Educación inclusiva y atención a la diversidad

Hay quien afirma que la extensión de la reforma educativa ha institucionalizado un discurso sobre la atención a la diversidad, el cual comporta el riesgo de la banalización de este concepto. Se ha entendido, pues, la atención a la diversidad como una necesidad del sistema, un concepto ligado a la concepción comprensiva de la reforma, una obligación para los docentes que han de reflejarlas en sus proyectos curriculares, de centro y de aula, etc., más que una consecuencia derivada de las características básicas de los actos de aprender y enseñar.


Este modelo y conjunto de prácticas no deja de ser interesante, pero no hemos de volcar todo el significado de la atención a la diversidad sobre este tipo de cuestiones solamente. Es decir, y por puntualizar un poco más, si cuando echamos una mirada o preguntamos a los profesores de educación infantil, primaria o secundaria, sólo observamos o constatamos una serie de prácticas consistentes en la creación de determinados rincones o talleres, reducción de grupos, de apoyos de dentro y fuera del aula, del mayor tiempo que dedican a algunos alumnos, o de creación de un horario específico de “atención a la diversidad”, dejamos de percibir el significado profundo y, por consiguiente, la adopción de modelos de comprensión e intervención más adecuados, en el ámbito de la diversidad.

Claramente, la atención a la diversidad no depende exclusivamente de la adopción de un determinado enfoque organizativo, aunque lo incluye, ni depende de la puesta en marcha de una o varias medidas puntuales, aunque son bienvenidos.

La atención a la diversidad es un objetivo que condiciona la globalidad de la escuela como institución y lo que ocurre en ella interpretado desde un conjunto de presupuestos socioculturales acerca del aprendizaje que beben del significado de la relación educativa en el aula, del acto didáctico como acto netamente comunicativo, que consideran la interacción entre las personas como el factor principal que ayuda a construir y organizar el conocimiento, a la vez que interpretan la diversidad como una manifestación de las diferentes ideas, maneras de hacer, intereses y necesidades que confluyen en el aula.

Esta concepción es la que lleva a considerar al aula como un espacio de comunicación y de intercambio y comporta centrar el discurso sobre la diversidad en aquellas decisiones que implican al currículum y su desarrollo. La escuela es un lugar de aprendizaje, también de intercambio, de relación, de comunicación y de encuentro, con diferentes realidades y múltiples posibilidades.

La consideración de estos presupuestos sobre la diversidad hace necesaria pensar en la “elección” de la mejor escuela para la misma. Ésta es, sin lugar a dudas, la escuela inclusiva; las prácticas que en ella tienen lugar serían consideradas prácticas de educación inclusiva.

Para romper las prácticas tradicionales asociadas a modelos deficitarios, surge la educación inclusiva. Esta fue vista en un primer momento como una innovación de la educación especial, pero progresivamente se fue extendiendo a todo el contexto educativo, como un intento para que la educación llegara a todos, bajo la consideración de los espacios educativos como lugares en donde en el inicio del siglo XXI íbamos a considerar como una de sus características más importantes la de la diversidad con la que se presentaban, planteando un indudable reto a la sociedad en su conjunto (siendo la educación un sistema obligatorio e intencional, claramente la diversidad con la que se presenta es algo que nos afecta a todos).

¿Cuáles son los principios de la educación inclusiva? Si atendemos al binomio educación inclusiva y diversidad, teniendo en cuenta la misma naturaleza de estos conceptos y de la propia escuela, las características fundamentales de la educación inclusiva podrían ser:

– Considerar a la inclusión no como un proyecto que afecta a una sola persona.
– La inclusión necesita de un enfoque global en lo colaborativo, es decir, afecta a las relaciones y a las medidas que se adoptan en el aula, en el centro educativo y en la comunidad en general.
– La filosofía que está detrás de la inclusión es una filosofía humanitaria, de relaciones humanas, huye, por tanto, de una interpretación exclusivamente tecnológica, organizativa o material.
– Es por ello que incida y permita retirar los rótulos o etiquetas a las personas. Se trata de describir situaciones y contextos, hay que evitar a toda costa los estigmas causados por etiquetas.
– No discrimina entre personas con o sin discapacidad, cultura y género, o cualquier otro rasgo personal o comunitario que proyecte como referencia (o diferencia).
– Es accesible a todo el alumnado de una comunidad educativa, sin ningún tipo de excepción.
– Todo el alumnado tiene el mismo derecho a acceder a un currículum culturalmente valioso, acorde con su edad y potencialidades, diferenciado hasta presentarse sensible a las personas que aprenden en una determinada situación.
– Pone énfasis en el respeto a la diversidad entre todas las personas, en el propio ritmo de aprendizaje, en sus manifestaciones personales y culturales, en su cosmovisión, en sus valores, etc.
– La educación inclusiva considera a la escuela como el más valioso instrumento del sistema educativo, el cual se presenta como organizado e intencional, pero también diferenciado, de preparación para la vida y de facilitación del desarrollo integral de todas las personas.

Hay un importante debate abierto, mucho más grande en este país que en otros, sobre si debe permitirse la llamada educación diferenciada (educación por sexos). Quienes abogan por su supresión están en la opinión de que ésta es discriminatoria. Quienes prefieren estar opción hablan de libertad y de cómo de esta fórmula se pueden obtener interesantes resultados educativos, sin que haya ninguna forma de exclusión ni discriminación.

Personalmente entiendo que el principio de libertad es muy importante y hay que respetar el derecho de los padres a la elección del modelo que consideran mejor para sus hijos. No existen pruebas de discriminación que se conozcan acerca de la educación diferenciada, más allá de un determinado discurso político en contra, incluidas sentencias judiciales que no han hecho más que dar la razón a una determinada opción política que ha legislado contra la educación diferencia (es paradójico cómo en algunos lugares de España es una opción legal y en otros «ilegal»). Pero hemos de ser rigurosos, si hay pruebas de discriminación o de problemas con esta opción hay que darlos, aportarlos al debate, con datos concretos, caso contrario lo serio es no usar la demagogia para este importante debate, el educativo, que está detrás del progreso de la educación y los niños.

Pues bien, la educación inclusiva es, ante todo, una posición frente a los derechos humanos. La escuela debe producir una respuesta educativa a las necesidades y realidades de todos los alumnos y al principio de igualdad de oportunidades educativas, sin segregar a ninguna persona como consecuencia de su discapacidad o dificultad de aprendizaje o pertenencia a una minoría.

Esto es fácil de decir, pero son las medidas adoptadas las que en ocasiones no permiten hablar de un enfoque comprometido, global, de implicación con los principios de la diversidad y la atención que merece todo sistema que se caracterice por ella.

Incluir significa ser parte de algo, formar parte del todo. La educación inclusiva enfatiza cómo crear condiciones para el aumento de la seguridad individual y comunitaria, establecer espacios para la relación y el intercambio, espacios y posibilidades reales de manifestación de las creencias propias sobre el ser humano y, también, sobre el aprendizaje, escenarios de proyección de los afectos personales, interpretación de las normas y los valores, posibilidades de ser uno mismo sin agresiones, posibilidades reales de ir cambiando sin traumas.

En suma, los argumentos en favor de la educación inclusiva no son sólo educativos. Existen sólidas razones sociales y morales. Podemos señalar que la escuela inclusiva es un derecho humano, supone educación de calidad y contribuye al buen sentido social, creando situaciones más justas, equitativas y democráticas.

Pero, para hacer posible la escuela inclusiva son necesarios más que palabras. Para adoptar y, también, conseguir, una correcta inclusión del alumnado podemos reclamar determinadas medidas. Proponemos algunas de ellas:

– Debe existir una voluntad política de mejorar significativamente la atención a la diversidad en un marco general de mejora de las instituciones educativas.
– Habrá que disponer de financiación adecuada a las necesidades provenientes de la adopción de un modelo de escuela inclusiva, son necesarios los apoyos materiales, personales y, por supuesto, financieros.
– Se precisa, para tomar decisiones, un “mapa escolar” de la atención a la diversidad, que contenga datos completos, detallados, actualizados e informatizados.
– Son necesarios más profesionales y mejor formados, que hagan suyos los verdaderos enfoques de la atención a la diversidad.
– Hay que disponer de instalaciones suficientes, accesibles y funcionales.
– Hay que contar con recursos materiales adecuados.
– En el detalle de determinadas medidas educativas, es necesario organizar mejor el funcionamiento y organización global de la atención a la diversidad, los sistemas de apoyo, los mecanismos de inclusión, etc. Estas estrategias y medidas bañan completamente al centro educativo.
– Será preciso una más apta legislación sobre todos estos aspectos.

202 respuestas a “Educación inclusiva y atención a la diversidad”

  1. María Remedios Rodríguez Coronado dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con la la escuela inclusiva, la inclusión debe partir de la flexibilización del sistema, ya que, si no nos adaptamos a las necesidades que manifiesta la sociedad, jamás podremos mejorar, ni cambiar.
    Debemos atender a la diversidad, de lo contrario estaremos cerrando puertas para que aprendan y se formen tanto personalmente como profesionalmente.
    Cambiemos el sistema educativo, hagamos que la diversidad no sea vista como algo fuera de lo común, si no que se normalice, que aprendamos todos en unión, en comunidad.

  2. El problema de la exclusión en las aulas a día de hoy es un tema que sigue apareciendo, debido a problemas como, por ejemplo, el acoso escolar. Es muy importante que los futuros docentes se formen en la diversidad y en la integración, así cuando inicien sus andaduras como docentes, intentarán educar a sus alumnos en un ambiente de aceptación e igualdad, con el que poco a poco se irá consiguiendo totalmente la integridad y la educación igualitaria, sin distinciones de raza, color de piel, ni sexo.

  3. Sofía Oliver Mesa dice: Responder

    Humankind has always tended to differentiate between people: The rich and the poor, the man and the woman, the adult and the child, the professional and the amateur, the wise and the fool, the normal and the different… Of course, being able to classify following a certain criterion is not intrinsically harmful: we almost can’t avoid it and, in certain cases, it is necessary. From my point of view, problems come in our way of facing those differences.

    I would like to focus on kids with a diagnosis (or «kids with special needs») because I personally think that they are one of the most discriminated population in our society. And why that happens? First of all, because they are a minority and people aren’t trying to make it visible (as hard as they do with other minorities). Secondly, because they are kids, and kids can’t speak up for themselves before unjust laws: they need our help. And lastly, but not least, because there is a very strong social stigma about people with mental or physical disabilities or illness: «we are all different but they are more different than us.»

    I think that one of the main problems in the execution of inclusive education is that, although all kids go to the same building, they get separated during all the journey, so the rest of the kids hardly ever interact with their «special» peers. If you were a child, how could you accept something that is unknown and pushed away from you?

    When I was little, I was scared of people with dwarfism. My parents used to explain to me that they were normal and nice people. Still, though, there was something about it that really stepped me back.
    Everything changed when I was about 7 years old and my mom invited home a friend with dwarfism. At first, I didn’t want to talk or get close to her. I just limited myself to look and listen, until this happened: She needed to take a sit and when she saw one of my little chairs, she said while laughing: «Oh, this one is perfect for my size!» That moment left a mark on me because I understood that she was conscious of her condition and still though didn’t mind to refer to it out loud or even make jokes about it. Being able to interact with her was what wiped all my fears away. I could experience that she was, in fact, a really nice and charming person.

    SBSK (Special Books by Special Kids) is a Youtube channel started by Chris, a special education teacher, that I hardly recommend. He travels around the world making interviews. His amazing work has helped me to open my heart even more and change my mind about those «special kids». I’ve come to realise that they’re less different than I thought and that is, precisely, what we need to teach in schools. But we can’t educate others if we don’t educate ourselves first.

    I wanted to write it in English to practise my vocabulary and writing skills. Thank you and great post btw!

  4. María Leal González dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con que la atención a la diversidad no debe ser, al menos no exclusivamente, un tema de programaciones, horarios, espacios, materiales… Pienso que la atención a la diversidad se da en el aula cuando el profesorado es un apasionado de la educación y valora su formación en competencias personales como inteligencias múltiples, trabajo cooperativo, gestión del aula, creatividad, comunicación entusiasta y eficaz… Porque solo de esta manera será un guía en el aprendizaje de todos y cada uno de sus alumnos, y no solo un transmisor de conocimientos. Solo en una escuela inclusiva y con esta atención a la diversidad que respete el ritmo de aprendizaje de cada uno, haremos de nuestros alumnos, personas competentes para la vida.

  5. Laura González dice: Responder

    Partiendo de la base que no puede existir atención a la diversidad si no hay una previa comunicación, es imprescindible conocer a los alumnos. No podemos esperar a que vengan a contarnos sus inquietudes, intereses o necesidades, el docente debe crear esa comunicación activa, y no solo para sí mismo, lo más importante bajo mi punto de vista es fomentar el intercambio de opiniones y aprender a aceptar las diferentes posturas contrarias a las tuyas, lo que para mí es el concepto de libertad. Con esta herramienta tan sencilla como es la comunicación, se puede aplicar la educación inclusiva, cuyo propósito es favorecer el máximo desarrollo posible del alumnado y la cohesión de todos los miembros.
    Como comenta en su artículo para llevar este tipo de educación a nuestros centros educativos no bastan las palabras, creo que todas esas propuestas son necesarias, sin dejar una atrás, pero la principal, es la concienciación de la sociedad frente a ese modelo y por su puesto formar a los futuros docentes en base a éste.

  6. Marta Domínguez dice: Responder

    La educación inclusiva y la atención a la diversidad me parece uno de los temas más importantes e interesantes de la actualidad. Considero que éstos dos conceptos deben ser la base de la educación, en la cual entendamos y hagamos ver que todos somos iguales y contamos con los mismos derechos y los mismos deberes, todos debemos respetar y ser respetados, nadie es más ni menos que nadie.
    Cada vez más se está dando mucha importancia a ésto, en las escuelas y en la propia sociedad está cada vez más visible, pero aun así, debemos seguir luchando por esa igualdad y tolerancia. Bajo mi punto de vista, considero que se debe empezar por los propios docentes y aún más por los futuros docentes, los cuales cuentan con un papel bastante importante en la sociedad y en el cambio que ésta puede llegar a dar, estoy totalmente segura de que si seguimos así la sociedad irá mejorando en cuanto a ésto.

  7. Santiago González Gámez dice: Responder

    Se puede decir que actualmente, el tema de la educación inclusiva en los centros está siendo difícil, no solo para esos alumnos, sino también para los docentes vocativos. Hablar de educación inclusiva y de atención a la diversidad supone cambios y modificaciones de contenidos, enfoques, estructuras y estrategias algo que posteriormente no se cumple en el aula debido a la lentitud de la burocracia, a la falta de formación del profesorado e incluso de recursos económicos. Para concluir todos sabemos de la importancia que tiene nuestro sistema educativo. Aunque no funcione como queremos, es necesario luchar por ello, y quien mejor que nosotros, los futuros docentes, para cambiar el presente y conseguir un futuro mejor, sin estereotipos ni prejuicios, atendiendo a cada alumno específico.

  8. Miriam Prieto Aragón dice: Responder

    Como futura docente pienso que, la educación inclusiva, la atención a la diversidad y educación en igualdad son temas que hoy en día son necesarios hacerlos ver en las escuelas, hacérselos llegar a nuestros alumnos de una forma u otra. Ellos mismos se tienen que dar cuenta de que no son más por tener un color de piel u otro, ser hombre o ser mujer o por no tener ningún tipo de discapacidad física o mental. Todos son iguales, pero claro, tenemos que ser consientes de que los niños casi pasan más tiempo en la escuela que fuera de ella, por lo que si no somos nosotros los que les inculcamos ese tipo de pensamientos y que lo entiendan como algo «normal» es probable que fuera de ella no sean capaces de llevarlos a cabo.

    Tenemos el futuro de los niños en nuestras manos, por lo que, si nosotros mismos no somos capaces de entender y manifestar eso, no seremos capaces de transmitírselo a nuestros alumnos.

  9. I agree that diversity is important, so children know that there are children, who are disabled or with another cultural background. Nevertheless, there should be enough auxiliary staff to support the disabled pupils. On the one hand I think it is really good that disabled children have the chance to attend classes with other children, on the other hand I can imagine that it is not good for children with disabilities when they realise that they always need help and detain other pupils. Also I think inclusive education shouldn’t be an excuse to reduce special schools to save money, as I know that in Germany more and more special schools are being closed.
    Concerning pupils with different nationalities, I think it is very important that they are from different countries. Take as example Berlin. In the district Neuköln are a lot of turkish people, so many, that in primary school, the number of Turkish pupils is over 90%! Hence the first language there is Turkish, and non-Turkish pupils usually change to another school, because they are left out and don’t learn as much as they do at another school. This is an extreme example, nevertheless I think that children can benefit when attending school with children with different backgrounds, where everyone speaks in the same language. Getting to know children with special needs or with a different culture can be advantageous, increase empathy, helpfulness and cultural understanding.

  10. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    This is the article that we really don`t have to discuss about anything. For sure, disabled kids should learn with normal., for sure the skin colour, sex or anything else shouldn`t have any influence for the education. Kids should have the same rights and the same duties, no matter what. Kids are really good judges, and they see everything, thats why it is so important to learn them to treat everyone with respect, and later expect the return respect. Not vice versa. Also a big part of this job is in parents hands which some of them are not cultural opened, and they think in a stareotypes categories. They have acquired prejudices which kids dont have in their age.

