A Teaching Unit is a cluster of several lessons that fit together closely. The lessons of the unit will address the same essential questions and will help the students learn the same enduring understandings. With other words, a Teaching Unit is a well-defined thematic body of instruction. It has a single instructional goal with several […]
¿Qué Universidad quieres?
Gracias por responder este cuestionario: RATE YOUR EDUCATION Desde que se fundaran las Universidades en el siglo XI éstas fueron consideradas como reunión de profesores y alumnos en torno al estudio de determinados saberes (derecho, teología, filosofía…), que eran enseñados en establecimientos para tal fin. Con el paso de los siglos la Universidad ha ido […]
Learning is more important than education
In many sectors, the paths that knowledge and learning are taking and the scene to which they are exposed coincide with the objective of developing education and training along the whole life, that is, the expression of the will of promoting the highest level of knowledge possible through a wide access to education, an integrated […]
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Didáctica de la Educación Inicial y Básica, ¿existe?
Hoy en día, cuando hablamos de Educación Inicial y Básica (Infantil y Primaria en muchos países), da la impresión de que el niño ha cobrado el papel protagonista que le corresponde y han quedado atrás las vicisitudes de la infancia reflejadas en una literatura que ha versado sobre el tema de una manera variopinta. Considerando […]
Knowledge and education as problematic values
The new epoch, which has ripened before us, possesses, in a qualitative and quantitative consideration, a series of singularities which are worth mentioning. On the one hand, the frame of present-day episthemological considerations, which, in post-modern times, are based on a radical pessimism. J.F. Lyotard (1981) considers that there is no possible theory because nothing […]