El fracaso escolar: diagnóstico y tratamiento

El fracaso escolar es previo a todo fracaso personal y social.

Entendemos por fracaso escolar las dificultades para alcanzar los objetivos marcados por el sistema educativo. Dichas dificultades no se refieren solamente a los handicaps personales, sino también a la falta de capacidad de adaptación del sistema. Por tanto, el fracaso no es simplemente un fenómeno que refleja las diferencias de rendimiento entre el alumnado. Lejos de esto, entendemos que este concepto abarca diversos significados que se adentran en el complejo mundo de la teorí­a del currículum y de los valores que la escuela como institución va transmitiendo y que, además, debe ser analizado en el marco de un determinado contexto. El concepto, por tanto, de fracaso escolar no está exento de controversia.

Proportion of 25-34 years-old who have not completed upper secondary education (PISA, OCDE, 2009)

En el ámbito de la psicopedagogía, el estudio del fracaso escolar debe conducir siempre a un esmerado diagnóstico y éste a un adecuado programa de intervención, teniendo en cuenta la índole general del problema, en relación a las múltiples variables que pueden estar afectadas. Muy interesante la experiencia que nos aporta la Dra. Maeve Martin en su estudio School matters: report of the Task Force on Student Behaviour in Second Level Schools 2006 en Irlanda.

¿Cuáles son las fases de un diagnóstico?

A) Información escolar y familiar

De la entrevista familiar pueden obtenerse datos en los campos de la historia evolutiva, datos relativos al embarazo, parto, nacimiento, crecimiento y estado de salud en general.

En lo relativo al informe escolar, no se trata tanto de las evaluaciones cuantitativas como la opinión que tienen los profesores respecto a: integración en el grupo, reacción frente al medio escolar, rendimiento en relación a la opinión que tienen los profesores de su capacidad, existencia de alguna anomalía específica observada, etc.

B) Exploración psico-pedagógica

Nivel mental: interesa conocer el nivel mental del niño para poder descartar un retraso intelectual como causa de la dificultad de aprendizaje.

Exploración del lenguaje: nivel de evolución del lenguaje (vocabulario, estructuración de frases, uso de verbos, etc.), comparación entre el lenguaje espontáneo y el repetitivo, alteraciones (dislalias e inversiones).

Exploración del nivel pedagógico: es de vital importancia el estudio de los niveles adquiridos en las materias básicas. Interesa conocer la madurez gráfica y lectora del niño, el grado que ha alcanzado y las anomalías que presenta.

Exploración perceptivo-motriz: esquema corporal, lateralidad, etc.

Exploración espacio-temporal: se obtienen datos sobre posibles dificultades en la discriminación perceptiva y en la simetría derecha-izquierda, sobre la maduración viso-motora del niño.

Estudio de la personalidad: proporciona una visión completa de toda la problemática del niño.

¿Cómo prevenir el fracaso?

No constituye solamente una estrategia de intervención, sino más bien toda una cultura que hay que llevar a la escuela. Para prevenir el fracaso escolar es necesario comprometer e implicar a padres, profesores y alumnos, para que conjuntamente tomen parte activa en la tarea educativa, cada uno a su nivel. Además, por ser múltiples las posibles causas de un fracaso escolar (sociales, políticas, económicas, familiares, educativas, psicológicas, pedagógicas, organizativas, etc.), las prevenciones también deben darse en todos estos ámbitos.

¿Cómo tratar el fracaso escolar?

Una amalgama de estrategias de intervención en el fracaso escolar puede ser considerada dentro de la llamada recuperación educativa. La recuperación educativa consiste en un programa de educación correctiva, que debe apoyarse en el supuesto de que cada niño es diferente, por lo que la enseñanza debe ser personalizada. El tratamiento pedagógico de recuperación educativa debe estimular, en fin, el deseo de aprender del niño y hacerle consciente de su progreso.

Los principios que rigen la aplicabilidad de la enseñanza correctiva son:

  • El tratamiento debe estar basado en el diagnóstico.
  • El tratamiento debe tener en consideración el sentimiento del propio valor del alumno.
  • La enseñanza correctiva ha de ser individualizada.
  • El programa correctivo debe ser estimulante y motivador.
  • Los ejercicios y materiales deben seleccionarse cuidadosamente.
  • El tratamiento debe tener en cuenta todas las circunstancias ambientales en que el niño se desenvuelve.
  • El progreso del niño debe ser continuamente evaluado, para ser retroalimentado.
  • Los métodos de enseñanza han de ser de probada eficacia.

301 respuestas a “El fracaso escolar: diagnóstico y tratamiento”

  1. Bien es cierto que el fracaso de una persona se puede producir por tantos factores que cualquier descuido grave ya puede influir mucho en el porvenir de, ya no solo su educación, sino de su vida misma. Hay que llevar a cabo un acuerdo común entre los principales encargados de un alumno o una alumna para realizar un adecuado método de educación, ya que, y como bien ha sido mencionado en este artículo, existen diferentes agentes influyentes en la educación de determinado individuo. Todo esto tiene relación con mi otra aportación en http://josemanuelbautista.net/2012/11/estrategias-de-ensenanza-y-aprendizaje-en-crisis/

    Si ocurre algún que otro acontecimiento que vaya direccionando a una persona a cometer cualquier tipo de fracaso, habrá que adaptarse primeramente a ese sujeto en cuestión, comprenderlo y luego actuar de la mejor manera posible para evitar el desarrollo de dicho fracaso.

  2. Raúl Contreras Alonso dice: Responder

    Totalmente de acuerdo a lo que viene a referirse el artículo. El fracaso escolar, está a la orden del día en muchos centros educativos, un problema que sufre tanto el alumnado como los profesionales. El fracaso escolar, no es solo cosa del alumno, de sus conductas o de sus reconocimientos académicos. Este problema, está envuelto en un círculo externo ligado a factores como puede ser la familia (actitud de los padres, convivencia en el hogar…), las relaciones personales (sentirse rechazado entre sus compañeros, amigos, ser diferente para ellos…) e interno debido a que todos estos factores externos, están a su vez ligados a factores internos que hacen que el alumno no obtenga un rendimiento adecuado, a que su conducta no sea la adecuado e incluso que ese alumno sea absentista. ¿Cómo debemos acabar con este problema?, ¿cómo podemos ayudar a tal alumno si es posible hacerlo?… Éstas e infinidades de preguntas más, son las que debemos de resolver entre todos, entre todos los cuerpos que formamos la pirámide de la comunidad educativa. Debemos fomentar la comunicación con el alumno, con los padres o con sus tutores legales para intentar resolver el problema del alumno, buscar métodos en el aula, realizar un plan, una nueva metodología, cualquier cosa para poder resolver estos problemas que creemos muchas veces que es solo porque el alumno no puede dar más de si mismo en el trabajo o porque es una persona vaga. Por todo ésto, debemos optar por una educación especializada e individualizada para cada alumno, ya que no podemos clasificar al alumnado con etiquetas, cada alumno es único y especial en su mejor destreza, cada uno es bueno en lo suyo.

  3. María Roldán Álvarez dice: Responder

    Con respecto a este artículo, tengo que comentar que es cierto que son varios factores los que hay que influyen en el fracaso escolar, pero quizás uno de los que no ha sido muy profundizado en dicho artículo es la motivación de los maestros/as hacia los alumnos/as tanto en clase para aprender como en casa para realizar las tareas. Un maestro/a debe utilizar todos los recursos posibles para que todos los niños con distintas capacidades puedan aprender de manera que estos no se aburran aprendiendo y les incite a aprender más sobre el tema que se esté tratando (mediante juegos, canciones, murales, dibujos…). Pienso que este al igual que la atención de los padres en casa (para los niños que lo necesiten, puesto que hay niños que saben cual es su tarea y lo hacen sin ayuda ni presencia de ningún adulto) son los factores fundamentales que fomentan el fracaso escolar, y mientras los docentes no se busquen alternativas diferentes para obtener resultados positivos será complicado que este porcentaje de fracaso escolar disminuya.

  4. Con respecto a este artículo, tengo que comentar que es cierto que son varios factores los que hay que influyen en el fracaso escolar, pero quizás uno de los que no ha sido muy profundizado en dicho artículo es la motivación de los maestros/as hacia los alumnos/as tanto en clase para aprender como en casa para realizar las tareas. Un maestro/a debe utilizar todos los recursos posibles para que todos los niños con distintas capacidades puedan aprender de manera que estos no se aburran aprendiendo y les incite a aprender más sobre el tema que se esté tratando (mediante juegos, canciones, murales, dibujos…). Pienso que este al igual que la atención de los padres en casa (para los niños que lo necesiten, puesto que hay niños que saben cual es su tarea y lo hacen sin ayuda ni presencia de ningún adulto) son los factores fundamentales que fomentan el fracaso escolar, y mientras los docentes no se busquen alternativas diferentes para obtener resultados positivos será complicado que este porcentaje de fracaso escolar disminuya.

  5. Alba Salguero Pérez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el artículo, desgraciadamente cuando un niño o adolescente «fracasa» en el ámbito escolar suele caer sobre el toda la culpa, lo que no nos solemos plantear es qué sucede en el entorno que rodea al alumno, tanto docentes que tienen la obligación moral de motivar y despertar la curiosidad por aprender cosas nuevas en el alumnado como los padres que son los principales educadores sociales de sus hijos y por supuesto el gobierno, que crea las leyes educativas que en muchos casos no son las idóneas. Por ello cada vez que y un niño o adolescente «fracasa» en su vida académica deberíamos plantearnos que sucede con las demás personas que le rodean además de las condiciones personales del alumno.

  6. Valentín López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión un maestro tiene que saber como son sus alumnos y aportar a cada uno de ellos lo que necesita en su aprendizaje , hay que fomentar lo bueno que tiene cada uno y poco a poco conseguir los objetivos con cada uno de ellos. Respecto al fracaso escolar estoy muy de acuerdo en decir que parte de la culpa la tienen la poca implicación de los padres, que poco a poco ven delegando en la escuela cosas que son necesarias que vengan desde casa. El problema del fracaso escolar es cosa que incumbe a maestros, niños, padres y por que no decirlo, un sistema educativo muy deficiente.

  7. MARTA RODRÍGUEZ SILVA dice: Responder

    Pienso que el fracaso escolar no se da solo por el hecho de que los niños no tengan ganas de estudiar. También las leyes tienen mucha influencia en que haya cada vez menos motivación en el alumnado. Los profesores, por su parte, también influyen si no se preocupan si el alumno/a verdaderamente ha comprendido la materia. Estoy de acuerdo en que para la mejora de este fracaso debemos implicar también a las familias ya que una parte de la motivación del alumno/a vendrá de ella.

  8. Miriam Prieto Aragón dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es algo que vemos hoy en día en bastantes de nuestros alumnos. El problema es que, al hablar de fracaso no podemos culpar a un alumno o culpar a un profesor, es decir, se debe incluir tanto a profesores, alumnos como a padres y madres, y no solo en el momento en el que se produce el fracaso, sino en el momento de recuperación. Como he leído en el artículo, a la hora de diagnosticar un supuesto caso de fracaso escolar es necesario realizar un estudio exhaustivo de niño e intentar buscar la mejor solución basada en un compromiso y una colaboración por parte de todos los afectados.

  9. Susana Llanes Calero dice: Responder

    Observando las estadísticas, España era y sigue siendo uno de los países que cuenta con un mayor porcentaje de fracaso escolar; cosa que nos debería de preocupar a toda la población y que nosotros, futuros docentes, deberíamos de intentar disminuir.
    Haciendo alusión al texto, estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que para prevenir los diversos casos de fracaso escolar se debería implicar a los padres, el profesorado y al propio alumno, es decir, se debe de involucrar todo el entorno del niño. Me parece muy importante involucrar a la familia, ya que son los principales educadores del niño y deberían mostrar implicación en los estudios del niño (cosa que desde mi punto de vista puede ser una de las razones que puede llevar a un alumno al fracaso escolar). Por otro lado, los profesores tienen el gran poder de la motivación, uno de los elementos esenciales en la educación, y a su vez, tienen que mostrar una gran implicación con sus alumnos y ofrecer su ayuda en todo momento.
    El método de la enseñanza correctiva me ha parecido bastante interesante y que se podría llevar a cabo para conseguir vuestros resultados y bajar el porcentaje del fracaso escolar, debido a que usa ideas que para mi son muy importantes, como la motivación, etc. Aunque, creo que se podrían llevar a cabo actividades más dinámicas, ya sea a través del juego o canciones, que ayuden a la motivación del niño o a captar su atención, porque otro de los grandes problemas es el método memorístico que utilizamos muchas veces.

  10. España es el segundo país con mayor abandono escolar de la UE, según Eurostat, algo que crea bastante desconcierto y debe preocupar bastante. En mi opinión, coincido en que es necesario implicar a padres, profesores y alumnos, ya que si no se genera esta implicación, surgen graves problemas dentro del ámbito educativo, como puede ser el fracaso escolar. También pienso que los profesores y profesoras juegan uno de los papeles más importantes en dicho ámbito y deben ofrecer motivación al alumnado, ayudar en la participación, ser un guía y orientador para todos los alumnos y alumnas… etc. Otros factores que influyen en este fracaso son: la organización y gestión deficiente (falta de coordinación, incumplimiento de las normas…), métodos didácticos (por ejemplo, mandar al alumnado muchos deberes), una evaluación demasiado memorística… Por lo cual, hay que hacer frente a todo esto e intenta mejorarlo para que el fracaso escolar disminuya.

  11. Laura González Díaz dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un fracaso social. La responsabilidad no solo es de la escuela y de los profesores, sino de los docentes , familias , administración, etc.
    Una de las principales causas del fracaso escolar es la familia, ya que es la primera influencia educativa del niño. Si el niño no se ve motivado e influenciado por la familia el nivel de fracaso escolar es más alto.
    No obstante un elevado porcentaje de casos de fracaso escolar se debe a dificultades del propio alumno y parte de culpa la tiene algunos profesores por no hacer de sus clases unas clases más dinámicas y divertidas de manera que el alumno se sienta motivado a seguir aprendiendo con entusiasmo.

  12. Floren Martin Sánchez dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar esta causado a demás de por casos de adolescentes frustrados a los que no se les da el apoyo necesario para que continúen con sus estudios, por la gran cantidad de chavales que entran al instituto obligados, chavales que no están integrados en la sociedad o que viven al margen de las leyes que se les imponen y al fin y al cabo la escuela es una institución llena de leyes, leyes que en la mayoría de los casos no están adaptadas a la sociedad actual y que ni mucho menos lo están a los adolescentes en particular, leyes que mas que ayudar en la tarea docente al profesor lo entorpece y a su vez entorpece al ritmo de aprendizaje del alumnado. El gran culpable del fracaso escolar es el sistema educativo actual y sus leyes.

  13. Sonia Maldonado dice: Responder

    Los jóvenes, maestros, familias y sociedad son víctimas de un sistema educativo mal diseñado, obsoleto, variable, ideologizado según quién gobierne, que tiene unos resultados vergonzosos: tasas de fracaso escolar y de paro juvenil altísimas, unas cifras de analfabetismo funcional evidentes y, sobre todo, una notable incapacidad de mantener a los estudiantes entusiasmados con su propio aprendizaje.
    En España se sigue priorizando la memorización por encima del raciocinio. Pero se sabe que eso no es válido, o no al menos lo más válido para la educación integral de las personas, esto solo podríamos solucionarlo con un cambio muy profundo en el paradigma educativo, con una renovación total del concepto de enseñanza y de organización de esta. Un aprendizaje vivencial, creativo, diverso y con mucha mayor flexibilidad es lo necesario. Mayor autonomía del maestro y una mejor educación emocional de los profesionales que entiendan que lo que cuenta no es que el niño esté callado, sino que sienta pasión por lo que va a aprender y que se le permita trabajar con la idea de que no todos deben aprender lo mismo a la vez.

  14. Bajo mi punto de vista, las principales causas del fracaso escolar entre los jóvenes son las leyes, los problemas de los centros educativos para ejercer su labor con las leyes educativas en medio y la administración de educación. Además de que el alumnado presenta poca motivación y las aulas presentan un gran número de alumnos. Con esto quiero decir que, los cambios de las leyes educativas en vez de ayudar entorpecen las labores de los profesores y son los alumnos los que pagan las consecuencias. Por otra parte, algunos alumnos no parecen emocionados por aprender sino van a clases para pasar el rato y no ayudan algunos docentes que no tienen vocación y no les importan si los alumnos disfrutan de sus clases. Esto hace que, los alumnos pierdan la motivación. Para finalizar, me gustaría comentar algo que han señalado antes, estudiar de memoria para superar los exámenes y que al cabo de un día se te olvide deberían de estar estrictamente prohibidos. Sin embargo, estamos ante un sistema educativo que lo apoya

  15. María del Rocio Márquez Robles dice: Responder

    España es el segundo país con mayor porcentaje de fracaso escolar. Esto no es algo que me sorprenda debido al sistema educativo que tenemos. La mayoría de los niños fracasan durante la etapa de la educación secundaria obligatoria debido a varios factores como:
    1) La forma de enseñar de la mayoría de los maestros(el modelo conductista), provocando que la mayoría de los niños estudien memorizando infravalorandose aquellos niños que no tienen la memoria tan desarrollada.
    2) «Las etiquetas» que los maestros les atribuyen a los niños por el simple hecho de que no se le de bien una materia.
    3) La 0 involucración de los maestros con sus alumnos.
    Entre otros.
    En mi opinión el aprendizaje se debe de basar en un modelo cognitivista, aunque si lo pensamos mejor, este modelo nunca se pondrá en marcha ya que al Estado no le conviene en absoluto.

  16. Gabriel Millares Suárez dice: Responder

    Datos recientes muestran que España es el segundo país de la Unión Europea con mayor tasa de abandono escolar, solo por detrás de Malta. Esta estremecedora cifra de abandono escolar , pone de manifiesto un claro fracaso de nuestro sistema educativo. Considero que se debe a la escasa implicación de la mayoría de padres, profesores y alumnos, así como a un sistema que no está bien planteado. Creo que para reducir estos números, se debe hacer que los niños/as establezcan una asociación positiva respecto de la escuela, cosa que no creo que se consiga mientras,por ejemplo, los niños/as lean libros con ansiedad y con prisas para examinarse sobre ellos. Considero que esto genera repudia de los niños hacia la lectura, en vez de generarles placer, y por esta razón, son muchos los niños que no leen nada si no se les obliga. En otros países como Finlandia, se fomenta la afición por la lectura; hábito que es muy beneficioso. También, considero fundamental que lo más pronto posible se ayude al niño/a a encontrar su pasión, para que así tenga una motivación mayor para acudir a la escuela y se formen en aquello en lo que quieren tener éxito.

  17. Nayra Moreno Lancha dice: Responder

    Considero que se da desgraciadamente tanto fracaso escolar porque los maestros/profesores no mantienen en los alumnos la suficiente atención que deberían en general,y la mayoría avanza el aprendizaje sin analizar si todos capan los conceptos o no. Si es cierto que para evitar esto,deben implicarse muchas personas y ayudar lo suficiente para que el alumno avance mucho y no fracase. Aunque cada niño es diferente,y es por eso que las estrategias que se usen deben estar adaptadas a cada uno de ellos.

    1. Nayra Moreno Lancha dice: Responder


  18. Cristina Venegas Pérez dice: Responder

    Para comenzar, comentar el alarmante puesto que ocupa España con respecto al fracaso escolar. El fracaso escolar es uno de los grandes problemas que está sacudiendo nuestro sistema educativo actual. Diversos pueden ser los factores que intervienen en el fracaso escolar: contenidos establecidos a través del curriculum que no motivan a los alumnos, falta de participación por parte de los padres, problemas familiares, problemas personales (falta de atención, hiperactividad…), así como la inadecuada educación en el ámbito escolar. TODOS y cada uno de los integrantes del sistema educativo debemos asumir nuestra parte de culpa y responsabilidad en el problema. La familia juega un papel decisivo en lo que respecta el éxito o fracaso escolar.
    El diagnóstico es una clave importante para una buena intervención.

  19. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    Entendiendo por fracaso escolar las dificultades para alcanzar los objetivos que marca el sistema educativo, podemos decir que son numerosos los casos en los que alumnos menores de dieciséis años asisten a clase porque les obliga la ley y por ello ya ni se esfuerzan en clase ni prestan atención al profesor ni se interesan por las materias ni por el buen funcionamiento de la clase. Con normalidad el fracaso escolar se da con mayor asiduidad en barrios marginales donde los menores no cuentan con un tiempo libre de calidad, sino que se encuentran ayudando a sus padres en los trabajos para poder pagar las facturas o cuidando de sus hermanos mientras que los padres trabajan para traer dinero al hogar.

  20. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    Sobre el fracaso escolar no podemos pensar que los motivos que se dan para que exista el fracaso escolar sea solo los alumnos, familias y los docentes o miembros del equipo educativo, si no también el sistema educativo. Éste, a parte de ser pésimo e inestable, cada vez que entra un partido nuevo se cambia a la manera y al convenio que beneficie. Ninguno de los partidos se centra en lo que de verdad importa para que no exista estos indice de fracaso escolar tan alto, ya que si lo hicieran harían estrategias para solucionarlo, estrategias como que se impartan asignaturas útiles, no asignaturas cuyo fin sea subir nota y no se extraiga nada productivo de ellas.
    A los alumnos que no son capaz de seguir el ritmo y se niegan a estudiar habría que proporcionarlos de otras alternativas que les puedan servir de motivación y preparación para un futuro. No debemos de retenerlos y estancarlos en una metodología que no les está sirviendo de modo que provocamos que pierdan el tiempo sin ni siquiera ayudarles a seguir un ritmo en el que quizás se han estancado y que con comunicación y buen diseño metodológico, podríamos conseguir que sigan las clases como el resto de compañeros. La clave es un entendimiento con la persona y adaptarle en la medida de lo posible, los recursos para que tenga las mismas oportunidades que el resto de sus compañeros.

  21. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    Como dice en el principio del articulo, el fracaso escolar, es todo fracaso personal y social. Este fracaso puede ser por varios motivos que por lo que sea conlleva al alumno tener una caída en su experiencia educativa. Opino que esta caída debe ser mejorada, planteando nuevas actividades de intervención.Estoy de acuerdo que no es solo un fracaso del alumno sino también
    a veces de las familias, el profesor o del mismo alumno, por lo cual hay que luchar porque desaparezca estos fracasos escolares.Finalmente para acabar decir que me parece bien la maña de realizar una educación individualizada o personaliza para aquellos alumnos que sufren fracaso escolar.

  22. This video is absolutely convinced me, that the finnish education system would be a great precedent to follow in the other country also, sithence they give a lot of attention to the pupils, which is really good thing. By this they can eliminate easily the school failure, which is the education system’s blame as much as the pupil’s blame. And the idea of a team game i think is really good and inspirational, and that they learn more than one foreign language it is amazing, they will have a lot of opportunities in their life. I think finnish education gives all the tools and knowledge for the pupils, and i am really jelaous that i couldn’t learn like this, because they seem so happy and balanced.

  23. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    Tras observar el texto, he quedado impresionado al ver el lugar que se encuentra España en porcentaje de fracaso escolar en los alumnos. España al ser un país en crisis puede y debe tener un nivel más bajo de fracaso escolar, viendo las gráficas se ven países con peores recursos económicos que están por encima nuestra.

    El fracaso escolar se debe a numerosos factores, por ejemplo, los recursos económicos que se destinan a la educación son escasos, a día de hoy existen millones de personas que no pueden acceder a una formación superior. Otro aspecto es el cambio de las sociedades en que muchos ciudadanos no se siente dispuestos a formarse y deciden probar suerte en algún trabajo para conseguir capital con urgencia.

    Por otra parte, las familias no se preocupan del todo en la formación de sus hijos, también el sistema actual no da las ayudas suficientes para aumentar el progreso de estos alumnos y así evitar este fracaso, cambiando estos factores e incentivando la cultura, el aprendizaje de todos y las ayudas para el acceso se podrá conseguir una educación a la cabeza de otros países más desarrollados.

  24. As is stated above, school failure is not only about students’ performances , it is also about the lack of adaptability of the system. Education system or school policy should be flexible considering the profile of the students at the school. It should be adaptable rather than rigid. The problem should be carefully identified in details so as to find the best and exact solutions. There are some important steps to take as are put forward in the article. But I would like to put more emphasis on students’ feelings. The way how students are treated hugely matters. To give an example, when you ask a student why s/he is bad at that lesson, s/he will say that s/he does not like the lesson. At least, in my country (Turkey) , it is the case. The reason why the student does not like the lesson is that s/he simply does not like the teacher. Teachers should bear in mind that students are sensitive to the teachers. Teachers should be a helper and the remedy should be individualized and motivating. The treatment must be solution-based not problem-based.

  25. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    I think the bigest problem is to big number of kids in the same class, because every child is different and if in the class is 30 kids and one teacher it is impossible to focus on individuals, and the teacher is treating everyone in the same way, even if he woudnt like to. Of course the reason can be different. I would like to focus on this that parents are responsible for their children till they will have 18 years old. Kids are very sensitive, everything what happend in our childhood have the reactions in our live. In this days parents don`t have time for children, they are hireing the babysitters, sending the kid for a lot of camps and after school activities, but they dont give them the most important: love and their time. That`s why sometimes it is hard for children to focus on getting knowledge.

  26. Juan Manuel Holguin dice: Responder

    Si nos fijamos en la tabla comparativa de los países con un índice más alto de fracaso escolar, vemos como nuestra nación se encuentra relacionada con las más precarias, con México o Portugal.
    Relacionando esta tabla con la crisis que nació hace unos años y que todavía sigue vigente en alguno de ellos, vemos como los países que salieron de ésta no tienen la tasa de fracaso escolar tan alta como España, ¿coincidencia? No.
    Muchos de ellos han apostado por una verdadera escuela de calidad, y la que nos venden los políticos de nuestro país.

  27. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    School failure is a major problem, a student who is consistently failing should get the attention they need and the extra help to do better but this help is not always available because it costs money that most parents do not have. School failure is everyones fault yet it is also nobody’s fault, the teacher tries to give the same attention to each individual student but some students don’t concentrate as much or show little interest so they are failing themselves. The parents should give failing students more attention by helping them themselves working together with them to give extra help and attention they need but this is not that easy as some parents may work full time and have no time to spare, this way students are failing and failing continuously but there are not getting the help they need. The government cuts back on the amount of teachers in schools and the amount of special needs assistants in each school which leads to more students failing as there is little resources to prevent the failure.

  28. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    It’s great to see how the Finnish community looks at about education. As in the film says the headmaster that his school is not the school of government. I think the way that Finland’s education gives students calm and confidence. If you consider that the word trust is very important in the Finnish school, you will notice this that students attach very much importance to this. As said in the film is that it is not a competition in the school, but the students feel at ease. This gives a lot less pressure on the shoulders of the child what pressure feels therefore that much less to fail. I also notice that the Finnish education really provide individual assistance to students who have difficulty.

  29. Marvin Klejdzinski dice: Responder

    A failure in school can be caused be many different reasons. Although pupils live and learn together in a group of normally more than 25 persons (in Germany) they have to be seen as individuals. Besides their experiences in school, especially young pupils are influenced by many different things and persons. If they develop misbehaviours or other negative character features, which are the reasons for a failure in school, they need to be treated individually. This leads to a problem for the school because most cannot afford an individual treatment of pupils. Additionally the parents and the social surrounding have a responsibility to influence and teach the young pupils so that they will not develop the mentioned misbehaviours. Parents have to fulfil the aim of education and not give the blame for a failure in school to the institution or teachers. Resuming we can see that every part of the social environment has to work together to create the best learning atmosphere for the pupils and in doing so avoiding failures in school.