  11. I totally agree with this, cause every person have got the right to have the best education, and it is ethically not fair to distinguish the students between skin color, sex, religion or disability. Every person were born with equal. So in my opinion the inclusive education and the diversity is a really good thing, this is one of the best way to get to know the other culture, or learn about tolerance, empathy, respect or adjust for our fellow-creature. These things are really important for me, but unfortunately it is not a routine in this generation, so we have to do something, we have to universalize this form of education, this conception.

  12. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    Inclusive education is very important in schools, primary or secondary. Making a child feeling like they belong no matter what their sex, religion or race might be is important to make them feel included and involved with their peers. A child who feels they dont belong begins to have difficulties in the school environment and it effects their personal development. Inclusive education makes the child happier in their school life and benefits more and develops their academic skills more than those who are discriminated against. Teamwork is a technique used by many teachers to make students participate in class and work together in order to build their communication skills. Diversity is so common in schools nowadays and this helps children as they grow up becoming used to diverse groups so are less judgemental.

  13. Marvin Klejdzinski dice: Responder

    The development of inclusive schools is still in the beginning nowadays. A very important aspect mentioned in the text is that students do not only learn from teachers. In school or university, as a social surrounding, students do not only learn what the curriculum says, they are also part of this social system. Therefore they interact with a lot of different people, especially in universities, where people from different places of the world and different cultural backgrounds come together and create new ideas and technology. Therefore the university is a very good example for a social surrounding, where diversity offers a lot of chances. If it would be possible to extend this diversity and maybe implement it early into the social system by founding inclusive schools it would help to improve the development of one person’s character.

  14. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    I think diversity is important from a lot of perspective. First, everybody learn how to adapt each other the way they are. With a good teacher, this groups can reach a lot together, they dont need inclusive education. I admit that, there are people who need inclusive education, and they usually have it, and thats the good choise for them. But in general I dont think its good, people from different countries, religions, habits can be really effective together. Moreover its good for the children’s progress. They wont have problems later in life, if meet someone who is not like them. If we talk about the education, what for the parents pay, its a totally different question. I think that happen because of their social level, they think thats the best for the kid, because they heard that. It can be good, but who knows.

  15. As said by poet Wiliam Cowpers, “ Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor.” We can apply this idea to education. We can mix all different students from different countries, cultures, talents, intelligences or abilities in a class. This provides students a lot of opportunities to learn, think, respect , and practise. They learn to appreciate diversity. And the most significant benefit of it is that it helps students overcome their personal and cultural biases.It provides them a lot of experiences and knowledge and different sorts of worldviewss that takes normally a lot of time.
    Children also develop friendship and learn social skills. Students with and without disabilities learn from each other. It increases appreciation and acceptance of individual differences.
    Simply speaking, this article touches upon a very good point containing a message that spice up classes with diversity and let them learn together.

  16. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    My opinion is that the inclusion of children with special needs it is very useful…as well as individuals obtain experience in establishing social contact with their peers.
    The advantage of this is that children in the class obtain experience working with people who have special needs, which is an invaluable experience for each individual, because we usually can not even imagine what kind of problems and needs can other people have. It also helps children for their future life, as their more positive relationship to all kind of «diversity».

  17. Diversity is very important for every society and we can categorize the school is also a small society. Every child in the world has the right to learn, school is for everybody. I know that it is very difficult for a teacher to have in his/her classroom students with disabilities or immigrants, who may don’t even know the language. The other students learn easier and sometimes it is really hard to offer all students equal opportunities at learning. But sometimes it may turn into an advantage of multicultural and equal society. I believe that all students can take advantage of being in an heterogeneous classroom. They learn first of all to be tolerant, to accept different culture, habits and opinions, to collaborate with other children who have different religion, language, point of view. They can also learn to help other children. This helping may improve the awareness of children ffor their environement and their emotions. They are all getting ready to face the reality.

  18. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Inclusive education is perfect name for this appoach. Student learns the worldview from student who has different social background while he is learning from teacher. so the act of learning has two dimensions: the first one is between student and teacher, the second one is between student and student. That’s why it is inclusive. By doing this, if we can, people will have tolarence against each other regarding their worldview. But the question is how we diversify students? Do we diversify just taking into account their cultural background, their colour of skin, religious aspect, their being disabled or not? or do we diversify them regarding economical background? I think the biggest gap between people generally derives from economical background. If we can handle it, without doubt, this approach will be the best. In practice, we should do it punctiliously.

  19. I´m not sure but is education not even a human right? So why we have to discuss about it? Of course every child in this world need a good education. They shouldnt be treathen by theiy skin colour, their sex, their religion or what else. But unfortunately it is not possible for every child in this wold. The cliff between poor and rich are two different… Very important is also to learn together with disabilitys. So the other children learn social skills and become more tolerate! It´s not bad for the children. They don´t have disadvantages, they dont will learn less beacuse there is one child wih a wheelchair in the class!!?! This is important for the live, for socila skills for learing tolerance!

  20. I think this article it’s really interesting and inclusive education i think it’s a really interesting way to educate the children. Inclusive education is about looking at the ways our schoolsIn my point of view one of the most important principles of inclusive education is that no two learners are alike, and so inclusive schools place great importance on creating opportunities for students to learn and be assessed in a variety of ways.
    Teachers in inclusive schools therefore must consider a wide range of learning modalities so it’s probably the best way for the students for learning.

  21. I am definetly in favour of inclusive education. It is about trying to remove barriers that exclude students within their respective situation which I consider as very important. This model supports tolerance between the students as they learn together in one classroom no matter of their gender, ethnic backround, religion, age, financial background or disability or non-disability etc.
    However, I also think that the realization of such an educational system requires a lot of recources and changes in order to be a beneficial and succesful model, which is also mentioned in the article. I personally see some aspects as especially critical: Apart from the needed recources, the teachers need a special training in order to be able to manage a diversed class and perhaps one teacher is not sufficient to teach a class with a very diferent academic range. These are some aspects that should be considered talking about inclusive education.

  22. I think this is a great concept. In my opinion the benefits of inclusive education are numerous for both students with and without disabilities. We forget about the students in the middle while we focus on the children at the extreme ends of the spectrum. We have provisions that ensure the gifted students excel, students low performance get additional instruction, and students with disabilities receive needed supplements. However, the solid c students arent challenged or supported to become a or b students. If more schools used an inclusive approach it would insure that ALL students were able to maximize their learning potential.

  23. The idea of inclusion seems wonderful and is the only right choice if we want to ensure equal rights of all children to education. I know that a lot of experts in this area seeks to ensure the successful inclusion as much as possible, but the reality is unfortunately often different, at least in our country. I believe that inclusion can only be successful if there are all the elements that provide optimal development and progress in learning of children. We need to focus on teachers and their work, we must equip them with the necessary skills if we want the inclusion to be successful and will work as it should, otherwise we only harm children. In our country there is a new field of study which I am also studying, which deals with children with special needs, but at the end of the first stage of the Bologna system unfortunately we are unemployable. It is expected from us to continue studies in the second stage and become special educators, which in most cases works in special schools or institutions for children with severe disabilities. In fact teachers in regular schools are those who really need help, because they lack this kind of skills. I think we would be a great help for teachers, because already after the first stage we are very well equipped with the necessary knowledge in relation to adaptations and providing assistance to children with special needs and in this way the idea of inclusion would really work.

  24. Inclusive education is very important in school life. Diversity is needed in schools because school is not just about education but about making friendships and learning new skills. Children should also be learning social skills when they are in school so the school curriculum should expand to include activities to help the child grow as a person. In schools today there are many different cultures and all these cultures have different beliefs and values. Inclusive education is very important as it should take into account these nationalities. Inclusive education can help to make all different cultures more open-minded and help them to learn more about each other and this will be very beneficial when taught to younger children.

  25. Everybody has the same right to get the best education. I think that inclusive education is a very good concept. Like I said everybody deserve eductacion it doesn’t matter from which country you are, if you have some disability or not. I also think that in Poland we should have more classes where children with disabilities can learn with helthy children. I think that it’s very important for both groups. It would teach them how to be tolerant. I also with that it would be good to have multiculturalism in school as a basic after all every child wants to learn something.

  26. mert yilmaz ozbas dice: Responder

    inclusive education is based on the simple idea that every child and family is valued equally and deserves the same opportunities and experiences. Inclusive education is about children with disabilities whether the disability is mild or severe, hidden or obvious participating in everyday activities, just like they would if their disability were not present. It’s about building friendships, membership and having opportunities just like everyone else.All children learn different ways.All children benefit from inclusive my opinion the most important benefit is »Develop friendships with a wide variety of other children, each with their own individual needs and abilities»

  27. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    Due to globalization and migration processes we are living in a multicultural world, and so we also have classrooms with a high diversity. There are lots of students with various backgrounds, origins, with different social status, perhaps with disabilities. But, as the text says, inclusion is a human right and a really important basis for an efficient living together in this complex world. It´s really important for children to learn from a young age to respect diversity and to interact directly with other cultures, children with disabilities, etc., because this is a normal part of life. So they already learn very important values for their future and can help to create a better world, with the same rights for everyone. But it´s also true that this model of education needs special attention, media and resources to work in a successful way.

  28. The right of every child on education is a basic one for me. The Inclusive Education is a very good concept, in my opinion. Children may not be selected by skin color, social rang order and maybe not even age. Every child is different and some need more attention, or a different way of learning, than other children. Not every child is able to learn in the same way and at the same speed. So why would it be that important to make children stay with the same age. It is important, if we think about bullying… But that’s another question.
    In my opinion, the diversity has to be present in every education. It is such a reflection of the society that it can’t be missing in the children’s education! It will learn them to be tolerant and be tolerated. And this caused solidarity and respect, what this world lacks.

  29. I think that everyone has the right to an equal education. I think that the concept of diversity includes recognition and admiration. It means understanding that each individual is different and unique. From my experience of attending a multi-denominational secondary school, I saw that the students including myself developed an understanding of the perspectives of the students from different backgrounds and we learned how to function in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment. For the case in Ireland, where public schools are becoming more diverse, demands increase to find the most effective ways to help all students succeed academically as well as learn to get along with each other. In particular, I think that teachers are faced with the challenge of making instruction and should strive to create an environment where all children feel valued and where all children can learn. I think that in this day in age it is great to see diversity in a school. It also means that children are learning more about new cultures. I think that this can bring people together and share common goals. I also think it is important to give everyone an equal education, not to favourite one culture over another. In this way everyone is treated equally. This equality and diversity are critical to an effective learning experience

  30. Without doubt every human being deserves a chance to be educated. It doesn’t matter what skin color do you have, what is the country that you come from, what religion do you belong to… Each of us is different but should be treated equally and we should have the same rights Teachers cannot favour one group of pupils over another. In Poland there are some classes which has integrative groups, pupils with some special needs are in the same class that pupils without disabilities. For me is really important case, we should have more and more integrative classes, it should become common in every school. But is also really important to have well-prepared teachers for ‘special’ groups. They must to teach their students how to be tolerant and understanding to other cultures. In my opinion, diversity in schools will cause that children will be more open-minded and for sure it will helps them throughout life.

  31. We live in a society of diversity, regarding every part of life for example religion, culure or values. Due to this, of course diverity has to be respected in education, since education forms the foundation of our society.
    For this, the concept of inclusion has brought the discussion a lot forward. We don’t need to talk about the equality of rights for everybody. That should be refarded as a matter of course. But like stated in the text, it’s easy to talk about something and agree about it. The difficult part is the realization. And this is where we still have a lot of problems. To bring this forward, it is important to keep this topic a matter of discussion untill finally enough resources ar provided and it has adapted to all parts of soceity.

  32. Variety is really important for our schools and for the education. I think that it is not forced enough until now but that it is already better than 10 or 20 years ago. Fact is, that everybody can learn from everybody and if in one class are a lot of different children from different cultures, they automatically learn something about different cultures and that is, of course, a great thing because then the children will become open minded. Furthermore, I think disabled people should attend to normal schools because they are part of our society. Of course, it is not always possible but if it is, it would be great because children get in contact with disabled people and they will build their own opinion about them. Disabled people would be more integrated in our society and I really think that we can learn a lot of them. So for me, variety should be forced more.

  33. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    I always strongly believe that ‘diversity’ is the keyword in education. A good teacher should know how to manage it. Before that, he/she has to know it. Being aware of these differences doesn’t mean discriminiation. It requires the best using of it. Now I’m thinking about diversity with the concept of inclusive education and it gets more importance. I believe that everybody has the same right to get education. If they don’t have special health issues or special capacity problems, it is not right to educate students seperately. Everyone needs to have perception that some of the people are tall, some of them are short, some of them thin, some of them are not able to walk or not able to use a part of his body, some of them have white skin and etc. These are must be a normal part of life, so a part of education. If we can make them all a part of education when they are all in the process of learning, then there will be no discrimination in social life and in future life.

  34. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    In Austria we have a high immigration rate and therefore there are a lot of different cultures in every school and in nearly every class. Some do think that this has a negative impact on Austrian students. But I think that you can really benefit from having different cultures in one classroom. As a teacher you can use that quiet well. For instance in Geography, it will be more interesting for the children if they learn how the countryside etc. look like where someone of the class is from. Or you can compare the different customs of other countries with your home country etc. There are a lot of things you can do in integrated the children with other religions and customs. Also the students are more promoted when they have to help students from other countries who do not speak our language. I think that’s the best way to learn, if you have to show and explain another student how this and that works or why this and that is so etc. It`s not a problem at all. I think we are now in a century where this happens everywhere, people should utilize this as a way to learn new things.

  35. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    I dont totaly agree with the article about inclusive education. When I’m looking to my own classes that I have teached in the last few years I haven’t noticed any discussion about discrimination.
    I have teached a lot of incultural classes and I think it’s better for a child to go directly in his class that he belongs in. I think this is the best way to intergrate with other cultures.
    I think a teacher also has to be capable of teaching in different levels, and besides that I think that the children who are more intelligent can be a support to the others. So when I’m all saying this I’m thinking the teachers should really learn how to support those levels in every class.

  36. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    Everyone should have the same right to education. Other religion, culture, skin color or disability doesn’t make a man worse or less capable. That’s why diversity in schools should be something natural. Sometimes people are afraid of contact with people of other cultures or with people with some sort of disability, but i think that happens only because they never had an opportunity to be with them in one environment. We spend a large part of our lifes in the school, so it should be a place, which teach us tolerance, respect and openness. We should be taught from the child how to live together in the one society, and i’m convinced that it will helps us to adopt the appropriate attitude, not only in the school or our country, but in every place in the world, in which we will have an opportunity to be in the future.

  37. I agree with this article. Inclusive education is about looking at the ways our schools, classrooms, programs and lessons are designed so that all children can participate and learn. Inclusion is also about finding different ways of teaching so that classrooms actively involve all children. It also means finding ways to develop friendships, relationships between all children, and between children and teachers in the school.
    Inclusive education is not just for some children. Being included is not something that a child must be ready for. All children are at all times ready to attend regular schools and classrooms.
    Inclusive education is a way of thinking about how to be creative to make our schools a place where all children can participate. Creativity may mean teachers learning to teach in different ways or designing their lessons so that all children can be involved.
    As a value, inclusive education reflects the expectation that we want all of our children to be appreciated and accepted throughout life. This is the right of all children.

  38. The school environment is one of the most important factors who will influence us and our behavior in the future. The pupils spent in the school most of their childhood that why is so important to make it the most accessible. The curriculum’s diversity is depending on many aspects including class schedule, the approach of the teachers, connection between the lessons and the pupils, students free activities between the lessons, the creativity of the teachers, flexibility of the classes and many others. I think that the most important thing is to make a school interesting for the students and be open-mind for a new technologies. I can read in many articles that the freedom is the key. But here i would be really careful. How was said before to have some basic rules and to know what is admissible and what is not is decisively obligatory.

  39. In the present day world this is an avoidable fact that we meet diverse people almost every day: diverse because of the religion, nationality, color of skin, environment. In the era of globalization, migration this will be more and more common phenomenon.
    That is why this is really important to know people from as many countries, religion as possible. The same situation is when it goes about children with some disabilities. We cannot cut ourselves off from something and someone who is different that we are. We need to learn ourselves to have a respect to everyone no matter what nationality, religion, environment or anything else.

  40. What is the purpose of education? It’s main purpose is «educate people». It’s purpose is to provide people a good future. So, why are people interested in their skin’s colours, their religions or their nationalities ? I think education is universal and it shouldn’t be related with nationality, racism, religion, color of your skin, disabilities or anything else. So, I think everybody has the right of education. Well, I totally support that every child and everybody should have the same rights in education. Disabilities are not a problem for education. If we differentiate them from us, it won’t be fair. Finally, I want to say that everybody has the same rights and we should support each other.

  41. Inclusive education is important, we must have an inclusive education in schools to provide all students regardless of background or disability an equal education . Unfortunately , this is often just fine words and you don´t see it in reality.
    Many schools in Sweden does not have the right resources to be able to have an inclusive education when it comes to , for example, migrant children . These children should start directly in «regular» classes even though they do not speak the language. This is for them to be included in society and the new school. But Unfortunately, this becomes an exclusion when the teacher has 24 other children to teach simultaneously and don´t have the time to include this kids.
    Inclusion in schools is one of the most important things . We just have to find a way to make it work for all children in reality. But in the process of inclusion , it is important not to forget the differences and diversity in the classes. Diversity creates a better understanding and greater knowledge of different cultures , disability and other inequalities. Diversity enriches the school!

