUT I think it could easily become a tool for playing different games instead of actually creating a channel for learning. Instead I believe that it is better to get children more physically and mentally active by using new innovative ways of learning that not only demands digital technology. This technology already exists in their home environment. And as the article points out, we are only in the beginning of the history of information technology. I don’t tell that we should exclude the computers from a younger stage, instead we should take advantage of the technology by using it wisely and with the right approach.

  66. In this prehistory of information technology there are many adventages in the development of learning and there are also disadvantages. 
I agree to O’Rourke and Harrison that technology is giving much influence and adventages for the language development, mathematical thinking and problem solving, cultural diversity and the backgrounds of language. I don’t think that it is the basis of these developments, but I do think it is very important for these developments. 
When I was a child we had puzzels, lego and that kind of ‘problem solving’ games/toys. Ipad, for instance, are giving much more opportunities for playing games which will help developing the ‘problem solving skills’.
Technology is giving us a world-connexion. We can see each cornor of the whole world by google -earth and we can read about everything of every country and culture if we would like to. It creates cultural diversity where a child for example, can learn a lot from. 
We can also read or learn every language if we would like to and most of the times games, books, songs, etc are in English, which create all the language development.
    Disadventages, in my opinion, can be anti-social behavior. Being in a community or in interaction with a person, while you’re also being buisy with your smartphone for whatsapp, facebook or what so ever. Or we almost talk more through internet than that we do in real-life. It also creates, in my opinon, more disstraction. Examples are being in college or in class and at the moment when it is a bit boring, you go surfing on the internet.
    It can also create ‘less smartness’. For example; we used to calculate by ourselves or we used to know every date and name of history; now we can just google it.
This is my view about technology versus learning; I think that technology is a big adventage for the development of learning, but the disadventages are becoming bigger as well.

  67. It’s a great idea to improve education process with use of technology. It’s a technology revolution time but education system is failing to update itself. Schools are just beginning to use them when there are a lot of tools that can be used to make the education much better the it is. Now almost every workplace demands from a person to know how to use computers and specific apps. So it would be a lot better if people get use computers from their childhood and not only just for playing. And technology is gonna totally change the way how we teach so it seems appropriate to reeducate teachers too

  68. We are on our way getting steve job schools, were kids use ipads instead of books. In my opinion this is great because then there is more time to give attention to the personal development of children. The computer has all the information there is. Why not use it. I mean to me it is not so needed anymore to know anything about history because i can find it on the internet. It is good to know the principles ofcource for your development but remembering it all is not. More important is the social development and self reflections so people are less insecure and so more motivated to do the stuff that matters.

  69. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    The key benefit of computer training provide easy, fast and pratical education.provides learning to easy, tidy , organized and planned. While we do not allow child to use too much computer use may be used. Computer helps to redirect the child’s experience and develop skills. As a requirement of modern so ciety must live a parallel life with technology. Wrong technology using leads to largest losses. So , in this regard child must be guided rightly. Under adult supervision should be allow for computer using .

  70. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    I understand this article. The computer is definitely a technological tool who take a place more than important in Humans activities. Today at all levels of daily life, IT management is present.

    However for me the computer must remain a tool in education. In any case shall substitute teach. For me it is clear that this tool can generate excellent results in the learning of skills. However for me it is a loss factor of social link tool. Therefore, I am torn between the fact of introducing new technologies at school. On the one hand it is inevitable nowdays. On the other, I think that produce negative consequences in the basic idea of education …

  71. I can absolutely agree with implementing new technologies in classrooms and lessons. The computer offers various options for tasks and lessons. And since we are surrounded by computers of every form, it is important to show children the proper handling with computers.
    Otherwise the computer might be more a distraction than an auxiliary of learning.
    I think to implemetn new technologies in lessons is the right way, to keep students, no matter wich age, interested and motivated, in other words, keep them away from the distractions of other modern technology.

  72. In my opinion new technology brings into a classroom will benefit to children for lessons and for developing their creativity because they can reach knowledge with new technology very easly and they can enjoy with computer and it makes to education enjoyable .Already children are intersted for computer so it will not pay attention to children for learning something they are always willing to use computer and play game so it will be so easy to teach them something new on computer but we should be careful to teach to students with computer because ıf they are always learing something on computer they can be so lazy as same time we should teach them how to live without computer because nowadays internet is illnes some people living just on internet also it is so harmful because now some people sit in front of computer 8 -10 hours .As a result ıf we use new technology on good way thats amazing but ıf we use it on wrong way thats big dangerous for students .

  73. In recent years, computer and other technological tools are big part of our lives. But i am against to early ages use computer.They souldn’t become accustomed to easy, they should like to research. I am thinking that and no doubt, techonology is harmful for children’s physical and mental health. Spending a lot of times in front of the computer is physical harm to their eyes and brain.They should not lost their creativity. Of course, prohibit the technology can be more dangerous.Just using of technology would be in family control.Unfortunately, I don’t think, children and young people use technology wery well and useful. Certainly, I respect to technology and its benefits .i know and i accept this but still, in the future, when i have got a children, i will introduce him/her with technologhy as possible as in late age. You can call me old-fashioned. Because since technology into my life, i began to miss my childhood. So i didn’t grow up with technology. We didn’t play computer games, I was outside with my friends and family. We had strong relationship. and i am not regretful.

  74. Elimination the computers from little children’s life is impossible in our times and we have to face the truth. But I find it positive. I think that children who use computer are more clever and develop themselves faster. It has a big matter for their future. They will be able to cope with complicated informatic system and computer applications at work. Playing games teaches them dexterity, perceptiveness, creativity and helps with memory and concetration. However, it is absolutely necessary to find a balance between virtuality and reality. The whole world is not only about computer and kids should keep it in minds. School must provide classes where computer is allowed as well as where is not.

  75. Of course nowadays living without computers is hard to imagine. Childrens adapt to live with computers from very young days, so now they‘re growing with them. If they receive information in this way without any dissatisfaction, I think this is a good idea to teach kids in schools and etc. On the other hand, to much technologies can affect child‘s psychology, because they could became addicted to these things. In my opinion these days teachers should limit the access to computers in school and use them only for teachin. Of course my opinion could appear like two-sided but I think teachers in school should found that „golden mean“ of using the commputers in teaching.

  76. I believe that computers and other sorts of techniques can be very useful in teaching, in many different ways. I think that it would be foolish not to use such great tool that technique actually can offer. Of course it’s a risk that it will be used in the wrong way, like all kinds of tools can be used in the wrong way. But if the teachers are thought how to use the techniques in the right way and combine it with the «traditional ways» of teaching, it will be possible to reach out to all the students, which all require different types of learning. Because I do believe that we should not forget the traditional way of teaching, and instead choose to see the technique as one more alternative in teaching and an access that can be used in all subjects. So the most important part is that the teachers are open to new techniques, that they are thought to teach it and use it the right way and DON’T stick to just using technology in belief that it is the only teaching option.

  77. One of the most common technology used today is the computer. Our workplace, in our house, we go to any bank branch has entered our neighborhood grocery store. Even in this fast paced development of our children began to be taught as a subject in schools. In the beginning of the 1990s computer and internet access fast becoming a new entity of the our life and today is one of the most important elements of social life. By providing quick and easy access to get information in all fields this plays an important dual role in our lives. When we were kids computers wasn’t so common.Streets like a playground for us but now a lot of childre intertwined with electronic and technological devices. Of course this is necessary. Computers is very impressive and interesting collection for kids and games, simulations, colors attract the attention of children.These data increases with technology,they will develop a more positive attitude towards technology.Finally, technology makes our lives easier, but we should to use enough.

  78. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    Initially, technology indispensable in our life. In past, computer was marginal tool in education. It was not common so much. In today, it is so popular equipment in every area. Also, development in technology provide to apply new methods in education. Otherwise, both of teachers and students for useful. teachers can find information for teaching and students can learn if they wonder anything. In past, there was no computer, no internet. You need to do homework, curious any topic or want to research any information. You need to go to library. Today it is not necesarry. You cand find a lot of information easily on the internet. And also it provide to save time. On the other hand, in this method children more confident. They have more autonomy in self learning. Nearly before ten years ago we educated with blackboard in class, today there are smartboards. It provide to education with enjoy and new perspective. On the other hand, in my oppinion, technology should be used carreful. If you use truely it is really good resource, but if you use carelessly it show to damage.

  79. Computer use was not so widespread when we were kids. We grew up with the traditional game. We have trained with traditional educational methods. And currently we sometimes make compared to ourselves with at present children. We say: “In our childhood was not the case. These children are slaves of technology.” But at the moment, technology has over our lives and we can not deny it. And again, technology can not deny that our lives easier. Our problem unable to use technology for the right purpose. Teachers can provide to student a different learning environment with technology. Students can reach more quickly at the right information. But, when we want to stall to children we say, go play the game on computer or watch tv. Then we say, technology is a bad influence on creativity. Perhaps we obligate to children this.

  80. Computers are an indispensible tool in our era. computers bring innumerable benefits to students. The article is very positive and lists the many advantages of computers. However, I think that the constant use of compuers has completely changed and digitalsed student life. this has had a negative impact because students don’t know how to gain information from other sources and abuse the technology. The rise in personal computers has led to many staying inside their home. At first, the parents become dependent on technology which rubs off on the children. This then weakens the relationship between parents and children as the children find knowledge, comfort and fun with computers. Therefore it is important to measure the time of computer usage , especially among children.I miss my own childhood when computer and internet were not so common. We constantly played outside and on the streets, which nowadays is more difficult. Unfortunately all children seem to be slaves to technology. Obviously, apart from the negative impact it can have on natural life, I see the importance and nessecity of using computers. The technology is useful in many ways but must be used correctly. İ think that computers are being used excessively, especially amongst which leads to the negative issues.

  81. The era of new technologies brought many good things such as good spread of information, many different ways of learning and so on. We did not have any computers or other technologies in our daily life, included schools, some years ago. But nowadays the use of new technologies are going to be implemented in many schools and universities. It is a very good way for better learning process. In my opinion, computers help to
    learn more and to keep children‘s attention for a longer time. Because it is more interesting way to learn when you can see some pictures, videos, do many tasks on computers. It makes children to be curious about what they are learning. Also the human‘s brain can memorise more information when it is used more feelings, such as hearing, seeing, thinking, writing. The computers can give the information in many different ways.

  82. I believe that technology needs to be embraced by teachers in order to support and scaffold learning as much as possible. It is known that children all learn best through their interests and in this current generation most young children and drawn into technology, therefore by using technology in the correct way children are more motivated to learn. From having experiences with using technology as a resource to support teaching in the classroom I have been able to see first-hand the benefits. Such as, using an interactive whiteboard allows children to actively get involved with lessons. Children become excited when they have the opportunity to use technology which also means it can reduce behavioural problems and increase concentration levels of children. Of course it should be remembered that technology should always be used to support learning and teaching and therefore not replace teaching all together.

  83. I think any new technology brought into a classroom will benefit a child whether it is for maths or any other subject. In today’s society children are surrounded by technology it is interesting and familiar to them. If they are interested in something they will learn. Educational games on computers are especially important for children. They will learn more by having fun, it will also increase creativity and I feel all types of learners will benefit. It is important for children to be familiar with technology as it is more likely than ever that they will use it for the rest of their lives both in education and in their future profession. However I do feel the amount of technology we use in the classroom needs to be controlled. This is the next question how much is enough? We must make sure that their childhood is not taken for them. It is a time to be outside and play with their fellow classmates we must make sure that technology does not distract them from being a child. The danger is that some children may prefer to play on computers than outside.

  84. Technologies in education is one of my favorite topics to talk about, because this is one of the few things in education in Latvia about which I am proud to talk about. Almost every school classroom in Latvia has a digital board, and at least one computer and these technologies are used properly and you can really feel the benefits of using these Technologies. Also the government is thinking of buying computers for every student.
    Nowadays children sometimes start to use technologies faster than they learn to walk, with all kinds of games and fun apps, that is why I think that using computers in primary education is very important, so that children would learn that computers not only provides us games, but many, many more useful opportunities.
    But nothing is just white or black, and of course using computers and other technologies have downsides too, such as bad effects to health of excessive computer use, that is why it is important not only to teach children opportunities which computers provide but how to use them properly, so that it won’t affect their health.

  85. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    I am absolutely opposed to children from an early age benefit more from the computer. Computer deprives children of creative, independent thinking. Computer games are relocating to the unreal world of children – children identify themselves many times with immortal heroes causing the children cease to yourself think. Any problems are settled online and later children do not know what to do in the real world is not always because he thought the computer.
    I’m from the village and I see great differences between children from the village and from the great city in which I studied in Poland. Children in the village do not have the lost their creativity and have more ideas to spend your free time. It also shows the research – the children in the villages are healthier and have fewer such posture because they have more traffic and more time they spend in the open air and not as children of the city, which soon after returning from school rely on the computer.

