Malestar docente: estrategias de afrontamiento

Se ha definido el malestar docente como la sensación que experimenta un docente en un momento determinado de su vida laboral, donde se autopercibe falto de los recursos personales necesarios para afrontar el ejercicio de la profesión de manera adecuada a los requerimientos del contexto, lo cual puede derivar en cuadros de ansiedad, desmotivación, confusión mental, indiferencia, apatía, etc.

La educación se ha ido expandiendo y abriendo con el paso del tiempo. Lo que se consideraba como algo realizable sólo en la escuela, ha pasado a ser acontecimiento habitual en cualquier rincón de nuestra sociedad. Se ha llegado a hablar, por tanto, de sociedad educativa e, incluso, cuando se consideraba a la misma, a la educación y a la escuela como fuente de todo tipo de males, llegaba a hablarse de desescolarización de la sociedad (véase a Iván Illich). Igualmente sucede con los agentes educativos: de padres a maestros, de éstos al grupo de amigos y de éste a las relaciones laborales.

Paralelo a este proceso se ha ido fraguando una nueva crisis, al parecer sin precedentes en la historia de la educación, cuyo principal indicador es la crítica generalizada de nuestra sociedad sobre el sistema de enseñanza, puesto en cuestión desde los más diversos frentes, con mejores o peores argumentos.

Las consecuencias no se han hecho esperar y, de una manera generalizada en muchos países, podemos observar una notable caída de la imagen social de los profesores. De forma tal vez paradójica son los profesores los que han sufrido las consecuencias más negativas de los éxitos obtenidos por el sistema escolar a través de los años y por la aplicación de sus múltiples reformas. Los profesores han perdido el respeto y el apoyo social que constituían su retribución social más gratificante, ante la clara evidencia de que los salarios no eran ninguna fuente de alegría para los mismos.

La cuestión es del todo pertinente porque una de las consecuencias de este derrumbe de su imagen tiene que ver con la aparición de una nueva realidad: el malestar docente, el estrés del docente.

Un elemento parece destacar en este proceso: el fin del consenso en educación, cosa que venimos arrastrando por lo menos desde mitad de la década de los setenta. Hasta entonces la sociedad tenía una cierta creencia en que la educación podría resolver definitivamente los problemas del ser humano; se habló del optimismo pedagógico. Socialmente se pensaba en ella como la única en promover la «movilidad» y una mayor igualdad entre las personas. Tal vez se fabricaron unas expectativas desmesuradas sobre el poder de la educación, cosa que también ocurre hoy, hasta darnos cuenta que con el tipo de educación de hoy, que es francamente mejorable, desde sus paradigmas hasta sus medios, esto tal vez no sea posible.

Desde luego hoy estamos frente a una serie de factores que han determinado el cambio: aumento de las exigencias sobre el profesor, inhibición educativa de otros agentes de socialización, desarrollo de fuentes de información alternativas a la escuela, ruptura del consenso social sobre la educación, aumento de las contradicciones en el ejercicio de la docencia, cambio de expectativas respecto al sistema educativo, modificación del apoyo de la sociedad al sistema educativo, descenso de la valoración social del profesor, cambios en los contenidos curriculares, escasez de recursos materiales y deficientes condiciones de trabajo, cambios en las relaciones profesor-alumno, fragmentación del trabajo del profesor.

El malestar docente se sustancia en situaciones personales muy concretas. Echando una mirada a los variados estudios sobre el malestar docente tenemos que las fuentes de estrés que los profesores consideran más importantes son:

* La cantidad de trabajo que les «sobrepasa», ya sea por falta de tiempo o de exceso de tareas.

* La sobrecarga de tipo emocional.

* Ambigüedad en el que el profesor no tiene claro cuál es su rol como docente, qué se espera de él por parte de la escuela, los alumnos, los padres y la sociedad en general. Referencia directa a la pregunta ¿qué es la educación? ¿Por qué educamos?

* Conflicto de rol o grado en el que el profesor percibe instrucciones contradictorias respecto a cuáles son sus cometidos laborales.

* Falta de apoyo social por parte de compañeros y escuela.

* Falta de coordinación para el trabajo en equipo.

* Desmotivación, apatía e indisciplina por parte de los alumnos.

* Obstáculos técnicos como problemas en el material didáctico y fallos y/o averías en la infraestructura y/o instalaciones.

El estudio a fondo de este problema nos ha llevado a determinar la posibilidad de soluciones a través de las llamadas vías de afrontamiento, las cuales pueden ser personales e institucionales. Dentro de las personales, que son las que puede poner en marcha el profesional en cuestión, tenemos las conductuales (desarrollo de habilidades de gestión del aula) y las mentales (autocontrol emocional, reestructuración cognitiva y la autoestima).

253 respuestas a “Malestar docente: estrategias de afrontamiento”

  1. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    Todo trabajo en el que tu actuación tenga una repercusión directa con personas tienen una gran responsabilidad en sus manos. No es menos el trabajo de un docente, que se encarga de muchos niños, adolescentes y jóvenes y tiene en sus manos la educación que estos recibirán, y en parte, el futuro de estos. Esta responsabilidad a veces sobrecoge a los docentes, que se ven incapaces de poder brindarles una enseñanza como debiera, y no debemos olvidar que en muchas ocasiones es el trato abusivo de educandos y de padres lo que hace que el profesor no se considere capaz de afrontar la situación, siendo numerosos los casos de depresión.

  2. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    La educación se ha visto modificada debido a todos los cambios que han ido apareciendo a lo largo del tiempo. Estos cambios se han ido produciendo lentamente y en ellos se ha visto alterada tanto la figura del profesor, del alumno, e incluso del mismo proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
    En mi opinión el mejor método de afrontar estos cambios es asimilar la evolución a la que nos vemos sometidos constantemente. Si llegamos a hacerlo, finalmente acabaremos aceptando estos cambios, de modo que iremos renovando nuestra metodología para adaptarnos tanto los cambios metódicos, materiales, extraescolares, e incluso, a cambios profesionales (cambio de roles alumno-profesor, de estatus; en comparación con otras profesiones, así como de prestigio).

  3. Cristina Venegas Pérez dice: Responder

    Es importante aceptar que hoy en día existe un gran malestar docente por diversos factores, uno de los más importantes es la falta de vocación, o el cansancio personal que supone muchas veces dar clase y que los resultados no sean los esperados o no se alcance el nivel que el profesor exige. También es cierto que en años atrás la imagen del profesor era distinta a la que se tiene hoy en día, en el sentido de que antes se respetaba más o se veía al profesor de otra manera, pero esto es debido también al cambio en la sociedad que no tiene nada que ver con la de hace años. Esto no es, sino una razón más que de peso para tomar partido y intentar que esto no suceda.

  4. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    Hoy en día, la profesión de los educadores está muy sobre valorada. Si es verdad que podemos encontrarnos con docentes que se limitan a dar temario y que no ponen ni siquiera interés, pero no todos son así, como hemos hablado en textos anteriores los docentes deben de tener principalmente vocación por su trabajo y obviamente existen muy buenos profesores.
    Todo lo referido a educación es importante e imprescindible para la sociedad, y sí que es cierto, que antiguamente existía mas respeto hacia los docentes aunque también cabe destacar que había una mentalidad totalmente diferente a la que existe hoy en día.
    Es un tema muy delicado, y los profesores deberían de estar contentos con su profesión y no como muchos hoy en día.

  5. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    Cada vez son más los docentes que presentan este malestar debido a múltiples factores. Desde mi punto de vista, creo necesaria la intervención para la mejora de la calidad de vida de los docentes puesto que estos problemas son derivados de su actividad laboral. La crítica generalizada de la sociedad hacia el sistema educativo, la pérdida del apoyo social, la cantidad de trabajo, la ambigüedad… son algunos de los múltiples factores que intervienen en este malestar, pero creo que la sociedad olvida las demandas de educar, formar… como si fuesen los únicos actores sociales que deben hacer frente a estas exigencias. Ante este hecho, considero importante una rápida solución efectiva, mediante las llamadas «vías de enfrentamiento», puesto que afecta en el alumnado, debido algunos síntomas como el estrés crónico, la progresiva despreocupación, pudiendo desembocar todo ello a un decadente proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

  6. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    El malestar del docente hoy en día es un tema muy común,no digo que antiguamente los profesores fueran felices, porque seguramente más de uno lo ha pasado mal. Pero hay una diferencia entre hace unos años y ahora: había más respeto, más disciplina, los profesores no eran tan colegas de sus alumnos etc , mientras que hoy en día el respeto entre profesor y alumno se ha perdido (alguno que otro, no se hacen respetar y por lo tanto el alumnado se comporta de la manera que quiere), tampoco se curran las clases (profesores) para que se nos haga más fácil el temario o que cojamos las asignaturas con ganas…

    Tanto como digo una cosa digo otra, no solamente tienen la culpa el profesorado, también tienen que poner de su parte el alumnado y los padres de dichos alumnos.

    Antes de ser profesor hay que pensárselo muy bien, porque no todo el mundo sirve. Todo profesor ha sido alumno anteriormente y por lo tanto sabe como somos los adolescentes.
    No vale solo que quiera ser profesor porque le gusta enseñar a los demás, sino tiene que gustarle los niños (bastante), paciencia, cierta autoridad… etc . En pocas palabras, tiene que estar preparado emocionalmente, ya que si se les capa de las manos las clases, le puede afectar y pasarlo bastante mal.

  7. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    Este articulo me parece importante debatirlo,ya que las personas cuando estudian y son mayores ya con varios conocimientos deciden que carrera escoger, para así dedicarse a ello durante el resto de su vida. Los profesores en su día alumnos, cuando prefirieron estudiar para ser docentes, deben saber que ser profesor tiene varias ventajas, pero también tiene su dificultad a la hora de aguantar varias horas a estudiantes, algunos mas rebeldes que otros y tener una paciencia increíble, para ser docente te tiene que encantar serlo, porque sino vas a ser un mal maestro y pasarlo mal. Y sería una gran equivocación elegir mal lo que quisiste en su día, porque de alguna manera los alumnos pagan con esto ya que se transmite el problema desde lejos.Por ultimo decir que, lo que hace falta es una buena renovación de manera positiva para que los docentes se encuentren a gusto con sus trabajos.

  8. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    Antiguamente, la profesión de maestro(educador) era importante en la mayoría de sectores sociales y muy respetadas por padres, alumnos etc. Con el paso del tiempo el papel, desarrollo y trabajo de estos profesionales está siendo criticado por muchos que antes lo apoyaban.

    El cambio de las sociedades, la evolución y las numerosas reformas en el ámbito escolar hace que esta profesión esté en un momento de crisis. No existe respeto por los educadores, por su metodología, el estado no aporta soluciones de mejores, y las sociedades no creen en el cambio, por ello, vemos críticas a la educación, a la administración, a los profesores, en general, todo está siendo criticado.

    Por estos motivos, la ejecución de las actividades de los profesores se ven presionadas ocasionando estrés y una sensación de impotencia, ya que el sistema le desprestigia, por ello, el aumento de horas , recorte de salarios,etc.

    Esto provoca indignación en estos colectivos, ya que después de llevar 35 años ejerciendo esta profesión, ven como va cambiando su papel, su proyección y su futuro.

    La educación es el valor fundamental para obtener un buen camino en la sociedad. Si desprestigiamos a quien nos las están enseñando, como pretender que seamos algo en este mundo lleno de dificultades.

  9. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    Una vez leído el artículo saco en conclusión varios factores que originan ese malestar docente pero el más importante para mi gusto es la vocación, debido a que en la actualidad hay muchos docentes que imparten clases sin motivarles su profesión sino el único factor que les mueve es el de un puesto de trabajo que deriva a una satisfacción económica, dejando a un margen la vocación. Otro aspecto que veo importante destacar, es que en la sociedad actual existe una mayor exigencia debido a un factor que inunda nuestras vidas como es la globalización, que deriva a la carencia de apoyo por parte de las familias y de la administración.

  10. Mari Carmen Díaz Acosta dice: Responder

    El malestar docente puede venir dado por varios motivos, como el de la pérdida de autoridad que ha tenido la figura del maestro, otra de las razones de peso, es la falta de vocación que hay dentro de esta profesión, a parte de todas las reformas que han tenido en el periodo de crisis, como el aumento de horas, aumento de numero de alumnos en las clases lo que hace más dificil que el docente pueda transmitir los conocimientos y pueda llegar a frustrarlo.

  11. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    Ser docente es una actividad que, sin duda, envolve toda la persona en cuanto no consiste solo en tener los conocimientos necesarios y no es una profesión que se acaba una vez fuera del aula sino toca además la esfera profesional, la emocional y relacional. El profesor tiene un papel esencial en la vida y el desarrollo de los alumnos apoyando la función educativa de la familia y de la comunidad, y la toma de conciencia de esto, junto a otros factores, puede llevar el docente a sentirse agobiado por sus incaricos. Muchas reformas actuales estan limitando la libertad de los profesores y ellos pueden sentirse incapaces en esta epoca en la cual la sociedad tiene poca creencia en las capacidades del sistema educativo.
    Se trata de una profesión que puede dar muchas satisfacciónes, sobre todo a nivel emocional y personal, y que seguramente tiene que seguir muchas pautas para una buena actuación y requiere muchas reflexiones detrás. Por eso sería mejor que solo las personas que tienen de verdad la vocación para serlo lo hagan porque es más probable que quien no la tenga pueda experimentar una sensación de malestar porque no tiene la pasión que en situaciones adversas da la fuerza para afrontarlas.
    De todas formas cualquier docente puede probar sensaciónes de ansiedad, desmotivación y confusión mental a lo largo de su carrera y por eso es fundamental la conociencia de vías de afrontamiento, personales y institucionales, que llevan los docentes a la toma de conciencia de sus capacidades, de su valor, y del hecho que es bueno estar implicado en lo que se hace pero eso debe acompañarse también a un certo desapego.
    Esas pueden ser las consecuencias y los riesgos de este tipo de trabajo,pero creo que sean comprensibles dado el importante rol que ocupa.

  12. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    Dentro del ámbito educativo, en mi opinión la figura del docente es lo más importante y no lo es tan solo hoy en día, sino, desde hace muchísimo tiempo, a pesar de que la escuela sea una institución con constantes reformas educativas y grandes cambios, el docente sigue teniendo esa imagen de respeto.
    Los problemas que hoy por hoy sufren los profesores es la pérdida de ese respeto, que ya no es tanto como el que se le tenía antes, puesto que en ocasiones, la palabra de un alumno o un padre tiene más valor y más peso que la del propio profesor. Por culpa de familias o alumnos que pierden el respeto total hacia la figura del profesor podemos hablar de este fracaso escolar en el que estamos metidos.


    Está claro que el malestar docente es un tema actual y que antiguamente no se daba, puesto que la figura del profesor representaba en la sociedad una gran autoridad y una persona respetada en todo momento tanto dentro como fuera del aula. Pero también es cierto, que la vocación y la motivación lo es todo en una profesión como ésta, y por mi experiencia, que es variada, puedo decir que los casos que he conocido ha sido más por falta de vocación o por problemas personales, que por exceso de trabajo, aumento de horas, etc etc…. ya que ésto último es debido en gran medida a la crisis que está sufriendo con creces el país, y no sólo ellos (los profesores) se han visto afectados por ella, sino muchas profesiones, las cuales son mucho más duras que esta y se dan día tras día en condiciones mucho peores que las de un centro educativo.

  14. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    En mi opinión este malestar docente se puede originar por muchas cosas, una de las primeras es la vocación, ya que si un docente no tiene vocación, no puede sentirse completamente a gusto dando clases o cuando haya algún problema el docente que no tiene vocación puede ser que no sepa afrontar bien dichos problemas. Por otro lado, el malestar docente también se puede originar por el cambio en la sociedad que se esta produciendo y por la crisis hoy en día, en los cuales se incluyen los recortes en educación, los cuales están haciendo que el docente tenga menos herramientas para cumplir sus objetivos como profesional de la educación. Tenemos que tener en cuenta que el malestar docente hay que tratarlo como algo muy importante y ponerle fin, ya que dicho malestar condiciona la educación de los educandos.

  15. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    Vocación. ¿Qué quiero decir con esto?. Pues que unas de las causas principales de que el profesor posea este malestar es la vocación. Personas que se dedican a esta profesión por el mero hecho de tener un trabajo fijo, cobrar un salario, e impartir las clases de tal manera que no importe, de eso surge un gran malestar por no estar haciendo lo que realmente a uno le gusta. Aun así, también quiero hacer hincapié en que hay muchas personas que tienen esta vocación, pero si sufren este malestar. Los niños hoy en día están muy protegidos por los padres y cuando llegan a casa se quejan constantemente y son los mismos padres los que culpan a los profesores. Antiguamente el profesor era una persona muy valorada, cualquier problema los padres daban la razón al profesor. Actualmente es una pena que algunos profesores se encuentren infravalorados tanto por los alumnos como por los padres, cuando su único objetivo es que los hijos de estos padres, logren una buena educación.

  16. Alba María Galván Ruiz dice: Responder

    Actualmente, por varias razones, el docente tiene malestar en su vida laboral y esto hace que pierda motivación por su trabajo. Algunas de las causas que pienso que son las que produce este malestar son principalmente el respeto que se ha perdido hacia los docentes, la bajada de sueldo, el tener que reemplazar a otros profesores en asignaturas que no se saben defender adecuadamente para que el aprendizaje tenga éxito, etc. Todo esto, como he dicho antes, hace que el docente pierda motivación y ésta pérdida de motivación se la transmiten a los alumnos que la van perdiendo poco a poco también. Por ello, creo que este tema habría que tratarlo y el propio docente tener información de cómo evitar estar en situación de malestar docente.

  17. Elena Moral Carrasquilla dice: Responder

    El malestar docente, es una problemática que sin que yo supiese de este concepto antes había visto su significado en repetidas ocasiones, he vivido como algunos profesores míos no eran capaces o no se creían capaces de superar situaciones por ejemplo con alumnos problemáticos o con problemas dentro del mismo aula, es un tema tan delicado como complejo en su solución.
    Se me viene la idea de que quizás en la formación de profesores se trate el malestar docente como una materia más, donde haya posibles formas de evitarlo, superarlo o incluso en un momento dado poder ayudar algún compañero que lo padezca.

  18. María Bravo Montero dice: Responder

    Actualmente los docentes sufren un malestar que en parte afecta a su desinterés por los estudios y a su desmotivación. Algunas causas son las expuestas en el artículo anterior, pero pueden ser otras como tener profesores que no tienen motivación por la materia y sin el suficiente conocimiento académico de ésta que hace que no sepa defender la materia ante el alumnado para que aprenda de la manera adecuada. Por ejemplo, en el colegio damos muchos años la asignatura de inglés pero salimos de él sin saber mucho de esta materia. Sin embargo, los profesores se creen que por estar fijos en el colegio o por haber dado esa materia muchos años se creen que tienen ellos la razón.

  19. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FÉLIX dice: Responder

    El concepto de docente y el trato que ha este se le da ha ido cambiando con la sociedad, de ahí que actualmente se pueda comparar al profesor de ahora con el de antes. Ha cambiado tanto el respeto y la forma de dirigirnos a ellos, como el prestigio social que estos tienen. Antiguamente se les trataba de “Don y Doña”(no hace mucho de eso porque yo lo he vivido en mi escuela y tengo veinte años), y se les consideraba como superiores en cuanto que eran las personas capacitadas para proporcionar los conocimientos al alumnado. Actualmente hay un desprestigio que no es que afecte a uno o dos profesores, sino que afecta al colectivo entero y esto provoca desmotivación, indiferencia, apatía, y lo peor es que no solo afecta al docente, sino que repercute en el alumnado.

  20. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, la principal causa por la que se pueda producir el malestar docente, es la falta de vocación por esta profesión, ya que si se carece de ella, es imposible que pueda desarrollar bien su trabajo, lo que puede desembocar en este malestar del que se hablar y presentar los cuadros que se exponen en el texto. Del mismo modo, también se puede producir a causa de otros muchos factores externos ajenos al docente como se exponen al final del artículo.
    Es cierto que la educación se ha ido expandiendo, pero desde mi punto de vista lo que puede proporcionar la escuela, no se puede llevar a cabo en ninguno de los otros agentes de socialización y viceversa, por tanto, cada uno tiene su papel y sus funciones para llevar a cabo con el alumnado, siendo cada uno igual de importantes e imprescindibles en la vida del niño/a, y que han de tener una relación recíproca constante.
    Opino igualmente que no se puede considerar a la escuela como “una fuente de salvación de la sociedad”, pero sí como una parte muy importante que ayuda a construir la sociedad deseada. Para ello hay que tener a unos profesionales competentes para llevar a cabo esta tarea, y que se les valore el trabajo que realizan tal y como se merece, sin ser juzgados bajo el desconocimiento y la rumorología. Por ello, pienso que la mejor ayuda hacia este problema es que, todos seamos que ser conscientes de que todo se puede mejorar, pero que para ello se necesita la ayuda de la comunidad.

  21. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, tras la lectura del texto se puede observar que el estrés del docente viene derivado de la evolución que ha tenido la educación a lo largo de la historia.
    Antiguamente hasta hace unos años, la figura del docente cobraba mucha importancia, y se tenía mucho valor y respeto, pero hoy en día, se le da muy poca importancia a la labor que realiza. Cuando en el colegio sucede algún conflicto con el profesor y el alumno, rápidamente se llama a sus padres para explicarle lo sucedido, pues hoy en día los responsables de lo que ocurre son los profesores según los padres, por la presión del estudio y tareas que mandan, o simplemente, decir que, ocurre eso porque los profesores estan amargados.
    Esto que he explicado anteriormente es uno de los factores, entre otros, que provocan que los docentes tenga estrés , y que estén sometido en un abismo de ansiedad por culpa de la sociedad en sí.

  22. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    El término de malestar docente ha surgido creo,que por la evolución que se esta produciendo en la sociedad; hace años el profesor tenía un valor diferentes al que tiene hoy en la actualidad y antes era más respetado.
    A pesar de que hoy en día el valor es diferente, nos solemos poner siempre en el lugar del alumno o estudiante, y no pensamos en el profesor; cuando es el profesor el que tiene que lidiar a un grupo de alumnos, teniendo que mandar a callar entre muchas otras órdenes que hoy en día se pasan por alto. Antiguamente, la palabra de un profesor era sagrada, sí el profesor comunicaba a una familia que su hijo/a había hecho algo mal, la familia castigaba a ese niño/a. Actualmente pasa al revés, en muchos casos, cuando un profesor llama a unos padres para comunicarles algo sobre su hijo/a, lo primero que hacen algunos padres es acudir al centro, pero para ponerse en contra de profesor.
    Para terminar decir, que los tiempos van cambiando y las sociedades también; por tanto lo que hoy en día tiene un valor dentro de X años tendrá un valor diferente; y con esto hago alusión a lo del profesor, a como era tratado y cómo se sentía él mismo hace 40 años, no es los mismo a como es tratado y se siente hoy; de hecho en el texto lo hemos podido comprobar.


    Este malestar del docente que se ve reflejado en el texto, creo que ha ocurrido debido a que la imagen del profesor ha cambiado, en base a la percepción que teníamos antiguamente, ya que hoy en día un profesor no representa ese papel tan importante que tenía antes, aunque en mi opinión sigue desempeñando la misma función, por lo que se debería de estar reconocida de la misma manera que entonces.
    Debido a que la imagen del profesor ha cambiado como ya he comentado con anterioridad, ha surgido este malestar del docente, ya que creo que están sometidos a una gran presión social, porque se espera mucho de ellos, y trabajan bajo una gran exigencia, por lo que creo que no debería de ser de todo así, debería de estar el sistema educativo constituido de forma distinta para que no cayera todo la responsabilidad al docente, ya que la enseñanza está compuesta por diversos eslabones y todos ellos juegan un papel fundamental.

