La ansiedad en el entorno escolar

Para empezar a comprender el tema que nos ocupa es necesario primeramente colocarnos en una posición desde la que podamos observar qué es lo que le está pasando a la sociedad contemporánea. Una mirada lo más objetiva posible, nunca ejercida del todo, nos ayudará a desempeñar la función de jueces sobre nuestro entorno social, y a reflexionar sobre lo que nos está ocurriendo.

Dirán algunos que no hay que juzgar; me parece que no están en lo correcto. Creo que es importante tener una opinión de las cosas, exponerse, aún corriendo el riesgo a equivocarse, es necesario mirar, analizar y opinar, luego actuar en consecuencia.

La ansiedad puede ser definida como el estado de angustia y desasosiego producido por temor ante una amenaza o peligro. La ansiedad y el estrés reciben mucha atención hoy día porque parecen estar presentes en muchas situaciones cotidianas. Los sociólogos hacen referencias continuamente al fenómeno de la ansiedad, describiéndolo como un componente más de la vivencia diaria de las personas. Ahora más que nunca, la ansiedad hace mella en la persona, ya sea de cualquier nivel social o cultural. Los cambios drásticos en el campo de la tecnología, medios de comunicación, trabajo, relaciones, así como otros muchos factores, han dado como resultado una forma de vida muy acelerada que desconcierta y desequilibra a la persona.

Enrique Rojas (1989), psiquiatra, describe nuestra era de esta forma:

«Ya no hay rebelión. Hemos pasado de los conflictos a la era de la ansiedad y la depresión. Se han ido entronizando la apatía, la dejadez y una especie de neutralidad asfixiante. Para completar el mosaico de contradicciones, por otra parte, el hombre de nuestros días muestra una enorme curiosidad por todo. Quiere saber lo que pasa, lo que sucede aquí y allá. Estar atento y captar los cambios y movimientos que se suceden. Todo le interesa, pero no construye nada o casi nada, ni humaniza al hombre. Es una banalización general, contradictoria y sin brío. Se llega a vivir sin ideales, sin objetivos trascendentes, con la sola preocupación por encontrarse uno a sí mismo y disfrutar de la vida a costa de lo que sea… Este es el panorama. De ahí emergen dos sentimientos predominantes de forma colectiva: la melancolía y la ansiedad».

El problema del estrés no tiene peso por sí mismo, es decir, depende de la persona, y más concretamente de su formación en diversas dimensiones personales. Por este motivo, a iguales situaciones cada persona elabora diferentes respuestas. Cada persona tiene la posibilidad de elegir la opción que más beneficio le aporta. Por otro lado, existen profesiones inherentemente estresantes. Tomemos por ejemplo de nuevo, por su importancia, al colectivo de profesores. Sus quehaceres se suceden en un ritmo rápido, siempre hay falta de tiempo, existen muchos factores para abortar cualquier plan preestablecido, están en general mal remunerados y poco reconocidos, para ganar dignamente tienen que trabajar hasta tres turnos en algunos países, etc. Estas características forman parte de su realidad laboral en muchos casos y, por tanto, parece que sirve de poco o nada quejarse continuamente por cuestiones que pueden ser insalvables en un 90% de los contextos docentes.

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La ansiedad no es un estado que venga de la nada, es a través de procesos de activación como este estado se nos aparece como una realidad, en ocasiones de desesperación constante. Los procesos de activación pueden ser físicos o psicológicos.

Igualmente podemos distinguir varios tipos de ansiedad. Hay diversas clasificaciones, algunas de ellas distinguen la ansiedad existencial, endógena y exógena, por un lado, y la ansiedad rasgo, estado y situacional, por otro.

En el caso concreto del colectivo docente, también de buena parte de los educadores en general, las fuentes del malestar docente son descritas en la mayoría de los estudios: inquietud e incertidumbre ante el futuro legislativo, merma del prestigio social, las conductas antisociales de algunos alumnos, el sistema de promoción y la remuneración no son del agrado de todos, formación psicopedagógica insuficiente, etc.

En muchos de los casos de ansiedad el establecimiento de programas de prevención o la instauración de conductas preventivas harían del problema algo menos relevante de lo que lo es hoy. Así, podemos proponer algunas pautas de prevención que terminan influyendo positivamente en todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa:

  • * Disponer de un proyecto educativo que haga crecer como personas y profesionales.
  • * Aprender a disfrutar de pequeños logros.
  • * Programar y aprovechar los períodos vacacionales, para salir del circuito de tensón y reincorporarse al trabajo con fuerzas renovadas.
  • * Uso de una dieta equilibrada, desarrollar la actividad física, la relajación muscular, la actitud mental positiva, etc.
  • * Intercambiar experiencias y opiniones con los colegas, desarrollar una mejor comunicación y relaciones personales.
  • * Poner una nota de creatividad en lo que se realiza.
  • * Instaurar un clima institucional de confianza, seguridad, respeto y valoración.

142 respuestas a “La ansiedad en el entorno escolar”

  1. In the present society we have to focus more and more things in the same moment, we have to solve more and more problems. The teacher’s work is not over when they finish they working-time, sithence dozen’s and dozen’s of times they bring their work home, for example they have to correct the tests, or thinking about how can they make the lessons more colorful and interesting. And the fear of the unsuccess generate anxiety, which is in the process of time can consume us. The answer for this problem is hard and complicated. I know that just give or get a smile from somebody is won’t solve our problems, but at the moment it can helps us to breath a little bit, and forget our worries.

  2. Anxiety is a psychological disorder that almost all people suffer from these days. It results from the fear of getting wrong, losing and uncertainity of future. There are some professions that have a stressful environment such as police officers and organizators. Not to much surprise, teaching is also a stressful job. Sadly speaking, teaching lost its value. It is poorly paid and people expect a lot from teachers without helping them in this teaching process. I think that it will not be wrong to name this disorder that teachers suffer from as “Atlas Complex”. As I said, families and school managers expect a lot from them and they have no help, they have difficulty in dealing with it and they feel that they are alone in overcoming it.
    In spite of this negativity, there are solutions to overcome it as the article suggests. To me, the most important one is to exchange experiences with colleagues because people feel better when they know that they are not the only one who has that problem. So, teachers feel relieved when they share the same problem and are advised by the one who experiences the same. Also, having holiday plans, physical activities and setting small professional goals and realizing them will also do good, I humbly believe.

  3. I think the fear of a negative impact on our health of not only mental but physical. In the twenty-first century stress is one of the diseases we should firmly oppose him, and lead to more classes in order to learn how to avoid it. I think especially the teaching profession is exposed to stress. In Poland, the problem of youth impolite is very strong and thanks to courses like alleviate situations and punish the guilty, I think that the situation has to improve.Such situations cause the the wrong way to teacher education, as they are often burned out, without passion, and I think first they should change their way of teaching.

  4. I agree, more than half our population these days are diagnosed with depression or anxiety. I do not doubt that a majority of teachers have faced this type of problem. Being a teacher can be one of the most worthwhile jobs especially as you will watch a child grow and enhance their abilities. However, it comes with a price of being constantly busy and having to deal with children or adults that lacks the ability to focus for a long period of time. For example, in universities, one teacher can be teaching a classroom full of more than 200 students. This can become a difficult job especially if the teacher is young and is lacking the experience. Trying to keep the attention of that many students sounds like a nightmare to other people, therefore I can only imagine the anxiety that some teachers face in that situation. Being a teacher is a profession that is full of pressure and responsibilities and this is why society should learn to appreciate the people that have taken these roles, knowing what will potentially happen.

  5. Anxiety can affect us all in different ways and at different times in our lives. It can be related to work, family, lifestyle problems and many people never find a cure. However, i can’t even begin to understand the pressure teachers are under from their pupils, their parents and the colleagues they work with. They have a high level of responsibility in their every day work therefore its understandable to feel stressed and pressured at times. They can often be blamed for a childs failure when its not entirely down to them that the child perhaps hasn’t performed as well as they should have. Also because they are so heavily involved in their job and feel a responsibility towards their pupils they find it hard separating their work from their personal lives and anxiety can affect them greatly.

  6. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    A teaching job is clearly a very stressful working environment. They are not only responsible for the well being and safety of their pupils, but also their educational progress and future aspirations. It can be difficult looking after 1 child, so one can only imagine the stress involved in looking after around 20 children. I do believe that at times a teachers job is vastly under appreciated. Therefore anxiety can be common amongst teachers, especially those who are new on the job and have not gained experience in certain situations that older teachers have experienced.

  7. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    Fear has many aspects that has to do with the personal view of an individual. I myself am extremely believe that the teacher profession brings an incredibly busy job with it. You have to be really conident te become a teacher, a teacher wants you all those different characters of students can master. Pupils ask a lot of the capacity of a teacher. I personally feel that the profession as a teacher seriously is underestimated by the society. Fear in education is something you have to overcome, as otherwise you will have problems with it in the future. It is important that you have a clear view over the situation, and you can distance yourself of the problems that are happening around you.

  8. Laura Aylin Hechler dice: Responder

    I agree with this article. Nowadays people are more prone for anxiety and depression. Especially pedagogues/ teachers are affected because they have to fulfill the general expectations and they need to follow a curriculum as well as coping with the students, which is not easy. For practicing this profession, people have to be self-confident, very patient and responsible. If this is not given, it is very easy for students to unsettle the teacher. This enormous stress could lead to fear and depression. Besides teachers have to appear as role-models which puts them even more under pressure. The given methods/ prevention programs to deal with such problems are very helpful. The theory sounds easy but the realization is much more difficult.
    It should be emphasized that teachers/pedagogues are just one example for professions suffering anxiety and depression. There are lots of others who have to cope with more or different responsibility at their jobs.
    Every profession brings some stress and problems. I would like to highlight that stress can be seen positive as well, because a certain amount motivates people and makes them more ambitious and efficient.

  9. I think that one learns more if the teacher feels good, as this forms the basis for good teaching and patient explanations. To have relaxed teachers who like what they do, it is inevitable to teach them how to prevent anxiety, like mentioned in the article. But anxiety may not only be crated in lesson like situations, I think the way how teachers are treated plays a part in contributing to this situation of anxiety. As it was said above in the article, the enlargement of work time and small salary deteriorate the situation of a teacher and creating stress and depression. To conclude all conditions must be taken into consideration to come over the anxiety problem.

  10. I think, anxiety that negatively affects an individual’s mental health and well-being is associated with a number of factors. One of these is concern about one’s ability to find a job. Anxiety, also frequently observed among teacher candidates, can be defined as a state of negative emotions triggered by future expectations, memories of unfavorable past events, or by repetitive states of self-thinking. In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for teachers to obtain employment in Turkey, a fact which may account in part for the increased anxiety observed among teacher candidates. It is possible to study anxiety with reference to university students’ developmental period. To a certain level, anxiety experienced by university students might be an important source of motivation for their attempts to communicate with others and to achieve autonomy.

  11. In my point of view the teachers are usualy exposed to stressful situations in a lot of diferent moment of them work and that affect their quality work . Moreover talk about stress with colleagues it’s could be a good solution again the stress. The schools need to encourage a dialogue about workload and stress management. It’s could be a good oportunity for them to resolve this problem and then to teach in a better way. Furthemore the Parents play an important role in the education of their children because the children learn more at home than at school, but they should trust more in teachers work.

  12. I wholeheartedly agree with this article, etching is an extremely stressful job. Of course teachers have long summer holidays and time off at Christmas, which for example someone in retail would. However, teaching, in my opinion is not just a job, when you become a teacher, that profession becomes your whole life, you take you job home with you and it is a constant round the clock job. The hours a teacher spends in class is not a true reflection upon the hours that a teacher commits to their job, lesson planning, marking and often research consumes a lot of teachers’ time outside of the classroom, therefore it is no surprise that teachers tend to suffer from depression or anxiety. This is a topic, which, I feel needs to be looked into deeper. If the teacher who is a huge part of a child’s life, has these types of stress induced problems, how are they supposed to be inspiring and a role model for their pupils? Within the UK I know that a lot of teachers are tired and fed up due to the amount of pressure put upon them, they are not as highly valued as they should be. They also suffer from the regular threat of job cuts or pay cuts, for example my university recently went through a redundancy period, which unfortunately was reflected throughout the university, we received emails about this and how our education would not be effected, but how can they stop that? How do they expect a teacher, who’s job and livelihood is under threat not being depressed or anxious? I feel that teachers need a greater support from the establishments in which they work and from the government in order to feel supported and safe, in turn they would feel motivated and become a better teacher.

  13. Anxiety is a personality problem.Personal training and depends on the individual.The dictionary meaning of anxiety is a concern.So stress, anxiety, fear, tension, boredom is a state.This is too much, especially in the school environment.Teachers are the most important carriers of this condition.Teachers and lecturers are problems of anxiety.I think this is the problem of teachers’ work conditions and the impact of society is too much.Because teaching them more song requests and puts the effort.Anxiety disorders in the article believe that prevention programs should be done.With this method, so that teachers can be more comfortable and healthy.
    And may be more useful to students.