  86. Today almost every person use a computer. Students make their works only with electronically help. 20 years ago people cannot imagine how it would be to study and working with this kind of electronic thing. But today people cannot understand how to work without these things. A lot of people don’t read books but read virtual books on their computer. My opinion is that if we use these technologies we cannot forget about our real lives. A lot of people just live in virtual life they have friends only in the virtual world. For little children it is bad I think, because they need to live their lives without all these electronic things. They need to train their brains with some tasks which are more better for their health.

  87. Nowadays, computer and internet are so much important because everything is happening on internet even this lessons on the internet now ,however according to me internet and computer are so much dengerous for children’s education becuse I think , computer and internet kill the creatvity because first of all internet makes to people lonely and now alot of people dont want to work with a group and they are going to be so bad for teamwork people are getting much more egoistic therefore first the teachers should teach to children how to work with a group , for example when we were children we were playing football but now children are playing football on internet and we were playing card game together but now everybody is playing online on the internet .And a nother problem a lot of people are obesity because they aren sitting at home like 7 oclock infront of computer.therefore i think , the children should not use computer until third years at primary school.

  88. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    In today’s world people doing a lot of daily operations on computer. Right! Computer and internet speed up our operations. But i do not support the use of computer at an early age. I think this blocks the development of personal. I do not believe in purpose computers use the following of younger a child’s right. If young child’s use conputer they can not communicates with other children they can be shy and they never can not entrepreneur. I do not think that needs to computer of a child at a young age. For example; i had a computer in my home when i win to the university i did not feel the lack of computer until that time. And when i study different city during 4 year i did not take my computer with me. Computers must be used within the aim. I see, prevent students in courses always open the computer on facebook. It is strictly forbidden in Turkey. Because; this situation is disrecpect from teacher and i think it’s true!

  89. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    Yes, of corse, we are living in ‘’ computer`s world’’. There is no doubt that computer is tehnological tool which is everywhere. In the past i think, no one could ever imagine that even education can not live without computer help. Nowadays, computer play big role in our educational system, they try to use computer more and more in pedagogy in their lessons with children. Every children, if not every than most of them know how to use computer, of course that is good, that children know how to use modern tehnologies, computers, because they can learn lot of things using it. But, in my opinion, in education, teahcer must show to children more creative and more interesting smart way`s that children can do with computer. Teacher must show how to learn with computer, not how computer can do everything in children place, but how computer can help. Computer can`t replace books, nature, real life wich children have to explore. Children love just play games to computer and other stuff, and they forget about nature, about real games with other children, they forget about nature. So in education, teacher have to show computer us a helper and that in computer children can find very much interesting and useful information about everything that children is interested in.

  90. Ofcourse, computers can help nursery staff make better use of new teaching aids in their daily work with children, because the amount of childrens in kindergarden is increasing every day.
    But if we talk about computer use in kindergarden then I want to say, that on the one hand, it is good to have something to acquire, learn and obtain information, know how to deal with this information, it is certainly a great need in our technical age. On the other hand, it disturbs interface. Lately directly in primary school have a problem with the fact that children do not know how to build relationships with peers, dont know how to make new friends and dont know how to play with each other.
    Ofcourse, positive that the kids know how to navigate the computer, it will be useful in their future. Maybe if it’s small time what they will spend at the computer in kindergarden will not harm them. But then I have question – really, at this age children have nothing more valuable to do? is it most important thing, that childrens at the first class already know how to use computer? It’s too early – at this age, I think, for children more important is language, reading, and telling and lisening stories, lear how to communicate with each other. I think, with all this equipment is robbed.

  91. I do not understand why children from an early age already makes up for the use of the latest technology? I think it is very stupid!
    Computers are helpful and accelerate our performance in the current world, but I think we should protect children as long as possible, from the influence of computers.
    In my family home in a very long time we did not have a computer. Once I was very nervous on the parents of this because I envied of my peers . However today I see how much good they have done for me by did not giving me full access to computer.
    I have experience with my cousin brought up on the computer. Once he arrived in the holidays – we had fun with siblings in the war and shooting each other with guns made ​​of sticks . He saw how our fun and asked only – ¨is a boring game – I’m not playing with you¨. This shows how computer killed him creative thinking. Mindful of this example, I am absolutely a supporter as long as possible to protect children from the impact of today’s world and modern technology.

  92. The use of computers in schools has become increasingly popular in the last few years. Nowadays, it would be extremely rare to walk into a classroom and not see a computer of some sort in the corner of the room. Being educated by the use of computers at a young age prepares children for computer work in secondary school, university and future careers. With technology advancing all the time I think it’s important for children to understand how certain technologies work as they will have to use it later in life. It is helping them adapt to the world they live in because in today’s society, so much is done using technology that children don’t really have a choice but to learn how to use it. However, I think it’s important that we don’t eradicate the traditional teaching methods like drawing on the blackboard or doing arts and crafts because I think this is a more interactive way of teaching and it’s not as easy for students to get lost if they’re interested in what you’re doing.

  93. For me the use of technical devises such as computers and Ipads in education is very controvers. Of course in our world today, it is nececary to be able to work with computers and the interent and society relies more and more on it. So of course children have to learn how to use them and what they can do with them.
    But especially for litlle children, i see the danger, that the forget about the real world outsite the virtual world that is created by tecnical FORTSCHRITT. I don’t want to say that it is not possible to take advatage of new invetions and that children can learn something from especially for them developed computer games. But is that really nececary?
    They can learn all this also through other ways. It is very important, especially for young children, to develope also their social skills, to explore the nature and themselfs. This does not come from tecnical devises. They are confronted soon enough with all this stuff and of course they find it interesting, since all the older people use it. So today i see the role of education more and more in showing children what else is there, exept for computergames and apps. It is sad when kids are not able anymore to invent their own games, or to just play with each other, because they are always confronted with everything all made up for them.

  94. I can see the big advantage of a new modern technologies as computers, iPods and so, but i really can not see the reason why the children should be included into this in early age. As was mentioned before the child loses the contact with another children, they dont know how to play with toys. My opinion is that using computers in basic school is more harm than benefit. My 7 years old cousin must to do his homeworks on the computers, where he can also check the evaluation. Where disappear standouts or pictures in the notes? I think that the using computers doesnt help to child to develop their imagination but facilitates teachers works. The exploitation of comuputers should be use carefully and with reason.

  95. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    I consider that introduction of computers and iPads into schools leads to a great success in education. Children just love working on them,especially on iPads, they get so excited and active. It is something that is so close to them, they enjoy working on them- everything is so animated and colorful, and educative at the same time. And even the smallest kids aged 2,3 years can easily use them, and I remember when I got iPad and started to give it to my nephew who was 2,5 years old he never needed my help,moreover when I left home after vacations and once I needed to make like a screenshot(to take a picture of some page in the Internet) I missed my nephew so much because he wasn’t beside me to explain how to do it,and he did lots of them while playing games:-))))

  96. Of the factors that facilitate learning
    one,a period of intense interest and curiosity due to computer-based training can begin in preschool. Computer is not an objective in preschool education should be a tool to support the work in the educational process.also a computer educator
    or can not take the place of the training environment should also be noted.
    Computer, small children’s daily program must have a very limited space
    Because children to grow and thrive
    action, talking with friends, playing games There are sometimes even conflict needs.
    These needs can not be met by the computer. Computers, should not replace active and social experiences .For example, children ;under-on learning concepts like him under the table, entering the top sitting or putting toys learn better.However, the alphabet, numbers, etc.. use the computer in areas such as education could be more fun.

  97. Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are computer literate. Computer studies is a subject in many schools and many young people have personal computers. About one in three hundred computer owners spend almost all their time using computers.

    Ninety six per cent of them are males of all ages. All of them spend an average of twenty hours per week on home computers. The majority of the adults also use computers at work. All the computer addicts are very intelligent. They have been interested in science and technology from a very early age and they are usually very shy people who like being alone.

    A survey in a school showed that fewer girls are interested in computers because girls are less likely to have a computer. Even if they have one, they use then less frequently than boys. Possibly it is because we think of computers as something to do with maths and science, which are traditionally ‘male’ subjects. Possibly it is because most of the computer teachers are men, who give the girls less attention. Possibly parents think it is less important for girls to have computer skills.

    Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children won’t be able to communicate with real people in the real world. But parents do not need to worry. According to research computer addicts usually do well after they have left school. Parents also do not need to worry that computer addiction will make their children become unfriendly and unable to communicate with people.

    For most children, computer games are a craze. Like any other craze, such as skate-boarding, the craze is short-lived. It provides harmless fun and a chance to escape.

    If we didn’t have these computer addicts, we wouldn’t have modern technology. They are the inventors of tomorrow, I think. On the one hand it’s good to use computers at school , but on the other hand it’s bad, because many children become addicted.

  98. Everybody knows that children learn easier and faster than adults which can be seen for example in the second language acquisition studies. Nowadays computers play an important role in everyday life. In 2010 for example the average number of a internet connected devices per perosn was 1.84, found out by a Cisco systems study. This number is expected to increase rapidly and the estimated number for 2015 is 3.47 p.p.
    I agree with the article that electrical devices become more and more important and that teaching institutions should adapt to this fact and try to include laptops, computers and tablets in the process of teaching and learning. On the other hand for me personnaly it is shocking how toddlers for example are so familiar and used to handle electronic devises. Few years ago you would have never seen a one and a half year old in a stroller with a tablet or mobile phone and nowadays it’s a normal picture. Toddlers are able to use a smartphone or a tablet better than some 60 plus people. For them it is normal to grow up with this technology and use it in everyday life.
    Of course I think that laptops and other electronical devices are a great invention and they improve life a lot, but I think it also has to be handled carrefully, especially with little kids. There’s always a good and a bad side to these kind of products. I don’t think kids should have unlimited access to these devices, the usage of it should be handled responsible. I’d rather prefer having my kid read a book than playing games on the internet for hours, although there a really good learning games as well. I think the problem that comes with the usage of computers etc, is that kids forget how to interact with other kids or just play with dolls or LEGO, which also has a big effect on cognitive understanding and the creativity (not saying that there are no games on a tablet which cannot achieve the same effect).
    As a summarization; Computers are a good and important invention, when used responsible (concerning kids).

  99. In my opinion computers are really good inventions. Nowadays almost everybody uses them at work or school…We’re surrounded by new technologies and inventions. I think it is a good idea to teach kids how to use the computers. When I was a kid I didn’t have a computer and i didn’t complain because normally people didn’t have that much as they have now. I’ve never learned how to fix some problems, because nobody showed me. Still I’m a computer layman, sometimes I feel that todays’s technology is to difficult for me:).
    Computer skills are very desired by employers…I think that cooperations with computers make learning more attractive. On the other hand if kids use computers, not only in school, but also after school without parents control, violent computer games, inappropriate websites certainly they do not serve appropriate child development. We need to use all the scientific goods in moderation and handle them reasonable.

  100. When i’ve been young we didn’t even think that the computers will be in school. Nowadays everyone have some electronic devices which can be attached to the internet starting from childrens from primary school and ending at 80+ peoples. I think this is proper way of education . To give everyone the same starting point. As we mention it befor, more kid will learn when he is young the more thing (he will be more flexible to do new things) he will do in the future. Computers are technology of future so everyone have to know how to use it. If now we give pc to a kid for sure he will be doing things that (now) we are not able to do. Meanwhile komputers offer a lot of good programs for kids that they can learn , fast reading, learning how to remember etc.

  101. The computers and technology in general are useful machines to help us humans through little problems each and every day, they can also finish work much faster than we can, they help us to connect people all over the world and keep social contact, they allow us to share information ect. We cannot imagine a world, a job market, without knowledge about technology anymore. However, it became essential for our generation and without a question, we use them almost every day. In my opinion, it is a normal trend to introduce these advantages also to the children in school. But the more important, we need to be carefull how to use it in class. I would provide them as only one of various methods, involve them into open learning situations. My experience with these kinds of lessons are that children are interessted into everything that has to do with modern technology and that they are highly concentrated on what they are doing.

  102. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    Sorry, I had a problem with my connection.. 😛
    …so it’s necessary for children to learning how to use what it has to offer. But in the other hand, it’s so sad when I watch the kids today and all I see is they playing at the computer, playstation… When I was in their age I was leaving my flat to play with ​​friends in the backyard, running, went on a bike… So very important role now should play parents and teachers. They should explain the kids that new technologies of course, are their future, but they should use it wisely.

  103. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    I think that the issue of the introduction of computers in early childhood education is a very controverisal. In the one hand new technologies, computers etc. are inseparable with our lives. So it’s necessary

  104. It cannot be denied that computers and all kind of electronics play more and more important role in the human’s world. And in the children’s development too. For me, the common access to the computers at homes and at schools is really positive phenomenon in general. I think, however, that the usage of them should be controled and wisely organised. As we know, the age when people learn the fastest is in its childhood, up to 7 years old. That’s why children should be introduced to computers and technologies from the beginning. Even if they don’t understand, they are able to learn how to use it. Then they can enter into force more confident. They will not be afraid of living in the world dominated by technology.
    What is more, computers offer a wide range of intelectual and interactive programmes which, if chosen properly, help in child’s development.

