En educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico

En buena parte del espacio educativo mundial hablamos, prácticamente, el mismo idioma pedagógico. Se trata, sin duda, de un logro de la globalización, o producto de las buenas comunicaciones que tenemos… Y todos repetimos términos, ideas y demás vocabulario que nos permite comprender e intervenir en la educación hoy. En este rincón del planeta se habla de constructivismo, aprendizaje significativo, ideas previas, y un largo etcétera. De Vygotsky, Piaget, Ausubel y otro largo etcétera. Pero este mismo idioma se habla en otros muchos lugares.


Desde luego que hay que preguntarse si este idioma pedagógico actual es fruto de una moda pasajera, de las corrientes psicopedagógicas que actualmente se afanan en interpretar un determinado significado del trabajo educativo o, tal vez, también y menos usual entre todos nosotros, pensar que detrás se mueven unos hilos muy finos, finísimos, que son colgados por determinados poderes fácticos, con fuertes intereses en los modelos de formación socio-educativos que más tarde puedan redundar en la creación de un determinado marco económico y social, interés que siempre existe detrás de toda propuesta educativa.

Hace breve tiempo tuve que contar a un especialista en otra rama del saber humano aquello del constructivismo. Lo hice con más o menos acierto, así lo creí. Aquella persona con la que hablaba pareció comprender, pero ciertamente quedó contrariado. Claro, me dijo, si cada uno tiene que formar su mundo interior, si el aprendizaje significativo, relevante y funcional es una experiencia individual e interior, si uno madura en contacto con las cosas, pero elabora un sentido personal, individual y único del ser de las cosas, entonces, qué queda de la experiencia social, de los pensamientos compartidos, de las normas para el grupo, de las ideas no subjetivas sino objetivas (¿acaso no las hay?). Muy fácil, respondí, para eso el constructivismo posee la negociación de los sentidos, de los significados, a través de procesos deliberativos, contractuales, de pacto, conveniados. Pero, ¿y cuando no nos pongamos de acuerdo, cuando no sea posible la negociación, no sea posible el acuerdo?, porque no siempre hay acuerdo, ¿verdad? Entonces, le dije, cada cual con su idea acerca de las cosas. Pues bien, con esto ya estamos en la antesala del individualismo.

¿Es posible identificar alguna relación entre constructivismo y neoliberalismo?

Los postulados del constructivismo, ¿afectan solamente al profesional de la enseñanza en cuanto metodólogo de la enseñanza? ¿Afectan al alumno sólo como sujeto que crea y construye conocimiento? ¿Transforma al ser humano todo entero como ser economicus, ser social, ser cultural, ser natural? ¿Qué hay detrás de todo ello?

335 respuestas a “En educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico”

  1. Dominika Bodnárová dice: Responder

    Unfortunately, the situation in the most of the european countries nowadays with education is more or less the same. I mean, that to have a university degree doesn’t mean almost nothing in 21st century. Students have any idea what to do with their lives after they finish their high schools, majority of them can’t get a job because of the high unemployment in the country, so what they decide to do? They go to study to University. Many of them in Europe are for free, so they start to study even if they want or are interested in the field they choose. They just think that with degree they will be more successful in the future and will be able to get better job. But nowadays this is just a dream of many of us. What I think should be changed, is the level for entry to the University. Only the best ones, who are really interested on what they want to study should be chosen to study it. Than the number of people with university degree can be lower and maybe for this group of people educated in the chosen field can be provide job they were expecting with the salary they expected. Those who didn’t get uni degree can have jobs in which is not necessary to be university educated and maybe this way, system will work much better. Because now is just one big mess in educational system and labour market too, when uneducated people can not get any job and they are unemployed or those who have a degree can’t get their job neither because there is many of them who have the same degree and than the only thing they can do is to start to work in job which is beyond their imaginations, in which is not a necessity to have degree and employer can’t pay them the salary they expect as an to educated individuals.

  2. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    Siempre se ha dicho que la educación se intenta impartir de igual forma en los distintos países, pero cierto es que no es igual. Hablar el mismo idioma pedagógico es difícil ya que cada país adaptara la educación dependiendo del modelo social que este posea. Lo que si no entenderé es como personas que estudian fuera tienen más formación o mejor para muchos empresarios del país en el que nacemos, es decir, personas que nacen aquí poseen la educación en España, y personas que tienen una Educación de otros países ¿son mejores valorados y tienen mejor formación?. No estoy de acuerdo en esto, pero si cabe destacar que el simple hecho de aprender idiomas favorece a la persona. Para finalizar, he de decir, que si realmente los países hablan el mismo idioma pedagógico, este es movido por los sistemas económicos, y no realmente para que haya un fin común con respecto a la educación .

  3. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    Sobre el mismo idioma pedagógico, si que es cierto que lo hay, pero también destacar que no todos los países coincidimos en algunos aspectos de enseñanza, es decir, lo que para mi es importante a lo mejor para ellos no lo es, (viceversa).

    Respecto al constructivísmo pienso que la enseñanza adquirida debe darla a conocer de forma dinámica,etc, para poder comportarse de cierta manera a lo largo de nuestra vida. Cada uno aprende diferentes teorías, las cuales deberían de exponerse públicamente y por supuesto respetar cada una.

  4. Nowadays there is no guaranteed if you have a diploma, you can’t be sure that you will get a good job. But if it is true, i have to ask: Why do we learnt for through 3-5 years minimum, and invested a lot of money for our higher education? I think the roles changed positions at the last 10 years, because some years ago the further employment’s chance was much bigger if you had a diploma. But how could it happened? What should we do?
    This video shows superbly that we can’t focus just on one thing, we have to see multiple answers. We have to think in divergent ways, not just linear. They try to classify us in categories, and kill our creativity and ideas but we don’t have to let them. We have to do our best, and do something for the changes!

  5. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    Pienso que los niños son capaces de dar más soluciones a un problema que otros niños mayores que no saben, a la hora de hablar si el constructivismo es una buena corriente pedagógica o no, yo pienso que si porque se tiene una metodología en la que la que se debe formar al alumnado del material necesario para que se aclare esta circunstancia, cada uno procedemos de unos valores diferentes y una cultura distinta. Los países subdesarrollados tienen el concepto de escuela o educación totalmente diferente al nuestro.Por lo tanto la educación que tenemos todos la considero que hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, ya que todos tenemos un misma finalidad que es el económico. La educación es una columna esencial para que el estado pueda practicar un control y seguir con sus preocupaciones, con lo cual el tema no lo optamos nosotros.

  6. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    La educación es y será diferente siempre en los diferentes países del mundo. Aunque en cada ciudad quieran promulgar la enseñanza más eficaz para los alumnos no todas podrán conseguirla, debido a muchos condicionantes como la política y la economía. En nuestro país se intenta hablar el mismo idioma pedagógico para entender y mejorar la enseñanza educativa, y transmitir de la misma forma a todos los alumnos por igual.

    Los demás países aplicarán la educación más eficaz para su modelo social, será distinto, incluso raro para nosotros, pero deberemos valorarlo y aprender lo máximo de ellos, porque será válido para estudiar como está la educación en otros lugares.

  7. This film is very interesting because it shows how well the education system has evolved over the years. Previously, everyone thought that right after graduation immediately find the perfect job for a giant money. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Diplomas from various universities have a large number of people, but the job does not significantly arrives. It takes more preferably additional qualifications or certificates for which, however, often they have to pay.So I think the most important thing here is our motivation and desire to develop because only this can give us the perfect position.

  8. I agree to a certain extent that our education system is outdated. It does produce advantages and many children progress on to university and higher education however there is always room for improvement. There is a lack of creativity and innovation and children are brainwashed into a typical school then college or university then work routine. There is so much more out there to be explored by these young people. They must experience the working world for themselves and develop their own opinions and interests. If they do not experience this then how are they supposed to decide which career route in life they want to go down?

  9. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    Sir Ken Robinson says a lot of interesting things about education and creativity. I had seen some other videos with his statements and I really like his point of view. This time also I agree with him. World is changing, society is changing. Some things that were taught in the school for example 20 or 30 years ago, are not so important nowadays. Education system should all the time evolve. Should be adapt to the period of time in which we live now. Kids are not stupid, they see and understand more things than adults think they are able to. A lot of children are not motivated to study, to attend to classes, as firstly some of the subject are not interesting or even boring and secondly they don’t give nothing useful. We need more classes or subjects that help us develop our creativity. Especially now in the time of crisis, we can see that the diploma of the university is not a guarantee of good job. We need creativity and ideas which can help us survive in this hard time!

  10. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    La globalización en la educación hace que todos tengamos las mismas oportunidades, pero el idioma pedagógico no se imparte por igual en los diferentes países. la metodología no es la misma aunque los contenidos si los sean. en cada lugar se desarrollará de una forma más o menos óptima según se considere, y esto no es malo, debido a que la educación debe adaptarse al lugar donde se desempeña y aunque pretendamos que la educación sea la misma, el método para llevarla a cabo es el que debe variar según la situación en la que se de, porque todos somos diferentes, y de esta diferencia es de la cual debemos partir hacia un buen método de aprendizaje adaptado a cada individuo,comunidad, país, etc.

  11. Clara Gutiérrez Martíez dice: Responder

    Quiero mencionar que hay muchas zonas del mundo dónde se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico debido a que la educación se ha desarrollado en la misma línea y con una mayoría de similitudes culturales…, pero no todos los países tienen las mismas posibilidades o acceso a la educación, este hecho puede ser a que se prioriza en una serie de valores diferentes que en otros países debido a la escasez de recursos que son necesarios para que la educación se desarrolle.
    Respecto a la formación depende de la personalidad de cada persona, de sus vivencias, relaciones sociales, etc. Todos estos aspectos son los causantes de moldear la formación de la personalidad y autonomía de cada persona.

  12. I completely agree with Sir Ken Robinson. The school structure was designed during a time where politics and the economy was very different compared to today’s society. We do not seem to comprehend that the real world is quite different to what we learn in school. Day by day, we are taught how to sit behind a desk and listen to the formulas that will help us in the exams. We should be taught how to survive in life, how to fill out a tax form or what to do in a crisis. These are things that are sometimes more valuable than learning the different muscles in our body. Most students go to university and will spend thousands and thousands of pounds in order to gain a degree, however, in today’s society having a degree does not guarantee a person a stable job. It is as the video emphasised, the school structure was designed for an older generation where having a bachelor degree was considered a prestigious achievement and was likely to see you working in a good job. In today’s world, this is a false advertisement and university does not always mean it is the right path that will lead you to success.

  13. Mari Carmen Díaz Acosta dice: Responder

    La globalización es supuestamente la igualdad entre los países, así que no es de extrañar que tengan un mismo lenguaje pedagógico, ya que si lo que se intenta es que haya una educación igualitaria para todo el mundo, sus términos serán los mismos, a parte pienso que el constructivismo es un buen método para hacer al alumno participe de su educación, hacerlo dinámico y enseñarlo a tener cierta autonomía.


    Para comenzar, me gustaría decir, que no puedo estar más de acuerdo con el vídeo de Sir Ken Robinson. Todos los países del mundo están transformando la educación pública, y hasta aquí es un hecho mas que sabido, pero la cuestión no es esa, sino preguntarse si el camino que se está escogiendo es el correcto o no, ya que se siguen rigiendo o apoyando en un sistema educativo, que como bien aparece en el vídeo, fue diseñado y estructurado para una época diferente, en la que la situación política, económica y social del momento era muy distinta a la que se da en la actualidad, y por tanto, la educación fue enfocada desde una visión que no corresponde con la realidad que nos acontece hoy día. Esto está provocando que muchos grandes talentos no sean reconocidos o simplemente ni ellos mismos sepan que tienen una capacidad gracias al sistema educativo y social que tenemos, o que también los estudiantes cada día tengan una visión mas negra de su futuro, al encontrarse en una espiral de exigencias, esfuerzo, experiencia etc etc… que finalmente no acaba en nada al no haber un puesto de trabajo al que acceder, por lo que se pasan media vida preparándose y formando el curriculum que se les exige para absolutamente nada, estar trabajando de mano de obra barata por así decirlo, para empresas que se aprovechan de ello, y el único beneficio que obtienen estos estudiantes es ¿experiencia?, ¿para qué?, para un trabajo que no existe. Es triste que esto esté ocurriendo y no se haga nada al respecto, porque a largo plazo esto va a resultar ser una bomba que afecte a muchos sectores y ámbitos del mundo, pero sobre todo a las personas, y se debería tomar en serio y con urgencia una gran reforma del sistema educativo entre otros aspectos.

  15. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    Sin duda vivimos en un mundo en el cual todo esta controlado por parte de la esfera económica y sus interéses estan detrás de casi todos los ámbitos de vida y, entonces, también de la escuela. Esta siendo una de las instituciónes más importante para el crecimiento y la información de los individuos es claramente incómoda para el contról por parte de las potencias dominantes y uno de los medios para dirigir el pensamiento de la población a una misma dirección puede ser esto de poner de relieve los mismos terminos e ideas para desanimar el nacimiento de ideas diferentes,puesto que una población ignorante es más fácilmente governable. Este mismo idioma pedagógico de lo cual habla el articulo se encuentra en muchos paises pero no en todos; lo se encuentra en los paises occidentales y no en otros lugares como los paises subdesarrollados y puede ser la demostración de que es solo una momentánea tendencia de estos paises más en contacto y parecidos entre ellos. Es difícil descubrir las motivaciones de este fenómeno,sin embargo, si se debe a los interéses detrás de la globalización,estamos en frente a un triste retraso y perdida en el mundo educativo.

  16. Cristina Venegas Pérez dice: Responder

    Debido a la globalización y a los nuevos avances tecnológicos, todos o casi todos tenemos una educación igualitaria. El hecho de compatir términos es bueno y enriquecedor. No podría decir si el sistema educativo actual es el adecuado o no, pero ¿cómo cambiarlo de no serlo?
    En mi opinión, el sistema educativo debería adaptarse a las situaciones y necesidades de cada país.
    Con respecto al método constructivista es bastante bueno. Considero que los docentes deben acompañar en el proceso de aprendizaje y hacer de los alumnos seres autónomos, para en un futuro poder enfrentarse a la realidad del mundo.

  17. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    Probablemente, en mi opinión, la consecuencia de que la mayoría del sistema educativo mundial hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico sea producto de los, modelos económicos y por tanto estén detrás intereses de los mismos, cuando verdaderamente debería de ser porque todos los países busquen un objetivo común dentro del campo educativo que sea formar a personas para que lleguen a ser hombres y mujeres de provecho dentro de la sociedad en la que se está inmerso, por lo que hay que considerar que para cada sociedad sus valores, sus costumbres y su modo de ver la vida puedan ser diferentes a cualquier otro, y por tanto, no coincidan en todos los casos, pero como he dicho anteriormente pese a las diferencias existentes, todos deben de perseguir un objetivo común.
    A la hora de hablar si el constructivismo es una buena corriente pedagógica, desde mi punto de vista sí, puesto que aboga por una metodología en la que la que se debe dotar al alumnado de la herramientas necesarias para que éste resuelva por sí mismo las situaciones que se le presenten. Dota de autonomía y libertad plena para formar sus propios conocimientos y persigue una metodología activa, participativa, e interactiva por parte del sujeto, y que en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje tanto para el docente como para el educando, exista motivación para llevarlo a cabo y posibilite un aprendizaje significativo en el mismo, que no por ello fomentan un aprendizaje individualista, sino que dentro de un proceso común, cada persona ha de ser libre de pensar y decidir lo que considere oportuno.


    Como ya hemos leído con anterioridad, la globalización ha creado grandes beneficios como son que todos los países obtengan el mismo crecimiento en todos sus ámbitos, y uno de ellos ha sido en la educación, como hace referencia este articulo en casi todos los lugares de los países desarrollados se dará el mismo tipo de educación, pero quedan muchos más que no lo tienen, ya que lo que para algunos algo es importante para otros no, o dependiendo de la cultura algunos aspectos serán más significativos que otros, debido al contexto y las costumbres de vida. Aunque esto sería solo un punto por el cual no tenemos todos la misma educación, existe otro aspecto bajo mi punto de vista que también interviene, y es que en la mayoría de los países desarrollados se enseña lo que realmente se quiere enseñar y de la forma que se quiere hacer.

  19. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    This video is very interesting as it shows how the opinion of education has changed throughout the years. Before everyone thought that as soon as you go to college and get a degree you will walk straight into a good job that you will enjoy and it will be you’re career for life but nowadays that is not the case and that is because of the economic downturn. Students attitude towards education has changed, some young people now believe there is no point in third level education as there is no guarantee for a job. They do not believe that having a degree will get them a job they love. Although having a degree increases your chances of finding work it does not guarantee finding work you will enjoy. Education has many different systems around the world and teachers teach it differently and students learn things their own way as some are academically capable whereas others may need more practical work to learn, everyone is different so the system needs to cater for everyones needs.

  20. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    Es cierto que en educación se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico ya que así todos los que componen educación podemos entendernos mejor. Si es cierto que hay algunas personas, sobre todo docentes, que utilizan un lenguaje pedagógico más profesional y eso hace que los alumnos, en ocasiones, no entiendan lo que los docentes quieren decir.
    Debido la crisis económica, se han tomado muchas medidas en educación, por lo que esta se ha visto gravemente afectada.
    Esto también puede variar dependiendo de la cultura.

  21. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, pienso que el sistema educativo con el que nos encontramos no está actuando de manera correcta. El futuro de la educación cada vez está retrocediendo, ya que unos años atrás el tener unos estudios superiores tenía más posibilidad para encontrar trabajo que los que no tenían estudios, en la actualidad el tener estudios superiores o el no tenerlo prácticamente es lo mismo ya que estamos pasando por tiempos difíciles y no hay trabajo. Creo que esta situación afecta a todas las personas y sobre todo a los alumnos
    Por otro lado creo que hay un mismo idioma pedagógico y que nos beneficia a todos, puesto que a la hora de comunicarnos con otros profesionales de la misma rama, nos hace más fácil de opinar y hablar de diversos temas.
    Para finalizar, el vídeo que se muestra en el texto es un ejemplo claro del sistema educativo.

  22. Currently some of the university run like a business, they just want to sell some diploma and after it usualy it’s really hard for the student to getting a job because some of the company search someone with some experience.
    Moreover divergent thinking is very important for our life. It opens opportunities to resolve tasks in different ways and it promotes creativity in us. Unilateral thinking limited our capacities. Especially in professional life, it is necessary when one solution doesn’t fit to think about an another.

  23. In my opinion,nowadayss the schools haven’t good education system. I absolutely agree that the education system needs to be changed.I think, education can’t attract attention anymore, because theory is boring, old system is staying at the same place. The important thing is to reform acording to the needs of the day. The school system is extremely important for the country’s development. On the other hand, human is a being that thinks socially and makes reasoning.The occurence of globalizaton is the result of a good communication. Having common cultures from some aspects shows that people have common results and common values.

  24. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    Gracias a la globalización, las fórmulas económicas y sociales se aprenden en muchos sitios a la vez y se construyen de forma muy parecida, por tanto, la educación a ser un arma imprescindible para el desarrollo mundial, es muy parecida en la mayoría de países bajo el mismo ámbito político.

  25. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    School curriculum was preapared in old times. That’s one of the reason of getting lack of relation between theory and practice. So schools do not describe ideas they prescribe ideas.
    And Success is generally related with mutual specific success.
    That’s why we can easily decide who is successfull and who is not. We did not think beyond it. We did not think in what field he or she will be successful.
    It shows us we are unsuccessful to deciding fields of study or work.

  26. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    Esta muy claro que gracias a la globalización y a las nuevas tecnologías que nos permiten mas fácilmente comunicarnos, toda o casi toda la educación de los diferentes lugares utilizan un mismo lenguaje pedagógico. Pero como bien se dice en el articulo, la globalización siempre es en beneficios de algunos, por lo tanto detrás de este lenguaje pedagógico global, existen varios poderes los cuales guían dicho lenguaje hacia sus intereses para formar un marco económico y social determinado, el que ellos quieren. Por otro lado, pienso que el constructivismo es una buena manera de que los alumnos aprendan ya que se trata de un proceso dinámico donde el alumno es una persona activa. Pienso que con el constructivismo los alumnos pueden aprender más y mejor.

  27. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    Por desgracia no todos tenemos el mismo acceso a la educación, hoy en día sólo los afortunados tienen la posibilidad de acceder a ella y poder costearse una educació digna a la que todos deberíamos poder acceder. Los que vivimos en un país desarrollado como es el nuestro podemos dar gracias de ello, pero por desgracia, la educación hoy en dia se maneja por lo económico. Los que tenemos la suerte de tener una formación, da igual de donde procedamos, tenemos la oportunidad de mantener una comunicación posible aportando puntos de vista diferentes.

  28. Elena Moral Carrasquilla dice: Responder

    Dudo que se pierda lo conseguido respecto a que en la educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, por desgracia son muchos los errores o las metodologías en educación que hemos visto a lo largo de la historia que han ido fracasando porque sus fines no eran la de formar a una persona como lo vemos en la actualidad perseguían otro tipo de intereses o quizás conseguir un tipo de persona con esa formación que no es la que se busca en hoy en día.
    Pero también me puede la idea de que ahora esta crisis me ha hecho darme cuenta del poder que puede llegar a ver en los que gobiernan y controlan, es la razón por lo que empezado mi texto con ese dudo, que es la consecuencia de la poca confianza que tengo en las decisiones poco éticas que se toman últimamente y en las promesas no llevadas a cabo en ámbitos de la educación que vivo día tras día.

  29. Alejandra Agudo Félix dice: Responder

    La globalización, entre otras cosas, ha hecho posible que tengamos un mismo idioma pedagógico, eso sí, no en todas partes por igual. Como ya se refleja en el texto con la frase “en buena parte del espacio educativo mundial hablamos, prácticamente, el mismo idioma pedagógico”. Detrás de ese idioma existe un control de ciertos poderes que tiene como objetivo la creación del “ciudadano ejemplar” que pueda ser controlado. De esta manera supuestamente, si estudias, “serás lo que quieras ser” y si no estudias no, pero al fin al cabo, terminaras siendo lo que ellos quieren que seas. Por ello hoy día el estudiar significa ganar dinero, cuando en realidad debería estar orientado a la vocación, al gusto de las personas por ejercer su trabajo. Con respecto al constructivismo, sería una forma ideal de aprendizaje, permitiendo que la persona se conozca así misma y todas las posibilidades que puede llegar a albergar mirando desde distintos puntos de vista.

  30. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    El constructivismo es una corriente pedagógica, que postula la necesidad de entregar al alumno herramientas que le permitan crear sus propios procedimientos para resolver una situación problemática, lo cual implica que sus ideas se modifiquen y siga aprendiendo.
    Pienso que es un buen sistema de enseñanza ya que se percibe y se lleva a cabo como un proceso dinámico, participativo e interactivo del sujeto, de modo que el conocimiento sea una auténtica construcción operada por la persona que aprende.
    Pienso que toda enseñanza debe de estar orientada hacia una acción ya que de esta forma se motiva al alumno, se le dan ganas de aprender.

    En cuanto a que todos hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, pienso que algunas cosas si tenemos en común todos debido a la globalización o a lo que pueda ser, pero hay que resaltar que cada país, pueblo, ciudad tiene una cultura y unos valores diferentes por lo que para mí puede ser importante,para otro quizá no lo sea.

  31. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    La globalización, en este caso nos proporciona consecuencias beneficiosas, ya que el estar conectados nos permite tener finalidades parecidas respecto a la educación.
    Tenemos la posibilidad de mantenernos informados y de poder utilizar recursos para empaparnos de esta información, que en algunos lugares hace tanta falta.
    Que hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico es un hecho, pero ,¿ que hay detrás de este fenómeno?
    ¿Cabe la posibilidad de que detrás de todo haya unos intereses, finos u objetivos económico- sociales?
    No podemos olvidar que la globalización también está referida al dinero, y que es un fenómeno capitalista. Interesa que entre nosotros, los que recibimos educación haya competencia, para así formar y estructurar una sociedad al antojo de unos pocos.
    Creo que aunque esta no sea la finalidad de la globalización, hay un transfondo que es probable que sea así.

  32. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    Las instituciones sociales se van desarrollando porque tienen que satisfacer las necesidades básicas de la sociedad y la educación satisface la necesidad de transmitir conocimientos, pero no en todos los lugares se transmiten de la misma forma, ya que no compartimos los mismos valores o la misma cultura. Por lo tanto, compartimos idioma pedagógico en parte porque lo que unos creen que es importante, otros piensan que no, dando más importancia a otros saberes.

    Con respecto al constructivismo, la teoría que representa, la apoyo. Ya que si el sistema de enseñanza se llevara a cabo de forma dinámica, participativa e interactiva con el sujeto, éste aprendería de forma más fácil y lo recordaría a largo plazo.

  33. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    En parte pienso que gracias a la globalización, tenemos un mismo idioma pedagógico, que nos permite entender el mundo en el que vivimos, pero como dice en el texto, detrás de todo esto está la economía y la política. Hay en algunos países que este “idioma pedagógico” está más desarrollados que en otros, cosa que no debería de ser así, ya que se supone que todos tenemos que tener el mismo grado de igualdad, pero como en toda decisión siempre sale ganando el que tiene más poder. Al fin y al cabo los fines de la pedagogía son la educación, enseñanza, formación… todos estos necesarios para el desarrollo y socialización del ser humano. Por último añadir que en este ámbito, es decir, en la educación deber haber un gran cambio para poder adaptarse a los problemas que van apareciendo a lo largo de la vida.

  34. María Eugenia Delgado Santos dice: Responder

    Yo opino que si que existe un mismo idioma pedagógico, pero en aquellas sociedades desarrolladas, en aquellas sociedades que hay un trasfondo detrás, en aquellas donde el dinero controla todo. Seguramente en África no hablemos el mismo idioma, ya que allí apenas existe la educación y lo peor que parece que no nos importa. Seguramente en países menos subdesarrollados si exista una educación desde una perspectiva constructiva, donde el niño aprenda adaptarse al medio y sobrevivir a partir del contexto donde se sitúa. Por el contrario en países subdesarrollados si que educamos a partir de la funcionalidad del mercado, por ello todos debemos aprender una misma educación enfocada a nuestro sistema capitalista.

  35. There are some interesting points here, to begin with, it IS drummed into us as children that we must get good grades in order to succeed in life, go to school, get good grades, go to college, university etc, and if you dan’t do well, there is little hope. Unfortunately, as the video demonstrates, the educational system is still stuck in an older age, operating as a business and often sometimes like a prison, grouping people together and getting them through the necessary requirements. This blog reminds me of when I chose to go to university, at first my mother said she didn’t think this was the best option for me, she considered me as a ‘doer’ and not a ‘thinker’, this is true, as I am terrible at exams, great at presenting, but that hour of an exam doesn’t necessarily sum up my whole learning experience. Different people are good at different things. How are our future generations expected to go out into the working world and be dynamic and revolutionary when all we are taught to do in school is sit at a desk and listen and write? Another point is that the education system is a false sense of security, it’s not 100% guaranteed that after spending close to 30,000£ that I will be guaranteed a job, let alone a job that I would like to do.

  36. Unfortunately it´s true that the school works like a factory. There is no space for creativity and your own opinion. That´s sad but the society wants it. For example if you finish your studies and you want to start work you need a lot of knowlege and 10 years of experience. I have to delete my second sentence because it isn´t true!! I learn in our university in Austria that we have to foster the creativity of the children, that we have to see and accept the different opinions of our pupils. There are so many people who think that we teacher act lika a factory! «The creaticity of our children get stolen» Bullshit! We teacher do a lot to foster them. We are trained to foster them but it isn´t possible to foster every child. We do our best but we are also just human. To all the people who think we teacher are manager of a factory should try by their own to teach children and not only give bad comments!

  37. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    It is not easy to provide a personalized curriculum available. We need to prepare people for life not just on the economy.
    However, the economy is the main funder, requires some kind of say. This of course comes the state, with its guidelines and specified values.
    Outdated structures have created this current curriculum, now it is time for this to reshape. The reorganization has begun in some countries below this slightly faster pace than in other …

  38. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    Debido a la globalización y las amplias comunicaciones, podemos decir que tenemos un lenguaje pedagógico mundial, pero no hay que olvidar que el capitalismo es la base fundamental de la globalización.La educación, en mi opinión, no deja de ser un mercado más para el Estado, ayudándoles a conseguir unos intereses económicos. Es por eso que les interesa este mismo lenguaje pedagógico como el constructivismo, aprendizaje significativo, ideas previas,etc. para formar a los individuos en las mismas competencias. Se crea así, un mismo modelo para sus intereses económico-sociales para dar lugar, como cita el autor en el texto, a un determinado marco económico y social.
    Considero importante la educación que fomente a los individuos como seres autónomos, con espíritu crítico, utilizando metodologías participativas para poder hacer frente a estos controles de la administración y la educación así, no acabe gestionada por las grandes empresas.