    1. I agree with this article! Nowadays we live in very fast running world. We have to be contactable everytime and everywhere. There are a lots of mediums which switch us online all the time. Beeing online 24/7 is nealy necessary…
      Because of that we have more and more tasks to do. Everybody say we have to to this and that but we can´t say no anymore because the society wants sucess. To beeing unsucessfull is a big fear in the modern society! We have to able to say no! As I also read in the article we have to do some activities to beeing in balance with ourself! Sport is the best option. There are also a lot of statistics which said, if you don´t do sports you are more risky to get a burnout or depressions! Do sports and be able to say no! This are for me two main options to avoid fear and depressions!

  14. Teachers are undoubtedly very exposed to stressful situations that affect their quality work. Parents play an important role in the education of their children, but they should trust more in teachers work. Due to excessive pressures teachers also sometimes doubt in themselves and I think this is a very big problem. What concerns me most is the stress and anxiety experienced by children. I am afraid that this pressure affects their development in all areas. For both teachers and children should be organized some hours in school , where they could relax on a daily basis, using breathing techniques and meditation. I think that this form would have very beneficial impact on the well-being of all people in the school.

  15. Since towards the end of your article, you highlight some aspects concerning teaching personnel, I would like to comment on that aspect in particular. The task of teachers is highly important as they are responsible for many children and play a leading role in their development.
    In every job, one has to achieve certain goals, therefore employees are constantly under pressure to meet standards. If one fails to do so, one will have to suffer the consequences. Especially as being a teacher, there are many educational reforms and other factors that might cause stress such as no given job security, observations, lack of confidence or pupils’ bad behavior. It is necessary that teachers show authority towards the pupils, especially if they misbehave or bully the teacher. But showing authority is not always easy, the more so if a teacher already suffers from anxiety, depression, lack of confidence or panic attacks. It might be considered that there should be offered a free and anonymous psychological support in every educational institution as there is for pupils in most schools. Nowadays in our society, it is no longer a taboo to seek psychological support, which I think is a good thing, since there is a high number of employees who are on leave due to psychological issues such as burn-out syndrome, sudden hearing loss or stomach ulcers. In an environment in which people know that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, psychological support could be helpful to prevent anxiety, remove lack of confidence and train how to deal with daily hassles and establish prevention programs. The teachers’ work and their appearance towards the class has a high impact on the children’s development, therefore it is important to support teachers in feeling comfortable in the classroom to teach children at their best.

  16. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    Nowadays we are living in a »crazy word« – we live too fast, we don’t have enough time, we’re running all the time, and when something goes wrong, we dont feel good, we are streesed and depressed. I think that anxiety is result of expectations for the best success in all areas of life. People around us all the time require us to constantly prove that we are the most successful students, parents, partners,… But doesn’t everybody has a right to make mistakes?
    I think we must practice how to think in our own way, because nobody will do anything for us. Success depends on our effort to do it and on our own motivation.

  17. Anxiety is a part of our lives in 21th century because we all try to keep up with many things at the same time. Even now we are getting anxious when talking about anxiety. It is like common disease around the society. You cannot find a person at ease who never think about his/her future, job, school, family, etc. In a contemporary world our environment pushes us to be anxious ie, when you are in university your family and your relatives see you as a wise person, they think that after graduation you will find a good job because you are qualified for a perfect future however from your point of view you feel like you do not want to disappoint those people who relied on you. But you and also everybody know that there is no certain future life for anybody. If we think about teachers, they are responsible for many students, for example they have like 20-30 students every hour, and we also have to keep in mind that they (teachers) have 3-5 teaching hours per day. So naturally they will be anxious in their lives (at least until they retire) because of the stressful job they have. In fact with a little help they may overcome their overwhelming lifestyle. I know the teachers do not have time for themselves but I believe that every person can find a solution for their lives. It is not impossible.

  18. I think that anxiety is a part of everybody life. It doesn’t matter what you do. But I think that if you can deal with it it’s good for us. I agree that teachers can feel a lot of anxiety. They have a lot of work and working hours doesn’t really change. They are responsible for children. Teachers feel a lot of pressure. People who wants to be a techers should be prepered for this. I think everybody who start to work should be prepered for anxiety, pressure and other things. Like I said it’s part of our life so we have to learn how to deal with this.

  19. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    I think it is so hard to be a teacher nowadays. Respect which they where having just 20 years ago disappeared completely. In every school we can meet just a view teachers which can make an order with the bed behaving class. It is getting to be more and more teenage bastards, which are also attending to the schools. They can ruin all the study atmosphere, because of their stupid behaviour. If they will make some jokes on the teacher, for sure they will film it, and in a view seconds they will publish it in internet, and all the school will see the situation when the teacher was powerless for a moment, but for them it is enough to start to make ridicule from him. In a bed case, they can try to make a film competition for the stupidest behaviour on class with this teacher.

  20. I agree with this article.Because I think a person’s daily life begins to adversely affect the functionality of the problem is considered.In fact, everyone feels anxiety from time to time is normal and common feelin.To reduce anxiety among students in the school environment a major challenge for teachers is falling.This is why teachers need to get a serious education.. I believe anxiety for best achievement in all areas of life as a result we believe that the expectations.Community we are the most successful students, parents, partners, friends, colleagues to prove that requires us.On the other hand the reduction of stress in teachers and school administration is located at an important point in the environment of comfort.The slightest concern in the school environment affects a large loop.I think,This cycle consists of student-teacher-environmental elements.

  21. Oberreither Margret dice: Responder

    The fear is a main topic at education institutions and especially at schools. Many children are afraid of going to the school and a lot of them develop phobias. The main problem is in my opinion the way of teaching. Teacher centered methods make a lot of pressure to the pupils, althought the teacher is nice and respectful. Sadly I saw teachers and pedagogics which handle the children and other teachers not always respectful. Sure, the way how to teach depends on the personality of the teacher too, but it’s very important to give the students a lot of ideas at the university how to teach. Only watching to teachers with old methods it’s not enough.

  22. As with everything, anxiety can be caused by many factors. Stress, fear and many other factors play a role here.
    One has to also understand, that anxiety is actually a normal human emotion.
    Much people do feel anxious, or even nervous, when they are faced with a problem at work, a test or making an important decision. But this doesn’t have to be to the subjects disadvantage. The same thing goes along with stress.
    I have disagree with the statement of the article that states that anxiety is not a state that comes from nowhere. It is still a human emotion. But its also obvious that many times its self induced thus making it very potent. The discussion about what causes it can go on for ever. There are even different types of anxiety disorders; Panic, OCD, Post traumatic. All of which have their causes.

  23. I agree strongly with this article. I belive that for all those whom would like to become teachers(role-models), should have a clear understanding of such a serious disease, Depression. In today’s society I think there’s is much more pressure on staff eg teacher to preform better and more effectively, but all within the same amount of time. Pressure and fear seem to go alongside particular professions. Education staff do have a lot of responsibility on their hands, sometimes more than others the amounts can differ and in situations when the teacher is stressed this can bring on fear and depression. I feel there seems to be a very fine balance needed to control this and also the more the staff and people responsible speak out to others, the more attention, help and advice they will equally receive.

  24. Teaching is often described as one of the easiest professions to work in, in the United Kingdom due to the long holidays, the short hours spent in class dealing directly with students, the potential salary earning that comes with promotion and the ability to have job security for life. This is a number of reasons people tell me why I want to become a teacher. They never mention how stressful teaching is as a profession, and it is not until you speak directly with teachers with years of experience that you hear about the true side of the profession. Having completed numerous work experiences in schools I have seen first hand how stressful teaching can be, dealing with children of different ability in a confined space and trying to adapt your teaching style so that each pupil has the same fun and enjoyable experience as the last one. This is s a stressful profession and I feel that until you have walked a mile in a teachers shoes you should not assume their job is easy and with no stress.

  25. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    I totally agree with that article. Anxiety and stress is a very important topic in today`s society and plays a role in everyones life. It affects us all and not only teachers. Maybe people often relate stress with the job as a teacher because we often hear of teachers who suffer from burnout, but it plays a role in nearly every job. Maybe teachers are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety because of the pressure from the parents. Most parents expect that teachers are resonsible for the upbringing of their children and often blame them if something doesn`t work well. Therefore it is very important to be able to separate private life and job and to be able to cope with stress and pressure. But it affects all.

  26. I agree with this article. I think that anxiety and stress is extremely common in society today. People stress over a number of different things for many different reasons. It is very difficult to avoid stress because it is everywhere. For example; workplaces and family can cause a lot of stress in ones life. Some teachers these days seem to be suffering from anxiety and stress due to different reasons. Pay cuts, lack of jobs and increased workload are common examples why the role of a teacher can be indeed stressful. Teachers also consider pressure on their performance and disregard of their professional opinion to be other barriers to performing their job to the best of their ability. Teachers are required to educate people on certain topics; if they do not carry out this correctly it causes anxiety and stress because they might not be able to achieve what they want to correctly. It is also common for children to be stressed as well as teachers in school. If they feel like they are falling behind in subjects and they feel like they are struggling this causes anxiety and frustration in the child. A child’s anxiety and stress disorder may affect success at school.

  27. I agree with this article in the sense that stress and anxiety is a highly recognized topic and that it is affecting us in daily life situations, no matter what profession you are in. This is due tu pressure to perform and many other factors named in the article.
    I relate these thoughts to the current topic on people having a «burn-out» because of stress factors in their profession. I think that especially teachers are affected by this state and I can see where anxiety and stress for them comes from. They have to deal with a high workload, with students not progressing and unwilling to work, a lack of recognition for their work etc. These are factors that can cause a state of exhaustion, especially if they don’t see any possibility of change or improvement, either in themselves or their students.

  28. I believe that anxiety and stress are major factors that influence teachers in the school system. Teachers get anxious for many different reasons, which in turn can affect their teaching in a classroom. Teachers can have a build-up of adrenaline in their bodies. For example, if they are a bit late for a lesson, or if they have not finished correcting class tests or exams. So in turn when a frightening thought strikes they have nowhere to go, they panic and make more mistakes than ever. The longer the teacher remains in this state, the worse all the symptoms of their anxiety will become: physical, mental and emotional. This in turn will affect the students in the classroom who will see the main role(the teacher) becoming anxious, hence they become anxious. It is the same for a stressed and anxious child as it is for teachers. It is structural, human and entirely logical. Students get anxious, teachers get anxious. I think the guidelines stated in this article are beneficial for teachers who are experiencing these factors in their career. I think the most important if for a teacher to have a positive attitude and to get on what needs to be done. This may be easier said than done but teachers should have a positive outlook and attitude.

  29. I agree with this article. In today’s society people have to deal with a lot of different things at once, so it’s natural that some get stressed or build some kind of anxiety.
    Especially as a teacher it’s very common to feel stressed, because you have to know so many different things and have a great responsibility in teaching your pupils.
    But I think that a little bit anxiety or stress is not a bad thing, because it will make you work harder and when you reach the goals you set for yourself, you get more confident. Also when you make mistakes, it’s sometimes a good thing, because you learn from them refine yourself not only as a teacher, but also as a individual human being.

  30. Today, anxiety is the one of the biggest problems of all the humanbeings. If we consider our environment, our environment carries us to the anxiety. Why? Because technology is on the advanced level now. We are in a hurry for everyting. We run to everthing. We want to make everything speed as it is possible. So, in fact we can’t make everything in a best way, and then we start to worry about everything. Even teachers are anxious about their lectures, time etc. So, they reflects their anxiety to their students, and this circle starts to expand. I think teachers should prepare schedule, curriculum well. Then, if they seem not anxious, their students can be also not anxious ones.

  31. It’s a fact that the fast technological evolution causes the mayority of stress nowadays. But it’s till up to every single person to choose to join this or not. We can’t stay informed of every single thing. We have indeed developped an interest in a lot of things, almost everything. But to me, it seems impossible to inform yourself of everything today and still contain your inner equilibrium.
    Everybody had the choice to compart in this technicological upswing, I said. I for example, choose to not join every new technological stuff. It has consequences, of course. Like I don’t use a smartphone, I’m only subscribed to one social media website and what concerns about the internet, I can only use it at my laptop at home. So, yes, it has consequences in terms of communication. And yes, I mostly don’t know the newest things that just happened. But for me personally, it has so much more advantages: when I’m on the street, when I’m out, I’m living the moment instead of checking my social media on my smartphone. I’m having direct social contact with the people around me. If I don’t know the way, I ask people around me, instead of using google maps on my smartphone, etcetera. For me personally, because I know it doesn’t count for everyone, it helps to keep my personal equilibrium balanced. And the greatest advantage, I don’t experience any stress because I don’t have the feeling of checking every new thing that pops up in any kind of way. I don’t have the feeling to stay informed of every single thing that happens in another persons life.

