La importancia de la alfabetización emocional

Daniel Goleman adquirió fama mundial con la publicación de su libro Inteligencia Emocional. Ha vendido millones de ejemplares, es un fenómeno de multitudes. Previamente, en 1990, Peter Salovey y John D. Mayer habían escrito un importante artículo llamado «Emotional Intelligence».

Hay un lugar en la obra en donde Goleman se pregunta si el Coeficiente Intelectual (CI) determina nuestro destino, a lo que responde: «menos de lo que pensamos». De momento, con la inclusión de otros aspectos de la realidad hemos venido a hacer justicia a la inteligencia y, con ello, al ser humano. Este tema no es baladí porque desde principios del siglo XX la inteligencia y su referente esencial el CI han sido considerados como los ejes del potencial humano, de tal forma que alguien que no llegaba a un determinado número o marca contaba, palmariamente, con una inteligencia por debajo de lo normal, es decir, era menos inteligente, así de claro. Que nadie olvide las consecuencias, en muchos casos terribles, tras adoptar este enfoque como único, graves en lo personal y social porque otorgaban etiquetas a las personas, muy difíciles de retirar más tarde, cuando en algunos casos les acompañaban de por vida.

Por eso hablamos de justicia, porque la inteligencia es más que eso, y nosotros, los que estamos en esto parcial o enteramente, lo primero que tenemos que ser es muy prudentes. Además, hacer justicia a esta forma de entender la inteligencia es plantear un equilibrio y cordura en todos los ámbitos en donde la inteligencia ocupa un lugar preferente. Uno de éstos es la educación.

Así pues, de la estrechez de una visión de la inteligencia humana hemos pasado a la amplitud de las emociones y de cómo éstas están en el núcleo central de nuestra conducta. La moderna investigación sobre el cerebro y el comportamiento humano explican por qué personas con un elevado CI fracasan en sus empresas vitales, mientras que otras con un CI más modesto triunfan clamorosamente.

Goleman entiende que la inteligencia emocional es una forma de interactuar con el mundo que tiene muy en cuenta los sentimientos, y engloba habilidades tales como el control de los impulsos, la autoconciencia, la motivación, el entusiasmo, la perseverancia, la empatía, la agilidad mental, etc. Ellas configuran rasgos del carácter como la autodisciplina, la compasión o el altruismo, indispensables para una buena y creativa adaptación social.

La inteligencia emocional es un subproducto de la inteligencia social -otro libro de Goleman trata esto precisamente- que comprende la capacidad de controlar sentimientos y emociones propios, así como los de los demás, discriminar entre ellos y utilizar la información para guiar nuestro pensamiento y nuestras acciones. Se trata, pues, de la repercusión de las emociones en la vida personal y en el desarrollo del aprendizaje, superando, de esta forma, el planteamiento cognitivista de reducir la inteligencia al desarrollo de habilidades mentales.

La inteligencia social, más amplia y rigurosa, recoge todos los demás elementos, los individuales y los sociales, hasta enriquecer los modelos que explican la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los seres humanos.

A la tradicional división que hemos hecho de objetivos-contenidos de aprendizaje de tipo conceptual (aprender a conocer y aprender a aprender), procedimental (aprender a hacer) y actitudinal (aprender a ser), el Informe Delors (1998) (documento en pdf) añadió aprender a convivir. Claramente estos dos últimos, muy influidos por lo que se escribía en la época y por el nuevo paradigma de la educación emocional, permiten entender mejor cuán importante es la adopción del enfoque de lo emocional en contextos de aprendizaje, reglados y no formales. Para muchos esto es puro trámite, para otros va a suponer una necesaria alfabetización emocional.


Pero como el propio Goleman advierte, es comprensible que muchos profesores se sientan sobrecargados por un problema escolar excesivamente repleto de nuevas materias y se resistan a dedicar un tiempo extra a enseñar los fundamentos de «otra asignatura». Para esto, una de las estrategias utilizadas actualmente para realizar el proceso de alfabetización emocional no consiste tanto en imponer una nueva asignatura como en yuxtaponer las lecciones sobre sentimientos y emociones a las asignaturas habituales. No se trata de una asignatura más, se trata de proyectar una conducta que garantice elevados niveles de bienestar personal y relacional.

226 respuestas a “La importancia de la alfabetización emocional”


    Siempre he pensado que el coeficiente intelectual es algo que no determina el futuro por así decirlo de ninguna persona, sí es cierto, que puede que facilite la realización de algunas tareas, pero no sólo se trata de eso, para que una habilidad se desarrolle es necesario como es obvio trabajarla y si no es así, aunque se tenga la capacidad de poder hacerla, no se realizará de manera óptima si no es trabajada como es debido.
    En cuanto al medir el coeficiente intelectual de las personas, por una parte resultará beneficioso en algún aspecto (que desconozco), pero por otra no es más que para clasificar a las personas de manera, para mi parecer, inhumana pues no somos ganado en ningún aspecto y este hecho puede dañar a las personas psicológicamente, moralmente…. etc etc.