  30. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    El comentario anterior es erróneo el correcto es este:
    El fracaso escolar es un problema muy importante en la actualidad, y en la mayoría de los casos no se atiende de la manera adecuada. Como bien menciona el articulo hay que estudiar al alumno en todos los ámbitos que les sea posible para investigar sobre sus capacidades y las posibilidades que tienen para erradicar este aspecto y de este modo poder empezar a trabajar. Es muy importante contar con el apoyo de padres, profesores y el propio alumno.
    Aunque muchos de los fracasos provienen de una desestructuración familiar previa, este aspecto hace que sea más difícil el trabajar esta problemática.
    Para finalizar destaco que implicándose en esta problemática y teniendo un apoyo familiar, todo se hace más llevadero y un posible cambio de actitud en el alumno.

  31. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, veo que es fundamental la comunicación, relacionada tanto entre los propios alumnos, como entre alumnos y profesores; es un apoyo muy importante de cualquier persona, pero fundamentalmente dentro del entorno educativo. La comunicación tiene un papel primordial en cuanto a los alumnos ya que de esta manera lo que pretenden conseguir es que presten atención, este es un objetivo complicado de conseguir. En las escuelas se necesitan docentes que tengan iniciativa, a través de ella se comuniquen con los alumnos durante las sesiones de clase, a través de esta técnica conseguirá llamar la atención del alumno. De este modo se facilitará el trabajo del profesor, haciendo que los alumnos se sientan seguros y a gusto, siempre y cuando se mantenga un mínimo de respeto entre ambos.

  32. Mari Carmen Díaz Acosta dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un tema de actualidad hoy en día y se da por varios factores, primero por el sistema educativo que tenemos vigentes, hay alumnos con mayor capacidad de aprendizaje y alumnos con menor, pero la forma de enseñar es general para todos, cuando los alumnos no son iguales unos que otros; también influye la actuación del docente y su capacidad para motivar a los alumnos y el comportamiento e implicación de la familia para prevenir estos fracasos y todo se vuelve más complicado cuando al alumno se le suma que no pone de su parte para que esto no ocurra.

  33. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es debido al sistema educativo, pero también están implicados los profesores, alumnos etc… .

    Lo que está claro que los que salen perjudicados son los alumnos (nosotros). Si las personas que se dedican a remover las formas de educar para «mejor» (supuestamente) y ven que no lo consiguen, porque a la vista está… que busquen soluciones para que abance de forma positiva la educación. Antes la gente era más culta, desde pequeños sabían ciertas cosas que hoy por hoy a mi edad aun ni las se.
    También es cierto que los profesores, alumnos, padres etc tienen que poner de su parte.

    Lo que está claro que la educación es la base de todo y que a raíz de ahí, partiendo de dichos conocimientos las cosas evolucionarán más rápido o de la otra manera las cosas se estancaran.

  34. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es uno de los problemas al que más importancia le da nuestro sistema educativo, para el cual trabajan codo a codo todas las instituciones .Es importante detectar el foco que causa un fracaso escolar, mediante estudios sobre el rendimiento escolar, nivel mental y entorno familiar del niño, entre otros, para así desarrollar un programa de intervención, en el que es importante que actúen tanto profesores, alumnos y el entorno familiar. Dado que en nuestro país nos encontramos con altas tasas de fracaso escolar. Considero importante la rápida interacción y actuación ante este hecho y para evitarlo se cree de notoria importancia la motivación del alumnado y una satisfactoria comunicación de la que hemos hablado anteriormente para el buen desarrollo del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje.

  35. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un fenómeno complejo y multiforme y por eso es difícil individuar las causas, su evolución y sus consecuencias.
    Como dicho en el artículo es fundamental hacer un diagnóstico que permita indagar la dimensión psicológica del alumno, conociendo sus características personales, y obtener informaciones sobre los entornos escolar y familiar. Los factores que llevan a las dificultades en el alcance de los objetivos escolares son muchos y la desmotivación, la dificultad de concentración y un método de estudio inadecuado que pueden presentar los alumnos dependen no solo de sí mismo sino pueden ser consecuencias de lo que pasa en sus entornos, como familiar, escolar etc..
    Es esencial que los docentes sepan crear un ambiente armonioso en la aula para que los alumnos se sientan confortables, y que tengan en cuenta las necesidades y capacidades de cada uno porque cada niño es diferente y así adapten los medios y las estrategias metodológicas y utilicen métodos efficaces y estimulantes. Además, tanto los profesores cuanto los familiares, tendrían que apreciar los progresos y ser motivadores para incementar la seguridad y el empeño de los alumnos.
    Es muy importante prevenir o afrontar el fracaso escolar porque esto puede ser el punto de partida para el fracaso personal y social, llevando a la acumulación de varios problemas y dificultades en la vida futura de los individuos.


    Como bien se trata en el texto, la problemática del fracaso escolar, también es un hecho que se está dando en la actualidad. Opino que el fracaso escolar de un niño no sólo se debe basar en si llega o no a un nivel o una nota establecida, pues pienso que hay mucho más detrás de esa fachada. Solo hay que pensar que la educación tal y como la conocemos está anticuada en muchos aspectos, la motivación en algunos casos nula por parte del profesorado entre otros, hacen que eso también afecte al nivel de eficiencia de los estudiantes. Y por otro lado, estamos viviendo en un mundo en el cuál, por donde vayamos estamos siendo bombardeados por información más necesaria o menos, pero a grandes escalas y esto hace que nos afecte a nuestro rendimiento en muchos aspectos (concentración, interés….) asique mi punto de vista sobre esto es, que el fracaso escolar está provocado tanto por factores internos como externos al ámbito educativo, y que deberían buscarse soluciones tanto dentro como fuera del aula.

  37. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    En mi opinión hay muchos factores que pueden conducirte al fracaso escolar,los principales afectados son los alumnos, pero una gran parte de la culpa de este fracaso la tiene el sistema educativo actual, no se trata de echarle toda la culpa al sistema educativo, puesto que también está en alumnos y profesores evitar este fracaso.
    Para mejorar el fracaso escolar padres y profesores tendrían que poner de su parte y ofrecer todo tipo de ayuda necesaria para salir de estos problemas educativos y motivar a los alumnos a la hora de aprender.

  38. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    Hoy en día, cada vez oímos hablar mas del fracaso escolar, ya que es un tema de la actualidad. Para que el fracaso escolar vaya disminuyendo se deberían de hacer varios cambios en nuestro sistema educativo, ya que en mi opinión no todo la culpa de dicho fracaso escolar lo tienen los mismos alumnos, si no que que también el sistema educativo vigente. Por otro lado pienso que también las familias de dichos educandos condicionan un poco el pensamiento del educando a querer estudiar o no. Aunque no siempre es así. El profesor en parte también puede disminuir el fracaso escolar, siendo didáctico en las clases y entusiasmando a los estudiantes para que sigan estudiando, sobretodo los que les gusta.

  39. Elena Moral Carrasquilla dice: Responder

    En esta sociedad que vivimos formarnos para ser personas criticas respecto a la información que nos llega y sus fuentes se ha convertido en un requisito básico y necesario.
    Con esto hago referencia a que los indices de fracaso escolar que España tiene son la contraposición y la barrera principal a la formación de personas con el fin de conseguir esa maduración hacia una postura critica. Es por lo que intento explicar que esto tendría que cambiar porque con el fracaso escolar solo conseguimos entrar en un bucle donde el aumento de dicho fracaso escolar sean las consecuencias mas cercanas de este mismo fracaso.

  40. María Bravo Montero dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar ha existido desde hace muchos años, aunque actualmente el porcentaje ha aumentado. Éste se debe a múltiples factores y algunos de ellos suele ser por la familia, por el centro escolar, los profesores, etc. Los niños se sienten desmotivados cuando los profesores no levantan sus ánimos cuando suspenden o cuando elaboran las actividades que les mandan a realizar en casa. También son algunas familias que dicen mi hijo no sirve para estudiar, él va a trabajar con su padre. Además, el centro escolar no prestan la suficiente atención con estos casos de fracaso escolar y citan a sus padres para seguir un tratamiento con el niño y así no llegue al fracaso. Todos estos motivos son las causas del fracaso que surge en la actualidad y que muchos aún no son conscientes.

  41. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FELIX dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es una problemática que, por desgracia, está a la orden del día. Cuando hablamos de ello solemos o se suele afirmar, que es la persona que lo sufre el responsable de todo, y que seguramente le ocurre por no querer estudiar, o que no sirve para ello. Pero no en todos los casos es así, son diversas las causas que lo provocan y que son ajenas a él. Motivos económico, problemas familiares, entorno, sistema educativo… Es éste último en el que quiero hacer hincapié. Además de realizar cambios en dicho sistema, padres, profesores y alumno deben tener un mismo propósito, y es reducir dicho problema poniendo cada cual de su parte para que no ocurra. El alumno debe mostrar interés , pero para que lo muestre el profesorado debe generarlo, y los padres deben apoyar a ambas partes.

  42. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    Como bien dice el texto, el fracaso escolar no es solo causa de las circunstancias del alumnado, sino también de una mala adaptación del sistema, y eso es un punto importante a tener en cuenta. Por lo tanto, para poder exponer unos resultados tiene que haber un análisis previo en el que se han de tener en cuenta todos y cada uno los factores que intervienen y afectan a la hora de determinar el fracaso escolar, ya que las causas de éste pueden ser de todo tipo (sociales, económicas, educativas, psicológicas, etc.)
    A la hora de prevenir el fracaso escolar, estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que se deba de prevenir de forma múltiple, es decir, abarcando todos los ámbitos como acabamos de exponer anteriormente, e implicando y comprometiendo en la tarea a todos los agentes que intervienen en la misma como son padres, profesores y alumnado, ya que todos forman parte del proceso educativo.
    Por último, a la pregunta de cómo se podría tratar el fracaso escolar, es cierto que todos los principios que expone el texto deben de llevarse a cabo de forma íntegra, y sin duda el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mejoraría muchísimo, pero como hemos expuesto anteriormente, también es causa del sistema educativo, y éste no sólo está formado por docentes, por lo que pienso que una buena reforma del mismo también daría un vuelco que ayudaría a disminuir a gran escala el fracaso escolar existente hoy día.

  43. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    En mi opinión y tal como se refleja en el texto, podemos observar que el fracaso escolar se produce cada vez más en nuestra sociedad, a pesar de que existan más recursos, ya que este fracaso es producido por muchos factores y no solo porque el alumno tenga una capacidad intelectual muy en desventaja con el resto de sus comapñeros, sino también por factores sociales, económicos, políticos, ect.
    También cuando se detecta algún problema de fracaso escolar en un alumno, automaticamente hay que tomar medidas necesarias con este, para que así se pueda evitar este problema. Además para evitar este problema tiene que participar el profesorado como es lógico, y ademas los padres y sus propios compañeros.
    Por último decir, que es un articulo realmente importante para nosotros como futuros educadores sociales , ya que en un futuro en nuestra carrera profesional podemos encontrarnos con un caso así, en el que seamos nosotros los que tomemos las medidas necesarias para poder solucionar este problema.

  44. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    Como se ha dicho en el texto, el fracaso escolar se produce antes que cualquier otro, pero hay que tener muy en cuenta, sí se produce fracaso escolar, los demás ámbitos de la vida ( social, familiar, económico, etcétera).
    Creo que cuando se produce un caso de fracaso escolar en un estudiante, todos las personas que le rodean, su entorno, deben de intentar solventar este problema, antes de que agrave; pero no siempre es así. Para que esto tenga bue fin, es necesaria la colaboración de todo su entorno, y sobre todo el familiar, además de la colaboración de la institución escolar. Pero desde mi punto de vista esto falla muchas veces, hay veces en la que la institución se preocupa por el alumno pero la familia no muestra interés por el niño/a, y al revés; la familia está preocupada pero la institución no muestra interés.
    Como conclusión decir, que la educación es de todos y para todos; y que todos tenemos el derecho a ser educados.

  45. Pienso que el fracaso escolar es problema, como bien dice el texto, de la in adaptación al sistema. Como venimos hablando a lo largo de todos los comentarios, el sistema educativo ha quedado anticuado con respecto a la época en que nos encontramos. A eso debemos sumarle la dejadez de los padres con respecto a la educación de sus hijos y la falta de motivación e interés que los profesores deben inculcar a sus alumnos. Me reitero al decir, que tanto la forma de enseñar como la enseñanza que se da deben tener un cambio. No podemos detenernos al ver que un niño no supera el nivel exigido en cada curso, debemos plantearnos cuáles son los motivos y qué podemos hacer para que ello cambie. Como bien se ha mencionado, son múltiples los factores que provocan dicho fracaso y si desestimamos alguno de ellos podemos correr el peligro de que mentes brillantes queden excluidos socialmente o realizando trabajos por debajo de sus posibilidades.
    En definitiva tenemos que conseguir una buena relación profesor-alumno, crear un clima que invite a los alumnos a aprender y a los profesores a realizar una buena enseñanza y por último, y a mi parecer más importante, tenemos que conseguir un mayor apoyo por parte de los padres y la familia en general. RECORDEMOS QUE LA EDUCACIÓN ES COSA DE TODOS Y ES PARA TODOS, cuantos más agentes nos ayuden a desarrollar nuestro proceso de socialización, más posibilidades tendremos de llegar a ser unos buenos ciudadanos del mundo.

  46. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    Error ortográfico:
    nicho= niño

  47. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el fracaso escolar es consecuencias de numerosos factores sin sobresalir unos mas que otros o mejor dicho es algo cíclico: los padres piensan que la educación es cosa de la escuela, la escuela no tiene un programa acorde con los tiempos y con las necesidades de los alumnos, los alumnos no se sienten motivados y fracasan.
    Otro de los motivos que podemos mencionar es que los alumnos pasan de un curso a otro sin estar realmente preparado por lo que llega a un nivel que ya no puede avanzar y se aburre. En la mayoría de las ocasiones el aburrimiento que el nicho tiene provoca que este tenga mal comportamiento y que afecte el normal desarrollo de la clase.
    Los padres como he mencionado anteriormente, además de decir que la escuela esta para enseñar y no ellos también son culpables del ausentismo escolar: prefieren dejarlos dormir que tener que discutir para que asistan a la escuela o al instituto.
    En definitiva creo que el fracaso escolar se elimina con una buena institución educativa, unos padres implicados en ella y un niño con ganas de aprender.


    Nos encontramos con bastante fracaso escolar, porque como bien dice este texto se puede dar por diversas causas, lo cual mientras más factores intervienen en un tema determinado más probabilidades existen de que nos conduzca a ello. Pienso que es muy difícil en algunos casos actuar y erradicar con este fracaso, porque las diversas situaciones pueden ser muy complicadas, pero también pienso que en algunos otros si está al alcance acabar con él, como por ejemplo: haciendo la adaptación curricular más adecuada al alumno, si el problema es a nivel personal, y también haciendo que las partes que intervienen trabajen más conjuntamente como son los padres, los profesores y el alumno.
    Todas los factores que intervienen en la enseñanza de una persona como son de tipo social, económicos, familiares…son importantes pero sinceramente creo que si el sistema educativo se reformara el porcentaje de fracaso escolar se reduciría, quizás no en su totalidad, pero si en un elevado número de personas.

  49. I think the biggest problem of today’s education is that it works by the «one size fits all» mentality. Students learn in groups, but students learn in many different ways. Each individual has his or her own methods of remembering things and understanding new methods. But in a classroom of 20 to 30 students and one teacher, it can be hard to reach every different individual. This means a student has to work harder to learn the curriculum he needs to in order to understand the concepts and pass the standardized tests that people are so hyped up about nowadays. This is why the teacher has such a hard time getting to the students, and thus, students are no longer learning as well as they can.

  50. IXONE GOMEZ RAMIREZ dice: Responder

    En un mundo en el que la información está al alcance de la mano, resulta contradictorio que el fracaso escolar sea un problema en nuestras sociedades.
    Hoy en día estamos saturados de información, tanto falsa como verdadera,lo que hace que creamos que sabemos sobre todo,y que poco nos pueden enseñar que no sepamos o podamos aprender por nuestra cuenta. En mi opinión esto puede convertirse en un factor para del fracaso escolar.
    Pero como se dice en el texto el fracaso escolar tiene diferentes causas como son sociales, políticas, económicas, familiares, educativas, psicológicas, pedagógicas, organizativas… Por eso la actuación para paliar esta «enfermedad» que se propaga como una plaga debe abordar todos los ámbitos y no centrarse en crear una política, sino que es necesaria una intervención a los padres, profesores, alumnos y una remodelación del sistema educativo.

  51. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el fracaso escolar en nuestro país es uno de los problemas que están a la orden del día en el plano educativo.
    Siempre cuando se habla del fracaso escolar tenemos como responsables de éste al niño, pero no nos paramos a pensar si esto se ha producido por culpa del funcionamiento del nuestro sistema educativo, porque la metodología de las clases no son las adecuadas… Pero tambien pienso que antes de que el niño llegue al colegio, debe tener una buena educación y unos buenos modales, aunque muchos alumnos que llegan al fracaso escolar es porque vienen de familias con problemas internos.
    Por lo que cuando se ven alumnos con un porcentaje de abandonar los estudios se deben reunir a padres, profesores y alumnos para tomar medidas de prevención.

  52. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    Pienso que hoy en día el fracaso escolar desgraciadamente tiene un índice elevado. Ya sea por motivos diversos como puede ser, por los tiempos que corremos hay padres que no tiene suficiente recurso para mantener las clases de sus hijos, otros por negligencias de los padres que no obligan a los hijos a ir a las clases, la falta de motivación por parte del profesorado, etc. Para concluir creo que para prevenir estas situaciones que provocan el fracaso escolar, se deberían de unir fuerza tanto profesores, alumnos, padres, etc. Para implicarse en la mejora de la educación y en busca de medida para paliar los altos índice de fracaso escolar. Aunque por desgracia permanecerá en España el fracaso escolar por un tiempo largo.


    Los altos indices de fracaso escolar que se están registrando en la actualidad, me llevan a pensar que la mayor parte de culpa de este problema no es de los alumnos sino de las pésimas condiciones en las que se encuentra nuestro sistema educativo. Aunque también hay que tener en cuenta, que el fracaso escolar también puede estar causado por problemas económicos, familiares, organizativos, etc, que no son responsabilidad directa del alumno ni del sistema educativo. Por tanto, estoy de acuerdo con que la acción preventiva contra el fracaso escolar, pasa por que padres, profesores y alumnos unifiquen sus fuerzas y se impliquen en la mejora de la educación y en buscar medidas que en la medida de lo posible, según de quién dependan, sirvan para paliar el alto índice de fracaso escolar.

  54. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el fracaso escolar es algo que está vigente en la sociedad actual.
    Tal y como dice el texto, creo que no solo es problema del alumnado sino que también del profesorado que le haya impartido clases ya que por una de las cosas que dejan los alumnos los estudios o fracasan en ellos es por el profesorado.
    El sistema escolar que está vigente, ya desde sus comienzos tiene trabas para algunos ya que por una cosa o por otra siempre salen perdiendo los alumnos, ya sea porque no le den becas o porque debido a los recortes no se le imparta una materia. En muchas ocasiones ese fracaso escolar se debe a que ningún profesor le ha motivado a ese alumno para que trabaje y haga las cosas bien y esto se debe también a los recortes que han hecho en los sueldos de los profesores que hace que estos no tengan interés en dar su asignatura porque por otro lado le están recortan por muchos sitios, en material escolar y en su sueldo como los más importantes y esto hace que el docente tampoco este motivado y suba la tasa de fracaso escolar.

  55. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar, por desgracia, es un tema bastante actual. Antes que nada decir que el fracaso escolar va de la mano de tres sujetos, alumnos, profesores y padres. ¿Qué quiero decir con esto? Pues que si uno falla, deben estar los otros dos para sostener el que no se produzca ese fracaso escolar. Los alumnos son la base para mantener a los otros dos en colaboración, ya que si no hay interés de mas esta lo que puedan hacer profesores y padres por ellos.

    Por otro lado, me parece bien la idea de realizar una educación personalizada a aquellos alumnos que sufren fracaso escolar, pero ¿No será el problema del sistema educativo que poseemos actualmente? ¿Motivan suficientemente al alumno a estudiar? Creo y desde mi punto de vista que no.

  56. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    El índice de fracaso escolar en España es muy superior al de otros países europeos.
    ¿Solamente el niño tiene la culpa? Desde mi punto de vista a esta pregunta debe de contestarse un rotundo no. No podemos entender este fenómeno sólo como la incapacidad de adaptación del alumno al sistema, tenemos que tener en cuenta también la inadaptación del sistema al niño.
    Cuando se determina que un individuo sufre fracaso escolar, se realiza una educación personalizada hacia él, y yo me pregunto, ¿no sería más conveniente hacerlo antes de que se produjera el fracaso?. Por otro lado, también entiendo que una educación individualiza y personalizada para cada alumno es muy difícil, pero bajo mi punto de vista, cuando se empiecen a dar ciertos hechos que puedan desembocar en el fracaso, sí debería hacerse este tipo de educación. Lo que está claro que en este proceso deben poner de su parte tanto los profesores, como la familia y alumno.

  57. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, y como bien afirma el texto, el fracaso escolar no es solamente un problema del alumno/a. Pienso que detrás del fracaso escolar existen un sin fin de causas como podemos leer en el articulo. En el caso de España creo que gran parte del fracaso escolar recae sobre el sistema educativo establecido, el cual deja mucho que desear. De esto modo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con que para superar el fracaso escolar la solución es imponer una cultura en la que la que el estado, profesores, padres y alumno remen hacia el mismo puerto. Sin embargo, y por desgracia, veo poco probable que ese suceda y que el fracaso escolar permanecerá en España un largo tiempo.


    Hay fracaso escolar porque no hay un sistema educativo bastante bueno hoy en día.
    No obstante, también pienso que no hay una motivación buena para que el niño desde que es pequeño se interese por estudiar y por adquirir conocimiento.
    Los padres, tienen un papel muy importante a la hora de que haya fracaso ya que son los principales responsables junto con el profesor y la escuela para que el niño se motive y siga estudiando.

  59. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el planteamiento que expone que el fracaso escolar no solo es responsabilidad del alumno. Un excesivo fracaso escolar en un país, determina que su modelo educativo no funciona y pone en peligro su crecimiento como tal. No se da por una sola causa, sino que es un conjunto de ellas. Desde el colegio hasta la familia y con esa mentalidad es como mejor se puede encontrar una solución. Es un trabajo en común entre profesores, padres y el propio alumno, que debe abarcar el ámbito escolar, pedagógico, la concentración, la expresividad tanto oral como escrita, en definitiva se debe acotar el área o las áreas que provocan tal fracaso.

  60. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar está debido tanto a la falta de interés del alumno como la falta de recursos del sistema. Cuando el profesor no transmite, el alumno llega a un estado de pérdida de interés hasta el punto de abandonar. En este caso son culpables el alumno, el docente y los métodos de enseñanza, que no corrigen sus fallos a lo largo del tiempo.

  61. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, este artículo es de gran importancia ya que como futuros educadores sociales, nos ayuda a saber más cosas sobre el fracaso escolar, niños con los que quizá en un futuro tendremos que trabajar, e intervenir para una mejor conducta.
    El fracaso escolar, es un tema muy delicado e importante y que por desgracia siempre se ha dado y me atrevo a decir que cada vez más, aunque cada vez existan mas recursos para su intervención.
    Esta intervención es muy delicada, y como dice este artículo hay que tener en cuenta todos y cada uno de los factores que se expresan, para ver el ¿por qué? de este fracaso y para corregirlo.
    Pienso que un gran número de niños que fracasan en la escuela tienen problemas anteriores como son problemas asociados a la familia, quizá porque no le hagan mucho caso, por divorcio de sus padres etc. Por lo que todos los factores sobre todo el de su familia etc., son importantes de tratar.
    Es un tema muy delicado que tendremos que tratar con una especial delicadeza.

  62. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar por desgracia siempre se ha dado, pero cada vez el número de niños con fracasos es mayor, a pesar de tener más recursos para prevenirlo. En el fracaso escolar participan todos los sectores de la sociedad, los cuales vienen en el texto. A la hora de intentar corregir este caso, que es bastante delicado, deberíamos de tratar todos esos sectores, empezando por los factores que están más cerca en el entorno del niño, como es la familia y la educación. Por parte de la familia, puede que se de el fracaso debido a que esta no presta todo el interés que debería hacia el niño o niña. Y con respecto al sistema educativo, una causa que incite al fracaso escolar puede ser la vocación que tenga el docente. El fracaso escolar tiene graves consecuencias, por eso es algo muy delicado que hay que tratar lo antes posible, antes de que empeore.

  63. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    La educación debería de ser personalizada, ya que cada perfil del alumno tiene diferentes estructuras de familia, diferentes valores con diferentes prioridades y diferente forma de progresar. No todos tienen las mismas habilidades pero a todos se le exige el mismo resultado y con la misma metodología, sin valorar que porque un alumno tenga la dificultad de aprendizaje en matemáticas no significa que no sea bueno en letras o algún otra asignatura, llegando hasta el punto de que profesores asesinan el intelectual del alumno debido a la pérdida de confianza y autoestima del mismo y con ello el fracaso escolar.
    Otro factor importante para este fracaso es la implicación del profesor con el alumnado, ya que si el profesor no se preocupa porque el joven aprenda, ¿cómo se pretende que el alumno se preocupe por aprender? si los ejemplos a seguir no les enseña educación a los educandos principalmente en valores y acabando en aprendizaje por compresión, y no memorización, esta bastante claro que el fracaso escolar se va a llevar a cabo.

  64. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    Está claro que el fracaso escolar puede darse por diversos motivos como se citan en el texto, aunque yo le daría mayor importancia a la familia y a la educación, ya que al nacer, los niños, según en las condiciones que crezcan, acogeran la educación de una manera u otra. Y, la acción educativa porque considero muy importante la función de los docentes pues, se necesita, como he dicho en las demás entradas, un profesor que nos oriente, transmitiéndonos confianza, que planifique actividades que nos ayuden a superar las competencias, capacidades y habilidades necesarias.
    Pero, claro, volvemos a lo mismo, para cumplir todas estas necesidades necesitamos recursos, ayudas y un sistema educativo que se adapte mejor a nuestra sociedad.

  65. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Desgraciadamente el fracaso escolar es hoy un tema de actualidad. Este fenómeno puede deberse a una diversidad de temas no solo en la capacidad, conocimientos… del alumno. Primeramente un problema que recibo es la formación del docente, éstos son capacitados para enseñar a los alumnos y que éstos aprendan, ahí estoy totalmente de acuerdo, pero hay algunos docente que solo se limitan a eso y no se interesan en si el alumno está captando su información, si está motivado, cuáles son sus objetivos… por ello es importante también la competencia comunicativa. Por otro lado, la familia también perjudica el nivel de estudios de sus hijos, por ejemplo unos padres que no se interesan por el nivel académico de sus hijos hace que éstos se desmotiven y “lo tiren todo por la borda”, también influye la cultura de estas familias. Otro problema es el sistema escolar, tantos cambios hacen que los niños tengan que acomodarse en muy poco tiempo a ellos. Y por último la crisis por la que pasamos actualmente, debido a que hay familias que no tiene el suficiente dinero para darles los materiales necesarios a sus hijos e incluso los niños de hoy en día no están motivados a seguir formándose debido a que en un futuro se les hará muy difícil conseguir un empleo.

  66. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    If there are serious educative problems in a country, it is not easy to diagnose them, figure out and treat them. As all stated in the article, students, teachers, families, social perceptions, traditions, environment, characteristics of people and etc.. It takes years to diagnose and treat them. Also it is obvious that whole world have a general education problems.
    Now we all know education system works in Finland. It is one of the few countries where the system of education is an example. To make comparison, their environment of school is like a home. They call their teachers with their names. In classrooms, there are real cooperation. They make students feel like in their home and I think they eliminate the pressure and psychological barriers in brain with this. It is important. Today, in Turkey it is understood that there is no advantage of setting rules about clothes, hair styles, discipline rules in education. With these useless rules, we only set barriers and fears in students’ brain. They started to deal with methods, contents and systems and I really wish to see the proportions of all of the countries change in positive direction with these recent changings, studies and examples like in Finland.