  105. If we just stop for a second and look around we quickly figured out that we are surrounded with technology and diverse types of media. And this is only the beginning of the era of technology and so much is up to come. We should not close our’s eyes to that fact but more than that use the technological development as something beneficial for individual human being and the whole society. I agree with the article, that there is bunch of advantages (cognitive, emotional and psycho-motoric development) which we can get of it and are nowadays essential for getting the intellectual job/ work. Moreover, integration of a computer in the school field can make the process of learning so much interesting, funny and rich. Using medias leads in early reading, learning of basic maths and geometrical concepts, autoreflexion, development of language and at the end (in my opinion the greatest benefit) offer help and better chances for learning to the children with special needs. According to this it’s really necessary and clever to leave traditional learning aside and start learning on or at least with support of computers. As the article said, it’s important to know, that technology is not just for adults (teachers, parents…), but it should be present also to small kids. If we don’t do this, if we don’t help them to learn how to use the technology, how to help yourself with it they will be definitely lost in the society when they grow up. Unfortunately or luckily they are the generation of technology, development and all types of media and we can’t change that.

  106. Nowadays, children have more access to technology than they have ever had, and this will only increase. With most families, having the latest piece of technology is just a fad, something that is in fashion so that they can brag to their friends that they have the latest iPad or iPhone. More often than not, they put games on these tablets and give them to children in bids to keep them quiet. What astounded me most was when my 2 year old cousin picked up my iPhone, opened it and knew how to turn the music on. If a 2 year old knows how to do this, then it is imperative that schools bring the latest technology and show children how they can use these tablets to learn with, through games etc. As,in my opinion, it would be near enough impossible to live without computers in our lives today. They are used all over the world (more or less) and for every little thing and most jobs require you to know how to use the basic Microsoft Office package at a minimum. By introducing children to the latest technology at a young age, they less likely to be bewildered and bemused by it, and will just take it in their stride learning the different ways in which to use it.

  107. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    I think the earlier children start learning with computers, the better it will be. This technology has been developed in the 1990s and its development didn’t stop.
    I belong to a generation which had to get used to this technology by ourselves, because both adult and the youth learned from it at the same time. When we heard about it in school, almost everybody already knows how to do it.
    The difference with the children who are learning it now is that they will work with computers from the beginning. They will grow up seeing it as a work tool, and not get used to it only in high school or university.
    In my opinion, the problem with computers is that it is hard to define limits. And the sooner they will get informed, the better they will understand it.

  108. Naturally, the computer is an essential tool for the education. Today, we notice more and more its presence in all the fields of activity of the modern life.
    Being present in the environment of the education, I think that it would have a very positive influence at children. At moment, to avoid the dependence, the most sophisticated computers (regarding multimedia, features, applications) were approachable only to professors and students in superior class (at the university for example). Thanks to the program of Patterson ( 2004 ), we see clearly the utility of the computing and thus the computers because they allowed to reach the goals which were fixed for success of the education of children this is evidenced by the fact that the computer has many advantages in the field of education, it facilitates the task to professors but also to pupils, in particular an autonomy in the learning, control of the greater, personal decision-making, faster acquisition of the knowledge… In front of computer, the positive profits multiply. We also note an understanding of the visual language with supporting evidence, the mutual aid, the automatic correction, a freedom in the paper. It also arouses their interest and urges them to express itself better after daily searches in front of their curiosity and their imagination. However, we should not forget the consequences of this essential tool today.
    I think that the children must be assisted in front of their actions so that they do not use the computer in harmful purposes and very negative.

  109. Naturally, the computer is an essential tool for the education. Today, we notice more and more its presence in all the fields of activity of the modern life.
    Being present in the environment of the education, I think that it would have a very positive influence at children. At moment, to avoid the dependence, the most sophisticated computers (regarding multimedia, features, applications) were approachable only to professors and students in superior class (at the university for example). Thanks to the program of Patterson ( 2004 ), we see clearly the utility of the computing and thus the computers because they allowed to reach the goals which were fixed for success of the education of children this is evidenced by the fact that the computer has many advantages in the field of education, it facilitates the task to professors but also to pupils, in particular an autonomy in the learning, control of the greater, personal decision-making, faster acquisition of the knowledge… In front of computer, the positive profits multiply. We also note an understanding of the visual language with supporting evidence, the mutual aid, the automatic correction, a freedom in the paper. It also arouses their interest and urges them to express itself better after daily searches in front of their curiosity and their imagination.
    However, we should not forget the consequences of this essential tool today.
    I think that the children must be assisted in front of their actions so that they do not use the computer in harmful purposes and very negative.

  110. Today it’s impossible to imagine life without computers. They are very useful to us as they can be used for many purposes. It gives us benefits in everyday life (easy way to store, organize and find information, send and receive e-mail from different parts of the world within a short period,..) and also in teaching process (using technology in school makes education much more attractive for students and many times it is easily to study lessons with the aid of computers, also because of its fast and accurate processing of mathematical and logical operations). But I think there is also a disadvantage – a risk of becoming antisocial. Using computers often makes an individual difficult to form personal connection to others..

  111. Computers can support the variety of ways learners construct their own understanding. Students who gather information from the Internet can be self-directed and independent. They can choose what sources to examine and what connections to pursue. Depending on the parameters set by teachers, the students may be in complete control of their topics and their explorations.
    In today’s technology computers are becoming smarter than humans, and it plays big role in supporting educators to do their researches. Also it makes a lot of things accessible anywhere in the world.

  112. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    Computers are now unavoidable. Children should get used to it. Classbooks tend to be replaced by computers and the internet. Once, pupils had to open pages and turn them to look for some information, nowadays it is the same, but through a screen… And a much more powerful tool: the internet. A previous text dealt with the inablilty from some educational systems to adapt themselves to current society: the fact that children still don’t have the opportunity to learn how to use computers is almost a shame. In the end, this is what the current world is about: computers. We have to think of the future. Manual works almost don’t exist anymore, nowadays we work with computers. Computers are instruments for globalization. Computers enable to speed up anybody’s work and increase productivity.
    Computers can also be a teaching method, allowing to develop children’s multiple intelligences (in an entertaining way) and therefore, their creativity.
    What I advocate is the implementation of computers from nursery school (when children’s cognitive needs and potential are hightened), but WITHOUT the internet which remains a danger..

  113. In my opinion computers have a lot of good and down sides. Good sides: learning is easier and faster; children can get more and fresh information; also they can become more independent in learning; usually, they are more familiar with computers than their parents. On the other side, parents or teachers don’t have control what pupils do on the internet; children can become obsessed with playing games on the computer; may lead to health problems (for example overweight, visual impairment, etc.); there can be a lack of social interaction, children probably have only virtual conversation. To sum up, I think using the computer is convenient and smart within certain limits. Parents, teachers and children should find together this appropriate limit.

  114. I am not sure if it is really good idea to let children get in touch with computers at a very early age. Of course our society has changed a lot in the past years regarding technology but I think it’s more important to get to know life! By that I mean getting outside and reading a real book and not just watching tv or seeing something on a computer screen. I think learning programmes can be fun, useful and effective. I also had one of these learning pcs when I was child and I liked it but I think it just is a different thing if you have a real person in front of you who can teach you something and can show emotions.

  115. I agree that the computer is the most powerful technological tool by which we obtain and process information, communicate. Nowadays new technologies starts to use at an early age. Some kids are better educated than adults and are able to quickly adapt to these technologies. On the one hand, it is bad, because the parents does not supervise what their children are doing on the Internet.Children use the internet for games and other stuffs, not for learning process. Now, schools are used in very many opportunities offered by the technology, but I believe it is better for children to work in practice, because too often sitting at the technology causes various health problems. As well as children does not get big experience of life, but in nowadays, it is important, that we know, where we can find an information. Teacher competence in technology is not complete, because many teachers are able to do only primary things. In my opinion, teachers should be more developed himself in the field, because it facilitates the process of learning and work.

  116. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    Technology is always improving, year after year. I think it is important to keep up with the technological changes in our society because this is “the future”. As a teacher it is very important to know what keeps your pupils busy besides school, you have to understand them. A lot of children manage a computer very well so it is a part of your job as a teacher to keep up with this.
    Now we have interactive whiteboards and I think this is very practical. There are a lot of advantages such as interactive lessons and you can also teach math with this boards. I totally agree with what was said in the “Ted film” and math should be as in the real world. Pupils will understand the problem better if they can imagine what the problem is about, it is more important to teach the pupils to think logical than to learn by heart. Computers are an advantage for math education and teachers should use them a lot more in class, it motivates children and it makes everything more visual. In my opinion technology and computers in school are a positive evolution.

  117. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    Technology is a tool in education. Technology shouldn’t be considered as aim in education. The usage of technology in education is to make education easier. If the usage of technology is not convenient for the child’s level, it gives harm to education. Technology should provide benefit. For example the teacher can reduce the time of the lecture from 30 minutes to 15 minutes; this means the technology was used successfully. With this aim “Fatih Project” was developed in Turkiye. In this project technology is used in education with a projector for every class and a tablet for every student. This project was carried into action but the works on it still continues.

  118. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    Undoubtedly, computer nowadays is a part of our daily life. Even the schools are required to have computers. Technology has much to offer for the benefit of students and teachers and generally society. Important aspect of computer science in education is the use of educational software as a learning tool.Computers can make the learning in schools more interesting, can present the facts and information in multiple ways(text-audio-video) and can emphasize the active role of the student in the learning process.
    As we can see, Informatics in education is an undeniable fact.

  119. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    Based on the video actually the idea seems good but I am not sure if it works for real-world situation. Yes it would be faster to deal with the math problems and of course would be less boring for the students. But the student would be more lazy in that case, i guess. If you do not practice enough it is hard to have a high level of knowledge in math. On the other hand, he talks about the basics of math and after the video i still do not fully understand these basics. And even if i missed these basics i do not believe math has basics in it. And I believe calculating is not the only problem for a student, but plainly the only solution is to use computers to calculate. i have a friend who can multiply 7825 with 6512 (for instance) in mind like in 10 seconds because he know how to do that and he enjoys doing that.

    And it is so hard to understand math because there are infinite amount of numbers but we only deal with (i do not know) like quadrillion. And again there are infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2 (rational numbers) but at some point on the numerical axis 1 finishes and 2 starts, but it should not be like this. So, calculation it is not the only problem in math and i do not think calculation requires an aid in studentship, in my opinion it would lead to laziness.

  120. Nowadays every school has to have computers. However, using computers effectively is much more than simply being able to type an essay or produce a graph. Parents and educators who deplore the obsession with computers in schools see computers as eroding children’s basic skills and knowledge, because they only see computers being used as copy-and-paste and making-it-pretty devices. But computers have potential far beyond that. Apart from that, some teachers have insufficient training and experience with computers. Relatedly, computers are not yet an integrated part of the school curriculum, and every school and teacher re-invents the wheel, trying to find good software, trying to work out how to fit it into the classroom curriculum, trying to work out schedules to make sure every student gets a fair go, struggling with the lack of technical support. And of course, in many cases (perhaps most), the computers are old, with the associated problems of being more likely to have technical problems, being slow, limited in memory, incompatible with current software, and so on. I believe that the true value of a computer hasn’t seen yet.

  121. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    In my opinion one should be careful about using computers in the classroom. It is that children won’t be motivated to learn maths or natural sciences properly, because they can solve everything with the computer. Thus the computer can become dangerous, because we don’t have to think anymore and our logical skills won’t be trained. Of course, the computer can be used from time to time, for example to illustrate graphs or geometry, but we mustn’t forget to teach pupils how to solve (scientific) problems on their own. Moreover, a computer can be distracting, that is pupils might surf in the internet, chat with their classmates etc. while a work on the computer has to be done. Children are confronted earlier and earlier with computers and technology at home, so that they don’t have to use the computer in school all the time. Perhaps my view might be a little bit old-fashioned, but for me it is important that children also THINK and not leave everything to a computer.

  122. I liked the idea that math is so much more than calculating. In school so many times some of the students asked – why do we need to learn it? where will we use it later? And I don’t really remember some answers to this question which would make sense. You have to learn it because you have to learn it. I think it is a good idea to involve computers or other technologies in the process of understanding math and learning how to use it in every day life. The way to connect math with real life. Because nowadays everybody is connected with computers and other technologies. Can’t really imagine life without it. And I think that one of the most important tasks of schools is to show to children how the world functions and how to live in it. I agree that there are the basic skill which need to be taught in school, but there must be some variations, some possibilities to change the way how students get this information.

