Mortal la carencia de ideas

Es cuando menos sorprendente que en una población alta de egresados universitarios, como lo es la española, el índice de desempleo juvenil (universitario) sea tan alto.

Este hecho podría ser analizado desde muchos puntos de vista, teniendo en cuenta sus múltiples variables. En este momento quiero fijarme en dos situaciones que, probablemente, estén dando un empujón a esa falta de empleo y de iniciativa. Percibo que una de ellas, la primera, es altamente comentada en determinados ambientes, razón por la cual será la segunda a la que le dedique en mayor medida mi comentario.


1 – El mercado de trabajo es pequeño, poco flexible, con pocas oportunidades, poco crédito, escasas vías de financiación de iniciativas, hay poca ayuda al emprendedor, etc. Esto puede recordar el lugar en el que estamos en el mapa económico, inversor y emprendedor del mundo; indicadores como el Doing Business del Banco Mundial, o el lugar que ocupamos en los rankings de competitividad vienen a revelar algunos datos interesantes que, por más que son conocidos, se les pone remedio poco o nada. España, lamentablemente, aún no es un lugar atractivo para determinado tipo de inversores, ni España es Silicon Valley ni Tel Aviv. Interesantes en este sentido las reflexiones de Javier Megías sobre el ecosistema emprendedor de Israel, el significado de la cultura emprendedora allí, etc.

2 – Los universitarios, los jóvenes en general, si bien voy a prestar más atención ahora a los universitarios, carecen de ideas y conocimientos suficientes, motivación y práctica como para generar sus propias posibilidades de empleo.

Conocimientos y competencias debilitadas

Esto supone hablar de muchas cosas. Supone hablar de conocimiento, más allá del recibido en las Universidades, que estimo que es, por lo general, escaso, muy débil en determinadas competencias generales (que comúnmente nos vendieron como las competencias que iban a adquirir nuestros jóvenes por el mero hecho de ser universitarios en el marco de la reforma universitaria europea, el llamado Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, EEES, sin contar las competencias específicas que les hacían profesionales en una determinada área).

¿De qué competencias hablamos? Sin rodeos, porque estimo que son exiguas las que reciben por lo general nuestros universitarios, son necesarias más y mejores sobre tecnologías de la información y comunicación, idiomas (después de tantos años hablando de este asunto el discurso político huele a estafa), conocimientos sobre cómo funcionan los negocios, etc.

Pondré un ejemplo. No todos los egresados de Magisterio terminarán dando clases en escuelas o institutos, no todos aprobarán una oposición o serán contratados por una escuela privada (todo esto en cada respectiva área podría ser aducido de manera similar), pero si estos egresados quisieran desarrollar una iniciativa propia innovadora relacionada con la educación, a través de la fórmula del autoempleo, crear su propio negocio partiendo de una idea original (o no), es en este momento cuando comprobamos que carecen totalmente de conocimientos sobre la empresa y los negocios, no saben lo que es un modelo ni un plan de empresa, carecen de conocimientos para llegar con éxito a los inversores, etc. A esto habría que unir todas las demás carencias de conocimiento/aprendizaje, competencias como aún se llaman ahora. Terrible porque se pierden muchas iniciativas y se engrosan las listas del paro.

Escasas prácticas

Esto supone también hablar de prácticas y supone preguntarse qué exactamente reciben los alumnos cuando se inyectan de vida profesional real. Los alumnos universitarios necesitan más y mejores prácticas, desde el primer momento. He oído decir de algunos de mis colegas que no es conveniente prácticas en el primer curso, pues no sabrían cómo comportarse en las empresas. Mi opinión es contraria, considero que es necesario un entrenamiento serio y una inmersión temprana en la realidad que más tarde deben mejorar nuestros egresados. Creo que la fórmula correcta sería: de la práctica a la teoría a la práctica.

En fin, nuestros universitarios necesitan más y mejores entrenamientos en el verdadero significado de la creación, la capacidad creativa que siempre huye de la flema con la que en muchas ocasiones acabamos una carrera (siempre deseando no volver jamás a la Universidad).

Idiomas que huelen a estafa

La culpa fue (perdonen mis lectores de fuera de España)… de Adolfo Suárez, Calvo Sotelo, Felipe González, Aznar, Zapatero, Rajoy… máximos representantes de los destinos del país. Ellos y sus respectivos ministros del ramo organizaron la enseñanza de los idiomas, absoluto fracaso después de tantos años. Daba la risa ver cómo se presentaban los políticos en campañas electorales, parodio un poco: “el inglés se va a enseñar desde el nacimiento”, a lo que le respondía el contrincante: “el inglés, dada su importancia, se va a enseñar desde el momento de la concepción”. Resultado: vayan y pregunten en las Universidades españolas, porque ahí tampoco se ha resuelto el problema.

Gracias a Dios después de 13 años en el sistema educativo, al salir de éste somos capaces de repetir, al menos, el verbo to be, pero, como se ve, no es suficiente.

Podemos añadir muchas más cosas: más trabajo científico desde las aulas, más fomento de la creatividad, más geometría euclidiana, etc. Dejaremos para otro día lo que ha hecho la escuela de las técnicas lectoras, el daño a la memoria, el dominio del lenguaje, etc.

Digamos que llegados a este punto lo que querría valorar con ustedes es si lo que no tenemos es posibilidades por culpa del mercado-sociedad o debido a la falta de buenas ideas y adecuados conocimientos-competencias capaces de ser llevadas a la práctica de forma exitosa.

Sé que es fácil admitir que ambos son responsables de la falta de empleo en los jóvenes de hoy, pero quiero que nos fijemos en esta segunda situación, responsable de la falta de horizonte creador de una buena parte de nuestros jóvenes universitarios, para tomar conciencia y, si hace falta, actuar en consecuencia para resolver la falta de competencias.

Un buen amigo, joven con capacidad para el liderazgo, fuerte formación en distintas áreas y motivado emprendedor, me confirma este argumento inicial: sin duda alguna lo segundo es muy destacable, encontrándose ahí un punto crítico sangrante en estos momentos. “Como sociedad no somos capaces de ejecutar bien suficientemente buenas ideas al ritmo y volumen que lo exige el cambio global que estamos viviendo”.

142 respuestas a “Mortal la carencia de ideas”

  1. Most of the jobs expect experiences, but how can we have experience of any kind of jobs, if everybody expect it? It seems a vicious circle.. In the university they spend a lot of time to teach us for everything but they don’t force us to do more internship, which is bad, because i think if we learn something in the practice, it is more useful than if we just learn it in the school while we sit at the school desk. In Hungary lot of people leave behind their home town and try to find a job in abroad, even if they don’t speak any language (anyway in Hungary a lot of people speaks minimum one language). Otherwise it was a big surprise and so strange to see that usually spanish people don’t speak any other language, even if they are a students of an university.. i think to speak one other language is very important and necessary.

  2. The problem of finding a job is not just Spain, but unfortunately the whole of Europe, the blame for this situation lies mainly with the school because they do not provide students practice in the best or even any companies. company during the recruitment need people with experience, but in college it is very hard to get it. Of course you can find a job, such as volunteer work or an internship but the amount of material at the universities rarely combine study and work.I think, however, for wanting nothing difficult, and if someone finds it really depends on the experience without any problem.

  3. Not only does this affect students in Spain but to many other countries in Europe. Students who are graduating university does not always obtain a stable job at the end of their degree. This is because most of the time, businesses and companies will require work experiences and most students will be lacking in this department. In this kind of situation, someone who is committed and has a keen interest should undertake a variety of different ways to obtain this sort of experience. For example, voluntary work. These type of work is great for students to gain an experience in their field of study or gain an experience that will show a potential employer what type of person that they are hiring. A majority of the time, most people are too lazy to do this sort of work and expect a lot of things in life with little use of working as possible. I believe our generation is quite lazy in this sense and is lacking the commitment and hard working nature that our older generation had.

  4. The only thing I have left it, is to agrees with the above mentioned. In one hand we lack of universities with more practical learning, or universities, which will help us adopt to real life as quick as is possible, but the truth is, that even if we have some of these types of universities, young people or students usually pitch easier way. I mean they pick, lets say field as humanities, teaching, etc… I’m not saying that these fields are easier or worse then, for example fields as mathematics, physics or biology. BUT young people have to find their market and connect it somehow with what they want to study and do in a future. We have too many young people with degrees from humanities fields of study, maybe thats why they struggle to find a proper job. Too many people, too small market. It’s simple as that. On the other hand I completely understand with quote or formula: «from practice to theory to practice»

  5. Laura Aylin Hechler dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the mentioned problems in the article affect lots of European countries.
    The unemployment rate of university graduators is high because of the small job market. Besides starting up one´s own business is very risky for young, unexperienced people. Students do not have enough work experience because the major part of their studies consists of theory. Additionally like already said in the article, the support for young entrepreneur is not given in every country. So the lack of experience causes the most difficulties. Therefore I agree with the statement that the right formula might be: from practice to theory to practice. Although this system is hard to realize during the studies.
    But in general every student needs to find his own way of combining theory and practice. If somebody shows enough commitment and interest it is possible to collect both, practical and theoretical experiences.
    The situation with language skills is similar. Today we live in a world where speaking more than one language,at least english, is necessary to keep up with the global market. Especially for students there are lots of opportunities to learn languages or to improve them, like for example internships. In my opinion, speaking languages is an important feature for a successful future.

  6. In my opinion, educational system differ greatly in the way in which they try to match their outputs with the demands of the labour market. The crisis has caused the high unemploymend, but it is also true that the trainings are not always sufficient to reach this or that job. I thing that’s the most important thing, to be so creative to find and make new jobs. Educational system that teach specific skills also tend to be embedded in institutional relationships that ensure a close link between job seekers and employers, and,in turn,such arrangements can only exist given the correct institutional arrangements among employers and a particular distribution of forms of production.

  7. Most of the jobs require former experience? In some ways, our education system puts too much emphasis on theoretical knowledge, instead of turning theory into practice or getting both done at the same time. Everyone is expecting too much, without making even a little bit of effort. Our generation needs to find a way to solve this problem on its own. For example, there is a wide range of voluntary work, for which, basically, anyone can apply. Strengthening our skills by gaining experience in a particular field could help us get our subsequent job easier. If we take a closer look, investing in to our future is definitely worth it. The situation is the same with languages. The more languages one speaks, the more open the world becomes! More job oppotunities, more possibilities. I agree on the statement, that the start is always hard but we have to overcome all difficulties. If the biggest problem is money in the beginning (and most of the time it is), there are several tenders one could win. Even though it takes a while to find the perfect one, that suits one the most, but nothing is impossible!

  8. Firstly, the unemployement it’s a really important problem in Spain especialy for the young people but it’s also common in a lot of different countries around the world, especially in Europe.
    Moreover it’s easier for the people if they have experience for getting a job or some knowledge from the internship for example. Furthermore they discover the reality when they need more practical skills than theoretical knowledge which the student have already learn at school. When the students try to find a job they see the reality in a another way and the chief executive officer prefer find someone with some experience.

  9. Recently, the biggest problem I have noticed is future anxiety for young people in Spain. To give an example; university students continue their studies, they know about their profession. However, they do not have a big chance to do their jobs. So, it becomes a worrying situation and uncertainty happens.A lot of students graduate from universities, unfortunately not all of them get a job related to their university education. To solve this problem, In my point of view, Spanish politicians need to establish a system based on these problems such as lowering the retirement age, giving the working chance to the young and opening new business areas related to the departments at universities.Youngs should be hopeful and be confident about their future. If they will not have a job, why should they have education?

  10. It seems that Spanish society has been focusing on being productive rather than being basically human beings. With this I mean that the Spanish educational system has been training students for them to be able to be productive but not effective. For example, children are more creative than adults and this is because when your education contunuity goes by you just learn how to be practical but not to be able to create things on your own. Furthermore, I would like to say that I agree with the fact of doing practices from the early years of their learning periods because with this they are going to be able to think about their possibilities in the future and they are going to be able also to apply theoritical knowledge to practical knowledge and viceversa.

  11. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    We live in a really crazy times! You are ending the University and you are just with a little piece of paper which is meaning not as lot as you were thinking before. To much people have the same paper! So the receipt is simple: to much people are graduating a college! A lot of people after high school or vocational school should just find a job, practise their skills and try to develop themselves in their branch of business, and do not go to college. Of course the education program on college, should be more adapted to the labor market, and have a higher standard that it is nowadays. If all of this would have happen we will have a lot of good specialists in every economy sector, and the situation on the labor market would have changed.

  12. Para empezar, el mercado laboral no es pequeña, sólo las personas cual tiene una falta de ideas, experiencia y la confianza para innovar tiene una gama menor de los demás. Una problema muy común es la falta de experiencia en el mercado laboral eso puede ser debido al hecho que no hay muchas posiciones de experiencia laboral cual es pagado, y no hay muchos estudiantes y gente joven quién puede trabajar sin un sueldo de una forma.

    Con respeto a la importancia del aprendizaje una lengua; hoy vivimos en un mundo que es constantemente cambiando. Ser bilingüe es una ventaja y se hace una persona más probabilidades de ser empleado. Sin embargo, habilidades lingüísticas que están pertinente a los países desarrollados están más deseable, por ejemplo hoy en día el EEUU hace mucho negocio con países como Japón y China.