  67. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    Consideramos fracaso escolar cuando los resultados del alumno no son los esperados. Siempre achacamos todo la culpa al alumno, o bien por que no estudia o por que no atiende… pero el gran motivo del fracaso escolar es el sistema educativo. También tenemos que tener en cuenta la situación familiar del alumno ya que es el núcleo esencial del niño por lo que la situación entre ambos debe ser buena para que no influya el comportamiento del niño en el colegio.Por lo tanto debe existir una relación comunicativa entre los docentes, el alumnado y la familia y de esta manera los fracasos se reducirían.
    El docente tiene que realizar un buen trabajo a la hora de comunicarse con sus alumnos, creando un buen clima entre todos, realizando actividades que llamen la atención a los alumnos y por tanto se motiven a la hora de realizar estas actividades, preocuparse por ellos cuando no entienden los conocimientos explicados…

  68. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Me parece extramadamente altas la tasas de fracaso escolar en la que nos encontramos hoy en día. Parece que es un tema que se pasa por alto, debido a que seguimos recortando y recortando en educación. Aunque el fracaso escolar, en mi opinión, no solo es debido a problemas del gobierno, sino también influye el entorno familiar y el económico. La educación de hoy en día esta condicionada por una serie de obstáculos que cada día imposibilita más al alumnado estudiar en unas buenas condicionas. Estamos en una situación extremadamente complicada, donde parece ser que antes de la educación priman otras cosas, y mientras esto siga así, el nivel educativo no creo que avance positivamente y , por tanto, no mejore las cifras de éxito escolar.

  69. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar se ha producido en toda la historia y se sigue produciendo hoy en día.
    Normalmente las personas entienden por fracaso escolar que el niño no quiere estudiar y no se esfuerza. Pero el fracaso escolar tiene otras causas como es el sistema educativo.
    La familia es un pilar importantísimo para prevenir el fracaso escolar y también la escuela pero siempre y cuando se valore al niño y creen un sentimiento de progreso en él y también que éste participe.
    Por otro lado la familia también debe de involucrarse en la educación y en el sistema escolar, al igual que los docentes y los alumnos. Esto no se da siempre, por lo que es más probable que se de el fracaso escolar aunque también hay otras causas individuales y sociales.

  70. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un hecho que se ha dado a lo largo de los tiempos, pero no de manera tan acelerada como ahora. Antiguamente más que fracaso escolar lo que se daba era una abandono escolar, ya que los niños dejaban pronto de estudiar, aparte por faltas de recursos, porque sus padres los «obligaban ´´ a trabajar para traer un jornal a casa. Pero en la actualidad, este hecho no se da por falta de recursos académicos, si no por desinterés de los alumnos, y en gran parte por culpa de los padres, los cuales le dan todo lo mejor sin ningún mínimo esfuerzos por parte del niño y en el momento que se dan cuenta que lo están haciendo mal, ya es demasiado tarde.

  71. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    Está claro que el fracaso escolar ha existido siempre y hoy en día sigue su curso. Sin embargo las causas que nos llevan a él han ido cambiando con el tiempo.
    En mi opinión, el fracaso escolar que había en tiempos anteriores (más o menos en los tiempos en que nuestros padres iban al colegio) normalmente se daba por falta de recursos económicos, porque los niños empezaban a trabajar muy jóvenes y a ayudar económicamente a la familia, etc.
    Actualmente, a pesar de tener más recursos, los niños dejan de estudiar por motivos personales como la marginación o el acoso escolar, la desmotivación por la falta de comprensión e incluso por la falta de atención por parte de los padres y de los profesores. Sin duda creo que es conveniente que los profesores se preocupen por la falta de motivavión y/o atención de sus alumnos y que se preocupen no solamente por los asuntos de clase sino por los del exterior, ya que a veces aunque no debería ser así, los padres no tienen el tiempo suficiente para dedicarles a sus hijos y esto hace que dejen de tener interés por aprender.

  72. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    “sino también a la falta de capacidad de adaptación del sistema”

    El fracaso escolar es sinónimo de que la persona no ha conseguido con éxito el proceso para llegar al producto perfecto que el sistema desea que seas. ¿Qué hacer respecto a esta postura? “Los fracasados escolares” son percibidos por el sistema como residuos del mismo, sin más. Por lo tanto puedes tener mil y una cualidades potencialmente fructíferos para el desarrollo humano, puedes poseer inquietudes inimaginables, pero si no consigues pasa el umbral escolar o secundario, sea cual sea el motivo, eres un fracasado social, un inadaptado, y si a pesar de ello decides “no pensar según sus normas”, te convierte en un ser desviado.

  73. This blog raises some interesting points, the Finnish school system is renowned worldwide for being successful, it’s approach to learning is extremely successful. The most interesting point was the fact that the teachers work together in the classrooms as a team, this gives the pupils a lot more support and also makes for a more diverse and interesting classroom environment as well as more one-on-one opportunities. I think that Europe can learn a lot from Finland specifically, due to the fact that education is so important and how much money is invested into education by government it is extremely disappointing when good results are not produced. On the other hand, the school’s results cannot solely be blamed upon the institution or upon the teachers, there are alls other factors such as the home environment, the wealth of the family; if they can afford extra tuition etc, and how much value is placed upon education from the family home etc. there are many social and economic factors which can contribute to a child’s failure.

  74. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar siempre ha sido un tema de actualidad en nuestro país. Siempre han dado datos sobre niños que abandonan la escuela a temprana edad o que no acaban sus estudios.

    Creo que, el principal problema que hace que esto ocurra, es la pérdida de respeto que hay hoy día hacia el profesorado y el resto de compañeros del aula, dificultando el estudio y aprendizaje al resto de alumnos. Es muy complicado dar una clase en silencio, con calma, donde no se tengan que repetir las cosas cuarenta veces.

    Esto acaba provocando agotamiento tanto en alumnos como en profesores, lo que conlleva a la desmotivación de continuar estudiando.

    Otro factor que veo importante, es el de la vocación. Si te gusta tu trabajo, acabas enganchando al resto de personal a que siga asistiendo a clase, que estudie, etc. El problema es que hay muchos docentes que solo trabajan por conseguir un sueldo y no se centran en los problemas personales de cada alumno. Simplemente llegan, “explican” su clase (y lo digo entre comillas porque muchos de ellos no hacen ni esto) y se van. Esto acaba provocando un alto índice de suspensos que desemboca en el fracaso escolar.

  75. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Para mi el fracaso escolar es un problema que se mantiene aún disminuyendo en el tiempo, y el problema es que hace 40-50 años, los niños se quitaban de la escuela para empezar a trabajar porque tenían que ayudar económicamente en sus casas, sin embargo, el fracaso escolar actual no se entiende, ya que los jóvenes tenemos todos los medios a nuestro alcance.
    Por esto creo que debemos detenernos para pensar a cerca de qué falla en la educación o en estos niños para que abandonen su formación con sus respectivas consecuencias tanto para su vida personal como profesional.
    Para finalizar, creo que es importante resaltar la utilidad que tiene la enseñanza obligatoria, ya que esta te ayuda a desenvolverte en sociedad para que no sufras abusos ni estafas, porque es fundamental saber hablar y escribir correctamente y tener unos conocimientos mínimos sobre el medio que nos rodea y saber algo de matemáticas para que no te engañen y puedas defenderte.

  76. After seeing this video I became a little bit jealous! I read a lot of the scandinavian school system and the main thing is the money. The budget for education is much highe than ours in Austria. In there schools works social worker, phsychologs,… there are much more staff than we have in Austria. The other point is that the politics don´t interrupt there system! Unfortunately think our gouvernment that they are specialists in the education sector. If we would have more money and more stuff we would have also a very good education system. The other problem is that there are too much people those wo handle the money in the wrong way. But I also have to say that all in all the education system in Austria is not as bad. For example in the most classrooms are two teachers. If there are children with special needs they get individual lectures like it´s written in the article.

  77. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    Actualmente en España vemos bastante fracaso escolar. Respecto a este tema principalmente la culpa de ello creo que se debe principalmente a los recortes ocurridos hoy en día y a la hora de impartir clases los docentes.
    En primer lugar, la educación está unida a la economía, ya que observamos, debido a la crisis económica ha habido y están habiendo tantos recortes en educación, cosa que considero que realmente lo están haciendo realmente mal. Esto es un factor muy importante que hace que suceda más fracaso escolar, ya que por ejemplo solamente se pueden pagar sus estudios las personas que tienen bastante recurso económico.
    En segundo lugar, encontramos a los docentes sin motivación impartiendo sus clases. Entonces con esto sucede que su desmotivación se la transmite a sus alumnos y ellos la manifiestan teniendo malos resultados ante la asignatura.
    En conclusión, ante este problema debemos de poner una solución como tan bien aparece en el texto, encontramos la propuesta de “Programa de educación correctiva”. En ella aparecen pautas las cuales hacen frenar el fracaso escolar.

  78. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar, es un caso que siempre está presente y que puede estar ocasionado por múltiples causas, siendo en mi opinión las más relevante e influyentes las personales, familiares y escolares. Por ejemplo una familia monoparental y como el niño se lo tome; una familia con carencias económicas; una familia desestructurada por el alcohol, drogas, etc.; el ser un hijo no deseado y carecer de atención por parte de los partes e infinidad de casos más. Por otro lado está el tema del rechazo en la escuela por parte de los demás niños. Cuando los alumnos empiezan a asistir a la escuela, ya entrados en la edad de comenzar a crear conciencia, es la etapa primordial en la que empiezas a hacer amigos, a crear tu grupo más señalado, a hacer las actividades que más les gusta, etc. y si a la hora de realizar todas estas tú no recibes una aceptación por parte de los demás ni te dejan integrante, pasarás a sentirte frustrado y mal, lo que hará que aprender lo que viene en los libros sea tú ultima, por no decir inexistente preocupación.

  79. Indeed, the outcome of school education is considered a central issue in our society.
    In the following I shall focus on the quite impressive video. An important point is that the Finnish teacher aims to have a good relationship to their pupils and it has been pointed pout that trust in important. It is vital for children to feel comfortable in their educational environment, since one of the bigger problems in countries like Germany is that people are scared to go to school or don’t dare to say what they think.
    Also, the head of the teacher states, that it is his school and not the school of the government, which shows that he feels responsible and can make individual decisions. Individual decisions are important, as we know from other articles, there cannot be reforms which are suitable for every single pupil. This is something one should try to transform to the school systems of other countries.
    Also, it is worth mentioning that in every class there is a teacher, who gives extra support to the pupils, which are behind. In some cases, people fall behind, because there is no support and at some point they fell behind so far, that it seems impossible for them to catch up.
    The resulting frustration, regardless of their origin, is in my opinion one of the main reasons for school failure.
    So to prevent school failure, parents and teachers should work together and feel responsible, for both of them have an influence on the child. Children should learn the importance of education from their parents and how to behave in class. Additionally, there should be individual support in school, if necessary.

  80. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar siempre está causado por diferentes aspectos, como hemos podido observar en el presente artículo, las causas relacionadas son: sociales, económicas, familiares, educativas, psicológicas, pedagógicas u organizativas. Hoy en día la cosas va cada vez peor, cada vez hay más recortes en educación, los padres y madres no se involucran en la escuela, los docentes no se interesan por los problemas personas y psicológicos de los alumnos y alumnas, no se eligen estrategias adecuadas, etc. Todos aspectos debería de ser trabajado con delicadeza y cautela para así eliminar el fracaso escolar existente hoy en día.
    Es difícil encontrar un sistema educativo cercano a todos los alumnos y alumnas, pero si es cierto que se debería de realizar un diagnostico para encontrar una estrategia más a fin ellos. En mi opinión el alumno y alumna son los que menos culpabilidad tienen, porque muchas veces cuando no se le facilitan los medios para estudiar se desaniman y buscan otras opciones como buscar un trabajo, que muchos de ellos realizan a edades muy tempranas.

  81. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Creo que el fracaso escolar es un claro ejemplo de la crisis social por la que estamos pasando. Estoy de acuerdo en que se debe realizar un buen diagnóstico y un óptimo tratamiento para intentar prevenirla, pero quizás haya que ir más allá de estas medidas.
    La sociedad actual es tan diversa en cuanto a gustos y posibilidades, que puede llegar a distraer la atención de un alumno en la escuela. Existen muchos factores de ocio al alcance de los jóvenes, a diferencia de hace unos años, donde los niños estaban más sometidos a las directrices de los padres, y ésto, a pesar de tener su lado negativo, por otro lado, hacía que el alumno tuviese una mayor atención e implicación en clase, ya tuviese mayor o menor capacidad intelectual. No estoy diciendo que la vida de antes fuese mejor, solo hago una mera comparación, pero ya que hoy día tenemos este problema del fracaso escolar, que va en aumento, desde mi punto de vista, deberíamos preocuparnos primero en solucionar los problemas sociales, antes que ir directamente a diagnósticos sobre la capacidad del individuo, porque creo que todos los problemas de las personas, están relacionados primordialmente con lo social. En el texto se menciona que las múltiples causas del fracaso social pueden deberse a causas políticas, económicas, familiares, educativas, psicológicas, pedagógicas, organizativas, pero….. ¿no provienen todas ellas de la sociedad?
    Es por ello por lo que pienso que una vez considerada la problemática social, debemos pasar a el diagnóstico y el tratamiento.

  82. Estoy de acuerdo con que el fracaso escolar se debe tanto a factores o aspectos personales y a la falta de adaptación de los niños/as al sistema educativo, pero también creó que este en muchas ocasiones se debe a la falta de implicación de la comunidad educativa, a esto me refiero a que quizás no utilizan de forma adecuada los recursos y medios disponibles o que no se realiza un correcto programa de intervención o que no es suficiente la implicación de los padres, alumnos y profesores, pueden ser muy diversas las razones. Pero también hay que resaltar que estos programas han causado que muchos alumnos con un alto nivel de fracaso escolar palien su situación, con lo cual es necesario utilizar estrategias educativas que impartan una enseñanza personalizada adaptándose a las diferencias existentes en los educandos.

  83. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    Tras leer este artículo, me vuelvo a sostener a lo comentado en artículos anteriores.
    Bajo mi punto de vista, el fracaso escolar está asociado a múltiples causas tales como nombra el texto: sociales, políticas, económicas, familiares, educativas, psicológicas, pedagógicas, organizativas, etc., pero el mismo sistema educativo propicia cada vez más este fracaso escolar.
    Como hemos leído anteriormente en otro texto y es a lo que hago alusión al principio de este comentario, hay una cuestión que fomenta el fracaso escolar y es el pasar de curso a aquellos alumnos que no superan los objetivos marcados dentro del programa educativo. Esto conlleva al retraso en los niveles siguientes, es decir, en los cursos más avanzados no sean capaces de responder a las exigencias y contenidos de éste, puesto ya vienen con un retraso intelectual y cultural de cursos anteriores.
    Por otra parte, creo que uno de los factores más influyentes en el fracaso escolar es el económico, la cantidad de materiales escolares que demanda la escuela, que si ahora todos los niños en colegios públicos deben de llevar uniforme, y muchas otras cosas más, hacen que los niños no puedan obtener toda estas exigencias y se sientan apartados, no aceptado por no tener la mismas cosas que el resto de los compañeros y provoque la desmotivación de ellos en asistir al colegio, de ahí, el alto grado de absentismo escolar.
    También el contexto, entorno ambiental, familiar, cultura y estudios de los familiares influye sobre los hijos y fomentará o no a que sus hijos vean la escuela como algo bueno y productivo, no como algo que no es importante y aburrido.
    Las medidas de prevención mencionadas en el texto las veo muy bien para mejorar el fracaso escolar, pero lo que veo más importante es el trabajo en conjunto con la participación de los padres, profesores y alumnos, sino no sería posible evitar este fracaso.

  84. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Hoy en día el fracaso escolar esta desgraciadamente en el tema del día, puesto que cada dos por tres escuchamos en los medios de comunicación que hay chavales que no van a clase, que prefieren ponerse a trabajar con edades tempranas, que les aburren las clases y un largo etc.
    Hay niños que por diversos motivos tienen carencias educativas ya sea por sus padres, profesores o suyas propias no tienen la capacidad de seguir la clase a un ritmo adecuado. Pienso que esto lo debería de saber los profesores y hacer que los chicos que vayan más atrasados planteen medios adecuados para que ellos no desconecten de las clases.
    Para finalizar he de decir que los que menos culpa tienen del fracaso escolar son los propios alumnos.

  85. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    Hoy en día se ven bastantes casos de fracaso escolar, en el que parece que va en aumento. Esto tiene que ver principalmente desde mi punto de vista, por los recortes en educación a causa de la crisis, en el que las clases se ven llenas de alumnos y por lo que el docente se ven en una gran dificultad de poder enseñar a cada uno de ellos de manera correcta sin que unos no se queden atrás y otros vayan demasiado avanzados. Sinceramente la enseñanza individualizada sería mucho más efectiva.
    Otro factor a destacar, es la poca motivación que algunos de los docentes ofrecen a sus alumnos, limitándose a enseñar lo que deben y sin realmente importarles mucho si los estudiantes están aprendiendo de forma adecuada y correcta o no.

  86. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar, es un hecho que se encuentra bastante generalizado en la actualidad. No solo se debe asociar a los problemas personales de los alumnos y profesores, sino que intervienen diversos factores tales como: contenidos establecidos a través del curriculum que no motivan a los alumnos, falta de participación por parte de los padres, problemas familiares, problemas personales (falta de atención, hiperactividad…), así como la inadecuada educación en el ámbito escolar (problemas en la lectura, escritura, poca capacidad crítica…). La solución propuesta en el texto “Programa de educación correctiva”, propone pautas que son de gran relevancia para paliar este fracaso escolar (diagnóstico personalizado, motivación por parte del alumno, tener en cuenta el ambiente del niño…). La cuestión es que este hecho es de gran importancia social, y como tal debe ser tratado y mejorado mediante diferentes propuestas educativas.

  87. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar va guiado de varios aspectos hoy en día, en mi opinión, los menos culpables los niños/as.
    Comenzando con la parte económica, que uno de los principales puntos es el recorte en educación, perjudicando al alumnado, aumentando la cantidad de niños/as en el aula o menos recursos materiales para la facilidad del estudio,… es decir, que la situación que vivimos actualmente potencia el fracaso escolar, seguido del factor de la familia, que debido a la crisis la primera preocupación es conseguir un trabajando sin pensar lo que estarán haciendo sus hijos/as en la escuela, sin estar encima de ellos/as para enseñarle la importancia de los estudios para un futuro.
    En conclusión en vez de buscar una solución para el fracaso escolar, lo que se está consiguiendo es aumentarlo y retroceder en el tiempo, ya que si quieres tener una buena enseñanza tiene que ser por privado, es decir, sólo los ricos serán quienes podrán tener una enseñanza.

  88. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    this video shows a very good example how school should look like. a very well functioning school system is the base for a well functioning economy system. I think the main point from this video, is that a classroom should not be a space for comparision between students. The class should act in a team, to fullfill learning goals together, and not as a lone warrior. Social skills would also grow on this idea.
    I would like to visit a school system like that, to see how this goals are reachable!

  89. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el fracaso escolar, en España está a la orden del día, pero creo que cada vez nos alejamos más de solucionar el problema que de remediarlo. Para prevenir el fracaso escolar como bien dice el texto, la enseñanza correctiva debería ser individualizada, y a día de hoy, que se hace para eso, ¿aumentar el número de niños/as en un aula? ¿recortar en educación?. Creo que el fracaso escolar es beneficioso para el sistema, así habrá menos personas capacitadas y con conocimientos que puedan desarrollar pensamientos críticos, y por tanto pueda poner en peligro el sistema. Esto es todo la pescadilla que se muerde la cola, y al final los grandes perjudicados somos nosotros, formando a borregos de la sociedad, en los ámbitos que más productividad pueden sacarnos y olvidándose que somos personas y queremos tener la libertad de, después de aprender diversos conocimientos, elegir libremente el camino que deseamos seguir.

  90. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    From the video you can quickly get a picture of how a good school system it should look like. I think that Finns have really excellent conditions for access to the best knowledge… and they are gratefull for it, both children and parents. They respect teachers and are aware that education is the key issue for a successful life. And what is also really important, you can see on the teacher’s faces that they enjoy their work, and this is what I miss the most in Slovenia.
    But now I’m asking myself, why can’t we also have condicions in other european countries as in Finland’s schools? And I can’t understand why our government doesn’t invest more money for such an important thing like education?

  91. Antonio Cosmo Narvaez dice: Responder

    Las familia es el principal motor de educación de sus hijos. Esta debe de dar una buena educación y unos correctos modales antes de ir a la escuela, es decir, el niño una vez que pisa la escuela debe tener un comportamiento adecuado. El tema del fracaso escolar creo que vine principalmente por familias con problemática interna. No obstante niños con familias comunes entran en la escuela y por malas influencias, aburrimiento o comportamiento del profesorado empiezan a dejar de lado los estudios. En estos alumnos es en los que hay que poner más empeño para que no abandonen el camino educativo, y como bien dice en el artículo se debe reunir a padres profesores y alumnos para tomar medidas de prevención e intentar que no se desvíe de la senda correcta.

  92. In my opinion, the state of people’s mind is also reflected in the poor school system. Unfortunately, we can no longer talk about collegiality and mutual assistance between children in schools. I think this is very sad. I do not know what is the recipe for a better school system, but I know that our teachers and headmasters are constantly travelling to Finland in order to determine which ones are the ingredients that make the Finnish education system so good. Trips like this costs a lot of money, but in all these years our school system has still not changed. This money could be, in my opinion, spent more useful for kids. Finland is certainly a good example, but I think that the school system can not be copied no matter how good it is. Each country has to figure out what children really need to be motivated and happy in schools.

  93. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodriguez dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar, es uno de los problemas y sobre todo en nuestro país, España, que están a la orden del día en el plano educativo.
    Suele decirse que el/a culpa es del alumno/a que no quiere estudiar, pero no se mira mas allá de ello. Las causas por la cuales el niño ha decidido abandonar los libros.. será por culpa del funcionamiento de nuestro sistema educativo? que no se adapta a todas las capacidades de los alumnos,? o será la metodología de las clases que no son idóneas?
    Un sin fin de causas pueden ser las culpables del fracaso escolar, razones que incluso no se saben porque no se ha echo inca pie en investigar sobre ello, solo se limitan a señalar con el dedo y culpabilizar al alumno, a ese alumno, que abandona la carrera de los libros de por vida.

  94. Education may be the most important field in our lives because with education you do not only obtain knowledge about the world but also you learn in your own. Most people attend school just because it is compulsory but they should know that without education or with a wrong education they just live a simple life which is empty because they do not know themselves, they do not know the world where they live in. Education makes you being aware of your future options. On the other hand, Finland is a good place where to have children concerning the educational system although I would like my country (Turkey) to be as good as Finland. I know that it seems impossible but it could be reality otherwise I will have to leave my country and I am not the only person who thinks as I do. We cannot escape from the problems, we have to try to solve them all together.

  95. Most students begin the school year Fail.There are reasons for the failure.They can be personal and social reasons.School failure diagnosis method could find.And we can not have the treatment.Diagnostic methods and the student’s family structure can measure mental capacity.I think education should be personalized.Because each student’s personal and social structure is different.Articles in the graph is taking place at the end of my country.24-34 years of age who have not completed high school education rate of about 60%.Unfortunately, the lack of cohesion in the education system in countries like Turkey there.So the training is limited to read-write.
    And the failure rate is increasing.As a result, I think the problems in the education system must be corrected before.

  96. In every school system there is something that doesn’t work. School system in Filand is good as we can see on video. I think that it is very important to have more than one teacher for whole group of pupils. If we have more teachers in classroom we can help those pupils who have troubles with studing. I think that one of the reasons for school failure is because there is only one teacher for 30 pupils. It’s imposible to focus on each child and his work. And if there are children that have more trouble teacher usually doesn’t have time to help him. I also agree that parent should be involved in their children education as much as teachers because we’re not only learning in school but in our home enviroment too.

  97. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    The schools of the scandinavian countrys have more budget and are because of that able to have more personal. If we, in Austria, would have more personal for one class and also personal like social workers, psychologist and organizers, we would also have more success and better feedback from our schoolsystem. Since a view years the system in Austria changed a little bit, now there are mostly two teachers in a secondary class and they teach and make the all the organisation work together. I cannot imagine, that the schoolsystem will get more money from the government, so I think it’s impossible to get more personal in futur and change to a system like in the scandinavian countrys. The only step, which teachers can make by their own is learn more about teaching methods, which support the individual. Besides that, teacher should offer their budget for pedagogic useful materials.

  98. There are always going to exist problems, no matter if its school, work or social.
    Sure, the video gloryfies the Finish education. But its also an extremly angled video.
    (http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2013/06/is-finland-a-choice-less-education-miracle/ for more information about that).
    But then, a way to fight problems in schools are to have more teachers, making the education fun and more personal. A student that only attends a class because he has to do, to get his/hers grades is perhaps not the best idea. The same goes with a teacher, that attends work to get his paycheck. Everyone knows this, yet still there are cutbacks due to economics.
    To create the perfect environment, both the teachers and students need to be happy. Nothing can be perfect, but as it is right now there are no options. You are thrown into a system because «this is how its always been». When you hear the word streamlining, or when something is to be made more effective in school, regardless if its for the teachers or the students, this oftenly means economical cutbacks.
    The problem is a problem itself. Everyone knows about the problem, and what causes it, yet still nothing is done.

  99. This blog raises some very interesting points and highlights the successes of shared education however it also points out how the shared education system may encounter flaws along the way. Who decides when and if a school if failing within a community? This, in Finland is left to the parents. The parents then decide and know how their children are progressing educationally, and with the help of the teacher who is often part of the pupils full school life this is easy to see and can easily be corrected if the parents or teacher a feel the child is falling behind the level set. This system of progression is good for the child however if the teacher fails to see that the child is struggling then the child may be left unattended and unaided in his or her educational life, which will have a diverse affect on their ability to function as an adult in the world of employment and life long learning.

  100. It seems very evident from the video that Finland are very successful in the field of education, pupils gaining a rich education allowing them to be academically advanced. The fact that there are multiple teachers in a classroom concurrently relieves stress and pressure from one individual, this in turn allows for the students to receive education on a more personal level, as there is much more one-on-one tutoring. As a direct result of having more teachers in one classroom, students are able to ask and have answered many more questions and areas of difficulty can be made much more clearer, resulting in less students failing school. Both the students and teachers seem to work together more efficiently and affectively, the schooling system seems much more positive. However, not all countries around the globe have the facilities to put in place such a structure, this should be something politicians and education officials should look at. Copying a system that works very well may take time, but it’s a positive steep forward for the future of education.

  101. I think that the Finish school system, as presented in the video, is an excellent example of how a good school system can work. I also see school failures as part of a lack of adaptability of the system and want to point out one aspect of the Finish system which I find especially effective and well-working. This video states that learning in schools in Finland is seen as a «team-game» where good pupils und those with more difficulties work together in a trusted atmosphere. I believe that this is one of the key apects why the Finish school system works so well and why it can work as a role model for other countries. In Germany, for example, the schools create rather an environment of competition and pressure selecting out «good» and «bad» pupils instead of supporting the ones having more problems than others as being practiced in Finland.
    I also liked the fact that parents know about their importance of teaching their children besides school which is significant because they can improve their childrens school performances.

  102. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    School failure is nothing new but it is increasing and that is the problem. It`s very difficult to find out why there is a lot of school failure. I think there are a lot of reasons that play a role. Maybe it`s because of less motivition of the children or because the teacher is not that good as he/she should be but in many cases it is also the school system. This is what we have to work on. To create a school system that fits very good. But often there are private problems which lead to school failure. As we can see there are many things that play an important role in school failure. I think that «trust» is a very important thing in being a teacher. It is important that the headmaster as well as the parents of the children trust the teacher.
    I don`t think that it depends on how much immigration a land has to how well educated the children get or how high the school failure is. I think education would be sucessfull if it is more relaxed and it doesn`t depend on political decissions.