  39. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Es cierto que el hecho de poseer un lenguaje pedagógico común, en cierta medida, es posible gracias a la globalización. Pero, como ya se nombra en el texto, creo que detrás de ese «idioma pedagógico» subyace un control de ciertos poderes que cuyo fin ultimo es la creación de un individuo estándar que se adapte a la sociedad actual y que pueda ser controlado y manipulado fácilmente en busca de una estabilidad global que les beneficia.
    Por ultimo pienso que tanto la sociedad como la educación esta muy estructurada, el único fin del individuo es encontrar un puesto de trabajo que lo sustente económicamente y le permita reproducirse, y en ello te encamina la educación la cual te encamina a ese futuro

  40. La comunidad educativa tiene un mismo eje y son autores como: Vygotsky, Piaget, Ausubel. Se pregunta si este modelo es el proporcionado por los poderes fáctico como dominación de las masas. La explicación ante otro profesional del método constructivista le hizo llegar al autor a la siguiente conclusión y cito textualmente: “Entonces, le dije, cada cual con su idea acerca de las cosas. Pues bien, con esto ya estamos en la antesala del individualismo”. Pues, eso mismo debe ser la educación la formación de individuos capacitados para ejercer su capacidad crítica. Llámese como quiera al método educativo, la única forma de conocer es el estudio, la soledad y el tiempo para ello. Lo demás sólo forma parte de la dialéctica inútil.

  41. Iveta Lošáková dice: Responder

    Constructivism is really needed in solving various problems, but unfortunately nowadays curricula are focused on different things than the child’s creativity. They focus on attendance, as training in the future be good workers, on performance and not on the full development of personality. I think that teaching is shared global language. Although each country has different curriculum but every country, every school tries to make the child a complete being. I think that our language training is very good. Unfortunately, the school focuses on teaching the principal foreign language and stud goes into the background, which is a shame, it should be changed.

  42. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    Es cierto que gracias a la globalización hoy en día poseemos un lenguaje pedagógico internacional, pero, también es cierto, o al menos en mi opinión, que este lenguaje posee un falso suelo oculto, el del control social pleno y crear a un ser humano/producto económico eficiente y eficaz, sin más.
    En cuanto al constructivismo hay una clara contraposición en conflicto; por un lado tenemos la iniciativa de que el niño/a crezca según un aprendizaje significativo, por descubrimiento, individualización en ideas y pensamientos, etc. ( El hecho del constructivismo en la actualidad , en mi opinión , es pura fachada), y por otro lado tenemos , que en otro bando, nos inculcan una sucia conciencia si dichos pensamientos, ideas y personalidad individualizada no es acorde con la mayoría social. Es el si-no del ser individual y social actualmente.

  43. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    El hecho de que en educación todos hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, no me acaba de convencer mucho, ya que no en todos los lugares se educa de la misma manera, ya que hay sitios en los que los valores son diferentes a los que nosotros creemos importantes y al revés.
    De todos modos, también hacer hincapié en que no todo el mundo tiene la suerte de continuar sus estudios, ya que hoy en día los que no tienen recursos suficientes se quedan fuera, teniendo que buscarse un empleo para poder sobrevivir o ahorrar para que así algún día tener la oportunidad de seguir con ellos.

  44. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    La pedagogía en sí, en todos los lugares tiene el mismo significado «educación, formación», pero no quiere decir que en todos los lugares se den los mismos valores a la pedagogía. Todos los sistemas educativos tienen los mismos fines (objetivo, finalidad, etc,.), pero en todos los lugares no se le dan la misma prioridad a los objetivos a alcanzar. Cada sociedad está influenciada pro su cultura propia, por lo que condiciona al tipo de educación que le afine a ella, ya que educación y cultura están muy relacionadas.
    Nuestro país si comparte la misma pedagogía que multitud de países en el mundo, por ejemplo el Plan Bolonia, es a nivel europeo y se ciñe a él todos los países que pertenecen a la Unión Europea, políticas y leyes educativas para todos por igual.

  45. En cuanto al constructivismo que se habla en este texto, el alumno debe crear conocimiento a través de la construcción de saberes previos y la interacción entre el grupo de iguales y profesores, este debe facilitar y mediar entre el niño y dicho conocimiento, atendiendo a la diversidad y a las diferencias individuales, aunque este tienen también su parte negativa ya que elimina a la crítica y el debate, provocando que el educando no piense por sí mismo, aceptando ideas y opiniones de los demás porque simplemente lo dicen tercera personas, la mayoría o la sociedad, también niega la verdad objetiva rechazando la única verdad y hace innecesario o sustituible al profesor, afectando así tanto al docente que imparte la enseñanza como el alumno que crea y construye conocimiento.

  46. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    En primer lugar voy a dar mi opinión. Yo pienso que sí tenemos el mismo lenguaje pedagógico porque aunque en un país no le den tanta importancia a algo que en otro país le daría mucha más, no influye en el hecho de que todos ellos tengan la misma finalidad, que es construir, formar y dar valores a los ciudadanos, para que éstos, el día de mañana tengan una formación una una cultura y unos pensamientos adecuados. Aquí si puedo decir que una de las cosas buenas que tiene la globalización es que facilita la comunicación entre distintos países ayudando de este modo a conocer, opinar y entender las distintas culturas, lenguajes incluso las distintas formas de enseñar. Esto ha favorecido mucho a la humanidad, ya que por ejemplo los españoles incluimos muchas palabras del ingles a nuestro vocabulario y la españolizamos esto se debe gracias a la globalización.

  47. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    En mi opinión sí es cierto que en educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, ya que a diario nos relacionamos con compañeros y profesores y todos hablamos de una manera en la que nos entendemos mutuamente. Sin embargo, pienso que es más fácil entenderse con los compañeros que con los profesores, ya que a veces se da el caso de que algunos usan un lenguaje demasiado «profesional» por así decirlo y la verdad que no nos facilitan nada las cosas a los estudiantes.
    En definitiva, creo que los docentes deberían de usar un vocabulario más natural y coloquial a la hora de transmitirnos la información, y así sería mucho más fácil para todos entenderlos y no nos quedarían tantas dudas a la hora de realizar muchas tareas.

  48. This video and article highlights concerning key points about our educational system today, the statement that we are educating our children by anethnetising them is outragous but so true at the same time. . How are we as the younger generation supposed to think for ourselves and come up with new ideas? I believe Ken Robinson brings up a very valid point in saying our education system is outdated. Yes the education has done its job and served its purpose since the age of the enlightenment but it has to be upgraded. Because nowadays children do not have the same drive and want to do that as they know there are alternatives.

  49. Constructivist learning is based on acquiring new experiences, comparing them with the previous experiences and then active integration into their own mental structures. Two aims of education should be to prepare the students good for the work life and to explain them the organization of the political system. But that shouldn´t be the only aim. Teachers today must also prepare students in an innovative way, they are able to deal with these powers and create an attitude free of self thoughts. And i think that these kind of educational changes should start with society in general.

  50. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista no existe un idioma pedagógico universal, debido a que en cada país ve la educación de manera distinta. En los países subdesarrollados la escuela no ha estado nunca en primer plano ya que ellos son conscientes que el poder acceder a dicha institución es muy difícil para ellos. En Europa y más países desarrollados, la educación siempre a estado en primer plano ya que la mayoría de las personas han podido acceder a ellas, pero en los últimos tiempos esto ha cambiado debido al brutal aumento económico que se necesitan para poder adentrar en ellas.

  51. Ixone Gómez Ramírez dice: Responder

    La enseñanza tiene el mismo objetivos en todos los países, el de formar a personas, la diferencia radica en el trasfondo de esa educación: la forma y la finalidad de la enseñanza.
    En nuestro país se puede ver como ha ido cambiando el modelo educativo en los últimos años, en los que en la escuela se mandan más deberes o en la universidad se aboga por el plan Bolonia. Con esto se quiere conseguir personas más autónomas, con capacidad para adaptarse individualmente a las diferentes situaciones que se nos plantean, cada vez con mayor frecuencia. Pero este modelo es eficaz aquí.
    Como dice el texto, «en buena parte del espacio educativo mundial hablamos, prácticamente, el mismo idioma pedagógico», lo que se usa como una base que cada cultura y sociedad adapta a su contexto.

  52. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    La pedagogía siempre tiene el mismo lenguaje y objetivo, pero según la cultura será de una manera u otra. Con la historia, este lenguaje pedagógico se ha ido universalizando cada vez más, y hoy en día con los avances que existen de la tecnología cada vez más. La pedagogía puede ir variando según la cultura, ya que algunas le dan más importancia a unas cosas que otras, también influye como se ha podido observar en el video, la economía. La economía desgraciadamente maneja los hilos de la educación en cada sociedad. Esto demuestra que no les dan tanta importancia a los valores personales, solo a los sociales y al futuro de una sociedad y economía.

  53. Constructivism is not really helpful to solve pedagogical problems. Constructivism focusses on the individual and claims that all perceptions result in mere projections instead of representing the real world outside the individual. Therefor all input that a child receives cannot, according to constructivism, reach the child in the way that it is meant. Neither parents, nor teachers can ever convey their thoughts and ideals. Maybe they don’t even exist. The entire world, including parents and teachers, might just be pure fantasy of the child.
    Our society certainly has began to decay well before the onset of constructivism, whereas in former times the concept of family, included not only parents and children but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins. This concept was reduced to a core family in the second part of the 20th century and since that in the progress of decay, the number of singles increases. One could say that Constructivism only reflects this process on a philosophical level.
    And yes, neoliberalism also is an expression of this process. The individual strives to maximize his or her profit without caring about others. This neglect matches well with Constructivism’s central aspect namely that there might be not an outside world, and if there is, it doesn’t matter. Constructivism is a destructive philosophy, harmful to education, to society and every person in it.

  54. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    The video is a wonderful observation of education system. Unfortunately, the system has made schooling simply as a means to produce better workers, not necessarily better thinkers, so we are taught the idea that education is just to get a better job. I agree it isn’t education’s job to make people «ambitious, independent» in direct manner; but it is it’s job to ensure the environment in which people naturally become «ambitious, independent, etc». Universities should be the places where critical thinking is encouraged, and school shouldn’t feel like a chore, experimenting is (in a sense) like playing. And experimenting is an efficient and enjoyable way of learning. Education plays a big part in molding personalities. Of course, everyone would like to have a job who love and earn enough to care for them families, but I think we also want an educational experience to be enriching, to help us become a more well-rounded thinkers.

  55. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    Creo que todos hablamos el mismos idioma pedagógico pero desde distintos puntos de vista. Tal vez en los países pobres algunos aspectos de la educación le dan mucha mayor importancia ya que para hacer a ella cuesta mucho más que en los países desarrollados como puede ser Alemania. Desgraciadamente en España nuestro idioma pedagógico considero que puede estar un poco unido a la economía, opino que no debería ser así ya que se mezcla la educación con el tema económico. Y tal vez hoy en día le estamos dando mucho más valor a la educación porque nos está costando mucho más acceder a ella que hace diez años.
    En conclusión, si tenemos el mismo nivel pedagógico, opino que es universal. Aunque en cada país dependiendo de cómo este globalizado tendrá una la misma educación pero con distintos matices.

  56. Unfortunately the school curriculum nowadays is not designed to encourage creativity and innovative ideas. Children are becoming more and more passive every day. In future the grades and diplomas will have completely different role than they have today or ten years ago. In the front there will be people with the skills, knowledge, competencies and innovative people. Successful school system will be the one which will know how to develop these skills and improve conditions for their successful and satisfying life in this world.It is about time to modify the school system and for us to wake up from this melancholy.


    Pienso que la educación ha ido cambiando conforme han pasado los años, no en todos los lugares del mundo tienen el mismo pensamiento ni el mismo idioma pedagógico, lo que muchos consideran importante para otros no.
    Los sistemas educativos están cambiando y en muchos casos los niveles de estudio e incluso la forma de impartir las clases. Por otra parte la educación en muchos casos se está localizando en un segundo plano para muchas sociedades ya que no es accesible para todos debido a las tasas elevadas en las matriculas.

  58. EVA REDONDO GONZÁLEZ dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que en educación no se comparte un lenguaje pedagógico mundial, ya que el sistema educativo no es igual en todos lados. Por otro lado, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el vídeo del profesor, ya que es cierto que en todos los países están cambiando los sistemas educativos públicos, siendo la principal causa la crisis económica por la que está pasando el país, cada vez los jóvenes tienen menos recursos para estudiar y una menor salida profesional una vez terminado la carrera. Como bien dice, antes el tener un titulo universitario era un prestigio para la persona que lo poseía ya que era algo a los que no todos podían acceder por muy inteligente que fuera, al no tener los recursos económicos necesarios para costearse dichos estudios.
    En la actualidad, los jóvenes no se muestran «entusiasmado´´con nada debido al panorama que existe y viendo que muchísimos jóvenes han tenido que dejar sus casas para buscar alguna oportunidad de trabajo.

  59. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, todos hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico, aunque si se producen algunas diferencias y variaciones dependiendo del lugar donde proceda. Cada país tiene su propio método de educación , aunque todos tienen el mismo final » la enseñanaza», porque poseen culturas, religiones ,lenguas, razas diferentes.
    Por ejemplo, hay países que algunos simbolos o hechos producidos lo ven bien, mientras que en otros no se ven bien, por el simple hecho de la cultura a la que pertenecen.
    Si que es verdad que hay algunos lugares donde la educación ( a nivel académico) tiene mucho mas valor que en otros lugares, debido a la escases de recursos que poseen estos, pero si que transmiten su educación utilizando otros métodos o tácticas diferentes.
    Como conclusión, debido a la gran diversidad cultural que hay en la sociedad, todas las culturas deben ser respetadas por igual, y evitar que haya discriminación, y racismo.

  60. ANA CORDÓN MASERO dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que no todos hablamos un idioma pedagógico pues, existen variaciones según el país donde vivas. En muchos lugares acceder a la educación es más complicado. Además, hoy en día, el sistema educativo no está actualizado pues, no nos proporciona una seguridad a la hora de encontrar un trabajo y se mueve entorno a la economía. Esto provoca, entre muchas otras cosas, que profesores sin vocación estén enseñando sin ganas, a las nuevas generaciones.

  61. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo visto en el vídeo de Sir Ken Robinson, actualmente el sistema educativo no se encuentra adaptado a las necesidades de los alumnos, sino que sigue en un modelo anterior que no cubre la demanda establecida. Es imposible pensar que niños de menor edad sean capaces de dar más soluciones a un problema que niños de mayor edad que “supuestamente” los están formando para darles mayor capacidad de soluciones, sin embargo, nos limitan a una única respuesta, creando a personas con pensamientos establecidos y no libres. De esta forma crecemos con pensamientos ya establecidos de antemano, haciendo diferente y excluido a aquel que piense de otra forma. Otro aspecto que ha llamado mi atención por completo, ha sido el aspecto de la comparación de la escuela con la fábrica, un lugar donde se debería enseñar el mayor número de opciones posibles, capacidad crítica… se convierte en un sitio estructurado donde solo hay una posible respuesta buena. Respecto al idioma pedagógico, pienso que desafortunadamente no es mismo en los distintos países.

  62. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Considero que si se debería hablar un mismo idioma pedagógico en todos los rincones del mundo, las ideas, los contenidos teóricos y las practicas educativas, deberían de ser para todos igual. Pero desafortunadamente, no es así, pues esto varia dependiendo del lugar al que nos refiramos. Hay países donde la educación no esta tan valorada como debería estarlo y no se invierte lo suficiente en este sentido. Al igual que en nuestro país, hoy en día, y con la crisis actual, han surgido muchas políticas económicas y de recortes en distintos ámbitos.
    Pienso que esta dirección es equivocada, pues si se recorta en educación, ¿Qué formación recibirán las personas? Es un paso atrás para el buen desarrollo del país y con esto solo conseguirán que nos quedemos cada vez más a la cola.

  63. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Como bien dice el texto, la educación que recibimos en muchos países es similar gracias a la globalización. Esta globalización esta haciendo posible que las fronteras educativas entre los países se estrechen, un ejemplo de esto lo podemos ver en las becas erasmus.
    La consecuencia de las becas erasmus es positiva, sin embargo, creo que el hecho de que todos hablemos de las mismas cosas en educación también puede resultar negativo en algunos aspectos. Por ejemplo, creo que igualación de los programas curriculares en distintos países pueden estar sometido a unos intereses sociales, políticos, pero sobre todo económicos, como bien dice el texto.
    Además, pienso que las circunstancias sociales del país deben marcar el currículum escolar, y no los intereses de unos pocos con poder.

  64. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión pienso que en educación hablamos todos el mismo idioma pedagógico, puesto que a todos tenemos un mismo fin, el económico. Creo que la educación es un pilar fundamental para que el estado pueda ejercer un control y seguir con sus intereses, por ello el contenido no lo elegimos nosotros, ni tan siquiera los profesores. Por ello crecemos como «borregos» de esta sociedad, creyendo que si no estudias no serás nadie, y si estudias serás quien ellos quieras que sea. Estudiamos en base a lo que ellos nos proporcionan, y además mercantilizan la educación, pagando si quieres estudiar o si quieres ser alguien.
    Y en referencia al constructivismo pienso que así debería ser la educación, formar al individuo con diferentes teorías, con diferentes puntos de vista, con actitud crítica, que el niño pueda experimentar lo que a él o ella le guste, creo que no hay nada más importante como primero conocer los intereses propios, experimentar tu vida para así luego comportarte con los demás, no como ahora, que primero tratan que todos conozcamos lo mismo, para que después una vez aferrados a esas ideas, si tú no las compartes, eso haga que los demás te rechacen o te excluyan.

  65. Antonio Cosmo Narváez dice: Responder

    La educación debería de ser universal, por lo que el lenguaje empleado en diferentes países obligatoria mente debe de ser similar. Cada país tiene su propio sistema educativo, pero si es cierto que todos están enfocados a impartir la misma serie de valores y competencias relacionadas con el mundo social y laboral, por lo que el lenguaje es similar en centros educativos de diferentes partes del mundo. También es cierto que la globalización es una característica muy influyente en este aspecto, ya que parece ser que una mano invisible está bastante interesada en hacer sociedades homogéneas. Por lo que la existencia de un lenguaje pedagógico parecido en diferentes partes del mundo puede explicarse. En cuanto a la parte más espiritual y filosófica de texto, si es cierto que cada uno creamos nuestro mundo interior, pensamientos, emociones, en definitiva forma de ver las cosas y la realidad. Pero este pensamiento, independientemente del lugar en el que te encuentres, genética, sexo,edad… es el resultado de la interacción de uno mismo con el resto del entorno, personas animales, cosas….Es decir, que lo uno no puede vivir sin lo otro, el humano a partir de su entorno, crea su propio pensamiento, y ese pensamiento tiene la capacidad de modificar dicho entorno.

  66. My opinion is that teaching language is universal, but it also depends on the countries, policy, situation in the country, schools, different teachers. Two weeks ago I was reading the book I am Malala, it was about girl in Pakistan, who was fighting for the rights of all girls, to get proper education and to go to the schools. Because talibans in Pakistan thought that girls there did not have rights to go in the school. In my country, on the contrary, is logical, that all children at the age 6 go to the school.
    I also think that school nowadays are like factories. Children get a lot of informations in the school, they have to do homeworks, work in the groups, 8 hours for a day they are in the schools,…First primary school, then secondary school, high school and university. And after 16, 17, 18 years of studying is obviously that you get proper job. But nowadays is different. A lot of young people are unemployed. And this is really big problem, in Slovenia and also in the other countries. I see solution in changes of educational system.

  67. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    Por una parte pienso que el idioma pedagógico es universal. Pero también es cierto que no todas las personas tienen acceso a la educación de la misma manera, ya que varía la sociedad en la que vivan, la cultura que tenga, las creencias y valores que lleven consigo… Por lo que mucho menos no todas las sociedades tienen las mismas metas para enseñar en el ámbito educativo.
    En el ámbito educativo y cultural hay personas que no reciben una formación digna para desarrollarse como persona ya que viven en unos países que no tienen poderes económicos suficientes, por lo que nosotros nos tenemos que senir orgullosos de poder estar en la Universidad y estar formandonos profesionalmene en lo que realmente nos gusta, además de día a día desarrollarnos como persona.
    Por lo que pienso que la globalización no tiene un mismo idioma pedagógico, al revés, ya que los países que no tienen suficiente nivel económico no tienen los mismos derechos básicos que los países que estan desarrollados y que tienen una formación «gratuita y digna».

  68. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Está claro que el idioma pedagógico es universal, también que a la educación tiene acceso todo el mundo, pero no de la misma forma. No todos los países tienen las mismas intenciones educativas para la sociedad que lo compone. Según el grado de conservadurismo o liberalismo que tenga, así será la educación que planteen, por lo que el idioma pedagógico tiene la misma función, enseñar, pero no tene la misma forma.
    En cuanto a los conocimientos individuales de cada persona, es evidente que pueden encontrarse presente de la forma en que cada uno los construya, pero al estar en sociedad, y compartir con el resto tu idea, ésta será inevitablemente influenciada por el resto, modificándola la mayor parte de las veces, y si no la modifica, porque es una persona de fuertes ideas, pues pienso que lo único que conseguirá es quedarse con sus ideas para sí misma, pero tristemente no le servirán para ponerlas en práctica, porque vivimos en un mundo en el que todo tiene que estar aprobado por la mayoría, y si no, queda inamovible. En conclusión, pienso que existe un mismo idioma pedagógico relativo y unos conocimientos propios manejados.

  69. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Está claro que el idioma pedagógico es universal, también que a la educación tiene acceso todo el mundo, pero no de la misma forma. No todos los países tienen las mismas intenciones educativas para la sociedad que lo compone. Según el grado de conservadurismo o liberalismo que tenga, así será la educación que planteen, por lo que el idioma pedagógico tiene la misma función, enseñar, pero no tene la misma forma.
    En cuanto a los conocimientos individuales de cada persona, es evidente que pueden encontrarse presente de la forma que cada uno lo construya, pero al estar en sociedad, y compartir con el resto tu idea, ésta será inevitablemente influenciada por el resto, modificándola la mayor parte de las veces, y si no la modifica, porq

  70. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I found this article really interesting. I agree that the school system now is like a factory.
    It’s not the same as 100 years ago.
    I think, the main point of this article is the grouping of the different levels.
    I have mixed feelings about; children dont have to be divided to the classes according to age, but according to degree of inteligency and skills.
    On the one hand I think this is actually very good, because they are organized by level. On the other hand, I do also not agree. Many level difference in the classroom makes it very instructive. Not only me als teacher learn the childeren somthing, but also the students themselves. A child with a higher level can help a child with a lower level very good.

  71. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    Interesante vídeo del Señor Ken Robinson, pienso que no le falta razón en nada de lo que afirma.
    Es cierto de que el sistema de Educación implantado aun sigue siendo anticuado, sin tener en cuenta de que el mundo ha evolucionado y de que tal y como este señor afirma, cada persona funciona de una manera diferente y mejor en unas cosas que en otras.
    La idea sobre el titulado es inteligente y el no titulado no es algo que se sigue dando en el mundo, asesinado aquí de nuevo la inteligencia de aquella persona no titulada, pasando en la mayoría de los casos, que muchos titulados son menos inteligentes que los no titulados. ¿ Qué es lo que ocurre aquí? Pues que el ciudadano sin cualificación universitaria no se verá apto para estudiar nunca, incluso si alguna vez tuviera esta oportunidad, puesto que desde siempre se le ha enseñado que si no estudia siempre no será inteligente.
    Aquí es donde puedo llegar a ver uno de esas cuerdas de nosotros títeres manejados por los de «arriba», intentar que todos estudien para ser alguien en la vida, encontrándose después este estudiante de que no hay trabajo ni para él, titulado, por lo que mucho menos existirá un sitio laboral para un no cualificado dentro de la sociedad. Lo interesante es cuando te exigen títulos para dar un perfil en el mercado laboral, resultando que luego no hay trabajo, y cuando por otro lado prefieren pagar la mano de obra del no cualificado antes que la del cualificado por que es mas barata. Está claro, aquí cada uno tiene su sitio, «la morralla» no titulada de la sociedad para los trabajos baratos y los titulados para puestos de trabajos donde percibe un salario mayor con menos desgaste físico, resultando en la mayoría de los casos que no saben aplicar sus conocimientos obtenidos en su universidad por la manera que se le enseño, como un loro: memoriza, repite y desecha información. Una de las coincidencias de ambos perfiles es que dentro de esta crisis económica y educacional, es difícil para ambos encontrar trabajo a día de hoy, ya que la idea de estudia para conseguir trabajo del siglo anterior ya no garantiza un trabajo en este siglo, pero otra de estas coincidencias es que ninguno, bajo mi punto de vista, no recibieron la educación propia ni correcta: El que no estudió porque se negó, independientemente de los motivos que tuviera y el que estudió por no haber recibido una Educación de la manera conveniente ya que la estructura la de Educación está caducada desde hace muchos años.

  72. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    This is a very interesting article. Children are taught that if they follow the simple structure of go to school, pass exams, gain a place in university and gain a degree then you will get a job. However this is not the case nowadays and throughout the whole of Europe many students all face the same problem, having a degree but not being able to get a job. This is simply because of cutbacks and recessions. I agree with Ken Robinson regarding the fact that we need to change the education structure, it may have worked for past generations but it is not working or is it suited to today’s ever evolving and changing society.

  73. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el decir que todos hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico respecto a la educación y que esta globalizado es un error. Vivimos en un planeta con una diversidad cultural imprencionante, y cada una de estas tienen valores diferentes, es decir, lo que para una cultura sea importante aprender no lo tiene porque ser para otra cultura.
    Los países subdesarrollados tienen el concepto de escuela o educación totalmente diferente al nuestro, es mas me atrevería a decir que incluso en algunos países no existe ni estos conceptos puesto que no tienen escuela. No voy a criticarlos ni a denunciar este echo, ni siquiera me voy a conmover puesto que en algunos documentales ves que algunos de estos niños viven bien y son felices puesto que en su cultura al no existir no añoran eso. Por este motivo creo que la educación y sobre todo la pedagogía no esta globalizada. Además para llegar a esta conclusión basta con incluso comparar un colegio privado con uno publico, o uno religioso, cada uno de ellos tienes sus propios valores y su propio método de enseñanza. Creo que en lo que se deberían de preocupar es que en la medida de lo posible y basándose en la cultura de cada sociedad todos los niños deberían ser educados y formados para sentirse útiles, completos y realizados y sobre todo, poder tener una vida digna como la que cualquier persona debe tener.

  74. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el decir que todos hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico respecto a la educación y que esta globalizado es un error. vivo en un planeta con una diversidad cultural impresionante, y para cada una de estas hay valores diferentes, es decir, lo que para una cultura sea importante aprender no lo tiene porque ser para otra cultura.
    Los países subdesarrollados tienen el concepto de escuela o educación totalmente diferente al nuestro, es mas me atrevería a decir que incluso en algunos países no existe ni estos conceptos puesto que no tienen escuela. No voy a criticarlos ni a denunciar este echo, ni siquiera me voy a conmover puesto que en algunos documentales ves que algunos de estos niños viven bien y son felices puesto que en su cultura al no existir no añoran eso. Por este motivo creo que la educación y sobre todo la pedagogía no esta globalizada. Además para llegar a esta conclusión basta con incluso comparar un colegio privado con uno publico, o uno religioso, cada uno de ellos tienes sus propios valores y su propio método de enseñanza. Creo que en lo que se deberían de preocupar es que en la medida de lo posible y basándose en la cultura de cada sociedad todos los niños deberían ser educados y formados para sentirse útiles, completos y realizados y sobre todo, poder tener una vida digna como la que cualquier persona debe tener.


    Tal como se refleja al comienzo del texto, en buena parte del mundo se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico. A simple vista, creo que este hecho es beneficioso, puesto que facilita mucho las cosas a los estudiantes y trabajadores que, bien por gusto o por obligación, continúan su carrera académica o profesional fuera de sus fronteras. Puesto que al haber un mismo idioma pedagógico no tendría que haber diferencias ni en el contenido ni en la manera básica de transmitirlo.
    Por otra parte, el problema surge al cuestionarse quién o qué establece este idioma pedagógico global, que al formar una parte esencial de nuestra enseñanza, repercute en nuestra manera de ser y de actuar como personas y como ciudadanos. Este interrogante, nos puede llevar a pensar, que detrás de esta propuesta educativa común puede haber ciertos intereses secundarios de alguna fuerza de poder, que aunque todos creamos que todos somos muy distintos y que cada uno tiene su personalidad y actúa de una manera diferente según sus principios, puede ser que a través de este idioma pedagógico, nos estén «empujando» a encajar dentro de ciertos parámetros. Sea así o no, lo cierto es que esta enseñanza globalizada no llega a todos los rincones del mundo ni, por mucho que se quiera, se interpreta de igual forma en aquellas partes a las que es común. Y cada vez se observa este hecho con ojos más críticos.

  76. Nowadays, education is based on memorization.Thus, students focused on learning and not have a mind to pass the exam.In fact, this situation is alarming.I think the education system should not allow it.Students learn anything because you will find that when you graduate.Students will select a job and work hard.Some countries this situation differently.They have a tutorial training, especially developed countries.Students are studying in practice.Thus, they are going to come to understand and make informed So my least developed and developing countries should improve the education system.

  77. Showing the educational system as a factory was an interesting idea and sadly, I need to say that I think it works more or less like this. However I don’t like it, I consider that the generality that occurs in the public education is impossible to avoid. Maybe it would be in the richest cities but not in the most parts of the world. The other important issue for me is that higher education doesn’t provide work anymore. I can see that young people nowadays are more aware of the fact that graduating is not enough. Our own skills that make us different, make us being seen by others, matter. So if the whole system in the present can’t help us develop this skills that much we need to know about this problem and start to working on that on our own.

