A lo que ha conducido la evolución de ciertas tendencias desarrolladas a lo largo de las últimas décadas (producto a su vez de todo el empuje, efervescencia y agotamiento de corrientes históricas) es a una crisis y transformaciones más que significativas que se manifiestan a nivel social, económico, cultural y moral. Estamos ante una evidente crisis personal y social.
VIDEO: What it means to be a leader, by Simon Sinek.
La educación no se ha librado de esto pues está atravesada por todas las manifestaciones humanas. El oficio de enseñar, hoy incierto, tiene miles de años de historia con la que se pretende cortar, pues como es bien sabido, este rasgo es una característica propia del postmodernismo; es como si la formación tal como se la entendiera hoy hubiera comenzado una nueva vida, como tal hay que denostar la anterior, después de las revueltas de finales de los sesenta.
Junto a estos problemas que aporta nuestra época, muchos otros problemas aparecen en la enseñanza:
a) Los problemas inherentes a la propia enseñanza, al considerarse a la misma como una actividad de gran complejidad en la que concurren contrariedades de muy diverso signo, además de las “viejas” cuestiones acerca de “qué enseñar, para qué enseñar y cómo enseñar”.
b) Los problemas de tipo ideológico, con lo que se tiene en cuenta que los problemas propios de la actividad de la enseñanza difieren según el prisma ideológico desde el que se enfoca la enseñanza como actividad profesional o sobre la escuela.
c) El problema de la libertad. La libertad, en sentido genérico, es un derecho reconocido sin fisuras en muchos país, lo que no resta importancia a innumerables problemas relacionados con la práctica de la libertad, es decir, con la extensión de los significados de libertad en el ámbito de la enseñanza para cada uno de nosotros.
d) El cometido de la enseñanza, lo que pone de manifiesto que la misión de la enseñanza resulta problemática por la definición que cada cual posee de la misma y la misión que se le adjudica, con presupuestos ideológicos muy variados detrás de ella.
e) El problema de los valores que ahora son derechos universales. La historia cuenta con una buena cantidad de esfuerzos puestos al servicio de la concreción de unos valores mínimos que puedan ser compartidos por la mayoría y, de esa forma, respetados y promovidos. Uno de estos intentos se llama “La declaración universal de los Derechos Humanos”, a cuyo contenido podemos tender sin duda y tratar de perfeccionar en el futuro. Ocurre que, sin embargo, los intentos por “trabajar” estos mismos derechos están inflados en muchos casos de demagogia, incoherencia y pobreza, dentro y fuera de la escuela.
Hacer frente a esta crisis no es sólo una tarea y un desafío, es, también, un compromiso y una responsabilidad que, en general, es bien asumida por los educadores vocacionales. Emmanuel Mounier ve que el fin de la educación no es tallar al niño para una función o amoldarle a cierto conformismo, sino madurarle y armarle (a veces, desarmarle) lo mejor posible para el descubrimiento de esta vocación que es su mismo ser y el centro de reunión de sus responsabilidades de hombre; la responsabilidad es el respirar mismo de la persona.
Es este contexto y este escenario el que necesita de líderes, para que muchas escuelas y otras instituciones fijen un acertado rumbo. El liderazgo, como la participación, no es un concepto que pueda ser descrito en abstracto sin referencia a los valores que promueve, tal como hacen frecuentemente las teorías de la gestión o más amplias teorías educativas. Afirmar que el líder es un facilitador, que motiva, que provee una visión, etc., sin referencia a fines (y qué fines), es adoptar una perspectiva esencialista y tecnocrática. Definido así, es un liderazgo que puede servir igual para construir relojes, dirigir personas o fabricar bombas eficientemente. En este modelo, la búsqueda de la productividad a través de la gente es el principio que justifica la acción del líder, sin plantearse el qué y para qué producir o crear.

Todo líder encarna unos valores. Las más relevantes investigaciones sobre el tema concluyen que para que el liderazgo sea efectivo debe moverse en un plano más bien moral: creencias e ideales mediante medios simbólicos y de compromiso con la tarea educativa. Pero no olvidemos que el líder siempre arrastra a otros quienes libremente adoptan esa decisión de adherirse a los valores del líder, por lo cual estos mismos valores del líder deben ser expuestos con la máxima responsabilidad, compromiso y coherencia.
Warren Bennis sugiere que la premisa básica es que aprender a ser un líder eficaz es lo mismo que aprender a ser una persona eficaz. Igualmente Sergiovanni, otro estudioso del liderazgo, apuntó hace tiempo: a mayor madurez y responsabilidad, menos liderazgo se necesita. Esta es la gran paradoja que clarifica nuestro momento actual: la falta de madurez, la crítica situación en que se encuentran ciertos valores fundamentales para hombres y mujeres requiere el advenimiento de auténticos líderes, pero no de paladines y guías que especulan con los intereses de los demás para beneficio propio.
A leader is the person who knowingly observes reality in which he lives, courageously take the challenge and put the effort in changing the environment for the better. Leader not working alone initiates cooperation, encourages and engages others to action. The leader inspires and motivates, shares its energy with others, because it works for the people, and together with them. Anyone who on his own initiative aims to change chodby small fragment of reality has a lot of leadership, and certainly predisposed to it to be. Anyone can be a leader in the school community, pursuing their own projects, inspiring and engaging others to action.
In our experience, people are marked with any of the labels, they want to live in a society very ordinary lives. Day by day they want to do the same familiar things that we all (love, to have a family, work, home, friends, money, power, joy, faith in someone and something chance to be in demand). Just some of them to achieve these goals needs some more support, than usually.
The objective of leaders from education, and social services – to be with that people along the way. Their role in providing care and support to people in their self-determination. Without leadership, there is nothing in any organization. Leaders in this field should have a discernment; the insight, which combines crystal clear and fearlessness in front of obstacles. Leaders are always open and fearless, because they believe in themselves and in their vision. And every teacher should be the leader. As we heard in the video, a leader is someone who has the followers. And students should trust their teachers as much that they will always follow them. As teachers, in turn, must clearly understand where and why they lead.
Living in society, we always meet leaders. Whether it’s school, university, or job. And those are not the managers who are above you at the job, these are people who equal to you and they have something special (idea, charisma or charm) what makes you follow them. Such people are strong-willed and purposeful. And looking through the prism on education, you realize that the teacher must also be a leader. He must be a man, who will give you knowledge, will open the truth of the world, will reach the goals of learning. Of course, if you’re not surrounded by the leader, perhaps the leader is you? You shouldn’t wait for someone who will lead you. You need to train yourself to become better, and then people will follow you.
The teacher’s ultimate goal, like the leader’s, is to help people become self-reliant by acquiring specific skills, knowledge, and cultivating attitudes. The qualities of the best teachers naturally reflect the characteristics of great leaders. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge these similar traits, and direct the training of future teachers and leaders accordingly. Leadership does not look like administration to extend beyond the classroom. Ask a great teacher how they create a classroom culture that inspires every student to do their best and they will be able to very clearly tell you the specific systems, structures, and social norms they implement, to ensure that their classroom is filled with only excellence and joy. Great teachers bring the same ability to create a strong culture to any other organization. Moreover, in order to be a leader-teachers have to learn constantly and improve every aspect of the work whether the classroom library, on grading system, or parent engagement strategies. Based on my own experience leader-teachers know that people need to feel safe, and loved, and calm, in order to learn and grow. In general, when students struggle, teachers-leaders engage in deep collaborative problem-solving to help get them on the right track, to go heart-to-heart that helps the student feel safe. I agree with the main point of the article that the great teachers are great leaders who will be empathetic with their students, as well as with their colleagues.
In my opinion leadership is the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. A leader is somebody influential who people can relate and look up to. Generally people don’t consider teachers as leaders but in fact they are. They guide students though school put them through exams etc. I think it is the role of the teacher to set good examples to students. I think that the teacher is the most important presence in the classroom, no matter how good the students or even the material and equipment available. The teacher is acting as a leader for all the pupils standing at the top of the classroom trying to help the students understand what he/she is saying. If the teacher is not 100% passionate about what they do there will be a communication breakdown leading to miscommunication and confusion of students. Teachers must be determined and focused on their students to be successful in there career.
To be a lider, you need to have specific features. You should have strong character, be self-confident and have other abilities. Not every person can be a lider. But you can try to learn it. Nowadays you can find a lot of training courses about personal development, lidership etc.
Teachers also are kind of liders. They ‘manage’ class of the pupils or students. They need to be effective, need to motivate, teach, solve problems, know what to do in different situations. They should show us that, things they are saying and teaching are important for our life. They should have power to convince us to some ideas and values, but also let us have our own opinion which they should accept. They should teach us how to speak in public, express our opinions, but also teach that we should be tolerant for opinion of other people. From the beginng of our school life they should be persons who lead us and help us discover ourselves, right after our parents. They should be examples for students.