  42. Diversity in education should be a normal situation for everyone. When young children from the begging of their education start to acclimate to children with special needs, this children would not feel like a weird people. Because many people are not accustomed to spend time with them. But I believe that the step to hire or study with them is a key. It is also a way of teaching children how to behave, lesson of tolerant, patient. They are as normal as we are, they shouldn’t be separate from us. It is a great schooling for teachers, for parents, adults who have never been taught this.

  43. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    This article was really interesting and had a lot of good points. I got so many thoughts, I don’t know where to start!
    In Sweden we always talk a lot about the multicultural classroom and diversity. We have a lot of immigrants in Sweden and there are always different discussions about this. We are all different with different experiences and as you said in the article. We have to respect this, different cultures has different way of seeing of things, for example on sexual education as you wrote.
    In our university we talk about to reflect on our different lectures and classes, it’s important to pay attention to the diversity in the classroom.
    I recently read an article (Elmeroth, 2006) about this for my Swedish university project and sometimes in Sweden we are so «obsessed» to treat everyone equal and include everyone that we’re getting blind to the diversity in the classroom. And everyone should be treated equal, of course, but we all are different and has to be treated from our personality. It’s very interesting to read about this, since the teachers who get’s «blind» actually just want the classroom to be equal and has good thoughts behind his/hers actions…
    I personally think it’s an asset to have a classroom with diversity, and if you’re handling it in the right way both the pupils and teachers will grow to better persons with knowledge, respect and understanding.

  44. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    The system of integration in austria is a very good example, that’s the reason why the topic inclusion is already very popular. The implementation from this huge project is very difficult. Inclusive education is a idealistic and nearly an Utopia idea. It would be so great if we could realize it in all our schools, but ressources are absent. We would need much more personal, especially with the knowledge of different languages, to have the possibility to teach the motherlanguage from the pupils. Another topic is, that all the children should be able to have a individual curriculum, it’s impossible, that one teacher create more ore less 25 curriculums. The third point is that the majority of schools have to less space and materials to carry into effect the idea in the best way. But of course, teachers should try to change over the idea of inclusion as good as it is possible. Methods of open instruction for exampe give the children much more space, to learn in an individual way.

  45. In my own experience I attended a multi-denominational secondary school where students from different cultures and countries attended. I think that the more cultures in a school the better because it is very interesting to learn things about different cultures. Education shouldn’t be complete without multicultural especially since it teaches us valuable life skills it’s important for teachers to research cultures extremely thoroughly before teaching their students about them. It’s also good for administrators to encourage teachers to have speakers talk to the class so students can connect to someone else of that particular cultural background. In a multicultural environment, students, teachers, and other educators learn to accept people from different backgrounds. Teaching with this perspective promotes the child’s sense of the uniqueness of his own culture as a positive characteristic and enables the child to accept the uniqueness of the cultures of others.

  46. Diversity within classrooms is an extremely important factor within education, I recall my experience in high school as an interesting and diverse one. With the rich presence of other cultures, this enabled me to learn things not taught within a classroom, it also taugh me patience and understanding of other cultures and religions etc. the presence of diversity allows for A more interesting classroom environment with more opinions from further afeild. With the rich diverse world that we love in today with a heavier presence than ever from different cultures segregated school would not allow a feeling of community and links between different cultures. Diversity helps to bring people together and the classroom curriculum helps to give everyone a common ground. Giving everyone the equal educational and equal rights enables a more level playing field which presents the opportunity of people helping other people.

  47. Education through diversity is the best way forward in my opinion when educating future generations. I feel that parents and guardians should be able to choose how their children are educated, Christian schools, Jewish schools, Muslim schools ect. But using hindsight this does not create an environment that accepts people with differences and allows them to interact freely in a way that would be best suited to the current world we live in. Perhaps secularism is the way forward. If we are to fully become an inclusive world with free exchanges of information and ideas then educating all our children together is the way forward. «If we continue to do what we have always done, then we will continue to get what we have always got.» This is not working in this current society as there is too much exclusion of certain groups of people from the main stream which as we have seen sadly in the media often results in violence.

  48. Religion may be presented as part of a secular educational program. Programs that «teach about religion» are geared toward teaching students about the role of religion in the historical, cultural, literary and social development of the United States and other nations. These programs should instill understanding, tolerance and respect for a pluralistic society. When discussing religion in this context, religion must be discussed in a neutral, objective, balanced and factual manner. Such programs should educate students about the principle of religious liberty as one of the fundamental elements of freedom and democracy in the United States.

  49. I believe that in today’s society every individual should be free and have the choice to gain a high quality education. Education faculties should not have the power to decide to choose which individuals get the opportunity or not. Basing entrance criteria on personalities is very risky in my opinion. Some people may put on a brave face for an interview bit actually turn out quite the opposite from the they originally proposed eg lazy, poor attenders etc. Humans develop at different rates. I feel university for example has made me a much stronger person with an outgoing personality I never had before and without the opportunity to go to university I would still be my same old self or at least not as advanced as I am today. We learn a lot from our peers around us, environments are very important. Having classrooms full if children from all corners of the globe is a classroom that has very rich diversity. Teachers and schools love this type of environment, one that can help young children interact with many different cultures and resulting in the children growing up with a much better appreciation for different people. This is exactly what helps develop skills and personalities at a young age. Diversity and equal opportunities are critical to a successful learning experience.

  50. Education should be inclusive of diversity.I think the main purpose of education is to prepare multi-faceted thinking.This coming together of different people from all directions can be created.So mainstream education.Language, religion, color, sex is to create a free environment without jags.Many people have experienced this situation in the school year.
    Because I have not been able to solve this situation in the education system, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries.Person’s conscience remains.But in this case I think we can start by eliminating defects in the education system first.Then your heart must open our eyes.They also need to realize that different from us.And we must support them in every way.

  51. Everyone should has equal right to get a proper education. Nowadays when the world became smaller than ever it is even more important to learn how to co-operate with people from different cultures and countries. I think that it would be great if in every school we could find such kind of a diversity because when children learn from the beginning that for example different colour of skin is normal we will avoid the problem of discrimination in the future. Of course I consider that it is much easier to do so, or to get used to that in multicultural countries such as Great Britain. However I think that soon almost in every bigger city all over the world diversification by a culture is going to be a usual thing thanks to migrations of the people.

  52. I think it is a really good thing that schools find nowadays inclusive education so important, because it’s a topic that is so crucial in our time. It’sso fundamental that schools, classes and teacher adapt to the needs of children.
    In Austria we are on a good way to just do that, but we are not there yet. Sure, we learn in our university courses that we have to include pupils in the lessons as best as you can do and it’s really easy to say just that, but the real life in school is a little bit different than the theory in university. I saw of course many teacher who tried their best to include special-needs-children in the lessons as best as they could, but it’s not that easy.
    But just the thought that we want to do that is the right way, I think, and maybe sometime in the future it’s really as easy as it sounds in theory today.

  53. What I like about exclusive education is the idea of all the students working together. It is important in the times where there are so many immigrants in most of the countries, their children may often have problems with adapting to a different society and may experience bullying because of the different look or behaviour. Inclusive education could be a help in teaching children tolerance, helping each other, dealing with cultural and social differences,
    getting to know other cultures and views of the world. It is also important to provide the activities that will be suitable to everybody. Of course, there are not many activities that can be enjoyed by literally everybody but, for instance, there might be three or five things to choose from. Such an approach would foster inclusive education.

  54. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I have heard of Inclusive education before but have only came across it briefly therefore it was not referred to as ‘inclusive education’ at that time. Nonetheless I really like the concept as it gives children of all abilities, races, religions, different cultural backgrounds, etc, the right to an equal and unbiased education. When I first came across this type of education I felt that it was really incorporating multiculturalism into education systems, and also managing to teach young humans how to live in a multicultural society.

    Furthermore Inclusive education is all about educating equally, and not focusing on the negative aspects of those who are different but teaching students that differences can be good and that we should embrace them. This is important for those who have a different learning style or need, i.e. autism or dyslexia.

    I believe if equality is encouraged then those who have been taught this from a young age will carry this mentality with them throughout their lives.

  55. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    Everyone have the discretion to study. In each school, teachers should respect able-bodied and disabled students. It is important to integrate children in one school, so that they can learn something more. They learn to acceptance of their peers and how to deal with other people even if it differs from ourselves. Tolerance and acceptance is very important feelings that accompany us in life. If children do not learn them in school among their peers, later will not be able to function properly in the environment. The problem lies in people who can not accept other people. But they think that the problem lies in a person who has a disability. The need is also more teachers who will provide the appropriate values ​​in integrated schools. Unfortunately, many of them are not suitable to work in the school.

  56. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    Inclusive education is an obligatory for every society. There are some countries that are not able to provide it though. Nonetheless, it doesn’t change the fact that education is for everyone. Every single person needs education without problems. Also it is for the people from every region. It should be taught to every student from their childhood, by their families or in school. Also diversity is about this, exactly. It is not only important because it is a right of every person, but also it is benefical for everybody to have different ideas about different people. Everybody can listen to each other and give importance to their ideas. They can realize that there are many different lives in this world. Different people, different cultures and different lifestyles are maintaining, it is important to understand them.

  57. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    I come form the country which is still not very used to another nations, and you can’t speak about the religion. In Czech Republic we are having a big problems with xenophobia and racism last years. And many sociologists, antropologists or philosophers agree one thing – that the government is not taking proper steps against it. So in schools you can see often hostility against the Muslims or gypsys. Well, there are not so many Muslims, actually. And you can see this hostility, because children hear it at home and so they také it with them to their lives. In general in Czech Republic people are afraid of Muslims. When I went to the subject European integration with some Erasmus guys in Prague, they were telling me that : Jeees, some guys here are really racists and blinkered here. Well of course not everybody. But I think that schools should prevent this confined thinking.

  58. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    Firstly, in the world possible to some differences such as race, beliefs, cultures, religions, traditions etc. Against them we can live together. This world is not just for one religion or one race. It is for all of us. Actually, we encounter discrimination in different part of life. Because of that against discrimination, we need break down prejudice. In education, especially schools, institutions responsible about it. And if we say definition of school that place to learning, communication within varieties of possibilities. And on the other hand, inclusive education related diversity. It include some points such as comprehensive approach in learning. Also, no discrimination to anyone about disability, gender or culture. All of students should have some right of access. Another point, each children should be access to education. Because of that families must not to discrimination between childrens. And some girls don’t access to right of education because of that their families in some countries. As a result, inclusive education is not related just education also it related social reasons. It means create more equal situation in each area of life. It provide to live with all of diversity by peacefully.

  59. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    Diversity has both great advantages and disadvantages. When people come from different countries, religions or culture then they have different ideas about the world. If they would work together, they would have totally different ideas. In the end, it would be a great benefit for everyone. However, when people have different backgrounds and lifestyles it can be hard for them to understand eatch other. Then we would have a problem for toleration because not everyone tolerates and understands different things. People do not come to schools for just learning. Children also learn how to communicate and form relantionships with other people. Now I live in Spain and I have noticed that for instance, Turkish people tend to hang out with other Turkish people, or French people mostly talk with other French. Most of them still prefer their own countrymen. What is more, not every country has to deal with diversity. Many countries are not multicultural and many people of certain countries share certain beliefs and values.

  60. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    As said in the article, we should give more attention to inclusive education and to diversity as a system need. Inclusion and diversity in education are concerned with the issue of human rights. So, the quality of a school can be decided on its level of inclusion of diversity within a system, by recognizing the rights and needs of special students. The culturally inclusive school is based on many aspects which the normal schools lack. These are based on appreciation and respect towards diversity and ethical values. Of course this type of institution requires more trained staff, more finances and inclusive curricular policies. I like much the concept that school is not a place for only academic learning, but a meeting point for different realities, their relationships, exchange and communication. Therefore, the practice is important to involve as many social groups as possible in one academic institution, because that is what students will experience in real life. From my personal experience, I was a student at secondary school in Italy. In class I was the only student with migrant background and I was still not able to communicate in the language. However, I was always given the chance to discuss with Italian students and got special organized sessions for me to learn the language. Moreover, the school organization was made in a way to make students like me, and with other differences, to always feel part of the school community.

  61. School for each student should be able to create individual learning environment and broaden their opportunities, regardless of skin color or disability. These individuals outside different look or inability motor are just like we, have needs, feelings, need friendship, care and concern. After that, participation in the educational environment of people from diverse backgrounds, leading to a common integration, common bonds and destroying stereotypes. The educational system, education and the science, should bring together people with different views, different culture, religion. Together, we work on projects and be a later exhibit and develop common ideas, ideologies and intentions.

  62. During my studies of social work I met a lot of disabled people in the university that were not distinguished or marked because of their disabilities, in fact they were accepted as equal to others. Just because one is blind, deaf or in a wheel chair is not any less than the others. I don’t think they are deprived as many people would think. I think people who feel sorry for them and don’t try to get to know them are deprived. Deprived of not knowing these human beings that might seem different at the first look, but at the end of the day they are same us the rest of us! We should learn from them instead of looking at them from above or feeling sorry for them as many people do. That’s not what they would want. The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

  63. I couldn’t agree more to this article about including education; a school where is a place for learning, exchange, relationship, communication and meeting with different realities and multiple possibilities.
    During my high school I noticed several contradictions; there was space for communication, learning, different realities, but there was no space for ‘different cultures or religions’ even though there were plenty of them, we couldn’t express them and people with a different skin-color weren’t welcome. It was a ‘white school’.
    The school was located in the suborns of a big city in The Netherlands, we were located between a Muslim school and a ‘black school’; it created many conflicts which I really hated. I hated the fact that my school didn’t welcomed different cultures and didn’t gave us the change for diversity, exchange and understanding.
    During my study period at the University, I chose for a very diverse study, with many diversity; different cultures, religions, realities etc. Diversity got a lot of attention during my study period, which created understanding, exchange and learning situations. I’ve learnt a lot from this, like we do know in this exchange period. You learn more about the world, you learn more about different views and ideas, which I think is important for the creativity for the world.
    I woud like to see only included education, because I think separated education like ‘white schools’, ‘men/women-schools’ are only creating trouble and misunderstanding.

  64. I think it is very important to teach kids these ground principles. Even more important then teaching languages. It is known there in countries with many diffrent nationalities and relegions there are also more probems and fights and all. So if that is solved and we have a mutual respect for one anonother we save money in the end and we can have a proper society with less police and more possibilities for education or social help in our own and other countries.

  65. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    I think that inclusive education is a very important part of education programme because everyone should have the same possibility to study. It should no matter if you are poor, black or white, handicapped, with some disabilities or no. Everyone should have the same rights and same access to education. That means we needs some reforms in school system. The society create the social barriers so also the society should help those disabled people to become a part normal life. Very often the architecutre of the buildings is first big barrier. Schools, and universities and other places should be adapted for handicapped people. There is a a lot of children that have some special education needs, but it doesn’t mean that they are not able to study. Education system should be prepared for every type of children, because some of them just need more time to get some things. Teachers should be able to take care of pupils with some disabilites. School is the place where we should learn how to live togheter in the society, learn the tolerance, that we are different but it doesn’t mean that some of us are worse than others.

  66. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    as stated in the universal declaration of human rights of all people are born equal and have equal rigts. so all people have an equal right to this case it is impossible to think of students with every child, get a quality education , they are right in. inclusive education is already required.inclusive education must this. all individuals should receive equal education without language, relıgıon, racıal dıscrımınatıon.
    ıf children have special needs, they get traınıng ın prıvate scools. thıs ıs theır most natural. we’s(educators) mıssıon is provide equal educatıonal opportunıty to chıldren .

  67. Asuman ŞİMŞEK dice: Responder

    No matter what the conditions are, inclusive education can be applied or should be applied in schools. First of all, creating an atmosphere which includes ever students is huge step for educational innovation. With the help of this kind of education, everybody in class has the unique rights and they can easily figure out their needs, they can freely improve their personalities not only in education process but also in relationships with other people. I am sure if they are discriminated, they won’t discriminate anybody because of their culture, disability, language etc. Actually, inclusive education being available for every students can be more beneficial than people think. By applying this education, we don’t only bring away the discrimination but also we call forth to good social atmosphere with new technologies, new innovations, more precious education and creative students. To me, inclusive education could solve lots of problem. If new generation are educated according to inclusive education general framework, we can remove differentiation from root because it is really unfair that distinguish a student who has different language or has disability or different values from others. No matter what type talent they have students should be treated equally especially in classroom.

  68. An inclusive school might be the key to a peacefull multikulural society, where everyone respects each other no matter of disability, language or origin.
    This school give the opportunity for children to be in a heterogeneous environment, where they can meet and be friends with all kinds of people.
    With a little help of the teachers they can maybe destroy racist prejudices, which are often procured by the family or social environment.
    This school also gives the opportunity for the children to help and learn from each other, children with disabilities can get help from other children and in this way a disability might discontinue to be a social stigma.

  69. How many friends with a diffrent skincolor than yours do you have?

    How many wheelchair users do you know and meet regulary?