  78. As Sir Ken Robinson mentioned that time and people changed.. Every country has an education system which resembles the other countries education system, are useful for this era or not? This is the question. Today’s education system is based on giving informations by teachers and being memorized by students. This system doesn’t work anymore. Without creativity, nothing is possible. When teachers follow their curriculums, the students don’t create anything. In order to get high points in their exams, they memorize all the subjects and they pass their exams. But after one month, they forget everything. So, everybody knows this system doesn’t work anymore. The students should create new ideas. They should force their brains. But, unfortunately, our education systems don’t allow.

  79. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    Todo el mundo no tiene el mismo acceso a la educación, sólo los afortunados. El encontrarme en un país desarrollado puedo dar gracias a ellos, pero la educación hoy se maneja por todo lo económico, cosa que no debería ser así, pero por desgracia así es nuestra realidad.
    Quienes tenemos la suerte de seguir una formación, cada uno con su especialidad ya que cada persona es un mundo y todos tiramos a por la rama que nos guste, dándole la certeza al título si hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico. Da igual del lugar que seas o de donde procedas pero si tienes una formación, la comunicación es posible aportando cada uno sus puntos individualistas sobre el tema a tratar, pero siempre sabiendo lo que cada uno se quiere a referir.

  80. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodriguez dice: Responder

    Antes que nada decir que para que todo el mundo hable el mismo idioma pedagógico es necesario que todo el mundo prescinda de una educación en escuelas. Dado que la realidad, o mejor dicho la triste realidad no es así, hoy día en la actualidad a pesar de estar en el siglo XXI somos conscientes de como muchos países sobre todo en la zona de África, América Latina, India, son victimas de no prescindir de una escuela, dado la situación económica y tercermundista del país.
    Otros de los puntos que destacaría es la cultura. Cada cultura se sustenta en unos valores u otros, por eso pienso que no todas las escuelas se basan en la misma estructura a la hora de enseñar, con la misma metodología y como bien dice el artículo :» con el mismo idioma pedagógico». Otras sin embargo, son totalmente autónomas y el alumno es el centro de todo, donde en la escuela aprenderá a ser totalmente autónomo, y por ejemplo no se llevará a cabo el constructivismo.
    ¿ Es bueno que todas las escuelas tengan el mismo idioma pedagógico? o ¿ Cada escuela tiene que ir enfocada a sus ideales??

  81. The role of education in the classical sense, increasing the child’s knowledge and skills to prepare him to life.But in our era of education in the narrow sense that one does not see.The education system of the future, shaping the socio-economic structure has assumed the role.Each country’s education system, it determines the future of the country.With modern information technology and non-independence and a country’s economic and political independence is not possible grove.However, that will increasingly globalized world in the 21st century, not the universal values of an education system is also impossible to realize the national ideals.For mankind throughout the ages by longed for peace, freedom, prosperity and social justice to main tool is education.The World poverty, discrimination, feigning ignorance, if we want to unleash mass destruction and war, this is education and we have to get started.20th century, a great addition to socio-economic development, the sharing of resources engendered by the late great wars and was replete with turmoil.To pass into the 21st century with a similar disaster, all countries should reconsider their philosophy of education.So how in the world that we need to establish an educational system must think deeply.

  82. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    I agree with this article and think today’s education is not at its best. Present day education a student will memorize a chemical equation just before an exam but forgets it instantly after the exams. He/ she will never be able to apply such knowledge! He may get the marks but knowledge- never.The students passing out with high marks will certainly draw more people to the institute, but what about the future of the students and the country? These proud students with superficial high marks fail to get a good job. Even if they get it, they find themselves in a difficult situation due to lack of understanding of concepts and poor practical knowledge.Our educational institutions should understand students will not be carrying their mark sheets and certificates with them wherever they go all the time but their knowledge, character and values go with them everywhere.
    Your success in life and business will depend on how well you can get along with people and how you apply your knowledge.

  83. Alba María Galván Ruiz dice: Responder

    Hay que decir que sí se habla en educación el mismo idioma pedagógico, pero hay que mirar también aquellos lugar donde esto no es posible, es decir, aquello lugares donde niños no ocupan una parte en la educación porque no tienen esa posibilidad aunque quieran, por motivo de falta de recursos y porque la vida gira alrededor de trabajar para poder sobrevivir.
    Haciendo referencia a lo del mundo interior personal, tengo que decir que cada uno tiene su propia personalidad, con sus gustos, aficiones, carácter, etc.., y esta personalidad de la cual cada uno estamos formados se ha obtenido a través de la relación con los demás y con el medio que nos rodea; sino sería imposible formar cada uno nuestro mundo con respecto al de los demás.

  84. María Bravo Montero dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con que todos tenemos el mismo idioma pedagógico pero sólo los países que se desarrolla la educación adecuadamente, en los muchos otros que la educación no es posible no se puede decir lo mismo, ya que no tienen los recursos necesarios para potenciar la educación.
    Respecto a la personalidad somos nosotros mismos quienes la creamos interiormente, pero la formamos con la ayuda de las relaciones sociales y la sociedad en sí misma, es decir, dependiendo de las circunstancias que nos vayan pasando en la vida, con las personas con quien nos relacionemos, nuestro día a día, etc. Todas estas circunstancias y muchas más son las causantes de la formación de la autonomía propia personal.

  85. I think it’s really important to have your Own personal Goals, its a way i found keeps me balanced
    Your goal can be anything like trying to get the highest score in class. I do belive the education system have to make you feel individual and motivate you to do your best. Never forget your dreams and go for them. The best teacher who help you to make it. Of course it has many way, the the first is to decide you will make .

  86. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    Lo primero mencionar que si hablamos un mismo idioma pedagógico en educación, pero esto es sólo en los lugares donde la escuela o la formación es posible; ya que no en todos los lugares del mundo es posible la educación, debido a la escasez de recursos y a la importancia que se le da a otros valores y no a ésta.
    También es importante resaltar la formación como persona de cada uno, ya que cada persona tiene una forma de pensar distinta al resto. En mi opinión creo que para que una persona tenga personalidad propia tiene que relacionarse con el resto, para que así ésta se le vaya modelando y dé como resultado una persona con autonomía y decisión propia; que creo que es bastante importante.

  87. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    La globalización de este mundo a veces da mucho que pensar, puesto que eso de que la educación es la misma e igual en todo sitios es bastante relativo, porque el tiempo pasa y los países del tercer mundo siguen teniendo escasez en recursos educativos, y con escasos planes de ayuda para su desarrollo y mejora, ya que sigue estando por encima la fuerza y la repercusión de los intereses sociales. Siendo la educación de la población de este lugar poco importante.
    Por otro lado, respecto a lo del mundo interior personal, debemos de destacar que aunque seamos nosotros mismos quienes lo creamos y con nuestras propias expectativas, no seremos capaz de hacerlo sin la relación social y sin el contacto directo con el exterior, que es lo que va a hacer que nos fundemos nuestro propio y único sentido, nuestro carácter, nuestra personalidad, etc. Todo esto que está en nuestro interior y es nuestra propia cosecha, no será posible sin la interacción con el entorno tanto cercano como lejano que nos rodee.

  88. I agree with this article and think today’s education is not at its best. We are working with an educational system that is not ideal for the time we are living in.
    It was created in a total different era and we should modify it to our time.
    Formerly, someone went to school and university to have an education to find a job, earn his first own money and start a family.
    Nowadays, when you try to get a good education you don’t have the security, that you will get a job right after your degree when you finish your university studies, so many students don’t have any expectations.

  89. I think that it is really important to stay yourself in everythink that you do. It is really important to be really good individualy and decide if you need education or not. I really agree with the main point of video and Mr. Robinson view and thoughts.
    Education has really important role in everyones life but I agree that nowdays you can get really good job and salary without the highest education but it has really important role in every ones personal development. So to stay ethnicly related to your contry but still be educated in world level you have learn realy much to understand world around you but in the same time to not loose your indentity in that process.

  90. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    The goverment is in charge for the curriculum, which want to get all the pupils on the same level of knowlegde. I also recognized that science subjects are much more important at school than art subjects. In my opinion it’s because you can make much more profit with science, so it’s more important that the pupils get a better knowledge at this subjects. But there are also other schools, which are mostly private schools, in Austria which teach in a different way. The children, which go to these schools, are for example not grouped, because of the age. The methods in this private schools are different and more focused on the individual. The most important point in these schools is that children don’t have to learn with pressure.

  91. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Es obvio que todos tenemos el mismo idioma pedagógico, ya que a la hora de expresarnos y comunicarnos todos nos entendemos. Independientemente si una persona es más culta o menos.
    Por otro lado el sistema educativo no piensa en lo que es mejor para los que están dentro de él, sino que solo les importa lo económico y social. Este sistema debe de cambiar, porque antiguamente los estudiantes veían un futuro a la hora de realizar su especialización, pero actualmente los niños no están motivados para eso. Principalmente porque hay otra cosas más interesantes y entretenidas como para atender o estudiar y por otra parte porque algunos profesores solo se limitan a dar la lección, incluso a veces sin tener en cuenta a los alumnos.

  92. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and complex, media-saturated society. We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years. Nevertheless, these issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate, function and create change personally, socially, economically and politically on local, national and global levels.

    So how should be 21st century education? I think should breaks the mold. Should be flexible, creative, challenging, and complex. Should be addresses a rapidly changing world filled with fantastic new problems as well as exciting new possibilities. Fortunately, there are more and more activities are heading to supporting changes in education system (e.g. practical, career counseling, mandatory traineeship ).

  93. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Yo personalmente pienso que sí que hay un mismo idioma pedagógico y que nos beneficia a todos, puesto que a la hora de comunicarnos con otros profesionales del mundo pedagógico, todos nos entendemos y podemos opinar de diversos temas; aunque hay profesores que con el mismo idioma pedagógico lo emplean de diferente modo, un ejemplo claro es el dos profesores de la misma asignatura tienen diferentes formas de transmitir los contenidos.
    En cuanto al sistema educativo, bajo mi punto de vista, pienso que se debería de cambiar puesto que no es el más adecuado para los tiempo que corren.
    Para finalizar, el vídeo que se muestra en el texto es un ejemplo claro y sencillo del sistema educativo.

  94. This article describes exactly how schools operate today. This article not only relates to my country but others across Europe. I think that the school system that was created many years ago is still the same model as it is in today’s society. Children throughout their school years have a mind frame of what they want to be when they are older and when they finish school. Every child leads by the same example, the example mentioned in this article states that by getting high grades in school you will get a good job, a fancy car and a big house. We can all dream big but dreams do not always come true. All these ideas and dreams are stuck in a child’s mind at such a young age. It is clear that the education model that exists is not changing for the better. It is still apparent that we go to school get a good education, but jobs are not guaranteed for us when we graduate from Third Level education. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson that if we do not reform our education system, this will affect future generations. I think that this is an interesting topic for current students, and is also a worrying one at the same time. We pay so much for college fee’s and hope for the best when we graduate from college, with the best possible job to look forward to but that is not promising for any of us at this current time. The time and money that is wasted in education is becoming bizarre, especially when most countries are still facing a recession. It does not make sense for students to give up so much time of their life and money to result in a degree that will be non-practical. I feel that more should be done in this sector as the education model will continue the way it has been if it is not implemented and reformed sooner rather than later.

  95. I found this article and video very interesting. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson because nowadays having a degree sometimes doesn’t get you your dream job. For example in present days in Ireland because of the recession that Ireland is suffering in it is indeed very difficult for people to get a job in their field of study. When I was younger we were thought that if we worked hard throughout primary and secondary school and if we achieved high grades we would be guaranteed to get a well paid job graduating. But this isn’t necessarily correct. For example in Ireland the course I am currently doing to become a secondary school teacher it is not straight forward, firstly you have to do a 4 year degree in Arts and then you have to go on to do a higher diploma. There are so many students graduating as young teachers who are walking out of college to no jobs due to cut backs. Education does not secure employment any more in comparison to past times. I feel that some students feel their degrees have been a waste because of the fact that they have nothing afterwards to use their degrees if there are no jobs in that area. I think that the education systems in many countries needs to be modernised and modified.

  96. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    As a student being in education, I can not say that education does not change. It does indeed, in my opinion. Especially if you look at the different ways to approach. Problems or parts in education Each time this is something else again found and shared with the field. What I like is that this is happening so fast. There is in my opinion acted quickly so you are always up to date. But maybe this is specific to the probe point in the Netherlands.
    What I do see a lot of back are kind of fads. Something suddenly very popular and where all eyes are focused. I do not like the fact that education is treated as a kind of playground fads. We have to take it away and be realistic. Change in education is very important, and it can not do without. Where people work, things changed. And change is life, that is very important. But every change must always benefit from education.

  97. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    I totally agree that today’s educational system should be reconstructed as it do not fit into reality of XXI century. It was created long time ago. Now in new century we face new problems, new challenges and that is why we need new system. I think that new approach to education should include working in smaller groups as this way of learning is more effective. Moreover children born in XXI century are different than one’s from previous years and as they live in a world of new technologies, they should be use in educational system. I think that kind of interactive classes will rise children’s interest in particular subject. Extremely important is to build system which will encourage children to go to school attend classes and what is the most important – gain knowledge.

  98. Some interesting points are highlighted in this blog and I do agree with the main point of the blog, that the university system is flawed in its ability to train undergraduates to do a job for the rest of their lives. Take as an example the United Kingdom which has some of the top universities in the world, these universities are in my opinion training people for unemployment in the long term in some cases however more importantly they are training the graduates for unemployment in the short term! We have all been in the situation where we need the experience to get the dream job, however we need the job so we can gain the experience. I feel that the best way to overcome this problem is to incorporate more work related learning into a degree programme. For example, in a four year course to become a teacher, I feel the undergraduate should then be on sheltered employment for the next four years to ensure they are completing and following what they learnt during their degree programme.

  99. A very interesting article, it’s seems to be the scenario faced across the majority of Europe by many students. On a personal note, from childhood my parents and teachers always reinforced the academic life as one that brought success and prestigious jobs. From primary school, through to secondary the idea of university seemed to be the most important objective. The ideas of going to university was that of a bright and prosperous future in the end, mainly marked with a good employment afterwards. Today’s world is now different, these views and opinions are not all that meet the eye. Many years ago this system of thought may have worked perfectly, however in today’s ever changing society many things have changed. The realisation that not all graduates find employment straight after completing university,
    Is a worrying topic for many students today including myself. I believe the system of education should be changed on a way that particular degrees focus more on the practical works, allowing employers to see graduates as willing young professionals ready to take on responsible roles within their organisation and with knowledge. It’s does not seem fair on students to sacrifice many years and huge amounts of money in university’s, for those degrees to be no relevant and non practical.

  100. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    As Sir Ken Robinsons says some years ago you could have said to children that they need to graduate to be able to get a job but nowadays a good education doesn`t guarantee that you get a job later on.
    Education does not guarantee us a job anymore. Therefore the education system needs to be modified to accommodate the world we live in today. We follow the system since I don`t know how many years. In any case it is not the system we need today. It may have worked for years but now everything has changed and so also the education system needs a change.
    The video really gives the clear message that there is something to work on and I absolutely agree.

  101. I agree with many of Mr. Robinson’s view points as he makes many persuasive arguments that relate to the present and its teaching methods. Divergent thinking is very important as when you are teaching a child in school education is not always the same language as teaching. Some children learn differently and education needs to be made interesting to children for them to learn as not all children are interested or as good at the same subjects in school. They should not be given medicine to calm them down and make them listen to make the teacher’s job easier. The teacher should welcome the challenge and help the child understand instead of just getting them medicated. They understand that technology is a lot more interesting than school and have to change the teaching language from one that was invented in the eighteenth century to one that is more relevant to the present.

  102. Mert Yilmaz Ozbas dice: Responder

    i had really fun while watching video by Sir Ken Robinson,It is impossible for me to agree with absolutely everything he says but he made some very powerful arguments that are worth considering.He speaks in an engaging, humorous way. But the problem is, they’re trying to meet the future by doing what they did in the past, and on the way they’re alienating millions of kids who don’t see any purpose in going to school. When we went to school, we were kept there with a story which is if you worked hard and did well, and got a college degree, you would have a job. The kids don’t believe that anymore! And they’re right .You’re better having a degree than not, but it’s not a guarantee anymore, and particularly not if the route to it marginalizes most of the things that you think are important about yourself.

  103. It’s a fact that we label more and more people, we talk about groups and it’s like we always want to create a kind of structure. People with learning disorders, people with addictions, people with disabilities, etc. whatever you do or are, you will always be labeled by an institution or other group. In my point of view it counters diversity and impedes people to be creative and ambitious. A child with ADHD will take pills and be ‘calm’, there’s no reason for a child to be calm and I don’t think it’s correct to resent children because some are more active than others. We expect too much from a younger age and generalize our way of educating, like this we are able to keep labeling people true life and keep overview.

  104. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    It is scary, but it’s the fact that nowadays being a graduate doesn’t mean getting a job. Education system doesn’t develop creativity among students. I’m sure that many students have great ideas, but education system often doesn’t give them the possibility of including them into the life, doesn’t learn how to skillfully utilize their knowledge and creativity in practice. Teachers stick to the curriculum, give a lot of theoretical information and don’t even try to induce a discussion on some topic to compel students to think. What is also frightening, that nowadays children don’t know how to spend their free time creatively. In the place of the playing field, bike or ball entered computer, phone and tv. Of course, progress of technology has done a lot of good, but is also killing our creativity. I think parents should pay more attention on their children, if they won’t learn how to be creative and open minded from their home, then school also won’t make it.

  105. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    I liked the representation of the promblem in the video. I read a little more about ADHD and I was surprised how growing number of children with this problem at this time. These individuals had maybe advantage earlier. However today, when children haven´t energy expenditure,their genetic foundation causes significant problems.
    I think, today it puts more emphasis on signs and qualifications than the knowledge itself. It is part of problem in today´s education. When a person quits education, he is glad that he fulfiled his goal. Question, what he taught, what skills and knowledge he attained in all the years of his study, it is secondary. I think, that system of education should change in this also. The teachers should evaluate real knowledge. Not only evaluate tests, from which often comes false results.

  106. The system and curriculum that were build on governments orders are obviously not working any more. Like it was said in video, with education we are becoming narrow-minded and we follow the system like a crowd of sheep. I think this was actually the point of education system: follow and study without any questions. But thanks to the open minded people like Sir Ken Robinson, more and more people are realizing this problem and I can already see some changes all over the world. Now we actually can find parents that put their children in the private schools with totally different system of studying (for example: quite famous speech of 13 years old boy, who is having different type of schooling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11u3vtcpaY ). If the government will not change the curriculum and whole system, in time they will lose students in public schools.

  107. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    The educational system is the same since it started. Kind of.. But as the video say, it should be different, because the time and the children are change. Now its not enought what was before. The kids not interested in this kind of education, its not tie up their attention. We can always hear that, don’t speak to each other, don’t work together, it’s cheating, like in the video. But the people are social, they can be more effective in groups sometimes than alone. So with a new education model there will be an easier way to teach the kids, and an easier way for the kids to learn what they have to. There is no need of test, about „If you can get 80% than you are a smart kid! But if you don’t you just nothing! We have to teach the smarter ones.” But a test not giving right answers about the kids capabilities, just at the time at one test, what maybe doesn’t asked about things what in the child is a genius like the others.

  108. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Me alegro mucho que ya se habla más y más sobre los temas de este tipo, que ojalá se acabo la época cuando se hicieron las cosas así solamente porqué así lo siempre había hecho. También el video es muy verdadero y la manera como es hecho me encanta. Las dos ideas más atrayentes para mi eran 1) sí, todavía seguimos en el mismo sistema desde la era de la iluminación, que es raro y tonto en el mismo tiempo, si vemos cuantas cosas han cambiado y tanto, pero en el sistema educativo creemos que hay que seguir el mismo camino, ningún cambio necesario. 2) la conexión entre el sistema educativo y farmaceutico, cuál yo considero como una enorme mentira y engaňo en general. Aún peor que cambalachea con un artículo como la salud, pero eso otra vez se puede cambiar solamente si elevamos el nivel de los conocimientos de la gente.

  109. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    This article is extremely interesting as it seems to be the same case throughout a lot of countries in Europe. From a young age we are taught that if we do well in school, pass our exams etc; we will be able to progress to higher education, i.e. university. From there we should get a good degree and therefore we will get a job. However today this is not the case. This system may have worked 20-30 years ago but now I believe it has become quite a dated system. Education does not guarantee us a job anymore. Therefore the education system needs to be modified to accommodate the world we live in today. Making it more successful and fair, giving students some sort of definite goal after they graduate, as a job in their chosen career is not always possible straight away.

  110. Christina Burgholzer dice: Responder

    The ultimate question that came up when watching the video and reading the article is: What should a school or university, generally speaking any teaching institution offer and prepare its students for? In how far is it the task of an institution to prepare us for a job in later life? How does an institution have to be organized in order to be able to teach thinking in a divergent way? As we saw in the video abstract and theoretical teaching prevents us from thinking divergently. It moreover teaches us that the key to successful learning and creating is learning in groups by collaboration and not as individuals. Just considering these two facts, it is already clear that almost no university (AUSTRIA) fully fulfills these standards of our times that would be necessary to encourage creativity and dimensional thinking.

  111. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    We all need a radical innovation on all hands in our educational system. They are not enough to support students, lead them and educate them. All we do is to be ready for school exams and pass them. Nowadays somethings are changed step by step. But in any way, it is insufficient. For example in Turkey we have a general exam for applying university and in the year that we took exam, in history part, there was no question about history that we learned for 8 months in the last year of our high school. System is not clear and students are not able to get it and not able to create and follow a way for themselves. Constructivism means to find our own personal system and being thaught in our way. Learners must be founders and creators according to constructivism but if the system is not stabil and clear, it is impossible to carry on.

  112. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson. He said that children often don’t believe that if the are going to study, learn and finish school, the University they will get a well-paid job. Right now why should they believe in it? There is big crisis in the world and many very smart and educated people doesn’t have a job.
    Right now, education is not about creativity and I believe it should be. Everyone should find their destination, especially during the school. It’s the right time to look for it.
    We want to be taught how to create new things, to make something which doesn’t exist yet.
    But education is still standing at the point of no return for ages. So if the education is in this condition, how children can be in better one?

  113. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    The video is quite interesting and it does make clear how big the gap is between different generations. I think it is out of context that decisions in the society are based on old frames of reference. As the professor mentioned in his movie about the problem in the education ‘’we meet the future by what we where doing in the past’’. This ‘’traditional’’ way of thinking should be avoided in the future, because we cannot develop, innovate and deal with daily issues if we keep holding on this way of thinking. If we want to think outside the box, we should be open minded, creative and innovative… If we keep holding on old thought those things are impossible.

  114. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    I absolutely agree with what is said in the video. The labour market situation noticeably changed. For example, in Russia, if you seek for a job, it requires experience and having only education is not enough. But how do you get experience if everywhere you need experience!? The point is that employers understand that in the University person is given only theoretical skills, which is not enough to work. Universities need to organize the learning process to enable person to obtain practical skills. With regard to the creative potential that decreases with age, I think, if we want to save it, we just need to apply it. Children must develop creatively, and not on the contrary.

  115. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    This video is really interesting because it casts doubt on the educational system in many ways, some are obvious and some are less.
    It is true that in classes, there is a lot of students with different levels and gaps. To divide them only by age is a really primitive way to broach the problem. In the traditional education, if you learn faster than people in the class, it will get bored, but if you are slowest than them, you will be at a loss. It is particularly true on elementary school. The last ones need extra tutoring if they want to be at the same level as they classmates, but if the educational system was organized in level groups, then it could be easier for pupils to learn at school.
    It is the same problem with children with a high dyslexia. They are not more stupid than any other child, but they need adapted classes, but there is not a lot of them in France, because this is not the government which organize them but the local city hall. If the town hall doesn’t have enough money for that, or if the family doesn’t have enough money to send put them in another school, the child just has to continue being lost in a casual class. With Sir Ken Robinson’s system, this kind of problem shouldn’t be such a problem.

  116. I think that it is pretty difficult to give good education to a whole class of students with all their specific vision of life and background even more if they are erasmus coming from all over Europe. But if the teacher can give them the will to develop their interest in the world, in learning by themselves, using nowadays everywhere available information through text, images, sounds, videos then education is pretty to me good. Teachers have to leave a place for creativity in everything they teach. Make student think and more importantly DO by themselves. My parents disliked the public education in Switzerland, therefore we moved to a bigger city to put me and my siblings in a school with a different kind of education. Since I was in that school I realized a bit more every year that the more open and multicultural education we received somehow helped us become open minded and creative, but I don’t know how much really comes from education, probably a big part, but it’s not easy to guess.

  117. I absolutely agree with this article and video. Now Schools are losing the function. Individuals spend most of their time at school but individuals learn something with applying or from someone else. Only theoretical knowledge is taught in schools. Based on memorization training is done. And now to state schools is not trusted. All family is trying to send their children to private schools. This situation brings into schools as trade areas. Teachers and school principals see schools as the center of trade and quality of education is falling. What can we done in this predicament case? I do not know.

  118. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    The video is kind of eye-opening, because in general we know about this problematic, but served like this in 11 minutes it’s a bit scary and makes you think – so I was being educated all my life in bad way repressing my creativity? Now what? Now it is important to understand it is not the way and becoming teacher or not to spread this behavior and approach to the world. I agree with Jana Wulf and I really like her describing of nowadays school system. It is true, and it shows me, that it is not only issue in my country, but in all Europe, and all around the world, when you think about the video, which is showing USA.

  119. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the movie. It is really scary. A lot of times I am having this feeling, that some people around us are like robots, totally. Completly not open minded, without any interest.
    Now in Poland a private sector of education collects harvest. It started to be a big trend for this. They started to learn the pupils in the more open way. Some schools also based on Marie Montesori philosophy. Of course all of them have all standards, but they cost a lot. About ADHD I think that some of kids, really have problem with this. I think this is because of that the children don`t feel the love from their parents. All system is created in this way that parents need to earn money. If they want more and more, they need to spend more time in work. They are employing a babysitters, still they are not at home, and the kids really need to be loved, if they dont feel it, it is starting to be bad.

  120. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    This article, and especially the video on the paradigms of education, clearly explain me the problematic situation with the current education system and it is rather convincing in that way.
    Well, this situation with the current education system is a consequence of many different factors: the unflexible curricular programs, lack of attention from the family and the unlimited distractions which take up the time, the energy and the motivation of children of studying. My idea, after following the article and the video, is that values which are thaught to children, play a big role for the change of their performance in education. Children would clearly understand and appreciate the importance of education if they could see it from a different perspective. For example, providing a more competitive atmosphere in education could make children more motivated to do their best on their homework and exams. Maybe the problem is that now children are more motivated to have the latest model of iphone, as it gives them the illusion that it matters more than studying hard and getting good grades in all the subjects at school.

  121. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    In every country everyone speak in different languages​​, but the education language seems to be still the same. This language has been shaped over the centuries. The video very clearly shows how the language formed for centuries. This type of communication works very intensively on us! This drawing video transmission by Mr. Robinson showed us really all that concern education. It is a very clear message. Now is not a lot of people who can reach the recipient in that way. We need more people like that, thanks to them we can make a difference in education. This way of thinking is needed in the entire education. Let’s take an example of people like Mr. Robinson!

  122. This article and video accurately depict how the educational system is bad, useless and unhelpful. School destroys something in man, cause that all we complain, think and perceive the world through the eyes of teacher and we were all alike in thinking, sad and gray.
    The school, in most cases is a waste of time and money, we all learn just to pass the exam, class. The main motto is: remember, imprest exam and forget it. Hardly anyone trying to grow through learning and make the world a better place than we see. Discover something, to make a better life for all. And it is ass people who nevertheless have great ideas to make a difference, but the lack of willingness and motivation.

  123. I watched sir Ken Robinson’s video and I think he talks great things. Our education system is really too ancient, that’s the real problem and there are people like sir Ken but I don’t why no one listens to them though the talk sense. It’s a real problem our education system and it doesn’t let people think out of the box, it’s like that children in garden has more ideas then one who graduated from school. Education kills something in us at this process of learning, children loose their capacity to creativity and that’s sad. Our education system really needs revolution!

  124. I have watched the video with increasing interest. For me it speaks out some very true things about our educational system.
    It was constructed under other circumstances and to fullfill other needs in the time of the industrialisation and has therefor problems to meet the expectations of today. So it is more then necesarry, that the educational system undergoes some serious changes. It never occured to me before, that some parts of schools are structured like factorys, but now i see this perfectly clear. And this threatens me, it is like the kids are made to be good workers in the future, like a product of a factory. For me this tendency is still very strongly noticable in our schools today. They opperate in order to serve the needs of our capitalist society. But that is the wrong approach. Schools should care about the kids first, educate them to become independent, thinking, social human beeings and not fullfill the calls of the labor market.