  123. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    Conrad Wolfram makes some valid points; many children do find the use of computers stimulating and therefore are more likely to stay focused on task. There’s no doubt that technology can have a highly positive influence in education. I do feel, however, that there is a huge over-reliance on the use of technology in the classrooms. Children are becoming too accustomed to learning through the use of computers and are often lacking in skill when it comes to writing calculations and solving problems mentally. Aside from this, from my own teaching experience I have found the handwriting of many children to be of a very low standard. I disagree with Wolfram’s claim that written calculations are ‘not practically useful anymore.’ Not only does the use of computers and calculators remove a lot of work ethic and stimulation of the brain, there will inevitably be times in children’s lives when calculators or computers will be unavailable. In classrooms, communication and interaction with the teacher and among students is very important for the development of social skills. With the rapid development of technology, a quote from one of the greatest genius’s of all time springs to mind;

    ‘I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will be a generation of idiots.’ – Albert Einstein

  124. Over the last decade or so computers have wormed their way into being a necessary part of everyday life being depended upon for everything from social media to games to school life. The fact that we can find an answer to almost any problem online has made computers invaluable to us and in turn, invaluable in the classroom. For this reason many employers will not even take a second look at a potential employee who does not have a competent level in ICT. For this reason, among others, children are becoming computer literate at such an early age it can sometimes be worrying, especially with the role they play in the classroom. It has been proven that teaching topics, which can be perceived as difficult, through computer programmes has brilliant results. Many young people like using computers and therefore do not find using them to be a chore or too difficult and therefore manage more easily. Overall, I feel that while computers are extremely valuable and play a massive role in our lives, we need to find a balance between them and actual social interaction.

  125. Como ordenadores ofrecen nuevas posibilidades en todos tipos de escuelas hay que aumentar la intensidad de trabajo con ellos. Mi opinión es que los programas interactivas y testos virtuales aumenten el nivel de pensamiento análitico, especialmente en matemáticas. El uso de cualquiera máquina, que sirve para una mejora de enseñanza escolar, hay que integrar en clases cotidianes con una intensidad sufficiente. Estoy seguro que todos alumnos daría la bienvenida a la forma de matemáticas más interactiva, que de hecho ofrece más diversión y creatividad, si lo usamos de una manera como correcta tan efectiva. Hay que tener en cuenta que los ordenadores presentan tambiém desde el punto de vista de futuro un medio inevitable para la formación próxima.

  126. François Glénat dice: Responder

    I’m in two minds about using a computer at school.
    On one hand, I think this is the tool of the future for pupils : they live «online», they have a computer younger and younger and they are very surprising with it. They learn fast and most of the actual hackers are people who came to this world with a computer in their hands. Thanks to internet, we can access a lot of datas and searches are easy. Children feel comfortable in using computers and it could be a possibility to allow it.
    But on the other hand, I totally disagree. Internet is hugely vaste and hazardly. One click and you’re visiting a wrong website, one click and your life can change.
    Moreover, in my home university we’re using the computer all the time and students are not focused on their work.
    I think nowadays this is not the solution to the education problem because people are not mature enough.

  127. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    Mathematics is a very important and of course obligatory subject in schools. I think it is right. A lot of my friends always hate math and considered it to be boring and useless. I also didn’t like it. But only a few of us realize how important it is and especially it will be in future. Majority of disciplines couldn’t exist without math. Economics, biology, chemistry etc. Mathematic is a motor of these and many more everyday life areas. That is why this is so important for everyone.
    I like very much Conrad Wolfram’s point of view. I totally agree with him, that nowadays in the technological era using computers is helpful and even necessary. Computer programs and internet have a lot of advantages, on condition that are using properly. Practices about correct use of computer and other electronic devices should be introduce in educational programs all around the world.
    If we could make our lives and learning easier with computers help, why shouldn’t we do it.

  128. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    The recent developments in tecnology, computers and communication have caused variations in instruction comprehension and have brought with them the use of modern techniques and methods nowadays.
    The ‘Knowledge Period’ in which we live, new concepts and technologies just as computers, sound, vision, animation, internet and developing internet technologies have taken place in education and instruction.
    Nowadays teaching consept has shifted from the classical teaching to modern technology-aided teaching. Compared to the past, began to be used more technology in our schools.Access to the information quickened for people.The information hasturned out to be boring and its has become a fun. I think there are two approaches to using technology.They are ‘learning from technology’ and ‘ learning with technology’. It’s like talking to Conrad Wolfram, the teachers need to use technological tools increase the interest of students and to ease understanding of courses (like math).

  129. I like Conrad Wolfrad’s idea of teaching math using computers. Why not? Especially when calculations gets more difficult. I also liked the examples in visual, because math always seems to be only numbers which might be boring sometimes. So using computers could make math more interactive and of course interesting. I think there already are lots of teaching programs/games for children. But we must be careful too. More and more kids wants to spend their time playing in computer, instead of playing outside. I think It’s a problem.
    So, yes, I agree using computers in teaching, but not in early childhood. I think little children can learn how to read and basic mathematics without computers. So let them play and enjoy their childhood playing with »real» things and communicate with other people more than sitting in front of the screen. I think It’s important.

  130. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    Nowadays Technologies are computers.the every size and speed. The computer studies like the brain of human.ıt uses at every area.Also ıt uses education.for example we are doing lesson nowthe lesson very funny.but in my opinion education and computer musn’t fusion . the computer lessen human’s brain studying.And humans grow lazy more and more.the value of knowledge fall off.because we are learning by doing.there are programs at computer.we are using only these.human ‘s brain study with one way at that time.you understand false me.I am not aganist to computer.If you use truth.ın my opnion we don’t know computer using .because If we knew computer using,our knowledge had lasting.but working is being for this.for example .the project was made in the my country(TURKEY).this project’s name is FATİH PROJECT. With this project education and technology were combined.that combineding continue successfully.Also my defened point :children learn by donig. We should make with natural products.Only we use computer.As a result ıf we are made,we reduce knowledge pollution.about FATİH PROJECT http://fatihproject.com/

  131. Nowadays in this globalised world computer is used for everything: studying, shopping, chatting with friends, etc. Computer and the internet make our life easier in many cases, we can reach the others more quickly and erase the distance between countries or cities. But I don’t really agree that everything should be computerised, because computer is just a machine, it can be damaged or go bust, so we can easily loose our documents and in this case we can’t work with it anymore, we have to use our own skills. In my oppinion that’s why it’s really important to get as much skills as we can in the school and during our life, because it’s better to have the computer as a helping equipment and not as a replacement of our skills. I don’t like also that because of the spread of the computer and internet people are more likely to speak with their friends and relatives via internet instead of personal meetings, which is I think really sad and we should change on it.

  132. Technology plays an extremely important role within the world today, from everyday life to the working day within different businesses and organisations. Although computers are introduced into our educational system in the present era, I feel not enough. I believe this as technology is always changing, moving on to bigger and better developments. I believe that all schools should introduce computers into their learning enviornments as I believe it can be categorized as one on one teaching if it is used correctly as the student is constantly learning or the oppertunity is there to learn. It also can prepare the students for the working world as there are many levels of technology used in the work place. In my expierence of computers at school, I strongly believe they should be used more as it helped keep me focused as it was fun, and it is proven that children learn through play at a young age; which leaves the question do they learn because the actions are funs and enjoyable. With this statement, fun is a key aspect within education as it helps to motivate the student producing greater results. In conclusion using computers more in the learning environment will help prepare them for the outside world of technology, create a great learning enviornment sparking interest and producing enjoyment, computers may be the answer to another breakthrough of learning since the late 1800s to the present era.

  133. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    After reading this blog I was very surprised to discover that the inclusion of Information Technology Equipment was not already incorporated into the curriculum and teaching methods today. In Ireland we are taught IT as a core subject along side Maths, English, Science, etc.
    However during my primary school days it was often very rare to use it in conjunction with any other topic or subject. I can remember being around the age of 7 which would have been in the year of 1998, and we would have been taken in groups of 2 by another teacher out of the classroom to go and have computer lessons. Moreover, within my second and third level of education I incorporated and entwined computers and the use of ICT throughout all of my courses and topics, I would go as far as saying that I may not have been able to complete some of my courses if it were not for computers. This is simply because they allowed me to present work, research topics, investigate new topics, etc.
    With the non ceasing production of new technology year on year it is without a doubt that we are in the pre-historic period of IT and I would have no worries about stating that one day all children will be taught through or with the use of a computer.

  134. Petar Valchanov dice: Responder

    Undoubtedly,the computer in our days,is the machine of the 21st century. Computers are omnipotent. I think that the future of our children is in the “hands” of computers. My view is that the need to show to children is what electronic devices may be used and how. We are living in a world that is changing all the time.Certainly ,every child from an early age to be introduce with modern technology,but I also think that it is sad that they have to learn so much in kindergarden because some kids don’t know how to be kids anymore. They stop playing with each other because they want to sit on the computer or Ipad or something else. They don’t know how to have fun anymore without media, they should learn again that playing outside and playing with friends.Exactly , this specific moment – between the game of live and game in front of the computers,can be a big problem for the future, for future children.

  135. There is no doubting that the use of technology in education is the way forward. With the growing numbers of households having computers it only makes sense to move with the times and start to educate our students more with the use of technology.
    As the case for university students it use to be that they would need to spend hours and hours reading books to find the correct material they needed to complete an essay.Now with the use of technology you can refine your search and have the appropriate research on your screen within seconds. Students are no longer required to read books upon books. By using computers less time is spent researching one topic which leaves them more time to broaden their knowledge on different topics of learning.

  136. The thought of using computers in maths lessons is an interesting one. In my opinion it’s very important to learn the basic calculation skills of mathematics without computers because you need them every day (easy addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). But when it comes to the specific and difficult hand calculating in maths lessons, for many pupils things get harder and harder. I experienced those feelings by myself. One of the most asked questions was «Why do I have to do that?». Many examples and calculations were like huge and insolvable puzzles and I really got problems in the subject. A lot of hand calculations have no connection to reality and therefore it’s even harder to understand their meaning. I think it would be worth giving the use of computers in maths lessons a try. Not every day, not all the time, but sometimes. There are also quite good websites for children’s education with maths examples. So it’s also possible to show children how to use the computer in a responsible and useful way.

  137. New emerging educational technologies are changing the way we learn. Education has become too flexible and fan. Technology for education is promoting individual learning and mobile learning, both teachers and students are benefiting from this new technology for education. Some of the barriers in education have been broken down by this new technology for education; students can learn from anywhere, teachers can easily reach their students from anywhere. Technology is helping to change education in a positive way; it is part of the modern world. Technology for education is improving grades for students and it prepares them for the future.Despite all these benefits,the use of technology be limited. Because technology is killing humanity.

  138. Modern technology paves way to an easier life especially to students. Students nowadays no longer need to spend several hours in the library to research for their assignments or projects. With just one click, the answer is within their fingertips, by using the mouse of the computer. A computer is an electronic device that processes data in accordance with programmed instructions. With just the computer, its still difficult. Computers need the aid of the internet connection. An internet connection is a worldwide system of linked computer networks. With the internet, we can browse about something that we need or want to know about. From articles, to pictures, and sites that we need and many more, are very accessible.However, wrong usage of computers also happens.Some students are addicted to computer games that they lay which interrupts their studies, resulting to failing grades and poor performance in school. Computers, when used for several hours may lead to the damage of the eyes. With computer games with brutal theme, students are badly influenced and their minds are set to be violent. They are engage in nonsense fights that usually leads to suspension or even being kicked out in the school they enter.

  139. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    There is no denying that technology is advancing more and more each day and the technological process that has been made in the past twenty years in phenomenal. It has such a huge influence on our lives nowadays as we are constantly surrounded by technology, with nearly every adult having a mobile phone and at least one computer or laptop in each household. Therefore it only makes sense to use these technologies in school in order to prepare children for the world that we live in and for the future. There are so many advantages as regards to using computers in school, such as: improving fine motor skills; hand-eye co-ordination; sensory benefits (visual, auditory); as well as the skills learnt when using computers in mathematics being transferred into other subjects, such as geography or art and design. To have computer skills are pretty much a basic requirement for many jobs today, therefore it is important that our children acquire computer skills in order to prepare them for their careers. However, the introduction of more reliance on computers within schools could pose some problems. Although there are so many benefits, pupils could become to rely too much on technology, perhaps not trying to think for themselves- «let the computer do the work» attutide. It could be hard for the teacher to check that the correct work is being done, due to the many distractions on computers. In my own experience however, I have found computers to be an invaluable resource for the classroom. The use of an interactive whiteboard enabled me to let the pupils practice their letter writing in a whole-class activity and they were given the opportunity to play educational games- making learning fun. As well as this, on school experience this year there was one pupil with sever ADHD who found it hard to concentrate when working with books but became completely engrossed on the computer. All in all, I believe that teaching mathematics through the use of computers can reap more benefits for the future of our society as well as our children than disadvantages.