    Además, actualmente con la recesión mundial, los empleadores pueden ser más melindroso con quien emplean porque hay muchas personas desempleado de quien pueden elegir de.

  13. Slovenia is facing the same problems. Domination of high educated people, that are unemployed. Small labor market and people without work experience. The problem with Slovenian educating system is that is not offering a practical part. We don’t have a chance to put theory into the practice. And the companies don’t want to hire inexperienced youth unless the government gives them some kind of subsidy (that kind of measure was finally performed in Slovenia). However, about the language skills I think there is another situation. Every individual is responsible to learn as much different languages as he/she can. Nowadays we have an option to learn foreign languages online, for free. There are available so many options and programs to study for free that we cannot blame the education system for lack of knowledge.

  14. I completely agree that more and more people with higher education cannot find a job nowadays.
    I personally believe that many people want to study just to have higher education but they do not spend their time on careful planning what they want to study. Before they will choose a direction they should think first if it is somethink they want to do in the future? Or if there is a demand on this profession in they country?
    Another problem is the huge competition. In my country there is almost too many universities so every one who wants to study will study. Either at the public university or at the private college. Because schools need money to function very often they lower their standards just to keep students.

  15. Egemen Tuncer Yıldız dice: Responder

    I want to underline lack of practice of young people. As young people we are demanding about professional life because when we get some theoritical knowledge we think that we know how to do bussiness. We expect high salary, ideal proffesional conditions. But we are unaware that we are young and inexperienced. And we are unaware that have lack of ability to solve problems, which cannot be learnt from books unless we do not experience it in practical life, when we encounter.To change the world’s unemployment problem, I think we should start solving our problems such as lack of ideas, knowledge, experience. To be self-motivated in doing bussiness that we love, can be a good start. Especially my country, Turkey suffers from having qualified labor power. Because, salaries are very low, and people cannot be self-motivated to develop theirselves in their market.

  16. Your article speaks only the truth. In my opinion such situation, as lowering the level of education ( not only in universities but also at schools) can be easily seen in many countries. in Poland the situation is very similar. A dozen of years ago people graduating from universities endowed in great knowledge from his/her field of study. Future employer did not have to worry about the level of abilities of future employees. Nowadays situation is completely different. Almost everyone can easily get into university and graduate from it without bigger obstacles and problems. This led to the problem of unemployment: there are much more educated people than places of work. In Poland the view of young graduate students working on the market or as a shop assistant is nothing surprising.

  17. In my commentary, I would like to focus more on the students and their behaviours.
    Not so long ago, in Poland, if you were a student, it was a prestige.
    Only a few people got into the Universities, and that were those who worked hard to get there. I think that, this fact has motivated them to continue to work hard in college, because they didn’t want to lose what they have achieved so far. Those persons knew what they wanted to achieve in the future and were hungry to do so.
    The term ‘student’ should equal to a person who is highly educated.
    Nowadays, studying has become ordinary, every second person in Poland has a higher degree of education. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that every second person in Poland has the level of what their knowledge states.
    Universities give us mostly theoretical knowledge, very often expounded by inadequate teachers who cannot pique our attention of the subject.
    Thus the Universities are doomed to fail and their reputations will continue to deteriorate.
    Too little practical work which kills our creativity and leads nowhere …
    As I see it, people with a HIGHER education should generate new job opportunities, and not look for employment.
    More and more of my friends have come to the conclusion that the University only hinders their/ours development because it takes time to learn unnecessary rules, none of which could be of any usage. Usually, if someone has an idea that works, it’s not uncommon for them to resign or pause their studies. (Reference for fun… Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Gabe Newell). That person would also probably go for private and intensive quick studies/courses that are more effective than the ones offered at Universities.

  18. There are many reasons why it is hard for students to get a job after the finished their university studies, but for me the main reason is the university itself.
    Creativity in education should be much more important and ideas from students should be taken much more seriously. Students have to learn so much theory in their studies, which sometimes is really not that important for the job in which they want to work at after their graduation.
    There are not many universitites programs where the students have much practice, where they learn how to be creative, how some things work and most importantly how to think independently. Nowadays most of the times the main concern of students is to learn the theory and pass the exam. But what really counts and what could really help them in their future job is creativity, but unfortunately the universities don’t pay much attention to that.

  19. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    The first problem is about the labor market. At first they want you to have experince in your work. But they don’ t think about it how. Because if every employer would ask for experience, you won’t work at all, because you never get that experience what they want, so it’s like a never ending round.
    Even the youth get through this problem, there won’t be enought work place for everyone, moreover less and less place for that much people, plus the older adults will be unemployed too. It’s something tha will make it harder..
    Some of the unemployed people who want to start their own company, immedately fail because at the school they didn’t get the right practice for that. In the schools have to be more practice than just theory because that doesn’t help the students to get a job later. The good way would theory-practice-life.
    The language question is conspicuous, but for me just because I’m an erasmus student and nobody understand me except if I speak spanish, so yes, that’s a really big problem and a little bit strange, that the people don’t speak other languages.

  20. I`ve rote your article and I can say that I agree with you. I think that not only in the spanish universities this kind of problems are still not solved. In my oppinion theoretical part and the practical one are equally important and I think that it should be something like theory>practice way of learning. But this way of learning in which you have the theory and than you have some practice itsn`t enough, it`s incomplete, unfinished. In my oppinion we should have some extra classes like seminars for discussing everything we`ve learned and practiced and ask some questions if need. Some psychological reseaches came up with the idea that people usualy remember something more easily when they have some assotiation with it, some like an expirience with which they can connect it and I think that this kind of classes are perfect oppurtunity to make this «educational expirience». They can also help the students easier to realise and absorbed the theory.
    Other thing impotrant for better learning is also a motivation, as you said too. There are plenty of reasons which demotivate the students so I thing it`s also the teacher`s job to find the way to motivate them, to provoke their intrest and curiousity.

  21. Having thoroughly read this interesting article, I will comment on two main aspects that have a direct impact on the unemployment of the youth:

    1) College System – Personally I agree that the learning experience should not always be heavily focused on the theory of situations, but instead it should be equally balanced with practice. Employers in the 21st Century are looking for aspiring practical students who can not only think theory through, but act upon it. Practical experience with in college will allow the students to enhance their life long skills. These skills are exactly what the market and employers need in today’s demanding environments, the skills to Crete new innovative ideas, work in a team, gain results in a difficult situation etc.

    2) Language Skills – The importance of languages across the globe is unprecedented. The globalised world we live in today is from a result of communication of many different countries with each other, trading etc. Many international employers require different languages as a key skill and requirement for their employment. It’s is important that from a young age, students should be taught international business languages e.g English. When a student finishes college and is unable to be adaptive, the future may seem bleak. Being prepared for an ever changing global market is important for students to have the best success with future employment.

  22. Some interesting points are raised in this blog and one that I would like to address is the comment that the labour market is small. I personally feel that this is a blanket statement used by people who do not fully want to achieve their upmost in their working life. Take the European Union as an example of an organisation who acts as an employer. Currently within the European Union according to the official Union website over 40,000 people are employed in a number of roles, all at different levels and with different areas of expertise. The same website also has a separate section dedicated to careers within the European Union and an ever growing number of job vacancies. I feel this is just one example of how those with the determination, commitment and drive to find a job, can and will find one.

  23. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    For me personally the current situation is just a result of the previous action, or may be better to say no action. It is irrelevant to over think now about all the factors why is it the way it is, more important is to focus on how to get out of it, how to improve it. And, as with everything, I believe that we should start from the bottom, from the base, which means we all should start with ourselves. How do we want to change the system if we are not capable to change ourselves? I think the system as it is, unconsciously but more likely consciously, is turning people into kind of human robots, dont be interested, dont think deeper, or better dont think at all, just memorise these twenty pages, follow the herd and we let you keep watching football and eating french fries. Unfortunately one of the strongest traits of human beings is our laziness, of course it is easier just keep going in the same path and than complain about it over a glass of beer but if there is a change needed I believe the change should start with every single person changing himself.

  24. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the most important is to use our knowledge in practice as soon as it is possible. High unemployment among graduates is the result of lack of experience in each field of work. Theoretical knowledge is not enough for employers. That’s why in Poland a lot of students (after Bachelor’s degree) move from daily to weekend mode of their studies, because it is an only chance to start working and getting an experience, which is to help them in the future. University requires only three months of practice, which certainly is not enough. Besides this, something which is also very important are languages, development of creativity and communication skills. Some idea in our head is not enough to reach a success. It is important to know how to present it skillfully, to arouse the interest of investors and not leave it as another wasted initiative.

  25. Meanwhile I was reading this article, I thought about situation in Slovenia. There are a lot of young people, who have education and degree (or two) and no jobs. It is quite impossible to get a job (with my profession – in Slovenia I study social pedagogy), if you do not have completed eight months of practical training and professional exam for working in the schools. The problem here is that employers do not want people, who do not have professional experiences. I am wondering how can you get experiences, if nobody wants to employ you ?!!
    The other problem in Slovenia is, that on faculty students have usually just theoretical lessons and no practice lessons. Fortunately, on my faculty I had two weeks of practical training in second and third year and one month in forth year. I heard that some faculties do not have practical training. So this can be problem, becuase you do not get any real experiences in process of studying. After five years of studying you have to find a job and consequently you will hardly find it.
    The problem is also that a lot of students do not have interest in learning new things on faculty. So if you do not have interest, yo will not get good knowledge,… My personal opinion about unemployment is that if you are this kind of student, who has a lot of enthusiasm and interest, you will find a job, in one way or another one. So it depends mostly on you, and also (but less) on situation in country.

  26. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    If I think about the title of the article, I could say that the financial crisis is mostly to blame for lack of ideas. Already in elementary school teachers, do not have time to pay attention to each individual, because of the high number of pupils, obligations to the curriculum,… even though we should be aware that this period is the most important to encourage students to be creative.
    I completely agree with the formula «from practice to theory to practice», because the learning material is presented more interesting, easier to understand and it is the key meaning for the effective performance of their profession.

  27. While thinking about the unemployment in Spain, I drew comparisons to Germany regarding to the mentioned problems.
    In Germany, young employees are more likely to get hired by companies, since the economy is stronger, and vice versa, the economy is that strong, because they are able to hire employees who are skilled due to their education. One can see it as the process of symbiosis: The education is so good, because the universities cooperate with the companies, since the companies can delegate the universities to do research on their products etc. There is a better education through the research and therefore, companies have access to better technologies and better graduated employees.
    The Spanish market, compared to the German market, does not offer a incentive for international companies, because it is weak on the one hand and is due to their infrastructure limited to Spanish speaking countries on the other hand. For external companies it is more difficult to build up their company in Spain, since most of the Spanish employes do not speak English. I see the lack of language training as one of the main problems for Spain to become internationally competitive.

  28. The rate of unemployment is extremely high across different parts of the world today especially in countries such as Spain, Ireland and Greece. This is influenced by a number of factors. The first main factor would be that there is not enough opportunities after college. There is too many graduates with little jobs, this boosts the unemployment rate as there is skilled people qualified unable to get jobs because the lack of jobs around. There are young people currently studying in college at the moment who are not guaranteed jobs when they graduate from college because the lack of employment. For example you could study in college for 4 years and come out of college to no employment opportunities. It feels to young people that they wasted their time doing all those years of third level education.

  29. I believe that this article touches on a lot of aspects and factors which are ongoing at the moment in Ireland. The most obvious bring high unemployment rates. I think this is a major factor across Europe at the moment and we have to take into account that this plays a major role on our career possibilities. Personally I think that the amount of work and dedication we put into third level education is phenomenal. I am studying to become a secondary school teacher and in Ireland the course choice is very limited. I have to study a four year B.A and then do an extra two years to do a higher diploma in Education and finally I am qualified to become a secondary school teacher. In hindsight, after studying for 6 years I am not guaranteed to get a job as jobs are limited in Ireland. This gives me the only option to move abroad and get a job elsewhere. This puts pressure not only on myself financially but also on my parents. Overall, I think it is more down to economical factors than education and youth skills.

  30. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    It has long been known that the graduate of even the best course of study does not guarantee employment in an industry that interests us.

    In my opinion, a major problem is incompatibility of education to the needs of the business. ” World university” has its own rules , is a bit hermetic , closed , focused on the implementation of the program of study. In contrast, the „business world” has its own needs, expectations (having practical skills , experience, demand for mid-level employees ) .
    Dialogue, communication links is needed between these worlds. That universities should listen to what the needs of businesses and entrepreneurs should clearly and honestly define their needs and requirements .

    However , I agree with the article about the opinion That the universities , on the first place , should be more focused on practice and theory should be as an addiotion .
    Nowadays frequently occur that people graduate , make master and they have no idea what to do with your life , how to choose the career path . Moreover, sometimes when they find a job normally need to learn everything again , they start from a zero because they are not able to connect theoretical knowledge with the practice , thus have no experience .

    Reliable internships are a good chance to reduce unemployment among the students, which is quite high. It will also reduce the mismatch between the competence of employees, of which very often have to deal with the employer. Obligatory work placement is effectivel solution to decrease an unemployment rate among students in whole EU . But these intership should have a salary , because unpaid internships contribute to exclusion from the labor market of talented young people who can not afford free practice. Many of the students during the holidays instead of gain relevant experience during the internship must for financial reasons to take another job to earn money for further studies .
    I think it’s no important compnies financial resources, but the wise employer , aware of the importance of investment in human capital.