  103. In this video, it is clear that Finland has an outstanding education system. For example in Ireland, some rural primary schools, where the percentage of students is relatively low, fourth and fifth class pupils may be in the same class. This causes problems for both the teacher and the students, as it is a mixed environment in which the teacher is teaching and which the students are learning. This in turn means that, children are failing in school as they are torn between two levels of education at once. Also, this is not good for the teacher as they are also torn between two different class groups in one. For example the teacher would have a lot of pressure regarding, different homework for two different levels, catering for levels of education (Fifth class pupils have already covered the curriculum of Fourth class, but yet have to sit in the same classroom and hear it all over again). In relation to Finland, we can see that there is a 2:1 ratio of teachers to a classroom. All in all, I think that it down to parents which school they send their children to. In reality, each parent wants the best education for their child. Moreover, Finland is acclaimed as one of the rare countries that have managed to build a school system where all children learn well and most schools succeed. It has no private schools, and study time is low compared with other countries and a master’s degree is the minimum qualification for a teacher. These facts are interesting for us young undergraduates, who are studying to become teachers, to see the different levels of education in different countries in Europe, not just your home country. To conclude, I think that Irish education should learn some Finnish lessons, and begin to explore and acquire different methods of teaching which will enhance Irish education.

  104. It is evident from the video that the education system in Finland superior. The relationship between the teachers and pupils is excellent and the attention that is paid to the pupils from the students is brilliant. I think that other schools should have the same motivation and the same view on their education system as Finish schools. I think that having more than one teacher in the classroom at the one time is phenomenal because it gives the students a huge amount of attention. Hence if students receive a lot of attention it enables them to work harder, focus more on the subject, it allows them to seek additional help and achieve better grades. I think that this is an outstanding idea and it educates the students at a faster pace. Parents are also a key role in educating their children. Parents need to motivate their children in order to make their school life and education successful. Parents are the driving force behind their children in education. If parents aren’t behind their children every step of the way it can cause children to slip behind and in some cases fail because they may not have received any motivation or inspiration. In Ireland education is compulsory for children in Ireland from the ages of six to sixteen or until students have completed three years of second-level education. Also in Ireland The Department of Education and Skills provides for the education of children with special education needs through a number of support mechanisms depending on the child’s assessed disability. If students are struggling in school resource classes are offered in most schools throughout Ireland. These classes help students to catch up on subjects they are struggling with in small groups. These give students more attention and helps them to be at the same level as the class. The educational system in Ireland is average in my opinion.

  105. As you see, Turkey is the last one for education. It is because of economic problems. But now, the rate of education is getting higher in Turkey. The other issue is that school failure. School includes teachers, students, government, and family. So, if there is a problem, it is all of these people. I think Finland’s education system is the best one. They take care all the students. But the other countries doesn’t care. They try to teach to everyone in a same way. So, we see the school failure. But, Finland’s education system bases on each student. They think the students as an individual. Contrary to Finland, the other countries just have a basic education system, and they aim to be successful. But it is impossible because everbody has different brain features. Finland has more than one teacher in classes because of this reason. Lastly, I really support Finland’s education system, and I hope each country will have same system.

  106. School failure is nothing new. It was always there, but I think in the last years it increased – unfortunately.
    Of course you could put the blame on one thing, but the truth is there are so many aspects that you can’t control it.
    It could be lack of motivation from the students, problems in their home or concentration issues. Of course it could be also because of some teachers who are not as motivated as they should be or lost their love to teach maybe.
    And it could also be because of a not so well organized education system or the institution itself.
    So as you can see there are many factors which could play a role, why there is school failure and why it is increasing. It’s difficult to stop that, the only thing you can do is, try to find the problem in each school, district or country and search for solutions that would help to stop it every year a little bit more.

  107. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    I think that science, especially that from an early age should take place through a play. Parents and teachers should strive to help the child find a passion, to find his own, the best way of science and give them more freedom so that they can feel freely and gradually prepare themselves to more serious learning in the future. The biggest mistake, what parents can do is to shift their own ambitions for a child. Sometimes they require too much in the short time, that evokes in a child sense of helplessness and leads to failures. Education system of Finland shows that science doesn’t have to be so serious from the beginning, children should have more fun during learning and gradually enter into the adult’s world.

  108. In mine opinion, the most important thing is to individualize the education. I don’t mean to give every single student his or her own teacher, I mean it in a way that every student should get the attention he or she needs. You can have the general classes, but students who need special attention with some subject, should get this extra attention. And like they say in the video, children who are really good in one subject, can also help the other students who experience more difficulties with that specific subject. This is a great form of solidarity that you bearily find in the classes in Belgium. They would rather be anoyed that someone needs more time to understand a subject or would laugh at him or her.
    Failure should not be possible if every students gets the help he or she needs.
    I like the idea of trust, like they propose in the video. It helps to create a safe environment in a class and it affects the attitude student have towards their classmates. It’s also better to support their personal development and to remain their inner balance.

  109. A problem like school failure should not exist. If pupils do not succeed in school and end up failing, it is not their fault, but it is a problem of the educational system they are studing in. We can see at the example of finnland that it doesn’t have to be this way.
    I think the problem in our system in germany is, that it is all about competion. You are trained to be better then others and try to reach maximum results to outline others. Luckily it this view of education as a field of competition is starting to change and more group works e.c.t. are taking place. But still we have a highly selective system, that forces pupils appart into different school with different levels of education after 4th grade. If due to this, all the children with great results are put together in one school, and all the children with difficulties together in another one, this leeds to the opposite of general succeess in education. In my opinion all children should learn together in one school to help each other and to have the same chances. That it can work you see in the finish example.

  110. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    School failure is a really common problem everywhere. The most important thing that the children shouldn’t feel oneself different, and less than the others.
    The best option is when the parents discover it, and start early to help, but if they not, than the teacher have to see this and tell them, and give remedial education to the child.
    I don’t think that there is time when its too late, there is always options that can help, and everybody can reach everything. Sometimes these people smarter, and wiser than anybody else.
    Who believe that thats an end, for that person that will be an end, but who fight, can even reach the sky!

  111. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    From my point of view according to the information given in the film about Finland´s education system the Finnish education system could represent an outstanding example for an efficient education system in other countries. The teacher works for a long period of time with the same pupils and can observe perfectly their progress, personal development and also problems. Knowledge about the pupils` different characters and normal behavior and also about their backgrounds could be helpful in resolving problems in their school history. A key aspect of this system also seems to be a practical way of learning, in small groups in a homelike atmosphere.

  112. I don’t study in the field of education, so I don’t know much about putting a diagnostic on a person. But the diagnostic shown in the article seems very complete, maybe so complete that it’s not possible for a teacher to do all this work to a student. Probably the teacher or the family will noticed that something is wrong and bring the child to a psychologist that can do all this diagnostic, this would seem more possible to me.
    The other thing I notice after reading this is that maybe, in the case of a child, it is just a bad time, kids grow up so fast and change so much, so maybe the kid will soon become really good at school.
    If not, I would suggest that something in the environnement of the child should change, like changing school. After changing school and psychological help he could gain confiance in himself again and start from a whole new ground in his new school.

  113. Finland’s education should be a role model to all countries.
    The problem is that other countries are not cable to afford another teacher, second one in the same class. If they would, the education would get better.
    But if the country doesn’t have the money, there are many others ways to improve the system.
    First of all, big problems are often made by parents. They are just demanding, but not helping. They defend their children even if they should’t. At that kind of situation, children forget who control the school and in 21st century, I am sorry to say that the children control the education in a very large degree.
    Second of all, teachers are affraid to do something to fight, even with children, parents.

  114. MERT YILMAZ ÖZBAŞ dice: Responder

    The reasons for school failure are almost as complex as are the reasons we are unable to turn around under performing schools in vast numbers. These reasons are multifaceted and interrelated, compounding and exacerbating the problem of school failure.
    Schools make students learn in ways quite different than how they learn in the real world. Because schools were designed around economic considerations, and because curricula are inevitably controlled by the list-makers who want to tell us what everyone should know, school learning has traditionally been something quite different than «real world» learning. Schools have not attempted to provide an environment within which natural learning can operate.

    In their eagerness to fill students with knowledge, schools typically try to short-circuit the natural learning process. When we learn naturally, we start by developing an interest in what we are learning about. We try things out and get hands-on experience. We suffer expectation failures and we ask questions. Schools are not built around steps such as these. Instead, they try to cut to the chase. They rush to present answers to questions students have not asked and generalizations about experiences students have not had.

    Schools are forever in the position of the parents of a teenager who asks why their child cannot learn from their bad experiences, wondering why the teenager has to repeat all their mistakes. The teenager replies that he has to live his own life and make his own mistakes, without realizing how accurate a picture of learning he really has. Schools cannot simply tell the answers, they have to motivate the questions first. Schools that fail to do this will simply not work.

  115. Egemen Tuncer Yıldız dice: Responder

    This problem, surely, shows itself in the most apparent way in my country,Turkey. Every 4 year, our education system changes but all system is just awful. This goes on in vivicious circle and works nothing apart from making education worse. I admired Finnish Education System, respect between students and teachers, their relationship, and partnership among teachers. Diagnosis should be applied in my country urgently and a new almost perfect system should be find for good. I think it is vital to diagnose which student learn in what method best. Having Two-three teachers in class is very good but it is crucial that their way of teaching, relationship among teachers. Respect is very important in education. Teacher also should encourage pupils in learning something like teachers do in video. I am also impressed by their way of teaching which is like playing game.

  116. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    It is clear from the video that Finland has a very successful education system which allows the pupils to flourish academically. This is because there is more than one teacher in the classroom which means that more children are getting one on one time and therefore are getting treated as individuals. This means less children are failing in school as they are getting their needs met and it is easier for the teacher to tell if a child is struggling with a certain aspect of their course. Also having more than one teacher in the classroom relieves some of the pressure placed upon the usual one teacher. All in all it creates a more positive environment for both pupils and teachers. I understand that it is not possible for every country to adopt this form of teaching but I believe it’ll cause more schools to prosper academically if this teaching system can be put in place wherever possible.

  117. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I am in agreement with this article as I believe there are many different reasons why failures occur within schools. However I feel they can be avoided.
    Parents need to be involved in their child’s education therefore a close connection between a teacher and parent is substantial for any child’s development.

    Everyone has the ability to learn but some faster than others. Therefore being aware that all children are individuals is extremely important and should be taken into account when looking at curriculum’s within schools. If a failure has occurred then questions should be asked. Such as, were the students treated as individual learners or a mass of people expected to grasp concepts at the same time? This is impossible!
    Therefore different ways of teaching a subject should be explored and discussed with students along with introducing remedial teaching to those who need that bit of extra help to understand or strengthen certain skills. This is nothing to be ashamed of as everyone has different learning styles. A more intimate learning group will help discover this for the individual making a happier more confident person. I believe all of these factors are important to avoid failures.

  118. The school in Finland is a school that I want to work at. I like theirs thinking and how they focus on the pupils and the trust in each other. And it so well said what the head teacher says: This is my school, it´s not a politicians school. If more schools could be controlled with that thought, it would be better schools with less failure I think. The teacher and the parents would have more faith in the school.
    And another thought I got when I saw the movie is that about that the parents have a key role in the education. Maybe we should learn from that and trust and involve the parents more in the education. And it is like you wrote that to prevent school failure it is necessary to engage and involved them, like you involved the teacher and the pupils so that we can have a trust in each other and everybody take a active part in the educational task.

  119. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    When I think of success and failure in education I think that’s it’s really complicated and linked together. I think there is many things that has to change to make success in education in a country. Not only what happens in the classroom. For example, in Finland, I think, is the teacher job a respected job in the society. A teacher has respect and a “high ranking” in the society. Both pupils and parents respect them. This we need in Sweden too, Swedish teachers has ha low ranking and nobody respect them. Parents blame them and pupils are being rude.
    I also think that parents, teachers and pupils have to work together as a team. The children need help at home too, they need parents who are interested and encourage them. Parents nowadays aren’t in that way.
    And as the article says, the classroom environment is also very important for every child to success. The children are different and needs personalized education. Every child has to be stimulated and challenged by their ability. Special education and recourses are needed in the classroom.

  120. In the video I saw differences in schools (education) between Slovenia and Finland. My opinion from the beginning is that countries like Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark have really good educational system.
    I recognized a lot of important things, advantages in this video, for example: in schools in Finland is relax for pupils and also teachers very important; teacher called herself mother of pupils; they call pupils by their first name (this is also usually in Slovenia); they learn a lot of foreign languages (children speak a lot of languages fluently); there are no winners and losers, but just team spirit; because of trust between pupils and teachers children get more qualitative education; if pupils need extra help they will get it; they also give a lot of attention to pupils with a lot of talents. The head teacher said that trust is the secret of their success, but I think also home and parents, who have really good connections with their children and teachers are important. Children who live in such conditions they will get the best education and knowledge. I think it is important to know that education should be individual, because every child has his own needs. On the other side it is hard to completely understand all the pupils. Because in classroom is just one teacher on 30 pupils; so sometimes it is impossible, because also teacher is just a human.
    Unfortunately in Slovenia, we do not have a lot of teachers like in Finland. A lot of teachers work just for their salaries at the end of the month. Teachers in Slovenia also do not have such a good relations with pupils and their parents. This is problem, because the most important is triangle between teachers, pupils and their parents.

  121. Katharina Kern dice: Responder

    The video was really impressive for me because I think that’s exactly how school should be, at least in primary school. You can see in the video that there are three teachers in one class and they really try to help each of their students in an individual way. For me thats one of the most important things in education because every person is different and it’s up to the teacher, to find out the way how to treat and how to teach his subject to each of them. So the teachers were sitting next to ther pupils trying to help them with their exercises.
    I also liked, that they showed something about physical education (cross-country-skiing) because for me, physical education is also really really important for the children. Not only because it’s healthy and good for our fitness but also because physical education can improve the social skills of every person, can help to work in groups and can improve the self confident. So for me, if there are changes in the educational system, we should also think about increasing physical education.

  122. I agree with this article. As I consider it is essential to focus more on pupils as individual people. However, that means more effort and more time. It is possible and it is working in many private schools, in my country in Poland as well. Nevertheless to make public school looking like the one in Helsinki needs a lot of changes. First of all, to take such a good care of children we need to reduce the number of the student in each classes. What is more, probably even harder, we need to change the way of teaching of many teachers. I really wish, I will have the possibility in the future to send my children to the school like the one in video, however now if it’s not going to be a private school it is still impossible and doesn’t look like something is going to change.

  123. I agree with the article, there are many weak points in the way education is provided. Using the educational system in my own country, Poland, as an example, and havng read the article, I can present some that in my opinion could be changed in order to improve the situation. Firstly, the number of students in the classroom should be smaller, around 20 pupils, not 35 or even 40 (high school) because teaching is not efficient then. Secondly, I would opt for bringing back the old structure of school, which was 8+4, just two types of school, instead of 6+3+3. It was better because students didn’t have to change their environment in their teenage years, and there was more continuity in the learning process. Also, I think there should be more connection shown between what is taught and the reality in order to boost students’ motivation. E.g., the knowledge from the history classes should be related to the ongoing world affairs, and math should be not only taught as theory but there should also be some opportunities for students to use the knowledge in some practical, real-life tasks.

  124. They are afraid, above all else, of failing, of disappointing or displeasing the many anxious adults around them, whose limitless hopes and expectations for them hang over their heads like a cloud. They are bored because the things they are given and told to do in school are so trivial, so dull, and make such limited and narrow demands on the wide spectrum of their intelligence, capabilities, and talents.But there is a more important sense in which almost all children fail: Except for a handful, who may or may not be good students, they fail to develop more than a tiny part of the tremendous capacity for learning, understanding, and creating with which they were born and of which they made full use during, the first two or three years of their lives.

  125. I am in agreement with this article that there are many factors that affect children failing school. It is not just based on their interest about whether they like school, even though it is also very important that a child has to be interested in something to what to learn it and be good at it. Failure in school is also largely based on the environment outside of school. Parents need to understand the school curriculum and need to meet with teachers regularly so they can understand how their child is getting on in school and that will help ease any pressure on the child and help them improve in school as they will have the support at home as their parents will have a good understanding of their child’s ability and will not blame a child’s difficulty at school as laziness. Remidial teaching os very important for children so it has to be adapted to each child’s needs and needs to be one on one as the child is already finding the subject difficult in a group setting. It will not help improve the child’s understanding of the subject if they are placed in another group setting as their sociaal skills may not be strong and they may be embarrassed to talk in front of their peers. In my opinion all these factors should be taken into consideration to help prevent school failure.

  126. How to not fail?I think this is experience which all of us have to go through. But if we are talking about the school system is a little bit different. I think that each failure can help us to learn and try again. And try and try. Nothing is perfect for a first time.
    I liked the video a lot because Finland is one of the most succesffull country in Europe, we should take an example from it. And how was said is quite possible that this is worth of the education system there. The most important is to make students involved into a topics and make it interesting for them. But each child is different and we cant make it special for each of them. Is impossible to have for each class 4 teacher to make it more individually. This sounds to me like a confusion in the class. Personally i think there can be different way how to improve our education system. For example, make a groups according to their interest, make not so numerical classes and so. To involved the parents and create a closer contact with a teacher is not less important, of course.
    On the other site the culture, political system, controversial people, economics and so will be stil on the table and we will not be able to overlook it.

  127. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Every teacher requires from student the perfect knowledge of the subject, but he knows almost nothing except his subject. This conflict is often associated with high expectations of teachers. Each student has different level of knowledge and ability. Thus, the student is under stress and pressure, when he is not able to perform its duties as good as he wants. One of the most effective solutions is a multilevel system of training for each year of study (for example: A1, A2 – levels of complexity of the training program). So, it is possible to form a separate program for slow learners. Partially this technique will allow to increase the efficiency of teaching.

  128. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    As Bloom suggested, a child’s ability is determined by his learning speed not at fixed averaged, but with optimally chosen for the child’s conditions. Every teacher must feel your installation: all his pupils are able to fully grasp the necessary training material; its task – to organize the educational process, to give them such an opportunity. Using of the special procedures in accordance with the purpose specification teacher conducts a detailed specification of learning objectives for the course in general, create a list of the specific learning outcomes, which pupil needs to get to the end of the course. On this basis are compiled tests to verify the achievement of the planned purposes around the course materials. Teachers can and should make it so that all their students have the necessary knowledge, because it is the task of the teacher.

  129. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    Once we were talking with my (very intelligent) friend about the schools in Czech Republic. He told me, that before he has the children he wants to make enough money to send him to a school with same approach as we could see in the video. This kind of school is private in my country and that means expensive. But you can see the difference between the children on the first sight. The ones from that private school are not stressed, they are very curious and know things that would surprise you. And there are also these kinds of nursery schools, we call it «forest kindergart». It is amazing to watch these kids, they are behaving in very mature way and are very clever. I think it is because they have enough space for development of their creativity.

  130. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I do believe that schools should have certain information about their students. Many things would be useful for teachers as they would know more about their pupils and would know how to help eatch one of them individually. If a student has certain problems, teachers should also write them and later they could develop ways on how to solve those problems. After that students would perform better at school. Morever, it is necessary to involve parents in schools as well. In Lithuania, when there is a problem at school, parents, students, teachers and a director can be involved. Also, parents could come to classes and watch how the teachers teach and students behave during them. Student’s progress should also be written down so that it could be analyzed later. If a student performs badly anf fails, then teachers could develop a plan on how to help them.

  131. I really like the educational system shown in the film. I am very sorry that my country is a completely different situation and reverse system, bad education system. In Finland it is well understood that the kids really like to go to school, they want to gain knowledge and educate yourself. In school they feel completely at ease and comfortable, like at home. They know exactly that they are just here to learn something, that if they having any problems can ask for help the teacher. None here any threat, danger, nerves and stress needed. This educational system favors the development of a child, acquiring the necessary skills and experience.

  132. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    In many schools forget that the most important are the students and not the teacher. We as teachers need to adapt to the level of the students and not »vice versa’. We also need to encourage students to learn. Most of students believe that the school chore. Unfortunately, most of schools looks like this . Teachers do not put too much effort and creativity in teaching and the students because of that don’t want to go to school anymore . I believe that in schools should be recruited «born teachers» because to teach at school is not enough just good profession. Teachers must be willing to do more than just give orders to students during class. I hope that each year the teaching staff will be getting better because of them depends future of mostly children / students.

  133. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    While reflecting on the reasons for failure of the school, I encounter the differences between school system in Finland and other systems that need a program for recovery. As we see the Finnish school focuses on other aspects on education, which prove to be more relevant than others. Here, the children seem much happier to visit school every day, because in that place they find acceptance, friendly relations and personal approach. They are constantly challenged on the material they learn as math, science or foreign languages. Moreover, I see more practical way of teaching, rather than book full of theories to memorize. Of course those are important, but the teachers realize how to psychologically motivate pupils by experiencing knowledge in a practical way. Also, the idea of engaging many teachers with a small number of students is definitely successful for many aspects. It is a great idea, since children have different personalities, level of knowledge and different pace for apprehension of the material. Finally, another successful factor playing role in educational development is the family. The family, as seen in the film, is very encouraging and present in the life of children. These factors make the right circumstances for children to develop, giving little chance to failure and demotivation, which unfortunately is the case in many other schools.

  134. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    School failure is a very important problem, which face the school nowadays. The causes of this phenomenon are many. But i would like to focus on only one, which i consider the most important. For me the main reason is multiple intelligence. I will talk about the educational system in Greece. I think that many students fail, because the exams, the tests and teachers examine only specific areas, such as language, science, maths. If you fail in this subjects, you are a bad student, but if you succeed in sports, arts, music you are not considered a good one. Intelligence is multiple, a student who is not good at maths, does not mean he is not smart. School should develop every single talent and support and help much more students, who face some difficulties in different areas. School should not be a place, where students feel uncomfortable, often disappointed and discouraged, but a place of creativity, expression freedom and develop of personalities and talents. That is why the educational system in Finland works that well, and why it should be an example for us all.

  135. I enjoyed watching this movie about Finland and this school system. It also reminds me of my school-system (Rudolf Steiner School). We also had for 6 years, at the primary school, the same teacher, the same ‘school mother’ and we also needed to put our shoes off and needed to start with some relaxation part. Trust, working together and learning from each other were also highlights during my school period. We had many different subjects, variety from theater, art, science, languages, gardening, dance and the regular subjects as history, grammar, math and so on. All of the pupils had different cognitive and social levels, but in the end we all felt the same, even tough some pupils had a higher or lower level.
    At the high school, also from Rudolf Steiner, you were mixed with all kind of levels for four years, only the subjects where you needed to take an exam of, where separated in your own level. I can say, that I have learnt a lot from the pupils who understood a subject better, so they could explain it to me. All pupils are encourage to create the best for yourself, work the hardest and acceptance for the person who you are.

  136. «Everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by it’s abilities to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid» «albert einstein».
    I have worked with lots of kids not beeing able to finish their school due to intellectual and social reasons. Even kids who were to «smart» and got bullied and collapsed after that. In the Netherlands we have lots of diffrent pre schools and highschools so the kids who have alower intellect the others but are better at fixing cars wont fee dumb so their self eveluation wont damage that much. It is like taking snowboard lessons; if you are in a group with pros you will learn slower then when you are in a group with persons from the same level. We should look at personal talents and give teachers more time to so so.

  137. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Today, we have some problems with education on the students. We can fix the problems, if we know what they are because the problems are not consistent events. These issues are related to school, family, and individual.
    One of the problems of failure is individual problems such as mental levels, interests, educational levels. Teachers should take into account the students who are back when they are compared to the others. Also, the teachers should take interests and educational levels into account. The teachers should be connected with the parents to solve.
    Second factor is the parents who are oppressive. Most of the people can’t show what they want to do under pressure. This situation may seem on the students because they are more sensitive than the adults. The teacher should be aware and notice about the places of the children in the family.
    Third reason is about the school. Firstly, the school environment must be cleaned because no one wants to be educated in the places which are not clean. Secondly, the school manager have to inspect the teachers’ behaviors towards children. In that situation, the parents should examine the school and be related to their children
    All these reasons are about the reasons of failure in education. If the school, the teachers, and the family come together and cooperate, the problems will disappear.

  138. I am agree with this article.because nowadays people have to deal with alot of jobs and people have a lot of anxieties. for example education ,work and financiel ect problems and technoloji is changing so fast and people want to stisfatice it % 100 for example last year one of my friend he bought ıphone 4s then he heard that apple will launch ıphone 5 ,he cried because he wanted to buy iphone 5 .And ıf you have children you should provide them good aducation but now I think the most difficult job is education I mean being be teacher because they need to teach to children everything and they need to study much more than students so nowadays a lot of teachers are in depression or other disease about anxiety because they are thiking I can teach them everything I need to be succesful , and as same time teknoloji and secient is changing everyday and people discovering new words ; phubbling and nowadays children know everything because they can use computer and they dont want to study hard they usually want to play game on computer so being teacher is not easy now .

  139. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    I’ve read about the education system in Finland before, which is one of the best education programs in the world. Also this short video show the main rules and the key to their succes. I really like the idea of the school system in Finland and wish that maybe some day we will have something similar in Poland, because the finnish eductaion programe is so different than in my country.
    The best thing is that children can feel really comfortable, freely and relax at school. They have a lot of respect from theachers from the very beginning. They don’t have tests or exams, and it is not about the best marks but about preparation to more serious learning later. They want to help the pupils find their passion. To being a teacher is like an honour there, it is really hard to get to that field of study at universities, so teachers really respect their work. They know that they have kind of mission to do, to encourage children to studying, to getting know the world and find a passion in their life. Teachers are partners, there is more friendly atmosphere in the classes, what is really important. The pupils are not stressed to achieve best marks, and passing exams and tests what is common in my country. Also teachers very often don’t get their job serious or they are just burnt out what means that their lessons are not interested at all.
    Finland prove that you can lend children to be more free, let them study in friendly atmosphere, do your job the best you can and also not test them till high school and you can still get the best students in the world.

  140. With looking at the picture I would like to talk about digital dementia. I just read something about it and find this topic interesting but also alarming. Many people just do not want to learn anything more or memorize something because they can just look it up. And if they do so, for example the capital of a country, they will just forget it some minutes afterwards because they just do not need the information anymore. This development has to be stopped what of course is very difficult. Of course technickal devices have many advantages in education but children should not get in touch with them too early and should learn that their brain can do much cooler stuff.

  141. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Motor skills are a necessary component to learning. Fine motor skills are important for child to grasp objects, write, cut or pick things up. Gross motor skills, such as running and jumping, are necessary for physical development and movement. Hand-eye coordination suffers when a child experiences a motor skill difficulty. Holding a pencil or buttoning a shirt is a challenging task for a child with motor skill difficulty. Deficits in motor skills can create lags in your child’s learning pattern, putting him at risk for falling behind his peers.

  142. When we look at the effects of Finland’s education system, which is very effective, is not possible or very difficult to apply in all countries. For example, when we look at my country, Turkey, it is almost impossible to implement this kind of education system due to the lower standard of living and funding issues.Of course, countries with a dense population like in Turkey is one factor in this problem. Having a strong economy and infrastructure for the implementation of this system is a must. Nonetheless, if the ivestment for education can be increased, i think many problems will be reduced.

  143. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    The success of good education system is a balance in relationship between children, parents, teachers and government. The main key of perfection is a good surrounding of children. In every step of children’s life the parents and the teachers should encourage them to learn new things, always be curious and do not be afraid of making mistakes. It is good way to teach children by doing some competitions, games. It is a good way of learning in different groups. This way is good to broaden the viewpoint and the knowledge. Also it is improving the ability of working in teams, discussing and reaching the compromise or new strategies. Working in teams also helps to find more solutions and new things, it is the equation: 2+2=5. If children will be encouraged to learn more and more in very creative way, they will find learning as a interesting game or a funny hobby and they will have a desire to know more and more. This goal should be the most important for teachers and parents. The learning process should be interesting for the children.

  144. In my country we have this problem too than some students do not attend school. And reasons for not attending schools is different, example for, learning difficulties, haven’t friends, have some problems with teachers or maybe have some other much more serious problems like psychological problems. I my opinion much depends on the class teacher. Class teacher must be interested in to resolve student problems, so they need to have contact with parents and thy to take the best decision for student. If student feel support they will try to do things better than before.. Student may show different attitude and success will be better. Teacher have to give support for every student.