I think that there are some important character traits for people who are working in a leading position, like for example teachers who have to manage a whole grade of school with about 25 students. Teachers as leaders of classes should be self-confident, structured, patient and caring. But beside these attributes there is another important aspect for a leadership ability: leaders have to motivate and fascinate their followers or have to convince them by their values and ideas. Looking at the educational context, this means for teachers that they have to motivate their students to be keen on learning, that they have to have good and charity-reasoned values and ideas about the world so that the students are captivated by them and maybe also take them as models.
Of course, there are many questions being raised about education like how it should be done. Some teachers have to follow a certain program while others have their own methods which could be better. Once my teacher told me that the purpose of high school education is to prepare you for the exams. If you pass them well, you get free education in Lithuania and if you fail, then there is a chance that you won’t be accepted. If it is true, than I do not like its purpose as I believe it should have a different kind of purpose. It is also valuable to know why you are doing something. For instance, it is better to know what happened in our history than just some random historic dates. It is also true that humans always look up to others. Most of the groups can not function properly if they do not have a leader. However, the leader should take actions by ensuring the better future for the others and try not to exploit other people weaknesses.
I also think that the teacher in the classroom should be a leader. Of course, not all teachers have the characteristics of lider form the theory. One of the key attributes of a leader is the authority, respect and the ability to attract attention.
There are hard teachers,of which students are afraid, and those whose admire and want to emulate. There are also those who did not get respect and confidence of students. Teachers should build authority in a natural way. I believe that the prospective teachers who do not have a natural sense of leadership, should familiarize themselves with the various types of training that will show how many benefits for teachers and students comes from the ability to be a leader is for example: authority, control and respect.
Firstly, I want to explain what aspects I see in teachers who are good leaders. As you know every school has successful students and problematic students. In my opinion, a good leading teacher tries to get the problematic students more engaged with the work and helps them with their issues.Generally, when a teacher notices a disrubtive student, they tend to send them out of class or give them some form of punishment. I think most of the teachers do this as it is the easiest solution for them. However, a good teacher is aware that the solution is not just to give a punishment. To get the students to fully participate can take a long time, its not a simple thing. Therefore, for me a good leading teacher takes time and puts effort into every students wellbeing.
The leadership is very important in each workspace. Leader directs people to a specific purpose anD he/she provides to work people in a manner consistent. Leadership is very important in the teaching profession. But I think the leadership is not something that can be learned later. The leadership property also has the character of human. İt can not be learned later. Therefore, we can not expect every teacher to be a good leader. But, people can learn how to behave with a variety of courses. And, of course, If the experience of the teachers increase t, this will contribute to the leadership characteristics. Maybe teacher may not be a good leader with training. But a teacher can be a role model with training. And, most importantly, teachers can be a good guide for children.
I think many children are born with leadership skills. Others gaining this ability at a later time and lifelong, some are not leaders. According to me through fun teaching can teach a child to fulfill important social roles. Of course, not everyone can be leaders because too many people to govern will not good. These are the type of person John Paul II, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler, who had an innate authority.
These individuals could involve crowds of people because they have leadership skills…
The leader must have the appropriate character, so not every man can be. Every social group needs the leader, the same group of students, the class needs a teacher. So the teacher must possess leadership qualities classroom management, distribution of tasks and responsibilities and pay attention. A good leader is always courteous, even if it is not pleasant to forward the information has a positive attitude and appropriate listening skills. It requires from each other as much as the others and can easily make content even with a very difficult person. But above all should be respected teacher to the whole class should be a role model.
Leadership skills are very important in the work of the teacher. These are abilities with whom some are born. Others, have to learn them. I remember one teacher whose met – after 5 minutes the whole class knew that he is afraid of himself. Throughout the term of his lessons were our fun. We ruled in the classroom and we – the students we spoke what we want to do. In the next lesson came another teacher and we sat politely in the bench. The second teacher had authority whose were afraid to undermine. Unfortunately, such are the children and this is the world-quickly will show the reality. If the teacher does not have leadership skills, unfortunately – but will be one pupil who will take control of the class …
I think that teachers, from elementary school through college, are also leaders. Successful teachers are very much like successful leaders – they both engage in transformational behaviors. They are positive role models for followers. They hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can do their best. As a result they inspire, empower and stimulate. They focus on and care about personal needs and development of students. They are enthusiastic about what they are doing and that enthusiasm infects their students. The very best teachers get students to think about things in new ways and challenge them to greater intellectual achievements. They encourage creative and novel thinking, rather than discouraging it.
Leaders are needed in situations where fast decisions are wanted. If a sitaution damands sudden decisions in case of fast altering circumstances, a decision can not be caused in dialog. But this leaders have either to be chosen or at least appreciated by each individual in the group of the leader and in the best case the leadership rotates between the individuals or can simply be replaced.
Its the same case in education, a teacher who has of course a leading role, has to be acknowlegded by each students. The teacher-student-relationship can not work without appreciating each other, absolute authority has contra-productive effects on the leraning of students. If students can not indetify with the subject matter, learning will be compulsion.
From this it follows that in the best cases the subject matter should be negotiated with the students.
I am candidate teacher of mathematics .If I don’t have enough knowledge about mathematics I can not be good teacher I think first of all teacher should be enough for his/her lesson .Also i cant be good leader in class.My opinion learship ; teacer can appeal all of them and reach all of students .Good learship in class is possible with multifaceted I mean teacher must be democratic,friend and social.We can give much more examples .So with everything in place and implemented in time to know and be able to use the procedure.On thay way we can prepear them for future .We save them from being ordinary, and we prepare for the future in a better way.
Leadership in my opinion, the goal to reach is the process of persuading or influencing others.When we look to the characteristics of leadership, formal power, reward power,
scare force,expertise in power, information is power, and power based on appreciation.
leader of this power by using one or more of the behavior of certain groups’ influence is.
must be certain that the leading role of the teacher.Teachers, although not much of it in the realization of the community who are governing and directing.Leadership does not give orders or instructions to sing, or by affecting the environment, leaving a trail to the fore for his work and is to be capable to be around people.Awareness of the characteristics of a leader, objective thinking, internalized morality and there is transparency in the relationship.teachers also have these features I think.Teachers in their environment are people who are natural leaders in the property.
I can describe to leadership ;a person who can lead and guide others and shows to different ways and easy ways in our life .Also I think leaders should be little bit different for example charisma, interesting, attractive, which would place the attention of people, and at the same time knows to be heard to be self-owned charisma. and also i believe that leaders should have another vision in their life .When someone is talking about leadership I am imagining a person who can see something that nobody can think that .I think it is same in class if teacher should be like this everything could be different now I think the biggest problem in classroom ,students dont listen to the teachers so the teachers should be like a leader he or she should make to students listen him or her .And teacher should lead and guide others in this world because the children always want to see and learn new things .
Every teacher is a leader already because he leads the class, he is a chief person. But it’s not always obligatory to show the students that you’re a leader and they must just obey you. Teacher needs always find a medium, let students feel that he is a main and important person, but at the same time it’s important when it’s not imposed on students and they don’t feel tensed. In case students are tensed they don’t see a teacher as a leader, they don’t respect him. And it’s always hard for a teacher to find this medium:when everyone is happy and respects a teacher. And also there is a different interpretation of leadership according to age category if students, and I think it’s good when teacher shows more leadership in primary school than in secondary school, where teacher needs to try even harder to find a way of treating students, and it’s about collaboration here. It’s my personal opinion, I’m not if it’s correct and works.
I think we can say being a teacher and being a leader can be compared. Some abilities are needed by both to do what they should, prepare people for reaching a certain aim. So it`s definitely very important that teachers are able to motivate and inspire their students, to be some kind of role model and for sure to point in a certain direction.
But however a leader itself already has a clear idea, his followers can decide to join him or not – in contrast to pupils, school is obligatory – and decide if they agree or not. In schools as common institutions we should be careful at this point. Children and young people are very influenceable. I think in schools it`s more about showing them the need to become a self responsible and independently thinking person, for sure we have to teach them values but without any indoctrinated mindsets.
A teacher is someone how prepares his sheeps to find their way by their own. A leader carries his sheeps to the barn…
During my study I followed some courses about leadership, in what we’ve learnt what leadership is and in which ways you can do this. You have different types of leaderships (8) for different kind of groups. You can be a coorporative leader or you can be a independent leader, and so on. I’ve learnt the most important skills for being a leader, like charisma, communication skills and so on.
Being a leader is being a person who is inspiring others, who takes responsibily, being a example for others, who is giving them structure and information. Being a leader isn’t in my opinion similar as being a teacher, because its just a different kind of skills. If you can be a leader and a teacher, then I would be very amazed.
Leadership is defined to be a person who can lead and guide others. They inspire and motivate them. They almost have a certain aspect of power about them. As a teacher I think you need to be a strong leader in all the right ways. To be effective students must respect you and listen to you. This is what followers do. As the leader in the classroom teachers in return should motivate student to learn about many different things and keep them interested. Try to inspire their creativity and help them find their talents. I think a good teacher is a leader but allows for democracy in a classroom. Students should know that the teacher is in charge but that if they have an idea or a suggestion they’re free to express how they feel.