  31. I think it’s a problem in all countries. I often hear that the reason is that young people can’t find jobs because employers look for people with lot of expirience and if you don’t have that nobody want to teach you. Employers think that after studing students should now how to work efficiently, but if they don’t know how they going to find out if nobody would teach them? I agree that students should have a lot of practice and it should be since first year. It gives a lot of expirience and it’s important to get expirience as soon as we can.

  32. Reasons for high unemployment rates are pretty much the same in all the countries. These handicaps can be found in different fields of work. First of all the needlessly increasing number of universities which are seeking economic benefits. So the students graduate from those universities are numerous and not equipped enough. Because of these reasons trust in university graduates are decreasing.
    Second biggest problem is that the system is always teaching to be a part of one of the profesions that are famous in market. They are not teaching to create own ideas or oppurtunities for the student himself. As a result there is conglomeration in these so-known fields much more than need. And high unemployment rates are not the result of the economic crysis. Actually its the opposite. Because of these handicaps education system and marketing the economic crysis are born…

  33. Many people after completing college life either start looking for a job late or can not find any. One of the biggest reason is that people have seen the courses in college life remains only in theory, and therefore it does not have adequate facilities for practice. After graduating from college people are not enough equipped and this is why they are experiencing difficulties finding a job.
    Besides, there is a lack in business areas. But there are a lot of college graduates also. so, the unemployment rate is increasing. The people who graduate from a university are reading practice for school life and doesnt have sufficient skills. Lack of practice, foreign language, lack of markets and as a result of having too much of college graduates, the unemployment rate of university graduates is high.

  34. I think the world is the problem of unemployment. (Today it is experiencing economic crisis in some countries.)In my country we one of the reasons the unemployment problem of young people is more than the increase of university education.For this reason, young people can not be employed young people in our day to day.New job opportunities according to their own interests rather than their own.I think the young population compared to countries with more job opportunities can be increased by providing early retirement.Perhaps as a result young people can increasing employment opportunities.

  35. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    When I’ve read the article, I thought about my pedagogy studies in Austria and recognized, that the setting is very similar: the theory part is also much more important than the practice part. But although the studies are build like this, students are able to look by their own for a practicum (for example in the summer or once a week). Of course the best way would be if students get more information about possibilities for a practicum at the university, but if you are interested in a topic you are able to look for a practicum by your own. It depends on the self-dependence and motivation, how you spend your time during your study years. The advancement of this qualities should start in the first Institution, which get attend by children. Through the way of teaching it’s possible to boost the qualitys. Open – teaching methodes for example give children their creativity back and they learn more motivated.

  36. Of course the leading cause of unemployment is the economic crisis. I am afraid that many young people really does not have sufficient competencies for specific works even if there would be enough jobs for all. It is possible to blame the education system and it could be redesigned, but I think the problem is elsewhere. Today’s generation of young people is completely different than in the past. Even though they are really confident and have high goals they lack basic skills. Parents today are very ambitious, at least in our country is like that. Too many of them are overprotective on their children and are solving problems and situations that children should by themselves. Despite good intencions this is not in child’s interests. Young people have a lack of experiences and are dedicated only to school, but it seems that this is not helping labour market. All of these circumstances and the stress which is nowadays very present in the lives of young people , in my opinion, affect the creativity and flexibility , which are essential for quality work.

  37. As my secondary education was coming to an end the decision of whether or not to attend university was not an option. It is drilled into students in the UK that if you have successful exam result and have the ability the only option you have is to further your education. Although following this path I disagree that it is the only option available for young people. As unemployment rates increase there is an apparent fear of not finding work therefore obtaining a degree and ‘wasting’ another 4 years in education is the safest option. The UK tend to have the view that having a degree is better than not having one therefore thousands of students waste valuable years of their young lives studying something they have no passion for. If there were more opportunity for developing ones initiative in universities and the focus was on utilizing the skills they are learning rather than passing exams, young people today would not have the fear of using their own initiative and perhaps have the ideas and knowledge, motivation and practice to generate their own employment opportunities.

  38. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    The lack of jobs is a problem consistent with the majority of European countries which consequently suffocates the potential job opportunities for young graduates. However I do no believe that this is necessarily the only reason why the there is a alarmingly low number of jobs available. In the UK there appears to be a trend which is that be achieving any degree you are vastly increasing your opportunity to obtain a well paid job. This means that you could be getting a degree which is not relevant to the type of jobs you are applying for. Subsequently you must ask what is the need in obtaining this degree? It may well be better to gain relevant work experience rather than gaining any degree, however in the UK the chances of getting a well paid job without a degree is slim. The problem also lies with the way, for example a business degree, is taught. It seems to me that you are learning how to pass an exam rather than learning about a particular subject.
    The problem you have is many people with various degrees are applying for the same job, which they have no relevant experience for. This will continue to happen as the mentality is:
    1. Get a degree
    2. Get a job
    3. Earn lots of money.
    There is not enough diversity in career pathways and this suffocates innovation and creativity to create more job opportunities.

  39. The problem discussed in the article seems to determine the future of many young people throughout Europe, especially in the eastern and southern countries. I agree with one of the reasons being the small labour market. However, our industry and even education have been computerized to such a degree that the human workforce is less and less needed. It is true that self-employment might be a good solution in many cases. However, in many countries the stern legal rules and high taxed discourage many to take a risk and start their own business. I think that more initiative-friendly laws might help to boost the wave of starting small companies.

  40. There are a lot of point I agree with.
    The language is very important. Nowadays you have to speak also english. It´s necessery! I don´t understund why the spanish people speak no English. There are doctors, professors of a University who don´t speak any English. I couldn´t believe!!! Of course Spanish is a important language but it is also important two speak the world language english. German, French is also a very important language but in Germany nearly everybody speaks perfect english. Every Stundet of a University have to speak English because a lot of courses are hold in English. The argument that UK for example don´t have to lern anoter language because they speak the world language is true but the most people from U.k can speak a second language. What is with the people from Slovenia, Poland, Slovacia,… they also have another mother tongue instead of english but they learn it.
    Because of the trainings for the live after university why try the stundents to get a trainings during the summerbreak? Of course it´s very difficult these days but i think it´s possible.
    On thing i really don´t understand:
    Now I´m nearly 2 months in this beautiful country. I traveled trouth Andalucia and much more of Spain. Everywhere are a lot of tourists, everywhere are big fields of vegetable fruits,…
    This land has to be rich! I really don´t understand where all the money is….?

  41. After reading the article I want to comment on two apects that were mentioned regarding the college system as one reason for a high rate on youth unemployement. I agree that the practice part should play a bigger role in colleges as employers generally put a lot of emphasis on the experience of job aplicants. Of course pratice is also a way for students learning to be creative in the sense of creating new ideas and specific skills which are important for many jobs which especially include the so called «soft skills» like communication skills, the ability to manage conflicts, flexibility, the capacity for teamwork and many others. There is also no doubt about the importance of language skills in a globalized world which are often required in many jobs regarding for example international companies. Concerning Spain, language skills as encouraged in college education can increase the possibilities for graduate students not only on the national labor market but also in other countries which provide more employment opportunities

  42. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    My opinion is that the main reason for the high unemployment of young people is the global economic crisis.Unemployment has been a problem for every country in this and last century. In earlier times when people lived on their farms in countryside there was no unemployment. These reason is technology development at the present time.Just Spain not unemployment ,in my country same problem.Int he other word unemployment has been a problem for every country in this and last century.Today is very difficult to enter the labor market (the main reason is an economic crisis). Many people who had worked lost their jobs and for young people.

  43. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    From my point of view the youth unemployment is not just provoked by the education system, it´s an economic problem. When in Spain exists a lack of jobs in general, it`s not removable just by a better education system. But on the whole you can say that substancial problems are present in the current education system in Spain and also in other countries. In fact you can notice a lack of practical experiences during the study period. For lots of companies it seems important, that applicants finishes their studies in the certain number of semesters needed to complete the course and also that they can show practical experiences, but one possibility seems to rule out the other possibility. It´s almost not possible to do lots of internships and finishing your studies in regular time. So more obligatory internships should be integrated in the study program or dual systems should get common for more degree courses. Especially in Spain the lack of language skills could be a big problem on the employment market. Everybody should have the possibility to collect exchange experience especially related to globalization. Language skills implicate flexibility and more opportunities.

  44. This text touches an issue that is really important for me now. I’m in the end of my bachelor’s degree, in the point of my life when I really need to think what to do next to help myself find a job. High unemployment among the young is not only the problem in Spain.
    As I think about my studies, it is true that people nowadays are thought to much theory. Later, when it comes to real life they have problems with turning their knowledge into actions. Then, not only they have problems with finding a job but also with being a good employee.
    Apart from gaining as much experience as we can I think the most important is flexibility. In today’s fast world we need to create possibilities that we can use. I am not meaning graduating several courses. What I want to say is that we need to develop what we already know. Go a little further. Also, they language skills are key points now. So many companies co-work with other countries. Let’s use it as a possibility.
    To sum up, two things that universities can help young people with: to put more emphasis on languages and practice skills.

  45. There is quite a lot of aspects in the article I think are true. Sadly, the way universities teach their students is, in my opinion, at least not ideal. In many degrees it seems to be more important to memorize certain things rather than appyling those. It destroys parts of our creativty if we are only learning how to achieve the best grade in our exams. (This not only applies to universites, but schools (at least in Germany) as well.) This creativty later lacks when trying to invent new things. I think the traditional apprenticeship (at least traditional in Germany, I don’t know how it is handled in Spain) doesn’t earn as much credit as it should. Those apprenticeships help people to work from their first day, applying those learned things. As it seems not to be valued by most people (though they some of the most important professions (baker, butcher, smith…) many people who only want to go to university which means that there are way too many students which seems to a decrease of the quality of the teaching.

  46. There’s no one way that will always produce the best results for students. It’s more about determination than great intelligence! Success has more to do with well developed study skills than intellectual ability. Below are some suggestions for effective studying practices but it’s up to you to find the methods and strategies that work best. Only you are totally responsible for using your time in the most productive way. Once you own up to the fact that you arejust putting things off (beware because procrastination can masquerade in a thousand different guises), then you’re in a better position to control your actions. Don’t create a barrier by thinking of your study as an obstacle to be overcome but as a challenge to take up. Find practical ways to increase your motivation and then practise them so that the time you spend studying is quality time.

  47. I think about it ‘avoid removing invented’, ‘no new wine in old bottles’ in our society.We’ve grown with this sentences.Whereas in developed socities,new ideas are always encouraged.These countries also cultivated from pre-primary.Technology is advancing so rapidly in world.But in our country,then youtube is blocked from twitter.I think now,it is time to replace.We need to create jobs instead of putting obstacles.

  48. Thinking about labour market in a present-day word, I have two words in my mind: globalisation and technological development. In my opinion it is very important to prepare young people to live in this world as early as possible. That is why I think it is a necessary to put the accent on foreign languages and hard science, for example informatics. Learning foreign languages from the very early age helps us to feel comfortable in those languages and at the end of study makes as almost perfect speakers. This s very important, considering the fact that almost everywhere we have a contact with international companies. It is a well-known fact that there is more unemployment people who graduated from social sciences or humanities than from hard science. Therefore, I think this is a good idea to steer children’s interest to a hard science. It would raise a number of students choosing technology studies who are more respected on labour market.

  49. You can’t make me believe it’s easy to find a job that suits your study completely. As a starter, you should be flexible. Everybody has to start from zero. I agree that practice is one of the most important ingredients of a good education and preparation for a job. I believe in the idea of practice to theory to practice, try and error, don’t be afraid to make mistakes – is nowadays one of humans hardest targets.
    It’s true that young graduated people have no idea how to build their own company, in Belgium, we don’t even learn how to fill in your tax form. These are basic competences that should be thaught in any high school. In my country, they say, you study for a lifetime. You never stop learning and you shouldn’t!
    The third part: languages for me, are the most precious things to qualify yourself with. My mother thaught me a saying for this: every language you speak, is worth a golden bracelet. It opens so many doors for you so easily. This is what I think education also should invest in.

  50. Today, unemployment is huge problem of almost each country. As you said in your article, the main reasons are education system, and the labor market is small. I want to mention about education system. Every year, there are so many people graduating, and after graduating they start to search a job, but they fail. Why ? Of course because of education system. Including primary school, till university, they just give us the whole informations, but they don’t encourage us to create any idea. We upload each ideas to our brains and then we forget these ideas. If they give a chance for creating new ideas or practicing their subject, it will be more effective. For instance, my country has also same problems with Spain, because our reason is mutual : education system. Students aren’t use to create new ideas. So, they become unsuccessful, and they can’t find a job. Then, they become unemployment, and these unempoyment rate is growing every year. So, in order to develop our economy and prevent unemployment, first, we should change our education system and we should urged for create new ideas.

  51. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    Unemployment is not only limited to Spain. Also other countries are shaken by the crisis! Portugal, Greece, Italy ….. the list is long. When I look at this list, to me is a question: What do these countries have in common?

    Well, each of these countries is in the south of Europe; occupy these countries in the PISA TESTS, approximately the same places (cf. ) and all of them have significant tourism and wine regions btw.
    Maybe not to neglect is the number of entrepreneurs in these countries, perhaps it simply lacks of promote the innovation thought of students.

