Diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar

El currículum escolar contiene complejos significados. A pesar de ello, cuando nos referimos a éste es necesario entender que el mismo hace referencia a la enseñanza y que ésta es una cuestión de método pero también del contenido que se selecciona y de cómo se organiza el mismo.

El currículum escolar oficial ha evolucionado en sus contenidos y en sus formas. Éste y la manera en que se entiende el proceso de decisión y actuación sobre el mismo, en el sentido de toma de decisiones que permitan fundamentar y orientar la acción educativa, ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los años.


De una forma simple podemos afirmar que durante los años setenta la expresión de moda fue “programación curricular”, durante la primera mitad de los años ochenta era “planificación curricular” y en la segunda mitad de los ochenta y principios de los noventa se ha impuesto la expresión “diseño y desarrollo curricular”, expresión que se mantiene.

Aunque lleva implícita la idea de programa y planificación es lo cierto que el diseño y el desarrollo, una vez que asumimos los principios curriculares de la flexibilidad y la apertura, permiten un manejo de aula particular en los tiempos que corren. El Estado se reserva un determinado poder y su correspondiente control en la selección de los contenidos, pero no en la metodología: se concede autonomía al profesorado para decidir sobre cómo hay que enseñar, pero no sobre qué hay que enseñar ni sobre cómo debe medirse eso que se enseña.

A pesar de las iniciales diferencias acerca del significado de la toma de decisiones sobre el currículum, se advierte que todas estas expresiones tienen un punto de semejanza. Así pues:

• El diseño curricular debe ser considerado como el punto de partida, en el que se explicitan de forma general las bases teóricas y epistemológicas de las que se parte y todos los componentes del currículum.
• En la planificación se contemplan los lineamientos básicos del diseño en su dimensión temporalizadora, de tendencias y de criterios, fruto del consenso entre todos los agentes implicados directamente en el proceso educativo (profesores, familias, representantes sociales y políticos e incluso alumnos).
• La programación hace referencia a la concreción última de toda una serie de lineamientos en la práctica escolar diaria.

Más concretamente, el diseño curricular es el proyecto, en sentido estricto, que preside las actividades educativas, que proporciona informaciones concretas sobre sus intenciones (qué enseñar) y sobre la manera de llevarlas a cabo (cuándo y cómo enseñar y también qué, cuándo y cómo evaluar). El desarrollo del currículum es la puesta en práctica del proyecto, con las necesarias adecuaciones, modificaciones y enriquecimientos sin fin, que comporta inevitablemente el hecho de contrastar un proyecto educativo con la realidad de las aulas.

Se trata de los dos momentos básicos de la racionalidad curricular, de la coherencia didáctica, puesto que el currículum siempre tiene que ser considerado como espacio de toma de decisiones: el momento de decidir lo que nuestros alumnos han de aprender (programación, diseño curricular), el momento de decidir cómo vamos a ayudarles a aprender, cómo les vamos a enseñar (metodología didáctica), asunto clave en el desarrollo del currículum y el momento de determinar cómo vamos a averiguar el resultado obtenido con nuestra enseñanza sobre el aprendizaje de los alumnos (evaluación); todo pone de manifiesto que el currículum es un plan pero también su realización.

Por tanto, cada uno de los segmentos curriculares sobre los que podemos decidir están relacionados, aunque se diferencien sus componentes a efectos analíticos. La primera etapa de planificación/iniciación comprende fases como diseño/planificación propiamente dicha, su difusión-diseminación a centros, y su adopción por éstos. La segunda de desarrollo propiamente dicho e implantación o implementación (o puesta en práctica), puede entenderse como una “fidelidad” a lo prescrito o, por el contrario, una “adaptación mutua” entre las propuestas externas y la realidad local e interna de cada centro. Lógicamente se trata de dos polos con una gran cantidad de supuestos reales de práctica en el desarrollo curricular que se sitúan entre ambos.

En un proceso de desarrollo curricular todas sus fases han de estar necesariamente unidas si se quiere que la acción educativa que pretenden dar forma refleje un concepto único de educación, haga posible una acción instructiva congruente con dicho concepto y lo mantenga a lo largo de las diversas fases que lo componen. Los distintos componentes del currículum son indisociables y se nutren mutuamente. Hé ahí la importancia de la integración de todos los elementos del proceso didáctico.

314 respuestas a “Diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar”

  1. Un Curriculum no solo es contenido sino que va más allá de eso, sino es aquel documento que está estructurado por elementos, objetivos, contenidos, metodología, evaluación, principios. Los cuales nos proporcionan información de como se establece el curriculum; para que, las intenciones, finalidades de lo que queremos conseguir. El que enseñar con herramientas e instrumentos siendo el tipo de saberes ya sea analíticos, científicos, empíricos, etc. Utilizando las técnicas, principios metodológicos de cómo hacer que el alumno comprenda con un mejor realce, identificando las características personales para verificar sus avances de aprendizaje evaluándolo de forma diagnostica y así tomar acciones para trabajar

    1. Rudy Egidio López Nájera dice: Responder

      El currículum es una de las herramientas importantes en el desarrollo de conocimientos en el educando, fortalece su conocimiento y permite la creación de lo nuevo por aprender. según el entorno donde este se encuentre.

  2. María Leal González dice: Responder

    Este artículo me ha hecho darme cuenta de que el currículum escolar abarca dos ámbitos bien diferentes, pero igualmente importantes y que no debemos olvidar.
    Si el desarrollo de nuestra sociedad, tecnologías, redes sociales… nos exigen una actualización en la programación, diseño y planificación de “qué” deben aprender nuestros alumnos, de igual manera debe exigirnos esta actualización en la metodología que empleamos para desarrollar y adaptar ese curriculum, “cómo” enseñamos.
    Si queremos que nuestra acción educativa tenga éxito, estos dos aspectos (qué enseñamos y cómo lo enseñamos) debemos trabajarlos por igual.

  3. Lara Martínez Sánchez dice: Responder

    Una vez leído el artículo, creo que el curriculum es una herramienta imprescindible para los docentes. Como ya sabemos, el Estado marca unas pautas, pero cada autonomía también marca una serie de objetivos que se han de llevar a cabo en la educación de sus centros educativos. El curriculum marca una serie de criterios, que según cada docente puede realizarlo de una manera u otra. Como por ejemplo, la ley te puede marcar que en tercero de primaria, debes dar deportes colectivos, y dependiendo del maestro, dará unos deportes u otros (baloncesto, balonmano, voleybol, rugbi,… Esa es la libertad con la que cuentan los docentes. Poder impartir un deporte u otro, por ejemplo, siempre y cuando, cumplan con los criterios y objetivos marcados por la ley.
    Yo personalmente, creo que es necesario que haya en la educación un eje común, que marca lo que se debe enseñar en los centros. Ya que sino sería imposible tener una educación igualitaria y equitativa en todos los centros. Ya que cada docente impartiría lo que quisiera y como quisiera. Y nadie ni nada, le podría exigir unos resultados acordes con esa etapa educativa del alumnado.
    Además, creo que si el docente esta cualificado e implicado en su trabajo, con el curriculum escolar, será capaz de sacarle el máximo provecho y sabrá cómo utilizar los recursos que éste le marque.

  4. Santiago González Gámez dice: Responder

    Es cierto que el diseño y desarrollo del currículum es un aspecto muy importante para el continuo crecimiento y evolución del alumno. Pero, ¿ realmente se lleva a cabo como lo determina el MECD? Pienso que el Administración Educativa no debería ser el seleccionador de los contenidos a explicar o enseñar, ya que hablaríamos de cero flexibilidad, es decir, de una información plasmada hacia centros y profesores que posteriormente adaptarán al grupo de alumnos. Una cuestión importante es que si funciona y se lleva a cabo correctamente. En mi opinión, pienso que no, viendo el sistema educativo español.

  5. It’s for sure pretty difficult to make a school program, and I’m not an expert in this, since it’s not my field of study. But what I can say about it is that it would be better if only some basic rules where decided by the states and the program itself could be made by the teacher. Of course it will then need more control over the course content, but it would make it better.
    Teachers would need a lot of structure if they make the biggest part themselves, this is not possible for everybody I guess.
    To base the curriculum of the course on case studies is of course a good idea, but cases studies won’t bring an answer to every question.

  6. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es un pilar fundamental en la educación. Cierto es que este se debe llevar a cabo para que los alumnos adquieran los conocimientos necesarios, pero también pienso que debe ir modelándose ya que, quizás el diseño establecido no es el correcto o adecuado para que los alumnos tengan un buen aprendizaje. Por tanto, no solo deben ceñirse los educandos a dicho curriculum, si deben tenerlo en cuenta para tener organización a la hora de establecer unos criterios que enseñar, pero que este sea flexible por si no se adapta bien del todo al alumno.

  7. Cristina Venegas Pérez dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo del curriculum escolar es una pieza clave en educación. Aunque durante su recorrido haya utilizado diferentes nombres, la función sigue siendo la misma.Todos sabemos de la importancia del curriculum, por lo que en mi opinión no debería ser el Estado el encargado de la metodología de un curriculum (sí en la homogeneidad del país), puesto que son los docentes lo que deben valorar ese hecho y de que manera impartirlo debido a que son ellos los que conocen los requisitos de cada aula. De ellos dependerá el progreso y el aprendizaje del niño. Muchos de estos docentes se han visto influenciados o limitados a la hora de impartir sus conocimientos o la forma de impartirlos.

  8. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    Considero al diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar como un proceso de vital importancia en lo que a la educación y enseñanza se refiere, ya que es esencial para el desarrollo educativo del alumno, por ello a que deberían elaborarlo los encargados de impartir la enseñanza, y no personal administrativo que marcan el límite que se ha de alcanzar en los diversos campos y materias, que sinceramente no creo que tengan idea alguna de la posibilidad que posean o no los educandos. Hoy en día, prestamos más importancia al curículum para que se llegue a la media o se supere del informe PISA, en vez de centrarlo en el aprendizaje que se adapte más a los alumnos y las circunstancias del entorno en el que se lleva a cabo. Porque debemos formar individuos libres y aptos para una buena vida adulta y laboral y no prestar mayor interés al individualismo, la competencia, ser mejor que… al fin y al cabo nadie es mejor que nadie, simplemente somos diferentes.

  9. One can see it as a chance that content and form are separated from each other. The content cannot be changed much, but because there is the freedom to determine the form, one can try to optimise the whole thing.
    The philosophical position ‘The form is the highest content’ (Emil Staiger) is, in my opinion, exaggerated. However, the way to bridge the gulf between the position to see form and content as separated things and the claim that the form was the highest impact, is to suggest that it is possible to deliver behavioural patterns through the form. Teachers are always role models and the form, in which they teach, transfers both position and behavioural patterns. And therefore, teachers are significantly influencing the learners’ future lives.
    As an example, if a teacher disapproves the content given by the state, it might be difficult for him to hide his opinion while teaching. On the other side, if the state gives contents, which are only sparsely practice-orientated or with very weak content, the teacher has still the chance to fill this with content or with examples, to contrast or to compare. So one can quite well transfer the requirements given by the state, as well as teaching in an appropriate form.

  10. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es una principal columna que tiene la educación, dando a los profesores un modelo a cerca de los objetivos que han de conseguir durante la trayectoria escolar. Todas las comunidades educativas formaran una nivelación académica distinta a los demás, por lo cual se encarga de adaptar este diseño curricular a las necesidades de cada sociedad según sea el mas adecuado o el mas eficaz. , Finalmente decir que hay muchos docentes que no cumple las normas establecidas en el currículum escolar, con lo cual si cada uno respetara las normas fijadas pues tendríamos una educación avanzada y obedecida por todos siendo un ejemplo para el mundo.

  11. Marina Marchante Amador dice: Responder

    Al igual que el currículum vitae tiene una gran importancia en el ámbito laboral, para el ámbito escolar es de gran importancia el desarrollo del diseño y la planificación de un buen currículum escolar en el que deben intervenir todos los objetivos, así como tareas, funciones, prácticas, etc. fundamentales que forman parte de la tarea educativa. Se debe partir de la idea principal que el profesorado tiene que imponer unos criterios básicos para la obtención de unos objetivos mínimos que son exigidos por un órgano educativo que se encarga de que los educandos sean formados con un nivel académico que le ayude a competir en los mercados de trabajos, además de optar a un futuro laboral, también se encargarán de enseñar unas pautas básicas para la vida diaria junto con unos principios y valores.

  12. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    Estamos en un momento en el que se cuestiona todos los temas que constituyen a la escuela y a la educación. En el tema del diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar pienso que no se da a los alumnos conocimientos, materias y estrategias de calidad.

    Los temarios no son muy congruentes y no se dan de la mejor manera. Solo se da teoría pura y dura, sin saber lo que significa, mientras que existen otros métodos que no lo patentamos. El modelo Americano tiene la teoría de que seis horas de clases seguidas no son lo más correcto para los alumnos, ya que no son capaces de asimilar tales conceptos durante tanto tiempo. Por lo que se deberá dar más materia de una manera más organizada y con más practicas, para que pongan en conciencia esos conocimientos. Para terminar, el estado interviene de forma negativa en los diseños de las escuelas, provocando censuras y poca libertad de cátedra. La metodología deberá ser independiente de cada educador escolar y deberá estar sometido a un currículum previamente establecido anteriormente por las instituciones educativas, catedráticos y demás sistemas para tener varios puntos de vista sobre lo que es correcto para que adquieran los alumnos en las escuelas.

  13. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    I mean, that the quality of education is improved when the curriculum process included students, parents, local authorities, health, social institutions and other local factors. Finns know that the best way for teachers’ professional development is their sovereign discussing about values, learning objectives, good learning processes, learning environment and the pupil. This in turn required quality instructional leadership, adequate time and clear structure of responsibilities and powers of the members of the school team.

  14. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    The Finland system is great, thats for sure. Everything stats with well educated teachers, because they are making a realy good job, so they are earning a good money. If the teachers earn good mone, they have less problems. If they have less problems the atmosphere between them starts to be better. The relation with pupils also getting to be better. In Finland system we can see the humanity between the people. Everyone treat everyone with respect, and it is doesnt matter that, you are the teacher, the headmaster, clean lady or a pupil. They have a perfect conditions for teaching and learning in every aspect. The schools are adapted for this days requirements.

  15. Finnland should be the ideal education system, sithence the teachers work in the best atmosphere, they can cooperating each other with success, and moreover all of them are reverence part of the school staff. In my opinion the teachers have to consider the pupil’s skills, and for this the work in small groups is the best idea ever. And the regular meetings with the other teachers can be really useful, because like this they can share their observations with each other, and they can learn from the others, and cultivate their knowledge, and bring them to their school.

  16. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    The curriculum is the main important aspect of the education system, it is always being revised and developed to suit the changes that are constantly happening in society. Developing the curriculum is constantly happening and this leads to a change in the textbooks used etc. A good teacher will stick to the curriculum in order to help students pass exams that will be based on it but also introduce their own curriculum along with it to give the students that extra bit of information to make them stand out amongst the rest and give them extra information they will enjoy learning and remember. A good education system within the government of a country will develop the school curriculum to make it suitable for everyday life instead of just school like to teach students important knowledge they will need when they leave the classrooom. The new curriculum is ireland for secondary school students has recently come out and seems a lot more manageable for students as it is continous assessment instead of a big end of year exam which takes pressure off students.

  17. Marvin Klejdzinski dice: Responder

    The existence of a curriculum is a very important aspect of the educational system. A curriculum ensures that students have access to the same educational content. I agree to the fact that the creation of a curriculum is a constant process (project). The educational system is one part of a rapidly changing world. Nowadays the only constant in our society is the constant change of itself. The development of our society has to be transferred to all elements. This includes the educational system and therefore the curriculum. Since the curriculum subscribes a wide among of different aspects, not only what to teach, the development is an important and tough duty. Every development is a process which is influenced by the outside, so is the development of a curriculum. These influences improve the curriculum and make it adept to the current needs and problems, which shows one main aspect of this development.

  18. Clara Gutiérrez Martíez dice: Responder

    Debe existir un currículum escolar para que los profesores puedan programar su didáctica, el aspecto más importante es que todos los alumnos aprendan lo mismo gracias a esa programación. Sin embargo, el problema está en que en algunos casos sólo se tiene en cuenta dicho currículum y se ciñen a este nada más. Lo ideal sería que conforme se va ejecutando este currículum el docente debería ir modelando esos aspectos que se van modificando y desvinculándose del currículum, por este motivo deben estar en una continua valoración.
    Vuelve a parecer la figura del profesor vocacional, ya que estos se implican más en que el alumnado aprenda lo máximo posible, de este modo utilizan estas herramientas adecuadamente como soporte para educar de la mejor manera posible. Destaco que los profesores no solo deben ceñirse a este currículum sino que deben utilizar otros herramientas.

  19. Mari Carmen Díaz Acosta dice: Responder

    Pienso que el curriculum escolar es necesario para que todos los maestros tengan la misma base por la que partir para enseñar a sus alumnos y por la que pueden guiarse, no por eso tiene que regirse estrictamente a reproducir los conocimientos ya que la metodología que utilice el maestro, la libertad de expresión que le de a los alumnos y que lo haga participe y dinámico en las clases harán la diferencia.

  20. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    It is wonderful to see how the band is in the Finnish education between teacher and supervisor. It is also wonderful to see how oders are involved in community schools, you find that the parents really positive about this. When I look at Netherlands it is very different how parents are involved in the school. Many parents are certainly involved and stand on one line with the school, but also a large portion does not care what school to find and draw their own plans. I also think it’s nice to see that education is so highly regarded. In the Netherlands, education is also highly regarded, but if there are cutbacks am therefore education is on that list. You notice this especially in the classes because they grow to about 30 students. I personally find the method of Finland wonderful to use so that more individual attention can be for the students. Smaller classes

  21. As the article explained, the offical school curriculum has evolved in content and in form. In general , curriculum is about theoretical an epistemological components. In the planing part, we see consensus – agreed for critarias, guidelines and trends – among teachers, family, social and political representatives and even students. After I read the article and watched the short video about the Finnish education system and how they are much better than the rest of the other education systems, I came to some conclusions. To provide a good education, there needs to be a well-designed curriculum. That’s for sure. Additionally, integration between technology, human interaction and textbooks are also crucial. To become successful in education, teachers should be in charge. They must have the necessary authority, they should have what they need to accomplish their task. If there is a problem, the focus should be on problem solving rather than on the problem itself.

  22. To have an educational system like Finland sounds to me like dream comes true. I mean Finland gives importance to the teachers, not only children. The idea of prohibition for doing master is really brilliant. If the teacher is well educated, there is no danger for children to leave them the teacher’s control. Because if they went on till the end of their education, it means that they love what are they doing, teaching. As all we know it, the enthusiasm of a child is always related with the teacher, not with the family. Yes, their family should support them to follow their dreams (even they are only 8 or 10 years old). Howeveri the teacher create the main circle of the chain. Everything begins with them. Everybody must have experienced some situations about the teacher who were frigid about their teaching methods or students. So, when you see your teachers like that, you become an irrelevent one about the subjects. Of course, this situation of the teacher may be related with the concern of the ministry of the education of their country. In the video, male teacher said that he felt like an important person, not an ordinary teacher. I am totally agree with that idea, in my opinion, the teachers should be seen as roots of the world. Because they are educating the world, we should (must) give importance to them more than any other profession.

  23. I really like the finish education system! I read about it a lot! But unfortunately it will never be like this in Austria! The teacher in Finnland have much more options. The finnish society respect the teachers work. In austria if you are a teacher you are lazy! The finnish teacher also works better with the parents. In Austria the school is teachers work and the parents have no interests about it. There are also in every school in Finnland social workers and psychologes. We dont have this money in austria for the schools… These days the education system is changed in Austria. Beginning next years every teacher needs like in Finnland an master dagree but I cant imagine what the students learn at university. I´m at the bachelor and I learn sometimes a lot of unsless nonsense. As you see I´m jealous about finnland…

  24. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    The curriculum provides a basic pattern to address the contents of the disposal. Not the way how to analyze issues. In my opinion, the type should be how something is taught to be customized by the teacher for the students. A method can not fit for all students be the right way to get something to are on.
    Teaching should be something individual, a way of problem solving, in which the students helping force is a teacher, placed on the side to support them. The teacher should produce an environment in which you can easily acquire knowledge on their own.


    Es verdaderamente cierto que el currículum es algo básico en el desarrollo educativo. Pero no comparto el hecho de que el estado sea el encargado de dictar los requisitos que se necesitan en ese curriculum, puesto que se supone que existen unos profesionales preparados y cualificados para enseñar y educar, que son los profesores o educadores, y su trabajo se ve influenciado o limitado por ese curriculum sin darle una mínima de libertad para transmitir conocimientos según los han aprendido o de la manera que ellos mismos ven mas oportuno llegar al educando, por lo que se les está privando de algo tan básico en esta profesión, que pienso que algunos de ellos deben sentirse decepcionados en ese aspecto.

  26. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar a lo largo del tiempo ha sido transformado y ha cambiado varios nombres pero ha siempre tenido la misma finalidad. Su forma actual presenta diferencias con respecto a la inicial y representa,ahora como antes, un elemento fundamental para la gestión educativa. Por eso es muy importante el momento en el cual se redacta,porque toda la programación escolar depende de eso y entonces lo que se va a hacer,cuando y como,aunque claramente los profesores tengan su libertad porque cada uno tiene su metodología. El hecho que el Estado tenga mucho poder y control en la toma de decisiónes en la creación del curriculum no creo sea muy positivo,porque creo que esas decisiónes deban ser tomadas por parte de personas más cercanas a los estudiantes,como profesores y rectores,porque seguramente seran más compententes en este ámbito y no tienen otros intereses que no sean los de asegurar una formación lo más completa posible.

  27. Elena Moral Carrasquilla dice: Responder

    Lógicamente el El currículum escolar tiene su importancia en el proceso educativo de un menor, ya de por si presenta gran dificultad el mero hecho de situarse enfrente de un aula con un grupo de menores para impartirles un contenido formal (la materia en si) acompañado de un contenido informal (educar), es aquí el porque es importante que el curriculum escolar este presente ya que como mínimo haya una base teórica de lo que se va a enseñar, cuándo y cómo enseñar y también qué, cuándo y cómo evaluar.
    Aunque desde mi punto de vista este tipo de cuestiones debería de llevarla a cabo con total liberta el maestro en sí, que atenderá mejor las condiciones y las posibilidades del entorno en el que ejercerá, y no el estado que carece en parte de esta ventaja o cercanía que tiene el dicho maestro.

  28. In my point of view this video it’s really interesting and that’s show an another type of education. We can see that the teacher are really invested and they think about the future of the students.
    I think in France we have a good education, but not as good as in finland unfortunately because the teachers are not as involved as in my country and the class are also smaller so it’s much easier for the students to ask the question or just for learning.
    Furthemore in the class all the condition are reunite for learning well.

  29. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar tiene un importante papel en la educación dando a los profesores unas pautas a cerca de los objetivos que han de lograr durante el curso escolar. Por esto mismo el diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar destaca por su importancia, ya que este muestra qué, cuándo y cómo enseñar y qué, cuándo y cómo evaluar, concediéndole al profesorado autonomía en como enseña los conocimientos estipulados. A mi parecer el profesorado debería contar con una mayor posibilidad de elegir también su método de evaluación puesto que no todos los métodos son correctos para todos los tipos de personas. Finalizando, también opino que la posibilidad de elegir qué enseñar no debería recaer el en Estado, pues muchas asignaturas, como por ejemplo Historia, se encontrarán muy influenciadas por el partido que gobierne en cada momento.

  30. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    El diseño y el desarrollo curricular, son imprescindibles para que el sistema educativo funciona correctamente. Para que esto funcione correctamente, es necesario también que todas las fases que forman el diseño y el desarrollo curricular estén unidas y enlazadas; para que así se llegue al éxito escolar, o al menos eso opino yo. Además creo que las modificaciones en el diseño y el desarrollo escolar son muy importantes, ya que la sociedad va en evolución.
    También decir, que me parece bien cada profesor tenga su método y su manera de enseñar; ya que a lo largo de su carrera profesional, se encontrará con diferentes tipos de alumnos, y a cada cual tendrá que atender de formas o maneras distintas.

  31. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    El diseño y el desarrollo curricular son la base de que el proceso educativo se desarrolle correctamente y con congruencia. Si no hay una concordancia y una correcta planificación de los mismos, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje no tendría razón ni lógica alguna, ya que si no sabemos qué vamos a enseñar, cómo vamos a enseñar, cómo evaluar, etc. (diseño curricular), e igual de importante, esto no se lleva a la práctica, con sus correspondientes modificaciones, mejores etc. (desarrollo curricular) ¿Qué sentido tendría dicho proceso? Pese a ser dos conceptos distintos, ambos están relacionados y no podría darse uno sin el otro.
    Las dudas que me surgen son: ¿es necesario que el estado tenga que decidir sobre los contenidos que se llevan a cabo, es decir, sobre lo que el docente tiene que enseñar? ¿Hay detrás de estos algún tipo de interés, que no sea puramente educativo? Esto nos hace pensar si todo lo que aprendemos hoy día es bien porque es lo necesario para poder formarnos y llegar a ser alguien el día de mañana, o bien porque somos meros productos de lo que el Estado quiere que seamos. Por lo que en mi opinión, todo lo referente al currículum debería de ser competencia de los verdaderos profesionales que se dedican al ámbito educativo y que están formados para ello, que verdaderamente son las personas que van a velar por los intereses del alumnado, y que sean adaptados a las necesidades y al entorno del mismo.