  24. IXONE GOMEZ RAMIREZ dice: Responder

    El malestar puntual en el puesto de trabajo puede ser un hecho cotidiano, pero se convierte en un verdadero problema cuando afecta a una determinada profesión y afecta a la mayoría de sus trabajadores. Este malestar es equiparable al «síndrome de burnout». Obviamente el problema no afecta solo al docente, si no que las consecuencias del burnout se trasladan a los alumnos. La apatía, desmotivación, desmoralización… por parte del profesor hace que sus alumnos pierdan el interés por la asignatura, baje el rendimiento y se contagie ese ambiente apático en la clase.
    Una de las formas de evitar estos casos de malestar sería trabajar la inteligencia emocional, tanto a los alumnos como a los profesores, haciéndoles capaces de reconocer trabajar y atajar sus emociones de la manera más adecuada, reduciendo así el estrés y la frustración.

  25. Pienso que el malestar docente es producto de los cambios que ha tenido la escuela en la sociedad como bien dice el texto. Pienso que el fallo está en el sistema educativo. Como bien nos han enseñado en clase, tenemos el mismo sistema educativo de hace 300 años. Los docentes son los que más culpa se están llevando del fracaso educativo que estamos viviendo, y en parte, ellos están tan afectados como los alumnos. Creo que se debe apoyar al profesorado y darle un cambio a la manera de enseñar, incluso, más libertad a la hora de decidir qué enseñar. No podemos seguir con la idea de escuela que ha habido hasta ahora, en la que el profesor manda y los alumnos obedecen. Hay que tener en cuenta que la forma en que se daba clase antes no puede darse ahora.

  26. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, creo que la visión respecto al docente ha cambiado mucho desde hace años hasta ahora. Ya que en la antigüedad hablar de profesor era algo con un gran prestigio y siempre con un gran respeto «Don, Doña…» y ahora cada vez más esta profesión es el mayor declive de prestigio social. Cosa con la que no estoy nada de acuerdo, porque para mí son imprescindibles en la vida de una persona, además de enseñar valores, temario… pero la familia tiene que seguir desarrollandolos sino este trabajo es para nada. Pero no solo ha cambiado la escuela o educación desde mi punto de vista, sino también la forma de pensar de los alumnos, padres…
    También hay que decir que muchos alumnos incordian a los profesores porque se sienten obligados a permanecer en clase, cosa que antes solo estudiaba el que quería y tenía los medios económicos suficientes.
    Por lo que me parece normal que los profesores obtengan molestias y padezcan síntomas negativos respecto a las clases de hoy en día, porque por los «recortes» hay casi el doble de alumnos en una clase, razón por la que cada vez es más dificl impartirlas.

  27. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    Pienso que la situación de malestar que tiene el docente es actual, esto hace unos años atrás la disciplina que había en la aula más estricta que ahora, ya que al profesorado tenía más autoridad y se le hablaba con más respecto que ahora.
    Por otro lado, el ser docente no es solo ir a clase, dar el temario y no interactuar con los alumnos, sino que éste se debe ir reciclando continuamente ya que deben de ir actualizando los conocimientos, cómo manejar la clase y hacer todo lo posible para adaptarse a las características de los alumnos. Por último, decir que el profesor debe de estar totalmente motivado a la hora de impartir las clases, y de esta forma los alumnos adquirirán los conocimientos de mejor forma.

  28. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, es cierto que la visión de los docentes ha cambiado mucho, ya que cuando escuchas hablar a los abuelos o incluso a nuestros padres de sus maestros siempre dicen “Don…” “Doña…” cosa que ya se ha perdido y ahí se ve claramente el respeto cosa que ya no se tiene hacia un profesor. Antiguamente, un profesor te castigaba y cuando se lo contabas a tu padre, él te volvía a castigar porque si el maestro lo había hecho era porque algo malo habías echo tú, y ahora, al contrario, si el profesor te castiga a la mañana siguiente están los padres del alumno pidiéndole explicaciones. En definitiva, la sociedad ha cambiado, tanto los alumnos como los padres y profesores.
    También creo que puede ser por la motivación de estudiar o el miedo, ahora hay muchos alumnos que están en el colegio obligados y tal vez por esto es por lo que incordian a los profesores, sin embargo antes los que podían estudiar era porque tenían la oportunidad que no muchos podían tener y la tenían que aprovechar, y también por el miedo que le tenían muchos de ellos al profesor le tenían respeto.
    En otros aspectos, pienso que cuando se habla de la depresión del profesorado, no estoy del todo de acuerdo, porque si ahora no tienen suficientes medios, antes tenían menos, los profesores ahora cobran bien, antes no… y un número de cosas que aunque puede llegar a entender lo comparto.


    ¿Estamos siendo injustos con los profesores? En mi opinión sí. Pero esto no es nada nuevo, porque tal como se refleja en el texto, a lo largo de las últimas décadas, los profesores han sufrido el mayor declive en prestigio social de todas las profesiones. Antiguamente, el maestro era una figura muy respetada, con un gran prestigio social y un reconocimiento igual que el de un médico. Sin embargo ahora, cada vez se les respeta menos, se valora menos su labor, se bajan sus salarios y aun así se les exige que hagan «maravillas» con los alumnos y se les culpa de todos los problemas que puedan tener en lo académico e incluso en lo personal.
    No nos paramos a pensar, que el hecho de que un maestro consiga en mayor o menor medida los objetivos propuestos, no depende solo de él, sino que el maestro es solo una pieza más dentro de un complejo sistema educativo que cada vez está más desorganizado y presenta más lagunas. Por tanto, creo que el malestar docente no es un hecho aislado, y que antes de cuestionar al maestro directamente, debemos plantearnos qué es lo que realmente esta fallando.

  30. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    Cada vez se palpa más el malestar que existe hoy en día entre nuestros docentes. Es verdad que el sistema de enseñanza, bajo mi punto de vista, está en crisis, pero no son los profesores los culpables de ello. Nosotros, los alumnos, les transmitimos las quejas que tenemos, las dificultades que nos hacen difícil seguir el camino de la educación, todas las necesidades insatisfechas que nos preocupan y, seguramente esto ocurre porque es a los profesores a los que tenemos acceso pero no porque sean culpables de todo este malestar del alumnado.
    Por otra parte, me pregunto: ¿Estamos cargando a los profesores con demasiadas responsabilidades?
    Es verdad que desde mi punto de vista, un docente además de transmitir conocimientos e información debe inculcar valores, pero, ¿hasta que punto?. Las familias también deben ser las encargadas de enseñar esos valores que tanto necesita hoy en día nuestra sociedad.
    Yo sigo pensando que la educación es fundamental y además, un factor clave y muy importante en la sociedad y la herramienta para resolver muchos problemas. Pero aunque esto sea así, el docente no deberían cargar con más responsabilidad de la que le pertenece, porque cuando esto ocurre, el profesor se desborda y empieza a crearse el malestar del que venimos hablando.

  31. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Que en el sistema educativo actual algo falla es un hecho, una realidad. Las continuas reformas llevadas a cabo en las ultimas dos décadas no han desembarcado en ninguna solución, y ademas están apareciendo nuevos problemas. Que el profesorado este molesto y padezca todo los síntomas que hemos podido leer en el articulo me parece normal dada la situación de las aulas hoy en día. En la actualidad, un profesor al entrar en un aula no sabe que se va a encontrar, y ni mucho menos por donde van a salir los tiros. Su figura a perdido todo el respeto, y se encuentra a merced de alumnos que hoy en día son capaces de todo.
    Pienso que a esta situación debería ponerle remedio el Estado y las Instituciones Educativas correspondiente mediante ambas vías, tanto por las personales como por las institucionales.

  32. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    Ante el malestar docente producido por los distintos cambios en las leyes, debe actuar la comunidad educativa con rapidez, imponer los medios necesarios para que al alumno no le afecte demasiado este malestar, pues de ello depende su preparación.

  33. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    El malestar docente viene dado por una gran cantidad de circunstancias, a las cuales hace referencia el texto, que a lo mejor nosotros no nos hemos parado a pensar. Los alumnos siempre exigimos que el docente este bien preparado, con una buena formación, pero detrás de ello hay muchas variables que no les permiten a los docentes llegar a la formación que se desea. La época de crisis por la que estamos pasando nos afecta a la mayoría, entre esta, están los docentes, debido a los recortes se les exigen cada vez más; cambios en los sistemas educativos, modificación del apoyo de la sociedad, fragmentación del trabajo en el profesor, materiales insuficientes… y esto desemboca en el estrés y en una sobre carga emocional. Es necesario buscar una solución para el bienestar de los profesores, y como consecuencia de los alumnos, la familia y la sociedad en general.

  34. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    ¿Malestar docente? tema complicado de tratar debido a los múltiples factores que han influido para llegar a este punto.
    Comencemos con el punto de vista del valor del docente de antes y el actual con respecto a la sociedad, alumnos y padres. Antes de la Guerra Civil, la figura del maestro, ya tenía unos valores negativos por parte de la sociedad, a pesar de existir profesores con vocación tan buenos o mejores que ahora, como se contempla en la pelicula «La lengua de las Mariposas». Pero el problema existió después de dicho estallido, acentuándose este rechazo debido a la crueldad de las escuelas y el profesorado con los alumnos, llegando a despertar el miedo entre ellos. Actualmente, el profesor es totalmente diferente al que había en antaño, respetando unas normas controlodas por un ministerio, o se supone, pero desgraciadamente esa imagen, unida con otros factores, ha perdurado.
    El respeto es el otro valor que ayuda este malestar, no pienso que solo sea el profesor a quién no se le respete, pienso que la sociedad en sí no se respeta, olvidandóse este valor tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela, pudriéndose mientras estiman más otros valores, como el económico. Esa prioridad de valores es algo que se da actualmente, inculcándose desde pequeño, de manera «subconsciente», ya sea en la calle, en la tele, la casa o en la misma escuela. Esta nueva cultura se está desarrollando con nuevos valores, valores negativos que afectan tanto al profesor, como al carnicero o como a la ama de casa.
    La escuela, nuestra querida institución que nos educa. Bajo mi experiencia, pocas escuelas han sido las que he visto donde el principal objetivo de los directores es que sus alumnos salgan enseñados. Sin embargo muchos han sido los profesores innovadores que presencié a lo largo de mi vida que realizan su función por vocación y pretenden mejorar su diseño didáctico para así seguir desarrollando el aprendizaje con sus alumnos, todos diferentes, ajustandose a la evolución de las personas. Aquí es donde aparece otro factor de este malestar, que los de «arriba» restringan a estos profesores en su desarrollo, porque el modelo que siempre existió siempre funcionó y es mucho más cómodo dejarlo así y ceñirnos por la ley, sin pensar en el beneficio del alumno y el profesor de dicho cambio, enseñar y aprender mejor.
    La vías de afrontamiento es una opción, pero mi preocupación es que partimos de una sociedad cada día más ciega por nuevos valores dañinos y todos formamos parte de dicha sociedad.

  35. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    Los docentes hoy en día están bajo presión desde diferentes frentes, los alumnos muchas veces van desmotivado a clase y eso hace que no les presten interés al docente, los recortes de educación desmotivan al docente a dar clase ya que les afecta a su vida laboral como personal. La crisis que vivimos hoy en día ha incrementado ese malestar de los docentes y muchos de ellos se desesperan con lo mínimo. El respeto que se les tenía también ha cambiado mucho, el alumnado e incluso los familiares no se lo toman en serio.
    En mi opinión se debería de cuidar más la imagen del docente, y proporcionales más autoridad y respeto. El sistema educativo debe de apaliar este tema, ya que muchas veces los profesores tienen que estar motivado para impartir un clase y así trasmitir esa motivación al alumnado.

  36. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    Este texto te hace ser un poco más empático y ver las cosas desde una perspectiva totalmente distinta. Nosotros como alumnos y estudiantes exigimos una buena formación unida a una motivación por parte del profesor.
    Desde que somos pequeños vemos al profesor como si fuese alguien de otro planeta, no te lo imaginas en su casa compartiendo la vida familiar, es como si fuese un robot que se limita a enseñarnos en las horas lectivas y que fuera de ese horario se apaga automáticamente pero no es así, el profesor, al igual que nosotros, también es una persona y como tal siente la necesidad de estar motivados en su trabajo, en su día a día. Además el nivel que tienen de paciencia es impresionante y apreciable puesto que no todo el mundo tiene la capacidad de aguantar a 20 o 30 niños y cada uno de un padre diferente.
    También he de reconocer que los alumnos a la vez que nos van recortando becas, quitándonos recursos…nos están desmotivando. Aunque estemos estudiando es triste y desesperante pensar que va a ser muy pocos los que consigamos un puesto de trabajo.
    Todo esto provoca que en clase haya días que pasemos de todo y estemos mas pendiente de nuestro móvil que de lo que dice el profesor y éste tiene que soportar el ver que no le hacen caso y que precisamente esos que están pasando son los que luego le van a interrumpir para que vuelva a explicar lo mismo.

  37. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    Vivimos en un país en el que la educación se está viendo fuertemente bombardeada por diversos aspectos. Todo gira alrededor de la economía y, por tanto, a consecuencia de los recortes económicos, los profesores, como el resto de trabajadores, se sienten explotados y poco valorados. Tras estudiar una carrera y unas oposiciones, se dan cuenta de que su trabajo no está del todo considerado. El sueldo no es suficiente para llevar a cabo un buen trabajo pues, los docentes tienen una función muy importante en esta sociedad, están conformando a las nuevas generaciones. Así surge el estrés y el malestar docente, los maestros desean hacer un trabajo más productivo pero le faltan recursos, quieren hacer excursiones pero no hay dinero, por el dinero que recibe prefieren no esforzarse mucho…
    Necesitamos un cambio, necesitamos que la sociedad se de cuenta de la importancia de la educación.

  38. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Opino que en los tiempos que corren, y bajo esta crisis que estamos hoy en día sumergidos, los recortes en educación han sido numerosos y varias veces han bajado el salario de los profesores y profesoras, así como incrementado las horas de trabajo, con un número mayor de alumnos y alumnas por aulas, por ello empatizo con ellos y puedo entender este malestar, pero sin embargo, también creo que los profesores y profesoras deben ponerse en situación de millones de estudiantes, que abordamos esta crisis igual que ellos, y que estamos recibiendo una peor calidad educativa a unos elevados costes. Por tanto creo, creo que ahora más que nunca debemos empatizar todos y todas, y en vez de crear un ámbito de negatividad, juntos hacer la unión, y aumentar la calidad educativa, poniendo todos y todas de nuestra parte.

  39. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    El malestar docente es algo obvio en los tiempos que corre de crisis y de reformas en el sistema educativo de nuestro país, esta sensación la suelen experimentar algunos docentes en un momento determinado de su vida profesional, pero yo opino que hay profesores que este efecto le dura hasta el fin de su carrera laboral, haciendo su trabajo de una forma monótona y aburrida. Es cierto que en la actualidad a los profesores no se le de ninguna importancia moral, y que los alumnos cada vez le presentan menos respeto, cosa que afecta a la hora de dar las clases e incluso de tomar decisiones con respectos a los alumnos. Los profesores también están viviendo una etapa de miedo, ya que se ha dado muchos casos en noticias, donde los alumnos tenían acosado a los profesores y estos, se enfrentan solos al problema sin recibir ningún tipo de protección ya que la ley siempre ampara al menor.

  40. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Desde hace unos años atrás, siendo más frecuente en la actualidad nos encontramos con un deterioro en la enseñanza, tanto en lo económico, como en los recursos y en los continuos cambios de modelos educativos. Todo esto afecta directamente a los docentes.
    La falta de estima de la sociedad hacia este colectivo, donde su autoridad cada vez es más cuestionada, el hecho de autolimitar el nivel de responsabilidad al aula, tratando de evitar problemas más allá de la misma, empeora más aun la visión actual del docente.
    Es casi inevitable que con este panorama que en algún momento de la vida laboral de los profesores aparezca lo que se ha dado en llamar el malestar del docente.
    Este mal se exterioriza con apatía, confusión mental, desmotivación, hace que su trabajo además de los obstáculos externos que se encuentra, se les añadan estos de carácter personal.
    Conscientes de esta problemática, cada vez más frecuente se han establecido unas vías llamadas de afrontamiento. En la que interviene no solo el profesional sino que también implica a las instituciones. Pero como todo problemática emocional, la participación del docente en el aprendizaje de habilidades de gestión del aula (conductual), el autocontrol y la autoestima es fundamental (mentales)

  41. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    Es una realidad la existencia del malestar docente. Poniéndome en el lugar de ellos, los entiendo. Debe ser duro comenzar la clase sabiendo que de 30 alumnos que puedes tener en una clase, sólo uno o dos están realmente interesados en lo que les explique, que la mitad pasan del tema y la otra mitad están ahí por obligación y como están descontentos van a incordiar.

    La labor del educador es bastante complicada, se siente impotencia de no saber qué hacer para parar esta situación, para motivarlos. Con la preparación de cada clase debes pensar estrategias para captar la atención de los alumnos pero se hace imposible. Por ello se crean esas situaciones estresantes y te quemas tanto.

    Por eso llego a la conclusión de que esta profesión debe ser totalmente vocacional, para de este modo saber preparar las clases y estar muy bien preparado psicológicamente para aceptar la llegada de críticas y no llevártelas al campo personal.

    Puede ser que antiguamente la educación, más que en la enseñanza se basaba en la disciplina pero en esa época, ¿existían los problemas que existen ahora?
    Hay que reflexionar mucho sobre ello. Mi opinión es que cada profesor debe hacerse respetar y marcar unos límites de los que no deben pasar. No hace falta tener mano dura pero si mostrar la autoridad. El problema de esto es que ahora con nada que diga o haga el profesor, ya se considera que se está maltratando al alumno y claro, los padres creen a sus hijos antes que a los docentes.

    De antes a ahora ha habido un cambio de roles que es difícil de modificar de nuevo.

  42. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    Es una realidad que cada vez hay más profesores que sufren malestar en el trabajo. En muchas ocasiones sufren depresiones y otros tipos de malestares.
    Los profesores no tienen la culpa de la mala situación en la que se encuentra la educación, aunque a veces, sea el mismo profesor el que no se preocupa por ello; pero la mayoría de las veces los culpamos a ellos porque simplemente son a los únicos que podemos quejarnos de nuestro desacuerdos.
    Pero en mi opinión, los profesores dentro del programa educativo deberían tener una organización y una planificación para que se de una buena enseñanza y muchos de ellos no la tienen.
    También los padres defienden a sus hijos dejando en mal lugar al profesorado delante de éstos, induciendo a la falta de respeto de los alumnos a los profesores provocando al malestar del docente entre otras cuestiones como la inseguridad que tienen éstos, la desmotivación por la falta de apoyo social…

  43. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, los docentes están cada vez más molestos y eso se viene dando en las últimas décadas y ha ido aumentando con el paso de estos últimos años. Además, creo que este malestar es comprensible:
    -Les han recortado el sueldo.
    -Les han aumentado las horas laborales.
    -Se les esta desprestigiando como profesionales.
    -Han de soportar los abusos de alumnos y padres hacia su persona.
    -Entre otras muchas cosas…
    Por último, creo que la crisis económica nos está llevando a una crisis educativa y cultural, y sin duda debemos luchar para que la escuela funcione como institución imprescindible en el proceso de socialización de los niños y luchar para mejorarla y solucionar los múltiples problemas que presenta.

  44. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    En mi opinión este tema es un poco complicado. Por un lado pienso que quien estudie para ser profesor algún día tiene que tener bastante claro que es una labor difícil y que hay que tener mucha ilusión, ganas y sobre todo paciencia, porque si no se tiene es muy difícil la convivencia con los alumnos, y esta claro que en todos sitios hay alumnos con los que se puede hablar y llevar una clase normal y otros que no obedecen, hablan, no atienden, etc. Aunque también es conveniente para evitar que una clase sea un desastre que el docente sepa llevarla sin aburrir demasiado.
    Por otro lado, creo que es conveniente que también los alumnos se pongan en el lugar de los profesores, aunque esto también depende de la edad, porque lógicamente los niños de 10 y 12 años no van a pensar que están haciendo pasar un mal rato al profesor. Sin embargo los adolescentes de 16/18 años ya pueden pensar un poquito y tener educación y respeto hacia el profesorado, aunque esto es algo que también se debe enseñar en las aulas.
    Otras cuestiones que pueden influir al malestar del docente pueden ser los problemas familiares y del exterior, aunque pienso que una de las cosas que deben de aprender los profesores es a dejar de lado todas esas cuestiones para que no les influya a la hora de dar clase.
    En definitiva, este tema es muy amplio pero en mi opinión se debe de enseñar unas pautas a los profesores para que estén tanto físicamente como mentalmente preparados y puedan enfrentar los inconvenientes que le surjan en las aulas sin que les influya negativamente.

  45. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    La situación de malestar que tiene el docente es actual, esto antiguamente no ocurría. En tiempos pasados la disciplina que había en las escuelas era máxima, el profesorado tenía un gran poder sobre sus alumnos, no existían replicas a sus decisiones, nadie le llevaba la contraria, lo que el profesor decía iba a misa. El respeto que había hacia los docentes, en muchas ocasiones era mayor que hasta el respeto que tenían a su propia familia. En mi caso me han contado muchas anécdotas con respecto a las vivencias que ocurrían en el aula en tiempos pasados.
    En la actualidad, es algo evidente que el sistema educativo a cambiado completamente. Ahora es el alumno quien le hecha cara al profesor sin tener el mínimo respeto hacia ello, pero claro desde mi punto de vista también tiene culpa el docente por dedicarse a una profesión en la que no tiene motivación y esto se ve reflejado día a día en el desarrollo de sus clases.

  46. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    Tras la lectura de este artículo, es inevitable destacar como la imagen del docente hoy día está empeorando, en el sentido de que llegará un momento, si las cosas siguen así, en el que se podrá prescindir de él. En este hecho es donde vemos las consecuencias del desarrollo, por ejemplo, tecnológico, además de la poca profesionalidad de algunos de ellos.
    Es decir, con todos los avances que estamos teniendo y como se señala aquí sí es cierto que la obligación de que el niño vaya a la escuela, podrá ser suprimida, ya que ´será posible estudiar por internet o con un profesor particular para aquel niño que pueda permitirse eso.
    En fin, ya estaría muy perdida la sociedad humana para llegar a ese punto, en el que el niño no vaya a la escuela, lo que es imprescindible para su desarrollo, no solo intelectual, sino también social, porque es el contacto con los demás y nuestros iguales lo que nos hace evolucionar e ir adquiriendo las características propias de cada uno.

  47. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    “Tal vez se fabricaron unas expectativas desmesuradas sobre el poder de la educación, cosa que también ocurre hoy, hasta darnos cuenta que con el tipo de educación de hoy, que es francamente mejorable, desde sus paradigmas hasta sus medios, esto tal vez no sea posible.”

    Al “Poder” no le interesa cambiar la educación actual, ya que de ella se produce dos tipos de personas: personas con un desconocimiento brutal (cosa que les interesa para seguir con su entramada) o personas muy productivas para el sistema y sus intereses (cosa que les interesan aún más). Por lo tanto el sistema educativo y el currículo estricto que promulga, junto a sus métodos, diseños, medios, etc. No se modifican, no varían, se quedan estacando, pero claro, las personas con el desconocimiento fomentado por dicha situación, anteriormente mencionada, culpan fieramente al profesores/as y el maestros/as por esta inoperancia, mientras que las personas productiva para el sistema callan.

    Y mientras los profesores sufren un estrés profesional muy real (el cual muchas veces ni ellos/as saben de dónde procede el problema) y el verdadero kit de la cuestión y problemática sigue sin erradicarse.

  48. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    En años anteriores la educación tenía muy buen prestigio, e incluso considerada como la solución a todos los males, pero esta situación ha cambiado. Ahora la imagen del profesor tampoco es la misma.
    Esta situación puede deberse a los cambios que ha habido en el sistema escolar, a los docentes ahora se les da menos confianza respecto a la que antes se les daba. Éstos ahora son simples profesores. Recuerdo historias que me han contado gente cercana sobre cómo eran antes, hacían notar su poder, cuando algún alumno no hacía lo que debía se le pegaba y los padres estaba de acuerdo, pero ahora no es así, si un alumno es maltratado por un profesor será denunciado… Estos cambios han tenido consecuencias negativas sobre ellos, debido a que han sufrido muchas críticas como profesionales, no tienen el mismo sueldo, materiales… también otros aspectos como la desmotivación, contradicciones en su ejercicio, cambios en las relaciones tanto de alumnos como padres… todo ello provoca un malestar en el profesor que aún se puede remediar.