  52. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    What I think whats very important in this article is the connection between theory and practice. To exercise the learned theory, there must be enough space for practical.
    As an example I take my own university in the Netherlands. Every week we have 3 days school consisting of theory, the other two days we have internship. You learn the most by the learned theory to fit in your internship.

    With the current economy, it is more difficult for young people to get a job. In addition, «high study» is not enough to get a job. You should not focus on a particular point, but be flexible and open to other things.
    Ultimately, this has much impact on getting a job in the future.
    It’s not just unemployment that does not help people to find a job

  53. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    Unemployment among young people who have just finished their studies is nowadays big problem in many countries. It can be connected with the fact that apart of education employers expect their future employees to have great deal of experience and impressive covering letters from previous jobs. The problem is that schools and universities in general give us too much theoretical knowledge instead of practice. Of course there are many other reasons of increasing number of unemployment for instance bad situation of national economy in many countries, financial crisis and not taking appropriate action by government. But we are not focused on that. If schools, universities do not offer us opportunity to gain practice knowledge and thus work experience, we should find some way to do it on our own.

  54. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    What i read in this article is unfortunately very recognizable for me. I would particularly like to comment on the part that is about internship. Because i am studying teacher primary school, and for this practice is very important. Without its impossible to teach and to find a job. But you can do many studies without doing a internship. I think its very important to do every year of your study an internship. Becease when you practice you see more then you sit in the classroom. You can learn a lot from the teacher and by reading textbooks. But doing a internship is much more efficient, and better for your own personality. Because during your study you have to become a person, who is ready for the grown-up daily life. Not only for getting a job. And your internship can be a very important part of this proces. Its important to connect the theory with the practice.

  55. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    I don’t think that we can generalize and say that it’s impossible to find a job when we do have a university degree. It may be difficult in some special professional guilds but not in every. In Austria for example I shouldn’t have any problems to find a job as a teacher when I finish next year. Now there are many teachers who go into retirement and so there are enough jobs for secondary teachers when I graduate. But there were times where it was impossible to find a job as a teacher because there were too many graduates. It also depends on where in Austria you want to find a job. In the south for example it is very difficult at that time. I think a real problem of unemployment is that the most employer want to have young persons with a university degree and a lot of practice, which is impossible because the education mostly consits of theory and very few practice. So there is a lack in the educationsystem. How in the article metioned the right formula would be «from practice to theory to practice». Which is also the reason why I decides to study at the university college of teacher education instead on the university. Because there we have practice since the first term I’m studying there and the education on the university only consits of theory. So we do have a lot of practice but in my opinion far to less theory. The best would be a mixture of both.

  56. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    After reading this article, I compared with my country. In Turkey there are approximately 500.000 graduate students are looking for a job and our population is around 75 million. Most of the countries have an education and employment problems. The same as employment problem, we’ve changed our education system many times.
    This employement problems are based on various reasons. As you mentioned, first of all we all need a radical, valid, consistent and innovator educational system which encourages students, leads them, supports them and guides to the innovation and success. For example, as of 2013 there are 179 universities in Turkey so it directly means that there will be lots of unemployed people if you keep establishing universities without providing working areas and it means that there will be less qualified people if the system is the same as old. First, the education must be qualified and second you must keep this success by establishing qualified universities. For example in Turkey we’ve been learning English since the 4th grades of primary education. Even if I’m learning it for 10-11 years, I still feel the insufficiency in my speaking skills. Luckily the teacher-oriented system is changing for 5-6 years in Turkey.
    Another important factor is totally relevant with students, with us. Every university, every establishment has a particular system, style and education. Success depends on us, as much as depending on our professors, our country and etc. Students must never make do with information, education that they already have. We must always search, explore, wonder, read, ask and etc. If we don’t do those actions, how can we possibly creative? If there is an employement and education problem in a country, we have a part of it. As I observe hitherto -I’m also included- students are generally not interested in reading, searching and asking. The major concern is to pass exams and to graduate. If we do not do something for our education, it is not important in which country we study and it is not so much important our professors’ successes. Because no body, no government and no establishment will directly provide us a job or various ideas, if we don’t do anything and nobody will easily take a great step about education and success, if there will be no facility in the country.

  57. I agree that some diplomas have les opportunities to find a job when graduated. But I don’t think we can generalize and say it’s impossible to find a job ones you’re graduated, that would be an easy excuse. With the crisis it’s difficult to find a job that’s why I think you have to invest in the future, that means study longer and don’t feel satisfied with a bachelor diploma, but go for a master or more. That will distinguish you from the big competence now days on the job market. Having a master diploma won’t open doors automatically, in my opinion you have to be flexible and ambitious, meaning that you have to be willing to travel and leave your family/country for a period until you gain experience, you may find much more opportunities and even a more interesting job than in your own country. Because without experience you start from zero…

  58. When reading this article, I reflected on my home country of Ireland at all times as currently, the unemployment rate for teachers is very high and increasing.
    There are many reasons for unemployment in different areas, one being a lack of general skills. These skills are those you can not learn from a book but from practise. This includes learning concepts in school or university and not putting them to practise. This results in a lack of experience for the individual as well as a less desirable résumé for an employer.
    These skills can also include communication. Communication skills are essential for any job in order to complete it efficiently. In order to do so, the teaching and learning of languages in schools needs to be improved. In Ireland, there is a serious lack of language skills which can often discourage businesses to set up in the country, resulting in less employment.
    What also took my interest in this article was where it was stated that often people don’t take up employment in their degree area, such as teachers not joining the teaching profession. Personally, from looking at the situation for teachers in Ireland, I believe that people often have no choice but to change direction in their career lines and simply adapt. There is no point in moaning about unemployment if you want to do nothing about it. Nowadays, a lot of people will go to university and get a degree. 10 years ago this would suffice but today this simply isn’t enough. You need to be constantly learning and adapting through new courses and updating skills. This is what will make you more employable as this is what businesses want. They want the person who is willing to go above and beyond and willing to learn. This also demonstrates creativity within a person and how they can think outside their degree and are more open minded. This is what is the key to improvement-creativity and an ability to adapt.

  59. The first thing in this text that really get me thinking is how the university use the practice combined with theory. It´s so important that the education on all level and especially in the university. We have to practice what we learn in theories so we can understand and get good at what we want to work with later. Now it´s so important in many country in the world that we get an education. But if the education doesn´t teach us how we should do in “real life” why should we go to the university in the first place?

    One other thing that I was thinking about when I read this text was that in my country, Sweden, it is so important that everything seems good out. The government want everybody should be educated, they want good teacher that can teach the young pupils well so that we can get good result in school. So that Sweden can be a country with a good education compared with others country. But in our university education for teacher, the government just changed our education, and removed more practice and added more theory and major essays that students write. This is so that the government itself should be able to evaluate the program and see if it brings bad or good results. This creates no good teachers in practice, only in theory ..

  60. There is a lot of reasons why the unemployment indicator is so high. Many people study something which is not interesting for them. In that case they do not develope their skills, some of them do, but from the beggining it is obvious that it’s not their passion. So how can they work in the profession ?

    Another problem is crisis in Europe. It’s hard to find even something temporary. In my sourrounding I can notice the nepotism. Employers prefer to give the job to a friend or to a family member then to a stranger.

  61. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    When I read this text, I’m thinking about the university in sweden. One of the problems with high unemployment, I belive, is the education. In Sweden, some of our university is really good, with good teachers and education. And some of them is really bad. For example, the teachers program in most university are really bad, teachers with too little knowledge, students who aren’t motivated (it’s way too easy to get in on the teachers program), and wrong methods in class. We have to do more practical things! We learn by doing. As the article says: «from practice to theory to practice». And while this is going on, the students/children in the school get worse reaults from every year. The students in sweden used to be on top in the world in maths and reading, but now we’re slipping down every year… Why is that so? Because of the education the university gives us teachers?

  62. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    Throughout the globe youth unemployment is a huge problem. I believe this is because many jobs nowadays require previous experience in that job sector. It is hard enough for young people to get a job never mind fulfil the requirement of having previous experience. Also another important factor is the economic crisis throughout Europe. This means companies aren’t as willing to take on young people who have just finished their degree as they maybe won’t have experience in that line of work as they were full time students. It is a vicious circle and I believe one of the solutions to this problem is to have a bigger promotion of youth employment schemes for graduates and people studying in full time education. This will give young people the experience and skill set they require for full time employment.

  63. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    From personal experience I believe if you want to succeed you will succeed. However I feel that a stigma towards education is increasing. People are witnessing others who are graduates and have a good education struggling to gain employment, therefore many hold the view that it is pointless continuing in education if it no longer guarantee’s a job.

    Another difficulty relating to youth unemployment is the lack of connection between education and the real world. Most employers need an employee that has practical experience and can show that they can use their own initiative and be creative. Therefore I believe more emphasis on work based learning within education systems would substantially help youth unemployment. This also allows and motivates students to explore different career paths, filling their minds full of potential ideas that may then lead them towards entrepreneurship, which will aid a society that is struggling with global changes.

  64. In these days is really hard to make your ideas to come true; mostly from economics perpective, because to begin with something, you have to have money to invest and the idea have to be interested for the outside world. When the young people – students finish their faculty, their graduation they find themselves in a circle. I can see in our country that this is a big problem, because there are no jobs for them, soo that is why that most of students continue to study because it is the easiest way. But on the other hand we cannot just wait for something to happen! it is important to move and to look for opportunities and try to succeed.

  65. There are a couple of reasons for unemployment in my opinion. The first problem is the economical crisis in the EU. There are a lot of countries that struggle with this problem. The second problem is the educational system. There are still working with the old ideas and therefor there is no creativity or innovation. The students are getting tired of this system and know that with this kind of system they won’t get the work that they deserve later on.

    After getting the so called education at the university they want to get a job that is secure fir their future and don’t want to make their dreams come true by starting their own company. I personally want to start my own company later by doing two jobs. The first one would be to get a secure job at a company to cover the costs and after that work for my own.

    I think that the students need to chase more for their dreams because without doing that you can’t make your dreams come true. Also the university needs to help them with all they can because the youth is the future. They need to back them up.

  66. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I believe that there are more reasons for the economic situation and the unemployment. First of all, there is a hudge gap between the theoritical part what you learn at the university and the practical part, what’s required from employees in their field of activity. I will graduate in 6 months, people expect me to be a professional, but I don’t feel like one. The solution for this is more experience inside companies during your studie, for example several internships.
    At the end of the day, change starts with yourself. I believe if you are a strong motivated and ambitious person with a lot of will power and persistence, you can accomplish everything you like.

  67. The unemployment problem is one of the biggest problems in the world, I believe that the reason for it is not only the lack of job oppenings which in my country is a big problem. Young graduates just can’t get any jobs because the working age is getting higher and higher, people has to work until the age of 65 and of course because of that, young people don’t get jobs, which they graduated for but they have to be happy enough to get a job like in a bar, fast food restaurants and such. The second thing that is responsible for unemployment in our country is the lack of creativity in education. Young people are not eager to learn anymore, everyone just wants to get some easy earned money and that’s why more and more people are happy enough to get a minimum waged job or not even that. If people would be more eager to include some creativity in education, young graduates would be more eager to get the jobs they were tought for and not be satisfied with nothing else.

  68. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    In my opinion, people should not choose those career paths which are not needed by companies. For instance, in Lithuania we do not need much lawyers and economists. However, there are so many people studying those things and most of them are usually unemployed after university. So, it is necessary to choose a career path which has many opportunities. Sometimes those people who graduate are just simply not good enough for certain jobs. The world needs creativite people, scientists and doctors. The world will always need them but people are simply not interested in such things like science or entrepreneurship. Students should also understand that university is not enough. They should also gain knowledge and do something even after university. You are not studying for someone, you are studying for yourself.

  69. According my opinion this issue has two different level. One of them is insufficient connection of Universities on labor market. There are lot of number programme of studying, which is not reflect current demand on the labor market and and college open these programme only for the purpose of raising funds for their function. Another thing is to approach the students themselves, who wanted to sign on this studies to just get at some college education at least, regardless of their future career. Well that could be one possible reason for such a huge employment among young people, another reason is ofcourse current economical situation, which limited avalaible free-workplaces for potentional candidates and reducing price of work.

  70. I agree that youth unemployment is at an all time high- when we are studying for our degrees in university, our professors are wanting to give us as much information as possible so that we are not wasting any of our money that paid for university- which in turn leaves little room for creativity.
    I also think that youth unemployment is particularly high because employers are much more interested in employing people with more experience within that job sector. Many people go to university just to get a degree, they are not bothered what in. In the UK, almost everyone applying for jobs at the minute has a degree of some sort and they are so desperate for jobs that their degrees do not relate to the work they are applying for. Therefore, experience within your chosen field is essential to have an upper hand when applying for jobs- I agree with the practice-theory-practice model. It gives you the degree and the experience.

  71. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Another important reason for such a poor mental activity of young people is a high turnover of staff and the so-called «brain drain» – the loss of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labor to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments. When the older generation leaves the country to continue their research/teaching activities, the younger generation remains without competent and professional teachers. Thus, in a small number of young specialists occurs the motivation to mental activity. From here also such small figures follow.