  32. Every successful concept and project in life requires a proper framework and planning. This relates to all processes, including education. Whenever we embark on any new plan or procedure, we need to make sure that we have all the plans drawn up. What is on offer, what are the resources that we have, what are the steps, which we need to take and what are the goals that we need to achieve are some elements that need to be looked upon. More briefly a curriculum prepares an individual with the knowledge to be successful, confident and responsible citizens. So at the end we can say that without an effective curriculum, a student would not be able to understand or meet the challenges of the society…

  33. As mentioned in the article, curriculum development plays an important role within the school education as it can be seen as the realization of the project considering not only the contents of the teaching intentions, but also the methodology including when and how to teach and to evaluate.
    Finland is a great example regarding it’s design and development of the school curriculum. In the presented video we get an impression about Finland’s teaching methoddology. For example that classrooms are relatively small making posible a more personal teaching experience. Moreover, it’s working environment can be regarded as higly positive as individual help of students is suported and a close communication between teachers and parents is seen as a very important aspect in the education of the students.


    Pienso que todo lo que se lleva acabo y la mayoría de las cosas obtienen buen resultado cuando están organizadas, planteadas y dirigidas correctamente, ya que si no sabes que quieres conseguir no sabrás entonces como lograrlo, por tanto creo que el diseño o programación del curriculum es de vital importancia. Llamémoslo diseño, programación o de cualquier otra manera, viene siendo lo mismo, ya que creo que solo cambian las forma de llamar a las cosas pero siempre son las mismas. Y lo hacen porque variamos en el tiempo, por eso ciertas expresiones lo hacen también.
    Igualmente Pienso que si los profesores tienen la responsabilidad de transmitir ciertos conocimientos y aprendizajes deberían de marcar ellos las pautas de cómo hacerlo, dentro de unos límites o dentro de unas pautas marcadas por el encargado de esta función, en ese caso el Estado.

  35. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    Pienso que el currículum escolar es un papel muy importante en la escuela, ya que es una herramienta para el profesorado, porque marca los objetivos y hace que lleguen a las metas que se tienen previstas. Pero también no se debe de llevar al pie de la letra ya que después, puesto en práctica puede haber modificaciones y adaptarse a los alumnos.
    Por otro lado, el sistema educativo está fallando y somos conscientes, lo que deberían es dar más participación tanto a los padres, profesores y alumnos, para diseñar alternativas pedagógicas y dejar a un lado la forma de aprender memorizada y cambiarla por actividades más participativas.
    Para concluir, el currículum es la base de todo el proceso educativo del alumno y por eso me parece perfecto que se interesen por una buena educación para ellos.

  36. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el diseño y el desarrollo curricular son muy importantes pero se les debería de dejar a los profesores no solo que decidieran como deben de enseñar, si no que deberían de decidir todo, ya que en mi opinión la política no debería de intervenir en esto, puesto que en la educación y en este caso el diseño curricular, debería de depender del profesor y de su experiencia profesional ya que en mi opinión no solo deberían de decidir la forma de intervención sino que también en las metodologías, ya que pienso que los profesionales están perfectamente formados como para elegir la forma de intervención.

  37. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, el curriculum escolar es fundamental en el ámbito escolar, ya que si no existiera este la educación no se desarrollaría correctamente, no hubiera unos métodos, programas y actividades a seguir, para que estos alumnos desarrollaran su periodo académico correctamente y no tuvieran una educación desorganizada.
    Además debe ser la herramienta principal para el profesor, ya que le indica la manera en la que tiene que educar correctamente a los alumnos, ya que esta no es una tarea fácil y necesita mucho tiempo de dedicación para que tenga éxito, y no haya un fracaso escolar.
    Por lo tanto, es importante seguir todos los pasos del curriculum escolar correctamente, para que todo tenga éxito y además se consigue con esto que haya una satisfacción tanto personal como profesional.

  38. The school curriculum is very important. In my opinion it has to be prepared very good. If we have good cirruculum we can have good classes and than teachers can prepare cretive lessons. Education in Finland looks very good. I wish in my country education could look like this, where teacher are respected. Right now teachers have respect form children and students at universities. In secondery school it’s very hard foe them to be respected. I also think that in my country teachers don’t have time for children who don’t learn so fast. Because there is only one teacher for 30 pupils it hard to focus only on one fo them.

  39. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FELIX dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo del curriculum escolar es necesario para el ámbito educativo. Es un guía que todo maestro debe seguir para ofrecer a todos por igual el mismo contenido en cualquier escuela. Pero si es cierto que no se lleva al pie de la letra en todos los casos , y es que hay maestros que dejan a un lado parte de dicho diseño y aportan a la clase otro tipo de actividades que ha creído necesarias para el aprendizaje. Es cierto que a veces eso es una ventaja porque además de interiorizar los contenidos fijados , adquirimos otros valores y aprendizajes que a pesar de no estar inmersos en dicha guía son muy importantes para nuestra vida diaria. Aun así , como dije al principio , el diseño y desarrollo del curriculum es imprescindible e índice en los resultados académicos de los estudiantes por ello es importante una buena elaboración de este.

  40. I wish teachers to be everywhere treated with respect like they are in Finland. Teachers are those who spend the most of time with students, so they should be better taken into account and treated as professionals in this field. The situation in Europe is unfortunately not everywhere good and since the financial crisis is even worse. The classes are numerous, since they changed the norms, so the quality of teaching cannot be very good anymore. There are also a lot of children with special needs who need additional help, but unfortunately, many of them do not receive it. Teachers are complaining about the number of children in the class and about the curriculum, but nothing changes. I do not understand how it is possible that such massive dissatisfaction does not lead to any changes. As long as the curriculum and the standards will be composed and determined by people who have never been in the classroom, unfortunately this will not change. As well as teachers wont be more respected. Teachers and parents should together resist such a system and ensure that the children get what they deserve, this is a quality education, but I am afraid that in time when everything is connected with money, this it’s almost impossible.

  41. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    El currículum es esencial e importante para la educación puesto que va vinculado al Plan de Estudios y es un conjunto de materias y etapas de aprendizaje que el alumnado debe tener durante su formación académica.
    El diseño del currículum es la explicación de un proyecto educativo y didático para saber qué enseñar o el plan de acción que se utilizará para que las metas que se marcan durante una formación sean alcanzadas. En mi opinión se debe llevar a cabo la formulación de este diseño curricular, pero también influye mucho los materiales que los docentes tienen para poder llevar a cabo explicitamente este diseño.

  42. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es necesario para calificar la educación y diseñar el modelo que se pretende seguir. Es una herramienta necesaria para poner en manos del estudiante el conocimiento sobre lo que tiene a su alcance, lo que necesita y lo que busca para el futuro.

  43. Como se ha dicho en otros comentarios, el diseño y desarrollo curricular tiene un papel importante en la educación, ya que es un documento de gestión educativa que contiene las respuestas pedagógicas de un colectivo de profesionales, para desarrollar las finalidades educativas definidas en una comunidad escolar concreta. Con lo que no estoy de acuerdo es con la parte en la que el Estado se encarga de dictar los contenidos y requisitos necesarios para dicho documento, si a un profesor se le da la libertad de enseñar de la manera que quiera, ¿por qué no dejarle enseñar lo que quiera? siempre con unos parámetros y una organización, los profesores, conociendo a sus alumnos deberían poder elegir qué enseñar a sus alumnos en base a lo que ellos puedan responder y les sea de mayor ayuda.

  44. One of the most important things in the video, is that the teacher receive the respect they deserve, also from the society. It’s a respected job, and that makes the teachers way more confident about themselves and their job. And all this influates the education level. Students will be paying more attention if the teacher is doing his or her job well and convinced. You can also see in the video that they are not using the classical way of education as in the teacher talks and the children write down. There is a lot if interaction and personal guidance between the teacher and the students. In this way, every students is treated in an equal way. The part where they focus on the «we», is very nice and creates a good atmospere in the group, wich is important for the well being of every pupil.

  45. Alba María Galván Ruiz dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo curricular tiene un papel importante en la educación, ya que es un documento de gestión educativa que contiene las respuestas pedagógicas de un colectivo de profesionales, para desarrollar las finalidades educativas definidas en una comunidad escolar concreta. Además es un instrumento útil para la mejora de la calidad educativa de un centro.
    Por otro lado, es el Estado quién decide y organiza los contenidos obligatorios en la educación, pero en mi opinión sería mejor que esta decisión fuera tomada por personas más cercanas a los alumnos como son los profesores, ya que hoy en día podemos ver como el Estado se mueve en función de un interés propio. Además el profesor segurísimo que conoce mejor las necesidades que puedan tener los alumno, y por ello debe tener su propia metodología, trabajando con libertad en el aula.

  46. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo curricular es muy importante en la educación. Aunque haya tenido diferentes nombres a lo largo de los años siempre ha tenido una misma finalidad. Como bien se dice en el articulo, el diseñó y desarrollo curricular es un proyecto, el cual debe tener todos los profesores donde se recoge la manera de enseñar, de evaluar, cuando enseñar, el contenido, etc… Desgraciadamente o afortunadamente, desde siempre la educación siempre ha estado ligado completamente al estado y a la política, por lo tanto es el estado quien dice cual es la educación que deben impartir los profesores a sus alumnos, aunque claro esta, cada profesor tiene su metodología de enseñanza e imparte las clases como quiera, pero siempre enseñando lo que le dicen.

  47. Marta Madrigal Lebrato dice: Responder

    Generalmente no somos conscientes de la gran importancia educativa que tiene el currículum y la planificación escolar, puesto que es lo que sienta las bases de las enseñanzas en los centros.
    Los gobiernos toman gran parte en la elaboración del currículum escolar y en su implantación, cosa que en mi opinión debería recaer más en la comunidad educativa y en aquellas personas que están en verdadero contacto con la realidad escolar y con las exigencias y necesidades de los alumnos.
    En cuanto a la metodología a seguir en la enseñanza, está claro que no puede estar al margen de lo que se establece en la planificación curricular, pero sí es verdad que depende mucho de cada profesor, porque cada profesor tiene su manera de enseñar y, además, tiene que saber adaptar sus enseñanzas a los alumnos a los que las dirige.

  48. This video is really intresting, not everyone knows that Finland has so good education system. In this video we can see almost perfect situation. Teachers are really interested in difficulties that pupils are having and they are trying to show them the best way to evolve their thinking. In Finland teachers have really good conditions to work, they have their own space, also they can feel more freely with curriculum, which is really important. In my opinion, small groups of children and well educated teachers, favor individual approach to pupil. Those things certainly contribute to achieve higher level of education in schools.

  49. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    We use diffrent words for school curriculum and for curriculum vitae.
    That’s why, in my country,Turkey, people do not get the understanding of relations between different meanings of curriculum. So ı can say that I absoluately admired Finland system. For my country education is not important, they think that investment in education does not pay the best interest. So our teachers are not well educated and trained. That’s why it is almost impossible to apply it in Turkey. We see that journey is as important as the destion for human.

  50. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    I think the finish education system is really impressive and inspiring. It should serve as example for other countries. The whole explanation of curriculum-making appears as if it would be the most important that children can follow the teachers plan, to learn facts and collect knowledge. But I think it´s also really important ( and it was also mentioned in the video) that they learn to work and think in groups, to use their creativity and imagination, to integrate in the society. The most important part for a teacher should be to pique their curiosity. Curiosity in the incidents of the world is the most important basis for children to become good pupils. In this context it would be helpful, if teachers don`t have to follow strict curriculums but to have also time to deal with the problems and different backgrounds of the children and support them in a more individual way.

  51. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    El curriculum escolar tiene una gran importancia y eso es innegable.
    En lo que estoy en desacuerdo es en el poder de diseño que se le otorga y reserva al Estado, ya que bajo mi punto de vista, este cometido debería de estar en otras manos. En manos cercanas a los estudiantes, que tengan constancia de nuestras necesidades y de lo que funciona y lo que no.
    Respecto a la libertad del docente en el aspecto de cómo enseñar, la verdad es que me parece una medida correcta por varios motivos. En primer lugar cada profesor tiene una forma de enseñar, y en segundo, lo hará de la forma que cree que es más valiosa para los alumnos a los que trata.

  52. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    El currículum obviamente es importante y esencial para la educación ya que en su aceptación más generalizada esta idea se vincula a la de Plan de Estudios. En tal sentido, se refiere al conjunto de materias y etapas de aprendizaje que un alumno ha de recorrer en su proceso formativo. Respecto a esto, el diseño curricular es la explicitación de un proyecto educativo y didáctico llevado a sus niveles de acción con especiales referencias al ‘que’ y al ‘cómo’, es decir. qué enseñar o declaración de intenciones y un plan de acción para que tales metas sean alcanzadas. ¿hay algo más importante y delicado que esto hablando sobre educación?.
    Pienso que el docente es el que debe realizar la formulación de este diseño ya que seguro que por su vocación y profesionalidad lo hace mejor que el Estado, el Estado debe de encargarse solo de aprobarlo.
    A la vez que pienso que es tan importante el currículum también pienso que dependiendo de las condiciones del aula el docente podrá desarrollarlo a la perfección o no.

  53. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    Considero muy importante el diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar, ya que es básico para el ámbito educativo. Está bien que sea el Estado quien lo apruebe, pero no quien lo realice, puesto que un docente podrá formular un diseño curricular más elaborado y mejor que el Estado. Es obvio que el currículum está para cumplirse, pero no rigurosamente. Pienso que cada profesor debe adaptarse a las situaciones que se dan dentro del aula, porque no siempre son favorables para seguir el currículum establecido. La finalidad de este diseño del currículum es facilitar la adquisición de conocimientos de la manera más efectiva posible, por eso pienso que este currículum debería ser flexible.

  54. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Why education works in Finland is obvious. It is clear that everybody knows the importance of education and teachers. Again it is obvious that they figure out the important point in education. For example in my country, Turkey, they were only interested in the apperance in education for years, not the content of it. They set many rules for unnecessary things for example teachers had to wear this, students had to wear this, you could not go to school if you wore scarf, your shoes had to be black and etc. The important points were about to systems, methods, curriculum, education itself. Also generally teachers and education can not get actual importance and respect.

    I observe that the curriculum is mostly full of things which are imaginary, not realistic.
    You have many objectives and aims to do but if it is not realistic, if there is not enough time, if you don’t have materials or if the teachers are not qualified to follow it, then how can it be possible to improve education? Teachers have to educate their students with only their own steps and styles when the curriculum is not helping. It is impossible to create an efficient educational environment if you don’t have a well-organized, successful and realistic curriculum.

    So in my opinion, these are the basic and the most important components of a curriculum which is also a basic step for education.

  55. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    We all do know that the Scandinavian school system is about the best and we would all prefer to have such a good working system in our home country. Every teacher wants to be respected from the students as well as from their parents and the society. Maybe one reason why this works pretty well in Finland is that all teachers have to get a master’s degree. Exactly that is a much discussed topic in Austria. Until now you had the two opportunities in getting a teacher. Either you go to University where you have to do a master degree or you attend the University College of Teacher Education where you only have to do the bachelor and then you are able to start teaching. There are not only discussions about the salary but also about prestige between these two different trainings. I think that prestige is very important. In Austria the job as a teacher doesn`t have a status anymore. This would be one big problem that must be solved. Maybe than the teachers would be more motivated and some things will change in the way they teach and the learning progress will improve.

  56. The developement of the curriculum is one very important part in education.
    And the way that it is done and cared about pretty much refelcts the quality of the education that is given.
    As we can see in the example of finnland, it is ipotant that teachers have enough time to care about the developement of curriculum. In the end they are the ones who decide how they teach the contents and they have to make sure that they cover the contents that are obligatory.
    It only makes sense that half of their time is dedicaded to the developement and evaluation of their lessons to guarante high qualitiy education.

  57. Ixone Gomez Ramirez dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrolo curricular es algo esencial en la actividad educativa, sin embargo es el Estado el que marca lo que debe enseñarse y «cede» el resto de responsabilidad a los profesores. No es muy complicado que se nos venga a la cabeza la idea de manipulación, porque si realmente dejamos que sea el Estado el que decida qué debemos aprender, cuando son los profesores y maestros a los que se les ha formado para esta finalidad, ¿hasta que punto esta justificado que ellos no tengan intervención en este ámbito?. En mi opinión tendrían que ser los docentes, teóricos y demás profesionales formados en educación los que con sus conocimientos y en consenso decidieran lo que debe enseñarse.

  58. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    Elaborar un currículum educativo en el que esté todo el mundo de acuerdo es difícil. Cada uno tiene su metodología, estrategias y pedagogía. Dicho currículum debería de ser elaborado por profesionales de la educación sin que intervenga la política. Una vez realizado una serie de currículum, opino y estoy de acuerdo de que el Estado es el que tiene que elegir el que esté más conforme a ellos. También opino que el diseño debería de estar abierto, es decir, que cuando un profesor lo lleve a la práctica en las aulas, lo pueda modificar utilizando su experiencia en la profesión. Pienso que así los profesores estarán más motivados a la hora de dar clases y no tendrán que regirse en la totalidad del currículum.

  59. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    Considero importante la evolución del curriculum escolar en sus contenidos y en sus formas, ya que gracias a ello se ha ido mejorando la educación en nuestro país, pero en mi opinión, el poder que se le reserva al Estado respecto a la selección de los contenidos, debería pasar a otras instancias más cercanas a los alumnos, a personas que realmente conozcan sus necesidades, ya que al tener este poder el Estado, va a estar dirigido a intereses económicos propios. Serán las personas más cercanas al alumnado las que deberían de decidir «qué enseñar» ya que debido a múltiples factores( falta de tiempo, vacaciones…) a veces, multitud de contenidos se dan por enseñados y los alumnos pasan de curso sin adquirirlos. Que la metodología se le reserve al profesorado, me parece la mejor elección, ya que ellos tienen sus propias estrategias y serán las mejores para la educación del individuo, además de la importancia del aumento de la motivación del profesorado al tener al menos esta autonomía.

  60. To have the know-how about how to manage and unify the school curriculum to work well and successfully is very hard. It cannot be done by one person. This project requires a lot of specialists and open mind people who are really interested in teaching pupils by a new creative way. But how to know that this your advancement will be the best one? I think to have an convenient evaluation tools is necessary. Than is important to keep the evaluating on that you could improve it in the time. To program and plan the curriculum ahead is very difficult. I think there have to be a lot of opinions and specialist beside who will tell you what, when and how is the best choice. Now we have some experiences so the best option would be to learn from the mistakes what we already did.

  61. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    To prepare an appropriate curriculum is a very difficult task. It is important for schools and teachers to have it, but it should leave teachers more freedom and space for their own ideas, which can be entered in their classroom to increase the interest of students. I think that the teachers should work with smaller group of children in the classroom to give them more attention and approach to them more individually. The problem is also that in many countries teachers are not sufficiently appreciated and don’t have too many chance to upgrade their qualifications. I think a good solution would be regular meetings between teachers, in order to share their experience, ideas and methods and to wonder how to constantly increase the creativity among students.

  62. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista, en el diseño y desarrollo del curriculum escolar, por supuesto, debe intervenir el estado en busca de homogeneidad en todo el país, pero no de la forma que lo hace. Pienso que el Estado solo debería intervenir aprobando o desaprobando dicho diseño mediante sus criterios, pero no los tendría que realizar él, ya que de este modo deja fuera del diseño a muchas personas e instituciones. De este modo, me parece bien que se deje libertad al profesorado en la metodología ya que como se suele decir «cada profesor tiene su librillo», y dicho profesor como mejor va a llevar a cabo la enseñanza es haciéndola a su manera, ya que asín se sentirá mas a gusto.

  63. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Opino que el diseño curricular debería ser aprobado por el Estado, o aquellos encargados de organizar el sistema educativo, pero no debería ser elaborado por éste, ya que dejan fuera de dicho diseño a profesionales del ámbito educativo que podrían aportar mucha materia y creo que tal vez, con más puntos de vista la educación de hoy en día sería mucho más productiva. Por otra parte me parece muy acertado que dejen al profesorado utilizar sus propias estrategias y permitirle tener esa autonomía y flexibilidad para adaptar los contenidos al alumnado, pero aún así creo que es muy poca la importancia que tiene un experto en educación, como es un profesor o profesora a la hora de diseñar el curriculum.

  64. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    El desarrollo curricular es “el proceso mediante el cual se diseñan, planifican, desarrollan e implementan las estrategias y acciones dirigidas a generar en los aprendices, las capacidades necesarias para desarrollarse como ser humano y desempeñarse competentemente en el mundo laboral y social.”

    Todo lo propuesto en este proceso de transformación, debe alcanzarse en un tiempo establecido anteriormente.

    Está claro que este currículum está para cumplirse pero no debería seguirse a raja tabla. Debería haber modificaciones siempre que sea necesario, ya sea por recursos, por las necesidades del centro, etc. En cambio el Estado no deja que haya libertad a la hora de emplear la metodología. Esto provoca el descontento del alumnado y del profesor.

    Pienso que todo aquel que modifica el currículum marcado, es el que cree en el posible cambio en la educación futura.

  65. The video explores the issues of appreciation and respect for teacher, what is really controversial matter in the present-day world. In my opinion this is extremely important to appreciate teacher as a profession in general. There are people who have future of the world in their hands: children and young people who need to be guided at the begging of their educational way.
    In my opinion one of the first steps to change this unfavourable situation is to raise their qualification by for example changing study, qualifications and bring in a variety of courses and trainings for teachers. It will make them be better qualified and prepared to their job.

  66. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Este concepto es básico en la enseñanza actualmente, porque de un lado fija los objetivos que se persiguen al final del curso, diseño curricular, así como los métodos que debemos emplear para conseguirlos, desarrollo del curriculum.
    Puedo estar en un principio de acuerdo, con que el estado intervengan en parte, pero siempre con la función de establecer mecanismos, de manera que minimice las posibles desigualdades entre centros, pues tan importante es fijar los objetivos como tener los medios para conseguirlos.
    Pero un pilar básico es la implicación del profesorado en este proceso, puesto que es la persona que está directamente en contacto con el alumnado, por lo tanto es la que mejor conoce sus necesidades. Con ello conseguimos que la motivación sea más efectiva no solo entre el alumno, sino también en el profesor.

  67. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    El diseño curricular es uno de los aspectos más importantes de nuestro sistema educativo. En el se programan todos los contenidos, prácticas, metodologías etc… que se van a impartir a lo largo de un curso académico. Por esto la implicación que los profesionales deben dedicar a esto tiene que ser necesariamente óptima, ya que el éxito o fracaso de los alumnos proviene en cierta manera de este currículum. El problema es que el estado en mi opinión no debería de ser el encargado de realizar este documento, sino personas ajenas a este. Esto haría que la educación se mantuviera al margen de los políticos y cayeran en manos de verdaderos docente con una alta implicación moral y educativa y no unida a intereses económicos como hoy día. De esta forma la educación impartida a lo alumnos se centrarías en valores más correctos y adecuados

  68. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    The scandinavian schools are the ideal examples for effective methodes of teaching. Not only the pupils, also the teachers are much more content. Teachers there get much more support and they have a high status in the society.They said, that the teacher is only 50% of the working time in the classroom, so he has enough time to prepare lessons and general organisations. The relation between teacher and pupil attract also attention. The teachers in the video were not authoritarian and the climate was always very harmonic. In my opinion it’s a very important starting point for an effective learning climate. It’s sad, that our goverment doesn’t want to resume the scandinavian idea of teaching.

  69. The schools within Finland are famous for their different ways of teaching. One thing that really stood out to me in the video was the high prestige the teachers have within the community, they are highly valued and respected by both their teachers and the community itself, this can be a huge motivating factor for them to work harder and to achieve results for their pupils. Due to the fact that the curriculum plays a huge role within education is an extremely stressful responsibility, no two pupils learn the same way therefore eloping something which can apply to the broader masses can be challenging, on the other hand, a same curriculum for all gives everyone an equal playing field whereby everyone has the same starting foundation to then progress on to specialised courses at university for example. One way to perhaps improve the curriculum is for the government to work closer with the teachers themselves to modify the curriculum. It could also be argued that it is not in fact the curriculum but the way it is delivered, different teachers have different styles and methods of teaching, from my own experience in the UK I always remember the teachers who taught me in different and exciting ways rather the ones who stood at the front of the classroom reading out of a book

  70. The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. I think nowadays with new forms of technology and new media forming, teachers should have an open mind to what is really beneficial to students regarding what is meant to be thought and what is thought. I think that teachers feel the need to follow a set curriculum just to get their job done, but at the end of the day this reflects on students. I think that student’s become overloaded with material learnt in school but is not worth knowing once they graduate from high school. In my opinion I think this is a waste. There should be a curriculum set for students who wish to pursue to third level education, in which then can bring knowledge they learned in high school with them to third level. For example, in Ireland it is compulsory to sit a foreign language exam for your Leaving Certificate exam. Ok fair enough you learn the culture and different aspects of this new language, but in my case I studied French and now in Third Level I am studying to be a secondary school teacher majoring in Geography and History. So in actually fact, studying French was a waste of time as I am never going to put the language into practice. I think a major factor in the classroom, is for the teachers to ask the students what they want, and what is best for them. I think it depends on the level of ability in the class. If the students are highly intelligent that teachers should follow a set curriculum which needs to be thought, but on the other hand, a teacher should change the way of teaching if the students are not average. This is the case in Ireland, where the Junior Cert exam is now being changed to continuous assessment instead of a final exam at the end of three years where students feel under pressure. I think this was a great revolution to the curriculum in secondary schools in Ireland.