  49. Me resulta usual la existencia de este malestar docente, ya que durante años se ha criticado y manipulado la imagen de profesores. Todo esto se debe a que la sociedad en general no es consciente del trabajo que realizan estos profesionales y de la dificulta de ejercer un proceso de aprendizaje preciso, al igual que por hacer creer que la educación sería la solución a todos los problemas del ser humano, en cierto modo sería así pero no solo con la educación podremos hacer frente a todas las contrariedades existentes en nuestras sociedades.
    Se les ha criticado por no actuar de forma adecuada a su ejercicio, por estar continuamente en vacaciones, por cobrar “altos salarios”, por comodidad, pero realmente alguien se ha preguntado ¿Qué haríamos sin docentes? ¿Quién se iba hacer cargo de la educación de nuestros hijos? Seguramente no, pero vivimos en una sociedad donde el valor de la empatía no está presente, nadie se pone en la piel del que enseña, todos pensamos que es una tarea fácil, se les pide unas funciones que a él verdaderamente no le corresponden, exigiéndoles cada vez más, más y más, ¿hasta qué punto?
    Creo que para que este malestar docente desaparezca es necesario que los docentes cuenten con el apoyo y sean respetados tanto por la comunidad educativa como por la propia ciudadanía.

  50. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    Hoy en día el malestar del docente ha aumento respecto a la de haces un tiempo, el problema que creo que hay, es debido a que ya muchos de ellos no eligen su profesión por vocación. En la actualidad, probablemente la mitad de ellos no se encuentra a gusto a la hora de desarrollar sus clases. Esto es un problema que no debería ser así, pero por otro lado no opino que solo la culpa la tengan los docentes, porque hay docentes que realmente están enamorados de su trabajo.
    El problema también viene implicado debido a la gran crisis que hay en España. Esto hace que desmotive cada vez más al profesorado, pero ante ello, en mi opinión, el docente le tiene que dar igual el tema económico ya que él ha elegido su profesión y solo le debe importar que sus alumnos aprendan.

  51. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, pienso que los malestares que sufren hoy día el profesorado es a cuentas de los cambios sociales en los últimos años, las reformas educativas por los gobiernos.
    Hoy día la figura del profesor está desvalorizado. Antiguamente el profesor era signo de respeto, autoridad, sustituían a los padres en la escuela donde les enseñaba normas y comportamientos sociales y sus métodos educativos eran más estrictos, sus castigos más agresivos y más extremistas y debido a ello, eran respetado pero sobre todo por el miedo que éste les causaban a los alumnos.
    ¿Qué pasa hoy día?, pues las nuevas leyes al menor ha hecho que el profesor pierda autoridad en sus clases y el alumnado cada vez lo respeten menos. Los padres no toleran la forma de castigar a sus hijos puesto eso le corresponde a ellos. Esto provoca que el profesor tenga cautela a la hora de referirse a los niños, a los castigos, y demás aspectos que influye al menor en la escuela que haga peligre la integridad del menor.
    Con respecto a los recursos, pienso que no es causa de malestar para el profesor, pues hoy día en la actualidad hay multitud de recursos con las nuevas tecnologías al alcance del profesor como del alumno, y en relación a los contenidos y tareas que le exigen la programación curricular, pienso que si el profesor tiene una buena organización y planificación de las actividades , no es cuestión de agobio y estrés para éste.
    Para mi parecer pienso que los malestares que padecen los profesores como estrés, depresión, etc,. lo sufren aquellos profesores no vocacionales, es decir, aquellos que realizan su trabajo por realizarlos, por el sueldo, por dar sus clases independientemente si sus alumnos llegan a conseguir los objetivos marcados por el profesor.
    Hoy día las condiciones laborales son mejores que antiguamente, los sueldos son mayores, tienen sus vacaciones, no se porque esos malestares. La cuestión está en saber diferencia los problemas personales de los profesionales y a la mínima de cambio se justifican con problemas por agobios, cantidad de trabajos y horas, y todo lo que se le pueda añadir solicitando la baja laboral

  52. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, ser maestro no es solo ir a clase, hablar durante toda la clase sobre el tema a dar y no intervenir con los alumnos, sino que éste se debe de ir formando ya que siempre hay cosas nuevas por aprender, se deben de actualizar los conocimientos y sobre todo adaptar y adaptarse al nivel y características de su alumnado.
    El profesor debe de estar totalmente motivado a la hora de impartir una materia, para que así sus alumnos adquieran los conocimientos.
    Para finalizar, he de decir que se suele comentar una y otra vez que la carrera de magisterio es una de las más fáciles y no es así, puesto que educar es difícil, y que no todo el mundo está cualificado para ello, ya que es totalmente vocacional.


    Pienso que con el paso de los años la figura del profesor se ha ido desvalorando y que el respeto que anteriormente se le tenía ya no lo tiene. En los años anteriores se ha visto una decaida de la educación como pilar principal en la sociedad por lo que muchas personas ven la problematica no en las reformas sino en la falta de conciencia del profesor a la hora de realizar su tarea como tal.
    Al mismo tiempo creo que el docente debe prepararse y no dejar de crecer personalmente, ya que esto conlleva a que en muchos casos no están preparados para afrontar una serie de circunstancias, por lo que pienso que sí que son personas pero en muchas ocasiones se lavan las manos porque no tienen recursos suficientes para seguir desempeñando su tarea.

  54. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    Hay muchos docentes que no se encuentran a gusto impartiendo clases, aunque de todos modos este no es un tema nuevo, ya que lleva sucediendo desde años atrás.
    Actualmente, si es cierto que el tema de la crisis ha afectado mucho a esta rama de la educación, por lo que el docente cobra menos y muchos de ellos invaden con su malestar a los propios alumnos.
    También puede suceder a causa de la mala conducta por parte de los alumnos, ya que realmente no se respeta como se solía respetar hace tiempo y por lo tanto el profesorado puede encontrarse en momentos de frustración y de no saber cómo actuar.
    Por lo que opino que el profesorado, debería ser más estricto o prepararse mejor la manera de impartir las clases, con tal de motivar a los estudiantes y mediante ello, llegar a agradar a sus alumnos.

  55. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Sin duda la capacidad del profesor dentro del aula ha disminuido bastante con respecto a décadas anteriores. Yo, como monitora de actividades extraescolares infantiles, entre otras cosas, sé de primera mano ese sentimiento del que habla este texto, y considero que esa baja autoestima o inseguridad que a veces nos invade a los profesores, monitores, o cualquier persona que instruye a otro en algo, se debe en gran parte a el comportamieto del alumnado, que en determinadas ocasiones, pone muy difícil la fluidez de la clase. Esto puede deberse a la educación extendida hoy día, donde hay tanta libertad, que el aula llega a «despendolarse» de tal manera, que el profesor deja de tener autoridad. Pero también considero que cuando esto sucede, parte de culpa la tiene el profesor, ya sea por permitir dicha libertad, por no estar formado correctamente para el cargo o por no reciclar su dinámica de trabajo en caso de que ésta de error. Si los docentes tuviesen estos puntos presentes, quizás el malestar se eliminaría, o al menos, parte de él.

  56. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    Si nos centramos en la figura del docente, comprobamos que se ha ido desvalorizando con el paso del tiempo. Antes el docente era una persona que contaba con el respeto de la sociedad, así como con el apoyo de la misma. Actualmente, se encuentran con un mínimo respeto, no le dan importancia a su labor, cuando a mi parecer es una de las más importantes. Creo que la desmotivación de los mismos, no solo se debe a factores personales, sino que son un conjunto de factores (falta de recursos, limitaciones en sus actuaciones, falta de trabajo en equipo, no cuentan con el apoyo familiar…), que hace que ellos mismos se encuentren desmotivados. En mi opinión, los docentes a parte de contar con una formación especializada, deberían encontrarse motivados y saber que de su labor dependerá el futuro de muchos niños/as. Deberían estar constantemente renovándose para adaptarse a los cambios de la sociedad, como es posible que profesores no entiendan niveles básicos de informática, profesores que digan frases como “qué asco otra vez tengo que dar clase” o “no me gustan los niños”. En mi opinión este malestar docente podría reducirse si los que desempeñarán la profesión se encontrarán motivados, así como con una labor vocacional.

  57. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, toda persona que estudia es porque realmente quiere ser profesor, intenta llevar lo mejor posible su trabajo, en cambio quien estudia por estudiar cualquier profesión ya no sólo la de maestro/a, al tiempo su función no la cumple como es debido.
    Los tiempos cambias, y los docentes deben cambiar sus dinámicas en las aulas ya que cada época, los estudiantes y los sistemas educativos se van modificando, no es lo mismo hace 20 años que hoy en día y el profesor/a que ha día de hoy ejerce su empleo sigue con la misma programación sin hacerse modificación y ya sin hablar con los que le quedan poco para jubilarse, mejor ni hablar porque por mi experiencia han estado dando clases por hacer acto de presencia ya que es su obligación para tener su sueldo todos los meses.
    En conclusión, que si quieres ser profesor/a ya sabes donde te vas a meter y tienes que ser consciente de ellos, en tus manos está la educación del alumnado que serán nuestro futuro.

  58. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, puede ser un tanto crítica, pero creo que un profesor con malestar, no es un profesor. Lo fundamento, si echamos la vista atrás tenemos un refrán que varias veces se lo he oído a mi padre: «Cobras menos que un maestro escuela», antes aquellas personas que se dedicaban a la docencia si era por vocación, porque le gustaba el arte de enseñar, ahora se indignan, y su remedio en vez de abandonar y dedicarte a otro oficio que esté menos en crisis, es frustrarse con el alumnado, cuando el alumnado está sufriendo también esta crisis, y en mi opinión el que peor sale parado, ya que le suben las tasas de la universidad, y encima tenemos profesores indignados por sus horarios o por sus alumnos conflictivos. Si fuera profesora, tal vez me indignaría y luchara por unos derechos dignos, pero no dejando de realizar mi trabajo, si no saliendo a manifestarme y expresarle mis descontento al Estado y no a mis alumnos. Para mí por las manos de un profesor pasa el futuro de cientos de niños, y no hay excusas que valgan para desperdiciar el futuro de cientos de niños/as por el descontento de unos pocos, si a esto le sumamos la cantidad de profesores capacitados y con ganas de desarrollar su trabajo esperando su primera oportunidad de trabajo en las colas del paro.

  59. Antonio Cosmo Narváez dice: Responder

    Las personas cuando deciden que estudios escoger, deben de tener clara la idea sabiendo a que se van a exponer, analizando sus pros y sus contras. Los profesores cuando eligieron estudiar estos, sabían o deberían de saber a que se estaban enfrentando. Es responsabilidad propia el elegir este oficio para ganarte la vida, por lo que deben afrontarlo. Todos los oficios tienen sus dificultades, pero en cuanto a la docencia, este problema puede afectar a los alumnos, por que se debe observar a profesores que no estén bien anímica-mente para que sus estado emocional no influya negativamente en los estudiantes. Bien es cierto que la actitud de los alumnos en las escuelas no es la misma que antaño, eso es responsabilidad de la familia, que no educa correctamente a sus hijos, y debido a esto el fracaso escolar se le atribuyen en ocasiones a los profesores cuando en realidad no es así. Por otro lado, la falta de recurso, de ánimo a seguir impartiendo clases, los profesores tienen que cargar con esa culpa, afrontarla y saber solucionar tanto problemas personales como mantener una mayor disciplina laboral, para salir adelante y que los alumnos no carguen con consecuencias nocivas para su formación.

  60. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodriguez dice: Responder

    La mayoría de las veces nos ponemos siempre en el papel del alumno..pero..nunca hemos pensando desde el otro lado, desde el lado del docente, del profesor.. Como se siente el profesor cuando da sus clases? Y como dice el post, como afronta el profesor su vida y el malestar que le puede producir muchas de las clases que imparte.
    Esos alumnos que se le hacen irresistibles a presión por parte de la familia cuando ven que sus hijos se han ido a casa quejándose del profesor, o esos interminables exámenes que tienen que corregir ligero dado la presión de nosotros, los alumnos.
    Sin embargo, echamos una mirada atrás, y vemos como el papel del profesor ha ido cambiando, desde su autoridad sobre los alumnos, hasta su manera de dar clases. Esto ha podido influir también en el grado de ansiedad y enfrentamiento de los profesores, ya que al ser la máxima autoridad en el aula, no tenía ningún sentido de culpa en la situaciones.

  61. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I agree with this article that the profession of being a teacher is really stressfull nowadays and it requires a lot to be a good teacher. Although I also believe that this is a general problem in society. I think people just need to be optimistic and positive and search for the balance between the desire of society and your own personal needs. At the end of the day, it’s your own responsibility to take good care of yourself, regarding those things society wants from you. As long as you are a motivated teacher, children will reacted on you the same. So you take back what you give.

  62. Antoine Businaro dice: Responder

    Yeah it’s true that all teachers in France (i will speak about them beacause i’m not sure that what happen in others countries); they are stressed everytime. On my view, they deserve praise because it’s not given to everyone becoming a teacher especially in universities, but i don’t understand why they have this malaise about their own job. They have a lot of advantages with their jobs : holidays, good salary, safe job, good environment and they are everytime on contacts.
    I know that all children are not easy to handle but i think that it’s a general case. Many teachers enjoy always teaching to students, and share their experience, and this type of teacher which considere that his job is a passion miss more and more now.

  63. Many teachers are worried about their future because many people say that there is no jobs for the teachers…There is some true in this opinion, but not entirely. It is a fact that more and more people are trained to be teachers. However, most of them choose pedagogy, because they were not admitted to another field of study. It is sad but unfortunately it is true. It doesn’t surprise me that people who have studied pedagogy only because they did not have other choice cannot find work as teachers. The «born teacher» is a real teacher and, in my opinion, the employer is able to distinguish between people who really want to work with children from those who «have to work with children». A true teacher will always find a job in his profession because he likes what he does and the real employer is able to see this.

  64. Teachers are stressed in our present world, but so are a lot of people working in different fields. Being a teacher might not be as prestigious as it used to be, but teachers still have a lot of holiday, and in my view this could balance with the fact that their job is pretty difficult and stressful. That said, it’s a fact that becoming a teacher is not given to everybody, and if you don’t have the power or the charism to catch the attention of your students I guess you can just forget about this job.
    But if someone has this capacity, likes being surrounded by people all day, and likes to teach, this job can be just amazingly gratifying, even if the salary could be better somewhere else. I guess for this job, your success and your happiness depends a lot on your personal personality 🙂

  65. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Every person sometimes needs to stay alone, to relax, to get rid of stress. However, the teaching profession is constantly involve being connected with society, in the diverse society: conflict and positive. It turns out that the teacher is always stressed, communicating with students, colleagues, and superiors. Also we can add to this list the economic crisis, low budget of educational system, widespread loss of respect of the profession as a teacher. Not surprising that for this profession you need to have a strong will and character. Therefore, the constant assistance of a psychologist, self-control and stress reliever will help to avoid nervous breakdowns and conflict situations.

  66. The growing recognition of the importance of working conditions of teachers make to understand how different elements of the workplace affect teachers’ satisfaction from their job, their role in the school, their ability to teach well, their satisfaction level of assignments, and even their willingness to stay in their school and in this profession. I have talked to my aunts and elder friends who are teaching in different schools and they have proved that indeed the working conditions are very important factor for their everyday work. They have mentioned following factors as essential: the economic factors (job security and pay), the physical teaching environment (comfort and safety),the assignment structures (supervision and workload), the social and cultural elements which includes the strength of the organizational culture and characteristics of colleagues and students. Interviews with number of teachers I know have revealed how interdependent these many factors are in determining teachers’ success and satisfaction.

  67. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    Teaching is one of the hardest job. I think when someone chooses to do this profession, that person has to have a really strong spirit and being motivated. I don’t say that people who are weak should not teach, but they have to never forgot why they started this job, even when it is highly difficult.
    Education plays a key role in the socialization process, but it is not an easy task for teachers. If is not just an exchange atmosphere or to transmit of knowledge anymore. Students are more and more indifferent, disrespectful, even violent sometimes, especially in middle and high school.
    What is more, teachers are underestimated. I don’t think that teachers are the problem, I think that the educative system is. In some public school, they don’t even have an appropriate material. All those pressures are causing much more stress than in many other jobs.

  68. The job of a teacher is very challenging as they have a big responsibility and requirements of society are very high. It is not sufficient for a teacher to be professionally prepared, to have knowledge of subject matter or skill techniques of teaching. You can have all of these qualities and yet fail if personel problems interfer. The teacher’s whole personality has an impact on the child’s development. Apart from personal qualities outside influences play an essential role in successful teaching, too. They include class size, shortage of teacher aides, pressure to meet predetermined curricular schedules and lack of parental support. Another trend occuring is that children become increasingly more disrespectful towards their teachers. The latter especially applies to my country, Turkey. Back in time children used to behave in a better manner than they do now. Concerning these issues I see great potential to improve the system. I think in future we have to attach more importance to the variety of problems teachers are facing.

  69. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    I really admire people who want to become teachers.I think their work is really difficult. The teacher sometimes has to deal with spoiled and not willing to learn the children, and with disgruntled parents. Everyone are interested of teachers work, everyone knows everything better and judge them . This is understandable because parents give in their hands their own children. Society wants the teacher have all the good qualities as: knowledge, discipline, culture, trust, good communication with students. They want that the teacher was a role model. Unfortunately, teachers are brought before a very difficult task. They always should be friendly, forgiving, patient. I think it is really difficult ….nowadays when position and authority of teachers is not that big…

  70. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    I really admire people who want to become teachersI think their work is really difficult. The teacher sometimes has to deal with spoiled and not willing to learn the children, and with disgruntled parents. Everyone are interested of teachers work, everyone knows everything better and judge them . This is understandable because parents give in their hands their own children. Society wants the teacher have all the good qualities as: knowledge, discipline, culture, trust, good communication with students. They want that the teacher was a role model. Unfortunately, teachers are brought before a very difficult task. They always should be friendly, forgiving, patient. I think it is really difficult ….nowadays when position and authority of teachers is not that big…

  71. I read in an article that pilots often feel immense stress, this because they keep many people’s lives in their hands during a flight. This is something that is often said regarding similar professions such as this. But how often do we hear about teachers having a high level of stress in their everyday lives when they often feel they affect the future of their students? Nah, it ‘s not a topic that is vastly wide, which is a shame. There should be more considerable greater focus on courses in stress management for teachers. In all of the schools in my country students are offered to talk with a curator if they feel the need for such. But where are all curators that teachers should be offered? Instead, it feels like there is some sort of shame that, as teachers, feel the need to talk to someone. I think many students take teachers for granted and often forget how much time and patience it actually takes to be a teacher. A teacher isn’t only a person who teaches and not expect anything back, but a fellow human being who actually takes the time to teach others.

  72. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    To be a teacher can only those persons, who are strong phsychologically, and nowadays this proffesion is underestimated, because everybody thinks that teacher job is very easy and non-stressful. Also, teacher should be passionated about his work, because when you do things which you don‘t like, you can‘t do it right. The amount of work for teachers is immeasurable, because teachers are like universal workers: they should have knowledge about childs psychology, didactis, and the other subject which they‘re teaching. I‘m not sure what is the situation in other Europe countries, but in Lithuania teacher are not respected, and I truly don‘t understand why, because all of us should be thankful for our teachers that we became who we are.

  73. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    Firstly, Teaching has serious important thing in life and is most important job because of that teachers influence after family about personal development of students. And teachers are facing with lots of difficulties and weakness so they lost their respect. Because there is some factors. Such as some alternative resources or institutions against to teachers.For example in my country after been like institutions, my teachers from school didn’t teach very well. It distrupted her motivation. Another one is changing student or teacher in education that effect with bad motivation. It is really difficult get used to for both of them; teacher and student. From one area to different area. Also, bad class condition, lack of study materials so teachers been in helpless situation. Because like this problems related building etc. actually about administration. On the other hand, teachers need be ready before teaching but sometimes they can’t be possible. In education, learning process must be include also support of family. Also teacher have emotional responsibility. What are their duties, especially? Conclusion, teachers drag to copies strategies because of all of this results.

  74. Many people thinking that «Teaching is most easy profession» (generally non-teachers and elderly people) . Because in Turkey teachers have a lot of holiday, 3 months summer holiday. Buut of course i agree with this article. Firstly i want to say this, i won’t be a teacher like most of you. (Anyway probably I can’t, because i am not patient that much) But i appreciate all teachers who care about their students and like jobs. Because it’s really stressfull and requiring responsibility. Because there are a lot of things can be stressful to them. Especially students who lack of motivation or attention. Sometimes problems about parents. Parents don’t accept that their children can make a mistake or can be unsuccesful. Or something else. It’s really bad situation. I remember when i was a child all parent s and students were respectful for them. But nowadays i see people don’t care about teacher. This is very wrong attitude. They shapes the future of your children people! Otherwise, teachers have to make plan and program, always! They always must develop themselves( like other occupations) Also, they can feel social pressures from time to time. Beacuse they are teacher and they should be «ideal person». And lastly i can say this; i have no idea about ther countries but in Turkey unfortunately , they do not receive salaries that they deserve. So they have «economic stress or pressures». Despite all this, teaching difficult but proud job.. Thank you to all the teachers. Andd thank you for everything Bautista !<3 🙂

  75. Of course every business has its challenges, however teaching more becasue of the responsibility of the profession. I think that today is one of the hardest and most stressful jobs.
    In order for teachers to deal with stress, we need to look at what are the causes of stress, which leads to the effects and consequences. Many aspects of the job can be causes of stress, such as; opportunities offered at the school, supervision, school management, the challenges of the profession, poverty, colleagues, students and parents. to cope with the areas of stress, teachers need to support eachother and act in a positive way. Also, one method to combat this mood is stress management.

  76. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    Nowadays the teachers having a really hard work, because the kids are coddled by their parents. Parents are getiing crazy about their kids. Some of them support kids even when they are doing wrong thinks and they oppose for the teachers «protecting» their kids. The teachers should be the good psychologist and they need to inspire their pupils. The way is to treat pupils with respect but be also demanding and positive. I think this kinds of teachers we are remembering for all our live, and we are having a feeling that they really learned us something. When the teachers are too indulgend, they are losing their respect in the childens eyes. They can think that the teacher is so cool, and they don`t need to do nothing and they are starting to treat the teacher like theirs dude.

  77. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    In my country, and I think not only there, we can see increasing of a disrespect to the teachers during the last years. The children behave to them like they had no authority. Often when the tacher takes measures against it (note sent home or calling the parents to the school) the parents are often supporting their children saying that saying, that he is complete angel. In that moment a headmaster should stand by the teacher. Unfortunately in many cases he does not. I think that causes to a teacher big stress. Is it a teacher’s fault that he could not keep an order in his class with his pupils? Not always. This is not a negligible issue, which should be solved and – better – prevented…

  78. Agreed! Being a teacher is a stressfull job, not only teaching children a whole day, but rather often being a replacement for parents in a bunch of classes with about 30 or more children in each class.
    But after the schoolbell rings the job of a teacher does not end, the lessons of the day have to be evaluated afterwards and the lessons of the next day have to be prepared.
    Accompanied by this work stress is the social stress, often no respect from the society, trouble with nagging parents and I think this list of stress does not end yet.
    So the back of a teacher needs to be strenghtened by the society, parents has to accept the role of a teacher and maybe should reflect on their own mistakes in the education of their children.
    But the circumstances in a broader sense need to be changed, in my eyes schools became teaching factories, stressed teachers marching from class to class, like workers on their way to the next step of the production.
    Schools should be a place for learning and relaxation,too. Why not establish a few hours between lessons just to relax?
    I support the idea of Daniel, more hammocks in school!

  79. Being a teacher is almost definitely a stressful job; as I have mentioned in previous comments teachers are mainly responsible for shaping future generations through the process of education. Therefore the image of teachers or what we think of as an ‘ideal’ is often flawed; if children are not progressing well in school parents blame the teachers. If students have behavioral problems, parents blame the teachers although corporal punishment was banned a long time ago and a lack of respect for their elders stems from a lack of respect for the students parents. In conclusion, I am not surprised that teachers are often extremely stressed at points in their career.

