Cuándo enseñar a leer a los niños

«The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said
that the more you put into it, the more it will hold», Glenn Doman.

De una parte, se oye decir de algunos maestros en estos días –aunque no es una cosa nueva del todo– que no es conveniente enseñar a leer a los niños hasta los cinco o seis años. La otra parte mantiene la tesis contraria, a saber, que los niños pueden, y deben, empezar con la lectura, en sentido amplio, antes de los tres años.

Ocurre que este debate reposa siempre en bases y opiniones que cada uno entiende como bien fundadas. Yo, lógicamente, voy a expresar las mías. Y pasa también que este debate no solamente tiene lugar en el terreno de la escuela, sino también en las familias a las que se trata de convencer para una u otra causa. Pero es que el tema requiere tener una opinión lo más fundada posible. Este tema, como tantos otros, pasa de opinión de aula o de teorías de escuela a texto convertido en ley, lo cual hace pasar el dilema del ámbito educativo al legislativo, de las simples opiniones a verdaderos imperativos que hay que cumplir.

Soy de la opinión de aquellos que entienden que el saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundante para el futuro. Es más, el futuro se cimienta con estos momentos en donde una siembra inteligente permite la mejor cosecha personal y comunitaria posterior.

Estimo que las palabras de Glenn Doman, fundador de los Institutos para el Logro del Potencial Humano, son muy certeras: un niño puede leer palabras con un año, frases pequeñas con dos, libros adaptados a su edad con tres. De verdad, no le falta razón. Es curioso, además, anotar cómo cada diez, quince o veinte años esta conquista del pensamiento aparece unas veces aceptada, otras discutida. Hoy parece haber un renovado intento por volver a enseñar desde temprano, cuando hasta ahora se constataba una imposición de las tendencias que abogaban por una lecto-escritura tardía.

Aquellos que hasta ahora, apoyados por determinadas tradiciones pedagógicas que abogaban por una educación preescolar como espacio y tiempo imbuido en lo lúdico, apoyados también en reformas que entendían que esto era lo más conveniente para los niños por debajo de los seis años, aducían que si los niños aprendían a leer pronto se aburrirían en clase. Craso error, porque ¿qué clase de profesores tienen estos niños que permiten que sus alumnos se aburran?

Hoy, enseñar a leer y a escribir pronto, visto incluso como un juego didáctico, es una verdadera garantía. Alfabetizar no es tarea fácil ni es un tema sin importancia, cuando hablamos de la profundidad de esta herramienta al servicio del hombre. Educar tampoco es fácil, pero hemos de abandonar el prejuicio en un escenario en donde los hombres y mujeres pueden evitar ser manipulados por no entender la letra, por no comprender su espíritu, por no saber interpretar su profundidad. No podemos sumar a destiempo el lenguaje y su significado a la educación de la persona, ya que el mismo permite transformar al mundo y, también, mejorarlo.

365 respuestas a “Cuándo enseñar a leer a los niños”

  1. I fully agree with what this article is saying, we are wasting kids’ potential by not exploiting it more at the said age. A perfect example of this is language learning, I teach basic Spanish at a nursery in the north of England, at first I started in the preschool section of nursery (ages 3-4 years, just before primary school age) and their thirst for knowledge and their ability to pick things up and to remember them was astounding. So, I was asked to go into the younger class (2-3 years) and see how I got on there. It turned out to be a success, it was so amazing how all children were so enthusiastic to learn and so curious about a different language, and they picked it up astoundingly well, taking into consideration this was around one hour contact time in a group, they all remembered and built their knowledge well.
    This just goes to show how young children between the ages of nine months and four years can learn such a vast amount, at the end of the day we forget to realise we can learn a whole language at that small age in a very quick time. My auntie, who is now a Doctor of Philosophy could read before the age of three, because my grandmother was unemployed at the time she focussed all of her energy reading to her and helping her to read. It shows how amazing a childs mind can be and personally, I think it’s a real shame that it is not tapped into more.

  2. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    Yo con este comentario me posiciono con aquellos que opinan que a los niños se les debe enseñar a leer cuanto antes mejor. Tras estudiar psicología del desarrollo en este cuatrimestres y habiendo aprendido de esta asignatura el gran desarrollos del cerebro de los niños en una edad temprana, no puedo estar más de acuerdo en que se comience a ejercitar el cerebro de los más pequeños cuanto antes mejor. Aprovechar ese desarrollo sería una práctica inteligente llevando al niño a la posibilidad de tener un futuro algo más prometedor.

  3. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    al igual que se expresa en el texto, creo que cuanto antes se pueda enseñar, mejor. los niños a edad temprana actúan como esponja y es por eso que el aprendizaje lo desempeñan más rápido incluso lo recordarán si se le habitúa a ello. Por otro lado, debemos de respetar por quien opta a que los niños deban de aprender a leer en primaria. este hecho lo considero como un atraso, al igual que no escolarizar a los niños de 3-5 años en infantil, porque debido al desarrollo cognitivo que desarrollan los niños en esa edad es primordial para la enseñanza. No deberíamos preocuparnos por enseñar a leer «antes de tiempo» porque no es un inconveniente, al contrario, es beneficioso para el niño en cursos posteriores y en la familiarización con la herramienta que va a utilizar durante toda su vida.

  4. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    Este articulo me parece muy interesante, creo que los niños que aprende a leer con edad anticipada tienen mayor capacidad para comprender la información que los niños mas mayores.Los niños aprenden más ligero y todo lo que sea nuevo lo captan rápidamente, por ello es importante la forma de como enseñarle la lectura, que les llame la atención mediante el juego, dibujos,…lo mas importante es que no deje de tener interés por la lectura, ya que siempre se aprende mucha cultura y a corregir faltas de ortografía. En conclusión que un niño cuanto mas pequeño para ejercitar conocimientos mejor.

  5. On the one hand, I agree that teaching children skills such as reading at early age is advantageous.
    On the other hand I have in mind the saying ‘when school starts, the serious side of life starts’. For that reason some people have the general opinion that, roughly speaking, children should be children and don’t learn skills like reading and calculating before they start going to school. Nevertheless I remember that my brother and I were so curious when we were still in kindergarten, we wanted to know how to write and read and know all the numbers and letters. The same with most of the children I looked after as a babysitter. Therefore I think it is a good idea to start teaching reading and writing earlier than the first year of school.
    Especially at the age when children go to kindergarten, they are very curious and inquisitive for knowledge and every new things in their environment. Parents and teachers should support this, but in my opinion there should still be a difference between the routine in kindergarten and in schools, so that there won’t be pressure on children, no obligation to learn before they start going to school.
    Parents should find the balance between offering brain challenges to their kids but also give them enough playtime to enjoy their childhood. The earlier children learn how to read and write, the better their feeling for the language and the better their ability to express themselves.

  6. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    Los niños desde que van naciendo van obteniendo poco a poco las habilidades para poder escribir, escuchar y leer. En relación a la escuela, en la enseñanza preescolar se debe fomentar desde los 2 o 3 años a que los niños aprendan estos conocimientos esenciales para ir formándose como persona.

    Estos conocimientos serán individuales, ya que cada niño tendrá una formación y adquisición distintas. ¿Si se puede hacer?, ¿por qué no empezar desde temprano?, se debe realizar de manera que el niño vaya progresando de forma progresiva, si no se enseña estos conocimientos después constará enseñarles con mayor edad. La educación para leer y escribir se deberá hacer con textos guiados, proyectados para la participación del niño, el aprendizaje con textos, imágenes e instrumentos factible para este tipo de edad.

  7. Alexandra McGurran dice: Responder

    A child will become literate when they are ready to do so. In my opinion all children are different and will pick up skills at different stages. However I do feel the older a child is the less they struggle with tasks that maybe a year previous were that little bit more difficult. Nonetheless this obstacle should not stop them. Through encouragement and help they will learn. My brother who has dyslexia knows all too well how difficult reading can be. However he was encouraged from a young age to read and challenge himself. This has stood by him so far in his life.

  8. Learning from the early ages has a really big influence on later life. Young children learn from everything they do. They are naturally curious; they want to explore and discover. If their explorations bring pleasure or success, they will want to learn more. During these early years, children form attitudes about learning that will last a lifetime. Children who receive the right sort of support and encouragement during these years will be creative, adventurous learners throughout their lives. Children who do not receive this sort of support and interaction are likely to have a much different attitude about learning later in life. Children also engage in some activities because adults tell them to. The role of adults in early ages is really important.

  9. It is diffucult to say what time children are the best for learning. For my opinion it always depends on the child. Every child learn in a other way and also at a other age. I like the way that children can decide on their own what they want to learn. For example on child is interested in dinosaurs they also want to start read because all of the information is written. It is just one example. Off course it could be negative also. An average primary class can read and write and in the other class one child now everything how to calculate but not how to read or write… This would be very difficul to work with this child in secondary shool.

  10. I find this subject really interesting. I think it’s amazing what that little clumsy creature can learn. Nowadays it is so hard to get a good job which is secure and well paid most people who finish university end up working in Burger King so in my opinion we should give our children as many advantages as we possibly can. For example when i will have children i am planning on talking to them in Polish and in English from the beginning also maybe after this article i will teach them to read. Of course i don’t think that they should spend they childhood learning something all the time from the beginning but like i said before if it’s that easy for them to learn, then why not?

  11. In my opinion is a very important thing to read for the children before they learn to read, because they learn since they were born, the whole world full of inducement, there are a lot of new things to discover. Further we have to teach them how they can enjoy reading, cause unfortunately in this new generation most of the children rather watch television or a movie instead of reading. Of course we mustn’t force reading down their throat’s. We have to find an entertaining way to introduce books, and keep up their range of interests. But we can’t omnify for an exact age, because all children are unique, we have to conformance their quickness of empowerment.

  12. Juan Manuel Holguin dice: Responder

    Parece que siempre hay alguien que se empeña en ir en contra de la sociedad. Un niño que aprenda a leer con 5 o 6 años sería algo inaudito.
    Los pupilos deberían comenzar a leer más o menos cuando comiencen a decir sus primeras palabras. No digo que sea a la par, pero por lo menos que no se deje pasar mucho, pues así será mucho más fácil a la hora de ir adquiriendo destrezas.
    Pienso que el Estado, que es el primero y el último en tomar las decisiones de las leyes, nunca debería permitir semejante aberración, en ninguna parte del mundo, pues lo único que lograrán será atrasar el desarrollo educativo del niño.

  13. Maria Del Carmen Diaz Acosta dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con que cuanto antes empecemos a familiarizar a un niño con la lectura, sera mas conveniente para su aprendizaje futuro. El niño no tiene porque verlo como una obligación ya que hoy en día hay muchos libros adaptados a todas las edades, llenos de ilustraciones que hacen que el niño vaya teniendo un primer contacto con la lectura, pero esto también depende del interés que pongan los padres por hacerlo.

  14. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    A common phrase in UK is that a child is like a sponge. They can take in so much at a young age and therefore it cannot be underestimated what a young child can learn. However the speed of the education process of a young child is something which I believe should be looked at. It is important to realise that different children learn at different rates. Being in the same age group does automatically mean that children are at the same educational level. Learning at an early age is the platform needed for future education as it is where your interests stem from. So by developing a skill and interest form an early age you can set up a young person for life.

  15. We should never underestimate the intelligence a child has from a very early stage in their life. Many children could probably start learning earlier than they do. For example in the UK some schools and pre-schools have an age restriction on how early a child can join that school. It causes a problem for many resulting in classes where some are more intelligent than others.
    I agree that its important for them to learn at the earliest stage possible, but as babies and young toddlers they shouldn’t be bored by constant tutoring, they should be given the freedom to explore new things. If we push our children too much, they will eventually reach a stage where they have had enough and simply don’t want to learn anymore. This is the worst possible outcome, therefore, the education system we have in place at the moment where there is a gradual development from nursery until university is working and should continue.

  16. I truly support teaching children since the very young age.
    Young children are really curious about everything what is around them, so as long as parents create some ways of learning which are enjoyable and pleasant it would be a pleasure for children.
    What is more, by learning at very young age children will not have bigger problems in schools.
    It would even make them possibility to attend more extra classes or go to more prestige schools which will have an effect in their future.

  17. In my opinion, learning to read is in addition to counting one of the most important things that a person can possess. I think that the first of these two things should be taught to read, so that a child could understand as soon as possible not only simple puzzles that will help them develop their skills, but every message that give us the mediawhich can only help in the earlier development and will more quickly understand the problems of our world. So I think that parents should immediately require their children to learn to read, it should not be done but conventional teaching methods, but for example, by playing in tablets or smartphones.

  18. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    Today, parents prefer to give your child a smartphone, so it come something than give up the time to read him story. And this is a mistake, because the book should be for children as natural as running or playing. Reading influences completely, fills all the spaces of child development: intellect, emotions, the social development. Reading certainly stimulates intellectual development, speed up development of speech, develops communication skills, builds child’s memory, stimulates creativity, creating reality through words and different ideas. Important that the parents did not force children to read, because it can lead to trauma. Time spent with a book should be associated with pleasure, happy moment. Learning to read in school children is sometimes stress, because they read publicly, often lead to shame. If you already manage to teach a child a good, clear associations, reading it will not get exercise, only happiness.

  19. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    Reading is one of our most important abilities in the life. It allows us to read books, to study, to understand the newspapers, signs etc. Sooner we start, it is better. The only important thing is that we shouldn’t push our children to do this or make any pressure on them. However I think, that most kids have this natural curiosity and start to read quite fast. This give a lot of possibilities, because they can soon start to learn other language, or develop their other skills. It is good to show them a lot of things in this period when they can absorb so many information, as maybe they can start to develop their talent soon.. But everything should be based on kind of fun, and play, I think we can’t force children for doing something because then, they can lose their interest really fast..

  20. To start reading to a child is a difficult process.It must be made at the right time and the right methods.To teach reading to children at an early age wise in some aspects.Children who learn to read at an early age are becoming conscious individuals.From a different window on the world and knowing stare.They know themselves to develop with awareness.But the more I believe in children learning to read in my biological age.So all of the time to live stages of childhood.Should play in the game, must run, jump up .Must learn to read when the time comes.Already a long part of your life crossing over education.After a period as long as you want to achieve at this age can develop itself.Awareness can be created.It must bear responsibility for children at an early age.Because it gives more fruit in time.

  21. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    Teaching to read in early years is good. The parents can teach them at home, in a friendly, familiar environment. Its good for the children, and good for the parents, because they can take care of the first steps of the child’s life first big chapter. Its oke that after in shcool the teachers will teach them that also, but it will be a good feeling in the child that he/she already know that. They will try to do their best, so it only a good thing to teach them before school. At that age, boring not a problem, kids are intereted in everything, even if they learned it from their parents. But even if they dont care, the teachers will solve this problem with some games, and the kids will interest again.

  22. Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developing good reading habits is vital to your child’s future not just academically, but in everyday life as well.
    Reading develops vocabulary: The more the child reads, the more new words will find their way into his vocabulary. Encouraging good reading habits from an early age develops your child’s attention span and allows them to focus better and for longer periods of time.Children who spend a lot of time reading prior to attending school will have an easier time adapting to the reading-focused learning environment in their future classrooms.Children who start reading regularly from an early age are more likely to enjoy reading later in life. This will serve them well throughout their education and beyond.

  23. The fact that as a child we are learning faster than ever later in our life is too ignored. A lot of people is saying that child should not be under pressure of education to early, that he or she can get confused (for example, learning different language in early age. i have heard comments, that child can have a problems with grammar if they are learning more than 1 language in their childhood. And I have read an article that child can learn with the right method more than two language at the same time). No, with right method they will not get confused. Children are so uncomplicated and that is one of the reason they are learning so fast. And a thought that with education in early age would put a child under pressure, is completely ignorant.

  24. Starting to read at an early age increases the child’s curiosity, sparks his or her imagination and encourages maturity. In short, from this perspective, by teaching your child to read at an early age, you are bestowing the gift of a lifetime and expanding his or her horizons.
    What’s more, children who learn to read earlier develop greater self-esteem. When young babies are held warmly and read to lovingly, they feel loved and cared for; as a result, they also develop a positive emotional bond with the parent. By making them more comfortable around books, early reading prepares children to become lifelong readers, which paves the way to academic success. Teaching your child to read can be one of the most important, gratifying and rewarding experiences you can share with your child or student.

  25. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    Me parece bien que los niños comiencen con la lectura a edades tempranas, pues le ayudará al alumno a adquirir una riqueza de vocabulario y una fluidez verbal, es decir le enseñará a hablar correctamente y a prender nuevas palabras. La lectura comprensiva será más fluida y se despertará en ellos la ilusión por aprender y comunicarse adecuadamente. Teniendo un aspecto en contra referido a los alumnos con bajo nivel madurativo, pues el forzarle les creará unos malos hábitos si no posee este nivel.

  26. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    Sinceramente, la información de este texto me ha parecido bastante escasa ya que no me ha aclarado ciertas cosas.

    Según dice Glenn Doman «un niño puede leer palabras con un año, frases pequeñas con dos, libros adaptados a su edad con tres, (no le falta razón)». Si es verdad lo que dice tal hombre, me parece muy bien que se les enseñen a esa edad, ya que es cierto (o al menos eso dicen) que los pequeños captan y desarrollan con más facilidad ciertas informaciones.

    La verdad que no se por qué hay una edad esacta para empezar a leer. Yo siempre he entendido que a los niños se les enseñan en prescolar con 4-5 añitos. No se por qué no se les enseñan antes, ni por qué es a esa edad, ya que como he dicho anteriormente, este texto no me ha aclarado ciertas ideas.

    También voy a decir, que aquellas personas que quieran que sus niños/as aprendan a leer a los tres años (ya que en la escuela lo hacen más tarde) que les enseñen ellos mismo (padres o cualquier familiar), que la educación no es solo del colegio.

  27. I think,reading is probably one of the most beneficial and feasible activities that a man can do.The reason why reading is so important is because reading is relaxing to our mind and soul; it is a way for children to reach out to the world, and it improves our thinking process. It is through reading that a person is going to be able to discover new ideas, concepts, places, and people. It is important to read as it can improve children’s language use and by reading for pleasure they can adapt to the language easily.Teachers play an important role where they could be described as the one who can instill intrinsic motivation to read among the students.Every classroom should have a classroom library collection that can be filled from the main library collection. Parents play an important role in order to reinforce the child’s reading habit and interest.

  28. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    In my opinion it is very important for children to Learn to read and write from a young age. This are essential and desirable skills and the sooner they are learnt the better. However it is important not to push the children to learn when they are not ready as this causes anxiety and puts strain on their minds. This is an important factor to take into consideration. Learning to read and to write goes hand in hand. They need to be able to write the words they can read and be able to read the words they write, this gives them a better understanding of language. In my opinion reading and writing is an essential skill for children.

  29. Writing and reading a part of learning. I think parents should teach their children when they see a sign for their enthusiasms about reading. People say that the suitable age for reading and writing is 6-7 years old. But if child has eager to writing or reading at an early age, families should support them. I know a child who learned reading at 3 years old. Beause he had eager to read and his family supported him. Now he is 9 years old and he is the most successful student in his school. So, I think when parents see a sign for their children, they should teach them reading or writing.

  30. In my point of view it’s really important for the children to learn as soon as posible to read because that’s really good for them to develop them memory and also to develop them imaginary. Moreover it’s better if them parent’s can teach them before they start to learn at school.
    For example in France we start learning how to read around 6 years old and i think it’s too late because when the child know how to read it’s really usefull for the teacher for teaching the knowledge of some diferent book in the diferent subject and that’s the most basic important thing to know how to read currently.

  31. It is very important to teach reading and writing to a child at an early age. Children learn about things very quickly from writing and reading. Children pick up a lot of things at an early age and it influences their personality and interests from a young age. With the help of teaching materials and technology children are able to learn how to read and write very early in pre school. I agree that if children are taught languages at an early age it will stick with them and if they carry on to learn languages they can become fluent in early years of their lives. Children pick up on little things in their early years and their imagination is incredible. I think children seem to like learning all about new things and they seem to show a lot of interest about them. To conclude children learn a lot through writing, reading and their imagination in the early years of their lives.

  32. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    I agree with Glenn Doman, it goes to him for it is not too early to learn. It is actually better to read as early as possible because the brain receives the most information in the first years and can acquire. Reading is one of the most important skills to function in society. It gives the students a good start. We must encourage this, as a teacher’s educational games are good, but there is no attention to the reading.
    Students need to build up their interests for reading, from this point to read the students than for himself, and not because it needs the teacher.

  33. It is never too early for a child to learn not only how to read but to acquire many other skills in early life. The earlier the better for most children. Reading is an essential skill for someone to master to be successful in school and in life. I think children should be able to read between the ages of 3 -5. Children are not born with an innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are among the major benefits of early reading. When you spend time reading to children, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books you read, as well as the contact with you during story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills. It is important for a child to start early and to develop these skills, so when they start school they can put these skills into practice. I think that through reading, children learn about people, places and events outside their own experience. They are exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs about the world which may be different from those which surround them. This learning is important for its own sake however it also builds a store of background knowledge which helps younger children learn to read confidently and well.

  34. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    The child begins to learn reading and writing spontaneously. If we suppress the spontaneity of the child, we suppress all motivation and at the same time, we give to child the misconception that he learn only for teachers and parents, and not for himself. This is of course completely wrong. If a child wants to learn and get to know new things, it is the duty all pof us, to accommodate him. A child may acquire experience only if the environmental constantly give him adequate stimuli. It is no age limitit, so it is extremely important to encourage the child almost from birth. At first with the conversations, and soon also by reading picture-books and books.

  35. Most people misinterpret that learning to read and write begin at entering school. It is not true because literacy is a process which begins practically from birth. Six or seven years is only the artificial border that we have set ourselves; then, the majority of children are able to learn all the symbols of our alphabet, letters, therefore, with which we can begin to read and write. But if we want learning to be smooth, it is important that parents and teachers in the kindergarten encourage their children as much as possible. I think it makes sense to start very early, but through a variety of activities that will arouse children interest and help them to learn to read and write through the game.

  36. It is oviously the truth with which I agree that teaching reading and writing soon it’e the best what parents can teach their children. The best example are the languages. If a child has 2 languages from the begging of its life, next one to learn will not be impossible, will not be that difficult.
    The same is with music, with sport. If we start very early it will be easier later. But of course it’s not like that, if we don’t start when we were 3 years old, we will not achieve anything in this factors we wanted. No. If we really want something, it is never too late. It’s better start late then never, but the best in youth.

  37. I agree that it’s better for children if they start they education early. I truly believe that they will gain a lot more if they will be taught since their first years. However, it need to be done carefully. In today’s world it’s important to have the knowledge from different parts of the life and to know languages. Moreover we’d like to play instruments, do sports and etc. There’s an idea that those factors will help us have a better life. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that parents want their children to have that all. To achieve it, they start kids’ education very early and enrol them on numerous classes. When it’s good to educate children and give them the most what we can, we need to remember that they are still just kids. To conclude, I want to say that early education is good but let’s remember about moderation and common sense.

  38. Mert yılmaz özbaş dice: Responder

    It is never too early for a child to learn. Children should learn how to read as soon as possible or how to write but the problem is why? why the children should learn how to read or write earlier than usual.. i think its not that much important.if a child can learn earlier than the others its good for him but that sitiuation does not show us that this guy has more skills than the others.But there is no advantage.But if we are talking about language all children have to learn diffrent language as early as possible.because when ages are getting older teaching diffrent language become harder.

  39. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    In the early childhood children have the ability to acquire knowledge quickly, that’s why i believe that teaching should begin as soon as possible. Of course every child is different, one may need more time than the other to absorb the knowledge. Our first teachers are parents and i think they need to notice when the children are ready to learn and at what pace to not discourage them. It is also important to find an appropriate way of teaching. I think the best is to do this by games and fun to make children enjoy learning, but at the same time parents have to remember to respect the needs and personality of the child and if it’s necessary slow the pace of learning, change the way or just wait for child when will be ready again to get more knowledge.

  40. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    En primer lugar y desde mi punto de vista, me parece positivo todo lo que se le pueda enseñar a un niño en cuanto antes, para que vaya desarrollando sus conocimientos. Eso sí, no me parece nada adecuado que la enseñanza sea para todos los niños igual, ya que cada niño tiene una capacidad por lo que me parece importante resaltar para ello una atención individualizada que se adapte a las necesidades de cada uno.
    En segundo lugar, leer antes de los 6 años me parece bien pero siempre que se haga de forma dinámica sin que ellos lo vean como una obligación y algo complejo, ya que así estarán más preparados.
    Por último decir que estoy de acuerdo con empezar a leer con temprana edad (de la manera puesta anteriormente), ya que así se estimularán antes y tendrán más facilidades después.

  41. In this article i think it depends on the parents to decide if is good or bad to show to their kids how to read at certain age, for me i think it is important that the kids learn how to read at shorty age because their knowledge would be more, today we live in a competitive world so we have to be prepared for everything so why not show to the kids to learn how to read at the age of 1,2 or 3 instead at the age of 5 or 6. I think our kids would be more prepared for the world, but everybody have their own decision, we know that the brain its not the same at the age of 1,2 or 3 instead of 5 or 6 but the human brain is capable to make things happen

  42. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    We can say that 5 or 6 is a good avarage of age for learning to read for children. But if we research just learning, I belive that the best way of learning is learning by doing. In the educational field, thats the most permanent tool for children in their learning processes. At that ages(5-6), children are starting to find their own tools for learning and because of that how they start to learn, it goes like this in their whole lifes. First of all, the educators(teachers and families) make children love learning. Teaching something to someone is really difficult and needs lots of responsibilities.First of all we should learn “Learning to Learn”. Learning starts when we born and goes on till we die. Because of that, all people who are care about the children, should be really carefull. These Children are future of our children.

  43. CRISTINA VENEGAS PÉREZ dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, es necesario ir formando a los niños desde chicos y estimularlos y prepararlos para su posterior formación académica. Con esto, incluyo también la lectura, ya que es el método imprescindible de la adquisición de conocimientos. Por supuesto, cuanto antes mejor. Esperar a los 6 años me parece demasiado arriesgado, ya que lo que ya podía tener adquirido en los 4 años antes lo va a tener que conseguir en menos tiempo. Es importante hacerles dinámicas y divertidas las formas de aprender a leer para que no se aburran, pero insisto en que cuanto antes se empiece a estimularlos más facilidad tendrán después.

  44. I strongly agree with the words which Glenn Doman said: “The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold”. In my opinion it’s really important to teach children from the early age, because their brain is like a sponge. They are able to learn as many things as they are taught. The other thing is that the children should be interested in learning. They should enjoy the process of learning. The most important point is that the child shouldn’t get bored. That’s why parents should help children through various games. As a parent you should make every effort to stoke your child interest to acquire knowledge.

  45. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    It is never too early for a child to learn. Children should be taught how to read as early as possible, then as they get older they will have the basic skills and progress easier then children who are taught later. 5/6 is a late enough age to begin as they should already have been introduced to letters and words by that stage. Children will gain more of an interest if they are introduced to something earlier in life as this will give them more opportunities as they will understand everything better and even progress faster than their peers. Reading is a basic skill almost everyone has and children should be taught early to give them the best possible start in life, children learn easier and faster than adults as they pick up things a lot easier. Going into primary school can be daunting so at least they will have some knowledge if they were introduced to reading earlier by their parents.

  46. I think that reading and writing should be taught to children from a young age. Children love to learn and are always looking around and are interested in discovering new things even from a few weeks old. Young children will find reading a new and exciting task and will love to learn it. This is important as if children learn to love reading from a young age they will love it for life. If a child learns it later in life the child can decide it has no interest in reading and will hate it. This will affect a child’s academic life in later years as reading is a big part of the curriculum. Children are kept quite sheltered from education when they are younger and these are the prime years for a child to learn many basic functions. I think this is the best time for a child to learn to read and write and not wait until their five.

  47. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    I think, that it is not possible to say appropriate age to start to learn reading and writing. Each child is individual and each child has different personal development. Some children are more playful, some children need more time for learning and some of them are faster in thinking and they quickly remember and learn everything new. I think, it is true – learning is easier for small children. However I think, if we want to learn them everything quickly and at once, it may not be the best for them in their future school age. I think it is very difficult task, but in my opinion we should to respect children´s needs and their personality first of all.

  48. Iveta Lošáková dice: Responder

    We can not say exactly when it is suitable for the child begin to read and write, so suitable age begins around 6 years of age, but I know many talented children who scanned the books and watching the parents while reading fairytales and progressively started about 4 years with interest to read alone. The approaches are different, I dare mention alternative school Summerhill, this program consists howled that the child begins to self will want to be selfmotivated and ready to start the activity. Some children started earlier, but some of up to about 10 years, but they were very motivated and dedicated to this activity several hours a day.
    I agree that arose pre-school education in a preparatory class before starting school. Children can practice their fine motor skills and can easily start writing, and thus to understand the text. They will also learn to focus on the activity and attention.

  49. I think a good moment to teach children reading is around 5-6 years old. I myself learnt to read at that age and I think I benefited a lot from it. However, if a child shows signs of interest in letters earlier, I would always recommend encouraging to learning how to read. I wouldn´t force any toddler to learning how to read, though. It might discourage them from reading for many years. Apart from that, interest in reading helps children learn more and develops their curiosity. They learn to write faster and they make less spelling and grammar errors. If the interest in book doesn´t disappear with years, they gain a lot by shaping their view of the world by the contact with literature.

  50. In my opinion I feel that children should be taught to read and write from as early as possible as this gives them the opportunity to develop further their skills. The ability to read quickly as well as absorb the correct information is one that can be taught through regular practice and participation in a reading activity with test/activities at the end. This of course will not be the case for all children as each child will learn at a different rate or speed because of mixed abilities however to be able to deal with this in a classroom situation I think starting from the earliest age possible will only help these pupils who will struggle and make reading easier for them.

  51. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    You can`t say that the best time for children to learn for instance reading is when they are 6 or that the best time to learn calculating is when they are 4 or whatever. Every child is different there is no general age for learning things. Some children start to calculate when they are 4 others start when they start going to school. It`s so different from child to child. Therefore I would say that the best way to educate children would be that they decide on their own when and what they want to learn. In fact there are some schools where every child decides on their own when and what they want to learn. On the other side I don`t like this way of education because some children learn too little and have problems later on in secondary school where teachers expect that all children are at the same level. I had such a girl in my class last year. She attended such a primary school where the children decide on their own when and what they learn. It was the second class of secondary school and she only started to start writing while the others already learnt that at the beginning of primary school.

  52. I also think that you can’t start with education soon enough. Maybe it’s true that a child can absorb in his first four years of life many things and some of them he will remember very clearly which can be a huge support for his studies later on.
    You cna’t really know if it’s that effective, but why not try it. You can do it in a playful way and the child wouldn’t even know that he’s learning something fundamentally.
    We have a few english nursery schools in Austria and a friend of mine went to a kindergarten like that and I could see how much easier it was for her to learn this language later on in school. Maybe it was an coincidence, but maybe it really helps you. Either way it’s a good oppurtunity for your child and it’s not ile it’s wasted time, which you will never get back.

  53. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    Desde mi propia opinión, me parece que todo lo que se le pueda enseñar a un niño para desarrollar sus conocimientos le van a venir muy bien para fases posteriores de su vida, pero no me parece correcto que tenga que ser para todos los niños por igual, ya que cada niño tiene una capacidad de absorber los conocimientos, para ello he de resaltar una atención individualizada o que se adapte a las necesidades de cada alumno. Por otro lado enseñar a leer antes de los 6 años siempre que sea de manera de juego, sin tener que ser como una obligación, me parece genial ya que jugando va aprendiendo a leer y estará más preparado para cuando llegue la edad adecuada(o sea de 5 a 6 años) que es cuando van a empezar a desarrollar sus capacidades de comprender lo que están leyendo.