  72. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    I think that not every young man doesn’t have good ideas, but a lot of them just don’t know how to put them into practice. So the universities should arrange some activities like business schools and demonstrate how you can give life to your ideas, how to get the money to turn them into reality, what to do after that and so on. And universities should have some agreements with companies where students can practice what they learned in every speciality that is taught in university. Maybe then they will have conception of how it works, and maybe than they will have some ideas how to improve their sphere. It’s impossible to teach somebody how to be creative, but it’s possible to make some good motivation to make youth want to create something new.

  73. There are many reasons why the unemployment rate is ridiculous high is Spain. The biggest cause is ofcourse the economic crisis. But on the other hand, people from other countries have also to deal with this problem. When Spain is in the news, it is always so negative. You hear only about the negative things regarding the country and is effecting the Spanish people and also the view on Spain from other people.
    If I talk with Spanish people about the crisis, their main opinion is that it never will be better again. They don’t have anymore confidence and believe. I think the people are underestimating this certain problem, because obviously the Spanish government and banks have failed. Instead of highlighting this, someone with a great status should bring the believe back that better times will come. For every problem there should be a solution, although this sounds very easy. I really think when the believe is back, Spanish people will try again to be innovative, take risk and be CREATIVE again. And it is obvious that the government could play a certain motivating role, but if they won’t do that. The people has to realize that the solution is by them selfs.
    So stop blaming the universities that they can’t offer ant better trainings or internships, it all starts by yourself and a lot of motivation and some bravery to make the future for you and your children better. Besides this companies should DARE to give young people, with bravery, give serious opportunities to change the current situation, because THEY are the solution.

  74. The rising rates of unemployed young people is one of the most urgent task of the European Commision. They try to solve and provide this problem by different projects and programs. It becomes clear that this problem not only affect Spain, but it affects whole Europe.
    They have set up some new programs with new goals to achieve such as increasing the development of languages and development of international experiences, especially for youth, in the program of Erasmus +.
    I would like to talk about those two examples; multilingualism and getting more opportunities for a job through experiences.
    According to the EU it would be important for every citizen to speak two or more languages, so that they would be able to apply themselves in at least two countries of the EU, in case they would like that. Being able of speaking several languages you will increase your changes for a job.
    In my opinion thats one of the main problems for Spain; not being able of speaking several languages including the most important ‘killerlanguage’ English. I’ve heard that the most upcoming language to learn in Spain is Chinese. A good language to learn if you would like to go into business, but in my opinion not the best language if you would like to apply yourself for a job in Europe. In my opinion you should learn a language such as English, French, Spanish or German.
    Throughout international experiences you will learn a language as well and you will also learn more about culture and maybe increasing your network. The program of Erasmus+ for example is supporting studies abroad and voluntary projects, by believing that those experiences will help you to increase your competences and eventually by finding a job.
    I couldn’t agree more to this and I think that those experiences, by learning in a informal way you will sooner find a job.
    I also would like to give about national or international experiences during your study, which in my opinion also helps for providing the rising rates of unemployements.
    In The Netherlands I’m studying ‘Social Management’ which is part theoritical and part practical. For example; the first three months we learn how we have to set up a plan of action, how we have to make a business model etc. After these months we needed to do a project or internship at an organisation or goverment for also three months, so then we could learn how to make a plan of action and business model in real life, which is, trust me, a totally different job.
    After four years of study I have done 2 internships, 6 projects and one study abroad, which makes my CV and experiences very bright. Ofcourse, it depends on what kind of study you are studying, but I would recomend to every study a combination of practical and theoritical, because by then you will be really prepared for real life with experiences!
    Next months I am going to do a research about the positive side effects in case of finding a job and personal development through informal learning. If you are interested about the results by then, please contact me.

  75. Nowadays, only studies to find a job is not enough. In some companies, when you don’t have experience is better to not ask for a job. So in my opinion, the acquisition practices while studying is very important. However, besides the same skills you need to have also the knowledge. Knowledge of foreign languages, it’s basis ​​. English is essential to qualify to finding the employment, so better to know two or more languages. The best and most enjoyable way to learn a foreign language is studying on Erasmus, and to find work experience, the practice of Erasmus. But to find work in addition to the knowledge and experience of the most important is the determination and motivation.

  76. Unemployment is a real problem nowadays that has spread worldwide. People in each country face that every day and its nobodies fault but of all mankind. People just made that way that they are lazy, greedy, selfish. So this is the problem we need to fight to make our life easier, better than it is now. It is usually so when a person gets some power or money or both he tries to eliminate others from them coz he fears that they’re gonna overtake his place. So he does that instead of thinking how to help others to find a place in this world.
    That’s what we need to think of «how to help others» and «how make our lifes better than they are» and if we do that there isn’t gonna be any such a problem like unemployment and etc.

  77. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    Concerning this article i want to pick out to topics which are given in the text. First of all i would like to transfer the idea of «from practice to theory» to the educacion i receive on universiy to become a teacher. Not mentioned that the practical part of our formacion is by far to short, i also think that the way from theory to practice, which is defenitely followd by university, is not the right way. The university is argumenting with the opinion that «teachers who receive their formation fromm university should have a wider knowledge about expert knowledge and teaching. Before they were sent to schools, they should already have a profound level of teaching». On the one hand i agree that a good formacion is one of the keys to be a succesful teacher. On the other hand theory is the backround of the practical part, so it should always be teached together.

  78. The problem of unemployment is the huge problem in our days, because a lot of universities became commercial , especially in Russia and people have no opportunity to study. Many students have to work in shops, etc to pay for their education and, of course, they have no power and no time to study at all.
    But also there are people, who broke through the sales politic and entered free University places by sweat and blood. I have the best friend in Russia, who is very intelligent and who is really worthy girl to receive free education and I was surprised when I knew that THEY want her to expel from University. The fact is that the teacher didn’t want to listen het at the exam, because he wanted her to pay him money. And since she was an orphan, she could only rely on her mental abilities. But her brain wasn’t enough for the teacher and he didn’t give her an examination and as a result she was expelled from University for the academic failure. Where’s the justice? People, who have a big money – receive a good education, but the specialists from them are really bad, and clever and talent people should work at the stores because they do not have ability to pay for themselves to be noticed in this world.

  79. Nowadays, with the development of society, youth unemployment is becoming a global problem, which affects not only individuals but also society in every region of the world. A series of problems may be resulted in and measures should be taken to cut down the figures of youth unemployment to change the situation.
    To bring the youth a bright future, our schools and government as well as the youth themselves have responsibilities to improve the situation. Firstly, our schools especially universities and colleges should present courses associated with work experience. The employer will never refuse a graduate with a store of knowledge and fund of work experience. Secondly, a law may be a good measure that our government takes to protect the graduates. The companies have responsibilities to offer job opportunities to the graduates, and the figures should also be set in the law. Thirdly, the youth themselves should do their utmost to become qualified. It is obviously that no positions will reject a suitable talent.

  80. The problem of unemployment is a global issue, and there are indeed worldwide. The question is how to alleviate this problem and increase employment? The labor market has laid down the requirements and limits that but fresh college graduate rarely meets. I like the idea from practice to theory to practice. I think that when you study at university should penetrate the practical with the theoretical part of the training and then graduates would not be such a problem in a new job with creativity and motivation, as they would already know how it works in companies. At universities, but 90% of the theoretical part of the study, then the problem is for students to get a job without experience. The problem is with the level of foreign language in some countries. I think that young people should pay more attention to foreign languages​​, because in today’s job market requires. I think that the government should focus more on the functioning of the universities and the quality of graduates.

  81. Current political end economic system is not in favour for graduates to build their careers easily.
    The problem existed before, but with growing economic crysis, globalization and economy optimization it became more and more problematic.
    I think the key to this situation is adaptability. Universities should be able to adapt more to needs of labour market, and students should also work on adapting their studies and knowledge to current market situation.
    The knowledge is there!
    It’s just the matter of applying it the right way.

  82. Is almost impossible to eliminate the problem of unemployment , but there are things we can do to alleviate these problems. The most ımportanr thing people need to do is to be diligent/In order to make a difference we must first look at the topic on an individual basis, considering ones own self-development process
    However, the individuals work alone is not enough as each organisation has a set limit or quota of empolyees which must e adhered to.The real problem is more than just having enough graduates . In most countries, the number of unemployed university graduates is very high.To alleviate the problem, it is necessary to create new business opportunities and areas of employment for graduates to find work.Therefore, I believe that the government should monitor the population and support those who need investment. By doing this, it would encourage and promote new businesses and therefore reduce unemployment. Although I understand investment carries some great risks and the investors want the lowest risk possible.However, if the goverment encourages investors by offering reduction in taxes or tax credit, this will promote companies or individuals to take risks and invest in certain areas. This is just one possible option to aid investors.

  83. I like the idea «from practice to theory to practice». I think that the best way to learn something is learn it from experience. People are naturally curious and the best way to gain knowledges is to try to discover something by myself and after that to deal with theory. Student can remember the experience more easily than just theoretical lesson. I don´t know exactly the political situation and the education system in Spain, but in the Czech Republic college graduates have a problem to find a job too. In my opinion this is caused by the fact that universities ever create new fields and take on a lot of students to fields of study without employment opportunities in real life. Sometimes it isn´t too hard to graduate from college so nowadays there are many college graduates who are looking for a job but employers prefer someone with less education who has not only theoretical knowledges and whom they don´t have to pay so much money. I think that everyone can´t be creative, but everyone can get quality education. The most important thing is to change the whole system of education – from primary to higher education, not to focus our attention on only one fact.

  84. A critical point in my opinion is the lack of practical experiences which is really a problem in our education system. A lot of students in different professions are going to leave University without being prepared of the daily life of their work. As specially in professions in which we work really close to people, I´m thinking about teachers, social workers etc., practice is particularly important because there is no way to learn the challenges of their work from the paper.
    Like in apprenticeships, academicals professions need regularly terms of practical using of what you learned in theory. So you immediately can check what are your lacks, what you can approve and, which is the most important, you`re receive motivation for the things you are learning just by using it. This will also avoid that students just learning their theory for exams (bulimia-learning) and forget the most afterwards, which is one of biggest problems with the transfer of information.

  85. School is the main place where we learn reading, speaking, counting and logical thinking. However there are many things which most of the schools lack in their curriculum: learning responsibility, creativity, taking initiative and to improve other practical skills. Theory and practice are two inseparable things: as without theory practice is never complete and without practice, theory is useless. So the reason for the failure of Spanish University in preparing young workers for the labor market consists probably in too much theory and less or zero practice. I agree that practice should come as soon as possible, even before theory because that is what it matters for the future. Moreover, considering that the companies and the market are becoming more and more international, the practice in foreign languages is the skill to be emphasized since their early childhood. So I believe that by changing the old way of thinking into more creative solutions by the young generation would result in new ways of employment.

  86. My thoughts are that the capacity of bringing new ideas (innovation) is the key that will make a company hire a young professional instead of and older, more competent person.
    If young people coming out of the university are not creative, don’t know how the world they are living in works and the power of ideas and new technologies, then they are useless to the company and an more experimented person is a way much better investment for the company.
    So, young professionals, wake up ! go out see how today business world works, bring innovative and creative ideas to your future company, and I’m pretty sure you’ll get a job.
    Don’t be lazy, and, more importantly, stay hungry, stay foolish. (Steve Jobs’s quote)

  87. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    Nowadays unemployment is a serious problem that many countries have to face. In my opinion the high unemployment rates are relative to the capitalist mode of production making it impossible to be solved under a capitalist system. In times of economic crisis, as can be seen currently, more and more workers are receiving low salaries, working without insurance and losing their jobs, the problem of unemployment is increasing rapidly.
    Furthermore, I do not think that the main cause of unemployment starts from the bad quality of education and youth skills, I could not disagree with the fact that universities lack real knowledge and creativity and that the educational system has gradually deteriorated. But how could it be possible to be different nowadays? The degradation of universities these days is the continuation of the general deterioration and pillage of all sectors in our life. Especially in my country, the state and the government while trying to create a more competitive and efficient university, under the pretext of its streamlining, fire the majority of staff that work there and introduce tuition fees wherever possible. As a result, universities, instead of being state controlled establishments open to the public, as they should be, are becoming privatized and converted into institutions for a few privileged people, into a class university more than it was before. So universities nowadays do not work in the way they should and the knowledge is hashed and underestimated.
    Moreover, as far as knowledge as a content and practices are concerned, we should first see what the content of this knowledge is, how it is produced and for which purposes. I would like to say that I would not support a university that only aims to create a labor force that will occupy positions in large companies. Nowadays, especially in my country, because of the lack of economic support from the government, the universities cooperate with businessmen, who are also getting involved in managing the universities, and as a consequence, the investigations and the curriculum of the universities is determined by their personal interests. Therefore we cannot talk about real knowledge, about non sterile academicism and about real learning skills.
    In conclusion, I would like to say, that I partly agree with this text in many parts, but in my opinion, the main causes of the high rates of unemployment are rooted in the economic and political systems that we live in and abide by and secondly the other factors that are mentioned by the author.

  88. I think, this problem is not orientated only in Spain but it is common in many countries aroud the world. For young people is not easy to get a job. If you want to get a job you should have experiences and practise. The question is where you can get a practise if nobody offers you a job to get it. Practise is really important, but on the other hand young people should have lates knowledges, they can bring new ideas and enthusiams.
    In Spain, I think another problemis low level of English at students. I don´t know how it´s going at another universities and cities, but in Huelva, most of young people I met don´t know English enough.