  80. I think the profession of teaching is the most important professions in the world. And the profession of teaching is losing importance as time progresses. Teachers’ life is so difficult. Teachers just appears to be working at the school but it is not. Teachers have to be prepared before each lesson. And after the lesson, teachers are required to make evaluation. This works requires time. So teachers do not have much time to devote to themselves and their families. And, moreover, In many countries, teachers’ salaries are inadequate and teachers have to do additional work. Moreover, there are many students of a teacher and he/she will take care of all of them separately. Teachers’ life appears so easy but it is very stressful.
    Value given to the teachers has decreased over time. In my opinion, in the emergence of this case, unqualified teachers and increasing the number of graduates of faculties of education is effective.

  81. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    In Poland, now the big problem is the so-called THAN THE DEMOGRAPHIC. It also reflects on education. Is born fewer and fewer children, school teachers exempt. Directors’re told to do other teachers of all kinds of courses to teach the various subjects. This means that teachers have more and more responsibilities and level of education decreases. It also causes more stress, which is reflected in the lack of authority. Of course, a little bit of stress has not harmed anyone, however, we note with the teacher’s work is increasingly stressful and demanding…

  82. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    I agree that today’s teachers do not have too much authority. As the article says – teachers lost respect and social support. According to me it is a big problem. Once teachers were supported by parents of children, the community, by other teachers. Today it is missing. Today, parents have no respect for the teacher. Parents are blindly defend their children often do not have right. Parents complain about teachers knocking on our duty to educate their children. While they do not do at home to raise children well. This reflects a lack of social support and this is reflected in the reduced quality of teaching.

  83. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    To be a teacher actually is really hard for human personality. Teacher have to face with different kind of problems during their professional career. In nowadays, education system most of countries is not so well-ordered and teacher`s have to face all the problems. And this ofcorse affecting teacher`s emotional and mentaly. Teacher tasks in educational system is so many, that sometimes they even dont know what really are escepting from them. They many times are confused, and also dont know what they do wrong. This proffesion, i think is really dificult, because teacher have to be 100 % sure that they are in the right place, because they need to face with parents, with children, with school leadership and so on, and in their eyes teacher need to be perfect, they want that you do all perfect etc. But when there is mess in school environment, lack of material assistance, lack of parent support and bad discipline from children, then teacher task is very dificult to be perfect. Teacher need supprot to be good, and dont break and stay strong. So in my opinion every schools have to think about supporting teachers proffesionaly and emotionaly, this is very important to save our good teachers and have a more good teachers in our educational system.

  84. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I think all teachers will definitely find themselves stressed more than once in their career. Preparing students can cause a lot of stress to a teacher. Different class groups will work at different paces, some groups may have got a lot more revision then others. As a result teachers may find themselves the person to blame and feel guilty therefore leading to stress. I think it must be boring to be always teaching the same classes. But this is also where teachers can make a change. Try different styles of teaching with different groups. Explore different options, try find out what will or what won’t work for different groups. I believe in the future teaching will become very diverse.

  85. I believe that all of jobs are important and holy but one of job is important than all of them .do you know which one ?………I think the mosy holy job is teacher .I also think ordonary people can not do this job . The teaching require ;dedication, knowledge, leadership, good communication and collaborative, etc.. So the teahcers can control the class on this way and teacher can separete them with ages interval and they can act like in their age all ; government,family ,students and teacher . They should work together for succes.And also it is not just one problem .When they dont make to listen in their class and nobody listen them The teacher should realize that something is going wrong in their class .I think to be teacher is still important and it will be always important so I am going to be mathematics teacher and I am prepearing myself everyday because I want to be real teacher and I am doing everything for that .

  86. My opinion is that as same as everything else is throughout the crisis today and needs some evolution, expansion and new ideas as the same as education does. I definitely agree with the article that the teachers are put too high demands and then they get stressed by the situation. They are loosing the authority of the students which is one of the worst consequences in this process. What else, their motivation and creativity fading away due to lack of resources. They are getting into the contrast with the university and its requirements. I saw this situation many times. When the teacher had some idea or wonted to present some new exercise in the class but it was refused at the end. And I think that if we wont to change something we should give the change new accesses and theories. Go ahead!!

  87. The teaching profession is very stressful, demanding, absorbing a lot of time and strength, and aleo often ungrateful. Often, the way a teacher can meet not pleasant pupils with whom you have to work. In addition to the difficult profession to stress or collapse also affects wages, which as we know is not satisfactory. This also affects the level of low motivation. But according to me, you have to do in your life to do what we like, what we love, what we feel is best fulfilled. Satisfying our profession certainly reduce our daily problems. Than we will feel like we have to do what we need, even repetitive activities are caused us a lot of fun.

  88. All the professions can be stressful, especially today when it’s a very fast way of life. Each phase of the teaching career brings its own level of stress. At the beginning they do not have the benefit of years of experience to help them deal with day-to-day classroom issues and to deal with classroom situations. The causes of stress can be also administrative red tape, student disruptions, noise, the demands of the job, lack of social support from school, parents and lack of coordination for teamwork. It is impossible to avoid all the stressful situations but we can learn how to cope with them. It’s important to separate private life and work, have opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions with colleagues. And of course when educators, parents and community leaders work together, student achievement and positive youth development are enhanced.

  89. Teaching for me, one of the most important professions in the world. Teachers for the future of the students, have very important implications. Educate a lot of people that can be a good manager; may be harmful to society by the teacher, of course, is not all the effects, but students can not be claimed that there is a significant share in the future.Teaching in my country, guarantee the most comfortable and come at the beginning of occupations, although the value given to teachers in society is the higher dimensions. But today, in the faculty of education of the students great stress because many graduate recruitment by examination because it has become imperative. As a result of not enough assignments, teachers tended to different tasks as required. This is also a great stress on the form of teacher candidates.Other causes of stress in the classroom disciplinary problems which they live, their economic problems in their lives and many more. As a result, teachers have a very important place, although it is a stressful job too. But despite all this, teachers should always hopeful and confident. Our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk because as he said: «Teachers are the only ones who saved the nations.» and «Teachers, a new generation will be your devotion.»

  90. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the profession of the teacher is not a particularly prestigious since long time. Nowadays people want to earn more money, and the professionof the teacher is naturally unsuitablefor that. So I think that people become teachers not for money but for the sake of ideas. In this case, overcome stress, inattention of students and any other external factors is not so difficult. Everybody and everything have crisis, but the crisis is only part of the development process. And if the teacher has persistent principles and knows why he chosed this work, to overcome this crisis will not be very difficult. Naturally, this does not negate the fact that the state needs to raise the prestige of this specialty as one of the most important in our society.

  91. It’s sad that nowadays teacher is not perceived as it used to be in the past. It seems that he lost somehow his authority. The one of the reasons is that we have more sources of information today and they are definitely more common and available. The other is that wrong people apply for the position of being a teacher. Mostly when they failed in other job or they didn’t get one.. working in the school is just an alternative. And this is not how it should be because working as a teacher demands a big responsibility for others and great involvement.
    Therefore, they can be stressed with excess tasks and amount of time which is necessary to meet the profession. I think that very important is some kind of support for them, trainings how to deal with stress, tasks division, additional assistant, rise of salary is always a good treatment for everything 😉

  92. The capacity of teachers to realize the expected level of performance in their profession is from a psychological point of view related to their positive emotional state.Work and environment conditions are the main cause of stress and many problems related to stress is known as the illness of modern age. People react to the problems psychological, physical and behavioral ways. All of these reactions differ in order to new conditions. Failing adapt to changing conditions would decrease the individual performance. Teaching is accepted as a more stressful job than others in the literature. Stress among teachers occurs as a consequence of individual variables and school characteristics.

  93. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    Sharit (1982) and Salvendy (1982) defines occupational stress as a multidimensional phenomenon, in terms of physiological and psychological reactions to difficult work situation. Stress arises in cases where deviations from the optimal level of requirements that person is not able to prevent or eliminate difficulties. If human activity is weaker than his maximum capability, it may be either because the requirements are too high, either because they are too low (Cox, 1998).
    As shown by studies in the world, the profession of a teacher belonging to a stressed professions. In the teaching profession of stress can not be avoided, it is important not only causes stress and expression searches, but also to direct all forces on the minimization of the negative effects of stress, as well as to stress prevention.Of course, one of the biggest problems faced by teachers, researchers stress, it is more effective stress management program creation. This could be either from a teacher side and from a organization part.

  94. What causes stress, it is not work, but the hostile contents of the work, for example: inadequate work organization, poor distribution of tasks, institutional aspect of social work – tradition, norms, laws, rules of behavior (organizational culture). Stress among teachers is a form of work stress, ranks him among the top three most stressful occupations. In my opinion, to overcome stress and all hardships, teachers need good, healthy and honest relationships with all colleagues, daily talk about occurrences, situations which they had with parents, children or other workers in school. Nowadays, stress is increasing problem of almost all people. We must be careful not to over-extend and make timely react and suppress and for this we need good colleagues, counterparts.

  95. Since a young age who has a gool to be teacher they can do this job better because I think they can suffer everything for their love also problems ; environmental nuisance, family, personilaity, and economic problems in no way their profession do not reflect separately but are able to cope with because his only aim at a good future preparation is to say or she’ll be know to us today, in the teaching profession in accordance with though they are not, and do not love otherwise the unemployed to remain for the teaching profession are turning to I do not know how to do this, but I think gecilebileceg to ten teachers, a system must be checked and two years of probation as the teacher should not be those who can not accomplish this.

  96. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    I agree with the article and agree with every point in the list of sources of stress. As I’m a teacher and had practice working at school, can say that felt everything on my own skin: amount of work to be done to every lesson and not being payed enough(speaking about state schools), emotional overload, lack of discipline during lessons and having no idea how to handle it. It’d be awesome if school system become better, I mean if young teachers could get more practice, could organize some classes for teachers, where for example, teachers with more experience could share there ideas and knowledge with younger, would be better if teachers also could have more contact with parents thus would be easier to solve children’s problems together. And finally would awesome if teacher are payed more, they’d show more enthusiasm and stimulus and moreover they deserve it.

  97. Working as a teacher is a unthankful job and really hard because of that and this is reaaly sad. Society must admire teachers, parents explain to their children how important it is to listen to teacher and don’t go to school tearing up when a teacher made an admonition to their child. This is actually one of the real problems in our society when parents always stay on a child’s side even if he is wrong. All this things reflect on a teachers mood, after working day they are always in a stress, wages are low and expectations are high. But without any encouragement from society a bit higher wages how can we expect something like that?

  98. Teaching methods has been changing a lot and so has the society. When I listen to the stories of my grandparents or of my parents I hear totally different stories about their education at school than it is now. Teaching in their time wasn’t this emphatic like it is now; dealing with personal problem of its pupils, dealing with different methods, dealing with diversity etc. The teacher were very authoric (authority) and when they didn’t liked the fact that pupils weren’t paying attention, having problems with learning or what so ever, there were big consequenses like hitting the tables or the hands of the pupils. 
Nowadays it is a very hard job to be a teacher, there are so many grounds were teachers have to deal with. First of all, you need a good qualification to be a teacher, you need to have good knowledge, social-skills, pedagogic skills and so on. I don’t think it is strange that there is a lack/short of teachers nowadays, because education is asking much more these days. I also don’t think it is strange that teacher are dealing with stress because it is just all very much to deal with.

  99. I think teaching is one of the hardest professions. For some teachers every day is almost a battle between them and the students. As the curriculum is so boring children are not motivated to learn. Discipline is also a huge stress factor for teachers. Many children are not disciplined in the home and so they feel that they are free to do what they want. This is where parents play a huge factor in their child’s education. Parents and teachers need to work as a team thus making the job of the teacher less stressful. Many parents also have the vision of what they think their children should be taught. This can cause many arguments between teachers and parents another stress factor on the teacher’s part. Also I do not feel teachers are given a huge amount of support when they experience any difficulty in relation to time management or disobedient children. From my experience of teaching I feel parents no longer take any interest in their child’s education and often turn to the teacher and put the blame on them. Many parents are in denial about their children and don’t punish them if they break the rules thus leading them to believe that disrespecting a teacher is ok. This day in day out constant battle leaves teachers feeling low and stressed causing many of them to suffer depression or mental breakdowns. In my country discipline is not a huge factor as we know that if we disrespect an elder our parents will not tolerate this. However many teachers still suffer stress due to high expectations of what way a classroom should be run.

  100. I agree that nowadays teaching can be a very stressful job. There are many factors that influence this. I think the statement about teachers not fully understanding what is expected of them is one of the main reasons some teachers find the job so stressful. How can you do a job effectively if you’re not even sure what it consists of. I don’t think people should be in teaching if they’re not 100% they want to do it because as a teacher you need to be passionate about your job and your students. I also agree with the point about lack of support. I think in today’s society a lot of parents don’t support teachers as much as they should. As has been mentioned in previous articles, teachers and parents need to work together to provide children with the best education. But sometimes when a teacher reaches out for parents to assist them, they don’t receive the help they need which leaves them to deal with a situation alone which can be very frustrating and stressful

  101. Well most likely the reason that teachers have such a hard time is due to all the previous articles.. The job of a teacher is not really the most important job in the world because we are responsible for our own actions and or children, but i think that the teacher job gets the most critics of every job the world. Every parent, every person has an idea how his/her kid should get educated because they feel like it is their fullest job to teach them creativity, languages and everything else they think is important, that when teachers have most likely the less free time out of working hours and ofcource due to competition between schools and marks it gets even harder. I think that we should just relax a bit, that parents should put way more effort in education their own children instead of just picking them up from school

  102. I agree with the statements that say that teaching and being a teacher is really difficult. Nowadays maybe even more than in the last years because teachers have not only be up-to-date with knowledge but also with the use of technical devices and especially how their pupils are affected by this. Furthermore, there are families of pupils who think that the teacher is the only responsible person to educate their sons or daughters. But that is wrong. Education also happens in the family, at least it should. Especially social education and emotional intelligence should be provided by the families.

  103. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    The teachers are facing with many difficulties and many stressful situations in the schools. To be a teacher is very hard occupation. Everyday teachers are facing with tons of works which they have to do. When the time is exceeding the tasks you have to do then you face the stress. In my opinion, to be a teacher is very hard. By the way, teachers are not respected in many countries and that makes the work more difficult for them. I think that there should be done a reform which reduces responsibilities of teachers. What else, there should be hold lessons for teachers how to cope with the difficulties without having a stress. The main problem of everything is that everybody are thinking that teacher do not have a lot of works so he have to do more and more. We have to remember that it is more important quality not quantity. It better to concentrate to the improvement of our children and make the best conditions for teachers to do this very well.

  104. I think what teachers need much more than coping strategys are the same things as schools need: Institutional reforms!

    And not in a sense of making schools more economical, more vice versa:
    We need smaller classes, more time in school (actually i don’t have any understanding for the efforts of enshortening of schooltime, as there isn’t anything good waiting for the pupils afterwards…) and relaxation possibilities for everyone in and around the school buildings.

    I plead for more hammocks, more time spend in heterogeneous age groups, breaks guided by educational play experts and more project learning with actors outside the desperate school buildings.
    Education should do good to all people involved. And thats not only speaking of being less stress for teachers. For me it also means that groups of pupils also could do good to the communities they are living in.
    Why don’t we let our children (guided by their parents and grandparents, who might be experts) build more learning locations fore everyone?

  105. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    It is true that the image of teachers to change since it clearly known by our parents, for example. Today, the teacher lost credibility. First face to students and also generally in today’s society.
    Moreover, we can now hear these same parents questioning teachers. In some cases, it is necessary to be sure, there are important issues directly related to the teacher. Then it is also true that sometimes the parent judge too quickly, and only repeated his child.
    A good solution to resolve this teacher’s feeling is to be conscious of the expectations of everybody. Parents, students, teachers… In this way, we could work in a good atmosphere, and teach as best is possible.

  106. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    I will not say that teaching is the most difficult profession as all my colleagues wrote on the bottom ,because I think that the most difficult profession is a doctor. But also I think that a real teacher have to be born. I know that in nowadays corruption is really popular in Russian schools , for example if you will give your teacher a box of sweets or bottle of a good alcohol , he or she will be more friendly and it’s possible to get a good marks. Also teachers have bad qualification, but it means not unknowing their subject , but unknowing the basics psychology with children relations. It’s ridiculous .

  107. Janis Priedkalns dice: Responder

    Nowadays more students than ever come to school from single parent homes, from neglectful and abusive homes, from non-English-speaking homes, from poor homes. More children than ever arrive lacking basic skills, or minimal parental expectations. Teaching anywhere is harder today. In many urban and rural schools, educating those students can often seem impossible. Teacher need to accept student how he or she is. A teacher today needs to marshal the assistance of other professionals and parents to collaboratively meet all the needs of the student, before, during and after school. Preparing that teacher takes a school of education. Finally, a teacher today needs to know that we value her, that we celebrate his choice of profession, that the work each teacher does is important work.

  108. In Poland situation is really bad. We have a lot of unemployed teachers because there is no place for them. Other thing is that salary is not so good so most of them takes extra privet hours. This can affect on motivation of the teachers becouse they have to work really hard , they have to fight for their job and they will recive small salary. Other thing is a old system of education which as we know is not perfect. Maybe thatis the reason that they are not improving their knowledge becouse they dont have time? Ofcourse this situation affect students as they are directly connected to the teachers. And ofcourse parents want the best education for their childrens so they affect pressure of teachers . This is like a Ferris wheel….

  109. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    To be a teacher today is a very hard and underestimated work. The demands on teachers just gets higher and higher and the teachers has to know a little of everything , somehing that is not always possible. I believe that this must be very stressful which in turn will make the students education suffer. The reason to why this profession has developed this way is because it is still in the old system, as is always has been. Yet, the standards of today’s teachers is just getting higher and higher and the salaries gets lower and lower. So that makes the profession as a teacher less desirable. This is something that makes me so frustrated, since our teachers is so extremely important for everyone’s future, that we have to make it to a profession that is highly graded again. «We» can not raise the standards on the education until we are able to pay for all the work that they are doing. Because if we are able to do that, there may be more people who will consider to become a teacher. With more teachers we will be capable of create more educations and the work will be easier to divide between teachers. This in turn will make them less stressed, which i think will make the students educations better.

  110. The teacher´s profession has been always hard and it is even worse these days since there are a lot of criticism. I think the conditions mentioned in the article (low wages, lack of social support, conflict instructions as what the teacher´s job duties are, parents and actually social disrespect) are the main factors of lack of good teachers. It is obvious. That is why I do not think the educational crisis is teachers´ fault. It is all about the antiquated system. How could we have a high quality education if we at least don´t pay enough money to motivate the good teachers to stay at universities? And since there is no prestige or motivation, there is no willingness of experts and professionals to visit the universities and share their knowledges either.

  111. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I think that nowadays being a teacher is one of the hardest and most demanding profession. Through many years it was underestimated and its importance was minimalized. However, the world goes on, society changes and expectations to the teachers too. Maybe that is why they suffer teacher malaise now. In many articles on this blog I criticised people working as teachers when they have no vocation to that. Nevertheless, their incompetence which I can face now could be result of many years of stress, lack of interest from the students and lack of help from institutions. We have to realize that every job in which you work with people operates both sides, one is the influence we put on others but the second one is the influence of the others put on us. That is why we all, including teachers, should work on our own development but also keep in mind that all we do in relative to others, can influence them. Also in a negative way so the last thing we should do is to judge.

  112. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    I think that being a teacher (good teacher, of course) is one of the most difficult profession.These people have to teach youth a lot of stuff. We all know that’s not easy… In my opinion salary should be higher. We have to know that work of pedagogues is not over after they leave school. They have to check a lot of test, prepare for another class, sometimes they stay after classes and help students. The teaching profession is loaded with the risk of diseases associated with stress and even loss of voice. In the other hand I think that a lot of persons should’t be a teacher. Many of them don’t have idea what they want to do in theirs lives so they choose this profession, because they think that is very easy. I think that’s why being a teacher is no longer such a prestige. Have showed up a lot of people who shouldn’t teach, don’t know how to do it. Their work doesn’t make them a pleasure, which is reflected in the pupils of a lack of respect for educators.

  113. The role of teachers in school and society has clearly changed in the last 20 years. I agree that they get less support and aceptance from all different parts of society and in the same time are expected to fullfill more and more requirements.
    Most of the students don’t have a lot of respect anymore for the teachers and so the teachers loose their authority in the classroom.
    In one point i think it is good that the teacher doesn’t have total authority anymore. For me classes should be a cooperation between pupils and teachers. The teacher are the ones who should give the impulses and topics but the students should also be able to decide how the want to work.
    But i have the feeling that instead of reaching this point of equally balanced education, it has shifted to teachers beeing overtaxed with high expectations on themselfs and theirs jobs, while students are less and less interested in beeing tought and refuse to cooperate with the teachers. And if the education in school does not work out as it should be, the teachers are the ones to blame, even though there are a lot of other circumstances that are not optimal.
    But still there are teachers, who manage to do their jobs well. For me these are mostly the ones who use a variety of teaching technics and also of a certain level of authority without using the power they have in form of penalties or something like that.

  114. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    in education, teachers aren’t only reason fort he lack of. Because the state is placing limits on teachers. Teachers aren’t free in their work. Education are made within the boundaries of state. So; there are many causes of failure. Parents, children only in the classroom they do not wish to be satisfied with their learning, Besides the standard program, choose according to their children’s talent interactive study areas can see that you want to do. however, in this case parents should install all the responsibility of the school. their families should do their part. state, school and family should complete their duties. we are responsible for these children.

  115. Gülsüm Büşra DURA dice: Responder

    Nowadays teaching is most difficult profession. Teachers may be confronted by many difficulties during life. For example; the reluctance, disinterest and collousness of students. They should not be a intimidation to teacher. But inevitably of teaching performance may be compromised. However, if teachers special life do not prosper, they can reflect it to students. This situation may reduce the quality of teacher education.

    Finally teachers-led should not be limited of curriculum with caliper. They need to be different. Differences reflect to awareness. Thereby motivation to students and teachers rid of the monotonous course.

  116. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    Nowadays, it appears as clear that teaching professions are depreciated. We’ve been hearing the same refrain for several decades now. Indeed, teachers are overbooked as they are outnumbered by their own students. Besides, they say teachers are now afraid of their learner, unlike once.
    The dramatic consequence of this situation is that the teacher is no longer the absolute benchmark for students. We once respected and feared them. Now, the power struggle has been reversed, insomuch that teachers themselves question their usefulness. I believe that to solve the identity issue of teachers, we need to understand why this upheaval between teachers and students has operated.
    In my opinion, the world has opened up, and young generations have got used to it. We have now access to much information, insomuch that we can find our own benchmark of knowledge on the internet or on TV for instance. And if the world has opened up, education hasn’t. That’s how teachers have lost the control of their students, and that’s how they are questioning their role within their learner’s education. Of course, the crisis has got things worse, as every State is no longer keen on increasing the number of civil servants.
    What we need to find is a way for teachers to take their legitimity back, to be a benchmark again. A different benchmark, of course, become when students taste power and freedom, it is generally difficult to reverse the situation…
    So here, I was just thinking of the roots of the issue, as for the solution… I have honestly no idea !

  117. I feel really sorry for the fact that all blame and negative consequences from the educational reforms felt on teachers. In my opinion they are the least guilty and at the same time and unfortunately the most powerless. They are as students, parents and other members, just the marionettes of the school system. I am not sure how is the situation in other parts of Europe (for example in northern states) but in Slovenia the situation is the same and every year worse. I am asking myself what could go so wrong that the teachers have started to lose the importance? What, in reality, does it mean the concept of «education» for nowadays society? Why we actually educate? I am thinking about the same questions as the article has mentioned. I think the real education has totally lost its value. Is more understand as something that we need to do for attain some other goal (have a better job, more money, survive) and not as something what we want to do for develop ourselves and to contribute to the better society. And I am afraid that even if we want to take the second attitude we cannot because the school system, in the way it is now, cannot offer it to us. How can escape from this circle and make a change? I wish we would have the answer on that.