  54. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Tras la lectura de este artículo he de decir que comparto opinión con usted José Manuel. Soy de los que piensa que los niños deben aprender y obtener conocimiento lo más temprano posible, ya que, dichos conocimientos les ayudara a crecer mejor intelectualmente y como se ha mencionado en el articulo «el saber no ocupa espacio». Es cierto que se nos ha establecido que los niños comiencen con la lectura y la escritura sobre los cinco años, pero si esta demostrado que pueden hacerlo antes ¿porque perder el tiempo? De este modo creo que a lo niños se les debe fomentar la lectura desde edades tempranas, siempre adaptándola a su edad, para que este vaya afianzando sus bases intelectuales.

  55. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    »The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said
    that the more you put into it, the more it will hold» This sentence summarizes the main point. It is impossible to say a definite age to learn but today we all know the learning capacity of a young learner. Learning has no limit but especially in early ages, it is very fast and easy. It is not only to learn reading, writing and etc, it is for everything. As a teacher if we now how to use this immense capacity when learning is a naural part of their ages, we can change so many things in education system and educational life. Teachers have a major role in a classroom. Their skills and attitudes can effect and change everything. If we don’t know how to apply and maintain it, children can get bored even they’re playing a game bu if we know how to deal with the process of their learning, they have fun by reading or writing. There many factors that effect their learning but it highly depends on teachers.

  56. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    Está establecido desde tiempo que en la escuela se enseña a leer a los niños a la edad de 5/6 años y a menudo puede pasar que eso lo consideramos con naturalidad sin reflexionar mucho. En realidad está demostrado que dentro de los nueves meses hasta los cuatro años la capacidad de aprender es incomparable y hay muchos que creen que sea más útil y adecuado enseñar a leer, y no solo, desde edad temprana. Lo que pasa pero es que a la escuela estos niños serán aventajados y las programaciónes didácticas, al principio, no serán apropiadas y los niños pueden abburrirse. Creo que sea deseable que los padres, si pueden, enseñen antes del comienzo de la escuela porque seguramente es algo beneficioso para el desarrollo y el futuro de los niños puesto que cada uno es diferente y tiene su tiempo en el aprendizaje. El sistema educativo, aunque haga todo el posible para adaptar los medios, las estrategias de enseñanza a los estudiantes tenendo en cuenta las necesidades y especifidades de cada uno, promueve una educación uniforme para garantizar y ofrecer las mismas posibilidades y conocimientos, pero, puesto que somos todos diferentes es mejor ofrecer un mismo nivel de formación aunque pueda ser desventajoso y ralentizante para algunos o es mejor una enseñanza especifica para cada uno y dejar por ejemplo que se enseñe a ritmos diferentes?
    Es una cuestión muy amplia la de la educación y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y de todas formas creo que sea positivo que un individuo aprenda todo lo que pueda, incluido el aprender a leer en «edad temprana», pero todo eso no debe ser hecho con insistencia u obligación porque hay que tener en cuenta que en los primeros años de vida es necesario dejar espacio a la creatividad y al juego, fundamentales para el desarrollo de las personas.

  57. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    To me in spite of the research findings cited above, millions of children worldwide face a different reality. Their parents believe that early reading can harm the child; they believe they are «pushing» the child by expecting him or her to learn to read as a preschooler. Thus, they leave their children to learn reading in the school system, believing that the school is responsible for «education» and that they are responsible for parenting. Although teaching effective reading skills is certainly a key goal of the primary school curriculum, many young children, already challenged by adapting themselves to an unfamiliar school environment, face serious challenges when learning to read. These children need personal attention and input to become competent readers; something that a sole, overworked kindergarten or first-grade teacher is hard-pressed to provide.
    What’s more, children who learn to read earlier develop greater self-esteem. When young babies are held warmly and read to lovingly, they feel loved and cared for; as a result, they also develop a positive emotional bond with the parent. By making them more comfortable around books, early reading prepares children to become lifelong readers, which paves the way to academic success. Teaching your child to read can be one of the most important, gratifying and rewarding experiences you can share with your child.
    As a result, some children develop serious reading difficulties or are unable to read at all. Sadly, this one weakness can affect the child’s entire life path. It can lead to lower academic performance in all subject areas, since all schooling depends on the ability to read easily, quickly, correctly and with comprehension. Children who learn to read later in life face more reading problems than those who learned early. Poor readers also have higher drop-outs rates than good readers.

  58. I think, learning how to read and write is the first and most difficult stage of one’s educational life. In my opinion, learning to read and write is critical to a child’s success in school and later in life. Previous studies suggested that students did not attain the right level of maturity during preschool education and therefore it was not appropriate to teach literate in early ages. However, today’s brain studies reveal that infants need to be prepared for literacy starting from birth. Children start to learn language from the day they are born. As they grow and develop, their speech and language skills become increasingly more complex. I think, literacy to children in Turkey begins at a late age. Children’s education should begin at an early age.

  59. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    Este es uno de los artículos mas interesantes ya que desde siempre en mi familia me han inculcado mucho la lectura, y desde pequeña ya a muy temprana edad sabía leer. Yo creo que es un tema muy importante y que desde pequeños a los niños y niñas se le tiene que inculcar la lectura ya que es uno de los pilares básicos de nuestra vida, a parte de hablar y escribir. Hoy en día cada vez menos los niños pequeños leen, y si leen es obligados porque en el colegio le mandan libros. Los niños en la actualidad aprenden a ver la tele antes de saber a leer, y yo creo que eso es un retroceso y que aveces la tecnología no nos ayuda a avanzar si no a retroceder.

  60. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    In my opinion it is impossible to define an age, when children are able to learn reading, writing or calculating. Children have a different term of time, where they can learn more easily. Teacher should consider the individual learnphase and suppose it. But how is it possible, when all the children should learn the same things in the same time? Now the system of education starts to change in a idea, which is focussed on pupil centered teaching, which is really a big progress. Although we are far away from an advancement for all the individuals the system change in the right way.

  61. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Mi opinión personal es que, como todo, también eso es muy individual. A mi no me gusta mucho esa manera homogenea, que todos tenemos que saber exactamente lo mismo en el mismo edad. Para mi no existe el edad exacto cuando el nino ya tiene que saber tal y tal, de otra manera es algo malo con ese nino! Como yo lo veo, todos los ninos vienen aquí ya perfectos y si leen Nietze cuando tienen 6 anos o no, eso da iqual. Pero claro eso depende mucho del ambiente que los ninos tienen, de los padres y sus nivel de consciencia. Y me alegro mucho de ver que, por lo menos de mi punto de vista, este nivel sique subiendo y subiendo.

  62. This article is very interesting because nowdays baisic knowledge of everythink starts only at school but I think that it is really important to start teach childrens basic staff about letters and numbers in early age. I think that small childrens are very gifted in early age and they can learn much more knowledge then grown people. I think perfect example are childrens who are grown up in family were their parents talk in two language. It is amazing how small childrens easy can understand both languages and be able to talk in them. Only small childrens can learn and adopt so easy and I think that school has to be started in early age . There are many options have to teach small children very important thinkg in early age just parents need to do that!

  63. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    This is really interesting article. Children are fast learners. They are curious about the world and that is why it’s easier to teach them some things. Some learns faster, some slower. But in general it is proved that children absorb knowledge very fast, even for learning foreign languages it is better to start in very early age.
    Personally I think that parents are those who are responsible for children so they should not depend only on schools and teachers. They should teach or at least help children to learn the basic stuff like reading or writing.

  64. Christina Burgholzer dice: Responder

    Reading is an essential part of cummunication and speaking. It is just threatening that many adults and youngsters do not know how to read properly in order to really understand the read text. I believe that parents can make an enormous difference in the first early 3 years of a kids life, by reading out loudly to thier kids. The human brain remembers words by all different senses like hearing. Furthermore it enhances the fantasy of a kid if it got read out stories as a young child and baby. However, I am not a fan of poushing babies and kids into spheres where they do not feel comforabtle anymore or even overwhlemed. Because then it goes into the exact opposite direction than desired.

  65. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    After reading this article, i believe that age actually plays a role in learning and reading.
    For a child it’s good that it has been read as a baby. It will focus on the spoken language. It is also good that children at a young age learn to handle books, know how it works. Orienting and discover it is a good first step for the child.
    What is otherwise the reason for pre-school education?
    Take for example; are raised bilingual. You learn from a young age all your second language. After several years you speak two languages ​​fluently.
    You know yourself, the older you get, the harder it is to learn a foreign language.


    Para comenzar, me gustaría decir que no tengo mucho conocimiento sobre este tema, pero uniendo lo leído en el texto y mi propio pensamiento, puedo decir que la posición que me parece más correcta es la de comenzar a trabajar cuanto antes con el niño el aprendizaje de la lectura u otros, pues en edades tempranas, es sabido que se tiene una percepción mayor y se absorbe con mayor facilidad la información que se les transmite. También me gustaría aportar, que estoy de acuerdo con esta postura siempre y cuando tenga en cuenta el desarrollo y la capacidad del niño, pues no se puede generalizar en este tema, y cada niño puede tener una capacidad de interiorizar las cosas muy distinta a la de otro, por lo que esta enseñanza debe ir dirigida de manera individualizada en aspectos como este y acorde con el desarrollo de cada niño, además de adaptar esta enseñanza con juegos y otras técnicas para que estos niños aprendan mediante el juego.

  67. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    Alfabetizar a los niños, como se refleja en el texto no es una tarea fácil, pero pienso que esto debería hacerse cuanto antes, puesto que comparto la idea de que el saber no ocupa lugar, como dices.
    Cuanto antes comiencen a aprender más conocimiento podrán adquirir con el paso del tiempo y esto en mi opinion no supone que el alumno se aburra en clase porque ya sabe leer o escribir, sino que le dárá la posibilidad de avanzar. Aprendiendo a leer y a escribir en temprana edad en este caso, ayudará en el futuro a los niños para que sus conocimientos sean más ricos en el futuro.

  68. Elena Moral Carrasquilla dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que se debería de incluir el aprendizaje de leer antes de la edad de 5 o 6 años, lógicamente pasando o siendo al principio como actividad lúdica para más tarde convertirse en una de las bases más importantes de la Primaria, si se comienza a dar como actividades de entretenimiento los niños aprenderán mas y mejor, no que si nos esperamos a los 6 años dicho aprendizaje deberá ser obligado y casi a contrarreloj, dejando a un lado los aspectos educativos informales o de entretenimiento para pasar a un aprendizaje formal y reglado, ahorrándonos todo esto enseñando a los niños de una forma divertida y en relación a su edad si se le enseña desde sus primeros años de vida.

  69. Alba María Galván Ruiz dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con el texto, ya que el aprender nunca viene de más. Con esto quiero decir, que entre antes nos pongamos con el niño a desarrollar sus habilidades lectoras, mejor va a ser para él ya que cuando llegue al colegio va a adaptarse mejor y aprender a leer con más eficacia. Con esto también digo que a un niño de dos años no le vas a dar un libro porque lo único que hace es pasar las hojas y observar, pero sí alguien se pone con él a reproducirle palabras cortas que se le vayan quedando, y a través de juegos aprender también. Por lo tanto, no hay una edad para empezar a leer, aunque algunos niños son a los 6 años cuando está regida en primero de primario, que es lo que le enseñan principalmente.

  70. From the moment a child is thrust into the world, this precious little human being will be constantly bombarded with new feelings, senses and new surroundings. The early stages of a child’s life is one of the most critical times. They will be taught to know what is right and wrong and how to form words in order to interact with his/her parents. Reading and learning a new language? In my opinion, I see no problem in wanting their child to develop their mind at this early stage. I think its a great way for a child to develop their creativity, their initiative and also to improve their language. Learning new things at a young age is far more easier than at a later stage in adulthood.

  71. María Bravo Montero dice: Responder

    Esta es una pregunta que se hacen muchas familias cuando sus hijos son pequeños, pero a veces no suele ser respondida de la mejor manera. Podemos decir que los niños mientras antes aprendan las cosas del colegio es mucho mejor para su rendimiento académico. Esto facilitará su lenguaje, la fluida comunicación, la capacidad intelectual, la capacidad de estudio, la rapidez y la mejor comprensión lectora, etc. Es bueno que los niños aprendan a leer con 3 años en algunos casos, ya que es una buena manera para aprender un nuevo y rico vocabulario que le servirá de buen uso para un cercano futuro.

  72. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FÉLIX dice: Responder

    Actualmente, y desde hace muchos años, la edad impuesta para enseñar a leer y escribir son los 6 años, período que se corresponde con primero de primaria. Hay niños que antes de llegar ha dicho período han pasado por prescolar o la propia guardería, pero hay otros que no. ¿Qué quiero decir con esto? Que quizás la edad adecuada no sea hasta los seis años, pero yo apuesto por llevar a cabo técnicas para el aprendizaje antes de dicha edad. Nunca está demás lo aprendido, y si llegan a primaria con algo aprendido, les servirá para adquirir los nuevos conocimientos con mayor facilidad. En mi caso estuve cuatro años en la guardería antes de llegar a primero y, aunque no puedo afirmar esto con total certeza, las profesionales que estuvieron conmigo durante esos años me enseñaron ciertos elementos que me sirvieron de gran ayuda posteriormente, yo llegué con materia aprendida. Otro asunto es que cada niño estará preparado a una edad distinta para poder empezar a leer. Esta diferencia provocaría un descontrol, por lo que establecer una edad mínima es buena idea, en mi opinión , ésta debería ser más temprana.

  73. No se porque no se debe enseñar a un niño a leer hasta los 5 o 6 años, el texto no te lo argumenta, cosa que me hubiera gustado para poder decir de manera fundamentada si me parece bien o mal.
    Así que basándome en la escasa información del texto, opino que no hay edad para aprender.
    Siempre se ha dicho que cuanto más le hables a un niño y más lo estimules mejor será para su desarrollo. Por lo que todo lo que le enseñes a un niño le será positivo.
    También sabemos que es muy difícil comprender un texto, más aún si la lectura no se realiza correctamente, por lo que cuanto antes aprendamos a leer, antes podremos centrarnos en la comprensión lectora. Además un dicho muy popular es aquel de «los niños son como esponjas, lo absorben todo», entonces, si están en el momento idóneo para aprender,
    ¿por qué no hacerlo?. Por último, me gustaría mostrar mi contradicción sobre el tema de que los niños se puedan aburrir en clase, creo que sepan leer o no, si un profesor no es capaz de motivar a los alumnos, éstos se pueden llegar a aburrir en cualquier momento, sepan o no lo que en clase les están dando.

  74. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, la edad a la que debe de empezar a leer un niño no debería de ser competencia legislativa sino del docente que trabaja con ellos y que sabe la capacidad cognitiva que el niño/a dispone para comenzar a leer a una edad u otra, y no ha de convertirse en una obligación sin tener en cuenta al verdadero protagonista de todo esto que es el alumno.
    Es cierto que mientras antes se comience a estimular y despertar la curiosidad del alumno por el aprendizaje, y mas concretamente en este caso la lectura, puede ser que se obtengan mejores resultados tanto a nivel académico como intelectual, por lo que estoy de acuerdo de que el niño aprenda a leer desde una edad temprana, pero que esta se haga de la forma más adecuada a la edad del niño. Por tanto estoy a favor de que estos aprendan en un ambiente lúdico y motivador, y que por supuesto se tengan en cuenta las capacidades y las circunstancias del mismo.

  75. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el texto, pienso que los niños tienen que aprender a leer a una edad temprana, ya que será favorable para su futuro.
    Además estoy de acuerdo de que estos niños aprendan a leer en edad de preescolar para que vayan adquiriendo habilidades y conocimientos tempranos en relación con la lectura.
    Por otro lado, quiero reflejar que la lectura se puede impartir a través de juegos didácticos, y no el simple hecho de coger un libro y leer, sino que la lectura se puede estimular de otra forma, haciendo las clases más amenas para dichos niños, y que se diviertan a la vez que están aprendiendo y adquiriendo conocimientos.
    En ocasiones cuando vemos a los niños pequeños con un libro en las manos decimos » pobresito», pues no el niño que verdaderamente sepa leer con esa edad es un niño afortunado, porque en un futuro va ha estar siempre aventajado con el resto de los compañeros.

  76. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    Mi opinión es que cuanto antes comience a leer un niño/a mejor para él/ella, creo que la tarea de enseñar a leer y escribir no es nada fácil; pero sí el niño/a desea o muestra interés por comenzar a leer y escribir ¿Por qué quitárselo?. Creo que cada niño/a es un mundo, además el contexto donde se crían varían de unos a otros, y esto también hace mucho.
    También hay padres y familiares que motivan a los niños/as, para que comiencen a mostrar interés por la lectura y me parece muy bien; ya que como he dicho anteriormente, cuanto antes sepa leer mucho mejor.
    Y por último decir que en preescolar, sería genial comenzar a enseñar a los niños/as a leer y escribir; y no una vez que comiencen la primaria (5-6 años). Cuanto antes mucho mejor y eso que llevan adelantado.

  77. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    «El árbol derechito desde chiquito». Con este dicho quiero decir que al igual que un árbol debemos de ponerle un palito y cuidarlo para que crezca fuerte y robusto a un niño debemos enseñarlos desde muy pequeños para enfrentar a esto que llamamos vida.
    Cuanto mas pequeños le enseñemos a leer, escribir…menos trabajo le costara aprender. Aunque e de decir que no solo es cuestión de enseñar sino de continuidad. De nada sirve que a un niño se le enseñe a les pequeño si una vez que aprendan ya no van a insistirle mas para que siga leyendo. Cuando leemos con frecuencia no solo adquirimos velocidad para leer sino que mejora nuestro vocabulario y expresión tanto para escribir como para dialogar.
    Otras de las razonas por la que pienso los niños debería de aprender a leer desde muy pequeños es por el desarrollo de su imaginación, cuando leemos tenemos el privilegio de imaginarnos como serán los mesonajes, los lugares….que se describen en el texto.
    De hoy en día son muy pocos los jóvenes que le gustan leer y si lo hacen es porque se los mande algún profesor. esto evidentemente se debe a que desde pequeños no se les ha enseñado y motivado a leer. En las manos de nosotros (futuros educadores y padres) esta cambiarlo.


    Es un texto que me ha gustado mucho, porque yo también soy de la convicción que se debe enseñar desde muy pequeños, es más ¿por qué no hacerlo cuando sus capacidades se lo permiten? Lo veo absurdo retrasar ese proceso de aprendizaje cuando un niño o una niña está preparado para ello. También entiendo a aquellas personas que piensan que no es bueno cargarlos con demasiado conocimiento, pero pienso que todas las cosas se deben de dar en su justa medida.
    Lo veo como algo positivo empezar a darles a los alumnos cuanto antes parte de su formación, ya que como dice el texto la alfabetización es algo de suma importancia porque será unas de las herramientas que te ayudaran a desarrollarte como persona.
    Para terminar quiero añadir un ejemplo de manera personal, y es que yo cuando comencé a estudiar, le lengua inglesa se empezó a impartir cuando yo ya tenía una edad elevada, hoy en día se ha incluido como temario en niños de infantil, por lo que veo que su capacidad de aprendizaje en clases futuras será mejor que el mío y el de mi generación, pienso que mientras más pequeño eres mejor profundizas dichos conocimientos.


    Para todo en la vida hay una edad y por ello, muchos pueden pensar, que niños que no llegan ni a los tres años, solo tienen edad de jugar. Sin embargo, pienso que, aunque a esas edades tan tempranas las clases se centren en el juego y las actividades dinámicas adaptadas a su edad escolar, no esta demás ir enseñándole a los niños desde pequeños la lectura, puesto que aunque a esas edades, parezca que no se llega a grandes avances, dicha enseñanza, tal como se menciona en el texto, es la que sienta las bases para que en un futuro y en etapas escolares posteriores, se asimilen y comprendan mejor los conocimientos, teniendo ya de antemano una base sustentadora.

  80. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo dicho, ya que entendemos el proceso de aprender a leer como algo costoso, aburrido y difícil para niños de edad temprana, pero ésto solo depende de la familia o docente, pues podemos enseñar a los niños mendiante juegos, de manera que se diviertan mientras aprenden. La familia, en estas edades, adquiere un importante papel en la educación del niño, por lo que debe adquirir la idea de que enseñar conocimientos no sólo es tarea de los maestros. Mientras más aprenda un niño a estas edades, menos dificultades encontrará a la hora de formular una conversación, por ejemplo, ya que tendrá más vocabulario y conocimientos.
    En cuanto a los maestros, deben adaptarse a cada alumno, de modo que ninguno se aburra, haciéndo las clases más dinámicas y productivas.

  81. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    Pienso que en los primeros años de aprendizaje de un niño, es cuando mejor aprenden las cosas y cuando se tiene la oportunidad de enseñarle tanto a leer como idiomas o cualquier, ya que lo que aprendemos con esa edad raramente se olvida.
    Si aprendes a leer a temprana edad, sabrás comprender lo que te dicen los textos a la edad correspondiente, aunque a cada alumno le lleva su tiempo aprender algo, pero cuanto antes se lo enseñes y antes empiece era mejor.
    Nombrando la frase de “el saber no ocupa lugar”, nos da la oportunidad de hablar de que se pueden aprender muchas cosas, porque siempre tendremos la capacidad de aprender y que nos llevamos aprendiendo cosas toda nuestra vida, ya que “nunca te acostaras sin saber algo nuevo”.

  82. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    Personalmente, estoy de acuerdo con la idea de que los niños comiencen a aprender a leer antes. Siempre y cuando tengan las capacidades para ello, y se trate de una enseñanza más individualizada, ya que no todos los niños se desarrollan de la misma manera y adquieren competencias y habilidades a la misma edad.
    Pero si estas habilidades se dan, y en esa edad, efectivamente, los niños pequeños tienen mucha capacidad para aprender,¿por qué esperar?
    Por otro lado, creo firmemente que en la educación de los niños pequeños, también debe haber un ámbito lúdico, y además que el proceso de enseñanza de la lectura sea dinámico, y que le llame la atención a los pequeños.

  83. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el texto ¿Por qué no enseñar a los niños a leer desde más pequeños?. Cierto es que cuando los niños son más pequeños adquieren habilidades de forma rápida y eficaz, ¿Por qué no enseñarles a leer?. Tener esa capacidad para ir poco a poco aprendiendo a leer de forma adecuada para ellos, con juegos y con entretenimientos sin hacer que para el niño sea un verdadero aburrimiento el aprender, no está de más.

    No obstante, quiero destacar que cuando se es pequeño es la mejor época que tendremos de nuestra vida ya que aun no sabremos reconocer los verdaderos problemas de la vida, por tanto el enseñarle a leer entre otra habilidades, siempre se debe de hacer de forma suave, ya que nunca hay que olvidar que aun son niños.

  84. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que los niños que aprende a leer con edad temprana tienen mejor capacidad para captar la información que los niños con edad más avanzada. Porque cuando son pequeños son una especie de esponja en la que absorben todo lo que ven. Por otro lado cuando empieza el colegio, los niños con estas habilidades adquiridas se notan el nivel a los niños que no tienen estas habilidades. Pero tampoco es bueno que agobiemos a los niños a que aprendan a leer es mejor que suceda de forma natural y enseñándolo poco a poco. Como dice el texto hoy, enseñar a leer y a escribir pronto, visto como un juego didáctico, es una verdadera garantía.
    Para finalizar, creo que esto es una ventaja para su futuro ya que tendrá una mejor expresión y comunicación que será muy útil para la vida cotidiana.

  85. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    Yo soy de la opinión de que mientras antes se aprenda mejor, los niños y niñas menores de seis años tienen mayor capacidad de retención de información, ya que esa edad es adecuada y pueden aprender más rápido. Pero claro, ¿Debemos tener sometido a los niños y niñas a un aprendizaje excautivo desde chicos? Creo que con las actividades lúdicas los niños adquieren muchas capacidades para su vida cotidiana y escolar del futuro.
    En la escuela tienen que tener sus momentos de aprendizaje, y creo que tenemos suficiente tiempo para aprender todo lo que se nos enseña y no hay por qué crear maquinas perfectas desde un principio. La infancia es muy importante para el desarrollo personal de los menores.

  86. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la opinión del autor del texto. Yo también considero que los niños deben comenzar a leer con edades tempranas, ya que desde pequeños estamos aprendiendo, y el leer es una cosa básica que debemos saber, entonces mientras antes la aprendamos mejor. La lectura es un proceso el cual nos hace ampliar nuestro vocabulario, mejorar nuestra comprensión, etc. por eso para que un niño sepa desenvolverse en la vida, tiene que tener un nivel adecuado de lectura. Creo que esto no es discutible, porque como dice en el texto “el saber no ocupa lugar”. Y con respecto a la idea de que los niños tienen que empezar a leer más tarde porque sino se aburrirían en las clases, el ámbito de la educación es muy extenso y no habría tiempo para aburrirse nunca.


    Estoy de acuerdo con que lo niños contra antes empiecen a leer mejor, pienso que los niños pequeños son esponjas, por lo que es más fácil para ellos.
    No obstante, también creo que cada niño tiene su tiempo y que para ello tienen que ir aprendiendo a leer dependiendo de sus capacidades.
    Para ello, es importante la iniciativa de los padres para apoyar este proceso ya que ellos pueden ser los pioneros en el aprendizaje del niño, con pequeñas estrategias y juegos que estimulen al niño.

  88. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    Los primeros años de escolarización de los niños deben ser los mejores para el aprendizaje de la lectura. Cuanto antes se aprende más tiempo tienen para la comprensión lectora. El retardo en aprender a leer complica la comprensión en los alumnos. De hecho el problema más importante a modo de ver, es que, una gran mayoría de alumnos tienen dificultades con la comprensión. Por lo tanto, la mejor edad es la más temprana posible desde su incorporación al sistema educativo escolar.

  89. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    Me quedo con esta frase del texto de la cual estoy totalmente de acuerdo: ‘el saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundante para el futuro’.
    Pienso que cuanto antes se aprenda mejor, el saber no ocupa lugar, además un niño con edad temprana como por ejemplo tres años, tiene una mayor potencialización, por lo que lo captan, observan y aprenden de todo. ¿Por qué no enseñarles a leer? Pienso que mediante lecturas dinámicas, de dibujos etc., un niño pequeño está totalmente capacitado para aprender a leer, incluso para aprender idiomas etc.
    Y por último destacar que me parece una barbaridad las opiniones de algunas personas como la de si aprenden a leer tan temprano se aburrirán, las clases deben de ser dinámicas justo para que el niño nunca se aburra y siempre aprenda.

  90. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    La verdad es que no tengo mucho conocimiento sobre la importancia que puede tener que un niño de tres años aprenda a leer o no. Hasta el día de hoy solo estudie que un niño con tres años es cuando más potencializado y desarrollado tiene el cerebro,siendo más fácil para este aprender. Pudiendo incluso a llegar a aprender más de un idioma, el niño además esta más interesado por querer conocer y estimular así su cerebro.
    Partiendo de la base de que los niños aprenden más fácilmente, la manera de enseñar es lo más importante en estas edades, necesitando la creatividad principalmente para la motivación y desarrollo del aprendizaje.
    Mientras el niño esté interesado y la creatividad este presente a la hora de enseñarlos los niños deberían comenzar a escribir y leer desde sus hogares hasta preescolar,comenzando a dejar que se expresen desde pequeños, como por ejemplo a través de la lecturas de sus cuentos.

  91. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con el concepto de que el saber no ocupa lugar, y sobre todo que no hay una edad determinada para que el niño aprenda a leer, puede ser a los cinco años, pero también puede ser antes de los tres años.
    Está más que demostrado que lo que aprenda a temprana edad perdura más tiempo, por lo que es el educador quien debe gestionar como satisfacer la necesidad de aprender del niño y lo más aconsejable es que sea en un entorno lúdico. El empleo de juegos, de actividades didácticas hace más atractivo el aprendizaje para del menor.

  92. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    Respecto al tema sobre cuándo enseñar a leer a los niños, opino que cuanto antes mejor. No soy de esas personas que dicen con tres años hay que aprender o con cinco, cada personas es un mundo y a tal vez un niño aprenda a leer a los cuatro años y otro a los cinco. Pero si creo que cuanto antes de empiecen a desarrollar esas habilidades para el niño mejor.
    Los niños son capaces de obtener muchísimos conocimientos, entonces ¿Por qué no hacemos benefician de ello e intentamos que aprendan lo máximo posible? ¿Por qué esperamos a los seis años si antes pueden llegar a leer perfectamente? El problema creo que está en el sistema educativo. Se deberían hacer varias preguntas y tras ellas poner soluciones o mejor dicho unas respuestas adecuadas para ellas.

  93. Ixone Gomez Ramirez dice: Responder

    Abogar por una educacion preescolar que sea lúdica es lógico, pero aun es mas lógico pensar que esa etapa lúdica se puede entremezclar con aprendizaje, en este caso la lectura. El problema es que se tiende a pensar que aprender a leer (o aprender a secas) suele ser aburrido. La cuestion es bien sencilla, no se trata de enseñar a leer poniendo letras en la pizarra y con el típico «la M con la A, MA». Tenemos una vía sin explotar que es el juego, para que aprendan de manera placentera y divertida, porque el juego es investigar, crear, descubrir inquietudes e ilusiones… Y en este tema, como en todos, la educación debe ser innovación.

  94. Manuel Miguel Morales dice: Responder

    El debate de si es bueno o no que los niños aprendan a leer antes de los seis años es un debate que como bien se dice en el artículo lleva abierto muchos años y a medida que pasa el tiempo y después de muchas investigaciones científicas, las dos vertientes van ganado más peso y mayor aceptación.
    Como futuro maestro, ¿qué corriente debo seguir?, si cada profesor que nos imparte una clase es de una corriente diferente y nos da un nuevo argumento en favor de esta. Me dejo llevar por los estudios que aseguran que aprender a leer antes de los seis años puede ocasionar trastornos posteriores en el niño, como la dislexia, o apuesto por enseñar a leer antes de esta edad y así fomentar otras capacidades en el alumno como la capacidad matemática, según explicaba un artículo que leí anteriormente.
    En estos casos en los que tenemos dos opciones y las dos con sus ventajas e inconvenientes solo nos queda elegir la que más se acerque a nuestros principios y a el futuro docente que queremos ser, aunque,bajo mi punto de vista, el sistema educativo abraza la corriente que está en contra a enseñar a leer antes de los seis años, ya que al no ser la escolarización obligatoria hasta esa edad el niño que se incorpore más tarde ya vendría con retraso.

  95. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    La enseñanza a leer que reciben los niños deberían empezarla antes, ya que no tienen por qué perder el tiempo en esa etapa hasta los seis años, y además lo que se aprende de pequeño como es leer, escribir, sumar, multiplicar y dividir es prácticamente lo único que una persona no olvida y si a esto le sumamos la ventaja de que empiece a leer antes, pues su aprendizaje podría ser más amplio.
    Algo que me ha llamado la atención del texto es que haya personas que digan que hay que enseñar a los niños a leer a la edad de cinco o seis años porque si empiezan antes se aburrirían, me parece absurdo, porque si ya saben leer, pueden empezar a enseñarles otra cosa como escribir o sumar.
    Desde mi punto de vista, cuanto antes aprendan los niños a leer mejor será para ellos en un futuro.

  96. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    Con el paso de los años, los niños cada vez empiezan antes su proceso de aprendizaje, aprender a leer, a escribir… Desde mi punto de vista esto traerá consecuencias positivas, ya que están más preparados para los cursos posteriores que realicen, teniendo un mayor nivel de conocimientos, por lo que le abrirá más puertas en un futuro.
    Los niños son como una esponja que lo absorben todo, por lo que esta medida que se ha tomado es una mejora para la futura generación educativa, ya que desde chicos se les ha enseñado a aprender, y por tanto, será más habitual para ellos la adquisición de conocimientos transmitidas por las distintas estrategias que presente el docente.