I totaly agree with Emmanuel Mounier and he couldn’t say it better. The point in education is not educating leaders. It’s like school for managers – total nonsense. School only arms you to do things with some theoretical (and practical) backgroud, so it’s all about easy start in a succesfull career. But only after some experiences, an individual is able to develop some leadership skills that are necesary. And not everyone is capable of doing that. I mean, every social group, evein if it’s just casual, almost everytime there is a leader or a person that has the most skills in leading, so sooner or later naturaly this person takes over. And that can be learned only with combination of education and practice and also depending on personality. And I also agree about leadership being a personal development, because there is a lot in common. A leader knows both, trough experience and trough knowledge on how to make decisions, how to do things, when to do them, can orient himself at any given time, and is able to always learn new things. All those traits are also very helpfull in every individuals personal life. So in my opinion – people with better personality and better organised lifes are the best candidates for leaders, because they know how to embrace every resource available, and knowledge and education is one of the most important ones.
First of all, leadership is a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal. These items will help you develop your skills as a leader.To be a leader for children is very important thing, for my opinion . Because if you are leader they will listen and do what you said. It’s really complicated, because there are a lot of disobedient children, and the most of all they are adults.
Teachers as well as parents are important leaders in a child’s life. They must guide the children and set an example. A good teacher who knows how to interact and work with children will almost certainly have a positive influence on a child learning experience which can only be a good thing. The main problem today in my opinion is that some teachers end up in teaching as a last resort because maybe the didn’t know exactly what career was right for them or couldn’t find work elsewhere. I think it’s too easy for people to become teachers. A teacher should be passionate and enthusiastic should and do their best to inspire children. If a teacher doesn’t really want to be there, it shows and children pick up on this. The teacher doesn’t show enough interest so students aren’t as engaged as they should be. While I agree that teachers act as important leaders, there are many who fail to fulfill this responsibility correctly.
In my opinion a good leader is someone who is able to motivate other people around him. To convince people to «fight» for the same thing.
I agree with the most people here, that a teacher is a leader. He leads his students to the next year. He leads them (hopfully) to a succesfull, peasfull life. A leader should accapt different opinions and allow mistakes. A good leader is charismatic and openminded. I guess that everyone could be a leader…To be a leader means to group people with the same intrest around you and to walk the same way. And I think all over the world are people which have different interest, but they can group and reach their aims. But never forget ( Be your own leader and try to reach your own dreams, because if you dont, others will let you work to reach theire dreams.)
I think not everyone can become a leader. For me a good leader will inspire others , and he will show how thing can be done but he will not show the «one way» or «the best way» of doing things. Great responsibility lays on him as people trust him. Leader is always on pressure becouse people are watching him . So this can be really stressfull for him. The same is with education. It should have a leader that will show how to do things, who will ask questions how to improve education system. Teachers should be a small leaders as every day they meet with students and spend alot of time together. They can teach students skills like : responsibility, diligence, hard work, an open mind, ask questions, desire continuing education
Leadership is a meaning of great importance! Leaders show the right direction or way. metinLeader should be patient, investigator, creator of changes, consistent, and most importantly open minded. Teachers have a responsibility to make sure that each and everyone will reach the aims. Undeniably teacher’s role is not just to transfer knowledge to students. Teachers are role-models of their students for sure. There’s a thin line between being role-model and being leader . educational leadership is somehow different as a matter when compared to other fields.
In my opinion if the teacher sets wrong example then it reflects badly also on the subject itself. Therefore, as a teacher leader is one who motivates and gives courage and strength to his students to be able to what they believe. teachers should develop required skills to set a good example for students . Education is a very difficult process and requires a vast knowledge of the teacher, which should be constantly deepening.
The insight that education is valuable both to individuals and to countries is not new. Using continuously improving data and statistical tools, we have come to understand and appreciate the magnitude of education’s impact on employment, income, health and life opportunities in general. From a purely economic point of view, private returns on investment are well beyond 10% per year, and public returns are only slightly below that figure. Fears that increasing participation and greater numbers of graduates – resulting in ever-increasing numbers of highly qualified people in the work force – would result in some kind of inflation, in diminishing returns and burgeoning graduate unemployment could not be confirmed by the data.When the financial crisis erupted in 2007-08, rapidly turning into a global economic recession and a fiscal crisis in the Euro-zone and other countries, it was very difficult to predict its impact on education.
Leadership is very important in every field in our lives. That person must have the authority everybody says. But what is authority? Why we need a leader to organize us? Do we need to do everything the leader wants us to do? Well, these questiones are quite enough to explain this. To have authority, the person should know every aspect of a topic. For example, if I’m Muslim, I should know other religions too, not only mine. I need to know them even better than mine. That is the only way to be objective. Being objective is the most important thing in my opinion. To organize a group, of course the person should be smart. He doesn’t have to be the smartest, but smart enough to organize and think broadly. We need that leader to organize us, to prevent the chaos. Of course everybody has their own idea, or something they think will be good for everyone if it gets real. But if there is no leader, it creates only a complicated situation. The leader should eliminate and make an order for the ideas. If we have a leader like this, of course we can do everything he tells us to make the situation better. In this case, there is a big responsibility for the leader. Because he need to have enough knowledge, experience and need to be fair. In my opinion, today many of the leaders don’t have these features. Many of the big problems occur because of this.
The leadership is a good feature not even for the teacher but for the others who are working in a leading positions. Talking about the educational sphere, the teachers should have this characteristic because it is important to control whole class and have attention. What is more, if you are a leader then everybody are respecting you and try to follow. In this case, the children will be more motivated to learn during the lessons. In other hand, there is a bad side of being a leader. It is very bad when the others are following you blindly and doing everything as like you. This thing is killing the everyone’s creativity and possibility to create something new, to think in a different way and broaden your viewpoint.
Every career fields need leaders and education is not exception. I want explain my thoughts about being leader. In my opinion a person cannot be a reader if he doesn’t have some features from birth. Being leader is something that you cannot learn in school. Or until now, this is what we are taught in school. May be you don’t have to have special features. The sentence telling by Warren Bennis shows the probability of being leader in any time because like Warren said learning being effective leader is equal with learning being an effective person. The point is our personality. Leadership is coming from there. Now i am thinking that in our schools we are being taught how to think, what to think, being motivated, getting unlimited visions, being inspiring also creative, in actual fact all those things are steps of being leader. We are learning unconsciously. Now, the exact point is realizing it. Leaders are the people who realized and started use it. In meantime some features from birth step in. Maybe that’s why we think that people cannot be leader by learning it. They have already known it, the only thing they need to do find out and apply in their life.
«Leadership is based on possession of a vision. It must be a vision of what you are able to articulate clearly and firmly every time. You can not blow the trumpet does not understand how to do this. » Reverend Hesburgs
So, I think, each organization to operate continuously and rhythmically need not only a managers, but also a great leader. Only then organization can move forward. Realizing what is each human talents, capabilities, it is possible to define their roles and understand their power. A leader is someone who influences other convincing, rather than forcing. It is a person who has the personal authority based on his psychological and moral qualities. I think here is the place of this saying: «You dont born as a leader, you becom as a leader» Every one of us is given the opportunity to develop our full potential and become an outstanding leader!!!
My opinion is that we are leaders in our life. We are these people who will make our future. It all depends how much we study and how much work we do. I think that normal-thinking people can be a good leader, but to become like that we need to put a lot of work in it. Being a leader you can prove yourself how good you can be and try all the time be better and better.
I think that a good leader is a person who can motivate others to do the things better. Teachers need to be a very good leader example for students. They need to encourage students make discussions, and also at the same time teach some things of theory. In the end, I think the word «leader» is a person who motivates and give a perfect example for everybody.
Firstly, leadership has important role in our life. We start to life and learn with our family. Primarily we follow our father and mother. And continue with school and teachers. And teacher be our leadership model. Because of that teachers must be responsible, productive, motivated, creative and innovative. Today with postmodernism it is really difficult to find a teacher has leadership character. They don’t keep quailification to teaching so they haven’t real leadership vision. There is uncertainty about what and how to teach. The other point, If teacher can be good example to students so it can be good following way for students. Also they should engage to students. Conclusion teacher has really effective role in education. He/ she must control every points of teaching; how, what, where, etc. Class conditions, different students features, kinds of materials and It is related about to having leadership vision.
A true leader is described not in that way, how he‘s controling and just teaching others, true leader shows how to do the thing for the others. If leader is cruel, I think employers can‘t enjoy what they‘re doing, leader should make the atmopshere where employers can feel comfortable and etc. Teaching is one of the best expression for the leader, because kids should follow him, but for the teacher is harder to adapt to many different persons. A lot of students have their own strenghts and weakneses and a good teacher should adapt to these things, to make better conditions for students to learn. Leader is also can be described as a creative man, because he should have so many options to explain things in different ways.