  71. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es el conjunto de objetivos, contenidos y técnicas de educación que permite planificar las actividades escolares del centro. Con el currículum, se plantean los profesores lo que enseñar a los alumnos y como evaluarlos. Me parece bien que el estado sea el que mueve los hilos con un determinado poder en los contenidos que se aplican, para que así todo los centros tenga un mismo nivel de enseñanza(cosa que no es cierta, ya que depende de los recursos del centro escolar), pero no se meten en como los profesores lo hacen, y aquí viene el problema, ya que algunos profesionales son cada vez menos vocacionales y hacen su trabajo de una forma poco dinámica y aburrida, cosa que al alumno desmotiva y perdiendo el interés por las clases y las materias. Sin embargo hay profesores que te marcan a lo largo de tu carrera de estudiante simplemente por el entusiasmo que le pone al explicar los contenidos y al tratar de que el alumno ante todo aprenda.

  72. The curriculum sets out not only what is to be taught, but how, and how learning in the particular subject area is to be assessed. Ireland has a particularly devised curriculum. Assessment is that part of the learning process where the learner and the teacher can evaluate progress or achievement in the development of a particular skill, or in the understanding of a particular area of knowledge. For example in secondary school in Ireland there are two main exams known as the Junior Certificate which is a main exam carried out after the first 3 years of school, and the last three years are assessed with an exam known as the Leaving Certificate. I think that having 3 years of work piled into the one exam isn’t a good idea because it is too much information for the student to learn. I think that the curriculum in Ireland should be continuously assessed throughout school life. This would boost concentration skills in students and would make it easier on their brains.

  73. I use the term “teaching and learning system” advisedly to describe a set of elements that, when well designed and connected, reliably support all students in their learning. These elements ensure that students routinely encounter well-prepared teachers who are working in concert around a thoughtful, high-quality curriculum, supported by appropriate materials and assessments—and that these elements of the system help students, teachers, leaders, and the system as a whole continue to learn and improve. Although no system from afar can be transported wholesale into another context, there is much to learn from the experiences of those who have addressed problems we also encounter.

  74. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es el plan de estudios, o conjunto de enseñanza. Dicho currículum debe responder a preguntas como, qué se enseña, cómo se enseña, cómo se organizan los contenidos y actividades, para qué se enseña y cómo se evalúa el aprendizaje. Todo esto el profesorado lo debe tener presente y además, tiene la autonomía de utilizar el modo de enseñar, lo que claramente esta en el curriculum escolar, que ellos elijan.
    Pero esta planificación de enseñanza si no es la correcta puede inducir a que los estudiantes fracasen en el ámbito escolar, por lo que este curriculum debe pensar siempre por el aprendizaje de las personas y debería ser el idóneo.

  75. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    The education system in Finland is really impressive. This is how it should be everywhere. They honour their teachers, everyone worth the same, everyone have word in the everyday life. They work in small group of children, which is good because everyone get attention, everyone get the same, its an equal system. The teachers not overdrove, like in any other countries. They work in a calm, nice enviroment. I think curriculum is nothing without the proper enviroment, and the good mood. If the curriculum is th ebest in the world, but the teachers are stressed out, and the kids not interested in the class, than its just worthless.

  76. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    Partiendo de la base que el curriculum escolar muestra una parte de la vida escolar también hay que recordar que la escuela es un lugar de desarrollo cultural, teniendo que tener en cuenta la adaptación de este según el grupo de alumnos, la escuela y el lugar donde se imparta esa educación, educando con unas iniciativas culturales, actividades y prácticas ajustadas.
    Pienso que el profesor es quien debe tener la mayor opinión con respecto a esta adaptación ya que es este quien conoce realmente las necesidades del alumno, conociendo qué enseñar y cómo. Finlandia, tal y como se ve en el video, es claro ejemplo de como el profesor es respetado y admirado por encima de todo, llegando a tener un trato más estrecho con los alumnos y viéndose la motivación que cada alumno tiene gracias al docente, queriendo aprender más, llegando a tener una exitosa evaluación y desarrollo de este curriculum para el resto de su vida.
    Sería ideal que los demás países observaran este país e intentaran conseguir los mismos resultados en todos ellos, pero pienso que aquí ademas el factor economía e inversión de cada lugar en la educación escolar influye.

  77. The curriculum plan is to give educators the information.In determining the educational curriculum should be addressed and should be considered in many ways.At the beginning of the eighties, curriculum development, planning and design work has been started.Over the years, the curriculum has to be modified.Must be adapted to the new world.Must meet the new requirements.Determining these principles should be applied.Government keeps under control the content of the curriculum.Despite this situation, determining curriculum educators are required to create an original and innovative approach.

  78. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    Me parece correcto que se lleven a cabo los currículums escolares y que sea generalizado para así que todos los centros escolares del estado sigan el mismo procedimiento, pero lo que no me acaba de quedar muy claro, es que en cada centro se quiera o no hay diferencias, como por ejemplo en los recursos que se encuentren en cada uno de ellos, por lo tanto se debería adaptar según cada centro.
    Por otro lado, también pienso que hay muchos profesores y docentes que no llevan a cabo lo establecido en el currículum escolar, haciendo como quien dice, lo que les da la gana.
    Veo necesario el que se vaya actualizando para así mejorar la educación en nuestro país y quizás algún día llegar a tener una educación como en Finlandia.

  79. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    En primer lugar el currículum es un documento organizado donde viene recogido lo que tiene que aprender el alumno/alumna, también decir que lo elabora la administración educativa.
    En mi opinión, la consideración de un currículum cerrado en el que no intervenga el docente dificultaría la autonomía del mismo, pienso que el papel del docente debe ser el de un guía (guiar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de sus alumnos).
    Se trata de un documento complejo en el que, se produce modificaciones, se avanza o retrocede y, sobre todo está fuertemente influido por las relaciones y comunicaciones existentes entre los elementos implicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (el aula, centro, familia, sistema educativo).
    Pienso, que la finalidad del currículum debe ser que el alumnado alcance una educación integral, es decir, una formación intelectual, un equilibrio social y autonómico, adquiriendo conocimientos, destrezas y formación en valores.

  80. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar es la parte fundamental para el progreso de la educación. Para ello todas las fases tienen que estar unidas, para que de esta manera se produzca una evolución en la enseñanza dando lugar al éxito escolar, pero si por el contrario si no se llevan a cabo el diseño y desarrollo curricular esto da lugar al fracaso escolar. Desde mi punto de vista «qué, cómo, cuándo enseñar u evaluar», estas preguntas es imprescindible para que este fracaso no se produzca. Siguiendo este orden y llevando una buena organización esto no se debería producir pero claro todo depende de como el profesorado quiera seguir estas pautas.
    También y como no es el Estado quien se encarga de decirle al profesorado de cómo hay que enseñar pero no sobre qué hay que enseñar, ni sobre como medirse lo que se enseña. Es muy facil mandar sin preocuparse de cómo se encuentra la educación

  81. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    Hablar de un profesor sin un curriculum escolar, es como hablar de un coche sin ruedas. Claro que cada profesor debe tener el suyo puesto que cada persona es diferente y no tiene porque ser capaz de transmitir de la misma manera lo que es de otro. Además no solo tiene que ser adaptado a cada profesor sino al alumnado también.
    Hay profesores que elaboran un curriculum escolar cuando comienzan a dar clases y ya lo siguen usando con el paso de los años, sin tener en cuenta que aunque los conceptos sean los mismos los tiempos corren.
    Otra de las cosas mas importantes que debe tener el profesor es la flexibilidad, es decir no debe ser estricto a la hora del seguimiento curricular debido a que en algunas ocasiones se presente algo que requiera atención y sea de interés por el alumnado. Por ejemplo, cuando yo hice las prácticas en una guardería tenía programado en mi curriculum enseñar el color rojo y el alto y bajo pero un niño vino con el brazo escayolado al caerse de una bicicleta, aprovechado la expectación de los demás niños y el interés que demostraban cambie la clase y enseñe un poco sobre educación vial. Este día fue uno de los que mas atentos, participativo y entusiasmados estuvieron.

  82. I think Finland’s education system is totally admirabl but unfortunately very hard to adapt in soem other countries.
    For example, in Finland all teachers have to have a master’s degree and until know that was not obligatory in Austria for primary and secondary school.
    In Austria there is about to change really much in the education system, because from next year on the education to become a teacher for secondary school will take 4 years instead of three and after that you have to get a Master’s degree too. So, I’m really curious how this all will turn out and if we get to have such a good system as Finland sometime.

  83. Mert yilmaz ozbas dice: Responder

    I think the teachers must change their mind.yes there is a curriculum which the teachers follow certainly this programe but the teachers should think if it’s good enough for students.Sometimes the teachers must ask what the students want.And which way is good for students.i think every teachers should take some practical lesson before graduate because you have to be ready to lead for every question they ask,you must be open-minded.there are some teachers who doesnt like even children.besides as we can see Finland is the best for this stuff.i wish i took that kind of education.Also the teaching method should be depends on students.if the students are unsuccessful you must change way of teaching..

  84. I totatly admire Finland’s education system which is based on the students. We see that if teachers give importance to their students, they would be successful. Yes, they should follow their curriculums but they shouldn’t be stuck in it. Teachers should be interested in every student. So, firstly, the numbers of classes should be less. Secondly, they should let their students create new ideas. The students shouldn’t have fear when they create new ideas. However, it is impossible for lots of countries because of economic situations, lack of teachers, lack of classes etc. If we change our education systems, we can be more successful ones.

  85. En cuanto a mi opinión, creo que es imprescindible que las formas y contenidos del curriculum escolar evolucionen, ya que debe adaptarse a las necesidades de los alumnos y a las nuevas demandas de la sociedad. Tanto el diseño como el desarrollo de un curriculum resultan imprescindibles ya que incluye las actividades educativas y que, cómo y cuándo enseñar y evaluar, así como la puesta en práctica de este, para que de esta forma haya una acción educativa óptima.
    Respecto a que el Estado se haga cargo de seleccionar los contenidos y que cuente con poder y control para la selección de estos me parece algo incomprensible, ¿realmente el Estado selecciona aquellos contenidos que son de interés para los educandos o que ellos creen que son de interés?, aunque los docentes cuenten con la “autonomía” metodológica ¿Para qué le sirve este poder, si ciertamente no tienen control sobre lo que hay que enseñar y sobre cómo ha de medirse lo que enseña?

  86. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    El currículum escolar una vez que se lleva a cabo permite el manejo del aula, si se va realizando adecuadamente y cumpliendo su orden. Solo son los profesores los que tiene la autonomía de poder desarrollar el planteamiento de este currículum de una forma u otra, lo que conlleva gran responsabilidad, ya que la educación de muchos niños está en manos de ello. Para el profesor que esté ahí por vocación, será una maravilla, en cambio para él que no, no tanto.
    Gracias al currículum se puede llevar un orden dentro de la institución educativa, ya que profesores, directores, secretarios, conserjes, etc. están regidos por él, y el funcionamiento de este sector será el indicado si se cumple. ¿Será cumpla del planteamiento del currículum escolar todos los fracasos escolares que hoy día se dan en nuestra sociedad? o ¿de aquellos que no realizan un buen uso de este? o simplemente, ¿de los alumnos?

  87. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    Tras leer estas lineas, y entender lo que nos quere decir con respecto al diseño y desarrollo del curriculum educativo, entiendo que es el proyecto que se realiza dentro del sistema educativo, marcando los objetivos, finalidades, metodología, actividades, estrategias educativas, para lograr los fines marcados. Este diseño es generalizado para todos los centros estatales, me parece bien, que la misma propuesta sea para todos iguales para que no existan diferencias. Pero pienso que no se debería ser así, puesto que este Diseño curricular, debe de ser adecuado a las necesidades de cada centro, a los recursos disponibles, a la población que acude a estos centros. Pienso que estos planteamientos, programaciones y diseños educativos deben de ser elaborados desde cada centro que son los que mejor saben como funciona y cuales son sus necesidades, y por parte del Estado que hagan un seguimiento para verificar los desarrollos a lo largo del tiempo si son los acordes a las necesidades existentes en cada centro.

  88. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    “El Estado se reserva un determinado poder y su correspondiente control en la selección de los contenidos, pero no en la metodología: se concede autonomía al profesorado para decidir sobre cómo hay que enseñar, pero no sobre qué hay que enseñar ni sobre cómo debe medirse eso que se enseña”
    Este es uno de los grandes problemas de nuestro sistema educativo. El Estado, y no profesionales de la educación, establecen los límites del conocimiento e exigen que dentro de esos límites estén los conocimientos que ellos crean oportunos. Como por supuesto son conocimientos con el objetivo que en otros comentarios venimos señalando: Un ser productivo. Los “administrativos” que se encargan de elaborar y diseñar el currículo, se preocupan más por lo que no-enseñar que por lo que realmente se enseña en las escuelas en cuanto a contenido (aquí hay poco problema, es muy poco).

    Pongo un poco en duda la libertad de metodología de los docentes, aunque no digo que esto no suceda. Pienso que no puedes insuflar libertad y espontaneidad a los alumnos a partir de un bloque totalmente hermético que te han proporcionado previamente.

    Aquí romper una lanza a favor de aquellos docentes que a pesar de ser conscientes (que no es poco) de este bloque inerte, el cual deben y tienen que utilizar para enseñar, consiguen mostrar verdaderas orientaciones que se pueden denominar educativas.


    La planificación y el diseño educativo es muy importante a la hora de comenzar una aprendizaje pues sin estos dos factores no sería viable el aprendizaje. Pienso que hoy en día no se puede comparar una planificación con otra, ni un diseño con otro pues como se dice cada «maestrillo tiene su librillo», pues en cada lugar del mundo es distinto el desarrollo de las materias . Pienso que el curriculum educativo pero en España pienso que no tienen ni idea debido a la mala organización del sistema educativo pues como siempre está el gobierno anteponiendo sus intereses antes que el bienestar de la sociedad.

  90. Personally speaking, I think curriculum making is one of the most difficult yet important jobs there is to do with an education system. The content and structure is very important for children, especially the way in which education is delivered. Although this is a very difficult job, I do consider that there should be different options available for individual students so that there is individualism and much more creativity on a personal level, all students are different. If all children learn in the same way And revise the exact same content, then this will not lead to children being more prosperous than others, we need to have children who excel, create new boundaries and set the way for future students to follow. Concluding, I think curriculum making should be done more on an individual level, not just done by the state but done by the actual educators and teachers who work hand in hand and day by day with the students that they deliver the curriculum to. Teachers and schools know much more about individual needs than outside government bodies.

  91. Design and Development of School Curriculum

    I feel the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is not tailored to the needs of the child in the correct way. I feel there is too much emphasis on the results of the child during a class test or summer exam and not enough emphasis on the individuality of the child. Everyone in the country is being taught the same information however I feel there should be a greater differentiation in history and geography classes so that the children can gain a better knowledge of their local history and the geography of their local areas. Take for example Northern Ireland which is part of the United Kingdom, in secondary school we completed work on the battle of Hastings and the attack of the Spanish Armada, while this is European history I feel that Irish history or Northern Irish history would have been more useful to the area we live in.

    Damien Tumilty.

  92. The curriculum is the big project and really important component in school. Finland has one of the best educational system in the world. The main reason why schools in Finland are better and different is, that teachers there has to have masters degree and they are treated like professionals and they are also one of the most important part od children’s education.They teach in a more personal way (classes are smaller), teachers are more motivated in teaching children, because they have more freedom and interesting in teaching. This is a big difference between their system and ours in Slovenia. In Finland the teachers make all decisions about how their classes will be run, how the education material will be presented,… The communication environment is completely open among students, teachers and parents.

  93. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Creo que el currículum escolar es imprescindible en una institución escolar, porque cada niño tiene unas necesidades y unas pautas para su instrucción; estas deben de venir explicadas en el dicho curriculum ya que por ejemplo, ha un niño de preescolar no se le debe de enseñar aprendizajes que corresponde a aun niño de primaria puesto que el de preescolar no tiene la capacidad para dicho aprendizaje.
    También he de decir que el profesor no debería de acatar el curriculum escolar al pie de la letra ya que hay chavales que por diversos motivos van mas lentos o incluso más deprisa que el resto de la clase, por ello el docente debería de tener en cuenta las circunstancias personales de cada niño.
    Para terminar he de decir que el curriculum escolar debería de mejorar, puesto que el que tenemos no se ajusta a las necesidades del momento.

  94. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    En mi opinión es muy adecuado que exista un currículum escolar para que los profesores puedan guiarse y que todos los alumnos aprendan lo mismo gracias a esa programación. Sin embargo, el problema está en que en algunos casos sólo se tiene en cuenta dicho currículum y nada más. De ahí que los alumnos no presten el interés correspondiente y se limiten a estudiar de memoria simplemente para aprobar y dos días después se les olvide todo el temario. Para evitar esto pienso que los profesores deberían intentar de innovar y no limitarse sólo a llevar ese currículum adelante sino también hablar de temas interesantes para los alumnos e incluso dejar que ellos mismos saquen temas que les resulten atractivos. De esta forma las clases serían más amenas y tendrían más interés por aprender. La cuestión está en saber usar las herramientas necesarias y de la forma correcta, y está claro que no todos los docentes valen para eso.

  95. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo del currículum escolar tal como viene explicado en el texto es una idea muy aceptada la cual se debería llevarse a cabo. Hoy en día no se le da tanta importancia como se debería y los alumnos salen de su escuela sin tener en cuenta su desarrollo, las situaciones que ha vivido o que se ha encontrado durante dicho proceso.
    La idea principal se basa en tener una idea de todas la escuelas en general, en la cual considero que no sería muy efectivo ya que cada una es distinta y con ella distintos alumnos, profesores, educadores, padres, etc.
    Tal vez sea difícil elaborar tal currículum pero creo que a lo largo del tiempo será un beneficio para todos. Considero que se tendría que centra en temas que actualmente creo que no se le da mucha importancia, como por ejemplo; que los alumnos estudien un examen de memoria, llevarse más de nueve años dando inglés para que realmente cuando salga del instituto no sepa nada, motivación más hacia los alumnos, etc.

  96. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo en que el currículum escolar es algo necesario que debe de saber un profesional a la hora de tratar con sus alumnos, ya que sin una buena planificación y desarrollo no funcionaría como debe, como por ejemplo a un niño de 3 años no puedes enseñarle a sumar cuando ni siquiera sabe los números o a un niño de 10 quien debe de saber sumar no enseñarle los números. Si esto no es así sus alumnos no se verán beneficiados en el aprendizaje. Pero en lo que no estoy de acuerdo es cuando el Estado sólo se encarga de elegir los contenidos y no de cómo deben de hacerlo, debido a que hay docentes que ni para ello sirven.
    Personalmente no estoy de acuerdo con el diseño escolar que tenemos, porque hay niños que aunque estén en el año que les pertenecen no están al nivel que deberían de estar debido a las causas que sean.

  97. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    As the video says about Why education in finland works is partially that all the teachers in Finland has to have an masters degree, this helps the society to get respect for the teachers and also gives the teacher job a higher «ranking» in the society. The video says that the teachers has to be treated like professionals. And all these things lacks Sweden… The video also talks about the curriculums important for the school and the teachers and that it should be developed by teachers. In finland the teachers has time to do that, something the teachers in Sweden dosen’t have time to do. It also seems to be important that the classroom and office environment is good for both teachers and pupils, something that’s difficult to solve when there is little money, time and place but to many children in Sweden. After seeing this video and reading the article I hope that Sweden could learn more from their neighbour country!

  98. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Sin duda, el currículum escolar es un elemento indispensable dentro del sistema educativo, pero también lo es la eficacia y utilidad del mismo, y no siempre es así.
    Bajo mi punto de vista, no es suficiente con que exista el currículum escolar y con que se le de la libertad al profesor para decidir la forma de enseñar.
    Creo que en cada escuela las necesidades educativas y los alumnos son diferentes, y es por ello por lo que también debería serlo el currículum escolar.
    En cuanto a la figura del profesor, creo que se limita mucho su poder de decisión, porque de nada sirve su pleno uso de las formas de enseñar, si el tema en sí no es decidido por él. Es como dejar autonomía a medias, con lo cual no es útil.

  99. Jannike Vester dice: Responder

    In this video they talk about some really memorable things. The first thing that I think is so important is that in Finland the teacher are treated with respect in a professional way. Proffesionen means something in Finland and they have theirs teacher in head center for the pupils. In Sweden it´s not like that. In many schools the parents don´t have respect for the teacher and don´t think that the teacher knows most about the education. And maybe it´s the society how does that. Because in Sweden anyone could go in and replace a teacher in school if they get sick. In what other job after 4 years on university can you do that? And also I think that in Sweden as in many other countries the teacher doesn´t have enough with time to study and work with the curriculum. And that makes teacher insecure about what they are doing in the classroom and why, I think. If they could have more time to prepare the teaching and discusses with each other about how to work with the curriculum and then we are heading towards a better school

  100. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    El tema que plantea el texto sobre el diseño y el desarrollo curricular, me parece un tema al que no se le da tanta importancia desde instituciones gubernamentales, pero al que debería darsele una importancia mayor ya que este rige que deben aprender los niños en las escuelas de una forma muy rígida.
    Por esto mismo creo que el diseño curricular debe tener en cuenta no solo el desarrollo escolar del menor, sino también una serie de circunstancias externas, familiares, personales… que el niño pueda presentar.
    Además, creo que se debería mejorar este diseño para que en el momento de su desarrollo, los métodos para llevarse a cabo fuesen más eficientes. Volviendo a poner el ejemplo de comentarios anteriores, un ejemplo de esto es la forma en la que se enseña ingles en las escuelas, además de otras muchas asignaturas como las matemáticas, que se enseñan como algo difícil cuando en realidad la dificultad no es tan grande.

  101. The curriculum is the every basis of the sducation system in every country. It is the starting plan for every person’s educstion whether it be primary school, secondary school or university. The curriculum should also be analysed while it is in progree and it should be seen how stidents take to the curriciulum. This is especially evident in maths. Many students in Ireland find this subject difficult. The curriculum was then therefore changed to project maths in the last few years so that it would suit more students. This led to an increase of students sitting higher level maths. The curriculum is very important and each time there are changes made to the curriculum it should help more students and take in the needs of more students so that everyone can receive a better education and that we can all achieve the highest standard possible and progress.

  102. I really liked the video. I know that truth is never as good as presented in this type of spots but still, it is nice to see a well-organized school and happy children. I think there was another important factor mentioned in the video, namely, appreciation for the teachers. They are respected in the society, what they do gives them satisfaction, they are also required to have a thorough knowledge of their field because it´s not easy to become a teacher in Finland. I´m thinking about the differences between being a teacher in FInland and in Poland, in my country the reality is not that bright but still, I think we need to remember that even one person can make a difference, one teacher working with passion and dedication can have a positive impact on their students.

  103. Katharina Kern dice: Responder

    I think that it is really important that there ar curriculums and that teachers should follow a certain programme because it makes things easier. For example, you can easier compare one class to another class or one school to another school because they have the same contents. But of course, every teacher has to teach in a way he prefers and I think, that the most important thing is, that they adapt the way of teaching to their pupils. Because there are a lot of differences, some can learn faster and some learn slowlier. It’s up to the teacher to find the right way how to teach and he has to find out, how to teach the contents from the curriculum to all the students who are learning in a different way.
    In my opinion we should follow the programme in Finland because I really like it. But I think that it won’t be the same in all the different countries.

  104. Maria Bartyska dice: Responder

    I really like the video and I totally agree that there is a link between the working surrounding , motivation , good work and In the end the success In the form of well educated children. However I understand that it’s not easy to make every school in the world looking like this. Or not even every, it is hard that the average school looks like this. This article and the video touch the issue of motivation and shows that the most important part of the children education are school workers. I consider that there can be no talk about changes or develop in the educational system if first we want focus on teacher.

  105. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    Many people think that a teacher’s job is to show up in class and be able to automatically teach 20 to 30 pupils just like that. However there are a lot of previous preparations that people need to be aware of prior to teaching within the classroom. Therefore to develop and create a learning curriculum is a very important task for a teacher. As methods of teaching is developed giving a lesson structure which is what all children need.

    Most teachers conduct a learning curriculum however Finland’s education system is clearly in a league of its own. The fact that a teacher has to complete a Masters within a particular field before they can teach means they are experts within their profession. These teachers therefore are passionate making teaching more enjoyable for them and learning more enjoyable for the pupils. This is not the case within a lot of other countries throughout the world.

    Also the smaller ratio between teachers and pupils in Finland means the teacher can have a more personal teaching experience with their pupils, making it less likely that a child is going to be overshadowed by 30 other students craving their teachers’ attention.

    Finland clearly looks after their education system and views it as extremely important for the future of its country. I wish other countries throughout the world looked upon education in this way.

  106. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    In my opinion curriculum making is one of the most important and difficult jobs. They way they structure the lessons and what is being learnt is key to a child’s eduction. However I think a lot of things need to be taken into consideration when creating a curriculum. The importance of creativity and individualism should be carefully considered. A child needs to have these traits nourished to allow them to grow as a human being, without these things a child simply becomes just a number and not an individual. Therefore I believe that when making a curriculum, it should not be so regimented and state focused but more centred around the individuality of children and their needs.

  107. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el diseño curricular debería ser programado por cada centro incluyendo a los padres, no guiado por el Estado donde sólo lo realiza de forma general, sin observar la organización que puede tener cada centro.
    Cada uno sabe de sus instalaciones, posibilidades y el trabajo de su alumnado, qué mejor que ellos para realizarlo y buscar la mejor metodología para conseguir sus objetivos.
    Con la programación de hoy en día, los mismos alumnos/as se aburren de la monotonía, debiendo buscar recursos nuevos para la motivación de estos.

  108. Design and development of school curriculum is one of most difficult job and responsible at the same time.
    We often think that being a teacher it’s just teaching in the school few hours and than nothing. It’s not true. Their job involves preparing a curriculum at home, which takes about 20 hours. They teach in the school another 20 hours.
    They need to get know children, their problems, they have to make their lessons interesting.
    Like one teacher in this short-movie said, they are well prepered to become a teacher. And I suppose this is a key of success in Finland.