    To continue about the article: I agree that teachers do have a hard job and they don’t receive the respect they earn from the society. Their job is being underestimated by a big amount of people. They do experience a lot of stress, and I think it’s important to offer prevention programmes. Like the part where they say: they should be able to relax and to disconnect for a while of their job in their holidays. Well, my boyfriend is a teacher, and I notice that it takes a few days to almost rehab of the stress and the routine of the teaching job. I think it would be better to try to find peace and tranquility during they’re practicing their job, and not only to have a stressfull two months of teaching and then one week to destress to be able to start again for three months… I don’t believe this is a healty way of living.
    Enjoying their job is only possible if they have enough energy to handle their days and if they have enough time to relax during the week as well. People who work 9 to 5 mostly don’t have to think about their job when they are at home. It only restarts the next day at 9. Teacher, on the other hand, keep working when they are at home. Sometimes, they don’t have enough time to also take a brake of their job, and that’s where it goes wrong, in mine opinion. The accumulation of these working hours and not enough resting hours, feed the stress level and a week of holidays is not always enough to reduce this stress level to an exceptable and bearable level. That’s why I think they should be able to reduce this growing stress level during the week of weekends, and don’t let it accumulate till the holidays dawn…

  32. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    It’s true that nowadays people live in a hurry. To ensure a better life, they still take more and more work and tasks, which in many cases overgrow them and causes stress, make them nervous and can lead to depression. Is almost impossible to avoid stress in everyday life, but we have to learn how to deal with it, and quit pushing ourselves in unnecessary, stressful situations. With regard to the teachers, I understand their fear, they work a lot and hard, but salary is not sufficient. That’s why they have to work two or three shifts, what causes bigger tiredness, stress and because of too much work they sometimes even don’t have time to use their holiday period. I think that it’s still too little appreciated profession, but it should be really important for teachers to separate work from everyday life, to take a rest and not to take on the obligations, which overwhelm them, otherwise they will never have enough energy and passion to convey to students in the classroom.

  33. We have fear before unknown. This is where anxiety comes from. We are stressed because we have fear of losing job, fear of not providing enough money for our families, fear of disappointing others and of disappointing ourselves. Yes, it is really stressed for public sectors nowadays (like teachers in public schools) because workers are not respected as they should be. But they need to do something more to get self-confidence (doing extra job, write articles, researches). Because if you are self-confident, you don’t have a reason to be afraid anymore and you know how to react different to stressed situations. Therefore, you can avoid being anxious.

  34. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    I agree with the article, nowdays there are a lots of stress everywhere. People can’t avoid it, because its in the workplaces, in the families, in the buses, everywhere. And because everybody stresses, therefore when the father arrive home there is also a stressed mother, and they just can’t ignore that. I don’t know why is this happens, but we should stop it before too late. Everybody have to stop stressing a lot, and leave it on the workplace, or at the bus. The point is, we shouldn’t bring this to home, we should be happy at home, and not even a little bit stressed.
    With the teachers, it’s a little bit different story, because the goverments take everything from them, plus there is a lot of unmannerly children, with stressed and not careing parents. Their job is more difficult, and goes with a lot of stress, but it have to be in opposite way, because they raise the next generation, and whether they want or not, their stress goes to the children too. It is a never ending round unfortunarely.

  35. I agree with the article that nowadays people are more and more stressed. Speaking about the teachers I believe that they are stressed and afraid of losing their jobs more nowadays than they used to be. Few years back in Poland being a teacher was associated with some kind of prestige. The society was respectful towards teachers. They were believed to be very intelligent people. Now teachers are as important as students. Society does not respect them any more. Also the teachers salary is much lower than it used to be. That is why they have to work in to or even three places. They are working long hours, they are always in a hurry and they feel the lack of appreciation from the society. In my opinion those are main reasons of teachers stress nowadays.

  36. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    On the whole I agree with this article, because I also think, that nowadays people have to deal with lots of stressful situations due to the changes in today´s society, technology, media and so on which produce people´s fast lifestyle. Parents often pass over the stress of their everyday life to their children. And also teachers impart this pressure to perform to their pupils. So the society learns from a very young age that they always have to achieve the best performance in every way. The pressure also increases with the economic crisis, so that people are worried about their jobs and the future of their children in a more intense way. I also agree with the fact that teachers have one of the most stressful professions with lots of responsibility concerning the new generation of the society.

  37. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con las mayorías de las ideas en este artículo. Yo también creo que vivimos en un mundo, que nos pone más y más en las situaciones llenas del estrés y ansiedad, inocentemente aprovechando la oportunidad que le «dejamos» a hacerlo a nosotros. Como la mejor manera de protegernos veo, otra vez, trabajar con su mismo, ir más profundo, descubrir que ni el estrés ni la ansiedad no tiene sentido, que eso son solo los juegos, causados mayormente de nuestro ego y sí lo vemos y lo entendemos después poco a poco podemos cambiarlo. Yo creo, que es posíble, que podemos quitar todo eso de nuestras existencias, no solamente del entorno escolar pero en general de todos aspectos de la vida, solo hay que quitar los velos delante de nuestros ojos y ver más claro.

  38. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    In my opinion it all depends on how you approach its tasks. I’m already with a fearful attitude in the classroom, the students and I will remember declared victims. Perhaps this situation is similar to the intuition of dogs, can smell fear. In addition, find the anxiety in the work place is inappropriate, because I can always get away from the situation.
    Of course, I can not choose the situations in which I get scared, but you should also remember that I might even Powerful’m a little scared.

  39. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I agree with this article, but I think that fear is part of your profession. Without fear you can not create new situations.
    Today, the expectations of the people are getting bigger. There is more pressure on you, and after it there’s creating a stressful situation.
    The teachers has a lot of responsibility. To have this, he have to be the time and space. Sometimes this happens too little causing a teacher feels crowded. This will take you back to the fear, to dare to do something.

  40. «The anxiety can be defined as a state of distress and anxiety caused by fear of a threat or danger».
    It is true, that we are very often scared of something which is new.
    It doesn’t have to be a threat or danger, but only something we did not know before. And the point of life is to sail away from the safe harbor and this makes us terrified.
    When we act according to plan, we are stressed anyway, if we are doing everything correct. If not, we might suffer. But if we believe that we can, state of mind can diametrically change. The pressure of the society is huge, but we should fight with it.
    That is why I would like to reccomend to join the challenge:

  41. Ashling O Neill dice: Responder

    I think this article the start of a greater topic which I think that needs to be recognised more all over the world.
    «In the case of teaching staff , too much of teachers in general, the sources of teacher distress are described in most studies: anxiety and uncertainty about the future legislative, decline of social prestige, antisocial behavior of some students, the system of promotion and remuneration are not liked by everyone, psychology insufficient training, etc..»
    Many teachers do indeed feel like this, they are in a very one sided role. As in they are not their own bosses but they are controlled by the state. Thus, meaning that they could be let go in the blink of an eye. But I think providing guidelines to catch anxiety in the bud is a smart move. Even to have a poster in the staff room in colleges I think would be a great help for teachers.
    Some of the guidelines are not difficult to gain such as, «Learning to enjoy small successes.» and also putting a note of creativity in what is done, these are small ways to build up a greater frame of mind in work and even outside work when it is down time for teachers minds. Other guidelines such as balanced diet and healthy excersise can be more difficult depending on the person but should be attempted anyway to improve moods.

  42. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. Nowadays we live In a world of constant rush, there is rat race and everyone want to get more than they have. That usually is cause dissatisfaction, depression and irritation and they lead to feeling of stress.
    However, I think that it is impossible to avoid stressful situations, as they are part of our everyday life. Good idea is to learn how to deal with stressful situations, how to overcome our fears. Because general problem is that our stress can easily affect other people, in case that we are talking about it refers to teacher-pupil or professor-student relationship. So it is important for teachers to be resistant to stress and anxiety, to separate private life and work and during classes to stay concentrated on task they have to do – simply saying teaching. They are responsible not only for teaching . So they cannot let their bad mood, tiredness or other stressful situations that they suffer from in everyday life, to affect children.

  43. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    I agree with the fact It is normal that, at some stage in life, every individual will feel anxious when faced with a difficult situation. Each individual will cope with anxiety in different ways. During difficult times, you can support your child to cope with anxiety in effective ways and by doing so,enhance their resilience. Anxiety becomes a problem when it is persistent and prevents them from enjoying normal life experiences for a long period of time .Anxiety may affect children at any age. The causes of anxiety may be different for young children than for teenagers: Separation anxiety (being afraid to be away from parents). Problems at school such as: being bullied ,not having friends, not fitting in, friendship conflicts,eeling lost at school, fear of getting into trouble,learning difficulties and not getting along with a teacher

  44. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    Professional groups related to the provision of social services , from helping others – in this profession teachers – are especially expose to stress and anxiety . If a teacher constantly get stuck in a state of fear , tense atmosphere and lack of security predominate in work environment, childrens immediately sense the atmosphere and learn it as normal .
    It is necessary to pay special attention to how enormous consequences for young people can have a burnout of teachers. You should be aware that school work is work with people who only shapes your personality and sense of identity.
    It is not possible situation to go through life without stress. Stress also has a positive aspect : helping to overcome obstacles , increasing energy, and mobilizing for action. That is why it is very important to know the nature of stress, ways of its development and the development of measures to prevent or reduce its occurrence effects.

  45. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    There is no escaping stress and anxiety in today’s society. It is everywhere! We are either reading about it or experiencing it. The causes of it will differ from individual to individual. However it is clear that the world around us is changing vastly with new technologies, quick living etc.

    Unfortunately stress and anxiety is not eliminated from the classroom in fact the classroom can be the cause of it. As a student I experience anxiety and as many of my family are educator’s I am well aware they also experience it daily. I believe that there is a lot more stress on educators than there ever has been before. With new technologies, multiculturalism vastly increasing within schools and the pressure to teach different abilities can become a daunting prospect. However if we become too caught up with stresses, pressures and anxiety within our working environment this is not going to help anyone. We need to learn to deal with our anxieties and use them to our advantage. Not seeing things as a problem but as an experience and perhaps learning and gaining something from that experience. This in turn can motivate and encourage us to think and speak for ourselves solving many problems. Therefore I feel humans are adaptable and when turning anxiety into a positive the negative aspects of stress and anxiety within schools could be eliminated for teachers and students.

  46. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    I believe that anxiety is a huge problem in today’s modern society and of course this also filters into the education environment. We as a modern society are expected to keep up with a fast-paced and technologically advanced life. In schools the technology is also advancing what with the installations of interactive boards and new computer systems, therefore older teachers who were not taught how to use these types of technology in their training will be stressed and probably fear they will not able to teach the children to a high standard was they don’t know how to use the technology that they need to be able to use to teach. However I believe that humans are adaptable beings and more often than not we push away our anxiety in an attempt to conquer our fears to keep up with an ever changing society.

  47. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    I can not find my way into the article what I’ve read above. As a future teacher each time you come into contact with fears. One is bigger and stronger than the other. But you should always look to find a way around you put the fear. I find myself more and more that I just hit the practice of dealing with fears. Often it is the fear of the fear that the most part plays. If you’re not really scared, you developed a fear. You are afraid of the uncertainty or fear of failure. However, I must admit that happiness moment the greater when you overcome the fear. What I notice is that I see the fear in education as a challenge. and I use it to stay sharp and always be looking for the ideal situation. If you feel yourself not anywhere near good, you have to change the situation as to put your hand it is ok. fear is not immediately wrong. When you consciously can handle, and you can dissociate it from there is no problem in my opinion

  48. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    Sometimes, me as a future teacher panics, thinking about all the responsibility and creativity I need for being a teacher. I really want to be a good teacher and with mostly teachers in my family I know how stressful it can be! Most of all, I can have anxiety of the uncertainty that exists in this profession, and I often feel like the education don’t give me all the tools I need for being a great teacher. But as the article says, there are some guidelines and proposals I usually do and think is really important in my future as a teacher. For example: Physical activity always helps me to feel better. Good relationships and work with colleagues is a good way to get new great ideas and always improve your work. A good climate in classroom and school is important, so that everybody feel safe, pupils, teachers and parents. It’s important to have a work you can go to and feel happy and inspired.
    These things are some points I think can help us all teachers, new and old.