I lot of people confuse these words manager/director with the leader. I agree with Simon Sinek’s explanation of a “leader”. In Latvia we have a special 4-day event for students who are members of university’s student board, called “Leader Forum” in which we talk about leadership, which helped me to truly understand he real meaning of this word. I don’t believe that anyone can become a leader, if you work hard on it, learn to gain people’s trust, study all those leadership theories maybe then you have a small chance to become something similar to a leader. I believe that a true leader is born a leader. A person who is a leader has this charismatic personality, people just follow him, trust him.. Leader’s actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. A true leader has a talent seeing the other person’s talent and using it to accomplish something faster, better and more effective.
First of all, I think that anyone can be a leader if he/she has enough faith in what he/she does. For sure, we cannot unite around us all the people we want if we do not believe at more than 100% in what we want to realize.
That’s why we can see that in education if a professor really loves one’s job, the probability of a total presence and commitment of students will be very high. Moreover, in order to favor this, liberty is a very important key, at once for the professor and for the students. If the professors take liberty to teach as they feel it is better, they are more committed, and bring more students in their wake. Thus, the students will follow more the professors in their commitment which will allow them to be more at ease, and with a certain liberty to express their ideas and their creativity.
Leadership is a word that makes me first of all think about persons who work in industry and not about school, but actually it´s true. Teachers are leaders too and they have to be good leaders to convince their students to follow them as said by Simon Sinek. A leader is a person who has followers, a good teacher wins his students for the content of his subject and he knows how to transmit it to them. In school and at university I have had the experience of people who know to do that and many others, who struggle with it. So I wonder how it is possible to transmit to students who are becoming a teacher, how to be a good leader, for the advantage of future students.
After watching the video, one question got stuck in my mind. Not even the leadership story but a sentence that Simon Sinek tells in the video. He tells that; «90 procent of the people don’t love what they do.» «They like it, but don’t love it.» I think this is very shocking! What if you don’t love what you do? You are not as motivated as you could be by doing something that you do love. Also the fact that you need to get up every day and struggling with yourself to get up and going to work that you «just» like. For me to imagine that, realize me that I need to find something in the future that my job ask my passion by doing something that i would LOVE to do 🙂 i believe if you find this, it is going to less long!
For example in Spain, I believe, in these days is really difficult to do what you love, or even to do, what you want to do and you studied, And in my country I also know people in their forties, who still do not really know, what they want to do. They just know they don’t love their current jobs. As sad as it sounds, I think is difficult to make it so that everybody loves their jobs.
Now to the leadership in general (I comment now the article) – I also believe that everybody can be a leader. Sometimes, if they want to (I believe you can learn everything), and sometimes they can just find it inside themselves, in the situation that requires them to become a leader (I am now reading the book about partisan groups during the revolution in Cuba).
So my conclusion is : By living our life situation we can learn to be a charismatic, self-confident and good leaders, because we can gain these characteristics thanks to our experiences.
I think that the article is really interesting. Some people still consider leaders as people, who tell other people what to do, who set the rules and generally behave peremptorily. But actually leader has a totally different meaning.True leaders are really dedicated to what the love doing. They do not want nothing more than to make people stand on their own, as leaders in their own right. They also try to motivate other people, to inspire them, to help them develop their personality. A leader should respect, accept and encourage everyone to do his best. It is not about freedom. Children need in my opinion teachers to be leaders. That doesn’t mean that they are not free, that they don’t have free choices. Teachers should be really responsible for their students. They have to be an example for them, in order to inspire them the love and the willing for learning and life.
In my opinion a good leader has personality, courage, clear vision with ambition to succeed; encourages the team to perform to their optimum all the time and drives organisational success; has to be objective, fair and reasonable; has the ability to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and experience, the motivation to prevent harm to anyone; ensures a safe place of work for staff; has respect for the law and regulations, provides clear direction; communicates effectively, etc.
“A star wants to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him rise to the top.” – Simon Sinek.
A leader is not obligatory a person, who everyone is frightened of, since there are so many
different types of leading styles, as you know them from management methods, for example there are leaders with a high distance to their employees and others who act like they are on of them.
I think it’s the same for teachers, sure, they shouldn’t act completely like their students, but there are many different options to be a good leader, and it depends on your personality which type fits best for you. Also, there will always be student who get along better with one or the other type.
A good leader is respected and trusted as person, who knows more than you do and is able to teach you important things, therefore it’s easier for you to accept this person, which leads to better learning results in my opinion.
Teachers, who don’t have those leading skills will always have authority problems and students will learn less.
«Teachers, who don’t have those leading skills will always have authority problems and students will learn less.»
Couldn’t it be possible that the lesson rude pupils have to learn in contact with non-authoritarian teachers is, how to treat people respectfull and euqally?
I think most rowdies need some time – not seldom years – to realize how stupid they were, but in the end a non-violent attitude (or speaking as a group leader: a democratic leadership) is the behaviour I could represent best in front of my conscience.
As i understand this article, the «leading role» of a teacher is much more than just having the respect from your students. Of course this is one important fact, that i also see in danger. Our sociery became much more sensitive concerning disciplin, contact between teachers and students, etc.. Today teachers are almost not alowed to touch students (you could imagine that this can be a big problem in sports for example) or just claim discipline. On the other hand leading in educacion means also another thing to me. The teacher´s function is not just imparting knowledge. Its is more attending students on their way of development (of knowledge, social behavier, orientation, etc.) as offering learning situations, helping in all situations of the process and also giving feedback or reflect together with students. So i think that a good leader in school should be better described as a coach or adviser than as a «teacher» in the original sense of the word.
I have read a book about the «Summerhill» school in England for my «Pedagogic Foundations» class here in Huelva. There the founder A.S. Neil explained how he saw the role of a leader in a educational sight. It was very interesting, because he focused the freedome of everybody and every student. The students in Summerhill haven’t even had a timetable, because they were totally free in what they wanted to do. Neil said, that children want to learn and don’t have to be forced to go to classes.
Even if this book was interesting and A.S. Neil was a way more intelligent person than I am right now, I have a slightly different point of view. I agree that freedome is one of the most important things in education, but I also think that the mass of children need a role model in form of a teacher who has the right to test the knowledge of his students and even to let them fail if they aren’t good enough. We need a bigger degree of freedome, yes – but we also have to make sure, that the quality of the results of learning are on a high level.
Nowadays schools and internal environment is much different than in the past. Earlier students have different attitude to learning, school, teachers. Teacher should be like a leader for students, but nowadays some teachers try to be more similar to students, in this way teacher break down all barriers which should be between teacher and students. If teacher is like a leader then every students respected teacher more. In my opinion, nowadays students have more rights in schools than teachers have, even then when students are wrong. But school is nothing without good and inspiring teachers. Exactly teachers are the main person in school environment, they give education to students.
All education stakeholders should try to solve the problem that prevails in schools.
I think some teachers in school do not want to be seen as leaders. They act more likely as a member of the group. I think each side has their advantages and disadvantages. In Germany you are used to adress your teacher formally. Here in Spain it is very different for me because you are on a first-name basis with someone. This difference also affects how the teacher is seen as a leader and how his leadership is considered. Considering how it is here in Spain there is not such a big gap between teacher and student and maybe some students will have less fear to ask something as if you would have to address teachers more formally.
As society has shown us, there needs to be a leader for almost every group or denomination. To have these leadership qualities is an important aspect to being a teacher. A teacher is there to lead children in their learning- but not as a figure of mentor-mentee as mentioned by Sinek in a previous video, but as someone who inspires someone else to become what they want to be in life. Leaders and followers share the same vision, the same aspirations and goals. In my opinion, a leader is not always someone who should be followed in everything that they say. Members of a group need to question things and participate with their own opinions, so therefore a leader should be someone who represents a group of people. In the classroom this can be seen by pupils playing an active role in their learning, deciding what they want or need to learn and how to make a positive influence in their school community. A leader, or teacher, is merely there in a guidance role. A good leader or teacher is someone who goes beyond and above what is accepted of them and of their students.
Usually the students think that the teacher is an ideal, perfect and knows everything. And so should also work to students and thanks it will have respect and also they have to trust him.In fact the teacher is someone who motivates them to learn new things and also inspires them of knowing in the future what they want to be is a very important thing in education. So if you talk about of being a leader it is not just to lead someone, the definition was developed in a very positive way. The good leader will found the study field, which we are good in and he will help us to improve our knowledge. I think, it´s not easy to be a good leader. It has to listen the students and try to give them the best of yourself.
There is no doubt that leadership characteristics are very important traits to have in the teaching profession. As Simon Sinek touched on in the video clip, a leader is someone who inspires others around them. A teacher must be the number one leader in the classroom while the students are their followers. When I was in school, the best teachers were those who motivated and inspired the students to work and to study as hard as possible. We believed and trusted in what they said and did. Therefore, it is clear that effective leadership can lead to extended productivity and better results in the classroom. A good teacher/leader never accepts a certain standard. They keep raising the performance levels and the expectation levels every single day to get the best out of their students.
The interview was a bit short, but very interesting. Nowadays role of leader is common and important. We all are dealing with such position in our everyday lives, almost everywhere. In our families there is a head of family which is mostly father who is making decision in most of matters. In schools we have a teacher, leader of a class and a person who we have to listen. And finally leader of ruling party. Let’s stop here and think about features which should have such a leader.