  89. The problem of unemployment in modern world is phenomenon visible at every step. When it comes to us, students, we have to face very difficult situation. Employers require both experience and education of us but it’s very difficult to reconcile those 2 things while full time studies. Another case is that knowledge we gain in the college is only theoretical and then students cannot translate it into practise. The requirements we have to match are very high. I think an issue that was raised in the article affects not only Spain but other countries such as Poland as well. The universities often teach subjects of little use, impractical and which are pointless. The methods of teaching leads students to boredom. Education does not inspire or motivate anymore. Sometimes people just want to finish the studies, get a paper and start to work. It’s not that easy… I can tell that from my own experience. I’ve been studying political science for 3 years, I got bachelor degree and then I decided to change faculty. Of course I could have finished 5 years of political science and then have nothing in common with this area. But this would be pointless. That’s why we have to choose our study very carefully….
    The problem of increasing number of students who cannot find a good job nowadays would lead them to only one idea – escape abroad. But this is not a solution.

  90. The unemployment rate in Spain is very high like many countries around the world. It is especially hard to for graduates to find jobs without having experience. During every students time in university I believe it is very important for them to do work placement so they can build up there skill basis and get an insight into the working like and what is expected of them in the workplace. I think after university it is essential for graduates seeking employment to apply for an internship to increase their level of knowledge. Volunteering is also another excellent way for graduates to gain experience. There needs to be more support and encouragement for young graduates trying to set up new businesses or entrepreneurs. With a lot more people attending university now than in the past it makes a job opportunity more competitive. Forcing graduates to think outside the box and be more creative in the workplace.

  91. The unemployment of young educated people is a world-wide problem. Not just because of the lack of knowledge, skills, practise etc. but also because there aren’t enough jobs available. Especially in Slovenia, there is a law that makes people work until the age of 65. And because there are a lot of «old» educated workers, young people don’t get a job – to work what they know, want. Sarcastically: Before your dream job you can always work in a factory, bar, hotel, casino… and when you get used to it, they shut down this building and you’re without the job again.
    But yes, creativity is also required to achieve your goals. It is disappointing how university doesn’t support new ideas – to educate new geniuses. No creativity, no innovations. No innovations, no progress. Even theory-practice is a difficult, complex question. Is it first theory or practice or both at the same time? I have had a lot of practice in primary school in the past 3 years and I discovered that you can learn all the facts for as long as it is required but when you want to teach a 7-year old children, theory doesn’t help you that much. All that helps you is lots of ingenuity, courage and creativity.

  92. I found the article really interesting and i would like to say my opinion. The economic crisis obviously is a fact, that nobody can deny and of course is one of the main reasons for unemployment nowadays. But besides this, i think that university plays also an important role. Many students go to the university, just because they have to, because it is something that all young people do, and not because they are really interested in what they are studying. They are not motivated enough( and i also include myself) to appreciate all the opportunities that the university offers. Furthermore the university itself does not help students to be ready for the market and to have all skills required. I believe, that if we are all motivated, full of ideas and willing to work hard, we can all find our way. Of course the problems are many and difficult to lose, but at least we have to try. Without doubt, education can change the world.

  93. First part of my comment is about this idea of learning „from practice to theory to practice” which I find really interesting. I have thought of this idea and I would like to see how this method would work is schools, because so far I haven’t seen it. Also I believe that the best method is when theory and practice goes step by step together (interaction).
    Second part of coment is about this lack of creativity, origanality and good ideas, I think that mostly it’s due to lack of creative atmosphere in universities and schools, most teachers still use the same old-fashion methodes to teach, in classes there should be more acivities in which students learn theory by doing something practicle (as sed in this article), or use a method when teacher doesn’t say theory but only asks questions and as a result student finds the theory by himself, which increases level of creativity and pushes student to „think out side the box”. People have to train their brain by reading books, newspapers, palying intelctual games etc. There are so many more ideas how to increase the creativity and deal with this problem, but the question is why this all is only a theory to solve this problem and is not used in all schools? This is one of the reasons I want to become a teacher/professor.
    It is hard for me to comment on the situation in Spain, because I don’t know much about political history in Spain and how this problem grew so big as it is right now. Of course I know that for example Andalucia has the highest number of unemployed people in whole Spain, and the whole situation is very bad, especially for young people. So far being in Spain I didn’t see any students working. For example in Latvia and Lithuania there are a lot of people who work in shops, restaurants, cafes etc. and studies at the same time, which gives a very important first experience of working, being a part of a company and see how a business works from the inside. Also it is important because we know the common problem „Need experience to get a job, need a job to get experience”. But this already is a different topic.
    I think that in Latvia and Lithuania there are a lot of creative students with the knowledge about business, and the problem there is getting seed capital to start a business, or lack of confidence to start a business, even though it is a very good and original idea.

  94. Youth unemployment has increased in most countries in the last few years as a result of the economic crisis. I think it is so much harder for young college graduates to find jobs because, with the current economic situation, businesses aren’t as willing to take on young people. Although these young people may have good degrees, they lack experience and I don’t think businesses want to take risks as they do not have the means to invest in younger, more inexperienced graduates so they tend to hire older graduates who have gained more experience. I agree with the «from practice to theory to practice» formula because I think if students had more practice it might give them the confidence to become young entrepreneurs and start their own business ventures.

  95. Aimesei Ismailova dice: Responder

    The problem of unemployment can be met in any part of the world. It is just a little more reflected in some definite regions. Certainly it has many sourses,first of all,as it is said in the article, because of small labour market, few job offers. Another reason is lack of practice and it is correctly indicated in the article that most of the universities fail in giving chance for the young students´ practice. Therefore you find a job and start to apply for it, the first thing that the employer asks you is experience which young just graduated students don’t have. That’s a real concern. But students in their own turn have to be more flexible and inquisitive in order to gain knowledge and practice. If they are being lazy and relying on the theoretical knowledge that they receive from the university, they inevitaly will face this problem.

  96. This article resumes the most important problems temporarily existing in Spain concerning the high rate of youth unemployment. Unfortunately, I think the problems of missing practice do not only exist in Spain but in most of the countries, but with regard to Spain it attracts more attention now than in other countries because of other involved factors. In Germany for example, there are also only few people doing a dual course of study, although the system is very good developed and I think it is a very good idea. The high rate of unemployment in Spain is not only a problem of the universities, but of the entire economical system of the country. There are missing the opportunities to find a job. So people are forced to leave their country if they want to work and that´s the point where I cannot understand the Spanish government: why are the students and pupils not better trained in languages? They could work abroad and come back some day, improving the Spanish economical system then. But as the language skills are often too bad to find a good job, they have to raise money to do an extra language course in a private language school what is really difficult if someone who is unemployed or does not earn much money with the job he has.

  97. I think that it is important that Universities have to include more practical training in education or at least encourage their students more to educate theirselves. I have almost finished my studies in Media Communication and we had many chances to work practically in university. But many of my friends just learn theoretical things and do not feel prepared for working. Although I had practical training in my studies I also feel as I do not know as much as I could know. Things are teached that you do not have to know or that you already know.
    It is also difficult with educating yourself in your free-time, because this time is often needed to go to work and earn the money for studying.

  98. In think that the reason for the high unemployment rate in Spain is predominantly the fault and failure of the Spanish government. It is their job to generate jobs by dealing and investigating the national property responsibly. Obviously they haven’t managed to do this properly and the poor youth has to suffer from it. Another reason for the high unemployment rate might be the crisis, which is certainly an argument but clearly not the only reason. The crisis has simply worsend the bad situation which has been there before. To sum up, a good government makes a well working economy – This is what I think the key for the problems.

  99. The practice and theorie problem is often discussed, especially in pedagogic. In pedagogic the theorie should invent ideas and methods for the practice, but in most schedules there is no room for a lot of practice. In the common cases, practice is reduced to a few internships. That means if students want to gather practical experiences, they are on their own. But with the implemenation of the bologna process, there is almost no time, if students want to end their study in regular time.
    With the rearrangement of the european education sytem, a common problem of all european students is to handle the shortened time to study. This often ends in a huge amount of stress and pressure on students.
    In my eyes learning in university has alomost become a preperation for the struggle for work and it seems that most students don´t study for themselfs. So learning becomes slowly a burden that has to be withstanded to the end of university.
    The bologna refom had realy god points, but it turned out wrong and made university a less inspirational experience.

  100. First thing I want to say is that the increasing of unemployed young people isn’t just the problem of Spain, but I think the whole Europe, I can definitely tell this for my country (Slovenia). Therefore it’s not just the Spain market or Spanish educational system, which are bad shaped and leaded but is global problem, which has in my opinion started with European Union. To create unique scheme of school system and make common European market for all countries in EU sounds really good in theory, but in practice is more complicated. The thing is that you cannot just replace an old system with a new one but you need to remodel that new system in the way that fits in the environment and culture of a specific country. I think this is the only way how it should be effective and applicable for its users.
    However I agree with the article about the opinion that the universities, on the first place, should be more focused on practice and at last place comes the theory. I believe that every person learn the most through working and trying on their own. If you have the opportunity to try and make mistakes in real but still learning environment (as a practitioner in the company, school etc.) you firstly, see if this is something you want to do in life, secondly, start to understand theory from different perspective and thirdly, feel capable of doing something and become more self-confident, critical and also solid in your opinions, because you have the base of your own experiences, examples etc. Too often occur that people graduate, make master and they have no idea what to do with all information in their heads. Moreover, when (if) they find a job normally need to learn everything again, because they are not able to connect theoretical knowledge with the practice. At that point we should really ask ourselves: “what is the point of university then?”

  101. I think it’s not just the fault of universities that students have a lack of some competences needed in business.
    Sure, what you learn in university is very theoretical and I think it’s not that easy to apply those skills in business. Therefore I think it’s task of the students to do some internships or the like. Obligatory internships are doing well, too in my opinion.
    I think a problem with a high youth unemployment rate is, that many graduates never worked in their life and so don’t have any work experience.
    So the self confidence to get entrepreneurs theirselves is less, because they miss this experience, even if they had innovative ideas.. And if there are no new founded, innovative, companies, there are no new jobs.It’s a doom loop in my opinion, difficult to fight.

  102. We always hear about the problems of the economics crisis and unemploinent, so probably it’s true.
    Therefore we can’t just listen, we have to be optimistic and find a way to enter the job market.
    If we really want something we can have it, this is a really important thing. If there are not enought jobs, we have to create opportunities.
    I thing we need to do more interships during our studies. So to the students discover themself and discover the best jobs for them, and then, to create these opportunities.

  103. Ofcourse the crisis makes it hard for people to start their own buisness because there is no money. Students with rich parents can ofcource start one or take over their family buisness but most of the students are not so lucky and have depths at the bank of 50.000 euros so nobody will loan money to them since the banks failed on that before. But on the other hand when your creative you can reach everything. You can go play on the streets promote your idea on social media or even make an application for tablets so people will invest in your idea. Think of a brilliant video post it on youtube and there is your investment. I think people are scared for such actions since the risks are high (are they?)

  104. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    Students after the college have large aspirations and high hopes. After that, life verifies their expectations. They are meeting with the gray reality where more practical skills count resourcefulness lives than theoretical knowledge.
    Young people often discourage and lose a starting inflammatory. They are less withstood the stress and gives up a lot more often. In the past when something was broken – it was repaired, nowadays when something breaks down – it is throw away.
    It is sad that this is happening in this day and age, people don´t have motivation and perseverance to get good and developing jobs.

  105. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    This article is really in-thing. I think it is the problem not only in Spain now, but in a lot of countries in Europe. I am from Poland for example, and now we also have a really bad situation for young people. In my country a lot of people is studing now, cause it is for free, and we have a lot of people with masters or bachelors degrees unemployed.. It doesn´t mean that all of them all very well educated or pepared for their future work, because some of courses are not so hard to pass like the other ones, however they have the same university degree.
    The other problem is our education system – on our courses at universities we have so much theory, and not enough practise. Because of that we are not so attracitve for our future employers, because mostly they are looking for well educated, young person with 2 or 3 years of training period. It is really frustrating situation, because people who finished sometimes really hard studies, can´t find a job for a long time, or they are working for very low money. That is the reason that a lot of young people are going abroad to search for a well paid job, but it shouldn´t be like that. They should work for their own country, who educated them so good, not for other countries which in fact appreciate them more.

  106. The problem of unemployment of young people after studying is noticeable in the all world. According to me it is mostly a mental issue. Young people who have completed their studies have too high opinion and they think that they deserve the very well-paid job. Universities too little emphasis on practical training and too big to theories which in my opinion is a lot less important. According to me both universities and students should change their operation. Universities should train more practical level and the students should make every decent work to gain experience.

  107. In my opinion the most important thing in labor-market is creation new (unknown in other countries) field of study. This allows students to stand out in international labor-market. The nation should offer more interesting fields of study and for sure learning should be free. Another solution could be sending students to acquire experience in other country. Apprenticeships abroad gives us new ideas that then we can use it in our country. Summing, if we can’t find employment in our country, we must find another options. The nation should take care of students because they are the future.