  140. En Europa comenzaron a utilizar las computadoras relativamente tarde. Me recuerdo que mis padres han dicho de su experiencia cuando estaban en Japón hace 25 años, que ya en ese momento ellos estaban utilizado ordenador para la enseñanza. El ordenador resultó ser más próspero y mejor métoda de aprendizaje. Los niños en computadoras pueden leer libros y resolver exámenes. En Eslovenia, donde estoy estudiando todavia no trebajamos tanto con ordenadores en faculdad. Veo que aquí en Huelva se comienza todo hacer tambien el clase con ordenador.Todas las informaciónes se pueden descargar de la internet y buscar noticias que nos ayudan en la educación. Cómo empezó pronto a un ordenador podría sustituir por completo los libros.

  141. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    In our daily lives invaded computers. Not only to offices, factories, shops and banks, but also to our homes. That’s why computer is a useful means of enriching the learning process of children.
    As you can see in the video, computer may show a processes or phenomenon that are impossible to observe in natural environment, because this processes occur too quickly or too slowly.
    Education is an area where is a lot of possibility of applications of computers. That’s why I think that based on the children’s natural interest in all the news, like computers, we can achieve success in education at school. Computer promotes and develops interest in different areas, developing positive motivation to learn and a positive attitude towards teachers and schools.
    I totally agree with this article and I support the use of computers for educational purposes.

  142. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    It seems obvious that technology is more and more present in our lives and has had a huge impact in it. But i totally disagree with the idea that students should learn with computers at school. In a secondary school of a small city of France, they bought 2.500 ipads for the students as a working tool and in order to replace school books. I think it’s a stupid idea. For secondary-school pupils, it’s more a game than a working tool. Moreover, teachers had no way to control what pupils were doing on the ipad. To me, it was just a huge waste of money. Nowadays, kids are in the computer all day so i don’t think that to make pupils work on computers at school should be a very good idea. At school, i studied with books and i think that it is a tool we will lose over time and it’s a pity. What would be the next step, pupils will study by themselves at home in front of their computers ?

  143. The modern technologies and internet are fascinating and offer a lot of possibilities for learning various contents in different ways. Of course school should use it to make things interesting. You can visualize things better, you can share ideas better, there are a lot of learning programs and you can find answeres for your questions. It is very important to teach the kids to use writing programs, to find plattforms etc. but it is also important to teach to use natural human senses like the sense of touch, smell, taste, to feel with the own body. In my personal opinion it should be also teached to learn by doing with hands and with the body, to experience about doing, also in math. To go out to discover the nature, to feel and to find a balance between technology and nature.I remember one scene in math when the teacher gave us a string and a pen and told us to paint a circle. It was an easy method but it was fun. The modern technologies like smartbords should be used well-considered and not everytime for everything. Sometimes old methods are also good.

  144. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    personally I feel rather ambivalent towards the benfits of technology maintaing an integral role in education. Clearly technology is rapidly beoming a crucial part of our everyday lives and it is unnuterably important that students are familiar with the software and are capable of using the computers as it is something that they will certainly have to do in their lives. Yet on the other hand, I would be fearful that if technology became so utterly prominent in schools that students might rely and depend too much on computers for obtaining information instead of thinking for themselves. Also in reponse to the TED video, I agree with some of the points that arose. For example, the technology is there to solve mathematical problems, better than even the human mind, so teachers should focus more on allowing students to use technolgy to figure it out as that is the main point of maths in everyday life. If a student has the ability to calculate the problem then they should be awarded with credit, even if they are unable to do it without the apparatus. If they work in one of the many jobs which involve maths such as engineering, biology, medicine, they clearly will not be using no technology anyway. In my year at school, out of 55 students, only 7 of us did higher level maths. This statistic is a blatant indication of how the teaching of maths needs to be improved.

  145. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    In my school we had a “Smart-Board”, a virtual blackboard, which could be used for writing, surfing, painting etc. It worked fairly good, but I always asked myself what we were doing with this tool: Normally the teacher wrote his stuff on the Smart-Board like on a normal blackboard. And the rest of the time it was more playing then working. Sure there were useful situations like finding informations in the internet or using programs. But most of the time it was used like a normal blackboard.

    Some people may say now that the technique wasnt developed at this time (2005) or that the teachers and students werent trained in using the Board in a good way. Thats all true, I guess. But there is one important other aspect for me: A Smart-Board costs 5000€ and a normal PC lasts two or three years. That means for every classroom the school has to pay this amount every few years. And that happened in a school where the books looked really creepy and in one class stayed 35 pupils.

    In my opinion it would be more efficient to buy new books or hire more teachers than using the latest technique. I dont say it is useless. But I think the money could be used for better things. Maybe in ten years the market is developed and it is helpful to the new technologies but not now.

  146. Our society is characterized by a continuously technological progress, so for me it’s very important that children at an early age learn how to use a computer properly. As in the article mentioned, there are a lot of skills which children improve by using the computer or other technological devices. I’m studying to be a primary school teacher and during my internships I made the experience that the use of the computer during the lessons motivates the children a lot. So I think it’s very good to integrate this in schools daily routine. But for sure I think it’s very important to convey the children a secure way of using it. E.g. to tell them exactly how long they can use the computer or which websites they can use in the internet. So it’s very important that teachers are able to show the pupils how to use the computer in a proper and secure way.

  147. There is no doubt that computers and technology is an extremely advantageous outlet to have in the educational system. For kindergarten and primary school children, technology provides them with an opportunity to develop their reading, writing, mathematical skills etc. at a very early age and in a fun manner also. Also, it improves their competency in computer and IT skills which is an essential requirement nowadays. Furthermore, computers are extremely helpful when it comes to educating students with special needs and/or learning difficulties. I taught a student last semester who had a number of learning difficulties and struggled with the day to day life in a classroom. He found reading from textbooks and blackboards very challenging. However, he was able to understand and grasp the work once it was presented to him on a screen. It made going to school and learning more pleasing and enjoyable rather than an everyday struggle. Likewise, I think if an educator teaches solely from a textbook, students often tend to lose interest and become distracted in the classroom. However, by using the educational tool of computers and technology, I believe classroom attention will undoubtedly improve.

  148. Technology is an extremely useful tool, especially in primary education. There has been many recent advances, particularly for those with learning difficulties. From a young age children are becoming accustomed to computers, but in an educational sense. They earn games with aid their spelling and reading skills, amongst many others. My seven year old sister has a much greater knowledge of computers than I did at her age. In the evenings she plays some educational computer games on the laptop. It teaches children to have an interest in computers without the focus being on video games and other non-educational material. It also gives students with learning difficulties an improved educational experience where they can participate in activities that previously were a major challenge for them. In my opinion, there should be lots of group exercises so the children can learn from one another and keep th elesson as interactive as possible. While technology is transforming education it should not be solely relied upon. Traditional teaching methods should remain intact. There is always a danger of the children becoming heavily reliant on computers and this is something that needs to be avoided. The most important thing is that the learning is personalised for the children but also helping them to become independent thinkers and not reliant on machines.

  149. Undoubtedly the introduction of technology has a will be a major factor for future and present generations in education today. Computers are a vital element of the world today, and they are used by almost everybody. In university I am required to email, research, write etc on a computer/laptop sometimes a task I find difficult and often require help with, but if the technical device is introduced at an early stage of education more time is allowed to become familiar with them. IT is a major part of the working world also with most jobs in this area today. While it is important for students to utilise computers and technological devices computers are also an outstanding resource for teaching. Using an interactive whiteboard often aids a child’s learning through pictures, songs colours etc I worked in a language school in Ireland for a semester and I used the interactive white board there on many occasions as I believe it aided the child to remember what they were trying to learn. The world functions and communicates through technology we should provide our children with the necessary resources to function in life. Technology is vital.

  150. The introduction of technology into schools will be a major factor for future generations and the children of today. By using computers and technology in schools from a young age it will benefit the child’s skills in the future as well as being a way for children to relate to education and see that it can be more approachable and accessible. Having worked in a primary school for a semester I can certainly see the benefits of introducing learning programs on the computer. Children from as young as four were given the opportunity to use computers for one hour a week and this was very beneficial to improving the child’s skills. Many of the skills the child obtains from technology are self learning, independence, focus, multitask, comprehension, decision making and quick thinking. Technology acts as another teaching medium and has a massive impact on a child’s learning abilities especially those children with learning difficulties.

  151. I agree with this article as I believe that computers are invaluable to education. In schools and universities nowadays we use computers a lot, for assignments either to write them or for researching. Therefore, including them at a young age means that when children become very familiar with them. Computers are also key in the workforce so being able to work with computers is invaluable.

    Computers are also an excellent resource for teaching as it can combine any different teaching methodology therefore every student can learn in a method which suits them. Computers are also very important when it comes to the teaching on students with
    special learning difficulties for example word processors such as spell and grammar check for those with dyslexia (although this feature is invaluable to everyone). Also reading systems which read text aloud is great too. There are many other tools on computers which are a great asset to students with learning difficulties.

  152. Try to survive today withouth computers in this developing world is almost impossible. I dont think that the problem today is that we offer the children the lectures with cumputers, because this can be very beneficial. we should think how to provide to the children also other activities. Not to leave them just infront of the computers but to show them there something and than take them out in the nature and show them how all this knowledge that they got on the computer use in the real world.Isolate children to protect the from becoming the dull is not the right way. Educate them also about cons of computers and ask them about their fears, involve them, ask them about the needs that they have and plan the work with them. And as much of different activities as possible,to give them a clue what is possible and with this we will also open their creativity.

  153. Maria Prashkova dice: Responder

    We are living in a century in which the technologies are developing every day. All these technology are in every field of our life. They are in our work, in our entertainment, even sometimes they are main form of communication. However, there are people that firmly claim that the technologies,in specific, the computers do harm for the children and they should be forbidden in schools. I strongly belive that school and university are the places that prepare us for the real life. These institutions help us to get used to the real situations that are expecting us after school. Therefore, if the world functions mainly via technology, the children should get used to that. If the hole society uses the computers, why should not be used by the children. Furthermore, the most important benefit of the use of the computers in school are the opportunities they give. The computer may present a boring inforation in more interesting and memorable way. Additionally, in order to assimilate the studies, it is important to influence the sensory systems of the children. Using the computers allows to stimulate both the visual and the hearing systems which helps the concentration of the attention and thus the studying process more affective.

  154. Johanna Kantalainen dice: Responder

    Technical tools are a significant part nowadays. I think that using computers and others technical tools as a part of teaching is good because school should prepare students to live and work in a society of today and of future. New technique also provides us many opportunities and opens the doors for the places that we could not reach before. But everything has it other side too. So although technical tools can provide us many good things it may cause problems too. In this case it is good to remember the health point that Jakob already wrote in his comment. It is sad that these days some children`s and teenagers` life is only behind of the screen. In a long run it is bad for their physical, social and mental health. So as a teacher I should try to teach children to use technical things in a good way. But how can I do it? Well, I think that first I have to be aware of those technical things I use as a part of my teaching. Cause sometimes using the technical things is not necessary or even good at all. But sometimes it is really good to use them.

  155. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    Nowadays, computers are very common in schools. They are used to teach about information technology but their usage is also present in other subjects. There is plenty of educational programs, through which children can learn mathematics, languages, biology, etc. When I was a child I learned the czech language and mathematics on the computer. I like educational applications. But I do not like that notebooks are more and more replacing pads and workbooks. In my opinion, when children are using computers instead of workbooks they can easily get distracted by playing games or being on the internet.

  156. I think computers are really good things for motivate children especially in first classes. Teachers can use computers for power-point presentations, they can put a lot of pictures and also short videos which are for children more understandable, concrete shown and also more attractive for them. Teacher can use computers in different ways: for group work (children can search information and prepare some project or something…), individual (for example one can do different exercises and he gets feedback immediately) or frontal learning (some films, videos, power-point presentations). I think that nowadays is computer indispensable even in the classroom.

  157. Computers are nowadays part of every human’s life. It is almost impossible to live without them, because they are everywhere and we need them in many areas of our living. They are not unknown for kids also. Children use computers every day (many of them too much!). For them computers are something they like so as teachers we can use them as very good motivation. If we know how to use them in classroom there are many benefits of computers. Important thing is that we do not use only computers. We should use them when we think this would help to students to learn specific content. The other thing that it is very important is to educate teachers how to use different programs and equipment. It does not help to give computers in classrooms if teachers do not know what to do with them. This is very big problem especially with older teachers that are often not used of computers.

  158. Sorry, I made a mistake. This comment don’t belong here.

  159. I think that primary school is the most important education. Especially teachers (beside of family) have here the most important part in children life. It is depend of the teacher if someone will like to go to school or he won’t. If teacher use different teaching methods, learning forms and special materials than the classes are more dynamic and children are more motivated for school work. I remember for example from my practical work in school one and three years ago. In both years I was participle in first class of primary school. One teacher has all classes almost the same (in the same order). Firstly she was talking with them about the things they are going to do, than they did exercise in handbooks and after that she gave them homework. That is why children were restless and not motivated for work. I really think that is not proper especially for children in first class. They need to learn new things in funny way, during the play, with a lot of funny didactics games. That is how the other teacher was doing. Her children were more motivated and atmosphere in classroom was perfect.