    Are there good reasons for a sex- or genderbased seperation in classes?
    I couldn’t imagine one!

    I plead for more diversity in all societal classes. In schools, in universities, in companies and yes, even in your peer group.
    There is something you can do about it!

    Open your eyes, open your arms and experience personal gain & enrichment.

  70. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    I think that the diversity at schools a good thing. Every person in general is a unique and different from others. Working and studying together with others leads us into making new ideas. That is why the diversity is good. The important goal should be how to make everybody to want to share their ideas and not to be afraid of failure. In doing this, every person will starts to feel that he is important and his minds and knowledge can be a part of development process. Diversity is good because it makes people to think more widely, it shows one thing from many different aspects. It creates more and makes us to grow more and more.

  71. Like it is said in the article, i am also of the opinion that inclusion in schools, which means unconditional acces to education for all children, is not only necessary but also is a human right. The educational studies at most of the german universities have already been incorporated the inclusion as an important topic of their contents, so that for example in my university i am studying a combined master’s degree of primary and special education. A far bigger problem in the realization of inclusion in german schools is an adequate funding, because the government is not providing enough financial and personal resources to the schools, so that teachers have the same class size and the same amount of lessons as always, but at the same time are facing totally new fields of duties. The actual situation in germany consequently is, that many teachers are overextended and thus consider inclusion as a liability and not (as it should be) as an enrichment for everyone.

  72. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    It is a good thing that schools want to change and adapt to the needs of all children.
    In Poland, this topic of inclusive education is still very controversial. People creates various types of barriers, such as social for example. I think we should try to incorporate persons with disabilities into society. All children are different, some learn quickly, others need more time. What is needed in schools is the flexibility and personal attention to the students. The experience of many countries shows that children with disabilities don’t require special methods they can learn through clear and good methods, such as for example the method of projects…

  73. Nowadays all people should get good education, because of the human rights, but we know that education system depends on the country‘s economy. In countries where economy is good, education is also on the high level, and the opposite effect is in the third-world countries. Inlcusive education depends in these things, and only greatest’s countries can afford this kind of education. But the article is not about that. Childrens with disabilities also must have chance to live normal life, and society should help for them. In my country normal school for people with dissabilities is forbidden, and they should attend other kind of school – where is only people with disabilities. They‘re like in the zoo, because they can‘t contact with normal people (i‘m not saying that staff is not normal people) and they‘re always in the eye of the staff, to take care of them. This way they can‘t learn new things from normal life. I think inclusive education is a good chance to make a better life to people with disabilities, because they worth for it.

  74. One of the problems in todays society is the failure to provide a wide range of diversity in education. People from many different countries and cultures recieve education for different reasons. Unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to the same level of education, if any. Some things are chosen at birth and cannot be changed, such as nationality and wealth. I think by teaching new generations about cultural diversity and disabılities that it will reduce the gap between many people and lead to a greater understanding of others. The world needs to focus on these type of projects to make the world a better place and improve opportunities for everyone. If enough consideration is given to these kind of projects the level of education will be higher.

  75. Every individual is entitled to equal rights and one of these rights is the right to equal education. I think that it should be inclusive education in the school system. İnclusive education is very difficult. İnclusive education requires a lot of patience for teachers and student’s family. Teachers have to need to check both the regular students and mainstreaming students at the same time. when inclusive education requirements are not fulfilled, it may do more harm than benefit. İn order to implement the faultless to inclusive education ,mainstreaming students should be well recognized and typical characteristics of these students should be identified. The planning should be individualized in mainstream education because of mental development of each student is different. Inclusive Education application is very useful for students who intellectual disabilities. Because the goal is to provide these children social cohesion in society. I think this topic is responsible for all members of society.

  76. I truly believe in Inclusive education. By having a class of mixed ability children learning can be increased in many ways. Higher ability children will be able to scaffold learning for children of lower ability’s. Children can work in groups supporting, modelling and pushing one another to higher standards. I also strongly believe in the importance of every child believing they are equal. I was told that in some countries children with special educational needs are taken out of their classroom and put into one class with a variety of other children throughout the school also with special educational needs, with little support. To me this seems bizarre as these children are not given the same opportunities as the rest and therefore not treated equally. I believe in the importance of keeping a class of different abilities together and as a teacher differentiated work and supporting all individual children in different ways. Every child no matter what their ability should have the same opportunities in education to succeed.

  77. I agree with the ideas and thoughts put in this article. Education is not only about studying, children have to go to school to learn how to communicate, to learn about other cultures, different people and equality of every person, by the way that is the reason why I don’t support homeschooling and why I support the idea of inclusive school we shouldn’t separate children into some kind of labels – rase, country, religion etc. From early days children should know from where they are, who they are, who they believe in, but respect others who don’t believe in the things you do or look different than you, children have to understand that all these things aside we all are human.
    Talking about collaboration, I think in schools there should be more group-work, pair –work based tasks, because we should understand that a team/group of people working together can accomplish things bigger, faster more effective that one person and it teaches us the value of every person in your life.

  78. In my opinion, school integration idea is quite good. In Poland such class integration has been around for several years. My cousin attends this class integration. From what I know, does not see this as a problem, the teachers often devote more time to the disabled children. Typically, this time giving a «normal» students extra task to do.
    In my opinion kids from such classes teach self-reliance, patience, and also (perhaps most importantly) sensitivity to another man. Often the students themselves help each other, in order to speed up work in the classroom and relieve the teacher.
    I think we need to support the initiatives such as integrated learning, because we have 21 age, where every person is important and is a stand alone unit of society!

  79. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    I really like it the issue included in this article. As I studied previously 5 years Physiotherapy I have large experience with disabled children. Both physically and mentally.
    I know a lot of the these kids, especially the disease infantile cerebral palsy (ICP), which are very intelligent people. It is true that often face such problems in communicating for example: the stuttering (sic), slowed movements, problems with concentration, etc. …
    BUT I know you are very smart kids. Unfortunately, often close-to in his «two wheels» world. Therefore, in such integrated schools can make a lot of relationships with other children, not only on Internet portals but face to face.
    And this is good both of these children with ICP and those healthy to can learn patience and help another to man.

  80. I think that today every person is free, and everyone has rights to get a good education. We cannot choose who will learn in school and who will not look just only on their personality. My opinion is, that is very good when we can make classes where is people from different countries and different cultures. We can learn a lot of things from each other. If would be a lot of these kind of classrooms children will more help each other and show world from different before never seen side. For teachers also this kind of education is more interesting for teaching. Also teachers can learna lot of new things about different cultures.

  81. Inclusive education will be, at least in Germany because it`s already regulated by law that children with disabilities have the right to a place in a ordinary school class as well. This law already is not that popular and it`s being practiced just in few schools but parents of children with disabilities are encouraged and fighting to realize their right.
    I worked in a “inclusion-class” in Germany and I have to say that this project is hard to realize but it`s worth it. It is a high demand for teachers, class maids, other professionals and every other included. I think without any other special educated assistants it`s a nearly impossible for teachers to come up to the defiance of the different needs of children – which is very very different in traditional classes anyways. This new form of education has a lot of positive sites and deserve the hard work which will be necessary to improve this concept which still sticks in its children`s shoes. I think it easily happens that teachers are overstrained because they don`t have the right education for this demands jet. Other professions for example remedial teacher, social workers and other special assistants are needed so it can be guaranteed that the enrichment that we pursue can be reached!

  82. I think that the diversity is the most important thing for education because.Nobady has same talanted,hobby and fears etc.Diversity has got to be increased more.Lessons should be determined according to the child·s interests bu the basic lessons should be obligatory for everybody for example literature, mathematics,geography ect.Each student’s teacher should try to find areas of interest and should be supported. Each student’s own interests must be documents that can develop.students with different interests can share among themselves, the advent of this case supports them. Here how that diversity increases, the yield increases.Schools, teachers, school management, curriculum, etc. children to develop their creativity and diversity that should be organized to support their telented or interest.

  83. At first, I have to admit that I never heard about the idea of inclusive education before.
    But I have to say that I like the idea: All kind of pupils together, helping each other
    learning, not knowing any barriers, which is something they won’t forget later, I think.
    To help each other is great to achieve non-knowledge skills, which are in my opinion very important in life, too.
    But there are other skills that will suffer from this kind of education, since all pupil have different strengths and it’s mammoth task for the teacher to be sensible to help all children, because it’s very likely (for obvious reason) that he focusses on helping disabled (which is good, for sure), but leaves out other pupils, where it’s not that obvious that they need help.

    So all in all, I have to say that it’s very difficult to implement this kind of education, since you’ll need very highly educated teachers and still the learning outcome wouldn’t be the same for all.

  84. In school it is difficult to put to practice a concept of diversity and inclusion, whether it is a question of cultural diversity or integration of persons with disabilities, because there is often no space for it in the timetable. It is hard work, but it is not impossible!
    Teachers need a special education to realize a concept of diversity I think, but that could be part of their professional training. Therefore, it would be necessary to include some cultural studies in the timetable that they can improve their understanding of different cultures and with it the behavior of some children. Children are not as stuck in their opinion as adults and can easily adapt to other people´s culture if they get to know it early enough. School is a good place to encourage children to get to know other cultures and to accept them.

  85. Before reading this article I had never heard of inclusive education but it sounds like an effective type of education. I think inclusive education provides children, of all abilities, races, religions and societies with an unbiased and equal education which I believe is something all kids should have a right to. Inclusive education doesn’t bring children’s differences to the attention of other students in a negative way. Being educated as equals, in an environment free of prejudice, small children learn that they are all treated fairly and equally. If children are taught this way from an early age, this mentality of viewing everyone as equals is more likely to stay with them for life.

  86. If the right to education for all is to become a reality, we must ensure that all learners have access to quality education that meets basic learning needs and enriches lives. Still, today, millions of children, youth and adults continue to experience exclusion within and from education around the world. Education is not simply about making schools available for those who are already able to access them. It is about being proactive in identifying the barriers and obstacles learners encounter in attempting to access opportunities for quality education, as well as in removing those barriers and obstacles that lead to exclusion.

  87. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    Después de leer unos comentarios que estan por debajo del articulo principal, yo también quiero dar mi opinion sobre la inclusión de alumnos con discapacidades a «clases normales». Como estudiante de educación física, ya he observado clases de deporte, en que participaron alumnos con discapacidades. Me parecía genial como todos los alumnos se ayudaban, como los discapacitados recibían ayuda de sus compañeros. Aunque algunos estuvieron sentados en una silla de ruedas, para los otros no existía ninguna diferencia. Estoy cierto de que la participación de estudiantes con discapacidades no distraiga a los demás de aprender más rapido, aunque en cuestión de deporte se tiene que distinguir a veces. Claro que el nivel de un juego de balonmano es diferente entre alumnos activos sin discapacidades. Al otro lado faltarían muchas situaciones que ofrezcan aprendizaje social. Yo creo que en una escuela ese tipo de aprendizaje tiene al minimo el mismo valor que lo de mejorar sus capacidades en cualquier deporte.

  88. Inclusive education brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students.
    Inclusion is an effort to make sure that diverse learners – those with disabilities, different languages and cultures, different homes and family lives, different interests and ways of learning – are exposed to teaching strategies that reach them as individual learners.
    Inclusive schools ask teachers to provide appropriate individualized supports and services to all students without the stigmatization that comes with separation.
    Teachers in inclusive classrooms vary their styles to enhance learning for all students and I think it’s really interesting and effective method of education.

  89. Individuals with special needs are also normal individuals as well as The best way to meet the requirements They are entitled to benefit from educational services.Disabled children, young people and adults taking into account the specific conditions and differences, integrated environments and with non-disabled equal educational opportunity should be provided
    Individuals in need of special education mainstreaming practices with their peers through
    It is essential to continue their education.These students their education with their peers can stay in the same class as in special education classes within schools to be opened can be continued. Inclusive education, psychological, historical, religious, and physical condition should respect differences, etc and everywhere should be inclusive educatinal

  90. I am not sure, what I should think about this topic.
    On one hand, I like the idea of integrated and inclusive shoolsystem, because everyone should have the same chances and certain qualifications. But on the otherhand I am thinking about the problem of kids who are way smarter and faster in learning, they would get bored. If you have disabled people in the clase or to many differences it could happen that this children get more attention than others and this is the problem, because every children needs attention, it doesnt matter how worse or good it is. If there are schools with mixed levels there should be more teachers/educators in a clase to make sure, that everyone gets enough attention.

  91. In my opinion diverisity in school is not something that handicaps the other from learning it is an enrichment for all the pupils and student. In the classes where I was teaching during my internship we had pupils in class who were physically handicapped such as blind pupils but also puils who had learning disabilities. It was so nice to see how the other pupils learned to take care of those who needed it and how they learned from it. I think in a class that is really homogeneous this is a skill which they cannot aquire. To sum up diversity is an incredible enrichment and our society should open up their eyes an see that people with certain disorders or handicaps need to be included because they are part of our life.

  92. Variety is the best thing that we can have. There is no possibility to make school of the same kind of students.. Everyone learns everybody that’s the fact. I think disabled people should attend to normal school because they are part of our society. If we will do like this from the primary school , people will think about disabled as a normals and they will feel that they matters in society. Differences can push people to achive something that other person can do easily and the most improtant thing is that we need to learn tolerance becouse nowadays we have a lack of it. Each one of us want to take different path in life and its only possible because we are not the same as everyone.

  93. Unfortunately in today’s society it would be almost impossible to mix up children of different abilities. I do believe each child has the right to the same education but at what cost? If we were to put all children with different abilities into a class what would happen? For those who may find reading, writing etc more difficult than the rest will be subjected to bullying. Those who learn quicker may become bored or frustrated. The reason for this been they were not brought up in a society where everyone is considered equal. It is an ignorance which they have learned from others. I do believe it is possible but we must begin to teach our children that the differences between people are a positive thing. This way our children will go through life excepting differences making it possible for inclusive education to be a success.

  94. I generally agree to the ideas of inclusive education. For me, it has a lot to do with social learning in school. As it was said in the text, it is about the attention to diversity. At the moment, this is a really big topic for education in Austria, especially when it comes to handicapped or disabled children. Handicapped people have always been separated, hiden and disregarded. Now, for the first time in history, they are included and take part in most schools. It is so important for them, they get to know the children that live in their neighborhoud and because of that they feel like a member of the community. If a child was sent to a special school for hanicapped children, this would not happen, it would automatically turn into an outcast. We can avoid that by including them into ordinary school life. All children get an increased awareness of disabilities and handicaps. So I think, everybody has the advantage from inclusive education.

  95. I was a inclusive child in a kindergarden for disabled people. It’s also possible the other way round to give your disabled child as a inclusive child in a kindergarden for non-disabled children – at least in Germany. I don’t want to miss this memory, even if it’s a bit blurred by the time past by.
    So I’m happy to see that there is a movment for an inclusive learning even in the curriculum / school-system. If there is a big varity of people, it also means that there is a varity of sights and many things to discuss. Sure, the children might have prejudices but if they work togehter, play together and – somehow – spent time together they’ll learn from each other and take benefits. I’d love to see way more pupils in a inclusive school system with a varity of other people, no matter of religion, colour of skin, cultural background or whatever. It’s about understanding each other and toleranz and also about socialise in a changing multicultural society.

  96. In my opinion we live in equal environment, so that means that everyone of us have own right and responsabilities. School is very important environment for students. It is a place where students have to feel safely. Teacher and other school employees can’t sort students. Mostly we live in multicultural society. Students can’t be condemned about they have different minority, religion,views or even they just have learning difficulties. No one can be perfect or similar to other. Each of us have own personality, views. We are who we are and no one environment can’t change this. In school environment includes anyone, there people have to be equal.

  97. H. Rheingold talks about a new economic system, the coming world of collaboration and collective action… Focusing on collaboration is also an important step in strengthening relationships in a school community. Inclusion enhances learning for students, both with and without special needs. Students without special needs can gain a number of important benefits from relationships with their classmates who have special needs. Some of the benefits include friendships, social skills, personal principles and comfort level with people who have special needs because they’ve interacted with them. In inclusive classrooms they often can become more aware of the needs of others. I think that inclusion can maximizes the potential of the majority of students and ensures their rights.

  98. One of the ongoing challenges faced by school teachers at all levels is including students with special needs in regular classrooms. This is a practical guide to working with primary and secondary students who need extra attention because of disabilities or giftedness.The emphasis throughout is on ensuring that students with special needs receive worthwhile educational experiences, without compromising the needs of other students in the classroom.This is a guide for classroom teachers and student teachers rather than for those teachers who have specialist training in working with students with special needs. The strategies the authors provide are well-tested and easy to implement and based on real-life classroom settings.

  99. Diversity is very important for every society and the school is also a small society. Every child in the world has the right to learn, school is for everybody. I know that it is very difficult for a teacher to have in his/her classroom students with disabilities or immigrants, who may don’t even know the language. The other students learn easier and sometimes it is really hard to offer all students equal opportunities at learning. But i strongly believe, that all students can take advantage of being in an heterogeneous classroom. They learn first of all to be tolerant, to accept different culture, habits and opinions, to collaborate with other children who have different religion, language, point of view. They can also learn to help other children. They are all getting ready to face the reality, the society of diversity in the near future.