First of all leader should inspire his/her own followers. Second of all he/she should be trustworthy, because trust is basis of human relations. For me one of the most important thing is to be firmness. The stronger leader the more followers. Honesty – he/she should act in agreement with himself and a group. Self confident- leader should be sure of his/her actions. Being a leader is not a piece of cake, because this what he or she dictate has a great influence on whole following group.
I think a class is a prototype of a leaded group. And in this group the leader is even more important than in other groups because the member of the school-groups are often younger, less experienced and have not such a high social status. That’s why social norms and responsibility is very important because the teacher is a model. In these days a lot of things are changing and every few years there are new academic concepts. But the teacher has to show responsibility and lead the group because otherwise there will be chaos.
In my opinion it is the wrong way to give especially young students to much freedom because they cannot use it. In primary school the model of the teacher is very important and his skills to lead a class. Later, in secondary school, there is more room to give responsibility to the students and the teacher can become more passive. There I think he should be like a mentor and not like a leader.
Leaders have only one thing is called follower. Teachers were used to be leaders in the classroom. But recently it has been changed a lot. They are more like equal to students which makes everything easier. It bring democracy to classroom and it also helps about teachers can become a real part of Daily routine of the school. Teachers are role-models of their students for sure. There’s a thin line between being role-model and being leader. Leadership is an open –ended. Students can feel pressure besides leaders are needed as well. This is why thin line is important for teachers. Hierarchical order is the rule of the World. On the other hand, this could be a bad start to build a relationship with students. Being an effective leadership actually means that who is able to inspire people, students, enable to develop them. Actually teachers are almost everything for students. Sometimes they are a parent, a leader, a role model, a friend. It is very important to take the responsibility of these roles at the same time.
I enjoyed this article as it is all about what it is to be a good leader. In the video, Simon Sinek states that a leader is someone who has followers who are willing to following in the same direction. A leader must have a clear vision of a life in a world in which they want to live.They want a life of fulfillment and want to inspire others to love life to the fullest.
A leader is not just a teacher even though the can be a person best leader but a leader can be anyone, a friend, family member etc. Everyone should strive to be a leader in their person lives and try and make the world a better place.
I very much enjoyed this blogs and I found all the articles very interesting.
The main premise of this article is to find out what it really means to be leader. We all aspire to be leaders in life but what does it really mean to be a leader? Is it someone who is confident or has the ability to change lives? As aspiring educators we have to ask ourselves how we can lead in the classroom? We can make a difference by using effective teaching methods that have an impact on the students today and therefore the future generation. If you have the confidence to lead a class and prepare effective lessons that will benefit the students then you are making a difference in these students lives and leading them to a greater future. Leadership is a quality many employers seek in prospective employees so if you have the ability to lead a team with ease and show you can stand up and be counted then you create better opportunities for yourself in the future. Leadership is a central quality to prospering in life and if you know you can lead with ease then everyone knows that you are person to be admired.
El rol de los profesores como líderes se han cambiado en el sistema escolar. Los profesores se convierten en mayor igualdad con los estudiantes. Profesor no debe hacer nada que puede poner en peligro el estudiante. La situación es diferente que en el pasado. En la escuela tenemos un profesor que es nuestro líder y de alguna manera lo siguemos. En la vida privada esta función tienen nuestros padres y más tarde también tenemos nosotros. No tenemos el interés seguir los profesores quien no son buen ejemplo para nosotros. Un profesor es el mayor modelo con su comportamiento en relación con el estudiante.
The main objective of the school, which is learning students, is realized by the responsible attitude and reflexivity. Basic questions posed to the leader are: How motivate students to learn? How help them with development of their skills? How to increase the effectiveness of the learning process? The task of the leader is to create a favorable situation to learning.
But first, each teacher to define his role, should ask the elementary question: Why do I teach? He should become a leader first for himself and then guide others.
What is more to success of modern schools decide employees and their values. But it’s the task of the headteacher to decide whether to create the conditions in which ingenuity, creativity and commitment of teachers will be noticed, appreciated and utilized. It’s a skill that managers should seek to motivate and delegation of responsibility.
I have always wondered what are the qualities of a good leader and how can i become a leader and when i share these thoughts with my family they always answered me:»But do you know, why in this society we need a leader?’ And every time my answer was to the same, I started to list the functions of the leader. Now here i see a different point of view. We need leaders because we are not enough mature. We cannot deal with the things by ourselves that’s why we need someone whom we believe and who we will follow. But the problem with the leadership exists in the education too. In my opinion the leader in the education should help the educated to see the aim of studying, to show them the need to pay attention to their education. One leader should be able to live to everybody’s expectations and to be able to deal with the crisis moments. But mostly in the education one leader should show the need of the education and how the students will benefit from better education in their future.
The final paragraph within this article, I believe says it all. If a leader has a sense of maturity and the drive to succeed and to make others succeed then they will be a successful leader. Within the educational field there are some people who in my opinion should not be teachers, this is because they have no sense of leadership or have a very bad sense, within which they will never make a good teacher or leader.
Effectivily thats what a teacher is within the educational sphere, they lead the student towards the desired aim for both parties, and that is normally to gain a better knowledge within the chosen subject or topic.
I also agree that the teacher should not mould the child into a specific thing or instrument to answer a specific question, instead they should encourage innovative thinking and critical analysis of everyday topics, which will in turn make the student a more succesive and independent learner, this I believe is what effective leadership within the educational field should look like.
«the greater maturity and responsibility , the less leadership is needed» – this is an interesting thought what contradicts the necessity for a leader. If people don’t really know what to do, what they want to achieve and how to do it, leader is the most important person in their way. He is the inspiration, the engine, the meaning of whole process. But if people know what they want to achieve and where they want to go, leader can help to motivate them, but his role is not so big, because people are responsible for their own actions.
But to see the education as a leader is very nice thought, because in schools and universities children and young adults go to get knowledge, to learn, to improve their skills. And if there is a leader who can motivate, who can teach and who can be a good example, then everybody gains from it. The leader gains followers and the possibility to share his knowledge and experience and the students gain knowledge and new experience.
I think the position of the leaders in the classroom – the teachers – has changed a lot in the last years. Connected with new didactic models teachers are not leaders any more, they are more like equal learning partners for the pupils. So a cooperative, democratic behavior between children and teachers should be a part of schools daily routine. But reality is not always like this. I did an internship here in Spain and I saw that some teachers here are stuck in the past. I experienced education like 20 years ago in Austria, which really shocked me. During my internship the children were not allowed to take an active partner in the class. The teacher showed his leader position very strongly and told them what to do without giving them a voice. I think this is not a correct way of teaching in the 21st century. Of course children need someone who leads them in the right direction, but in my opinion it’s important to think about “how” we should do this.
The head of primary and secondary school is a director. The head of an university is a rector. They manage their employees, organize meetings, etc. When a new young teacher comes among the older teachers there may be some problems relating to the changes. Old teachers are usually change resisting and they are not so open minded to the ideas of young teachers. Young teachers are closer to students and their ideas regarding the content and way of teaching may be very interesting and useful but unfortunately they are often not allowed to implement them. It is not necessarily true that the ideas of an young teacher are the only good but they should at least have a chance to promote and try them.
I believe that the world need more leaders. Too many people are satisfied by working for others, even if they have all the right characteristics to do well in a leadership job. Is this the school´s fault? There are a lot of factors that are important here, like gender, your own goals, personality and so on. For example; the are less women working in leader positions than men. This is probably because women want to have more time with their children and family. But what can the school do to create more leaders? I think that the teacher is a leader, because he has a lot of followers; his pupils. When the pupils are young, they believe everything the teacher says, because he knows best. It´s easy to just continue this path as a teacher; giving the pupils all the opinions the teacher has. But here it is important that the teacher start learning the children to think critically. This can be the beginning for a young leader. Remember that the teacher doesn´t always have the correct answer.
I think that everyone needs some kind of leader. When we are younger our parents and our teachers are our leaders. Even later, when we are older, there are leaders in our life. The fact is that in our society is impossible to live a life without a leader (after all, every country has a leader). But when we grow older is very important that we are not just followers, we have to use our own brains and know how to think. And we should not forget that we are (will be) also leaders for some people (for example our kids, our pupils…). So it is our job to be a good role model for them and we should teach them how to think with their own head, so when they grow up won´t be just blind followers.
I think that a good teacher should be also seen as a leader by his/hers students. They should be the people that we want to follow, that we want to admire, that can make us do some kind of cogitation. In my opinion if the teacher sets wrong example then it reflects badly also on the subject itself. How many times can we hear from someone that they are , for example, bad in mathematics because the teacher was a bum? I can say that myself about some subjects, because if you see that teacher doesn’t really have anything interesting to say and doesn’t have true knowledge, then you will not pay attention. However, if the teacher is honestly interesting person , who inspires you to dig deeper, then you will follow him/her for sure.