  125. I would like to talk about the problems where Ken Robinson is talking about. At the moment that our society decided to educate us, or giving us the opportunity to go to an university they have created two kinds of groups; ‘the smarter ones and the dumbs ones’, or you can say ‘the educational ones and the practical ones’. 
There are two problems in my opinion:
    With this kind of seperation it created that the practical ones are less able to develop themselves in a educational way, or giving them the chance to explore their possibilities in great ideas.
    Now and days we are in a modern society with many influences, with many knowledge which create an ‘overfill brain’. Like Ken Robinson explaned us, there are a lot of people with distracting disorders, or so they call it ‘ADHD’.
    I would like to talk about this ‘disorder‘ and about the reaction, obligations and questions at the same time this society and education is asking us. 
I don’t think its strange that pupils and students can’t focuss very well anymore. They and we have to multitask a lot, we have to learn a lot, we have to do a lot for surviving in this society. We have internet, books, school, work, social interactions and so on. It used to be, in history, much less, which means; we didn’t need to do so much at the same time. 
People with ‘ADHD‘ or ‘High sensitivity‘, people like me, have a hard time keeping it all together. Psychologist, the society and doctors has decided to solve this problem by giving them Ritalin, even though they actually don’t know the longterm reactions of using this kind of drugs. They only know, that this medication will help them keeping focussed and doing their job for the society. Is this solution a solution for helping the pupils/students during their education and social life, or is it an solution for the society who wants and needs all pupils/students to work for this society? 
I think we shouldn’t solve problems by drug people, but by creating a new learning-environment for the pupils who are having concentration problems. 
Most of the people with these ‘disorders’, like ADHD and High Sensitivity are very creative, which is also the reason why they can’t focuss with so many distractions.
Shouldn’t we take adventage of these creative mind instead of putting it away by drugs?

  126. Ofcource school is a factory, same happens to these classes no? But is it bad? Ofcource things can be better but is raising a kid not the parents responsbility. I think it is to easy to find the problems but is there a great solution? Do we need one on one teachers for everykid and then spend no money on projects in diffrent countries to spend less money on social work and all? It is truelly very hard for a teacher or any other, unless its the parent or personal coach of a kid, to give them, what we say, is good or enough attention. We live now in a society were we blame others for what we can’t reach; society, teachers, economic system and like everything exept ourselves. I mean.. I rolled out of a factory, so did steve jobs and lots of other people. The guy who invented fire or the weel most likely never had school. If we want to have the individual view ofourselves we should first see check out ourselves instead of others.

  127. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    Drawings were really good and after this video i’m telling me that if i like it, maybe we should teach me by drawings, that can be the new education model for my part.
    More seriously it’s in relations with this idea to change the current model of education. I quite liked this idea to don’t class the children by ages. At primary school that could be a great issue to just let children express their aspiration. Maybe they will gather by age, but maybe they will express what they are really interested by.
    Being aware of all these problems in education, it is a shame to realize the waste of time (worst capacities) wich occur the current education system. I think that this video should be seen by more people…

  128. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    As a global school’s mission; to servet he intresests of the states, beneficial to society is to educate individuals. But, in today’s society, schools is to train a flock of sheep can’t think. People should carry out their responsibilities to the state with its own right. But, this is imposible in today’s education system. Schools Works like a company anymore. Education systems, should be reorganized as a fairer. Within the capabilities of persons, their creativity without dulling, we should be person to be useful to the society .
    New generation was taken prisoner by developing technology. This stuation is undermining its sensory and cognitive capacity.
    The biggest problem with the technology is developing ADHD. This problem is mostly in developed countries. ( ken Robinson is right; economy has a large share on the education. ADHD is known as brain disorder., but it doesn’t result from a malfunction in brain.
    Reasons; dysfunctional family, watch more tv, be dependent on phone and computer.

  129. I was shocked by the map of ADHD. No doubts it is fashion or more likely easier way for everybody than epidemic. There are lower requirements on kids, less work for teachers and parents are not worried their child is stupid..its just disordered. Anyway I think our problem is the change. No doubts there is a change that needs to be made but its really hard specially after all those years. Very interesting for me was the idea of classes not sorted by age. I agree that age is not the most important thing the kids have in common but I cant imagine how this diversity of teaching approaches could work mainly at elementary schools where the children are supposed to acquire the basic knowledges.

  130. I am barely familiar with the concept of constructivism, but so far I understood that every individual constructs his/her own reality. I also never has seen a practical usage of the concept of constructivism in real class work, If anybody here knows one please send me this example ( moritz.winter@s2012.tu-chemnitz.de), and I also would like to learn about the link of constructivism and neoliberalism.

    To the video: I was absolutley impressed of the style of presentation of Mr. Robinson and I can fully agree to his point, that there is a huge discrepancy between nowadys mass media and school. Of course school tries to adapt forms of nowadys mass media and tries to include it in everyday classes. But in my eyes one of the biggest challanges for learning is that it has to compete with mass media for the attention of the pupils. Either mass media has to adapt pedagogical terms, to impart knowlegde or the school of tomorow has do develop new forms of learning.

  131. Nowadays, just having a college degree does not guarantee you a job. And maybe you even had to pay a lot for the education at university. That is sad. Of course just having a degree does not make you a person everyone will want to hire because, for example, soft skills and emotional intelligence are also very important factors. But there are even cases where an academic person applys for a job and will not get it because his education is too high for it. But he needs money, so what can he do? I think education at a university has to get more practical and more interdisciplinary.

  132. I also agree with Sir Ken Robinson.The goal in schools have been produce children who will be useful for the economy. And it is true students are learning alot of batches and it makes so borring then students are getting bored and they cant focus their classes .For example Steve jobs ;he dropped out from university but he created one of the most important and a lot of people living for iphone dreams company and becasue we are learing alot of batches in school and university .And the poeple diveded educated and un educated it is so good examle with Steve Jobs I think the most important thing is creatvity actually for me alot of schools are killing creavity

  133. The world is changing rapidly. Adults, teens and children are increasing preference in all areas of life.The relationships and affects of globalization within education were examined in that study. The innovations in the world in the field of education reform and changes in the country was also forced to change.The first explores how all people would be happy, if you think the second one is on the right career choice. I don’t know the world, but in our country people are career choices to chance. A lot of people doing his father’s profession. Most people would choose their profession with a score on the exam or their families decide instead.Result people are starting to make professions but they dont like so a lot of smart people are unhappy. As a result of a human community is made useless. I hope that will change all this negativity.

  134. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    As fas as I know, constructivism is basically a theory -based on observation and scientific study –about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know.

    In the classroom, the constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. The teacher makes sure she understands the students’ preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them.

  135. Of course I understand that it is very important fort he teachers to interact with the students to communicate well and initiate good learning. However, greater issues outside of the classroom prevent education reforms. The states advice and regulations of education are one way to discourage students to attend school and class. One one hand it is so easy to give every student in the country the same treatment, but on the other hand it prevents creativity and original thinking which leads to development and progress. Nowadays there is much more information available about successful teaching and different learning styles. Therefore it is important to adapt the approach to cater for different types of students.

  136. The worst thing at schools is that the children are not motivated to learn because they are thinking that this would be useless. It is like the period you HAVE TO survived because everybody, years to years, are telling it. This happens because the parents are telling that without education you will not get the job, you will not have many opportunities to make your own life, you will be stupid and some more reasons. In other hands, the other sources, like the social media, internet, television are talking about the high unemployment of the educated people. So where is the point of being at school and learning for the brighter future if there is a low possibility to get a job even if you are well-educated? No motivation for learning. I think that the main problem is the viewpoint of everybody. Everybody should change their thoughts from the thinking of “there is no point of learning, I will be jobless, I will not get the job I wish” into “I will learn now and in the future I will create the jobs not only for me but also for others who does not have any, I will create the bright future”. When you are thinking in this way, then you realize why you have to learn.

  137. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    I agree with this article. After industrialisation some important things have changed.It has some rules in world. Everything carried out global. It allow to same ideas. Yes this is constructivism. The main idea you have to go to college, you have to study, you have to graduate. B ut there is no guarantee to life such as a find a job. Today we facing this problems. We are victims of globalisation. Some of qualified-people. Some of no-qualified-people.It is change about monetary situation. Another one, every people educated same type. It means standardization. It cause to collapse creativity. Student educated like a product. No divergent think. And also they forget that every people has different capacity. Certainly all of of that behind has economic purpose. We saw in video some part object to finance with taxes to public education. It seems a chain. Each one effect the other one. Globalization effect education. Standardization effect creativity. Conclusion, For education creativity and divergency is necesarry. With globalization it is not so much possible.

  138. As we saw in the video you just economy based on education if schools would not be any difference from a factory. Ordinary, limited imagination, revealed similar people. As a result of certain patterns that can not go off, people who have lost creativity is derived. So everyone becomes ordinary people.
    21 century people, with limited knowledge within the educational process by limiting development is expected to continue. However, as we saw in the video the people involved in the system, in the same way, considering attending live without any positive human model, the manufacturing sector of stuff happens.

  139. As stated in article two (Curriculum making), we could take advantage by combining art with science. I think it’s the same here. The current education system was designed and conceived for a different age, it needs some updates. People tend to be opposed to changes, even if it means that it’s all for the better. Too often changes are looked at with a negative perception, something that is problematic and energy-hungry, instead of looking at the positive aspects. I believe that most teachers would agree that the education system is outdated, but still they don’t make much of an effort trying to change things. This, because it would be such a struggle trying to change a well established system like this… as people might say, it’s hard to turn an ocean liner. BUT, I believe that something needs to be done, not only the teachers should be the ones open for a change. Instead parents, students and even the government should pay interest in things like this. Education plays a huge role in the society, which makes it even more important for people finding an interest in learning. As Sir Ken Robinson states in the video; kids nowadays are losing their interest in studies, because it’s not a guarantee anymore, “that if you study hard you will get a job”. I believe the educational system should be seen as a software in constant need of updates. It’s like everything else, i.e. a phone that keeps getting redesigned year after year, to fit the standards of today. Nobody would like to use the first phone ever designed, it wouldn’t be useful in this era. This is simple facts for most of us, but still we keep on going with the same old-fashioned school systems. I think that this could be helped by raising the awareness regarding the issue. For me, this video and article was a wakeup call and I can just say that at least my motivation concerning this matter rose.

  140. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    I‘m totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson, because he said that college degree doesn‘ guarante you a job, and this is the typical situation in my country. I don‘t now about Europe, or other countries but I think the situation is the same. Young people don‘t get motivation to study just because of this reason. Nowadays education system is standing in this position, and government does nothing. To changes this we need a „breath of fresh air“ only then we can overcome this problem. Also, there’s another problem, childrens pay attention to not important things like mobile phones, play consoles and other technological stuff which makes them fooler. Sometimes I think that main education problem is that one generation can’t understant each other and there appears a lot of problems and conflicts.

  141. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    Every student studies for his own benefit but at the same time our parents are the ones who put the beginning to the child’s education. When you are a kid you can’t understand and choose what you want but later it’s you who decides what you want and choose the sphere you feel confident and comfortable in. It is very important to make a right choice because your future depends on it. And you don’t have to try to be the best and get the highest credits only because you think it will help you with your future job. I realized it only now that employers are not interested in any of the diplomas, they expect only knowledge from you, and now you realize that you are not the best, it’s just the diploma says so. Of course, most depends on the government, but in your turn you can also help yourself: studying and learning some extra materials which you are really interested in,not only the material that university provides you.

  142. I didnt think that government and country economies concerned with education like that till now. I absolutely agree to this article. In today’s world, nobody dont do job which like and want. Just look the today’s conditions then choose one of them which one is bring a good salary or prestige. In my opinion people must be able to whatever want to do without public pressure. Schools and university only guide or teach their ideas. But it’s your life. If you are interested with art you should interest them. If you love your profession, only this way you can be best ! Because of government or schools people lost their creativity and enthusiasm. Otherwise nobody wont satisfied. Also i believe that people should develop themselves as possible as. Learn the new languages, know new cultures, follow to world so important for communication. If you developed your-self, always open new doors in life. (Despite government and structuralism)

  143. In the video of Robinson all the problems are getting pointed out, but solutions are missing. I think it’s pretty easy to realize what’s not going right, but finding a way to fix it is a different problem. I myself feel the same pressure of being educated and not knowing what will happen after. I am from Germany, where it is probably easier finding a job after graduating than for example in Italy, Greece or Spain at the moment, but it still is really hard and it puts a lot of pressure on students. The problem is that you are scared about your future and what will happen after school/university and the most important goal is to get perfect grades so you have a chance of starting a grown-up life afterwards. I think people study for the test results and for good grades and not for life or themselves anymore. The «fun»of knowledge is lost. This I think is a really big problem.
    As Robinson also said in the video, everybody is different in the way they learn. I personally do the best when I can work on my own, while my sister, who is way more creative than me, loves to work in groups. I think it is really hard finding a way to teach every kid the way which is best for them.
    We have many different educational systems all over the world, but still nobody is happy or satisfied with either one of them. I think we just haven’t found the right way yet.
    Also all the talk about ADHD if it exists or not and the abuse of Ritalin is horrifying. When 16 year old kids start using a drug to be able to concentrate better and learn easier and faster to have better test results, somebody would think this is shocking enough for people to realize that something needs to be done.

  144. Since a little ages everybody told us that our future depends on our education. You have to study hard to have a good and well-paid job. The same scheme since ever which everybody has to follow. Yes, it’s truth, but today it can be hard to find a job even for educated people. It is so common that young people cannot find a job even after graduate college. The bitter truth is that life depends on how lucky you are and which people you know. The biggest challenge for our generation is to create the educational system which will encourage children to attend school and acquire knowledge. We have to figure out how to use all electronical devices mensioned in the video, not to make children distracted but to take advantage of the children’s power and energy which they have in excess. School should be the place where we want to be and not which we want to skip.

  145. I think that the video by Sir Ken Robinson highlighted some truths that perhaps schools and Local Authorities should think about when it comes to the way schools are organised. In his video he mentioned that children are on a conveyor belt, being separated into year groups based on the year they were born. Perhaps it would be better to get rid of school groups altogether, although I am sure it would be chaotic at first, and simply educate children based on their needs, abilities and interests? On the topic of interests, Sir Ken Robinson also mentioned that children who are diagnosed with ADHD are being given drugs to help them focus which I think is a truly horrendous idea (unless it is absolutely necessary that they need them) as it just encourages children to grow up with the idea that if they need to focus or calm down then they need to take medication. Teachers may know lots about their subject but an excellent teacher should be able to make their subject appealing to all children and be able to engage all pupils- even the ones with ADHD without the use of medication to help them focus.

  146. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    In this world, in this time is very big problem and this is very sad. This problem is about what we want to do in life, what we want to study and after that what we want to work. That would be very easy if we could do everything we wish and dream about. But not in this time. Now is question- what i CAN do for my life, what i CAN study, not what i WANT to study, but what i can study that i can earn money as much as possible, do things that i can survive in this world. Most people think exactly like that. And this very big problem in our education. Many children in childhood dream about things that they want to do, and they are going to school with this dream, and then they understand that this is not possible to do things that they want, and then they dont want to study at all, they are not interested any more. This world is so modern- there is so many things, like computers, mobile phones…, wich for children is more interesting than things in the school, and they listening to adults, parents, and every time they heard that the most important thing is money and children forget about that they really wanted to do in their lifes, they not focusing in their dreams, and education lost his real goal and education become not effective for children who will grow up and be citizen of country.

  147. I believe that we always will be affected of the «passing fad» that you are talking about, whether we like it or not. But what does concerns me is that this fad has made it almost impossible to not get a job without having a long education of some kind. And even if you do have a education, there is no promise that you will get a job. Of course, it is good that more people today choose to study, but the education it self has to change as well (like Ken Robinson says) and be a bit more practical. One way of introducing the working life to the students is if the University cooperate with a couple of companies so that the students can have an internship at least one semester. Because today there is a big competition between all the students to get jobs, and it is very difficult to get a job when you only have the theoretical knowledge and you are competing with people who have both theoretical and practical knowledge.

    I also believe that we today need an education that is more based on how each individual can develop in their best way, and how they are going to promote themselves on the market, as if their where a brand. Instead of doing it exactly how it always has been made, the students should be able to create their own education and in that way become unique, and probably better developed, then if everyone has done the exact same thing (without adaption). The teachers should work more like coaches as well as teachers, and not just teach the students facts. As coaches they should have more communication with the students and teach them to see what they need to work more on and how they can do it.

  148. I think also that years ago young people had different view of education. They believed that when you will work hard, studying, reading, have knowledge you will have good job. Nowadays everybody knows that higher education doesn’t guarantee good job in the future. It is true.
    Sometimes i think that metodology which is used at school makes people think schematically and kills creativity. If you dont think the same as you should you can have problem to pass exam for example… divergent thinking and creative thinking are the things that are missing in most of today’s education…

  149. When watching the video something that hit me quite strongly was the clip about children with ADHD. From having a child in my family with ADHD and seeing first-hand how quick doctors are to give out strong drugs to children so young is unsettling. Shouldn’t this be the last possible option and counselling, meditation and other techniques that may also help come first? In school children should be able to be fully engaged, passionate and excited about learning, however is this possible when they are on these types of strong medication? I believe that another option for assisting children with ADHD is making sure the professional’s working with these children have the correct training to deal with this disorder so they know and have a variety of techniques to control and help the child as much as they can. Maybe with the rise in children with ADHD this shows that the Educational system no longer suits and supports the children of this generation.

  150. Is article tells the harsh truth about students. Students work hard in school all their lives to get good grades and an excellent education. They study hard to get into the college course of their choice. After working hard all the way through college most students will still struggle to get a job. In the past graduates would walk into a high paid job after college but now this will only happen to a small percentage of graduates. It’s frustrating to think about this as going through university is a lot of hard work and also a lot of money. Education in most countries is just simply theory. I think education needs to introduce a lot more practical subjects so students do not just read the theory behind skills but they actually get to put them into practise. I think many teachers in schools are really good at the subject they teach but they cannot teach themselves. Although they have a lot of knowledge on the subject they teach they do not have the personality to teach a class. This will reflect on the students and hinder their opinions on a subject. Teachers should have regular assessments to make sure they are fit for the job.

  151. In my humble opinion of the occurrence of this condition a few of the reasons why
      future concern and is to be productive individuals.Traditional education in the process of
      knowledge of learners teachers and books are to get through.teacher
    and the information provided by textbooks accurate, true and absolute.
    However, «constructivist» approach, according to information based on the current situation only You may qualify.The information into a time
    in the next moment might not work.From this perspective, knowledge constantly by individuals
      is generated in the process.In this context, information, true, accurate and not absolute, but may be applicable and valid because the individual receives information that would work.
    global education those trained with people from different cultures to be directed at specific targets and providing integration with their culture training. separated from other types of training feature is focused on cultural differences.and
    We speak the same language as educatinal and finally
    Is a method of structuralism is not a doctrine, but it has been a lot doctrinal results. Has limited applicability as a method and efficient due are combined with other methods.
    and you got it as far as structuralism, neo-liberalism can be combined with

  152. My opinion is that majority of the people hates whatever change. If we are talking about changes in their personal life or changes of some issues (f.e. laws) that people already used to. I agree that our educational system was determined for the generation before and since than nothing fundamental in education happened. But to change whole system through in short time is literally impossible. The meaning of the people and their access to the teaching should be changed also. The students are very depressed and stressed by conventional kind of teaching now. But in some cases to have a discipline and some range of sight are convenient. The children should learn that education is good and they should to enjoy the school not just suffer in there.
    Nevertheless, i definitively support new methods in education which would allow the student to get more involved and develop their potential.

  153. According to me, the problem today is the lack of creativity in children.
    However, in my opinion, does this with little creative parents.
    When I was little parents often took me for rides, with siblings we played soccer. Now the kids are playing ball, called the Play Station FIFA and cycling turn to sit at home watching TV. Parents are more convenient to buy your child a toy, iPhone, PC, Mobile phone.
    Children watch their parents who have lost their creativity and thus can not make children think creatively.

  154. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    The system of education should base on the constructionism and not be manipulated by the econimical, political and social conditions. The whole educationd should be targeted on teaching self-thinking, self-forming, self-developing and the rational reality interpretation. The education should learn from humans what’s the best in them and what in they are the best! The system of education must be reformed and new methods must be created. Those methods which would be adapted to contemporary conditions, possibilities, preferences! Anyway I cannot belive that all existing system’s assumption really function in education!

  155. I am really surprised that even though there are plenty of people aware of bad education’s condition and people who can explain it as accurately as Ken Robinson, still nothing changes. It’s unbelievable that in the times of unemployment, of the world crisis all the blame is put on young people and their insufficient qualifications but nobody reaches to the ground of that phenomenon. I totally agree with the statemnet that education metodology is outdated, that graduation ensure you NOTHING and unfortunately with the sad truth about division for feeling smart or not which yuong people elaborate during their education… Also depressing is the outcome of the research about divergent thinking. For me this the first thing to be improved – to let children think on their own way, let them see more then one answer or possibility given in the book, stop being so narrow-minded. However, to achive that, these are the teachers who should be retrained frist. Unless they open their minds and are willing to see more, they will not let students do that. That’s how vicious cirlcle starts.

  156. Article says the whole truth how school works today. They all go to school try to have good grades , finished good Universities and after that there is no work for them. Adult life dont looks like they were telling us at the beginning. This is wrong. We are learning through the old developed system that at the present time does not work. It has no flexibility, there are no opportunities to practice what we learned. Its just a theory. I do not know how it is in other European countries but in Poland now you have a guaranteed job only after ending medical university or engineering. If you have completed other courses ,to get a job you have to have an idea for you. It goes beyond the knowledge that universities taught us. Here, creativity is needed, which is not taught in school

  157. I strongly agree. Using of different language of communication help to develop its human. But you tel ‘what,how’ but say that the other person has understood it. If human is missing in terms of language, your explainis not communication the other person. So; different language teaching is most important. Especially teaching young age. School and teacher fall ti task in this station. For example; like one language is one person. Teaching of different language; open to teaching different culturals, different regions, different religions and sincerities of people that own language. So; language education will increase at school and shoul be given more emphasis.

  158. I have allways think, that it’s important to aware and understand that my way of thinking and behavior is not only possible, and that a different way of thinking and action can achieve the same or even better results. That’s why I need to totally agree, that one of main thing in nowadays school reform is to allow students show their different opinion – their divergent thinking. To speak about they ideas and point of view, and to collaborate. Collaboration is needed to develop and establish efficient and effective skills. Very rarely someone do their work completely independently of the others. Group work can be more productive, so that more people participate in generating ideas and also often it’s more interesting, even if the tasks may be more complex. Members of the group can motivate and support each other.

  159. I found this article really interesting. I agree that the school system now is like a factory. Every child follows the same kind of routine expecting a certain out come, the example used in this article is going to school, doing well and getting a job. That’s what every child is taught to expect. But the reality is that the education model today is one that was created many years ago for a world that was completely different to the world we live in today. The current education system hasn’t changed or been modified to suit the world in which it exists, therefore students are trapped in this routine that aims to prepare them for life in the world they live in but really, this routine is one that belongs to a different time. Nowadays you can go to school,do well, have a good degree but that doesn’t guarantee you a job. The world has changed so much since this education system was created and I think in order to have a successful, fair education system we need to modify the current education system

  160. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson. The aim in schools has been to produce children who will benefit the economy. I agree with the comparison he made between schools and businesses. It is very true why do we teach them in batches as if they are some type of product going through the necessary stages? Why does education take our imagination and creativity from us? Our education system needs to be reformed. It needs to highlight all types of talent and not just what is considered academically intelligent. We should encourage creativity not take it away. Education is stuck in a time where we do not belong. This system is over 200 years old for us to succeed in creating new ideas for future generations we need to update how we educate our children and how best to challenge them. In terms of ADHD I do feel we need to create new ways of teaching these kids find things that interest them instead of just dosing them with medication.

  161. I loved this video it showed all of the things, problems that I have thought about education in such a clever and digestible way.
    Nowadays somehow we have come to the point where so many students had borne in their minds that they have to choose a profession which will pay the most, which would guarantee you a job.
    In Latvia there are so many students who apply for many universities, different study programs and go to school not where they want to but where they get a scholarship, it’s good if you get lucky can study what you want and don’t have to pay for school, but it is so sad when people study something they don’t even like just because of the money. I believe that all life doing something that you don’t love is one of the biggest punishments there can be.
    I was not surprised about the test of divergent thinking results, because when we are children we think of the most interesting outstanding thoughts, ideas, fantasies, but somehow over the time someone tends to slowly kill this amazing ability.. Sometimes it’s parents, when they are tired of listening to their children talking and asking all kinds of questions or as parents call it „nonsence”.
    There is a shockingly big number of university graduates who can get a job… why is that? Well, I think sometimes that’s because most of them are not taught how to be clever, how to make something of nothing, how to put in use something that seems worthless, they don’t have divergent thinking competence which they had when they were little.

  162. Nice article! I’d like to comment about the situation of ADHD, as it was mentioned in the video, because I already read about this topic a lot. There is Remo H. Largo, a well-known paediatrist from Switzerland, who wrote some interesting books, among other things about ADHD and the medication by Ritalin. He tells how frivolous doctors and parents are when it comes to tranquilise children, even in cases where it is not really necessary. Especially in the USA the situation is shocking: I read that there are areas where 30% of the children are medicated with Ritalin. This is serious. Why not let the children move and be lively, this is natural and important for a normal development.

  163. I think that the government, schools and other institutions that try to teach us in their own way hinder our creativity. The schedules, lessons and other ways of teaching should be changed and and addressed to the individual apprentice. In this way every learner can lean at their own pace and show more creativity and more promise.
    What governments do is teach their own way and that is wrong because this way the students don’t wanna learn and try to work instead of studying and shaping their future.
    I hope that after a couple more years the system will change and government will invest more into the creativity of students. Like Ballmer said: «Creativity drives us forward and the technology helps us with it «.
    In this difficult times the government and the schools need to support the students to meet their goals and have a good future.

  164. Good communication is very important to speak the same language . People, in the training stage , according to the requirements of the sets their way . From the past to the present , the training process has changed constantly . The important thing is to reform according to the needs of the day . The school system is extremely important for the country’s development . A good foundation in the country based on the system affects the economy and social life . Otherwise, you will not find a job when they graduate social life is affected . In the video, they say is very true. While people involved in education , would not be correct to use only one language . Because of different social , cultural formation to one of the difficult situation. But people who make up the training process can speak different languages ​​. Meet everywhere with the common denominator consensus . Therefore, education systems, through a process of general – forms.

  165. I agree with what Sir Ken Robinson said about the education system. If we do not reform our education system, we will be letting down future generations… We have education which is modeled on the interest of industrialization and in the image of it. I like the comparison between school and factories. The system shut our senses off. We all have capacity of divergent thinking but during the school education it is reduced. What is in school called cheating is outside the classes called collaboration. We have to think differently and recognized that most great learning happens in groups and that collaboration is necessary for growth. We should be waking students up to what is inside of themselves, encourage them to think outside the box, analyze critically, to see a lots of possible answers to a questions and encourage them to be creative.

  166. This article shocks me! A question: why the school system establishes a way, the only way for the government to manipulate us ? I find that very vile. It is the reason why our opinion does not count.
    We must be free and responsible for choices that we make rather than be influenced. It is maybe because of that that there is now a lot of people who work only to meet their needs and not because they love their job. I think that it’s really different of the theory of the constructivism, we have no autonomy in what we make, a freedom of creativity… And so necessarily no spirit of critic. There is globalization only in certain countries where politics and the economy play a role in the school system. And it is not the case around the world. Thus I do not agree on this point there.
    What everybody has to understand it’s that globalization is impossible in my opinion, simply because people are different from each other and we can never agree on everything. In these conditions, it would be preferable to give up even if it would have been more beneficial and advantageous.

  167. Until I read this article and watch a movie, I never thought that the school system is so subordinated the economy and the government. In school, we are taught in a way where we don’t have enough opportunities to develop our creativity (to see lots possible answer, think laterally, not think just linear, multiple answer not one, etc.). I remember when my parents said to me that I should go to the university the reason why that once I can have good job. But now is situation a little bit different. People with a university degree don’t have jobs. It seems to me that it’s more important that we do what makes us happy in life, irrespective of education. To think outside the box and being creative are two things which we should always keep on mind

  168. If I am honest I have never thought that behind the school system are economical and political interests. After reading the article and watching the video I was a little shocked. The school system is actually a factory of students! And the point of it is to make the obedient citizens, who would act and work for the country! This sounds so manipulative and not even close to the constructivism theory, which talks on behalf of individuality, creativity, autonomy etc. So far I thought that one of the main goals of each school was to develop independent, reflective and critical individuals who would be able to contribute to the modern society, but I think I was wrong. Lately I have been wondering why at the end of the school, students are not even close to this aim I have mentioned and now I see it’s because school (which is in the hands of a country) actually don’t want to do that, but has different interests. It’s interesting that modern students are starting to figure out that something is behind. They reject classes and the whole school system, because they don’t see any sense in it. Like it was said in the video-clip – degree is no more guarantee for a job; it’s just another piece of paper that might help you. Moreover, what are you learning in school are boring and mostly useless things that can’t serve you in everyday life. I have no idea where does this lead and how can we change something? It seems we are totally trapped. It’s the lead of the country which needs to change the thinking and once for a change work in advantage of a society and people, instead of being selfish and manipulative. But if you ask me, just waiting for that to happen is really not a good solution…

  169. The positive thing is that the education system is global, which means that education is available to anyone and people are able to work together, find common solutions to important topics, but the question is – how qualitative it is ? There are many people who talk about education, everyone has their own idea, but views can be common and also different. Important is what we want to achieve – minded people or models of society which absorbed by the required to fit in society. If we focus on individualisation , then through education, people should make their own views, inner world. State interests are a people as subject, who will help the country grow and develop, so the education is built according to certain standards. This is bad, because often people do not make their ideas, thoughts. Ken Robinson is right about the ongoing in education. In learning process teachers give to children information, which they can not use in their lives. Pupils lost their interest, because learning process is boring, so it means, that teachers and state should think how to make learning process more interesting. Needs to be able to combine interesting with useful. Again proves that the practice is more important than theory, because then people can think about their own ideas and learn in the same time. Practice helps to understand that there are more then one idea. We put stereotypes, information in pupils, and they do not have their own thoughts. There is necessary to do something, because it is in all of our interests – state, society and schools.