  100. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    I think that since always, the man has to fight between two things : for himself at first but also for the community. We know that collaboration is the key of success, we can’t achieve all alone (or it is very rare and it depends on the sectors). The men need each other. Even if a person does something for him/herself and on their own, for sure they need a kind of help, at least moral help.
    The notion of inclusive education is very important and even if it is not easy to meet the needs of everyone, we cannot give up and forget the principles of inclusive education.
    To further at once collaboration and individuality is not without difficulties. We have to cooperate taking into account all the different ideas from everyone, coming from everywhere, above all in this time of globalization, where cultures can unfortunately be lost…
    Finally, I found very interesting in the video how the «prisoner’s dilemma» is explained, and how the parallel can be done with different companies, the pricing policy, competition etc. It is not very surprising that this «prisoner’s dilemma» can be used in psychology, economics, or in biology.

  101. Inclusive education is very interesting topic for me the reason why I will become a social worker. It is important that children are familiar with concepts about diversity of races, religions, cultures, ways of thinking, everyday habits, etc. Also, pupils have to be taught to be respectful with people who are different. I think, being different in my country mean, that you are a stranger because citizens are not open mind, do not think out of the box and do not accept diversity.
    I like the concept about collaborative learning, whereas it includes teaching and learning together for example in small children’s groups. It is also opportunity to discuss about one topic and hear other opinions, opportunity to self-develop, opportunity to learn how to deal with conflicts, etc. It is also important that pupils feel save in groups and that they are all heard and taken into account. It is the best training for life the reason why in that way they can be taught how can have good and genuine relationships.

  102. I think this the inclusive school is a very interesting subject! I think it’s important to mix cultures together to achieve more democratic situations and getting respect for other cultures. Kids are learning new things from the way of living from other cultures but also that kids from the same age can be different but also the same as them. They learn a lot of other values and matters and other believes. This is good for the social sense that kids in my opinion needs.

    On the other hand in real life to many cultures in one classroom don’t mix together in my experience. I have been in the Netherlands to a school that was mixed with a lot of cultures, but it was to much for the kids to adept, so they stayed in their own comfort zone. This means they were still with the kids from their country were there come from. I think you totally miss the goal if it goes like this.

    What needs to improve? I think teachers have a really big role in this. They need to talk about the different cultures and make it a subject where kids can talk about too. The kids needs to be and are interested in other countries from their classmates. In my opinion teachers must not assume that the kids will figure it out themselves because they need somebody who leads them to see the right part of a culture. Some kids have already a very strong opinion because the parents have a strong judgement on a certain culture. It’s the teachers job to make a realistic view for the kids and also talk about the differences and the equals. In my opinion this is for the kids very important, because they will know their own and other cultures very well without judgement.

    What i also think is that special schools needs to be special schools in the future as well. I have worked with kids who had really problems with concentrating and respecting the teacher. If you mix those kids with a class with kids who have this under control, they will distract other kids as well. Also for the kids who needs special attention it think it’s much better to have teachers that have more patience and attention for a kid. They see them as single one and not as a group what makes a huge different for a kid who needs more attention and special needs.

  103. Collobration – now it is the right path to development, adding a value to everything what we do. Collobration need to be based on mutual respect. Collobration is one of important tool to increases the productivity in school, thanks to the cooperation students learn how to work in groups, how to listen to each other’s point of view, how to express their views,how to find compromises, etc.

    There is a well know sentence: «Diversity – a law of nature. Tolerance – people sign.» We need to understand that diversity is not a lack but a benefit for a democratic society, which is based on a human.

  104. I think collaborative learning is very important and a very good way of learning. Cultural exchange can be supported and of course understanding for different realitiesin life. At my school we have each year a class where disabled and non-disabled lear and work together. This encourages understanding and social responsibility and buildiung up a good personality. Furthermore many children with different backgorunds visit my type of school. Very good pupils who will reach their A-Levels and also children who will leave school after the 10th class. Everyone can learn from the other.

  105. I agree that there are so many ways how to compete with each other, and it is required in many situations – like in a job market, where many people want the same position. But it is very important to be able to cooperate. And I liked the examples about the big companies who share their products online without any cost as a way to improve themselves and get more in a longterm.
    I think it is very important to remember how much we can gain by cooperating. And it is important to teach it in school. That a person is not always on his own, but he is in a team and everybody is equally important in a team. Everybody has his skills and can be useful in their position. If in school children learn that sharing your answers with others is cheating or it is not possible that everybody gets the best mark, there needs to be somekind of diversity. they learn to do things better on their own and rely only on themselves. But in real life we always are in some kind of team work even in the most easiest situations in family.

  106. Collaboration. As Howard Rheingold said in his video, collaboration has always been. From our days of hunting mastodons to this outstanding and remarkable effort of collaboration behind the now World-renowned Wikipedia, humans have been found to think, work, simply do better as a whole. When confronting an issue, a group will be able to think of many more ways to tackle it than what just one individual could come up with. The World is certainly heading that way and adopting the collaboration concept, when you look at what globalization is doing, is certainly, using H. Rheingold’s own words, an «outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group». There exists countless examples in the History of Mankind showing and proving that working as a group yields better results whether it’s with evil thoughts or gains in mind or when aiming for the greater good. The previous article I commented was about the Vision of Students, Technology was the keyword and now Collaboration is another one and evidently these two notions work best together, is it a coincidence?

  107. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    Every person is different. Difference separates people from each other. A person understands what is being told when told twice, another understand it when told three times. It is a proof of human diversity just like our fingerprints. What is important is there are institutions that take these differences into account. This is provided by inclusive education. Inclusive education is to respect different religions, sects, and mindsets. In Turkiye schools are not separated as religions or sects. There one type and connective schools. Students with special needs can study in the same or private schools. This depends on the degree of the student’s difference. For us, different doesn’t mean bad. It should be like this in the whole world. Diversity (such as religious psychological, historical, physical and the way of living differences etc), should be respected.

  108. As Howard Rheingold in his presentation stress the strengths of collaboration, I agree with his opinion. The work, that is done in groups, teams, or in any other way, when cooperating is much more worth, than a work that is done by one person. Accepting each other ways of thinking broadens every students mind, and what is more important it saves time and makes us to learn to communicate and say our thoughts more clearly. Of course, it pushes us to define ourselves and after put it out loud in front of the other. The new way of including different opinions in classrooms is getting more popular and I think it’s developing everyone. Besides it enriches also the teacher’s educative experiences, because every new student is a new example of diversity. Talking about topics that interests everyone is necessary and every opinion is important, because each of us is a little different, because of our different life experiences. Even if we can not find anything common between two persons, we are still humans, with our basic needs that are the same. The equality of people would make us more free in our speech, action and work.

  109. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    I totally agree that the various peoples children to integrate into kindergartens, schools and universities, in my opinion, teachers or tutors have no right to discriminate against other peoples children because they are also the people and the same as ourselves. With regard mentally disabled children it is my opinion would be different, because it seems to me that it is better for these children to separate schools where they can receive more attention and help to achieve the same as in ordinary people and then being able to integrate into the university as an equal rather than behind, if there were no discrimination. But this is just my opinion maybe I’m wrong.

  110. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    I think that the inclusion in the educational system is really important. All children have the same rights and deserve the same treatment by their teachers. The concept of inclusive education establish the fact that education is a right for all the children and it’s aim is to create schools that will recognize, understand and know how to properly treat the needs of the students with special educational needs.
    Succesful inclusion requires solving specific problems and design conditions that facilitate the adjustment. Also, it is required the preparation of a highly trained staff that can recognize particular needs especially in a general class along with the other students. In conclusion, inclusive education is considered an important aspect of a successful socialization for the most of the children with special needs.

  111. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    I think it is not controversial that special education has been gaining intense attention from governments and educators throughout the world. For the first time i encoutered this here in Huelva. I was working as an assistant teacher in Colegio Público Manuel Siurot (i take a class here which is «teacher practicum», and it requires me to go to a priamry or secondary school as an assistant teacher to help a teacher for 50 hours, the main idea is to teach another accent to the student there as the school is bilengual). The student’s name was Ruben and all the time when he was in a class he was with an assistant teacher aside from the that lectures. As a developing country, Turkey,has been working on issues related to special education provision and inclusive education to improve the quality of services for citizens with disabilities. And this is good of course because i believe there should be no inequalities among the students no matter what their physical conditions are.

  112. Everyone should have the same opportunities in life. No one should be discriminated against because of social background, gender, religion, or age. But the real world seldom lives up to those ideals. One of the most important criteria of success in education is “equality in opportunity and facility” that is presented to society. Of course, inequality is rife in our schools. But it is rife in society at large. Why are students from privileged backgrounds more successful in schooling, and why do these advantages persist over time? Economic, cultural, and social differences combine to preserve privilege across generations. Signs of change in economic inequalities affecting schooling are modest. Policymakers increasingly recognize that unequal school financing across school districts is unfair, and some are taking steps to reduce these inequalities. But this trend will do little to reduce the major advantages students from families with more economic resources have over students from families with fewer resources. The most important resources tend to operate at the individual level, so they are unaffected by changes in the redistribution of collective funds for education.

  113. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    Inclusive education is for me a really good and interesting method: Children should learn from their early age to respect other people no matter which country they belong to, their gender, religion or skin colour etc. Every person is different and should be treated as individual by the teacher in the classroom. Unfortunately it if often, that the education is not adapted to the needs of an individual person but standarized – that is that everyone has to learn the same and it doesn’t matter if some take longer to do this. For me it would be better if a teacher considers the weaknesses of a child and tries to help him, but on the other hand emphazising his/her strenghts and improve his/her self-confidence.

  114. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    It is wholly accepted by educators that children flourish in classrooms where they feel a sense of belonging and security. This underpins the paramount importance of inclusive education. Every child should be provided with equal opportunities, regardless of his/her background and abilities. Equal opportunities does not mean the same opportunities for everyone; for instance a wheelchair bound child may not have the same opportunities as other children as regards to physical education, however, they are given the opportunities to engage in other activities suited to their needs.

    In my own country in the North of Ireland, integrated schools are becoming increasingly popular due to the realisation that segregation of children in primary and secondary schools is contributing to the sectarianism which continues to cause problems for our society. Children who don’t experience diversity, through no fault of their own, may become dependent on the prejudices they learn from their parents in their family homes. Many parents neglect their duty to educate their children about the beauty in diversity. It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure these children learn that differences in ideas, attitudes, race, colour, gender and sexuality is part of life’s exciting variety, not something to be feared. We must remember that it is never too late to give up prejudices, and as John F. Kennedy told us, ‘If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.’

  115. I must admit that this is also for me the first time that I hear about term inclusive education. Altought this term is not used in Croatia, some of its elements have already been imparted in the educational system. During elementary school, there were a few students with special need in my class. From the very beginnings of education, we were aware that we are not all the same and we do not have the same needs and abilities. Those students had custom learning program, but we all have been doing our best that they do not feel inferior. I remember that one of those students was really good in history, one of the best in class. Of course there is still room for improvements and better organization.

    Now I would like to say something about collaboration. That is one more area in which education system has fail. Since elementary school we gave been taught that we need to learn and work independently without assistance. The whole atmosphere in the classroom is too much competitive and excludes interpersonal communication. Perhaps because of that, nowadays, I consider team works unnecessary and annoying. For me it is much easier and effective to work as a individual than in team.

  116. Anastasija Korolkova dice: Responder

    I’ve never heard of inclusive education, till now. I totally agree that diversity in schools and also in kindergartens is very important. With inclusive education every person has the opportunity to learn and develop. Now, in our country, the difference is a big problem. Or is it a religion, racial difference, culture or physical condition. From an early age children should be brought up to respect that. The main solution to the problem, it does not hesitate to talk about this. I myself faced the same problem when I was working at the school. The boy had mental problems. It hurt him to learn, and get in touch with classmates. Above him constantly joked and mocked. The solution began to talk with a school counselor. The psychologist worked not only with this child, but the whole class. As well, she organized classes work in groups. There’s this boy could reveal themselves, the children saw his abilities and began to show respect.

  117. Inclusive education and attention to diversity are two extremely important concepts, especially in today’s society. From the video we can see that people used to get things done in a competitive manner, by defeating, destroying and dominating the competition. But now there is an emerging new way of getting things done – cooperation, collective action and complex inter dependencies. Human kind has been around for tens of thousands of years, and since the beginning of time people have been mixing and working together. At times there have been problems resulting from this mix, but I feel the pros far outweigh the cons in these cases. From my own experiences of going to school an integrated school, I feel that inclusive education and diversity are so important. I know that I am a lot more accepting of others than some people I know from home, who went to school in a single domination school – as many schools in Northern Ireland are split into Catholic schools or Protestant schools. My integrated school life has made me an open minded, inclusive person, who doesn’t judge or stereotype, which I feel to be extremely valuable assets in today’s multicultural world. There are also strong social and moral reasons for this inclusion, as mentioned in the article. Human communication media and the way in which we socialise is changing, but the question is, are people ready to change too?

  118. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    I’ve never heard of inclusive education, till now. I found out that it is an approach to educating students with special educational needs. I think that this idea is very ,very good especially nowadays.
    In every school, all around the world we can find different children, often so diverge from each others. It is because of their special skills, different descent or culture or sometimes because of some disabilities.
    Very important both for children and for teachers is to learn and know how to treat and behave towards differences between everyone. It’s a great lesson of tolerance and respect that everyone has to know and for which there is still a lack.
    In Poland there is a special inclusive education initiative at Warsaw University and also a web about it. The aim is to promote inclusive education system among disabled people, parents and teachers.

  119. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    If we combine article with video,as a result we see two important topics.ıts collaboration and inclusive education .especially the inclusive education very important for me.because I am studying preschool teaching.I went to for probation some to schools.and ı saw that.inclusive education is being difficult for inclusive students and other students.the disabled student is subsist the diffuculty of compliance this process.teacher is very important here.this Teachers can help them by developing program. this way, the opportunities to attend courses that are related to the inclusive education program have to be created, especially for those who lack of exposure and training in special education. Adjustments towards the pedagogical aspects can be trained internally by experienced teachers to the new teachers. The effort towards a collaborative teaching between inclusive and special education teachers should be put in place. Indirectly, this effort could help to reinforce a cooperative spirit in implementing inclusive education.this collaboration isn’t interest relationship. Because purpose to create the healty society. Also dealing with this issue made investigation in the Malaysia. of this investigation The main finding shows that, in general, teachers have positive attitudes towards inclusive education. They agreed that inclusive education enhances social interaction and inclusion among the students and thus, it minimizes negative stereotypes on special needs students. The findings also show that collaboration between the mainstream and the special education teachers is important and that there should be a clear guideline on the implementation of inclusive education.

  120. Kristína Kamenská dice: Responder

    Diversity was in past considered as something negative and unfortunately in some places nowadays still it is. I think we should not take it as something wrong but as something which is part of the life. In education system there are many cases of diversities among the students. There are people having problems with reading, counting, spelling ..etc as some kind of learning disability, but its up to the teacher and their classmates to show them that they have the same right to study to learn. We can help the kids with special needs to adapt faster. As they can learn from us, we can learn from them. It is the way to respect something which we could consider as different but we have to understand that the world «different» does not mean bad or wrong. Every person is in some way different to other. Respect is a step up.

  121. François Glénat dice: Responder

    Difference is the base of our world. It can be a plus or minus. We have to adapt ourselves every day to differences but do we have to change every system just because of that ?
    Sometimes yes, when the difference is to big : a disabled child cannot follow a normal class and it’s obvious that we need special facilities and organisations for them. But sometimes lobbying or governments or a pupil create the difference and we have to knee down although it’s unfair. Very often it’s about minorities which refuse to integrate themselves to a system and cause troubles.
    Of course we have to accept difference and mostly at school, everybody is looking for the perfect education system despite of differences, but who are the top dogs who can change that ?
    Good question. Do they really want it ? I’m not sure.

  122. I agree that diversity in schools and also in kindergartens is very important. Inclusive education might be something new for some people, but it is essential, especially for the kids with special needs. I’ve seen It’s happening in some educational institutions in my country. For expample in some kindergartens they make special groups with »normal» children and kids with »special needs». The development is seen in both parties. Kids with less abililty learn a lot from other children and inversely »normal» children learn from them (for example tolerance, communicating etc).
    Diverstity can be understood in many ways I think. It’s also important to provide diversity in classrooms, kindergartens. For example providing different »corners» with different subjects and activities in the classroom, so a child has an option for learning activity.
    Everyone has a right for a quality education.

  123. There are lots oıf student especially at the universities so the instutitions have to include the variety. Because these students’ cultures,languages,religions etc. are different. If you don’t give them a common idea they can’t act jointly.I think that variety is wealth but generally sutudents expose to discrimination because of their diversity.Schools should fix that problem with education.They should that the variety is a good things and we can live together we can learn together.If we break down prejudice we can fix that problem.

  124. The attention to diversity as a necessity of the system is a positive and very important statement, as I believe everyone has the right to learn, and also the right to be classed as an equal. Through integrating this thought into the classroom I feel the world would become a better and brighter place. There are many different countries including my own(Ireland) which have encountered and still continue to feel the problem of difference, may it be religion, race or gender etc. I feel that the best way to approach diversity within society is within the classroom, by stating the problems on the issue but more importantly why we should respect other individual’s differences; this could be achieved by the teacher correcting the children but also by introducing topics within the curriculum. By doing this the children will be prepared for citizenship within the multicultural world. In Conclusion I believe a strong focus should be applied at an early age to prevent conflict in and outside the classroom, therefore paving the way to a positive and inclusive learning enviornment achieving a smooth and happy education for everyone.