I think between teacher and leader is very thin line. And sometimes teacher is also a leader because he represents a model for children. Everybody wants to be like him, (especially children in first classes) and they believe all teacher says is right and he knows everything. So, these children blindly follow their leader who is in this case their teacher. But I think that good teacher can not allow this. He has to show children things, allow them to think with their own head, let them a choice to agree or disagree with him. So that is why I think teacher is not an ordinary leader, he is more than that. Because between children and teachers have to be two-way communication.
The role of teacher – student is big. We as humans are always serching for something bigger with a lot of excitement. So if the teacher is a bad leader we won’t follow him because he’s not interesting for us. Here we have a problem if we don’t follow him than his subject is not that good as he wants. But if the teacher is good leader we’ll follow him because he’s interesting and we’ll lisent to him word by word. So that’s reall important for him that he’s a good leader for students,
It’s the same in life better leader you’ re more people will recpect you because you’re their light and they will follow you. The same thing is in politics beast leader or maybe speaker usually wins. But you as a normal people you have to be careful that you’re not just some stupis sheep of him. If you’re he will/can tell you anything and you’ll belive him.
It is impossible to live without a leader, we need leaders. Whole life we have a leader, first it is your parent, then it could be a professor, afterwards your boss. To became a great leader you need a lot of abilities, Leader must know how to teach its’ group to be successful. A perfect leader knows how to lead the groups for projects, and if every of group member knows his/her job to do, then the leader is great. Leader needs to think about internal environment as well, for example just some small things like saying compliments to others, it helps a lot. Unfortunately you can be the smartest person alive, but that doesn’t mean that you will be a great leader, theese skills you can’t learn in school, it’s a talent.
In this complex world of ours the question of good leadership has been brought into the light. Politicians, presidents, employers, teachers, etc. are seen as guides for people, their thoughts and actions. But in the educational sphere not only teachers should be perceived as leaders – a good leader of the schools, that is, a principal, is essential. Because teachers themselves are just a piece of the whole body, the school, and a good principal is the key factor to establish a good and developing studying environment. And a headmaster’s leaders skills have to be extremely great because he must not only inspire students to see school as a pleasant opportunity to enrich their knowledge, but also teachers and other stuff to be good leaders for students and still not to forget to develop and improve themselves.
I agree that the leader has a huge impact on other people. For me, that person should be honest, who wants the best for their clients, a strong personality and motivational. If you have one person with you, everything seems to be easier to achieve. But whether in fact in every school there are only such teachers? I do not think so. If it will be like that, everyone is happy to walk to school, will be happy to Cooperate, but usually it is not. Usually, doing something because you just have to do it. The teacher should be friendly and open to any ideas from the students, above all, should be able to hear.
The idea of leadership is for me hard to understand. I think everyone has some kind of vision how the world should be. When Simon Sinek says that a leader «inspires other to believe what he believes» then what differs the leader from other people is charisma, and the willing to promote his vision to other people. But i think it is way to easy to divide the mankind into leaders and followers. It is good when students have someone who inspires them, but i think you don´t have to be a leader to inspire others. There can be also very bad leaders, especially when you look through history (Hitler, Stalin, Franco), so i think it is very important that students not just follow a vision or a certain kind of believe, but learn to ask questions and think on their own.
Undeniably teacher’s role is not just to transfer knowledge to students.
Their close and frequent contact affects children to a great extent, either positively or negatively. Consequently, a good teacher is the one who inspires and enthuse students about a subject, provokes an intrinsic motivation for learning, may even determine their future career. Moreover, he can give them a vision for their own class, he can cultivate very positive relationships between pupils, teach them to cooperate, respect their classmates and fellowmen, be able to coexist with them, try altogether for the achievement of a common purpose. In my opinion, this is the most important part of a successful education.
As a comment to the video, I know what he means but, first he is talking about hierarchy and saying how it is not good to have a mentor – student relationship. This must be equal. But know he says that you as a leader have followers. Isn’t that almost the same? You create a role were people will or can do what you say. And beside that, in my opinion we live in a time were there are to many choices for the students. In The Netherlands, you are 12 years old wen you already beginning to decide witch side (economic, health, biology) you want to work later.
In that case student would like it to have a leader but is it right that a teacher have to be that. The teacher educates, parents are raising their child and the government decides were all the money goes to. It would be great if a person, who inspires the student, will tell them witch options they have. If you have different opinions and different ideas from different leaders, you can decide better for yourself what your way is, that you want to follow.
There is an expression which I really like: “Control is not a leadership. Management is not a leadership. Leadership is a leadership“. A leader knows how to affect people just being himself and to make them follow him, his ideas and motivate just with a little bit of efforts. A good leader inspires people but just a small group of people can be leaders. I think that this ability is more congenital than acquired even there are a lot of books, tips how to be a leader. A teacher also can be a leader and it is necessary because then students are listening to every word what the teaher is saying, taking his advices and they are inspired to study and seek something more in their life. But the most of time teachers are just teaching “what is right“, not motivating students to be more creative, express their ideas and think differently.
I will use this comment to give my personal vision on what good leadership means to me. In my opinion a good leader embodies vision, value, knowledge and charisma. A leader is capable to inspire when he is authentic, consistent, committed, trustworthy and responsible. Good leadership has always to be accepted and termed as good leadership (reciprocity). This explains how important the EQ of a good leader needs to be. A good leader is granted to be a good leader. This tells how vulnerable and patient a good leader needs to be. To win the trust and attributed good leadership a leader needs to be strong and persevering.
I think effective leadership in this time acquires a leader that is able to inspire people to live with value and meaning enabling them to develop an authentic and unique identity. A good leader is capable of facilitating people to reach a phase of self-actualization in which they complete their dreamed identity.
It should be too hard to be a leader because an effective leader is someone who has desire and willpower. A person can choose to becoma a leader and s/he can learn leadership skills. In my opinion, it should not always be necessarily innate. A person who really desires, can be a leader, I think. There are many books, institutions, journals about it. Last year I joined one of the academy called Young Guru Academy, I was not chosen at the end of the interview, but I learned many things from the conference. In this context, teachers have big responsibility because teachers raise future´s leaders. Therefore, teachers should be and raise «A leader who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see,and who sees before others see.» (as Leroys Eims says)
It is necessary to see also difference between being a leader and chieftain, between that people are coming with us because they want or because they have to. Machiavelli said that it is much more safer to causing fear than being loved, but someone other said, that there is no better walls than faith of your people into you. It means, but it we want to make something great, but great in value, goodness meaning, not as a scale, we have to be authority, not only having it. In education it means that we also have to creating a wisdom leaders, because usually as I can see in my country, most of directors don’t have higher education. It’s because they are just a chieftain, temporary, without idea, just only for working and prospering, as psychopathic as possible, because they are more effective than full educated man which ended 3 fields of study, but don’t have leadership ability.
I never wanted to be a teacher, because I know how difficult it is. It is hard work and it takes constant self-education, because the world runs very fast and moving. Human being must always try new things, explore them and get acquainted with new methods and tools. I think, it is not possible to please all students and pupils. Each of us likes a different approach how to be teaching. Each of us handles the new knowledge and skills acquired relief teacher differently. Someone needs teacher as a strong leader, uncompromising and principled, someone is inclined to a more accessible type and someone wants teacher as a friend. Someone does not care, because they think that the school is a necessary evil and in this case, the student want still only to survive it.
The leadership is the integral part of our lives. Sometimes we are leaders ourselves, sometimes we need somebody to lead us. We need motivation to go forward, especially in times when we have some troubles. We need somebody who can show us the way and this kind of leadership should be the main aim of teachers. They can find out our potential and develop it, whereby they show us our polarization. Good leader should have authority and respect and we should follow him because he does his best for our education and for preparing us for the future. Of course, we can not forget our parents and families because they lead us as well because we need to feel their support and they are happy they can provide their children the chance to be educated.
I dont know if we really need leader in this word,but people with ideas. We need an exchange of ideas-we need people with visions-but do we need people that follow? I think we need people who have and share their visions:a group of equal persons that develop and share and improve these visions. We need people that can help to develop the good traits in other persons. So as a teacher you have to give visions and input but i dont think that you should lead.if you want to express it this way a teacher should lead and let himself be leaded too.Children especially dont need to follow a leader-children need input and visions-a thought they can hold on,but in my opinion we should not lead them in a specific direction-we have to give them the oportunity to be their own leader-if they have followers or not that is NOT what leadership is about.Its about to have visions and the ability to change themselvesf-others and maybe even the world with their own ideas. «He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.»(Solon)
I think leadership is important in life and in education. If there’s no leadership, you can’t have a good structure in a group. Me as a kindergarten teachers has to have the skills to have a good leadership, dough I think now and then, also the children can have a certain of leadership. In our class theire are every week children who has the leadership off something. A child will do for one week the lights off, another child is responsable for bringing the cookies, another child for cleaning the tables. So I think it’s good to give the children a bit of the leadership so they can also feel how it is to have responsibility in the class!