  170. After watching the video at one point I can agree with Sir Ken Robinson’s in another point I do not want to agree him in some conclusions. I think the every person is individual, you cannot find two people with the same thinking and the same view to the life. Some little things all the time will be different. So in the Education is the same. Every person looks at it different, some students like the education system in some organizations and some think that is wrong and very bad. The same is in motivation of learning lots of people do their tasks or jobs very well and spend a lot of time for them and do everything carefully. But there is some people group who spent not so much time at all tasks and in the end get better results.
    Another point is our thinking strategy people can go to university get certified and in the end they do not know how to use their knowledge and what to do. And in that time some people who didn’t go to university had some good ideas and realized it, and again they are in front of others. At the end of the video he was drawing that academic people are good and have money, but non academic goes in the trash and here I do not agree with him, because almost all the people are same, but the difference is how they improve themselves! How they show themselves in the world

  171. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    Some of people still belive that it’s possible to educate kids only with books and teachers. Rich persons often are proud that their children have individual sessions with teachers. They don’t realize that they hurt them. It’s not good when human in education process is separate from others. Persons should have control over their experience, but also their task is to carry out a peer group, in a community of other learners. In this way they behaves both their individuality and cultural identity.
    I also want to mention the problem of ADHD. My mom works in school from more than 20 years. She said that it was never such a big «explosion» of ADHD kids as now. I think it’s not because it had not detected the disease but because it’s an excuse for pharmaceutical companies which control the world now and feed on human naive…

  172. As with what most of what Sir Ken Robinson says I absolutely and unequivocally agree. Children are treated as a product, they are judged on their quality routinely in a way that makes little sense in comparison to the real world and then encouraged to continue the pointless circle under the idea of bettering themselves.
    No one can deny that assessment for learning is important within the teaching profession and also for the learner however the approach to standardised, national tests is in dire need of modernisation.
    On the subject of ADHD I think we need to be exceedingly careful when diagnosing children, parents with a label for their child may think that this justifies their behaviour without looking at the root of the problem such as overstimulation or an in-engaging task.

  173. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    Firstly, I really enjoyed the video and Sir Robinson’s explanations. So far we have managed (more or less) to harmonize economy, society and politics with our present time. But it seems like one essential field hasn’t been updated since the Industral Revolution: education. Primary and secondary school still rely on several rules we can question the relevance. I particularly liked the comparison between schools and factories by the way, which shows that we are still stuck in a system which has been working for 200 years. We know now that this system expired so we have to change it, but towards what ?
    As it is said at the begining of the video, we have based education on our economy. Yet, economy is not an accurate and constant science ! If we’re not able to foresee how the economic situation is going to be like at the end of the week, how can we build a further education ?
    We do it anyway. It is the meaning of creativity. We take risks. Education can be updated and at worst, today’s anachronism won’t remain.
    For starters, I suggest we promote foreign language teaching, because as the text mentions it, we have to adapt education to globalization.

  174. Noemi Van Der Plas Millán dice: Responder

    Me resulta un poco indignante que la educación se muestre como libre cuando en ningún momento es así, pues está «atada» tanto a lo político como a lo religioso,no se educa pues, de una manera libre sino que la educación viene dada según convenga a dichos colectivos.
    Pero esta es una realidad que seguirá siendo así, me temo, que por mucho tiempo.

  175. I watched a video of Sir Ken Robinson’s denunciation curiously.
    Totally agree with what he said about the education system. We should change it. We don’t encourage our children to be taught, deepened the knowledge. We’re clogging their heads with things which have no sense and which are worthless. There is no longer the education system in the world which give you the guarantees of future success in our life, that we will become better and wiser people. Life teaches us only cunning and combining. Shows sometimes that genius people don’t have easy life. People involved in education should promote and encourage more to learn.

  176. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    Si creo que en muchos sitios se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico y que en parte nos dejamos influenciar por las modas que nos imponen determinados poderes fáticos. Por ejemplo, no hace muchos años se ha impuesto en las escuelas por parte de la Comisión Europea de Educación » Las competencias básicas» con el objetivo de establecer un marco educativo común entres sus estados miembros, estsbleció unas competencias clave o destrezas básicas necesarias para el aprendizaje de las personas a lo largo de la vida, para facilitar la convivencia democrática y la inclusión social. Al igual que ahora se trabaja con las competencias básicas, pues también se trabaja con el constructinismo y con todo lo que vaya surgiendo, pues en educación hay muchos intereses sobre todo por el bien del alumnado y de la sociedad.

  177. JAVIER CORDOBA LEON dice: Responder

    Bueno pues decir que no conozco mucho acerca del tema, por lo que voy a dar mi opinión y valoración personal de lo que pienso que debería de ser.

    Primero decir que estoy de acuerdo con la siguiente frase:

    «pensar que detrás se mueven unos hilos muy finos, finísimos, que son colgados por determinados poderes fácticos, con fuertes intereses en los modelos de formación socio-educativos que más tarde puedan redundar en la creación de un determinado marco económico y social, interés que siempre existe detrás de toda propuesta educativa.»

    Esto es tan real que me parece vergonzoso que sea así. La educación debería de ser libre de cualquier atadura, tanto política, como ideológica como religiosa, entonces aquí surge el primer problema que encuentro en la educación y métodos pedagógicos y didácticos, ¿se educa de manera libre a los educandos? ¿o se educa para construir «robots» potencialmente interesados para un inmediato futuro?, mi opinión es que se nos educa con unos fines maquiavelicos que no son otros que el interés de las altas esferas.

    Contestando a las últimas preguntas del texto:

    «Los postulados del constructivismo, ¿afectan solamente al profesional de la enseñanza en cuanto metodólogo de la enseñanza? ¿Afectan al alumno sólo como sujeto que crea y construye conocimiento? ¿Transforma al ser humano todo entero como ser economicus, ser social, ser cultural, ser natural? ¿Qué hay detrás de todo ello?»

    Decir que mi respuesta es positiva a las 3 preguntas, aunque debería de afectar en mas campos de la vida, y no solo en el ámbito educativo, debería afectar a todos los campos de la vida de la persona.

  178. Diego José García Garrido dice: Responder

    Para mi el hecho de que exista un idioma pedagógico comúnmente aceptado en la mayoría de los países es algo que se puede aprovechar sin duda alguna para facilitar la comunicación, avances, compartir y sumar términos, ideas y vocabulario que sean útiles para todos los profesionales que vayan a tratar temas pedagógicos. La globalización puede ser la causa del origen de este idioma al igual que lo ha sido para muchas otros nuevos conceptos. La globalización se sirve de todos estas nuevas ideas para seguir ensanchando su base.

  179. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    En primer lugar decir que el vídeo me ha parecido muy interesante, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este señor. Actualmente vivimos en una época muy distinta a la que antiguamente había, pero el sistema educativo sigue siendo el mismo, cosa que deberían de ir actualizando al igual que actualizamos nuestra vida, pienso que deberían de empezar desde con la modificacion de este sistema. En definitiva pienso que lo que nos quiere transmitir este artículo desde mi punto de vista es que el sistema educativo que está presente no es el más adecuado para los tiempos en los que vivimos y hay que hacer una modificación de ello adaptándolo al día de hoy.

  180. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    The video is talking about the facts that are global.So, it is hard to talk about the facts commonly but as I know from the news and if I speak about my contry actually I believe it so. I mostly agree the term «go to school – do well – get a college degree and find a job but today’s children do not think it that way. they do not see the point of going to school». (For my country) The main reasons of that; (as it is mentioned in the video) the lessons or the teaching process and going to school etc. is boring for the children. As they have a lot to do instead like chatting, playing games, internet, smart phones etc. And another reason is that at the age of 15 (approximately) when students go to high school, in the second year of it, they have to choose a department that fits their intrest or to their dream jobs and they take lessons accordingly. But in my country teacher can decide instead of you and they can say «I dont think you are capable of doing well in this department, so don’t choose this department» or their parents want them to be a doctor or engineer but individually students dont, their dreams do not match with their parents’ anyways they choose the math-science department as their parents recommend them.Furthermore, I have friend that changes her department to language department after failing math exam.

  181. Once, when i was a little child, every child had their own imagination, drawing book, crayon, friend from neighbourhood to play different entertaining games on the street. Now, children have their own smartphones, iPads (no matter how old they are), Facebook or Twitter accounts, new computers and lots of games in it. In other words they do not have their imaginary world to be creative or their company to play ball with them. When we look at from one side technology makes our life easier but it also makes us lazy. When developing technology and the unconcernedness of working parents overlap with inadequacy and inability of ineffective educative system, it is nurtured such children who cannot learn or understand what labour over means. Students don’t even care or think about what is better for their future. That system make turns people to the machines. We should be waking students up and help them to improve their creativity by giving them aesthetic feelings.

  182. Paloma Vargas Velázquez de Castro dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que todos deberíamos hablar un mismo idioma pedagogico, un mismo idioma que nos ayudase a entendernos mejor haciendo que no se produzcan malos entendidos y a si poder ofrecer una mejor educación. Por otra parte, creo que la eduacion va evolucionando va necesitando cambios en sus contenidos y como no en sus formas de impartir la educación. Debemos formar a maestros y profesores no que solo sepan que contenidos dar sino como darlos y como motivar a los alumnos.

  183. Olga Cantero Contreras dice: Responder

    Me meto en el mismo saco que Sr. Ken RObbinson, pensando que somos marionetas, manejados por los hilos políticos, que nos dirigen hacia un futuro en el que todos seremos iguales, iguales en cuanto a nuestro currículum. Me explico, con la última reforma educativa se nos quito la oportunidad de ir configurando nuestra carrera según nuestros intereses y gustos personales, ahora todos hacemos el mismo grado, sin posibilidad de diferenciarnos de los demás, y de hacer exactamente lo que nos gusta y como nos gusta. Esto es sólo un ejemplo de lo que decía Ken Robbinson en el video, cuando se refería a los alumnos como parte de una línea de producción.
    Es claro que actualmente, entre nosotros existe un verdadero amor incondicional o una gran vocación por lo que estudiamos, o por lo que queremos llegar a ser. Debe de ser así, porque desde luego no nos matriculamos en una carrera o en otra porque vayamos a encontrar un trabajo seguro. Es lo único positivo que encuentro en la situación por la que atravesamos ahora mismo.
    Hablando de un modelo educativo adecuado a los tiempos que corren, creo que debería fomentar el diálogo, el aprendizaje a partir de experiencias, el aspecto crítico, etc.

  184. ZAHIRA GARCIA SOLTERO dice: Responder

    Estaría muy bien que en educación hablásemos el mismo idioma pedagógico, pero por desgracia creo que eso no es así, y hay muchas diferencias entre la educación de unos países y otros, y esto se ve claramente, como hay unos países que tienen un nivel de fracaso escolar muy bajo, y otros, como España, muy altos, con lo cual queda claro que no se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico.
    También hay que decir que incluso dentro de nuestro país no se habla tampoco el mismo sistema pedagógico, ya que hay una notable diferencia entre escuelas públicas, privadas y concertadas.

  185. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que lo ideal sería que en educación todos hablásemos el mismo idioma pedagógico, pero creo que esto no ocurre así.
    La educación debería de ir cambiando al igual que van cambiando los tiempo e ir adaptándose a la sociedad. Damos asignaturas cuanto estamos en la E.S.O y en bachillerato que nos habla del pasado y de lo que ocurrió pero no tenemos ninguna que nos explique lo que esta pasando actualmente en la sociedad para que podamos comprender mejor lo que oímos en la radio o en la tele.
    También me gustaría decir que el profesorado debería de ir innovando la forma de dar las clases para así motivar cada día mas a sus alumnos ya que cada vez oímos a mas jóvenes decir que están estudiando para nada ya que no encontraran trabajo en el ámbito para el cual se están formando.

  186. Pues creo que si seria hacertado que todos deberiamos tener el mismo idioma pedagogico, para que nuestro nivel cultural fuera mas semejante,
    Pienso que la educacion, debería ir evolucionando con los cambios que se producen en las diferentes épocas, no podemos mantener el mismo sistema de educació cuando los tiempos han cambiado, y las personas van evolucionando, por lo creo acertado que las maneras de dar clases, el sistema educativo, hasta el propio profesorado fuera innodose, adaptandose a las caracteristicas de la actualidad.

  187. MOISES ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    Para comenzar quiero decir que el sistema educativo actual es malo, existen cifras que describen el índice de fracaso escolar en nuestro país. Hemos dejado de pensar que con un titulo universitario tendremos trabajo para siempre, porque esa no es nuestra realidad. Es cierto que tendremos más posibilidades de vivir «mejor». Desde mi punto de vista existen pocos puestos de trabajo disponibles en relación con el número de titulados por año. La universidad a dado un paso en su sistema educativo, por lo menos desde mi punto de vista, dando más importancia a la práctica, y no solo a la teoría. Creo que con este tipo de metodología educativa saldrán mejores profesionales ya que habrán experimentado diversas situaciones o contextos a los que después cuando ejerza se tendrá que enfrentar. Pero en la educación obligatoria queda mucho por hacer cambiando los paradigmas desde mi punto de vista se le tendría que dar más importancia al desarrollo de la educación emocional y social. Esta fomenta la resolución de problemas, la empatía, aparte de estar demostrado que quién desarrolla la inteligencia emocional tiene un mayor éxito en su vida laboral. Hay que fomentar la «diversidad» tanto en pensamientos, en emociones, en conocimientos y sobre todo sociales, para que estos niños en su futuro sean más conscientes del mundo que les rodea.

  188. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el verdadero problema es que se trata de llegar al futuro haciendo lo que ocurría en el pasado. Antiguamente cuando iban a la escuela la historia les enseñaba que si trabajaban duro y obtenían un título universitario, conseguirían un trabajo. Hoy en día por desgracia no creemos en ello. Nos enseña que es mejor tener un título antes que nada pero ya no es una garantía y particularmente si esto te lleva a dejar de lado lo que realmente te gusta o es importante para ti. Con esto no quiero decir que la formación académica no tenga un papel importante en nuestra formación, simplemente quiero decir que no creo que una enseñanza globalizada sea lo mejor para la educación actual ya que el problema está en que el actual sistema educativo fue diseñado y estructurado para una época diferente.

  189. Current education system was created in totally different time and circumstances and it is more than obvious that it needs urgent renovation. It is tragedy that after five years of college you have to be afraid whether you are going to get a decent job. In Croatia many students decide to prolongate their education and pay another year of college just to keep student job and scholarship.

    Sir Ken Robinson says that school is organised like a factory and I could not agree more. It is really time for all of us to realize that things can`t work like that, simply because people are not products. I also find interesting his thoughts about divergent thinking and that is something that bothers me the most in education system. They are destroying our creativity by convincing us that there is only one answer on question. It is scary how our creativity and ability of divergent thinking declines with age.

    The world is changing so drastically that we can`t predict the near future or which jobs will be in demand. Although a college degree has become something that everyone considers mandatory, in the future it may not have the same value. According to Forbes jobs of the future will require a college degree.

    For the end I would like to recommend one movie related to this topic. It is a comedy “Accepted” (2006). Although the aim of the film is fun, some elements can serve as guidelines for the future development of the education system.

    1. Current education system was created in totally different time and circumstances and it is more than obvious that it needs urgent renovation. It is tragedy that after five years of college you have to be afraid whether you are going to get a decent job. In Croatia many students decide to prolongate their education and pay another year of college just to keep student job and scholarship.

      Sir Ken Robinson says that school is organised like a factory and I could not agree more. It is really time for all of us to realize that things can`t work like that, simply because people are not products. I also find interesting his thoughts about divergent thinking and that is something that bothers me the most in education system. They are destroying our creativity by convincing us that there is only one answer on question. It is scary how our creativity and ability of divergent thinking declines with age.

      The world is changing so drastically that we can`t predict the near future or which jobs will be in demand. Although a college degree has become something that everyone considers mandatory, in the future it may not have the same value. According to Forbes jobs of the future will not require a college degree.

      For the end I would like to recommend one movie related to this topic. It is a comedy “Accepted” (2006). Although the aim of the film is fun, some elements can serve as guidelines for the future development of the education system.

  190. Javier Sanzo Cid dice: Responder

    A lo mejor es que tenemos que retroceder al conductismo clásico.
    Seguramente evolucionemos y al constructivismo le sigan otra serie de paradigmas, pero desde luego hoy es la teoría que mejor se ajusta a un aprendizaje significativo, por descubrimiento, experimentación y manipulación de
    realidades concretas, pensamiento crítico, diálogo y cuestionamiento
    Esto es precisamente lo que nos hace ser mejores seres sociales y individualistas idiotizados.

    Cuál es la relación entre constructivismo y neoliberalismo? es que llevo un rato buscando pero no hay forma de dar con ella?

  191. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    La educación debería ir evolucionando, reciclándose para así adaptarse mejor a la actualidad. Los docentes deben de encaminar a sus alumnos para que más tarde ellos se den cuenta de las cosas y vayan afrontando por sí solos los problemas. Al igual que la educación muchos profesores también deberían de ir añadiendo nuevas técnicas y formas de explicar las distintas materias.

  192. Carlos Pérez Saavedra dice: Responder

    Si, es verdad que en educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico.
    Todos podemos aprender y usar idioma pedagógico. Todo depende de los profesores. Hay profesores que saben transimitir sus conocimiento a los alumnos para que aprendamos de una forma más eficaz, mientras que otros no saben hacerlo de una buena forma, por lo cual los resultados de los alumnos serán peores.
    Los estudiantes buscan algo innovador en sus profesores. y aquel que sabe y logra motivar a sus alumnos será el que triunfe en su trabajo.

  193. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    Sir Ken Robinson in his speech tell us that educational model is used to stop children’s energy,it continues a lot of method, that the results of tests on pre-school children,more positive results.
    I think we must review again the education paradigms in the conditions of developing and changing world.Stable paradigms need to leave the location for motion paradigms. This event will work and experiment. If we are not change our point of view, we don’t see the world as it is, we see where we are.For me our perspective should be different and it must creative the difference.
    The following sentence caught my attention ‘Now, these kids were growing up,they live a lot of things,a lot of. But they live in one of the most important things, I believe that they are educated ‘.. What a meaningful sentence!
    Secondly, As Ken Robinson said, we must accept that the best learning in groups.I think it would be good to work in groups for transfer information.

  194. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    The school is like a factory – very accurate comparison by Sir Ken Robinson. The educational system was passed in 18th century and from that time not many things have changed. It is very bad, because nowadays everything is changing in a very fast pace. In schools we are taught nothing but set patterns. Different point of views and ideas are criticized. Divergence and variety is not well perceived.
    There is a very funny story about an educational system in Poland. Polish Nobel Prize Winner in field of literature- Wisława Szymborska was asked to solve exercise on high school diploma which was interpretation of her own poem. And it turned out that she won’t pass this exam. And you know why? Because most of her answer didn’t correspond with the answers in the solution key, which was prepared by some literature teacher. Isn’t it funny? I’m sure that the education methods should be changed.

  195. Anastasija Korolkova dice: Responder

    The present educational system is outdated. She snatches the life of 15-20 years and grows not adapted to people’s lives. Education, in fact, has become a way of life that allows people not to think. The decision to pursue higher education received by young people on autopilot, without the slightest regard for what they really expect from life. People tend to do not what they are interested in, and that now more popular. Children have become more and more drag on the status in the society. Schools and education no longer present to motivate students, they see no prospects for the future and take everything for granted. Politics and education are no longer working together. The impression is that politics and education live different lives, not whether they should be in harmony and work together? A few years ago, at the height of the crisis in Latvia, namely the government, there was talk about how to ease the education system due to the fact that people are so and so leave the country, so why train good engineers and mathematicians for foreign countries. Is not that absurd?

  196. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, ante este artículo queda decir que el sistema educativo actual no es el más adecuado para la época en la que nos encontramos, además, a los alumnos se les debería de motivar , ilusionar y apoyar para que se formen de la mejor forma posible ya que ellos mismos son el futuro.
    Por esto mismo, la educación debería adaptarse a la sociedad actual y evolucionar de la manera más acorde.
    Que se usen palabras determinadas para hablar de un significado concreto es un avence, no tiene porqué estar influenciada por la manera de llamar o definir a las cosas.

  197. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    We have to know education’ s mean for the explaininig education .The word “education” is derived from educare (Latin) «bring up», which is related to educere «bring out», «bring forth what is within», «bring out potential» and ducere, «to lead». So, education basically means to bring out the knowledge of one from their insight.If so what happened to we?because we don’t think so any longer.we load only knowledge to childrens . We are constantly putting in information and knowledge into a person and killing the real self of the person. The person is not the same person anymore; he or she is simply a shadow of their society’s educational system.they are robot any more.they haven’t that is word:CREATİVİTY,ORIGINATIL AND CAREFULNESS.ın my opinion these be formed by reason of restriction.for example a teacher says student at school:you must paint tree- green sea-blue,banana-yellow…etc. That isn’t true. child can paint tree-yellow or orange .because that child ‘s dream world. After we say :there is ADHD children,he must go to hospital.she is very careless… now What can we do?
    Provide an environment that allows the child to explore and play without undue restraints.
    Adapt to children’s ideas rather than trying to structure the child’s ideas to fit the adult’s.
    Accept unusual ideas from children by suspending judgement of children’s divergent problem-solving.
    Exhibit an attitude that promotes creativity in preschool.
    Conduct activities that help children develop creativity.
    Avoid things that are proven to stifle creativity

  198. I’m really impressed of the ideas Sir Ken Robinson is telling in his speech. I absolutly agree with the thought that children are getting distracted by media, computer games, advertisments etc. the whole day and therefore it’s no surprise that they have problems with concentration at school. Quite recently I talked with a friend about medication for children when they are agitated and lacking in concentration. In my opinion such medical treatments are dangerous because the child then gets addicted by the meds.
    The statement why children are arranged by their age and not by their level of knowledge and skills is a very interesting one and let me think about some schools in Austria where 6 to 10 years old children are in ONE class. Those schools are not so common but they exist. And they work. Of course, sometimes it’s a lot of work and organization for the teacher but the children work all together and the ambience is an harmonious one. Every child does what it is able to do and the children learn a lot from each other. I think that such school systems are really worth giving a try.

  199. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    The occurrence of globalization is the result of a good communication. People’s knowing the same language, pedagogy, common education values; having common cultures from some aspects shows that people have common results and common values. Human is a being that thinks socially and makes reasoning. Therefore some human values occur on behalf of the whole humanity. Some of these values are given by the family. And some of them are given by the education that they receive at school. Human needs to maturate to be able complete himself. That happens by life experience, by trying and seeing things, by gaining experience. To me people pass to collectivism from individualism. This is the law of nature. You can’t learn how to say “you” before learning how to say “I”. You realize that others (husband/wife, friends, children, relatives etc.) have needs too only after meeting your own needs. For example you are hungry; you think about getting full, after getting full you think about others. This is always like this in life. (Education, work, in social and emotional aspects).

  200. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    El ser humano es complejo, así que resulta complicado saber que sistema es el más adecuado, en mi opinión, el método constructivista es muy bueno (como ya he comentado en otros artículos). Considero que los/las docentes deben guiar hacia la autonomía, acompañar en el proceso de aprendizaje, y ser capaces de enfrentarse a los poderes políticos y económicos, o más bien enfrentarse a sus intereses. Si la educación se encamina al objetivo y beneficio de unos pocos, CAMBIEMOSLO, y que el miedo cambie de bando.

  201. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    In my opinion, the education system is probably not necessary to change every year, but quite often because people change as well as changing technologies and mindset. And I think the education system must also change with that young people would be intrigued to science and the science would not be imposed on all students equally because people are totally different. As well as the exchange of researcher should include new ideas and no longer teach the student by such means as was taught before our once, because the world has changed, and students sometimes have to study things in this world which are out of date and never may not be needed.


    Que se usen palabras establecidas con un significado concreto para hablar científicamente de una materia es una adelanto. no tiene porque estar influenciada la manera de llamar o definir las cosas. Otra cosa que si está pasando no son las formas de hablar la educación es la manera de manejarla, y desde siempre la educación esta influenciada por el poder político, y en otras épocas no pasaba «nada», simplemente los profesores inculcaban un idealismo sobre la realidad u otro, pero hoy en día si existen muchas carencias en educación y esto esta pasando por las reformas, recortes… que nos «conceden» nuestros gobiernos y gobernantes. La educación debería ser el ámbito el el que los gobiernos pongan más empeño en triunfar, ya que se están formando los futuros gobernantes.

  203. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, la educación debería ir adaptándose a la sociedad actual y evolucionando de la manera más acorde a los sucesos o hechos más relevantes de la vida cotidiana. La tecnología constituye una importante fuente de conocimiento, aprendizaje y educación. Para ello hay que saber utilizar eficazmente las nuevas tecnologías sin abusar de ellas, porque al igual que pueden ser importantísimas y útiles en la vida, si abusamos de estas o no la utilizamos para lo que es debido, pueden acarrearnos grandes problemas.

  204. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    I really liked the way how Mr. Robinson explained his theory in this video. I absolutely agree that the education system needs to be changed. It doesn’t matter which kind of talent and predisposition students have, they just teach them in the same way even if pupils don’t understand why they have to learn things they will never need again. There is too much time spent on making students useful, or employable. Why can’t people just enjoy learning new things just for the sake of learning them. We should look at schools as a place to grow with others, whether that be sports, life skills and so on. Schools should be looked at as a resource we are glad to be a part of.
    I don’t know exactly how I would change it. But I am sure that we need to change the way we think about learning and to start thinking about how we do raise ourselves and young generations. We need to do this to be able to change it.

  205. The education system should work for the students to realize their dreams. I think all students inserting a single mold, the same individuals breeding is wrong. Each student has different dreams for the future. If you dream of nothing but impose a student, the student will lose interest in school. Of course, there is need to take the required courses. However, after taking these courses, students still absurd to impose the same curriculum to all students. The same as in the training of children with ADHD to consider different methods. This is for students who want to spend less effort as a savior of some educators see ritalin substance. But I definitely think that the solution is not ritalin. Because ritalin substance has proven to be a very the side effect. In short, in the educational system, special for children should include the different methods. In addition, students’ dreams and ambitions certainly be taken into consideration.

  206. Thank you for sharing this beautiful thought with us! It explains how the public education was born and functions it had. Now the time has changed and people need to be more creative and find their own way and place in society. Every day we have more information and freedom to chose, but the educational system is still the same as before without so much freedom and without almost any possibility to chose. In my opinion,with these kind of ideas and people who are ready to create new methods of teaching and reform the educational system, it will change quite soon. But as every big change and revolutionary idea, it meets quite big resistance and needs more people who are not afraid to share their thoughts and start acting. There is an expression – one picture is worth thousand words. The same can be said about making an example. Actions are more effective examples than words.

  207. M. Ángeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    En este artículo estoy totalmente de acuerdo que todo lleva a un fin económico.
    En la educación y en casi todo, pienso que va destinado a ese fin. En mi opinión pienso de que temas tan serio como es el futuro de personas debería de ser sagrado, ya que luego nos quejamos de la «Juventud no sirven para nada» Se les debería de motivar, ilusionar y apoyar para que se formen lo máximo posible ya que ellos son el futuro.
    «Sería una contradicción si los opresores no sólo defendiesen sino practicasen una educación liberadora.» Paulo Freire .

  208. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Este articulo nos hace preguntarnos cosas de vital importancia en el ámbito educativo, una de ellas es si en la escuela actual pedagogos y educadores actúan ayudando a los educandos a ser ellos mismos, o por el contrario le “cortan las alas” imponiéndoles una educación que viene a la vez impuesta por los gobiernos, aprobada en leyes educativas, esto es algo que me queda bastante más claro tras ver el video, ya que, como bien dice Ken Robinson, pienso que los alumnos son meros objetos en la educación, nos forman de acuerdo con sus intereses, es decir, somos los que ellos quieren que seamos.
    Quizás nos deberíamos plantear cambiar ciertas cosas en cuanto a educación se refiere, por qué no darle más valor a la creatividad e imaginación personales, porque no nos ayudan a ser nosotros mismos, como bien dice el refrán “en la variedad está el gusto” quizás así podamos dar a la educación otro enfoque que nos ayude a mejorar.
    En definitiva creo que la sociedad globalizada en la que vivimos nos marca unas pautas tanto a educadores como educandos, imponiéndonos determinadas formas de enseñar y de aprender y quizás deberíamos pararnos a reflexionar sobre qué es lo mejor para los alumnos, pues al fin y al cabo ellos son el futuro.

  209. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    Watching this video was very interesting! When I see the evolution of the society and I make a comparasation with the evolution of the educational system I notice u huge difference. I think that what was said in the video about the organization of schools as in a factory is true. Why are we dividing the pupils in groups by their age instead of their skills, interests,… It is not logical. What also made me think was the fact that getting a degree is not a certitude of getting a job. I know a lot of people who haven’t got a degree but though have a good job. There are certainly other ways to get a good job but having a degree makes things easier. This fact is one of the reasons why students aren’t always motivated to go to school and get good marks. A lot of children have ADHD, in my opinion this is not really true. It is easy to label a child with ADHD because he is a little turbulent but if the teachers would make their courses more fun and interesting children would have more movement. They would also be fascinated because they could discover a lot of things themselves instead of getting all the answers trough theory.