  125. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the inclusion of Diversity into schools is obligatory. I come from an island that has seen many disputes and trouble in the past, mainly because of conflicting cultures or ideas, but we are moving on as one, leaving behind the violent times and going to be a city of diversity and unity, were all are welcome; (well this is the idea anyway, it doesn’t always happen!)
    Through-out my education and more so in my secondary education we were influenced to become more accepting and open minded not only to other people but cultures, ideas, arguments and to those people who view something totally different from what you do. In Ireland the idea of diversity plays a massive role within the healing process, in uniting two sides of the same community who have different views. This process starts at a very young age now, as low as Pre-school, because it is often now to see an Indian or Pakistani or Polish family go to the same school as you, and we are taught to embrace their culture instead of rejecting or questioning it.

  126. First of all I would like to say that equality is really important in education. Everybody has the right to have the appropriate opportunity to learn. But the question is where to have this opportunity. My mother was a teacherin primary school and she had big problems with the children with different abilities. Some of them had problems e.g. in reading, counting, etc., because they had some disabilities. It is absolutely clear that it’s not their fault and they have the same right to study. The problem is that the children who are «normal» and healthy they could learn faster, finish one topic in shorter period of time but the other children need more time. They have special needs and it’s not their fault! The educational system should offer them the appropriate school to go to so to have equal rights and opportunities to study. Unfortunately in Hungary we totally miss these kinds of schools so we really have to improve our educational system.

  127. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    Every child is different. Each has the right to respect his diversity. Nobody likes to be mistreated, mocked and insulted. Particularly vulnerable are children different from the others: the disabled, thicker than others, low growth, with worse grades at school, etc.
    Therefore, because of the process of social transformation and the progressive democratization of social life, tolerance is becoming an important educational issue. One of the tasks of early childhood education should be a development of a sensitivity to the plight of others.
    No tolerance is often due to ignorance, lack of experience or the impact of the environment in which children live. Therefore, it becomes important to show children that diversity is not a disadvantage, but an advantage that makes us special and unique.

  128. Inclusive education is very important in today’s society. No person should be discriminated against for the fact that they have different backgrounds, different cultural experiences or even have a disability. It is every individuals right to be educated. With the rise in immigration and globalization we have to become more diverse and open to different ideas. I feel that in order for the pupils to have equal rights the standard of teaching needs to rise.
    From my own experience in teaching a small class I found it hard to interact with a student from a different cultural background. The reason for this I felt was because of a language barrier (As English was not their primary language) and my lack off knowledge about the different cultural background. To correct this I believe that teachers should be taught more about dealing with multinational groups and learn more about the handling of disabilities. With these precautions it is possible that there would be a reduction in differentiation between students.

  129. Howard Rheingold is talking about cooperation between huge companies, among people and countires. The basic idea of his speech is, that in a pair or group you can achieve more and be more successful than alone. Sharing thoughts, experiences and methods of working is more affective and everyone will gain something. A “win-win-situation” is developed (both sides will get good results).
    Of course, that thought of cooperation is a very important topic for schools too – for the whole school system, the individual school organization, the relationships between the teachers and for the several classes (the relationships between the children in one class).
    It’s necessary that children do exercises and works on their own because they need to learn to work independently. But it’s also important to do pair works or group works. Those methods foster so many fields of skills, e.g. social skills (to compromise …), talking skills (to explain your own thoughts and points of view), organization skills (who is responsible for what) etc. It would be irresponsible to defalcate the children those important methods because they are urgent for self-development.

  130. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    I want to start with a question. What is the collaborative learning? Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students team together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project.A group of students discussing a lesson or students from different schools working together over the Internet on a shared assignment are both examples of collaborative learning. In small groups, students can share strengths and also develop their weaker skills. They can develop their interpersonal skills. They can learn to deal with conflict. When cooperative groups are guided by clear objectives, students activity in many activities that improve their understanding of subjects explored.In my poinion order to create an environment in which cooperative learning can take place, three things are necessary. First, students need to feel safe, but also challenged. Second, groups need to be small enough that everyone can contribute. Third, the task students work together on must be clearly defined.When all off this provided the benefits of collaborative education will be seen very cleraly.And it is not only for education. İt is also for a live.İn the live people can work together (with collaboration). İ think if it is done ,everyone will win.

  131. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    It cannot be denied that diversity should be an important element within the schooling system and that inclusive education in schools throughout the world is increasing. A considerable reason for this could be for the rise in globalization and immigration. Therefore, in order to accommodate the needs of all pupils, inclusive education for all needs to be emphasized. With the increase of pupils from other cultures and religions entering our schools there obviously needs to be a diversity-centred education system so that the understanding of respect for other cultures and values are accepted and appreciated. In Ireland, we are not used to this but with the growing numbers of foreign nationals in the country there has been a better acceptance and inclusion of these children in our schools, whether that be learning the relevant languages so that said children feel welcome or the education of different religions. This concept of religion is particularly important, seeing as Ireland is such a religion-centred country within the education system. Inclusive education creates a welcome and friendly environment for all and the mutual understanding between different cultures and religions can somewhat prepare pupils for their adult lives as they come into contact with people from different backgrounds, whether that be through travel, education, or their careers. Education should of course emphasize the concept that there is not one opinion, but a collection of many. This can not only improve diversity acceptance within schooling but can help to create more diverse minds within the children, making them open to new ideas and concepts without judgement and gives them the opportunity for free expression. It is so important that all pupils receive equal opportunities, for we would not be a democratic society without this concept in our education systems. Sex education is without a doubt a tricky issue within schooling. I think the necessity of sex education in schools does depend a lot on the specific cultures and belief of the individual and perhaps parents should have a say in whether they wish their children to be educated in this sector. Whether, rejected or not I think it is an important aspect as we live in a world that is driven by such a huge sexual media onslaught and pupils do need to prepared to deal with this. It is true to say that there are many more Special Needs Education assistance schemes within schools nowadays which aids greatly in the idea of inclusive education. My own little brother has Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of Autism, and within his own school there has been every attempt made to make his education as equal to those within the mainstream education system. In regards to what the video discusses, schooling within the Northern Irish system is based considerably around competition and in my own opinion I believe that this cannot work successfully with the concept of inclusive education, therefore the government needs to decide what is more important- how good schools look within league tables or quality education for all pupils.

  132. There are so many students that have different etnic group,culture,religion and economic status in the schools. So Every of students conditions aren’t same. Especially There are discrimination and exclusion in the soceity. To put a stop to prejudices we need to know each others,we should respect to other people who is different from us. If we can teach to our children in the schools all of these,everything will change and we can’t have conflicts. The schools should have inclusive education sytsem.Because children in young ages can very easy to adapt for new things and children learn what they live. In additional to inclusive education are incluiding many advangtes like understanding, respect and emphaty occur as children share the class and interact with each other. At the same time we should change ourselves and everything of we are talking about is related to human rights.

  133. In Germany the inclusive education has got more and more attention during the last years. The ministry of education has announced: «2013 is the year of inclusion!» Of course there are still a lot of problems and difficulties but there are also successful realizations of the idea inclusion in germany and elsewhere. I agree totally with the points which are written in the article but also important is to report sucssess-stories because a lot of parents are afraid their kids could be affected negatively by the realization of the concept «inclusion». The mayority of the articles are about the failure and the problems which is also important to talk about but I wish the media would tell more about good examples so other schools can learn from it. We have to do more studies and also should include the person concerned and their parents themselves in the process to realize and improve this wonderful idea. It is not just about to create a place for everyone, it is also about «normal» pupil can learn a lot from disable people too.

  134. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    Inclusive education is something that happens more and more in schools and I think this is a good and a “bad” thing. Every child has the right to have the same chances and opportunities in life. This all works very well in theory but it is more difficult in real life.
    When I was in high school there was a disabled girl, she could barely see. That girl came in my class and we were all very nice to her but during the brakes she was alone all the time. We tried to ask her to come with us and to be social and helpful with her but in the end she was still alone. When she was with us the differences were too big, she couldn’t talk about what we were talking and she did total different things in her free time than we were doing.
    In class she had a lot of difficulties to study the lessons and get good marks. She had a special computer and every paper was printed in a bigger format but still it was difficult for her.
    So in my opinion inclusive education is good but there should be a little bit more thinking about the social aspect because this girl would probably have a lot of friends if she went to a school with people with view problems. She would not feel that different so she would feel more like a group with this people because they have more in common. This is not only with disable persons but I think that everybody is looking for people who are a little bit like themselves.

  135. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    I agree with this, that children with special needs need to learn together with normal children. If they will learn together, starting from first class, then they will not feel discrimination, because children in young ages can very easy to adapt for new things. They need to feel, that they have the same attention, attitude from teachers like normal people. Inclusive education helps to avoid from gender, culture discrimination. Teachers need to be competent to work with all kind of people, because in education is no border. If children with invalidity wants to learn, they can do that without any prohibitions. For me it’s also important. If in my class would be children with special needs, I also wanted to help him. It helps to see real life. And if person isn’t castaway, he feels better, he feels accepted. Of course, there are different levels of invalidity, but if person is clever, able to learn and understand everything, then why not? We need to accustom, that in the world ARE people with special needs, and they also want to learn.

  136. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    I feel the core importance of diversity within an educational environment is conveyed immpecably. Throughout schools worldwide, and particularly in Ireland , there are many varying races,religions and ethnic groups that attend school. Thus all of these students bear different morals and perspectives towards many aspects of our daily life. Through the technique of inclusive education, all of these students can be accomadated for. This type of education enables students from different backgrounds to voice their opinions and views. There should not be one vigorous opinion enforced on the mind of the student, they should be entitled to project their views on all topics. The questioning of sex education being permitted , in my opinion is ludicrous as it is a vital aspect of the human being and it is truly important that youth are made aware and have a thourough understanding. Despite ones race or the opinion of parents, all students are entitled to the basic right of education and sex education comes under that bracket also.

  137. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    In my primary school the direction wanted to bring the inclusive education in our classroom: From the third class on we had one disabled person in a wheelchair, Alexander, in our classroom. The idea was to integrate persons from a special school into normal classes. Alexander had a special teacher to satisfy his special needs. That sounds theoretical like an good idea but in reality I think it was a poor time time for Alexander and a hard time for the rest of us.


    We were willing to integrate Alexander but that is not easy: Think about what pupils do in there free time: They are running around, playing games with a lot of movement. With a wheelchair it is not possible to participate in this games in a proper way. The rest of us wanted to integrate him in the games and that works maybe for a week, but not for two years. I think even adults couldnt handle this situation for a long time.

    For the society inclusion is great but we are not allowed to forget the people who have to handle the consequences. In my opinion it would have been better for Alexander to stay in a special school where it would have been easier for him to make friends.

    But is there another way?

    I think inclusion could work with for example three disabled persons in a “normal” class. Then they could form a group and the other pupils could get used to “different” persons.

  138. I totally agree with the fact that inclusive education is a human right and should be a part of our daily business. The changing of the already common term “integration” to “inclusion” should be a well known advancement in social and politic belongings. Inclusion is more linked to the fact that people all over the world should have the possibility for a good education. Education is according to this seen as a basic element of a equitable society. This means that every schools needs a multiplicity of methodologies and individual support for the children, which can guarantee an ideal education for them. Furthermore it’s to ensure that no child gets excluded from school. Paying attention to diversity in all kinds of possibilities should be a main goal at school in the future. This is why I also think that diversity should be seen as a resource from which we can learn a lot.

  139. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I believe that inclusion in education is something that lot of people has never heard of. In most schools such education does not exist. I believe that now we are living in a world when being different is more acceptable than it was before. There is a lot of advantages of inclusion in education. First thing is that there are children who are born different, who have different opportunities and talents and that is why we need a education which will follow these talents and help some children to develop this talents better than it would develop by general education. This type of education is a way to address to the students individual differences and needs. Secondly these types of schools can provide different approaches to teaching, use of technology and also, a specially adapted teaching area. But I also believe that there is one disadvantage and that is when children see that some other children with special needs requires different education it does not understand it, instead it considers it less worth and weird and in most cases they broke their friendship. But as I wrote before, we live in a world when children are finally starting to realize that children with ‘special’ they are not weird, just different like everybody else and they accept them with all the differences and understand it. All in all I believe that inclusion in education has much more advantages then disadvantages. I hope that in few years from now there will be a lot of schools which will use inclusion in education in a way that they do not distinguish general education and ‘special’ education and that it will be restructured so that all students learn together.

  140. It is clear that inclusive education is becoming more and more apparent in educational institutions today. There is no doubt that it is a fundamental right to be educated and everyone should be given the opportunity to be educated. Nowadays, I believe governments and educational authorities are working together to improve the standards in education. For example, in Ireland, grants are given to those students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds in order to encourage them to go to school. I worked with a lot of members from the travelling community in Ireland. They are a ethnic group who would traditionally have lack of interest in education. However, the government provides the children with school uniforms for free and offers them grants to help ease their financial burden. Also, for students with learning difficulties, Special Needs Assistance are employed in many of the schools to help them with particular tasks. Moreover, in the school I was working in, there was a deaf unit and an adult educational center. This center gives adults a second chance to embrace education as they left the education system at an early age when they were younger. However, I think schools fail students when it comes to the concept of personal development. In my own school, education was based around competition. Everything evolved around exams and grades and not developing the person. Therefore, I think inclusive education is definitely the way forward but educational standards must keep rising and rising if we are all to benefit.

  141. La educación inclusiva tiene un cambio muy importante hoy en día, entonces que mire a la clase no como un conjunto sino que a los alumnos como individualidades. Por eso tienen ocasión para hacerse camino los alumnos de todos los rasgos y características, lo que es de hecho una enfoque principal de la sociedad del siglo 21.
    En cuanto a los principos de educación de diversidad hay muchas opiniones y maneras como mejorar el estado actual de cada uno país en todo el mundo. Siempre hay diferencias entre países y por ejemplo entre pueblos y cuidades, entre tipos de escuelas o por ejemplo entre distintos edades de alumnos. Los estudiantes/alumnos diferentes de los demás pueden estar percibidos con otra manera en cualquier lugar y depende mucho de los maestros/profesores como van a liderar la clase y qué tipo de ideas van a propagar a sus alumnos.

  142. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    Until very recently the socioeconomic status of a child’s family, religion, origins etc. were the most powerful factors of his succes of academic achievement and his career. We all need to remember that every human being deserves a chance to be educated.
    Attending a school with a diverse student body can help prepare children for citizenship in a multicultural democracy. It can develop an understanding of the perspectives of children from different backgrounds and learn to function in a multicultural, multiethnic environment.
    Teachers can not favoring one group of pupils over another. They must teach their students how to be tolerant, understanding and sensitive to other cultures.
    In my opinion, diversity in schools will help children throughout life.

  143. In recent years there is more and more emphasis on inclusive education however; children, teenagers and adults are still experiencing exclusion within and from education in the world today. While many organisations are working hard and making great efforts to solve this problem by prohibiting any exclusion or limitations to educational opportunities we must all be proactive and recognise the barriers being encountered on a daily basis for students of all sexes, origins, religion ability etc. in order to enable them to access the educational system they deserve. We must open our eyes and educational system to everybody disabled, black, white, catholic, Jewish, whatever the case. Everyone deserves a chance to be educated.

  144. Diversity as a concept in schools is becoming more and more open as there many different races of children attending non denominational schools. Diversity is seen in schools in people’s race alongside their intellectual abilities and more schools are adapting to suit and go along with diversity. School is a place of learning as well as communication, communication with a variety of different people and being in a diverse environment makes you understand the world better and understand that no two human beings are the same or have the same abilities. Having diversity in school means you have inclusive education which means everyone is given the same opportunities in school it is up to them what they do with these opportunities. Diversity in the classroom is becoming increasingly important and varying methodology is important to keep the child interested and aware that change and difference is a positive thing.

  145. Diversity has a major part to play in many socities today. It can be seen in the workforce, in social settings and in education. In the past labels have been given to everything in society, especially to those that were not considered the ‘norm’. In today’s world, there is no longer a specific ‘norm’, however many of these labels and prejudices are still in place today. There are very few professionals in educational settings who are trained to help students and teachers abandon these previous biases and accept people for who they are. is is also difficult to re-train someone who has been taught these labels into a new way of thinking. Primary level is a great age to start implementing diversity. If teachers and parents and politicians could be trained in this field then a new outlook could be born. My younger sister is seven and there are many different cultures in her class. She is bestfriends with a Muslim girl in her class. She feels no different to her. At this age, if educated in the right way, we could banish these preconceived notions of the ‘norm’ and create a pathway to a more positive, open society.

  146. It is a sad truth that in the world today children, teenagers and adults are still experiencing exclusion within and from education. There are many organisations and treaty who are trying to solve this problem such as the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960) and other international human rights treaties. They prohibit any exclusion from or limitation to educational opportunities on the bases of socially ascribed or perceived differences, such as sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, social origin, language, economic condition, ability, etc. Education is not simply about making schools available for those who are already able to access them. It is about being proactive in identifying the barriers and obstacles learners encounter in attempting to access opportunities for quality education, as well as in removing those barriers and obstacles that lead to exclusion.