The role that parents and teachers play in the development of children is very important. Every child look up the adults and they sees us like leaders. They think that we have the clear vision about how this world should look like and that we know exactly what are the lessons that they had to learn. I think that should be the way araund and that the good parents and teachers now that if you want to be a good leader than you should learn from their kids! They know how to observe very good and if we are saying something and than doing something else, the kids will notice it. So we should learn from each other and help each other so that both (parents and teachers and childrens) can set down their vision about the world and where every one of us wants to go. I think that we have so much that we can give to each other and that we do not need the same vision to go to the same direction.
A leader is someone who has leadership largely inherited from the lower part of the grown, thus forgotten. Leaders may not be for everyone. Being a leader requires a certain amount of dominance, responsibility, confidence and skills. The leader must be able to control not only his, but also behavior of other people’s work. Therefore, as a teacher leader is one who motivates and gives courage and strength to his students to be able to what they believe. In the case study managed to struggle out of the unit tests. However, what they learn in school to carry into life. Therefore, the school is an invaluable part of everyone’s life. We know themselves to assess whether our teachers are good leaders and we take an example from them, or vice versa.
I think the role of a leader can vary depending on what kind of a person the leader is and what the leader is a leader for. Teachers as leaders can not only do what they believe in and have a clear vision of the aim and then inspire people to get there. They also need to think about the possible ways of getting there and adjust it to suit every individual. They need to foresee the difficulties that might appear on the way in order to try to prevent them or support the pupils so they overcome them. Teachers have a responsibility to make sure that each and everyone will reach the aims. They have to be open for change and understand that not everything will go as planned. Teachers also have to think about what they say and how that affects people, they constantly have to think about their role as a leader and reevaluate it since they are role models. Teachers as leaders have to take care of their followers but also listen to them in order to get a functional cooperation. You have to be both a leader and a team player at the same time.
Who is leader?I think leadership is an inborn ability.There are lots of seminars,courses and tons of books whose main theme is »converting individual chosen randomly into a succesful leader».It is not so easy ,of course. If so,everybody would try to be a leader and there wouldnt be anybody waiting for being lead.When it comes to teachers,this situation is same for them. Teachers are the most dominant leaders of the societies. Their main duty is to direct »young brains as much as accurately. For all teachers are not succesful about leadership ,still we observe »totally unwanted» bahaviours in schools.While all other people are ordinary,as a teacher (especially in pre primary and primary schools),actually you are not only a person. You are the role model, complete citizen,even superman on their imaginative world.
Leader is not only somebody who leads you to do something. Leader is a person who has vision, goals, ideas and courage to achieve his/her ideas. Leader should be patient, investigator, creator of changes, consistent, and most importantly open minded. Real leader should know staying behind sometimes. He or she should be ahead all the time. So that way he/she can motivate other people and give them confidence. Leader also should get responsibility in success and in fails. We need that kind of people in our education system. That would be teachers, principles, social workers or even some students. As much as we have that kind of people in our schools more we get motivated in our life.
Leader is for me very strong word which lead me to think about a few different associations. I think that leader can be understood in many ways. I like the point of view which was presented also in the video. Leaders or teachers have to have important characteristics which can make you a good leader or teacher. I think that very significant is the contact between folowers and leaders, relationship and respect. I think that teachers do not have all of this when they are making contact with students, so here we can ask a very good question. Who can be a real leader that people should have followed him/her shoulder by shoulder. I think that important part is that we can fell equality between leader and follower. I think that leaders should not have been like superior person who just leads and the others just followed. It is significant the role of both of them, that they complement each other and also cooperate with each other.
For me the leader is somebody who can help others to the right way. I mean leader isn´t somebody who will pull us, the good leader will just follow us in our learning. It will going next to us and students won´t feel stressed of high authority, of regress, or failure. I think the good leader will found the study field, which we are good in and he will help us to improve our knowledge. I think, it´s not easy to be a good leader. It has to listen the students and try to give them the best of yourself. And the interested question is: Who can be the good leader? Can it be everybody who will have big knowledge of field, who will read a lot of books, have a view, ideas, motivation and so on? Is it true that everybody can became a good leader or is a good leader somebody who has some kind of gift to be a good? In Slovakia we already say, that the good teacher has a gift for teaching. Without it, you can teach, but it´s not the same, you don’t have so good results.
I couldn`t agree more about the statement that a real leader has to have maturity, values and consistency! First of all, maturity is needed for responsible, intelligent and thoughtful decisions a leader makes. Otherwise, childish and egoistic people just gain their own benefits from the fact that others are willing to follow their views and suggestions. Secondly, and probably, most importantly, a leader has to have his/her own, distinct and unique values. Unfortunately, that cannot be taught in school or in work-place; a leader is born with a gut-feeling and sense of the truthful and beneficial (for all) values. And, lastly, a leader has to be consistent in his/her opinion, actions and decisions. Even though it is a long way to go in order to reach the ability to be consistent, I believe that this characteristic can truly make a person influential and inspirational.
I think, we need to get the teachers out of the box that they’re in….’cause teaching is all about inspiring the pupil, the desire to learn. And inspiring is nothing but leadeship.
Back in school I had some teachers which where boring in class and really not inspiring. I had the feeling or still have it that they didn’t really liked their job. For example math and history. I hated it and there were times I fall asleep. Nowadays I love history and also teach math.
And I also think that to impact a broader range of students requires a teacher to be able to adapt their mode of working to the individual students and their mode of learning and knowledge acquisition – mass customisation of teaching by the teacher. An ability which has almost nothing whatsoever to do with leadership and almost everything to do with sensitivity and flexibility and capability as a human being. It’s not even that necessary for them to be good or brilliant in their domain of knowledge.
In the sense that a good teacher gives their students the gift of curiosity and a love of lifetime learning…..
Usually the students think that the teacher is an ideal, perfect and knows everything. and so should also work to students and thanks it will have respect and also they have to trust him. teacher should have an overview of their field and constantly educate it. Must be objective and not be brought as a student for graduation. some underestimate the role of the teacher but in reality it is just as important a role as a parents. both have a child to raise, educate and motivate.
I think that there are two types of people. Some are those who prefer to work for others, performing their jobs, but they do not need someone to lead or control. On the other hand, those who have leadership skills, they need someone to lead. Most leaders are born with these abilities, others acquired, because to do that. Good leader must be able to motivate his subordinate well, it must always be able to correctly and quickly decide.
In my opinion, the teacher is also the leader of their pupils. They must have clear goals to know where to bring their students and give them as much of his experience and knowledge.
I agree with wath Simon says: Leaders point out the good direction, and the followers follow the mapped plan. I think you can be a leader in different ways. You can make people follow you by inspiring them. This followers follow you because they like what you do and agree with you. Unfortunately there are also leaders with bad intentions. They also want people to follow them, and to make their bad ideas reality. They often do it by being smart and trap people into following them. I want to refer to world war two, and other similar situations. Hitler sure was a ‘good’ leader, only he had bad intentions and knew how to trick people into this. I think those kind of leaders are very dangerous, as we have seen already. In Belgium I have fear for our new politician ‘Bart De Wever’. I know it would never go as far as it did in 1934, but still, I think a lot of people voted for Bart De Wever cause they believe his intentions are the same as what he really says out loud, I hardly doubt that. He’s smart, a good leader, but to me, not a good person.
There are people who say: a good leaders are made not born. In my opinion I have to say both, good leaders can be made but also good leaders are born with the gift to be a leader. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader
You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired.
I think that communication is also an important factor of being a good leader; what and how you communicate either builds or harms the relationship between the leader and his followers.
First of all you have to say that two different meanings of leadership exist.
It is just the normal meaning of leadership or of being a leader what you can find in a dictionary but there is also another defintion of leadership.
This other defintion deals with being a person who is creative, inspiring and motivating for other people.
So in my point of view a teacher should be a leader but in both ways which I mentioned at first in my comment. A good mixture of both ways could help a lot of students in their life and also in their developement.
Someone who motivates them to learn new things and also inspires them of knowing in the future what they want to be is a very important thing in education.
So if you talk about of being a leader it is not just to lead someone, the definition was developed in a very positive way.
As Simon’s saying, for a leader and his or her follower, it is to believe what you believe, to see what you see in your world. A teacher can be a partner, a friend of a couple of students in the class mostly. At that point, educational leadership is somehow different as a matter when compared to other fields. Here is the important point that teachers as the leader should not lead students in a wrong way with their own vision. Firstly, they should see what they manage with their vision before leading students to get the success. In my opinion, point of view, responsibility and consistency are outstanding points in terms of methodology and characteristics of being a leadership.
In my opinion teacher-leader should build students’ trust in him or her, so that they can feel safe and secure with him/her. Students need to be convinced that they can rely on him/her, and that they can come to their teacher with their problems. I have always enjoyed those teachers most who radiated inner balance and a joyful attitude to life. Teachers always work and come into contact with different people. When problems or complications in communication arise, they as leaders in the classroom are in charge of solving them. They are constantly exposed to situations where they have to use their ability to deal with students and their difficulties.
From my point of view teachers should be aware of their role as leaders in their teaching position. They should always remember that the development and their personal attitude are very important in a teaching leadership.