  210. ANA DELGADO MARIN dice: Responder

    Pienso que Sir Ker Robinson dice toda la verdad. Vivimos en un mundo donde la educación, al tener un sistema tan antiguo, nos ha hecho meros reproductores de lo que ellos quieren que seamos.
    Somos,como bien ilustra en las imágenes, un producto sacado de fábrica donde algunos (personas) valen y otros son tirados a la basura por tener algún defecto que seguro que lo tiene la mayoría.
    En base al sistema educativo, no debería haber tantos recortes, es más, no debería haber ni uno. Solo se tendría que hacer varia reformas, siempre para el bien de los alumnos, que estén orientadas a actualizar nuestra educación,
    Por último pienso que la educación no se tendría que basar en crear personas que no saben pensar, sino personas que critiquen esta sociedad y que la ayuden.

  211. ANA DELGADO MARIN dice: Responder

    Pienso que Sir Ker Robinson dice toda la verdad. Vivimos en un mundo donde la educación, al tener un sistema tan antiguo, nos ha hecho meros reproductores de lo que ellos quieren que seamos.
    Somos,como bien ilustra en las imágenes, un producto sacado de fábrica donde algunos (personas) valen y otros son tirados a la basura por tener algún defecto que seguro que lo tiene la mayoría.
    En base al sistema educativo, no debería haber tantos recortes, es más, no debería haber ni uno. Solo se tendría que hacer varia reformas, siempre para el bien de los alumnos, que estén orientadas a actualizar nuestra educación,
    Por último pienso que la educación no se tendría que basar en crear personas que no saben pensar, sino personas que critiquen esta sociedad y que ayuden a revivirla.

  212. Creo, que todo el mundo está más o menos en el mismo nivel de constructivismo. Sí, hay diferencias entre jovenes y las personas mayores, entre aprendizes y profesores de universidades pero toda la gente piensa igualmente. Estoy de acuerdo con el presentador del vídeo, que los niños están ultimamente enseñados, que hay la inseguridad del trabajo y añado una idea más. Los niños y la gente joven deberían estar enseñados que ultimamente todo depende de nuestra realización personal y hecho partícipe. Desgraciadamente a veces siempre hay opinines antiguas, que la gente joven reciben su empleo automaticámente.
    Sí el idioma básico es más o menos igual, los condiciones tambien, la gente somos los mismos, porqué entonces hay tan muchas incomprensiones? Por que somo individualistas.

  213. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    Wow, what an intriguing perspective of education from Sir Ken Robinson. Interestingly, he highlights the concept of children being categorized into ‘batches’ in the current education system according to age. He argues that age may not be an appropriate indicator of ability. This poses the question, ‘How should children be categorized for learning?’ I support the use of problem-based learning as a means of testing children’s intelligence. In this way, children are presented with a problem to solve with little help from a teacher or more competent class mate. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the learning, scaffold ideas and encourage divergent thinking. This moves away from the old-fashioned dictatorial method of teaching employed in many schools in Europe. In problem-based learning, children are learning in their zone of proximal development (ZPD), a term coined by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky. In simple terms, ZPD refers to the distance between what a child can do on his/her own and what they can do with the help of an adult. It is vital that each child learns in his/her on ZPD as this will keep their minds engaged and active. It eliminates bad behaviour and disruption to classes as children’s thinking is being stretched. Perhaps if children were categorized according to their ZPDs there may, indeed, be fewer cases of ADHD diagnosed in children.

  214. Especially in the video part about art catched my attention. I’m totaly agree that opinions. Art is a escape way from the chaos of the world. But education is killing the love of art that inside them. In the school they are teaching lots of methods,informations etc and they are rewarding or punishing with marks. I think some volues are more important than marks or to being good studet.. like humanity,morality etc..Our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is saying »A nation without art means a people without lifeblood» But what are doing? Killing art and than thinking what is the problem. I think we should think about that.

  215. Every family want to take their children a good education. But They are forgetting something. Nowadays The schools haven’t good education system;some of teachers give to us informations like tablet and they are expecting to us learn quickly. On the other hand there is more pressure for children. Always everyone are waiting to be succesful from their children. But everytime we may not succesed,we will learn by making mistakes. Also Many of family are sending their children to school to survive in the present,I say that mean economic reasons and yes its true but economy shouldn’t be main aim. Children have pure dreams and their family should support for their dreams. The education system shouldn’t put into molds to children. Every children don’t have to be same.

  216. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    It is true to say that many education systems today are struggling to keep up with the modern-day world we live in; one immersed in technological advances, a saturation of values and beliefs and a change in social communications, which are ever-expanding. It is understandable that this is the case, the our world is constantly changing and it is true to say that many education systems are focused on the value of the pupil for the economy, but seeing as we don’t know what way the economy will be this time next week, never mind by the time such pupil is finished with the school system, it is true to say that our education systems are outdated. I believe our system needs a complete overhaul so that the goal is not achieving what the government wants us to in terms of benefiting the economy, but enhancing the individual skills and talents of each pupil, therefore creating a more diverse and interesting generation, not pupils who, as mentioned in the video, are sought to ‘conform’ to society and to the education system. Being an art student I completely agree that the aesthetic experience of learning is vitally important and that it is obvious that each pupil learns in different ways. The term ‘divergent thinking’ is something which I have not come across before and I find it truely fascinating. This is something which we need to base our teaching as facilitating around in order to create more vibrant and useful minds, not only for the pupil in their future lives but also for the good of the economy. I found what Ken Robinson spoke of as regarding the growth of ADHD with the level of standardised testing quite disturbing, as well as this anaesthetic approach that we seem to have in our current education system.

  217. Marita Pino Braza dice: Responder

    Para empezar, veo muy bien que todas las personas que tengan que ver con la eduacion hablen un mismo idioma pero a veces no todo el mundo lo hace, ya que por cuestion de politica se nos enseña una sola parte de lo que en realidad se nos deberia de enseñar… se nos coaaciona a la hora de aprender, por asi decirlo, somos unas marionetas que estamos cada cuatro años (si cambia los partidos politicos) expuestos a una reforma laboral distinta. Por otro lado no me parece justo que si todos pagamos impuesto para tener una educacion una sanidad ect.. ahora se privatice todo pero sin embargo si hay una deuda a un banco esa deuda se hace publica. En definitiva que esto deberia de cambiar mucho para que todos hablaramos el mismo idioma pedagogico.

  218. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    The underlying message inherent within in this passage is conveyed wonderfully in the animated video. The video highights who that in society there is an inevitable path inherent in society. As soon as an individual enters the educational system there is segregation which indicates whether the individual is academic or not. Students are still segregated according to their age, which seems like a reasonable process. However in the video, the speaker raises ideas such as why is this so because some students that are younger are still far more academically competent that students that are older than them. I addition to this students’ intelligence is based on their grades only from school subjects. No gratitude is awarded for social skills, organisational skills and such which personally I deem to be far more beneficial in a work place rather than someone who has extremely high grades, yet lacks common knowledge and the ability to be friendly and sociable. Within society there is a clear dichotomy between the type of people who are academic or who are not. Unfortunately many of the people who are not academic still have astounding abilities in other forms which are not recognised in their grades and inhibit them from continuing in college and entering a well paid job, that is speaking in sterotypical terms.

  219. Mr. Robinson’s assertions are highly true and a lot of people think the same way. A lot of people feel the same way about the need to change the educational system. But I always ask myself what do we do with the achieved knowledge? The cognizance is just the first step but what comes next? The theorie is perfect but how can we make this conclusion fertil and how can we transfer the theory in practical realizacion? Often I miss concrete proposals and detailed recommendacions. How can we concretly change? This is a demand to all scientist. We have to work on realistic conclusion and this is the most important duty for science in my opinion. Because the conscience exists and of course it is important to spread the ideas but let’s think about some ways to change. A little proposal of mine is to begin also to change the curriculum of the education of teachers and of course the curriculum in school. It is necessary to work out methods of teaching and a change of rating systems. Teachers are the one who create the clases. Of course it is not enough to change just one part. There are the parents, the children themselves and of course the whole society. My proposal isn’t also very detailed but I need more infomation about the mechanisms of education which I don’t have, not yet.

  220. It was really intresting to watch this video, because this topic is really important nowadays. The survey, which was taken by children in the video is really intresting. I have the same oppinion what the survey showed, that all of us have the same capacity, but the education is not appropriate to improve our skills so we just lose the interest. At the beginning of the primary school almost everybody is excited and I think the function of the school would be to keep up our interest and therethrough motivate the children to learn and improve there skills. Nowadays the only motivation what teachers use is punishment and in my oppinion it is the worst what they can do. The other reason why students lose their interest and motivation for studying hard is that having a degree is not enouh to be sure that you will get a job as well, because lot of people have the same degree so they decide to take a job early in not that good quality just to earn some money and they do not use their real, more valuable skills.

  221. I strongly feel that the education systems of the present era are extremely outdated, as supported by Ken Robinson said ‘ the teachers are educating the students with the same boring stuff. Due to this same boring stuff the children are dragged into a state of mindlessness as their minds are not interested. I understand what the education system is trying to do in terms of teaching the children 21st economics, but it is proven that there is no reason as it could change from day to day. I believe that the world is changing day to day with new technolgical advances as well as various different social skills criteria being produced; Therefore I feel that the classroom and criteria that should be taught to the children should be appropriate, new and enjoyable in order to regain attention and wake the students up. In conclusion the education systems need to be reformed by the government, introducing new learning outcomes with new information. I believe that activties such as divergent thinking and alike should be introduced as they could spark the possiblility of rewarding creativity within the classroom.

  222. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que el sistema educativo actual y desde hace ya unos años atrás NO ayuda a que los alumnos desarrollen todo los conceptos y competencias que debemos de tener al terminar la primaria o secundaria. Debería haber asignaturas en las que los niños saquen provecho en un futuro.
    La actual política hace que los estudiantes sobretodo después de la ESO se planteen seguir en adelante o no, porque creen que buscarse un trabajo como ellos puedan hoy día con la crisis es mejor que seguir estudiando porque al fin al cabo en un futuro van a seguir estudiando unos años mas para acabar la universidad y no tener trabajo
    La pregunta que hago yo ahora, si tan importante es la educación, ¿Por qué lo primero que hacen es recortar en el sistema educativo? Lo primero es ayudar a los adolescentes en riesgo de abandonar la escuela antes que tirar piedras o poner mas trabas dentro de nuestra propio sistema educativo, creo yo.

  223. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    I think that the educational system nowadays leads to economic purposes. When we were childs we had a lot of dreams and we believed that we could do everything. For example, when our parents asked us what we would like to do when we will grow up all of us answered that we wanted to work as astronauts, teachers etc. When we were getting older and we went to school we could see that all the education is based in one book and that creativity of young students isn’t developed, Later, many of us went to universities and studied a faculty in order to have job in the near future and make money from it. So, is this right? I mean that we all have to think that this is not what we were dreaming of and that we have to change the fundation of the education system for a better future.

  224. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    This video and article highlights many concerning key points about our educational system today, the statement that we are education our children by anethnetising them is outragous but so true at the same time. It is incredible to think that doctors are prescribing drugs to calm children down and to get them to focus but in all reality it is more than likely these children that could be the Einsteins of society, but because they do not conform to ‘normality’ within society they are drugged, literally.
    Secondly I agree that our education system is outdated and set in the stone ages, it may have proven usefull at the time of the enlightenment when classroom educaiton seemed to be the way forward, but I believe that children have active minds and like to play so over 50% of learning would be obtained outside of a classroom situation, doing practical things, keeping the childs mind engaged, as well as learning.

  225. I believe Ken Robinson brings up a very valid point in saying our education system is outdated. Yes the education has done its job and served its purpose since the age of the enlightenment but it has to be upgrades.
    The fact that we are being taught without reason or individual thought we are creating a sort of robot or zombie generation that can only regurgitate information giving to them, They do not have the mental capacity to thing independently, creatively or with reason.I believe that children need to be taught more aesthetically such as problem solving and learning through their own sense perception and experiences.
    Another important aspect brought up by Ken Robinson it the problem with the way the education system groups the children by ages. Many children learn through different ways, Some learn better through visual aid or Audio description and some learn better through practically doing things. In order for every child to reach their full potential I believe that the education system has to find out which form of learning the child learns through best and then categorize them accordingly.

  226. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Pienso que todos usemos términos comunes es bueno, una de las razones por la cual pienso esto es por que así es mas fácil para nosotros a la hora de comunicarnos. Muchas veces pasa, que por ejemplo en una clase, no comprendemos que nos quiere decir el profesor por que usa unas palabras que nosotros no entendemos, por ello pienso que usar todos los mimos términos, tiene su parte buena. Pero también su parte mala, cada vez las opiniones son mas generales, y pienso que esto es influenciado por la información en los programas de televisión y en los programas de debates, que nos hacen opinar sobre un tema que no tenemos ni idea.

  227. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    Undoubtedly it is true that what we learn in school is generally needed and useful. But in the age of globalization and the Internet is not enough. To be successful in private and professional life we need additional skills that the current general education system does not teach us. In addition, nowadays the employers look not at education but at the experience.
    In my opinion the big problem in the education is that the school does not teach independent thinking. This is because most of the time at school is memorizing a bunch of lines. This not helps only harms the students. Children are not able to think freely. To change it we should change assessment of works, answers, exams, etc. If the assessment depends on the «key» – it is clear that the child learns only the limited answers and he cannot express his opinion, what he really thinks.

  228. It can be strongly argued that the so called modern education system of today was designed and achieved for a different age. The catalyst of this modern epidemic in education is that we are trying to meet the future by trying to do what they did in the past in relation to the economy and cultural identity with both entwined with globalization. The powers that be and educators must move away rapidly from this notion of standardization and conformity. Ken Robinson made an extremely valid point when he said, ‘we are putting the kids to sleep instead of waking them up.’ This statement is certainly true. We have to think differently about human capacity. Abstract and theoretical. From my experience as a teacher, some students benefited from learning and taking down information off the board while others achieved through audio-visual presentations, movies and teaching the curriculum through fun games in order for information to be absorbed. Therefore, I strongly believe that the education system of today should eliminate its age old foundation that was conceived during enlightenment and the Industrial revolution. If we don’t, children and the arts will become victims of this withered mentality.

  229. Still pupils are a product for more particular and necessary jobs. Usually it is difficult to predict which of works are really needed for further situations that would serve in a balanced way to all society. The society is a consumer of a particular information depending on obstacles and needs. If the choice would be bigger between young pupils it are one would make the society more diverse in realizing more alternative and individualistic ideas. Probably it would also made the society more happy and content. Because working on things we like it enriches us and give a better result in the end. Of course, besides there are factories and there will be a demand for under educated work force. At the same time, people needs do not end with factories or economical question solving, but rather with something more human, like feeding ourselves with something that enriches our emotional parts. For example, producing arts, like movies, music and etc. these spheres are taking a lot of time, for an artist to listen in to himself first, and after make something out, meanwhile the artist, is exploring and experiencing world in a unique way. The way of expressing those feelings are different, but I think that very less people today choose this path to follow their inner emotions to change the mass thinking and doing. And as we know, artists are the one’s of the less paid professions. But to start supporting these things even more, we have to understand it’s necessity why we need this consumption of an art, for example.

  230. I totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson. I think I’ve seen this video before. Our educational system is out of date for sure. My attention in this video was caught by the part where the school is like factory, children on the factory line divided into classes by age, filled with all knowledge, and at the end get a certificate of education. But I agree that this is not right. Children go to school because It’s obligatory, it’s neccessary for their future. Of course I agree with that. But if the children are like zombies in the classes, especially kids diagnosed with ADHD, educating in that point is not what it should be. Our world is developed and there’s lot of distractions for children (technology, TV etc.). For kids It’s hard to concentrate according to this old educational system, I think.
    Cases of ADHD are expanding every year. But here I agree with K. Robinson once again, I don’t think it’s a disease. It’s something someone came up with and the doctors are generous to diagnose ADHD and parents are trusting their doctors, because they want the best to their children. But we see what happens to our children.
    If we want the best to our children we should think what medicines we give to them, I’ve heard about many side-effects of Ritalin, there’s many documentaries about this, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsqDyEMkLpQ.

    But let’s come back to education. According to all these problems with ADHD, lack of concentration and interest in studying, belief that education does not secure your future and so on. We need reforms, so that our children will have better future.

  231. Ken Robinson makes an extremely valid point when he introduces the topic of how the children of today are educated. They are educated by focusing on what has been done in the past and past findings and experiences but what use is that to the future generation. How are we as the younger generation supposed to think for ourselves and come up with new ideas. The purpose of school used to be get an education, degree then job but nowadays children do not have the same drive and want to do that as they know there are alternatives. There is a great standardization in education now a days which means children are not reaching their full potential and only doing what is necessary to get by. Schools are very much under a strict format where you are put into classes and you have to try shine in this format even though you may have greater potential in another field of study or at another type of format.

  232. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    Generally, it’s proved that you get a job more easily if you have made many years of studies and i you have many diplomas. It seems quite logical for many people that your salary corresponds to the number of studies you made. There is a kind of pressure and i think that’s why every year at university, there are more and more students who have absolutely no interest about what they’re doing. And i think that it’s really stupid because there is some people who doesn’t really like studies and who are not made to go at university but it doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to get a great job in the future. I think that sometimes, you get much more skills by traveling, meeting people, discovering other cultures, other way of thinking than by staying at university.

  233. I have to say, this speech by Sir Ken Robinson is certainly worth anyone’s time and I’m not just saying that because I completely agree with his way of thinking but because he is, in an extremely understandable way — the drawings are evidently helping in that regard— and quite believable at that, giving us the opportunity to open our minds to something of the utmost importance, the current system of Education. As things stand, there is a growing issue that requires to be attended to as fast as possible. In a context of a highly developed environment — in developed countries in particular — and in the school system to be accurate, one can easily start wondering about and give birth to feelings of boredom, frustration, “forced” stupidity and the likes. Why is that? As Sir Ken Robinson has clearly explained it, we find ourselves in a situation where we have unbelievably evolving students—thanks to the globalization for the lack of a better word¬¬— that are stuck in a school system that hasn’t fundamentally changed since the industrialization. How can one actually thrive for betterment when the game is rigged from the get-go? There is a need to change the bases of the current Education system simply because although it may have worked in another era, it is obvious that —and anyone could testify to this—it is currently easy to find yourself frustrated and therefore find yourself in a position that could lead to boredom or negative feelings as such when in school (at any age). This may seem abrupt but it feels a lot like brainwashing, we don’t have a choice in the matter and simply try to “stomach” it all along the way. Some people will be able to go through the process much more easily than others depending on different factors, others won’t.
    In any case, this is definitely an extremely interesting topic —and quite tricky if you ask me—that needs attention.

    1. one’s mind can easily start wandering about and give birth to feelings of boredom, frustration, “forced” stupidity and the likes*

  234. François Glénat dice: Responder

    Of course what he is explaining in his video is true. The system needs to be rebuilt and questionned from the inside. But we only have it today and it’s not gonna change.
    I think the most important thing is to find out what every one really wants. For example we should promote more internships as solutions. Not only in big financial companies or multinational firms but also in small companies as plummery or electricity companies.
    Nowadays we need diplomas to go on, they’re the key to obtain a job. But you don’t have only general diplomas as after a business school or an engineering school. I’ve lot of friends who didn’t end the «normal and general» career but they’re so happy of having found their way.
    It’s easy to dream a better system but it already exists alternatives and they’re all too often hidden and forgotten.
    Obviously if it would be possible to change the system, we have to it, but how long it’s gonna take ?

  235. Kristína Kamenská dice: Responder

    After the months which I have spent here in Spain with the erasmus students from different countries I have to reveal that the education system is similar in many countries or at least there are not huge differences. Society expects from you finished degree from university. There is a big pressure on children and youth in generally, to study even what is not interesting for them, only to achieve a higher degree. If you apply for a job, sometimes it is impossible to get job if you do not have any uni. degree. This pressure leads to these effects: every year there are more and more people studying at university without any interest on it. Many of them even do not want to work at the same field as they were studying, because they need to achieve only degree with the vision of better job. Due to this there is for example every second person with degree from social work or law (just an example), so if they apply for a job, there is a keen competition between each other and finally employer wants someone with experience which they do not have because they have spent many years at university. This system causes high unemployment, people with specialization and degree for «everything» but nothing at all, without any job, and also lack of skilled label workers as plumbers, masons, electricians, because no one wants to do it with their university degree and they think their degree guarantees high-qualified job with high salary which doesn´t finally.

  236. MªCarmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    Creo que compartamos términos es bueno y enriquecedor ya no solo para poder comunicarte en un mismo país sino para la comunicación con otros países ya que más fácil y cómodo.

    Pero pienso que hoy día lo que ofrece el sistema educativo no es bueno para motivar a que la gente siga estudiando sino al contrario, existe una gran desilusión, además en una época de crisis en la cual vivimos el tema de los recortes en educación están llegando a que la gente salga a la calle para protestar y pedir que no se recorte en temas tan importantes como es la educación. Creo que deberían incentivar a los jóvenes para que estudien puesto que ellos serán el futuro de España.

  237. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I believe that education is very important part and process in life and for that reason I completely agree that we have to change our educational system. When we are children we dream, have ideas that we believe are possible and in that point of time there is no one which can convince us that that idea is stupid and that we won’t bring it to life. When we are in kindergarten we are always given something to draw, some materials and objects in order to make something.
    For example I remember I was given a toothpick and acorn and I would do all kinds of animals. We are not told how it should look like; all we had to do is use our brain to make something new.

    But, as we grow up and go to school it is like they don’t what as to create something new and have new ideas. We are given a book, thought a lesson, which we probably don’t listen because it is boring, and the 45 minute lesson feels like 2 hours. You ‘listen’ to the lesson and the next thing you have to is homework and learn every world from it, but you probably won’t even remember that lesson after one weak. What is the point then? You lose time to remember something which is not interesting for you in order to forget it later. Teachers are paid, and they are also losing time in order to tell us that lesson. There is no point. We need a educational system in which we will have more practical knowledge, not so much theory, in which we will create more, have ides and more important bring that ideas to life. When we learn to create it will be more easily to use our other skills in job we are doing.
    When we create ideas together there will be no difference between workers. Everyone will contribute, and moreover it won’t be a job, it will be simply doing what you love. You will feel useful and satisfied.

  238. María Luisa Moreno Montes dice: Responder

    En este texto estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que todo lleva a un objetivo económico. En la educación sobretodo, pienso que va destinado a ese fin, el fin de lucrarse. llego a la conclusión de que en temas en el que se juegan la educación de las personas y que estas personas serán los que en un futuro, serán profesionales en todos los ámbitos del trabajo que pueda haber. Esto debería de ser sagrado y en vez de dar a los estudiantes cada vez más impedimentos para poder formarse, se debería de ayudar, por que los estudiantes son el futuro, ellos son los que mejor formados tienen que estar para poder realizar bien su trabajo. Deberían pensar en ellos y en el futuro que van a darnos a todos y dejar de lucrarse con la educación.

  239. The educational system in place today is out of date as it was conceived in an era very different to the current situation. Nowadays, people are concerned with sustaining cultural identity in an ever decreasing world due to education. Also, the turbulent economic situation today is also a concern. In the past pupils were told a story to keep them educationally motivated that if they went to school and got a degree that they would be guaranteed a job. What do we tell students today when they can see that a degree does not guarantee a job as there are loads of highly qualified people unemployed or working in a job that they are overqualified for? Therefore, educational reform is vital to help solve the problems in the educational systems. There should be less emphasis on «standardisation» and more on emphasis on creativity and divergent thinking where there can more than one answer,

  240. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, creo que el sistema educativo en el que estamos no ayuda a que los alumnos se desarrollen correctamente. Deberían de dar materias las cuales los niños y niñas les sirvan para un futuro. La política de hoy en día hacen que los estudiantes se planteen seguir en adelante o no.
    Si tan importante es la educación ¿Por qué recortan en eso? ¿Por qué no ayudan a las familias a que los niños y niñas se formen completamente? Pienso que se guían más por una imagen. Deben pensar más en ayudar y a darse cuenta que por el camino en el que van nos perjudica. Ya no existe esa ilusión por estudiar, ya que por los profesores o por temas económicos los alumnos no se sienten motivados.

  241. For me one of the most important sentences of the video is that we should wake our students up to express what they have inside of themselves. This means to me that teachers should be curious and open about their pupils life, their experiences, their past, their future, their wishes, their strengthens and weaknesses. They should not only drum everything in their brain what’s in the curriculum, they should better let the pupils work and think on their own, so that they can be an active part of learning. I think the model of learning should be more open and personalized. For example as mentioned in the video, most of the pupils aren’t able to learn the same subject at the same time. Some of them maybe have already knowledge about something and some of them not. I think when we realize that our learning model doesn’t offer them the best education and we have the courage to change it, students are able for divergent thinking. With the standardized curriculums, with which teachers are working in most of the schools yet, we prevent them of experiencing aesthetic thinking. Like Francois Rebelais said more than 500 years ago “A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire that will be ignited.”

  242. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    The economy and the politics have a big interest in education and how the education system looks like. I think this interest is justifiable. In Europe we need good skilled workers and a democratic system needs democratic citizens, too. Why should that be wrong?

    Two aims of education should be to prepare the students good for the work life and to explain them the organization of the political system. But that shouldn´t be the only aims, of course. And that is often the problem: In my opinion the constructivism teaches mostly the way how to learn something and not what is something. That is very good for the economy to form new workers. But it is bad for the society, bad for the autonomy and bad for the future, also.

    To develop new ideas we need a good basic knowledge in a topic (“an expert”) and the constructivism is not the right way to become an expert. I am not against the interests of economy and government but that shouldn´t be the only important variables in the education system.

  243. According to Ken Robinson education systems feel the need to change as a result of economic and cultural factors. The world has become a global melting pot and there is a fear that we will forget our own cultural identity in the midst of this new cultural exploration. Immigration is much more common these days and even the classroom is now a mix of cultures. The economic crisis has transformed the learning experiece for everyone.Education does need to be transformed radically. The days of standardisation and conformity belong in the past, along with our previous perception of what education ‘should’ be. ADHD is a major problem mostly in the developed world. I often believe it can be used to as a cover up for those who believe in constructivism, that people are either smart or non-smart. These so called ‘non-smart’ people who may have poor concentration are given ADHD medication to help them ‘solve’ their ‘problems’ but really all it is doing is deadening their senses, as suggested by Ken. If a different method of learning was provided for those with such problems, medication would be unnecessary. They are not stimulated by the environment they are exposed to and that is the biggest issue. Instead of assuming their is something wrong with the child it should be assumed their is something wrong with the system. In my own experience I know of girls at school who used to learn off the ‘standarisation’ exam for the testing of ADHD so that they had to do less work in school. They had such little interest in their educational environment that they faked having a dissability to prove it. This portrays the utter failure of the education system in my opinion. It is similar to the point Ken Robinson has made. We all srtart off with the capacity to be a genius. It is the environment you are exposed to that will either encourage or hinder your development on this path.

  244. According to Sir ken Robinson, the countries of the earth are reforming public education at the moment, this is for two reasons. 1). Economic- we are trying to educate students and children to survive in the present 21st century, despite the fact that we don’t even know what it will look like next week. 2) Cultural- we are trying to ensure that children have a sense of culture in order to pass on the cultural jeans of our communities.
    Also children no longer believe that having a degree and going to school like in the past would get you job. so there is a need for change in the education system. it is no longer possible to learn like people did in the 17th/18th and 19th centuries. Everything is moving forward for example technology, opportunities, travel and people, so too must the education system. Theory is no longer required to the same degree as it used to be, practice is. Kids today are used to iphones, laptops, Google and nintendos, they are not interested in a blackboard and chalk.Habits in schools need to change where children are thought that there is not just one answer to a question, but many. Creativity is vital to move on with the rest of the world we cannot leave education behind.

  245. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    World is changing, technologies are developing, people are changing, so it is important to be changed also education. We can not learn like people did it many years ago. All is going forward, all is changing. In educational system, there is old system. In high schools, universitites profesors are teaching theory, however, we need practise. Person can get a degree, but it gives nothing, if person are not interested in this field, if he don’t know how to work. And of course, if youth have iphones, personal computers, then sitting in lessons for them is really boring. Education can’t attract attention anymore, because theory is boring, old system is staying at the same place. Kids are lazy and not interested in teaching. Creativity and divergent thinking are these things, what we need to put in subjects, to develop children mind.

  246. El hablar el mismo idioma pedagógico pienso que es muy enriquecedor para el propio país, ya que es algo que esta globalizado aunque de diferentes idiomas dependiendo del país donde nos situemos.
    Pienso que una persona de determinada edad sea el país que sea tiene que tener la misma base y los mismos conceptos culturales que cualquier otra persona de la misma edad aunque de diferente país. También por otro lado podemos ver como detrás de cada paso educativo de un propio país hay intenciones, como la economía, con la cual se mueve el país y esta es causante desde mi punto de vista de todos los cambios respecto a la educación independientemente del país que corresponda. Creo que el nivel socio educativo o la enseñanza esta guiada por el partido político que gobierno en cuyo país.