  49. As you wrote: Anxiety is not something that comes from nowhere and unfortunately it´s something that get worse and worse, especial in the schools. The teacher has no time for relaxation and reflection in their job, instead they get more responsibility and more things to be done in a short period. I think it´s important to give every teacher a short time every day to think and reflect over the day and to communicate with theirs colleagues.. Because I think that is a way to reduce the anxiety for the job and in everyday life. I also think that it´s important to start focus on the teacher because how they feel reflects on the pupils. If the teacher have less anxiety, maybe they can feel more relaxed and feel more happiness over theirs job and then maybe some pupils doesn’t feel a lot of anxiety in school.

  50. Nowadays we live in the world, full of anxiety, stress, negative emotions. This is because of the fast way of our lifes in modern world. In the past people did not worry so much and consequetly they were living easiest and happiest life. But in the present things changed because a lot of technology and influences of media came in our lifes. Usually people care more for their computers, televisions, telephones than for their relationships with wife, children, friends, relatives. This is sad because people nowadays hardly find time for other persons, they usually work for 10 hours for a day or more.
    I think teachers (professors) and pupils (students) in school (universities) are full of negative feelings and emotions. For example, a lot of children do not have interest in learning something new, they just care for their new iphones, parties, alcohol, unfortunately also for drugs. The problem is also in parents because they work a lot and they do not have time for family, children or good relations, connections with teachers. Teachers usually want to inspire pupils and give them the best education, but sometimes this can be hard, because when you are teacher in the classroom with 30 pupils, who do not care a lot for new things, you usually lose connection with them and hope. After years of teaching in such conditions you will be under stress and anxiety.

  51. I agree that anxiety in a school environment is a serious problem, concerning both teachers and students. In case of students this factor has a serious impact on their learning abilities and motivation. If students are anxious, their performance is worse, they get worse marks, often miss the classes, which results in even worse marks, which results in more anxiety. Therefore, the vicious circle closes. In case of teachers, as it was mentioned in the article, the instability of their employment in many countries makes them feel insecure and nervous, which in a long run is visible in the quality of their work and their attitude towards their workplace. The tips given at the end of the article may be very useful to the teachers suffering from anxiety. Being able to gain satisfaction from small successes, as well as not letting your work dominate your life are important factors in fighting the anxiety.

  52. From a young age we are being learned to achieve alot, we are expected to be good/almost the best at everything we do. We go to school and make the homework the teacher give’s us, after being in class all day and having to behave and learn. After school in general kids practice sports (basketball, soccer, dancing, etc.), they train twice a week and play a match/competition in the weekends. Some kids learn to draw or play an instrument, so also this happens after school or in a free afternoon… Of course the parents expect that they get good marks as well. We are introducing children in our hurried society, we are teaching them to achieve and learn as much as possible because every parent wants his child to be the best or at least not the worst… So partially I agree with the article saying:»anxiety can be defined as a state of distress and anxiety caused by fear of a threat or danger», because from a young age we educate our children to life like this and be successful in as much as possible. From a young age children are experiencing some kind of stress that could occur later in adult life.

  53. I am a little bit sad to admit, but there is truth in Enroque Rojas’ words, even if the text was written almost three decades ago. Anxiety, depression, neutrality are only a few examples of the several problems today’s society is suffering from. Modern technology, smartphones, internet, etc. All of them have loads of advantages, but at the same time, have affected our everyday lives in such a bad way we forgot how to do basically the easiest things without using them, how to be patient. Our accelerated world drives us crazy. Being able to reach others in a super fast way makes things easier, but makes them also way more complicated. We are all human beings, teachers are no exception. They also have their personal lives, which affect their mood during working hours, no matter how hard they try to fight it. There are many factors causing stress in a classroom filled with kids not paying attention to what the teacher has been working on so hard and tries to pass on, so it would be essential to create a positive working environment, because the better they feel at work, the more likely their performance will improve, which would make them feel even better!

  54. Unfortunatly we live in times in which every person is feeling more or less stress and anxiety. Our
    lifestyle is most of the time too dynamic and this is one of the main reasons for us to feel this emotions. As you said we should do many things for a short period of time and many people just can keep up the tempo. I also think that the prevention programs can be very helpful and should be obligatory espesially in the educational institutions. It`s very important the teachers to feel good and confortable in the classroom because they are central figure and their emotional state can influence to the students. For the students it`s also nesecary to be prevented especially in the early school grades before the anxiety and stress become a constant condition for them. One of the most common reason for the kids to feel stress at school is that they are not sure that they make everything right or what they make would be enough. If we can prevent and reduce the stress and axiety that would approve the educational process in every aspect. There is one more thing which is very important also. We shouldn`t forget that in school except the knowlege we also (should) develop some educational and social skills which will help us one day in our work. That`s way I think that the prevention programs should be obligatory in the schools before this emotions to become a constant emotional state and relfect in every aspect of our life.

  55. As you wrote, and as everyone knows anxiety and generally feeling of stress are parts and parcels of our life. It does not really matter what field of study or what field of working we are talking about. Everyone felt, feels and will feel the anxiety. When it comes to teachers it is easily visible because one of the reason to feel stress by the teacher is the responsibility. They are responsible for their students and pupils. If they do well at school, then it is a sign that teachers do well also. They can be proud of themselves and the feeling of anxiety is motivational factor in their career. It does much more good than bad things. But very often anxiety is perceived as something wrong. Many people cannot deal with the stress and it has got demotivating influence on somebody’s career. The point is to come to this phenomena from the proper side – not to feel bad because of the anxiety, but to feel motivated

  56. Stress, anxiety, the constant race to achieve something – this is so true that in today’s world they are a part of our live. It start to be a great problem, we can hear about great amount of people that suffer depression and other similar psychic diseases. In my opinion, the teachers not only are exposed to this problem but what is more, they suffer more. The prestige of being a teacher is a lot smaller than it was in the past. Moreove,r parents that are busy with they work and don’t have time for their children put the pressure of rising their kids on school. This is sad, but when something goes wrong they are likely to rather blame for that the employees in the school than themselves. To improve this situation it is essential to start working on the cooperation teacher-parent.

  57. One of the major causes is that people’s living rhythm has been promoted immensely with the upgrading of new-knowledge and hi-tech. To keep abreast with the society, people have to work intensively on the one hand and improve their knowledge on the other. The economic globalization strengthened international cooperation and expand people’s scope of activity. The fierce social competition deprives people of their spare time and makes their life more stressful.

    Another factor comes from the pressure of people’s family. People in the current society have to shoulder the responsibility of family maintenance. On the one hand, people have to care for their parents, creating for them a happy and comfortable life. On the other hand, they have to give their children good education. To earn more money, people have to work very hard to finance their family.

  58. I believe that today, stress and anxiety are much more common than they were in the past. We are living in an increasingly fast paced environment. We are constantly encouraged to multi-task and be in constant contact with the world through technology.
    The school system does not escape these changes in the social environment today. This can cause an added pressure on teachers within the classroom. With the introduction of new interactive boards along with other technologies, older teachers not trained in this area can feel the strain having to adapt their teaching techniques. Other areas where teachers can struggle with, more commonly is the work-load. Teachers are under continuous stress of having to ensure what they teach and how they teach it is to the highest possible standard. This is in order to compete to a high enough standard that is acceptable in a given country. This can be particularly difficult when a class ability can vary so widely in any given situation. This can be down to recent recessions, such as Ireland where services for children with disabilities were cut. This can cause severe stress for a teacher as they battle with typical classroom issues as they try to ensure that a child with a disability can keep up, sometimes even having to make separate work for the child.
    Stress is without a doubt a problem in todays society and the working environment does not make it any easier.

  59. Fear is an emotion which is most naturally. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on the perspective) we do not live in a djungle anymore where we had to survive lethal attacks by animals, people and mother nature in general. To be able to feel fear is or at least was an advantage to mankind, otherwise we wouldn’t feel the way we sometimes do. Nowadays, the way of living has changed, but our instincts can’t change as fast as our technology provided us our life we have right now. I think that the fear and the instincts that come with it are still the same, though in our nowadays life it seldom helps us to survive or master a task better as we were without the fear.
    To be able not to struggle with the fear in us, we need self confidence. Teachers may help to built up a selfconfidence for students. If a student finds something he or she is good in, it helps him/her to find selfconfidence. An excellent teacher often finds the field, where his student is best in. And this may end fear for this student..

  60. Nowadays we cannot avoid the stress and anxiety, because it shows all around us. All this quick living, modern tecnology, rushing and stressing around have influence on us. But depending on person, we can make this living more easier, starting in our head. It is important to change our thoughts and turn it into positive vibrations. Stress can be positive as well, we can take this experience like motivation. Stress wake us up from determinating in life and push us in position that we have to do something better for ourselves and for the community. About the teachers and their anxiety in the school it is good that they speak and have their own opinion. Its important to colaborate and to have system that encourage us, to have more communication and to sit down if there is some problem and try to find the solution for both sides, from teachers and students as well. This will reduse the anxiety and stress in school for the teachers and all system.

  61. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Unfortunately, in this velocity, people create their own anxiety. We are not able to find personal time, like we are captured by everything. Of course there are so much benefits of today’s velocity and technology but it slowly causes something that is anxiety or stress. Thinking about anxiety in school setting is much more important because it can be controlled by education. School setting is a place where we can solve our personal, educational problems. It comes directly the teacher but we must know that these are all not the teachers’ responsibility because mostly they are in the same situation, too. That’s our era. First we all must be aware of what is what and it is possible with qualified teachers and then we must actively participate in this process. Today, it is not possible to live without yields and requirements of this fast life, fast technology but it is possible to control their effects. Sometimes we must draw away from our boxes and we must talk, engage in, join, wonder, care, ask and etc. I believe that the more we participate in real life, the easier we can get rid of anxiety.

  62. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Stress and anxiety have been our the biggest psychological problem in future and our history. The reason for this may be some of our experience and our fears. But that fear is our first. This judgment must overcome. Social environment, factors such as the past tense of the reason can be counted. The impression that the social environment forms negative thoughts. People’s biggest concern is the future concerns. This is because the living conditions. Unfortunately concern for the difficult living conditions, increasing in every day. As said at the end of the article, new projects, things that can make people happy, communication centers,safe and respectful environment should be created.

  63. Because of the continuously renewed life span of human being, it is almost impossible to completely avoid stress and anxiety… We have all experienced through our lives when attending to an exam or a job interview, ‘being unprepared’ or let’s say ‘not being prepared enough’ was always the major cause of stress. Likewise, in the area of work for example education process which we talk about, the amount of stress can be controlled and minimized by well disciplined preparation. This is why teachers have to make their own curriculum for every class. If you know what you are going to teach in the class, if you have arranged your plans in the limited time you have in class, if you know well about your students and thought about the possible problems or questions you might face during the class… That means you are prepared and i am sure the stress and anxiety would be reduced almost to zero..

  64. Fear, fear is something that exists in everyone. Without it would be impossible, it makes us who we are, we learn from it and adapt to it. The most problem of fear is that you don’t want to pursue once you have felt fear. We need to have fear but at the same time contain it and control it otherwise men could become unstable. In my opinion we need to know our strengths and weaknesses and try to handle cool headed in times of fear.

    We need to respect the teachers because they are our second parents in my opinion. At home we learn how to behave and gain the basic knowledge but whenever we are in school the teacher teaches us about all the things that we’ll use later in our live. In some countries the teacher gets more respect than others and that is a difference of the cultures but we need to remember that it’s because of them that we are building our future.

  65. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I agree that this period in time causes a lot of stress for a hudge amount of people although I also believe that you have a choice how to handle this and how you want to live your life. Ofcourse we have to deal with society, the way it is, but you can still find your own way within these setted frames. I believe that we should take a step back and stop wanting more and more. For such long time we are all in this process of wanting more and more and more and we totally forget about what’s really important. Their is absolutely no future for the next generations if we keep demanding so much from ourselves and the world. We should listen to our own body, when it tells you something. We should start giving instead of taking. There should be a balance in everything in life, for example Work/freetime and stress/anxiety. You can take benefits from stress and axiety as long as it’s in balance. Personally I outshine myself when I feel a little bit stress and anciety to do things better. I believe the key to succes is to find the perfect balance in life. Employees and employers are responsible for this.

  66. I believe stress and anxiety are the modern sicknesses of our time. Basicly everything that can be wrong with your body and mind derives from these two things. We go to the doctor office because our migrene problem, it’s because of stress. We have stomack and digestion problems, stress. I believe every single sickness that we can have in this time, has to do something with stress and anxiety. So we shouldn’t take them lightly, these are some serious problems. We need to learn how to control stress, how to make our life not controled by stress and how to deal with it in our daily life and jobs. Some jobs are of course more stressful than others and that’s why, people working in these kind of situation has to have some strong personalities or if not, surround themselves with people and things that they care about and make them happy.