  108. From all point of views it is easy to see that the economic downturn has had a huge effect on the rate of employment not just in Spain but all over the world, however is it correct to say that Universities are also at fault. For me they are not a huge factor to consider when discussing unemployment. For example take two university students with the same degree and same grades. One of them will move to a country that has not been as badly affected by the recession and the other stays in Spain. Which do you think will be the first to receive a good job? Easy the one who has decided to emigrate, as the economy is better and so people are willing to invest in new ideas.

  109. From any point of view it is clear that the economic crisis in Spain has had a huge negative impact on the rate of employment within Spain and thus is the main reason why it is so difficult for University graduates to obtain a job once they’re finished. It is not the knowledge or skills that they have learned throughout their degree that is holding them back. It is very easy businesses are not willing to employ young people as they simply do not have money to invest in them or their ideas. It is the same back home, it is almost impossible for people to get a good job once they’re qualified and so they emigrate to countries that have not been affected by the economic downturn. Compare these countries to Spain or Ireland. Why is it that our students can go to these countries with degrees that they have recieved from a Spanish or Irish university and get good jobs but cannot seem to get one in their own countries. It’ s easy there is more money in these countries and so people are more willing to invest.

  110. In this article, it is clear how Spanish people are less educated than the Europeans due to lack of education within where they live. Education is very important for any person to become and achieve the goal of the person they want to be. In everyday life, most places we go to, we always see professionals from different part of the world, mostly Europe and Asia. Even the professors in South America are hired from other part of the world to change the value of their educators and education they give.
    What we understand , there is a wide spectrum , extended or higher education is
    necessary for now and the future , there are so many fields are open , Global Economy is on effect ,most of the college students they may need research and practices in order to get successful solution for improve themself , sometimes learning initiatives are may not enough for practices . My opinion is serious training and practice also getting opinion from the professionals . It may be easy to perform and establish the facts but todays world is most important to be stay alive .

  111. In this article, it is clear how Spanish people are less educated than the Europeans due to lack of education within where they live. Education is very important for any person to become and achieve the goal of the person they want to be. In everyday life, most places we go to, we always see professionals from different part of the world, mostly Europe and Asia. Even the professors in South America are hired from other part of the world to change the value of their educators and education they give.
    What we understand , there is a wide spectrum , extended or higher education is
    necessary for now and the future , there are so many fields are open , Global Economy is on effect ,most of the college students they may need research and practices in order to get successful solution for improve themself , sometimes learning initiatives are may not enough for practices . My opinion is serious training and practice also getting opinion from the professionals . It may be easy to perform and establish the facts but todays world is most important to be stay alive .

  112. .One of the biggest problems in most countries remain unemployed university graduates . So why can not resolve this ? One of a number of causes of this country’s economy might be low , the lack of sufficient quota of state and private institutions within the scope of the future, is believed to be a result of the accumulation of preferred occupations continuously , without being aware of some of the capabilities of individuals wrong career choice , application failure, information theory, and so on remain . when the competition is increasing in the case of university graduates that their college graduates make life miserable . Given the inadequacy of the factors that affect the application of this article, more unemployment, more creativity , more Euclidean geometry , promoting the scientific study of grades more good ideas and the ideas of the appropriate knowledge and skills certainly agree. After graduating from sufficient choice in my opinion some
    has to be stopped in professions
    , should opened more than other professions kontejyan
    more emphasis should be given to implement
    the solution must be an international exchange of ideas

  113. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    Unemployment of young people is becoming a big problem of most European countries.
    I think, that schools and universities don´t allow to prepare their students for their future careers sufficiently. Most of students don´t use their knowledge and skills in life, in practice so well. Mabye a lot of teachers put emphasis on theoretical too much.
    I think that graduates know how to do their jobs – in theory. However somebody of them have a problem in practice later.
    Someone hadn´t opportunity to meet the practice in their field before.
    Perhaps, the students look uninteresting for future employers. Mabye, they think, that these young people aren ´t creative, they don´t enrich their company for new ideas.
    If the young people dont ´t get into the labor market quickly, they may stop develop and they may remain passive for a lifetime. I think that creativity is very important for them and for their employers too. In my opinion: everything is possible, just to know how. Each company needs people with creativity minds.
    For some companies may be risky to adopting new graduates in this time. Employers have very little information about the actual quality of graduates. I think, that the schools and universities should offer practice in companies for students. Employers can look out their suitable staff in this way.

  114. I do agree with the opinion that students should have more practices, even on the first year of study. It is very important for us to know better our work environment just from beginning and that may be successful on our next level of education as well as helpful in solving future tasks. Nowadays potential employers demand to have work experiance, but how is this possible if students have to spend almost the whole day at university..That is why practice is so important. There should be also more exercices that improve creativity because students usually choose easier ways and are lazy to make up with the ideas. A lot of students after completing their education just do not know what to do next, they attended university just to get a degree and that is often why they can’t find themselves on the labour market. Their skills are not good enough. However, it also means that teaching staff should have more training how to deal with students to give them useful knowledge that will last not only for the examination session, but for whole life.

  115. If people are smart and develop new products, services or process technique investors will come. But to be smart and to be such an developer you need to be educated and creativ, to be brave and visionarie.
    But how do we get educated and how do we find the «right» path?
    I can explain from my own experiences. I stared my studys – full time student. Without any practice on the job and I realy dont know sometimes «why the hell am I learning this.». I think it would be a great idea if it would be obligatory to do one or two internships during your studys. Furthermore every studend should learn a second language (besides english).
    Of course this will costs a lot of money and will be a huge task to manage. But I think we have enough smart people who can force a turn. They/we need to trust in ourself/themself and they need to know that every little word every little action could be the start of something new and beautiful.

  116. Unemployment, economic, social, and personal effects only way to reduce as much as possible to reduce the unemployment rate. However, today the unemployment rate increasing and the effects of spreading rapidly. Especially the youth unemployment rate has increased and a large majority of young people between the ages of 16-24 looking for work. Unemployment are directly related to the economic crisis. Population growth, the level of education, the need for a reduction in the labor force among these reasons. Due to these reasons, the working population loses his job from day to day. Many employers would like to experience. The problem is the lack of experience. Be based on the theory and knowledge of education and in practice remain missing is causing failure. So to implement the educational system, creativity, and if looking to gain experience,I think we will have the required experience for the job.

  117. For me the text touches one very interesting point: I really have the feeling that the expectations for students who just finished university and want to find a job are getting higher and higher. Thats not only a problem in Spain but in Germany, too and i think also in other countrys. Every employer wants to hire people with experience but if you just finished uni, you barly have any. And that is due to a lack of real practise, like for example cumpulsory internships or practical seminars during the studies. To learn the practise is for me one of the most important part, because you can be brillant in theory but if you actually work it will be a totally different situation then in the theory. And you have to be prepared for that and be able to feel secure about waht you are doing. In my case that should be the aim of studies, not to produce theoretical specialist that have no idea about the «real life work». And i think if people would finish university with a higher level of actual practical experience, it would be easier to find a job. Of course i know that there are also other factors, but in my comment i just focused in this one for now.

  118. The article touches a current and frustrating problem, present in many countries, which comes down to the fact that we are not satifsied with our educational systems. I agree that there has been too much stress on general knowledge. I also think that too many types of non-science studies have been implemented in some countries. Apart from the argument given in the article – that without any knowledge on how business and economy works it is very difficult to become self-reliant and set up a business – I think there is another disadgvantage of studying the arts (although they are also very important): if one studies science, one learns certain skills – counting, projecting, planning, etc. It is difficult to forget the skills once developed. When studying non-science subjects, we usually learn by heart, or learn to understand certain concepts, we discuss ideas etc. This type of knowledge, based on memorization and abstract ideas, is easy to be forgotten without regular revising and using this knowledge. It also fails to teach us specific skills, appreciated globally. This lack of certain, tangible skills does not help in looking for a job.
    I would also like to refer to the problem of foreign languages in school. It is indeed very upsetting to see many university students who after ten or more years of learning a foreign language are unable to communicate. I can see this problem e.g. in Spain but also in my own country. I think there are certain solutions to this (individual classes, smaller groups, practice, student exchanges) but for the moment it seems impossible to implement them for a general scale. However, if we managed to create more bilingual schools and make a standard out of teaching content subjects in a foreign language, the problem of motivation would be smaller – the students would need the language to a real communication and learning in class.

  119. If the most important problem is within the new ideas,the deprivement of creativity, the individual’s loving his/her job is very important. However, people generally prefer the jobs which have more opportunities. As a result of that, the chance of showing up of new ideas gets more difficult. His/her loving his/her job became less important. For instance, I want to study art, but due to the fact that its having a limited area in terms of job opportunities, I became obligated to prefer other areas. If education system raise everyone in the field he/she desire, and provide job opportunity for him/her , both creative ideas and a qualified labor force will appear. I think everyone should turn his/her hobby into his/her job and education system should provide a great easiness in all terms.

  120. I believe that the unemployment rate, especially concerning university students, originates from an unstable market economy where business owners are wary when it comes to hiring. This in turn leads to a degraded starting point for recently graduated student. Therefore I consider it important to start a national debate which addresses the issue. As stated in the article it may be beneficial to include more practical learning in the educational state and focus on encouraging students to be more creative and think outside the box. In that way, they will be able to become more independent and grow as individuals. Are you encouraged at an early stage to take initiative, you will even dare to do this at a later stage in life, when required. That could be a step in the right direction, when it comes to motivating daring individuals that are willing to take a risk, in order to gain something even better.

  121. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    I would like to start with thinking, why in so many countries students after university graduation dont get the jobs and unemployment rate is so high? Who is responsible about that? Ofcourse economic situation, low salaries, and wrong decision about job wich student want to work. But i think that there is more problems than that, example universities dont develop students too broad and problem is the lack of knowledge of students. In my opionion the biggest problem is in the universities. They dont show enough to students how to be creative, how to make desitions and not to be afraid from there own ideas. In the universities is more theory, things that actually is not so important. They forget about practice, for students it`s so necessary to learn how to think, how to be creative, how to do things. And universities needs to teach students all the things trough practice. Theory without regular practice is nothing and therefore students, young people doesnt know how to work, they dont get the jobs, they are not so creative, because in the universities, they do not pay too much attention to youth creativity.

  122. I agree that you have to add much more creativity to the education, since that is a much better way to learn it and since it is always acquired to be «creative» when searching a job. So if the teachers only give you loads of books to read, without using or encouraging creativity, it is more a waste of time for the students. Because if they don’t get to learn how to use all the information and to discuss it with others, all the information in the books will all go to waste.

    And to take up the situation in Spain. Well the Spanish people have to be more open to new things and that includes learning a «new» language like English. In the country I come from, Sweden, it is a matter of course that you can speak English. People in Spain need to learn to be more curious on whats happening outside of Spain, to be able to make it work inside of Spain. Because no matter how good Spain and Spanish people are, there are always going to be a world outside that will affect them. This is why the education has to open up as well, to be more international and to make the students more curious about other countries (as well as Spain).

  123. I believe that high youth unemployment is an issue in which many countries seem to be experiencing currently. The economic position of the country does indeed have a huge effect on the amount of jobs available because youths qualifying from university are less likely to take the risk and spent a large amount of money on their own ideas to become an entrepreneur. This may not be down to the fact that they do not have the skills or creative ideas maybe it is just down to the courage to take the risk of starting a business off when the economic climate is so poor. Another reason in which unemployment may be so high is because businesses also do not want to take the risk of hiring young adults just coming out of university. Instead businesses choose to hire within the business and hire older adults who have already had a lot of experience working in the real world. Therefore I do agree with the article in the sense that ‘The labor market is small’ and feel that ‘College students’ maybe partly to blame for this issue but is not the main outstanding reason why.

  124. Manuela Allgäuer dice: Responder

    Spanish people should be creative, but that is easy to say. I can hardly imagine how difficult it must be for spanish students to keep their motivation, regarding to the high rate of unemployment. From my point of view, as a language teacher, multilingualism is absolutly necessary in these days. All the modern medias, the progress of technologie and globalisation are really important for the worldwide business. Teaching english in schools and universities, that could only be an advantage for Spain. They’d get in contact with people and companies all over the world more easily and keep up-to-date, in order to benefit from globalisation.

  125. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    Our country beginning english languages training of reputation for ten ages. But this is not enough. Because learning figure have not actively. Process of active learning given on various aspects of the decision-making opportunities and students uses mental ability during education. For example; Montessori has should to decide what they want to learn. I think active learning removes from lantern.
    If not be active learning, student will be sufficient information. After student graduated will be unemployment. Because people have not experience, self-confident and practice.
    As a result people afraid of from initiative. Because this situation reveal risk. So they do not take the chance. Teaching practice most important and provide of permanent information.

  126. Firstly if we think from Spain side, since the global crisis,unemployment in here has soared. Of course there are many negative things coming with that crisis. As you said » the labor market is small» could be one of the negative things. Because of crisis ,entrepreneurs may be keeping away from taking risk by starting market in place where crisis broke out because almost everyday many companies are drifting towards bankruptcy.
    Secondly, another reason which causes being unemployment is lack of practicing and knowledge. In this part i strongly agree because giving students the theoretical information does not work everytime. Also, it can be insufficient for them and sometimes many students do not even aware of what they are learning.Career choice is very important decision but the person can not understand whether it is true or not while learning only theoretical things. They need to launch into life with their professions. In my country,Turkey,many professions have internship opportunity before graduation. With help of it, students have a chance like knowing their jobs. I think the earlier they start to familiarize their profession,the better they make decision.
    Thirdly, in high school or at university people generally take the literal. That’s why they do not have to create new things. They know that there are always professors giving them information or new ideas etc. That is the our exact problem.However, after graduation , students start to become a person who needs to create new things, making decisions by their own, choosing ideas. But they do not know how to do them. They always need a guide and finally it comes to unemployment area.In my opinion those are not the problems cannot be solved.