  247. The change we are seeing in education is happening for two reasons, as outlined in the video by Ken Robinson. Firstly, because the economy of many countries are changing, the education systems also need to so as once finished at school, the child’s education is still relevant and they will have a place in the ‘real world’. Secondly, due to cultural reasons, we as local communities want our children to know about their own culture and cultural identity, while still fitting in with the process of globalisation. Although this is posing problems, and I agree with Robinson, we cannot prepare for the future while we are focusing on the past. The education system needs a major shake up to be in touch with the current situations, in the twenty-first century children are encountering all sortd of new technology and distractions, and with school, in many cases, being ‘boring’, it is no wonder some are finding it difficult to focus. In my own experience ADHD is very common, and even more so in America if the video is correct, and I have found that doctors are very quick to prescribe pills to help improve focus, but we need to ‘wake them up’. Our schools need to realise that it is not all about conformity or standardisation. Habits of schools need to change to show children that there is not just one answer to a question, but many, they need to be taught to broaden their minds.

  248. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    Como dice el texto estamos en una sociedad globalizada, con casi todo por no decir todo globalizado, bien pues la educación evidentemente también está globalizada. La globalización en los sistemas educativos lo veo bien ya que así estamos capacitados todas las personas sean del país que sea a competir por un mismo trabajo, pero este suceso está convirtiendo a la sociedad en productos, es decir, nos elaboran unas ideas, unas pautas e incluso de cierto modo una ideología. Pienso que este suceso de globalización es un gran retraso en este sentido ya que no nos dejan seguir nuestras ideas o realizar nuestros sueños debido a que todo se adecua a un contexto y a unas expectativas completamente distintas a las de un niño pequeño.

  249. La educación está equivocada desde hace ya unos cuantos de años. Creo que el objetivo de la educación debería de ser crear, guiar y conducir a las personas hacía nuevos horizontes, nuevas metas, no poner limites a su imaginación ni barreras a sus aportaciones para una mejora del ámbito que sea. No entiendo como es eso de que se pretende no estar en la cola de Europa en el fracaso escolar cuando es lo primero en lo que se hacen recortes y lo que mas impedimentos para avanzar te encuentras. ¿Verdaderamente los políticos se preocupan de la educación, o solo se preocupan de su imagen? Es algo que deberíamos replantearnos, ya que para obtener el titulo de bachillerato, te exigen tenerlas todas aprobadas, incluyendo inglés y francés, cuando el presidente de nuestro gobierno necesita un mediador para poder comunicarse con otros presidentes que hablan otro idioma.Yo pienso que nos piden lo que ellos no dan.

  250. Bárbara Carrasco Fernández dice: Responder

    Aún no encuentro una explicación a lo que nos está ocurriendo, Todo el mundo habla de avances en la tecnología, en la medicina, de globalización… ¿Pero nadie se da cuenta?. No somos capaces de tener un sistema educativo acorde con nuestra sociedad actual. Y si ni siquiera somos capaces de proporcionar esto para prepararnos e intentar ser alguien en un futuro, ¿qué somos capaces de proporcionar?. ¿Qué más nos hace falta para empezar a tomar cartas en el asunto?. Los avances y todo eso está muy bien, pero la educación es nuestra base, de nosotros mismos y de generaciones futuras. Sin educación estamos obsoletos, no sirve de nada el resto de las cosas.

  251. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Con todo lo expuesto anterior mente en el artículo, pienso que realmente estamos algo desfasados en nuestros métodos de enseñanza. pero habría que preguntarle a los politicos, ¿por que seguir con algo obsoleto?, ¿donde se deja la creatividad de los alumnos?. sin personas que no le dan importancia a la creatividad de las personas para que den riendas sueltas a su mente, estamos evocados al fracaso.

  252. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    Con respecto al video estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que se dice en él.
    Sr Ken Robinson da varias ideas acerca de la educacion, una de las que me ha llamado la atencion ha sido, como se tratan a los niños en las escuelas, como si fuesen objetos de una linea de produccion.
    En el video la idea principal es hacer un cambio en el paradigma de la educacion y darle mas importacia a otros valores como la creatividad, que en estos tiempo no se toma muy en cuenta.
    Y creo que el sitema actual deberia de cambiarse, ya que se planteo hace tiempo y hay que adecuarsa al momento historico en el cual no encontremos, ya que las cosas cambian.

  253. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    La educación y la escuela deben adaptarse a las situaciones, particularidades y necesidades del país y la gente que va a recibir la formación, que podemos ser casi todos ya que actualmente podemos ponernos a estudiar en cualquier momento de nuestra vida y esto hace que haya personas mayores y de todas las edades estudiando, por lo que es algo que nos concierne a todos.
    Pero creo que todos sabemos que la educación está manejada por hilos muy finos, que colocan las personas que están en el poder y manejan el país, tratándonos a su antojo y haciendo que el país vaya como va. Creo que esto seguirá pasando y que la única solución es quitar a todos los políticos existentes de sus cargos, hacer pagar a los que han robado, y darles una oportunidad a gente que de verdad quiera que la situación mejore y trabaje por ello de una manera justa y legal.

  254. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que algo muy importante que se nos escapa, referente a si los niños de hoy día están mejor educados que en otra época por los pedagogos?, o qué línea han de seguir que sea más conveniente para los niños?, es el saber si están realmente bien motivados por esos pedagogos o no?, los educadores de la actualidad no se detienen a pensar que es lo mejor para sus alumnos, debido a la globalización que ha sufrido la educación, y el capitalismo que prima en exceso en la motivación del profesor.
    Ya pocos educadores quedan por propia vocación, y menos habrá dentro de un tiempo con esta crisis…pues los profesores cada vez tienen un sueldo más bajo y mayores responsabilidades, porque principalmente las familias, cargan todo el peso de la educación en estos profesionales, con lo que conlleva a que muchos de ellos se fustren, no puedan con la situación y acaben tirando la toalla.
    Una desgracia generalizada, que hace que salga perdiendo todo el mundo (familias, alumnos, profesores, la escuela, etc )y que no permite que la educación salga a flote!!

  255. Manuel Antonio Conde Del Rio dice: Responder

    Y si el sistema educativo con el que hoy estamos trabajando no es el más adecuado para dar respuesta a las necesidades de los niños y niñas. ¿por qué insistimos en hacerlo mal?

    Es posible que la creatividad esté muerta incluso en aquellos que hoy podríamos denominar como los pensadores de una nueva alternativa educativa.

    La educación es compleja, pues el ser humano es complejo, es difícil saber que sistema es el más adecuado, pues el diseño de un sistema requiere ponerlo en practica con los niños, es decir, convertimos a los niños y niñas en animales de laboratorio. Es posible decir, que todos hemos sido durante un tiempo animales de laboratorio, donde los pedagogos, educadores,… nos han usado para poner en práctica sus teorías educativas. ¿cuantos niños y niñas tienen que continuar siendo animales de laboratorio?

  256. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, estoy totalmente a favor con lo que se habla concretamente en el video. Si vivimos en una época totalmente diferente a cuando se creó el sistema educativo, mi pregunta es ¿por qué no lo cambian?, no creo que sea muy compatible con los tiempos que corren y hay que ajustarlo para que mejore. Así es normal que en otra época tuviera el éxito esperado, pero en ésta no está siendo de mucha ayuda y cada vez hay menos ilusión y ganas por parte de los niños/as en la educación. Para tener un sistema educativo de provecho hay que empezar ya a cambiarlo, aunque sea poco a poco, pero seguro que por muy poco que sean los cambios, habrá una mejoría. No sé quien se encarga de que esto sea posible, pero si yo tuviera en mis manos el poder para hacer algo positivo, está claro que lo haría. Hay que despertar y ver lo que está ocurriendo en el sistema educativo, como lo dejemos pasar, llegará un día en el que no podamos hacer nada por cambiarlo y existirán más problemas.

  257. Dolores Ramírez Gálvez dice: Responder

    Lo que este artículo me transmite es que estamos trabajando con un sistema educativo que no es el más idóneo para los tiempos que se viven, como demuestra el hecho de que los resultados no sean los más adecuados para la economía del país. Con la globalización actual estamos viendo que nos encontraremos con un mercado de personas muy bien preparadas con las cuales competir y, dado que nuestro nivel es un poco deficiente y con muchas carencias, corremos el riesgo de quedarnos a la cola.
    Pienso que la preparación de las nuevas generaciones tiene que ir encaminada hacia las necesidades reales del mercado laboral, para que así cuando una persona termine su periodo de formación encuentre un puesto de trabajo que sea conforme con ella; pero la realidad es que hoy en día nadie tiene su futuro claro ya que no se sabe por donde «tirar» ni que tipo de formación hacer para después poder encontrar un puesto de trabajo adecuaco y en el cual te encuentres realizado.

  258. Luci Toledano Maldonado dice: Responder

    En mi opinión : La gran variedad de metodos pedagogicos dan cuenta de una busqueda
    incesante, para que toddos podamos entender mejor el conocmiento que se quiere transmitir.
    Yo diria que casi todos nos entendendemos en el mismo lenguaje pedagogico, y que las nuevas tecnologias han controbuido a ello.,es un recurso que acerca a todo el mundo.Nos en encontramos en una Sociedad mediatica,con nuevas formas de educación,con reformas generales. Todos sabemos que el ejercicio de la educación es a traves de la pracrtica pedagogica.y para que sea eficaz ,la comunicacion no puede fallar es decir que si todos hablasemos el mismo lenguaje pedagogico seria mucho mas facil la Educación.

  259. Esta educación globalizada y obsoleta deja mucho que desear para la época en la que vivimos. Una época que como bien se ilustra en el vídeo, no te garantiza un puesto de trabajo, una época en la cual la educación está encasillada en una única forma de enseñar, inflexible y monótona, una época que ya quedó atrás hace años pero aún perdura en nuestros días…
    Y como queda reflejado en el post, ¿por qué no pensar que todo esto va encaminado por el beneficio de unos pocos?

  260. Águeda Gamero Santos dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, ante este artículo queda decir que el sistema educativo actual no es el más adecuado para la época en la que nos encontramos, por tanto deberían modificarlo y adaptarlo a la etapa en la que vivimos, una de las razones más importantes es la economía, ya que debido a la crisis actual la mayoría de las personas que se han quedado paradas y se ha propuesto formarse profesionalmente, pero esto lo hacen no por vocación, sino por fines lucrativos, con la esperanza de que cuando salgamos de la crisis encontraran trabajo, también decir que los docentes lo que buscan es la autonomía de los alumnos y que reconstruyan su propia experiencia interna, los niños no van a la escuela por motivación si no más que nada por una obligación, por lo que debemos luchar para acabar con esto.

  261. ISABEL CORDOBA SOLIS dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, y siendo la pedagogía la ciencia que tiene como objeto el estudio de la educación, el sistema educativo actual no es el mas adecuado, ya que todos aquellos que conforman la misma, padres, asociaciones, alumnos, profesores, administraciones etc no tienen el mismo pensamiento de lo que debe englobar ésta en sí.
    actualmente desde algunos sectores AMPA y sobre todo profesorado, se percibe que la enseñanza ya no es la que era hace unos años, de ahí los últimos casos, en que por parte de uno de los sectores que conforman la educación «administración» ha dejado a estos colectivos arriba reseñados, sobre todo profesores un mal sabor de boca.
    Por lo que creo necesario, eliminar el desconcierto de estas decisiones para fortalecer nuestros sistemas educativos obligándonos a replantearnos el papel y los objetivos de nuestro sistema de enseñanza y hacer que entre todos los sectores que lo conforman un análisis preciso de los principales indicadores de ese cambio, y que esto clarifique la situación en la cual nos encontramos y poder hacerle frente.
    Y entonces podremos decir que se habla el mismo idioma pedagógico.

  262. Estela Torrente Martínez dice: Responder

    En esta entrada vemos como el sistema educativo actual una de sus pretensiones más evidentes para mi es la de encasillarnos, en vernos como un individuos económicos, que ganan dinero y que lo gastan. Este sistema viene dado desde hace ya algunos años y por tanto puede que ya no encaje con las formas de educación que pretendemos algunos, o si… Es todo muy subjetivo. Hay quién empieza una carrera de manera vocacional y otras que la desarrollan con el tiempo, pero ambos saben que desempeñando esa labor en la cual se están formando van a recibir dinero a cambio y van a tener un puesto de trabajo, ya sea mejor o peor. Si estudiamos es para eso para tener un trabajo y poder independizarse, al menos los jóvenes que acaban de salir de casa de sus padres. Y las personas que ya tienen su puesto de trabajo, su independencia y acceden a una carrera, pues tal vez lo único que busquen sean formación o tal vez un mejor puesto de trabajo. Concluyendo quiero decir, que la sociedad esta pensada para orientarnos a cada uno a un puesto de trabajo para obtener nuestra propia identidad económica, cultura y social.

  263. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, pienso que el sistema educativo con el que contamos no esta haciendo lo mejor para los alumnos, pues no nos esta ayudando mucho, ya que fue creado en una época totalmente diferente a la que nos encontramos hoy día, ya que en ese momento no existía la crisis con la que hoy contamos, por eso es necesario que la educación de un giro en todo los sentidos.
    La crisis con la que cuenta el país también esta afectando a las ilusiones y expectativas que tenemos los estudiantes, puesto que antes cuando se accedía a los colegios y a las universidades o hacías un modulo sabias que ibas a tener la oportunidad de trabajar en lo que estas estudiando y por lo tanto en lo que te gusta, pero ahora no sabemos lo que nos depara el futuro, pues estamos estudiando sabiendo que es casi imposible encontrar trabajo, y sobre todo en la rama de la enseñanza, pero tenemos siempre las esperanza de que esto terminara en unos años y sin estudios no se llegará a nada y es por eso por lo que cada vez más personas adultas comienzan a estudiar.
    Para terminar me gustaría señalar un párrafo con el que cuenta este artículo ya que me parece totalmente cierto, pues como dice somos marionetas manejadas por los gobernantes de este país, haciendo lo que ellos nos pide, y convirtiéndose así en personas cada vez mas corruptas robándonos a todos los ciudadanos, siendo ellos cada vez mas ricos a nuestra costa, por esta tenemos continuar luchando para terminar con todos ellos.

  264. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    ¿Qué educación queremos para nuestros hijos? Un dilema que nos debe interesar a todos. El sistema educativo vigente esta formando un ejercito de cultos trabajadores al servicio de los poderes gubernamentales, que han planeado una educación torpe para obedientes con un cómplice muy poderoso, el señor globalización. De que nos vale hablar un mismo dialecto pedagógico basado en políticas que se van acercando al neoliberalismo, si escuchamos un mismo discurso preparado, que nos encamine hacia objetivos ya establecidos. Los docentes de hoy en día deben preparar a sus alumnos de una manera innovadora, que sean capaces de enfrentarse a estos poderes y crear una actitud libre de pensamientos autónomos. La educación debe dar un giro importante, pero empezando de cero, para renovarse y adecuarse a los grandes cambios que se esperan para mediados del siglo XXI.

  265. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el sistema educativo como ya sabemos no está siendo el adecuado ya que fue elaborado hace muchos años y adaptados a esos tiempo, por tanto es necesaria la reforma del sistema educativo adaptado a los tiempos que corren y teniendo en cuanta el factor muy nombrado en la actualidad como es la crisis. Antiguamente tener estudios te daba mucho prestigio ya que no todo el mundo tenía el dinero necesario para estudiar y teniendo una carrera tendría puesto de trabajo y ganaría un buen sueldo ya que no existían muchos médicos, profesores etc Todos querían estudiar hacerse grandes planes de futuro incluso aquellos que no podían estudiar se ponían a trabajar por falta del dinero no por querer aprender un oficio. Por tanto como vemos en el video educarnos sirve para recibir una cifra económica y por culturalizarse, bajo mi opinión sobre todo por el factor económico ya nos consideran una sociedad industrializada. Incluso actualmente hasta personas ya con treinta y cuarenta años se ponen a estudiar para sacarse una carrera porque se piensa que cuando acabe la crisis todos los que tengamos estudios tendremos trabajo, es decir, de forma general muy poca gente estudia por vocación por aprender sino con el fin de tener trabajo y ganar dinero.

  266. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista en cuanto a este artículo, pienso que el sistema educativo con el que nos encontramos actualmente no está actuando de manera correcta, el problema de todo esto es que quieren llegar a un futuro igual que se ha llegado en el pasado y no se dan cuenta de que éste es un sistema que fue estructurado no precisamente para la época en la que nos encontramos actualmente, ya que hoy en día los niños van a la escuela sin ningún tipo de propósito, porque nuestro país se encuentra en una serie de circunstancias que ahora mismo no sirve de nada tener estudios, ya que no vas a obtener trabajo de ninguna forma; los niños no tienen vocación por la escuela ya que son ellos mismo los que están comprobando en la situación que nos encontramos. Antiguamente, se iba a la escuela con una serie de valores aprendidos, como que había que estudiar fuerte y poner empeño para en un futuro poder llegar muy lejos, pero por desgracia, debido al sistema educativo con el que se cuenta actualmente, hoy en día la mayoría de los que se encuentran estudiando no cuentan con ningún tipo de espectativas ni de trabajo para el futuro. Finalmente, creo que esta situación afecta a todos los seres humanos aun más al alumnado.

  267. Pablo Gutierrez Valladolid dice: Responder

    En este artículo hay algo que me ha llamado la atención que es el comentario sobre que detrás del sistema educativo hay unos intereses , económicos y sociales refiriéndose al futuro. En este caso yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo, me explico, yo creo firmemente que nuestro sistema educativo esta encauzado hacia unos fines económicos solamente, debido a que el ser humana tiene en su naturaleza el instinto de tener más y ser el mas poderoso. Yo creo que todo , es decir, que no solo el sistema educativo , todo nuestro camino profesional tiene un fin que es enriquecer a nuestros controladores. Si esta teoría es cierta es muy complicado cambira una situación asi.

  268. Johanna Kantalainen dice: Responder

    What a brilliant video! I am totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson and I am happy that he showed these things. A long time I have been watching sadly how our current educational system displaces and closes great individuals outside of school system! In my opinion in a school there is still some kind of model for good students. If you are the student who fits this model, your career in school and working life will be very bright. But if you are not suitable for this model, your career will be more difficult. But it is so wrong! Instead of displacing, school should take care of everyone. Every student should get enough attention and help. But I think that at the moment our school system is too old-fashioned in this case. And it is so sad to see that only because of that our society is all the time losing good persons.

  269. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    ..I found the article on pedagogical constructivism, which states that a child at already creates its own picture of the word, other people and himself in its pre-school age. His conception of the world is then constructed based upon his individual experience, which gradually takes. If the new information is inconsistent with the current conception of the world, a child may not accept it. In order to receive it, a child usually must build a new koncept or re-build the old one. Constructivist learning is based on acquiring new experiences, comparing them with the previous experiences and thein active integration into their own mental structures. This happens not only at the individual level, but also at the society level.

  270. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    I found the article on pedagogical constructivism, which states that a child at already creates its own picture of the word, other people and himself in its pre-school age. His conception of the world is then constructed based upon his individual experience, which gradually takes. If the new information is inconsistent with the current conception of the world, a child may not accept it. In order to receive it, a child usually must build a new koncept or re-build the old one. Constructivist learning is based on acquiring new experiences, comparing them with the previous experiences and thein active integration into their own mental structures. This happens not only at the individual level, but also at the society level.

  271. I really like this metaphor used in video that school is like factory. I can agree with that we are like robots. Everything becomes so monotonically. You get there, they put you in classes with other students who are the same age like you (you are treated like everyone and not as individual person), you work hard (like machine) there and at the end you get your diploma (like anybody else) but you do not get a job. So at the end we are all the same. School becomes one stable process you have to go through and students become just numbers. I think that the problem is we are everything doing without motivations. We have just target – job, which is wrong. We should have knowledge and learn about things which we interested in them for our target. Maybe if we change our mentality than also education process can become better, because that day we will know the real reason why we do things and we will also have more motivation for that.

  272. I really like this video. There are so many things mention in it that made me think. The first thing is that children nowadays really do not see any purpose in going to school. Education is not appreciated anymore. And sometimes we cannot even blame people (children, students…) for that, because in this times education really is not so important any more. Education is not warranty for your job; it is not warranty for anything. But it is extremely important to motivate kids and do something to change their thinking about school.
    The second thing I want to mention is the observation about putting kids together based on their age. If you think about that you really ask yourself – why? I think it would be very good to change school system and not category kids by ages. But on the other hand I am afraid that won´t be possible. It would take a lot of time – first we should change our way of thinking and maybe in many years people will start to see the real purpose of school education. To provide the best for every single child based on his abilities and wishes.

  273. Yes it’s really interesting thing. In the begining of educational history have to be a little bit of aristocrat and of course you had to have money. If you didn’t have it you could not educate so you where like slave for big fishes. But now days we’re so open minded we all can have education we all can have everything. But can we? Yes for some that is possibile but now days if you want a good job with good salary and so on you have to have good connections. If you don’t have it you’ll work for the same place as your friend with connections for twice es more time and in the you’re not sure that you’ll get it. So now days education and 19 century education is not so different don’t you think?

  274. After watching Your placed video, I remembered something from my work experience – when in my pre-primary educational group we were talking about favourite activities, one of the boys said -TV watching. I was shocked, a boy of 6 years as the most common activity at home named watching TV. At this age, children should play, should be active and creative. But in reality it is not happening. Parents are so busy with everything else that they are not paying attention to their children at home, just turn on TV or computer, so they could have peace at home. I am even not exaggerating, this comment I’ve heard from one of the mothers. If children at this age have already attracted to the technology world, how can we discuss about problems in primary school, high school or university..? These things (TV, video games, computer games) kills child’s ability to think creatively, distracts him from physical activities, contributing formation of various diseases, distracts children from real life and from the desire to learn. And here we should have to talk about the education of parents. But is it even possible to fix it in the nearest future? Predictions are pretty weak; sometimes I look at the wide world and see that it’s getting worse…

  275. Aleksandra Bruch dice: Responder

    I think that school in Poland should just work that in the most creative way to provide students with everything they need to learn. Unfortunately, in Poland is sure pattern, you must follow because that is the curriculum. There are many talented students who are in a very good area, but, for example, are not able to develop their skills in school, because the school does not have such conditions. I think it should be a change in the education system and should be taken into consideration the most talent and develop it. Unfortunately, but more and more often in higher education today there is no longer such great importance as it once was.

  276. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    The way globalization brought with it the need to adapt outdated and inappropriate systems to today’s society and why past systems are often not usable nowadays. Especially when talking about educational systems it is crucial to evolve with the development of the societies instead of clinging to the past. Of course, there are always people that believe ‘’ what was good in the past can’t be bad today’’’ but I completely agree with Ken Robbinson that the past educational system is not made for children of today and should therefore be modernized. Obviously, not everything about the past system should be changed but many things have to be adapted to today’s conditions and lifestyles. First of all children face so many distractions in their life which make it hard for them to concentrate on something for a longer period of time. Also, it’s often the case that due to the fact that children are often lulled by Television and the Internet, they are not used to think anymore by themselves. This all leads to a lack of concentration many children suffer from especially in school, indicated by the fact that more and more children are diagnosed with ADHD. Medicine to treat this lack of concentration is the completely wrong way in my opinion. It’s the task of the Government, the schools, the parents but in fact all institutions or organizations that have an influence on children’s upbringing to help them dealing with the mass of information and distraction they have to face in their young lifes and get the ability to concentrate!

    1. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

      Sorry my comment below belongs to «Didáctica de la Educación inicil y básica ¿existe?»

  277. It is really interessting that the number of ADHD children increased in the last years. I can totally understand that pubils are highly distracted by all kinds of media, tv, computer, advertisings and if you compare the stuff teachers teach in schools and the stuff pupils can see besides school it is much more attractive for them. Doctors detect that they have ADHD and from then on they will get pills and everyone wont take them as serious as a pubic without ADHD. My personal opinion is that i dont believe in ADHD i think that these kids just need some other kind of education where they can find themselve where they can use there extra power to educate themself and to use it as a big advantage.

  278. I really enjoyed watching this video, i agree that the schools need to update their methods now and then. but also these days the pupils get more easily bored. its important that the contents of the education is learned in a creative and updated way and also that it has something in common with what the pupil at this particular age are interested in. But it also feels like right now, the whole concentration is on how to change everything and all the methods, we actually DID learn something in schools before too maybe it is better to include the children in their learning process and use updated multimedia methods for each different child, everybody learns in their own way.

  279. Teaching children is about preparing them for the society of tommoroh. Therefor our society’s are focused on teaching children to produce money for society and develop a cultural identity to create a feeling of belonging. Since Europe is in financial crisis and it’s economical future is unsure and vague, it’s difficult to predict if we are learning our children in the right way so that they can produce money for society and develop a cultural identity that provides a feeling of belonging.
    Studying is not cool and education demotivates more and more is an opinion I hear a lot in school. People lose their trust in the added value of a degree and the old fashioned thought that hard working at school will provide you a job. Furthermore education margalises that what is important to you. Production line mentality develops robots instead of passionate and studious students. We need more attention for developing divergent thinking and creativity in our education system. Let our students work in groups and being marked as a group, create a culture of innovation, creativity and progress and take into account that what is important to the students.

  280. Kristīne Mauriņa dice: Responder

    This clearly illustrates us that in this century there is no guarantee for nothing- there are people with several academic degrees without job or even homeless and there are millionaires and billionaires without practically any education. It is very confusing.
    Academic education no longer has that power, nowadays we have an unlimited amount of options so that education is not a sufficient basis. At present, the key word is no longer education, academy, but innovation, creativity, and I agree with that statement in video about chaos that this situation causes. And if you live in more developed environment you have greater chance to get confused of all options, needs, desires.

    From my experience, I have friends from USA and they send their daughter to school in Latvia because they had suspected that their daughter could be one of those kids who will receive medication because she was active and lively girl and medication would be excuse to teachers to be easier to deal with kids in class.

  281. In this video, there is a perfect conclusion that nowadays there is no big difference anymore, whether you have bachelour, master degree or not. I remember 3 years ago I heard some shocking story – woman finished her master degree, ( I can’t remember the study field, but it’s not that important), and was unemplyed for a long time, and then finally she got a job as dish washer in some restaurant. And then you have question, I really need to study a lot of years and spend a lot of money to become a dish washer? A lot of people are really smart but they are not continuing studies, because they don’t see the point of that. In fact, there is a lot of succesfull entrepreneurs in Latvia, who have finished only secondary school or even haven’t finished secondary school.

  282. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    Very often changes are being made at the education in order to improve it. However, it’s remarkable that many of the most usual techniques at schools nowadays are the same with the ones that were used before 100 years.

    So, what’s going on? Does our society try to cultivate each child as an individual, to help him discover himself, his abilities, his talents and his wills? Or does it give him a very specific role, while reproducing and prolonging a specific social stereotype?

    I would dare to say the second one, and more specifically, children are being prepared from school to become productive units of the capitalistic system, being able to do nothing more than a very specific thing.

    If we think of it more carefully, it is beneficial for the governments (or generally the people who govern) not to have critically-thinking citizens, but people like machines that only product and consume.

    In conclusion, if we really want to improve the education system, we have to look deeper for the real causes of the present situation.

    1. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder


  283. Nowadays there are many problem’s with the education all over the world. Many countries are criticising their education system searching new and contemporary ways which appeals to new generation in the technology age. To me, the ture problem is, in this traditional system,it is not required of the students be creative or to have an advanced level of understanding. We just need to memorize everything rather than use our brains. There is no need to analyze and reasoning. So, then we see many people manufactured in schools who are mentally lazy and do not have divergent thinking skills. The method is old and useless for this age. There sholud be more place to think differently in schools, may be there should be some lessons teach how to think divergently. People again should be motivated for going school and learn things useful for real life conditions not just theories.

  284. It is true that nowadays there is a need to reform education system which will be able to adapt to globalization,different cultures and identities. Actual system,designed in the past is still used in spite of the different era,economy or social surrounding. In this time is really hard to predict economical situation and to prepair children for the life in this situation. Children require to be motivated and to have a reason for education and attending school that it is not only obligation but essential and basement for the life,future and job. When education adapts to actual circumstances and will be more atractive for children,they probably will enjoy their studies. It is possible to do with technological gadgets and teach them how to work with information and how to utilize this possibility to uprate the education. Students should think comprehensively and deal with information from different points of view. Our world and technology develop so quickly and they influence our life in such a high measure and we do not know how to prepair for the future.

  285. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    Globalisation is affecting education system all over the world. That is why in different countries pupils can be teached in the similar way. Some countries that are less developed can improve their education system by taking others which have a better experience as an example. But there are a lot of cases when this system is a measure to drive economy of the country, for example, in Lithuania is the same. The video explains the situation about the education system very well and I think that it has to be revised.In the 21th century for children it is harder and harder to focus in the classroom because it is boring for most of them. And the education system should attract them to study for themselves, not because the teacher or parents said.

  286. It is a real fact that educational system needs updating.
    It has its basis on previous centuries’ education system, but we are in 21st century and everything is changing.
    That means, that there are things that must be changed as well as others should not…What I mean, is that yes education must be renewed according to currency and new developments but also need to keep its-self away from governments’ involution as we can understand that we are in such a situation because of them.
    The video one more time is so good and talking about the educational system for almost all the point of view…There is so much information that I really don’t know what to think and comment first…

  287. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    It is obvious that the education system should be revised yet I do not agree the opinion that the education system we are using now is traditional and old fashioned. I partically agree with this idea but in my opinion it is not the only reason. Technology is developing day by day and we see the influences of it in every area of education. Also, new educatinal theories are arising, however, the newest one does not always mean the best. It cannot be ignored that some changes should be made in that area. In my opinion, the influences of politicians and economists on education should be reduced as much as possible. (as it mentioned in the text-neoliberalism) Owing to these influences, schools are seen as factories and we-students are seen as products of them. Therefore, we should make some radical changes. The first step can be to implement divergent thinking skills by means of what one can practices his/her imagination and develops a sense of creative awareness.