  109. Antonio Cosmo Narváez dice: Responder

    El diseño curricular es uno de los principales problemas de la escuela y de la educación secundaria obligatoria. La temática que se imparte no es una temática relevante, al pasar cierto tiempo pocos alumnos se acuerden del tema 5 de historia por poner un ejemplo. Los temarios se hacen largos y aburridos, y el profesorado no intenta que esto se haga más amenos y podamos aprender más. Sí es cierto que el nivel de atención que los alumnos dedicamos tampoco es muy alto, pero por eso mismo las metodologías deberían de ser diferentes. Por otro lado, cada comunidad educativa tendrá un nivel académico diferente al resto, por lo que se debería de adaptar este diseño curricular a las necesidades propias de cada comunidad autónoma y de cada centro educativos, según sea más conveniente. Una reforma de este diseño curricular es básica, ya que hasta ahora pienso que no ha estado funcionando correctamente. A veces, en la E.S.O pensaba de ciertos profesores que cómo le podían pagar por impartir esas penosas clases, ahora veo que se saltaban con creces este diseños curricular.

  110. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodriguez dice: Responder

    Bueno cuando se habla de diseño y programación del curriculum escolar, se me viene a la mente una idea general sobre lo que se debería de estudiar en todas y cada una de las escuelas.
    Pero pienso que la programación escolar debería ser individual, osea cada escuela, ya que cada una prescinde de unas necesidades escolares diferentes. Al igual también pienso que como hacer esa tarea individual es difícil, adaptar un curriculum mas general pero que reúna mas o menos todas las condiciones necesarias para los tipos de centros de la población concreta.
    Si de mi dependiera crear un curriculum escolar, lo primero que eliminaría seria los exámenes, ( parecerá gracioso) pero sí , esa es mi opinión, ya que a través de ese tipo de pruebas el alumno solo se somete a un conocimiento pleno cuando sabe que tiene que realizar un exámen en el que días previos memorizará, y dos días después se le olvidará todo lo estudiado.

  111. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    El diseño y desarrollo del currículum es algo necesario y esencial para el ámbito escolar. Sin embargo, estoy en desacuerdo con la generalidad y con la implantación del Estado del mismo. No debería ser generalizado porque las necesidades de los alumnos son diferentes y dependiendo del centro contará con unas u otras características específicas. Creo que lo conveniente sería que se dieran una serie de recomendaciones del contenido del diseño escolar y que el equipo profesional de cada centro, escogiera el más idóneo para sus alumnos. Otro aspecto, que incluye el curriculum escolar como se menciona en el texto, es la forma de evaluar, pero esta forma de evaluación (examen) hace que el único interés por los alumnos sea aprobar, olvidando el verdadero motivo de aprender, es decir, ampliar sus conocimientos. Respecto a la metodología, me parece correcto que sea el docente quién tenga la autonomía, aún así sería necesario un nuevo diseño del curriculum escolar.

  112. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que el currículum no debería ser hecho de manera tan general, sino que cada propio centro realizará su propio currículum según las necesidades de la población. Así permitiría evaluar a cada persona en relación a su contexto. ´Pienso que las personas más ideales para elegir este tipo de contenidos no es el Estado, veo más eficaz, que fuera elegido por consenso de padres, madres, profesores, y expertos en la materia. Al igual que pienso que debe regularse más la eficacia de los profesores, el diseño curricular de ahora, seguramente tenga adaptados unos nuevos instrumentos para el profesorado, tales como ordenadores, reproductores de vídeo, pero ¿cuántos profesores de hoy en día no llama a un alumno/a para que le reproduzca un vídeo en el ordenador?.En mi opinión creo que el diseño curricular sería un instrumento muy bueno, si de verdad se llevara a cabo y no se quedara simplemente en un papel con instrucciones dentro.

  113. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    The Ministry of education is planning the school’s educational program. This is a huge social Institute, which studies and develops actual methods of schooling. It is obvious that the training program is formed according to the recommendations of the Ministry, which shall include the mandatory study of disciplines and forms of control of knowledge and attainment, as well as specialized subjects, if taught of the peripheral area of specialization. Rational use of opportunities of the teaching staff and effective use of available resources contribute the proper compilation of the educational program.

  114. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    Currently in educational institutions of Russia are used curriculums on disciplines, which are approved by the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation and are of a recommendatory nature. They are the basis for the compilation of teachers educational work programmes, including national-regional and school component, methodical potential of teachers, the level of the preparedness of students, the possibility of using new information technologies. But, in my opinion, in practice, the work programmes in Russia are prepared only for the attestation of the Ministry of education and practically are not applied or are not fully applied. Because of this, education in Russian schools and universities do not have a complex character.
    And of course the Finnish higher education system is a wonderful example for other countries. We must try to do so that in our countries the teaching profession was honorable and prestigious, and the children were released from school with a huge amount of knowledge and skills and thus with great potential for life.

  115. As we see the Finnish education system is inclusive and flexible, and that mainly depends on the well-organized curriculum design and development, which is considered as a starting point of good education. I am really impressed with the Finnish schools and having compared that of mine had found numerous differences. I have studied in three different countries during my basic, secondary and high schools (correspondently in Armenia, Italy and Sweden) and have an excellent opportunity to compare them with each other and with Finnish one. Just analyzing how to improve things I came to the idea that the main approaches to the curriculum design have to be set on three layers curriculum: national core curriculum, municipal curriculum, school curriculum with year plan. Everywhere the curriculum is a strategic document and it reflects our best understanding of that particular society and learning; it also connects the work of every school to municipal and national strategies. Curriculum is the expression of our insight and it gives common direction to the processes and development of teaching and learning.

  116. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    In my country the problem with the school curriculum is on every elementary school the same – in history classes we always arrive until World War II. and never have enough time to do the current history. But I have heard that for example in France there is a big bullying coming from the side of Ministry of school about the curriculums and that teachers can be hardly creative to do something new or in a different way with childrens, because they could be punished for it. And what I have heard about India, if the teacher wants to be innovative there and do something slightlyy different, he has to go through long bureaucratic process, and without the permission is not able to do it.
    The video is very inspirating and describes everything I have always immagined as a solution for schools in my country. I am really interested, if there are some Finnish guys here to say if it is like this in every Finnish school.

  117. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    We can’t deny the success of Finland in education and curriculum system. The respect between teaching staff and its reflection to the students is something we can’t ignore. We should accept that this is one of the main reasons. The other thing is the flexibility of curriculum and teaching styles. It is easier there to take care of the students’ learning processes personally. I’m pretty sure that each student has the chance of being cared by their teachers individually. This is the other reason. My country, Turkey, is not very good at this point unfortunately. I think that this is about our strict curriculum traditions. There is always a structure and every teacher is the same model who are following the same steps. But we don’t upload knowledge to the same type of electronic machines. We teach people. The another thing in my country is that teachers and principles of the school give importance to discipline more than education. It was more common in the old times. It was like going to army, almost. It is more flexible by now. But we still have the ruins. What we have to do is to get rid of our traditional thinking style, open our eyes, see the new world, keep up with it and then teach the children or youth of today.

  118. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I think teachers have the right to teach how they want. Of course, they have to follow a certain program but they could teach in their own way. Some prefer to talk a lot, others like ordering their students a lot of homework. Moreover, curriculum can not be static and it should evolve into something better over time. Curriculum starts when teachers know what to teach and in which order they should do this. Many countries have different approaches to education. Finland right now is one of the leading countries in it. In my country Lithuania, I believe we also have good education. In the class of 30 people, you would mostly meet 10 students who have an average mark of at least 9. However, 5 people would not be interested in education at all and that is why the average mark of the class suffers. Actually, it is very hard to study in high school of Lithuania. Classes start at 08:00 and finish at around 14:00. And then you have many tests or homework for tomorrow and if you want a good mark, then it would take you around 3-5 hours for just preparing. In in the I would say that it is necessary that the curriculum is evolving because our world is changing very fast as well.

  119. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    In my opinion, if the teacher is treated well and with respect then it is more motivated and more efficient. It is very important to treat the teachers and that the headmaster has a good relationship with the staff. This makes it easier to solve problems in school and then teaching is more easier too. Mutual trust is essential. I hope that other schools will be inspired by the school in Finland. We can all learn from them. I am glad that in that country treat teachers equally. Finland may be an example for others to build relationships at school and then how to train the teaching staff to be more efficient. As a result, school children will also be pleased with the curriculum.

  120. We should follow the example and reap the most out of the system that prevails in Finland. But of course we know that in all countries will not be identical, and so professional. Given the low costs of financing education in other countries on demand materials, modern technology. However, the same curriculum should be an inspiration to other countries. Professionalism, commitment and great determination teachers teaching children that the system makes is amazing. Only now, after reading the article and viewing of the film I learned how the educational system is in the Finland I am very positively surprised and amazed. I hope that the same system will be used also in Poland.

  121. The educational system of Finland should be a role model to the rest of the world in my opinion. In our country it’s not like that at all. In high school I got a feeling that the teachers were there just because they had to be, not because they were really interested in forwarding the knowledge to students. One sentence that is mentioned in the short video that shows the main difference from Finland educational system from others is that people are engaged in problem solving not in winning arguments. The notion that someone is an obstacle, is just irrelevant here. All educational systems should be like those in Finland-child centered education.

  122. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    The video was for me very interesting, as i understood why the school in Finland works so well. Teachers are considered scientists, professionals, there is respect between administrations and teachers, teachers ans students. I wonder why every single country, including of course mine, cannot adopt the educational system of Finland, since we all recognize that is the best. In my opinion, this can only been achieved, if the government has education as priority. That means that a lot of money should be invested in education, so as to have the resources to make things in school work better, Furthermore, teachers should be not only well educated, but people with strong personalities, who are willing to do their best in order to teach children, I strongly believe, that a good teacher can teach effective, even though he has not a comfortable classroom, digital board or the best equipment. Of course all these are helpful, but i think that the most important is a teacher who loves his students ans has the knowledge to teach them and respond to their needs.

  123. I think we all agree with the perfect educational system of Finland. It is well prepared, with classified teachers and are working with trust and respect. It would be wishfull that this educational system can be found all over the world. 
I’ve always been to this kind off schools with the most likely same concept as in Finland. From my primary school until the University where I’m studying at in The Netherlands, I’ve almost had small classrooms with a lot of personal attention and I was absolutely no number for them. I’ve always had space for a lot of creativity and personal problems. Last but not least, I also always experience trust and respects from student, pupils, teachers, parents and professors. 
I think that curriculum making or curriculum development, such as what,when and how to teach, and when and how to evaluate, is very important for knowing how to educate. It is necessary to develop educational activities and planning your school-system, or to say: curriculum is necessary as a starting point for teaching. 
I agree to this article and to this video that curriculum is a plan but also a realization for creating good education, such as in Finland.

  124. I totally agree with the movie. I like to experience some sort of bounding between students and teachers, same with psychologists and clients or with bosses and employees. For me it works motivating and it gives a mutual interest wich is gokd for both partys. I concider myself lucky to be on a small university where teachers come to me and ask me personal things or work related things. It feels good and gives me motivation and chances to asked questions were i will get a good answer.

  125. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    To prepare the school curriculum is seen as a formality, but curriculum; Curriculum has numerous definitions, which can be slightly confusing. In its broadest sense, the word is used to refer to all courses offered at a school. This is particularly true of schools at the university level, where the diversity of classes might be an attractive point to a potential student.
    A curriculum may also refer to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfill in order to pass a certain level of education. For example, an elementary school might discuss how its curriculum, or its entire sum of lessons and teachings, is designed to improve national testing scores or help students learn the basics. An individual teacher might also refer to his or her individual course of classes, referring to all the subjects that will be taught during a school year.
    On the other hand, a high school might refer to a curriculum as the courses required in order to receive one’s diploma. They might also refer to it in exactly the same way as the elementary school, and use the word to mean both individual courses needed to pass, and the overall offering of courses, which help prepare a student for life after high school.
    Finland’s education system hasn’t got exam stress and comparison…. Education hours are very short, but however, success of all students are equal.
    I think, the main difference Finland’s; teacher decision is to be taught in boks. ! basic aim is; prepare students for life ( not exam ! ). each child according to their own learning methods to be given homework very nice.
    One of the main features is fully-equipped teachers. Being a teacher isn’t easy in Finland. All countries should take the example of Finland’s education system….

  126. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    This video shows that in Finland working as a teacher is almost an honour. They are really respected and appreciated in the society. The can feel that they do, really important work, and are important part of school system. Also to become a teacher you have to finish master studies, and it is obligatory. The programme of teacher studies is also well prepared and organised. It gives certanity that you will have well educated people on the right place, who are ready to share their passion of teaching to the pupils. The schools have very nice equipment, adapted specially fot children, with family atmosphere, and theachers who give them all their attention. I think it is so diffrent than in many other countries, and that is why Finland is so succed and is first in the school rankings all over the world.

  127. The video showed, that for good teaching not only a well organised curriculum is necessary, a broad acceptance in society for teachers and teaching is also relevant.
    If there is not a backing from society for teachers, teachers often see no meaning in doing their job. And in most of the cases, they have to deal with never ending fights with parents, about the behavior or the grades of the pupils.

    I am deeply impressed with the finnish schools, everything seems to be perfect, small classes, individual support form the teachers and even small working period for teachers.
    A few years ago there was a great educational strike I participated in, we claimed exactly what Finish schools had already achieved. I hope someday the Finish school system will serve as an example worldwide.

  128. I have been very impressed by the video which was part of the article, because being a teacher in finland is way different then being a teacher in germany, and i think that it is not only different, but for the most part also better. In the first place, to become a teacher in finland, it is needed to have a masters degree in university, which, in my eyes, is really important because education is one of the most essential things in life, for every individual as well as for the whole society, and therefore teachers should be well educated and professional in the field of education. Moreover the finnish teacher themselves say, that they feel very appreciated in the society, this shows another time, that the government and the whole population of finnland is regarding education as an important aspect in life, just as it should be. The good reputation in the society and the excellent working conditions in the schools (less hours for teaching, more hours for preparation, individual help and communication with collegues and parents, as well as a professional environment in the school and the teachers rooms) may also contribute to the fact that finnish teachers seem to be more motivated and commited than for example german teachers.

  129. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    First of all, curriculum is necesarry to understand to education. Curriculum always been a change and design from seventies to today. We assume that teacher has autonomy about what and how teach. But in this point curriculum direct all of them. Curriculum like a plan. It consider all components in education. Such as what, when and how teach also how to evaluate. Measure the success. For example exam or presentation or task. Curriculum include start to finish every point. It require fidelity. This concept inseparable and mutual between teachers, students and administration. Also I would like to mention about video. I impress really this video. Finland curriculum in small-numbered class. Teachers are high-qualified. They are professional. Administrative and teacher are mutually respectful. This different concept run by educator. It is not classic education system teacher, students and with blackboard. Students teach in school humanity, art, technology, music, calculator, texts. It show to us integration of education. In addition to statistic show the results. Conclusion, In my oppinion, good curriculum development need inovation, powerful communication with all conponents and not just education, learning with enjoy.

  130. When designing and developing a school curriculum, I think these important questions need to be considered, for example: 1 -) How do people learn? 2 -) What is the lesson to be learned? 3 -) How can people be trained? These questions can be appropriately answered by putting into place the correct steps. First, we must analyze the situation and set goals. Then, after making a good teaching and learning program, these programs need to practiced diligently and adhered to. Finally, we must check that the desired results have been achieved. Then we can evaluate the programs effectiveness and finalize the work.

  131. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    As far as I know from the 1st September 2013 Schools’ curriculum was supplemented by religious education, which become compulsory for all pupils registered in schools up to the age of 18. Also, Sex and relationship education (SRE) is also compulsory for all pupils,but just in secondary schools.
    Schools do not have to teach the National Curriculum. However, they must teach a broad and balanced curriculum including English, mathematics, science and religious education. They do not have to follow the locally agreed syllabus for religious education but can devise their own. They must also provide a daily act of collective worship that should be broadly Christian, unless the school has been granted a determination to conduct collective worship of another faith.
    I think It was a good idea to change usual curriculum in schools, because pulps have to know not just mathematic rules and language grammar, but a real life too.

  132. Curriculum making is the most important factor in education. It determines what a child will learn and in what way it will be thought. Education systems all over the world could learn from the Finish school system. Firstly all teachers must obtain a master’s degree which means they are an expert in some field. This will be of huge benefit to the children. From the video we can also see the huge respect given to teachers. Their ideas are taken seriously and those who are higher than them trust them with the education of the children and their progress. They are not just expected to work the resources already available, If they need something extra they are supplied with it. I also like the Idea of the use of text books, technology and the human interaction involved. It is clear that education and teachers are respected and that any investment needed is given unlike some other countries. For example In Ireland teachers are not respected by the government or parents. They are expected to work with what is available and do not get paid for anything extra and the government are constantly cutting their pay and the amount of money invested in education every year. This could be the reason why our country is going backwards not forward. I believe we could learn a lot from the Finish school system.

  133. Education system in Finland is a good example and other countries should learn from it. The main key to this success is that the most important thing is the human: the teachers, the children. The teachers are well educated professionals, also they are respected of others. In this way, they feel good and they are trying to do their best: communicate with children and make the process of learning to be more interesting and creative. In other countries, the teachers are not respected, they do not have many liberty to do or to say something to children. Children do not respecting the teachers and then teachers are the profession undesirable. First of all, every government should create a better surrounding for both children and teachers. Everybody should respect the teachers. Secondly, there should be implemented all the facilities which is needed in teaching process. Thirdly, the size of class should be reduced in order to have better and closer relationship between teachers and the children. When there will be created a good atmosphere then everybody will be more motivated to teach and to learn. Children will feel that the learning could be interesting and the teacher is a friend who can help you to improve your knowledge.

  134. development of school curriculum is very important but in the some countries , the students dont have much more selection for different lessons for example in finland education system is amazing ,they have really good classroom and classes are not so crowded so the teacher can be interested with students individually for example in Turkey it is impossible , we even dont have enough schools and classrooms are so crowded for example one classroom at least 20 but some schools it could be like 40 students in same classroom because i remember when i was in primary school my class was 45 students but we dont have same opportunity with finland people because their polulation is around 7 million but Turkey just istanbul is 17 million and all Turkey polulation is almost 80 million and we have alot of children and our polutaion increasing rate is %35 but finland it is so low and economy effects us so much because we dont have good economy and unemployment rate is also so high so finland people are so lucky.

  135. I admire Finland’s education system for many reasons and not just for its success. I feel the respect for teachers is much more prominent in Finland. They are trusted with their job not only by colleagues but also my parents and students. It also seems that being a teacher is and admirable job in Finland as each teacher works hard by achieving a ‘masters’ before being able to become a teacher. This also ensures the quality of Education throughout the schools as each teacher is a specialist in what they do and obviously has a lot of passion for the subject in which they teach. You can also see how much the students respect their education and how motivated they are to learn and achieve from such a young age. This was shown during the video when the children were all asked what they want to be when they are older and they all gave ambitious answers.

  136. Whatever we called the curriculum, its functions are same and it is essential for education process. As it finds out the strictness, draws the road of contents, shows the ways of teaching, evaluating which target the curriculum as a project. Like the other project, the curriculum project has main parts as i pointed before and those parts should be made real. There are many questions such as what teacher are teaching, they are teaching for what , with how, which way , what are the objectives, where it starts and when over etc. The curriculum one way or another should include answers of questions. Secondly, after the curriculum bring about the answers, they should be put into practice which is called as a development. I think implementation is essential to notice missing or wrong or good parts of curriculum. We can realize the problems during implementation process. The curriculum is such a thing that all decisions, corrections, planning, assessing are being talked in here. The curriculum is both the start and end in education process.

  137. Curriculum is an inevitable part of education. The curriculum provides to progress of education in a planned manner. And, in fact ;The curriculum creates a common purpose. If curriculum had not in the education system and each school made own curriculum, a common purpose was not mentioned we in the education system. In a sense, the curriculum intended to be grown in one country affects the human frofil. And so I think that education is affected by politics very much. The curriculum should not be a changing things constantly. Of course, the innovations of the era should be added, but should not be played continuously on. Teachers implement the curriculum. The methods and techniques used by teachers is effective on students’ achievement. The largest guide of student is teachers. Teachers should prepare any type of environment for students to succeed. States should support the teachers.

  138. The men mentioned in his speech that mathematics, reading and sciences are often considered to be the most important contents of curriculums – just like he said this is a popular misbelieving.
    Learning contends in our curriculums should transform children and youths into autonomously thinking and self-confident person who are motivated to learn and to be creative and productive. Therefore it`s important that we teach them how to support their curiousness which enables them to educate themselves and to inform themselves besides of scholar contents.
    Also demanded are teaching abilities of education and basics of psychology, skills of communication and other basic social skills. Further curriculum contends should trade questions like “how to take care of myself, how to stay healthy and balanced and to handle the demands of society”. This also includes nutrition science etc..
    Further we need more flexibility for teachers to talk with their students about actual themes and problems to support the creation of a own opinion and autonomously way of thinking.
    Especially in our days we have to think about the defiance to create a sustained way of economy and way of life, we can start with creating this by teaching information about sustainability in school – these are my ideas…
    What I liked most in the video was the part when the women said ,,People here are thinking about how we can work together and how to create solutions instead of attempting to win arguments” – In generally this attitude can`t harm!

  139. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    I think the schools in Poland looks good but not as well as in Finland. I think the schools in Poland allow students to reach a lot of knowledge, however, there are many areas which should be further improved – so as to strive for the ideal of which now is for us to Scandinavia.
    I see gaps in communication between teacher and student. I believe that many teachers perform their work in a way simple and dismissive. They are teachers of vocation but for many it is just ordinary work and I think the teacher’s profession should be treated as medical profession – only people with commitment and love for children should work in school.

  140. In Poland, the main problem is still the changes in education. Successive governments are changing the law, are changing curricula.
    Of course, strive for the best but personally I can not understand why you can not enter the system once and for all similarly effective, which spaces in Finland or Sweden.
    I think the schools in Poland are not really that bad but really I think that a lot of them can be improved. Irritate me the most every year-changing book. I have both younger and older siblings. If the system of teaching and learning programs were written well this book does not change to so often. I unfortunately, very often not able to use the books to the older sibling because the system was changing within a few months. I am also not able to cast the younger sibling books which generate a large amount in order to buy all new books.

  141. In this video you can see very nice what could be one of the main differences between Finland and other countries. Teachers are appreciated and so they like their job and like to teach. There is a real relation between teachers and pupils. I was once allowed to spend a day in a finish school and the pupils in the class that I was in, about 14 to 15 year old teenagers, were relaxed and really knew the teacher.
    As the curriculum is such an important thing, because it decides about the children´s future, it should be better developed and thought through. I don´t understand, why countries with difficulties in their educational system don´t take countries like Finland as model to change their system. It´s not about taking the finish system as it is in another country, but I think that it would be possible to change several things in one country to improve the situation. A new system doesn´t need to be developed first, successful ideas already exist, so why don’t use them?

  142. I think the creation and the development of a curriculum is very important as it influences how a teacher actually teaches their students. As a curriculum develops, so can the teachers and their methods of teaching. There a number of reasons for the success of Finland’s education system but I think one of the main ones is the qualifications of the teachers. In Finland the teachers must have a masters. In other countries it’s not necessary to have these qualifications to become a teacher. I think this professionalism in their fields gives the Finnish teachers an advantage when it comes to teaching because I believe they might have a better understanding of what to do in order to ensure that their students fully benefit from their education. For example, they have small classes of few students so no student gets lost when learning. Whereas in other countries there are classes of 30 students meaning that weaker students can easily fall behind as they may not receive the extra attention they need. I believe the way Finland looks after its education system provides the schools with the materials needed for successful teaching and learning of a curriculum.

  143. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    This video looks really positive. It‘s hard to believe that Finland education system has no dark side, because in my country education system sometimes look like a serious problem. Finland‘s education system can be described like unbelievable. For the first look, seems that it cannot be truth, but the statistics stands for it, and approves that main key to success is the problem solving in children education. Teachers in Finland are apreciate, not like in the other countries, where teacher job is comparing to one of the worst jobs, and I‘m not talking about salary, because it looks pity. For conlcusion, I think you should be passionated if yu want to work teacher, you can‘t decide to be teacher just because you want to.

  144. The curriculum development process includes the design, development, implementation and evaluation of curricula. However, as one examines the process more closely it becomes evident that each component may itself comprise several varied but inter-related activities. The Curriculum Development is charged with the responsibility to operationalise the Curriculum Development Process. Accordingly, the work of the division may be more adequately described as designing, developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing curricula that are appropriate and relevant to the needs and interests of a developing nation, such as ours. The resource contains documents, videos and activities to investigate and explore how a well-designed primary curriculum can provide opportunities to innovate, raise standards and, most importantly, excite and inspire children and their teachers.

  145. Looked at more analytically, the curriculum of the school reflects layered cultural understandings of what is considered necessary for young people to know or experience if they are to take their place in the social and cultural order. Thus, as the central component of a pervasive modern institution, the curriculum is necessarily a part of all of the sociological and cultural ambiguities within societies. As such, the scope and nature of the curriculum are viewed as critically important for teachers, parents, cultural critics, interest groups, and the employers of the graduates of the school. As the curriculum as an idea is seen through the eyes of all such groups, it becomes a mirror that reflects different visions of the society and culture, and the tensions within the society around, say, the proper nature of the work of schooling and/or status-attainment and employment possibilities. As a result inevitable and unresolved differences of viewpoint characteristically surface around all discussions of the curriculum as a symbol of both a normative order for education and of the quality and character of what schools are understood as doing.