  145. I totaly agree about parrents having the biggest and most importan role in child education. You know the saying: like father like son. And it starts from day 1.
    But in modern days there is often a problem with both parents being too busy and having very little or no time for children. It’s normal for both parents to be at work every day until 3 or 4 p.m. and sometimes even later. And in the afternoon other chours have to be done first, while they put a kid in front of the computer, where internet becomes his primary educational resource.
    For schools on the other hand, it’s very good to personalize their work for each and every student, but most of the times that’s nearly impossible. It’s also important that they do as much work their parents should have done, but didn know how, or just didn’t have time for. And I totaly agree that parents and teachers should cooperate much much more, not just in primary school but also in secondary.

  146. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    When i take a look on our educacion system one word is coming to my mind very often: fear. Children are afraid of bad marks, of failing final exams, of their teachers in general. Teachers are afraid of student´s indiscipline, of questions they were asked by their students, of parents who do not agree with their marking and even afraid of their own schoolmaster. Parents are afraid, that their children wouldn´t receive the best educacion, will not achieve secondary school or a positive degree in the end of their school period. I´m convinced, that all this fear could be prevented if we include all mentioned parties (parents, students, teachers, schoolmaster,…) more into the whole process.
    I think this is one of the main problems we face in our school system which stop us from achieving a much more effective educacion for our children…

  147. I think this is very interesting article and I agree with what it is talking about. I think that is very important how teacher learn their students and show them his knowledge and he takes into accout their needs. Teaching is a career that provides challenges, excitement, personal reward and a chance to encourage and support others to achieve their goals. There are many personal qualities and skills that make someone a good teacher. These include: being good at explaining things, being a people person and enjoy working with a wide range of people, enthusiasm, having a strong knowledge in particular subject areas, being a good time manager, ability to work in a team as well as using your own initiative, keeping your cool under pressure, having patience and a good sense of humour, being fair-minded, enjoying a challenge.
    Good teachers know that by listening to and working with colleagues, parents, other professionals and community members that they can inspire students and improve their learning.

  148. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    I mostly agree with this topic. In my oppinion, it is most important wrong in education system. Everyone has different qualification about learning. We can not think that each student can be learn same type and at the same time. Also we have different background from birth to growth. On the other hand we have different mental level. Maybe when teacher teach something some of them understand easily some of them understand hardly. We teach in a class with different quailifications. School failure cause to effect in social, political, organizational, etc. And also it effect to prevent to engage students. So need to change something for solve to problems in education system. Conclusion, Especially, focus on every children has different features and education should be individualization. They should be motivate. Learning materials and exercises should be elect individual.

  149. and again Finland’s education system is functioning very nice to görüyoruz.v the success of Korea can not be ignored «Every child is unique as a fingerprint.»
    training is required by the principle of sentences.to many places in this article, I find almost all of them very accurate.Every child personality characteristics,interest,learning styles and learning speed is different. Each child has different characteristics and be compared with each other.Montessori education according to each child’s individual potential, to achieve their goals without losing self-confidence purposes.Parents or teachersthe interests and needs of the child does not know him well In Montessori educationa kind of children in accordance with their interests and needs They are also determinants of their educational process.I find this very true education system. because children itself than can not recognize other people

  150. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    As we can see from this video, education system in Finland is one of the best in the whole world. Childrens don‘t afraid to go to school because they can‘t fail there. For example in Lithuania, there‘s a fear to go to school, because everybody compares you by your grades. And because of this, childrens starts to think in a bad way about school, education because in there is no joy. Finland has eliminated this limitation and all education system goes in the right direction. Failure for not experienced pupil can be one of the worst nightmares, because for him everything is new and untouched. I think Finland education system is the best example how educaion shoul work in whole world.

  151. Finland’s education system is very good, I’ve heard this before. Once again, I’ve understood the importance of individualized education. Every individual has different capabilities. But a lot of the education system does not consider the capabilities of students. Each student is trying to give education by the same method. Forexample; Some children’s visual intelligence can be overpowering, some children’s verbal intelligence can be overpowering. If we give only verbal educational to students with visual intelligence that students will not fully understand the subject. And I think our biggest mistake these. For example, we want to get all children succeed in math classes. But there is not possible. Every child has different abilities and every child math skills may not be. In the same way everyone can have the ability to picture. In order to be happy individuals, students should be directed to the profession in accordance with the capabilities.

  152. I found watching the video about Finland’s effective educational system incredibly interesting. A factor that I believe would play a large role in making the educational system so effective is that in the lower primary school the children may have the same teacher for more than three years. By having the same teacher for so long the teacher would be able to develop a strong relationship built on solid knowledge about each individual child’s interests, learning strategies andproblems in which each child may struggle with. By having such an in depth knowledge about each individual child in their class the teacher would be able to personalise and mould every lesson to target the pupils they know so well. I believe this would allow the children to learn at a much faster pace and therefore play a major role in why Finland’s educational system is the best.

  153. I really like learning system presented in the film. I think tkat today a lot of times the problem is a lack of passion for education teachers. Many teachers do not perform their work thoroughly. There are many who are doing their job as best they can, but unfortunately many – especially older – has its old whose plan does not change for many years.
    I see this especially in my industry-physical education teachers. Teacher does not want to devote time to prepare attractive lessons but throw the ball on the playing field and not interested in the problems of pupils. When I was in school, I liked it because I really like to play team games but today I see that it is not good because it ignores the weaker units.

  154. I found this article very interesting. I think the education system in Finland is very clever. Instead of every child working on their own, like in my country, Ireland, everyone works together. This promotes and develops the idea of team work which is a very important and much needed skill in the working world. This also allows everybody to be equal and no distinguishing between the smarter children resulting in insecurities for some and causing others to hold back and not voice their opinion. In Finland schools are a lot less formal, no uniforms, calling the teacher by the first name and taking shoes off and relaxing for the first class, this makes school a more comforting environment for students to enjoy and not feel pressured. I’m extremely impressed children can speak 4 languages by the time they are 13, this gives students a lot of options for a bright future. It’s an excellent idea that teachers in Finland have to have masters in the subject they teach as it enhances the quality of the teaching and shows they are motivated and interested in the subject they teach.

  155. I found this article very interesting. I think the education system in Finland is extremely clever. Instead of every child working on their own, like in my country, Ireland, everyone works together. This promotes and develops the idea of team work which is a very important and much needed skill in the working world. This also allows everybody to be equal and no distinguishing between the smarter children resulting in insecurities for some and causing others to hold back and not voice their opinion. In Finland schools are a lot less formal, no uniforms, calling the teacher by the first name and taking shoes off and relaxing for the first class, this makes school a more comforting environment for students to enjoy and not feel pressured. I’m extremely impressed children can speak 4 languages by the time they are 13, this gives students a lot of options for a bright future. It’s an excellent idea that teachers in Finland have to have masters in the subject they teach as it enhances the quality of the teaching and shows they are motivated and interested in the subject they teach.

  156. From the video it is clear that Finland has an extremely successful education system,not just in relation to results but in every aspect. The laid back nature of the schools provides the students and teachers with a relaxed environment to learn and teach. There is no sense of competition between students so there’s no pressure to be the best or better than someone else which can make the learning experience a negative one for some students. The key component to Finland’s success seems to be the trust between students, teachers and parents. This trust seems to give the students a greater confidence as both strong and weak students are taught together in the same class and in the same manner. There’s no feeling of inequality amongst the students. I think the Finnish parents have a more active role in their children’s education also so knowing they have this responsibility drives them to do as much educational activities as possible with their children before sending them so school at the age of 7.I think the parents and teachers are equally involved in the child’s education which isn’t the case in a lot of countries so perhaps this is another element of Finland’s successful education system

  157. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    This video shows a great education system in Finland. What’s more, the school system is very effective! The children and the teachers looked so relaxed and happy in the film. In one class there is more than one teacher, giving teachers greater contact with children as well as greater control over child labor and work during the classes.
    In addition to teachers working pressure is less, if you have more teachers.
    This and many other reasons, that this school is a great example for other schools and provides many new opportunities for the future!

  158. It is clear that the finish education system has the key to success. I like the idea that schools are not in competition with each other. This puts less stress on a teacher which makes their work more enjoyable. The children are also encouraged to relax. There is also a huge amount of trust between students and teachers. This then creates a good environment for both learning and teaching. It was interesting to see that it does not matter what level you are at. If you learn a bit quicker you can help with those who may be struggling. This would give a child a huge amount of pride and motivate them to continue learning. The most important factor in their success is the relationship between the teachers, the students and the parents. They work as a team to help children as much as possible. By showing an interest children understand how important their education is. We should change our education system and use Finland as a role model. It would help to prevent failure if everybody enjoyed education.

  159. I will try to summarize my thoughts about the video and article together, writing some theses :
    -One of the teachers said : „I’m like growing up with my children my students”. Teachers get to know children from when they are little an this means that it gives an opportunity to know the pupils’ strengths, weaknesses, their learning style etc., that makes much easier to teach and treat them like individuals.
    -„I tell them that I’m their school mother.” This means that there is a special trust bond between the teacher and pupil. Pupil isn’t afraid to ask questions or tell their ideas, thoughts, doubts and be judged. This is a big problem, it also is mentioned in the article which again, I agree with.
    -In Finland they have three teachers in one class, which is perfect for the individuality of a pupil which I already mentioned before.
    – I really like the idea of parents home-schooling their children at home till they are 7 and they go to school. But I don’t think this would work in most countries in Europe, because most parents both are working and are very busy, so this idea seems kind of like utopia. For this idea to work the economic system would have to change, bigger salaries so that it would be enough with only one income in the family, then there could be one parent who would have time to educate his children.
    – As you heard in this school pupils spend less hours of classes per week, but gets the best result and I am not surprised about that at all because of what I heard about this schools methodology and system.
    But in regard to change the situation of school failure it would take a lot of changes in every field such as economical, political, environmental, social etc., because everything is connected.

  160. After watching the video, I can tell that nowadays lots of teachers want to do their job as best as they can. I think they have some joy when they see that children can learn something new and useful for the future life. In my country is very similar, because my little sister started going to the school this year, and I saw that teachers do their job carefully with pleasure. They explain everything to the children how to do the tasks and some different things correctly. One of aspects what teacher and children need to make is the atmosphere in their relationships. They cannot be angry or like that. It will not give a good result.
    Another thing is that parents also need to help children planing their teaching time. They need to help explain the homework tasks if children something doesn’t understand. If they all do that then children will get more joy in learning process.

  161. I really liked the video about finlands school system because it really showed what is necessary in a school to make it successful. Firstly it is the approach teachers have to learning and teaching. Diversity is welcomed in classes as the pupils learn from each other far more than they would they would only be in classes with pupils that are on the same level. Pupils that struggle in school can learn from the «better ones» and the more talented pupils learn to take responsibility for the less talented ones, which kind of puts them in a role of a teacher. It is a very effective system I feel. Secondly what is most important in my opinion is that teachers really have a good relationship to their student which is so necessary when it comes to learning. Pupils do not longer see their teacher as their boss which they have to fear if they make mistakes – no they see them as a helping guide which leads them through their school life.

  162. The movie about Finland’s educations success showed a lot of aspects, which i consider as important or even essential for good education, but of them many are not yet transferred to the german school system.
    First of all, i think the most important part is the attitude of the teacher towards the students: Teachers have to regard all students as individual persons, with for example, different interests, assets, impairments and family backgrounds. Nevertheless teachers should have the ideal to encourage every student as good as possible, regarding to his personal needs and qualifications.
    Regrettably, most of the schools in Germany do not work with these priorities, sometimes, because the teacher measures the students on an imaginary standard, which they think the students should have at a particular age or in a particular level of class, but then there are also not the human and economic ressources which would enable many teachers to teach there students in a more individual way. A class of 25 students needs not just one teacher like in Germany, but more likely three teachers or educationists, especially when also handicapped children attend the classes (which is a current aspect of reformations in Germany.
    In my opinion, in Germany there is a lot of improvement needed in schools, but to solve all the problems it is first of all necessary that the government provides more money for the education in generall, so that more teachers could be employed and schools could be refurbished and designed more homelike for the students, because school is a place where they stay a lot of time in their live and where they should feel good. Also their have to be established language courses, because, in the contrary to Finland, Germany has a lot of immigrants and a high number of children who are not able to speak german fluently and so have unbearable conditions in getting an equal education.

  163. We should take into account all the environmental conditions in which the child develops. We should encourage child’s progress and give him a support when he need it. Very important is relationship between children and teachers, monitoring children’s progress, providing a friendly and confidential atmosphere in the classroom that they could feel comfortable enough to actively participate in classes and share their opinions. Teachers in learning processes should listen to children, motivate them to learn and experiment with new things or ideas, pay attention to their diversity, give them freedom to express themselves, encourage them in creativity, encourage them to be open to others ideas, give all of them a chance to succeed. Teachers should provide additional support for those who need it. It is important that the school classes are diverse so children can work in group with different kind of people, they can learn from each other, they learn to accept diversity as something normal. But not just the role of the teacher also the role of the child’s parent is very important in their achieving quality education. They all (children, teachers, parents) should cooperate and be involved in learning process. A teacher should always look for ideas to develop himself professionally and personally.

  164. I realy loved the video about the (private) school in Finnland. I like the attitude to have a relaxed learning atmosphare. If you learn without pressure and if you feel comfortable you will achive more. The nice it sounds you need to think about, that this was a private school, where you have to pay for. Such schools exist all over the world and usually private schools are «better» than public schools. But you must question your self: Is this a equal chance for everyone? – And you will come to the point that you say «No. This isnt. Because not everyone can pay for private shools». And this fact that only a few are the privileged is kind of sad and must be changed.

    I have read that a lot of you guys said «let parents, teachers even children etc. participate in the education and school decisionmaking.»
    How do you think this should work? If there is a family with 3 children? The dad has to work for approx. 8-10 hours. The mom maybe aswell, or «just» halfday work 6 hours. But there is a houshold who needs to be done, there are aftershool activities where you have to bring your childrins, you need to do grocery shopping and cooking. When do you think people have time to realy think about the education system and education system?

    Of course the system of the private school in Finnland seems to be great, but to reach this type of education system for everyone it need to be paid by the state. But the state cares more about the banks and stockmarket than education and this is the problem.
    You need to change the thinking of people, need to let them participate in every decition (step by step).

  165. I really like the short film, where the teacher said that she’s growing up with her children, her students. It’s seems like that she creates a clases with children, takes into account their needs and wishes.
    How to prevent the failure? I think this is possible if parents are included in school system. And of course teachers and children. And it’s important that children have their own voice, a place where they are heard and taken into account.
    In my opinion the best way to deal with school failure is to have a conversation with child, parents, teacher and if is possible also with social worker. Together, they have to find out the real reason for failure. Usually, the reason originates from home; or from fear of failure again, or from low self-esteem or self-confidence, or from lack of learning and assistance learning.
    To sum up, I think, children, teachers and parents should always solve problems promptly. Also during solving the problems, the child has to have a voice to speak what is his / her opinion, best option, wish, interest and ability.

  166. If there is a failure we cannot blame on other personalities. School includes many things such as students ,teachers, education system, context, family, government etc. School failure is like that includes same components. If we want to be close solution, we need to think all factors.
    We should see every students as a person because all of them different from each other. They, all, have different personalities,attitude,learning style also different family. Without thinking differences we are always face to with failures. Before make up the remedial education program, make ourselves feel as a student. What would we want ? This is the exact point. We should answer students’ needs. Instead of forcing them we need to make them reluctant. Like Finland education system, they are educating children as person and while doing it, they add little fun,little system and some rules. They don’t care about system or exact rules but children’s evaluation. Students live their social life with education life. But many countries tries separate them. They see like while learning we cannot have fun. It is not right. We need to live them simultaneously.

  167. Failure in school is a problem that needs to be solved, especially with regard to the crisis these days. To improve the rate of people leaving school with qualifications, there need to be some changes in the educational system.
    The video about the Finish system reminds me of the concept that Maria Montessori developed for schools. There is no pressure and everybody is learning according to his own tempo and there is no real competition between the pupils because there are no exams and marks. Pupils are more relaxed in such conditions and I think that this is the key for good learning.
    What seems to be important according to Finland is that everybody knows about the importance of education, teachers are respected. If the parent´s attitude towards school and education is positive, they can pass this attitude to their children and it goes on like this.

  168. I’m very intrigued of way education in Finland. It is unparalleled in the world and to be honest if I could turn back time I would like to participate in it. In Poland, the situation is quite different. For 18 years we have to go to school. Typically these are state schools (although you can go to a private school for which you have to pay). Many people use compensatory lessons that are paid . Becouse if you dont want to have trouble you take them ( the reason is that in school there is now time for repeat the program ) . With studies – (I believe) we are now more private than public schools. Therefore, many people pay a lot of money. I’m also impressed that in Finland students dont have any things to do in home (homeworks etc.) and they are still the best educated peoples in the world.

  169. The video was very impressing,especially that children seem to enjoy their time in class.
    As the video , the statistic and PISA showed the Finish educational system is very successfull, without stressing and overcharging the kids.
    The sheer focus on personal needs of one kid accompanied by no need for competition seems to be the key for this great success. Kids work together no matter if their are equal in their skills and this results in helping each other, they don´t feel hindered by less skilled children as it often is in German schools, where competition has in my eyes a huge part in the educational system.

  170. There are many reasons of failure in schools. And I think it is more about the systems rather than personal. The chart shows it obviously. By the system I don’t mean only the government or educational system. The most significant institutions are families, teachers and education people, and of course the students theirselves. In the video, we see a successfull nation in education: Finland. It is obvious that they give an importance to it. Not only schools but also families. They are relax and people try to make it without giving stress. The schools try to make students interested in mathemathics and technologic issues in a good way. That’s why they really do good things.

    When we look at the chart, I see my country (Turkey) at the most uneducated rate. So I want to tell the reasons and give an example accordingly. In my country, in the old times, it was really hard to send children to school according to economic issues. They generally finished only primary school. Then the men went to army, the women married. There was another reason apart from economy. It was the traditions. In the past, it was not proper for women to go to school. They believed that the women’s work was to take care of children and the house. The families didn’t support their children. They got married at a very young age and had to obey their husbands. But by the improvements in society, day by day, this obstacle was destroyed. Today, I still have friends who don’t study in university or even in high school. But the rate of educated people increased. Because people gained awareness, got rid of ignorance. Faimilies started to support their children, many different methods included the education system.

    If we look at today’s problems, I think it is still about the systems. People don’t listen to their children’s wants. The best way to be successful is to find the thing you like the most. Families and schools should give chances to children to find it.

  171. I loved watching this video. For me it’s amazing that another school system is so effective! The children looked so relaxed and happy in the video. Also very important not only the kids but also the teacher looked relaxed and patience. They have three teachers for one group, i think that is a very good idea because you have attention for every child. Also the work pressure for the teachers is less if you have three teachers.
    I like the idea that children can call the teachers by the first name and taking their shoes of before they walk in the class. It’s give kids the feeling of a second home, safe en secure!

    Also the kids can have the opportunity to develop themselves even more. For example the important things that you need to know and learn in life, like skills, qualities and also learn standards and values. The sooner the kids will get knowledge of this the better. I am a big believer that it will work that the kids help and teach other kids.

    I think this school is a big example for other schools and gives a lot of new opportunities for the future!

  172. I really liked this video. I’ve heard about education system in Finland before.The level of education in the country is associated with its success. Thanks to the good system of education we can have top scientists and experts in various fields. In Finland a lot of things is completly diffrent than in Poland for example. In Finland almost 100% schools are public. They don’t have to pay, they don’t have tutoring. All of the schools have really high level of education. Maybe because of that te diffrence between the best and less talented students are the smallest in the world. In other hand the teacher job is one of the most desirable job because they earn a lot, they enjoying the work… in my country is totally diffrent. In respect of education is hard to match with Finland. I think all the countries should take an example. Good education is a key to personal succes and also country succes…

  173. It’s amazing to see that there are other ways of learning which are way more effective
    than the «standard» type. What impressed me most was that Finnish pupil have the least work and the best result.
    But I think to establish those learning methods the classes have to be much smaller, for example
    in Germany there are mostly around 30 pupil per class, one teacher there is to less to learn
    very effectively. There is a problem in the educational system, but to fix it there is much money needed.

  174. Manuela Allgäuer dice: Responder

    Watching this video was really interessting. In my university in Austria I already heard a lot about other school systems, especially the Finnish system. We heard about the differences and what should be changed in Austria then. I favor for example team teaching, group work and a more relaxed attitude including that there is no school failing. All this is important – but in my opinion it is even more outstanding that the education has got such a great value in Finnland, the school and the teachers are appreciated and supported by the society. This is different where I come from. In Austria and maybe also some other European Countries, some parents don’t even care about what their child is doing in class and without knowing, they project this position onto their child.

  175. Aimesei Ismailova dice: Responder

    I would like the governments to pay more attention to the educational process at schools, to organize more sufficiantly the classes, I mean to think about the division of students according to their abilities and to organise separate classes for those children who have different kinds of problems, like: lack of concentation( in this case as a disease), psychomotor problems, social skills’ problems, memory etc. Because when children realize that they are different and are not able to do some tasks, it can lead to misareble consequences: the child will become upset and can even cry.And there is another problem- if it’s a common school and the teacher isn’t a professional in this kind of problems, not a psychologyst it will have even a worse outcome.

  176. It is said – knowlegde is the key to success.
    I think this is striking. Because some people who have not completed the scondary education, might not be foolish or something. In fact: those people whom I’m talking about are very intelligent, but cannot handle an exam-situation. I think we should keep this in mind.
    However, of course is knowledge important – if you want to struggle for success or not. Knowlegde and therefore targeted learning is important for everyone, as soon and as natural as possible. You cannot force a child of 4 years to learn algebra, but if you work with it’s needs you will quickly notice that this child is willing to learn – and step by step it’ll learn how to write, how to read and so on…
    Now we might often missed to offer another stave for the children to take. Once, -might- if they missed one step the feel depressed by failed learning. So if you take very good care and if we not overexert them they might keep on learning with fun! So we should try to wake the – what I think is natural – natural will to learn new things, even if this means that teachers, parents and officials (doing the curriculum) have to work together hand in hand.. Indeed, it is not possible if one of them withdraws themselvs from their responsibilty.

  177. Today, people have no idea what effects their knowledge in the long end that will effect their life. Knowledge is the key to success. Everyone has problems in life, personal, physical, emotional, and etc. Some people don’t realize that it effects our learning abilities which causes failure in achieving knowledge. Also nowadays since the technology has lacked, people don’t communicate or socialize as much because, they are too adapted to their electronics. This is also bad effect in future educators perspective.
    Finally it is clear that if we didn’t have knowledged people in today’s society, how would we cure people that needs aid. We need to start realizing how much knowledge is important.

  178. Processes of education in Europe is related to the diversity of society, people’s economic and social rights, human rights and equality. Uneven socio-economic development of the country creates different opportunities for children to receive a quality education. This distinction is based on the prevalence of poverty and unemployment. Integration of society is limited because of the isolation of certain groups who have difficulty entering the labor market. There is a greater risk that children from low-income families and children with special needs can visit a school and acquire education. Consequences of not attending school is an educational problem, then these young people struggle to find work. So, it’s important to do all possible to create good learning climat for all childrens, and I think it’s great example, how with all those problems deals school in Helsinki. I can totally agree with those statements in video, and I really like that method of teaching.

  179. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    I have found the text and the video very interesting. Because we can see there are solutions to school failure. It is not only the responsibility of the pupils who will do all their best. When they do not achieve, it is their whole environment which counts : the professors, the parents, the way of teaching, the atmosphere of the classes. So it is really important there is a good framework, a real dialogue between the professors, the parents and the pupils. Everyone having his/her different difficulties, the help must be individualized, and not generalized as if everybody had the same problems. Moreover, I think that the concept of «relax» as we can notice in this school in Helsinki is a very good method, as well as linking some classes to playful courses, and therefore, without anxiety which can be a source of failure in some cases. Finally, I think it is really important for everybody to have an extracurricular activity in which they can open up, above all if they do not feel very well in the school background.

  180. Hey there!
    In the video the head of teachers finds quite the right words, for what, in my point of view, are the bases for good schools: «They trust us! It’s my school. Not the politicians schools».

    I would say in the most countries and societies, schools are a place of mistrust. The pupils, as the teachers, fear each other. They couldn’t even think about something good beeing done to them from ‘the other side’ of the classroom. And I understand it totaly! I mean, how could there be a thing as trust in a instituion that sticks 35 people in a room, that have barely more in common than their place of birth? In a institution whose main task i selection and segregation?

    All over the world, pupils have to take unheralded exams! Could there be a better proof, that even teachers don’t seem to believe in their own abilities of teaching? (They force their students to learn the things, they couldn’t teach, in their free time, at home.)
    In the USA people even have to walk through xray-scanners, before they enter the school building!
    I think schools like that should be closed. Immediately!
    There could be no right school, under the capitalistic circumstances, we’re having in most of the european countries right now.

    1. Ah, and if I may add something:

      To conclude, referring to the end of the article:
      I would plead for closing all the (failing) schools, and instead build new learning centres, based on the concepts of Hartmut von Hentig or Maria Montessori and similiars.

  181. I really enjoyed watching the movie. It is true that more and more students are leaving school because the pressure is too high. In this school in Helsinki, I think it is very beautiful to see how they teach. The key word in the school is relax. Kids take their shoes off which I think already gives a cosy feeling. They go for long hiking trips and so on. In the movie, they say that these schools in Finland have got the least class hours and yet the best results. For me, this is an eye-opener. Make children feel comfortable in class! I also admire the way that they work with homogenous groups. Every student is appreciated, as well the better students as the less good students. And the school uses this diversity. That is so great! The ‘better’ students can teach the less good students.

  182. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que el fracaso escolar existe desde hace muchísimos años atrás y aunque cada vez se da menos aun sigue existiendo un alto porcentaje. Este fracaso escolar desde mi punto de vista no es solo culpa de los alumnos, si no también de los docentes, de las familias y de las escuelas.
    Como ya he mencionado antes aunque el fracaso escolar este disminuyendo todavía existen chicos/as que abandonan los estudios por no tener motivación ninguna y esto es quizás porque los profesores no tienen vocación por lo que hacen por lo cual no saben motivar a sus alumnos ha seguir hacia delante.
    El papel de la familia es muy importante también en el fracaso escolar ya que no solo basta con las horas que los alumnos/as pasan en clase si no que la familia debe reforzar en la medida de lo posible lo que han aprendido en clase.

  183. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que la culpa no del fracaso escolar no es de los alumnos, que no sepan aprender o no sean inteligentes para ellos (en la mayoría de los casos), pienso que la culpa es la la escuela como institución, ya que como comentábamos en artículos anteriores, hay muchos profesores que se dedican a la enseñanza porque no pudieron meterse en la carrera que les gustaba, si no que se metieron de rebote, y yo pienso que ese es el principal problema por el cual se da el fracaso, ya que al no tener vocación como docente, no saben enseñar correctamente a los alumnos, si no que tienen ese trabajo porque es el único al que pueden acceder.

  184. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    Como dice el texto, entendemos por fracao escolar las dificultades para alcanzar los objetivos marcados por el sistema educativo. Pues bien, el fracaso escolar es algo muy común en nuestra sociedad, ya que cada día son más los niños/as que abandonan los estudios.
    Creo que por una parte, la culpa es del sistema educativo, ya que no existe una motivación para que ellos alcazen los objetivos propuestos, aunque es también por el momento social en el que vivimos.Por ejemplo: si te ofrecen trabajo sin cualificaión y obtienes dinero facilmente, dejas los estudios y te pones a trabajar. Este es un caso, en el que muhos jóvenes «han caido» ya que al darles trabajo, tal sea irse al campo, albañileria, etc. han dejado sus estudios han a media la mayoria de ellos no se han formado por este motivo.
    Aunque dando mi opinión, no se la verdad de quien es el culpable de este fracaso, si los alumnos, el entorno, la familia, el sistema educativo…lo que sí, es que deberia de buscar una solución para que el fracaso escolar se disminuya o que incluso no haya, por los jovenes de hoy en dia, son el futuro de nuestro país.