  288. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    Nice video that is put together.
    My believe system says the problem starts at the influence the politicans have on the educational system. For instance, in the Netherlands there was a new law introduced that basically said: you will get one extra year to finish your study and if you do not complete it by then you have to pay a big fine. This shocked many people and many protests was the consequence of that. The politicians decided to draw back the law on the 1st of September 2012. Personally, I actually think this was a good law but not the way this was communicated to the “educational world”. I get more the picture of two opposite sides: Politics on the one side and Education on the other.
    Shouldn’t they work together in harmony?

  289. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    These article and video show the real, current situation, the common relationships and attitudes how the education functions and what is the place of pupils/students in this machine. And what is the worst that this model hasn’t changed for decades. I know that it is hard to do because to move from the standardization is difficult but people have to try. Pupils are like cakes which are baked in one form, made from the same ingredients and matured during the same time in the Factory of Education. But pupils are different from cakes. They are conscious, they think, they consider, they feel, they live. When pupils feel that education become so boring they try to find something new and now it is IT, iPad, Smart phones and so on. How to reduce this boredom? The first answer/solution I think is attempts of teachers/government of education to make classes much more interesting and dynamic and the second one is increase of the amount of time which parents have to spend with their children instead of giving them smart phones. The childhood and teens are the most beautiful periods in human life cycle!

  290. I found this video very interesting. It shows how exactly the education system works. Ok, it’s obvious that not all of the rules from education methods from 19th century should be changed, BUT it should be considered very very carefully how the society nowadays works and it should be matched to that.
    In my opinion, school doesn’t teach you at all the way of thinking about something in many ways. School just shows you one way and it’s up to you if you agree with that or not.
    But it’s not only the education’s system fault. Parents are responsible for their kids! I’m really horrified when I see 6 or 7-year-old kids with ipads or other modern technology equipments. Why parents buy them something like this? Those little children don’t need it at all in these age. They shouldn’t spend all the free time playing computer games. Ok, maybe it creates a little bit their imagination, but it doesn’t help them to know how the world really works.
    So I think everything is in education system’s and parent’s hands.

  291. I

    1. I… I think it is interesting too see that we loose the ability of divergent thinking from the age 3-16, as ken robbinson said, the most important thing happened during that period was education. That doesnt mean that the education we get today is destructive, we DO learn something, at least i think I did 🙂 Divergent thinking disappears because we grow up and start thinking more rationally? Should we blame school or parents, or both? I think schools should involve parents in a much higher scale than what is done today, after all, they are the childrens biggest resource.
      As you say, the educational language is pretty much the same, but is that a resource or a problem? maybe that is stopping countrys from making radical changes in school, because if you step into foreign land, you dont know what awaits you in the end?

  292. I think the video says it all. I mean it’s true that from the age of 5-6 when we start school, at first we are very excited and when time goes on we lose interest. I blame the society of the modern day. There is so much distraction around kids these days, the computer, Facebook, twitter, smartphones, games etc. And also the lack of teaching, the method of teaching hasn’t changed since the 19th century. Something need to be done!

    I also blame parents of today, they are so busy doing this and that, and they forget about the kids. Children needs to be motivated in learning, and if parents spend just a little time with their kids, that could lead to a really healthy life for both the children and parents.
    At school I think teamwork does really help a lot than individual work. Being with a team can help each other exchange ideas and have different opinions.

  293. It´s interesting have a think about constructivism and neoliberalism in education. Each of these types of instruction applies on each other different. I think that a suitable teaching style has great influence family at preschool age. Fulfil specified tasks only without the need for creativity is definitely easier. If you know that you need to accomplish something, otherwise you waiting for punishment is also motivating. These motivations are external. For learning, but not only for that, it´s much more significant intrinsic motivation, when you really want for yourself.
    In our country certainly prevails constructivism, individual approach is mainly on private schools, which are financial inaccessible for most families.

  294. The question of which method yields the most possible learning is one that has been debated extensively throughout the history of education. The most practiced method is often referred to as the ‘traditional’ system, which is the model for most schools in the world. This system is not the most effective in terms of resulting in actual learning and has many disadvantages that are actually counter-productive to real learning.The traditional educational system focuses entirely on intellectual and ignores experiential learning, teaches students how to succeed on standardized tests, has an authoritarian nature, and leads students to only extrinsically value education and not intrinsically value learning. This style of learning is intended to allow students to gain an individual meaning to the subject matter. An example of experiential learning is when a child first touches a hot stove and learns that it is hot. The individual experience greatly increases the meaning of the concept to the child.

  295. It is not correct to leaving all of traditional education methods, only because they are ,,old fashion” or traditional. Some knowledge we have to understand but some we have to just know. If we will aim only on abilities and not knowledge how it looks more often, people will be not able to show their own country in the world map, how it have place in USA. Also in USA are done researching about younger’s knowledge. In most of American student’s opinion Beethoven was (only) a dog and Iron Curtain has never exist. It show how knowledge is important and ignored in modern world.

  296. In XXI century more often greater knowledge we can gain from internet, e-book or normal books than from teachers, even in university. While we are tough by some person, we don’t have possibility to checking that those information are true or not. And even if they are not correct and we know it, very often we cannot say nothing because we don’t have science grade, we are only students. It’s causing also that young people in Poland don’t want to have their own opinion because it may cause troubles, easier is to only listening and repeating professors speeches.

  297. To my opinion and as Robins says on the video there are lots of destructive tools around the students. When we look at from one side technology makes our life easier but it also makes us lazy. Cellphones, laptops, and social sharing websites destruct student’s mind and give them hard time to focus on their classes. I sometimes see my classmates when teacher give a lecture they are talking by phone or texting with their friends. Sometimes they just talk each other about very unnecessary subjects. Students don’t care about anything anymore. Don’t even think about what they want to be in the future. That system make turns people to the machines. Nobody cares, nobody thinks, nobody believes to anything. We are going to from productive person to consumer person. In that system; as much as you consume you are good person. That mentality kills our aesthetic feelings. Everybody shuts their senses off. System gets the student through education by anesthetizing them. We should be waking our student up and help them to improve their creativity by giving them aesthetic feelings.

  298. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    What a good video! I think it is really important that teachers stop with being so old fashioned in their education. Take in the ipads and the computers in the education. The world is changing, but the education is the same and the pupils has really hard to understand the old and bored education. That is because the pupils know and feel that something is wrong. They feel that they can learn more themselves by internet or books than by the teacher. The schools or the oldfashioned and bored education is killing their entusiasm to learn. When they grows up and starts working the world will develope more. The pupils should get the tools to discover more of the world and help them to be inspired to learn more. In schools of today, the pupils only nows that they have to learn because of the grades. But instead the teachers have to inspire them to learn and support them to have big dreams and goals about their future.

  299. Educational system need to be revised, and changed. Pupils are more willing to learn when they are young. Who should be blamed here? Teachers, school system, educational content or willingness of pupils? No one is born genius, some pupils will always need extra attention. Its very easy to understand that pupil will loose interest if one keeps getting bad results.

    I would also like to talk about ADHD. Children with ADHD will definitely need extra attention and support. When I say support, I not only mean support of parents, but support of teachers and better understanding of what he/ she is going trough. To help children with ADHD, parents & teachers should know how to handle it. It is never easy, remember that no one is born perfect.

  300. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the video and i find it really interesting. Taking the ADHD problem, i think it is terrifying how many children «suffer» from it nowadays, or it’s simply diagnosed with it which,like Sir Ken Robinson said, it’s not always necessarily truthful ,because in my opinion that is not possible for so many kids to have it. I think that doctors are lazy and don’t have time to check it correctly, it’s much easier to just give prescription for some drugs.

    Also another problem is that teachers don’t have individual approach to students and don’t know them well enough to know what each of them need to really understand some concepts. But again, it is hard to have individual approach when there are sometimes more than 30 students in the class. I think that classes should be much smaller. For example in my high school i had 20 people in class and at language lessons 10,so i really know the difference and i have to say that it is huge.

  301. I found Sir Robinson’s lecture extremelly interesting and true. It is a fact that education has been moving in the same way for many decades, expecting for the routine of graduating and getting a job to be the same nonetheless. However, since we have all felt the crisis, we have seen how many people, educated people, are unemployed. This shows that despite the fact that these people did what they were supposed to do according to older generations, however it was useless, as it seems. I would encourage the education system trying to spot out talents in children and to truly follow the hearts. I think many people just follow the jobs and the money behind it for a secured future. I think that children should realize that the »routine» works, but they should also realise that it doesn’t always work. They should put lots of effort to want they are doing, but by understanding how difficult the world really is. despite the fact, many children quit trying after the age of 15 to 17 because they are bored of the same system. I think the attitude of teachers in school should change since the children see these models of hardworking adults everyday, and if the teachers are more friendly but only in a way to actually help the child. I think that each week each child should have a 5/10 minute Tutorial, where they discuss weaknesses, abilities, advantages and disadvantages, I believe the child would be more aware of who he truly is…..!

  302. International trends are more and more oriented to studentcentered teaching. In each case it is necessary to take into consideration his individual style and pace of learning.
    When the teacher has the opportunity to work with a smaller number of students, it has opened the way of cooperative approach teaching. Individual approach the teacher can significantly affect the overall attitude of students to the subject and results. But there is a problem with financing. Financial contributions are increasing along with the number of students in the classroom. The school mostly accept class maximum number of students and it is around 30. In the case, the individual teaching is not possible. So individual teaching is only possible in private schools and only a few people have money for it.

  303. A big problem among people is social volnerability of young people which are facing unemployment. After graduate young people do not have quaranteed employment, which have significant infuence on the individual’s life. I think that this problem is widespread in many countries in Europe. In modern society significant changes are appearing when young people have to join the labour market and finding employment Transitions are becoming more complex and varied than in the past. In video we saw a conclusion that the educational system need some changes to work more quality. I think the approach that says that it is possible «only one correct answer, no single solution» is wrong and is moving away from the child’s creativity, critical thinking and reflection.

  304. I really like the toughts of Mr. Robinson. I think it’s interesting that he explain the evolution of education. That years ago they said, if you work hard and go to college that you will have a job. And in the old times, systems of public education didn’t excist. That only rich people could have a degree. And the poor people could never have the chance to have a degree. Then they had an revolutionary idea that the state give money to the poor children so they would have also education, but offcourse the rich people didn’t liked that. Now a day a days it’s still a problem in some countries. Example: In the UK it’s very expensive to be at a good university, some people have to borrow money so their children can go to a good school. But what happen to the people who can affort good education? I think it’s scandalous! In Belgium, you still can study even tough your parents don’t have the money. It’s a organisation who give you a scholarship.

    The second thing that I tought was really interesthing was that their are 2 kind of people. First people are academic people (smart) and then you can non academic people (stupid). But I think it’s not because you didn’t have a universitydegree that you are stupid. A lot of people think they are stupid because they didn’t had a degree, but actually there are a lot of people you are very smart. I know a lot of people who didn’t had a degree but I have a big enterprise, our have a good job, just because there are smart. But din’t went to school.

    Then the last thing I tought it was enteresting was about the fact that our children has been anaesthic by us. I you’re a little a bit to active, they give you’re child rilatine… The children have now a days a lot of distraction: Iphone, Internet, television. So offcourse the lessons in class are ‘boring’ but I think that 20 years ago you had the same distraction but is was with other things, (playing outside, go climbing in the trees). We are getting our children trough education by anaesthetising them, whe should waking them up to what it is inside of themselves!

  305. hay un problema en la enseñanza, en mi opinión, ya que son los maestros que no son adecuados. un profesor debe haber estudiado antes idioma pedagógico y después de la spacifica insenamento. de esta manera será capaz de encontrar la forma más adecuada de enseñar algo a los estudiantes, ya que cada estudiante es diferente y aprende diferentes técnicas. si el profesor no ayuda a los niños a entender el tema no está haciendo su trabajo! hay necesidad de estudiar todas las asignaturas a los alumnos: las artes, las ciencias, las humanidades, teología, etc, porque el niño necesita para formar un conocimiento total para comprender lo que más ama e lo que hace mejor! Los padres también tienen una tarea específica que es ayudar y seguir todos los días el niño que aprende, junto con la escuela.

  306. We can use the globalizing world in many good ways, so even the way of education. But it is different views that are represented by different people and different people advocate different views. It’s almost like the fight the politicians start each fourth year to get the peoples votes. But how should we know which way of education that is the best? Well, of course we could read every research and articles about education and then find the best way. But I guess it’s not that simple. Because teach and educate children is not like working in an industry where you always can say witch way that is the most effective and economical way to produce the products. The different between the products in the industry and the pupils are that the pupils are individual and the way of learning for one pupil maybe not fits the other pupil. So the best way of teaching should maybe be in an individual adapted way if every off educational circumstances allowed it.

  307. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    Not because we are from the same country, but I totally agree with Femke Van de Walle.
    Nowadays, a child is given the mark ‘ADHD’ too fast.
    If a child is a little more active compairing to the other children of the class, they are given the stamp op ADHD.

    I have the feeling that every child, nowadays, has to grow up too fast. What about being a child, and enjoying your childhood like I used to do?
    It’s true that children now often learn things they actually don’t want to learn, sometimes it’s necessary to know certain things, but it is more important to learn things about what interests you. Even in my years of high school I didn’t learn the things that I actually need today..

  308. The video is most definitely interesting and funny! It gives you two perspective of thinking in reforming public education (economically and culturally), where the economic way of thinking goes back to the industrialization (neoliberalism) and the cultural identity goes back to the enlightment (constructivism).

    However, I think individial work is important but there must exist groupwork as well, but of course in small group rather than big groups (quality before quantity). The Interest among children is as important as well. If you are not are interested in something you do not want to work whit it becasue it makes you bored, and if you feel you are forced to do something you do not like, you might turn agianst the subject and it only get worse. This is often the reason a child get the diagnose ADHD because he/she “turns agianst the subject” which not is the truth! He/she is not INTERESTED in it!. However, apart from the individualistic thinking, education should also be based on some kind of shared language, history, constant values, norms and behavior. A mix would be the best way of learning!

  309. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I really liked Mr. Robinson’s video and the way he explained his theory. I agree with him that the education system is overaged and needs to be overworked. It is true that we have an education system that had been constructed for other generations than ours and that of our children. No wonder if the children get bored, when they don’t understand why they have to learn things they will never need again. This disinterest is then called ADHD and children get tranquilised instead of giving them a chance to develop themselves. I totally agree with Mr. Robinson who says that it is no real disease, but a misunderstanding of these children. Lessons must become more active, so that children have fun in learning and not get bored by stuff they don’t need for the future.

  310. The problem of ADHD not must be a problem for a class, but it depends. It depends for example of the size of the class. During my time in school, the size of the class was always between 27 and 32 pupils. In such big classes no teacher is able to embrace each pupil. Everytime when an indivudal pupil is different to the other pupils, there is a high probability for him/her to fall through the cracks and stay down a year.
    If the size of classes would be smaller the teacher would have much more chances to handle with the individual problems of each pupil. Everytime when a classmate of me had to stay down a year it wasn’t a problem of a lack of intelligence or something a like that. The reason was always a private problem which had been managed if the teacher had been the possibility and the time for that.

  311. The number of children in class has the major impact at quality of education. If in class we have more than 30 poeoples and we have to study math, it’s not a school, it’s a hell. While I was living with my cousin, he had really problem with math, he didn’t understand nothing, at school he always were gaining 2 and 3. But when I started to learning him one, sometimes 2 hours per day he was able to understand everything, because I knew what and why he doesn;t understand something. How teacher can teach something if he doesn’t know nothing about his students? Less classes or education at home, maybe it’s the way to resolve problem.

  312. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    It is difficult to really know what is right or wrong when we talk about pedagogic and didactics. Everybody has an opinion about it, no matter who you are talking with. Things we are used to now may not be appropriate in the future. So, who can say what is right? What may be good and works for one class and group of children may not work for the next, even if the teacher is the same. The past year I’ve been studying the socio-cultural perspective in education and notice that a big part of it has to do with the surrounding of the child. Of course, it could be just because we live in a multicultural society that we have to acknowledge the diversity of every culture. Everybody learns in different ways and have different starting point and life situations. So how can we know that the methods that we use now will work in 20 years?

  313. When the kids are very little they really want to learn. They are so curios. When they come they come to school this curiosity stops very fast because now they have to learn the same thing than anybody else, at the same time and they even have to compare how fast and good they learned something. We don’t have to wonder why the kids curiosity is gone by then. I worked in a school where children of different ages were together in one class. They all had individual tasks, they could choose what and when they want to do something. Only by the end of the week or the month they had to reach their personal goal, which they discussed with a teacher before. The school was in one of the «problematic surrounding» of Hamburg, so you can’t say it only works when the parents support their children or when the children don’t have any problems. I think the problems that really are there are created by the institutions because they can’t cope with it. But it’s our job to improve ourselfs and to learn how we can help and support to make the best of each of our children’s life.

  314. I really liked the video of Sir Ken Robinson and also the metod how he explained changes of paradigms. He mentions that children are taught how to on a treadmill and it is thrue. In my opinion taught by this method is a mistake, because the time in which we living now is changing very much but the methods of education not. It also mentioned in video later if he illustrated around child, who is living in modern time, iphones, computer and 100´s of television chanel. For teacher is very hard to get the attention of the child and this attention to keep. Is good when the teacher goes with the time and not prevents the new teaching metods. Then has a better chance awaken in studens motivation, which is very important for study.

  315. Si, es verdad que en educación hablamos el mismo idioma pedagógico.
    Todos queremos y podemos aprender y usar idioma pedagogico. Solo es pregunta como la utilizamos. Todo depende de persona. Por ejemplo, puedemos tener dos maestros para la misma asignatura. Un perfectamente sabe transmitir conocimientos a los estudiantes, y los estudiantes apetece su conferencia, y el otro es que no sabe cómo encontrar el mejor enfoque para los estudiantes y los resultados con el tiempo serán más débil. Los estudiantes constantemente buscan algo innovadoro de profesores. Importante es que el profesor sabe como motivar los estudiantes.

  316. i would like to refer more the movie than the article.
    the most interesting issue in it for me is the old(current) education system and the rules of it. although it is known that we have some kinds of intelligence (musical, social etc.) we still underestimate it in school and teach students in the same way. it doesnt matter how they are nubile, which kind of predisposition they have, how much we have expressiveness – all they puting to the same system. It raises many problems especially for students with some kinds of disease like ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia etc.
    the education system should be more flexible and more open for new ideas. The pupils needs, they ways of thinking and view of the world are omitted. all of them they are put to the same frame which is not every time for them.


  317. Tests with one correct answer does not give a full knowledge of the test results. Because there can be two options-students know the correct answer, or he is lucky and guessed it . These tests also limits the student’s creativity, because he can not, be kicking in creative ways to express their views in a particular matter.
    These tests are very easy and they may not give the child time learning, relieved that the school system following the inspection system set up, but will it check the specific education level in the country?!
    These exams are not fair, because the results are not biased and settling the consequences are too severe, because it affects both students, teachers and the school. Because test results students may be barred from moving to another class, to reduce the salaries of teachers and school level may plummet in relation to other schools in the country.
    In most primary schools based on math, language and reading, because these subjects are directly put more emphasis on test results. But there are also other subjects-science, music, sports, art, the level of training of the child test differently.
    These tests have become as a tool that allows you to assess the preparedness of pupils, teachers and schools.
    There is no certainty as to whether these tests to improve students ‘ education level, or rather degrades them. The student’s creativity is limited.
    But there are also diferent tests those with more than one part of the exam, which is part of the test, open questions, and another part in which students expressed their opinions.

    1. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

      As far as I know constructivism is basically a theory – based on observation and scientific study — about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know.

      In the classroom, the constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. The teacher makes sure she understands the students’ preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them.

  318. Individual approach to pupils should be obvious now. It’s a good deal or exaggerated? On the one hand, exaggerated, because when I was a pupil in my primary school, we were 30 in our class and nobody cared whether you understand subject matter faster or slower. You just had to keep up with each other, it means to be like everyone else. On the other hand, it is possible to apply for a child who has one of ADHD or other disorders to work at the same place and by the same rhytm as everyone else?
    Unfortunately, today tehre are too many children who need special educational approach and therefore I think it is their right to get it. I do not like when in small towns are connected by two years in the classroom, because the number of pupils are small. I’d rather teach ten students, but proparly than twenty weakly. And you never know, maybe thanks to this individual approach, investment and patience may become from impaired child a full one who overshadowed us with his intelligence and cleverness.

  319. I’d like to talk about the ADHD problem. It seems to be a big epidemic indeed, the last few years. I doubt about the fact if I even knew what ADHD was when I was a kid. Now I see that in quite every classroom, there’s (at least) one kid that needs to take the little pill at a certain time of the day.
    I think the modern environment is indeed a big cause of this problem. How can children concentrate if the teacher is talking about mathematics if they just got this new crazy application on their Ipad the night before.
    When I was younger, when i came home from school, the first thing to do was run around on the street with my neighbors and play with sidewalk chalk to make drawings on the street. I the evening i used to be so tired that I felt a sleep immediately when i got in my bed. During my internship as a kindergarden teacher in Ghent i experienced something unbelievable. One of the kids was afraid to step on the grass. He lived in a little flat in the city center and never walked barefoot on grass. I bet this kid also didn’t have space in the city center to run around and exhaust itself. How can a kid be fully calm in the day, if it never has the time to play and run around free…?

  320. Martina Johansson dice: Responder

    I absolutely agree with the video that the educational system we have today needs to be reconstructed. First of all I believe that the way of teaching needs to have a more individual approach, whereas one has to look at the need of every student and not put all of them together in one group and expect the same of every one of them. There are a lot of problems that the students are facing today that need to be taken into consideration, for instance aspbergers, ADHD, thus family problems, therefore, the answer is not to put more pressure on the students at a young age as this pressure could kill the creativity in any human being. It should instead be more group work and projects which make the students interact with one another and create new ideas , solutions to problems thus socilizing, hence: creativity will flourish. This interaction among students will also create understanding thus toleration among the students which will furthermore result in understanding for different issues and problems students can have. Moreover, the students should respect the teacher as much as the teacher should respect the student, and the relationship must be mutual. If there is resources and time the teacher should help the students to find their creativity by allowing more groupwok, showing different perspectives on differed end things and allow induvidual maturity.

  321. I am sorry, but I cannot agree with your first sentence, if I understand it correctly.
    «En buena parte del espacio educativo mundial hablamos, prácticamente, el mismo idioma pedagógico.»
    I do not think so. There are many different methods in the world and that is what is for example interesting for me on Erasmus. During the year I can get to know many various way how to do one and the same thing. For example it is different to make a presentation in group with Gemans and with Czechs .
    But I agree with the main idea, in general there is probably needed to take some change. Two years ago at my home university I was forbidden to study another foreign language. Explanation was that I had studied enough languages and did not need more. Maybe the education system at the university was a litte behind, but I hope it was a mistake and it is not same now and it is not same at the other schools.

  322. The truth is, the school system needs definitely to change. The main change we have to pass is change of mind. We have customary methods and forms, strict adherence of rules, which we have to manage. The school system should go with age and how the age is changing, we have to change education methods as well.
    I like the opinion, children dont have to be divided to the classes according to age, but according to degree of inteligency and skills. Talented student usually conform to majority, ´cause of social position in class.
    Its sad, but school became institution full of rules and free will, creativity of person is pent.
    Everybody is running to get a titul, certificate, we live in age full of bureaucracy, where just common paper means more then what we have „in our head“. But how much knowledge, that we learned in the school, can we remember?

  323. Divergent thinking is very important for our life. It opens opportunities to resolve tasks in different ways and it promotes creativity in us. Unilateral thinking limited our capacities. Especially in professional life, it is necessary when one solution dosnt fit to think about another.
    The Children with ADHD need special support in the eduation process. Mostly they are intelligent, but they can not find the concentration to follow lessons. Nowadays the doctors diagnose ADHD too early. It is easy to prescribe medications such as Ritalin, but it numbs the senses. The incredible power of the child disappears. In very severe cases it is of course a solution, but there also other methods to facilitate the learning process for example work in groups, involve media etc. to make the lesson more interesting.

  324. I must agree with ideas spread in the video and article that it seems that there is something behind the modern education process that does not seem right. We are unintentionally of intentionally holding to old fashioned educational system and are not taking into account the modern technological world. Ideology of countries, people thinking has changed while teaching principles are still the same. Despite the fact the ideas expressed in the video really addressed me, I still think that this kind of educational changes should start with society in general as it will take a whole a lot of time to get rid of labels like “smart”, “non-smart.” Moreover, even the public educational sphere is affected by political and money issues, therefore, even neighbouring schools are sometimes not able to speak the same pedagogical language.

  325. I strongly agree that a child`s creativity and capability of seeing a diversity of possible answers only decline with age. Moreover, children at school are taught to perceive things in the ‘right’ way (one correct answer, one way how to get good grades, etc.) and this significantly reduces one`s willingness to try his own way. Therefore, we should devote time in classrooms for more tasks that have got not one correct answer, but various, in order to develop this skill! However, I want to pay attention to the fact that it`s impossible to fully develop child`s creativity in the classroom, because we simply don`t have that much time to devote for each child. So I think, we should stick to the idea of mostly teaching one correct answer in school, and leaving multiple-answer tasks for after-class activities.

  326. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    First of all I would like to say that this Mr. Robinson is a very smart man. I agree with his theory. It is true that children are just being pushed to know things, things they’re not interested in. I’m not saying kids should just do whatever they want because they still need a proper education but they need an education program in which they can show all their quality’s and have an education program that is adapted to their ability’s.
    I certainly agree with the fact that our education system is to focused on the fact that learning is the most important thing. The most important thing is that the kids learn to develop themselves and school should be a way to do that.

    Me myself I’m the perfect example of a ‘wrong’ education system. I’ve always been to a school that is very focused on preforming well and I always did, but don’t ask me what I’ve learned in high school because I simply don’t remember anymore because the information I received for me personally was apparently not worth remembering.
    In my 6 years of high school I wasn’t able to speak to a group because I had never learned to do that. Then when I went to an other school, their approached was totally different. They were more focused on who the student is and what we have to do to become the person we want to be. In that year I learned more than in my 6 years of high school.
    There for it is very important that children get the change to explore their personality and learn for themselves what they want and don’t want to do.

    The fact that children of this generation are more likely to get ADHD is such rubbish. The truth is that if parents or teachers or the school don’t know how to handle a kid that is a bit more active or a asks for more attention than on other kid, they give it the stamp of ADHD.
    Some children really need the medication and in some cases it is correct to handle it like that, but in my opinion they ‘drug’ their kids way to fast because they don’t know how to handle the situation.

  327. I think it is really frightening that the result at the divergent thinking test got worse the older the students got. Education is supposed to enlighten people and open up the mind to new things. Maybe the society rush to make pupils see what is known to us instead of discovers what the pupils have to show us and let them think for themselves. Pedagogic is supposed to be the foundation of education and a tool to help teachers engage the students. But the current pedagogic theories do not seem to suit today’s pupils. School is not the only thing demanding a lot of time so today the school have a lot of things to compete with that it didn’t before. We live in a world with a constant flow of information which today’s students are used to and without even thinking they sift out the uninteresting. How are we going to make the school standout and catches their eyes? We can’t predict the future so maybe we have to figure it out on the way.

  328. I agree with the creator of the video that we have to change the way we teach pupils today. Espacially at a young age. With for example more work in groups and things that are interactive. The society has moved on in a rapid pace but the school is still formed as an old product in a modern society. It becomes non interesting then.
    When i read/see this I also start to think about that some political parties in Sweden want to go in the exakt oposite direction. They wanna have individual grades from class 3 and not 8 as it is now. That is something that kills motivation. Its better to learn in groups and in a way that is modern and fun, learning must be fun. I still think pupis shall be graded individually but some learn better in groups, then they shall be able to learn in groups etc. It shall be as personalized as possible if the economy allows it…..

  329. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    I have watched this videos many times. I agree with certain things Mr. Robinson says, like the restructuralization of schools, the need for creative and divergent thinking. However, Ken Robinson only points out problems, he does not give any solutions. We cannot cater exclusively to every student. sometimes students have to take responsibility for their own learning.
    If kids are fooling around, not focused and not passing in assignments when they have enough time, something is seriously wrong. The kids of course will say school is bad because they are failing, not that they are not putting any effort and that they are lazy. And the parents don’t argue about this, they also say it’s the fault of the school because they not can believe their own child is bad or not smart.
    Society is making excuses for the kids. Just like their own parents are using this excuse that their kid have ADHD, that’s why they can’t hand in assignments . This is just an example of the excuses our society is making for kids these days. Instead of having high expectations and high standards, most kids are lazy and do not want to put in the effort.
    (The diagnose ADHD is often made on basis of unclear rules instead of clear criteria. Many therapists seem to only base themselves on symptoms like (motorial) restlessness, lack of concentration and impulsivity.)

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