  146. I would like to loose some words to the video.
    In this video they said – and I think this is the most important message – «We try to solve problems together». For me it is not that important that every teacher has a Master degree, its way more important, that they know how to communicate and act with children and teenagers.
    And I think that all finish people just have a other attetuide to the education system – its not a «you have to», its a «you can» – and with out pressure in your learning process you develop better and if you have fun in leaerning then you dont fear learning, then its kind of a game. And if everyone – in this case teachers aswell – get enough attention and appriciation it will lead to something good and succesfull.

  147. As I already mentioned in a previous blog, there are in my opinion some main reasons, why the educational system in Finland is much more effective than in other countries.
    At first, for sure the good qualification of the teachers, which is mentioned in the video too, and, which is very important too, relatively small classes.
    In my opinion it’s undoubted, the bigger the class is, the less most of the children learn,
    because most of them need help how to learn on their own, and the teacher need to recognize that, because often those children won’t mention it. That’s even more important the younger pupils are, because they are less autonomous.

  148. School curriculum is very important for teachers and their professional work. Curriculum helps manage teachers lessons and schools life. Teachers can’t choose if they want make a curriculum or not, because it is a obligatory thing for all teachers in country.
    In my opinion in my country these document work like school curriculum is much more overdone, because teachers need a lot of time to done fully these document work especially to work out school curriculum for all year, but anyway after that is easier to work, teachers just have to follow their own made curriculum. This is a organization thing and it is always good for everyone.

  149. In the video (around 1:50) the General Director General of Finlands National Center for International Mobility and Cooperation says «How do you know, in Finland, that your students are learning in the school? And I always say: Ask the teachers, they know!».
    I think he’s going in the right direction, by asking other concerned people. But I rather would recommend to ask the people, whom the education is directed to, and not those, which have to show, that they are successful teachers, in order to keep their jobs.

    If think consisting to require a master degree from every teacher isn’t a guarantee for a good education per se. For example the biggest failures and crises of recent economies were caused by many people with master degrees or other very impressing certificates in their CVs…

  150. I think the system in Finland is really good! Since some years teachers in Germany have to do a practical training in school before starting to study or in their first semester. I think that’s very good because I think many people just don’t really want to become teachers and just study it because they do not kno something else to study. That’s not a good attitude for our future teachers in my opinon. Teachers should love their job and encourage their pupils. Most of the time I had really good teachers where you could see that they really wanted you to learn something.

  151. Finland’s educational system emphasizes respect for each child’s individuality and the chance for each child to develop as a unique person. Teaching is a respected profession and the salaries are higher what I think leads to educated and professional staff who love their work and also guide children in the development of social skills, encouraging them to pay attention to other people’s needs and interests, to care about others and to have a positive attitude toward other people, other cultures and different environments. The focus for universities is more practical and they are engaged in problem solving. I think that the government cannot possibly know what is best school curriculum and if they pushes out creative art and music (like they do in my country) some students will be disadvantaged…

  152. Once again I will comment more on the video than the article, because it spoke to me more than the article, but only because I agree with the article about curriculum development.
    And once again I am surprised about the Finlands educational system and I wonder what is their secret, how do they get to this point where their educational system is you can almost say – perfect for students and teachers.
    I think it would be really hard to make this system work in Latvia, because the salaries for teachers are low, they are underapriciated, most teachers have lost inspiration to try to change something, suggest something to textbook authors, or make one of their own and as a result student doesn’t pay much attention to teachers or the subject that they are being taught. So in order to change this situation we would have to change our mentality, by understanding and being aware of the value of the teacher and then teaching it to children, explaining them the value of education… and it would take a long time to change the way whole country things, that’s why this really seems more like a dream not reality.

  153. I think the finnish system of education is a dream for teachers and students from other countries.
    Nowadays we can say more negative than good things about the polish system of education. Kids are bored, tired and unmotivated. Teachers are disapointed with the salary they earn and they don’t feel appreciated. The finnish way shows that sometimes the easiest way is the best way. They revolutionize by using the a system which makes everybody happy. Teachers are glad because their job is appreciated, they don’t put pressure on kids, students have fresh minds and more power to study, parents are grateful. All these simple things make the finish educational system the best in the world.

  154. The Finnish school system is revolutionary and I think there is a lot we can learn from it. For me the most important difference between them and Austria is that the attitude from society towards finnish teachers is a lot better. In Finnland teachers are really valued for their work whereas in Austria the reputation of teachers is far worse. A large number of people think and also claim that being a teacher is «half-day work» and that teachers only decided to become a teacher because of the long summer break. Unfortunately the situation is not getting better. At the moment politics want release a law which says that teachers have to work two hours more a week, without getting better paid. I’m curious about the outcome of this debate as it will have an influence on my future work.

  155. At my home university in Austria I attended a presentation of two Finnish Erasmus-Students, where they talked about their school system, how education works in Finnland and why they think that Finnish schools are so successful in comparison to others. The audience heard about the differences to the Austrian system and they were obvious. Everyone could hear from the start how these two students appreciated and valued their school, their freedom to learn how they think it is right for them, the nice classroom atmosphere and especially their friendly and competent teachers. They talked about teachers and students having a lot of respect for each other. For me, this is a very important thing and I can absolutely agree to these points.

  156. It’s amazing that this school system is so good that their far ahead with the results of given good education. One of the most important things that the video mentioned is the good level from the teachers. Their having good high educated teachers because they need to have a master degree to teach. I think this is also the quality that you want to have good education for children and not only for student in university’s. The most primary schools (in the Netherlands) don’t have many demands when it comes to teaching in primary school. They only have to have a primary school education diploma so they allowed to teach. I think there will be changing a lot if we have the best teachers for kids, because they learn a lot when their young. It’s so important to have a good basic.
    When teachers have a better education they also have a good confidence to be able to teach. I also want to mention that it’s special that a teacher in Finland is a real profession and much more appreciated then in other countries. Also that chiefs that are responsible for education ask the teachers what is best for the kids. I love the sentence what is almost on the end of the video that the lady says; it’s not about winning an argument, it’s about working together to have better education for the kids, problems solving together and put the children in the centre. It’s amazing that they have this goal all together and that it works so good!

  157. For me the Finland system of education is perfect. I would like to attend in that system, i would like to be a student there. While in Poland its totaly different. Each year they change the graduation tests, they approve new books all the time ( and there are always issues with them). For me this changes doing nothing important, Even its doing bad things in the schools. They should (for me) change the way of employement of the teachers. A lot of them doing their job without passion. This is bad. Students cant enjoy classes like that, and sometimes its pointless to attend to classes like that. But if teacher can spread the knowledge in a interesting way , students are interested right in the moment of the first words of the teacher. Education system can be bad (but it not should be ) but if there are teachers who can shear it in a propper way (interesting) students will take as many good thing from it as they cant. They will enjoy it not only listen to the borring speach of a teacher.

  158. I have found the video very interesting. As I can see, school system in Finland is very different compared to my country. Teachers have good relationships, are respectful, the class size is small number, etc. So every children have enough attention and opportunities to develop skills, goals. Also, they can be creative what is the most desirable and difficult now days. In my opinion good relationships between teachers – students – parents are one of the pillars which build good and successful education. A good example was seen in the short film. So, it is not impossible to have successful education as it seems sometimes.

  159. I think the topic of developing a curriculum is basically important for every education-system.
    It’s as important as the road traffic act for – of course – the traffic. You (as a teacher) have to know what is requiered and also how to accomplish it. Therefore, as written in some comments here, I cannot understand why a goverment changes the curriculum every few years. I think if there is no constant common sense of what should be thaught and of what’s improtant it won’t be possible to explain the requirements to the students.
    So in my opinion it’s most important to develop a student-friendly and also motivating curriculum with that everybody (at least a majority of the professionals) agree. By changing the curriculum over and over again, we won’t reach a same educational level and we will reap disstatisfaction and unequality.

  160. I found the video about Finish schools very interesting. We are given an insight into the education system of one of the best education systems worldwide. It’s a lot different to my country, Ireland’s education system. The teachers are a lot more interested in the students and they are also respected a lot more compared to Ireland. The finish teachers are better qualified compared to other countries. It is compulsory for teachers to have masters in Finland; this gives the teacher more knowledge, experience and a better educational background. It shows they are more motivated and interested in the job they do and did not just pick the career of a teacher because of the holidays or other perks a teacher receives. Teachers actually have time to plan their curriculum every week. This allows the teacher to create specific classes that cater for all the students that he or she knows very well rather than to just teach a general lesson. Students and teachers are integrated and it makes way for better learning.

  161. Every year something changes in curriculum. In my country sometimes we can see the changes in curriculum planning twice a year. Talking about the video we know that Scandinavian countries right know are very successful in education system not only Finland the same is Norway. They think that in the first place is communication with students. Student- teacher relationships. And that is the key for successful work. At this point students want more study and learn something new. They know that they will have an assistance from their teachers. My opinion is that every where are good school, but it depends what atmosphere we make there and how we can make that school better.

  162. School curriculum has been changed since 70’s and it keeps changing every year. In this process, of school curriculum it enhances people options in learning. We all start from 1st grade till we reach our goal with what school has to offer us. Every year we tend to learn more and different things in our community, history, and brainstorm for future educator of our coming generation. If all schools were to provide more curriculum activities it will pay out better for educators and learners. It also will keep learners out of trouble rather because school purpose is to create more curriculum activities to keep learners active in learning. I believe extra curriculum activities are great way to keep our education going.

  163. in my opinion,
    The curriculum, course program of an educational institution .
    Courses a teacher’s activities
    . and the teacher will use to be successful, the methods, techniques , teaching principles, recommendations for teachers ..
    They should be the basic questions of curriculum development
    1 – School , which reach educational goals ?
    2 – To achieve these objectives , which educational experiences provided to students ?
    3 – This is how to organize effective educational experiences
    It will be determined how the objectives achieved or how much has been reached ?
    I read the last part of this article, » the various components of the curriculum are inseparable and mutually prosper. For this reason, it is the importance of the integration of all elements of the educational process »

    part of the strongly agree
    I believe the components can not be independent of each other for the development of the curriculum
    I watched the video
    The method can not be applied in many countries , unfortunately .
    Finland has implemented one of the most effective forms of learning

      unfortunately, in my country ( turkey ) class size of 40 to 50 . I hope that all the world’s countries
    The method is implemented

  164. in my opinion,
    The curriculum, course program of an educational institution .
    Courses a teacher’s activities
    . and the teacher will use to be successful, the methods, techniques , teaching principles, recommendations for teachers ..
    They should be the basic questions of curriculum development
    1 – School , which reach educational goals ?
    2 – To achieve these objectives , which educational experiences provided to students ?
    3 – This is how to organize effective educational experiences
    It will be determined how the objectives achieved or how much has been reached ?
    I read the last part of this article, » the various components of the curriculum are inseparable and mutually prosper. For this reason, it is the importance of the integration of all elements of the educational process » on the strongly agree
    I believe the components can not be independent of each other for the development of the curriculum
    I watched the video
    The method can not be applied in many countries , unfortunately .
    Finland has implemented one of the most effective forms of learning , but , unfortunately, in my country ( turkey ) class size of 40 to 50 . I hope that all the world’s countries
    The method is implemented

  165. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    I have found the text and the video very interesting. Not only do they present in details the school curricular, but we also see the means to have a good education.
    One of the good things in Finland is that the professors are the center of the education system. The classes are not tremendous, and there is a real communication. I think the most important is that there is a direct dialogue at once between professors, children and parents, and good relationships, as we can see in this school in Finland, especially between children and professors (who have besides a very good training).
    Moreover, everything should be managed in such a way that children’s creativity and work are highlighted, in order to motivate them more in what they want to do.

  166. martin siostrzonek dice: Responder

    I want to discuss three statements which were made in the video about the school curriculum in finland. I really liked many thinks that were seen in the video, although i know that even this school also faces a lot of problems which were not shown in the video. First of all i was really surprised about the way they interact with teachers. It seems to me that teachers have a much better image in finland than ours have. In austia a teacher has to be happy to have is own seat in the teacher´s room, not to mention own lockers or anything like this. I am convinced that professionalism and the image of teachers are very much linked. If there was more respect for teachers (and what they do in their job), they would get treated much better and receive a more professional place of work. About the statement of the guy who was speaking in front of some ecspectators, saying how important it is to have a high degree before entering school, i think that it would be much more important for students to enter schools earlier to get more experience. You can receive 10 years of formacion on univercity, but you won´t be a «complete» teacher at all!

  167. It’s important to create a learning environment that is conducive to creativity, independent and responsible personality. As we can see in video, Finland education system works very well, and we all can take the ideas and the way how the create their education system. All this – education system, high educated and professional staff, who love their work and environment where they work – help childrens to develop the ability to learn independently and develop themseves. To make the childrens to take a active participation in society, decision making, ability to take responsibility in solving common problems. To provide childrens with the knowledge and skills, wich gives the opportunity to be prepared for further education.

  168. ZAHIRA GARCIA SOLTERO dice: Responder

    Gracias a este articulo he comprendido lo que es el currículum escolar, ya que la verdad no tenía mucha idea. Pienso que es bastante importante hacer un buen diseño y desarrollo del mismo, ya que es el pilar de la educación.
    Todos los centros deberían tener el mismo, ya que así no habría tanta diferencia entre unos centros y otros, y la educación sería más igualitaria y ya no solo los centros deberían tener este mismo curriculum sino que los profesores lo siguieran y no hacer lo que a cada uno le convenga porque eso, en mi opinión perjudica bastante al alumnado.

  169. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    Firstly,thank you for sharing us this video.The video gives an explation for the importance of the real relationship and the respect between administrators and teachers at schools.
    It also mentions the size of class should be small number to pay attention all students most effective.Randi Veingarten says the thing is important is instruction for kids not just having smart board or books.
    I think finnish education system is really good education to students from every aspect.It is better than every education systems.I hope every school’s education system will be like Finnish’s.

  170. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    El desarrollo de un curriculum es la base fundamental de la educación. En el se incluyen los contenidos que se deben de impartir. Para ello se proporciona informaciones concretas sobre sus intenciones y de como llevarlas a cabo: ¿Qué enseñar?, ¿Cuando enseñar?, ¿Como enseñar?, ¿Cuando evaluar? y ¿Como evaluar?.
    Por ello una planificacion escolar realizada desde el primer dia de curso es lo mas adecuado, aunque tambien se podria cambiar o incluir algo tema importante que a profesor le resulte interesante.

  171. JAVIER CORDOBA LEON dice: Responder

    tengo poca idea acerca del diseño y desarrollo del curriculum escolar, pero estoy de acuerdo en que debe de ser flexible y adaptable a zonas nivel del alumnado etc. aquí si estoy a favor, donde encuentro un poco de problema es en la siguiente afirmación:

    «El Estado se reserva un determinado poder y su correspondiente control en la selección de los contenidos, pero no en la metodología: se concede autonomía al profesorado para decidir sobre cómo hay que enseñar, pero no sobre qué hay que enseñar ni sobre cómo debe medirse eso que se enseña».

    Si la educación como tal la entendemos como pública y libre… ¿no deberían de ser los docentes, padres y madres y demás entes de la educación los que decidan los contenidos del curriculum?
    En mi caso pienso que si, que no se debe politizar el curriculum, hacer que la enseñanza la planifique y la lleven a cabo los que de verdad están encargados de enseñar a los alumnos, dejarlos trabajar y planificar sin influencias externas.

  172. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Para que la acción educativa se vea correctamente unida, es cierto de que todas las fases nombradas anteriormente deben estar unidas y así formas un bueno desarrollo educativo. Tras mi paso por diferentes centros educativos, pienso que el curriculum es una base muy importante la cual el profesorado debe seguir, y no hacer cada uno lo que mejor le convenga; probablemente la mayoria de los profesores pensarán que si dejan de seguir las pautas propuestas dentro de ese curriculum, eso beneficiará a los alumnos, pero es totalmente al contrario, esas pautas están definidas con el fin de crear en los alumnos una buena base educativa, cuando el profesorado no cumple esas aputas previstas, el alumnado se siente perjudicado y probablemente consiga que los alumnos vayan mas atrasados de lo normal dentro de las lecciones educativas previstas. Para finalizar, creo que el diseño y el desarrollo del curriculum es uno de los objetivos más interesantes e importantes para mejorar el sistema educativo.

  173. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Creo que en la elaboración del currículum debe haber participación de las familias, alumnos, pedagogos, quizás políticos pero menos, pero sobre todo son los docentes con experiencia los que deben aportar una parte importante de lo que debe incluir un currículum.
    por otro lado debe existir flexibilidad para adaptarlo al entorno, ya que no es el mismo proyecto el de un centro rural, que el de un centro en el corazón de Madrid.

  174. Marita Pino Braza dice: Responder

    Esta muy interesante este articulo sobre el desarrollo y diseño del curriculum escolar ya que es la base de la educación, las pautas que tiene que llevar a cabo un docente para tener éxito en sus clases, como podemos ver estamos todos reñidos por unas pautas unas normas, mi propuesta seria que cada profesor se hiciera su propio diseño de la clase que va a impartir y segun el nivel que tenga esos discentes pues se les impartira una cosa u otra.

  175. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    It is really amazing that seeing a programme that works both for the teachers and the students that well. Actually, the video could be more informative because there are a lot of other features that makes Finland best in education. Some of them;

    +66 percent of the student go to colleges (highest in Europe)
    +Science classes are capped 16 students and that allowes students to experiment nearly all of the classes or to put into practice what they have learned theoratically.
    +93 percent of the students graduate from schools (17 precent higher than America)
    +Teachers only spend 4 hours a day in the classroom, and take 2 hours a week for «professional development.»
    +Finland has the same amount of teachers as New York City, but far fewer students (600.000 for Finland, 1.1 million for New York)
    +And finally teacher are selected from 10 percent from the top graduates.

    As the topic was so interesting for me I made and research adn found these elements in this web site: http://www.businessinsider.com/finlands-education-system-best-in-world-2012-11?op=1

    But I can relate why Finland’s education system is the best, because in Turkey we do not care that much about teachers.In the video it can be seen that all the teachers have rooms in schools that they can spend time and for their personal development processes. The teachers are selected from the top graduates, that mainly makes them the best. On the other hand, in my country recently our president made an statement that «teachers earn money and do nothing».If a president makes a statement like this we can not expect to get better in education! And I know that means nothing but I want to congratulate Finnish people, I hope they get better.

  176. Curriculum design and review is a continuous, cyclic process. It involves making decisions about how to give effect to the national curriculum in ways that best address the particular needs, interests, and circumstances of the school’s students and community. 87 percent of teachers agree that schools should be free to design substantial parts of their own school curriculum to meet the needs and interests of their children. Above all, it clarifies priorities for student learning, the ways in which those priorities will be addressed, and how student progress and the quality of teaching and learning will be assessed. Curriculum change should build on existing good practice and aim to maximise the use of local resources and opportunities. We should separate the school curriculum from the national curriculum. And we should work with our communities to build the school curriculum. It is, of course, not a replacement for the entitlement to useful knowledge captured by a national curriculum, but a vital complement to it.

  177. Olga Cantero Contreras dice: Responder

    Estamos de acuerdo en que es realmente importante en la enseñanza la elección, el diseño y el desarrollo del currículum escolar, puesto que conforma un pilar fundamental en la educación de los alumnos, pero el método con que se enseña es para mi más importante si cabe. Digo esto porque necesitamos en nuestras clases profesores bien formados, actualizados conforme a nuestra sociedad y dispuestos a enseñar, porque la forma en que se transmitan los conocimientos va a condicionar muchos factores de nuestras vidas. A cerca del video tengo que decir que me gustaría un sistema educativo como el que tiene Finlandia, pero que tal sistema no puede lograrse en gran medida ya que en nuestro país no existe una consideración y un respeto hacia los profesores por una parte considerable de nuestra sociedad. Otra cosa que veo complicada es que un profesor pueda sobrellevar a una clase de 40 o 50 alumnos, es un fallo muy grande, porque no se puede atender las necesidades de todas esas personas, lo que hace que el proceso de enseñanza sea aún más dificultoso.

  178. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    sorry i made a mistake,this comment not belong to here.

  179. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    When we encounter with new situations or learn new things , we don’t ask questions why they are so or how they are so. We just admit these information without questioning. As it is mentioned in the video, our brain doesn’t like ambiguity, it wants to ask questions which have answers. The technolgy has developed so much in recent years thanks to brave and inquisitive scientists.In the past people believed that the world was round troy but today they understand that it isn’t true.The thing which helped us understand the truth was the information which was questioned and tested by people.This become thanks to the feeling of !! in people. People like playing couse they have a good time while they’re playing.That’s why students !! get a lot of and get !!1 information by the help of plays.I want to give an example about an activity which was applied to a school that i went to make study internship.The teacher had prepared some kind of cards and had wrote on them the name of some fruits.He thought them fruit’s name in english by playing with cards and he reworded them when they learned.Thanks to this,that teacher attacted student’s attention.I think playing is an important way of getting information easily not only for but for everybody as well.If we want to make different things,we should try our best.Kids who are 3-7 age ask many questions like a scientist because they don’t have stereotypes.They wonder about everything.But we give up asking questions as we get older.

  180. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    It was really interesting for me to watch the video about the Finnish school system. The high status that teachers have in Finland and the respect and appreciation that is shown to them is just wonderful. Unfortunately teachers in Germany aren’t treated in that way. Often the parents browbeat them if their children have bad marks and give all the fault to the teacher – the exam was too difficult, the teacher hates their child etc. I like the way how teachers in Finland are seen as the origin of education and that people trust them in what they are doing. Moreover, their education to become teachers seems to be way better than in Germany or other European countries. I think they don’t see things too theoretical, but go into the students desires and needs to help them to become good teachers and do the same with their pupils. We all can learn a lot from the Finnish school system and I hope that more countries follow the model of Finnland.

  181. Dolores Ramirez Galvez dice: Responder

    Este artículo nos acerca a los elementos del currículum, es decir, con aquellos aspectos que ha de tenerse en cuenta cuando se quiera diseñar o desarrollar un currículum escolar: ¿Qué quiero enseñar y qué quiero que aprendan los alumnos y alumnas? ¿Cómo hay que enseñárselos?
    ¿Cuándo se debe enseñar cada cuestión? ¿Qué, cómo y cuándo hay que evaluar? La forma en que concibamos la educación y el conocimiento que tengamos sobre cómo programar, influirán decisivamente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
    Como vemos el estado se reserva el control de la selección de los contenidos. Pero dentro del aula el profesor es el que dirige la educación de sus alumnos.

  182. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    El desarrollo y planteamiento del currículum escolar es uno de los pilares fundamentales para una buena educación, ya que con éste se plantean cuestiones como ¿Cómo enseñar?, ¿Cuándo enseñar? y ¿Cómo y cuándo evaluar? entre otras. Así el docente tiene totalmente planificado que es lo que va a dar durante el curso y como lo va a dar. Para ello creo que es necesario adecuar la programación al nivel del alumnado para saber si los objetivos que se pretenden desde un principio pueden finalmente llevarse a cabo.

  183. El mantenimiento de un curriculum escolar me parece esencial para el transcurso de la programación de contenidos escolares para el alumnado, por lo que es una manera de facilitar al profesorado el material que es necesario dar y el cual es importante para el alumnado, por lo que creo que es una buena manera de clasificar los contenidos más importantes y necesarios para la educación.
    Por lo que con una buena planificación impuesta desde el primer día, la manera de cumplir los objetivos y los valores educativos se facilitan.

  184. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    Tras leer este artículo, el docente debe ser consciente de los factores determinantes del curriculum, cuando lo conoce, es cuando puede realizar una programación de forma adecuada, ajustada a la realidad con la que se va a trabajar. Solo así será capaz de plantear objetivos adecuados, de elegir contenidos apropiados, por lo tanto, realizar una metodología eficaz y proponer actividades que resulten interesantes para los alumnos.

  185. Carlos Pérez Saavedra dice: Responder

    El curriculum escolar es la base de la educación. Es necesario para que todos nos beneficiemos, ya que es importante sabes el que, como tenemos que aprender.
    La mayoría de los estudiantes estan saturados con mucha información innecesaria, por lo que esto es bastante importante tanto para el profesor como para los alumnos.

  186. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    El curriculum escolar es la base del sistema educativo ya que organiza una serie de pautas que el docente debe llevar a cabo a lo largo de su carrera. Pero cada profesor enseña la misma materia con los mismos contenidos de una manera distinta ya que creo que eso tiene que ver con la personalidad de cada uno. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este sistema pero ¿en realidad lo llevan a cabo todos los profesores de la manera adecuada?

  187. The design and development of the school curriculum is constantly evolving and adapting to the ever changing situations that are on-going in the school environment. The important issue here is not necessarily what is on the school curriculum, but how the topics that are, are selected and delivered in school.
    The system in Finland really works as there are real relationships and real respect between administrators and teachers, which allows open communication and therefore better outcomes. This has resulted in smaller class sizes, and buildings and classrooms designed for kids. The teachers have found that this is the best way to teach and the most effective situation to deliver their classes. Finland is performing at a better than average rate an di believe it is because all teachers have to have a masters degree, this shows, to me at least, that this is the profession that the person really wanted and chose to pursue it, unlike in Ireland, for example, where a lot of people finish their degree and do not know what else to do and so decide on teaching as it’s the ‘thing to do’. Teachers are valued and the profession is appreciated by the Finnish society, which is something I feel should be the same worldwide and teachers play such a vital role in all of our lives and I feel they should be given the credit they deserve as they are at the centre of educating the country.. In Finland there is a balance between technology, human interaction and textbooks- there is no ‘one size fits all’ attitude and I believe this is the right way to think. The specific faculty is given free reign over how to deliver and teach the topics on the curriculum, however, they have no say in what the content of the school curriciclum is, as this is decided by the politicians. I feel that the education system needs to be run by educators not politicians, as is the case in the Finnish system. We need to have all elements of the educational process integrated and brought together.