  185. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Pienso que el fracaso escolar es un tema ya bastante conocido por todos, ya que no es algo nuevo de nuestra epoca. sino que es algo que nos lleva acompañando desde hace mucho tiempo en nuestro sistema educativo. ya que a causas como las familiares, personales, etc..
    debemos añadir la falta de interes de los docentes por hacer que esos chicos no se desmotiven y se terminen alejando de nuestro sistema educativo. pues pienso que la labor de estos docentes es la de facilitar la enseñanaza a todos sus alumnos y para mi entender deberian modificar sus planes de estudio las veces que fuesen necesarias para que los alumnos no se alejen y reengancharlos al sistema.

  186. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Yo personalmente pienso que no solo la educación correctiva debe constar de estos parámetros que mencionas. Toda educación debería ser un proceso personalizado y tener en cuenta todo el contexto de los niños, desde el principio y hasta el final.

  187. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista pienso que cada profesor debería de modificar su enseñanza al nivel más adecuado que requiera la clase para poder sacar el máximo partido de sus alumnos, aunque como es obvio en una clase habrá estudiantes que aprendan la materia de una manera diferente al resto. Los profesores no son los únicos culpables de que el fracaso escolar este tan presente en nuestro país, también forman parte de ellos los padres de los alumnos y por supuesto el alumno. Actuando de acuerdo con las necesidades que requiera cada alumno de una manera más personalizada y también la falta de buenos profesionales con currículum no adaptado o se va quedando antiguado, hace que cada vez la educación este mas cuesta abajo.

  188. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    School failure is a process where a student slips farther and farther behind his mates and gradually disconnects from the educational system. The end result of school failure is dropping out before graduation. Many cases of school failure happen among students who have the ability and intelligence to succeed but who are unable or unwilling to apply these abilities in the school setting.However, the reasons why school failure is experienced among students can be mainly because of these elements:


    Depression is one of the most common causes of school difficulties. It is a condition that can make people feel sad for long periods of time, have low energy, and lose interest in activities that normally give them pleasure.


    Anxiety is a feeling of excessive worry about a possible danger or an uncomfortable situation that is intense enough to interfere with a person’s ability to concentrate and focus.

    +Problems in the family

    Students also may bring their problems at home to school with them. If a student’s family is experiencing violence, unemployment, alcohol or drug use by a family member, problems with the law, or any other upsetting situations, it can be difficult to focus on schoolwork.

    +Learning disabilities

    Learning disabilities are conditions that interfere with learning specific skills, such as reading or writing. Learning disorders can hinder a person’s ability to concentrate or to process or remember information.

  189. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar no es algo reciente, sino que este problema ha estado presente durante mucho tiempo en la educación. Este problema es bastante preocupante y aquí en España existe un alto índice de fracaso y abandono escolar.
    El fracaso esta influenciado por muchos factores: la familia, el entorno, el niño en si mismo, los docentes y la institución educativa. Podemos encontrar casos en los que el fracaso sea solo porque el alumno no pone de su parte, bien sea por parte de los profesores que no se implican en su tarea de forma adecuada, por la falta de apoyo por parte de la familia, etc…
    Yo creo que sea por el motivo que sea, para poder terminar con este problema que tenemos tan presente en nuestras escuelas,todos debemos de poner de nuestra parte para poder erradicarlo .

  190. Isabel Córdoba Solís dice: Responder

    Creo que el artículo es acertado y define el fracaso escolar en muchos conceptos, también no enumera algunos conceptos que hago mención en mi escrito.
    Es verdad que en el fracaso escolar hay factores que tienen gran importancia, por ejemplo en torno familiar en el que el alumno convine, comprensión para entender y aprender las materias que se les explican, nivel pedagógico en los diferentes ciclos educativos » primaria, secundaria y bachiller».
    El fracaso escolar, como no puede ser de otra manera nos lleva a pensar que algo falla en nuestro sistema educativo. Por eso creo y pienso que la nueva reforma de la educación que se esta llevando a cabo, puede ser buena, de ella se desprende los famosos exámenes de revalidas en cada ciclo educativo, para saber el nivel pedagógico que ha adquirido el alumno en cada caso y que no fracase en el nuevo ciclo que ha de comenzar.
    En los últimos años, ha habido bastante fracaso escolar, sobre todo en aquellos alumnos que terminaban segundo de ESO, debido a: la gran cantidad de trabajo promovido por la perjudicial burbuja inmobiliaria, la cuál demandaba gran cantidad de mano de obra sin cualificar y pagaban unos sueldo desorbitados e impropios, donde dichos alumnos veían un filón inacabable.
    El tiempo, desgraciadamente , ha hecho que esto pinche, trayendo consigo el despido de miles de jóvenes que abandonaron los estudios, haciendo que éstos vuelvan a las aulas.

  191. MOISÉS ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que el fracaso escolar es debido al «fracaso de la escuela como institución», ya que no existe un mal aprendiz sino alguien que no sabe enseñar bien. Como comentamos en otros texto este problema puede ser debido a la falta de una buena programación currícular por parte de la institución. Desde mi punto de vista, teniendo estos datos, viendo que no es efectiva nuestra forma de enseñar, haría bastantes cambios a favor de la democracia e igualdad de los alumnos en todas y cada una de las instituciones sociales llamadas escuelas. El respeto al docente es importante y básico, pero el respeto al educando también. Es imprescindible una conexión » padres-alumnos-profesores», ya que estos dos agentes socializadores impactarán con gran fuerza en el niño. Y trabajando juntos, cosa que hoy en día no se llega a hacer todavía en nuestro país, se conseguirán mejores resultados. Desde mis pensamientos la educación correctiva no debería de aplicarse solo a niños con casos donde la educación «normalizada» no es efectiva,sino que se debería hacer educación correctiva, es decir tener en cuenta al niño, retroalimentar sus logros, hacer enseñanza motivadora y que se demuestren que los aprendizajes son eficaces, con todos y cada uno de los niños escolarizados en este país.Teniendo en cuenta al niño y dándole más importancia a la educación nuestro fracaso escolar será menor, y lo más importante educaremos a mejores personas.

  192. Mangeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    En la actualidad poseemos un alto nivel de fracaso escolar, y no creo que toda la culpa sea de los alumnos, ya que estos son las grandes victimas del sistema educativo.
    La mejor forma de combatir el fracaso escolar sería el empleo de todos en hacer que los alumnos, como futuro del país aprendan la mejor educación, y entre escuelas, familia, profesores y los propios alumnos se pueda llevar a cabo.

  193. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Al hablar de fracaso escolar no creo que se vean como referente a todo ello los alumnos,desde mi punto de vista hay muchos motivos los cuales pueden conducirte al fracaso escolar, los principales afectados son los mismos alumnos, pero la una parte de culpabilidad por lo que ocurre esto sobre todo en nuestro país, la tiene el sistema educativo actual.El problema es que no se dan cuenta del daño que estan causando a los alumnos, incluso a los profesores, pero tampoco se trata de echar toda la culpa al sistema educativo,ya que hay muchos problemas que puedan llevarte a dicho fracaso; entre ellos podemos encontrar que dentro del ámbito familiar haya problemas y eso da lugar a que el niño no centre toda su atención en los estudios y se vea afectado por dichos problemas familiares.Para mejorar el fracaso escolar, los padres y los profesores tendrían que poner de su parte y ofrecer todo tipo de ayuda necesaria para poder salir de estos problemas educativos, y de esta manera hacer que los propios niños de motiven a la hora de aprender.

  194. En la actualidad poseemos un alto nivel de fracaso escolar, y no creo que toda la culpa sea de los alumnos, ya que estos son las grandes victimas del sistema educativo.
    No se puede pretender que los alumnos se adapten cada vez que el gobierno crea conveniente cambiar la manera de ejercer la educación.
    La mejor forma de combatir el fracaso escolar sería el empleo de todos en hacer que los alumnos, como futuro del país aprendan la mejor educación, y entre escuelas, familia, profesores y los propios alumnos se pueda llevar a cabo.

  195. Manuel Antonio Conde Del Rio dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar tiene múltiples causas que lo desarrollan, y son son de difícil diagnostico. Tratar o poner en énfasis una causa aislada es un grave error, pues no existe una causa aislada, sino más bien el fracaso escolar proviene de factores multicausales.

    De igual forma que el fracaso escolar proviene de múltiples causas, el tratamiento del mismo vendrá dado por actuar para prevenir esas múltiples causas en su conjunto, pues cometeríamos un gran error querer disminuir el fracaso escolar solamente atacando algunos de las causas y no atendiendo a otras.

    Quizás sea necesario un profundo estudio de nuestro sistema educativo, buscar las causas del fracaso escolar, y establecer un buen plan estratégico que ataque a la raíz del problema en su conjunto.

  196. Ana Delgado Marín dice: Responder

    En nuestro país actualmente, se podría hablar de fracaso escolar como algo en común en nuestra sociedad.
    Esto desgraciadamente, no es algo que se pueda solucionar de un día para otro. Conlleva una serie de requisitos que hoy en día no se dan.
    Hace pocos días, aprobó el gobierno actual una nueva Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE). Con esta nueva ley quieren acabar con el fracaso escolar, cambiando una serie de factores, como son, frenar la repetición del curso, aumentar las titulaciones en secundaria…
    Solo espero que se implante de verdad y pueda servir para sacar del fracaso escolar a muchos niños/as.

  197. El fracaso escolar es un hecho que desgraciadamente está asolando nuestro país. A pesar de que somos de los países que más dinero hemos invertido en ella los números y tasas de abandono en las escuelas es alarmante. Porque no todo es el dinero, es cómo invertirlo. Y ahí es donde creo que fallamos. Se puede invertir mucho dinero en la educación, pero si no se hace correctamente es tirar literalmente el dinero.
    Entre otros factores que intervienen en el fracaso escolar distingo la cantidad de reformas educativas que a golpe de gobierno se van sucediendo, un proyecto educativo no puede basarse en tan solo 4 años, es un proceso largo y complejo. Todos estos cambios, en mi opinión, descolocan a los niños que les cambian el sistema educativo con cada gobierno que gana las elecciones.
    Otros de los factores es la educación desmotivante que se imparten en las escuelas, no se da una educación atractiva para el alumno. Si no conseguimos atraer al niño a la escuela este la abandonará.

  198. Hablamos de fracaso escolar como algo habitual en nuestra sociedad, lo que hace ver a nuestro país que el nivel educativo en los colegios, institutos y demás sea bajo frente a otros países o dentro del mismo país el nivel educativo varía. Como vemos el fracaso escolar es un tema demasiado importante para dejarlo pasar, es algo de lo que se tendría que ocupar el gobierno desde mi punto de vista y a raíz de ahí tomar las medidas necesarias para afrontar este gran problema, porque yo pienso que es un grave problema. También debemos de mirar si el fracaso del niño viene por parte de la familia, de los amigos o de otros ámbitos. Todo niño tiene que tener una educación básica y tiene derecho a ella, la familia no puede decidir por un menor en el tema de la educación, desde mi punto de visto que la propia familia quite a su hijo de la escuela es algo demasiado grave para llegar a hacerlo. Por eso hay que tratar el tema del fracaso escolar desde muchos puntos de vista y sentidos los cuales las opiniones son subjetivas.

  199. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    Generalmente hablamos de fracaso cuando un niño no es capaz de alcanzar el nivel de
    rendimiento medio esperado para su edad.
    El único criterio para evaluar el éxito o el fracaso de los niños, son las
    calificaciones, el fracaso se traduce en suspensos, que por supuesto suelen ser
    masivos y hacer que los padres ya no sepan que hacer con ese niño o ese joven. No
    vamos a hablar de uno o dos suspensos en alguna evaluación, que pueden ser
    absolutamente normales y superables, sino de esos otros niños cuyas calificaciones
    son negativas al finalizar el curso escolar.
    Otro escenario que se debe considerar es la familia. En ella puede encontrarse o no la causa del fracaso escolar, pero donde adquiere una extraordinaria importancia es en la búsqueda de soluciones y, sobre todo, en su papel preventivo.

  200. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    ¿El fracaso escolar es culpa de los padres, de los niños, del sistema? El sistema escolar no es precisamente motivante para que los niños lleguen a adquirir los conceptos que necesitan de manera óptima, como bien dice en el texto.
    Países del norte de Europa cuentan con una educación activa y motivante, dando rienda suelta a la imaginación del alumno donde solo se le dan ciertas pautas a seguir y ellos crean su ‘’propia educación’’ y esto está dando unos frutos muy positivos, porque así los niños son más independientes, sociales, desarrollan la habilidad para trabajo en equipo, etc. En España esto no se da. En nuestro país se da más el castigo que el fomento de cooperación, que hacen que los niños sean más autoeficientes en la escuela.
    Algunos profesores tienden a menospreciar a niños que entienden que no valen, y atienden de forma primordial a los que obtienen buenos resultados, esto hace que el niño que fracasa siga cada vez peor y los que aprueban lo sigan haciendo, si hacen de las clases algo atractivo pueden hacer que los que fracasan suban hacia arriba
    Con la nueva ley del gobierno, que quieren implantar, puede que haya más fracaso escolar, porque te marcan aún más las directrices a seguir para el estudio, y acaban con la creatividad y motivación en la escuela.

  201. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista opino que los padres y profesores tienen mucho que ver en el caso de que exista este tipo de fracaso. En España es cada vez más alto el número de fracaso escolar que sufren los alumnos. En la actualidad los profesores no tienen esa vocación que existía hace unos años atrás por enseñar a los niños, ahora los docentes se preocupan de otras cosas que ellos consideran más importantes en lugar de centrarse en el bienestar de sus alumnos. Pero hoy en día también los padres son muy responsables de lo que está sucediendo ya que la mayoría apenas muestra atención por lo que sus hijos van aprendiendo en la escuela. Vivimos en una sociedad en la cual las personas adultas están demasiado ocupadas con su vida laboral tanto que en ocasiones restan importancia a algunos aspectos más importantes en la vida como es en este caso al futuro de sus hijos, su educación.

  202. Mª Carmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    Creo que el fracaso es un tema muy importante ya que en España es uno de los países con más fracaso escolar de EU. Creo que para solucionar y disminuir este problema deberían tratar tanto niños como padres y profesores para evitarlo, pero en una sociedad donde lo que menos les preocupa a los profesores son los niños y unos padres demasiado ocupados con su trabajo, tanto el fracaso escolar como el éxito quedan a la mano de los niños. Para evitar esto creo que los tres eslabones tendrían que ponerse de acuerdo para solucionar el problema y evitar que el fracaso mediante estudios personalizados si es lo necesario y ayuda a disminuir.

  203. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es es un tema muy serio para como se lo toma el sistema educativo. Siempre se le atribuye el fracaso escolar a los niños y niñas sin tener en cuenta mas factores, los cueles pueden que sean externos, olvidando que puede estar sufriendo abuso escolar, problemas familiares… para esto debe de haber una gran colaboración por parte de los docentes y los padres.
    También el docente debe de reflexionar sobre su trabajo en el aula, debe de ser atractivo para los alumnos y llamarles la atención para que los alumnos vean algo divertido las clases y estudiar y no un aburrimiento.

  204. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el sistema educativo es el encargado de estimular y motivar el deseo de aprender del niño. Esto debe de ir complementado con la actitud de los padres que constituyen una institución muy importante en la tarea educativa. Muchas son las causas que pueden originar el fracaso escolar. Las más destacadas son los trastornos de aprendizaje y los trastornos emocionales.

    El fracaso escolar podemos atajarlo llevando a cabo una serie de medidas preventivas en la que destaca la autoestima del niño por encima de todo.

  205. Luci Toledano Y Maldonado dice: Responder

    El Fracaso escolar es la antesala a otros problemas.España es de los paises con mas alta tasa de fracaso escolar., y no ahora siempre,es decir que en epoca de bonanza todo era igual.En mi opinión es un problema del sistema ,y sobre todo el diseño Currricular esta detras del fracaso escolar .La educación es el futuro de un pais, y España esta suspendida.El estudio del fracaso escolar,tenemos que ver eldiagnostico y despues un programa de intervención.A la hora de diagnostico nos encontramos con muchas causas ,afectivas,ambientales…. todo un cumulo de historias individuales. Hay un punto que se debe de educar mucho el de la inteligencia y el rendimiento, Y quizas el ultimo e importatne son las estrategias de intervención, son progrmas de evaluación continua,junto con enseñanza personalizada..

  206. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar se debe a muchos motivos como bien dice el texto, y mucha veces nos creemos que eso es porque los niños no quieren estudiar o porque los profesores no conectan con sus alumnos y se desmotivan, pero en realidad ocurre por muchos otros motivos adversos como por ejemplo, los acosos escolares, al niño tener miedo a ir al colegio o simplemente al no poder coger el nivel de la clase, todo ello en un primer momento es difícil de conocer pero nunca es tarde para cogerlo a tiempo y poner solución para que el niño vuelva a tener la misma emoción que cuando entro por primera vez.
    En la actualidad podemos ver que el fracaso escolar continua y esto ira en aumento ya que cada vez hay más recortes y los niños van a tener que dejar sus estudios aunque ellos no lo deseen, solo por la mala gestión que están haciendo.

  207. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es una realidad que está presente en la sociedad. Las causas como bien dice el artículo,pueden ser tanto por motivos familiares, escolares, por una mayor dificultad del aprendizaje, por situaciones adversas para el niño/a… y es por ello por lo que no solo hay que adjudicar este problema al sistema educativo. Además, existe un mayor abandono escolar en los hogares donde los padres no llevan a cabo su función educativa de forma correcta y llevando un seguimiento directo y cercano desde pequeños para fomentar así su aprendizaje.
    Por esto mismo, se refleja la importancia de otro artículo de su blog, y es la escolarización a temprana edad, contribuyendo a reducir el índice de fracaso escolar ya que el niño mejor antes sus habilidades cognitivas, la sociabilidad, la interactividad…

  208. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    Como bien dice este artículo, el fracaso escolar se debe a muchos motivos, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que expone.
    El problema es que en bastantes ocasiones echamos las culpas a los profesores y nos equivocamos. Los niños y niñas que padecen este fracaso deben y tienen que ser ayudados por los docentes, sus compañeros y por supuesto sus padres. Es importante que ninguno de estos pilares falten en el niño/niña.
    Me ha gustado mucho este artículo porque en muchas ocasiones no somos conscientes de los diferentes problemas que existen en las escuelas.

  209. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    Education system
    the most important cause of failure ın the school is to feel responsible of children themselves. It contınues after school period. Because failure contınues ın thıs period. However, it can be arranged.
    3.school-oriented cause
    Also, thıs fılm will provide to understand thıs topic. It ıs explain an ıdeal teacher. This ideal teacher provides a cange in a chıld’s life. Now want to explaın our system in turkey. Accordıng to me, there 3 types of terms.
    1.primary school Chıldren start new school
    2 secondary school transition section from one teacher to the other
    3. high school (adolescence)
    About Finland
    This topic is very interesting.their education system very god.(finland)now we must think:why is Finland’s education system successful?I thought and researched.according to my research I found three words.these 1.learnıng by doing 2.motivation 3.equal education
    1.Learning by doing
    Education isn’t on lesson book.there is material and test in education.thus these students learn easy lessons.and permanences increase.
    Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors.Finnish teachers help to students this psychological process.these teachers be pathfinder to students.
    3.equal education
    Education had seperated according to the level.because education given for everyone.the level isn’t important (finland)
    I want to say that last I had read a book last year.this book explains about finland.this book very good and you can read.this book name is Finland: the country of white lilies(by written grigory petrov)

  210. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar como bien dice el texto, es debido a muchos motivos y factores que pueden afectar al alumno. Esto es un problema que esta creciendo con el paso del tiempo, pues cada vez los alumnos están menos motivados, ya no solo debido a que los profesores no los estimulan bien, sino a deficiencias personales que se pueden observar, y que al no ser corregidas a tiempo desembocan en este verdadero dilema.
    Pienso que este fracaso debe ser corregido, proponiendo nuevas actuaciones de intervención, para que no se llegue al punto del abandono escolar. De acuerdo estoy con la redacción, de que debe afrontarse, desde la conjunción de familiares, profesorado y del impulso del alumno, intentando trabajar las deficiencias u obstaculos que le impidan avanzar en el camino de la enseñanza.

  211. Maria Prashkova dice: Responder

    The failure of the children is a failure of the parents, the teachers and the whole society. There can be a lot of reasons for failure but for me it is mostly because of the parents negligence, the teachers’ lack of training, the whole educational system. Every child is talented in his own way. Some needs more attentions, other less, some learn faster, other need more time, some are more adaptable than others. Is our educational system adjusted to all needs of the children? In the mass schools the approach is the same for all which is the greatest mistake in the system. Additionally, some parents are not conscious that their children need special attentions. And about the diagnosis, putting a diagnosis on a child means that he/she is doomed for the rest of his/her life. It is easy to put diagnosis, but in some cases the children are different and that difference is labeled as disorder. The best way to deal with the failure of school is to stimulate the whole society to be look for the the unique characteristics, to show their uniqueness, not to stimulate to be a part of the mass.

  212. Petar Valchanov dice: Responder

    This question is always difficult and different. For some reasons I am against that we investigate if there is something wrong with those children that don’t performs good enought all the time.If they get a diagnosis, does it help or hinder the pupil? I don’t know, but I know that the teachers always should give the pupils the help they need, with or without a diagnosis.Maybe at first we have to check the school systems, and after that saying is that student’s school failure is because of some kind of “diagnosis”… I think a very important point is that every parent, teacher and specialist to give proper attention to each child, because so any assistance and training will be really useful and effective. Should not miss the creation of motivation and development environment for potentials of students.

  213. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    Emphasis on foreign languages will benefit the child in all areas of the curriculum as it has been proven that learning a second language improves literacy skills as well as communication and problem solving due to enhanced cognitive development. As a student studying a bilingual undergraduate degree, I can see the benefits of second and third languages in a classroom setting first hand.

    The lack of differentiation in the Finnish classrooms may cause some people to become concerned about the children’s progress. It was pointed out in the video that this helps the more gifted children to accept diversity rather than impacting negatively on their academic ability. The small teacher-student ratio makes up for the lack of differentiation as the teacher has more time to ensure each child’s understanding of content. The relaxed approach the Finnish people take to education has evidently resulted in better working relationships between the teachers, students and parents. A major factor in the success education system in Finland must be the parents’ willingness to support and take an active role in their children’s learning.There seems to be a general good attitude to education in Finland and society value the important role that teachers have.

  214. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    I think what causes difficulties in education are the education system in schools, the unsuccess of schools, the genetic factors and the intellectual level of the person. Family is very important for the education of the individual. Family-teacher relation makes the student reach success. In my country (Turkey) the number of the people who didn’t complete their education is many. The reasons of this are misdirection, familial problems and financial impossibilities. And some quit their education because of psychological problems. This problem can be solved by preparing an education system in which students play an active role instead of the teacher.
    Students should be provided free environments in which they can make their dreams come true. People who didn’t complete their education in my country give up on that idea and realize how important education is, even if it is later they complete their education by attending open high schools and the schools that they can attend later. Even the old people who are illiterate attend literacy courses at the age of 60-70

  215. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    En la actualidad sabemos a través de los medios de comunicación los grandes porcentajes que hay de fracaso escolar, esto nos lleva a plantearnos la pregunta ¿Por qué tanto fracaso escolar? Desde mi punto de vista creo que el fracaso escolar es algo en lo que tienen que ver factores como el alumno, la familia, el profesorado y el sistema educativo. Creo que familia tiene un papel de vital importancia en el tema de la prevención pero también en el tratamiento. El profesorado también tiene que ver con la prevención ya que en muchas ocasiones el fracaso escolar viene acompañado de falta de interés y motivación, por ello se debe motivar al alumno en todo momento. Respecto al sistema educativo considero que la forma en que está establecido provoca más fracaso escolar que en otros países.
    Finalmente me gustaría puntualizar que en los casos de fracaso escolar tienen más repercusión los factores externos al alumno que el propio alumno.

  216. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    Un artículo muy interesante, ya que es un tema de una grave problemática actual. El diagnóstico es clave para una buena intervención. Personalmente tengo mis dudas si esto se trabaja realmente, porque creo que si se realizara sería escaso el nive de fracaso escolar. Por otro lado, creo que cuando un niño/a fracasa, lo hace también el/la docente, porque no ha realizado bien su trabajo, sin embargo las consecuencias negativas las sufren los/las alumnos/as. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que el tratamiento pedagógico debe estimular el deseo de aprender, y hacer consciente al alumnado de su progreso. Aunque hay muchos factores que influyen en el fracaso escolar, y es un problema complejo, considero que con la participación familiar y el cumplimiento de todo lo nombrado en este artículo es posible una recuperación.

  217. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un tema de actualidad, tanto en la televisión, radio, periódicos… donde es caso ya es preocupante ya que el porcentaje sigue en aumento. Considero que la responsabilidad no solo está en el trabajo de los profesores y del alumnado la familia ha cobrado gran importancia en este caso ya sea por defender a su hijo culpando al profesor o por los problemas en el ámbito familiar. Es necesario poner en marcha técnica, estrategias, diseñar una nueva unidad didáctica… para que el fracaso escolar baje consideradamente. Como ya sabemos aquellas personas mejor preparadas son las que consiguen mejores puestos de trabajo debido al fracaso escolar el alumnado sale de la escuela con un nivel bastante bajo. En momentos de crisis es aun mayor la preocupación sobre este tema ya que piden cada vez más requisitos para trabajar en cualquier trabajo. Es necesario un sistema acorde con la situación.

  218. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    El fracaso escolar es un tema de actualidad, tanto en la televisión, radio, periódicos… donde el caso ya es preocupante ya que el porcentaje sigue en aumento. Considero que la responsabilidad no solo está en el trabajo de los profesores y del alumnado la familia ha cobrado gran importancia en este caso ya sea por defender a su hijo culpando al profesor o por los problemas en el ámbito familiar. Es necesario poner en marcha técnica, estrategias, diseñar una nueva unidad didáctica… para que el fracaso escolar baje consideradamente. Como ya sabemos aquellas personas mejor preparadas son las que consiguen mejores puestos de trabajo debido al fracaso escolar el alumnado sale de la escuela con un nivel bastante bajo. En momentos de crisis es aun mayor la preocupación sobre este tema ya que piden cada vez más requisitos para trabajar en cualquier trabajo. Es necesario un sistema acorde con la situación.

  219. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    Creo que como dice este artículo, para disminuir o incluso erradicar en gran medida el fracaso escolar, tendríamos que hablar conjuntamente padres, alumnos y profesores, ya que los tres se necesitan para evitar el temido fracaso escolar.
    ¿Estudio personalizado de cada de alumno? A mi, personalmente ni me gusta ni me disgusta, pero si todos piensan que si hacerlo, ¿por qué no? Como no todos los alumnos tienen las mismas capacidades e inteligencia, lo que para un niño es fácil para otro es difícil y viceversa, creo que sería mas justo hacer clases para los que poseen mas capacidades y para los que no, porque así evitaríamos mayor fracaso escolar y los niños que poseen menos capacidades podrían ser ayudados de otros también con menos capacidades para tirar todos juntos.

  220. El fracaso escolar depende del alumno. En el momento actual los estudiantes tienen muchas más oportunidades para aprender que antes. El problema es que ellos no quieren. Aquí en Huelva conosco una familia de Bolivia que han llegado para que su hijo tiene educación mejor peró el no está interesado para estudiar. Yo me siento muy mal cuando veo que el no hace nada para escuela. Cuando hablo con el me dice que ha venido solo para pasar tiempo aqui con su familia. También creo que los profesores no saben motivar alumnos. Cada alumno tiene sus propios problemas y si profesor no encuentra manera de resolver muy fácil puede llegar hasta el fracaso.