  118. Teaching nowadays most definitely is no easy task. Teaching is such a fundamental and important subject in everyone’s life. In life we are taught by many people, your parents, your friends, your work and your teachers. You never stop learning. Especially concerning your choice of work and the fields that interest you, education in school plays one of the most important roles. I respect every person who decides to become a teacher and who is highly motivated to teach kids or young adults. Only trying to be the best teacher you can be unfortunately does not always succeed. A teacher can only do as much as the institutions and the laws allow him to do. You can only make the best out of the given resources you have. There are many young and motivated people out there, who cannot wait to pass on their knowledge and have a positive impact on people, only to end up to be limited by the curriculum and institutions. The lack of social support and material resources is really bad. I hope teachers will be more supported in their plans in teaching the youth. We have to remember, young people are the future, and we want the future to be bright and prosperous.

  119. Valda Anilonite dice: Responder

    As Leo Calvin Rosten once said: „The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” I believe that a teacher’s job is the one that really makes a difference, because a lawyer’s mistakes go to jail, a doctor’s mistakes go to the morgue, but a teacher’s mistakes are turned loose on society with potentially devastating consequences for all. This means, that if you want to be a teacher, you can’t really have “a day off” or do your best work only 50, 60 or even 90% of the time, you have to do your best at all times, you can’t be a teacher if you think that teaching is just a job. So you have to stay an optimist at all times and as it has already been said in this article it is hard to stay joyful when you don’t get appreciated for what you do by the society, students, co-workers etc.

  120. Sometimes society condemn a teacher because he did not use the correct methods, he do not teach useful things, etc., but no one understand that it depends on state, because they make educational system, they think in general. Teacher should notice so many things and it is hard. When I studied in secondary school, in some subjects, like physics, chemistry and biology, teachers could not show to us a lot of interesting things, because they did not have materials, stuffs for it. School did not support them, but year by year they made some corrections – wrote a projects to get materials. When school got a modern technologies, teachers were able to show show to us more things, of course, if they knew how to use these technologies, but there were a few teachers who knew. Support is very important in learning process, it helps to teacher think new ways, be creative and try new things.
    Things, which affect a teacher, when he/she works as a teacher many years, can lead mental burnout and it can took him/her to hate his profession, things, which he/she do and he do not give a big interest in pupils, in learning process. Also teacher do not give big attention to his/her subject if there is not support to him/her, materials, with which he/she can work succesfully.
    Some years ago teacher’ profession was very respectable, but in nowadays teacher is not reputable profession. One of the reason can be, that society do not see results of teacher’s work, they cannot find importance. I think, that school and collegues must support each other, it will make positive atmosphere, create new ideas.

  121. ZAHIRA GARCIA SOLTERO dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el ser maestro es una profesión difícil, ya que no todo el mundo tiene dotes para serlo y es una profesión vocacional, que necesita de grandes dotes para saber enseñar, transmitir, comunicar información… etc es algo que no todo el mundo puede hacerlo.
    Los profesores desde siempre han estado expuestos a mucha presión tanto por parte de los alumnos como de las familias o simplemente de las personas que cuestionan su trabajo.
    El malestar de un docente tiene que ser detectado con tiempo, ya que un profesor que no este bien psicologicamente y tenga problemas de ansiedad, perdida de control etc no esta preparado para afrontarse a una clase y estar a cargo de alumnos, ya que este malestar se lo transmite a los alumnos y esto hace que la clase sea un caos, sea perjudicial tanto en el profesor que lo esta pasando mal realizando su trabajo, y para los alumnos que no aprenden nada de lo que debería.
    Con lo cual en mi opinión esto es un tema bastante serio y delicado.

  122. To teach in this current era, is an extremely challenging task and if one is not helped or prepared can result in a distressed emotion. In my view there are many reasons for teaching being very challenging. The first reason is the discipline problem of the children and the extent to which a teacher can discipline or chastise a child. If a child misbehaves in class, the teacher is put under pressure as the lesson is disrupted and now he or she has to think what they should do with this child. In my opinion I feel that the discipline systems in many of schools in the north of Ireland are very limited, as severe punishments are listed as detention which is very easy, suspension which most children enjoy as they do not have attend school, and expulsion to which the child can move school. Another aspect within the discipline category is the help from the parents; Most parents do not provide any help to the teachers as they do not wish to blame their child but on other children or the teacher, this results in the child missing out on being told right from wrong and increasing the potential of the children continuing to misbehave. As a result of these implications, the teacher becomes stressed as he or she will feel limited and frustrated, due to the child continuing to misbehave and disrupt the lessons affecting the teachers goals. Another factor which makes teaching extremely difficult is the work load that is expected from a teacher as there so many different classes he or she must teach. In conclusion I believe a combination of poor support from the school staff or lack of team work, and irresponsible parents are a major contributor to the stress afflicted onto the teacher. This problem must be addressed so the teachers can have confidence in the classroom and so that he or she can deliver the best education possible for their students.

  123. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    I was smiling while watching this video because it reminds me of my English teacher at my first study course. It was a man in the age of my parents. He had gift in giving lectures, learning by fun, it was really unforgettable. But the thing which I remember the most was his approach to life. I knew that he was experienced, had family, was travelling a lot. After his lectures I had in my mind one more practical wisdom. And I think that it was more than anything. I’m really grateful to my teacher for this lessons which I will never forget.
    Some teachers are treating their job as it is something in a line of duty. Nothing more but joining a scheme. It is not a good approach. Because I think that most of them have forgotten that they can not only give students something more than English or math lesson, but most of all they can show how to live and also learn a lot from their students.

  124. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    A common misconception about the teaching profession is that it is an “easy” job with enviable holiday periods- usually by those who have little knowledge as to what the role of being a teacher entails and how it affects the life of the teacher. But where would any of these people do today without the help of their teachers? To be a teacher does not consist of a 6-hour-a-day job which you leave behind you when you leave the school grounds. Planning, marking, evaluating and gathering resources are at the most part done at home, with teachers spending hours at night planning lessons for the next day/week/month/term. Being a teacher is not merely a job, it is a lifestyle. Without a doubt the media has a part to play in the de-valuation of the teaching profession in society. A teacher is not only facilitator of knowledge but a role-model for pupils throughout the entire school. A teacher needs to present themselves as an authoritive, respective and professional figure not only to the pupils but to parents/guardians of the pupils, other teachers and student teachers, not to mention society. Teachers are still human beings so of course they have their own personal lives to deal with- family, friends, health, money etc. as well as being responsible for the well-being of a class of pupils in their care. Time-management and classroom-management are challenging aspects of being a teacher, each in themselves can be stressful areas to tackle. On top of this a teacher needs to be able to cope with challenging behaviour, discipline and resolving ‘playground issues’. In the classroom the teacher plays the role of mother/father figure for perhaps nearly 30 children. To look at the profession in this sense, I believe that few people would truly be able to cope with the pressure and commitment it takes to be in the teaching profession.

  125. JAVIER CORDOBA LEON dice: Responder

    Entiendo el malestar docente, ya que como bien se dice en el texto, la función educacional se está extendiendo a ámbitos externos, ya no solo es la escuela o la familia los que educan.

    Pero creo que hay que ver las causas de este malestar. A mi juicio, creo que los docentes no han sabido evolucionar. El mundo va cambiando y muchos de ellos se han quedado estancados en tiempos donde ellos eran una pieza fundamental. Creo que deberían de adoptar su nuevo papel educacional e ir reciclándose a las exigencias de la vida de hoy, siempre seguirán siendo una pieza fundamental en la educación de los educandos, pero quizá desde otra perspectiva.

    El ser docente debería de ser un elemento educativo vocacional, atrás debe quedar el mal dicho «si no sirves para nada a magisterio», ya que es la única manera de que cambien las criticas que se realizan a estos y que producen el malestar que tienen hoy en día.

    Por supuesto que apoyo sus reivindicaciones contra leyes que solo hacen entorpecer su actividad educacional pero también deben de hacer un poco de autocrítica y mirar en que pueden/deben mejorar.

  126. In my oppinion the job of teachers is the most important occupation. The biggest problem in Hungary is that the teachers are totally not respected. You got each of your skills from them, also you can improve your skills with them. If they don’t teach you how to write or count you wouldn’t be able to do basically nothing in your life. Everything is based on the skills which you get in the school. I think the primary school is especially important, because we are learning our basic skills there. If you have a really good teacher in primary school then you will be also more succesful in the future. Also your personality will improve a lot with a good teacher. I went to the same primary school where my mother was teaching and she brought me one year earlier than I should have went beacuse she thought that one teacher is really good in that year. And she had right! I am really greatful for both of them, because I learned a lot from her.

  127. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que ser profesor o maestro es una carrera muy bonita pero a la vez muy difícil. Creo que ser maestro no es solo ir a clase y soltar un discurso a sus alumnos sobre alguna materia si no también es estar continuamente formándose para actualizar sus conocimientos y adaptar los contenidos a los alumnos.
    Es verdad que el respeto que se le tenia antiguamente a los profesores ya cada vez mas se esta perdiendo, pues casi todos los días vemos en la televisión o oímos en la radio profesores que son insultados o incluso agredidos por los alumnos.
    Pienso que debe de ser muy frustrante para un profesor poner todo su empeño en educar, enseñar, etc. a sus alumnos unos conocimientos y que estos no sean adquiridos por los alumnos de forma favorable.
    En mi opinión para ser profesor, maestro, educador etc. hay que serlo de vocación y gustarle su trabajo y sobre todo sentirse cómodo con los alumnos sin ser demasiado autoritario aunque siempre dándose a respetar, ya que los alumnos se comportaran con los profesores tal y como éstos lo hacen con los alumnos.

  128. Manuel González Fernández dice: Responder

    El tema que propone en este artículo está muy candente en el ámbito educativo, puesto que estamos viviendo una época de recortes en todos los aspectos y la educación se está viendo afectada por los mismos. No obstante, desde que existe la docencia como profesión siempre se ha desarrollado con pocos recursos y se ha suplido con voluntad y esfuerzo por parte de los maestros y profesores. Pero esta lucha por la enseñanza sin apoyos no solo institucionales sino también de la sociedad en general ha motivado el malestar docente y, po ende, la desmotivación y a veces hasta la apatía. Antes de llegar a esta situación de estrés y bloqueo laboral, se deben poner en práctica las que se denominan en el texto «vías de afrontamiento», que son básicamente las herramientas que debe usar el docente para volver a adquirir la motivación necesaria para la tarea de la enseñanza en el aula. Un educador motivado siempre transmite mejor las enseñanzas a un alumno y todos tenemos en mente ejemplos claros de profesores que han pasado por nuestras vidas y nos han marcado con sus enseñanzas.

  129. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    The modern teacher is compelled to overcome the strict boundaries of professionalism and imagine an education structured on humans for humans. The teacher must be a reflecting researcher and innovator. Modern messages have to be adjusted from the teacher to match the student needs. Modern teachers should be evaluated based not only on their problem-solving ambilities but also on their ambilities to challenge and set new questions.
    It is also so large and continuous the changes nowadays, that now as people and mainly as teachers we have to rethink our attitude and find a new position in the modern scene that is now universal.

  130. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    I am not seeing the teachers as knowledge machine. They have got a lots of social roles. For example as mother,friend. We should esteem them . And we should their soceity roles’ important. Because their’s jobs are very difficult and valued. Also in my opinion they are wise the society and state. They can change society and state. Actually ,maybe it can be utopian,but I want to that :
    If someone will administer the state, administrator should be wise teacher. Because they are knowledgeable,forward looking and humanist. if the state structure be in the wise person’s manuals;educations,teachings and life values develop in high level. Therefor they should do fewer errors. Because they are a society model. My said sentences aren’t right for every teacher. Because some teachers aren’t using themself job very well. They are giving inform only. They aren’t caring about the community values. I am wondering. How i being a teacher? The wise or unconcerned. But i am knowing, i want to being a teacher:to being a preschool teaching.

  131. Teachers shouldn’t do their job for the money.Outcome of to be teacher is actually not about monetary. Students success are most beautiful outcome for a teacher.And I think there is no other job like that. And ıt makes the teachers important.There are a teacher changes the lives of everyone. They are always remembered.My Turkish teacher endeared me to read and he was amazing.I never forget him and I want to thank him even he don’t know that.The society must appreciate to teachers and respect.Its more important than money.

  132. After seeing the video and reading the article I remembered one of my german language teachers. I think she was about 50 years old and has been a teacher all her life, but still I remember her as one of the most kindest and wisest person I have met in my life. Even the loudest classmates which were mean to other teachers respected and loved her. But of course there were good and bad moments. And only thinking about being a teacher for more than 40 years in school… I can only admire the ability to be so kind and loving towards the children even after all the «crazy» classes which had happened during this time.
    Being a teacher is a very hard work, it can be so exhausting, but I think there are the moments when you can get the good feedback, when you feel appreciated and loved. I think the way how to make the work worth it and keep his own sanity is to balance these moments. If the moments when you feel appreciated and loved can make up for the moments when you feel lost and helpless.

  133. Teachers definitely do not have it easy. In the current system of education, we have been saying that students are caught in a vicious circle that requires a solution as soon as possible but what about Teachers? They have to go through a series of tests (necessary to become a teacher) that sometimes do not even hold any kind of usefulness when it comes to the what they are going to teach or what they are going to need as a teacher and yet they do it. There exists all kinds of teachers but all of them have to first acknowledge a «script» and teach us the way this «script», this set of rules tells them how to. To this factor, you can add different zones when teaching is more or less easier to do and by zones I mean locations where students with different backgrounds will react differently to teaching and education. Therefore for all these reasons and many more that are infinite if I daresay so, we all have to say Thank You to the teachers that have been teaching us, evidently more for one or more in particular but we all learn something whether we consider it’s useful or not, it’s going to be of relevance in our future in one way or another and often we won’t even remember when that happens that we had already found ourselves confronted with that issue in a past experience.
    Once again, I thank my teachers and I would like to say that teachers are more than the people having the job of teacher, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues are all teachers, thanking them is not enough but it sure makes everyone feel a little bit more better. Thank you!

  134. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    I completely agree with the fact that we have to thank our teachers for achieving knowledge. But speak about teachers and their work seems to me that the best if the teacher or professor is satisfied with his work and his work is as a hobby, because then it’s easier to understand the teaching studies, and can be easier to communicate with tutors and learn the various examples not just is dry theory. It is also my opinion lecturers and teachers should be young at retirement age, because then easier to communicate with teachers.

  135. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    Podemos observar que el malestar docente es uno de los problemas mas importantes hoy en dia en la educacion. Este malestar puede ser debido como bien dice el tezto a diversos factores, que influyen en el docente. Creo que desde hace tiempo siempre se le ha estado criticando el trabajo y la labor que hacen los profesores y maestros. Por ejemplo: siempre se ha diho que bien vive los maestros, profesores, que tiene casi tres meses de vacaciones, el sueldo que ganan y lo poco que hacen….etc.Pero me pregunto todos estos/as que critican a los profesores y maestros y que dicen que la carrera es muy fácil, que no trabajan que tienen 3 meses de vacaciones y que no tienen vocación…¿Por que no han estudiado magisterio? Metemos a todos en el mismo saco y generalizamos, y en todas las profesiones » se cuecen habas» no solo en magisterio.
    Creo y confirmo que no todos los profesores y maestros, sean así. Hay muchos que se curran su trabajo cada dia y que ejercen su vocación por que les gusta enseñar a sus alumnos. Pero nunca nos hemos puesto a pensar en la labor que tienen estos docentes.No es una profesion fácil como muchos dicen, muchos (y no digo todos, porque no son todos) se esfuerzan para enseñarles los contenidos a los alumnos, que sientan interes por aprender, etc. Pero todo esto tambien tiene un inconveniente, y es que en todas las clases no hay niños buenos, y siempre hay alguno que es el «gracioso del grupo», el qu interrumpe, el que molesta a lo demás, etc., esto ademas de aguantarlo sus padres, tambien lo aguantan los profesores y maestros.Por eso digo, que no debemos de critcar tanto esta profesion, ya que educar es dificil, y es una profesion que siempre deberiamos de valorarla.

  136. It is correct in saying that teachers no longer hold that respected status in society as they once had. Some members of society view teaching as a handy job. They see that they working shorter hours in the day, receive paid holidays and many believe that teachers just stand in front of a class and teach off a script and generally have an easy job. this is painting a negative image of teachers and is partly the reason for people not having respect for them. The disrespect parents have for teachers this negative vibes towards teachers rubs off on their children and then they do not respect the teachers and makes their jobs much harder in trying to control the classes.
    The aspect of having a small working day and having an easy job is far from the truth. Teachers are required to plan teaching sessions for the next days which can take hours to plan, also they are required to mark and grade homework’s,class work and course work this calls for hours of long monotonous work.

  137. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    Nowadays, to be a teacher is much more difficult than before. When my father was a kid, he had a french teacher who hit the students each time they made a mistake in dictation or conjugation and when a kid complained about it when he went back home, he was reprimanded by his parents too ! Nowadays, if a teacher dares to reprimand a kid, parents complain that the teacher is too tough with his students. I think that teachers are under appreciated even though they play a determinant role in the lives of their students. They are more than teachers, they have to be educators, psychologists, counselor… Students complain too much about their teachers during all the schooling even though they are the ones who taught us all that we know. That’s why i think that we really need to re-evaluate the role that teachers play in our lives.

  138. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Pienso que la tarea que tienen los educadores, profesores, maestros, etc… asi podriamos seguir con innumerables palabras para referirnos a todo aquel que intenta transmitir valores y conocimientos a los alumnos. si creo importante todo aquel que sea maestro y del cual dependa que los alumnos aprendan una serie de conocimiento debe tener una gran dosis de vocacion, porque es para mi punto de vista una profesion tan vocacional como la medicina o cualquier otra en la que te tengas que dar por completo a las persona, ya que un buen profesor ademas de intentar transmitir todos sus conocimientos a sus alumnos de la mejor manera posible, tambien deberian darse a sus alumnos desde el cariño y la comprension. pero claro no solo se puede exigir eso a los profesores, sino para que esto ocurra los alumnos pienso que tambien deben estar abierto a este mundo de sensaciones y emociones como es el arte de educar.

  139. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Yo personalmente creo que cualquiera no puede ser maestro, profesor o educador. creo que debe haber un componente vocacional. Para ser maestro, profesor o educador hay que creer en el valor de de la educación.
    Para mi entender uno de los principales problemas es la formación de los docentes que hoy no es de calidad, es más, deja mucho que desear. Así magisterio es uno de los grados donde no se exige casi nota para acceder. Parece que hay una idea generalizada del que no vale para algo que se dedique a enseñar. Justamente debería ser lo contrario, los que más valen deberían estar enseñando.

  140. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think in the last few years the quality management in the schools has changed: Ten years ago a teacher could nearly do what she/he wants in his job. The teacher had his class and a lot of freedom. But today the requirements are changing often and there are higher expectations which are controlled more often.

    On one site that is stress for the teacher but we have to see the positive aspects also: Especially in primary school normally one teacher is responsible for one whole class for a few years. When she/he does not do a good job this children will not have the most basic skills like writing or reading.

    So in my opinion I prefer more controls. I know that especially today every five years there is a new way of teaching and that the teachers have to work a lot but we have to think about the good consequences of quality management too.

    To be a teacher a person needs a good self confidence. I think a lack of this is the mean reason for stress in the job. So there should be a test for the students who want to become a teacher before the university starts. In my opinion this is a good possibility to solve this problem.

  141. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    Why do teachers teach? Certainly not for the money. Salaries are among the lowest of all professions with similar educational requirements. Working conditions are stressful. There virtually are not opportunities for advancement.
    So why do they do it, if not for the money or the career opportunities?
    The best teachers teach because they want to make a difference in the lives of their students and in the future of their world. To keep those teachers teaching, schools and communities but mainly students need to find ways to let them know that they’re succeeding.
    Every school and every of us have a teachers who come in early and stay late, teachers who are always ready to lend a helping hand or share an innovative lesson, teachers who provide emergency tech assistance, teachers who regularly go above and beyond the call of duty in one way or another.

  142. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    El profesor llega a tener un papel importante tanto en la educación como en los estudiantes. Desde mi experiencia me he dado cuenta que mucho depende de la edad que, pienso que los profesores más jóvenes son más fáciles de entender, es decir, utilizan métodos que son más cercanos a los jóvenes. Es muy importante que el profesor este motivado por su trabajo y que tenga el conocimiento suficiente para ello ya que debería de tener una buena relación con sus alumnos.

  143. The video of this article made me smile because i guess as a teacher you don’t hear the sentence «Thank you, teacher» very often. And that’s the point: Many people take the teachers’ work for granted. They don’t think about where they got and learned a lot of their essential and important skills and who had been responsible at some parts of what they are today.
    It’s so determining if you have/had a good or a bad teacher. Especially at children’s age teachers have an enormous influence on the pupils’ development – not only in subject matters but also in social skills, behaviour, way of talking and exposure to the environment and many more.
    It’s a shame that media always focus on bad teachers and their mistakes. There are as well excellent, exerted, motivated and innovative teachers which hold really good lessons and know how to treat children in a respectful, fair way. But media hardly never write about that kind of teachers and so, society doesn’t have any idea of what it means being a teachers and making responsible, clever young humans out of the children.

  144. In my opinion I do believe teachers are being treated unfairly in the media and elsewhere thus leading to a negative reputation and a tarnished image. From my experience the vast majority of the public clearly underestimate the job of a teacher. They seem to think that it is an easy six hour working day with long Christmas and summer holidays. I was of that opinion myself until I started teaching in a school last semester. Teaching can be an extremely stressful and frustrating occupation at the best of times. Only employees working within the school system see the long working hours being put in by all teachers preparing work and teaching information for their students. The thing a lot of people do not see is that a lot of teachers take their work home with them. No one sees the work being put in after school hours. Also, many teachers give up their free time to do after school study and recreational activities with students to help improve their grades and physical well being. In fact, the most frustrating part of the job is classroom management and the lack of discipline and respect from the students. Therefore, I think teachers are definitely not getting paid enough for the job they do on a day-to-day basis and a lot of ambiguity exists in society and in the media over what actually happens in a school everyday.

  145. The teacher, a person who has to be entertainer, psychologist, educator, who has to deal with parents, children, government, schoolpolitics and colleagues. Who can be always everyone’s black sheep if something went wrong. The demands of the society on teachers are high and at the same time the acceptance and appreciation is law. This article describes the difficulties of beeing a teacher very well and shows problems from the perspective of teachers.
    The part about the change of the role of the teacher in the society is very interesting. During the last years the numbers of teachers who suffer from burnout-syndrom increased more and more. But what can we demand on a teacher, what can we expect and what not? How can we as pupil, students, parents and politicians support the teachers nowadays?
    We have to create a frame in which a teacher can be a good teacher, we have to work on the outer conditions to give the teachers the possibility to respond to our demands and we have to work on a educacional consense which should be taught in the university and we have to change the image of teachers. We have to pay more salary and have to understand the importance of teachers. It is about coorperation, not about a fight and accusations. It is very commun to blame the teacher for everything, especially as a pupil.
    Also important is to invest more money in schools. For example smaller classes are easier to handle, the noise level who can be an addicional stress factor is lower, it is more possible to teach individually and brings a lot of advantages with it. So politics should invest more money in educacion instead of saving banks or supporting war.

  146. Teachers are often under appreciated in many societies even though they play a vital role in the lives of there students. They can become more than just an educator and become a sort of friend, counselor listening to their students problems or worries and giving them advice. The lines can become blurred between teacher and counselor with is where teacher discomfort can start to occur. Teacher discomfort such as emotional overload can occur as they grow connections with their students and become more the a mere educator.
    I really enjoyed the video with famous people thank the teachers than made an impact in their lives. The teachers that were thank were the teachers that did more than just teacher their students English, Spanish or mathematics but the teachers that thought their students about being yourself.

  147. Being a teacher is one of the most important professions one could choose in life and it is also one of the most difficult. Teachers are not very widely recognized for their work even though their job is one of the most stressful careers to enter into.They also prepare the children and youth of today for their future life and play a massive role in their personality and abilities in the outside world. I believe that to be a teacher you really have to love the job and have a massive amount of patience as every student is different and works at a different pace and level which is why teachers can be extremely stressed because no matter what lessons they prepare, a challenge always arises if a student does not understand what is going on. I think there is an extreme lack of support for teachers also in this day in age when teachers are needed more than ever. People proceed to judge how things are taught nowadays but yet this critique is coming from those who do not understand what it means to be a teacher and how that one teacher who is passionate and dedicated can change your life forever.