  160. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    I’m not entirely sure if i agree with all of this. In my opinion computers really are important , they bring more and more options which we can use in different aspects of our life. I think that they can be helpful when teaching for example mathematics but i don’t think that they should be the only tool. Of course when i was in school having math lessons i hated calculating all of these boring exercises but we need to do them to understand how does it work. I would say that computers can be use occasionally (regarding high schools and preschools) just to make lessons more interesting and maybe at higher levels, for example university , they can use them more.

  161. Ok new time make some new technology new new time is also making new teaching methods. Teaching math by usig computers that’s nothing new. Of course is a really big thing because like they said we’re using math all life long so it would be fun to learn math on really good computer game. That’s one way of thinking but on the other side they will use computers and electronics devices all their life. So that’s good? They will be all lif in just having fun by computers and they will have a lot of friends on Fb and other social networks…but when I was a child I didn’t have computer till I was 11 or 12 years old and I love the thing that I didn’t have it. Because I was outside playing with my friends and having fun so I really now my friends. It was the best time of my life and look childrens now day they are just in having no real friends the’re fat…It’s a good thing to teach by computer but in reality we’ll become robots of society.

  162. I support latest technologies in schools. Of course, not in all subjects it is necessary, but it is useful. Computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors provide a lot of support for teachers, what previously had not been. This is not only facilitating the work of teachers, but also makes the lesson more interesting. If previous to show an animal, place, etc. were used small pictures in books, now kids can make more greater experiences in geography, history and other subjects, seeing not only larger pictures, but even videos, work with different programs. Of course the capacity of work with these technologies depends on children age – for younger children less than for older ones. These technologies are a major step forward in our work, but not the main forms of educational work … we need to remember that it’s just a helper.

  163. Aleksandra Bruch dice: Responder

    Technology is moving forward and will always be, there is no doubt of that . I think that children are developing computers, is now a lot of useful programs for children. Develop creative thinking activities using computers are interesting and the kids are more interested in science. I think it’s a nice way to diversify activities and interest of students. Of course, I believe that a child should not be in the house to spend time at the computer, if it is not related to its development .. unfortunately, but more often we hear that kids become addicted to video games, which is really dangerous.

  164. It is very important to teach children how to use a computer and how to use it properly for their learning progress. It is necessary because in the future will be no jobs without some knowledge of technologie/computers. It is the century of computers. Computers are more and more used to support our work and if we dont know how to use the for our advantage we wont get a good job. I am not sure if i like it or not. One one hand we can save a lot of time and money but on the other hand everything is getting apart. You dont meet someone to share an idea no you just start a groupconversation in skype. It is getting less personally. I think we should teach our future generation that the new technologies are really good to work efficient but that everything we type in on a computer someone else is who receives it and that it sometimes just nicer is to know the person we are communication with.

  165. The technology is growing more and more everyday, the youth is somehow addicted to the technology. if a new I-phone comes out , you feel like you have to have it otherwise you wont feel like you really are keeping up with the technology, or at least that’s how I feel 🙂 So why not use it to learn something? and also to teach something? it is also our job to show the pupil that they also can learn match in fun ways through their I pads, I phones and computers. i remember the first time i was introduced to a new class for practice weeks, one of the first questions the pupil asked me was what kind of phone i have? which i thought was strange, but if you think about it, when they feel like their teacher know about all these new technological things they would feel like they actually CAN learn something from this teacher.

  166. There is no doubt that the technical revolution and in specific terms the rise of computers influenced the way we educate our children. It brought us new opportunities to empower children there psycho-motoric, cognitive and emotional competences. The society of nowadays motivates teachers to create hard working, money making and country loving persons that respect the law. My assumption is that society doesn’t want to many free (revolutionary trouble making) thinkers that are able to think outside the box. Working with computers is mostly systematic work. Mathematic thinking is systematic thinking. Systematic thinking leads to non-flexible thinking and doesn’t support creative thinking. I think education has a big way to go if we want to develop our children to creative, flexible and passionate thinkers that are able to think outside the box and bring our society to a next level.

  167. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    Using modern technologies like computers in education is inevitable matter in these days. Schools try to modernize methods of education and also make the education more attractive for students. If we take advantage of this, it would be profitable both for students and teachers. However it depends on the way of using modern technologies and teachers should find some compromise between using computers and book. It is very easy nowadays switch on the computer and open web site and find “everything” but it is important to find information in books as well. There are many books which contain important and unique information and they can really enrich our knowledge. In addition it is important not forget to teach children how to cooperate with other students. If children will sometimes complete their tasks on computers individually, education in schools would lose sense.

  168. Nowadays technologies plays a big role in our lives, we need to get updated with newest technologies, whether we want it or not, because almost everything works on technologies now. Math of course is one of the most important study field, or even the most important, so it is necessary for every person to know that, because mathematics is everywhere. The problem is that most of young children hates math, and don’t see the point of it, and actually we can’t blame them. In class math is teached in the wrong way, person only sees numbers and mystical x,y. They don’t understand where in life they are going to solve mystical x. It is a great idea to teach math by using computers, because every children knows how to use computers now, and they are addicted to them, so if they love computers, and math is teached by computers, it becomes more interesting to them.

  169. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    It cannot be denied that technology has a great importance in each person´s life. The faster the technology improves, the quicker the education system is affected. Almost all students use computers both in their daily lives and in schools yet, due to overusing of computers most of students are affected in a bad way. In one of my lessons we argued a question “Is technology innocent or not?” during a semester. We could not come up with a solution but disadvantages of technology in schools are more than advantages, in my opinion. While I was working in the science center, we had breaks to play enjoyful games with students aged between 4 to 11. In the beginning, I realized that most of the students preferred playing with their ipads or PSPs instead of playing in the garden with other students. It was very sad to see that children are getting more and more introverted and asocial owing to technology. I don´t claim that technology is totally harmful but it should have a limit to use for children.

  170. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    I do not think it’s just great to bring in computers in education, I believe that it is necessary and important. When I am out and practice and we use old atlas or other reference books, it happens that teachers want a tutorial on how to turn up in these books and look up the facts you need. This is a part of teaching today, to learn how to use old books such as encyclopedias. Students then asks me why they should have to learn this when you normally use computers. I usually look stupid and reply that it is important to learn how to use books as well. I can not answer that it’s because the school does not have the money to give them material to the ultimate education. Students understand that their education is often outdated and sometimes even unnecessary. Because when they get jobs, they will not need to use an old reference book, they will have computers and then it’s just computers that they need to be trained to use. Why learn to turn things up in old books in school when the whole society uses computers and ipads.

  171. Nicolay Stokvold dice: Responder

    I agree with you that we cant ignore the fact that computers, laptops,ipads ie is a huge part of our lifes today, a two yearold can play a game on an iphone today.. But it still seems scary to walk into «unknown» land, because we would have to reorganize the whole curriculum and the lecture of math as we know it today, questions like; how will the future look if we cant do a quadratic equation?? These feelings are still strong, but as Conrad Wolfram said in the video, we dont REALLY need them.. I think i can say with 99% certainty that all the maths i have learned (including what I learned in the university) is more or less useless, other than learning my own children the same things when their time come..Math is extremely important, but i think it is important to learn it in another way.. A critical reform as Wolfram suggests is however difficult, you need teachers, politicians, parents and children with courage to make a change.. I think this will be the reality soon, but incremental steps will be taken..

  172. Tereza Gemelová dice: Responder

    In the future will have each student own computer on the desk, will work independently on tasks that can download from the school internet.Although these advances have been made, now it will not be like this. It’s an extremely appealing idea, but still somewhat unrealistic. Just think and calculate longer the mere cost of computer equipment for classrooms Experience also shows that, especially primary schools missing computer-educated teachers, who also have a desire to continue to be educated in this area, as it should. However, it is really only a matter of time when computers at school will be as usual and essential equipment of classrooms, as today the board.

  173. Computers are on the inseperable part of our life. It affects our life and changes things in a great extent.Computers are also changing the old teching methods.Teachers roles are also changing by the way.At the same time the usage of computers are becoming more and more and we can see them in many forms.In my opinion computers itself do not teach something but it helps to teach how to think,search or research.So,teachers should use it effectively in the classroom to give these basic skills to children to reach the mass knowledge in front of them.Knowledge is everywhere but the important thing is to know how to reach and how to use it.In this point computers helps to access. E-learning is an example of this.Also, with the help of computers the class is being more interesting and it makes children curious. Integrating computers to the class aids teachers and make it easy to teach by using presentations, charts,etc.It seems to me that day by day computers makes our world smaller and bring together people all around the world.

  174. Computers are on the inseperable part of our life. It affects our life and changes things in a great extent.Computers are also changing the old teching methods.Teachers roles are also changing by the way.At the same time the usage of computers are becoming more and more and we can see them in many forms.In my opinion computers itself do not teach something but it helps to teach how to think,search or research.So,teachers should use it effectively in the classroom to give these basic skills to children to reach the mass knowledge in front of them.Knowledge is everywhere but the important thing is to know how to reach and how to use it.In this point computers helps to access. E-learning is an example of this.Also, with the help of computers the class is being more interesting and it makes children curious. Integrating computers to the class aids teachers and make it easy to teach by using presentations, charts,etc.It seems to me that day by day computers makes our world smaller and bring together people all around the world.

  175. Katarzyna Bejda dice: Responder

    Working with a computer can changes the role of the teacher. he is not the relay of knowledge and information, and he becomes observer of self-organized student learning, creates the right conditions, skillfully controls the process and control its effects. presentation of the video content or using a computer program increases the ability to concentrate, because it affect different channels (hearing, vision, action). the human brain easily remembers the images, so the majority of students are visualizers, but not only. through the use of multimedia lessons to reach all types of students raising effects of learning and memory. it is also known that it is easier, more enjoyable and more effective is to learn, when we operate in many senses. multimedia programs arouse interest in the child, prepare to use different sources of information, decoupling and critical reception, prepare to work self-education and the use of media as tools intellectual. multimedia programs also allow individualization of the learning process, important in learning of children with different levels of ability. individualization of learning pace conducive to improving the learning outcomes of all students-regardless of their abilities and talents, prevent or discourage the learning of students working more slowly. with customization, even the slowest learners have the conditions to successfully master the basic knowledge.gifted children and can not wait for students learning slowly, master batches of material with a higher degree of difficulty.

  176. Christina Vaismenou dice: Responder

    The inclusion of computers in schools as early and as fast as possible is indeed vital for the future. Maintaining a system which no longer applies to the real world is a waste. Anything a child learns is school is “analogue” in a “digital” world. The fear that using a computer is school makes students stupid and just gives them an answer is in my opinion nonsense.
    Using a real tool for a job to get done does not seem silly. The applications of the introduction of technology in learning are limitless. Making a boring book more interesting, having a dynamic sense of learning, using something that a person uses every day and will continue to for the rest of his life makes perfect sense and makes going to school actual teaching.
    From an intellectual and an “entertainer” point of view making a digital classroom with richer, better and more useful content, beginning from a small age should be the aim of every country in the world.

  177. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    There is no doubt that IT, high-technology and especially computers have greater and greater impact on our life day by day. So it is normal that computers are coming everywhere and an education is not an exception. These days child is more interested in mobile phone or other tech but not in some kind of papers. I believe that these “smart boxes” could make the process of learning much more interesting and lively but also everything has its bounds and moderation. The computers cannot to replace the calculation by hand totally. Why? Because the calculation by hand is necessary for a young and growing organisms to develop their thinking, memory and of course it will be useful in daily life. To sum up I can say that the combination of human’s brains and computer’s automation proportionally will show the education and math in the newer point of view.

  178. It is impossible to imagine today‘s world without computers. They help in everyday life and in learning process too. In Lithuania every school has the computers in the classrooms because they make it easier to teach children. And it makes lessons funny and more atractive. Computer should be a measure to inspire and help to study. For example, my mom is working in a childrengarten as a speech therapist and she uses a computer to show some pictures, videos, give exercises for children. And they are very interested and want to come back to lessons and learn as soon as it is possible.
    I don‘t agree with the approach of Conrad Wolfram that students at school shouldn‘t calculate by hands. In my opinion, calculating improves children‘s thinking, possibility to develop memory. Of course in the university students should use computers for calculating because they have the bases of math and they could do more difficult things.