  97. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Estoy completamente de acuerdo con el texto, los niños deben aprender a leer cuanto antes, ya que son esponjas y a esas edades es cuando se les debe desarrollar sus capacidades para que consideren las actividades escolares como positivas ya que llevan con ellas desde muy pequeños.
    Además, tiene tiempo para todo, para aprender progresivamente, para jugar y divertirse, etcétera. Por eso creo que los profesores deben enseñarles desde pequeños y que los padres deben dar su apoyo a estos para que sus hijos aprendan a leer cuanto antes.
    Para finalizar, creo que esto debe ser así porque hará que ellos manejen mejor el lenguaje, su comunicación y su expresión y esto les ayudará mucho más de lo que pensamos en su vida cotidiana.

  98. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Opino que debemos enseñar a leer libros cuanto antes mejor, ¿por qué retrasar la lectura?. Cuando somos pequeños es cuando mayor capacidad tenemos para absorver cosas, somos como una «esponja», por ello, no entiendo porque esperar a que el niño tenga cinco años para ponerle un libro delante. Todos sabemos que un niño o niña, si los padres le hablan en dos idiomas diferentes, el niño o niña es bilingüe y además potencia su capacidad intelectual. Por ello estoy de acuerdo con el texto, ya que cuánto antes empiece el niño o niña a leer, antes empezará a desarrollarse intelectualmente, además de motivar e incentivar al niño o niña a buscar nuevas inquietudes, a interesarse por la lectura y a aprender que existe algo más que videjuegos y juguetes.

  99. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el contenido de este texto me parece importante, creo que a los niños contra antes se le enseñe a leer y a escribir sera mucho mejor para sus habilidades intelectuales y para su imaginación, ya que la lectura deja un gran hueco para la imaginación del lector y a los niños le hace falta eso. También es algo positivo para ellos ya que así se le podría ir ampliando conocimientos más rápido a medida que avanza de curso siendo un proceso satisfactorio para ellos porque aumentaría su capacidad de comprensión. Este método se podría realizar incluso fuera de la escuela, con la ayuda de los padres, leyéndoles habitualmente, haciéndole preguntas interactivas, tener libros que llamen su atención y sobre todo dándole ejemplo en casa de la pasión por la lectura.

  100. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    Es comprensible que pueda haber distintas opiniones con respecto a este tema. La verdad es que yo soy de las que estoy a favor de enseñar a los niños a leer a una edad temprana siempre que se pueda, aunque nunca antes me había parado a pensarlo. Si se puede enseñar a un niño a leer a los 3 años, ¿por qué esperar a los 6?. De esta forma tendrán la posibilidad de enriquecer su vocabulario, leer más rápido, incluso entender mejor lo que leen con el paso del tiempo.

    Desde mi punto de vista, cuanto antes se empiecen a aprender las cosas mejor, ya que dicen que los niños son como esponjas, que absorben todo con más facilidad, incluso los idiomas, algo que considero también muy importante en la enseñanza de los niños.

  101. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    En mi opinión con respecto a cuándo deben aprender a leer los niños, pienso que cuanto antes mejor. La lectura enriquece mucho el vocabulario, la expresión oral y la comprensión, por ello veo que son factores muy positivos que a los niños de corta edad les ayudará para poder expresar lo que quieren de forma adecuada.

    No entiendo el debate de por qué se debe aprender antes o no. Si echamos la vista atrás unos cuarenta-cincuenta años encontramos a personas que no tenían esta oportunidad. Nuestros propios abuelos.

    Por ejemplo, la mía, es ahora cuando está aprendiendo tanto a leer como a escribir ya que antiguamente esto era un privilegio que no podía permitirse. No podían asistir a la escuela por las cargas familiares de las que tenían que hacerse cargo. ¿Por qué no aprovechar la oportunidad que se nos otorga ahora?

    Y con respecto a lo que dice el texto de que los niños cuanto antes aprendan a leer, en las aulas se comenzarán a aburrir… pienso que no es cierto. Más bien lo veo como un avance. Se le podrían proporcionar mayores conocimientos y no perder tanto tiempo en la enseñanza de la lectura.

  102. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con este argumento. A los niños en cuanto antes le inculquemos la educación, antes aprenderán a socializarse. El modo en el que está el comienzo en la escuela me parece bien, ya que si entran en ella tan pequeños les resultará más difícil. Aunque antes de entrar en esta institución ya han tenido un aprendizaje previo, este aprendizaje es el que le inculca la familia. La familia hace un papel también muy importante, como lo son sus primeras palabras, sus valores, su cultura… Considero que el comienzo en la edad tan temprana tiene resultados positivos, debido a que poco a poco los niños tienen más capacidad y tendrán un mejor futuro, no por ello se aburrirán de la escuela, en este aspecto hay que considerar la acción del docente.
    Esta situación, llamémosle “crítica”, me recuerda un caso parecido como lo es el inglés en estas edades. En esta “crítica” sigo teniendo la misma opinión, en cuanto antes le inculquemos un nuevo idioma mejor les va a ir en el futuro.

  103. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    Ante todo, he de decir desde un principio que carezco del conocimiento profundo sobre este tema, pero según el texto leído, yo diría que si es cierto que debemos de aprovechar al máximo para enseñarles cosas a los niños, es decir, sus primero años en los que son como esponjas, ir inculcándoles poco a poco y sin exceso, algunos conceptos básicos, ya que cabe destacar que es mucho más difícil, en mi opinión sin saber si estoy en lo cierto, aprender de mayores, ya sea porque quieres dedicar el tiempo más a temas de ocio o porque tengas tus gustos ya integrados, no sé.
    Destacando que son esponjas tanto para lo bueno como para lo malo, por lo tanto es grande el cuidado que debemos de tener y la atención que se les debe de prestar para que no adquieran hábitos inadecuados.

  104. Desde mi punto de vista estoy de acuerdo con que es conveniente introducir en el mundo de la lecto-escritura a los niños/as en una edad temprana, ya que constituyen contenidos y herramientas claves para su desarrollo. Creo que una tarea indispensable es intentar convencer a los padres o tutores que es recomendable que sus hijos /as comiencen a leer desde edades tempranas, ya que muchos niños cuando comienzan en la edad obligatoria de enseñanza, saben distinguir y decir palabras incluso en dos idiomas, leer con fluidez y escribir frases simples con lo cual yo me pregunto, ¿Qué ocurre con aquellos niños/as que inician su lectura a los 5 o 6 años, y se encuentran en clase con otros compañeros que ya si saben?, en estas situaciones se produce una desnivelación en cuanto al desarrollo cognitivo del menor, provocando una situación de desventaja entre individuos.
    Pero si profundizamos en este tema nos podemos encontrar con casos de padres que sobreexplotan cognitivamente a niños/as en una infancia cada vez más temprana ¿Esto a la larga es beneficioso para el correcto desarrollo del menor?, yo creo que no es algo que sea perjudicial, pero también tenemos que comprender y entender que son tan solo criaturas que necesita una parte lúdica para un óptimo desarrollo tanto físico, psíquico, motor, cognitivo…

  105. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    Actualmente no se bien en lado posicionarme ya que no dispongo de conocimientos amplios para ello.

    Al leer sobre esta temática brota una problemática ya consolidada en el sistema educativo actual. Qué elegir, lo que es conveniente para el niño/a (que llegue a leer libros adaptados con la edad de 3 años) llegando incluso a forzar la “máquina, o mediante un proceso continuo potenciar esta habilidad según un natural desarrollo.

    Pienso que englobar a TODOS/AS los niños/as en un patrón general de evolución, este caso de la evolución de lectura y escritura, es algo que hay que analizar con muchísimo cuidado, sobre todo por las consecuencias negativas que esto puede ocasionar sobre el niño/a .

  106. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Los niños, de pequeños son como esponjas, son capaces de absorber rápidamente los conceptos, con mayor o menor fluidez, pero siempre recuerdan y asocian las cosas, por ello creo bastante acertado el hecho de enseñarlos desde pequeños, introduciéndolos en la lectura, para que cuando se vayan haciend más grandes, tengan un mejor manejo de ella y sepan afrontar con éxito su etapa escolar.
    Con respecto al tema de aburrise por leer, creo que si se les presenta esta acción de forma dinámica, en lugar de una obligación, el niño tomará ésta como tal, y le resultará divertido leer e ir percatándose de que cada vez lo hace mejor, animándose a seguir aprendiendo cada día.
    La lectura es primordial para el desarrollo intelectual y considero que «ordena» bastante las ideas, cuanto antes se empieze, mayor efectividad se obtiene.

  107. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión estoy de acuerdo, con Glenn Doman.
    El ser humano desde que nace ya está aprendiendo, se va desarrollando desde que está en el vientre de la madre, sabe diferenciar la voz de su madre del resto , hasta incluso cuando nace si se trata del idioma de la madre o de otro idioma, aunque no sea sus significado.
    Creo que las capacidades y habilidades del ser humano van más allá, si se fomenta desde los padres los niños menores de tres años si pueden llegar a leer, así como a esa edades empiezan a andar, hablar, etc. ¿Porque no iban a aprender a leer?, nada es imposible si con constancia se hace esa labor.
    Si es cierto que cada niño tiene sus propias capacidades y habilidades, pero si sus padres son quienes les enseñan y fomenta esta capacidad el niño logra a leer.
    Pienso que se dice que es a los tres años por hablar de una manera generalizada, pero no es del todo cierto.
    Con respecto l texto que dice que se aburrirían en las aulas, pienso que no es así, ¿porqué ha de aburrirse?, al contrario llevarían una base y la potenciaría en actividades que desempeñarían con mayor eficacia, aumentaría la compresión de los contenidos y comprensión de los mismo, y se desarrollaría su nivel intelectual superando los niveles sin dificultad.

  108. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Personalmente pienso que no hay que poner una edad mínima ni máxima para que un niño aprenda a leer y escribir, creo que desde muy pequeño hay que encaminarle hasta esta virtud.
    Cuando aprendemos una cosa de pequeño tenemos la habilidad de que no se nos olvida, es lo mismo que aprender a montar a bici, todos aprendemos de pequeño y aunque pasen años y años sin cogerla, nunca se nos olvida; con esto quiero decir que no solo se le debe de enseñar a leer y escribir sino que si se puede, instruirle otras habilidades.
    Tengo un hermano de 2 años y medio, ya tiene cuentos de Pocoyo, Pepa Pig… en sus manos, quiere saber lo que pone y siempre está detrás de ti para que le leas el cuento, se lo lees una vez y cuando se lo vuelves al día siguiente él ya se adelanta a ti y te dice que va a pasar; se supone que hasta los 5 o 6 años no debería de leer no? pues creo que no debería de ser así, y que en la guardería ya deberían de encaminar al niño al mundo de la gramática.

  109. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el niño/a no aprende a leer hasta que no es escolarizado, pero veo muy de acuerdo que si se le puede enseñar cosas antes, eso que estimula al niño/a.
    En mi caso, cuido a dos niños de 2 y 4 años, y yo, como niñera, al mayor le hago escribir como actividad didáctica y que me una las letras que conoces haciéndole así un reforzamiento de lo que aprende en el «cole» llegando a enseñarle cosas nuevas y felicitándome su madre por ello. La pequeña ya la tengo con palabras sueltas en inglés y observando todo lo que hace su hermano siendo su guía de referencia. Mediante puzles, construcciones, cuentos y juegos educativos pasamos tardes de risas y diversión. Una lectura fluida, a lo mejor no tendrán, pero lo poco que hacemos son conocimientos que se llevan y desarrollan antes de tiempo.

  110. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    Me parece absurdo, que se deba poner una edad mínima para que los niños aprendan a leer o a escribir, ya que creo estupendo que cuanto antes se pueda adquirir mucho mejor, más motivado se verá el niño o la niña a querer leer cuentos o escribir, y como bien se dice, no tiene porque ser tarea aburrida si realmente se enseña con ganas y haciéndolo de manera divertida para los niños.
    Y no solamente estas dos actividades, sino que muchas otras, las cuales veo bueno el hecho de aprenderlas cuando el niño esté capacitado sin tener que ponerle un límite o una edad para ello, siempre teniendo en cuenta que no todos los niños al igual que los adultos son iguales, y por lo tanto uno tardarán más y otros tardarán menos.

  111. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodríguez. dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este artículo. Pienso que un niño cuanto antes aprendar a leer a escribir, y lo básico de la gramática mucho mejor para el aprendizaje, conocimiento y el potencial académico del niño
    No entiendo como en sociedades como España, se empeñan a que los niños aprendan a leer y escribir a loas 5 o 6 años, y en el periodo de infantil se dediquen la mayor parte a taréas ludicas, y no a poner verdadero esfuerzo en el arte de leer y escribir.
    No sería una idea » descabellada» el que vieramos a un niño de 3 años con un cuento entre sus manos, pero el pensarlo puede causar comentarios de algunas personas tipo » Son demasiado chicos» pues yo le diría, que en ese periodo de años es cuando el niño absorbe a modo de » esponja» aprendizaje, y es ahi cuando se deberia de sacar lo máximo de el.
    Nadie se ha pensado el porque adolescentes de hoy día con 12,13 14 años e incluso mas, tienen graves problemas con la alfabetización? Faltas de ortografía? Expresión? Porque yo sinceramente le echo bastante culpa al sistema educativo, que no ha fomentado esta parte tan importante en nuestra vida como es el completo desarrollo del lenguaje, y sobre todo el leer y escribir.

  112. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    Comparto tu opinión, yo soy de las que piensa que mientras antes podamos empezar a leer libros mejor será para el desarrollo intelectual del niño/a. ¿Por qué esperar hasta los 5 o 6 años? El cerebro cuando más se desarrolla es en las primeras etapas de la vida, y es ahí cuando más fácil resulta el aprendizaje, por ello hay niños que desde pequeños les educan en dos idiomas, y son capaces de distinguir dichos idiomas. Por tanto, si hay niños bilingües desde pequeño, porque atrasar la lectura, yo aprendí a leer en parvulario, y gracias a eso fui una de las alumnas más aventajadas de la escuela, por ello pienso que sería productivo a la vez que eficaz introducir libros de lectura y motivar al niño en la enseñanza de la lectura.

  113. Antonio Cosmo Narvaez dice: Responder

    Como bien dice en el texto, «el saber no ocupa lugar» y más a esas edades donde los niños son como esponjas y absorben todo tipo de información. Lecturas adaptadas a edades temprana hacen del niño más completo y competente a la hora de iniciar sus estudios posteriores. La base con la que el niño entrará en la escuela será muy avanzada y esto le ayudará a superar las pruebas académicas con más facilidad. Además hacer que el niño comience con la lectura a estas edades incrementará el entusiasmo que tenga este después por la lectura y las ganas de aprender. También es cierto que con esas edades al niño le corresponden actividades mas naturales no tan centradas al aprendizaje, sino a pintar cantar o jugar con la arena, cosas propias de la naturaleza humana.

  114. María Luisa Muñoz Moronta dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que a los niños cuanto antes se le enseñe, no sólo a leer sino a todo, es mucho mejor.
    Al nacer tenemos mayor capacidad de adquirir las enseñanzas. De hecho recuerdo que yo empecé a leer a los cuatro años y, lejos de aburrirme en clase, me motivaba muchísimo porque tenía un afán de aprender mayor que los demás niños que se conformaban con aprender a leer en primero de primaria.
    El hecho de que a los niños se les enseñe a leer, escribir y a hablar en varios idiomas tempranamente facilita este aprendizaje. También me puedo poner de ejemplo aquí porque yo empecé con el inglés demasiado tarde para mi gusto (en primero de primaria) y a pesar de que se imparte el inglés en todos los cursos, me parece inútil repetir el temario hasta la saciedad porque no lo hemos adquirido bien (a pesar de eso tengo la acreditación B2 después de prepararme todo lo necesario en cinco meses). Sin embargo, si hubiéramos estado en contacto con el inglés desde pequeños sería mucho más fácil, que es lo que me pasa a mí con el francés.
    Buscando una solución para esto llego a la conclusión de que la culpa, aparte de los padres, la tienen los docentes porque es más sencillo impartir las clases conforme están dispuestas sin innovar. Me refiero a que si a los niños de tres años hubiera que enseñarle inglés sería más difícil para los docentes porque tendrían que adaptarse a los niños, buscar actividades nuevas…
    Resumiendo, aunque creo que es mucho mejor que los niños empiecen su camino en el aprendizaje lo antes posible, va a ser poco probable que se pueda cambiar este aspecto porque requiere de la participación de padres, docentes y la sociedad en general. Aún así yo intentaré poner mi granito de arena en los caminos del aprendizaje de los niños que me encuentre en mi camino de docente.

  115. Antoine Businaro dice: Responder

    From the education, i’m speaking about all basis of the education of the children will pass by this aspect : learning and speaking; but they have to develop this both things by themselves and then they will be help by school for example. I mean that at the beggining, their parents have to help them until 3 years old in order to develop his own oral language with his parents and with his family environment. Futhermore, before 3years old child have to learn other aspects instead of speaking like walking and developping is own language.
    Going to the school at this age (like in france), from me it’s necessary, just to focus his brain development on learn alphabet for example, making his own social friends and learning some essential basis. Step by step : at the beginning the alphabet, then few words learning before too, and then making sentences (but this learning process is doing too by the parents) and at the end adapt books for him.

  116. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I agree on this article. Although I also think that kids need to be kids and develop on their own rapidity. Society and parents doesn’t need to force this. You can read to your baby in a playful way.But everything will come in time when the child is ready for this. Every kid is special and teachers need to treat them as individuals. This is the biggest challenge in education. To stimulate the development of the smart kids but also the kids who are less smart.
    We need to draw the line at some point so kids can be kids and stop focusing on »evolution» and improvement.

  117. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    It is true that learning from an early age gives the best results. However, I am of the opinion that every child has its own pace of development and no matter how much we would like them to learn something before itanyway their adopts knowledge at the right time. It is clear that it is useful to motivate children to learn from an early age – this is very important but remember above all about the good of the child and its possibilities. Parents should be noted when the child is ready to learn to read, can prepare them step by step. A good parent can see when the child is ready to learn to read and when you still interested in just fun.

  118. Some people think we should start teaching how to read as soon as possible, others think the opposite, there is a real debate about that, I guess everywhere in the world. For me it doesn’t have to be the first thing a child has to learn. We have time later to read a lot of things. Because a child can’t make big conclusion with what he learns. It is not so important as a child. Maybe it’s even better having someone reading a story to a child. To me, everything comes at a time, reading is very important but other things have to be experienced first. Of course if a child start learning to read at home, he will be more comfortable after at school than it’s little friends. The fact that kids that learn to read earlier are more difficult to manipulate after isn’t true, I think you can make up your own thoughts even if you started to read later.
    The important thing is not to take anything as the absolute truth or granted, be rebel.

  119. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Of course, this is not right to force a child to learn to read and to write at a very small age. We do not want to make a homebrew wunderkind. Much more interesting question is: how to facilitate learning, reading and writing? Previously there were lots of educational books, coloring books, notebooks for writing. Nowadays teaching children is a highly interactive process (the form of a game). We have a lot of applications, gadgets and computers. With their help a chid learns to read and to write by playing games. And it is really effective, because a child is interested and motivated.

  120. The topic is very interesting in sense of different opinions concerning the age the children have to go to school and the age when one has to start to read. I think that it is a very individual question and depends on the fact whether the child is bright or not. Controversy is there as pupils should not be subjected to full classroom tuition until the age of six to off-set the effects of premature process of being adult. I went to school in my six, when it was even forbidden in my country to admit a child into school until the age of 7. Now, after 14 years passed, the education system has been “developed” and it is obligatory to go to school at age of 6. So, what has been changed? Just an acceleration of generation or the evolution in main principals of educational system of particular country? I know that many parents complain that the school program is very sophisticated and it often makes difficulties for their children. Comparing with the same problem in EU countries and in UK, the most British schoolchildren already start classes earlier than their peers in many other European nations. Children are normally expected to be in lessons by five, although most are enrolled in reception classes aged four. By my opinion the classification by age sometimes makes errors which in its turn may cause lifelong health problems for children.

  121. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I agree with teaching children skills early on in their life. I think reading is very important for children and its very educating for anybody to do a lot of reading. Everybody is different and I think children should be thought to read at an early age. However I dont think they should be forced to read, only if they want to. I think children are so intelligent and they are not given enough credit for what they can do. I think the earliest something new can be introduced into a childs life the easier it will be for them to learn. Although I do not think its a good idea to introduce children to too many new things at once. I believe the earlier a child can learn a life long skill the sooner it will begin there long journey of being educated.

  122. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    I do think that children should start to learn to read early, but I think that they should start when they are four, and not before. I worked a lot with kindergarten children for the four past years and it seems to me that at three years old, it is still important for them to develop their oral language. First thing to do at this age is to slowly get them use to a school environment, to focus and to begin to develop their social abilities.
    And then, at four, they could slowly learn to be attentive on what you are telling them and learn to read alphabet, and then few words, and after that little sentences. It is not that learning before three is useless, it is just that I believe that they have to develop personal skills before that.

  123. I believe that it is important that a child get the opportunity to be a child in their early age. It doesn’t mean that it should be «forbidden» to learn a child to read, instead give them the opportunity to learn at an early stage in combination with not trying to force the child growing up to quick. It is a thin line and it is important to know the difference between teaching children at their or your terms. Sometimes I think parents can get a bit too excited when it comes to teaching their child as much as possible and it goes from being a learning experience with good intentions into more of a enforced way of learning. As long as the child is in first place and the level of education is combined with play I think it is ok.

  124. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    If it’s really true, that between nine months and four years the ability to absorb information is unparalleled (which I believe it is) I am absolutely agree with the idea to teach children in that age to read. I believe it helps to brain’s development and make for children the base for later learning. The children don’t have to be forced to it, usually they like it too and the parents can choose for them their own tempo. My mother tought me to read when I was 4 or 5 years old.

    And a bit funny story about kid being bored at school, when he already can read : In the first grade at school, when we were supposed to read loud and I really wanted to show that I could read fluently, I was pretending I didn’t pay attention and did something else so the teacher could call on me to read. (that is a big confession, isn’t it :))

  125. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    The most important thing is to show the kids a lot of possibilities, because maybe we will see some talents which they can develop in the early age, what is very good for them, because, when you are the kid, and you are the specialist in some branch, it is awesome, because everyone think that you are the genius and they know that you have a of time in your life, so they want to invest his resources in you. It is doesnt matter which way it will be, but we need to give them a chance to develop their talents as soon that it is possible, because of their possible to absorb information in the early age. For example some kids are learning swimming when they are having just fiew months.

  126. Certainly children are learning to read and write at an early age, which I am in favour of. I also learned literacy at a very early age, at home not in school. My sister taught me when I was 4 and it has been contributd to a lot in my life. When I started school I already knew most things. I was trying to do everything differently. They were putting the book straight when i was trying to read upside down. I was a step ahead of the class and from time to time I was bored. For this reason, in my opinion, starting to teach 3 years old is not too unrealistic. If 3 year olds start learning they can accelerate the development of the brain which means that there is more time to learn, and perhaps learning new things becomes easier as an adult.
    I’m very positive about it, I hope this system will spread even further and one day come to Turkey. Because I think this is the earliest you can begin education in Turkey is five years, which is too late.

  127. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    In my opinion, teaching children to read at the age of three years is not good. I think that it is too early introduction of children into adult responsibilities. I believe that children of a certain age (about 6 years) achieve the same the so called MATURITY OF SCHOOL. This is the best age to the child will learn to read, count, etc. To me children aged three years more need love and warmth of parents than literacy and numeracy. Fun for the children at such a young age is more important than science. At this age, children should learn to personal hygiene and self-service rather than reading!!!!

  128. I think that children should begin learning as early as possible when it is possible.
    But according to me should start teaching the parents. Reading bedtime stories or herself learning to read by parents is very important. As a result, they refer to a very important contact, a bond not only emotional but also respect for the older and wiser. Science for young children is most desirable and necessary. Children through which the brain develops are able to memorize a lot of information in a very short time, they learn much faster than adults.
    Therefore, it is also important to help parents to develop the capacity of their children at a young age.

  129. People are propensity to learn new thing when they were born .Because they do not know this world and their environmental.Theref­ore they are so hungry to learn new thing and they are learning capacity is very high .In this time we can teach them what we want actually they are like a mirror they can show what they see .For example in Turkey students are going to kindergardens at 5.5 years .I mean they can learn writting and reading at 5.5 years butI dont think a child is under 5 years they cant learn writting and learning and also I would like to state about teaching children for writting and reading in school ; we should not give them lessons so intensive and so much because they can get bored very early and they dont want to learn much actually some students dont want to go school after a few years .

  130. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    In my opinion the earlier a child begins to learn the better. At the age of 3-4 years, you can begin to teach a child to read, just do it through the gameplay. You can start with games aimed at the development of attention, memory, thinking. And then proceed to the direct teaching of reading. Glen Doman proved that children aged 0 to 6 years are able to remember with lightning speed. So why should we wait? Parents should help their children get as much knowledge as possible, and I think childhood is the time when it can be done fast and fun.

  131. I must say, that I have started to be a fan of books about 5 years ago. And even the thirst for knowledge has come to when I was 15 or 16 years old. Until then whole school was only about obligatory homeworks, textbooks, test, etc. Nothing I really wanted to do, probably because I was forced to do all of this. I don´t think this is about age. It is about personalities and give the kids a bit more freedom. Dont forced them to read and what to read.. I am sure some kids would be excited about that but maybe some of them would prefered to draw something or start play piano or fipple flute. So I definitely agree to try start with reading earlier but not at the expense of killing the natural thirst for knowledge.

  132. I think that the earlier one begins to teach his child the better it is. Why not? I remember myself when my mother was teaching me to read I was 4 or 5 don’t remember now. It was really hard I think but I was not interested in it, that’s why it cost a little bit of my mothers nerves. But nowadays child can be teached to read at a child garden where people who knows the bases of children psychology can teach them to reading and even writing, and this is what every parent must try to do because it’s never early to learn.

  133. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    I’m for teaching babies to read as soon as it seems possible, if a child is interested why not. And as it’s been proved and lots of times mentioned that a kid is able to learn and memorize many times better than adult, why not use an opportunity to benefit a child a lot:to teach him as much as possible as far as a kid is not bored. And now when schools provide preschool classes for children, and if there is not a possibility for busy parents to teach their children on their own they always have an exit and can send children to these preparatory classes. And in this way, since everyone is able to read and may be even write in their first year at school, I think it’s a problem of curriculum organizers who’ll need to think about some slight changes during the first year of education.

  134. I also believe in the words of Glenn Doman and I also think that teaching reading to children has to take place between 9 months and three years. 
My father started to teach me reading when I was two years old. He tried to teach me reading out of some childbooks, which I always very enjoined. I always wanted to read and to read more, in contract by listening to stories that were read out of books, then I was pretty quick bored, I just wanted to read it by myself. 
Even though, I couldn’t read very well after a long practicing time. There was one book which my father often tried to teach me how to read it. A while later I told my grandmother that I could read already, when I was three years old, and that I wanted to show it to her. I started to read out of this childbook which I read many times before. She was impressed and she ask me to read something out of her books. I absolutely couldn’t do that and that was the moment that she noticed I just knew the whole book out of my head, because I’ve heard it so many times.
    So, I couldn’t read a whole book, but yet I could read some words and I could link the sounds of the words in what I think has improved my reading-skills.

  135. What a child should and can learn all depends on the child itself. I have worked with children with an iq of 80- the priority there is not to learn him mathmetics or languages but that it is important not to beat up another kid. Also i have worked with children who had an iq of 140+ for them the same almost happens that they should learn not to beat up other kids. Both groups have the same problem wich is frustration. The kid with a low iq is frustraded because he feels stupid ad he does not understand the work he has to do or is unable to make the painting the teacher askes him to. Conclusion of that is frustration and then it is better to just do nothing at all. For the kids with an high iq it is frustrating that the work they have to do is so easy that it gets boring so ofcource he gets frustrated and need something to fill up his boredom. Therefore teachers have to work with every kid as a individualist and give thtm the work they can handle without boredom.

  136. Positive aspects of early childhood education, I believe it is . For example, everybody want to look like her child to him , this is a wrong attitude . This is because the parents had not received an education in healthy and informed. So it’s an uninformed child is away from parents sooner it better for his education . Child’s education we are talking about here, of course only the child’s emotional development subject to a condition that is linked to the family . For example, literacy can be taught by parents at an early age or die in their first language can learn different languages ​​. As a result child’s check the time that is linked to is not something , because every child’s learning years or duration may be different in this regard child for a certain period of time to subject is very wrong. School time each studentS for must be distinct , sometimes reading to write one year some 6 months you can check . The earlier children learn to be interested in other areas . Late check the child for a longer period of time families should spend their time with their children because students learn first things before with their families . In this way you can avoid the child from the school bored .

  137. Of course learning begins in early ages and I support simple forms for learning to read and to write in early ages. But one have to consider that childs can also be overcharged. The learning in early ages have to be appropriate for the child and fitted on the age and learning level. I think its the wrong way to determine on the future of the child, so that it can be successfull in future but is under pressure right now.
    Since Rousseau is considered as the inventor of the childhood and has written with «Emile» one of the first child fitted educational program, I thought education and pedagogy knows that learning has to be fitted on the subject. But I think there is a disturbing development especially in privatschooling, namely to prepare children to compete in economy, but blinds totaly out, that childs have to have a childhood!
    In my opinion it is the best to link playing and learning for children and never ever put them under pressure!

  138. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    We don’t have to or haven’t to. The several idea to answer to this debate is the « freedom » of children. We have to give them the posibility to express their own aspiration. To do that we have to offer them a lot of activities (culturals, artistics, ludics…)
    In one hand, doesn’t permit children to learn that in early age it’s like deprive them of something.
    In the other hand, let children learn in early age doesn’t mean force the children to learn.
    It’s something that we have to understand, what wants the child. Understand the child is one of the most important and difficult skill that the teacher has to have.
    (In the early age) if we don’t teach child who wants, it’s bad. And if we teach to child doesn’t want, it’s bad. Moreover it’s harder to learn when you don’t really want to.

  139. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Children have critical periods for learning. Pre-school is a critical period for learning to read. If pre-school education is good, child learn easier. pre-school education has studied child’s learn faster than same-age. Because in that period child brain get information more quickly. The training at an early age provide to have a brighter future. We should teach child in the most productive age of the child to learn.
    I never think about teaching babies ti read and I didn’t know that that untill now. I know that the first years of life babies brain develop and that they are learning very quick in the time.. Idea of learning babies reading is interesting it is spontaniously and if the child is not forced in this way. I still think that the kids know what they want to do and it is not right to force them to learn reading if they do not want. Hayat boyu öğrenme günümüzde çok önemli ve biz günümüzde tüm gelişimini görebilirsiniz .

  140. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    Of course – agree with the statement that children can learn to read already from the age of three years. I know the children of my friends which already from an early age were doing really amazing things. I heard about the school in whose formation from 3 years old child learns English language and Spanish. From 4 years of French and Italian and from five years of -the Chinese and this is getting out of children experience physical and chemical! Yes it is true! Formed such projects. However, I’d like to ask in this place – WHY? Is someone of us were forced to learn in such a young age? I believe that children should have a childhood. Of course – you can instill the simplest knowledge but were let children be children but not cyborgs!

  141. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    I think that one should always consider the child’s owns wishes and interests and build on these. But to make this work, you should always offer the child the knowledge and maybe arouse an interest to the reading if it does not occur by itself. But with that said, I can not say that i can see any drawbacks to let the children learn to read at an early age, but I think this can only appear in the child’s favor when they start school. The only difference is that the teacher has to be more responsive on how much each child can read, and then adapt the teaching so that each child can develop their reading and keep their interest to it alive. It is not so important what types of books the children want’s to read, the important thing is that they do read, and that they still like to read. If they are not allowed to read what they want, there is a big risk that they loose the interest in reading completely, and that is something we really have to avoid.