  148. Teacher distress is one of the most serious problems in the educational system today, and is it any wonder? A teacher does not simply teach he/she undoubtedly does over and beyond there call of duty including activities such as parenting, listening, dealing with problems, teaching respect, building student’s confidence and life values. The video is amazing in that it emphasises the importance several teachers have made on peoples lives not through simply teaching maths or geography but instead facilitating students in there learning through being admirable and a role model while also excelling in there subject knowledge and passing on the information in a friendly open manner.
    Teachers like students’ parents and every other human have their own personal problems however a good teacher does not let this effect there teaching ability. In Ireland I believe teacher respect comes from within the family unit as well as the teacher’s amiability and presence in the classroom but also from the support given from the top down i.e. the principle. In many cases in the classroom I have experienced students abusing and slagging and disrespecting teaches as often times they have not been told any better or know they can get away with it. In other cases where discipline comes from the top and teachers have support from other staff members either at the same level or higher discipline and respect issues is not a problem. It is of upmost importance that the children within the classroom respect the teacher and give them the respect they deserve because without the teacher they will get no were in life and in the education system

  149. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    without doubt, in regards to Ireland, the respect teachers once obtained has diminished irrevocably. Not so long ago, teachers in Ireland hit the students and the students remained in utter fear of their teachers. However now, in the modern age, verbal abuse simply is not tolerated, not to mention physical abuse. After spending my last semester as a secondary school teacher I truly gained insight to the difficulty teachers face with regards to discipline. There appeared to be far more discipline problems with less capable students as they used misbehaviour as a mechanism to mask their academic struggle. In addition to this, I was allowed delve into the daily life of a teacher and got to observe how teaching a class alone was one of the very few roles a teacher had. I witnessed the sheer amount of planning, organising and mothering that teachers had to do on a daily basis. The work load of a teacher is so vast , thus all teachers should be rewarded with graditute for their work.

  150. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    In the most basic sense, teacher leaders are educators who take the reins on initiatives and projects outside their own classrooms. In addition to being knowledgeable about the subjects they teach, teachers must have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, and motivate students, as well as understand the students’ educational and emotional needs. Teachers must be able to recognize and respond to individual and cultural differences in students and employ different teaching methods that will result in higher student achievement. They should be organized, dependable, patient, and creative. Teachers also must be able to work cooperatively and communicate effectively with other teachers, support staff, parents, and members of the community. Private schools associated with religious institutions desire candidates who share the values that are important to the institution.

  151. Deniz Şansöz dice: Responder

    Thanks to my first English teacher when i was at fourth class in primary school, she inspired me to become an English teacher too even if her specialized field topics was not English! Our country’s founder and great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had lots of statements about teachers that showed us the improtance of being a teacher and it is a divine profession. One of his words is that «saviour of nations are only the teachers». Once he remarked that teacher’s salaries must be above than the parliamentarians’ salaries. Unfortunately, the circumstances are not as he said right now. It’s a pity if a student appreciates and thanks his teacher just in teachers’ day. They can be one that we meet after our families and be like a family with them. There is noone in this world that he can treat you altruistically like his own child even if you are not. I’m sure that i will never regret to choose this occupation for me..

  152. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    Today there is a loss of respect for teachers. Yes, this is true. The reason of that is that other jobs are in demand. By some people teaching is seen as the lowest job that can be had. In past the respect for teachers was really big. In Turkiye in countryside this respect is still kept. But in big cities this respect doesn’t exist. When I look at salary means, teachers’ yearly salaries are really low in Turkiye. In Spain teachers’ salaries are higher. Because the financial problems that teachers have, the bad conditions in schools, the stress that they have, the roles that the society put on them are gradually increasing; teachers are depressed. So I totally agree with this article.

  153. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    When i watched this video i thought all my educational life from kindergarden to higher education and university.I thought about all of my teacher. I want to thank to so many teachers who have made my life richer. Teachers are what makes this world amazing. Nobody forgets their favourtie or worst teacher.
    They play mother,father,mentor,nurse,friends.. all of these roles in each day.
    Teachers are the primary educator of children. They sees the possibility in every child even before he/she sees it himself/herself.While accepting your parental role and responsibilities, give teachers the credit they have earned. Most of them really do care.
    Theachers always says ‘you can do it,it is going to be okay.They are never stop trying.I think they will never forget from their touched lives.Without this they need to be motivated.In my country they they were venerated in the past but know this respect amount to much.Nowadays children not respect their teachers because they are not motive to learn, they don’t want listen their teachers in the lesson.So they must always be patient and strong.Thank for all my teacher even he /she learned to me little one thing.

  154. I think it’s true that teachers can change the life of their students the same like family and friends does. So teachers have a high responsibility of how they teach and what they teach. I think as important as teaching children language, science and maths it is to teach them personal and social skills. Of course teachers have a lot of distress nowadays and I think that all in the article mentioned changes and out of this resulting teacher malaise are true, but I think that teachers have to cope with it without neglecting their social and personal duties. Of course it’s true that there are more and more pupils which don’t show any respect to their teachers and don’t behave like they should. So for me this is a calling to the schools to support the teachers in their difficult situation and in their distress. For example through mentoring, team work, additional teachers, psychological counseling,… I think we need to make the teachers mentally strong for the changes they have to face in their future.

  155. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    Nowadays, analyzing the process of education in school, increasingly we talk about the role of the teacher, who faces with a high expectations, not only connected with his knowledge and teaching skills, but also with the moral level of his own personality.
    Therefore, it is not easy today to meet the demands of the teachers, if only because of the fact that the current authorities for young people are various kinds of idols, leaders of informal peer groups, etc. Teachers are increasingly complain that students do not respect them, which leads to the collapse of the authority of the teacher.
    However, I think there is widespread lay the blame on the school and teachers for the education and teaching. Parents do not take account the fact that they are in particular responsible for the education and upbringing their children. Instead of this they are looking at the fault of the teacher and saying that he is bad and this does not create a good image of teacher.

  156. Olga Cantero Contreras dice: Responder

    Este tema es muy delicado, ya que el malestar docente repercute de manera directa sobre los alumnos, cosa que debería ser frenada inmediatamente en el momento en que se perciba, dando la baja al profesor que lo padezca. Porque es cierto que es algo de lo que el docente no tiene culpa, ya que esto es un trastorno de tipo psicológico y que puede aliviarse manteniéndose alejado de su profesión cuando este no esté en condiciones de transmitir enseñanzas a los alumnos. No se debe permitir que profesores con este tipo de trastorno influyan en los alumnos negativamente. Es cierto que este malestar tiene sus causas justificadas, como se dice en el artículo, ya sea por un conflicto de rol o por la poca consideración social que existe hacia ellos, cuando deberían de ser una figura respetada ya que de ellos depende en gran medida el futuro de los niños y niñas.
    Hablando a título personal, tuve una profesora que padecía de este malestar, pero que fue mantenida durante muchos años en su puesto, no se por qué motivo, a parte de tener el síndrome de Diógenes y presentarse en clase con una apariencia realmente penosa. No sabía como era posible que una persona que estaba en esas condiciones siguiera «enseñando» (por decirlo de alguna manera) a niños y niñas, cuando realmente lo que necesitaba era ser atendida por algún especialista.

  157. Isabel Córdoba Solís dice: Responder

    Que exista malestar en los docentes, es algo que repercute a la larga en el alumnado, es verdad y así ocurre a veces que le profesor está falto de motivación y falto de vocación, y esto como he reseñado anteriormente lo adquiere el alumnado.
    No es también menos cierto que por parte de la sociedad actual y gran culpa de ello lo tiene la clase política que es la que dirige la educación, se ha dejado al profesor sin ningún tipo de autoridad «falta de respeto del alumnos, agresión de éstos, desconsideración por parte de los padres y poco valorado por la Administración correspondiente».
    Nada mas hay que recordar los casos ocurridos en Bormujos y Sevilla, en las que alumnos con varios suspensos (más de tres) fueron aprobados por la Administración, dejando al profesorado a la altura del bordillo, y falto de justificación ante el alumnado que trabaja y se esfuerza.
    El borrador de reforma de la educación que ha cometido la Administración y que se esta debatiendo actualmente en el congreso, ha enfrentado nuevamente al profesorado, siendo esto perjudicial para la enseñanza.

  158. MOISÉS ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el malestar docente influye directamente en el alumnado, como el texto indica puede ser debido a la situación personal del docente, es decir, falta de habilidades sociales para la transmisión del aprendizaje, el conflicto rol «¿qué se espera de mi?», u otras cuestiones totalmente solucionables con tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero también el problema se puede dar en la metodología impartida por el centro educativo o institución. Y que este no tenga sus objetivos claramente marcados. Creo que esto es inadmisible para el alumnado ya que por un lado u por otro, influye directamente en su formación. Por culpa de «malos» docentes se han perdido grandes «pensadores» para nuestra sociedad. Por este, entre otros motivos nos encontramos en nuestro país con el índice de fracaso escolar existente actualmente.

  159. Durante toda la hora lectiva el maestro (o el profesor) es la única persona que es en enfoque de interés todo el tiempo. Tiene que liderar a los alumnos por todo el tiempo y sobre todo tiene que mantener la filosofía de su enseñansa. Es que creo que todos los maestros llevan su misión para influir sus alumnos con intensidad distinta. Desgraciadamente el interés no es bilateral, es decir a veces no es devuelto a partir de los alumnos.
    Sin mirar a los razones de aburrimiento del rollo o razones de molestias, el maestro tiene que mantener la clase activa y afrontar otros problemas.
    Hoy en día algunos alumnos son más maleducados y más engreidos que eran hace 50 años, por eso hay que coordinar la educación a partir de los padres y a partir de los maestros. Como la escuela es segundo lugar donde los alumnos pasan lo más tiempo.

  160. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    Nowadays, children don’t treat to teachers as good as it was many years ago. Then teacher were people, who lay the foundation for children for the future. Children were grateful, they always listen to teacher, they were conscientious, but now they don’t listening, they ignored them, and they aren’t aware of that teacher helps them to further life. Nowadays, young people are not motivated to learn, to study, because they think, that’s not needed. Teachers can give a lot – experience, support, knowledge, acquirements. In my life, I met teacher of literature, who was full of energy, full of humor and knowledge, and trough the jokes and life examples she teach us the most important things. How to be a person, how to receive other people, how to deal with everything. And I’m very thankful. It’s difficult to be a teacher for many students, especially, that everyone is different with their own needs. Some teacher were interested in what they were doing, teaching, but some just wanted to finish the class as quick as possible, and it’s not a good ratio. It means, that teachers care just about their time, hours, but not about education and knowledge what they can give to students. I thinks, it’s also because of salary. For example, in my country, teacher have really small salary and that’s way they are not in this educational process.

  161. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I find this video really nice. I rarely think about my teachers, but this video encouraged me to do that. I love this quote ”if you can read this, thank to your teacher” because our English teacher had the same written on her office door, so I would always smile when I would read it. I can not remember any teacher that had big impact on my life. I remember some funny things that teachers did, and mostly I remember teachers that were not so good at transferring the knowledge to us. But the truth is that I really have to be grateful to every teacher, because every single one has taught me something new, something different.

    I will also mention my teacher from high school. She was teaching us Croatian language and she really had a lot of knowledge, but she could not transfer it to us. She would keep rambling and when you tried to make and effort of catching her, you could not, so the classes were very useless. Even trough, I have to thank her, because when I finished high school I had to write an exam to get into the collage I wanted. One of the subjects I had to take was Croatian language and I really had not learned anything during four years of high school. So in 3 month I had to learn everything and I did. Even trough the teacher did not transferred the knowledge she had, I also have to thank her because I proved my self that I was capable of doing what I thought I could not. Every teacher plays a significant part in our life, but we are not aware of this. So we have to thank all our teachers for everything that they contributed in our development.

  162. we talked a lot about the system and obligations or role of the teachers but I certainly agree that all the relationships are constructed by two sides. It is important that the teacher acts with his best attitude but it is also obligation of the student that he tells what he likes and what he doesnt like. Also a huge problem today is that the students dont have a lot of respect regarding the teachers and in my opinion this is not right. The teachers are not there for granted and there job doesnt commands a nice attitude, so among students and teachers should always be a great amount of respect and coalition. Good relationships also always inflluence all the areas of our life and this means that with this we also pay the atention on stress factors, which would most certainly reduce.

  163. I find this video very interesting and impressive. It is amazing how they all remember their teachers. And nobody of them emphasized how that certain teacher was good at explaining math, chemistry or biology. Things that they have learned are that everything is possible, that they don` have to be like anybody else, how to approach knowledge with scent of wander and fun and other life lessons. One of them said: “A great teacher is a work of art.” and I totally agree with him. Great teacher is a person that we admire and who becomes our role model. Great teacher has excellent knowledge in subject that is teaching and ability to transfer that knowledge, but also teaches life values and has a friendly relationship with their students. This video also has made me a little bit sad because I can`t remember any of my teacher that I am grateful.

    It is evident that teachers today don`t have the same status in society as it once was. There is nowadays a lot more criticism and monitoring of their every move. I think that that is a reflection of the crisis of the whole society and the education system itself. Teachers have to adapt to the situation and change the way they teach because the student’s attention today can` be gain it the same way as before. It takes a lot more creativity and a lot less rigor. It is very important that teachers love their job; otherwise it may not perform as befits. For them it is not allowed to come to work in a bad mood because it affects students.

  164. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    Through-out my education experience, both through my compulsorary years at primary school and also secondary school, along with my optional higher level education; we have always been instructed to respect the teacher. This element of respect starts at home, when a child is just a toddler going to play school or nursery, the parents of that child emphasises the importance of respect.
    In Ireland, at times can be seen elements of teacher stress and mainly because of many of the reasons that are posted within this blog, but the main reason being that they are expected to do over and beyond their call of duty and often their job principles.
    Also a teacher is not just a teacher, they are also parents, grandparents and have family members to look after and care for which includes an element of force onto their personnal life which may also inflict teacher stress. It is of upmost importance that the children within the classroom respect the teacher and give them the respect they deserve because without the teacher they will get no were in life and in the education system.

  165. mangeles espino espina dice: Responder

    El malestar docente creo que es bastante común, en este ámbito como en todos. Ya que últimamente entre los recortes en el salarios debido a la crisis y el aumento de los horarios les está afectando a la hora de trabajar. Para mi parecer es comprensible, pero no debería de ser así ya que se cargan el futuro de un niño.

  166. El Malestar docente repercute de manera importante en la educación de los alumnos/as, como el texto dice, puede ser devido a diversas cosas, pero esta en los profesores el no llegar a ese malestar, ya que el como llegue un profesor/a a clase, va a ser la manera en la que esta se lleve a cabo.
    El sistema eduactivo debe ser el encargado de desarrollarse en sus enseñanzas, motivar al alumnado al aprendizaje, que sientan que aprenden y que les interese ir a clase, esto no se consigue si hay una desmotivacion por parte del personal docente.
    No todo el cargo el de personal docente, ya que la familia y alumnos deben de valorar el papel que estos hacen y no desprestigiar su trabajo o quitarles la razón, por lo que entre todos debemos de animar la educación no desmotivarla con un malestar.

  167. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    En la actualidad podemos ver que el malestar docente es unos de los problemas más graves que nos podemos encontrar en la educación, ya que afecta negativamente en el aprendizaje de los discentes. Este malestar viene dado por muchos motivos como dice el artículos, pues esta sociedad ha criticado mucho su trabajos y menospreciándolos con comentarios como “para lo que trabajan mucho se le paga”, aunque esta frase se les podría asociar a algunos. Pero en general la profesión que realizan es mucho más que la de llegar a clase y explicar unos contenidos, ya que tiene que enseñarles unas pautas de comportamientos, hacer que sus alumnos sientan interés por su asignatura y sobre todo conseguir que aprendan, pero todo esto no es tan fácil, ya que durante ese camino se encuentran con alumnos que no quieren aprender y lo que hacen es molestar y hacer que los demás se distraigan , cosa que tiene que aguantar un profesor y además nos encontramos casos como son las amenazas y agresiones por partes de alumnos. Con todo ello quiero decir que la labor de educar es bastante complicada y hay que valorarla.

  168. Manuel Antonio Conde Del Rio dice: Responder

    Humildemente, pienso que el Malestar Docente en cada profesional puede provenir de distintos focos, aunque podríamos definir alguno de ellos, que incluso en algún momento pueden ser generalizados a todos los profesionales de la educación:

    – La perdida de la imagen social

    – La falta de respeto de los padres y madres hacia los profesionales, y como consecuencia la falta de respeto de los alumnos y alumnas

    – Pocas estrategias adecuadas de formación continua

    – Politización excesiva de la educación

    – Deshumanización de los procesos selectivos del profesorado y la falta de concursos de méritos en el sector.

    Pero a pesar de todos los males que nos llevan a un alto grado de Malestar Docente, es posible un futuro mejor, el cual está en nuestra mano.

  169. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    El malestar docente es un punto bastante importante a tener en cuenta en la educación, ya que éste repercute negativamente a la hora de enseñar.Como bien dice en el texto, esto se debe a multiples factores, ya sean factores internos o por el contexto que rodee al profesor.
    El poder superar el malestar no es una tarea fácil, ya que no solo es cosa del docente sino de todo lo que le rodea, y sobre todo el trato que recibe dia a dia por parte de sus alumnos es primordial para que este se erradique o por el contario cada dia se agrave mas, y esto pueda desencadenar una depresion.
    Por ultimo, creo que una buena tecnica, como bien dice en el texto, seria el afrontamiento para poder superarlo y que esto no sea un problema a la hora de educar.

  170. El malestar docente es otro punto que repercute negativamente en la educación de los jóvenes. Como bien se refleja en el texto, este hecho puede venir derivado por múltiples causas. ya sea por la sobrecarga de labores, de situaciones de tipo emocional difíciles de abordar, falta de apoyo por padres, alumnos, etc.
    Y digo que repercute en la calidad en la que se educa porque el malestar que pueda sufrir el docente influirá negativamente en su forma de dar clase a sus alumnos. Todos hemos tenido alguna vez a aquel profesor que invitaba, con sus «tostones» de clases, a no asistir más.
    Pienso que el malestar docente provoca que los educadores no se sientan con ánimo, motivación o ganas de emplearse al máximo en su trabajo. Un trabajo que de él dependemos muchos.

  171. Como podemos ver la educación no se da tan solo en las escuelas, en nuestra vida diaria o entorno el cual nos rodea podemos ver educación. Esta no se ciñe tan solo a un entorno, esta se abre a más ámbitos y así la mayoria de la poblacion puede obtenerla, aunque sea mínima. Pero como podemos ver esto tiene sus consecuencias negativas, como que el profesorado no esta motivado y que poco a poco vaya decayendo la profesión de profesor, porque ya no se le da prestigio y no se le valora como debería. Esto genera el malestar docente.
    Con la importancia que tiene la educación en nuestra sociedad, las propias personas no lo valoran. Entonces esto hace que el nivel de educación descienda y a su misma vez se vaya convirtiendo en un gran problema de la sociedad, ya que creo que la educación es unas de las bases con las que se constituye una sociedad. También una cosa lleva a la otra, lo que ocurre con el malestar docente, el cual no se ve interesado en la materia, le resulta aburrida y para afrontar esto se lleva a cabo el «afrontamiento» el cual es uno de los recursos mas habituales en este problema.

  172. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Estoy muy acuerdo con este articulo, sobre todo con este párrafo: «Desde luego hoy estamos frente a una serie de factores que han determinado el cambio: aumento de las exigencias sobre el profesor, inhibición educativa de otros agentes de socialización, desarrollo de fuentes de información alternativas a la escuela, ruptura del consenso social sobre la educación, aumento de las contradicciones en el ejercicio de la docencia, cambio de expectativas respecto al sistema educativo, modificación del apoyo de la sociedad al sistema educativo, descenso de la valoración social del profesor, cambios en los contenidos curriculares, escasez de recursos materiales y deficientes condiciones de trabajo, cambios en las relaciones profesor-alumno, fragmentación del trabajo del profesor.» Pienso que las relaciones profesor- alumno tienen una gran influencia en el malestar del docente, puesto que antes a un profesor se le respetaba muchísimo mas que ahora, tambien las condiciones de trabajo influyen porque con la crisis a los docentes se les ha recortado mucho.

  173. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, el malestar del docente es un tema prioritario de abordaje en un marco de capacitación docente en sentido amplio y prevención en salud y educación. La situación emocional a la que el docente tiene que enfrentarse diariamente en el aula está contaminada con frecuencia por un clima de falta de hábitos de trabajo y estudio , agresividad y ausencia de límites claros, sumados a los cambios sociales a los que tiene que adaptar su actividad educativa y que acaban haciendo mella en su propio bienestar personal.
    Es importante crear un espacio donde los docentes puedan compartir sus vivencias y experiencias. El trabajo cooperativo puede, en definitiva, transformar una fuente de insatisfacciones personales en reflexiones profesionales compartidas.

  174. Ana Delgado Marín dice: Responder

    A lo largo de mi período estudiantil, he tenido algunos profesores que aunque no haya aprendido mucho de su materia, si he aprendido unos valores que considero también importantes para nuestra formación.
    Si es cierto, que he tenido otros profesores que por su desmotivación, ya sea por los años que llevaba trabajando como profesor o porque cada vez más los alumnos le hacían menos caso, no nos ha llegado a enseñar todo lo que ellos hubieran querido que aprendiéramos.
    La culpa de todo esto; en parte, la tiene la sociedad que nos ha ido corrompiendo a nosotros los alumnos, hasta tal punto que hemos llegado incluso a causarle una depresión a un profesor.

  175. Mª Carmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    El malestar docente creo que es bastante común y está extendido entre la mayoría de los profesores, ya que últimamente entre los recortes en el salarios debido a la crisis y el aumento de los horarios les está afectando a la hora de trabajar, ya que llegan al trabajo más desmotivado con lo que conlleva a un menor aprendizaje de los niños puesto que los docentes no trasmiten el buen rollo y la energía que deben tener para sacar una clase de niño adelante.

  176. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista considero a la sociedad culpable, por llamarlo de alguna manera, a este malestar docente ya que como bien comenta el artículo vivimos en una sociedad en la que los profesores han sido muy criticados por diversas causas, la mayoría de la gente piensa que trabajan poco para el sueldo mensual que adquieren, pero en realidad el trabajo de un profesor no debería de ser solamente el ir a clase y explicar la materia ( digo debería ya que hay muchos profesores que parece ser que hacen poco más que eso, ya que muchas veces apenas llevan el temario preparado y los alumnos lo perciben). Esta sociedad sufre grandes crisis de estrés laboral, ya que en la mayoría de los trabajos se exige realizar más esfuerzos tanto psíquicos como físicos que una persona puede realizar. En la escuela, casi siempre falta tiempo para hacer todo lo que se debería, creo que es por este motivo por el cual el docente sufre este malestar ya que como ya he mencionado antes en ocasiones hay que realizar más tareas que las que se puede abarcar.

  177. Luci Toledano y Maldonado dice: Responder

    Es un problema que afecta a la mayoria de los paises europeos,y originan un perjuicio en la calidad del servicio educativo. .estrés laboral ansiedad o depresion, es lo más comú son superheroes,son profesores.Puesto que un docente es una persona que vvie en sociedad,tiene familia tiene problemas, Sus problemas son de trnascendecia individual y social.Existen estrategias cognitivas con tecnicas de cierto exito para combatir los sintomas del malestar docente.

  178. Marta Garrido Serrano dice: Responder

    El malestar docentes es algo que deberia de preocuparnos a todos, pues depende del estado de ánimo, la motivación, la energia, las ganas, la ilusion… entre otros, como se lleve a cabo un buen proceso de enseñanza sobre los alumnos.
    Profesores y profesoras antes que nada son personas, por lo que no es descabellado que tengan dias malos, dias estresados, dias sin ganas, pero en ellos está saber apartar su lado personal, intentar que no les afecte demasiado para ejercer el profesional, porque todo lo que hagan durante el tiempo en el aula sera determinante para el aprendizaje de los alumnos.