  127. dice: Responder

    most of the university graduates are unemployed…. this is a problem on the agenda of many countries. there are many causes of unemployement. such as; economic crisis, lack of exprience, low salaries, population growth etc… but I think, the most important cause is unplanned education system. student general problem is; theoritical information full, but practical information missing. this topic has the biggest responsibility in university. (about the educating exprienced work force ) the problem is lack of creativity for some students, some of them for the lack of knowledge and skills. it isn’t not just choosing the information level of universities students, the student will need to give importance to the profession skills, too. duty of the government is to support entrepreneurs. already it is impossible to make job with little credit, small market, few opportunity.

  128. In my opinion the best thing for the students are lot of practice. And they need to correctly know their future plans. If student will only learn for the certificate to prove that he ends the university it won’t be good. He needs to study and practice for the future profession. He or she needs to know correctly what they want to do in the future. Talking about the English language in the Spain students need more contact with the people who speak in English and learn from them lot of words and phrases. Young people don’t want to invest a lot of work and time to make some new business ideas. They want to get all ready when they can do what they like. They don’t want to do that «Black job» and go step by step to make their own career. I think that Spanish people need to give a lot of opportunities for young people to get a job experience which will help them in the future and maybe with that they can rise the economical situation.

  129. Unemployment is a big issue in terms of life quality. We, as students, do our best to earn a university and get a job accordingly. But it’s unfortunately true that sometimes it is not enough to just want something. As I read this article, I can say that I agree with you. Because this is not a failure of just one side.
    This is general but let’s think about Spain. I can think about it easily because in my country there is the same problem. Many new graduates are unemployed. There are some reasons such as many people needing job, lack of investments, economic issues etc. But I don’t have many ideas about these. I want to tell about the «lack of knowledge» thing.
    I agree with you in some aspects. For example not every university has all the materials and subjects needed for learning. There are private universities which have more opportunities. But the students from others, can’t benefit from them so it creates a cliff between these two. Apart from that I strongly agree with the idea of making students learn about jobs from their first grades. If there is a target, I think everybody would want to do something about it as soon as possible. I’m studying English Language Teaching and learning how to teach grammar is more interesting for me than learning more grammar. Also it’s more benefical. Language is one of the most important things now. Your mother tongue is never enough to get a good job or at least get a job as soon as you graduate. There are some important features to get priority, language is one of them.
    Lastly, I want to add something to your ideas. Knowing what you really want is the most important thing. But the education systems are not enough to help us find it. They don’t give us the opportunity to see what we can get. This is one of the most important reasons of lack of creativity and knowledge.

  130. I think that young people are divided in two groups – creative and indecisive. First group adjust ambitious targets and are well tended on them. For them are not enough local labor market , with small salaries, so they choose to study more or travel abroad. The second group does not know exactly what they want , so they decide to develop themselves or looking – what is needed in the labor market at the moment. In my opinion , the problem arises when people start to go to school because the program is centred on theory, not practice. In schools does not develop creativity, so, this is the reason, why for young people don’t have ideas. Young people don’t want to invest their ideas and time in professions (for example, bussines), because government does not support with resources, job places, ect. Few school offers practice lessons, where people can see how theory works in practice, so young people are not in demand in the labor market because they have no experience. Here the key is quality, not quantity.

  131. I think that is better to have more practices in university, because theory is just a theory and everyone can understand things in different ways but practice shows to us what is happening in reality. In my country for young people is hard to find a job which correspond to their education because employer is asking for experience, but it is impossible to get any experience without job or practice. And the other problem is that sometimes student is not interested to get some experience for their futures, because somebody goes to university only because there can get budget places and they don’t need pay about studies or they just want to have some degree. Students have to be interested in their studies and they have to try get best results for future life.

  132. My opinion is that the main reason for the high unemployment of young people is the global economic crisis. Youngsters difficulty find jobs, the reason why there is always fewr and fewr jobs. But more than this, work experiences are required before any work which is impossible.
    On the other hand I see the problem of excessive expectations, for example: good service, high prestige, the best benefits and high salary. I think these days students lack creativity, self-innovation and knowledge of foreign languages, particularly English.
    More emphasis should be put in practice. Nevertheless, we must not forget the theory. For successful employees are important theory and practice in the same way.
    To sum up, I think, the most of the responsibility is on young people to be active, not to give up at the first rejection and to take any offer of work, regardless of the salary.

  133. Today is very difficult to enter the labor market (the main reason is an economic crisis). Many people who had worked lost their jobs and for young people, first job seekers, the situation is a bit more difficult. There is a lot of them with good education, a lot of knowledge and with new views on things but with lack of work experience. Many times this is the reason why they do not get a job (to get a job you should usually have certain work experiences). As I said I think that young people have the knowledge and know the theory but without possibility of the use of it in practice there is no progress. Theory that does not have practical application cannot be so good and of course practice must be supported by theory. My opinion is that theory and practice should go hand in hand to improve the situation in which we are. So it is important to give young people a chance to show their knowledge, ideas and creativity.

  134. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    Nowadays, the good thing is that we promote the creativity, independence, initiative. And we have the ways for this, but the end we want (especially regarding jobs) is not always here. The crisis has caused the high unemployment, but it is also true that the trainings are not always sufficient to reach this or that job. Concerning this, I agree that there is a lack of knowledge/skills, although it is the responsibility of the student to acquire as much knowledge as possible. However, some programs at school should not be lightened (like it is sometimes the case, for example in France concerning history classes in high school). Moreover, after a certain level, the practice should be at least as widespread as theory, and the internships should also be proposed as soon as possible in the university, in order to know and enter the real world not too late. Finally, regarding the languages, I think we should consider them (in addition to be a cultural opening) like tools for the labor market, tools that should be taught in the childhood but not too early, in order not to forget the importance of one’s native language. To conclude, as the education and the States have difficulty in solving all these problems of unemployment, in any case we can say that the knowledge, the perseverance, the creativity, the open-mindedness and the confidence are reliable ways to keep going forward.

  135. The lack of creativity is one of the main obstacels that prevents us from getting a good job. My opinion is that the universities should support us in developing our knowledge at all in the way of practice, workout or some seminars. On the other hand to have some offers of the job should be the first step which can not be infuenced by us. With increasing number of students as competitors and growing demans of the companies is very difficult for young people to find a work in their field. For example, in my country (Czech Republic) the higher as your graduate degree is, the less chance for apply or get job you have. The reason is a higher salary. I think that this is really not logical, because the majority study for getting a good job and good money. This happens very often that people with PhD degree work as a secretary, salesman, waiter or doing secondry tasks for ridiculous money.
    I have no experience with economy or maket, but I think that our only option is the young or oncoming generation with new ideas that can change some issues for the better.

  136. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    The word that crossed my mind when I first read this article is that of «competitiveness».

    We can understand that the article points out the fact that Spain lacks competitiveness in several fields, asking these questions:
    – How can we make the Spanish students’ knowledge and skills more competitive ? With more creativity and more practice.
    – For what purpose ? For them to be more competitive in the labour market.
    – For what final purpose ? For Spain and its economy to be competitive again in the context of globalization.

    As it is mentionned in the text, Spain has got a gap to fill when it comes to knowledge and skills, especially in technologies of information and communication, languages etc… This means that in order to fill the gap, the Spanish need a massive investment in education.

    But an economy teacher once told me: «growth is confidence». When the economic atmosphere allows it, you can take risks and invest. When it doesn’t, just like nowadays, you tend to be much more conservative.
    The State is not eager to do it, we were able to witness it during last week’s march. But if the Sate won’t invest, who will ?
    The crisis we have been living since 2008 obviously doesn’t encourage any investment from firms and other organisms to pick and hire students. This is a vicious circle.

    As for the learning of the English language from the cradle, I don’t think this factor can have any influence on the labour market if the latter looks really bad (like right now).

    I do really agree with the fact that we should reinforce the acquisition of knowledge and skills by any mean from nursery school to university. More foreign languages, more practice to add value to theory, more creativity… However, I believe that we are getting to a point in which the quality of education fails to explain the problem of youth unemployment.

    We, as students, can better our education, be prepared to be the most competitive as possible, but youth unemployment will remain if the country is not competitive itself. The problem has to be solved out in an other way.

  137. In my opinion the main problem is that everything was Spain orientated. Everything was fine to only know the Spanish language, culture, history and be happy what’s in Spain.

    I love the world creativity! i think the spanish people are just explore that word. Creativity is an upcoming thing in Spain. People are in a position at the moment that need to look for jobs on they’re own. I think these days people, especially young people, find a way to really need to be more creative because of that and creating new jobs. I think that’s the most important thing, to be so creative to find and make new jobs.
    For example young people use social media and internet a lot. Also they use it to make connection with other people and companies all over the world. They use it also to sell old en new things online, starting social media sites or connecting with those to be open to the rest of the world (and not only Spain), they take online language classes to learn another language etc. Also it’s nice that they have international students in Spain. The young people here are more open to other countries, languages, work possibilities and seeing other options outside Spain.

    Another improvement will be to need to do a work practice before you can finish your university. It’s the main reason that your not getting a job in my country (the Netherlands) for not having experience in what you have studied. I did a work practice and i already had a big advance of this. Because i know how things are going in a company and not only from books i got a job that i really wanted. It really helps to get a job more sooner in the Netherlands then not having this internship. I think it will help young people to get a job easier, also her in Spain!

  138. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I found the article very interesting and unfortunately up-to-date. It touches some quite important issues with which I generally agree. However, for me the main problem of unemployment among young people are our minds and our expactations. I don’t really know how education system in Spain looks like, but in Poland, where I am from, higher education is underestimated. Because it’s for free everyone goes to collage or to university, finishes 1 or 2 or 5 faculties, just for the sake of having a degree but after that he has no idea of what to do. Young people study because it’s said we should study, we should have a degree, any degree. So if we are expected to study for the sake of studying,then we expect universities to do give us everything: education, practise, job. The creativity of people falls down. We want to have everything served on the plate. Without thinking, without any effort. And that’s the problem. Young people should change their attitude. Not always the education matters. What really counts is our mind, our capacity to think outside the box, our belief that we can reach the stars. Even if we have to start from the scratch..

  139. The text «Mortal la carencia de ideas» is mostly about the high unemployment amongst the spanish youth, which is mainly caused by the bad business situation in Spain and the deficient formation of students at spanish universities. In my opinion it is more important to focus on the second aspect, not just because it is more related to our field of study and future area of operations, but because i think that it needs qualified people with both, reliable practical skills and new ideas, to boost the economy and to create new businesses. Especially in the time of globalization, it is necessary for a succesful working company to have english speaking stuff, who can build up business relations also beyond the spanish frontiers. So it is not only the duty of the spanish universities, but of the whole spanish education system to enhance and broaden the generell skills and knowledge of spanish children and adolescents, as well as their foreign language competences and practical experiences.

  140. I do not think that the fault should be sought in the quality of education and youth skills. The main reason for the high youth unemployment in the EU is an economic crisis and a decline in jobs in the lens. In today’s younger generation is indeed a very difficult situation because of entering the labor market during the crisis, when virtually all sectors of jobs are lost. Much easier to do it was the youth of economic growth at a time when lack of labor.
    I am convinced that one of the main causes of youth unemployment is also a lack of work experience.
    Also in my country the last three years of graduates has grown significantly – the number of unemployed with higher education, according to the State Employment Agency graduates – unemployment survey. The most frequently cited reasons for unemployment – the necessary lack of work experience and low wages.

  141. The fact that the labor market continues to decline it is known around the world. Currently, students have to overcome two difficulties. One of them is the desire to acquire knowledge. The second of these is the ability to use this knowledge in practice. For me, success can only be achieved when combined both of these problems. I agree with that universities should place more emphasis on teaching practice. Otherwise some students after graduation will have only theoretical knowledge. But it really depends on them.

  142. If you think of the topic ‘Creativity and Learning’ you think of it as a concept. You just don’t link it to the problems of our job market in nearly every european country. So this article is trying to combine those two things that have more in common as you might think by the very first look. If there is a bad economy, there are no new jobs for college graduates, also there is no courage by the companies to give a chance to knew thoughts and ideas. Well, but I think that you might solve some – not all – problems that the job market has with some new ideas from young graduates. Let me give an example – I’ve been working in a sheltered housing scheme. My coworkers were working there for years and I kicked in totally without any practical experience. Anyway I had a different view on things they did the same way since years and I saw that they could need some improvement to simplify their work. So it’s inevitable to give young graduates a chance to show their point of view in the every-day-work.
    Also it’s not necessary to say that it is the responsibilty of the Universites to give their students as far and as often as they can the chance to connect to the companies and the job market.
    That’s what I think – creativity is the key for improvment and it should be up to the companies that they’ll give young people the chance to rise their voice and might change – little by little – the bigger economical problems we all have.

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