  67. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I do agree that our lives are becoming faster and faster which causes many people anxiety. Many people do everything in a hurry. Also, technology causes us even more anxiety. Unexpected call, problems at work or school, constant news around the world. These things are hard to avoid and they usually have a negative impact. Futhermore, there are different kinds of people. Some are more logical but others are very emotional and various situations can touch their heart. Teachers have lots of anxiety in their lifes. Some students skip lectures, others are gifted while some are lazy to do homework. Preparing them for exams and teaching necessary skills is not an easy task because all of these students have different needs. However, the stress in our lifes can be reduced. You should practise yoga and try not to overreact. As for students and teachers, there should be mutual understanding and great relationship. Teachers can not be arrogant just because they know more. Each of them should respect eatch other. This way the levels of anxiety and stess could be reduced.

  68. Stress can not by seen only as a negative factor. A certain level of stress leads people to a better personal or work performance. I understand the argument that the school environment can be a highly stressful for pedagogic workers but on the other hand, the teacher carries the «only» responsibility for their pupils. Senior managers are responsible for his employees and for the management of the company, which one bad decision can mean the loss thousands or milion euros or fireman who are responsible for our lives in a case of emergency. Stress is natural part of our lives in today’s material world and it is up to us how to deal with it.

  69. The propositions shown in the last paragraph are good, I totally agree with the fact that talking with the colleagues helps a lot. Having a positive environment at home and doing sport is also essential for the well-being of somebody, a teacher especially. The goal for teachers must be to look at their classes from a wider perspective, step back and always remember that their are very very useful and important to their students. I guess it must be really difficult to teach a difficult class when you are young, but with the age comes the self-confidence and the experience and it should be easier to teach.

  70. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    I view the problem of stress on teachers as the consequence of different factors both personal and external. Once, a teacher is motivated to be a teacher, hence to continue to self-develop and offer the knowledge and skills to the younger generation, there are many ways to lower the stress. On personal level, I believe, the teacher should adopt self-discipline and positive mental attitude. On the outside, as also mentions the article, it is helpful to be more open to communication for progress and learn to relate to the students with more easiness using also creativity. I do not neglect the confusion that comes with constant changes in legislative, as well as in technology. I view the problem more of an individual perception and depending on personal expectations. Being realistic but at the same time goal-oriented is a key for a teacher to establish a balanced working environment, bringing therefore less disappointment and more pleasure into their profession. Finally, the activity of teaching needs a psychological preparation in advance and constant external support on the way. I would suggest, besides communication with educational staff, the teachers to have personal mentors, experts in understanding the reasons and solutions of their distress.

  71. I believe that stress and anxiety both play huge factors in the life of a teacher. They have a lot of people to answer to; head teachers, school governors, parents and their students. They are teaching the future generations- something which is always repeated to them so they are bound to be stressed. They have a massive workload: planning and preparing for each class, assessments, observations and preparing notes on each child ready for when their parents come to talk about them. I think it is essential that a structure should be implemented where once a week teachers can go to a meeting and ‘de-stress’- talk about the stresses/ achievements of their class and workload, or to ask questions without being judged by others.

  72. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    From my point of view, perhaps the essence of the problem lies not in the psychological conflict between student and teacher, but in categorical non-perception of the educational system, where the teacher plays the role of an intermediary. Student, displeased by the system, cannot apply to the management, that’s why most conflicts occur directly with the teacher. So, maybe, by adjusting the education system under the model of the modern world (with the use of interactive tools, personal computers), it will be possible to settle the majority of the conflicts.

  73. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    Anxiety in common is not bad. Sometimes it makes you prepare better for the classes (whatever you’re teacher or student), makes you be more attentive and organized. But if normal anxiety appears to be chronic than it can bring you the problems. There are a lot of ways to overcome an anxiety. If you feel like you want to quit your job and run away as fast as you can, never do it. To fix the problem at first you need to accept it. You should set a goal and reach it whatever it takes because you need to have career success to improve your level of self-esteem and make the level of anxiety less. You can also have some outwork activity to distract. Anyway there are a lot of training and couch programs and if you can’t help yourself let others do it.

  74. First of all I want to say that I totally agree with this article. I agree with the fact that it is important to have your own view on things, exposure, even at the risk of being wrong. The fact that you could be wrong is created by the society. Fear is created by others. People don’t want to have stress and don’t feel comfortable with pressure, that’s why people rather give their opinions based on what others has to say. If they do this, the chance that they will be judged is minimal. Teachers can change this way of thinking from students nowadays. Therefor the reward system should me improved. When this is happening, the teachers can influence on a psychological way. They could change they way of how people thinks. And this is necessary, because now people opinions is based on what others are saying. The most important thing they should know that having an opinion not based on others isn’t a bad thing at all! Also media, economist and politicians should not try harder to influence the society, because they already have influence which is too big for people that want the space of giving their view on things.

  75. I think fear is something that is created by others. If you look haw much influences for example the media has on certain topics as the economy and the environment. Because of these big influences the opinions change and they rather don’t say what they are actually thinking. They rather don’t say what they are actually thinking is because they are afraid that the society will judge them. For me this is the main problem that people are afraid to give their own opinion.
    Moreover, stress and pressure are two important factors regarding fear. People don’t want to have stress, so they rather give an opinion where the society is satisfied with, they don’t want to take the risk of being wrong. Of we connect this to teachers, they have also to deal with fear, stress and pressure. But teachers could change they way of thinking from students and children nowadays. Therefor could it be better to improve the reward system, so that the teachers also can teach the students to think on a psychological way. Furthermore I really agree with the article, I especially agree with the fact that it’s important to have a OWN view of things, exposure, even at the risk of being wrong!

  76. I agree with this article.It is very obvious now that people have to do a lot of things .And people have financial problem ,they have to care their familly and salaries are so low and technology is changing in everyday that makes to students and teachers are Iare agressive and stressful . Specailly nowadays alot of teacher es have psicología problemes and they are trying to solve their problem so how they can help to children ? First of all they have to solve their problem then they can help to children because I think that the most important thing in education dicipline and moral .Because nowadays a lot of children speaking so dirty and teachers should fix it but if they have a problem how they can fix it and in some countries teachers have very low salary so they have to work with another job as same time as a teacher and it makes to different to everything so we should fix it before .

  77. I can imagine how hard it psychological can be for teacher to teach into schools now and days in this society. That anxiety and stress are the two most topics where they have to deal with. For every person, every teacher, it would be different. For some teachers/persons it can be really hard and they can’t handle the stress and anxiety, for some teachers/persons they can handle it very well. To be a teacher, it can be a really tough job. You have to take car of a very diversity class, with diverse problems, divers students, different social-structures. As a teacher you have to be aware of your own skills, your own stress- and anxiety level and have to be aware how you have to act and how the class/pupils will react.
    I’ve known many teachers who ended up in a burnout because she/he couldn’t handle the class and it became to much. I’ve also noticed that within the same classroom, with the same pupils, it was also possible to teach us. Some teachers are able to teach and handle the stress and anxiety. I think you really have to prepare yourself for this job and have to be aware of what you’re able to of or not.

  78. I think it is important to stay in the flow, nomatter what profession you have. Ofcource work is stressfull, it is for a teacher with a lot of responsibilities but also for somebody who is doing the dishes in a restaurant. People should be prepared to, when work is done, leave it all behind. There is no need to stress when you are not working. Also it is important to have a good hobby. Go make music, surf, pain, meditate or whatever to find your inner peace and make a schedule for yourself like: 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 4 hours social responsibilities (6 when you have kids) and atleased two hours a day for yourself.

  79. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    There is no doubt that we live nowadays in a society, that somehow demands from us to be all day long anxious and stressed. We worry about everything, we try to find more and more time, we feel that we HAVE to know everything. Teachers have a good reason to be anxious, due to the modern way of life. But for me, the nature of the job is also one more reason to have anxiety. I believe that is very stressful to know, that you are responsible for your students. That you should not just teach them the school subjects, but you should also be an example for them. We all as teachers should show respect to our students. If somebody is not good at maths or language does not mean he is stupid. We have to help our students discover and develop their talents. We should always bear in mind multiple intelligence. To conclude, that is for me the real anxiety. The awareness of the work we have to do as teachers.

  80. This statement proposes, that today there is no interest in chanching something anymore, and if there should be, it doesn’t come to any action, due to the lethargy and melancholie of the people. I think that is a very true point. I n my opinion there are a lot of things that are not working the right way, in the educational system and also outside of that. But somehow people just seem to have accepted that. They face the challenges of daily life and if something gets worse, they would just find a way of dealing with it, instead of fighting for better conditions. That is something that upsets me, I think it should be the other way around.
    But also in the latest time, there is some change. In Germany for example, when the government tried to charge fees for public university, the people started to demonstrate and act against it, until finally, after two to fife years, it was takien back in nearly all districts of Germany.This shows, that you have the power to change something, even if you are “just” a student. But there are many of you, so together you are powerful. And I have the feeling that similar things are happening in other countries, too.
    You don’t have to live in fear of what could happen and try to be happy with how it is, cause it could be worse. You can start and make it better.

  81. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Until I’ve read this article I didn’t think that anxiety is such a problem nowadays . I think it’s more of a first world problem that started to emerge in the last few years, especially with the downfall of the economy. Nowadays, the development of technology, the competitiveness between people, the pressure in the workplace alongside the bosses and generally the intensification in all the sectors of our life have resulted in the increase of anxiety, depression and melancholy.
    If we are talking about the stress at school it is more matter on the teacher, how he will lead his lesson. In this way teachers may be able to teach methods to prevent anxiety and get along with it.

  82. I kinda know really close something about stress in teaching children at school or whenever. That’s because my mother is a teacher and it was always obvious how hard it is for my mom. It’s like she is a different person before and after classes. The thing is that a teaching is a one of the most important and at the same time hard job coz it’s on a teacher’s shoulders a future of the children and the countries, coz they lay foundation in a growing up minds. And this profession is always gonna one of stressful and important in our lifes.

  83. Every day we are exposed to stress and it’s a normal thing in the life of every human being. Unfortunately, today we are stressed more than in the past, as more and more younger people. I think that also requires more from young people (different tasks, a lot of responsibility, a lot of homework). For me the most important is to think positively, to organize a free and relaxing moments, are also important own ways to fight with stres. I agree that the teaching profession is sometimes stressful and not too grateful, and depending on the approach and students.

  84. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    I think that nowadays stress is very common in different kind of jobs. Many jobs are really demending, and people feel big pressure to do their best, have a lot of duties to do. They are working after hours to do everything till deadline,beacuse they are afraid that they can be fired. Especially in the time of world work crisis. People get tired and burn out than sometimes they are not controlling themselves, their nerves, emotions and vent one’s anger on other people. It also concern the teachers. They have big responsibility because they need to educate their students the best they can. But if they are stressed, or they have some problems sometimes thay can’t concentrate in the work or they let off steam on their students, what is not professional. Also sometimes behavior of students has got bad influence on the teachers, cause nowadays children sometimes are really ill-mannerd.
    Each of us have got some problems, and it is normal, and it happens, but we should be more stress-resistant. I think that the tips at the end of the articule are really helpful.

  85. I think many people are not aware of the work of people in education, especially teachers in primary or high-school. They do not only have to teach students mathematics or languages but also social things and how to behave. Sometimes they even have to handle difficult students who had not had a good social education before school or just do not have good social surroundings. Although they have a hard job it is not much appreciated and they even get less paid than more popular jobs like politicians or doctors. People have to understand what teachers do and how much this is

  86. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Anxiety is an all-too-common problem faced by children today. As with adults, children respond differently to stress depending on their age, individual personalities and coping skills. When it comes to anxiety in children, younger grade-schoolers may not be able to fully explain their feelings whereas older kids may be able to say exactly what’s bothering them and why (though that’s no guarantee that they’ll share that information with mom or dad).

    In most cases, fear and anxiety and stress in children change or disappear with age. For instance, a kindergartener who experiences separation anxiety may become a social butterfly who bounds into school in the later grades. A second grader who is afraid of the dark or of monsters may grow into a kid who loves ghost stories.
    I think, parents have to find ways to help their child manage stress and anxiety.

  87. Teaching is a sacred profession which aims to educate new generations in the best way. Teaching requires responsibility. This responsibility can bring stress, from time to time and sometimes in the form of anxiety. Educating students about how to be a better person in society is not an easy task. Teachers are those who create the path and train future doctors, engineers and politicians. Unfortunately teachers are not given the credit they deserve. Teachers do not just give information to students, they become a guide in life and a friend.
    I think that if teachers were given more respect and better working conditions then this would solve some of their problems.

  88. Nowadays, most people are not aware even has an intense stress load.
    Good or bad mental changes in our lives no matter what, are stressful situations.
    Cause changes in our daily routine life, and anything is stressful School of anxiety
    child, family and creates a serious problem for school employees.To refuse to go to school, short-and long-term child’s social, emotional and academic development may cause adverse effects on.Children of concern itselfgive the opportunity to talk about the situation or circumstances, try to understand the cause of the problem is to find the right solution.