  188. Marta Garrido Serrano dice: Responder

    Diseñar y desarrollar el curriculum, es la base para ejercer la educación, un pilar fundamental para ejercer la docencia.
    Aunque todo docente deba acatar el curriculum siempre es bueno la parte personal, la tarea personal, el impetu de un buen docente.

  189. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    Schools in Finland are focal centers for their communities. They provide a daily hot meal for every student, plus health and dental services, psychological counseling and a broad array of other services for students and their families. They are mostly small in size, with minimal administrative overheads, and are mainly funded by municipal budgets. A particular feature of the Finnish system is the “special teacher.” This is a specially trained teacher assigned to each school whose role is to work with class teachers to identify students needing extra help, and then work individually or in small groups with these students to provide the support they need to keep up with their classmates. Also there are freedom of choice cirriculum and textbooks teacher’s.This very good something.because teachers recognize the best students’ characteristic.and they determite the program’s purposes.İn this way the education system’s quality rise.All students be happy and peaceful.I want to this system .Because there is one education cirruculum in the our country(TURKEY).Ministry of education determite education system.also there is special education system in the turkey.but there are the special education for only students with special educational needs.Therefor ın my opinion the education quality is lessening in the turkey.the state is bringing new system.for example the 4+4+4 like education system.about 4+4+4 education system:

    In March 2012 the Grand National Assembly passed new legislation on primary and secondary education usually termed as «4+4+4» (4 years primary education, first level, 4 years primary education, second level and 4 years secondary education). Children will begin their primary education in the first month of September following their sixth birthdays and will come to a close during the school year in which students turn 14 years old.

    The primary education stages, which includes the first two stages of four years’ education each, will entail four years of mandatory elementary education, followed by an additional mandatory four years of middle school education, in which students will be able to choose whether they want to study at a general education middle school or a religious vocational middle school, which are referred to as Imam Hatip schools. The new legislation includes the reopening of Imam Hatip middle schools. Primary education establishments will be set up separately as independent elementary schools and middle schools.

  190. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    A raíz de este artículo ya me ha quedado más claro lo que es el diseño y desarrollo curricular y la importancia que tiene ante la educación ya que resulta ser el pilar fundamental de la evolución, tanto positiva como negativa, de ésta.

  191. François Glénat dice: Responder

    Of course this model is better but I think that in each school system there are good things.
    To me it’s not only because of the teachers if people are complaining, for example in France.
    The current government is pulling down the level : in the future pupils won’t be able to double a class, they will pass even though they have very bad results. Obviously for teachers is unacceptable, or I hope so. How do you want to prepare students for the real world if they have already everything without moving a finger.
    This is one of the main in coming problem in France.
    Secondly, it’s true that the Finland model is worthy but I think this country as a different life style and life moral. The raising given by the parents is completely different and they teach respect and values. In my opinion this is a the main leverage.
    In France we are using to noticed the «child is the king» phenomenon.
    Maybe teachers can be guilty sometimes (abuses of power or whatever) but we cannot blame them all the time.

  192. The school system in Finland is really impressive. Teacher education, schools and society are so advanced. When I heard that teachers get so much respect from pupils, parents and society it made me happy because in Austria teachers are not treated that respectfully. That’s a pity and it makes me angry because the teaching profession is a very important one and people should know that.
    What impressed me too is that all subjects are seen equally important. There are no «main subjects», every subject should have the same significance.
    Small class sizes make it easier to teach and to get in contact with the children, the curriculum and the lessons are child-centred and the teachers try to connect technology and human skills in a balanced way – which actually works.
    If I had the chance to visit a Finish school for some weeks I’d appreciate to do that to get a lot of new and stunning impressions.

  193. The video was really intresting for me and when I was watching it, my first idea was that exactly this i what we miss in Hungary. In Finland teachers are respected by students, so they are more motivated to do their job well. In my country it’s a huge problem that teachers don’t have enough salary and they don’t have respect. The video showed that in Finland the teachers have everything to be able to work good: computers, enough space for their stuff, etc. Moreover they have kitchen, opportunity to relax for a while, so they can feel more home at their workplace. In my oppinion it’s also really important that they have to be Master-graduated, because it also helps to be more respected. Because of these circumstances they don’t really feel that it is a real workplace: they can see better how important their job is. They give to the children their first values and I think, that the personality of the people depends a lot on what they got from their teachers in the school.

  194. Petar Valchanov dice: Responder

    Problem in the school system is a strictly of planning the curriculum. Teachers do not have a lot of space to adapt themes of lessons, it is all written beforehand what to teach, how to evaluate knowledge. They only have a free choice to decide how they will taught in the lesson (which methodology will they use). This can be really demotivated for teachers and it can have influenced on the quality of the lesson.I think that there are a lot o teachers who just want to “get it over with” and go home,they don’t know how to run a lesson so the pupils will really get something out of it.There still are good teachers .Of course,very important is how the items will be arranged, how long to rest between each ,will be different subject. It is good to consider the degree of difficulty; Early of the day ,to be a difficult subject, and of the end ,more easily by alternating – difficult – easy.

  195. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    Curriculum is the program in which the subjects are combined and the planning is done. Even if the names of the school curriculum change in years, what is important is its content’s renewal. If the curriculum is avant-garde, it is. Successful curriculum contains the needs of the day.
    I think when preparing a curriculum the most important thing is whether it is appropriate for family, society, the technology of the day, the inclination and needs of the student or not. The curriculum has to be applicable because if it is not appropriate for the teacher or the institution, it can’t be realized. In the curriculum there should be flexibilities about timing and individual differences. Timing should be flexible. Remember each individual is different.
    Curriculum is a must for education.

  196. ANA DELGADO MARIN dice: Responder

    Por lo que he entendido en este artículo, el curriculum escolar, podríamos decir, que es la base o el pilar de la educación.
    Es, como un gran manual donde se encierra la metodología de como el profesorado debe de actuar frente al alumno, aunque esto no siempre se lleve acabo de la misma manera por todos los docentes.
    Sobre todo en los tiempos que corren, los profesores, cuya mayoría ya no trabajan por vocación,
    enseñan a los alumnos de un manera particular siguiendo, en muy pocas ocasiones, la base del curriculum.

  197. When we look at the evolution of the education system as mentioned in the writing; it becomes more detailed and detailed. What I mean with “detailed” is curriculum is not closed box that only opens in class. The process of programming, planning and design and development shows that curriculum have to include many specific parts which are all crucial. It aims not only giving information; also it should aim that how to be the future citizens of a country. At this point looking at Finnish system will help us how could it be applied. We can see Finnish instructresses act like a professional and they aware about the importance of their jobs. The comparison of a medical doctor and a teacher is a nice example for it. They appreciated and valued more than any other country. So they are not just belong to school; they are also a part of the students’ family. This system makes students more connected to their teachers. Therefore, curriculum has more place in their lives. Also content of the system and the way of teaching are ideal. Not letting the competition and force students to solve problems make them more confident. I want to finish my writing with the Words of a finish teacher which shows why Finland is always in top. “It is not winning an argument it is solving the problem.

  198. En muchas escuelas el currículo es demasiado amplio. Por ejemplo, en mi país se les enseña en la escuela muchas cosas que nunca usarían más tarde. Los estudiantes están sobrecargados con información innecesaria. Los maestros deben enseñar a los estudiantes un montón de cosas y es difícil trabajar con muchos estudiantes. Uno de los problemas es el gran número de estudiantes. El profesor más fácil colabora con menos alumnos y támbien tiene más autoridad.Tenemos una programa fuerte y un profesor debe aprender a alumno muchas cosas en breve tiempo. Precisamente por eso las escuelas privadas tienen más éxito con un menor número de alumnos.

  199. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    El diseño curricular permite evolucionar y adaptar las necesidades de la sociedad en el tiempo. Este es esencial para la enseñanza ya que responde a preguntas como qué, para qué y por qué enseñar determinados contenidos. Su objetivo fundamental es mejorar el sistema educativo y sobre todo la forma de enseñar y educar a través de unas pautas marcadas en este.

  200. The video is showing to us Finland has a good example for other countries.There are some reasons make a Finnish system succesful. Firstly They give a lot of importance to teachers, Teachers have facilities for example computers,labaotaries etc. Especially I think the money isn’t a problem,they don’t think it while working. On the other hand If they have problem about teaching,learning etc. they are solving problems with together(parents,teachers) in solidarity. These things are very important for the students’ motivation,sucess.
    In my opinion The curriculum is the basis of education system. If There are a good curriculum in the schools,the students will learn easily their lessons and they can improve their skills.The curriculum programs should be actual and they shouldn’t have unnecessary informations.

  201. The attitude is very important factor in life. And the attitude towards some proffesion can influence the work very much. In Latvia now it is quite hard to be a teacher, because there is very little respect left towards this profesion. People may respect some teachers but don’t really think that it is a good profesion to choose for life. But as it was said in the video and in the text – te content of the book or curriculum for the class is not enough. Teacher is the person who is inbetween students and knowledge. I agree that there must be place for discussion when there is a test or exam in some subject. Teacher knows the subject, he knows the students and can make some changes in standart education system; chose the way how to get the information to students and how to grade them more adequately.

  202. In my opinion,the most important point in this article is that there is a good relationship between adminstrators, teachers, parents and students. To ensure that the most suitable curriculum is implemented in the school, this positive relationship is needed. The teachers in Finland feel valued and the students, administrators and parents also value and respect them. This is the core of a good curriculum and thus a good education. The teachers are also spending lots of time outside of the classroom preparing the curriculum and constantly ensuring that it is suitable for their students. Open communication and problem solving are what they concentrate on rather than on who knows best and who is right. In many other countries this is where the problem lies.

  203. For me a good curriculum is fundamental to afford a good education at school. I think it’s important to renew it all the time, because the culture, society and expectation of what education should contain, is changing constantly. Furthermore it’s relevant to define a basic programme, but also leave some space for the teachers to make their own decisions. Because I think every class and every student is different and it’s not possible to follow every time the same guidelines and structures. The curriculum should be more like a helping tool for the teacher, because I think it’s very important to give them more autonomy in their work. When teachers stuck too much on the curriculum they might don’t see the interests of the pupils, but it’s always easier to teach topics for which the children are motivated. So for me a main thing for being a good teacher is to be clairaudient and open for the pupils interests.

  204. María Luisa Moreno Montes dice: Responder

    En este texto quiero comentar varias opiniones, la primera es que ya tengo bastante claro el significado de curriculum escolar, ya que solamente tenía una ligera idea de su significado, otra opinión es sobre el diseño curricular, es muy importante el qué enseñar y cómo, ya que esa es la esencia de la educación y la formación de la persona.

  205. Maria Prashkova dice: Responder

    First of all, I want to say that I am impressed by the educational system in Finland! I belive that in school begins the socialisation in bigger social groups so that the school curriculumis very important. There are multitude factors that influence the studying process. Firstly, the conditions in which the students are working. Secondly, the structure and the content of the studying material and finally, the attitude toward the students. I personnaly have suffered from bad school curriculum. In my country ( Bulgaria) for example the classes consist of 25-30 people. The teacher cannot pay personal attention to all students. Moreover, the classrooms are very big and you do not feel comfortable in them. Additionally, to that the books are written in very high level and it is difficult for the students to understand and learn. The classes pass every time in the same order. Tere is no emotion, no practise. Just the teacher explains the lesson, the final question»Are there any questions?» and the lesson is over. We are not forced to think, to create our own view on a topic. We are forced just to remember a text word by word. The creative thinking is not tolerated, it is killed. We are not free to develop our thinking and that’s all because of the School curriculum.

  206. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    I totally love the Finnish school system. When I watch this video I’m wondering why it cannot be like this everywhere?! The success of the Finnish school system is due to different facts, for example the classes are small. In Belgium you have big classes where one teacher cannot help every pupil. Another reason is that all the teachers in Finland have master degrees. In the Finnish schools there also is a different way of communication than in other countries (for example my country: Belgium). I can see that pupil and teacher trust each other; because of this the school results will be better.
    When I look at the statistics Finland is very good at the categories (reading, mathematics and science) and this is because of their system, north Korea was also good but they have a total different system, they “drill “the pupils. This proves that there are different ways to get good results but in my opinion the results are less important than the process, HOW the pupils and the teachers achieve something is the most important!

  207. M. Ángeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    Pienso que el texto explica la importancia del currículum escolar, personalmente no tenía ni idea de lo que era exactamente.Está claro que es esencial en la educación, por lo tanto es necesario y gratificante para nosotros.

  208. Como podemos leer en este artículo, el curriculum escolar hace referencia a la enseñanza, a su selección y organización.También podemos ver que ha cambiado mucho a lo largo de los años, esto ha hecho que la enseñanza vaya mejorando cada vez mas. Lo de programar y planificar la enseñanza es algo esencial para nosotros, por lo contrario la enseñanza seria un desastre. También pienso que el diseño curricular, que enseñar y cuando es algo que no puede fallarnos si queremos una educación y enseñanza digna.

  209. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    El currículum es la base del proceso educativo, la selección de elementos para desarrollar en el aula y donde profesor refleja el desarrollo de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje, siendo el desarrollo las experiencias que van adquieren los alumnos en las escuelas y el diseño el conjunto de objetivos, lo contenidos, etc.

  210. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Gracias a este artículo, me queda mucho más claro lo que es el curriculum escolar, y creo que es algo que debemos tener en cuenta para la consecución de determinados objetivos que tiene la educación con el fin de mejorar el sistema educativo y sobre todo la forma de enseñar o educar, que es algo que considero fundamental, aunque a veces no le demos la importancia que tiene. Además creo que todas las fases en un proceso de desarrollo curricular deben estar entrelazadas e integradas entre sí para lograr un concepto único de educación.

  211. El modelo escolar finlandesa ya se empieza a aplicar en otros lugares de Europa, especialmente en su enfoque de trabajar en grupos y mejor equipamiento de las aulas (creo mejores accesorios físicos). Los maestros y los profesores deberían estar preparados cambiar su currículum antiguo y adaptar se a condiciónes mejores. Por otra parte los alumnos deberían apreciar avance nuevos y acceptarlos. Si funcionan estas dos partes hay que concentrar en un país como un conjunto, no solamente escuelas particulares. La Republica Checa indroduce estos cambios en su sistema escolar también, desgraciadamente no con tan mucha intensidad, porque las escuelas disponen del dinero igual que los otros que todavía no tienten un interés tan grande. Por suerte la Unión Europea ofrece subvenciónes, especialmente en las escuelas primarias. Hay que rezar que los currículumes creados serán efficiente.

  212. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    It cannot be denied that the Finnish schooling system is one to be admired. I agree with the term ‘curriculum design and development’ as it is ever-changing, being constantly modified to suit the learning needs of the pupils and that it should be considered a place for decision-making, a skill which is so valuable in modern-day life. They seem to focus on skills for the future rather than the acquirisation of knowledge and I think this is vitally important for the children of the future. The curriculum is a basis for teaching, not a strict guideline, which unfortunately is the case in many countries. It is obvious that teachers in Finland are so highly valued that they are given responsibility in deciding what their pupils teach, which is realistic because at the end of the day, they are the ones who know what needs to be learnt and how it should be taught, in relation to the individual needs of the pupil. I can’t express how important this is. They are given full authority and respect in their workplace and community, as well as amongst colleagues and pupils. This strong relationship is so valuable when creating a positive learning environment. I also think that they are just right to not let their government influence what they should teach, which unfortunately cannot be said for my own country in the North of Ireland. This experimental learning is what is needed much more in the curricula of other countries. The less teaching hours gives teachers much more time to reflect on their teaching and the pupils’ learning as well as their preparation. This just goes to show that when it comes to teaching it is not the quantity but the quality of education that is the more successful.

  213. The Finnish school systems is fantastic as seen in the short video, this is for many reasons including the teachers are provided with trust, they have less class hours which allow them to go and reflect on new curriculum ideas whereas in most other places the teachers are forced to teach all day with barely any reflection time, the teachers are provided with a comfortable and positive working environment, class sizes are smaller than in many other countries resulting in a nurturing, attention giving environment and also the preschool education system revolves around the experiences of being a child. Experimental learning is vital also as children learn through play and being a child. I was astonished at the fact that a publishing company altered their textbook due to a finish teacher offering her opinion and modification suggestions to the company. This proves the respect and how much teachers and valued in the Finish education system, after all it is the teachers working day in day out with these textbooks and so they recognise what works and what doesn’t. Ireland from the statistics and my own general knowledge lacks behind in the grades and results in maths. However a new maths curriculum was devised to engage students to learn in a more real to life situations instead of the old boring system. Teachers alongside the government devised a new much needed curriculum to rectify the problem of low grades in maths in Ireland. The Finnish educational system is working, more countries need to recognise this and try to resemble its strategies.

  214. It can be strongly argued that curriculum making and planning has an intrinsic role to play in education. It is clear to see from the video and the general statistics that Finland advocates this statement. I was taken back during the video when the American woman stated that a publishing company in Finland altered their textbooks after a Finish teacher rang them up and offered their opinion in relation to the textbook. That would not happen in the majority of countries around the world. However, I support this idea. Teachers are at the coal face day in day out and they have first hand knowledge of what is working and what is not working in relation to curriculum making and planning. For example, in Ireland, it was abundantly clear that we were lagging behind the rest of Europe when it came to grades and results in Math. In order to rectify this problem, the government and the teachers representatives sat down together and devised a new curriculum for math. The new math curriculum was designed to engage students more, make it more fun to learn and apply it to real life situations. For the first time the state and teachers were involved in problem solving and not in winning an argument. Likewise, what struck me the most about the Finish education system is the way teachers are viewed. The profession is cherished and appreciated in all walks of life. Also, the pride the local community has in its teaching force. Unfortunately, this is the opposite in my own country. There is no doubt that students have a lack of respect for the teaching profession. From my experience in the Irish education system, if mutual respect does not co-exist between a student and a teacher both sides will lose out. Therefore, a lot can be learnt and adopted from Finland in order for other nations to flourish in regards to education.

  215. I agree with the current term curriculum design and development as oppossed to curriculum planning or programming. The politicians have a duty to select the information and ideas which are included in the school curriculum but, I hold the view that the teachers deserve input too but also the authority upon the methods of teaching, in order for the students to progress. I believe this as the teacher knows how students learn and can therefore determine the best possible method. The Finnish school systems are fantastic as seen in the short video, the teachers are provided with trust, they have less class hours which allow them to go and reflect on new curriculum ideas whereas in most other places the teachers are forced to teach all day with barely any reflection time. The teachers are also given authority to dictate the learninig environment which, in the video looks to be nurturing as each student is provided with a lot of attention. Getting back to the term curriculum design and developmen, I believe that the curriculum needs to be constantly reflected and reviewed upon, in order for the systems to improve and provide the best education possible. In conclusion I believe the finnish education is at the top level due to their reflection and trialling of the curriculum and also in their teaching methods, but surely there are better ways still out there as Finland were once at the average level, but then revised their curriculum with their own ideas; I believe that if every country reviewed their curriculum it would open up the opportunity for brighter and better learning in the future.

  216. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    It is apparent from the video that Finland witholds a high standard of learning and a tranquil school environment. It is blatantly obvious that the teachers recieve great respect from the students in the classroom which in turn allows students to better their learning. If students respect their teachers they will be far more likely to listen to what they have to say as well as doing their homework. The stable relationship that is present between the students and teachers is vitally important as the students abilities can be seen by the teachers and they can detect a method in which the student can exceed academically. Clearly, Finland’s method of teaching is successful, according to statistics which compare their results to various other countries around the world. This is certainly an achievement as obtaining respect from a teachers perspective is a major achievement. I spent a semester teaching in a secondary school and I can admit that any class that did not respect the teacher led to many disturbances to the class which hindered students from recieving as much information as possible from the class. whereas in Finland they have a different approach which appears to be successful.

  217. This article explains well the function of curriculum making and how the process is done. It involves what they teach, how they teach it and how it is evaluated.

    The video represents a Finland educational system and why does it works.The education system in Finland works so well because there is respect and a real relationship for the child and teacher. Also the preschool education system revolves around the experiences of being a child. Experimental learning is vital also as children learn through play and being a child. Also class numbers are small so each child gets the attention that they deserve. There is a proudness and confidence in the teachers as they work hard, not just in class with their teachers but also they are also working on their lessons and curriculum outside of class hours. I think that many other countries could learn from this type of education system.

  218. The Finnish education system is leading the pack in Europe. I feel that this is because of the states willingness and trust they place on the teachers. The state believes that the teachers are the ones with the knowledge and first hand experiences that they know best in certain situations or how to cater for the child’s needs and get the best out of their pupils. Teachers deserve to make these calls for the better good.
    In Northern Ireland the state makes the decisions on how the curriculum is laid out.I feel that the people making the curriculum are not seeing how the lay out works on the ground level in the classroom. They are just going off what text books are telling them what methods are the best and are not going off their personal experiences which the teachers have therefore I feel more power should be handed to the teachers as the Finnish have done so.

  219. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    El currículum es la base fundamental de la educación, y ahí se deben de incluir cada uno de los datos que se deben de dar y cosa que no pone en el currículum es la forma de que el profesor de la clase, eso ya es de su propia parte.
    Algo básico e importantes es que en cada etapa a lo largo de la vida del estudiante sepa correctamente lo que corresponde en cada momento.Si el alumnado no tiene los correspondientes requisitos mínimos en cada etapa no deben de pasar de curso, ya que si pasa arrastrando algo que carece, en un futuro va a ir arrastrándolo y con el paso del tiempo se convierte en un problema casi difícil de solucionar.

  220. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    I really liked this article. As we can see, school curriculum is very important to exist in the educational process. With this is highlighted the teamwork in order to acquire the students the necessary knowledge and skills. It’s important that teachers base their teaching on a school curriculum while trying to develop appropiate teaching methods that will help the children gain an integrated personality.

  221. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    The cirriculum for teaching is without a doubt the most valued resource for teachers, examiners and also students, however it can also be the most hinderence also. I agree that there needs to be a common source of guidance for teaching, what to teach and how it is taught, but at times i do not agree with the section that involves how it is marked or assessed. This is simply because many different children learn and more importantly demonstrate themselves in different ways, some find it easier to sit down and write a paper with solutions, others find it easier to answer specific questions and then others find it easy to talk, show or practically demonstrate a topic or solution.
    Furthermore, for a teacher the cirriculum can often lead to a sense of stress as they must follow every item on it and aim to complete it within the given time frame which at times is not possible, depending on the level of the class. Also these cirriculums are very generally written for all children but not all children are the same within the educational field, in fact no two are the same.

  222. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    I think that education in Finland should be an example for many countries. The treatment of the teachers, respect for them is worthy of imitation. Also the attitude of teachers to their profession, their passion and desire to teach children and relationship between the teacher-supervisor, teacher-student are admirable. A small number of students in classes, personal attention and practical classes. In such atmosphere makes you want to learn. But not without reason, the level of education in Finland is at the forefront.
    In my opinion the article is very interesting. It explains all the issues related to the school curriculum. It is an integral part of the job of the teacher, because it puts clearly what he wants to do, how and what will be the result. Without this, his work could be chaotic. But on the other hand, I think that he should not always stick to schemes too much to not create a monotonous and boring lesson.

  223. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Gracias a este articulo he comprendido mejor que es el curriculum escolar ya que antes tenia una idea confusa. Me parece estupendo que los profesores tengan una base sobre sus alumnos para así poder adecuar sus enseñanzas al nivel de estos y que sea mas fácil. Esto es bueno para los profesores porque así se sabrán cómo pueden enseñar mejor a sus alumnos. Y es bueno también para los alumnos por que así podrán aprender con mas facilidad.

  224. MªCarmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    Pienso que con este articulo nos ha quedado más claro lo que es el currículum escolar ya que antes no sabía muy bien lo que era y a saber cómo podemos organizarlo mejor. Aunque quedan muchas cosas por cambiar aun, alegra ver como hay cada vez hay personas que intentan hacerlo, ya que lo más importante es saber y saber de todo, que tengamos una base para luego desarrollarnos ya que es fundamental para nuestro futuro, sea cual sea.

  225. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    The importance of a genuinely stimulating educational environment is valued in Finland. This is evident in the State’s willingness to equip teachers with all the necessary resources needed to deliver the carefully planned school curriculum to the highest possible standard. The small teacher-pupil ratio in the classrooms ensures that children of differing academic abilities are catered for and challenged at an appropriate level.
    The Finnish educational system brings to light the failings of the educational system in my own country in the North of Ireland. Drastic budget cuts are being made by the government in the Department of Education at the expense of children’s education. Teachers are forced to work within the constraints of a tight budget, resulting in over-capacitated, under-staffed and under-resourced classrooms. As the American politician and educator, Edward Everett, once said, ‘Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.’ Perhaps budget cuts should be made elsewhere in our government’s expenditure.

  226. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    What I like the most in this video and about Finnish system of education is a special bond between administration and teachers and also between teachers and students. A lot of respect and equal treating. Education in Finland is child-centered. It’s not just about books and teachers is about appropriate approach to teaching. Teachers are treating like a professionals – and it’s very good, because they really are professionals. And that is a secret. Both teachers and students have benefits of this way of education. And Finland is lately at the top of rankings concern level of education.
    It’s a pity that in Poland is totally different. The teacher’s salary is low, there is no respect for them from pupils and that is why they don’t have a will to teach. I think that teachers are underestimated, and they shouldn’t because their role in everyone’s life is very huge.

  227. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think the article shows that there is a difference between “what to teach” and “how to teach”. In my opinion new teachers learn in university mainly “what to teach” what is the basic for teaching.