  179. hablo sobre el video: No estoy de acuerdo con él. Yo no creo que haya que enseñar matemáticas con el ordenador, cada persona debe ser capaz de resolver las tareas más difíciles porque entrena a la mente y nos hace depender de nadie ni de nada. La tecnología es importante, pero no debe sustituir a la mente humana ni va a crear «dependencia». en el principio era la mente de un hombre que a través de las matemáticas as inventado la computadora! para enseñar matemáticas en las escuelas con tan sólo mirar en el camino correcto para appasionare la persona del sujeto. todos tenemos una predisposición natural para un tema en lugar de otro, pero si el profesore es bueno y tiene un buen método de enseñanza será capaz de aprender todo lo que a un estudiante, tal vez atraverso ejemplos y enlaces pertinentes a la vida cada día.

  180. Yes, undoubtedly computer technology helps children to better integrate in the new world, but where disappears fantasy world, such as reading a book, play a sandbox sand baking cakes and playing mom and dady. Creative small jobs where the same- cut, painted, built? Developing finger muscles, we can’t forget about creativity, because the computer is a tool that supposedly helps us to think, but at the same time stifles our creativity and thinking at all. Because, of our necessary questions, they have a 100 answers, though at the same time a child may know the answer by self, but too lazy to think. Loss of feeling in the world, because children no longer go walking outside with my friends prefer to contact them through the computer while sitting in a comfortable chair.
    I think at the first child in this life is to learn to think for themselves, get to know things from their point of view, and then about the last primary classes he can use tools-computers to expand their knowledge.

  181. I’m of the opinion that the computer is for adults who have knowledge how to handle and use it from head to learn and work. Children who use the most often to play, which can spice up otherwise. The information you need to know the basics but do not close and your life on the computer.. This may prove that the abuse of such technology and the loss of childhood. Nowadays, children do not meet with same age in the park, in the backyard or a walk, many children spend their free time on computers. Room shut themselves to forgetting about other important things. And that is not good, because they have no contact with friends, but you’re wasting your time, not paying attention to how quickly time passes. Computer, telephone useful life of a certain age but accessible to the younger generation.

  182. I think that the use of new technology in education is important, and creates many opportunities for both teachers and children. Computers come in almost every aspect of people’s lives here so why would they have missed? However, keep in mind that with all you can overdo it. Should remember that the computerization of school time is not dominated by children, it is now much easier to learn, to acquire knowledge on a topic, do not have to browse through thick encyclopedia to find the necessary information, this can be done using a computer and the Internet in a minute. Also, do not overdo it, in my opinion, the «old» education without computers is also necessary that the children have not learned that the computer is only a tool for everything: education, finding information but also fun, contact with others.

  183. Computers and modern technology is an inseparable part of education. Just when I’m talking about myself here and studying at Erasmus in Huelva.
    I’m not a proponent of the child at age 4 he could use the computer, but on the other hand, nowadays it is so. With computer technology needs to start in elementary school, so that every student could learn to deal with computer and even those students who do not have a computer at home. Because those who can not handle the computer, it will be for information on the computer as useless as the information in the book for an illiterate man. Nowadays, almost all job offers is computer´s literacy required.

  184. Creo que utilizar las tecnologías nuevas en educación es muy importante y muy beneficioso. Para los estudiantes es ventajoso aprender a ir con el tiempo ya durante sus estudios, porque luego no tendrán que empezas a apreder esto en el oficio, pero podrén concentrarse en el trabajo solo y trabajar con los tecnologías nuevas es natural para ellos.
    Asimismo es una forma, como estar en contacto con el mundo. Por otra lado, es imprescindible saber, donde está la frontera, de dónde el contacto personal es mejor.
    Es muy importante en los países en desarrollo, porque es una manera de comunicación con los países desarrollados.

  185. Creo que es importante utilizar el ordenador.Se encontro que son los ninos mas avanzados en los paises donde comenzo temprano a usar la computadora.Yo empece a usar el ordenador en el primer grado de la escuela primaria y vi que los ninos son mentalmente mas desarrolladas, por ejemplo en Japon donde utilizan el ordenador con 3 o 4 anos de edad. Hoy en escuela quieren tener clases solo en ordenador, sin registros para escribir. Con el uso de las computadoras tambien esta relacionado conocimiento del idioma inglesa.Es una buena manera para aprender porque el ingles es principal para los ordenadores. La matematica tambien esta importante, porque todo que tenemos es relacionado con los numeros y los numeros hacen matematica. Muy importante es que todo el mundo tiene un cierto nivel de conocimiento de la matematica.

  186. It is incredible what is possible today with computers. I am of the conviction that in the learning process computers helps tremendously, but it must be taken care that the children are not oversaturated. The usage should be used selectively. Because in addition to all the advantages, there are also disadvantages. It is important not to lose the human contact. Computers should not occupy the entire learning process, because traditional methods are important too. Nowadays many kids don´t now social games, because they grow up with I Pods and Pc´s.

  187. The development of information and communication technologies affects almost all areas of human life in today. No exception teaching at the elementary school, where have been in last ten years some interesting trends. Equipped computer classrooms and common classes of personal computer connected to the Internet has become widespread standard, which allows you to change the way of teaching methods. In addition to classroom computers installed visualizers, data projectors, interactive whiteboards, tablets, electronic voting machines and other modern technique. The development of new technology stimulates and accelerates developments in the theory of education, when in school practice changes occur due to the low level of awareness and little experience of teachers often slowly and with difficulty.

  188. Scientists say if something is going to consider as science than it should define by some mathematical equations. That means science can not exist without math. To my idea nothing would exist without math. Everything which surrounds us could be explained by math. Buildings that we live in, cars that we drive, computers we use, even society behaviors or emotions could explain by math. As Conrad Wolfram said and as I know, since math is my major I can say that math is not only a calculation. In mathematics there are lots of subjects which doesn’t include any numbers such as topology, abstract math, functional analyses etc. In that subject we don’t even use any numbers and there is no calculation of course. We only use the relations between sets and we use our logic to solve the problems. Even thought we explain everything by math, the biggest mistake in education is being made on math education. We try to teach students maths by not giving them the logic of it. We show them math like a monster. They can’t touch it, they can’t feel it. We are just make them struggle with lots of numbers. We need to start to teach students what is behind math. How the whole world connected with math. Math is like an ocean and we just let students to look at it from far away. We need to let them swim on that ocean and see what is inside.

  189. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    This article reads promising and I think it has a high potential.
    However, if children from a young age on already get intrigued with the computer it does not necessarily have to be a good thing. For a way of learning it may be but I mainly put a question mark behind the development of their communication skills.
    Don’t you lose the social interaction of exchanging knowledge from one person to another. If so, how will you be able to communicate it to others?
    This can be dangerous for the child’s social development when you do not consider this.

  190. In my opinion it is important to use different kind of technologies becasue it has given us so much more in form of faster, better, and a more easy way of learning compared to 20 or 30 years back, but it should not bother the smallest children (3 – 7 years old). however it is not the optimal way of learning or the only way of learning. One must also consider the social part as an important way of learning. 20 – 30 years back people interacted much more with one another compared to nowdays. however, I do not think it is necessary for children in early ages to use advance technologies becasue then they interact less with one another which is according to me bad. Using computers, Ipod, Ipad advance cellphones etc according to me is not good for smallest children. Social interaction is preferable in those ages.

  191. I must agree that „computer is the most powerful technological tool in the service of education”, but at the same time we must understand that the concept of introducing computers in primary and secondary education is rather big threat for the quality of education. The same math is not just about getting the result (like with the help of computers), but about developing memory and understanding while in the process of it. Moreover, introducing computers in daily teaching in school may unmotivate students to study because of the closeness of access to social networks. And we must not forget how extremely important for students in primary education is to feel things (by kinaesthetic memory). I don’t say that computers are not useful, but we definitely must take into consideration all of it!

  192. Comparing schools nowadays with when I used to go technology has evolved even more and is even more common! It’s good children are introduced to technology at a young age because the future will involve even more high tech equipment and if the basics of technology aren’t adapted, it will be difficult to keep up with the rapid evolution of technology. However as much useful and helpful for education as it may be, it has other entertainment functions which can become addictive and consequently have a bad affect on the children. It is extremely important to stay updated with technology because it will become even more complexed however traditional education shouldn’t be forgotten! Parents should encourage children to use technology but with measures! Using technology in sschools makes education much more fun and easy to learn, therefore the generation evolving now has great expectations !

  193. I think it is essential that the schools are updated since technology is a great tool for learning because its way of visualizing and since it contributes to understanding of the society the pupils live in. In Sweden it becomes more and more common to use smart boards and provide even the younger pupils with computers or iPads. The issue is that sometimes the teacher does not know how to use it. All this new technology forces us to evaluate what is important to learn. Another type of knowledge is required today than 10 years ago. The further back you go the more facts you needed to know by heart and it were probably because you could not easily get hold of this information. Today you have the whole world in your pocket and you meet a constant flow of information so you need to learn how to handle that and use it productive. What we today call common knowledge will soon probably change.

  194. I agree with the opinion that computers can and should play a major part in education. And its not only the use of them that children should learn, but theres also a high potential in learning other subjects through educational software. Also the children should learn to use the internet to get and evaluate information, which will be very important for their further education. So the pcs should not keep out of school. Also because some of the children may not have access to a computer at home. One problem is that we have lots of teachers and also parents that arent very competent with the use of computers, because they are from a different generation, and in their education computers didnt play a major role.

  195. When I was a child, copmuters didn’t play such a big role as nowadays. I have a little brother who is seven years younger than me and it is fascinating how different his attitude towars computers or new technologies is, although he was just born seven years later. So I think it is the age in which children grow up which form their abilities to work with new technologies, but it is not necessary that they learn in school how computer work. I think it is enough if they are confronted with technology at home or outside, and they will learn all these things faster than the older generations, I’m sure. They don’t need to learn it at school, because they will learn it by their environment fast enough.

  196. Maybe I am old mindset, but in my opinion, in the primary school, there computers don’t belong. I think, pupils make ranking of values and if we will teach them all the time to rely on computers, after they can be without it totally lost. When I remember on my childhood I can imagine hands dirty with inks and games with ball, no on the laptop. When I see children now, I´m really sad, ´cause they don’t know beauty of childhood. They have no true friendships on the playground. They play games by computer network and speak with friends by messages. I think the school has to be place where they can find out how nice can be life without computer.
    When they will be adult, they have to use computer all the time so in my opinion in the school we can give them some lessons about how computer working but no used it all the time. Yes, computer can improve mathematical thinking, spatial orientation and so on, but is it possible to teach pupils the same skills without computer? I think, sure. So why we want to use computers at an early age? Ok, we need to use more of energy for teaching without computers. I think if teaching it´s not just our job, but also sacrifice that´s not problem for us.

  197. I still maintain my opinion that kids shouldn’t use computers. For sure new technologies give them a lot of new opportunities, maybe they can learn quickly and in easier and more interesting way, but really, when I was 7 or 8 i didn’t use computers at all and I think most of us- students as well and I don’t think that we lost anything because of that. Moreover I feel my childchood was more interesting because I didn’t know the virtual world, it was a pleasure to get to know how the real wold functioned. So for what nowadays parents buy their little kids ipads, smartphones and modern computers? I don’t really know the answer for this question. Children will have enough time in their future to familiarize with new technologies, they will use it every day when they’ll be adults, so let’s give them a chance to first become acquainted with the real world around them.

  198. Computers bring a lot of benefits to the child`s comprehension, reading, vision-memory, etc. However, I still believe that computers should not be introduced in the primary school and only partly introduced in secondary school, because: firstly, most of the schools cannot provide students with modern computers and computer-instructed teachers, which means that a child`s vision can be damaged or, at least, badly affected; secondly, most of the children have access to the computer at home, which means that they spend a lot of time with it anyways. I suggest that a certain part of lesson and/or homework could be devoted to computer-learning. Moreover, I think interactive blackboards and similar tools also keep students focused and interested in subject, which leads to a thought that we could introduce more educational technology, but try to avoid using computers that often.

  199. Technology. Theme contains a lot of opinions, statistics for or against, the negative and positive impacts.
    My opinion is that is good to know how to use technology, computers, but if it is just used in the right direction. I think that it is not necessary to know how to use computers and other technology really early. Nowadays there are really different times. In my family we got a computer when I was in 5 grade, now you can see a child in the first fifth grade which have the newest mobile fone. In primary school wasn’t necessary to work on the computers but now you need to work on it even in primary school. Knowledge of technology is rapidly expanding and everytime we need some new skills to use it.

  200. Using computers from a very early age has already been accepted as a common habit.
    Nowadays, from an intellectual point of view, children are growing up in an extremely fast way. Nevertheless, it is a fact worldwide.

    On the other hand, people have to remember that a toddler soul can be easily affected by the wrong way and being irreparable. For that reason, it is crucial to focus on the way multimedia, computing systems and social media can be used by children or for teaching them and developing their knowledge and skills.

    In my opinion, this idea occurs the early steps of such a method. There will be great investigations over this issue which means that sooner or later we are going to realize if it is a good idea or not, using computers in the field of education.