  142. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    I find it difficult to speak about this subject, because I have no any major contact with young children, but I think it depends on each child individually, as well as from the family where he grow up. Anyway, I believe that a child should have prior knowledge of reading before children begin school.The main thing – not to complicate anything. Teaching your child the letter should not be seen as something of a burden. It should be a pleasure, and easy paddling. It’s important to learn to read the object and to see joy in the face of learning to read and not as a task but as an great adventure for the child.

  143. It is true that children, especially in young age, are very curios and absorb everything that is happening around them. Of course i agree that they should be supported in their curiosity and desire to explore and learn about the world around them. If a child wishes to know about something or wishes to learn something, it should always be encouraged!
    But I’m afraid that the good will of educating and helping the children can lead to an overload for the children. If they want to learn something motivated from themselves, it is necessary to teach them but I don’t think 2 or three year old children should have to go to lessons or do homework. They should be allowed to just be a child and play and use their childhood. They start to study soon enough. I’m not against early childhood education in general, for example I really like the idea of bilingual kindergartens, where the kindergarten teacher speak in two languages to the kids or even just in one foreign language. In this way the children can learn a new language while playing and don’t need to study hard.
    In general I have the feeling that society thinks more and more that people have to learn more and more in a shorter and shorter time, so they finish their school or university earlier and start to work earlier. In this way they can earn money earlier and start to climb the career ladder as fast as possible. I don’t believe in this really profit-orientated way of thinking about education or life in general.

  144. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    For young kids reading is not an interesting game, and for example making fun of something is really enjoyable for them. So you should make reading process interesting and fun for them. Off course, it‘s not easy to make that. Long time ago I heard a quote, but in lithuanian, I‘ll try to translate it: Little kids are like sponges, they‘re absorbing everything from the environment, and parents should make that environment clean. I think this quote is similar to Glenn Doman thoughts, because parents should prepare kids for their lives, and avoid any negative thing which are apears in their environment. Reading is one of the most important part which that „sponge“ should absorb in full ability.

  145. Learning lasts for the whole life and never ends. It should start as early as possible. Parents should be able to notice if their child is ready to obtain such skills as reading and writing. It is kind of indywidual matter. Sooner the better. Children in the age of three, four, five years are so willing to get more knowledge that nothing should stop them! It is a time of big curiosity of everything.. and also fast memorize and big potential. Everything that children can learn in an early age has a foundational value for the future. Parents should never discourage and impose their negative approach to early education because the same will feel their child. The approach how to work with the child is so important. Learning should happen together with fun. What I have observed is how happy my four years brother is after learning something new. He constantly ask me how to write something and how to read. He always sends me messages by internet which don’t have any meaning like dhjgoauoaghg but he wish he could write more and more and this is a desire to learn which cannot be ignore. Nobody likes to live in unconscious, so why child should?

  146. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    I really liked this quote: “The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold”, Glenn Doman. This quote shows that the earlier you start to learn, the more you know. In this case, the other quote about teaching kids from the early childhood is true. Also I agree with that parents should teach their children as soon as possible because in the childhood the kids are very curious and are able to learn quickly. The parents should not limit their kids. In other case, when they are growing they will feel that they are suspended and do not be so eager to learn. When I was a little child, I did not want to go to kindergarden anymore because my older brother started to go to school. I also wanted to go to school so I started to learn the alphabet. By doing this, when I was 5 years old, I was able to read the books. So the next year I was started to go to the school. I was just 6 years old and I was the youngest child in my classroom. But I was very eager to know new things and I always wanted to go to the school. It shows that if child wants something, the parents should not be stopping him. It is better to encourage to grow and to do the best.

  147. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    This is a really good question. I have already heard before the opinion that people are the most capable to learn during the first years of their lives. And I agree with that. In Poland nowadays we face quite ridiculous situation… Now the compulsory education starts for children in the age of 7, however, the government wants to change it for the age of 6. They’ve been trying to make this change for 2 or 3 years but still it’s impossible because of protesting parents who say it will harm their children. It’s stupid. Development of the child is the investment in his/her future. If it’s easier to learn something when children are small why not use it? We often think that teaching will take the childhood away, but I think learning new things, like reading for example, is attractive for children. They want to develop and it comes easily to them. I know my friends daughter, who was sent to the englishspeaking kindergarten in the age of 3. Firstly I was shocked but now I can see it was the best decision their parents could make for her. She is 6 years old now and she speaks better english than me, she is bilingual. And what is more she is happy about that. She likes to speak english with people, she is more open and self-confident. For me, early education is a really good thing.

  148. I don’t believe learning has an age limit to it. Each child show a different readiness to learn the skill. I think the best age is when they are interested and eager. Parents play a critical role in developing child’s potential. They should read to children from the beginning…and when they show interest, parents should teach them reading and writing through play. Interesting books and simple word games will help them to learn letters, words and develop their language and imagination. They should teach a child to read with love and without pressure.
    Not all kids are ready to learn to read at the same time.

  149. I agree that desire to learn is at a young age. It seems bizarre to me that we would not take full advantage of this. A child this young has a mind like a sponge they are able to absorb the most information. If we leave it any later they will lose interest and may not give a hundred percent. They enjoy learning new things at this age so why not teach them it would make it easier for both the child and the teacher. It will allow them to develop skills at young age so that once they are older they can move on with more developed skills.

  150. I agree with the statement made by Glenn Doman. I think that at a young age, before even starting school, children are not only able to learn but are interested in doing so. They have a genuine desire to learn. Personally, I can’t see any disadvantage to children learning how to read before starting school. I think the longer they have to develop this skill, the more comfortable and confident they will feel with their level of this skill in school. Also, I think the earlier they’re introduced to reading, the more likely they are to hold an interest in reading as they grow older. However,I don’t think children should be forced to read before entering school, I think they should simply be introduced to it. This way they have the freedom to develop this skill as they wish before they start school.

  151. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    What do we do between nine months and four years-old? For starters, we usually don’t go to school before the age of three. The year left is dedicated to the first year in nursury school, in which nobody is being taught how to read and write. On the other hand, at this age, we play, we try to understand the world by interacting with poeple, listening to people or touching things… Every single one of us has tried to do so: we have all used our free minds to solve many of those mysteries and emphasize our creativity.
    Yet, there are scientific proofs explaining that there is period in which pupils can massively absorb information, more than in any other period of their life. Glenn Doman’s works and jean Piaget’s Critical Period Hypothesis clearly highlight that.
    I totally agree with the thesis of the text, provided:
    – Firstly, I think reading and writing learning must be a didactic play. Pupils shouldn’t feel they have to comply with compulsory rules, for their creative and free young minds to remain unharmed.
    – Secondly, Learning how to read & write should only stick in the scholar field, otherwise the first year in primary school (maybe the most important one) is likely to present a huge palette of unequal levels.

  152. As Glenn Doman said, the desire to learn is the highest in a young age. I think it is stupid to restrict the ability to read to a special age. We should promote someones abilities when they are interested, and not when they are a special age. As for now, scientists and experts are still fighting about what is the best age to start reading and if there will be any future advantages. The statement that it is bad to start reading before school because kids will get bored is a really poor statement. I think teachers should do everything, especially in elementary school, against kids getting bored. In that age kids have a huge potential and we should support that in every possible way. Also I think the biggest advantage of starting to read at a young age is the benefits kids will get out of this for their future life. They brain will be stimulated more and this can lead to a better development, which can be a huge advantage for the further life of everybody. Although scientists can not confirm this yet and opinions of experts vary, why not try. What can you lose?!

  153. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    I would like to ask qouestion- why not to teach children reading in early ages? This is the real qouestion. Because what children loose if he, she can read in very early age, nothing. Only win, and that`s affect also children future, how children can take things, studies, if children will be teached studie all life, included childhood then children can easly take studies in next living ages. Of course i think, there is many things that can wait to teach in early ages, because we can`t teach to little children all together, but reading is that thing that we can teach to children in early ages, because children speak and while they speak we can teach how we can read something. And ontoher reason why to teach to childrean in early ages reading is that in 3 – 6 year old children is more opened to learning. They all the time want to knew something new, they realy want to learn, of course in differetn way, in games and so on. And maybe there will be not years that children will wanted learn so much in all life, like in these years. So we have to give as much as possible we can give to them, we can show to children that learn something is fun and interesting, like reading. When little children can read, he can byhimself read all that wonderful stories that children like and live that imaginary world and children will enjoy that so much. If little children can learn to read- than why we can not to teach them?

  154. Generally school starting age is 6 most of countries. Absolutely, before this kindergarten or nursery school. This is a very complicated issue. It depends on the persons mental ages, not their chronological ages. For example two children of the same age, but their brains level can be different from each other. They should discriminate visiual and auditory something for reading and listening. Children should reach «a certain level of maturity for early reading» and should desire to this. Also development programs or exercises for them and their individual characteristics are effective to this «certain level». Main topic is not teaching at early age. Main topic is, firstly developing education programs, and then provide opportunities for childrens physically, mentally and emotionally developing. I am not against to education at an early age. But it musn’t be boring and exaggerated ! Like group or individuals games, art, music,painting, reading poem and story… Of course , useful and necessary for their future life , but we shouldn’t forget this ! they are still child. First of all, they need spend time with parents.. 🙂

  155. Most of our teachers teaching it as a familiar sense of cause of action.
    our students ,a human and As a student, perhaps they have a common feature is that they are unique.Children of different size, shape, color, gender and personality as opposed to our own interests.They all have different preferences, interests, learning types, ability levels, stages of development, history, strengths and weaknesses are.We must accept that .. «All students have a natural capacity to learn.»All of them feel safe in the classroom and there are requirements to taste success.Again, all of them self, to feel valued, there is a need to be loved and accepted.all I know 3 – 6 years period children’s intellectual, emotional and social development is the most important period.Primarily as a feature of the development of children to socialize with other children need to be together are required.therefore described children will learn many things have a mental structure.

  156. This is really good idea to teach children reading from the begining of their life. I heard that childrens learn almost everything faster and better in the early age. They will be better prepared for future life as they train their skill longer. They learn easier than us so we can help them and teach usefull skill. If we will start from the early age we can teach them way more things. Also we need to remember to teach them in a funny way, in a entertaining way, so they will learn faster than a regular way of teaching. I really agree with Glenn. I always say to my friend (who have kids) that they should teach them as many usefull skill as they can. I know that kids will be glad for that in the future.

  157. I think this article is so interesting that I haven’t thought it before . I think that learning reading and writing is so dangerous for children because they can get bored because they will start to read very early and they will study for a long time so I think they shouldnt start to learn reading and writting very early or ıf they learn it we should open another class for them because ıf some students can write and read well and some stduents cant read and write yet I think it is the biggest problem in education because who knows to read and write they will be bored and they wants to learn new things and we will stop them to learn new things and also who can read and write they will effect another students learning so I think ıf some students can learn reading and writting early we should let them to learn but then we should open another class for them but ıf some students dont want to learn before 7 years old also we shoudl let them to learn reading and writting after 7 years old I think education should be flexible because all people are different.

  158. I think is really good idea to teach kids read from the youngest age.
    I’m not the expert in this area but i think that for some kids could be too early to start to learn reading, sometimes they are not able to talk yet…of course if they have potencial to read in such young age is for sure good for them.
    In my opinion teaching should be based on the games.We should propose to our kind creative, and developing games and learn by playing.We cannot forget that they are still very small and the most important thing is fun!! The best way is to connect this two things together.

  159. I believe, children have to be taught reading as soon as possible. Parents should read them stories to encourage their imagination, memories for words and reading. As I know, children like to listen or read funny stories about youngsters, animals and may be some of them about planetary system. Learning how to read and write is the first and of course the most difficult stage of educational system for children. I remember when I was in pre-primary school I didn’t want to read because it was too difficult for me and also too boring. But my mother insisted. She gave me books with funny pictures and first we were talked about this and later she encouraged me to read. So I think, if children are bored while reading, we have to show them funny ways and use imagination, think how to make reading interesting that children will show the interest when they want. In my opinion our job as teachers/ parents and other workers is providing possibilities.

  160. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    I’ve heard about this issue some time ago. I belive that’s true that kids between that age are the most absorbent for knowledge. In Poland we had huge debate about lowering the age of children in primary schools. The biggest disadventage was that it will be end of childhood. In my opinion important is to provide them learning through play. Teachers/parents shuld use that young brains are like «vacuum cleaner» in this age and teach them as much as it’s possible but only if they know that children have joy from it.

  161. Partially I agree with this article and with the comment of Glenn Doman. Personally I read a lot of articles about the pre-school learning and its successes. I just think that if the child does wont to learn we shoud not to prevent him from an acquire new informations. And than is just up to the teacher how will deal with this. But the child should not be bored in the class even if he knows more than the others. I think if the teacher has some creativity it is possible to entertain even a child who already can read and write.
    But i think that the children should not be forced into some «higher» learning in the preschool. We can just give them some possibilities or offers and then let them to decide.

  162. Pre-school education is very important in education levels. For example, pre-school education is like the foundation of a building. If foundation of building is how strong, building will be strong so much. Children learn a lot of things between 0-7 years for the their daily lives.( eating, toilet training, walking, talking, etc..) But children can make all of these after they have a certain maturity. This case is also valid for reading and writing training. If students can hold the pen, he can write. Yes, early education is very important however we must be careful about children can do what and when. Children can have problems that can not be repaired if we must not be careful about childrens and we force children. Foreign language education should be at an early age. I absolutely agree. According to an article I read beforehand, even if children is unborn, they can heard every thing. Early language training will provide to familiarity on children. And it is a very good foundation for language learning.

  163. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    Initially, I’m not agree school education start early ages. There is a dilemma. Some part for early ages for education. Conversely, I mean in childhood family education is necessarily. For example in 3 age is so early and it is not necesary to start academic information. This level of ages involve to creativity, development of brain, sense to environment. And this part must be learned with family guide. I would like to tell about my experience. In Turkey primary school age was start at 7, when I was child. Today primary school age is 5 and 6. And I was start at 6. I think even a year is so important. Because you have different perception. You feel you are not ready for school. I learned literacy harder than my classmates. As a result, In my oppinion, school life is a long time so not need to start early. After a time child can be boring. family education with playfull more effective learning at childhood. You can be create building blocks for future with smart starting.

  164. I agree with this article, I think that children need to learn to read and write as soon as possible. Little children are easier to learn something new because for him it is very interesting. I have little sister right now she is 7 years old. I started to teach her to read and write since she had 5 years old. I wanted to help her understand all these things more faster. My opinion is that children need to be prepared before starting to go to school. Little children do not know a lot of things and that is why we can teach them to do things correctly right way. Also foreign language is easier to teach young children. That is why in families where are using two languages they teach children to speak in both of them since the first year.

  165. I agree with this article that children should be taught to read at the earliest age possible. Even if they are not reading themselves, it is always encouraged that the parents should read stories to the children, which not only improves their reading but also their imagination. If studies have found that children in classrooms are bored by reading, then (like the article says) what teacher would allow their students to be bored? Many stories and reading activities can be taught in many fun ways. It should be obvious that literate children are more likely to succeed within their careers and social lives than illiterate children.

  166. I agree with the opinion that children should start to learn how to read at an early age. I myself learned how to read when I was 3 years old, and my teacher was my older sister who was 7 years old at the time. We just played “school” at home every day, and every day she taught me everything she has been taught in school that day. So when I started to go to school I already knew how to read, write, basics of the math (count, multiply etc.) and even some words in English. And as it was mentioned in this article I was bored in most of my classes till the third grade, because I already knew everything and the teacher almost never gave much attention to me, because as she said – you already know everything.
    In Latvia pre-school is obligatory from 5 years old, and I suppose that in other countries in Europe there’s no big difference. This should change, because as Glenn Doman said – children learn the best at a very young age, they are like sponges soaking up information. If children at age of 3 or 4 learn the things they usually would learn at age of 7, then they could learn everything faster and maybe even better. This combined with new technologies and the best teaching methods (project-learning, group-work, games etc.) could lead to great things and maybe even help to solve the lack of creativity problem.

  167. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    Education of preschool eases to passing of stage from play a game to writing and reading. Children can draw every information that the brains of children from fresh. So; some skills are easier to develop at an early age. Parents and teacher most important person for child development.
    In Turkey preschool period starts to 5 age and preschool is not obligatory. Reading and writing period starts to 7 age. But I belive to give better results to them, when children start school at an early age. Education system different in Spain. I am not sure but I think the students start of school 3 age in here. This situation is very good. I wish the same in Turkey. Because; I think children should begin to reading than at an early age. In this way, not so difficult to learn a few languages.

  168. This article is really a good choice because we can talk a lot of things about this topic.I started school at an early age by my peers. It was not difficult for me, but all my other friends were older than me and I was always the smallest of the class.A situation that’s like annoying but we speak change to the system to all schools and all children to start school early. Learning how to read and write is the first and most difficult stage of one’s educational life. Therefore, it is of great importance to act in accordance with scientific rules in this stage for a child’s future education. Significant differences are observed between new and older approaches to learning literate for children.Primarily we need an organized system.Curriculum should be ready for this system. A study was done on this topic. Today’s brain studies reveal that infants need to be prepared for literacy starting from birth; that they should be taught to read and write at the ages of 4-5; and that the age of 7 is too late for literacy education. It has been observed that early literacy education plays a determining role in a child’s development and achievement. As a result,in my opinion ,three years earlier, but a bit beyond is ideal.

  169. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Education has always been contradictory, i mean for example everybody is saying that the younger you start learning a language the better it is. Why can’t it be the same for alphabetization ???

    If studies are showing that children can start even to recognize a word and read it with one year old, why should he wait until being 6 before being taught how to read and write? the sentence at the beginning resume totally my way of thinking “The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold”, Glenn Doman.

    The earlier you masterize the ability to write and read the sooner you can start to learn anything else.
    Why can some babies can speak 2-3 foreign languages and should wait to learn how to read ? something deserves to be studied and changed right now in order to improve the educative system

  170. While reading this I’ve started to think about the development of human brains. It’s so interesting that the number of neurons and the number of new connections between them is actually the biggest in our first 3 years of life and then with each day the number of unconnected neurons quickly decay which is just the opposite with our physical growth and development of motorical skills. Probably this interesting twist is the reason why we needed so much time to figured out that the preschool education is actually the most important education in the whole life of a developing human being. I love the expression «learning vacuum» used by Mr. Glen Doman, because I think it really express what the child in the first years of life need that he can build good predispositions for his future learning and growth. However, I’m at the same time asking myself how we can create this «vacuum»? How to create the environment that can offer a child a diverse, useful and unlimited information that he can absorb? What kind of didactically processes should we use that we really make good use of the young brain abilities?
    Furthermore, I agree with the article that one of the essential things (what the child should learn as soon as possible) is the language, more than just words, the way how to really understand and use it (this include reading and writing). Like you put down in the article, the language has huge importance in the life of a human, because it’s the tool for understanding and expressing our inner world, for communication and connection with the the world around us and at the end a tool which helps us to present ourselves, stay after our believes and don’t let that others manipulate with us.

  171. Children takes information very early and without problems, because they did not have previous experience, in my opinion, we should teach to learn as fast as possible, but when children would like to do this. If for child has an interest to learn something, we cant forbid them to learn it, because later there is possibility that they won’t learn. It depends on parents too, if they in their childhood where able to learn and have now a time to teach something – then there did not need to be a problem. I agree that if we teach something it will be good in the future and it is better that give to child the computer in babyhood, but in nowadays parents are so busy, but this is the reason why they lead their children to the kindergarten or let them stay with the babysitter, which have time for them. In nowadays technologies have bigger role than for books, but, if we get an interest, than we can go step by step. Develop some skills in early ages means that children easily will do these skills later. One of the problem in nowadays is illiteracy, but we should think about it and find an interesting way how to solve this problem, one of this way is learning through games. Family and teacher is the most important person for childrens’ development.

  172. I think if a child is really interested in books and reading in general – why should one stop them. Interest should be supported. I don’t think you should start at a particular age to read to them but do it as early as possible as long as the child enjoys it and therefore the child can adapt even more to the new language. The only problem I see is that if the child comes to school and isalready able to read it may get bored and is not interested in school or going to school and connects boredom to school. On the other hand you cannot force parents to teach or children to learn reading before they are going to school.

  173. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    Children are linguistic geniuses – I have already known it ! I remember my friend from the kindergarten, he was only four years old, but while playing he was reading us rules of some board game. It was amazing.
    Another experience that I have is a case of a Polish- Italian marriage in my family. They have a daughter and from the very beginning both of them were talking to her in their native language. Now the girl is twelve and she speaks fluently both Polish and Italian language.
    I think that every bilingual children is grateful to his or her parents for this. I’m sure, that in the future I will learn my children not only one, but two languages.
    In my opinion everyone should use this potential, undoubtedly.

  174. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    It makes no sense to me as to why a child should have an age restriction as regards to when they should start to learn anything, not to mention learning how to read- one of the most fundamental and important skills an individual should possess in their lifetime. Why put learning boundaries on to anything? If the optimum period to learn a language in between the ages of 9 months- 4 years old, as Glenn Doman suggests, then why would this stage or “miracle” not be made the most of? I completely agree with Doman that indeed for a baby to learn a language with such fluency at such a young age is indeed a miracle and it should be appreciated as so, as it becomes such a greater challenge later on in life. The process of learning through association is extremely significant in the learning of a language, both orally and visually. A person sees or hears a word and associates it to an object or an action and through making links and associations with prior knowledge and experiences the individual comes to an understanding as to the meaning of a word. Through practice and association, the person creates a context for the word and can relate to other words to make a sentence. I believe that the more literary learning a child can gain from as early as possible is an invaluable tool in creating a more stable basis for learning in the future.

  175. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    Measurable and relatively permanent change in behavior through experience, instruction or study. There are two components to the definition of Learning: Learning is a process, not a product.
    Learning is a change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviors or attitudes. If we look to learning definition and component ,we see that the feature ,experience and repetition. As a result of repetition and experience occur learning. Namely as a result of repetition and experience. It can reading or writing to young children or babies. Because the young children and babies are curious and they create different repetition and experience continuous. Also in my opinion the teaching at on early age is more efficient. In the first years of life is fastly brain development. According to this the young children’s perceptions are higher,their learned knowledges more permanent. We can say that Gleen Doman’s method is very right and as a result of a lots of research had prove. For example the english teaching had done by age on some school. The ages ranges had determined;3-7, 8-10, 11-15, 17-39 and age range highest ones had taken low score. As a result to begin at an early age to teaching isn’t a wrong way, it is begining a right. We can support with kind tools and equipment.

  176. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    Cierto es que los niños deberían de comenzar a leer un poco antes de lo que los enseñan hoy día pero en mi opinión no antes de los tres años ya que a esta edad hay muchos que ni hablan con fluidez ni comprenden lo que les dices, ¿entonces de que vale que un niño de tres años sepa leer una frase si no entiende lo que esta leyendo? Yo pienso que los niños en sus primeros años de colegio deben de relacionarse con sus demás compañeros, jugar y divertirse e ir enseñándoles poco a poco y teniendo en cuenta las capacidades de cada uno ya que no todos van evolucionando al mismo tiempo.

  177. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que los niños deben aprender a leer a edades tempranas ya que así se aprende mejor y tendrán mas facilidad a la hora de estudiar y aprender porque es una cosas que se está practicando desde pequeño, pero no por ello pienso antes de los tres años se deba aprender a leer a un niño, pues cada edad tiene una característica y con los tres años lo que un niño debe hacer es aprender colores, colorear, contar y sobre todo jugar con los demás niños para comenzar su proceso de socialización. Los niños de hoy en día con 6 o 7 años prácticamente no tienen tiempo para jugar, solo tienen tiempo de estudiar y hacer deberes, y esa edad cada vez va disminuyendo mas, por eso no estoy a favor de que los niños empiecen mas temprano leer de la que ya aprenden, puesto que los niños son niños y como ellos deben de tener tiempo para jugar.

  178. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    At the age of 4 years, children haven’t yet developed their reading skills. A parent or a techer, even when reading a story from a book, are trying to enliven the text by describing the pictures. Usually, it takes some time for children to understand the role of the text in telling a story. The pictures are the easiest kind of symbolization of the text and serve as a preliminary stage for the child to understand the whole concept of «symbol» which can represent a number of facts.
    Telling stories from books is the first big step. Since children tell the stories in the book interpreting the symbolic «images», a series of different ambilities begin to grow, which are essential for interpretation.
    In contrast, there is another theory. «The learning knowledge provided to children before the age of 6 may cause serious problems in the smooth adjustment to school», supports the largest exhibition for the primary education for the last 40 years that was conducted by the University of Cambridge.
    So, what we really need to do as parents and teachers? In my opinion, I think that the best way is not only to «bombard» children with so much knowledge, only with the basics and try to develop other skills too, such as the arts.

  179. During the early years of childhood children learn all the basics for life – how to talk, how to move, how to act in different situations. They have so much things to learn and they are happy to do it. If parents can make learning to read as an exciting process, then I totally support reading in early age. But it is important to remember the things which was said in the video – large, clear and repeated. If it is made interesting for the child and he is excited to learn it, then it is the best time and way to do it. But if there are normal books with many words which ar small and doesn’t repeat, that it can be like a torture for a child who wants to move, who wants to go and play. I think in early childhood parents can make the opinion about learning – is it fun and exciting or is it a torture with many rules and without fun. And it can influence the first years of school for children. To make him want to go to school and be excited about it or total opposite opinion about it.

  180. «Babies are linguistic geniuses». Glenn Doman said so and how did he dare saying so? Well, he gave us examples of why children aged from nine months to four year old can be considered geniuses when it comes to learning. The idea is that babies learn through daily life new words, they absorb information the same way a sponge does with water and that’s thanks to the people and means of communication around closest to them. Be it a television set with commercials or family, the key to learning, according to G. Doman, is to address your children in a loud, clear and repeated way and he’s not saying you have to shout or be mad at all times but simply keep talking with your child in the clearest way possible (not the way you would with a grown-up) and as much as possible. From eye to brain or ear to brain, there is a need to make things loud or large that is to say, the most comprehensible possible to the means of reception in question. And we all definitely can attest to the fact that we all learned our mother tongues without even really knowing how it happened, it certainly didn’t feel the same as when we tried learning a foreign language. When people ask me or usually ask someone how can they speak their mother tongue so easily when considering how hard it is for us to learn it, well usually there is never an immediate answer to that question apart from the fact that since we were born there, we obviously speak the language. I think that answer that really isn’t one is proof enough that as babies we naturally learn how to speak the language of the place we were born in among other things and can indeed be considered geniuses since that fact is common to absolutely everyone.

  181. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    In my opinion this is a good thing to teach children to read before starting school age such as Lithuania in school children are taken from 6 years old, but before they can go to a nursery schools where there is also a little by little teaching reading. But it seems to me that not only need to teach children to read, as well as to start teaching music or art that it is better to develop children’s imagination and independence. Because it seems to me it is better to teach the children to music, reading, etc. than sitting at a computer or iPhone.

  182. Trabajaba como un lector de inglés en cuatros jardínes de infantes y puedo referir, que el tiempo para enseñar a los niños a leer es muy individual. Si, ahora se empieza en primera clase de los instituos, aunque muchos niños son capaz de leer en cuarto año de su vida! Realmente tenía como un alumno un chico muy jóven de cuatros años y el ya sabía reconocer las letras y palábras.
    Por otra parte he enseñado algunos niños de 7 años que tenían aplazamiento de la educacia primaria y no sabían casi como se ase un lápiz de color.
    Los niños tienen muchas facilidades para aprender, además ya existen muchas escuelas preescolares, en general en la República Checa durante veranos, que sirven para desarollar las facilidades de los niños y les prepararan para primeros pasos en escuela, incluso leer.

  183. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    In Turkiye children start studying at the age of 6. I used to believe that this age is convenient. I used to think that the older children start school the better it is. When did internship in a schhol in Spain, I understood that children can learn literacy and start school at early ages. In Spain children start school at the age of 3. Here 3 years old is like nursery school. In Turkiye there are day care centers that 3 year old children can attend but it is not compulsory. The families who want send their children at the age of 3. In Turkiye nursery school starts at the age of 4 – 5. Now my mind changed. Now I think children can learn literacy early. This is even better for them.

  184. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, estoy de acuerdo con este artículo. Pienso que los niños/as deberian de enseñarles a leer en una edad mas temprana de la que le enseñan,aunque con eso no quiero decir que le enseñen a leer antes de los tres años, ya que todos los niños deberian de tener un tiempo para aprender nuevas cosas y conocimientos. Creo que a los niños/as deberian de meterles la lecturas y aprender a leer en su periodo infantil, es decir en preescolar.aunque en infantil le enseñan algo( ma-ma, pa-pa, etc).
    Para finalizar, siempre hay que tener en cuenta, que no todos los niños/as no son iguales, cada niño adquiere de form diferente los conocimientos que les enseñan, ya que unos pueden ser mas «inmaduros» que otros, por eso no todos empiezan a leer al mismo tiempo.

  185. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Me parece interesante que los niños empiecen a leer a edades tempranas, pues con el paso de los años esto les proporcionara un bagaje bastanto amplio a la hora de leer. pero claro no solo en la lectura, sino que tambien les va a proporcionar un amplio vocabulario y un alto nivel de compresion a lo largo de su vida en la lectura. pues contra antes se inicien en la lectura mayor control tendran sobre ella. pero no dejo de reconocer que no todos los niños estan igual de capacitados para la adquisicion de conocimientos encaminados a la lectura a edades muy temprana como podria ser la de los tres años, e incluso con alguno años mas tampoco estan preparados para la lectura. asi pues considero que se debe de ir modificando los metodos utilizados para el aprendizaje, en funcion de los requerimientos de los alumnos en cuestion.

  186. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, en cuanto al comentario dicho en el artículo, los niños deben de empezar a leer con edad temprana, cuanto antes empiezen mejor, ya que será un hecho positivo a la hora de su aprendizaje. Es importante, observar el nivel del niño ya que todos los niños no se desarrollan de la misma manera, pero el aprender a leer desde pequeñito en un futuro es favorable ya que va relacionandose con las palabras, la escritura, la lectura, etc. Creo que los niños antes de llegar a primaria, deberían de manejar la lectura,unos más y otros menos segun lo desarrollado que se encuentren, pero que la mayoría se defendiera en cuanto a la hora de leer. No todos los niños estan obligado a saber leer antes de los tres años, pero por lo menos a tener algo aprendido, ya que en un futuro la mayoría de ellos lo verán como un hecho favorable.

  187. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Dado que no todos los niños progresan ni se desarrollan al mismo tiempo entiendo que el momento de aprender a leer va a variar.
    Por otro lado para que un niño comience a leer tiene que ser capaz de comprender significados concretos, ya que leer no se meramente repetir letras o palabras.

  188. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    I think it’s a good thing to learn early to children how to read, it seems that when we are young the brain works better and can remember more things. It really seems more easy to learn things when we are young. The other day, i was watching a video about 3 years old children who are in a school where they are taught french and english, every morning they have a french teacher and they have to speak and to play only in french and every afternoon they have an english teacher and they have to speak only in english. So all children in this school were practically bilingual. I think that now, we learn how to read really late, in France, children begin to read at 5 or 6. And i think that it’s a shame, if we know that babies have the capacity to learn how to read, so why don’t we teach young children to read or at least to recognize some words ?