  221. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    Firstly i want to ask that question ‘why the most successful education system in Finland?’
    I did a little research.In Finnish education system,no exam stress no compare, no private teachers. Education hours are very short (four hours per day), although highly successful for all students.The teachers decide themselves what books used in schools.So they are free.Schools decorated like home environment. Curriculums are organized «learning by doing» by the principle.Children from friends,teachers and teaching materials collect information in the class.Sometimes they are rest on the sofas.They are calling their teachers with teacher’s name and eat lunch together.Students learning in the comfortable environment and they enjoy with this.Teachers give homework to every child according to their own learning method. They’re moving with the idea that every child is special.( i think this is certainly true.)‘Lifelong learning’is the most important principle of education in Finland. Finnish teachers attend courses throughout their careers, they see it as an opportunity to improve themselves. Finnish educators have found the problem then they have found a solutions to the problem with the good education system. Here is the key to success!


    El fracaso escolar es una tema de plena actualidad, y verdaderamente no siempre se abarca adecuadamente, como bien nos dice el articulo hay que estudiar al alumno en todos los ámbitos posibles para desmenuzar sus capacidades y posibilidades a partir de ahí se podría empezar a trabajar, pero siempre teniendo en cuenta y contando con el apoyo de padres profesores y el propio alumno.
    Aunque se sabe muchos de los fracasos provienen de una desestructuración familiar previa y esto es muy difícil de afrontar pero no imposible, lo que hay que tener en cuenta es el trabajo que se hace con la familia, en casos así; y con el trabajo y apoyo familiar todo se hace más llevadero.

  223. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    Más que nunca estamos escuchando eso de fracaso escolar, y yo me pregunto ¿por qué en España no se mejora esto?, viendo la gráfica, está claro que estamos en los últimos puestos de estudiantes que no tienen el título de la E.S.O, solo somos superados por Portugal, México y Turquía; y se supone que España es un país que ha invertido en educación, pero las estadísticas confirman que comparando con muchos otros países, nuestra educación es «pésima». El fracaso escolar es debido a muchos factores, y pienso que si se quiere, se podría reducir bastante la tasa que hay en España. Me parece muy interesante y ,a la vez, importante lo que dice el texto a la hora de como prevenirlo, «es necesario comprometer e implicar a padres, profesores y alumnos» para que tomen parte en la tarea. Creo que es necesario la enseñanza correctiva y me parecen de suma importancia para que se evite el fracaso escolar, aplica sus principios. Por último, es vital estimular al niño para que tenga ganas de aprender, y también que se le haga ver su progreso.

  224. AGUEDA GAMERO SANTOS dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, según el texto, el fracaso escolar no es solo ocasionado por el alumno, si no por el diseño del sistema educativo, por lo que tanto profesores, padres, como alumno deben comprometerse simultáneamente para participar en la tarea educativa.
    También el docente debe adaptarse a las capacidades de cada alumno ya que ninguno son iguales y que la escuela sea una destreza gratificante, por lo que los procedimientos de enseñanza deben ser adaptados a las necesidades de cada alumno y de manera estimulante.
    En definitiva, el fracaso escolar lo debemos de llevar a un cuidadoso diagnostico, en el cual debemos de investigar varias fases y una vez concluido éste, llevarlo a un programa de intervención adecuado.

  225. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    En definitiva el fracaso escolar es un fracaso de todos.¿Cómo podemos solucionar el fracaso escolar en los diferentes contextos? Yo pienso que la clave está precisamente en adaptar las diversas estrategias en todos los sectores que intervienen en el proceso educativo, es decir, como podemos leer en el artículo, los padres, profesores y alumnos son un soporte fundamental para el éxito escolar ya que la motivación y entrega hacia unas metas compartidas pueden propiciar soluciones positivas para una intervención de calidad. Tenemos que tener en cuenta que el contexto actual en el que estamos inmersos, con una sociedad cada día más competitiva donde los que están más preparados son los que pueden situarse en los escalafones superiores. El fracaso escolar es una herramienta de destrucción de la competitividad de un país y es necesario invertir para producir buenos profesionales y que estos no salgan del sistema escolar por falta de valores o un currículum no adaptado a sus expectativas. Se debe actuar de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada individuo pero a nivel colectivo, con un sistema escolar adaptado a las necesidades de hoy, que sin duda no corresponde con el que actualmente poseemos.

  226. The first thing that came to my mind was Einstein’s words. » You emergence of tree you measure the ability of a fish, the fish will suffer whole life believing that stupid.» Some education systems have not been investigated enough reason for the failure of students. If the student’s interests, abilities, or is ignored problems, students will fail. Is it true that the definition of failure used in this sentence, I’m not sure. The failure of the process of diagnosis and treatment of problematic students really explored very carefully. Wrong diagnosis and treatment can make the student fail more. It has to be evaluated carefully by experts. For example, Finland’s education system, we can see this process is managed is very true. Just like in the video, I hope in my own country able to see the students happy.

  227. Creo que como bien dice el texto, para reducir este fenómeno, hay que llegar a un acuerdo entre padres, profesores y alumnos, ya que los tres sectores necesitan de los otros para evitar el fracaso escolar. También creo que un estudio personalizado de cada de alumno no está mal, ya que no todos tienen las mismas capacidades, y lo que para uno es muy fácil, para otros es mas complejo, por lo que no se deben impartir las clases para todos iguales, ni con las mismas pautas, tal vez dividir la clase entre los mas «listos» y los menos, puede llegar a ser una ayuda para que los alumnos den todo de si.

  228. From the video about Finland I really liked the thought about learning as a teamwork not a competition. Because sometimes for the children who are not so good in some subject very valuable could be time when some of his classmates help him. If everybody is interested in understanding the problems and solving them the results are better. And it was nice to see happy and excited teachers and children who can laugh and enjoy time in school not only on breaks but during the classes.
    I think this kind of educational system where learning is a joyful process is more effective. Now it is still something rare and exclussive, but I hope that with time it could get more common in other countries too.

  229. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I think school failure has many reasons and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the school system that has to be blamed, if a child doesn’t complete secondary school and has no real degree. First of all I think that the parents play a big role in this area. A child should be supported from his first year in school by his parents, that means doing homework together, help them with difficulties in subjects, etc. This helps the teacher, because teachers don’t have the time (unfortunately) helping every individual child concerning their level and needs. But when parents don’t support their children at home or when the children even have big problems with their parents, this influences their school career. That means they don’t focus on school anymore or have nobody who helps them if they have questions except the teacher who often doesn’t have enought time. Many of these children understandably don’t finish school. Of course, school failure because of dyslexia and similar problems occurs very often, too, but I wanted to set focus on a part that we may forget to mention very often.

  230. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    This short film about Finland and the article about school failures made me think about different education styles in the world. I think Finland (as well as the most Nordic-European countries) has a good educational system. Teachers are called by their first names and there are 3 teachers in one classroom. If I compare this to the system in Belgium I can tell that you will never see 3 teachers in one classroom because the government hasn’t got enough money to make this work (although if they would invest more money in education instead of “stupid things” maybe this could be possible). What I find very interesting is that the pupils learn 3 to 4 different languages at primary school in Finland. This is amazing because languages are more and more important nowadays. The ability to communicate with people from different countries is the key to success. In Belgium the people from our own country aren’t even always able to communicate with each other because of the problem between Flanders and Wallonia and this is really sad.
    The fact that there are three teachers in one classroom is very good for the pupils because every child is different and every child has his talents and difficulties. In this educational system the pupils will get more help than in any other system so I think that other countries should think about their educational system and how they can improve it.

  231. Para alcanzar los resultos mejores y completar la educación básica y adelante secundaria hay que conjuntar esfuerzo de todos los partes que tienen interés de éxcito del niño. Padres y maestros deberían motivar al niño suficiente y observar los problemas a tiempo con solución eventual. El sistema escolar debería abrir nuevas asignaturas especializadas en dependencia en caso de necesidad. En cada caso el ejemplo de Finlandia debería servir como un ídolo y inspiracio no solo para los sistemas escolares sino que para los padres, quien pueden formar exigencias y no estar de acuerdo con los sistemas antiguas que se concentran a una clase de 30 estudiantes como a un conjunto y no reflejan necesitades individuales. Hay que hablar no solamente de los relaciones sino que sobre todo de la actitud de maestros con los niños.

  232. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    I found this video of the Finnish education system very interesting and a breathe of fresh air in terms of educating children. It is clear that the system the Finnish have developed is centred around creating a relaxed and welcoming environment for their pupils, something which a lot of schools fail to achieve in many countries. In my opinion this sort of environment makes pupils actually want to learn, rather than feel that they are being forced to, hence why some pupils may take a dislike to school. A lot of today’s problems in education are stemmed from there being no stable relationship between teacher and pupil. A foundation of trust needs to be built so that the pupil has full confidence in the teacher as a guide to help them and not a dictator of information. This relationship should be similar to that of a parent-child relationship, as in primary school the teacher becomes a parent-like figure, especially within the early years or foundation stage. There is no doubt that the bases of education should start in the home. This includes speech and language, social skills, reading, mathematics, and general independence to be able to look after themselves appropriately. Politics should have no influence on the school system as it is a place to learn, not to compete with other schools to gain funding from the government. Competition within my own school did not make me want to learn. However, if I felt I was in a secure and encouraging environment, I did want to learn and made an effort. There is always the risk that those pupils within a school who are not in competition may give up hope on their learning or see themselves as not ‘valued’ in the system. This is where the emphasis on personalisation and the individual comes into important practice, as demonstrated in the video. It is obvious that this system works as Finland, as shown in the bar chart, has a lower rate of non-completion of secondary education. Starting school at a later age in Finland does mean that the child is more emotionally and mentally developed, however, this does pose some risks as to whether they are receiving enough beneficial education at home. In the North of Ireland and Republic of Ireland Irish-medium schools are much more relaxed in comparison; all the teacher are known by their first names, similar to that of the Finnish system. At home however there is not that much emphasis on learning a foreign language and in my opinion this puts pupils in the UK and Ireland at a disadvantage and secludes us from the rest of Europe. Something which could greatly fail us. School is meant to be a rewarding and enjoyable experience of learning. The only way this can be fully reached and effective is if the methods of teaching must be practiced to pinpoint and accommodate the learning and emotional needs of the individual, making the education system learner-centred and with a positive attitude in order for the individual to reach their full potential.

  233. In my oppinion the countries of the North of Europe have really good educational system. My friend could spend a half year in Denmark for free, she got even scholarship from the school and she told me that the values what she got there were priceless. As I could see in the video in Finland it’s the same and I love that they can study so many lanuguages from primary school on. Nowadays languages are really important because of globalisation and it’s really good that they have the opportunity to improve their language skills. In Hungary we can study maximum 2-3 lanuguages and to have a really good teacher is very rare. Most of the people go abroad and start to live in foreign countries to be able to learn foreign languages, because to study apart from your school e.g. in a language school or with private teacher is very expensive. And which is also really important I could see on the teacher’s faces that they enjoy their work, and this is what I miss the most in Hungary.

  234. I like the first sentence of this article because it is for me a fact which receives insufficiently attencion from the society and politics and all discipines. School can offer so many possibilities and should be a place where a kid can develop and get some skills which can also be individual. It is very interesting and wise that one focus in finland’s schools is language. I think nowadays it is one of the most important things for personal success. The ability to communicate with different people from different countries is A) a personal and cultural gain, B) in career-terms an advantage and C) it makes a person very mobile.
    Some things are just able in Finland because economical and demographic circumstances are different. But why can’t we also have condicions in other european countries as in Finland’s schools? Because if you want to have three teachers in a class or inclusion you need more money but I can’t understand why a country doesn’t invest this money for such an important thing like educacion. It is the basement and an assumption for a better society and more satisfied Individuals. But it is not just the lack of money it is also the lack of a certain conscienceness that educacion is important and can be the foundation stone of personal and social success. Therefore it is important to speak about it, to think about it and to try to get more attention for this interesting topic.

  235. This article and short film has interested me and has allowed me to reflect on my own school experience. I believe that school failures are produced by the way the educational system is designed and put in place. The Finnish style looks to be a more efficent and more enjoyable way of learning in comparison to my school experience in ireland. I agree with parts of both school systems but still hold the view that there is a lot of room for improvment. my belief is that the world around us is constantly changing around us therefore the classroom should be changing to keep up to date with the world. The finnish style looks to be a nurturing type as they keep the same teacher and it has a homely/comfortable environment. I believe this helps a child feel comfortable which is extremely important as they are being introduced to new words, situations and people; I believe this because, in my experience of school I was nearly afraid to contribute because I was afraid of saying or doing something wrong, all because i didn’t feel comfortable. Due to this I feel it prevented me from progressing and delaying in my learning. In conclusion I feel school failure is affected by many has many influences but the main contributor is the government policies and the way in which the school practices those rules; for example finland have a low rate of people who do not continue education to which i believe is due to the govenment trusting the schools to do their own way therefore making school an enjoyable and rewarding place to be.

  236. A very important point in my studies as a primary teacher is to learn how to find out the different needs, skills and talents of each single pupil and how to deal with them. It is really not easy to consider these differences everyday, everytime and everywhere but it is one of the most important things. Every human being is different – so it is every child. During my studies I’ve already been into very interesting and helpful courses, for example «occupational therapy». There I got a first insight into the everyday problems children have who suffer difficulties with fine motor skills. It’s unbelieveable how many different and various difficulties a child can have. Of course you can’t help every time as a teacher – some things are beyond their power. But teachers at least have to try to make the best out of every difficult situation and to help the children. Every child deserves a good education and a fair school time.
    But it’s not only up to the teachers – it’s also up to the parliament! There should be a lot more money for schools to afford special materials, learning methods and media.

  237. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    After veiwing the short film it is very clear to see the differences between the educational standards and contexts of teaching in Helsinki and in Ireland or the United Kingdom.
    For me a key aspect to the success of the Finlandian school was the trust that was placed on the head teacher and the lack of intervention by the local or global politicians or government. In Ireland for example the local government make all the decisions about the educational cirriculum, finances, placements of teachers, job roles and even placement of school children; this in my opinion is outrageous, it should not depend on money or places, but instead on the individual and developing the person as a whole.
    It was shocking to see that 15% of the Irish population drop out of Secondary level education, however it was understandable a few years ago when there was jobs and work trades to go to, but nowadays a rise in education can be seen as with the global recession and lack of work alot of the population are refocusing on the improvement of there education, in order to become more employable if the opportunity of work arises.

  238. Watching the film, which shows us how the teaching in Finland, showed me what are the differences between Finland and Poland. What should I do to be Polish schools at the same high level.
    -Firstly, a reduction in the number of students per teacher.
    -Increasing the role of parents in the education of their children, and not as it usually looks like that is a requirement of many things from the teacher.
    – Lead school lessons in such a way that children come to school happy. class should be interesting, conducted in a creative way. In primary schools they should do in a competition between students, but always with a smile on them face, work in groups.
    – Another aspect of this sport. Very important is the development of physical individuals, which allows us to better oxygenation of the brain, improving circulation, improving physical fitness, willingness to perform the following exercise, which is a very important factor in human development.
    I think there are four most important idea, how to go to high level of education in Poland

  239. François Glénat dice: Responder

    Normaly, I used to be old school. That means I enjoyed my time in college and high school because i liked most of the subjects.
    But today I think that this old system where pupils are sitting, listening carefully to the teacher is over. Nowadays, young people are living in the middle of an hightec bath. They’re almost born with mobile phones or a computer into their hands. That’s I think the teaching system has to change. Pupils are more interesed in working on computers and they are pretty good to it. I’ve seen many programs or websites teaching with very lucrative ways. It becomes easy to learn History, Geography, mathematics,…
    As I said on the top, I’m more old school and I rather prefer opening a book and to feel the paper under my fingers.
    At the end I do believe that the main problem is about curiosity. We just have to stimulate this curiosity and then, give to the pupils or students the tools they need. Nobody is stupid or less intelligent than one another.

  240. The Finnish education system is one to be admired. They have solved most of the problems of many failed education systems. The most important of these proplems is personalisation. Recognising the child as a person, an individual whos needs differ from others due to outside factors such as family life, pyschological factors, and learning preferences. Each child learns differently and in this school they respect that. They provide a relaxed environment for the child, a safe place where the child feels they can trust those around them. The integration of the primary school and secondary school is an interesting one. The children in the video appear to flourish in their environment and it seems to benefit them. My one question would be how do they adapt to the outside world once they leave the safe haven they rely upon? However, the statistics show that they deal with this predominantly well, with over 90 per cent going on to further education. This model obviously works. It may take more time as a result of educating pupils of all levels togther, but I believe that a great education is worth this time. They also benefit by accepting diversity, as said in the video.A lot of education models are competetive, ran by politicians who don’t carry the best interests of the child at heart. This model does exactly the opposite. By encouraging teachers, parents and student to attain an active role in developing their futures, one can only see good results.

  241. It is clear that Finland has a successful education system in that the children are happy and willing to go to school.This is mainly due to the small class number and increased teacher number which allows for a more personal interactive relationship with the children. The children learn by practice which is an enjoyable method of learning. Finland lies in the 10% category of 25-34 year old’s who have not completed upper secondary education, in comparison to the above OECD average of Spain at 35% and Turkey reaching almost 60%. Due to the economic crisis however it may take a considerable amount of time before other schools can resemble the education system in place in Finland. The failure i believe is due to an excessive amount of students in the classroom, lack of personal attention and the repititive method of learning theory. Children become confused and dis-interested and no longer want to attend school. Schools in Ireland for example require the passing of many exams in order to achieve academically. How is it possible to base our future on one set of exams is beyond me. Parents, teachers, students and government alike need to take a more active role in education and success must not be dependent solely on grades and exam results. It is only then we may see a positive, more valuable and complete school system in the countries of the world.

  242. It’s difficult to find out the reasons why our school system failures. In international comparative studies, like PISA, TIMSS or PIRLS, Austria’s examination performance isn’t very good. A lot of teachers try to solve the problem by using new methodologies and didactics, but the output doesn’t get better. I think the problem is that there is not a silver bullet for solving those problems. Every country is different and should try it’s own ways to solve the problems. So we can look jealous at the finnish education success, but we need to keep in mind, that the country, culture, history and traditions are different to the countries in which we live. Maybe when we’ll follow their strategies they won’t work in our countries. Some parts of the finnish school system are of course possible to integrate in our countries without any big restructure, but some parts are not.
    For me one thing which everyone can change on his own is to realize, that every child is different and that teaching should be personalized. Another thing that it’s really important to keep in mind is, that it’s not only the school which educates the children. It’s not possible to accuse only the education system for the failure. It’s also the family which takes a very important part in this process. This is why they should not shuffle out of responsibility.

  243. For a child to fully develop and reach their full potential it is important for a teacher to look out for that child.As stated in the video children attend the same school for primary and secondary school. I feel that this could be very beneficial for the pupil as they grow accustom to the surroundings and are more comfortable with the teachers and the learning environment.This not only benefits the pupil but also the teachers, they have a relationship built up with their pupils and can keep track of the child’s progress and see first hand if the child is facing problems or learning difficulties teachers could pick up on mode changes quicker because of the bond between student and teacher.
    Another promising aspect of the Finnish education system is the use of classroom assistance. Not every child will develop at the same rate or some children might need that extra push or a bit of encouragement and the classroom assistant is a great way to provide the children with this extra help.
    The only criticism’s I would have of the Finnish education lay out is the fact that there is no such thing as failing school.ThisI feel can hinder the child as they progress into later life, when they go out and gain employment they may fail at certain things and with them not being use to failing at things this could derail the person as they are not aware how to deal with failure. Another thing that worries me it that all children are taught at the same levels, this may be a good way to develop the less intelligent children and is a good way to bring them on but it my also restrict the brighter child’s development and they may not reach their full potential.

  244. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    The term «school failure» describes the weakness of the child to achieve the goals of the school. This is exrpressed by low performance(low grades in courses) and even with the rejection or repetition of examens, The role of the school is determined for the mental development of the child. The school should have as target the full development of the personality of each child. Also, it should equip the students with values, knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to work collectively and help to change the world for the benefit of the people. This will be succesful in an environment that cultivates the self-respect and team work. Also, will reward successes and will encourage the children to overcome the difficulties. Unfortunately, the current school in many countries has other objectives. His structure and function reproduce social inequalities.

  245. Hearing about education in Finland is not something new for me, because in Estonia they talk a lot about Finnish educational system. And they talk about it in a good way of course, allways bringing up the best examples. But I think in Estonia we should transfer more from Finnish educational system. Finnish educational system is also considered to be the best educational system in the world, because as we see from this video, It has suceeded. From this video I can see how happy are children in school. I think the secret of that is, that every child gets full attention. I saw three teachers in class, so remedial education is individualized. Everybody gets full attention. The other thing might be that in Finland people and society are really valuing the work of teachers. Because we all know, It’s not the easisest job in the world. So It must be valued. Unfortunately some countries have still a long way to go for this.

  246. In the chart about high school education, i saw that Turkey is one of the prominents. Whereas, I think it’s because of Turkey is one of the most crowded country between the other countries (which is approximately 75.000.000). I’ve a lesson -Teacher Practicum- in here that is required to be assistant in a school and that’s why I work in CEIP MANUEL SIUROT. There is a visibly difference between Turkey’s classroom environments. First of all classroom size is about max. 30 students. We have at least 45 students in classrooms such a state school. They have 2 or 3 teachers per class that makes students think and feel as nurtured. They can take answers to their every questions. Students start to learn English when they are 3 years old which is very important process even if it’s a new system because English is a global language as everybody knows and it’s necessary to learn for everyone. However, if you go to a state school in Turkey, you have to wait until you’re in 4th grade (about 10 – 11 years old). They have a computer in each classroom so they can benefit from visual or audial materials! They are really lucky that they can wear whatever they want when they go to school. I think it makes them feel quite free. There are no strict rules no strict teachers at all. So, the only thing they have to do is to focus on their lessons! The tips for preventing failure in schools can also enlighten teacher candidates. I’m sure that sharing all these differences and ideas between all faculties and of course raising awareness of parents will put into practice great innovations in order to go beyond ineffectiveness in schools.

  247. The most important thing that caught my attention in the video how happy the children are in school, how much they enjoy lessons.School is not a necessity for them.They enjoy being in school.In addition Osmo Korhonen who is the head teacher is saying »this is my school it is not politician school’’ This is the main point.Leaving school educators, and they are trying to do what’s best for kids.Also need money to create such a beautiful ambient.A small number of students and many teachers say mean a lot more money, and unfortunately very little money is spent on education in many countries.

  248. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    The film shows us the true Finland’s education success. The reason is the small number of students in class what allows for their individual treatment. Also, a lot of learning by practice is certainly enjoyable way to learn. This makes that the students want to go to school. And this is a big success. I think that a lot of countries should follow the system of education in Finland. But unfortunately we cannot find it in most countries. Because of it we are talking about a crisis in education. A lot of students in the classroom, lack of personal attention and learning only a theory does not improve the attitudes of children to school. Is not only the teachers fault but also the parents. Because both sides are responsible for the education of students and to prepare them for adult life. Therefore, I think that we should change our system of education as soon as possible.

  249. Firstly Every children don’t have same abilities. For example Some of children can learn easy maths or other languages. It will be wrong give penalties or humiliate.Really, Education organiziations need to have good and comprehensive solutions.But For the solution of this problem; support political,social,economic support is needed.In addition to I saw on the graphic Turkey has the highest rate of proportion of people who have not completed secondary education.It is about policies because in my country doesn’t have necessary attention to education especially now. Our schools are like a trade institution and they don’t have autonomy.There are several difference between private schools and state schools. Also we have to pass big exam to go to university and our future is depending on the only one exam it is so absurd and the goverment don’t find solutions for this.

  250. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think the school system in Finland is successful because the classes are small and they have three teachers instead of one in nearly the rest of Europe. That is the mean point. When the relationship is more personal, the teachers can brief more individual and the failure rate will be lower. It is a question of money but it is also important that the teachers understand the reason for school failure. It is not only the fault of the person but also the fault of the school system and many other variables. That´s why I like the educational recovery program because it systematically searches for the important variables.

    On the other hand I disagree with one point in the video: In Finland they have one teacher for many years. That is good for the personal relationship but it is worse for students who have problems with a teacher. There are always mistakes, even in successful programs. So we should check these programs very carefully before we adopt them for example in Spain.

  251. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    I like the way they teach in Finland. In this video, children really seem to enjoy the course. In my point of view, the fact that there is a failure in education depends on many causes but the first one is because children are not interested about what they learn at school. It’s more a cramming… I mean, i have the feeling that in school you just work intensively to absorb large volumes of information in short amounts of time and,in my opinion, it’s not the best way to learn things. Children should be enthusiastic about going to school, learn things…
    Moreover, teachers and parents should be more attentive to children, more close. Nowadays, many teachers don’t really care about their students, they just make their course and that’s it, but each child is different, some children need more time than others to understand something, or need more attention etc.

  252. There is no doubt that the number of people failing to complete their education is a frightening phenomenon in today’s world. From studying the graph, no one country is exempt from this trend. I believe that one of the biggest contributors to this phenomenon is this concept of ‘competition.’ In Ireland, UK and the United States, success is measured by grades and academic ability. In my own secondary school in Ireland, the classes were streamed according to the grades and results one got in their exams. What kind of message is this sending out to those students who were in a lower academic class? You are not good enough? This discourages students to continue their studies in the education system. Therefore, I am a supporter of the Finnish system whereby success is not measured by results. Strong and weak students are taught together and there is at least three teachers in the one classroom. Everyone receives the adequate assistance that they require. Moreover, from watching the video, I was encouraged to see how an important role the familial unit plays in education in Finland. From my experience of working and teaching teens who are at risk of dropping out of the education system at a young age, parents and family are often the problem. A lot of the parents have no interest in their child’s education and do not encourage their children to stay in school. Often these parents would have left school at an early age also. Thus, it is a cyclical process. Henceforth, parents need to take a more active role in education and success must not be measured solely on grades and results. Only then might we see a more valuable and complete school system worldwide.

  253. As outlined in the short clip at the beginning of the article, Finland has a very impressive education system, and the results are undeniably successful. I believe this is due to the attitude the Finns appear to have towards education, by not starting school until the age of 7 the child will be excited to go, rather than being forced. This also allows the parents, teachers and students to work together to achieve the best overall outcome for the child involved. The trust seen here is very forward thinking and I think it is also helped by the politicians of the country taking a ‘back seat’, while the schools try to help the children work together instead of emphasising competition among them as is done in the UK and the US for example. I feel that to get the most out of education the class sizes should be kept to a reasonable number of about 25, and from my own experiences of school, having children of all abilities in the same class was very beneficial as it encouraged teamwork and diversity.

  254. The adaptability of the education system is beginning to fail the young people today as the amount of children who lose interest in education at an early age and in secondary education is worsening. From the statistics one can see Korea has the lowest level of students not completing secondary education and Turkey the highest but the question one has to pose is why is the case? I can only base my understanding of this in Ireland and the education system there.The school failure rate is relatively low with many students finishing education. The highest school failure rate is among the disadvantaged who leave school early. There are now more grants and schemes in place to encourage them to stay in school but I think the education is not working for those who are not ‘book smart’ and want to practice a trade. For example learning a language which is almost compulsory in the Irish education system is not going to help a young man get a job as an electrician for example.

  255. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    The rate of students that fail to complete an education are primarily influenced by the inherent norms in society. For example as clearly portrayed through the use of a graph, numerous countries which have a large amount of individuals who have failed to exceed themselves academically is a result of the governments distrubution to the education system in the particular country. For example in Ireland, those who have less money are provided with a grant that will support them throughout the entirity of their educational odyssey. In addition to this the concept of a more personalized approach to teacher students will undubitably enable the students to achieve their full academic poteintal. Various methods of teaching such be adapted for each student as they may be able to grasp an idea much easier if the most suitable method is used for them. Some students have a visual memory, others an aural memory and other students learn through doing something. Thus by analysing the students personality, the teacher will be able to truly understand the most advantageous method of teaching in order to engender the optimum learning for the student.