  201. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    I think nowadays the children are too much busy with media stuff (computer, ipad, smartboard, videogames like the wii and gameboys,…). They don’t make time anymore to truly play! They are no real children anymore like we used to be. They don’t come out of their homes anymore, all the time they are behind their screens, they don’t come outside and play a roleplay with their friends (what is good for developing their imagination and social life), play hide and seek (what is also good for the development of their body),… if I think of my childhood I was constantly outside playing even if I was all alone and it was raining outside, I didn’t care! The most fun I had was making myself dirty, off course children now a days are so quickly sick ( and fat) if they are all the time in a place where it is clean and warm.

    Butt except all of this I also think that the ipad/smartboard is a good invention. Because of the games the children can play on it, it can make math’s (and other schoolstuff) very attractive to them and in this way they are interested in it and they learn it in a playful manner.

    So if I will be a kindergartener teacher I will use this new technology but I will proportionate it so there is also time a enough for real playing.

  202. It´s good learn to use technology from early childhood. Each use of technology should have limits. For the child isn´t good to sit at the computer, tablet, or something like that all day. I know that there are currently many programs through which the child can learn and educate. These programs are convenient for parents who seat a child at the computer and they don´t have to notice the child. I think that such an approach isn´t good. The child doesn´t have to spend time at the computer and since childhood be getting used to the virtual world. It should be with other children outside most of the day.
    I also think that it´s good when the student will be able to calculate basic mathematical examples, at least for his imagination. We cannot depend only on technology our whole life.

  203. Yes of course, nowadays everybody has to be able to use a computer. But do we really have to start so early? Isn’t it better that children go outside, play in the nature, play with other children? I think there you learn a lot of things that a computer can’t teach you. And a computer also doesn’t encourage children to be creative and curious, which is really important. Don’t we face problems nowadays that can’t be solved only with knowledge? We need to learn to think different. A computer can’t teach you that because it’s only looking for the right answer that somebody before you already knew when he put it in the computer program. not very innovative!

  204. Computers are omnipotent. I think that the future of our children is in the «hands» of computers. My view is that the need to show to children is what electronic devices may be used and how. Because what is prohibited is the sweetest. Because what is prohibited is the sweetest 🙂 Therefore, it should to be explain to children and give them to try everything from computers to iPods. On the other hand it is needed to be compensate. I am a supporter of sports activities, school trips, tours or any health-enhancing activities. I just want to say that if we do not forbid children to sit in front of computers from an early age, he does it rather boring and runs out with friends on a bicycle. The same is true about the study. I see it on myself. When a few years ago started the big boom about notebooks, I could sits in front of it for a week. Now? I do just what is necessary to school or work and then I immediately off it. I prefer to spend a day out with friends and pleasant conversation.

  205. – «It was better before». Is one of the expressions that the elders often use. They can aim on different things but it’s often linked to the youth’s inability to take responsibility. An unanswered prejudice is that the youth nowadays only sitting in front of their computer-screen and play games and watch movies. Of course it is really interesting to use the modern technology in the teaching process, and I think that we have to do that. But from a health point, it’s important to be social in real life and not only behind the screen. Even more important it’s to play in the streets, run in the forest, breath the fresh air and unconsciously develop the body. For a couple of years ago it was very common but nowadays it’s not in my home country. In Spain I see the children playing football in the plazas whenever it’s good weather and I think it’s important to the social life but also to the unconsciously exercise.

  206. I think its good to start in an early age using technology. A friend of mine works at a kindergarden. There the kids above three years get to use some Ipads to teach up some skills. And they really enjoying it at the same time as they learn alot, all in a fun way. The play their way into knowledge. They study without knowing it. On the other hand I have seen example in the other direction. My brother is 17 years. All student in his class got an laptop. He tells me that mostley people play games during lessons and are not using them to any good at all. The best thing, if we had money mabey would be to make a special computer. Were you only can play interactive games and use it for school purposes. It shall not be a computer. But an interactive device made only for the purpose of making school more fun.

  207. Letting children to use technology is good. Nowadays there’s so much children can learn from technology. There are games and other stuff that are fun for children and they also learn so much.
    But these days’ children spend less time outside. Technology can really make people lazy, now friends prefer to Skype or chat through the internet than meet face to face.
    I do agree that we should use computers and other gadgets in order to learn and make learning not complicated as it is these days.
    But I’m skeptical about using a computer to do math, I think children should know how to calculate without the use of technology. At least a little bit.

  208. You’ll always find some people who are against technology, and the way children are getting affected. I mean that in this century we’re living in, it is almost impossible to take computers/ mobilephones away from children. I still remember when I got my first phone, I was so excited and I was 16 years old. Nowdays you’ll see kids walking around with an brand new iPhone/ iPad. Do you think that kids will compromise if parents are using newest gadgets at home? No, they will not. At some point, you’ll have to give. Technology is (believe or not) part of our life now. I dont know what I would have done if there was no internet, or my computer/ phone or even internet was taken away.

    I dont think that its bad for children to learn using computer at kindergarden level. You’ll have to be carefull ofcourse with the content & access they have been granted. But I also think that we shouldnt use technology for EVERYTHING, they are still suppose to go out and play with their friends. Everything can not be taught on computers!

  209. Knowledge in Science and maths are obviously highly important for our society today. Therefore, it is very important to engage the society in these subjects, and the first step towards this is of course by knowledge. I do agree with the movie where he suggests that the way of teaching these subjects needs to be reconstructed, whereas including more computers is an excellent way of gaining creativity. By using computers you also make it easier for the students to relate to the subject as the modern world we live in is characterised by computers. However, a stress for the combination of science and art is vital because if one is forced to make a choice of neither of it, it can later on restrain the creativity in the other subject one did not choose. Computers can be helpful in combining these two subjects by constructing programmes that include both of them. So that the students see that their skills of critical thinking can be used in both areas. Regarding kindergarten classes, I do believe that this is a good way of learning for the children as computers make them think and use their mind for problem-solving at a very young age. From my experience new technology seems to make children very creative, as three year old children can function an iPad better than I can. However, I think it is extremely important that human interaction is imposed greatly in the classes as well, both from the teachers and between the children.

  210. As so many people replied before, i also think there are pro and cons about the technology nowadays. Ofcourse children are attracted by the new technology, as I was so excited to get my first celphone (nokia 3310), the kids now want to have an iphone or ipad. It’s so normal. So i think we should use this high interest in a positive way. By the new technology as smartboards and tablets, you can learn kids a lot. You can use all this things focussed on learning. There are so many applications which learn the children the same things as they learned before, it’s just more effective, cause the kids are excited about the ipad or computer. The content stays the same, it’s just the media who’s changing. They still learn that 1 + 1=2, they will just learn it quicker by (for example) the ipad, cause the envolvement is bigger for the kids of this time.

    Nevertheless, i don’t think we should use this kind of technology for EVERYTHING. Kids are still supposed to run outside, play hide and seek, and so on… I just think that anything who can make the children interested in learning, should be used. As long as everything gets proportioned well, I see no harm in using technology to educate our children.

  211. For sure, the right handling with computers is acutely important for every child, independent from the age.
    But in my opinion, the operations of children in the nursery school is too early. Maybe I am a bit conservative in this way, but I think there is nothing what a computer could teach a child in the nursery school, what the nature or a human person could not teach. I believe the computer destroys the congenital curiosity and creativity of a child. There a many adults, who are addicted to computers, many adults, who can’t imagine a life completely without computers. The sooner you instruct young children with computer, the sooner they will experience their disadvantages.
    I am not against teaching childrin to handle with computers, but I think the right point in time is at the beginning of the basic primary school

  212. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    you will always find people who are «for and against» media-use in class. But rather we like it or not, media and technology is becoming more and more important. Even I cannot think what I would do without my laptop or celphone, .. and thinking that, when I was a child, I always had to play outside, with my friends. It is obvious that children are attracted to new stuff, I know I did too when I was younger. They want to learn how to work with a computer, a tablet, a celphone,…and who are we to blaim? Because we are exactly the same.. but I do think that we must not exaggerate.

    we have to keep in mind that they are still young children, and now i’m speaking for children I will deal with later in my class (3 to 5-6 year olds). they are still so young, and they are sitting all day in front of the computer. What happened with playing outside, discovering stuff, … ?

  213. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    We are living in a world that is changing all the time. Kids now a days have to learn in kindergarden how to use media, like a computer, Ipad, smartboard, Tv and stuff like that because if they will not know how to use it they will have a problem to work in the real world later.
    I believe that as a kindergarden teacher you should learn your kids how to use a computer and other mediastuff because they the kids are really excited to learn about this stuff. They see it with their parents, older brother or sister or older friends.
    And now a days there are a lot of really good computerprogrammes for children that can learn them a lot.
    But I also think that it is sad that they have to learn so much in kindergarden because some kids don’t know how to be kids anymore. They stop playing with each other because they want to sit on the computer or Ipad or something else. They don’t know how to have fun anymore without media, they should learn again that playing outside and playing with friends is so muc more fun than sitting in frotn of a computer or tv all day long.
    This is also something parents and schools have to work an because tv or computer is being used if they don’t know what to do, if it’s raining,… There’re so much more solucion than putting them in front of the tv or computer.
    So they should learn how to use technolegy but they still have to have time to be kids.

  214. On the earth everything has a relation with other things in some way. Nothing can exist alone without interacting with other components. To understand one science better you should know the related sciences, to understand the events , you should know the related events, etc. As you see everything is based on correlation. Math is the thing that helps people to manage this. Math teaches logic and order. Students who are good at math have learned how to think. Math can also provide a vehicle through which critical-thinking skills are put into practice and refined. However, most of the time students are not aware of the importance of it and they may ask why math is necessary. Instruction should incorporate techniques that are designed to demonstrate to children the relevancy of math to their daily lives, the world around them and their future careers. How should it be taught? with computers? of course computers make everything easy. Actually they make things so easy that sometimes you do not even need to think, but just do it. On the otherhand ,speaking from experience as an English teacher, I can say that access to computers in the classroom is an excellent way to elicit work from every student. I work in a school that has recently become more interested in having teachers train and use new forms of technology. Computers, especially if you have a one-on-one program can be very beneficial since students can pick up a computer at the beginning of the day and use it in all of their classes to take notes, do research, create projects, and even to communicate with the teacher and other students using classroom blogs. Students are very much engaged with using technology since we are living in a «tech age.»

  215. Hm I’m not sure that using computers in great scale is good way but also I know, that it will happened in the future, because it’s the only way. More often we can work with being at home, we can learn languages, do courses, write some works or exams and many other thing from our bad, by internet. It’s great! Because we don’t have to spend a lot of time to coming to work or school, use fuel, we will not die in some accident. We can live where ever we want, we only have to have an internet. More often also physical work is done by robots and it’s also future, number of physical employees is low and will be lower in future. It means, that the only way to working will be our mind and abilities. It cause that we have to be accustoming to computers, programs and that style of working since young. Maybe it is a great possibility for humanity, I don’t know, what it has also their bad sides. Our mind don’t see difference between our reality and that from games. More often people are playing games like Second Live, World of Warcraft or others, sometimes not for playing, fighting, only just for living. They can became whoever they want, doing and telling, often without consequences. It is amazing, attractive, interesting…and also dangerous. Sometimes people are using this world only as a way to playing in some games, to living in them. In this world they are not living truly, only in those. There are feeling themselves, have really friends, sometimes loves. It is great and also useful. I saw that people more often are running away to virtual world because they cannot stand this world and this problem, with violence, stress, pace of live, that’s evil. They can survive it only for those moment, which they can react on their virtual world. The interesting thing is that what is happening in Japan, I mean hikikomori. Young people cannot stand a great pressure and requirements that are expected of them. They cannot living normal in this world so they have to find their own, where their mind will feel safe. They are closing themselves in rooms, not going out for days, months, years. Sometimes, if they have to, they are going out for food or sth, but they are trying to not meet any other people. It looks like social phobia. The internet is only way to contact with the world. This topic has been included in ,,Suicide Room» movie.
    If the world is coming to be more in internet than in true live, maybe we have to also start doing researching and we have to start to thinking about how to organize a virtual world and education? It could be really interesting experiment to for example do one or two lessons in some game, for example to showing strategy or combat tactics in history lesson. I will try to do something like that in the future. It’s much more interesting to know how we can use sabre than only that some countries were using them.

  216. I think if you cleverly work with computers it’s a plus working with computers at school. But I must say, that I would not use computers the whole time in my kindergardenclass. But I think that the new technology of computers can teach our children a lot. And nowadays they are realising such a nice and attractive learningprograms for children, so the children learn on a modern way how to calculate, write, read and even music etc… In my home university they tought us how to use smartboards, Ipads, computers in kinderengarden; It was really interesting, it’s a new way to teach your children. I also already saw that the children are really excited about it. So why not? I have found a really nice video on the internet you must see! It’s so nice to see the children been so motivated by learning!

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