  189. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    Very interesting and useful video. I found other nice viedo about the linguistic genius of babies .
    How early in life are we humans cognitive of language? When do we recognize that some of the sounds we hear are distinctive, intentional, meaningful communication? This is fascinating.
    One of my friend told me when he was very small he used to watch a lot of cartoons in English and at some point he just realized he understood every word! He was extremely frustrated when no one in his family believed him when he told them about, he said. We must remember that parents have a huge impact on the child begins to learn a foreign languages.
    What about school?
    Now the challenge is to steer educational policy to embrace early exposure, natural non-restricted language modeling, lack of scaffolding, and sufficient immersion to produce usable language skills when students are ripe for teaching. It is shocking how little curriculum is available and how few schools are targeting younfaceger learners.

  190. I remember that we watched some videos about that in yor Office. Somebody is showing some cards.There are some words like eyes,nose.. and when the baby see that words touching its that organ. It was amazing. If babies can do that why are we starting to learn later? Yes baby’s brain is incredible and no endless baby’s brain. Families are very important about that.They should educate their children aerly and correctly.But you educated your children and they started to school and than? Our perfect! education system kills child’s all creativities,talents.I mean actually education should do better but the reality is that education is not working.

  191. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que dice este hombre respecto a lo de enseñar a leer a los niños en una edad temprana como puede ser a partir de los tres años, sin necesidad de tener que esperar hasta los seis años, ya que como dice el saber no ocupa lugar. Los niños son como esponjas aprenden todo lo que se les enseña en las edades más tempranas y llevaran ya ese saber durante mucho tiempo. El texto refleja que puede llegar incluso al aburrimiento del niño, para que esto no ocurra el docente debe de ser el más adecuado para el niño, sabiendo cómo hacerlo de manera dinámica y divertida, captando así la atención del alumno.

  192. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    I really agree Glenn Doman’s method. According to him, baby brains have extreme plasticity, babies can learn as much as they are taught. If their early learning ability cannot be utilized they are likely to have limited learning skills in the future. So, knowing a child’s natural strengths can be very beneficial to a parent or a teacher in creating experiences of meaningful learning. Children with Linguistic Intelligence are sensitive to spoken & written language. Gifted with abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and abstract reasoning – children with strengths in Linguistic Intelligence learn through the use of language. They use language to accomplish goals. To develop a child’s Linguistic Intelligence, incorporate books, books or information on tape, storytelling, word tiles, crosswords, and board games. Further, encourage learning from guest speakers, discussions with others, writing letters, journaling, a variety of writing experiences, and opportunities to learn other languages. Diverse language experiences foster the development of a child’s Linguistic Intelligence.

  193. Deniz Şansöz dice: Responder

    I think it is really an advantage of learning language and know to how to read and write even if this depends on a baby’s interests or even if the baby gets bored when he or she will start to school. I learned read and write when i was 3 years old by the help of advertisements on television. Because of they were moving and colorful, they’d attracted my attention and after that when i saw the products on billboards as a symbol, i’d started to focus on letters! I remembered that my parents did not help me about that except giving papers and pencils to me. It was also my determination to make an effort with it. I copied to papers what i saw and i listened them when commercials were on tv. When i started to school, i was one step ahead of my classmates which was another advantage for me to be proned to learn something new. The point in here is that the human brain is unique and every people is born with this unique brain but different interests and intelligence. Therefore, we should find the focal point and that’s all.

  194. MOISÉS ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    Después de la lectura de este artículo, en mi opinión queda poco por decir, pienso que todo lo que se pueda enseñar es bueno y servirá para el futuro del niño. He de decir que el tiempo de aprendizaje del pequeño no se tiene que basar solo en la lectura del lenguaje, sino que se compartirá con las actividades lúdicas, la diversión y el aprendizaje. Voy a expresar una anécdota mía. Mi sobrino con 3 años de edad. ya sabía jugar al ajedrez. Pienso que este pequeño aprendizaje será válido para su futuro, porque si su mente se estimula desde pequeño, de mayor tendrá más capacidad para pensar razonadamente y desarrollar sus propios esquemas mentales con más facilidad. Siempre sea un niño, adolescente o persona adulta hay que vender el aprendizaje de forma atractiva. Pues igual pienso de la lectura, todo lo que se le pueda enseñar no esta de más.

  195. Isabel Córdoba Solís dice: Responder

    Creo que el artículo es acertado, y que la lectura por parte de los alumnos «niños», debe ser especialmente importante, ya que a través de ella comprenderá lo que se les enseña.
    Sobre la edad del aprendizaje en la lectura hay bastante controversia, unos manifiestan que no es importante ante de los cinco o seis años, otros manifiestan que sí.
    También creo que es muy importante y a una temprana edad y desde casa a través de la familia y antes del primer ciclo educativo «primaria», los niños sepan leer, ya que así, comprenderán mejor lo que se les dice.

  196. I think it’s really important to teach the children from early age, because their brain work better. When I was 4 years old, I started to ask my mother about the letters, like how we pronounce them, etc. She was a teacher so it was easier to her of course, but she could teach me how to read and also how to write, so when the others were sleeping in the afternoon in the nursery school I was reading. Also my nieces could read and write really early. They are half check and half hungarian and they can speak and read fluently in both languages. But of course it was really important that my brother spent lot of time with them and he was teaching them also a lot. The other thing which is important that the children should be intrested in reading. But of course parents can make them motivated with some games. And if they learn to read early and they are able to read when they are going to primary school, they have big advantage against the others.

  197. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    Puedo decir que estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el texto ya que como dice “el saber no ocupa lugar” y por lo tanto cuanto antes empieces más conocimientos habrás obtenido a lo largo de tu vida.
    En la actualidad los niños comienzan el colegios en edades muy tempranas por lo que no deberían esperar tanto para enseñarles a leer, pues los niños son bastante inteligentes y tienen la capacidad de captar las cosas rápidamente y eso con los años se va perdiendo por lo que no hay que perder el tiempo.
    Para terminar quiero destacar el penúltimo párrafo del artículo, pues es un error pensar que los niños puedan aburrirse en clase si aprenden a leer en edades más tempranas, pues considero que en lugar de en esa edad aprender a leer se dedicarían a mejorar la lectura ya que es bastante bajo el nivel que se encuentra en niños con edades avanzadas.

  198. Estoy de acuerdo con este artículo, ya que pienso que en enseñar a leer a los niños en edades tempranas le facilitará su aprendizaje, ya que siempre que se ha dicho que «los niños son como esponjas», creo que la enseñanza a los niños en una edad temprana es adecuado, ya que cuanto antes se empiece con su aprendizaje más lejos se podrá llevar, cada vez le enseñan a los niños de tempranas edades, más cosas que antes se aprendian cuando se alcanzaba la primaria, como es el caso del inglés, cosa que m parece muy bien, porque seguro alcanzarán un mayor nivel, y esto igualmente pasará con la lectura.
    En definitiva creo, que a los niños/as se les debe enseñar el mayor numero de cosas, por lo que la lectura les ayudará a ello.

  199. I found Glenn Doman’s views to be extremely interesting. I had never thought about a baby being able to read before as it is not the norm, but as he explained,it is perfectly legitamate to expect this and after reading the above blog, I do not understand why parents are not trying to encourage their children to read as much as they encourage them to talk and walk.
    Doman’s quote about the brain reallystruck me and reninded me of a teacher of mine once referring to children’s brains as being like sponges that just soak up knowledge. It has been proven that it is easier to learn at a young age, and so I think it is a disservice to the child if you do not give them the best start in life. Reading is an integral part of everyday life and it has been shown, and outlined in the video clip, that they are genuises, so we should give them the chance to start reading as soon as possible, as learning at a young age produces the best results.

  200. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    Glenn Doman’s perspective on early education is very intriguing. I had never considered it possible to teach reading to babies before they could speak. Educators and linguists wholly accept that languages are easier learnt at a young age due to a child’s ability to retain unfamiliar words. People differ in their learning styles, e.g. kinesthetic, visual, auditory, etc. Therefore, it may actually come more naturally to some children to learn to read before learning speech if they are given the appropriate conditions and support.

    As a student teacher in Irish Medium education, I can see first hand the benefits a second language can bring to a child’s education. It allows for a greater tolerance of other languages and cultures when children are growing up. Studies have also shown that bilingual children tend to perform better in examinations and across the curriculum in general.

  201. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    En mi primer lugar decir que estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la opinión de que el saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundante para el futuro, ya que es una afirmación motivadora que las personas deberíamos llevar a cabo y concienciarnos de ello.
    Por lo tanto, soy partidaria de que debe haber un intento por enseñar la lectura desde una edad temprana ya que es una verdadera garantía.
    En definitiva, las actividades para enseñar a leer a los niños deben ir seguidas de actividades dinámicas para evitar el aburrimiento de los niños durante su aprendizaje. Ya que la ventaja que tiene este tipo de dinámicas para aprender a leer es que los niños se divertirán haciendo los distintos juegos tanto en casa como en clase para llegar al objetivo final.

  202. Manuel Antonio Conde Del Rio dice: Responder

    José Manuel comparto plenamente tu opinión, pienso que cuanto antes enseñemos a los niños a leer, antes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender nuevas cosas, pues en edades muy tempranas la curiosidad del niños es un potencial que tenemos que explotar, pues de todos es conocido que aquello que los niños aprenden a tempranas edades son las enseñanzas que más van a perdurar.

    Por mi propia experiencia como padre y educador de mis hijas, he observado como ambas han aprendido entre los cuatro y cinco años de edad, y como pronto han querido conocer más, y como a medida que aprendían a leer, la curiosidad por conocer el mundo y lo que les rodeaba aumentaba de forma exponencial.

    En definitiva, pienso que los niños tienen la capacidad de aprender a leer y escribir desde muy pronto, por lo que tenemos que aprovecharnos de esas capacidades y ayudar a los niños a que aprendan rápidamente.

  203. Tras la lectura del post he de decir que comparto su opinión. Me parece un aspecto importante que los niños y niñas aprenda a leer lo antes posible, para así poder desarrollar su capacidad intelectual desde bien temprano. Pienso que esta cuestión sólo plantea ventajas que al niño beneficiarán a corto, medio y largo plazo. Ayudará entre otras cosas a que el niño se familiarice con aprender cosas, que sin duda es algo que más tarde o temprano deberá de asumir en la escuela.

  204. Ana Delgado Marín dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su opinión.
    A los niños se les debería de enseñar a leer desde temprana edad ya que eso no es algo que le pueda perjudicar en su vida, sino todo lo contrario, es bastante beneficioso para su desarrollo intelectual, además de para su capacidad de comunicación ya que tendrá un gran repertorio de vocabulario.
    Con esto tampoco quiero decir, que obliguemos a todos los niños a saber leer a los tres años, sino a que le enseñemos a aprender, para que en un futuro esto le haya servido de ayuda.

  205. El tema de cuando empezar a enseñar a leer es muy subjetivo ya que cada niño es diferente y adquiere los conocimientos de forma diferente y la forma de enseñar de cada profesor también es diferente. Entonces pienso que es un tema muy complicado de cuestionar, ya que por un lado pienso que si le enseñan a los niños desde edades muy tempranas a leer o van adquiriendo abito esto podría ser muy positivos para ellos y para su futuro. También pienso que tanto el tema de aprender a leer como a sumar deben de ir unidos es algo básico en la educación y tendría que ir unido. Si un niño no aprende a leer a temprana edad no es problema de niño, es que cada niño tiene diferentes capacidades y eso no significa que uno sea más torpe que otro, sino que va adquiriendo conocimientos mas despacio, pero un niño tranquilamente puede estar sin saber a leer hasta los seis años a partir de esa edad si seria un problema si el niño no sabe leer aún. Por eso pienso que cuestionar cuando enseñar a leer al niño es un tema complicado y demasiado subjetivo porque cada alumno es diferente igual que cada profesor enseña de forma diferente.

  206. I think that we shouldnt limit the knowledge that we are offering to the children but we should think about the possibilities how to make things interesting for them. Reading something that doesnt interest them is boring and if you are forse to do it, this makes it even worse. We should think how to make reading interesting so that the children would show the interest when they would want to do it and when they will be ready. This depense from every individual chiold but our job as a teachers and other workers should be providing information and also possibilities.

  207. If I had read this article six months ago, I wouldn’t have given much attention to this topic as I did not have the knowledge of not just how much reading is important ,but also the importance of the way in which we read. Reading is extremely important for most of our learning as it help to kick start our brain by developing techniques of storing information; within these techniques it includes the speed in which we can store the information, the way that we store it and also the amount of information that can be stored. With this statement I believe reading is one of the areas that should focused on within the development of a student or child; What I mean by saying this is, that reading can never be started too early, and that it is extremely important that we ensure the best technique of reading is given to a child so they can develop as quickly and best as possible. It is proven that our brains can absorb and develop much more information than the present average person of today, it just depends on how they are taught to read. With this statement is clear to see that just by learning a child how to read can improve their intelligence and other neurological abilities. In conclusion reading is important for children not only in education but in other aspects of life, therefore I hold the view that much more emphasis on teaching children how to read needs to be given within both in the home and in school.

  208. Upon reading the text and watching the video I now believe that yes it is possible for babies to be linguistic geniuses. It was an area in which I had never given much thought to before, but as Glenn Doman explains that it is possible for a baby to pick up languages off their parents. Then why is it not possible for babies to be able to pick up a second language at this stage or even gain the ability to read.
    By encouraging our children to read from such an early age is giving them a greater learning capacity for later life. With this added push start into the education system the child that has been learning to read from an early age already has a solid foundation built in which a higher and more rewarding education can be built upon.

  209. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    After reading this blog and veiwing the short video I would agree that babies are linguistic geniuses, they are able to learn to walk, talk, read and sometimes write.
    Also there is an abundance of evidence to prove that it is easier to learn the younger we are, for example a musical instrument or a foreign language.
    If we were to teach our children to read as babies then they would have no difficulty in primary school, secondary school or even university. As the main cor of the studying especially within the third level education, consists of reading chapters and books.
    In my opinion I believe that children should be taught how to read as young as possible, this way they can develop, mature and grow to excellence maybe one day out growing their pre-assessor.

  210. Before reading this article and watching video I would say that it is nonsense to teach children to write and read before they are at least 5 years old. My opinion was that they are just kids who should enjoy in playing with others, and that they will have time to learn to read and write when the time for that comes. But this article and video really have changed my mind. If children possess this ability, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. I especially find interesting their capability of learning languages. Knowing several languages is real treasure, I wish that my parents were aware of this and started to teach me foreign languages in that age. I remember how I have learned Croatian alphabet, there was a game show on television called “Wheel of fortune” and participants were supposed to guess the terms revealing letter by letter. I was watching that constantly and then I started to write those letters that I have learned. So I have learned how to write and read without parental assistance and at the same time having fun. There is a question what children that already know read and write are going to do in school, learning that over again with other kids and is that going to be boring for them. I was in that situation and I must say that it wasn`t problem, because school was completely new environment and experience and I really didn`t mind doing that over again.

  211. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    I agree with the theory of Glenn Doman that children are Linguistic Geniuses because a child’s brain during the first years of life very easily absorbs information so they can learn really fast. However, we must remember that every child should be treated individually. Because children not always are be able to do the same things at the same time. Therefore it is not possible to determine a specific age at which most of the children should begin to learn to read. Usually children acquire reading skills in kindergarten. However, more and more parents decide to start to show the written word to their child even before the kindergarten.
    I think that children should show the interest to learning, because we should not force them if they do not want, to not discourage them. The most important rule is to learn through play, to motivate and encourage a child to learn new things.

  212. Kristína Kamenská dice: Responder

    I agree with the idea to teach children to read and write in earlier age and I have to confirm that it is very useful for their future life. For example my younger sister learnt by playing games to read and write at the age of four and now (she attends 1st grade at primary) she does not have any problems to accustom to differences between kindergarten and school and it is not a huge shock for her as it can be for other children. It is the same as teaching children foreign languages before the age of 7 , because they are like a sponge, absorbing all the new information faster than adults. But we can´t forget that they are just children, it is the time in their life when they do not have to deal with any problems or to stress them, so everything what we can teach them can be in the way of different games so they can enjoy their childhood.

  213. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    I really believe on this.When i listened this speech first time i remember that video which you show to us.(the baby could read words where on the computer.)
    All babies are geniuses, their brain is like a sponge that is ready to learn, the problem is not all of us realizing that we have to teach our kids at that early age. We think they are too small to learn how to read and other things, but they very smart and can do that easily.
    This is possible talk and read at the same time for babies.If we educate them ,they can learn read and speak.We can do it with flashcards or plays.You know one of easy way at the education is teach with play.And also i think babies learn to love learning and associate it with mother, father, family and love and support.Finally i want to show you a video that i found,this video from 2 years old girl. (

  214. Anastasija Korolkova dice: Responder

    Young children are like sponges that soak up all the information that we are presented to them. Quite an early age they copy our emotions, facial expressions and gestures, and later words. The information they receive is not «filtered», as adults- all what they need and what is important, they “record” on mind, but another listen and “erase”. On the one hand, I agree with this article that for children are better to start learn at an earlier age. But overdo with this, is also not necessary. After all, childhood is such a short amount of time such a wonderful time and cannot be to take away the time from the children. For us, the whole life is school, and so, from the beginning we learn to walk, talk, read, write and count. Then learn to communicate with people, understanding, learning to love and forgive, to go to college, then again new knowledge and so all life long. And it is that carefree childhood time, which a child should enjoy and it should not be a burden.

  215. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think in the last few years it became a sport for the parents to teach their children a lot of skills: Monday piano, Tuesday math, Wednesday literature etc.
    They always say “it is the best for my kid!” Maybe the child knows after this “treatment” a lot but these parents should not forget that children want to play too. These social games are very important for the development of interpersonal skills. A kid does not learn it when it is playing piano or studying math the whole day.

    For me it is the same with early reading: The kindergarten is not a school and I think that is good. There are a lot of tasks in a kindergarten. The child has to learn to stay without his mother, he/she has to build connections to the other kids and he/she has to understand the rhythm of a typical day.
    In my opinion that are a lot of tasks for a young person and I do not think they need even more difficult duties and responsibilities.

    Normally the reading skill is later often used, for example for books, the internet or even messages etc. Why should a person learn this skill earlier when it is highly trained the whole life?

  216. This article gave me dual thoughts. In one hand I agree with Glenn Doman. Children have huge potential of learning. Learning language or languages in early age is natural and has always been like this. But I don’t agree that we should teach babies to read. Why? The reasons I found from this article:

    In this article It says that subjecting children’s brains to early learning can actually reduce their brain’s experiences with every day «normal» functional development because it overloads their neural circuits.
    Also there are no studies that show a reading pre-toddler’s later academic success. So if you teach your baby to read, it doesn’t mean that he/she will definitely be succesful in school.
    It is normal to start to read at the age 4. I think we should take into consider the most natural path of child’s development and not overload them with new knowledges, because they have this ,,huge potential». This is my opinion, but I think we should think about, before ,,forcing» our babies to read.

  217. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    Future borns from past. If we teach children from baby ages, they become smarter, because in baby ages, they develop themselves, their mind, their thinking. And what you put in their mind in these ages, it will be never forget. I agree, that with babies need to talk loud, clear, large and repeated, because that’s the only way how they will remember it. If parents are speaking with them in the same intonation, they will never learn, which was the question or request. For example, now we know what we want, we understand everything and from the information we select just necessary and the rest we forget, but in baby ages, I think babies take, learn everything what they heard and it’s good, because later they will remember it, somehow, but they will. It’s harder for them to learn how to read, to learn letters, but not to listen. I agree with Glenn Doman, that better is to learn languages in baby ages, not later.

  218. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    En alguna que otra ocasión he oído hablar a personas sobre este tema. Gente que compara nuestro país con otros en lo referente a educación y que piensan que en otros países hacen bien por enseñar a los niños a leer y escribir más tarde, puesto que en España lo que hacen hasta que empiezan a dar materia es perder el tiempo y aburrirse de la escuela cuando lleven muchos años. Yo esta opinión la comparto pero en parte, porque tampoco creo que sea conveniente que los niños estén hasta los seis años en casa sin hacer nada solo saliendo a jugar, pero viendo los resultados académicos que hay en nuestro país quizá éste sería uno de los aspectos a cambiar de nuestra educación, entre muchos otros. El gasto económico que realizan los padres a lo largo de la educación primaria de sus hijos me parece alto para lo que aprenden.
    Si lo miro de otra manera pienso que cuanto antes empiece un niño, mejor, para ir creando ese hábito de estudio tan difícil de conseguir, pero creo que debería reforzarse la impartición de asignaturas que necesitan de mucho tiempo o que nos van a ser útiles cuanto antes empecemos a darlas, así aprovecharíamos un poco esta etapa de los niños que puede ser que a veces esté un poco malgastada de tiempo.

  219. A few weeks ago I saw a video which was about the following: a man showed a baby huge white cards, every card had an word on it in big black written letters (for example NOSE, EYE, TOE, …). When the baby saw the word NOSE, it really touched its nose. The same with EYE etc. I was so fascinated by this because I haven’t seen such thing before and I was just stunning! It’s amazing how fast in learning and how clever children are. Glenn Doman’s statement that we leave children in a vacuum between the age of nine month and four years made me thinking seriously – especially after seeing the video with the baby «reading». I guess, very few parents come to the idea to do such «experiments» with their babies and children because they don’t know about the baby’s skills and capacities. In my opinion it’s also very important to let the children play a lot and discover new things on their own (this always happen while playing) but you can really get a step farther and try new things such as that «reading part». I’m still astonished by that fact and I’m very glad that Mr. Bautista showed my that video.

  220. Azucena Gutiérrez Burguillos dice: Responder

    La verdad es que estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la idea de que los niños comiencen a leer y escribir mientras antes mejor, ya que desde los 3 años están escolarizados por ley, antes no era así, pero los niños son una fuente de curiosidad y si fomentamos esa curiosidad hacia el desarrollo cognitivo, como es la lectura y la escritura, estamos sentando las bases para que cualquier niño avance más, ya que disponemos de más tiempo para trabajar con ellos.
    Muchos de los niños de nuestra sociedad pasan a la secundaria obligatoria sabiendo leer y escribir, sí, pero no adecuadamente, por eso pienso yo, que si se empieza antes a trabajar con ellos se puede perfeccionar la lectura y la escritura, que muchas veces en nuestra sociedad deja mucho que desear.

  221. Tackling the child’s intelligence at a young age is an essential part of education. Educating children from a young age means they have a higher tolerance and capacity for information as they grow older and begin the education process. Introducing reading at a younger age gives the child a wider imagination for when they are older and an education into the language they are to acquire. Teaching a language to a child at a young age I feel is the best option as the child then does not know any different. I have witnessed children as young as two speaking two different languages as his parents come from two different countries and I find it fascinating that a child’s brain has the capacity to hold two different languages at such a young age and an older person struggles to obtain a new language because it is unfamiliar. The brain develops rapidly had a young age so I agree that one is better to teach the child at a young age because what you obtain as a young child seems to stay with you forever.

  222. I agree with the article. I support that children should start reading and learn other languages from earlier ages than six years. Because it is so absurd and late for waiting to six years. The people learn something more difficult with increasing of their age. As far as I understand it ;Glenn Doman points out that babies learning their mother tongue is a miracle by itself. Babies learn by context rather than learning the actual meaning of words. Parents just teach the children a few words. Children pick up the language by themselves.
    I would like to teach children multiple languages mother tongue (Turkish),spanish,english etc. This way the child will have exposure to foreign as well as native languages.

  223. The main idea of this article, that children should learn at an early age how to read, is a very new and interesting aspect for me. Reading is one of the basic skills, but when we look at international surveys, like PISA, we see, that i.e. in Austria the reading skills of the pupils are very bad. This is a big problem in Austria and actually a big discussion in the educational sector. Teachers try to solve out the problem, but in fact, up to now, it doesn’t work. So teaching them how to read at an early age could be maybe a possibility to solve this problem. Apparently there is also the controversial opinion, that it’s not necessary to teach them how to read before compulsory education. I understand both ways, but with reference to the video I think why not teaching them reading at an early age. It can probably be a possibility to make school easier for them. Children have this capacity, so we should support them to put it into practice.

  224. I think it is an excellent idea to educate babies from when they are born or as soon as possible and I believe it has many advantages for their future schooling experience including the fact that it alleviates worries about reading disability later on, It feeds a hungry brain, It makes your child smarter and It creates a beautiful legacy with a little time and effort. The process is not difficult and does not require a lot of time or effort, however I believe parents often think or have the perception that it’s ‘the teachers job’ or that they themselves are not teachers and so are unable when really the process is very simple. As Glenn Doman stated children are linguistic geniuses we must nurture this gift and very capable ability.

  225. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    I vehemently agree with all the points raised in this article, it is entirely true that children have an immensely vast capacity to absorb a language. The quote he human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold” by the speaker in the video is extremely powerful. It truly encapsulates the extent of the ability that humans have to learn. Babies, as stated in the video, are born without a language so what ever is spoken to them is what they become fluent in. For example, my brother went to an irish speaker school as a toodler and was unable to differniate between Irish and English, he was fluent in both languages at the age of three as he was being exposed to both of the languages. This is a prime example of the ability that young children have with regards to languages. at that stage their curiority spurs them to continuously learn and exceed themselves, particularly in relation to languages. By reading to the children they obtain a visual insight to the language rather than simply a aural one. Thus, reading to the children at an early age in turn benefits their learning greatly also.

  226. I really didn’t know nothing about this topic before. It is very useful and interesting if you have this knowlegde about «babys as linguistic geniuses». But it is not very common to teach the own babys the way that is described in the video or to imagen that a baby is able to read with one or two years like in the article is written. Because I suppose the people don’t know about the abilities which a baby have, how the early reading can affect and support the developement of the brain and the readiness of the brain.
    So it is very important to spread this knowledge like Mr. Bautista does. Because in most cases the parents don’t think about to teach their babys because of a common tradition. For me the brain is the most fascinating organ. The possibilities of this thing in our head are so wide and impressive and sometimes I think about that we often don’t try to utilize fully the oppurtunities because we can’t image what else is possible. So thank you for the article!

  227. I found Glenn Doman’s video extremely interesting and beneficial. This particular topic was something which I had no previous knowledge or awareness of. I would certainly be of the opinion to teach children linguistic skills at the earliest opportunity possible. If a baby can absorb a language easier than a grown up in its infantile years why not teach then. Surely, by teaching your child to read and speak a language at an early age will lead to future academic success and higher grades in school. It will give them a broader vocabulary base to utilize in life, improved spelling and better communication of that language. From a student who studies English in university and is only fluent in one language, I certainly champion the idea of teaching children a foreign language as early as possible. If a person is bilingual/multilingual, it opens up a world of opportunities for that particular person. In terms of who they can converse with, what they can read and where they can travel.

  228. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I really liked the video and I agree with everything that Glenn Doman said. We are much more capable than we think we are. I knew that learning new language is much easier for children than it is for adults. I have 4 year old cousin and her father is from Italy and mother from Croatia, but they live in Germany. Between themselves they speak Italian, when she is in school she speaks German and when they come in Croatia on a vacation she speaks Croatian. I know that lot of people is thinking that it is too hard for her to learn it, but it is not. It all comes naturally. When talking about learning languages I found it silly that all movies for example in Germany and Spain are synchronized. So when children are watching some cartoons, movies all they hear is mother language. After so much listening to mother language it is very hard to change accent when trying to speak another language. For example in Croatia every movie is on the original language and subtitles are on Croatian, so since I was a little girl I was unconsciously listening to other languages and that is why it is easier for me to learn new language and use a good accent when speaking. I was very surprised to hear in a video that children can learn to read when something is large, clear and repeated. But is so logical. If they can learn to speak in that way, than they also can read. Only thing we have to do is to show them and to believe that children can do it and they will. I also believe that there should be no pressure on children to learn it, we just need to show them how and it will all come naturally to them.

  229. I found this article and Glenn Doman’s video very interesting. I completely agree that babies should be taught to read at a young age as babies seem to be able to absorb that information. Therefore, as Doman’s video states provided that words a written in large, clear writing and repeated then the baby will pick it up. As babies pick up language so easy both orally and linguistically then why are we not teaching them a foreign language as it is more difficult to teach adults a foreign language. Also, I think that children who have been taught more languages when they were babies are better able to learn new languages when they are older.
    I also find it interesting that on the internet we see videos of babies who are able to read and understand works even though every baby has the capacity to do this if they are thought.

  230. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    Como bien dice el texto alfabetizar a los niños no es una tarea fácil, por ello yo pienso que se debería de enseñar a leer y a escribir cuanto antes, ya que comparto la idea de que el saber no ocupa espacio. Cuando antes se les enseñe a leer y a escribir más conocimiento van a adquirir, no creo que esto produzca un aburrimiento en las clase más adelante, sino, todo lo contrario. Los docentes deben de laborar en cadena la educación de los niños y cada vez exigiendo más, así tendrán uno conocimientos muy ricos y fructuosos para el futuro.

  231. Mª Carmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    Creo que el tema de enseñar a leer es un tema bastante importante y bastante complejo pero porque retrasar algo que es fundamentar aprender a lo largo de su vida, si un niño de 3 o 4 años puede para que dejarlo para los 6, lo veo un poco absurdo, lo cual no significa que los niños estén todo el día en clase aprendido a leer ni mucho menos también pueden jugar y lo más correcto e importante aprender mientras leen y se divierten. Creo que todo lo que pueda adelantar y debería de hacerlo. Lo que puedas hacer hoy no lo dejes para mañana.

  232. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice este señor, en enseñar leer a los niños desde los tres años, ya que como bien dice él, ¿por que esperar hasta los seis años, si el saber no ocupa lugar?.
    Como bien he dicho antes, estoy a favor de enseñar a leer a los tres años, ya que los niños en su primeros años de vidas son como esponjas y es mucho mas facil enseñarles cualquier cosa a esta temprana edad. Como tambien podemos leer en el texto, que esta tarea puede ser algo aburrida para los niños, yo pienso que no es así; ya que se puede enseñar de manera divertida y captando la atencion del alumno , pero para ello se necesitan docentes que sepan como hacerlo.

  233. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    Hoy en día los niños comienzan ir a la escuela a partir de los tres años por lo tanto ¿para qué esperar hasta los seis años para enseñarles a leer? Considero que los niños son mucho más inteligentes de lo que pensamos y si son capaces de comenzar a leer palabras sueltas a esta edad por qué no enseñarles. En el artículo he leído que los profesores no lo recomiendan por que si no los niños se aburrirían en clase, los profesores deben de adaptarse a las capacidades de aprendizaje de cada uno de sus alumnos un profesor no puede permitir que un alumno se aburre en alguna de sus clases ya que si sucede no sería un buen profesor por lo tanto no estaría realizando de manera adecuada su trabajo.

  234. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    Estoy a favor de que los niños deberían a empezar a leer desde edades más tempranas que los seis años para ir estimulando su conocimiento y capacidad de lectura llevando a cabo unos procesos y métodos adecuados para esta edad. Hay que motivarles a aprender e inculcarle desde pequeños el valor del esfuerzo para conseguir un fin. Creo que cuanto antes se empiece antes se aprenderá, perfeccionará y mejor se leerá con menos edad.
    La lectura es una actividad muy importante ya que se mantiene de por vida, desde pequeños y no se pierde en el tiempo.

  235. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, si es verdad que los niños aprenden a leer antes de los seis años si se propone. Tengo un poco de experiencia, ya que he trabajado con niños menores de esa edad y les hemos intentado enseñar desde chicos esa habilidad, digo intentando porque si no había refuerzo en casa no servía de nada nuestro trabajo.
    Me ha interesado mucho este artículo por lo que he vivido y pienso que si el niño es totalmente reforzado y tiene ayuda tanto en la escuela como en casa, es capaz de aprender a leer desde antes de los seis años.