  256. It is obvious that in a classroom there will be students that learn things differently for example visual learners who learn by looking at something, Auditory learners who learn by hearing things and Kinesthetic Learners who learn by touch. Therefore, in order for every student to get the most out of their education teachers need to be able to adapt their teaching methods to best suit their class. The best way to achieve this is for class sizes should be kept smaller so that every students gets the attention they deserve especially those who have difficulty with learning. Also, there should be more teaching assistants in the classroom to help the student in the classroom that require so additional help. A positive attitude of the student is also a required so that their chances of failing school become lowered. This attitude must come from parents and teachers to help keep the student motivated.

  257. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    I think that the way of education in Finland is very good, and as we can see, effective and successful. Everything starts at home, the first and very important teachers are parents. They are teaching their children basics of reading or writing and preparing for a school life. Then in school teachers are putting emphasis on education without stress and in friendly atmosphere. Children are getting knowledge through fun. The main advantage is fact that everyone can trust each other. The most important person is pupil. Everyone can count not only on teachers but also on other students. That is why children like to go to school. In Poland is not the same. The way of education is more stressful, and sometimes pupils humiliate others. Teachers shouldn’t forgot that abilities and rate of absorbing knowledge of each student are different. I think that a lot of education systems in European countries can learn a lot from Finland system. The most important thing is to take into account pupil’s needs.

  258. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    Undoubtedly, there are many differences among the children in the class. These differences include adaptivity, hyperactivity of some children, the lack of ability to pay attention of the others and so on. The core is to recognize those differences in order to avoid the problems. The person responsible of that is a teacher. But when it comes to the looking for some solution in a particular case e. g. a child is not able to read properly (is confusing the letters) a very important point is communication between the teacher and parents.
    Nowadays, the term like dyslexia and appears almost everywhere, there are many manuals, instructions, articles, and experts trying to help. The most important thing is patience of the parents, child and a teacher. It is very important to recognize it on time in order to avoid the situation that the child is suffering.

  259. it’s a great job what they do in Finland, in each country it is different. but I think that the Czech Republic would not work as well. We are trying to save everywhere where is it possible, they certainly would not pay for more teachers in the classroom. seems also that our education is not about what students learn but that it was the cheapest. students among themselves do not help much and everyone takes care of itself

  260. I think that for successful education is very important cooperation between teachers and parents. The fact is that children are different and they have different needs, different strong points and different weaknesses. Teachers and parents together can provide the best possible education for every single child. Very important thing is also to show children that we trust them and we know they are capable of doing anything. They need to feel our support and they should not be afraid of failure. We have to show them that they are good in some areas and it is nothing bad if they are not the best in every single aspect of education.

  261. I totally agree with this article, that we give too less attention on children needs. But I personally think that sometimes we spent too much time with pupils who have different problems. Don’t understand me wrong… its necessary to help them and to work with them a lot. But sometimes we forgot on children who have not problems. So during we help children who have problems with for example poor language skills, other children who have not these problems get boring. We have to think in every single child in our classroom. And how is written in this article, education must be individualized and exercises and other materials have to be carefully selected for each child in classroom.

  262. What i think they do very good in Finland, is keeping a good and productive atmosphere in schools. When the pupils really like to go to school the first important thing is accomplished and the basis for quality education is set. Very important is also that not everything about school is competition and chasing good grades. Another thing very important that the schoolchildren learn in a school that is more like that one in Finland is solidarity. A thing that we lack in many european societies. In a more competitive school system like in Germany the children learn only to care about themselves and their grades, if they are good you get a price, and if they are too bad you get sorted out.

  263. This topic is relly interesting. I would say that diferent countries have difrent storyes about school success. So in this video is a really good example of Finnish school. They’re taught that they are all equal and that they have to help their school friends. Because some peoples are good in math and some in history so the’re helping each other. So in the end they all have success and the’re all happy to go to school. Because I have to admit that I didn’t go always to school as happy person and I didn’t want to teach because I feelt stupid in some subject how that they know and I don’t…but in the end you realize that in some stuff you’re good and in some you’re bad. So I really support this kind of education that all the children feels equal and of course parents are also very importnat for it. If they stand by you you can learn faster and better.

  264. I think it’s our job as teachers to make sure that every child in our class can develop in their own terms. It is very important that EVERY child in the classroom gets all the attention and help that he needs. So if we see that some kids in our class are having problems with for example «Problems with attention control», it is our job to help these children if possible and to support every child in an individual way. Of course not every disability can be solved by teachers, but I think teachers are, together with the parents, the people who can discover which problems these children have. Also parents often forget how important it is to talk and learn with their own children and that this isn´t only the work of teachers.

  265. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    I completely agree with the text that we need to look more after our children’s personal needs of education and learning instead of generalizing it. Every teacher , parent or educator should have the ambition to support every individual as specific as possible which shouldn’t be limited to their academic education but should also include their personal development. A big pioneer in this type of education is Finland as we saw in the video. They concept of engaging the parents in the educational development of the children makes sure that learning doesn’t stop when school is over. This is a very intergral way of education which we should try to learn from. Every child should be allowed to develop in a free, happy environment where it can follow its own way according to its needs, skills and preferences.

  266. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    After reading this article I would like to talk a little bit about the education in Greece. In my opinion, one of its major problems is that we don’t do the right diagnosis of the existing problems, the difficulties students face, etc. State does constantly epidermic changes that in fact do not improve anything. I think that we should pay more attention to the needs of our time. Many traditional methods must be questioned again, we could take great advantage of modern technologies and also it would be vital to use various techniques in order to come closer to students as individuals, to attract their interest, as well as to handle their special needs more efficiently. It would be quite beneficial if teachers were more innovative and less attached to the formal curriculum. Finally, students have to feel free, be helped to find themselves, their own abilities, talents, interests, their own way and not be affected by social standards and others’ expectations of them. Our whole society would be improved significantly in that way.

  267. I grow up in a very small village with a lot of old people and when i hear them talking about school in the old days. The main thing they remember from their days is that they had to memorize a lot of poems and they still know them. When i try to remember a poem that i learned in 4th grade its even hard to remember a single line and they are about 50 years older than me.
    My point is that the acess to information so easy is meanwhile that no one has to remember anything. «google it». It is possible to find anything about everything on the internet nowadays. It is a blessing but it is too easy.

  268. I also agree with the message of this text a it is important that we are realize that every child is different and that every child may need a personalized way of teaching to let the children meet their potential. This way we can make teaching more interesting and challenging for the children. Even though it requires a lot of work and dedication of the teacher I think it is the best way to develop the mind of children.It is good that a lot of people share this opinions. Probably it’s not possible for teachers to implement this in their classes, as it is also something that the school board should back and support.

  269. Kristīne Mauriņa dice: Responder

    The video about school in Finland was very inspiring. The idea is wonderful, more involving parents in learning process and provide students individualized approach and more teachers in the classroom, but I do not think that it can become a general system for the whole schools, in whole Europe etc., it is the concept of private schools, which is very welcome, I’d love to study or send my children in future to that type of school.
    It seemed to be a very important idea to pay more attention on special help for children with learning disabilities and more gifted and talented children. Often pupils with talents in particular areas are unnoticed the same way as pupils who need extra attention.

    such students lose interest in growth opportunities, if not provide additional attention, and are equating the mid-range level.

  270. The biggest problem, why children doesn’t want to go to school is that it’s not attractive to them, and they don’t see yet, that it is important, and pressure from others (parents, teachers) only makes it worse. It would be perfect to make children see that it is fun and safe to go to school, and make school a place you want to return. I remember when i studied in secondary school, there were some subjects that i really enjoyed and wanted to go everyday, and some of them was a nightmare for me, and believe it or not, hardness wasn’t playing a role. It’s how you teach your subject. In this video I really enjoyed language competition, It is more fun for children to make a game out of studies, than just learn everything from book, Finland is doing a really good job. Another thing from the video I admire is that, teacher follows every student, and they care if children understands study field or not, and it is perfect that they are explaining and helping them in the beginning. Nice work Finland!

  271. Marco Michaelidis dice: Responder

    Finland has made a education recovery on a great level. They do many tests to individually understand each student and see the way they should approach, whether clever or mentally challenged in some areas. Therefore they know how to treat the problems. They have a rule of facing each student individually and students appreciate it, because they see interest and evolution in themselves. They learn many languages which helps them work out their brain, since it helps the brain think faster! The teachers also incline each student according to their talents and their level to according tasks. They are in search of genius children as well as challenged ones. They help them improve even more, which i find admirable. The teachers should be seen as parents, if their bnehaviour is appropriate. A good idea would be Findland to make a course teaching all the Education systems this way of thinking , which i like to call Evolutionary Education.

  272. In my opinion a big reason for failure in school is pressure. A big fatal mistake is try to press diverse people in one specific pattern. The teachers, also some parents and government communicates that the most important things in life are to get good grades, to be successful and to get a «good» job. We have to compete with other countries (PISA), with other people whithin a certain given frame without consideration of different lifestyles. I know that some teachers try to make better but the static frame is still given and fits only to a capitalistic notion. Maybe we should think about to break or to add the traditional core subjects and treat different subjects equally.

  273. Based on the comic , which is displayed on the article, I would like to say that the pole of school education has been transferred…In other words, one of the most serious reasons that education system has been failed during the last decades is because of what we call “Technology”. The way humanity thinks nowadays, has been changed, and technology is a great field which we can use to make our life simpler and give us the ability to concern ourselves about new fields of study. One of the greatest false of school system is that we still don’t use technology to make us think more simple but more complicated at the same time. Technology has been invented in order to make us use it, not being captured by it. Nevertheless, humanity, and especially education system, is still captured in a way. We have to understand that technology can be a via to solve our problems, but it is not the solution to our problems. This idea must be kept in expert’s mind in order to treat the education system to the way of an upper and more inside improvement.

  274. The movie about the schools in Finland was very inspiring but to my idea is it not realistic. They say that there is always space for improvement and I agree. But in the Netherlands we live in a time of multi-cultural society, digital society, generation Einstein 3.0 and the crisis. In the Netherlands is it not able to have more teachers on a class. It’s more likely that one teacher is giving lecture to two classes.

    I believe that schools should go along with the time. This does not mean teaching via Facebook but learning that there is more than the digital world. Teachers can respond to what plays now and what is going to come.

    In addition, the school in Finland is a fine and safe place for kids to develop but they won’t learn from their mistakes. They learn not to work under pressure but how will they deal with it in their work field later? I believe that failure is good for you and that it’s stimulating your creativity to go to the search for a solutions. Dare to Fail.

  275. In Poland, there are a very large class of about 30 people. This is not a good solution to the teacher i could do each child personally. Unfortunately, lack of work for teachers, so why classes are so large. I think it is very important to a child in the school feel good. The teacher should be friendly towards children, so that they feel good but also to have a respect to him. If there are children in the class who have learning difficulties shouldn’t be left to their own devices. I think it is important here that the cooperation between the teacher and the parents. In such cases, parents should pay great attention to education at home. I also think that, unfortunately, but there is a lot of children who are not so much what they have learning difficulties, just don’t want to learn. I think that if there are children in the class who want to learn, the other kids don’t want to be worse, and they do it themselves. I remember how it was with me. It is also true, however, that in Poland we learn a lot of unnecessary things difficult for children. The education system is changing every moment as it is not good.

  276. School failure is a well-known problem all over the world and it has to be solved as much as it is possible. Of course it depends on education system how many pupils do not finish the school because it has to be interesting and atracting for them to go there and study. Every pupil is different from others so it is necessary for teachers to know about every of them as much as it is possible. There are families where parents do not care what their child is doing at school. In my opinion, it is the worst thing for pupil because if nobody cares about his studies he does not attempt to do his best. In my country there is a silly approach among children that if one of them does not learn anything he is very “cool“. And that is one of the reasons why children failure to finish the school. This approach has to be changed. So I totally agree that all three parties (teachers, parents, students) have to be involved to avoid the school failure.

  277. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    I like the fact that the article lays an emphasis on the 3 parties: parents, teachers and students, in order to prevent the school failure of the students. Special attention needs to be paid to a balance between these three parties. In the Netherlands at the school I went to, regularly the parents had to talk with my mentor throughout the schoolyear. To every class a mentor is assigned and he has to be up to date about the developments of his students. Every mentor had around 25 students. That is quite a lot but it seemed manageable for my mentor. It is good that you have someone inside school that is their to help you if you have any problems with for example methods of teaching or means of communication. The mentor carries influence to help you in these particular situations.

  278. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    The video about Finland’s education success really have surprised me and I think there is no doubt that possibility to come at school without restrain, stress or tension is much more valuable for pupils’ final results. Moreover, one motivator was very important for me when I was a child – parents’ interest in my process of studies. It was so nice to tell them what new I learnt and they always said something good for me back. So, positive environment and parents can to reduce the pupils’ failure at school. To decline this failure can help teachers and hope they do that. The teachers are someone like psychologists because they spend a lot of time with pupils and can recognize their personality, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. Of course, now we have an example of good education system (Finland) but to adapt this in our schools is super hard because the countries, traditions, habits and finally people are different. Besides, to prepare and use the different material, tasks and teaching methods for everyone individually in my opinion is close to impossible.

  279. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    The educational system used in Finland is good but for example in my country schools don’t have enough money to employ more teachers. There are classes included approximately 30 pupils and the education program is adapted to the average. Of course it’s very important to remember that every human being is different and have different needs but I think in public school it is complicated to provide special treatment for every child.
    The system where parents teach their children at home is also very good because they can pay attention only to them but in my opinion it’s not so good for growing children. They need to stay with other children in the same age. It helps them to live in a society and to find their place in the group. I think it’s better than learning at home only with your mother or father.
    In conclusion from my point of view schools should strive to reduction the numerous pupils in the class and make smaller groups where is easier to evolve student thinking.

  280. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the only reason for school failure is ourselves. After reading the article, I did some research about the educational system in Finland and what I found surprised me a lot. I learned that in Finland, students do not have the feeling of stress for exams, there is no comparison between students and there are no special courses or special teachers. Students have approximately four hours lessons a day and most of them are successful. Also, teachers choose the books by themselves so that politicians cannot interfere in the education. I also learned that there are only milk, fruit and water in school´s canteen so that it is given importance to the students´ eating habits without being affected by the advertisements. There are many methods applying in Finland but what I want to emphasize is that we have to do some radical changes in education. We have to adapt the education system from Finland to our countries instead of copying it because each country has its own values, systems, traditions and economy. In addition, it was very sad to see that Turkey has the highest rate of proportion of people who have not completed secondary education. Politician´s interference, applying wrong methods in education and crowded population can be the most significant reasons for Turkey´s situation. However, I believe that we can improve the educational system as long as we have hopes to do and we put them in action.

  281. There are so many reasons about school failures. All that reasons are related to each other. We can not think separately one than the other. Family environment, social statue where student came from, school and class environment, relation between teacher and students and the quality if relation between students are the most common reasons that effect school failure. For every student first education starts with family so if the education that student take from family not sufficient, that would be the reason for the school failure. Most of researches show that the students who are in bad economic situation having trouble with being successful. Because that students do not have lots of opportunities to educate themselves and achieve their goals. They have to work out of the school and can not focus on their classes. On the other hand, if the relation between teacher and students is not good that would cause the school failure. Student can get bored from school because of the teacher and wouldn’t like to study just because of the teacher.. Autocratic teachers would make students get away from school and cause school failure. We need to provide a good school and class environment for students. We need to make them trust us and trust themselves. If teachers force students to make them learn something that would be another reason for school failure. We need to leave the traditional thought about education and give students more space to help them improve their skills.

  282. I think, that one of the most important things is motivation and personal interest. I know a lot of children, who had to pay attention to another direction of study, which they donť like and it was seen on the learning achievements. So that is important to support the family of the child in what it likes. Parents schould try to find a way of learning that will be good for the child. In my opinion in a large number of children who attend public school in one class, such as the Czech Republic, is not possible to personalize teaching. But it´s lot of young teachers who are doing it.
    I know it is not just about family and children’s psyches.School failure may be congenital. Then it is important to choose a good pediatrician. Special education has a primary and finaly responsibility for remediating specific learning disabilities.

  283. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the main point of this text. I think that approach should be more individual and focused on what is it that each student need to motivate. Also classes should be more interesting and thought-provoking. Unfortunately i think that lack of this is often teachers fault because, speaking from experience there are not that many so called «born teachers» anymore, with a real passion to teach you something. Also on the other hand it is really hard to have an individual approach when there are 30 students in a classroom,or sometimes even more. I think that parents help and engagment is essential as well especially in first years of education.

  284. I think, in the beginning of everything is family base, but this is not required. Many parents support their children and the failure comes up as a result of entry to school. The teacher’s role is derived from the word teacher already. It is the teacher’s fault. The teacher should be a leader. It should be an enthusiastic person who is able to give the idea to his students, and they can have a natural respect. I have met only a few of these teachers. We can compare it with teachers in Asian countries, where the teacher leaves his students only when he passes all his wisdom and advice.
    In conclusion, it is clear that an essential role is also played by the personality and congenital talent.

  285. This type of problem is quite frequent and we can met it in each school. The couse may be even bullying from other classemates mostly during puberty. Here is very important teacher´s recponce. The sooner he will notice the better it will fix the problem. The cooperation of parents, teachers and sometimes school counselor or psychologist is indispensable. But sometimes happens that parents don´t respect the position of teacher and put them to ennemy position which can be for disabled child worse.
    In my opinion is not good allocate the kid from the group. May then feel that is different. Better for him is stay in class and learn to live with his own handicap.

  286. idea is gorgeous but i m afraid that difficult to realization. of course we should strive to individualisation, verification and optimal meet the need of the educational. In small group it is easier to do it. the program of education can be adapted to the level pupils.
    but in public schools it is more complicated. the classes are mostly numerous,it includes the 25-30 pupils, and the program have to be adapted to the average. of course tests can help but i cant imagine the real individual approach in this kinds of group.
    the education should be strive to reduction the numerous pupils assigned to one teacher and individual perspective on students problems. the solutions used in Finland is good one but we have to remember about ours countries financial situation and therefore possibilities. Finland is in good position (http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Europe/Finland/gdp-per-capita) which allows to have it but it doesnt mean that it isnt impossible to have good level of education and try different ways in others countries.

  287. To children problems you write about. In Czech it is a problem of last approximately twenty years.
    Previously there were the disease as well, but no one partitioned people in school to those with and without troubles. They coped with it, were completely integrated to class and now work so that nobody knows.
    Now these problems occure more frequently due to different life style. For example computers are used for everything, so many children have problems with hand-writing. Also they cannot manage their time.
    My opinion is, that it is not about treating and doing being easier to these people, but help them to cope with their disease, not to excuse to this and live a full live as everyone around.
    Those, who should help these infants, should be primarily parents.
    But they often expect from teacher to solve children problem. I think it good for children in that moment, but does not help it them to the future. The person, who really hepls, should be parents and teacher only gives instructions.

  288. This article is exactly what I am interesting in. Since my high school I study special education, so I hear about school failure often. The interesting thing is that the school failure is increasingly more common phenomenon. Or just now we started to speak about it?
    I agree with you, to each student we have to look at individual.
    Diagnosis of school failure is the fundamental question. When exactly we can say that child is unsuccessful, that child is failing? How we can recognise the limits of curriculum, that the student can handle? The school system puts big demands on students, more and younger children must learn more difficult things. How we can recognise the standard?
    The cooperation of parents with the educator is very important. The Parents often aren´t ready to solve school failure of their children and they react improperly. For example they punish them, develop a psychic pressure and it causes a block and aversion for learning on children. Learning should be for children a pleasure, no misery. To motivate, strenghten confidence, praise for every success, to teach the child to strive.
    However, it´s no always working like cooperation with parents and teacher. Sometimes it´s not possible. If we want to help failed child, there is important to find out anamnesis, to know, where probably can be a problem, what is the reason of the school failure. ´Cause without reason we can´t find a solution.

  289. I believe by heart that is prior to all failures in life if one does not improve herself/himself after graduating from school. People spend many years in school so their characters are shaped in the early years in school. Education is not teaching all the sciences and make brains full of nonsense things and treat them like a memory machine with making so many tests, but it is an art of shaping people. When we consider the total time which is spended all years in school, we can get the main point which is the serious importance and value of education. I think schools should be some places where people learn life, learn how to think, how to learn , how to be successful in life. Because after graduating from school, a new life including job and marriage begins and people have not many skills to cope with all wild life conditions of nowadays. So, many people get lost in life without real education or real aims.
    «Learning should be something like a team game» he says in the video. When I see the conditions of schools in Finland , it is impossible not to be sorry deeply. Because I remember schools in my country in which all these are utopic things. Can you believe that a teacher teaches 60 students at the same time in a little class. It is like a scene from the very beginning primitive times. So, if a child is not successfull in this condition, who can blame this child and make criticism about him/her. The system automatically makes him/her unsuccessfull. So again I believe by heart that «difficulties do not refer only to personal handicaps, but also to the lack of adaptability of the system». If there is a system in which people can improve themselves and be a valuable and educated individuals, then there is a chance of preventing school failure. And according to me the most important step is to perceive the child as individual and know the things that bring the child to the present. These include psylogical level, mental level , abilities and family life. And when I consider all the things I really think that education is a tough job 🙂

  290. I would like to comment on the cartoon. I think the main failure in education, is not caused on the wrong way to teach children, but on the society changing so fast. Kids are involved in all these changes and grow up with more stress than my generation did. So school has to be a place to compensate this stress the kids are exposed to. Issues with social skills, poor languages skills and even the level of attention is getting less and less through the years of more innovations, so school has to be a safe place where a child can develop without all these electronic and stressing sources, that it is normally forced to use. I think than in Finnland they got good values of teaching, the differences between the children who are good pupils or pupils who need more attention are observed and then they are treated in the same way, without the need to be compared. But i also think that there has to be a change in the way kids are under pressure because of their surrounding.

  291. Diversity is also very important in Belgium. Last year we learned in our class psychology, why diversity is so important to help people processing in their schoolcareer. During our internship we had to prepare the pre-primary childeren to go to the primaryschool. Every child is different so we had to put diversity in our tasks. Example in the swimlessons: a child has to jump in to the water. With his feets first. But there are a lot of children that are afraight, so as a teacher you can tell them that they have to sit on the border and then they can jump, so that’s less scary. And if there are ready to jump immediatly that would be great. But you have to give the children TIME to develop. Now a days, everything has to be quick. But I think if you want to work with diversity you’ll need time and a lot of patient and then you’ll get the best out of the children. You can’t push the children to learn quick, they will only have more fear to fail… And then you will see that the child doesn’t want to learn anymore and you’ll see at the statictics they won’t graduate because the’re afraid to fail! I think it’s really sad…

  292. I am verry enthousiastic about the method that the Finnish school of the video uses. School should be the place where children learn in a safe and challenging environment without being scared to fail. A surrounding where people work together instead of working as an individual. School is like society in small and should be motivating and be a place where people make progress during making good experiences. The theory of Maslov tells us that people need to make some steps to be able to expense/ self actualizate them selves. Thats possible when people live in a safe surrounding, have good social contacts and earn enough positive attention and recognition for what they do. I think that is the quality of the system where the Finnish school works with. Trust is the key word in the method they work with. The system is far more informal than conservative systems. That makes school a nice place to be where everybody likes to come and likes to learn. Hendrik Hofstra

  293. I am excited about this video! And I’m thrilled with the high level of education in Finland! I wish the same level of education in all countries. But I know that everything is about money. Many people say that there is not enough teachers, but this is not true. I think the Faculty of Education has mostly of case the most students. Maybe if we had better conditions in the profession, at least half of the graduate learned much passionate. In the video said they mainly focus on mathematics, science and technology, but also intrigued me so many lessons of languages. For example, when I was in primary or secundary school, I used to have just one option for language. And it was English. And also, I think if it will be education in each state as supported by state as in Findland, it would be possible to have such a high equal education everywhere. And most importantly, it would be possible to give a special education for problematic children or children with ADHD / ADD and etc.

  294. In my point of view is the finnish schoolsystem a very good one.
    Every pupil is involved in the lesson and it does not matter if the pupil is a good one at school or not. So the good pupils are involved in helping the other pupils which have for example problems in some things.
    Also which is a very important thing that the teacher make an individual lesson. So every teacher does his individual thing.
    Because of that I would say that every teacher is more passionate in his job and have fun what is also a result for the pupils in different ways. On the one hand the pupils are more motivated to learn something if the teacher creates his lesson in his kind of teaching and the pupils recognize that the teacher is in a good mude because of that.
    On the other hand the teacher put trust across to the pupils which is a very important thing in their life and I think that trust makes the pupils more relaxed in every situation in life and in this case in school, too. If they have any problems in school they know that they can speak with their teacher.
    So the finnish schoolsystem is a mixture of feeling good and learning efficiently, too.

  295. Agata Klopotowska dice: Responder

    I really like the film which presents finnish school. The educational system presented on this movie looks perfect. Children like going to school, because they don’t feel rivarly, they learn by having fun, I can say that they even feel like at home (taking off shoes, teachers who are more like ‘mothers’ than like real teachers etc…). On the other hand, I really believe in the system when the parent teaches his/her child at home. It’s also a very good way of learning for a kid, but only if both: the parent and a child is conscientious enough. But in my opinion this type of education is not perfect, is not complete, because child needs socialize with contemporaries. Not only after lesson-time, but also during learning, staying with other children in the same age gives you more than learning at home only with your mother or father.

  296. We tend to say a child failed but that is wrong. It is the system or the teacher who made that child fail. We have to see every child as an individual, with individual needs, interests, problems, etc. We have to know what is going on in the environment of the child and we always have to believe in the child. We need more attention to diversity in our schools! Schools have such a big impact on the personal development and well-being of a child. Self awareness and consciousness start in school. If a child fails early, for example in germany they seperate the kids after 4 years of school, it will have a big impact on the future life of that child.

  297. This video was very interesting for me. My first choise for erasmus was Finland just because their school is very developed. I was talking about it with one erasmus student which was staying in Finlad for 6 months and she was really surprised how diferent is our school in Slovenia. I think that their priority is that one teacher is with their student very long time, because in our primary school we change every year new teachers (from 1 – 5 class). Thrust is very important for a good relationship and for positive climate in the classrom. Every child is difereent and it is important that we notice that diferences and try to adjust the system, methodic to diferent child. A lot of instituions are not flexible and the people have to adjust to the new system if they want to comunicate and to function in that system. I think that we have to change something about this. We need to know everybody in our class, we need to adjust themes and how to teach subject for diferent kind of children.

  298. Nicolay Stokvold dice: Responder

    The thing about remedial teaching that is so great is that it is including every student and gives every child a better change to get trough school in the best possible way. One of my homeschools are using some of these principles in a very successful way. If a child is having problems like described in the artice (poor language skills, attention problems, etc.) they will be taken extra care of by the teachers, much like we saw in the video from Finland. If the teachers see that at the moment the pupil wont be susceptible for any learning, they have alternate methods of making the child learn. This could be practical work like lumbering, or something else the child feels he can master. I think that a key factor for a schools success is that all the participants have the same goal, and constantly work too achieve this. By participants i think of the children, their family and the staff at the school. Anyway, it is a very interesting subject. South-Korea have one of the fastest growing economies in the world, why? One important factor is believed to be their strong focus on education over the past 30 years…Focus… what is working, and what is not?

  299. I think it’s too much focus on diagnosing kids in today’s society! In many cases, a pupil needs to have a diagnosis to get help – and this is not how it should be. I have heard about many cases where parents are looking for a diagnosis at their child, because he or she will first get help after being diagnosed. I don’t think all questions are being answered if a child get a diagnosis, I think there could be other reasons for the kids failure in school. Therefore it’s important to have mutual contact between the teacher and the parents, as often as possible. And when it comes to dividing classes or schools between the children with special needs and pupils in the correct level for their age, I think it’s wrong to split them up – as long as it’s possible to have them in the same classroom. In Norway, we try to do this so no one feels left outside or «different». Every pupil needs to be seen as the human being they are. We are supposed to live in a society with different people, so why not make it work in school as well? This may be impossible, but I think the best thing to start with is to have a pedagog in each class. But this costs a lot of money…

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