  147. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    To be honest, until reading this article, I was not pretty sure what an inclusive education means. That is why I needed to search on the internet if something like this exists in the Czech republic. I found out that there is an association covering an inclusive education in our country. There is a pursuit to include children with disabilities into the classes with the other children. But unfortunatelly there are just few of them. I read an article where they were talking about how a teacher felt uncomfortable because of a student with an assistant. The teacher stated that he has a feeling that an assistant is checking how he is doing his job and that caused that a teacher felt uncomfortable. In my opinion, the reason is that we are just not used to this kind of option. I think it is a good idea to incorporate this systém of inclusive education fully. It is good for both sides. I agree with the suggestions included in the last article.

  148. In recent years there is more and more emphasis on inclusive education. I think that it is very important to make some differences in this area, because inclusive education is very important. The problem is that it is very easy to talk about these problems but it is much harder to actually make some changes. Nowadays students at pedagogic faculty are thought about diversity and inclusion but for teachers that are in classes for years this is something new. They suddenly need to deal with many different children in their class without proper education. For example, few years ago it was normal that blind child went to special school where teachers knew how to educate him. Now, this child can go to normal school and there is nothing wrong with that – problem is, that teacher in normal school normally does not have right education to give this child what he needs. That is why we cannot just talk about importance of inclusive education and think that we can just put all the children in the same classroom and that is it. First we need to provide appropriate conditions so every child can really get the best education.

  149. Nowadays there is a lot of talking about children with special needs and children from other culture and countries and how to inclusive them in schools. I will give you one example from my country. All around Slovenia there are also many immigrants from former Yugoslavia. These kids are equal to Slovenian children. They go to same schools and do not have special programs. There are many problems because they are often discriminated by Slovenian contemporaries .I think that teachers should encourage tolerance and acceptance of different cultures and different languages. In our school we should talk about these problems more often. It will be good to have different workshops, where children could talk about their own cultures and make knowledge about others.

  150. Si I can say that diversity is good in all aspects so you have to feel diversity and be good with it. I can tell you something about our country we’re small central Europe country and because of that we fell diversity in every corner. So I think we’re very open minded but still we don’t have school where all kind of childrens are mixed. For example disabled people are not goving to school with us. Not that this is prohibited but they just don’t want to go in school with us that we wouldn’t make fun out of them. But so what we need this kind of diversity that in the future we won’t have any toughts about the person. I have also a friend who has some problems by walking and he was on the sam school as I where. Sure in the begining they where making fool out of him but they where like 9 years old but threw years he was equal with us and everybody where standing beheind him if anyone would make fun form him. Now days he’s studing Economics and he’s one of the best students on fax and all the people are looking on him like on a normal preson.

  151. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    I will become a teacher for special needs. Besides university I’m working in a school especially for those children and they are still separated from children without any disabilities but new reforms are announced about the change of mixing the classes instead of separating the students. I know there are a lot benefits of an inclusive education it will benefit everyone the students, their parents and the teacher. For example the students with and without special needs can learn from each other and also they can develop a positive connection with each other. I think because of the positive connection and the understanding of each other it will minimize bullying. The students will be educated about the differences students have and it allows them to appreciate diversity and minimize prejudice!!!

  152. The diversity has to come from the school it selves. But with all the standards and norms there is not much space left for them to fill this in. I went to a Montessori-school. Here they combated the standards by using tools and change their way of teaching. But for example I know from my brother and sister who went to the Rudolf Steiner School there the education now isn’t like it was in the ‘good-old’ days. So I think that’s a pity because that’s why parents choose also for a school. Wen they all the same, I doesn’t matter.

    If think it is necessary for the school to have ‘mix’ children because they can learn a lot from each other and kids are less judging as grown ups. About children with possibilities (as we call disabled children in The Netherlands) I do agree that it would be better for our society to have them also at the school or nearby. They are part of the society but because of the learning difficulty I also wouldn’t do that.

  153. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    In biology a diverse system is more likely to be dynamically stable than one that is not diverse, because it is enriched from many different sources.
    In education it’s the same. There are plenty advantages of having many different students, like immigrants and people with special needs in a class. Students have the chance to broaden their horizons and learn to adapt their actions and behavior in many different conditions. They learn to be more tolerant, helpful and open to other people. Teacher may have to use for example different techniques and approaches for the different students, which will be more effective and interesting for everybody. This probably requires much more work and effort of the teacher, but is rather possible to be quite beneficial for the students. I think we should support such movements and always try to improve the present situation.

  154. In Germany it is getting more and more popular to have «integrative» schools thats means that children without disabilities are in the same class with children with disabilities. I really like that because in my opinion it is very important to see different things and i am not only talking about disabilities but also about religon, culture, skincolor and nationalities.
    All of them can learn so much from each other and that besides the normal school education. The children will learn how to integrate humans with speacial needs, they will getting sensetive about disabilities. They have the possibilitie to get an open mind without sterotypes.

  155. Every child has the right to equal oppurtunity’s. And should have the right at the same education. This doesn’t mean that you can’t individualize their learning progress to maximize each child’s development. I dont really like the idea of inclusive education, where children will get exact expectation of what is required for them. It is good for the children to feel like others, and don’t feel like outcasts. You can’t set levels that every child should reach. In my opinion every child is different and should be stimulated in different ways, to maximize their learning curve, and reaching their potential.

  156. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    Even people have some dissabilities, are from different countries, have different culture or just look differently, the diversity of them has to be acceptable. Especially at schools because children and teens are very straightforward, sometimes even cruel. But everybody has a right to be equal, get the same education and be understood. That is why teachers have to encourage all other students to be tolerant. There is a lot of projects in Lithuania which emphasize equality of all people and it is very commendable. Sometimes it is hard to accept “different” student but teachers have to be prepared to make that student feel good at school, participate in all the activities and communicate with other students.

  157. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    Inclusive education can change education in schools, it can change reception of other people, it can help us to understand other cultures. That is why inclusive education has such a great potential for the future. Everyone is different and unique creature with different needs and characters. Students with disability or students from foreing country have to adapt to the culture where they live, to the educational system where they study and often to the people they live with and this is very hard to realize. It is not their fault, that these students were born with disability or were born in foreign country, eventually immigrate with their parent but everyone should have the chance of being educated.

  158. In schools, especially in primary and secondary school, teachers can’t behave pupils from other ethnic group or pupils with some kind of disabilities, completely different, everyone should feel the same. If any of children will feel different, or some ethnic group will be emphasized, then children won’t feel safe in the school and his/her motivation for studying will stop. Every teacher must really think about this thing. The way how children feels in class, mostly depends on teacher. If there is dissimilarity in class, it can be a really good thing for childrens, because if internal environment allows, children can learn a lot from other ethnic group or from childrens, who have some kind of disability, and grow up us open-minded person.

  159. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    I encountered the concept «inclusive education» for the first time when I was taking the course called «special education». I learned that students with disabilities have greater opportunities, have higher expectations, increase their achievement of individualized educaion program goals, have greater access to general curriculum and so on if they have an inclusive education. While I was working in science center, I had a student having both physical and speech disorder. In the beginning, it was hard for me to make him orient to the class yet as the time went by, rest of the class adapted him. I mean nothing is impossible, every child is different and it is our job to make them participate in the class whether they are with or without disability. In this regard, the video explains the situation very well because we have to cooperate instaed of compete.

  160. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    It is very hard when different cultures meet in school, but it is also interseting and there is so much to learn from each other. I know that many muslim girls don’t participate in the PE-classes because they are not allowed to shower together with others. This is not inclusive education, because the teachers and the school are not respecting all pupils different needs in this case. As a teacher you have to find solutions for this kinds of problems. Let this girls end their class ealier and shower before the others. Or if there is more showers in the building let them take a shower there instead. In the puberty it is not only the Muslim girls who don’t want to shower together with others. No one should be forced to shower with others, specially not in school. All pupils should know their democratical rights in school and it is the teachers responsibilty to teach them about this rights. I also think that it is important that the teachers bring up the theme about multiculturalism in school and not think of it like a sensetive topic, because it is important that the pupils get knowledge about it and in that way we will probably reduce alot of prejudices.

  161. nicolay stokvold dice: Responder

    unfortunately the biggest hurdle for inclusive education is money and prestige. Many countries exclude the children with learning disabilities from the «normal» schools, if you gather all the children with extra needs in classes or schools, you will save money and score better in national tests. The biggest loosers of course is the children.. I dont know wether or not the learning outcomes would be better if the children where in the «normal» school/class, but they are excluded from something(social), and that is unfortunate.. The very best goal is of course to be able to include all the children and reach everyones educational and social potential, but we teach in classes where it is up to 30 children, can the teachers ever «see» all the children? I think that should be the goal, but it will be difficult.. As you wrote in your article it is important that the authorities have the same goal and are willing to make an effort to reach it..

  162. Tereza Gemelová dice: Responder

    The presence of foreign student in the class can be for the teacher with the normal educational experience initially seem as hard to solve the task. The fact that in class is someone with different language can be for the teacher like factor distorting the normal course of teaching and significantly impeding its educational activity in classe. Linguistic diversity does not only difference, whom teacher meets and pedagogical work with diversity is actually any teaching work. The class is never a homogeneous group, we always find in him different students with different assumptions, abilities and skills. Everyone has the right to education

  163. I think inclusive education has many advantages. It can be beneficial to all of students in class. By this way children with and without disabilities can learn how to interact and also learn to accept diversity in a natural way. Understanding, respect and emphaty occur as children share the class and interact with each other. Children with disabilities are a part of society and it is a cruel thing to discriminate them. Through inclusive education they can also feel sense of belonging to society and build a healthy self-identity. Also, children with disabilities can be more successful than they are in seperated classrooms because of the effects of peer modeling. Morover, inclusive education gives children opportunities to integrate into community easily.With their increased social skills inclusive education is a kind of access to live like a real human being and get an equal quality education which is ethical for societies.

  164. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    Nowadays tolerance is one of the most important part of pedagogy. However, the development of attitudes of tolerance should start in childhood. We must remember that children learn by imitation. They are very good observers – watch carefully and they follow adults. The world gives them many reasons to become tolerant. Children has more opportunities to be with their colleagues from different ethnic groups, religions, cultures, friends with different financial status, etc. It opens their minds and they can discover new things in this way. If children has more opportunities to be with people from other countries and cultures and if parents and teachers set a good example for children it can teach them tolerance and respect for others.

  165. it’s quite problematic- tolerance and accepting other people. its important to start talking about it early also at school. If people are homogeneous situations with people ‘similar’ to them they start afraid about otherness. School its the best place to see differences. Its not so easy- meeting of cultures, disabilities and so one. the teacher should be prepared for problems and know what its specific of their students. Also the equipment is very important to have the same chance for every students.
    nowadays it is really important case and big part of education. if we will grow up in tolerance and respect for others it will stay for rest of our life.

  166. Every person reflect his feelings in daily life and if this feelings are negative or positive vvill this make the same output. So i think that first is important hovv vve understand ourselfs and hovv vve present us. Many people doesnt knovv that vve have really strong povver of vvill and vve should put attention also on this. Like a researcher from the TED movie said that people are only prisoners if they vvant to can tell us that our vievv about situation or life counts. And I also agree that it is very important to cooperate and that some kind of sharing enrich us. This is our self interest and if vve cooperate in a vvay for a good things vve can make a vvorld full of vvinners.

  167. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    The first idea, thought which came into my head after reading this article was:”All are Different – All are Equal”. Nowadays when the globalization is one of the fastest widespread and evolving phenomenons in our world the migration of people, culture, traditions, habits is inevitable. In this case the attention to diversity is necessary not only in education but everywhere. If we want to create this diversity we have to let in our world people from other environments. In other words, our societies should to involve, add in newcomers but not to discriminate or ignore them. It is hard to do but I think that the education, schools and universities have to be samples which must to inspire, to show and to present how easily to realize it. Due to this the teachers have a lot of work but I hope that they do their best.

  168. Inclusive education is a very important thing to talk about nowadays. The world is changing and globalizating so fast that its just normal that we got many different cultures,languages and worldviews in one classroom. Also the inclusion of children with special needs might be given in a normal school.So we as future teacher have to create a room for everyone and have to give every child the special attention that it needs.I think its a very good idea to include children wih disabilities to a class where children without disabilities are too,because it will always work this way: they learn from each other, they help each other,they will give each other new world views and there will never be a step backwards for the children without disabilities because they are learning with children with disabilities,because it works always more motivating to tag along somebody then to stand still.

  169. Classroom is an important space where diverse children exchange thoughts and communicate in different ways. A school needs to respect the diversity of their students. Especially in a changing and globalizing world where children need there creative and flexible competences to work with diversity. That askes a lot from teachers that need to be trained to cope with diversity in cultural norms and values and learn prepare their students to understand cultural differences and diversity. As a social worker/ teacher I need to bridge cultural differences and organize social cohesion in my target group. With respect for each other, for each other’s cultural background and forms of thinking, the possibility of discussion/ communicating will arouse. In my country there is a growing attention for and focus on diversity in school. Still teachers have a big problem in coping with multiple cultural classes. I think that teachers at one side are not well informed/ prepared to work in a multicultural situation. At the other side teachers should take themselves the responsibility to delve them more into different cultures.

  170. I think inclusive education should be a goal for all schools. Inclusive education means that all take part in society on an equal basis – academically, socially and culturally. Inclusion is not only a goal, but also a process, and focuses on how the institution (school) can meet the individual’s abilities and needs in the best possible way. This requires facilitating diversity and changes in services, so that the individual participates more and have greater benefit from participating in the community. The consequence of inclusion is that the system must adapt to each individual and group. And this is a lot of work: Some of the actions required to achieve inclusive education are relationship building, participation, differentiation and ensuring outcomes. Summed up, inclusion can be seen as a framework for an equal and adapted education.

  171. Inclusive education is a process, which implies the inclusion of all children in regular schools. It is very nice idea, because in one classroom meet children with disabilities, gifted, children of foreigners and they can learn from one another. Is also very important that the professor is dedicated to all children equally, without distinction. Teachers should be treined to know how to behave. Affected children then have more chances to fit in with the other kids.
    Nowadays it is traditional, and I hope will continue to improve, so that all children have the same opportunity to educate.

  172. Inclusive education is considered as central to the individual. It brings benefits to all pupils with special needs arising from disability or other circumstances and without them. Placement of children with special needs into a separate environment has deprivation impacts, because they don´t have the same opportunities and can´t be included into the regular education system or into normal life. If one has to create a positive self-image and identity of the full-fledged member of society, it´s important that no one is isolated, but rather integrated into all common institutions of society – family, school, work, etc. Special attention should be paid to the education of teachers in all levels of education . Education must prepare teachers that they are able to respond to various needs of pupils, it is a crucial factor for the success of inclusive education.

  173. It’s great that the possibility of inclusive education are fairly naturaly thing at this time. It is necessary to ensure that children with disabilities or handicaps were from the beginning
    received training as well as other children from the neighborhood and did not receive negative feedback more than others. The education of children with special educational needs teacher works with other professionals and uses services of the school counseling facilities – special
    educational centers and pedagogical-psychological counseling. Unfortunately is not still an option for special education in all locations, only in larger cities, so that also plays a big role in the financial possibilities of the concerned persons.

  174. In my point of view diversity is a really important fact which should be involved in education.
    The reason why i think like that is because that it begins in our social life and also normal life in general.
    The most things like shopping malls, universitys, offices etc are consitutions which are construed for everybody, human-beeings with or without special needs. Also it is the same that human beeings with special needs are working in a normal office with other people for example.
    So it is very important that it begins in school that children with special needs are also involved in the life with children without special needs. I think there is a chance for everyone to learn from each other because maybe a child with special needs has got another view on things like child without special needs. This could be a success in learning for everybody.

  175. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    I really like the thought of diversity within education. Secondary school in the Netherlands is, in my opinion, doing rather well in this. For example: the first 3 years you are to take obligatory courses. But after that you can choose your own profile and set it up as you would like to. You are directed to the category of future jobs that are connected to each profile. You are more independent in the remaining years of secondary school in the Netherlands. There are courses you can choose yourself but there are some obligatory courses (such as English) every student has to participate in. I think in this way you can study in a more focused meanfull way, the way you are most interested in.

  176. Inclusive education really is something we all should strive upon because opportunities should be provided equally to all the people – from pupils without and with learning difficulties, disabilities and different ethnical background. Education should be able to integrate everybody, but the reality is really harsh as we are rather far from this inclusive education. The reasons for it vary – from material difficulties (schools have to be specially equipped for students with disabilities) to teachers’ lack of abilities to integrate everybody (teachers need deeper and practical knowledge how to do it) and to social prejudice (as schoolmates themselves tend to not include other social minorities, for example, gypsies). Therefore, the aim is great, but to get there we must focus not only on educational establishments, bet also society’s thinking in general.

  177. » Education is one of the indispencible necessities »but this »global» rule is not valid for only exlusive ones. Preparing prolific facilities for everybody regardless of their ethnic origin, language or any other difference. School(or any other place where education activities take place in) can be seen as a mirror of public that reflects cultural components together so if we dont take any measurement at first( for example in primary schools) student especially younger ones may think that discrimination is a natural process so in later phases of life he/she may not be disturbed when he/she come across the classification of people .I think inclusive education is not »utopia» for us.All of us are burn with the innate sense of humanity so integrating differences like disabled people into »healthy» community is required.