  236. Luci Toledano YMaldonado dice: Responder

    Puesto que la lectura es el portal de entrada al conocimiento… en cuanto el niño tenga la madurez necesaria¿ y cuando sucede ? pues la madurez en todos no es igual va a depender de la estimulacion recibida a lo largo de los primeros años de vida.Los primeros años de vida su cerebro esta necesitado de recibir información,el desarrollo del cerebro permite la incorporqción lectora. Eso si la tecnica para el aprendizaje de un niño de dos años o tres no tiene nada que ver con el de seis. Es decir que no tenemos que esperar a los seis y que el niño empeice a leer en al escuela ,aprender pero jugando..

  237. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    Yo opino que estas texis de un aprendizaje en la lectura determinado en un tiempo indicado, son erroneas, pues creo que somos personas con una capacidad de retención increible y que podemos acumular los saberes sin tener que tener que procesar la información y olvidarla. Pienso que cuanto más temprano estimulemos a los niños, desde los padres al círculo que rodea a éste, desde edades tempranas, hará que la capacidad para aprender crezca y vaya en aumento, al igual que el aprendizaje a la lectura. Este proceso es largo y además algunos niños le cuestan más tiempo que a otros, por eso lo mejor es comenzar cuanto antes, para que esa adquisición de alfabetización, se haga a la vez más amplia.
    En cuanto a las teorías de estos autores que dicen lo contrario y aseguran que es perjudicial, creo que hacen flaco favor a la educación en sí, ya sea bien familiar o escolar, pues están imponiendo creencias propias que los padres, educadores, etc. acogen porque les garantizan un mayor bienestar para sus niños, con lo que se convierte así, en una moda o imposición a la sociedad, por lo innovador de sus principios, que no dejan de ser una falsa y un estigma para la educación de nuestros hijos y alumnos.

  238. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    Yo soy totalmente partidario de que un niño en cuanto el niño empiece a leer y a adquirir una serie de conocimientos, a la larga va a ser mucho para él y para su futuro, ya que llevara algo de ventaja ahí.
    Podemos hablar también desafortunadamente de personas mayores ya que no saben ni leer ni escribir, cosa que con los medios que tenemos ahora, deberíamos evitar para que en un futuro no ocurra.

    Para finalizar, repito como dice en el artículo que sería bastante adecuado a que el niño empezara a leer antes de los tres años, me parece estupendo.

  239. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    Considero que hay que observar a los/las niños/as, y ayudarles para que aprendan a leer cuando esten preparados y motivados. Para ello, tenemos que crear un lugar adecuando, con libros y otros materiales que se encuentren a su alcance y las ganas de aprender que expresan cuando juegan, nos indicaran cuando estan preparados/as y les apetece leer, seguramente enseguida exploraran los libros y acudiran a los/las docentes intrigados por descubrir que quieren decir aquellas palabras, aquellos dibujos, colores,…etc.

  240. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    Yo considero que los niños deben empezar a leer cuanto antes, empezar como un simple juego como son las canciones populares que se les repiten una y otra vez, y cuando llegan a casa se las cantan a sus padres. Pues con la lectura debería ser igual que aprendieran a leer sin darse cuenta que mientras más pequeños sean más motivados están por aprender. Eso de decir ya soy mayor porque se leer o escribir mi nombre. Además si tiene la capacidad de aprender a leer a los tres años porque esperar más tiempo si nuestra sociedad actual requiere a personas competitivas con la mejor formación posible, aprender un hábito de estudio desde más pequeño es bueno para ellos en su futuro, mientras se divierten haciéndolo. Tienen tiempo de ambas cosas tanto de aprender como de jugar. Así aprenden poco a poco y se pueden ir corrigiendo aquellos problemas de lectura lenta o ortografía durante mayor periodo y no llegar a ser ya adolescentes y tener graves faltas o tartamudea a la hora de leer en público. Él saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor para el futuro, sabias palabras del artículo.

  241. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Este articulo pone de manifiesto dos opiniones contrapuestas si enseñar a leer a los niños a los seis años o antes, respecto a este tema hay gran diversidad de opiniones, yo personalmente estoy de acuerdo con Glenn Doman en cuanto a que los niños pueden aprender a leer antes de los seis años, además creo que es algo muy productivo para ellos en un futuro, pues pienso que las cosas que aprendemos de muy pequeños no se nos olvidan nunca, por ejemplo sumar, restar,… sin embargo cuando nos vamos haciendo mayores retenemos menos tiempo las cosas que aprendemos, de hecho muchas se nos olvidan. Por eso considero que no solo es ventajoso para un niño aprender a leer desde muy pequeño, sino que también debe familiarizarse con la escritura, las palabras, etc. En mi opinión esto es algo que favorecerá su desarrollo y le hará adquirir habilidades, como una mejor pronunciación, lectura más rápida, que son cosas que hoy por hoy se nos escapan a muchos, es más a veces nos encontramos en bachillerato o la universidad y no sabemos leer bien, y todo es porque no nos han alfabetizado correctamente.

  242. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    Hay una cosa que es indudable, el nivel en cuanto a lectura que posee una gran parte de la comunidad universitaria española es de una pésima calidad. ¿Qué está ocurriendo para que esto forme parte de idiosincrasia de la sociedad española y no se le preste ninguna atención? Pues se me ocurren pocas respuestas pero lo cierto es que se invierte mucho en educación, se trabaja mucho en las adaptaciones curriculares, las reformas legislativas contemplan métodos para solucionar el problema pero ciertamente no se atisba ninguna respuesta positiva. Estoy totalmente a favor con empezar con técnicas de lecto-escrituras a edades tempranas pero utilizando métodos certeros, sutiles y motivadores que provoquen en el educando una estimulación agradable y perdurable en el tiempo en la adquisición del gusto por la lectura y el correcto dominio en cuanto a su ejecución. Personalmente creo que es un tema muy a tener en cuenta y se debe enfocar desde todos los estamentos que intervienen en el proceso educativo.

  243. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    Pues yo estoy muy de acuerdo con las palabras del texto «el saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundante para el futuro». Pienso que cuanto antes se aprenda algo tan básico y elemental como es leer y escribir, más facilidades tendrán los niños/as en la escuela. En mi caso, yo aprendí a leer sobre los 6 años, que es cuando me le enseñaron en primero de primaria. Creo que es bueno para los niños empezar a familiarizarse con la lectura y escritura desde que son más pequeños, cuando se encuentran en infantil. Aunque tambien pienso que a un niño de 3 años no se debe enseñar a leer como a un niño de seis años, pero los maestros deben de ajustar estrategias diferentes para que los niños empiecen a leer desde más pequeños, soy partidaria de que se enseñe desde antes para que amplien sus conocimientos y desarrollen mucho más el cerebro, y eso se notará en su futuro.

  244. Creo que los niños tienen tiempo para todo, y a los tres años aún más, creo que a esa edad a los niños le encantan jugar en la escuela, compartir con sus compañeros, divertirse y aprender, por lo que es una buena edad para irle enseñando a leer y a escribir, aprender a escribir su nombre y el de sus familiares más cercanos les motivaran y ayudaran a seguir aprendiendo, por lo que hay que utilizar métodos y estrategias para que en vez de aburrirse se diviertan aprendiendo. Pienso que el saber no ocupa lugar, y que cuanto antes se empiece, antes se puede corregir y perfeccionar la lectura y la escritura.

  245. M. Ángeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    ¿Y ademas para qué retrasarlo…? Cuanto antes se empiece y más se refuerce,mejor será los conocimientos y la calidad del aprendizaje.

  246. M. Ángeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    En mi opinión yo soy partidaria, a saber, que los niños pueden, y deben, empezar con la lectura, en sentido amplio, antes de los tres años. Ya que los niños en esa edad son como esponjas y absorben toda la información con mayor facilidad.

  247. AGUEDA GAMERO SANTOS dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que los niños deben empezar a leer cuanto antes, ya que esto tendrá un resultado positivo a lo largo de su trayectoria y que mejorara su capacidad para leer y comprender, adquirir valores, conocimientos, etc. Y cuanto antes empiecen a habituarse, antes se introducirán en nuestra cultura, ya que es un proceso lento y de larga persistencia. Por eso pienso que si un niño tiene la capacidad necesaria para aprender a leer antes de los 3 años, no debemos negársela.
    También como nombra en el texto, algunas personas piensan que la edad propia es a los 6 años, porque si no los niños sabiendo leer se aburrirían en clase, pero el docente debe de tener la capacidad necesaria para estimular al alumno y hacer que las clases sean amenas.

  248. Johanna Kantalainen dice: Responder

    This is an interesting and a surprising article for me. I already knew that babies are capable to learn many new things and skills really quickly, but it was interesting to hear that also learning to read would be possible for them. But actually why did I not think it earlier? Maybe because I thought that they will have time to learn to read later too. But should we teach babies to read? I still think that no. Babies are learning many things during their first years so they do not have to learn to read too. But if young children really want to read, I could let them to do it of course. But I would not want to make any pressure for them. And actually I think that the main thing that this article shows is that people are really talented and we should not underestimate each other.

  249. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    Before entering the primary school the children in the Czech Republic have to demonstrate some basic skills such as to be able to tie its shoelaces, pay attention, be able to dress itself etc. Due to the failure in demostrating those basic skills, a child could be deferred to start its study at the primary school one year later. According to some articles only a few children can currently demonstrate that they can read or write their name efore attending the school. Parents usually rely on teachers that they will teach them this stuff. They forget that they are those who have to bring up the child and teach him the basic skills. That is why some children are deffered and thus can start their school attendance one year later. Some schools already have 0 class which is for children who were deferred. This way they do not have to go back to the kindergarten. Personally, I would not force a child to learn read or write efore attending the school until it shows its interest to do that.

  250. Creo que la respuesta a esta pregunta es muy individual. No se puede inequívocamente decir cuándo. Sí, estoy de acuerdo con declaración que unos niños pueden aprender más antes de que hoy, pero un año es demasiado. Sugeriría que niños aprendieron a leer en sus casa. Lo es más sistema individual.

    Creo que lo será cambio bueno porque ahora pasa que en la clase es la mitad de alumnos que saben leer y la segunda mitad que lo no sabe. Y esto es un problema para los profesores. Ellos tienen que enseñar a leer una mitad y entretener la otra mitad. Yo creo que los es muy difícil o casi imposible.

  251. Ángel Serrano Rodriguez dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que cuanto antes mejor, por suerte actualmente no hay tantas personas analfabetas como hace algunas decadas porque los niños tenian que abandonar la escuela para ponerse a trabajar, pero creo que una persona analfabeta, que no sepa leer ni escribir es una persona facil de engañar, vive de manera mas dificil, se pierde con rapidez y no aprecia muchas cosas que alguien que sepa leer.
    Los niños siempre quieren «ser mayores», comer solos, vestirse solos, tener autonomía para sentirse mas mayores, o al menos así era en mi caso. Cuando te enseñan a leer ya «eres mayor»,vas detras de tu abuela, tu hermano mayor, tu vecino o cualquiera que aparezca por tu casa para enseñarle las letras que ya sabes leer, es un juego para ellos. Por eso pienso que los niños deberian aprender a leer en el momento en el que tienen capacidades para hacerlo y que los profesores se encarguen de hacer que esto sea una tarea divertida y no se aburran en clase.

  252. I think it is good we start teaching children reading as soon as is possible. As said man in video “Children will learn how to read spontaneously.” But when they come in school they are forced to learn read. So it is better to allow them to try before by their self, it will be funny game to them. At my practice in school (in first class of primary education) I saw a lot of children read before they came in school. In Slovenia a few years ago they didn’t learn how to read in the fist class. It was provided in second class. I think it was really stupid and luckily they changed it now. I think we often underestimate children’s abilities.

  253. Guillermo Saborido Quirós dice: Responder

    Pienso que empezar a enseñar a leer a los niños a la temprana edad de tres años es un avance debido a que un niño empieza a trabajar las facultades lectoras mejorando las capacidades de su cerebro. Sería un trabajo duro pero a la larga, cuando llegase a la escuela tendría una gran capacidad de percepción gracias a la lectura y al trabajo de su cerebro facilitando así la comprehensión de las distintas competencias básicas.

  254. Manuel Rivera Suárez dice: Responder

    Tanto leer como escribir es algo esencial en nuestra cultura hoy en día, de la lectura erradica el conocimiento pasado de generaciones en generaciones, mediante las palabras expresamos nuestros conocimientos, creencias, actitudes todo aquello que queramos. Y por tanto para mí es esencial que se enseñe a leer desde bien temprano a los pequeños, para potenciar sus capacidades memoristicas y cognitivas, y estimular al igual su desarrollo mental.

  255. Jesus Maria Lopez Munoz dice: Responder

    Como bien dices, el saber no ocupa lugar, y esta visto y comprobado que la inteligencia en este mundo es un bien preciado y desgraciadamente escaso. Solo echar un vistazo a las nuevas generaciones, esas nuevas generaciones de Cristianos Ronaldo y de Mesis en miniatura.
    Pienso que cuanto antes mejor, para introducir a los niños a la cultura y ese es el reto del docente, el estimular a esos niños que empiezan pronto.

  256. I found this topic very interesting. Children do learn very fast and it is actually logical that if we gave them opportunity and right conditions they can learn to read as well. At these age children are curious and it is our job to give them a chance to learn as much as possible. In my opinion is also important that we do not force them. Children are different and some need more time than others to learn something. But with the proper approach they can learn to read, different languages and many other things spontaneously, without even knowing. And for them this would be fun and not frustrating, like it is many times learning a foreign language later in school for example.

  257. joseja guerra rodriguez dice: Responder

    El artículo me parece muy interesante, por el tema que trata. Pienso que no debemos subestimar a los niños y pensar que al ser pequeños no pueden. Al igual que nunca dejamos de aprender y mejorar en la vida tampoco tenemos que ponerle un inicio determinado a ciertos aprendizajes.
    En mi opinión cuanto antes empiezen a familiarizarse con las letras, los sonidos de estas y su emisión mejor. No hay que poner a niños de 3 años a leer como máquinas sino ir adelantando el proceso y facilitarlo.

  258. Miguel Ángel Márquez Ávila dice: Responder

    Soy de la premisa de: “cuanto antes se aprenda algo, mejor”. Si un niño tiene la capacidad para aprender a leer a los tres años de edad (evidentemente me refiero a libros adaptados) ¿Por qué negársela?, es más, cuanto antes aprenda a leer más tiempo tendrá en su vida para leer, y cuanto más lea, más se enriquecerá de esto, así como mejorará su velocidad de lectura y su capacidad de lectura comprensiva. Si un niño posee las capacidades de aprender algo, debería de enseñársele, independientemente de la edad que tenga el individuo.

    Los defensores de la teoría contraria, la de que un niño no debe de aprender antes de tener cinco o seis años, deberían de haber buscado un argumento más sólido y consistente. Decir que si aprenden a leer tan pronto puede hacer que se aburran en clase me parece una sandez. ¿Acaso no hay otros conocimientos que enseñar a un niño de esa edad? Porque de no haberlos no tendría nada más que decir, pero lo cierto es que si los hay, en consecuencia, el profesor tiene trabajo todavía por delante como para permitir o ni tan siquiera plantearse el que un alumno se aburra en una de sus clases.

  259. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    I find this subject really interesting. I think it’s amazing what that little clumsy creature can learn. Nowadays it is so hard to get a good job which is secure and well paid most people who finish university end up working in Mcdonald’s so in my opinion we should give our children as many advantages as we possibly can. For example when i will have children i am planning on talking to them in Polish and in English from the beginning also maybe after this article i will teach them to read. Of course i don’t think that they should spend they childhood learning something all the time from the beginning but like i said before if it’s that easy for them to learn, then why not?

  260. María de la Paz Isla Olivas dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, los niños deben de empezar a leer a los 4 o 5 años ya que a esa edad aprenden con mucha facilidad y si se hace de forma divertida pues aun mejor. Hoy en dia cuanto antes se aprenda nuevas cosas es mejor. Y además de empezar a leer se debe ir incorporando palabras ya en un segundo idioma, como por ejemplo en inglés que es muy importante actualmente y es mas fácil aprender desde pequeño que cuando ya es mayor que cuesta mas trabajo.

  261. Elena Ballesteros Cuadrado dice: Responder

    «El saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundamental para el futuro». Estoy totalmente de acucerdo, por tanto creo que los niños deben iniciarse en la lectura en edades tempranas, soy de la opinión denque cuanto más se estimule a los niños mejor desarrollo en todos los aspectos tendrán a lo largo de su vida. Como bien sabemos los niños son esponja, lo abarcan todo, pues aprovechemoslo y utilizamos todo tipo de herramientas y materiales para que obtengan un mayor rendimiento.

  262. Rafael Durán García dice: Responder

    Leer es una de las competencias más importantes y básica que un ser humano debe manejar desde la temprana edad, ya que ésta es una herramienta elemental para su vida. Parece ser que el hecho de comenzar a enseñar a leer a los pequeños está creando cierta controversia entre quienes defienden la postura de enseñar a los mismos lo antes posible, y quienes creen que enseñar a leer no debe hacerse antes de los 6 años, pero realmente ¿cuál es el criterio correcto para llevar a cabo?
    Desde mi punto de vista, creo que el desarrollo cognitivo de cada individuo es el que debe marcar la pauta para comenzar a leer o no. Lo que quiero decir con esto es que en el momento que un niño haya desarrollado las capacidades necesarias para comenzar a leer, cuanto antes se realice ese comienzo será mejor para el mismo, no solo por el simple hecho de aprender esta herramienta, sino que a través de la lectura el individuo se ayuda de esta estrategia para desarrollar aún más sus capacidades cognitivas, aprenden así a estructurar sus pensamientos y a esquematizar en su cabeza sus propias creencias, etc. Para ello, creo que el educador forma parte elemental de este proceso, ya que debe ser el que observe las capacidades del niño para que en cuanto lo vea preparado cognitivamente lo inicie en el mundo de la lectura.
    Sin más, mi opinión personal resumida queda en que en cuanto antes se comience a leer, mayor y mejor será el proceso de aprendizaje-enseñanza y mayor será el desarrollo cognitivo del niño.

  263. That is a very interesting topic. To learn a 9 months old baby to read that’s amazing. I know tha I’ll try to do thay to my child. But the thing is when you’re young every things are interesting to you so because of that you memorize it better. I have brother who is 3 years older than me. So I remember when he was around 12 years ol he had to teach a poem for the school. He was teaching a poem with my parents and for me that was funny so because of that I remembered some parts faster than my brother not that he’s stupid or something. But just for me that was such a fun that I memoraized. Of course than when I had to learn some poem also for school I was not that good because I tought it’s a waste of time. So yes I think that kind of stuff is working.

  264. Diana Moreno García- Olivares dice: Responder

    Cuanto antes empiece el niño a adquirir conocimientos mejor va ser para el para un futuro.
    Se dan casos de personas adultas que aún no han aprendido a leer o a escribir.
    El niño en estas edades tempranas como son de los 3 a los 6 años, es una «máquina» de almacenar conceptos, por lo que veo bien que aprendan cuanto antes.

  265. Also, I am one of the supporters of this idea. Teaching to read should begin right from infancy, when the child receives his first picture books and enjoys the beautiful, colourful pictures. Do there should be just pictures? – no, there also need to be words, typed clearly and large. The picture and the meaning of it. Maybe someone could ask: “Why the baby needs a book where something is written? “ Children absorb knowledge as vacuum cleaners. They learn through their senses – they see, hear, feel, and they learn. Also, the word in the beginning will not make him anything more than a vague summary of the signs, but he indirectly learns to read. I have heard many parents saying that nothing happened, their children will learn to read at the age of 6-7 years. But it is nothing about when he will learn, of course, he will learn, sooner or later he will do that. But it would be easier for that child if he starts it sooner, by indirect learning methods – big letters are in visible place, some main words with a picture what shows its meaning and someone (teacher / parent / nanny) who are working with that child daily at least for some minutes.

  266. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    I, like most of my predecessors, am also a strong supporter of the opinion that children should learn reading as early as possible. I believe if children start early to get used to words and letters they can learn reading easier and in a more fun way. Parents and educators need to help the children to approach reading in a playful and age-based way.
    I for my part can’t even remember how it felt when I was first able to read a couple of words or a sentence I only know how proud I was when I was able to write my own name in Kindergarden. Reading and writing gives children confidence because they are able to do something their parents can do as well. We shouldn’t underestimate children by saying they’re too young to learn that but we should give them a chance to try it.

  267. Aleksandra Bruch dice: Responder

    Children absorb knowledge. I think that reading a bedtime story children already highly developed. Listens to this, learn new vocabulary and develop intellectually. My sisters have small childrens and I know that it works. Children are getting smarter, but parents need to help them by just reading fairy tales, talk, play through which children really learn. But it all starts at home and is up to the parents. I’m sure that I will read books to my childrens as much as possible, because as I wrote, I know that it works and develops.

  268. María Barrios Vázquez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el hecho de hacer aprender a leer a los niños y niñas en edad temprana es muy correcto; ya que en esa etapa de sus vidas los niños retienen gran información y la captan. es por esto que se suele decir que los niños de edad temprana son «esponjas».

    Esta idea de enseñar a leer es muy acertada ya que durante las décadas pasadas se ha subestimado las capacidades intelectuales y, por tanto, memorísticas de los infantes. Pero actualmente se conoce que el desarrollo de los niños no era como decía, por ejemplo, Piaget y que sus pensamientos sobre el desarrollo intelectual de estos siempre pensaba que los niños aprendían las capacidades a edades más tardías a la que realmente lo hacían.

    Y yo me pregunto ¿puede ser que esto haya sucedido porque siempre hemos subestimado las capacidades de los niños y no les hemos dado la libertad, autonomía, dependencia y , tal vez, la ayuda que necesitaban para aprender esas capacidades? Puede haber sido ese nuestro error.

    Por eso pienso que cuanto antes se empiece a desarrollar la lectura en los niños, antes adquirirán valores, pensamientos propios, más vocabulario y más conocimientos. O eso es lo que yo pienso.

  269. Jerónimo Mora Caro dice: Responder

    Qué mejor cosa que poder enseñar a un niño cuanto antes, y claro, de una forma divertida. De los 0 a los 3 años, es el ciclo en que el ser humano tiene más capacidad de aprender y mejor lo hace. No entenderé nunca a esas personas que dicen, “¿mi hijo a la escuela infantil tan chico?”, dónde mejor que en un sitio como ese para aprender desde los 4 meses, edad en la que se pueden empezar a llevar niños a escuelas infantiles, donde hoy día, no sólo tienen un carácter asistencial como era antaño, sino asistencial y EDUCATIVO.

    No hay mejor manera que empezar desde muy pequeños a inculcarles las ganas por hacer las cosas y aprender, sea en el ámbito que sea.

  270. Christina Vaismenou dice: Responder

    It is really amazing if we think what the human brain can do.The ability of reading at the age of 3 is something that impress me!Of course the teachers and also the parents have to the learn the kids how to read.This not only will help them to the first classes of school but also it will help them to impove the skills of the brain,so it would be much more easier for them to continue learning.And this is the most important,keep learning!With that not only the person will proof their self-esteem and develop their brain,but will also make this society better..

  271. Alejandro Carrellán Lagares dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, los niños deben aprender cuanto antes, ya que a una temprana edad los infantes tienen una capacidad mayor. Ocurre igual que con los idiomas, si un niño comienza desde muy pequeño a estudiarlo, lo aprenderá mejor que si aprende en la adolescencia o incluso más tarde.
    También es mi obligación destacar la pregunta «¿qué clase de profesores tienen estos niños que permiten que sus alumnos se aburran?», porque creo que es tan clara que no necesita una respuesta.
    ¿Acaso una enseñanza desde pequeño no evitaría el gran fracaso que existe en la actualidad a la hora de escribir?

  272. En mi opinión, no estoy de acuerdo con que los niños deban empezar a leer a los 3 años, pienso que si que esta bien eso de que «el saber no ocupa lugar» y ademas creo que es totalmente cierto, pero hay que contextualizarse siempre no se puede enseñar a un niño desde los 3 años a leer porque todavía algunos no están preparados pienso, entonces yo creo que el método correcto o el que mejor se adapta a este contexto del cual partimos (no todos tienen las mismas capacidades) es aquel en el que se comienza por bases sencillas a pronunciar y a conocer letras, silabas básicas y poco a poco ir aumentando la dificultad hasta que ya a los 5 o 6 años comience a leer frases y relacionarlas. Un niño/a que empiece a los 3 años a leer no leerá igual que uno que poco a poco se vaya iniciando y a los 5 años empiece ya a leer con soltura porque las habilidades y herramientas que tienen a los 5 años creo que son más propicias para leer con soltura y seguridad que con 3, entonces pienso que se debe ir iniciando a lo largo de los cursos infantiles, porque así le ira mejor en este aspecto y no creo que tenga porque haber prisas por enseñar a leer en las escuelas, es algo que se va cogiendo poco a poco.

  273. Sara Navarro Montero dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, hay argumentos que apoyo, otros que ampliaría y también que matizaría.
    En primer lugar estoy de acuerdo con que los niños deben aprender lo más pronto posible nuevas cosas, como en este caso leer, cierto es que no todos los niños tienen la misma capacidad que algunos otros, y no se les puede pedir que aprendan a leer cuando otras facultades no están del todo consolidadas, sin embargo a esta edad son como esponjas, retienen contenidos muy bien, aunque no todos piensen eso, de ahí que puedan aprender a leer ya con estas edades, algo que a la hora de entrar en la primaria está muy ganado, a mi por ejemplo me enseñaron a leer antes de entrar en esta etapa.
    Otra cosa que debería añadirse a esto, es una mayor enseñanza de otros idiomas pues, esto es algo de gran relevancia, pues con niños de esta etapa es mucho más fácil trabajar los nuevos idiomas, aprender esto a través del juego es lo que más favorecería a los infantes.

  274. I believe Glenn Doman when he says that its children till 4 years old are linguistic geniuses. That babys learn easyer to read than 6 year old kids. I agree that the teacher needs to be loud, clear and repetitive. We could change our system by teaching our children on a lower age to read and learn about language. I think that there is to less knowledge about how we can help children younger than six years old to maximize their learning potential. With more knowledge about what children younger than six need and like, with more creative teachers that have the empathy to connect to the perception of children, I am sure we can upgrade our education system to bring our children further in life.

  275. Jose Antonio Navarro Horta dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, enseñar a leer a los niños y niñas a edades tempranas es favorable para ellos, ya que cuanto antes aprendan antes adquieren ese conocimiento. Pero esto se debe hacer de una manera lúdica y divertida, que el niño vea la lectura como algo divertido y entretenido, siempre sin obligarles para que aprendan con mayor interés y atención. Es muy importante la forma de iniciarle en la lectura, porque si lo hacemos obligándole puede provocar una falta de interés por ella. Para terminar, pienso que enseñar a un niño a leer a edades tempranas puede contribuir a que madure antes y que esto les puede beneficiar en el futuro.

  276. I 100% agree with this topic. I talked with one of my friend yesterday about it. We both agreed that it is more effective to teach things to children than adult. For example, my sisters’ children likes to watch cartoons in english, he started to do that when he was 4 years old, of course he didn’t knew the language at that time, but after 3 years just watching cartoons he learned a little bit english, actually more than his mother. He knew how to count to 10 and quite a lot simple words in english, it is so amazing what childrens’ brain is capable of.
    I really admire those parents who hires a nanny with one condition, the nanny needs to talk in english with child. It so good for the children, like it was said in the video, childrens’ brain is developing, and even if he/she is 1 year old, no matter what the child is learning, and even better than older childrens.

  277. Nerea Sousa Navarro dice: Responder

    He de decir que yo también soy participe de que hay que enseñar a los niños a leer y escribir a una edad más temprana. No entiendo como hay personas que rechacen esta propuesta. Los niños de esa edad solo realizan en la escuela dibujos, colorear, etc, si en vez de eso los introducimos en el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura, cuando lleguen a la etapa primaria donde se realiza estos aprendizajes, podrán aprender nuevos conocimientos que, en teoría, darían en cursos posteriores, con lo que adquirirán un numero mayor de conocimientos en menor tiempo. Pienso que esto solo puede ser bueno, cómo va a ser malo que los niños obtengan mayores conocimientos en menor tiempo, además se a demostrado que cuando somos pequeños nos cuesta menos esfuerzo aprender cosas nuevas, entonces ¿Por qué no aprovechar esta etapa al máximo? Quiero terminar diciendo que si esto se realizara los niños saldrían mucho más preparados en el futuro, ya que cada vez hay unas exigencias mayores para el desarrollo de las profesiones y tendrían más capacidad de innovación y aprendizaje.

    Nerea Sousa Navarro T1

  278. Alena Urbanová dice: Responder

    Reading affects the imagination, deepening of thought processes, perception, memory, and its progress, etc. It´s therefore an integral development part of the individual person. It is necessary to provide quality education and training the child how to read since an early age. Nobody shouldn´t impel children to read. The best start with education to read is in the family. Children should see that the books are nice and it’s nice sometimes to transfer into a fantasy world and read the stories of other children and other heroes. In this way it creates a relationship to the world and to values as well. Once I saw a survey which said that children, who learn to read in the preschool, prosper better in school.

  279. Raúl Escaño Viera dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, no parece mala idea lo de enseñar a leer antes de los tres años, pero hacerlo una imposición me parece un grave error. Significaría obligar a las guarderías a enseñar a leer a sus alumnos, tarea complicada y que requeriría bastante tiempo, tiempo que le quitas a otros aspectos que, a mi parecer, son mas importantes que la lectura a esta edad. El niño llega a la guardería gritando, con comportamientos antisociales y agresivos y solo se han relacionado con sus cuidadores primarios (padres). Pienso que la guardería, más que enseñar a leer, tiene la obligación de educar al niño, enseñarlo a relacionarse, corregirle aquellos instintos que lo hacen poco sociable, de modificar conductas que sean agresivas… El único momento de la vida en que el ser humano no tiene obligaciones o preocupaciones, es en la infancia temprana. Cuando entran en la escuela ya empiezan las tareas para casa, la competencia por sacar más nota, resumiendo empiezan a tener obligaciones. Si esto se aprobara por ley, las guarderías dejarían de socializar al niño para alfabetizarlo. No se si los partidarios de una lecto-escritura tardía defienden esta corriente porque crean que el niño llegue a la escuela y se aburra, más bien porque entienden que en este período se han de desarrollar otras capacidades del niño. Como dije al principio, no lo veo una mala idea, las familias que lo consideren adecuado lo pueden hacer y seguro que al niño le viene biea para el futuro, pero aprobarlo por ley no me parece del todo correcto.

  280. Al leer este taxto me ha recordado a una noticie que lei hace tiempo, un niño de temprana edad que sabia trabajar con derivas, integrales y demas operaciones matematicas cuando lo «ideal» para el era aprender a hacer divisiones con decimales, al leer esto quede desconcertado pero no hay que investigar mucho para ver un niño es capaz de casi todo si se utiliza el metodo adecuado, es como ejemplo la niña australiana que con cinco años era capaz de crear obras de arte pintando o el del niño chino que con seis era todo un maestro de la guitarra un instrumento dificultoso. Por todo esto creo que es bueno que el niño vaya aprendiendo a leer o a otras cosas con edades prematuras, pero eso si, siempre y cuando no se le presione al niño constantemente, porque cada uno tenemos nuestro ritmo de aprendizaje, no debe ser impuesto.

  281. Gema Rodríguez Llagas dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que los niño cuanto antes aprendan a leer es mejor, ya que se puede ir desarrollando su nivel de lectura y no tienen porqué perder interés en las clases como dicen. El motivo de que un alumno se aburra más en clase es de la manera en la que enseña el profesor, si tuviera una forma de educar más activa o más adecuada para ellos, dudo de que puedan aburrirse.
    En el caso de que aprendan cuanto antes, esto facilitaría la enseñanza de la lectura en las escuelas, ya que llevarían mas avanzado el temario dedicado a leer. A partir de la primera enseñanza se seguiría poniendo en práctica lo aprendido, haciendo así que no se pierda con facilidad.