  89. Today’s disease stres! When I read this article I researched anxiety.I didin’t know this illness.Anxiety is a common problem experienced by everyone. Stress occurs with excitement before the major events.Teaching is a job full of anxiety and stres.Student level,planning,salary,responsibilities are hard to balance all of these. For example I did practice of teaching during a semester in my country. When I’m not making plans,day would be bad for me but this is a good experience for the future. Sometimes a little excitement is good but when the excitement affects the lives of people we must stop it. If we want to be a good teacher,we must overcome our biggest concerns. We have to be programmed we and must destroy our stres.Works of education more stressful than other professions therefore teachers should be relaxed in the school system.

  90. The natural tendency of a person who is suffering from anxiety is quickly get rid of such feelings. We want to run away from them. We see it as an enemy. But from what we run away? Anxiety or depression are only the surface of our problems. The real enemy is not anxiety, but some problem for which we have anxiety. Anxiety can help us. Anxiety can be signal for us. It can show the right way. For example, if we live in dysfunctional relationship a long time and we aren´t able to leave, it begins to appear angst. Mabye, this is signal for it, that it is the right time to go. When mind fails, emotions can help. It is important to decide to face the problems. This is the way to emancipate from anxiety. Not run away!
    When we overcome our fear, we gain the courage for the next time. Often anxiety replace good feeling of victory.

  91. It is true that people today lead very fast lifestyle. This is the reason why we live with more stress. Stressful lifestyle is not good especially for teachers because it affects students. However, nowadays stress is something inevitable. Teachers need to be more resistant to stress and have a lot of patience. It is important to organize more training to learn how to deal with stress and anxiety. However, for sure teachers often looking for a themselves way how to deal with stress. Of course it depends of person but every teacher should deal with stress. Teaching in the school is very stressful work but it has fpr sure more advantages than disadvantages.

  92. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    I think for those who want to become a teacher, it is very important to have a wide knowledge about depression as a disease. What are the main reasons, what are the first signs of depression who can lead to a serious problem, how can i face these problems and where do i receive help? There is no doubt that teachers are part of a endangered community. It´s because they work with a lot of people and therefore have to face a lot of problems. Sometimes it is hard to keep these problems out of their private life apart from school. Furthermore this can lead to preoccupacion and depression. I also think – as i also mentioned in another comment – that our school system also have a complicity concerning the difficult situation of our teachers: schools are still a place of anxiety. There is a need of changes in the whole system to anable a more pleasant ambience.

  93. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    Anxiety is a problem of every individual person, it’s like a disease that can be cured by a person himself. But this is only at the very beginning till it doesn’t turn into a serious kind of illness like depression which can lead to anorexia,apathy etc. We all go through different stresses in our life,and when someone suffers a difficult time in his life the main thing to him is to stop thinking about the problem or whatever troubling him or to switch to something: it can be sport, new friends, vacations, anything that can bring some new positive emotions into your life. So when a teacher is stressed it’s like a double stress to him or her because teachers are the ones who are always stressed. I think schools have to think about organizing more events and activities for entertaining teachers apart school curriculum.

  94. Being at university should be one of the best times in a young person’s life, surrounded by intelligent and enthusiastic people with boundless potential.On the one hand I see people who lose interest in their studies, slowly withdraw from social interactions and slip further and further into a depressive state. On the other hand, there are those who worry and stress to the extent that they are all but debilitated by anxiety. In any one university I am sure the full spectrum of mental health disorders can be found.
    There isn’t a rapid cure for anxiety. The fastest ways to cure anxiety are simply there to manage it, and while you can stop anxiety fast, there isn’t a magic cure to cure it forever in an instant. You can try to: control your breathing, try some arobic activities, find what relaxes you, learn how to trick your anxious thinking, listen to good music, living in today, etc.

  95. Until I’ve read this article I didn’t think that anxiety is such a problem nowadays. I think if we look back in the history, the deaseases like depression and anxiety didn’t even exist. I think it’s more of a first world problem that started to emerge in the last few years, especially with the downfall of the economy. The society often expects too much from us and when we think that we won’t be able to reach the expectations, we often start to feel anxious and depressed. We think we won’t be capable of doing things right, because we don’t even give it a try. It’s not that I’m saying that these deseases don’t exist, but I think that people are too often diagnosed with anxiety and depression because it’s more simple to give a person some prescription for pills and the problem is »solved«.

  96. I think that stress is a constant part of our lives . We can worry about the results at school , at work , at leisure , or even in the family. Stress can sometimes act as a motor that drives a man to achieve better results , but sometimes it can cause negative effects such as lethargy , or poor physical condition and prychickou reduced. These factors reduce our chances of achieving good results , whether it be at school or at work. If you ‘d like to mention educational programs , I think it would be good to do workshops for teachers and give them even recall how children can be stressed in the school environment in order to better map the situation and causes of stress for children and could respond professionally . If the working man wearing feel high stress, Nebel should be ashamed seek psychological help and solve the problems start early in order to avoid mental illness , tics , or burnout.

  97. The stress is for me necesary. A necessarity for people, but also it can be a huge inconvenience. So why it is necesary, why it is a inconvenience ?

    First, the stress helps us to pass to action. Make us move and take care about things. Without stress there is no envy…boring life… . It is important to participate in the best way to a project. To put attention in the project.
    But an inconenience :
    Few people are really anoyed by the stress. They can’t control it and it destroys their life. When the stress is too important it’s totally the opposit of the benefit’s stress :
    People are locked into a huge impass ! Too much questions, too much fears…

    So what do we have to do ?

    We can try to esquive the stress, but by my experience i know that does not resolve anything.

    So fight against the problem at the origen of stress, may be, but i am not sure i didn’t found the answer… Anyway, have discusion and be listened it’s a good way to start fighting against.

  98. I feel that as a trainee teacher in England there is a lot of pressure and demand put on teachers. Not only do teachers have an incredible amount of work load through planning and assessment of pupils, but they are also under constant pressure to make sure that the large quantity of work is of a high quality and will target all individuals in the class. I believe that having one child’s education dependent on you as a teacher in itself is a lot of pressure and therefore a whole class can cause huge anxiety. Personally I feel that support is a hugely important factor needed in schools to assist teachers and reduce stress and anxiety. Within a school I previously worked in, I observed how the lower stage of the school worked together with all planning and assessment created as a team. These meetings allowed the teachers to support and communicate their ideas with one another. These meetings where also a time in which teachers could praise their achievements and appreciate each other’s hard effort put into teaching. These meetings may have looked like a simple procedure, however they allowed the teachers as human beings to keep their moral and motivation high and to support each other through difficult teaching moments.

  99. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    I believe the stress is today, the main debtors of many human problems. Many people are stressed because of your job duties. But unfortunately, many times to let us stress mastered, and so you’re sure. I believe that in many cases we are able to control the stress. However, need to be full of self-acceptance of one another. The first impression can not see connection between these issues, however, a lot of stress comes from lack of confidence in their skills.
    People who believe in themselves more and also more accepts stress and better advise to deal with it.

  100. Anxiety has every profession group and every age group. The Important thing is to ensure that this concern by controllable level. I agree with this article. There is a lot of pressure on teachers because of the environment, family and work environment. In addition, teachers are not happy as the economic in many countries. Students are in race as constant. And hence they can not live their childhood. Likewise as teacher , there is pressure on children of the family, teachers and the environment . This is like the chain. Teachers unhappy on the work. Teacher reflect to his/her family. Teacher’s family reflect to his/her environmental. To prevent this, group counseling can be made specific to each occupational group.

  101. Concerning the teacher educational programs; I believe that it would be beneficial to include subjects related to motivational work, but also how to handle situations with a high level of stress. It would also be a good idea if the school administration would offer seminars of this sort, specially designed for teachers. This could help teachers in their work situations, by giving them useful information and maybe exercises. Nowadays, I think most of the focus is laid on the students’ workload and how they could be working on their study techniques, to avoid getting stressed out. But as this article states, also the teachers are dealing with a high level of stress, which often gets overlooked. Therefore, both teachers and students could benefit from, for example, group discussions where both experiences and news in the fields are discussed and evaluated.
    In general, when talking about stress and anxiety, I believe it is a big difference between “worry about” and “have anxiety”, and it is important to separate these two expressions. I personally think that our changed lifestyle of today, with the social media coverage and other channels of communication, has given “stress and anxiety” a whole new meaning. You could explain it as follows; There is nothing to be ashamed of, «everyone has at some point experienced it»… almost like a fad.
    I do not necessary believe that it is more common to suffer from stress or anxiety in today’s society, but it is a fact that it is more accepted and discussed, in comparison to past decades.

  102. I agree with this article. In current societies of people have a lot of stress and worry. Anxiety is a normal part of life. Everybody feels anxiety about different subject during daily life. A lot of people worries about catch of a working, exam, money, children and family problems. However anxiety; provide to be prepared for to help us deal with the daily problems and get rid of to fastly decide in dangerous station. Normally this kind of worry is mild and this manageable level. But people have anxiety disorder of worries, dense amount disruptor for continue normally life.
    I think people cope with one’s own hands. If people want to do, will overcome everything.

  103. In today’s society there seems to be more to worry about than ever which has led to a generally more stressed society. As the world develops so does everything in it, countries, cultures, people, technology. Teachers are one of the main people to prepare upcoming generations for this world that is constantly developing in every way. I think this puts a great pressure on teachers as they have to be on top of everything all the time because at the end of the day it is their job to adequately prepare young children for this world through their education. They must follow a set curriculum that they have to complete by a certain date, make creative and interesting lesson plans, concern themselves with the well being of all their students as well as provide each individual child with the teaching they each need to learn and develop. This is a lot to achieve in one single job and would be stressful for any one person at times. In the past I think things were simpler so the approach to education wasn’t so analysed and criticised but with society and the world in general developing as fast as it is today everything seems to be getting more hectic and complicated and unfortunately it’s taking a toll on us all and certain people and professions especially,like teachers

  104. Czech psychologist Jiří Šimonek said that humans can be happy in their lives if their „tripod“ is okay and stands firmly. The tripod consists of the following parts: work, hobby and partner relationship. It is important that the tripod can stand on all three legs (in the short term can stand on two legs) – but you can´t stand on one leg! It is also important that your body is healthy because without it nothing works. And that´s all, it´s easy. Yes, we live in a hectic time and we still read a lot of articles about healthy lifestyle, mental illness and etc. and it makes us feel stressed again. We want everything right now. But we always forget the simplest things that should be in balance. Of course, there are professions more demanding than others. But if you love your job and your „tripod“ stands on all three legs, you will be satisfied.

  105. I agree with the article that today’s society is very stressed. I think that this is a result of all the technological innovations which aim to make life easier, but many times that life is made difficult. Example: computers and the Internet are intended to facilitate contact and communication speed. Purpose very good but let’s look at our lives-many times the first thing you do when you get home from school, work, walking is a switch on the computer. We want to know everything about everybody. I am thinking it is stupid because only drives the action of stress in our work. Sometimes ago people lived without computers and the internet. Look at our grandparents-fought in wars, they have seen a lot of evil in this world and yet able to enjoy even the simplest things and their life was not as stressful as the present.

  106. I agree with this article. It is clear that in today’s society people have to deal with alot. Whether it be financial problems or work overload. In society things are bigger technology makes things faster and we are expected to give 100% in every aspect of our lives. The pressure increases on a daily bases and for some people it’s too much thus leading to problems with anxiety or even worse. Teaching is one of the most stressful jobs today. They must deal with children who are not their own, teach them knowledge about different subjects and prepare them for life. The most difficult thing is to discipline children and teach those who are not interested. Many teachers in today’s society suffer from depression and other problems. I think these proposals are good but I do think they need a bit more health, for example an assistant when dealing with a big class and more investment in better facilities.

  107. I think in the school setting anxiety is always present because there are many different types of people in the same class. Some children will be a lot more outspoken than others. It is the duty of the teacher to help give everyone a voice and not leave a few outgoing students do all the talking. Teachers can encourage nervous children helping them to gain more confidence and overcome their anxiety. As technology is advancing and a lot of class activities can be done online. But I do believe it is important for teachers not to overload students with work as it leads to anxiety. Teachers need to space out the work they give students instead of giving loading it on altogether. I agree that now there are many different types of anxiety. It is a lot more common for people to have anxiety so there are many different options to deal with it depending on the person.