    But “how to teach” is very important for motivation, attention, learning results etc. The professors for teaching in Germany often only have university courses and no courses in school. I think teaching a student is completely different than teaching a pupil because the motivation is different. A student wants to learn and the studies are his free decision. A pupil is in another situation: He has to go to school and so the motivation process is very important for teaching pupils. In university sometimes the profesors forget this fact because they have only students who are interested in the topic.

    I hope in the future the university will more concentrate in the way “how to teach”.

  228. Finland has a great example of how the school works and succeeds at the same time. Even from the video I can see the atmosphere of this certain school, first of all it seemed to be very friendly. There is interaction going on in the classes. Teachers are using besides usual workbooks also modern technological possibilities which makes studying more interactive and interesting for kids. From my school I remember geography classes, the teacher used touchpad blackboard in her classes and made this subject very interesting for us.
    Another thing in that Finnish school, the management is providing all the neccessary funds for their teachers. Everybody is communicating to each other, and attention is on solving problems not on getting high results.
    In conclusion, perhaps the most important point is that teachers are really appreciated in the society of Finland. If teachers are appreciated, they also have more motivation and will to improve themselves. All of this will be reflected in the learning process of pupils.

  229. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    I think that the Finnish school system is a successful one because first of all, teachers seem to be close to their students. They seem to help their students by developing their competences, it’s not a matter of being the best but more of succeeding at your own pace.
    When we talk about the quality of someone’s teaching, we address issues of technique, content, and presentation. But we all know people who have tremendous knowledge but fail to communicate it: people who have, on paper, a great lesson, but whose students are bored or frustrated. When we’re being honest, we admit that good teaching often has less to do with the knowledge and skills than with the teacher’s attitude towards his students, his subject, and his work.
    I think that a teacher who really has a passion for his job, makes his students want to learn and this is what makes the difference.

  230. Curriculum itself is a very broad word and what some people may consider a curriculum others may disagree. Curriculum incorporates what you learn, how you learn and what you are taught. Developments are being made every year to improve the curriculum in Ireland but I feel more emphasis needs to be put on the sciences and maths over English and Irish because that is where the best opportunities and developments lie for the future. Finland have the right balance in curriculum as they have both maths, science and reading acclaimed in the world. The teachers in Finland all have master degrees and work with a purpose. They are the leading country in Europe for education so why can’t we all aspire to be like that and drive through our curriculum with purpose. They have the right balance between technology in the classroom, human interaction and text books which is what all countries need to aspire to work towards for a successful curriculum.

  231. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    El artículo dice la finalidad del currículum algo que no todo el mundo tiene muy claro en ellos me incluyo yo, tras haber leído este texto me ha aclarado el fin esencial del curriculum, como se debe de completar por parte de la docencia aunque no este bien establecido claramente entre los profesionales para inculcar exactamente lo mismo. Todos deberíamos haber estudiado lo mismo ya que nos afecta un mismo sistema y no que hay muchas contradicciones en la enseñanza entre un instituto y otro aunque la finalidad al fin y al cabo es la misma no se termina de explicar lo mismo ni de la misma forma, entiendo que de la misma forma es casi imposible ya que cada persona explica como quiere o lo mejor que puede pero si se debería de explicar los mismos contenidos en todos los centros.

  232. Moisés Romero Guerrero dice: Responder

    En el texto se puede apreciar que esto va en un buen desarrollo, creo personalmente que todavía quedan muchas cosas por cambiar, en la realidad no se le da importancia al «saber enseñar» cuando en mi opinión es lo más importante. Pienso que trabajando todos juntos por un mejor progreso quizás algún día conseguiremos un gran eficacia en nuestro sistema educativo. Aunque he de decir que me gusta saber que se intenta trabajar y mejorar cada vez más la forma de educar. En definitiva el diseño y desarrollo curricular es uno de nuestros objetivos para mejorar nuestro sistema educativo.

  233. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    me ha parecido muy interesante este articulo. Me ha dejado mucho más claro que es el curriculum escolar, ya que no sabía con exactitud lo que era.
    Pienso que es la tarea más importante de los profesores, porque si ésto falla deben de fijarse bien que cambiar. Es la base de todo el proceso educativo del niño y por eso me parece perfecto que se interesen por una buena educación para los niños.

  234. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    Pienso que el texto dice todo lo que hay que saber y explica lo importante que es el currículum escolar, personalmente no tenía ni idea de lo que era exactamente, ya que como dices en el texto »contiene complejos significados». Está claro que es esencial en la educación, y todo debe ir unido para un correcto funcionamiento de la escuela, por ello es enormemente importante la integración. Buen artículo y muy recomendable su lectura.

  235. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    No tengo nada que añadir, solo que me parece un artículo interesante, que el currículum es esencial, y que ahora tengo mucho más claro de lo que se trata, gracias.

  236. El diseño curricular creo que es algo fundamental para que todos los profesores tengan una base sobre la que apoyarse a la hora de los contenidos que tienen que impartir. Me parece genial que los profesores puedan usar los métodos que crean mas eficaces, planificar sus clases como mas le convengan y como mas partido le saquen, siempre y cuando no dañen al alumnado, claro.

  237. El diseño del currículum escolar es algo fundamental como se deja ver en el texto.
    Hablamos siempre de que la educación es algo muy importante para todos, pero para que exista una buena educación hace falta una buena planificación, un plan de qué enseñar y cómo hacerlo. Y esto es la esencia del diseño y desarrollo curricular.

  238. Bárbara Carrasco Fernández dice: Responder

    Qué, cuándo y cómo enseñar, y también qué, cuándo y cómo evaluar. Ese es el principio del currículum escolar, lo que se necesita establecer para tenerlo, la base. Esto muetsra la importancia que tiene. es nuestra base, NUESTRA EDUCACIÓN. De ello depende todo. Pero no es solo establecer estas partes, sino también la forma de llevarlo a cabo, por lo que deben estar estrechamente relacionadas una parte con la otra, que haya integración.
    Y por supuesto, como todo lo relacionado con la Educación, tiene modificaciones y enriquecimientos sin fin.
    Es un artículo muy interesante que nos proporciona información muy útil y aclarativa.

  239. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    Pienso que este artículo ha enriquecido lo poco que sabemos del curriculum escolar, pues poca información nos dan sobre este aspecto los educadores, por lo tanto debo de dar las gracias por cedernos este interesante texto.
    Como bien dice el artículo si los segmentos o engranajes de los que se compone el proceso curricular no están bien conectados o no se complementan bien, facilmente llegaremos a un fracaso, pues para que desemboquemos en una brillante educación, hace falta que todas las fases por las que debemos pasar estén bien realizadas o que se lleven a cabo satisfactoriamente.
    También considero que las preguntas sobre cómo, cuando, de que forma? son absolutamente necesarias para el proceso de instrucción educativa, y que son la base de cualquier programación, metodología o evaluación que se realice para un currículum escolar adecuado.

  240. Manuel Antonio Conde Del Rio dice: Responder

    José Manuel el artículo es muy interesante y clarificador sobre que es el diseño y desarrollo curricular, muchas gracias.

  241. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    En primer lugar pienso que el articulo es muy bueno. y que detalla bastante bien el significado del currículum. y pienso que muy importante para la correcta planificación escolar de todos los estudiantes pues en el viene marcado todo lo que debe contener su formación. y es el profesor el que pone en marcha los conocimientos que ahí vienen plasmados.

  242. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    El currículum es entendido como una serie de pautas para ayudar a los profesores a educar a los alumnos de la manera más adecuada, pues la labor de educar no es nada fácil, por eso es necesario la creación de un buen currículum pues de esto va a depender el progreso del niño y lo que este aprenderá en todo el curso, ya que quedará registrado en las evaluaciones que se llevan a cabo tras la terminación de un trimestres. Es cierto que tras mi paso por la escuela he podido comprobar que muchos de los profesores no siguen las pautas y hacen lo que ellos quieren y lo que más les interesan es decir NADA, esto provoca que los niños pierdan la poca base que se tiene en esa asignatura y por lo tanto queden mas atrasados, por eso pienso ¿se creen los profesores que con esta manera ayuda a sus alumnos?, pues si no le gusta su trabajo que no la haga y no perjudique a los demás, pues aunque crean que es una tontería desde mi experiencia afirmo que para nada. Termino diciendo que el currículum es la mejor manera desde mi punto de vista de enseñas adecuadamente.

  243. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    El curriculum es la base de la educacion, ya que como bien podemos observar en el texto ahi se incluyen todos los contenidos que se deben impartir; aunque la forma de impartir las clases no aparece alli , sino que eso es tarea del docente y su manera de enseñar a los alumnos.
    Es algo muy importante, pero se debe de llevar a cabo correctamente y que en cada etapa de la enseñanza los alumnos sepan correctamente lo que corresponde a cada una de ella, y creo que los alumnos que no sepan lo correspondiente a cada etapa no deberian de pasar de curso, ya que si pasa arrastrando alguna carencia, con el paso del tiempo se convierte en un problema y mas dificil de poder corregir.

  244. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    Me hubiera encantado que el video estuviera subtitulado para ver lo que se decía sobre la educación en Finlandia, la cual, está muy por encima de la nuestra.
    Está claro que el currículum escolar es la base del aprendizaje y de la enseñanza, y también que ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los años. Y por lo que he entendido, tanto el desarrollo como el diseño del currículum escolar van unidos y aunque en el pasado tenían otros calificativos, ahora, diseño del currículum escolar se refiere al proyecto que se encarga de que enseñar y de como hacerlo; y el desarrollo del currículum es llevar a la práctica lo anteriormente dicho. Para finalizar, pienso que en España no tenemos un buen currículum escolar cuando somos uno de los países europeos con peor sistema educativo, por el contrario, Finlandia está a la cabeza y yo me pregunto ¿por qué nadie hace nada?, a mi particularmente me da verguenza y me indigna que pase esto aquí; y los que pueden cambiarlo se cruzan de brazos y dejan pasar el tiempo sin más.

  245. Luci Toledano Maldonado dice: Responder

    Bueno el nombre es muy completo. Hace referencia a la enseñanza.El Estado se reserva el control de la selección de los contenidos.El Sistema escolar ha de asimilar las necesidades
    educativas en sus curriculos.El curriculum es la selección de elementos para desarrollar en el aula Es un proyecto educativo.que se planifica y desarrolla para las nuevas generaciones .La Didactica es el arte de enseñar, por eso necestiamos docentes que conciban el aprenidzaje como la finalidad ultima de su trabajo..

  246. Águeda Gamero Santos dice: Responder

    Como sabemos el currículum es la base de partida de la enseñanza y es importante para abordar una buena educación y para ayudar al profesor en el proceso de aprendizaje integrando los aspectos que realmente son necesarios para una buena educación, aunque luego los modifique según las circunstancia.
    Pero sabemos que este sistema educativo está fallando y de esto somos consiente, lo que deberían hacer es dar más libertad los padres y cooperativa para diseñar un centro con pedagogías alternativas y darle más autonomía al maestro y por ultimo eliminar la memorización de tochos de libros enteros.

  247. ISABEL CORDOBA SOLIS dice: Responder

    El currículum, es aquella base a partir de la cual el profesorado, desarrolla la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.
    Por ello éste, es el pilar o base en los que descansa el proceso educativo, en él se enmarcan unos principios importantes dentro de la educación «pedagógicos, ideológicos etc».
    El currículum es una parte de la cadena o eslabón entre lo educativo y lo pedagógico. Esto es el conjunto de cosas, por ejemplo «objetivos, métodos, contenidos etc».
    Por ello en el currículum se agrupan dos categorías: diseño y desarrollo. El diseño es el conjunto que determina u ordena un plan entre todos los agentes educativos, el desarrollo son las experiencias que adquieren los alumnos y que se efectúan en las escuelas, siendo este el mas propio de nuestro sistema de educación, ya que es mas centralizado.,

  248. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    En el desarrollo del diseño y la planificación de un buen currículum escolar intervienen o deben intervenir todos los estamento fundamentales que forman parte de la tarea educativa. Se debe partir de la idea principal que el profesorado tiene que imponer unos criterios básicos para la obtención de unos mínimos exigibles por un órgano educativo profesional, encargado de velar por los intereses colectivos de la comunidad educativa, que formen a los educandos para un buen nivel de excelencia académica y de una calidad para competir en los mercados de trabajo.
    La creación de un buen currículum incide directamente en los resultados de las evaluaciones que se realizan anualmente por las pruebas P.I.S.A y nos constatan la calidad de nuestro sistema educativo, no por tener detalles numéricos de los mismos, sino para comprobar entre otras cosas, si los gastos en educación son justificados o hay que tomar medidas al respecto.

  249. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    Considero que las pautas para seguir en dicho sistema educativo son las adecuadas pero por lo vivido por mi experiencia en todo estos años no todos los profesores siguen las mismas pautas incluso uno de ellos se dedicaba a contarnos chistes y a final de curso nos aprobaba a todos con un ocho. Por tanto considero que realizar un diseño y desarrollo de la asignatura al principio del curso por si viene alguna inspección es con lo que demuestran su gran vocación e interés no siempre lo llevan a cabo. Quiero decir que el desarrollo y el diseño puedes leerlo y sorprenderte pero lo importante es llevarlo a cabo. Y como ya sabemos en el sistema educativo algo está fallando. Hace poco en el programa de la Noria, les preguntaban a algunos profesores preguntas de nivel de sexto y ni siquiera lo sabía. ¿Como profesores que no saben cultura general van a enseñar a niños? si necesitamos a alumnos mejor preparado para levantar el país…. Habiendo profesores con verdadera vocación en sus casas por no tener plaza en un centro. En nuestro sistema educativo hay muchos agujeros negros que deberían ser estudiados a profundidad.

  250. Pablo Gutierrez Valladolid dice: Responder

    Bueno lo único que puedo comentar de este artículo basado en la explicación sobre » el diseño y desarrollo curricular » es que el sistema parece coherente, lo que no se sabe debido a que el artículo no lo menciona es que si este sistema de regulación de la formación académica en nuestro país funciona realmente. Bueno en primera instancia yo creo que sin sabe los datos específicos diríamos que «NO», debido a la situación en la que se encuentra la educación en estos momentos.

  251. This article makes me learn more about the education system in Finland. It’s great, There is no more than 24 students in classroom. In my primary school, we were over 30 and not only that we didnt have space class room but the teacher did not have contact with each student.
    Pupils with specific learning disabilities, speech impairments, etc., is available educational consultant or specialist teacher. If the problems do not allow the student to attend regular classes are included in the special classes.
    In these classes the maximum of 12 children (eg with Down syndrome) and the teacher for each draw their individual education plans. tts really great, it is soo helpfull.
    and the biggest suprise for me was that religion is a compulsory part of schooling. If the child is not a member of the Church is exempt from teaching religion and instead hours of ethics. it’s great that they teach useful things for life

  252. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    At the beginning of a school year at the elementary school we were told by our teachers what we would be taught according to the curriculum. But there are different factors influencing what is going to be taught e. g. time, the way of teaching. Hence, sometimes we learned the whole kontent according to the plan, sometimes just a part of it. In my opinion the curriculum (study plan) should be the same at least at the same school. It was not the case of my school because sometimes I discovered that in the other class they already finished 2 weeks ago what we were still just supposed to learn. It is also worth to mention that most of the time we were forced to study by heart. I would say that there was a lack of some kind of creative teaching and studying. Sometimes we remember the information with quite a low value for us but the reason why we remember it is that the content of information was e. g. funny or entertaining and I think this is the key.

  253. In the video they said that in Finland teacher is much appreciated and very important in society. I think this is one of the biggest problems in my country, Slovenia. Being a teacher is many times underestimated. Parents and the whole society do not value this occupation as they should and children can feel that. They also think about teachers in that way and it is very hard to have authority and respect in classroom like this. The problem is also education for teachers. Many people think that it is too easy and in some aspects it is. That is way there are students that do not even want to be a teacher. They just thought that this could be the easiest way to get any kind of education and maybe job. When they actually get a job, they do not teach with passion and pleasure and in my opinion this is one of the most important things of that profession – to love your job.

  254. The most attracted for me was a sentence in video: ”we have no idea how it will be education in the future”. How it will be? Nowadays there are more and more students who graduate. And there are a lot of people with high education but they can not get a job. Why parents push their children to go on University even they do not want, even they have their own planes for future and these are different. This is because stupid thinking of our modern society. “You are nothing if you wont go to university” – this sentence you can hear many times nowadays. And this is wrong. Because of that education is loosing her importance and people become qualified for the job they even like it. We have to change this!

  255. This Finnish way of education I want it. They are so good in education and they also understand all the needs of children. They put in every knowledge funny perspective and because of that the children love to learn new thing and they are curious. And also the teacher are amazing because they feel and know every single kid and because of it the childrens are making fast and good progress. We have to know that teachers are the future for all the generations of children in the country so if they’ll be good country will work good and everybody are happy. Their moto is «how can we all help children?» and that is so amazing…so in the end we have to respect all the teacher and the work they do even in my country I had some so good teachers that I always said if they would be all the same I would love to learn everything.

  256. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    As a future teacher i really enjoyed reading this topic and also watching the movie. I wanted to know why Finnish students topped the PISA record card and what can my country do to be as good as Finland is in education. I was reading that 25 years ago Finland’s school system sat in the same predicament that public schools in the U.S. find themselves now and we all know that the U.S. is listed very low in the PISA ranking. The Finns scored below average in math and science and had alarming achievement gals between urban and affluent school versus poor and rural schools. Of course they put work into the change. They began scrutinising the education policies and practices of more successful countries, took what worked, that which went against the grain and built and educational system where today there is no difference among socio-economics groups. Children in Finland can attend school anywhere in the country and be assured of the same quality of education
    And this example is showing that a change in educational system can really happen if we just want to work for it. For sure it will take some time to see a difference but i just say it like Obama would say: Yes we can!

  257. It was really nice to see the video. Finland is doing very well and I must say I’m impressed of the cooperation between all the workers in the school. Like always, the school must be a place, were you can develop and learn in a comfortable environment. That the teachers are more personal for the children can be good for the reason that you know what is going on and give every child the attention they need. I also think there is a lot of respect and trust in the teacher what is a good base for when the kids grow up and go to high school. The kids learn how to be social and have respect to others. I also think that wen you have this base, you know how to study later on. Maybe because I went to a school were you learned by tools and in an open environment, I become less structured.

  258. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    Finland is considered to have one of the best educational systems in the world. This makes us wonder what are their basic pedagogical principles and what differences they have with the other European countries. As we can see on the video, a fundamental principle of the finish school is that the curriculum is considered as an area of decision making, rather than a pre-structured and static system. Also, they have overcome standards like “language, maths and sciences are the most important subjects”. Teachers are highly educated persons who are seen like scientists. They must constantly look up to the needs and the special circumstances of their class, in order to adapt the lesson to them. Finally, an important element that is most likely missing from other educational systems is that their main goal should be the personal evolvement of each student and not the creation of capable workers of the present capitalistic system.

  259. I really liked the video, it was some kind of feel good video and it motivates. Pubics can be educated in a nice environment, with repected teacher, not a high amount of class hours and modern technology. I enjoyed it when they were talking about that teachers are respected and treated as professionals from partens but also from pubics. I think this is a really important aspect. A respected teacher can reach much more. He has the support of partens, his coworkers and students. I think in most of the european countries its the opposite. Teachers dont get wellpayed and are not tredted with respect. The question is how can every country reach these results? In my opinions is it important as a country to spend a big part of the taxes on educational system. I think it is one of the best investments in the future not just for the educational system but also for the economy.

  260. It is really good to see the conection between the teachers and students in the video. You can really see that the teacher spends a lot of time with the students and that they are educating the pupil in smaller groups of children in class. I think this way, first the students are paying more attention to what the teacher is saying and follow instructions in a much better way. i feel like when the pupil feel close to the teacher they also feel more appreciated and then maybe they actually want to do more to learn more and to be proud and show the teachers what they can in a more clear way. This method is also used in Sweden but unfortunately we are not where Finland is yet.

  261. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    The most amazing point in this video is the relationship between teacher and children and also the access to them. It is full of confidence, kindness and motivation. Teachers try to approach to each student individually and target their difficulties. We can see that Finnish teachers are professionals in branch. They know how to motivate children to being educated. They do their best for the mission of the teacher.
    I read some articles about Finnish educational systems and teachers in Finland are highly qualified and they are continually advance their qualification. These teachers master interactive techniques of teaching, they involve children to real cooperation and at school command partnership. The strong point of Finnish education is that the education provided to all without restrictions irrespective of the language, sex or economic situation. Additional the main aim is to adapt the education to needs of individuals. Finnish schools have quite a big autonomy so there is freedom to create their own educational programme.

  262. Like I mentioned in earlier comments, that i really believe that teachers are building the future, because children most of his/her time spends in school until he/she becomes an adult, that is why it is the most important period of life to become who you are. And theese childrens in the future will be scientists, doctors etc. and teachers job is to raise them like that. And Finland knows it very well, that’s why, I think, you can be a teacher in Finland only if you have a master degree. They are prepearing teachers, so that they could raise a new generation as good as they can. Finland’s education system is really great, it’s so good to see something like this, and I hope that other countries sees that too, and will, at least, try to learn from it.

  263. Kristīne Mauriņa dice: Responder

    Amazing. It is so great to see that teachers in Finland are so appreciated. It’s no wonder that education and results of it are so good when teachers love their job, are professional and feel the respect from pupils and society altogether. In video they compare teachers with doctors, in Latvia it would be more like teachers and store seller from society point of view, there is no respect for teacher as a profession and it’s a circle- if teacher don’t feel valued and respected he/she can’t put all his/her heart in this job and that is the root of the problem. School environment in Finland seems so pleasant for the teacher and student and it certainly contributes to learning, and therefore the results are good.

  264. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    The future of societies depends on the quality of education that the individuals in this society take. In our century, knowledge is produced very fast therefore, education system should be changed according to these innovations. To do this, we need individuals who have the ability of producing information rather than individuals learning by heart. In this regard, curriculum take an important place in education system. In my opinion, it is a significant step to start by changing curriculum if it is desired to make an educational reform because curriculum is the basics of education. Therefore, firstly we need experienced teachers (like in Finland) to prepare a new curriculum, then the problem will be solved by itself, I think.

  265. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    I think it is so strange that Finland has such a great school and Sweden has not. I don’t know if the pupils in this video was studying swedish in this lessons, but every written word in the classroom was in swedish. I think this is because this school is located in one of the swedish speaking cities in Finland and I think it is so strange that the school which is so close to Sweden, that they even speak swedish, are so much better than the Swedish school. I am so impressed of the finish school. I think it has much to do with the school policy. In the movie they compared a teacher and a doctor, this doesn’t happens in Sweden. The teachers has not that status and doesn’t get that respect at all, not from students or students’ parents. It is easy to get in to the teacher program in Sweden, but in Finlad it is hard. Another big difference is the money. The finish teachers earn 25 % more than swedish teachers, but they really deserves that.

  266. Semih Hatipoglu dice: Responder

    Like lots of people,I didnt know that Finland is one of the leading counties about education system. What I noticed in this video is that there is a really strict ‘professional atmosphere and everybody is ready to cooperation for problem solving. As declared in the video ,maybe their secret is capacity of teacher.^^Their teacher is capable of what they need.^^This part is the most important point for me.If you feel that your teacher is not succesful only in his area,your appreciation and trust on him/her becomes higher. Working conditions (individiual office, varied material and so on.) there are lots of components od this success but creating the impression of student centred education while main center is teacher is real real success for me.

  267. Marco Michaelidis dice: Responder

    I think these teachers are admirable because they are connected together and are interested in the children truthfully! If all teachers where trained like this it would be better. However, in all countries there are different economic factors. This changes the way they work and teach depending on the salary they have according motivation. This is because many of us are materialists and as long as there is a strong pay, they will be motivated, if not they will change and lose it, thinking why to teach them.This attitude should be changed and they should be in Love with what they do. there are many Teachers waiting for employment, however i believe not only half of them are capable of working with love with low salaries. Therefore they are greedy. So as long as the teachers are trained accordingly and most preferably in finland, since it seems to be working.

  268. Betül Çifçi dice: Responder

    I did some researches about Finns education system and learned that teachers are selected from the top ten percent of the graduates to earn a master degree in education and they are paid like doctors, also their social satatus is the same as doctors or lawyers. So, teachers are very smart professionals and they do not think about money while working. They are highly motivated of being appreciated and while they are doing their job they are respectes by society. They can consult with their experienced collegues to try something new or different. I think they educate children how to learn, not how to take a test with their child-centered flexible curriculum. Everything is adjusted for children and teachers are always searching for new ways to improve the curriculum.So, thier system is not static but dynamic which melts all useful things of education in a well-balanced way. And the result is spectacular as we all see.

  269. It seems that Finland have a good idea of how to teach their children well. It reminds me alot of how teaching is in norway, except I have a feeling that Finland involves the whole community more, and take more pride in education.. The children with learning disabilities in Finland is teached in specialclasses or separated specialschools(more than 26000 students), i wonder how the pisa results would look if they included all their students? There are also high expectations to teachers in finland for reproducing the pisa results they had in 2009. I think motivated teachers and pride of their profession is the most important reasons for success.

  270. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    It’s very interesting video that shows how the teachers can together help children to evolve their thinking. There are a few reasons make a Finnish education system so successful. In my opinion the most important reason is a teacher and a very wide teacher training which help how to become a real teacher. In Finland teachers have a very good condition to work, each of them is treat like a professional, they have their own spaces, own computers and more freedom. It works very motivating and they are more creative, I think.
    I wish it is the same in Poland. A lot of teachers don’t care about teaching, they just do them duties without passion. Perhaps it can be a result of teacher training and economic status in my country as well. But anyway we and other countries can learn from Finland.
    In conclusion teachers should be in the center education system.