  179. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista los docentes tienen una gran labor pues no solo ejercen su trabajo profesional sino que aparte tiene que cumplir su función de padre, madre, o cualquier otro cargo fuera de la docencia.
    Frente a una sociedad tan compleja como es la que estamos viviendo debido a factores como la globalización, la interculturalidad, etc., la labor del docente no consiste simplemente en transmitir una materia sino que debe ser tutor, orientador, instructor, etc. para hacer frente a la educación del discente. Todo esto hace que el profesor o profesora se vea desbordado/a y en algunas ocasiones no pueda afrontar tantas competencias. En definitiva pienso que la labor del docente es muy importante y debe ser valorada y respetada para que este sienta motivación en su trabajo.

  180. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    El malestar docente es una realidad a la que muchos profesores/as tienen que enfrentarse diariamente y que tienen que enfrentarse diariamente, lo que provoca en ocasiones consecuencias en sus labores como trabajar desmotivado o estresado, frustración a la que llegan muchos/as docentes que ven como sus esfuerzos y su trabajo no se transforman en sus objetivos.
    Una de las causas aparece cuando el profesor no solo tiene que enseñar al que no sabe, sino también al que no quiere, momento en el que su deseo de impartir una enseñanza se le vuelve cuesta arriba.
    además, los estudios universitarios no se adaptan a las nuevas tecnologías y a las nuevas necesidades y problemática de la sociedad actual, por lo que en muchos disminuye la motivación.
    Estos son algunos de los muchos casos que pueden ser consecuencia de este malestar.

  181. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    Pienso que este artículo es muy interesante puesto que trata un tema muy importante y que desgraciadamente ocurre más de lo que pensamos. Ya sea por inseguridad, falta de confianza, miedo o lo que sea, a menudo los profesores sufren de estos trastornos aunque muchos de ellos no llegan a ser considerados graves o críticos.
    En cuanto a las críticas sobre la enseñanza, estoy de acuerdo con algunas de ellas ya que pienso que el sistema de enseñanza que tenemos en España no es el más adecuado, y es cierto que esto también puede deberse a que hay profesores que pasan la mano, etc. y no hacen de su labor algo provechoso, pero pienso que la crisis de la enseñanza y el bajo nivel español es un cúmulo de cosas y que viene desde arriba.
    De ahí que haya países en los que la figura del maestro no es lo que era, ya que antes era una figura autoritaria más, y a la que se le daba el mismo respeto que a un padre, y esto ahora no es ni parecido: acoso, abusos, aumento de horas y recorte de salarios… Los profesores han tenido que soportar cosas que pienso que desaniman y que es muy difícil tener que aguantar a niños de cierta edad o estudiantes desinteresados. Apoyo a todos los profesores y para mí tienen una labor que si no es vocacional, difícilmente puede hacerse bien.

  182. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, a pesar de haber sido formados con el fin de ser buenos docentes, creo que han dejado en el camino el espíritu de enseñar o la motivación necesaria para ello. Esto puede ser la causa de que halla también una desmotivación general en el alumnado. En numerosas ocasiones, los docentes no se preparan las clases, no incluyendo tiempo de participación donde los críos expresen sus opiniones acerca de la asignatura. En definitiva, la motivación para el estudio en primer lugar tiene que ser ofrecida por el propio profesor, para que el niño se anime y esta cadena no tiene que terminar a la salida del centro, una vez en casa los padres serán los que finalicen este ciclo.

  183. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    En mi opimión, a pesar de haber sido formados con el fin de ser buenos docentes, creo que han dejado el camino el espiritu de enseñar o la monivacion necesaria para ello. Esto puede ser la causa de que halla tambien una desmotivacion general en el alumnado. En numerosas ocasiones los docentes no se preparan las clases, no incluyendo tiempo de participación donde los crios expresen sus opiniones acerca de la asignatura. En definitiva, la motivación para el estudio en primer lugar tiene que ser ofrecida por el propio profesor, para que el niño se anime y esta cadena no tiene que terminar a la salida del centro, sino hacen que los alumnos no participen ni se interesen por la asignatura, pienso que el mayor malestar de ellos se debe a causa de ellos mismos, aunque no hay que olvidar que en muchos casos la c tanto de los alumnos como de los padres, ya que los alumnos hoy en día

  184. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    Considero que la proporción de malestar docente como en el texto se expone, va cada vez más en aumento, derivado del estrés, la pérdida de respeto hacia estos profesionales, y otros motivos que están acrecentando el problema, derivando a que con mayor frecuencia, más profesores se retiren del ámbito educativo. Yo pienso que la sociedad poco ayuda a esta situación prestando poco interés a este problema, que crece con rapidez, además no se le da el valor suficiente a la figura del profesor como hace muchos años, por lo tanto se convierte en un círculo que engloba solo razones negativas para que estos se rindan, y no brindan una oportunidad o apoyo suficiente para solucionar algo, que nos atañe a todos, pues sin educación todo se iria al traste.
    También pienso que las vías de afrontamiento, son unos buenos cauces implantados para solucionar esto, pero veo que es algo insuficiente hoy día, pues las circunstancias como la crisis y recortes, han hecho que crezca el número de profesores desmotivados, con problemas emocionales, etc. que han tirado la toalla y que no siguen luchando por lo que realmente estudiaron, por su vocación.

  185. AGUEDA GAMERO SANTOS dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que el malestar docente está generando un grave problema en la educación, ya que en la docencia lleva a diversas consecuencias perjudiciales, entre ellas la desaparición del liderazgo pedagógico, ya que este es la competencia que más contribuye al bienestar docente.
    Un buen profesor debe saber cómo entablar relación con el alumno, tiene que tener la capacidad para conocer y organizar grupos, aptitud para resolver conflicto y establecer una convivencia adecuada en clase, pero sobre todas estas capacidades, competencia o habilidades la esencia fundamental para alcanzar el liderazgo es sin duda la honradez y la integridad.

  186. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista no todos los profesores son buenos docentes; creo que actualmente la mayoria de ellos no realizan su trabajo por vocación como antiguamente, hoy en día trabajan mas que nada como por obligación. Actualmente, nos encontramos con diferentes casos de malestar con respecto a los propios maestros, muchas depresiones, poca confianza en si mismo, malestar anímico, etc no solo son culpables los alumnos, que al no estar motivados con los mismos profesores hacen que estos con todo el trabajo realizado al no recibir buenas espectativas se desmotiven de la misma manera,creo que tanto la escuela como el sistema educativo tambien son los responsables de este malestar docente, ya que no están actuando de cara al público de manera correcta. Lo que realmente hace falta es un buen cambio de manera positiva para que los docentes se encuentren a gusto con sus trabajos realizados y reciban el apoyo necesario para que observen que son figuras importantes dentro de la educación.

  187. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    Es comprensible ese malestar docente, cada día se culpabiliza más a la escuela y docentes de diversos problemas como por ejemplo: accidentes de tráfico ( insuficiente educación vial), bajo nivel en idiomas (ineficaz educación en idiomas)…etc.
    Los/las niños/as entran edades más tempranas y salen más tarde, hay niños/as que por las condiciones laborales familiares pasan gran cantidad de tiempo en la escuela, participando en las aulas matinales, comedores, clases extraescolares…etc.

    Menciono esto, porque considero que factores como estos, hacen que los docentes se puedan encontrar con responsabilidades inesperadas.

    Cuando el/la profesor/a llega a casa, puede que tenga que seguir trabajando preparando tareas, corrigiendo exámenes,etc. Además de afrontar sus propias tareas familiares y cotidianas.

    Transmitir los conocimientos con pasión cada día, resolver conflctos cotidianos, planificar, evaluar…etc. No me parece una tarea fácil.

    Ojalá y que esas vías de afrontamiento (de las/las que por cierto me he quedado con ganas de saber más), esten al alcance de aquellos/as docentes que lo necesiten, para ayudarles, para que se encuentren saludables y bien de ánimos, para ejercer su profesión con ilusión y ganas cada día, al mismo tiempo que puedan disfrutar de su vida cotidiana.

  188. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    El papel del docente es fundamental en las aulas ya que dependen de ellos que la preparación de los alumnos sea mejor o peor dependiendo de la unidad didáctica empleada. Hace ya bastante tiempo los profesores eran llamados por Don más su nombre como señal de respecto, la autoridad eran los profesores y en caso de ser castigado los padres apoyaban al profesor. En los últimos años esto ha ido cambiando, el profesor ha perdido respeto y apoyo tanto por parte de las familias como del alumnado. Esto ha provocado que los docentes están coaccionados, desmotivados a la hora de enseñar aquellos conocimientos que él puede proporcionarle para su futuro, estrés… Es necesario poner remedios a esta situación tanto para el bienestar de los profesores como para que los alumnos obtengan mejores resultados académicos.

  189. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Pienso que la figura del docente es algo muy importante dentro del ámbito educativo, esto ha sido, es y probablemente será así a lo largo del tiempo, sin embargo la escuela es una institución expuesta a constantes reformas educativas y a grandes cambios en periodos de tiempo relativamente cortos, esto creo que afecta a la figura del docente y por consiguiente a la educación en general. Otro de los problemas que sufre ahora el profesor es la pérdida de respeto, ya que en muchas ocasiones tiene más peso la palabra de un alumno de primaria que la de un profesor, en este punto tiene cierta relevancia el papel de la familia, ya que muchas familias favorecen a esta desmotivación del profesorado haciéndole responsable de los fracasos de sus hijos, esto es algo que en realidad me parece bastante triste ya que quizá dichos problemas vengan causados por el sistema educativo y no solo por el profesorado.

  190. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    A lo largo de los años, los nuevos estudiantes que en un futuro serán profesores de nuestros hijos, no son enseñados de una forma clara a evitar el estrés de una clase, a soportar la «presioón» de los niños de hoy día, etc. Es decir no están capacitados para un futuro, porque a la larga estarán desmotivado, no tienen muchas ganas de enseñar y transmitir sus conocimientos…
    Como se comenta en el artículo, uno de los grandes motivos puede ser que el profesor ha ido perdiendo peso y respeto a lo largo de las décadas por parte de los alumnos y por parte de los padres, ya que esto hace 30 años no pasaba.

  191. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    Es cada vez más habitual encontrarnos con docentes con problemas anímicos, como estrés, depresión… y creo que se debe a varios factores, en un principio creo que ya no existe tantos docentes por vocación sino por el nivel de vida que te da el ser docente. Otro factor puede ser la cada vez mayor exigencia por la sociedad debido a factor de globalización y la carencia del apoyo y respeto hacia el docente que hace años atrás se le tenía.


    Al comentar este artículo podemos sacar muchos comentarios, la verdad es que se aprecia en muchos profesores de hoy día están más desmotivado, más quemados y no tienen las mismas ganas de enseñar y transmitir sus conocimientos a sus educandos, esto puede ser como nos dice el artículo por la perdida de respeto que ha sufrido la figura del profesor en los últimos años, por ya insolencia de algunos niños o la permisividad de muchos padres, la verdad es que todo influye y la otra verdad que esta pescadilla que se muerde la cola, sólo hace estragos en nuestra sociedad y en nuestro futuro.
    La persona que se dedica a la docencia debe ser por vocación, no debe ser por que no hay otra cosa o por imposición, que este , pienso yo, que puede ser otro motivo por que el ocurra esta realidad.

  193. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, aunque sea ahora cuando se hable del malestar docente y éstos se encuentren más que nunca viviendo una crisis por culpa de la pérdida del respeto y la falta de apoyo social con el que contaban décadas atrás, yo pienso que ,en parte, se han buscado ellos mismos llegar a esta situación, por no haber evitado llegar a esto, afrontándolo antes. Los docentes, más que nunca tienen que soportar el poder de los que se encuentran por encima de ellos, así que están ya supeditados por otros. Pienso que si hay estrategias para afrontar este malestar, deben aplicarlas desde ya, y que ellos tienen que pensar que todavía hacen mucha falta y son muy importantes, aunque en esta sociedad parezca lo contrario.

  194. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    La sociedad globalizada donde vivimos ha convertido a la mayoría de los educadores en autómatas flexibles y no propensos al cambio para mejorar sus métodos de enseñanza provocando un estrés acumulativo que le dificulte la realización de su trabajo.Yo entiendo que en la comunidad educativa se pueda hablar de un malestar del docente y como ocurre con múltiples profesiones se les puede achacar todo tipo de circunstancias estresantes como la agresividad y pérdida de motivación, falta de valores, poca profesionalidad, la nula implicación para la realización de una tarea social,etc.
    El profesorado a pasado a ser una institución incuestionable a ser un reproductor de contenidos alienado de su profesión, que trabaja solo por una remuneración y es incapaz de saltar las barreras impuestas por los gobiernos. Los buenos profesionales deben practicar una educación independiente alimentada por sus propios valores y con unas estrategias de afrontamiento útiles para poder realizar su tarea de manera correcta y no caer un ese malestar generalizado.

  195. Yo creo que hoy en día no todos los que quieren ser profesor llegan a ser un buen docente, ya que como hemos conocido en este articulo, los maestros tienen muchos contras para brillar y dar lo mejor de si mismos para crear buenos dicentes, ya que por el exceso de trabajo, la falta de tiempo, la poca coordinación en el sistema y el control tan irregular que existe es difícil que el profesor al menos una vez no esté agusto y seguro en clases.

  196. Johanna Kantalainen dice: Responder

    The video was emotional. But why I think so? Well, I think that the video remind me how important work I will do someday. But when I was watching the film I also remembered that the situation is not this good these days. Nowadays teachers do not get enough appreciation. During my university studies I have heard many times how the appreciation towards teachers has changed during the years. It is said that many years ago teachers were the candles of the society and these days they are just cups to where people can spit. This is a parable in Finnish language but I hope that I managed to do good translating. But in summary I tried to say that many years ago teachers got much more appreciation than these days. But why do I want to be teacher even if I know that I can suffer from low appreciation? Well, the answer is clear and simple: I love that work.

  197. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    Teachers have a difficult job. Parents teach children to eat, drink, greeting people polite way, hygienic habits. But teachers are those who teach them to read, write, count and to understand things that surround them. They are one of the most important creators of a child personality. Unfortunately, nowadays the teachers at the primary and secondary school do not have the authority they used to and bullying of teachers by pupils is more and more common. Bullying does not have to have only a physical form. One example is that a student was recording an angry teacher and uploaded it on youtube. There is an important role of parents who are responsible to teach their child to be respectful to the authorities.

  198. No sé, como lo es en España o en las otras países, pero en mi país, la República Checa, es verdad lo que dice este artículo. Entonces quiero escribis sobre mi país.
    Allí es diferencia entre profesores y maestros además. En universidades tienen profesores el sueldo según su título y puesto, pero no es mucho. En otras escuelas todos maestros tienen sueldo mismo y lo es menos de poco.
    Ni el sueldo de profesores ni el sueldo de maestros no es comparable con mayoría de países de la Unión Europea. Lo todo es círculo vicioso. No está dinero para educación y profesores con calidad no quieren trabajar sin equivalente recompensa. Sin estos profesores no se puede mejorar el educación y bajar el desempleo.

  199. Maybe be a teacher is really very hard work but for me it is the most beautiful job I can imagine to do. You know that you are doing something for the future; you can help to make future better. I know there will be also very hard day (you can have personal problems but you can not show them, you have to be full of energy and in good mood every day even you have a lot of work and so on). But everything become easier when you remember why you choused that job. Maybe a lot of times children won’t show me they are thankful for anything, but I know when they will grow up, they will see things different. And I was the same, but now I want to thank all my teachers for helping me become who I am!

  200. Unfortunately this is a reality of my future profession – teachers are not valued any more. It is very hard to be a good teacher if society does not appreciate your job. I still believe that if you are a good teacher there are children and parent who are really grateful to you and respect you. But in general people do not respect teachers as they should. I hope that once I will be one of these teachers that kids remember and I will really give them something important for their lives. This is one of the most important reasons why I choose this profession.

  201. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    Because of watching this video i just have a big smile on my face, because it reminded me of the best teacher in the world. Like everyone i had some really bad teachers and some good and even great but one of them was just amazing. She was my English teacher and i think that i can honestly say that thanks to her i just love this language. She was my teacher for 2 years and i have learned more then in the other 8 that i was learning it. It was because her lessons were different and engaging. She was a really positive person but knew when to be strict and knew how to appreciate a student and that is a perfect combination.

  202. Yes that’s just the way it is we all had great teachers and we still have it so I’m greatfull for every single one. Because is not just one teacher who’s the best but all of them did something good to me. So I’m what I’m also because of them I’m thinking with my own head overcome barriers and I want to do something great in my life. The give us vision maybe we didn’t disagreet with them in the beging or at that time. Older and older we’re and more their thoughts we’re considering so I did thank them not to every one but to some of them for sure. I had really good teacher in primary school and she give so goo point of view on my life that I’m thankful to her every single day. I wasn’t really good student in primary school but she make me one.

  203. when I was at high school, I saw that most of my classmates didn’t respect the teachers and didn’t care if teachers asked them to be quite and so on. To day I think there is little respect to wards teachers and I think it should change. I can only imagine how difficult it is to be a teacher.
    Still that there’s so much disrepect, teachers are always with a smile and good energy. At least thats how my teachers werer and I had one teacher who actually inspired me and I’ll always remember him. So much credits to teachers of today.

  204. The teacher – a profession that I chose three years ago, a person I still want to be. Still there is quite a long way to go, there are a lot to learn and practice, there are a lot of experiences I should have. I am informed about the problems in the financial matters, about the problems of society attitude to this beautiful profession. But even at the very beginning when I was not even sure whether it’s my calling, I did not give up and continued. I have had lots of inspiring and great teachers who I would like to thank you for what they have given to me. I want to show the world that this is a profession that is still worth of admiration and respect.
    There is no greatest feeling as when a child have his prom for pre-primary school, he comes to you and says – teacher, you were the best. Or when some of the parents thank you for the time you spent with his/her children and he have been delighted of it. It is a stimulus that directs me to this profession (my call) deepest understanding … And maybe if we will just show the world that we love what we do, society will change their attitude towards us…

  205. Working as a teacher should be valuated more respectfully. For example in my country, in schools (not universities) teachers get such a low salary, little bit above the minimum salary. But if we compare two jobs – teacher and, for example, school cleaner, the salary is not so different, but the importance i can’t even describe… What we need more, perfectly clean floors or good education system? Especially nowadays, to be honest, more kids are spoiled, it takes a lot of nervs to be a teacher, but it is not respected good enough. I remember in highschool i asked one teacher, how come she is so relaxed all the time, she told me a quite strange strategy – once in a two weeks she goes in to the forest and just yells as loud as she can, strange but it worked.

  206. Aleksandra Bruch dice: Responder

    Being a teacher is hard work. More and more students use the teacher’s kindness and are often rude to him and even vulgar. It is sad that young people often fail to respect those older than himself. The teacher has a lot on his mind, he must be able to pass on their knowledge about a group of 30 people, and so that each well understood. The teacher is a very important person, especially in the lives of young students from the school, because he transmits to them the knowledge of how to live well, how to cope in society, etc. It’s really a role model for these young people. Must be able to show patience and common sense, even though the truth is that teachers now earn very little, at least as it is in Poland.

  207. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    Teacher is a hard job, that’s for sure. To stand in front of a class of maybe 20 pupils day by day ,trying to encourage them to do something great with their lifes can be very exhausting and also frustrating at times! No wonder a lot of teachers suffer from burn-out syndrome, depression or in general exhaustion. I think the stress teachers face got even worse over the last decades, as more and more pupils lost their respect for their teachers. Whereas teachers used to be people pupils were scared of they’re now sometimes treated in a very disrespectful manner. Of course, teachers shouldn’t be people the children are scared of like it was often the case in the past, but children need to learn early on how to treat a teacher appropriately. This is job of the whole society and especially of the parents as they are the children’s first and foremost role models particularly in the first years of their life. Again we can seen that teachers, parents and the whole environment of the children have to work hand in hand.

  208. Nicolay Stokvold dice: Responder

    No doubt that theaching is a very difficult proffession. In one of the classes at a school I worked on a couple of years ago, there had been three different «head» teachers in the same class during one schoolyear. The teachers did not last very long, I will not speculate why here because there where probably numerous reasons for it. However i think that if you ask someone who went too school, they will have similar stories about «burned-out» teachers. One of the reasons i think is the lack of dicipline, if the teachers dont put themselfs in respect in one way or the other the children will «eat them alive».
    I think the two top points at the end of your article is the most frequent reasons why teachers get depressed. The teachers today have thousand other things than the curriculum to think about, they are parents, teachers, social-workers and scientists all in one..

  209. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    I would really like to have more teachers to say “Thank you”. I am afraid that is lack of these teachers. Teachers have such a great opportunity to influence us like students and mostly they don´t take advantage of it. Of course teachers at elementary schools have the bigger share of interference our life and education because they spend a lot of time with their class and they can build strong relationship with their students. However everything depends on single teacher. I think especially at high schools and universities teachers stand off students. Sometimes they behave haughtily or arrogantly and they just want to show that they are «somebody» and students are «nothing». From this could not be a good relationship and this kind of teacher will not obtain neither respect or authority.

  210. Alena Urbanová dice: Responder

    Pedagogic communication implements education. In communication exchange information and mutually cause a teacher – pupil – a group of pupils – school class. Teacher and students group is a very asymmetrical group, where is one teacher and the pupils – usually twenty to thirty. In teaching, this leads to the fact that the teacher communicates mostly with students as a group. Each person needs to communicate and searches communication. But only a communication that satisfies his needs, feeling of recognition etc. Communication, expressing disregard communicant may worsen mental condition of the child. This communication may have a negative impact on the development of the child.

  211. There is a growing lack of respect for teachers. That has a few reasons in my opinion. Most important reason is a growing generation conflict. The youth generation is more open minded, flexible and creative. They are searching to develop an unique and authentic personality and want to be supported in their quest. Teachers are unable to help them enough because of a lack of creativity, empathy, knowledge and open mindedness. In my opinion that is the reason why there is a significant drop in the social image of the teacher.
    For me is being a teacher the most important and meaningful job. If the respect for the job grows, the work stress declines, the quality of teachers increases than I’m sure that we can look into a bright future consisting oput of studious people that will bring our societys to a next level.

  212. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    From childhood to adulthood, each person has a teacher who influences,gives shape or totaly changes his/her life. As we see our teachers our role models, we want to be like them. When I was ten years old, I wanted to be a mathematic teacher. As the time goes on, there undoubtedly occured some changes in my ideas but finally I choose to study to be a science teacher. Despite of the fact that the value and respect of teachers decreased over time in the eyes of society (e.g. in Turkey), I chose it because I really wanted. Unluckily, there are many influences that may lead teachers into malaise (as it is mentioned in the article), yet if you are happy to be a teacher, you can overcome those difficulties either in a short or long term, in my opinion. (Sure it is easier said than done). However the problems that teachers face everyday, can not be underestimated, precautions should be taken urgently. Teachers plant future seeds so we have to show the respect that they deserve.

  213. Teachers are one of the main pillars of a society. They bear the responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents,they are the main source of knowledge and values for children.
    Especially primary school teaching is the single most important profession in the world. Teachers pass on knowledge and values to children, prepare them for further education and for working life. They are main contributors to a good life. With the way they teach, teachers also play a very important role in the self-improvement efforts of children. There have been many great people in the history of this world who owe their teachers the credit for the directions their lives took and their teachers have an important part in who they are. Knowing this teachers should be well prepared to be a good guide to children.

  214. The reward is very big when a teacher see someone successful because of him/her.To leave a mark in somone’s life and to be remembered all the time is a precious thing. However, at the same time teaching is a very hard job and stressful.Everyday teachers intake some level of stress. It is sometimes because of crowded classrooms,undisciplined children, high work load, problems with school administration or parents.In some rural areas the condition is so low that teacher mostly has to be anything except for being a teacher. Teachers’ responsibilities are so much whereas the benefits provided are so low. Salary, perception of public towards teacher,life standards are low. As a result of these bad conditions teachers do not feel happy and think that they are getting value for being a teacher. They usully fall into a continuous happiness that affects all aspects of life. I think teachers need to be appreciated by people and need to live in better standards and be happy with teaching job. In comfortable environmnets teaching quality will improve and this will lead to a development in general education system.