  108. I agree with the article, that this is a very important subject and that it would help to have a better structure. No matter what you work with, you always need to feel appreciation. Otherwise it will be very hard to find reasons to work as hard or harder than you already do. So if, for example, a teacher does not get much appreciation from his/her students, it is very important that the school have a well functioning system that will reward the teachers good work in some other way. This makes it very important that they have a good communication between the teacher and the school, and that all the teachers has a good bond and exchange experiences with each other. I also think that it is very important, no matter profession, that you, besides one great goal, put up smaller part time goals that does not take too long to reach. In that way, you will have goals that does not seem impossible to reach and you can have something to celebrate, each time you reach a part time goal.
    Another thing that each employee also need to know is that everyone has their own special quality, that can not be compared to anyone else. The only person that you should compete with is yourself.
    It is also very important that those who have a very stressful work eat right, sleep enough and that the work encourage their employees to exercise. It is proved that you work better and that you are less likely to feel anxiety and stress when you train and are in good shape, than if you are not. The way any kind of employment can encourage good health is to teach the employees about health, food and exercise, and maybe cooperate with a gym – that can give the employees a discount or something similar.
    All this is, and perhaps more, need to be done and is very important in all workplaces, no matter what the profession. They should always try to prevent anxiety and stress among the employees, which in turn can lead to burnout.

  109. I agree that stress and anxiety is common in nowadays society, also in schools. Nowadays students are not interested in learning, because they are interested in modern technology, which is fast developing now. That is the reason why students are so stressful and frustrated, and is not just a students, all of people have this problem.
    In my opinion teacher profession is not rated correctly. Teacher is one of the most popular profession in the world, and the most important too. But it is hard to work when no one underestimate teachers. Nowadays society have to get more relaxed from everything (work, media, technologies) because everything affect our emotions. If everyone will be more calmer and relaxed, then people won’t be so stressful, they will be more happier and satisfied.

  110. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    In my opinion anxiety is a problem that exists from very old times. But nowadays, it is indisputable, that it is getting increasingly worst because of the intensity of modern life. Nowadays, the development of technology, the competitiveness between people, the pressure in the workplace alongside the bosses and generally the intensification in all the sectors of our life have resulted in the increase of anxiety, depression and melancholy. And of course, the mass media has played a very influential role to this entire situation. These days, not only the others, such as our family, our school, our boss, but also ourselves, expect from us to do everything fast, perfect and without mistakes, to be the best and of course better than the other people, in order to be in a better social and economic position, to have prestige and respect. It seems to me that nowadays we don’t work in order to live, we live in order to work and unfortunately it is difficult to control it.
    I believe that in every profession there is stress and anxiety. As far as the education sector is concerned, I agree that being a teacher can lead you to very stressful situations. As a teacher, on one hand, you have to work with children, to help them create their personality, to teach them, to play with them, to listen and help them with their problems, to cope with the stress that they have for getting as good grades as their parents expect. From the other hand, you are forced by the education system and the state to carry out specific projects at a specific time, teach specific things to the students, follow the curriculum, be criticized by the parents of the students and all these under the control and the pressure of the government. To make matters worse, especially nowadays, due to the economic crisis and its consequences, like the layoffs, the low salaries, the increasingly impoverishment of many parts of the society etc., teachers, such as the majority of people, have more worries and more stress and anxiety than before about their social, economic, professional future, about their survival. Unfortunately sometimes this stress passes to the students, something that can be very harmful for them.
    People should find ways to reduce the anxiety from their daily life. They should find time for their selves, time to relax, time to have fun, time for friends, time to fill up their energy. Unless they do it, their problems and their anxiety will continue to worsten, something that is sure to provoke other health problems.
    Finally, I really agree with Enrique Rojas that «There is no rebellion. We have moved from conflict to the age of anxiety and depression. Enthrone Gone apathy, laziness and a kind of neutrality stifling.. They can live without ideals, without transcendent goals, with the only concern for being oneself and enjoy life at the expense of whatever … This is the picture. From there emerge two predominant feelings collectively: melancholy and anxiety”. We must take action and change this situation immediately, if we don’t want to cause damage, not only to ourselves but also to other people.

  111. In my opinion, like is written in this article, nowadays one of the biggest problem in our society is stress, anxiety. In this is observable in many proffesions. Also In the school environment. In my opinion, there is very big problem in our society in our schools, because in many countries, directly in schools, teachers and also students suffer from stress and anxiety. This is problem that we have to solve very fast, because, in my opinion this problem only growing, and no one is thinking realy hard about that. Ofource it depends also on human personality and so one, but in school environment have to think how to affect this personality to work without stress and without fear about so many thing. If we want good, smart and stress free students, we have to think about teachers too, have to work with them, because they in this proffesion is so responsible for many things, and they have to think all the time about that ( one of the reason for anxiety and stress). But its important to work with teachers and made them to think more about themselves.

  112. I agree with the ideas which are proposed in this article. As time is passing everything is developing, changing… peoples’ needs are growing, everything needs to be faster, bigger, stronger, better and it seems like it will never end.. And it is true… the definition of economics say that it is a study of how to please human’s endless wishes with limited recourses. And everyone wants to live better, so they work harder, because they think that will make their life better.. But in all that rush, stress and anxiety people tend to forget how to relax their mind and don’t think about problems and work…
    I agree that the teaching profession is one of the most underrated and underpaid professions nowadays. Society and government ask teachers to always be in good shape, to set an example for children which is true, it has to be like that. But it’s becoming more and more hard for teachers to live up those expectations when salaries are getting lower, so they have to work more.. Have less free time to relax be with their families.. And how do you expect a person to be in his best shape if he doesn’t have all these things?

  113. Stress is a physical condition that can be found in almost every species in the world. The original sense of this condition was to make human beings ready to act in a «fight or flight» situation. Which means that our body concentrates on being physically strong and ready whereas our brain in contrast «suffers» under the situation and can’t work as good anymore. If we compare this «body programm» to situation where we feel stressed today it is actually exact the opposite of what we would need. If we think of typical situation where our students are stressed, like presentations or exams, we should try to make these situation as stressless for them as possible.

  114. The problem of stress depends on person and also the situation. All the professions can be stressful, especially today when it’s a very fast way of life. But when something doesn’t work out, we shouldn’t be stressed and depressed because of that. We should think about it how to do it better next time. I think it’s normal and also important to be sometimes wrong or make a mistake. If we are wrong, no matter, we have learned something and will grow stronger. I think it’s better to be wrong than simply follow someone or something without analyze it critically and listening to yourself. We shouldn’t be afraid of originality, new way of thinking and we should have courage to follow our thoughts… We cannot avoid all the stressful situations but we can learn how to cope with them. It’s important to separate private life and work, have opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions with colleagues, learn to enjoy small successes, have enough time for yourself and recreation,…

  115. In my oppinion fear is something we get drummed in from the media, the economists and the politics. If we could create a (self-)critical world, where people scrutinize some things, they will get that they not should be feared of everything. Furthermore the problem of stress and pressure fears people. To overcome problems like this we need to build a learning and living atmosphere which is relaxing and which gets people to learn with fun and less effort.
    Moreover the reward system for teachers should be improved. We need to attract more people to become a teacher. They should not only be profesionals in thier subject they should be realy good educated in didactics and child psychologie.

  116. The anxiety and psychological problems teacher often suffer from are also a well known topic in Germany. I once read in a survey that just a small amount of teachers in Germany work until the normal start of their pension, many quit their job as a teacher before, because of psychological problems as «burn out» which occur due to plenty of stress at work.
    In my opinion the reasons for the stress and overwork in german schools are somehow the same, their are to many students in each class so that teacher sometimes have problems to help all of them in an adequate manner or to calm down students who make noise or who joke around. But on the other hand i think that teacher in Spain have to face more problems, like uncertainity about the future or social prestige decline. In Germany the job as a teacher is one of the safest and furthermore and the reputation in the society is also quiet good.

  117. Nowdays we live in husty time full of stressful situations. We worry about loss a job, lack of money and we don´t have enouh free time for our hobbies and relax. I think, to work in education is especially stressful (and every job, when you work with people). Each of us have a lot of own problems and if you work with people, you take over also their problems. And if you are very busy with your job, every day grow your problems and you feel more and more anxiety. It is realy important to organise your time. You have to find free time in your timetable for relax. I think, if you don´t do it, probalby you can suffer from some mental disorder or burn-out syndrome. I thing it´s important to realize it in time and prevent this way potential health problems.

  118. Objective looking and judgement are the best ways to see missing parts. Without examining we are not able to see those parts. In our contemporary society in every situation we are.fakiliar to every kind of anxiety. The most of people experienced anxiety at least once. When it comes to education we are generally come across anxious people. Those could be teachers or students. Last year i did an presentation about foreign language Learners anxiety. If we look from students side there are many areas which make them anxious such as speaking, listening, reading or writing anxiety. To make students get rid of them we should go into center of problem. On the other side from teacher, they are responsible on many duties. They have schedules that ahould be finished in limited time. For incredible and successful teaching process, teacher should leave from those anxieties because one way or another anxiety will affect their both normal and education life. I totally agree the guideline for teacher. They ahould follow it but i want add some ideas. They can communicate woth parents if the problem is about students’ behavior. Also they can take students’ concerns and needs seriously. They shouldn’t let subject failure make them unsuccessful.

  119. In general, a lot of situations, objects or expectation of the people in this world which causes the stress or insecurity are on increase. Good marks in the school, evaluation in the job, each day stress as to get to the work in time or stress about food influence us more and more. But it depends just on the people and their individuality (finally from which country they come from) how they will deal with that. Personally i think that we are stressed to much and because of trivialities, which are not important. We should focus on the more relevant things in our live.
    If we are talking about the stress at school it is more matter on the teacher, how he will lead his lesson. My opinion is that each of the teacher should be a psychologis a little too. The teacher should know what is for students unnecessarily stressful and anxious, but not necessary. On the other hand, the familly surroundings may represent big stress and high expectations and pressure on the children as well.

  120. According teachers and anxiety, I think they should have some trainings (team meetings, trustworthy relationships among teachers), which would prevent an excessive degree of pessimism and anxiety – the reason why teachers are constantly in contact with the students/ children and they assume from them.
    In my opinion it would help to build self-esteem, to have good relationships with parents and students/ children and also includes enough sleep and recreations. I believe that anxiety is result of expectations for the best success in all areas of life. Society requires us to constantly prove that we are the most successful students, parents, partners, friends, colleagues. And of course, it’s quite expected that once this’s no longer possible.

  121. So to keep classes and teaching enjoayable for teachers and students at the same time, both have to learn as early as it can be to deal with anxiety. Maybe a proper way to learn how to deal with anxiety is to implement situations in lessons that create anxiety. In this way teachers may be able to teach methods to prevent anxiety and get along with it. For the special situation of a teacher, there should also be lessons in university, from the beginning of the study.
    But anxiety may not only be crated in lesson like situations, I think the way how teachers are treated plays a part in contributing to this situation of anxiety.
    As it was said above in the article, the enlargment of work time and small salary deteriorate the situation of a teacher and creating stress and depression.

    In the article above Enrique Rojas is quoted, who sais ( if I understood corectly) the modern human has no ideals and no persuasion, which leads to that he can not appreciate live.
    But maybe it is the complete other way.
    In my eyes somebody who wants to become a teacher has often got strong ideals, but when daily routine hits, the want-to-be teacher realizes that real world is not what he or she imagined. And that it wont change in any time soon.
    What I want to say is, if there is a huge discrepancy between the ideals of a teacher and the real world, it often leads to depression and melancholia.

  122. Each person reacts differently to stress. Is it a teacher, a worker, a doctor, a lawyer. We are now living really fast. Often we do not have as much free time as we would like. Therefore, it is important to be able to cope with stress. For me, the most important is the active recreation. It makes us feel more refreshed. Many people forget about it and trying to combat stress by closing at home and eating, smoking, drinking. Through active recreation we can relax our mind from thinking about the bad things and focus only on what is good for us. For me personally, the best way to get rid of the stress are techniques of NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming). Theres a lot of easy techniques that everybody can use.

  123. There is no fear that we cannot overcome. Success depends on our effort to do it and our motivation. The key is practicing, working on ourselves and face the fear. The whole power is our mind where fears are created, so it’s important to change the way of thinking. First step to do it is to make a visualisation of the situation that makes us anxious and analize it. People like to complicate their life just because of wrong thinking. Kids at school should be involved in stressful situations, like public speaking, sports competitions etc., because they have to learn how to deal with anxiety and stress. However, it is significant to keep a friendly atmosphere not to discourage the children. I also think that we should not judge the people, we should take into consideration the circumstances of their actions and analize the situation. Anyway, everybody has a right to make mistakes.