  271. There are good examples when countries succeed in teaching and learning at schools. So not always designing and developing the curriculum goes wrong, not always there are crisis at schools or universities. Politicians can make very useful decisions for an education program which helps to educate children better.
    I was impressed after watching a video about the success in Finland‘s education. In this country the curriculum was designed and developed perfectly. They made good projects and implemented them in a right way. In all countries teachers should have a master‘s degree and be professionals. Because then curriculum could be developed to give all the best for children. And it is incredible when teachers in Finland make the atmosphere at schools so cozy and encouraging to learn and explore.

  272. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    I cannot even imagine how complicated and hard is to devise, plan, manage and implement the curriculum of school. This task is only for people who really know how schools function, who can predict or are able to see weaknesses and strengths of this creative process, who are devoted to their job and who are close to the daily life of the school. I liked very much the answer by Dr. Pasi Sahlberg that if someone wants to know how students in Finland are learning instead of asking him he/she has to ask the teachers. It is true because no one else is so near children in the process of learning as teachers are. I hope and I wish that the better conditions will provide to teachers the better quality of education will be and teachers will be more dedicated to school.

  273. I think it is very important to a well-planned system of education. It depends on the politicians, who are often not counted in Poland, according to the teachers and they know best what is good and what is bad in the education system. a lot depends on how strong is the country economically. Unfortunately, in Poland there is no vacancy for teachers and if they are, they earn very little. In Finland, so it’s different, because it is a rich country, and perhaps teachers are satisfied with their jobs, and therefore better able to share knowledge-I do not know. But I unfortunately know what it looks like in my country ..

  274. At the movie we can see almost perfect situation. of course it is possible because there is more teachers, smaller classes and so one. but what is it important? program of education for sure, but also how it is implementing in the schools. in prefect situation the program should be little bit flexible for the pupils level and their preferences and interests. the changes in program should be consulted carefully with teachers. teachers should be well educated. they should take attention what they students needs. etc. etc. it is not always like this. but for sure to improve the quality of education we should try to implement this kinds of changes.

  275. Design and development of school curriculum may be the most important thing all over the world, as education is the basis of the world…For that exact reason, it should have been the greatest concern of each country.Nevertheless, it differs from country to country and there is a great variation of its planning.

    The video made me to search for the list of the word education rankings and think and compare to each country’s rate according to their civilization, their economic activity of country etc.
    As far as my country is concerned ( Greece) I was really disappointed by seeing our rankings…Nevertheless, I realized that in comparison to Finland’s education system, the great difference is the fact that government of Greece does not grant enough money on the educational system…Having that in mind, our position may be good enough thanks to teachers and professors help and will.

    My opinion about curriculum making is that must be updating day by day, because humanity is being developed day by day…So, every person, professionals, scientists, specialists, parents, students even children(who can be asked to fill in questionnaires) must be included in the group which can make a better education system.

  276. I think the curriculum is important, but it should be only very general. It should be a list of some topics or rather simply fields of knowledge, that pupils or students shoulds get to know. According to me it should not be obligatory, but something like a self-imposed manual.
    Also I do not support to be analysed each theme to details. Every school is individual, just as professors and teachers and everyone has a different approach.
    That is, what we need to have the world varied. And in countries, where it works, working in teams is more useful, common, interesting and successful.

  277. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    It is good to see the effort that is put in the education of Finland.
    Obviously the money is available in order to do this, which other countries do not have. There are schools in the Netherlands that also maintain similar guidelines.
    It would be great to see children giving advice to older people don’t you think? I think that may just be one of the challenges we are facing.
    How do we let children give advice to people that are older than themselves?
    Let’s say… adults? Is this realizable? I think it is with the right disciplines and focuses within the teaching methods. We are to be careful not to generalize everything because what may work for one may not work for another.

  278. Videos like this really encourage me to work and study really hart because after I graduate from University I will be a teacher. Finland should really be a model for all other countries since I cannot image a better way of teaching and learning.
    The teachers in Finland are really flexible in what they do and can adjust to their class and the individual needs of the pupils. In Germany this is quite different. The teachers have really strict instructions how and what to teach- which makes it more difficult for them and of course for the pupils.
    In Finland you really can see that teachers are not only teachers, but lead us through an important period of our life – we don’t only study at school, we grow up there and evolve ourselves.

  279. If our population will growin like is growing know, there will be no children to teaching, because no one want to create families. The problem ,,how to learn» is a short-term problem, the main and long-term problem is- ,,who to learn». Culture to survive for 50 years has to have 1,41 children per pair, after 50 years culture will fall, to surivive without change, there is needed 2,1 children per pair. Today in western-european culture, the most often structure of family is 2+1, it means pair plus dog/cat/children. The western culture may fall before 2050, but before this time we will know how to teaching! And someone that will come after us will use that knowledge.

  280. This is only teory, in practise how to add new teacher, create smaller classes, but from where take money for it? Learning how to learning, teaching how to teaching. It looks like planned economic style of governement. Why don’t give children freedom and gave them possibility to learning whatever they want? Kids more often have problem with focusing and concentrate, they have to learn many things which they are not interested in and because they don’t want to learn something that we want to they learn, we are doing researching how to manipulate them and cause they want to learn without knowing that.

  281. It’s really interesting video about Finland again. It’s nice to hear that in this country it works perfectly. We can notice that education is very important there, that the teachers have to be well educated not only essentially but very penetratingly they have to know how to work with children. Only this kind of person can teach them properly. And, what is excellent, the teachers are appreciated for their hard work!
    The problem in other countries is that there are a lot of very good teachers, but not all of them are up to these days. They are working e.g. for 20 years and they don’t change their own systems of teaching. It shouldn’t work like this. It should be obligatory for all of the teachers to constantly participate in courses that will allow them to be on time with the youth community, because society is still changing and they (the teachers) are the people who are shaping this society.

  282. I am very interested in the video about education in Finland. It is a huge difference between education in our country and there, in Finland. Generally, I think, the curricula have not changed much with the time, so at least in our country. Old methods are still used, and no significant changes become in the school system. The major problem is that the superior educational institution does not solve the curriculum change. They prefer problem with raising financing, and where to distrubute it or similar issues.
    In this case, I wonder how it looks like the curricula in Asian countries, when their inhabitants are in first place in everything.

  283. I am really glad that i savv this video because shovv me that vve allready knovv hovv to do it, vve knovv vvhat it vvorks and vve knovv that it is possible to provide a evironmental that makes children to develop their creativity. For me it is importatnt to see in this movie, vvhat i thought from the beginning, and this is the fact that vvhat counts the most are our basic needs to be respected as a human being and vvhen you feel good, you can do your job good. This means that profesors can make their job the vvay that they should and that the children have a safe place vvhere they can think openminded, vvhere they can try nevv things vvithout fear of making fool out of themselfs, vvhere they can be respectfull back to the teachers. I am really appreciate that people doesnt forget about our humanity and our values as a human beings, because i believe that this is a basic to achive vvhat ever vve vvant

  284. I didn´t know that Finland is among the top in education. It was seen that education and teacher is appreciated in this country. In our country is the teaching profession rather as a punishment. Today’s children are rude and teachers can tell them almost nothing, because then the kids start to complain about the teacher at home. I think the problem doesn´t start with the teacher, but already in the family. Parents should educate children in respect to the teacher and to prepare the ground for his own education. Some parents sap the teacher’s authority instead. Child doesn´t feel therefore the teacher as a person, which should feel respect. The second question is the teacher’s salary, it´s not so high in our country.

  285. To be able to make a perfect curriculum program, we first need to educate the teachers very well. The teachers have to get a very good education and it shouldn’t be easy becoming a teacher. Like in Finland, it should require master degree and teachers have to be the best on their fields. When teachers come from that kind of educational system, they would have self confidence, very advance knowledge, problem solving skills, flexibility etc. Curriculum program would be in perfect condition with the teachers who have that abilities. So we need to focus on how to educate the teachers first, then the solution will come by itself.

  286. It is really awesome and amazing to learn that the Finnish education is at the top of the world. Discipline among students, teachers and parents, love and enthusiasm of learning among students, freedom for the teachers to teach the right skills to the students are some of the key factors we come across in Finland education which may be tested and implemented in other countries for trial and error and may be put into practice for longer term so as to make the learning meaningful and rewarding. Morals and ethics are in the curriculum. This is a big difference between their system and ours. The teachers make all decisions about how their class will be run, how the education material will be presented and what books are to be used. The communication environment is completely open among students, teachers and principals.
    The Finns realize that when their teachers excel and are satisfied, and so are their students. Teachers’ qualifications and their passion for teaching are very important because the kids are the future pillars of the nation.

  287. I think the aspects like small classes, more money for education and the appreciation of teachers are truly important for a successful education. But in addition to it Finland doesn’t have to handle problems e.g. like immigration because they have a very restricted immigration policy. Therefore in Finland doesn’t exist a lot of pupil with language problems which is a big topic in a country like germany. There you have to think about good basic conditions for migrants who have problems to follow classes because of their language skills and in some case other social causes. I think it is good to take a look on successful systems in other countries but we can not transfer it one-to-one but we have to consider other economical, political and demografical aspects and have to create a system which fits to the circumstances.

  288. I think it is very positive to integrate the teachers in the process of curriculum development. But as other comments before me said in most countries the state cant afford the infrastructure for public schools and also the high salaries that the teachers receive in Finland. In Germany i suppose we have a much bigger problem then generate better curriculi, which is to generate equal posibilities in education for children of different social classes. The quality in education exists, but is only available for a few. In the United States you will find the same problem but even more extreme. If the American visitors in the movie where from a very expensive private school, they probably would have said: «oh, it just looks like my school in the US!». This is where the politic should be called to action and take their responsibility of creating equal chances for all citizens in terms of education. Because when a child is born it should not be punished for the low income of its parents!

  289. In general you can say that the way of teaching in Finland is a good manner because the teacher stay in contact with the families of the children, with the pupils and the other teachers. So you can say that this system works in a team which is a good fact beause the pupils know a way of living and learning in a group and not just for themselves.
    It is also a good thing that the classes are small because the teacher can respond to every pupil. So there is a big chance that every pupil understands everything more or less and knows how to work with it.
    But this system does not only deal with good education, it also deals with the money.
    If a school wants to have small classes, the school has to have a lot of teacher and the conclusion of it is that the school has to have a lot of money, that the teacher are motivated all the time. It is also about to be succesful as a teacher but it is also about the salary.
    So in this case you have to seperate those two things and have to think about it.

  290. I often listen about perfect education in Finland. I think yes, they have really good system. The main thing, which do the educational system in Finland the best is definitely money. Finland is really strong economical country and that´s the reason, why it can improve the system all the time. In my country teacher aren’t motivated because they work many hours for not so much money and if they have ideas, how can they do something better, usual they are limited, ´cause schools hasn’t enough finance.
    What my country also missed, its working with parents. Teacher speaks with parents just sometimes. Usually teacher speaks with parents in big group about general things. Teachers speak with parents in the private time just when there is some problem with child, I think. Also in classrooms we have a big group of students, it´s really difficult to hold them patient and take care about everybody. We have strict curriculum, the teacher has to teach exactly that and in the short time. I hate math and I fight with it all my study life. I remember many situations when almost everybody in the class didn’t understand something and teacher has any time to explain it again, ´cause according to curriculum we have to learn something else.
    Yes, from Finland, we can learn many things like do the educational system better. But it´s impossible to compare with it, ´cause we don’t have the same money and it means for us we don’t have the same possibilities.

  291. How we know education in Finland is considered an important source of prosperity of the country. Evidenced by the high investment and funds invested in education and in adult education. The main principle of education reform in Finland is to establish fairness and equality of citizens’ access to education, which have social differences, which are among the population groups in Finland.The main goal is modernize the system and develop it. Universities and other instutions try to meet this goals and thats why they so succesfull are. The younger generation is extremely well educated. Other countries including our own (czech republic) should learn from Finland how to educate well…

  292. I think in Finnland the teachers have a lot of luck. They understand the important role of the teachers in our time. Teachers are much more than only people how teach us something, sometimes they are the one how discover special abilities of our children. In Finnland the society appreciate the work of teachers and therefore they get a lot of support. How we see in the video the teachers have a lot of comfort at the working place and a big spectrum of materials. It is really nice to see that they are in Finnland so well developed and at the same time really sad that this isn´t the same in Germany. In general the curriculum making and giudelines are too strikt so that there is no space for individuel ideas or spontaneous topics. This situation should be changed.

  293. Im going to be a teacher one day and i get more motivated when i see videos like that.
    In finnland the teacher are deciding on their own how they want to creat their lessons. In the most other countries in Europe its not like that, so even the teacher are more limited,and so are their pupils. So that might be a reason why kids in Germany are less intrinsic motivated. I had a class in school that i really liked because we were choosing the subjects by our own, it was the only lesson i really was intrinsic motivated without that the teacher had to motivate me in any way. Another important point is that the classes in the most countries are way to big to have efficient lessons, that is different in Finnland too. Every child gets the attention it needs. That is a point we have to change in other countries but that is something that has to happen in cooperation with the government and that will take time,money and pacience.

  294. If the curriculum is considered as the beginning point, then it means that it should have basic steps depending on the components of it during the process. Surely, the basic problem is about the beginning point of realization and decision process before programming: to know the participators, effective factors and possible results. While we are trying to make an instructional action consistent with the concept of development and keep it throughout the stages in a curriculum development, to identify external factors and to know the variable elements of the process should be a priority.

  295. Curriculum making is important in reaching good education, whereas it can be seen as a helping tool for the teachers as it helps them to recognize the goal they are striving for, but also how to reach this goal. However, one important aspect here is that there might not be one right or wrong curriculum instead one has to look at the situation in the classroom. Therefore, there must be resources in every school so that the curriculum can be changed if this is needed. Moreover, the Finnish educational system is indeed very impressive, and I believe that they are a great rolemodel for the rest of the word. However, I do believe that different concepts can be used in order to reach this high level of education that Finland has, whereas I belive that one has to take culture and other differences into account while creating a concept of how the teaching standard should be shaped. But there should be a strive towards the same goal; help children to reach eucation and knowledgde. This can only be done by giving the schools thus the teachers the right resources.This resources should include e.g. the ability to have smaller classes, whereas I also believe in the importance of having more than one teacher in the classroom from time to time, so that the children can get special help in certain subjects if that is needed.

  296. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    Even though you have a curriculum and plan to follow it doesn’t mean that it will work and you will get the results you want. When there are changes in the curriculum it takes some time before you can see any results but by then new scientific ideas are found and then it is going to change again. Maybe some basic themes and directives should be used but still not every country can follow the same curriculum and plan. The idea of having a curriculum in common in the EU is good. Having something that could guide you and help you in your work is great, but not every teacher have and uses the same methods, every teacher interpreted the written word differently. In Sweden when you do an essay or an exam you always have to refer to the current curriculum depending on the age( example pree-school, primary) that you are writing on. So you will learn how to interpret and how to use it.

  297. The curriculum is one of the mainstays of educations foundation. It is an important tool that we need to adapt so we have the same focus in mind (what to learn, how to get there and how can we support the students so that all of them will get there?). Finland has a winning concept but so does for instance Shanghai (China) as well. I don’t think they have the same concept, even thou there might be some similarities. There is not only one winning concept and their winning concept does not automatically work for every other country. Cultural differences would probably be one of the reasons why the concept would need to be adjusted to suit different countries. And what’s already working well in a country has to be remembered and accounted for. We can learn from the leading nations but we have to find our own way that suits our students and society.

  298. Everybody knows that the scandinavian countries score well in the study of Pisa. But the changes in the curriculums in each other countries are low since years. The german school system still cling in most of the federal states to the separation of the pupils after the 4th class, although it is known that it seperates the pupils with background of immigration from a higher education. There must be a developing of a new basal attitude in the school system, for example: more teachers, lower sizes of classes, reduction of contents in the curriculums and more comprehensive schools.
    But this is a process about years and you probably can’t see the results in the near future.

  299. Hm the success is not only obligated by education system, but also by social system. If there will be problems and troubles in family, teachers will don’t earing enough money or school will don’t have enough money, even the best education system will fail, because it’s main component is human, if human and his enviroment will be not correct, nothing will be. Finland has 5,5mln population, but we cannot be sure, that those system will working correctly in greater country, moreover, with ethnic or economic mixture. And how much money will cost that kind of education for example in USA? For smaller countries everything is easier and we cannot looking at that like for some miracle, because it only means that in Finland reallity that style of education works and works really good, but nothing more.

  300. In my opinion the Finnish system is an successful school system because of a few reasons. They teach in a more personal way (classes are smaller), teachers are more intrinsic motivated because they have more freedom and responsibility to teach in there way. Furthermore, teachers are receiving more recognition and trust of all those involved directly in the educational process (receiving appreciation, works very motivating) in comparison with other countries than Finland.
    If curriculum development is the implementation of the project and i would be the teacher/social worker, I would focus on achieving consensus about my way of working and the goals I try to reach among those who are involved. Relations should be based on trust, a teacher/social worker needs to be flexible and open for the ideas off everybody who is involved in the educational process, he should use case studies and evaluate with those who are directly involved.

  301. About Education in Finland I’ve heard a lot. Everyone says they are the best or one of the best. I´m wonder why is it like this? I feel that every Finnish student studying because they want for 100%. In Slovakia I can say it´s just for 50%. The other 50% students study because they have to or they don´t want to work. Then it looks like this. Slovak education can be the best never. Another important point is money. Money gives freedom and motivation. If teachers earn more money the will try to be more creative and hard-working. A then could motivate students. Certainly I don´t want to say that is teachers’ fault in my country. Definitely not. I am a teacher as well, so I know a little bit about what I´m talking about. How many times I work twice as hard as my colleagues and I did not reward anyone even praised. Nobody motivates me to try. The second thing is that the teachers in my country do not have level of commitment to change something. They teach according to various criteria, curriculum and those methods. When you try to change something, they will tell you there is not money for this. So education is actually still at a standstill, or still the same. In Findland they are willing and have the money to change. Therefore, they are best.

  302. This video actually makes me want to become a teacher. I think all countries can learn from Finland. The school system Finland have today, is not a result over a few years – it’s a system which is a result of a lot of work over a long time. The teacher role is appreciated in a very different way than in other European countries. To become a teacher is very popular in Finland, and teacher training is extensive and fairly specialized, not everyone can become teachers. They have also succeeded in starting to act early, so that students who are struggling get help in time – before they lose motivation because of failure in school work. I think these two things are the main reasons why the school system in Finland works so well. Our goal in other European countries should not be to copy the whole Finnish system, but integrate the things that works so good in the originally system in a particular country.

  303. This video actually makes me want to become a teacher. I think all countries can learn from Finland. The school system Finland have today, is not a result over a few years. This system is a result of a lot of work over a long time. The teacher role is appreciated in a very different way than in other European countries. To become a teacher is very popular in Finland, and teacher training is extensive and fairly specialized. And they have also succeeded in putting into action early, so that students who are struggling get help in time – before they lose motivation because of failure in school work. I think these two things are the main reasons why the school system in Finland works so well. Our goal in other European countries should not be to copy the whole Finnish system, but integrate the things that works so good in the originally system in a particular country.

  304. We looked at the finnish school system for quite a while now and everybody says how good it is but why don’t we try to change things? Sure, every country has it’s own conditions, for example more students than in Finland. But we can try to copy some things for the beginning. In german schools nothing happens! There are some schools that have good projects etc. and they do very well but we don’t really look at them and start to copy the ideas. Why is that? We need more self-confidence and idealism. We have to believe that all our students can do fine and that we have an important job to support them in what they are doing.

  305. I’m from Sweden and Finland is our neighbors. In our home university we sometimes talk about the education system in Finland, so that Finland is famous for their education system was no news. But the things we discuss are how they do to get there and what we can do in Sweden to change our system and get higher and better results of our pupils. I’ve heard from one Finnish born teacher, that teaches me, that one of the main lines in the Finnish education system is that more or less the whole society have respect for the teachers. That working as a teacher in Finland is an honorable profession. But how can other countries change their whole population to meet the teacher with respect? For the first: It’s not an easy task. For the second: I’m sorry to say this but I think that it’s question about money. If the government gave the teacher higher income they would get more money and money is often associated with power especially when we are talking about social classes. But we also know that the tax money is distributed in many different ways like infrastructure and elderly care for example which doesn’t make the situation easier.

  306. The article and the video emphasise the importance of a teacher in the learning process as a good teacher will make a good curriculum that will integrate all the necessary aspects and a teacher will be ready for adaptation in it according to the real situation in the classroom. Therefore, I must say that teachers in Finland are in admirable position because they are not only required to be professionals, but also treated like ones. Moreover, according to the video, teachers are appreciated in Finland and that, in my opinion, is another hidden necessity in order to develop a good curriculum because then they are motivated to really work on development of their curriculums.

  307. Video represents a Finland educational system and why does it works. It was focused on teachers. It was interesting that teachers are very valued and appriciated in the country. Because of that that the teachers have a lot of free choice and the school system adapts to their needs. In the video was presented that in the school they try to help teachers with providing the material, products and other things which can improve education and make it more effectionaly.
    Problem in the school system is rigitidy of planning the curriculum. Teachers do not have a lot of space to adapt themes of lessons, it is all written beforehand what to teach, how to evaluate knowledge. They only have a free choice to decide how they will taught in the lesson (which methodology will they use). This can be really demotivated for teachers and it can have influenced on the quality of the lesson. In my high school in english lessons our teacher talk a lot about curriculum and how sheis not satisfied with the planning of the whole year. She need to prepare us to write a matura exam and she wasn’t satisfied with the tasks which she should teach us.

  308. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    This is what teaching should look like. If it is really like that in Finland the kids that go to school there are very lucky! Also the teachers should clap in both hands because they are getting the respect a teacher diserves.
    Their attention really goes to the kids and every subject is equally important. The kids have the oppertunity to learn in a peacefull and loving environment and that are the basics for good education.
    In Belgium people don’t always appreciate what the teacher is doing but then again in my country the teachers don’t always appreciate the kids as wel, they see ‘problem’ kids as an obstacle and that is not the way a teacher should think about his/her kids.
    In my countrie there are a lot of teachers and a lot of teachers aren’t good, I believe that they hand out the diploma’s to easy. In Belgium the saying ‘those who can’t teach’ not such a bad expression because if you don’t know what to do a lot of people wil go and learn how to be a teacher even if they don’t really feel like doing it.

  309. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    In my opinion, I don’t know if it’s because they had a visitor and camera in the classroom that made everything seem so peacefull and quiet, or if it’s always like that in Finland. If I just look at the video, then yes, everything in Finland seems perfect for an proper education for the kids. I can only pray for an education-environment like that for my own children someday, They speak about respect for the teachers, and I think it’s great, because nowadays, and I now speak from my own experience in Belgium, we forget that teachers are not just teachers anymore. They are much more than that, They are educators, person you can turn to for support, …
    As a kid, if you have a teacher like that (who’s fully educated as they should be) and they have a schoolenvironment like in the video, then you can consider yourself very lucky.

  310. The society`s overall attitude towards the profession – teacher – plays a significant role in the development of education. As it can be seen in the video, in Finland people respect this profession and consider the teacher to be a great and important part of the child`s study process. This trust and respect leads to the teacher`s freedom to organize curriculum in a way he feels comfortable with and with best intentions in mind. And when the teacher doesn`t feel the pressure or negativity from the parents or organizational staff, he can devote all his energy and attention to the child. Moreover, of course, togetherness of the school staff creates a powerful force that can overcome any problems that appear in the educational process.

  311. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    From this video i can see that education system in Finland is truly amazing and i wish it was the same in my country. I really agree that teachers should be treated with respect because they work is so very important for our future,but unfortunately in Poland it is not so colorful. There are a lot of teachers who doesn’t even like children or teenagers,they don’t care about teaching anybody anything,they just choose this profession because of perks that come with it.

    Also the text mentions about the teaching methods. I think that there are a lot o teachers who just want to «get it over with» and go home,they don’t know how to run a lesson so the pupils will really get something out of it. Of course there still are good teachers,but unfortunately not that many as we would want.

  312. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    Finland has one of the world’s best educational systems. From what I’ve seen in this and other videos, I like this, especially since it seems like a very relaxed and happy atmosphere, and they really encourage creativity. It’s seems like a school where I want to be a part of it as a teacher. I did already a few internships and it’s really hard to find a school where there is a good atmosphere where they don’t talk behind your back and they really like there job and would do everything for it. And only if you feel good as a teacher in a school you can do a good job and be a good teacher for the children to. Because if you don’t , the children will feel it to in your manner of teaching. For children it is really important to be enthusiastic in everything you do, so in this way you can teach them everything also the things who seems to be boring.
    I also think it’s good that teachers there getting educated very well. But I’ve seen or read somewhere that the teachers have to be highly qualified like lawyers and doctors. I do think it is necessarily in some countries that the level of the courses have to be higher like in our country (Belgium), but in this case it is undue.

  313. I really liked watching the video. I think it’s a really good thing that the teachers get educated really good before getting their degree. Sometimes i think, in Belgium, the level of the courses is often too low to become a teacher. We get to do a lot of internships, which is very good, but i think we should have some higher level of theoretical courses. When you have to teach students about some subjects, you don’t know a lot about yourself, it’s like a blind person leading another blind person. As a teacher, you have to be ready to lead your students in every question they have. You have to be the one who makes them interested in all the subjects you teach only because of your enthusiasm.
    The atmosphere in the video looked really nice. Like they say in the movie, it looks like a good combination of technology, human interaction, and all the things kids need to have a good education.
    Other country’s should learn from their system.

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