  178. Including education is good but maybe integrated education with diversity as an essential fundament is be better. Diversity is our source to knowledge and understanding of others, I believe, so we need to capture it. It will require a lot of things to make it possible to have all “shapes” and “sizes” in one classroom. It will demand more teachers in every class in order to individualize. Therefore we cannot have the same goals for everyone, like we have today. School makes the students streamlined and wants us to swim in the “right” direction and follow the currents. This because that is what the society requires which has little understanding for diversity, and if that’s the aim why have diversity in class if you are going to destroy it? Life is a competition and you can only win if you play in the right league. We have to change our way of thinking not only as individuals but as a society as well so we can have a cooperation built on trust that gives us a win – win situation.

  179. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    Hay que trabajar para tener una educacion no solo inclusiva sino que también intergrante. Todos tienen derecho a sentir que pertenecen a una comuidad sea cual sea. Como el texto dice, es fácil en la teoría pero en la practia es un desafío. El humano no es hecho sin prejuicios ni opiniónes y eso puede hasta resultar peligroso. Para poder hacer un cambio hay conseguir confianza y eso es algo que hoy es difícil porque no todos la tienen en la educación. Lo que pasa es como las decisiones vienen de arriba y la gente esta perdiendo la confianza en ellos tambíen la pierden en la educación que se pueden ver como marionetas que no les dan la libertad de educar como debe ser. Los recursos son cada vez menos y los profesores no son magos.

  180. I think inclusion should become a normal process some day and therefore it is a good thing when different people like for example handicapped people and «normal» people come together and learn to live together. I can imagine at the beginning will come up a lot of problems between the different people more than in an exclusive class but that is good because then you can really begin to handle the problems. And then there is a real contact, a face-to-face-encounter and the best education is possible, not just theoretical education but education based on own experiences. But of course inclusion in school should be just the beginning. Inclusion should be introduced in diefferent areas of the society like the labormarket where everybody should have the same chance as well.

  181. Nowadays, in our society dissimilarity is not a special thing. The world changes so fast and everything develops – and so do we. We have to be open-minded for several things.
    Somebody who works with humans, e.g. a teacher, has to confront the fact that there is dissimilarity or diversity in the world and also in terms of humans. And not just teachers but everybody should learn that this is important so it think that it is a very good idea to have classes where children with special needs and “normal” children come together and help each other.
    Both sides have the possibility to learn from each other – both have differently developed skills which they can bring to other people – it is a symbiosis.

  182. Everybody has the same rights, It´s written in our legislation. I can say, my country is not old mindset anymore. The most of us can accept people from different countries, disability, with different sexual orientation and so on, we strive against discrimination in all spheres. But what exactly is the differences between integration and inclusion?
    I think inclusion is, when we are not thinking about how can we accept people with differences, about how we can make their life easier and help them, how can we make places for them in the school and create jobs for them. Inclusion is when the life is ready, when the society is totally ready for people with differences and we are not thinking about their disability, ´cause for us its normal, we don’t need long discussion about how can we integrate them, ´cause they already are.
    I don’t know, if you understand me, but I think, our society still speaking about whose have we separate and who have we integrate and how to do it and this isn´t inclusion. I don’t know how it´s working in other countries, but in Slovakia, you can still see many, many situations with discriminate. For example we don’t have in all our buildings wheelchair access, our buses aren´t adapted for people with handicap, our streets as well. We can see many situation of racism and this situation often aren´t solved, students haven´t so many activities for understanding differences.
    In my opinion our country still can speak about inclusion, but I think, step by step we can get on this “big level” of integration. It´s in every one of us.

  183. Some time ago I was reading about inclusive education on the website of my home university. After reading this article I found it again. I will copy here some sentences from that website.
    «Why do some teachers from special schools are against inclusion?
    – mainstream school environment is not adequately prepared for disabled child;
    – „bad experience” with the placement of disabled students in mainstream school;
    – fear for their own future.
    Why do some teachers from mainstream schools are against inclusion?
    – teachers feel inadequately prepared and overloaded with responsibilities
    – schools do not have the financial resources;
    – teachers do not have methodological support.»
    Only because of these questions and short answers I’m really worried about how could it be if in Poland inclusive schools would really work. Because if even teachers don’t believe in this system, how can it work properly?
    I think it’s a long way to implement this kind of schools, where all the kids feel normal and equal, doesn’t matter if somebody is disabled or not.

  184. I really wish that inclusive education model would sooner or later take over the rest of education models, as, in my opinion, all human beings are equal, regardless their cultural background or abilities. We all deserve a proper education and attention to our uniqueness and should never be or feel ashamed of it. However, there is one aspect that destroys this hope – teenagers will always be teenagers and will want to make fun of other children. No matter how well and equally perceived the student is by his teachers, the classmates are the ones that influence this possibility of being ‘unique’ and ‘likable to others’. To avoid this negativity, a proper measure would be to wear school uniforms, but then all of the students would feel like clones. But, of course, inclusive education is at least the beginning for something better!

  185. Education is a right of every child all over the world, even if its mental situation makes it a little bit more difficult.
    Accession of children in ADHD in united schools is a controversial issue for many reasons.

    People who agree with that option, argue that children need to feel part of the community.
    Children want to test their abilities, their skills and in general their mental strengths in comparison to their co-students. And even if these children have little ability to choose, their parents want to give it a try for their children.Moreover, children with no attention to diversity have to learn who to treat to “disable” people. Such a mix of education can be a real experience of life.

    On the other hand, there are people who are doubtful about this idea.
    They believe that the issue of being a child of having attention to diversity must be treated in more sensitivity. Children need to attend special courses in order to strengthen their skills, to be able to communicate, to socialize themselves, to think, to count and to improve themselves in general. For that reason, their teachers must be specially educated in order to be able to help them in the best way. Such an education lacks from the majority of teachers as it is a special part of degree in studding education. Furthermore, children with no attention to diversity can treat to them in an ironic way instead of helping them. They may also be in the position of not improving themselves as a consequence of that mix education.

    In my opinion, the best idea would be a mix education for children in ADHD. In other words, they need to attend courses in united schools as much as they have to attend special courses for improving themselves out of school. Such an idea is the balance which can only benefit them.

  186. In Poland style of education is really boring. There are no events, trivias or some interest things. We have to know everything, don’t understand nothing. We are not tought, we are programmed, we are memory disks. It is opposite to situation in Spain, but has similar genesis. Earlier, people were learning because they didn’t have nothing other to do, but now, in age of computers, school is not something interesting, it’s something boring, hard, it’s unwanted duty. Moreoften youngers are passing form class to class with the worst grade, they only want to pass, without carrying how they will do it. They want to end school, find simple work, find partner, ear, drinking, go to party, and this is their live for next 40-60 years. But it looks more like vegetation that like live.

  187. The latest researches shows that it´s important to include every pupil. We´re often seeing that pupils with difficulties been picked out from the classroom of a help or special teacher. Now at least we know that it´s better to let the pupil stay in the classroom and invite the special teacher and let the pupils get the extra help they need in the classroom. Then we have solved the problem, but still the pupil that needs extra help and more support gets it. So the classroom can still be a place for every pupil no matter what problem they have. Instead of letting they leave the classroom and don’t feel that they´re a part of the class, they stays in the class but still they get the help they need. A good solution for everyone.

  188. Most of children have computer and most of them are playing computer games. How biology or history may be more atractive than combat, fast action, explosions and war? It is hard but possible. In Poland we are learning on history only dates and events, we don’t know have people were living, how they were thinking, how they were dieing. Trully we don’t know nothing about them, but we know huge number of dates, names, event, we pass exam, we are happy and we will forget everything. But if teacher will attack children’s imagination, feeling, will talking about people, not dates, then he will gain children’s focus. The difference between computer games and imagination is that, imagination has no limits. If teacher will correctly use that knowledge, there will be not problem with interest.

  189. Every child has a right to educate in school which can offer high quality education, with focusing on the strengths of the individual and the personal development. This article talks about diversity and inclusive education. I think that inclusive education is very important for society. I think that it is important to include children with special needs in schools, but somethimes you can do with some child even worse if you want, despite the difficultyes enroll in school. I think that it is possible to include children with special needs in school but it requires a lot of changes in education (the number of people in class should be lower than now, diferrent methods, adaptation environment, classroom,..). Children can learn a lot of about helping others, they can develop more in social skills. In Slovenia we have also problems with including in the education Rome children. A problem is language and it is very desirable that experts in the field of social pedagogy and education known Rome language which can help children to educate.

  190. Everybody would like to have healthy kids and send them to school so they can support themselves and live in a good condition. But what about the families who have disabled kids. Don’t they want to see their kids growing up, going to school and support themselves. Of course they want that. So we can not get that right away from them. Disabled kids also have right to get education like anybody else. Inclusive education and diversity have very significant role to give to all of them the education that they deserve. When we educate disabled kids with normal ones, they wouldn’t feel their disabilities. They might not even think about that. So they only can focus on their study. That way they would be more successful than anybody could imagine. So if we want them to overcome their disabilities we need to stop discriminating kids with their disability or normality.

  191. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    Every child has the right to quality education, focused on optimal personality development, and this, regardless of the capabilities and limitations. Every child has the right for an equal choice.
    I think it’s so great that the children can stay in their own school and get here their special needs. It is so much better than integrated education where the children have to fit in to the school, with inclusive education it is otherwise and this is the way it has to be. In this way the children don’t feel like they are the ‘problem’ or that they are not ‘normal’.

    Why do schools make a sort of level that every child has to reach? Every child is different so why do they pretend like it’s not by making levels where every child has to fit to. For some it will be to easy and they will be bored and for other it will be too hard so they will have a lot of stress and have no time anymore to play. As I study for a kindergarten teacher I learned from the first classes we had that diversity is the most important rule. Everything we do has to be possible in every kind of level so every child can develop on his level and his time. So why do we only teach in this way in pre-primary school and why not anymore primary school or high school?

  192. What else can I say!? Of course we need inclusive education, everything else is discriminatory. We also have to, because we signed the» Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities». In germany we still seperate children because of some difficulties or special needs they have. There are, besides others, a few big problems in that system: How can children/society learn that disabled persons aren’t something else, only because they have some difficulty? How can disabled children learn without the inspiration of other children? Locked away in small, special classes in a special school, etc. And how can they become self confident when people say them that they are so special that they can’t go to a normal school. But it is also important that we need a good education for the teachers, so that they will be able to know which kind of attention disabled children need. But of course a blind child, for example, still needs special attention even in an inclusive surrounding.

  193. Inclusive education is important and interesting, but also requires enough time, appropriate environment and skilled people who know how to work with these desibled children.
    Find out what is appropriate for each of these children is quite difficult, because every of them are still developing, improving, and still neediing a new kind of care and attention. Therefore, the school should adapt to the needs of these children and not children to the needs of school. The school does not need to be satisfied. Schools need to be a useful and meaningful and fulfilled expectations. I also think that disabled adults might get a chance to work with disabled children, because they are already living their own lives and the can prepare these children for what awaits them outside.

  194. Everybody is talking about the advantages of inclusive education, the opponents are more and more less, but the process of change is very slow.
    If you consider every child as an individuum with its own individual capability, you actually shouldn’t distinguish between a „disabled“ and „non-disabled“ child. Every child has its own capability and its own problems. Some problems are obvious, some are not.
    We are now living in a society of the proclaimed right of equality, so everybody should have the same right and possibility to attend a „normal“ school, no matter with which physical or psychical background.

  195. For families with disabled children, the dream of living a normal life comes true thanks to inclusive classrooms. Of course, all parents want their kids to live normally: have friends, be accepted by others, and have regular activities. Inclusive classrooms make this a reality for children with disabilities. Through inclusive settings, children with disabilities can achieve a sense of belonging with diverse groups of people. Inclusive classrooms create venues where children form and develop friendships with each other while strengthening their social and interactive skills. Therefore, it provides a good venue for learning and growing. In terms of socialization, children learn to develop friendships while enhancing self-respect.

  196. I think despite the fact that inclusive education is really important, it’s also very interesting.

    Ofcourse this kind of education is necessary, i think everyone agrees. Only, it’s very hard to define what’s the best way to succeed the hoped-for result, in particular: that every kid reaches his ultimate development. Everyone wants the same for his kid, everyone wants that their kid gets what it deserves.

    Only, how do we know exactly what every kid needs? And if the hoped-for result is the hapiness of our disabled kids, does this mean a diplome or does this rather mean a pleasant way of education, adjusted to their needs? Is it more important to learn the maximum or is it more important to enjoy the learning proces? There are so many questions about this subject that i’m asking myself, that it’s not easy to formulate one particular opinion. My opinion is depending on so many different elements. I think we should listen to every special need of every kid.

    Children shouldn’t adjust themselves to the main school system, it’s up to the school to adjust itself to the needs of disabled children. Therefore i think that inclusive education is really important.

  197. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    Every child has the right to get a education with good quality, which focusses on the personality development of each child indivudualy, no matter what the personal possibilities and limitations are.
    The practice of inclusive education shows us that inclusive education works very good with children with special needs or handicaps. But we have to keep in mind, like the text tells us, that it’s not simpel to do «inclusive education, and that it’s not a solution for every child who needs special attention. every child should be central, but the school must have the right equipment and teachers who are fully educated..

    Besides the fact that inclusive education is not simpel, I do think it’s the best education out there. Inclusive means ‘a part of something’, ‘a part of everything’ . And I think that our children have to experience that.. that every child, with their possibilities and limits, belongs.

  198. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    Diversity is a very important term within education. Why? Because everyone is different, if you can’t work with diversity, you can’t be a teacher or do an other job that involves people.
    We are living in a changing world, people are coming from all over the world, we can’t stop this evolution, it is something we have to embrase and learn to live with.
    A specialy as a teacher it is really important that you know how to handle diversity.
    In Belgium we have a program that is called ‘inclusive education’. It is so that the school will adapt itself to the children. It is so that children with special needs can just go to a normal school with normal kids. The teacher will adapt her program to the needs of the kid with special needs. This is very good way of teaching because everyone gets the change to develop in their own way and at their own time. They learn a lot from each other. The kids that are faster can help the kids that are a bit behind but the kids who are a bit behind can help the others with the knowledge they have.
    During my interships I had to work with diversity, we had to adapt to the needs of the kids and make different levels within our activities. We also had to make the ‘corners’ in the classroom more attractive and adapted to the different levels in our class. For example: I worked with a crocodil theme and I made a special crocodil with holls in so the kids could roll a little bal in the holls. For some kids this was a to difficult so they could sit closer to the crocodil.

  199. Well, the article includes the point being aimed in the education: Inclusive education! If we look at the principles, it can play a big role in the improvement of the level and approach. It doesn’t discrimiate between people with and without disabilities, culture and gender or any other personal or community feature. But for me, in practice, the most outstanding side that may make it functionless is «culture and gender». Because these two differences take place in education and affect it much more than any other points. Surely, even if inclusive education doesn’t aim to differentiate or discriminate people, culture and gender differences of people would create that environment, may be involuntarily. What I mean is that those may affect the potential, learning pace, personal and cultural manifestation in their world view.

  200. Of course I think it shouldn´t be a problem in our society to mix up children with special needs with «normal» children. Especially in the classroom i think it is the best way to learn from each other. It doesn´t mean that only the children with special needs can learn something, also the «normal» children have the opportunity to learn from children with benefits, because they also have their potency in different ways. In my high-school there was a project where all good pupils came into one class, all average into one and finally all weak pupils into one class. They wanted to save the inteligence in the class, so that the different knowleges of the different pupils doens´t disturb the clever pupils by getting better. They wanted to keep the elite for the senior class. After four years the project was aborted because there was no changes since the project started. The project showed us that it doesn´t matter which kind of pupils are mixed up in the classroom.

  201. Two things for me are important in this article.
    At first I’m also agree that disabilities children should learn with ,,normal» children. Disability people don’t want to be treated special only as normal. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t help them, only don’t treat them like worse which we need to care. Also it’s the best way to make them into fulfilled people. Another thing is to make children think that they have really influence on that how they are teaching, that they have influence about their own live and future. In Poland teachers and school never ask about our own opinion, we don’t have nothing to say what we want to do. It cause that we are not accustomed to having power and to using them. Moreover don’t asking about own opinion cause that many people don’t have it and even if they have, they don’t know how to protect it. Most of people don’t know what they want to study, what they want to do in their live. Sometimes only they are choosing way which may give them a lot of money and only that is for them important, but it is sad…

  202. For me is inclusive education the best schoolorganisation. Why? It give the chance to children with special needs to enjoy education where there are ‘normal’ children . So they can learn from each other. The ‘normal’ children can help the children with special needs and the children with specials needs can be in a ‘normal’ school and so they don’t feel different like the others, they are one! The school has to except the child with his special needs, and change their schoolprogram. And that’s because then you have a school who likes to work with diversity. And for me that’s the most important value of education. You don’t see your students as all the same. Because they aren’t. Everyone has the right to be treated differently. For example: when I had to do internship in the kindergarden, our teachers tought us how you can use diversity in the classroom. We had to introduce different ‘corners’. The buildingcorner, the puppetcorner, the biologycorner, the theme of the week corner, the mathematicscorner etc. so the children can choose what they want to do, so they have a lot of diversity to play.

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