  282. Ana Felicidad Araujo Márquez dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su opinión, ya que los niños de edades comprendidas entre 1 y 3 años absorben más información, ya que su cerebro y capacidades están en pleno desarrollo.
    La lectura es la forma más segura de aprender, gracias a ello evitaremos faltas de ortografía en un futuro, incluso con cuentos o juguetes especiales para enseñar a los niños desde pequeños podemos fomentar su imaginación y forma de ver la vida. Aprender, eso es lo que al fin y al cabo la lectura puede provocar en nosotros a esas edades, no solo cultura si no también las cosas más importantes de la vida cotidiana mientras crecemos, nos enseña lo bueno y lo malo del mundo exterior, a veces con fabulas pueden aprender a manejar cualquier situación.
    En el caso de que los alumnos se aburran de la lectura, quizás no es por eso precisamente, pienso que todo viene de la infancia, hay personas que prefieren leer un libro antes que ver televisión o jugar a vídeo juegos como hoy en día, incluso los profesores ya no hacen juegos como antes, para estimular a sus alumnos y hay que plantearse seriamente si eso es lo que lleva a los niños de hoy a dejar totalmente de lado los libros, siendo estos una base bastante interesante para ejercitar la mente. Creo que ni el docente ni el alumnado hagan lo todo posible o quizás los profesores se están dejando influenciar demasiado por las nuevas tecnologías.
    Incluso a todas las edades podemos aprender de la lectura… » Nunca te acostarás sin saber una cosa más». Claramente, todos seguimos aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida, y por que digan que hay personas más listas que otras… Pienso que no tiene nada que ver, y que el estilo de vida es lo que más influye.
    Dicho esto considero un buen método el de Glenn Doman, y pienso que tanto en las escuelas y en casa deberíamos hacer diferentes ejercicios para que los niños, aprendan todo lo posible, para un buen futuro.

  283. Estefania Colazo Lino dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, nunca me había planteado este debate, pero si creo que su opinión es la más certera, pues hoy día hay dos cosas totalmente ciertas, aprender a leer es imprescindible y que la mente humana en sus primeros años de desarrollo esta más receptiva que con el paso de los años… entonces ¿Porque no enseñar algo necesario en un momento idóneo?
    Además, supone más facilidades a la hora de avanzar en los cursos, pero como usted bien a dicho no todo es en la escuela. Tampoco creo que el aburrimiento de esos niños sea la causa por la que no quieran incluir este aprendizaje tan temprano, ya que aprender no es algo que se haga en un año ni en dos, siempre hay cosas que enseñar.

  284. Una vez leída esta entrada, he de decir que estoy totalmente de acuerdo con tu argumento.
    Hoy en día y sobre todo bajo la situación que nos encontramos, quienes triunfan son aquellos que ya vienen con la lección aprendida. En mi opinión todos los niños deberían captar la lectura cuanto antes mejor; ya que la mente de los niños son mentes abiertas que van captando todo tipo de información en todo momento y esto les ayudaría a tener mayores facilidades en un futuro. A través de juegos educativos, cuentos y otro tipo de mecanismos lúdicos se podrían obtener unos resultados magníficos.
    El aprendizaje no tiene principio, es decir, no tiene edad, y un niño que sepa leer a la edad de los 3 años no es un niño explotado sino un niño aventajado.
    ¡Ojala yo hubiera aprendido a leer con 3 años!

  285. Jose Manuel Bueno Robles dice: Responder

    En mi opinión no estoy ni a favor ni en contra de niguno de las dos posiciones, por un lado pienso que si hasta ahora se ha enseñado a los niños a leer a la edad que les corresponde es decir, a los 5-6 años, y hasta ahora nos ha ido bien ¿por qué cambiarlo ahora?, de siempre se ha enseñado a esa edad aunque siempre habia una excepción de un niño que si sabia leer y escribir de antes, y pienso que debe ser una cosa u otra, porque recuerdo que en mi clase habia una chica que con cinco años leia, y toda la clase le envidiaba y se sentia inferior y eso tampoco es bueno. Por otro lado opino que es muy buena idea enseñar a los niños a leer con 3 años ya que estos tienen la capacidad de aprrenderlo y todo que se aprenda antes de la hora de ser enseñado es bueno, se adelantan varios años que sabiendo leer podrian aprovechar para enseñar otras cosas importantes para la educación.

  286. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    Since I do not have enough information about the ability to learn of babies, I read some articles but I could not find any consesus whether it is suitable to learn at an early age or not. According to a report, the assumption that an early starting age is beneficial for children’s later attainment is not well supported in the research and therefore remains open to question. To understand the situation in depth, we should see the percentages of achivement and failure of the students who start to learn at an early age. Compared to most other western European countries, English pupils are extremely early starters in the classroom. I read some comments of the families living in England and I noticed that most of the families complain about the situation and they can see no direct benefit to their children through starting school so young. Additionally, Finnish pupils start formal education at seven and as it is known, Finland is the global superstar in educational terms. In my opinion, it is not appropriote for students to teach at an early age because I think that they are not developmentally ready to be launched into formal education.

  287. Rocío Pichardo García dice: Responder

    Ciertamente, tengo la misma opinión que la comentada en el artículo; “el saber no ocupa lugar y que todo aquello que pueda ser aprendido por niños desde edad temprana quedará como valor fundante para el futuro”. Pienso que el enseñar a leer, escribir, incluso contenidos y conceptos básicos de materias fundamentales (como por ejemplo sumar y restar) a los niños menores de 5 años, no es en absoluto perjudicial para este. Opino que estos conocimientos deben enseñarse lo más pronto posible, aunque sin agobiar al niño; hacerlo de forma divertida para él, de esta forma se divertirá aprendiendo. No creo que por empezar a enseñarles estas cosas de manera temprana, el niño se aburra en clase (como en el texto algunos autores comentan); el maestro tiene que ver esto como algo beneficioso y sacarle provecho, enseñándoles más cosas y mejor.
    Volviendo a la frase inicial de “el saber no ocupa lugar” pienso que si un niño empieza muy pequeño con conocimientos básicos y aprende las cosas antes, cimentará adecuadamente su posterior aprendizaje. En un futuro, será una persona muy realizada y podrá desenvolverse satisfactoriamente en la sociedad.

  288. To me , the age of learning things can be different from child to child and from skill to skill. When the education authorities decide what to teach and when to teach certain subject, I wonder what they consider to plan all teaching and learning process.Interests and temperament are major considerations. Are our children inquisitive and interested in their surroundings? Are they intrigued by new ideas? Do they exhibit a genuine interest in the stories we read to them? If the answer to most of these questions is yes, they are probably ready to begin learning to read regardless of age. Some four year-olds simply cannot wait to learn to read, but other eight year-olds are not yet developmentally ready. There is a danger that to teach children to read even earlier, at pre-school could put them off reading for life if pupils are forced to learn before they are ready. Starting formal instruction early is very damaging. Children are expected to be active and assertive but during formal instruction they are being passive not active.

  289. Alejandro Rodríguez Lara dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, cuanto antes empecemos a estimular a los niños con cuestiones educativas mejor, ya que cuando somos más chicos captamos mejor las ideas, como si tuviéramos muchísimas ganas de aprender.
    No resulta raro que algunas personas piensen que hay una edad mínima para empezar a enseñar al niño a leer, pues se comentaba que en un pueblo de una ciudad andaluza habían echado a una profesora por enseñar más de lo que debería enseñarles a sus alumnos.
    Creo que el ejemplo anterior basta para saber realmente en el país que vivimos.

  290. Jesús Garfia Marquez dice: Responder

    Supongo que nunca se es demasiado joven o mayor para aprender algo, Mozart componía obras musicales con tan solo 5 años, claro está que no todos los niños son Mozart y no todos podríamos componer obras musicales con 5 años, ahí veo la dificultad de los maestros en las aulas para enseñar a leer cuando los niños son tan pequeños, ya que no todos tienen la misma facilidad para aprender, de echo conozco a niños que con 3 años casi ni hablan, como para enseñarlos a leer.. y más teniendo en cuenta que en España no está de moda la educación adaptada y se lleva más la educación uniforme
    Pienso que las cosas tienen un proceso de aprendizaje y no importa con qué edad las aprendamos siempre y cuando no nos saltemos ninguna de sus etapas, no creo que sea bueno aprender a correr antes de saber andar, empezamos gateando luego andamos y acabamos corriendo.. y por supuesto mientras antes aprendamos a correr antes podremos huir de donde no nos interesa estar, y últimamente España no es un país que interese, ni le interesamos a el.

  291. It is a good idea to teach reading in early ages. I am not fully oppsite of this idea. But I have some questions. As we know Finland education system is the best and useful example that we have why they do not need to urge children to read in early ages. As far as I know children in Finland start to school at 7 and before primary school many children go to preschool and day-care centers, but there is no specific effort to teach reading before primary school. I know that %60 of children’s brain is formed in early ages and early reading increase effective working of brain neurons and also increase children’s perception of the world, but if there is an effort to teach reading at these ages there can be some stress on them. I think the most important thing is the readiness of the child on this issue. Also, I have some words and negative feelings about education system. It is not based on creativity, freedom and productivity, it is based on just memeorizing. If you have a good life and job you have to memorize tones of useless things. So, in this condition I do not see a need to develop children’s brain early and put them in an urge and stress them to read early. If we have a better education, than we need better brains to work on at early ages. However, most of children one way or another are turned into memory machines in schools and they gradually loose many skills that they have inside when they were born in education process. So, I think it is better to wait until children are ready to read. As we see in Finland example it is not important to start something early , it is important to do education in the right way which is appropriate for the human nature that brings together all important pieces of educating process. In addition, I think it is also nonsense to wait for school time for starting to read if a child is ready to read. We can decide when a child should start reading by observation and they mostly point the right time for reading.

  292. Joana Maestre Rodriguez dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que no existe una edad determinada para aprender, siempre que se tengan ganas y posibilidades… si un niño de corta edad tiene estimulos suficientes y capacidades para aprender a leer ¿quienes somos nosotros para privarlo de ello? Eso de que si un niño ya sabe leer en clase se aburria me parece de un absurdo… el maestro como bien dices es el que se tiene que encargar de enseñarle y estimularlo cuanto el niño necesite, asi conseguira muchisimo más de lo que pensamos, siempre se a dicho que los niños son esponjas a corta edad, por lo tanto se podria conseguir maravillas. Siempre y cuando no se fuerce me parece correcto que cada uno aprenda cuando pueda o cuando quiera.. Aunque como bien sabemos estamos en un pais que cuando algo se sale de lo «normal» ya te ponen trabas.

  293. Alberto de los Reyes dice: Responder

    El ser humano ha ido evolucionando y adaptándose a lo largo de los siglos y milenios para poder permanecer es este mundo y evitar la extinción de nuestra especie. Elogio la capacidad tan enorme que poseemos como decir, y todo este me lleva a deducir algo…con tesón y empeño, ¿ qué no puede lograr el ser humano?, ¿ porqué nos empeñamos en ponernos trabas nosotros mismos?… y ahí la pregunta clave este asunto, ¿ porqué impedimos o evitamos que un «homno sappiens sappiens» adquiera conocimientos a temprana edad, si su capacidad es mas que sobrada para ello ?… ¿ no interesa quizás a las instituciones encargadas de la formación de los niños que se lleve a cabo dicha tarea ?…
    Es una pena que nosotros, a nosotros mismos nos pongamos trabas a nuestro propio saber… a nuestro propia evolución…


  294. As a kinder garden teacher we have to teach the child write his own name and the child tried to recognize his own name when he see other names too. When the child is turning 6 years and go to primary school they have to learn reading. I don’t know a lot of it yet, but I have the oppurtinity to have my internship in the 1st class of primaryschool, so I’m really excited to learn how to learn the children read! I think that every kindergarden teacher needs to do this internship, so you can also more evaluate and help you children of the 3th pre primaryschool. Because if you know how it works in the 1ste class of primary school, it’s better to know as teacher what they can expect in the primary school.

  295. Alberto de los Reyes dice: Responder

    El ser humano es un milagro o logro de la naturaleza que siglo tras siglo, milenio tras milenio ha ido evolucionando tanto física como mentalmente para adaptarse y evolucionar en su entorno de una manera espectacular. Es una pena que hoy día las personas no aprobechemos esto, y me incluyo al decir que deberíamos exprimirnos al máximo día a día para ser mejores mañana y avanzar en la escala evolutiva, en vistas a un futuro lejano…
    Desde luego el homno sappiens no esta «diseñado» para retrasarse en su mejora, ya que posee una capacidad intelectual y de avance increíbles…¿quien somos para decidir a que edad comenzar a leer?…¡¡HAGAMOS QUE LOS NIÑOS APRENDAN CUANTO ANTES!!

  296. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    I found this article really interesting, but at the same time I have many questions about it.

    First of all, is it true that «the more you put into the human brain, the more it will hold»?

    I thought that babies can hold in their mind only certain information at each age and that if we try to fulfill it with more, they will miss the understanding of other basic things (see the stages of development according to Piaget’s theory).

    Also, would it be beneficial for a baby to learn to read before he goes to school in our society? Wouldn t it result him getting bored and having difficulties at school? Or should we teach him something else, such as arts, at the age of 3-6 in order to take advantage of his great potential (as long as the educational system of our western civilisation doesn t really provide arts)?

  297. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I can read since I am four years old and the funny thing is that I learned it with the help of a book that explained the letters and just by asking my parents from time to time about several things. Of course, the first year in school was boring for me, then, but in Germany there is a possibility to get into the second year without doing the first year, if you are smart enough. I didn’t do it, because my parents were afraid of it, but I could have done it.
    So what I want to say is: If a child is really interested in learning how to read – why should he or she not be allowed to do it? Of course, parents shouldn’t force their children, if they are not interested. But it is not wrong to learn how to read in an early age – and it is possible like my case shows.

  298. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    I believe that it is good for children to start read early. I think that if you get this opportunity early, it has many benefits during all school time. I think is easier to understand what you read when you’re six or seven years, if you have learned to read when you were four years old. If you can understand what you read by this early age, you will also take in the information from the text much better. What I am trying to say is that if the reading comprehension is good, the child will be better to accumulate knowledge from the text. I think that those children who starts read early will have advantage of that, not only in the beginning of the school, maybe even in the end of the school or on high school because I think this in another step will take form as really good study skills.

  299. Rafael Infante Romero dice: Responder

    Opino que los niños pequeños tienen una gran capacidad de aprendizaje, son como unas “esponjas que absorben todo tipo de conocimiento que se les enseñe” y debemos desarrollar esa capacidad de una forma entretenida para ellos, ya que el juego y el aprendizaje se pueden y se deben complementar, con lo que los menores de cinco años deberían comenzar la lectura con libros adaptados a su edad.
    Como conclusión, quisiera recalcar que el saber no ocupa lugar a ninguna edad.

  300. Tereza Gemelová dice: Responder

    The most important thing is to start to read for child as soon as possible. The book develops a child of any age, whether it’s a few pages of picture books or adventure novel without pictures. I think that when the child begins to learn letters, alphabet and begins to read depends on how much the parents take care abou child. Some parents wait until the child learn it at school. My parents taught me to read before primary school and supported me. Many times I slept in the library on the night with Andersen and other programs. it is really great idea, I think it’s very encouraging children to read. During the night librarian read from different books, we played games and all in the library environment, and then we make the bed for the night sleeping betwen the shelves of books. was really interesting. Reading is the best way how to get informations

  301. Almudena Grosso Franco dice: Responder

    Opino que los niños pequeños tienen gran capacidad para aprender, por lo que cuanto antes se les enseñen cosas, mejor. No pienso que los cinco o seis años sea una edad tardía para aprender a leer, pero si se puede enseñar antes, pues mejor. Si un niño con cinco años ya maneja, aunque solo sea un poco, la lectura, no tiene por que aburrirse en clase, puesto que el deber de sus profesores es enseñarles y divertirles. En mi opinión, a los niños desde temprana edad se les debe ir enseñando cosas para que, conforme vayan creciendo, sean más inteligentes y productivos.

  302. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    All the children are very curious so the right conditions should be set to teach them talking, reading, writing. In my opinion, the younger the child is when somebody starts him teaching, it is likely that he can learn more during his life. So I agree with the approach that children should be started teaching reading in the early days when they want to explore and learn everything. It has to be made through interesting activity, games because then children don‘t get bored and assimilate much better. Also the children should not be forced to learn but encouraged – then it is easier to improve their skills. And the children don‘t get bored in the class if they read well. Contrarily, they will be more self-satisfied.

  303. Manuela García Reyes dice: Responder

    Un tema con demasiada controversia como has señalado en el texto.. En mi opinión la idea que los niños empiecen a una edad temprana a tener contacto con la lecto-escritura es muy buena, adecuando siempre la metodología a seguir con ellos, porque a esas edades los pequeños tienen capacidad para, a través del juego sobretodo, ir adquiriendo nuevos conceptos y habilidades cognoscitivas. Se debe aprovechar esas capacidades para que vayan aprendiendo y cogiendo una pequeña base para los años posteriores.

  304. Isaac Garrido Gómez dice: Responder

    Considero que es oportuno, que los niños aprendan cuanto antes a leer, ya que, este es un hecho provechoso de cara al futuro. No entiendo muy bien en qué se basan aquellos que dicen que no es conveniente enseñar a leer a los niños hasta los 5 o 6 años de edad. Me parece un despropósito que todavía haya personas con este tipo de pensamientos.

    Es interesante destacar que el aprender desde una edad temprana a leer, no implica que los niños no vayan a tener tiempo para jugar, sino todo lo contrario. El juego y el aprendizaje es algo que, en algunos casos, se pueden complementar totalmente. Para que un niño aprenda a leer desde preescolar, no es necesario que ese niño no juegue más con sus amigos y se centre única y exclusivamente en aprender a leer, y pase 10 horas al día con un libro por delante, junto con sus padres o maestros. Además, al niño se le puede presentar la tarea de aprender a leer como un juego, ¿o no? Podría ser muy entretenido.

    Para concluir, declaro que todo acto educativo, para mí, no tiene edad

  305. Noemí Bernal Acebedo dice: Responder

    Soy de aquellas personas que piensan que un niño PUEDE aprender a leer antes de los cinco años. No es que considere los cinco años como una edad tardía para comenzar con la lectura, sino que si se puede hacer antes, ¿a qué estamos esperando?. Estoy de acuerdo con eso que usted apunta de «el saber no ocupa lugar». Normalmente, casi todo el mundo ve a los niños menores de cinco años como niños que únicamente deben jugar para divertirse. Yo, personalmente, creo que el hecho de enseñar a esos niños a leer tanbién podríamos convertirlo en algo divertido, dinámico, que fuese capaz de despertar su curiosidad por aprender para que no se haga «aburrido»; como muchos dicen.
    No opino que sea un deber enseñar a leer antes de los cinco años pero sería muy favorable en todos los aspectos y enriquecería mucho a los niños. Los niños de 1,2,3 y 4 años son «esponjas que todo lo absorben», eso debería de aprovecharse más y es un punto a favor para empezar poco a poco con el desarrollo de la lectura. Éstos pueden sorprendernos con sus habilidades y, por ellos, considero que el ejercicio de la lectura podría empezar antes de los cinco años.

  306. Cristina del Carmen Romero dice: Responder

    Podemos ver claramente que el aprender a leer y escribir pronto, es una garantía de futuro. Entonces, ¿por qué no se permite la alfabetización antes de los 6 años, en España?. Siendo tan favorable, nuestro sistema educativo es el que falla, ya que no tiene la alfabetización como objetivo antes de los 6 años. Incluso podemos llegar a ver noticias en la que una maestra es despedida por enseñar «demasiado» (sumar, restar y leer) a niños de 4 años. Este hecho sucede en Andorra pero a causa de un inspector de Madrid. (
    Así que, ¿donde está el límite? ¿Ayudamos a los niños/as a leer antes, y que nuestro gobierno nos «ponga la zancadilla» o seguimos dejando que países como Shangái (China) o Corea del Sur, sigan siendo los mejores (según el informe pisa 2010) en habilidad lectora? Este pequeño hecho puede marcar una gran diferencia en el futuro.

    1. Querida Cristina:
      Estamos viviendo en el límite de lo absurdo, claramente esto está pasando factura y pasará más en el futuro. Visto que muchas de las instituciones están en manos de personas sin idea del inmenso valor que tiene el aprendizaje ni, efectivamente, tienen idea qué hacer con todo ello.
      Una pena… pero tú a lo tuyo…
      Un abrazo.
      José Manuel Bautista.

  307. abraham rufo gonzalez dice: Responder

    estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que contra antes aprendan a leer y escribir menos dificultades van a encontrar en el futuro, y ya no solo estos ámbitos también habría que aplicarlo a otras materias como matemáticas, idiomas, entre otras muchas.
    también opino que todas estos aprendizajes se deben de proporcionar de forma lúdica y divertida, porque no debemos olvidar que a esas edades lo mas importante para el niño es que se divierta, porque sino pierde todo el interés en la actividad que se le proponga,
    si se les dice desde pequeño que la lectura es aburrida, y nunca han visto en su casa a nadie de su familia coger un libro, pienso que sera muy difícil que le pueda llegar a gustar la lectura
    ni pondrá empeño en mejorar, y esto puede acarrear problemas en su futuro, tanto de comprensión de textos como al expresarse por escrito.
    como conclusión pienso que tanto leer como escribir son aspectos fundamentales en la vida, y contra antes se empiecen a forjar mucho mejor.

  308. María Herrera Merchante dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, pienso que es muy buena idea enseñar a los niños a leer desde edades tempranas, como son entre 1 y 3 años, ya que a estas edades los niños son más «esponjas» que nunca y absorben muy rápidamente todo el conocimiento que se le vaya a proporcionar. Ya se sabe que los niños entre 1 y 3 años solo quieren jugar y explorar, pero iniciar la lectura a esta edad no quiere decir que le vayamos a dar «El Quijote»,si no que poco a poco con juegos y estrategias que se complementen con su edad, lo iremos adentrando en el mundo de la lectura.
    Este tema me recuerda bastante al de los idiomas, ya que pienso que a los niños a estas edades también hay que incluirles ciertas palabras de otro idioma, en nuestro caso a aprender, el inglés, porque, como he dicho antes, lo absorben más rápidamente que un niño de más edad.
    Respecto al aburrimiento de los niños que se cita en el texto si aprenden a leer antes, quisiera objetar que lo veo totalmente al contrario, ya que si el niño tiene más conocimientos de los que debe cuando llegue a la primaria, se podrá explotar mucho más su inteligencia y podrá realizarse muchas más cosas con ellos, puesto que gozan de mayor aprendizaje. Si se da el caso de que el niño se aburra en clase será problema del profesor, que no sabrá dar sus clases de una manera amena para sus alumnos.

  309. Sandra González Custodio dice: Responder

    Los niños tienen una gran capacidad y cuanto antes se le enseñe a leer antes se les desarrollará sus esquemas y mayor capacidad lectora y de comprender tendrán. Si pueden aprender a los tres años…. ¿para qué esperar?. Leer es la forma más básica para que en el futuro puedan comprender con claridad, y que no les engañen, que sean adultos con la capacidad de libre elección. En cuanto a que los niños se aburren en clase si se les enseña a leer a edad temprana pienso que un buen maestro debe tener la capacidad para enseñar a un niño desde los más básico a lo más complejo. Y si se les tiene que enseñar a leer deben buscar estrategias para que los niños aprendan, y con las capacidades que tienen que tener ya adquiridas hacer que se cumplan los objetivos de su etapa.

  310. Irene Pérez Mulero dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista creo que es bueno que a los niños/as se les debe de ir estimulando con la lectura. Poco a poco, sin forzar y adecuando el metodo de enseñanza a cada etapa de la vida en la que se encuentren. Pienso que si que cuanto antes comiencen con la lectura u otros aprendizajes como los idiomas mejor,puesto que tendran habilidad para ir comprendiendo mas cosas, pero siempre pensando que son niños y que deben aprender a leer jugando.

  311. Jose Maria Ruiz Medina dice: Responder

    Si el niño posee la capacidad de aprender a leer desde temprano, ¿Por qué no aprovecharla? ¿A qué esperamos? Yo soy de los que piensan que lo que se pueda enseñar ya, debe ser aprendido, dejando así espacio para que siga aprendiendo, desarrollando y ampliando sus horizontes.
    No hay que subestimar las capacidades de los niños, ya que captan las cosas con mucha facilidad y rapidez, y eso hay que aprovecharlo. Si en el futuro se quiere tener personas formadas de manera que podamos competir con el resto del mundo hay que empezar cuanto antes.
    En cuanto al aburrimiento en clase del chico que ya sabe leer no comparto esa idea. Si esto ocurre, considero que es problema del docente, ya que es el encargado, a través de distintas actividades y metodología, de mantener al alumnado motivado para seguir aprendiendo. Hay que saber aprovechar estas potencias llamadas niños.

  312. paula lopez delgado dice: Responder

    He de decir que desde mi punto de vista, todos y cada uno de los niños deben ir aprendiendo desde muy pequeños, desde que ese niño tenga la capacidad suficiente para ir adquiriendo todos lo conocimientos que se les pueda enseñar, ya que no todos los niños avanzan al mismo ritmo, los hay que aprenden rapidísimo y otros que hay que dedicarles mucho mas tiempo. Pero eso no debe ser un problema siempre y cuando haya quien estimule a los niños para que puedan avanzar como todos los demás. Cuanto antes aprendan a leer, escribir, dibujar, contar,…. y todo lo que la escuela puede enseñar ser muchísimo mejor para los avances del niño. Todo lo aprendido en la escuela debe ser reforzado en casa para que ese niño no se estanque sino que vaya creciendo con mayor numero de conocimiento.

  313. LAURA CRUZADO GONZÁLEZ dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, a los niños se les debería de enseñar a leer y a escribir en cuanto su mente este capacitada para absorber esa cantidad de contenidos importantes, ya que cuanto antes se aprenda antes se podrán corregir futuros graves errores. Tampoco habría que acosar a los niños con que aprendieran, pero sí habría que inculcarles que su futuro sería muchísimo mejor para ellos si aprendieran poco a poco cosas básicas.
    En cuanto a lo de que algunos niños se aburren en clase, ese es un tema de bastante discusión ya que puede haber muchísimas opiniones. Yo pienso que si un niño se aburre en clase, la solución la debe de buscar el maestro para hacer posible que ese niño no se aburra, ni los demás niños de la clase tampoco.

  314. Agata Klopotowska dice: Responder

    Small children usually very early acquainted with letters. They are visible in many places – in their books, on television, on the bilboards, shops, etc. From reading the letters to the knowledge, there is a long way. The most important is the child’s interest in reading and learning in a fun-way. Forced to read and write, when the kid is not ready for it, may result in a large discouragement. Equally important is starting to learn to regulate his auditory perception.
    Often it is better to practice the basic features (perception of auditory, perception and focus attention) than to try to teach reading.
    It is therefore important not to harm the child in starting the teaching of reading and writing too early.

  315. Klára Šulcová dice: Responder

    Of course the greatest influence on the children have their parents and they from the very beginning will decide whether your child will lead to education and also how they will do it. Around the year and a half, the child learns to recognize shapes, then color, then it is possible that the expedition itself begins to letters and numbers. If so, definitely not correct to prevent child, but on the contrary help in his development. Today there are various picture books and comics designed exactly for the child’s age. Conversely certainly is not right to force a child to read.
    Another important point is the right motivation of teacher who has in class students, who are readers but also thoseones who can not read. Suitable is the collective work of students. Students who can read can help the others. Another solution is to entertain kids by book to not be bored and angry.

  316. In the first four years of a child will laid important foundation for educational career. Therefore is an early playful promotion only useful. So you can prevent that your child gets problems with the requirements in school. Parents should give their children a positive perception of reading.
    Anyone who can read understands the world! That is a true sentence. I do not think that is necessary to determine the age when a child should start to read, but it is important that parents give incentives to learn the letters and the pronounciation. You should not pressurise your child, but promote his curiosity.

  317. Cristina Inm Rivero Márquez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión estoy totalmente de acuerdo con las personas que piensan que lo mejor es que los niños empiecen a leer cuanto antes mejor, puesto que los niños de pequeños son como “esponjas” todo lo absorben y todo lo aprenden, como es con el caso de los idiomas y otras muchas cosas.

    Además desde mi punto de vista, creo que cuanto antes aprendan a leer mas tiempo van a tener de aprender otras cosas, de aprender también leyendo, puesto que al leer puedes aprender a escribir mejor, tener menos faltas de ortografía, puedes expresarte mejor ya que leyendo también aprendes palabras y te explicas con mas claridad y con un vocabulario espléndido.

  318. María Dolores Delgado Carrera dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, es muy bueno que los niños aprendan a leer lo antes posible ya que la lectura es la base de todo conocimiento y formación. Pienso que cuanto antes sepa leer un niño, antes aprenderá a escribir con corrección, sin faltas de ortografía, podrá tener un vocabulario más rico y desarrollará un nivel intelectual mayor y más amplio. Además, así le inculcamos desde pequeños la importancia de la lectura como instrumento fundamental del conocimiento y la cultura. Los niños tienen capacidad para aprender a leer desde muy pequeños y creo que esta capacidad se debe aprovechar, porque algo tan bueno como es la lectura, no puede ser perjudicial para los niños en clase, al contrario, creo que mostrarían un mayor interés por aprender cosas nuevas.

  319. its really interested topic. still we don’t know a lot of about our possibilities. bbc has very interesting series about when and how children can recognise things, shapes, how they understand space, them in it and so on. it was the series of experiments about it. it shows that we should care more about early childhood. nowadays its start be more popular to send child to special kindergarten where they can learn more in specific way, but still we dont believe that really early time its so important. maybe because we cant see this really clear. its space to improve our knowledge.

  320. Inmaculada Castilla Garrido dice: Responder

    Mi opinión con respecto al texto es que se debe enseñar a leer a los niños desde edades tempranas, a partir de los tres años. Hacia esa edad, deben empezar a conocer las letras poco a poco, a enseñarles de manera amena, teniendo en cuenta su corta edad. Así, cuando entren en primaria ya sepan leer y los que no lo dominen del todo lo perfeccionen. Con esto no me refiero que a los 3 años ya deben de leer un libro adaptado para su edad, pero si lo hacen es mejor para su desarrollo intelectual. Sin embargo, no debemos olvidar la edad que tienen y que necesitan jugar como niños que son.

    Para finalizar, con respecto a que los niños que sepan leer se aburren en clase, pienso que en eso solo influye los maestros. Ya que son ellos quienes no saben como captar la atención de sus alumnos, como motivarlos y que tengan interés en aprender incluso lo aprendido ya anteriormente.

  321. Unfortunately, my education is not teaching focus so I know only a little about teaching how to read. It is good for sure to start the school with some basis in reading. On the other hand, it is wrong that children are not on the same level. I think I could read before the first class. The parents have to read stories to children and teach them how to read the single letters and words. Someone learns slower and another is faster. Anyway, everyone teaches it sooner or later. I think the bigger problem is that teenages don´t want to read books and prefer computers or television. We must find a solution, how to learn them read books again.

  322. Desde mi punto de vista, estoy de acuerdo con respecto a que los niños deben aprender a leer desde pequeños o quizás que vayan conociendo letras número etc. Para que cuando llegue la hora de saber a leer profundamente ya tenga algún que otro conocimiento y tal vez no les sea tan complicada y con esto está estimulando y desarrollando cognoscitivamente, cuanto antes se les enseñe y más aprenda mejor, ya que como dice el texto el saber no ocupa lugar. Es bueno que los niños lean muchísimo porque gracias a ella aprenderá a expresarse mejor y a escribir correctamente.