  124. Anxiety have been a problem since the old times. But I think today, it is even worse. As we know, everything is faster now. People have more intense lives. We are driving our works, our schools, our social relationships very fast. It is inevitable to have problems in this case. In schools, we are doing tasks online, in a very easy way. But it brings many others. In our relationships, we are online again. Many friendships and even special relationships can be on internet. The bad thing about this is that everybody can see others lives. It brings many problems either. To give an example for works I want to talk about teachers like in this article. Yes, everybody can learn anything by theirselves nowadays. Even they do it. It is a bad thing in terms of teachers. They have to know more and more to get respect. It became harder. So it is a reason for them to have anxiety. There are several types of anxiety, also. For example test anxiety, second language anxiety. I want to mention especially these as I’m studying English Language Teaching. These are very common problems of students. Anxiety makes everything worse. If the student even knows the subjects, because of anxiety, can get lower grades. Or while learning a second language, because of anxiety, the student have more struggle in speaking skills. So it is very important for us to get rid of anxiety to make things better.

  125. Is obvious that It’s impossible to avoid all the stressful situations. It depends also from the specific person and situation that can be stressfull. For somebody stressful could be: public speaking, flying a plane, getting know the people. We live fast we dont have enough time, we re running all the time, and when something doesnt work out, we dont feel good, we feel streesed and depressed. we need to separate private life from work. We cannot always live things which we have to do. We need more active rest, which will allow us to recover energy and have a power to life. The more we are confident and relaxed, the more our work is efficient and satisfactory:)

  126. «We have moved from conflict to the age of anxiety and depression.» This is really a strong sentence of this psychiatrist (Enrique Rojas (1989)). I had a good thought about it but i think he is totally right. It’s a really heavy thought as well, because i think we don’t experience and be aware if this now. We are making even our own lives this way!
    These days we make ourselves busy and stressful. If you ask yourself the question when you really had a whole day without stress or fear? People can not even answer that question. I think it’s really sad that we are living in a environment like this.
    We want everything. Also reach the highest goal and want to do things for 200%. Our boss at work is asking more, our school marks needs to be (almost) perfect and parents want their child to be perfect in a specific sport.

    I also think the teachers have a hard job and it’s really underestimate. I mean it’s so hard to have students and handle the high work pressure nowadays. For children it’s very important to have a relaxed teacher. They have more time for students, can create a nice/safe atmosphere in the classroom and have a lot more patience then a stress and -fearfull teacher. I think that’s all what matters, not only for the teacher but also for the kids will it be much better! In my opinion it’s very important to implement the prevent guidelines to help the teachers forward. Also there will be less teachers that would have a burn-out. I think it’s a win-win situation. Give the teachers the guidelines and evaluate if this is working for them, it is worth trying! And maybe we can make some changes in the school system that makes the teachers less stress and -fearful!

  127. I think that, these problems, which are related with school’s environment, are affecting anyone. Pressure on teachers puts a great many circumstances – school environment, children, the parents, the Ministry of Education, the State. That’s the reason why teachers plunges into depression and stress. Teachers leads to burnout , which is one of the worst things in this profession. Of course, it depends on the teacher’s personality, as he captures the events around them and how to solve problems. Latvian teachers works beyond their time at work, them have a consultations, they test children’s work and prepare for the next lesson, but they does not get salary for this overtime. I fully agree with the quotation, who is mentioned in the article. People are interested in everything, but aren’t aware of situations, others just know how to condemn, but do not know his vision of how to solve these problems. People who are not directly linked to any problem, is neutral and disapprovingly. The article mentioned rules, which is a very good way to overcome difficulties in their profession.

  128. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I think that the most accurate statement is that the problem of stress depends on a person. We cannot generalize the causes and reactions because evryone feels that in different way. Stressful situations are inseparable part of our lives, so what should be done at school is to teach how can we cope with stress. It’s impossible and it would be pointless to eliminate stressful situations, because if not at school we will still face it later in the future. Children should believe in their capabilities, they should believe that they can achieve everything. If people are self-confidence stress is no longer an obstacle. It strats to propel and motivate them. Sometimes one needs more time than another to understand that. And this is what teachers and schools should be focused on. To help students not to be afraid.

  129. In my mind there is a problem with the fast going of everydays life.
    Many working people always stressed and that has a very bad influence on their life
    and also their health.
    That’s dangerous but I don’t think there’s a solution for that since you can’t change
    the speed of developing and the general requierements.
    Those requierements are even for children sometimes very high and there are a few who can’t reach them. I think that’s a task of teacher to recognize children having problems, maybe in social life or just in school, and lead them to the path which is theirs (together with parents).

  130. Manuela Allgäuer dice: Responder

    Anxiety and stress recieve much attention nowadays, of course, because they are always present in everyday life. We know, there is new media and the improvement of technology, that lets the world change so fast. For me, this progress is not always just positive – sometimes I think people should also keep their attention on relations and humanity. Especially teachers and students are concerned by this anxiety and stress and I think it is quite obvious to see where it comes from. Teachers were forced to follow the curriculum exactly, the headmasters and the parents’ will and at the same time justify everything they do, while students suffer from the pressure of getting good grades and be as successful in school as their parents and their future-employers want them to be. It’s easy to see that this is a tough task.

  131. I totally agree with the article. The nowadays society is too much under the influence of the fast development technology, media etc. It seems that this progress has started to direct our lives and that we are no more in the control of it. We are more and more under the pressure of being the best, doing the best in a really short time, be better than the majority and we are forgetting on relationships, humanity, trust and respect toward each-other. All these leads to the fear (or so called anxiety) – “What if I fail?” and stress – “I must to make it, now, fast and the best!”. Sometimes I ask myself where does this tempo of life lead? It’s impossible to live like this forever. According to the author of the article, it makes you unbalanced as a person. I think the society in general should change the perspective on everyday life. I am interesting in “why are we in such a rush?” and “are we going to miss anything?” I think the opposite, if we stop for a second, relax from everyday worries and just enjoy in the moment (as little kids usually do) we would take more out of this moment, than in case of hurrying. In my opinion the point is not about doing everything as fast a possible, always be better then others and live in fear and under the stress, but to still participate, work, be part of the community, learn, build new knowledge, improve yourself and the system but take time for that, learn for yourself and not compare to others so much, do mistakes, because they’re good and at the end…breathe, because life would wait for you.

  132. Teachers have to cope with some delinquent children, their nerve-racking parents, rushing with upringing and educating children at the same time, curriculum, laws, too many children in classes/groups, not enough material provided for school work etc. So how to manage this stress and anxiety? Relaxation, deep breathing, enough sleep, some exercise, healthy food… and after that establishing trust (with yourself, children, parents etc.), proving that you’re right, building on self-confidence and not letting anybody get in your way in achieving goals. In most cases teachers become stressed because nobody believes in their creativity and innovations. Why should be teaching «old school»? We need changes and we can only get this with lots of creativity. Example: In art the teacher ask you to make a bear with clay. You make a different bear with bigger, square head, longer ears … Teacher comes to you, destroyes your product (because it’s not «beautiful» or «like the bear is supposed to be») and makes the bear for you.
    Because of lack of creativity children can not become independent, unique, imaginative, confident, trusting and most of all excited and happy.

  133. It is very sad that a topic like anxiety in school needs to be talked about because it has become important in our society. This shouldn´t be the case and therefore I think that it is very important to support teachers having problems with anxiety to improve their situation, so they can work the best way possible. A relaxed teacher is also to the advantage of the pupils he teaches and therefor for parents who don’t have to send their children to private tuition and for the society when there are good educated persons. Furthermore, I think that one learns more if the teacher feels good, as this forms the basis for good teaching and patient explanations.
    To have relaxed teachers who like what they do, it is inevitable to teach them how to prevent anxiety, like mentioned in the article. But I think that this kind of knowledge isn´t passed to stu-dents before they are finally a teacher. If the situation shall improve instead of get worse, as I see it, prevention has to start during the studies already. The points mentioned in the article can be a beginning for it.

  134. The problem described in the article seems to be related to the problem of teachers who are burnt out or in a threat of it. The several pieces of advice given in the end are really helpful in overcoming this problem. Physical exercise helps to free oneself from the burden of stress and negative emotions, the feelings that are so common in a teaching job. Another thing is the unpredictability of this profession (to some degree), the need to improvise and change plans according to the situation. I think in this case it is important not to be too stern on oneself, not to expect to be perfect and – as it is said in the article – enjoy small successes instead on focusing on negative things. It is also very important to ‘have a life’ outside school, be engaged in a family life, meet friends, have some escape from work.

  135. I think it’s true that we should figure out where does the anxiety comes from.
    Many people, both students & teachers, suffer from it and I think most of us have a clue about the source of this fear. It’s – in my opinion – the conditions we all have to handle. If it’s the curriculum that forces teachers to rush through the topics or the students who have to get good grades. Today, for example, I think in 4 out of 5 university-classes are too many students and teachers who know about the importance of didactics but who also cannot use their knowledge in the everyday-school-life. Reasons are pressure from the headmaster or other officials who have never been teaching children. Nevertheless, I think if we crack those common sense of what teachers are and if we give them more freedome to teach – we will, step by step, beat the anxiety.
    Also it should have a good impact of the students as well, when they have noticed that the teacher teaches in a way he likes and who shows some self-confidence.

  136. What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of fear, unease, and worry.
    We all have our moments,and anxiety doesn’t just come out of anywhere. It can be risen from between happiness to sadness. It can also be good or bad in our health conditions too. Every person have the ability to control their own anxiety with the way they choose to. In order to reduce our anxiety level, we can use some factors such as taking vacations, not owner working yourself, being active, and being positive are some factors.

  137. My opinion about that is nowadays lots of students do not have anxiety problems, all students may benefit from universal programs that can reduce stress and anxiety in schools as well as help foster supportive learning environments. There are lots of study programs and courses in all universities than they could choose between them which they like the most. Children need to feel comfortable in the group where they are learning. One of the school settings is becoming irritable and sometimes talk to the child’s parents to help them understand the pluses and minuses about the learning process. Every school needs a teacher with good knowledge skills who can grow up school’s environment

  138. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    It is sadly true that nowadays, anxiety and pessimism are dominant in any sectors.
    Regarding school setting, both teachers and students are «victim» of anxiety and distress. On the one hand, all the conditions are not always gathered to be relaxed (bad work conditions, too many students in one room…), and on the other hand, each side is not always satisfied by the other one, both teachers and students expect the best things from one another. So I think everyone has to invest oneself, in order not to create a bad atmosphere, or an atmosphere which could provoke competition and in this way would add more anxiety. Finally, I am sure that the more communication there is between the professors and the students, the less anxiety there is, at least in the school compound.

  139. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    In order to suggest ideas about how to reduce anxiety in the school environment, I believe we should go back to the term «anxiety» and its orgins.
    We no longer fight for primary needs such as survival or freedom. Instead, for decades, the world has been speeding up and human beings have been trying to keep up the pace and adapt themselves. One of the results would be what we call stress and anxiety. But are they such negative terms ?

    According to me, yes and no.

    On the one hand, yes, because one’s anxiety is linked to his/her society and the norms applied to it. Anxiety proves that we are stuck in our society and that we lack perspective to see what is fundamentally serious and what isn’t. So yes, because the value of what produces stress is subjctive, depending on our culture and society.

    On the other hand, no. Depending also on what kind of person you are, I think that some use anxiety as a strenght because it stimulates them. To this extent, it even allows them to do a better job whether they are a student or a teacher, precisely because they are not in an atmosphere of trust, self-confidence and safety… but under the pressure. It compels them to surpass themselves, for a better result.

    Finally, the inherant issue of the debate is that anxiety depends so much on the person you are. Thus, many could not recognize the advice at the end of the text as an answer to decrease stress. For example, it advocates the quality of the time that you spend on holidays and yet, some people are even more anxious when they are in vacation because they have nothing to think about… Except a potential threat.

  140. As mentioned in the article, the circumstances most people have to deal with at the moment, are terrible!
    On the one side there are teachers, who don’t get the appreciation they want and even may have earned: Most pupils are feeling treated in a very unfair way and therefor will never put a good word for their teachers at their homes or parents. The majority of the parents gets to know really less out of the most constrained institution existing. (Where else in your life do other people decide, what you have to wear, what to do, when and who to speak, next to whom you have to sit, who you must work with, and so on). And those stories making it to their table, are usally the bad ones. Which leads to parents, that believe that even they might be able to do a better job than this unfair, illiberal persons in schools.
    And on the other side, there are pupils.
    I think we all have been there. Do I need to say more?

  141. I think its important to have highly skilled teachers who offer their students deep, firm, thorough knowledge – achievements in daily work and in Olympiads, competitions, academic conferences, devoted to a wide variety of subjects and level of knowledge confirm this statement.
    And to have that kind of teachers, its important to offer them competitive salary and good working conditions.
    So, my advice, if we ar talking about, how we can reduce anxiety in the school:
    *To pay attention how in the school life feel educators.
    *Identify and reinforce students personal resources.
    *Provide students with low educational attainment to progress in their learning.
    *In the learning process pay attention to the teenagers age group features.
    *Don’t do nothing instead of studnets, what they can do it by themselves.
    *Improve communication between teachers, students and their parents.

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