  215. el profesor como el resto de lo trabajos tiene que llevarse a cabo pasión! todos los días se tiene que hablar con muchas personas diferentes y ser capaz de transmitirles la emoción de un tema! esto no es fácil. cada uno tiene un carácter diferente y una forma de aprender deverso. El profesor debe estar preparado para tratar con todos ellos, y en mi opinión tiene que saber, además de la información sull’argomenti enseñado debería haber estudiado psicología para entender a los estudiantes. Si no, es normal que los maestros están en crisis! por ejemplo, el problema en mi universidad es que hay professore que no piensan demasiado vieja para usar un método de enseñanza varía en función del tipo de estudiante, y luego nadie entiende lo que dice! trabajan en contacto con mucha gente y empatizar con ellos no es fácil, es un trabajo exigente y la mayor satisfacción no está en el sueldo pero en las estimaciones que tienen los alumnos en usted!!

  216. I have to say if I compare my education and education nowadays you can really see the difference. The most I see a difference in respect (from bothh sides). I do not say that all the teachers would be good if the children would respect them but it is important part of relationship between people in the class. I have to say that, as most of all people had, I have also experiences with teacher who I thinkI will remember the whole life and those about who I do not have really nice opinion. I think that it is missing something in the school and education, but what? I think that teachers role is very important in children development so it is important what kind of teacher is educating you. I think that being i teacher is very importand and responsible job but still some teachers just do not think about it this way. Lifelong learning and developing already achieved skills is very important for teachers.

  217. I think that there are different kinds of teachers, the teachers that you remember and those you don’t. So what is the difference of those kind of teachers? I think as teacher you have to have every year new kinds of way to teach. There are so many things you can do as a teacher, but there are lot of teachers that just take the same routine of giving classes to there students. But I think if you want to be a good teacher you have to find the whole time new ways so make all you lessons interesthing. That’s the beauty of the job, finding new ways to make your students learn. You can’t give 10 years the same lessons, the children, society, cultures and media are changing the whole time. So you as a teacher has to do it too!

  218. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    It’s a common fact that society has changed rapidly in the last years and so has done the role of the teacher into the class.

    He does not have the same social status or people’s respect as in the past, he gains much less money than other employers, he has a very different relationship with the students; he is not the one who knows everything and is always right, he has very often to face the illogical demands of parents.

    But it’s true that his job is vital for the society and that he shouldn’ t strive to prove it.

    So, what should he do?
    I think that he has to try much harder firstly to adapt his teaching methods to the new reality, so that he will not be boring, but able to help his students with their present problems. Furthermore, he himself has to be sure about the importance of his subject, so that he will also persuade his students about this, he will overpass the difficulties and will do great efforts to make his teaching the best possible.

  219. El profesor puede tener un papel importante en la educación y ayudar los estudiantes. Desde mi experiencia me he dado cuenta que mucho depende de la edad. Los profesores más jóvenes son más fáciles de entender. Utilizan métodos que están más cerca de los jóvenes. Importante es que el profesor está motivado por su trabajo y tiene el conocimiento suficiente para trabajar. En el trabajo es muy importante tener una buena relación con sus colegas y estudiantes. El profesor también debe tener la libertad en su trabajo y el trabajo concienzudo. Para que funcione bien, es necesario hacer con el amor y la libertad de los demás. En esto puede ayudar al medio ambiente, la colaboración y el aprendizaje.

  220. Christina Vaismenou dice: Responder

    Initially I found the video wonderful. From the age of 5 until today that I am 22 have almost daily contact with teachers. People who either made me love the subject they taught or dislike it forever. But all of them offered me something. So even for those who i didnt like their subject,i feel respect.The teacher is the person who grows the child after the family and for this is why the teachers job is a ministry.And of course, we have to consinder that being a teacher is not something easy.To much emotional pressure,as every day you have to give something from you. But from the other hand, they have to still fight untill the last day of theirs career.Which really i dont know if it is easy or hard,but the one thing that i know is that,if you love what you are doing it,you are going to do with love every day!

  221. Klára Šulcová dice: Responder

    My comment is about a video. People who speak in this video sample must be happy, because as they mentioned, having a good teacher is the key to success. A good teacher is not just someone who perfectly understood his subject, but also those who have their students can pass something and so they do not leave empty-handed from his classes. Just as man mentioned in the video, although he did not learn Spanish, the prefosor taught him how to be himself.
    The teacher is not an easy task, but if he is good, it can change the lives of students and teach him how to learn. Such that students can be happy and definitely should thank their teachers.

  222. The role that a teacher has, have changed during time. Today the role of a teacher is quite vague which leads to stress, dissatisfaction and discomfort. I think that is because as a teacher you are bound to find some sort of balance between opposites. It is not that easy to just stand in the exact middle of the opposites, sometimes you need to be more to the left and next time you might need to be more to the right and it is difficult to decide when to be where. The society has expectations on your work and so do the students and often there are several expectations. Whatever you do it is never going to be enough there is always someone who think that you could have done it better. It is not easy to find a way coping with that. Teachers should be more appreciated it is a tough and challenging profession. It is important to acknowledge what is not working but it is just as important to acknowledge the good stuff teachers contribute with (which might help with the coping).

  223. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I think that it is not easy to be a teacher nowadays. In society many people think that teachers are lazy, because they have so much holidays and only have to work in the morning. But they forget all the work at home, preparing lessons or correcting exams. Futhermore, teachers are not only responsible for teaching pupils the content of their subjects, but also for educating them, communicate them worths and values, help them to solve problems and be an attachment figure. So I can understand that it will be hard to be a teacher and that you really have to do this job with passion, because otherwise you will become overextended very soon.

  224. The regrets to say that the role of the teacher education students in today’s society has changed. Change in moral values​​. Teachers nowadays are not the only source of knowledge, which is controlled by the knowledge that the student learn. In the development of information technology brings a significant correction and expand information and knowledge extraction capabilities. Now the wide range of information and knowledge is available not only textbooks, but all around us. And so there is a new problem for the teacher in action – his professional identity awareness. What is a teacher in today’s society? Where is his place? What is his authority? What is the public attitude towards teaching as a profession? He sees himself as a social value system? If we, as everyone present, the teacher will be able to answer these questions, then perhaps we will find a solution. Thank you to my parents and teachers, thanks to them that I’m what I’m now 🙂

  225. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    The profession of a teacher in my point of view is really serious and complicated because it is getting more and more difficult to attract the attention of children, a lot of them are not interested in studying. Of course I agree with the opinion that the social image of teachers has dropped considerably during last years and they get a lot of stress at while working with the children. But it very depends on the teacher‘s personality, the way he is teaching. Not everybody could be a teacher but because of the lack it is easier to become a person who teaches the children. And in my opinion this is the reason why the approach about the teachers changed in the society. However, there are REAL teachers who can help to find yourself. And I am really thankful to them!

  226. Tereza Gemelová dice: Responder

    It s really nice video. thank you for it. I am who I am because i had a good teacher. i would like to say the same too. but i was study in small village and education here is really poor. no one care if you learn something or not, if you are cheating or not….. Every month i had new teacher for english for example. i am little mad that i was study there. and when I came to bigger town, to high school i had to study really hard because my education was different beside other students. So i would like to say thank you to my private teacher, which spend with me many afternoons, nights and weekends because of study. And he gave me more than all primary school i think.

  227. Katarzyna Bejda dice: Responder

    In times when is popular stress free education, is no place for stress-free teachers. Responsibilities and commitment to the students problems, can make the stress reaches a certain optimum level. Optimal, which one mobilizes for action, motivates, increases efficiency. On the other hand, stress – in fact exceeded a certain limit stimulation – can wreak havoc on the psyche of not only teacher, but also on his physical condition. What can help and reduce the stress? Planning the lessons and early preparation of materials. its good when teacher has also prepared some loose lessons that can be used in the event of substitutions.

  228. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    This article changed one of my approaches. I have always thought that a bad teacher is just lazy or misses interests for his job. But know i understand that it can be really hard to be a teacher and much of it is not the teachers fault. People blames the teachers for everything, not just the students, the students parents and the headmaster, also media and the hole society blames the teachers for bad education, for absenteeism, teenager’s mental problems and much more. This is almost the same as racism! To hold on as a good teacher you probably need to have a stong mind and goal. I think that headmasters should offer teachers courses in mental training or self-esteem. All teachers needs and deserves to feel that they are appreciated.

  229. Agata Klopotowska dice: Responder

    Being a teacher, like many other professions, requires a great sense of responsibility. It is a very demanding job, often for people with strong nerves. When you are a teacher, you should know that this work needs self-confidence, integrity, honesty and reliability, and very often assertiveness, too.
      It is hard work that requires effort, not only physical, but also mental and emotional, and without these traits students will not respect their teachers.

  230. Moritz Janowski dice: Responder

    Being a teacher is one of the most difficult job, because he has to please in equal measure different kind of clients: Pupils, parents, education authority and himself.
    Mainly he has thirty different pupils in his class to take care. Every pupil has its own excellences and own weaknesses, and the teacher has to handle with them. This is one thing, that many people forget, if they anger about the lazy teachers. Of course, there are lazy teachers, but every profession has its own lazy actors. But we are always disturbing ourselves about the lazy teachers. Therefore we should show more respect about the profession teacher, because everybody knows from his own childhood, that being a teacher could be very stressful.

  231. Teaching profession is one of the physically demanding occupations. Students, their parents and the society have demands on the teacher. Salary requirements are really not adequate at this time in comparison with other jobs salaries. For example in our county the teacher has a similar salary as a plumber. Necessary education and physically demands of the job are quite different in this case.
    If I remember my best teacher, it would be the teacher of physical education and family science at the elementary school. I liked his classes, I always looked forward to that.

  232. I always thought that the physical education teacher has the easier job than for example mathematics or biology teacher. However, my opinion has changed 180 degrees when I went to primary school practice. I really admire teachers who are able to withstand the noise of a few hours, speak loudly of children and then function normally. It is very tiring both physically and mentally. Also, when it comes to children’s behavior, once it woke teachers and students respect their fear, now is the opposite, often the teachers are afraid to children especially those inexperienced. Teachers are afraid that something might happen to the child, and they are responsible for it, they often minimize their program to the simplest things. Jobs teacher combined with high stress, especially in big cities, where they often have to deal with difficult children whose parents do not have time to educate the pursuit of money. I think every teacher should be respected for what you do with them that students spend most of their time in school. Known stressed out teacher is unhappy children.

  233. Soňa Hrušková dice: Responder

    Being a teacher is a lifelong process of learning. It is a difficult task, message, and not everyone can handle this message. Especially because the teacher as a person today is very underrated. It puts greater demands on teachers, but take him to the right. Salaries are average, yet not to be teachers who would be educated? Where would humanity be if there is nobody who will educate us? No wonder, therefore, that many teachers today literally come to class, say a two-hour monologue that they must and with ring bell they leave the class. I can talk now about a few cases from my school days. Teachers are poisoning by their understatement. I wish to state treasury contribute more to the school budget on teacher salaries. I believe it would feel to finally award and certainly would have changed their sometimes phlegmatic attitude towards education of future generations.

  234. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    I think a large part of people agree with the proposition that the role of teachers in education and in society in general are much more different than before. To be a good teacher in the pass was more more easier than now. Why? Because now the requirements for teachers are higher, the spectrum of duties is wider, the people are more fastidious and they know only their rights but forget about their duties in other words people do their best to get more than give. Everything will be okay about these requirements, spectrum, duties and so on if teachers get an appropriate reward which consists not only the monetary aspect but also some social guarantees, the appreciation from society, other teachers and finally students. I really like the pyramid of Maslow which defines that a person can feel happy only when (s)he achieves the ESTEEM and the SELF – ACTUALIZATION levels on the top of the pyramid. I believe in this.

  235. Obtaining teacher is not the same as being a good teacher. Of course it will take some years of experience in professional life before you´ve got knowledge enough to teach the right way and handle different situations and problems. But what if the degree and a couple of years in professional life doesn´t are enough, what to do then? Well, in my opinion you can’t educate yourself to become a great teacher, for me it´s some kind of spirit you´ve just got. And nowadays in Sweden it´s pretty easy to enter the teacher program but not everybody fits or even want to become teachers, they doing it just for getting the scholarship and not stay unemployed. This is a big problem, getting teachers that won´t teach. To reduce the problem I think the answer is to increase the salary, then more people wants to become teachers and hopefully those who is most appropriate gets the spots at the university.

  236. It´s totally paradox for me, every of us has a many reasons to thank the teacher, on the other site, teacher´s profession is still undervalued. We are who we are, because we had teachers, who created our personality and individuality. Teachers gave us something like part of themselves, they are growing up with us, but I still feel they aren´t enough awarded. In my opinion the teacher´s profession has a many negative. Graduates can have big expectations and finally they can be really disappointed. There is no classical professional development, they have low pay, pupils or students aren´t so “sweet” like they imagined before, in the free time teachers have to prepare activities for them, they have to control home works, the teacher´s profession is really stressful. Teachers aren´t enough motivated. Sometimes I really doubt, if I choice good school. Everybody told me: Don’t worry, you have to be teacher because you have feelings, it´s about satisfaction, you love children and you have premises for that. But come on, let´s be realistic! It´s difficult time, do teachers want too much? The society has to do more for teacher because in this way they will burn out and there won´t be more people who want to be teachers.

  237. I have always considered teacher’s job to be one of the most difficult jobs of the world right because of the huge amount of stress a teacher faces every day. Therefore, a teacher could be regarded as missionary – following his mission to educate no matter the drawbacks of the profession. But, in general, the lack of respect for a teacher (from students, parents, administration) often really gets ridiculous, for example, in my secondary school a new teacher was fired because nobody was taking him seriously. But it’s not just concerning new teachers as society’s overall attitude towards educators is decreasing and together with other factors mentioned in the article teachers are left with a enormous burden of stress. And as ironic it sounds, but there are some hospitals where medicine cards of teachers are specially marked so that a doctor would know how to treat them. But is this really normal? Is this really somewhere we want to continue going? Or we just could start thanking our teachers?

  238. As the people say on the video great teacher is the key for success. Great teacher can change students life in good way. Great teacher does not mean to teach lots of things. It means being a good communicator and to be able to contribute something to students life. Teachers should put some good things to student personality. They should also teach how to be a good person and teach that everything could be possible. Teachers also need to help students to improve their creativity. They should teach to not afraid of making mistakes. The most important thing is to let them explore their talents and teach them how to be themselves.

  239. The teacher should transfer the knowledge but have a good rapport with students. good teachers is mentioned after many years, of some even visit. The teacher in the classroom should not be only teach the subject but also how once should not only perform his job as a school teacher but came as adults. Not to be dour, but to be a student from a distance. We spend a lot of time in school, the atmosphere, the social and the environment is important, where everyone is welcome and respected. I am grateful that his teachers who were able to pass on their knowledge. also as a future teacher I will try to pass on my knowledge, I try to be treated everyone equally gain.

  240. You will always find good & bad teacher everywhere. It is very easy to see teachers who love their work, but also teacher who have no clue about their profession. In my opinion, teachers who teach same course every semester, get tired of it and after some time they loose their motivation of teaching, and helping their students. They will in the end just care about hours they are suppose to be at school, and thats it. As I said earlier, you will also find »good» teachers, who love their work, and are passionate about it. Those are the teachers who are willing to help their students, and with their help students can improve their results. We/ or schools need to filter out bad ones with good ones.

  241. It is fact that the job of a teacher has been underestimated through years as conditions and standards have been changed.
    Nevertheless, always there must be one teacher in a student’s life who gave him/her a great motivation for the real education, which means education of life…
    It is also true that sometimes, it’s not only a great teacher that improves the educational level of a course but the relationship between teacher and students , as a unity even if as couples( -teacher to each student separately).For this exact reason, it deepens on the student how and in which level is going to receive the idea that the teacher is trying to explain. Every person receives the same idea(one teacher) from his/her point of view…
    For all the above reasons, teaching is a work of great importance and difficulty.

  242. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    The good teacher is a myth I think, because every teacher is in one way or another good or bad depending the person that evaluate him/her. To be an educator you have to have the passion about this profession, you have to engage yourself to educating. You inner motivation has to been shown; it has to come out as new thinking, creativity, innovation, knowledge, etc. Teachers are the one that I believe has the most difficult profession and mission in the society today. We are the ones that are educating the future society and considering that we don’t know how it is going to be, we have to keep on going and do whatever it takes to motivate the generations to come.

  243. I think that there are no good or bad teachers since every teacher is regrded differently depending on the eyes of the observer. However, a good teacher to me is an inspiring person, but more importantly someone that gives the students self-estem and encourage them. In todays society I think it is important that people start to believe in each other. The students must start to believe in their teacher, and furthermore the teachers need to believe in their students and observe every students personal qualitites, whereas comparision between the students should be left out. One thing that I moreover believe is highly important is trust, the students must trust their teachers when it comes to his/her way of teaching, but more importantly his/her personal approach to the students. Therefore, I thank you once in a while from the students to the teachers means a lot in their relationship to one another, but it also encourages the teacher to keep on doing a good job.

  244. There will aways be «good, worse and even bad teachers» no matter reasons. Some are not meant to be teachers even though they have a degree in teaching. However those teachers that are good are often very good, and those who are bad usually has a reputation of being bad among students and sometimes also among parents. Personally I think a massive improvement has to be made in the way of teaching, encouriging students and how to make student actually listen to them. On the other hand teacher should get much more credits for what they are doing. Without teacher no future. However I think, I have had only 10 really good teachers.

  245. Yo también tengo buenos y malos recuerdos de los profesores. Me recuerdo a varios profesores de la escuela secundaria. Siempre pensé que los profesores son justos con todos los estudiantes, pero ahora estoy convencida de que no es siempre así. Tenia una profesora que no estaba justa conmigo cuando tenia un examen, al contrario de mi amigo quien tenia papa quien trabaja en la misma escuela. Mi gran inspiracion estaba una profesora de la psicología. ella siempre sabia como motivar estudiantes para estudiar y escuchar a ella. Y que es lo mas importante es q ella siempre tenia tiempo para escuchar nos y siempre consejar.

  246. The stress in the teaching profession is increasing. More and more teachers are suffering from burnout (at least in germany). This is so sad because we have the most important job. And of course the most interesting job. Every day there are new things to discover together with a group of children, willing to learn. I think children start to annoy teachers only because the teacher is not as good as he\she should be. If we inspire kids, show them that we love our job and them, then there are less problems in classrooms that lead to a burnout. We also need a sense of humor every day, to enlighten everybody`s day and to make us (children, parents, teacher) happy. We spend a lot of time in the school, so the atmosphere, socially and surrounding, has to be a nice one where everybody is welcome and respected. If we treat our children like that they will also do it and what do you need more to prevent from a burnout than a child`s learning progress and a laugher!?

  247. I like everyone else have both good and bad memories of teachers. I can honestly say that at least 80% of my teachers thru out the years have been good and inspired me in some way. So I guess I’m lucky when it comes to this. The reason why I study politics now is because of a teacher’s encouraging words. She really motivated me and told me that I was good and could become what I wanted if I only put the effort in. Except for teaching I think that a teacher’s most important task is to make their pupils get a good self esteem. With the help of that you can improve both your results and visions for the future! And of course I think teachers deserve a higher salary. We need to have higher salaries so great people won’t refrain from this work due to this reason, the work is to important. That is though a general problem that streches among several work categories like for example nurses.

  248. In my opinion, the teachers today get not enough thanks. That we get knowledge brokered is for us a matter of course. The video clarifies how grateful we could be. Of course each of us will be able to remember bad teachers, but I like to think of the teachers which have influenced and inspired me. My school years were not so easy and I have experienced a lot of injustices on the part of the teachers, but there were also teachers who have worked incredibly. For me the teacher profession includes more than impart knowledge. Especially in dealing with difficult child, the social aspect is often crucial. The teacher should arouse enthusiasm, motivation and fun in the learning process and he should be able to deal with behavioural problems. The worst thing you can teach pupils is that they should not in the class.

  249. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    When I think about my years in high school, I remember Mr Raes. he was this teacher of history and maths. These subjects were my problem subjects. Years before i had Mr Raes, I really hated these 2 subjects, and I wasn’t good at them either. The year I had Mr Raes for these subjects, everything changed. I still struggled a little, but I enjoyed learning about these subjects more and more, and I really believe that it’s because of him. He really cared about every single one in his classroom, he didn’t take everything serious all the time, there was often room for a joke during his classes. And at the moments we really had to work, he was strict, but still respectfull. He showed me that these subjects can be fun, if you teach like you would like to be teached yourself. With fun, expressive language, respectfull attitude, strict when it’s necessary and honesty.

  250. I have to admit that I have only a few memories of FANTASTIC teachers during my whole education. I remember much more teachers whose actions and faces only told me that they wanted to go home as quick as possible, just like I did, because their lessons were so damn boring.
    I’m studying kindergarden teacher now, but next year I’m planning to study pedagogic sciences and education, because I really want to be a teacher for future teachers. In my school in Belgium, I think there’s a huge lack of people who also studied kindergarden teacher, or something simular. All our teachers, never even taught small kids. They only know the theory of the subjects, but they can never give us practical advise. That’s why i would really want to teach people like me now, in a few years. Cause I had really bad experiences during my studies with teachers, I want to be a better one myself. And I hope that one day I will be.

  251. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    so strange, a few days ago we were talking about this subject, about the teachers in our highschool and how they impressed us. If I think about my teachers in highschool I remember the good ones, the ones who were strict and a few bad ones. With ‘bad ones’ I mean the teachers who didn’t care I about their students, they just cared about the hours that they were working. But I have to admit that not every teacher had luck with his students. In my time it was sometimes already really rude but now it’s in some cases 10 times worse. I know someone who had internship in primary school in the 6th grade and they were throwing with chairs, claiming through the window,… you can’t imagine! So I’m thinking if they are already like this in primary school how will they be in high school. I have to say good luck for the future teachers of those children.
    But to continue I really would like it to see my good teachers and strict teachers again. For me the good teachers were the ones who knew how to handle us , who knew in which way they had to teach their subject, who were taking time to talk to you and all of this with a little bit of humor.
    So to reach a conclusion the ones who love their job and their students.

  252. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    I believe that one of the most important things in live is good education and how do you get good education, well throught being teached by a good teacher.
    But now a days it’s not easy anymore to motivate yours students, aspecially in high school.
    Teachers get bullied, called names, students aren’t interested in the topics and I wonder if that is just the teachers fault or does our community/the world we live in now, has something to do with the fact that students are becoming more and more like this.
    In our world it’s becoming more and more complex to really motivate students to learn, even if it’s a subject that ‘s really interesting. If you look at education in the third world, you see how much they want to learn and make a difference, they have great dreams. They stay motivated through their whole schoolcarriere.
    In our world, children start very motivated, but they lose the motivation if they’re getting olders. Can you blame a teacher if your child is losing motivation? Well in some cases you can. I still think that in my country (Belgium) there are to much unqualified teachers that are making the school experience nor worth remembering. In Belgium it’s like that, if you don’t know what to do you just start teaching, even if you’re not interested in the job.
    As a teacher you have to have a great quality, a special something you can’t put your finger on. Everything start with respect, respect from both sides.
    I hope that I can be a teacher that is inspiring to her students and that I can make a difference in their lives.

  253. To be honest, I don`t even know what to comment on this topic, as I have never been a teacher and never experienced teaching discomfort. I can only admire those young people who still, after seeing the negative attitude towards teachers in society, decide to become teachers. And I can only be sorry for all those teachers who have to go through teacher malaise and experience lack of support, conflicts with parents, emotional overload and decrease of self-confidence. I`m still wondering how can society not understand the essential role of teachers and why they are not rewarded as one of the most influential people in the world? I cannot understand how this fundamental profession can be treated so unfairly. I haven`t got the answer to this and I don`t even know if the society will ever notice teacher`s important role in constructing the next generations and their way of thinking. P.s. Great video – and thank you for being such an innovative and interactive teacher!

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