  323. Sobre este tema tengo dos opiniones. La primera de ella es, que sin duda estoy de acuerdo con que los niños lean desde edades tempranas, pero que abarquen desde los 5 años, al menos. La segunda opinión es la que fundamente a la primera, estoy de acuerdo con que un pequeño de 2 años se le estimule para que en un futuro su aprendizaje y su afición por la lectura sea mas fácil y poco problemático. Por supuesto, antes de alguna estimulación o de alguna enseñanza, hay que tener en cuenta siempre el nivel de madurez, de concentración, de aprendizaje de cada niño y de cada alumno, ya que no todos avanzan de la misma forma.
    Y sin duda alguna, el saber no ocupa lugar, ni lugar ni edad! Por lo tanto, volviendo a lo de antes, podemos iniciar a un niño de 2 años a la lectura pero de mil maneras diferentes.

  324. Cristina Bejarano Acosta dice: Responder

    De acuerdo con el texto, pienso que los niños deben ser estimulados en la lecto-escritura desde muy temprana edad, al igual que en otros muchos aspectos, ya que el objetivo de ello es proporcionarles un mejor futuro. Aunque, como bien decía el filósofo Aristóteles, »la virtud es una disposición voluntaria adquirida, que consiste en un término medio entre dos extremos malos, el uno por exceso y el otro por defecto»; es decir, no debemos obsesionarnos con dicha estimulación ya que hay que recordar que, efectivamente, son solo niños y no podemos saturarlos. Lo que no quiere decir que la lectura y escritura tempranas no sean posibles, solo que hay que buscar la forma más favorable y amena para el infante.
    Con respecto a que los alumnos se aburran en clase, lo considero una simple excusa para aquellos que pretenden defender la lecto-escritura tardía, ya que el objetivo de cualquier maestro debe ser el de fomentar en sus alumnos las ganas de seguir aprendiendo y saber cada vez más, atrayéndolos en sus explicaciones para captar su atención y motivándolos para que sus ganas por conocer más sobre el mundo perduren. Bajo mi punto de vista, ese interés perpetuo por aprender es el mejor cimiento para un buen futuro.
    Un saludo.

  325. Andrea del Pilar Villegas Gallardo dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con respecto a que los niños deben aprender a leer en edades tempranas ya que se les está estimulando y se está desarrollando su aprendizaje, siempre y cuando se tomen ideas innovadoras para que éste aprendizaje sea más favorable.
    Con respecto a que los alumnos se aburren en clase si saben leer, quizá el problema no sea del alumno, el que debe replantearse como está llevando a cabo la clase es el profesor, que es el que no sabe captar la atención de los genios que tienen en clase y los que no quieren sacar partido a las capacidades que tienen sus alumnos.

  326. Cristina Ruiz Pais dice: Responder

    Estoy completamente de acuerdo con la idea de que el saber no ocupa lugar. Todo lo que tenemos actualmente es gracias a muchos avances que se han ido haciendo a lo largo de la historia. Antes, por ejemplo, creíamos que la Tierra era plana, hasta que descubrimos que era redonda y nos dimos cuenta de que habíamos estado equivocados durante mucho tiempo.

    Lo mismo ocurre actualmente, estamos acostumbrados a enseñar a leer y escribir siempre a la misma edad, pero..¿por qué no probar nuevos métodos de enseñanza? De esta manera descubriremos si hay una forma mejor de hacer lo que estamos haciendo ahora, y así, aprovechar todas las capacidades de las que disponemos como seres humanos y que no valoramos. Perdemos el tiempo en cosas que realmente carecen de importancia, y no nos damos cuenta de lo verdaderamente valioso, como es el saber.

    En mi opinión, no hay nada que se pueda comparar con el ser humano, somos seres maravillosos, hombres en potencia. Cada día debemos barrer obstáculos, superar barreras, alcanzar nuestras metas, y superar nuestras habilidades. La mente humana es capaz de todo, pero ni si quiera nosotros mismos somos capaces de apreciar este hecho. Es una realidad que actualmente, se rechacen nuevas ideas en vez de recogerlas y analizarlas para conseguir el progreso.

  327. Sara Carballar Fernández dice: Responder

    Pienso que enseñar a leer a niños y niñas en edades tempranas es beneficioso para ellos puesto que cuanto antes aprendan antes adquieren conocimientos, saber…., pero siempre ensañando de una manera lúdica y divertida, así ven la lectura como algo positivo. Creo que enseñando a un niño a leer en edades temprana hace que madure antes en cuando al conocimiento, al saber y esto les benificiarán en un futuro.
    En cuanto a que algunos maestros dicen que enseñar a leer a edades tempranas luego los niños y niñas se aburren, creo que los que lo dicen no tiene grades capacidades para ensañar pues porque la mejor manera que tiene una maestro de enseñar es de una manera divertida.

  328. Maria del Carmen Cumbrera Ferrer dice: Responder

    Se que los niños a edades tempranas aprenden muy rápido y fácilmente, es por ello que cuanto antes empiece con la lectura antes aprenderán y tendrán todas las ventajas que esto conlleva (satisfacer curiosidades intelectuales, desarrolla la creatividad, la fantasía, la autoestima…). Pero eso sí, los niños tienen que estar preparados y demostrar interés para poder aprender, sin obligarles, ya que estos aprenden más rápidamente lo que les llama la atención y lo que les interesa, por ello es importante la forma de como iniciarle y enseñarle la lectura, tiene que ser de una forma divertida, con el juego, haciendo que sea algo interesante para ellos, porque si lo hacemos por la fuerza podríamos originar lo contrario, es decir que este deje de tener interés por la lectura.

  329. Encarnación Mancheño García dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, por una parte estoy de acuerdo en que los niños deben aprender cuanto antes a leer, a escribir, a reconocer las letras,…pero también opino que a las edades comprendidas entre 1 y los 3 años, creo que esas edades son para jugar, para aprender cosas, a explorar el mundo, pero todo siendo un niño, puesto que esas edades son para disfrutarlas, no para aprender a leer, si el niño muestra interés a esa edad por conocer letras, números, o incluso que le aprendan a leer, tampoco digo que se lo nieguen, pero siempre sabiendo que son NIÑOS. Por otra parte veo bien que se les enseñe en el preescolar a leer, y que entren en la primaria sabiendo leer y escribir, aunque hoy en día todavía son pocas las maestras que dedican su tiempo en el preescolar a enseñar a los niños a leer.
    Yo quiero contar mi anécdota, y es que yo tuve que aprender a leer en el verano antes de entrar en primaria, porque encima de todo es que lo exigen, pues si lo exigen porque no enseñarlo en el preescolar, pues mi madre se llevo todo el verano ejerciendo de maestra, aunque también veo bien que los padres o cuidadores enseñen a los niños si lo ven oportuno, y que no los dejen que se les vaya de las mano, cuanto antes se enseñe a leer menos le costara en la primaria, puesto que, se lo meten de sopetón.
    Concluyo, diciendo que tanto leer y escribir, son uno de los aspectos fundamentales de la vida para poder desarrollarse como persona, porque a la hora de salir al mundo que tenemos hay fuera te puedes encontrar con muchas aspectos negativos, y si no que se lo pregunten a nuestros abuelos, que ellos mejor que nadie lo saben.

  330. Irene García López dice: Responder

    Me parece totalmente acertado enseñar a leer a los niños a edades tempranas. Esto permite al niño empezar a empaparse de libros desde pequeños, lo que repercutirá de manera positiva con el paso del tiempo. Podrá tener mayores conocimientos y llegar más preparado a la vida laboral.

    Por otro lado, opino que tanto esto como otros aprendizajes deben de ser ofrecidos a los preescolares como algo divertido y de forma lúdica. Si se les inculca que la lectura es algo aburrido nunca estarán interesados en leer. Los maestros deben adaptar sus enseñanzas a los niños para que ellos disfruten aprendiendo.

    En conclusión, creo que en la etapa preescolar se puede combinar los juegos que todos los niños de esas edades necesitan para desarrollarse adecuadamente con adquirir nuevos aprendizajes tanto en el ámbito de la lectura como en otros como la adquisición de otra lengua, las matemáticas, etc.

  331. Cristina Anarte Vázquez dice: Responder

    Mientras antes se aprendan las cosas… mucho mejor. Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo, debemos empezar a formar a los niños y niñas lo antes posible, no sólo en el campo de la lectura, sino también me refiero con los idiomas, las matemáticas… entre otras actividades. No obstante, debemos tener en cuenta, que no todos los alumnos progresan a igual ritmo ni tienen la misma madurez mental y de que la enseñanza, por tanto, debería ser individualizada. Recibir en casa y en el colegio una estimulación apropiada y estar motivado favorecerá, por supuesto, a alcanzar esta madurez, teniendo así un desarrollo sensorial y psicomotor correcto y adquiriendo una capacidad lingüística satisfactoria. Todo ello favorecerá por tanto el aprendizaje de la lectura. Como ya hemos mencionados en otros artículos, es labor de los padres, ellos son los que poco a poco, día tras día encaminen al niño por el camino adecuado, para que sean un ejemplo a seguir. De hecho los niños imitan a sus padres. Si los ven leyendo un periódico todos los días, llegará un momento en que él haga lo mismo. Esto no debe perjudicar al niño a la hora de ir al colegio, es más, debe beneficiarle, porque aprender cosas a edad temprana significa que va a ir adquiriendo cosas nuevas más tempranamente, y por lo tanto en un futuro no tendrá competencia, porque será un joven formado y le resultará más fácil encontrar un trabajo. Tenedlo en cuenta: «El saber no ocupa lugar». Y así, poco a poco –según el ritmo de maduración de cada niño- y a base de leer todos los días un cuento, padres e hijos juntos, animándoles a que ellos interpreten éste a su manera, jugando a descubrir letras y palabras que vayan conociendo, favorecerá el aprendizaje de las claves y códigos de lectura. De hecho, hay niños que ya leen con sólo tres años de edad.

  332. I think it may be a benefit to teach a child reading and writing in early years but it has to be voluntary!! If the child gets interested in what the adults or siblings are reading then you can tell the child a bit about how it works. I think its very important (and lots of research proved it) that parents read a lot for their children. Only then you get interested in reading yourself as well. Don`t pressure your children to read and write, if the time has come they will tell you! I think a very important thing to do during childhood is to play. To play on your own and to play in groups, to create your world and to interact socially with others. If we have program for the kids every day (learning reading and writing, dancing ballet or playing football and learning chinese in between) then there is no more time for beeing a child!
    You have to be very careful not to put pressure on the child in the very early years because then it will always learn with pressure.

  333. The curriculum we have in today’s society is not in accordance with this kind of pedagogical work that is required in order to make it possible to teach children to read very early in life. And we can’t expect that every parent will have the time and knowledge in how to proceed. Therefore this would mean changes in the curriculum and certain learning outcomes would have to be put in advance, meaning changes in the daily routines in pre- primary school which in the end would affect the primary school. It could be good to seize the moment when the children are the most receptive, but I am concerned about the pressure that will be put on the child so early in life. In today’s society it is way too much pressure as it is, and the pressure starts earlier and earlier reaching younger and younger students. I do not think children needs more pressure, they have enough as it is along with the uncertain future.

  334. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    I did an investigation once about this and I interviewed children that were six years old about reading and writing. It showed that most of the children knew that it was important to learn how to read and write but they did not know why it was important. When the question what is more important to learn how to read or write was the answer from most of the children that it was more important to read first because the writing would come along with the reading. What reading is depends on how you see the phenomenon. Children focus first on the images and then they do the transition to written language. Children can tell a story thru interpretation of picture that they see in book or painted by themselves. If children get in touch with books early in their lives the phenomenon will not be so strange to them later.

  335. Esperanza De Los Santos Blanco dice: Responder

    Me encanta el artículo y estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Las mentes de los niños cuanto más chicos son, más absorben y esperar a que tengan los 5-6 años para enseñarles a leer me parece una cosa innecesaria, ya que a mi misma, me enseñaron a leer entre los 3-5 años y cuándo llegué a primaria en mi nuevo colegio, era la única que sabía leer y el profesor me ponía a mí como ejemplo para que los otros niños se pusieran las pilas y no se quedaran por detrás.
    Pero también es verdad que estoy en desacuerdo con empezar a enseñar a leer desde el primer año, ya que un niño no termina de hablar bien hasta los 3 años aproximadamente, y al no conocer las palabras no las puede reconocer leyendo.

    Para finalizar, me gustaría añadir que un profesor no puede decir que no enseña a leer a un niño antes de la primaria porque entonces se aburren ¿qué clase de profesores son esos? yo creo que es todo lo contrario, cuanto antes aprendan a leer, antes disfrutan de los libros de lectura y se les invita a dejar a un lado los aparatos tecnológicos que los rodean, ya que hoy en día los niños han dejado la lectura y sólo quieren ordenadores y consolas.

  336. Abel del Toro Domínguez dice: Responder

    Sin duda alguna coincido contigo , creo que es importante que los niños aprendan a leer a una edad temprana , lo que repercutirá positiva-mente en su trayectoria educativa , y fundamento mi posición en este «debate» basándome en lo poco que he leído sobre psicología del desarrollo. las investigaciones demuestran que se ha estado subestimando considerablemente las capacidades de los niños pequeños , incluso de los recién nacidos , ya que estos son capaces de realizar actividades cognoscitivas complejas y poseen una actividad extraordinaria para aprender , además la infancia supone un periodo sensible , es decir es una etapa en la que ciertos tipos de aprendizaje y desarrollos , entre los que se encuentra la lectura , se realizan de forma más efectiva y adecuada. dicho esto , pienso que enseñar a leer empezando por una edad temprana es totalmente acertado , aunque siempre desde el juego y el bienestar del pequeño.

  337. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    To watch this video was so interesting. What the Sir Glenn Doman has mentioned is quite simple and easily understandable but I haven’t thought about it before because when you talk with babes you automatically say words loud, clear and repeatedly. I definitely agree that babes are linguistic geniuses and I can say not only linguistic. They easier can learn much more and remember much more than elder children and this girl proves it To teach babes is hard but this teaching should be like a game because for this age’s babes only games are interested and the simplest perspicuous. In this way babes give up to this. But it’s sufficiently difficult to say when is the perfect time to start these lessons of reading. I think I will teach my baby when he/she will be 3-4 years old.

  338. I definitely think that reading is one of the most basic tools in the development of learning with children. I myself used to read one book after anotherfrom my early childhood. When parents ask me what I wish for my birthday or Christmas, my answer was a book. Today the books are not so popular, replacing the internet and e-book readers. But I love the smell of books more than any reader. And every child who reads the book has a much greater advantage in further education: a larger vocabulary, reading itself is no problem to him, he can form more difficult sentence. And the same is true with languages. In our country we have a saying: As more languages ​​you know, as more you are person! I strongly supports foreign language courses or teaching children from an early age. Certainly there is no need to include child responsibilities and pressures, but to lead them to natural relation to language learning also to read books.

  339. Respecto a lo leído anteriormente , pienso que los niños deben empezar a leer a edades tempranas puesto que como bien dicen «los niños son esponjas» lo absorben todo de manera increíble, claro ejemplo es cuando un niño con ambos padres cada uno de una lengua distinta, empiezan a hablarle a el niño desde muy pequeño, cada uno en una lengua. Cuando ese niño va creciendo, crece con 2 lenguas distintas, y a cierta edad las maneja de forma brutal tanto una como la otra ( en el sentido oral), pero es porque desde pequeños se le ha hablado las 2 lenguas, y él solo las ha ido adquiriendo sin darse cuenta, por lo que estoy a favor de que los niños empiecen a leer a edades mas tempranas, porque ellos lo absorben todo y a los 6 años ya manejarían perfectamente la lectura y podrían desenvolverse sin ningún tipo de problemas en este ámbito.

  340. This article really captured me. When I am thinking about it, I would like to try to do it with my own children sometime. Methods like this one can really start and improve their development in education. It also develops their brains and communication skills which is very useful for their future. When the limit for teaching and education is moved to babyhood, it is possible to move limits of education. Children who are led to read from babyhood, will advance in process of education far better than other children. If parents decide how to learn their children read in babyhood, it will have positive benefit for children in future. However it is important to know how to do that. The question is how parents approach to this method. Evidently it will last couple of years until this method will be part of parental upbringing.

  341. In my opinion, it is no problem no teach a child reading and writing in the age of three of four years, but (!) under the assumption, that it is completely voluntary. For example, if the child is interested in what his parents are reading in the newspaper or what the different names of fruits in the supermarket stands for (etc. …). But there are several parents, which want to teach their young children reading and writing, because they didn’t have the chance on their own childhood, so they create a pressure to preform in the child’s mind already in the first years of their life.
    Children in their early years should do and play whatever they want and follow their own interests. If they are interested in learning reading and writing, they surely will show this their parents.

  342. All kids are definitely genius about learning. Especially learning a new language as Glenn Damon said. I have very good experience about that idea. I have been trying to learn English for more than 6 years. In Turkey it is very hard to learn how to speak in English. I was given so many grammar but when I tried to speak I failed each time. Then I decide to go to the USA and learn the language with native speakers so I could learn the language in very good way. It helped me to learn the language so much but it also took so much time. When I went back to Turkey I wanted to see how fast could kids learn the language if we talk to them. I decide to try that on my nephew who is 4 years old. I started to speak with him in English. At the first time he was so bored. When he gets bored I gave him little gifts so after a while he started to enjoy it. We turned it to the game. He started to pay more attention to what I say. After 2 weeks anything I asked him in English (his name,his age; his father’s name etc) -very basic questions- he was answering in Turkish. The important thing is he started to understand what I say in 2 weeks. Basically he learned in 2 weeks what I learned in 3 or 4 months. That was very good experience about how can kids learn so quickly.

  343. Children’s early years are a time for growth, wonder and discovery. I therefor dont think we should put a lot of pressure on children in their early years. You will find 100 of researchs online which would tell you different stories. I mean, 3 years is too early. I think kindergarden can help children with their basic knowledge of writing, reading etc, and that should be more than enough. I dont think parents would like to put their children under lot of pressure so early in their life. Knowledge can be learned whenever possible, it has not expiry date. You will also have to remember that children will never learn anything by force, they should be able enjoy what they are learning. There is also a limit how much information children can process in their younger age!

  344. I suppose that learning sight words, as he suggests, would be beneficial and a great start to actual reading. But at the same time I think children really need their time to just play around and not have any obligations. A kid should stay a kid, and big expectations of our side could make them achieve less. It’s very interesting to make this kind of research but i think it has to be more elaborate before we really practice it. I also wonder if the children of today really need it. In the first place I would want my kid to be really happy, and then in the second place i want it to be a good career. I wouldn’t want to risk my kids happiness for it’s career, and I think most of the people think the same way.

  345. Research has shown that the first three years of life are critical for a child’s cerebral development. The child learns to describe everything they see, hear, feel and think as the intellectual, emotional and social development.Reading aloud is a great way to stimulate your child’s language development. Babies love to hear your voice, young children will love the stories and the slightly older children will probably start adding it in when you talk.
    Talk with your child. Research has shown that children whose parents talked to them a lot when there were babies have significantly higher IQ later on, and their vocabulary is larger than in those who did not receive as much verbal stimulation.

  346. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    I think it is amazing how he came up with this. I would never think about it. While I think it is al really interesting, I have to say that I have my doubts about it. First I think it’s great if we could learn baby’s to read and this in a playful way. Think about the future, if we would introduce this and every baby learns how to read, what this would mean for our future education! But I think there will be a danger for parents who WANT that their baby can read, there will be a competition. It happens already often between parents; who’s baby is the first who can walk, talk,…? If we would introduce this I am afraid the baby’s/children won’t have any time anymore to play, everything they will do will has something to do with learning.

  347. Really interesting article, I am definitely in! We can develop the brain in the early childhood for the next educate. I think, we have to learn our children as much, as possible and this way we can prepare them for the other education. I was able to read when I was in the nursery and when I had to go to the school, my parents were afraid, ´cause everybody told them, it´s something bad for children. Anyway, my mum gave me some books and spoke with my teacher and when my classmates were learning to read and write I read my books and I improved my reading and also got other useful information from books.
    I think we can give pupils many information and if they will able (what I think, they are) to take it, they will do, if no, they won´t. I think,children are curious and like to learn new things and during the informal education, they don’t feel stress of school success, so they can learn naturally and more.

  348. sobre este tema tengo dificultad para expresar una opinión porque no he estudiado educación de la primera infancia y pienso que para dar opiniones válidas deben conocer a fondo consistente desarrolla la mente de un niño durante su crecimiento. lo que podemos conocer sólo a través de estudios específicos. Creo que es responsabilidad de Person que estudian estas materias dar opiniones sobre y proponer nuevas teorías. por lo que conocer, la mente de un niño es mucho más activo y preparado para immagazinare información que la de un adulto y es por eso que creo que hay que enseñar lo más posible a los niños, incluyendo el conocimiento de diferentes idiomas, pero no puedo hablar de un grupo de edad específico.

    1. I think that it´s important to stimulate the intellectuals ability at an early stage. The more the pupils learn in general the easier it will be, and this also includes languages. Languages are a key role for success and career according to our global world. You´ve got more opportunities when you master more than your native. So from this point of view you have to have a second language and even better a third language that you master more or less. And the earlier you´ll learn it the easier will it be to master it and master it well. The languages can take us on a long and interesting career and trip abroad when we have these multinational companies that hire labor across the entire world.

  349. In my view, a child learning to read begins with sound recognition, it can be said that the preparation of the baby’s charge field begins with the birth – for the mother’s cooing, mimicking the baby made vocabulary. The entire home is sound. Live sound is the first of the child’s ear fragrant things. It is important for a child to hear the parents’ language and the mother’s voice, in close proximity to human contribution to the development of the child’s language influences how little later learn to read.
    Child begins to recognize the letters around the age of three. But not to impose learning letters, if you do not want to lower it. Every child is told ahead of time wants to learn to read. He begins to spell the word mom, dad, their word, captions neighborhood, asking for unknown letters. It is true that the child’s best remember if he also sees, hears and feels.
    So at first not so much the points that you learn the letters, but the process to practical life. Two-year and three-year child’s hyperactivity is reduced where his parents taught. Children’s ability to easily capture information will never be as big as 2-3 years of age. Children who learn to read early, there are opportunities to learn independently to pick up more useful information. These kids are not afraid of reading in school, because they consider it as entertainment and fun way to gain knowledge. And above all – young children love the parents deal with them.
    Most promising and nicest mother-child contact is a common type of reading.

  350. I think that children should learn from an early age, if you’re interested but learning should be enjoyable and fun for the child not forcing a to sit on the books. See the world from a different perspective. When we learn from an early age tongues the more they assimilate with age but if you stop to fix forget even the simplest words. Science should not be a focus on the child to be taught because it has to be the best in school, but a desire to learn knowledge and to know more about life. At this age, the child feels the most the desire to explore something new. At the age of 3 years the child should learn from their parents no longer in school. Learning should not take a child that childhood is an important stage in life.

  351. Children quickly acquire the knowledge, I think you can learn through play. Not by force, as it will have the opposite effect. I think fun is the best way to teach young children anything if you want to have the right approach, you can can do a lot. However, do not start too early, you have to remember that they still have small children who sometimes do not even realize what they are doing. Yes, you have to remember also that children do not learn by force. There is a situation when a parent wants to show that the child is smart and what you can do, teaching him things unnecessary in this age, or too early. So I think everything has its good and bad side, you just have to be able to see them and set boundaries.

  352. Creo que los niños deben empezar a aprender a leer cuando demuestran su interés. Si los niños se sienten motivados a aprender es mucho más fácil. Los niños fácilmente pueden aprender a pronunciar las palabras que escuchan en la televisión. Están interesados en lo que ven y por las algunas palabras nuevas. Entonces los niños comienzan a preguntar a los padres que es ahí escrito y así poco a poco comienzan a aprender las letras. Esta es la mejor manera de enseñar a los niños a leer. Aquí estoy hablando de los niños hasta la edad de 4 años. Si el niño no está interesado en aprender a leer antes de comenzar la escuela, es difícil aprender a leer. Los padres pueden ayudar con la compra de un libro de cuentos. Es bueno para el niño lo antes posible para que desarrolla las habilidades de lectura y escritura.

  353. Teaching babies reading may seem more difficult than it really is just because we miss the way of doing it… That is a real fact, if we consider that babies’ minds are like sponges…so they absorb as much knowledge as they can while their first years of their life.

    It is also an unchallenging fact that children never get bored in learning new things…
    So when they do that might something is wrong with the way teachers teach them.
    Each new incentive make children be interested in discovering new aspects of life…

    As time is passing we can clearly observe that children nowadays know more and more things about life at e very early age. This is not because children of nowadays are more intelligent but professionals know the right ways to teach young people from their early age.
    This can be an advantage to be taken into consideration in order to teach children and make them more and more insiders of as much knowledge as possible.

    We have always keep in mind that babies are ingenious and everything is possible when we keep their minds in practicing.

  354. I never think about teaching babies ti read and I didn’t know that that untill now. I know that the first years of life babies brain develop and that they are learning very quick in the time. Idea of learning babies reading is interesting it is spontaniously and if the child is not forced in this way. I still think that the kids know what they want to do and it is not right to force them to learn reading if they do not want. Lifelong learning is very important nowadays and we can see all the development nowadays. Children started to learn in kindergarten and a lot of children know how to read before they go to primary school. I know that babies are very curious and inquisitive so why it should not be possible to start learning of course voluntarily and important thing is that we must not forget that children still need their childishness, playing time, exploring on their own.

  355. The idea expressed in the article is gold – as little children’s brain capacity in enormous. Everyone has heard many examples of a little child knowing 2 (or even 3 languages!) just because his parents’ mother tongues differ. A child hears both languages and manages to differentiate them and learn both. A swearword said just once by somebody in a presence of a child can right away be stuck into his/her memory and speech. My own experience with kindergarteners shows that their way of thinking is different as they manage to see the whole picture, but we grown-ups see individual aspects ( I was teaching the word ‘kangaroo’ when a 4 year-old lightened me up by saying: “So this is the reason why in ‘Winnie the Pooh ’ ” there are characters Kenga and Roo. I must confess that I have never noticed that). Knowing all of this, why not use child’s capacities and teach them reading early?

  356. The language is something natural for our species. Natural in that mean, that if we have only possibility, we are creating languages, because it’s the most important tool in our live. After rebels and wars in Africa, many people were died, what result with really huge number of orphans, even the youngest, which it wasn’t possible to put into army. They were too young and they didn’t learn language by their parents, they didn’t know any language, but they created big groups. And what were happened? They spontaneously started to create their own language, in the beginning it was really simple language of gestures, but with time grammar was bigger, and bigger and bigger. It means that language as a way of communication is not some human invention, it’s a biological tool which gave us possibility to transfer information between units. We are able to express not only notions, ideas and emotions like- I’m angry, danger is coming, but also abstract thing, like- horse. Let we take for example numbers, may someone show us ,,one»? No, we can show one finger, one teacher, one man, but never ,,one», because something like that don’t exist. Another argue for language importance is that we are able to learn them only before maturation period, so in childhood, when we are gaining information about the world. We are oriented to learn languages while young, that’s why kids are ,,linguistic geniuses», they have to, it was key to our survive as a species. After this period it’s a secondary language learning. If someone will don’t learn any language, their mind will be not able to assimilate some such abstract structure like a language. That’s why learning languages in childhood is so important, it’s naturally, easier and more primary, deeper than secondary. Child which are living in dual-language home are learning languages easier, have less risk to become ill for Alzheimer and are much more smarter. It’s also because in childhood cells in our mind and synapses are growing up much more faster than in mature period. If they will be not used, our organism will cut them down, because his an economist- if they are not necessary, why they should consume energy? That’s why ,,occupying» that cells are so important, and learning languages is the best way to improve our future intelligent and wisdom.

  357. Interesting text! I think one problem with this is that many adults want «kids to be kids». The adults relates learning languages and reading books to education and in many cases something they don’t think is funny and therefore they think that the kids as well will not like it, as I wrote “kids shall be kids”. They think that the kids want to play and not «start school» so early. What though is interesting here is that the professor says that, all that kids wants to do and like is to learn. Young kids want to learn more than anyone and enjoy it. And if they find it fun to read and also will have advantage of it later in life I don’t see any problem with teach these young kids to read. I though think that it shall not be forced upon the kid. It must happen in an environment the kid like.

  358. Martina Johansson dice: Responder

    I agree with Glenn Doman regarding the fact that babies are linguistic geniuses. Babies and children should be given the opportunity to learn different languages at a young age as it is proven many times to be possible without any inconvenience thus complications. However, this should not be compulsory nor something that is expected from all the babies and children at a young age. Furthermore, I do believe that languages are more possible to learn at a young age than other types of information as these can be more stressful due to competitiveness. When I speak of competiveness I refer to the parents and their expectations on their children regarding who has the most knowledge at the youngest age which can result in a very stressful environment both for parents and the children. This also highlights the difficult question hereof- How early should we e.g. expect children to speak two languages or possess knowledge? If we start to think in these terms maybe we start to restrict ourselves and forget what learning actually is about for kids- happiness and curiosity. If the scenario of starting to teach the children at a really young age would occur, I therefore agree with previous speakers- where should we draw the line? We need to ask ourselves how much information babies and children can possess at a young age by keeping in mind the amount of information our brains already must process today.

  359. I truly believe that we have to cultivate the child`s intelligence as soon as possible. A baby is capable of so many intellectual activities, but we are only waiting when he will enter the kindergarten or school and only then will be taught. As Glenn Doman mentioned, we have to adapt the teaching materials to the needs of babies by making the font size of the books bigger and constantly repeating the sentences, and then I don`t see any problems with parents educating their children from an early age. Why wait and treat baby as a ‘thing’ that don`t understand anything? Babies are far more capable of learning than we imagine!

  360. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    I can understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t completely agree.
    It’s true that young children are at the best age to learn a lot of things, and sometimes we underestimate what children are capable of. And I do think that age of 4-5-6 is the best age to learn as much as they can. And they do. Nowadays kids learn things in kindergarten, that I learned in school when I was about the age of 7. So there is a evolution, they know a lot more than I used to know when I was their age, But I think we need to draw the line at some point. they already learn so much in kindergarten, that you would be suprised how little children can keep all the information they get, in their little heads. Even in one day they already learn so much. and if we would also teach them to read and stuff, where would it stop?

  361. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    I agree with mister Glenn Doman about the fact that if you want your children to speak different languages you shoul learn them as soon as possible.
    Being from Belgium (a country with 2 languages) everyone expects that you speak Flemish and French. We learn French from when we’re 10 years old until we’re 18 and a lot of people know the basic and can help themselves if they have to speak French but I believe if you’re not ‘in’ the language you can never learn it by heart. You can only learn a language if you’ve been hearing it from when you were a baby or if you live in the countrie they speak this foreign language, you wil learn because you don’t have an other choice.
    For early reading I think that if it helps for children to learn better, improof their self-esteem and develop their brain, why not? But as Glen Doman is saying himself they learn such a great a deal on their own, children have a unique quality to absorb a lot and they learn by playing, experementing and exploring so let kids be kids and learn them to read when they’re ready for it, when they’re interrested in it.
    It would be very interesting to see if a baby could really do it do, if the letters were bigger, with a lot of repetition and support of the parents but still just let them play and see what they learn by themselves don’t push anything.

  362. My first thought was that teaching babys to read was very interesting and funny. But then i thought, is there any advantages of learning language early, and does the baby learn or memorize? Because if there is no advantages(other than the fun), why bother? some of the benefits are that the children learn easier(as Doman said), they get improved self esteem, and their brains is believed to develop better. I think that it is more than enough reason too learn babies to read early..
    I am really fascinated of how you (If I got your ideas right) «see the whole picture», from baby to grownup, and that every stage in the process, is equally worth..I think that is important to remember..

    1. Dear Nicolay,
      that’s exactly what I mean, it is important not only because this is related to absorb information, this is also crucial from a neurological point of view, something that is important for the present and future learning… and learning is something very important for education.
      Best wishes.

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