Actually as a teacher,partly, you are almost everything for students. Sometimes you are a parent, a leader, a role model ,a friend, an elder sister or brother. It is very important to take the responsibility of these roles. To do this well, teachers should develop required skills to set a good example for students. The first thing they need is wisdom, because the problems they face today are more complicated than ever before. Competence and character are required in order to generate sustainable positive outcomes. There are four skills that make teachers more effective as leaders: A continual state of gratefulness, a genuine spirit of humility, self-control, recognizing the worth of others. I mean being a leader requires a lot of skills and responsibility.
If all teachers did what, Simon Sinek was trying to explain with being a leader, for loving what you do and been dedicated and building the vision that you hope the followers will eventuall see and share, then children would realize the reasons of the teacher and they would be more dedicated. However, if the teachers are not even bothered like some teacher in Greece, then one loses motivation and blaims the system. No!!! This can change with new attitude and visionary students. I have a very similar case of a professor, whose example i have also seen in movies. He teaches students what they have to do, to think out of the » common box» allowing then to use the three words »Autonomy, Mastery , Purpose. In other words, he gives them a vision and allows them to have Ideas because Ideas create the future and the »Future belongs in the beauty of your dreams». I have never seen such a way of teaching and i Proudly say it is the example of this topic , we need more Professors like that. The ones, truly in Love with what they chose to do, because nobody obliges teachers to teach, therefore since you do it, love it and enjoy it, and your students, will become your sheep and you the Sheppard.
As a teacher you always have to be an ideal, although sometimes is it really hard to be this ideal.
Leading a class means many different things, for example to lead each pupil with his own weaknesses and strenghts to the aim of class. Even if pupils have, for example, problems in mathematics, a good teacher can compensate these deficits with the right didactic and personality. Sometimes, i think many teachers underestimate their role in the school career of pupils. If they can motivate, wake up the intrinsic motivation of pupils and lead a class, teachers can achieve so much things, although there are so many exigencies for the profession of being a teacher. The society should never underestimate itself the high exigencies into teachers!
I don’t think the denotation «leader» should be used in this context. A leader is someone who leads or guides in some kind passive followers. Of course you can actively decide to follow someone who is willing to lead you but I think we should focus on other things in education. In my opinion a teacher should show you the different alternatives of thinkings, different perspectives of the world so the student can lead himself his own way. A teacher should teach his pupils to think on their own and actively, to find their own way to live and to learn. As an educator you have the possibility and the duty to help the pupils but you can not «lead» a person or a class. You can inspire or influence somehow but not lead to a specific point. Also if you let yourself lead you have to trust and must be convinced that the leader guides you in the «right direction» but what is the guide line? Who decides which is the right way? In my opinion we don’t need leaders and should avoid this specific word and should focus on teamwork between teachers and pupils, between society and individuals and between different disciplines.
Teacher fully a very important role – a guide that introduces children to the world of science. He introduces students to new experiences, based on the modification made to the information already held. The teacher engages students in a variety of activities through which a child discovers new facts, information, changed his previous views and formulated new knowledge.It is important that the teacher gives the students the opportunity to explore self-knowledge and he intervenes only in the moments when a child needs advice, guidance. Important that the teacher is able to match your particular needs and expectations according to the skills, abilities, and the place where the child is now, planning activities, which includes the student’s needs. Education is a very difficult process and requires a vast knowledge of the teacher, which should be constantly deepening.
As a teacher and a leader you have to be flexible and have many different teaching styles. Some old teachers are teaching in the same way they did for 35 years ago and this is a problem, because everything is changing. Their is also thoose old teachers that have learned being flexible and open for new things like material, teaching styles and last but not least the new generation of pupils. As a pedagogic leader you have to take and give, and you have the opportunity to learn so much from your students, not only teach them. If this interaction works between the leader and the group, everyone will get so much more out of it. A teacher is not ready after his degree, it is when he gets his first employment the real education is beginning for the teacher. Now he has the opportunity to learn how to be a good leader
I recently read about the research from John Hattie, a Professor of New Zealand teaching in Melbourne now, who analysed a lot of already existing data concerning school success, teaching methods, etc.. He asked the essential question: What works best? What he found out is that, no matter how many students there are in a class or what the conditions are like, the most effect has the teacher. The good teacher is a passionate educator and explainer, as Hattie said. How we do our job is so important. We need to have a clear vision and we need to be able to inspire our kids. I really agree on what Sinek said: Love what you do. Teachers have such a good posibility to do so because we have a really special and fulfilling job.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
For me a leader is a person who is an example for other, who inspires, who has a charm inside. To be a leader can only these persons who are not afraid to take responsibility, who know that if there will be some problems they have to listen many opinions then choose and decide which one is the best not for his/her individually but for all others in a team. To my mind a leader and an authority are almost the same because both of them are very important for others who follow them, how believe in their ideas. All teachers have to try to be like this kind of leaders for theirs’ students. Here is in this article one very good notice that the more responsibility and maturity are the less management, supervise and control are needed. If person does not have self – control I think for other is much more complicate to work in one team. All we have to start from ourselves!
Why is it that most of the teachers are not able to make contact with their students? They don’t have common themes to talk, embarrassment, maybe indifference. It is not known which side raises a problem with the agreement. But there are teachers who work well with children and youth. I do not blame anybody because of this situation.
Each person is different, has a different character, different ideas and ideals, so, unfortunately, the information written in the books doesn’t end the problems with students-teacher communication.
Teacher should first pull out the hand of friendship to the students, because as it happens most young people do not confidently walks up to new teachers.
Teacher should, at least try to know each of his pupils alone. Through conversation formed a bond that allows for better relations between the people and created some confidence in the other person. Teacher should not be the person who comes to class, dictates what he has to and leave. The teacher should be able to interest and motivate their students to act. Only then he can become their real leader.
To be a teacher is more or less to be a leader of a couple of pupils. According to this it´s important that we as teachers always trying to be good role models and lead by example. Being a teacher is more about the lessons in fact, it´s a profession you live in, a 24/7 profession trying to do your best as a role model. I´m not saying that the parents don´t have to take responsibility for raising their children, but when it comes around, the pupils spend a lot of time with their teachers and it´s important always to think about to be and act decent within the norms so that we creates pupils that learn how to act and think according to this.
A liderança nas escolas é um permanente desafio pois é necessário gerir muitas lideranças formais e informais, num espaço onde os professores se assumem como pares. Liderar um escola implica um esforço (enorme) de conciliação e partilha de responsabilidades, mas um líder deve assumir uma visão e traçar um caminho procurando que os seus companheiros se sintam valorizados e úteis nessa caminhada.
Caro Luis,
estoy totalmente de acuerdo con que un líder debe tener una visión y que ésta sea compartida y que mueva a los demás.
Saludos cordiales.
Leaders must feel confident and have to be happy with yourself. Leaders show the right direction or way. Teachers are leaders and have a responsibility to take their role as a leader seriously. Terms such as autonomy, mastery and purpose describe a leader nearer and characterise better perfomance and personal satisfaction. We should not forget that leaders can be also called tutor and mentor. Each leader represents values and norms, which he/she passes on to the students. It is a very influential profession that should not be abused. A good example is the movie «the wave» where we can see that the teacher as a leader has a lot of influence on the students.
Leadership for me is in the first place, a way to lead yourself to a point in life or a way in life you really want to be.
It doesn’t matter how you get there or by who, the most important thing is that you do.
If you believe in yourself in your own leadership you will get anywhere you want to be in life.
Of course it’s not alwyas going to be easy because you will have some difficulties along the way but if you believe anything is possible.
And in this process it can happen that other people start believing in your opinions and will take your opinions to believe in themselves and get where they want to be in life.
Of course it’s very imporant that you just stay yourself even if 1000 of people are following your opinions because it’s the real you that started everything and you should keep being a leader that is wurdy of their trust and of your own.
This article of leadership, made me think about this quote I saw in a magazine earlier this week. «leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.» (quote by Warren Bennis).
I think it’s a really good quote that shows us the essence of leadership. Leadership is not always about leading a group of people, it’s also about leading yourself to the path of life that you want for yourself. Like the picture in the article shows us: leadership is about the autonomy you have of yourself and the choices you make, and the purpose, what do you want to become in life? You need leadership to reach your purpose in life, and it doesn’t matter where you get that leadership from: from someone else (like a teacher) of from yourself…
Leadership is a meaning of great importance! However, it is also of a great difficulty’s level to be achieved. People who could be leaders are a few in this world (which sometimes may be good or not). Leadership is a meaning that also lacks of the field of education. Teachers could be great instigators for their students (and that’s exactly what students want to) but fortunately they fail in achieving it. Another missing point of the field of education is that even lacks in making students thinking and creating their own visions. School/ Academic education has been built in order to “teach” people what is the right and how can we achieve the right. Nevertheless, they never said to the students that anything can’t be wrong. There is neither right nor wrong. To sum up, leadership is a great meaning that could transform the education system to another upper level. Such an idea must be the vision of experts in order to improve the system.