  2. Ana Cruz Martínez dice: Responder

    Realmente el Coeficiente Intelectual no lo es todo en una persona que puede llegar lejos. Si es cierto que muestra más capacidades para adquirir conocimientos, o tienes más facilidad para desenvolverse en pruebas, pero realmente lo que hace grande a una persona y hace que consiga el día de mañana lo que quiere, es el esfuerzo que este o esta desempeñe a lo largo de su vida. Siempre he pensado que lo que la persona logre será por su esfuerzos, aunque claro, existen personas que tienen más facilidades debido a que, no es que sean más inteligentes, sino que tengan mayor poder para almacenar conocimientos. Pero no por eso se debe de desvalorar a las otras personas. Y realmente y para finalizar, desde mi punto de vista, me parece más grande una persona la cual lucha, se esfuerza e intenta día a día con todo esfuerzo conseguir sus objetivos, que una persona que simplemente tiene ese “don” por así decirlo, y acaba desarrollándose como persona y luchando por objetivos que de verdad quiere.

  3. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    Para mi, el cociente intelectual es solo un número más que da como resultado de algunas pruebas estandarizadas diseñadas para valorar la inteligencia. A parte del cociente intelectual se encuentra la inteligencia emocional que es,tal como vemos en el texto, un subproducto de la inteligencia social que comprende la capacidad de controlar sentimientos y emociones propios, así como los de los demás, discriminar entre ellos y utilizar la información para guiar nuestro pensamiento y nuestras acciones. Un buen desarrollo y uso de la inteligencia emocional puede facilitar el desarrollo de un individuo en la sociedad y servirle incluso más que el cociente intelectual, demostrando una inteligencia, que unas pruebas del CI calificarían como baja.

  4. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    El hecho del ser humano a dar etiquetas y evaluar quien es mejor o peor, hace que se creen etiquetas hacia el individuo que lo marcan para siempre. La medición del coeficiente intelectual es un ejemplo de ello. Se creó para designar y diferenciar a las personas que tanto por defecto como por exceso no llegaban a la media, provocando así una etiqueta de «listo» o de «tonto» que llegó incluso tanto a la discriminación por parte de los individuos que se quedaban por un límite establecido por debajo de la media, o por aislamiento en el caso contrario. Esto provoca mal estar con uno mismo por parte de quien lo padece y no es justo excluir a quien no da la «talla» simplemente por un cálculo que alguien designó. Aquí cobra mayor importancia la alfabetización emocional o la inteligencia emocional. Tendremos que aprender y saber como deshacernos de las etiquetas o intentar que nos afecten lo más mínimo, porque sintiéndonos bien con nosotros mismo y creyéndonos que somos capaces de llegar a donde nos propongamos, es del modo del que podremos lograr todo aquello que los demás muchas veces nos dijeron que nunca podríamos conseguir. Al fin y al cabo, está en nosotros, en nuestra constancia y en nuestros propósitos llegar a ser lo que queramos ser y eso no nos lo va ha decir un test de inteligencia porque sinceramente, para mí, querer es poder, y en eso es lo que se basa en mi opinión, tanto la inteligencia emocional como la alfabetización emocional.

  5. CRISTINA VENEGAS PÉREZ dice: Responder

    Es evidente que cuanto mayor CI tengas más facilidad tendrás para aprender y desarrollar conocimientos, no vamos a negarlo. Pero como bien dice en el texto, es sólo eso una parte importante pero no la más. También es imprescindible la alfabetización emocional que es la que nos ayudará a empatizar y a ayudar de una forma que con sólo el coeficiente sería imposible. El factor emocional es imprescindible en el aprendizaje de una persona. Como está escrito y demostrado en el texto anterior necesitamos mas que el CI para triunfar.

  6. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    La alfabetización emocional es necesaria para saber comportarse en cada momento. Pienso que es una base muy importante para la persona,el saber como dirigir nuestras emociones,es importante conocernos a nosotros mismos, ya que a veces pasan muchos años para saber como somos en realidad y a veces pasa el tiempo y tu mismo te sorprendes,yo no creo que por que una persona tenga un coeficiente intelectual mas bajo no pueda conseguir sus prioridades. Por otro lado creo que además de la inteligencia, se debe tener en cuenta otros valores emocionales para que cada uno, con lo que mas destaque en la vida pueda llegar a sus metas u objetivos principales.

  7. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    Estamos acostumbrados a discriminar a los estudiantes que tienen un bajo coeficiente intelectual y a alabar a los que tienen un coeficiente alto. Pero nada más lejos de la realidad, estos datos que se obtienen en test o exámenes similares que no tienen relación con el desarrollo y el aprendizaje por parte del alumnado.

    Estos resultados se limitan a una prueba, pero lo que debe destacar es el aprendizaje durante el transcurso de los años y entender que sin un CI elevado se puede llegar lejos, si se tiene ambición, esfuerzo y superación nuestros resultados se verán incrementados.

  8. Maria Del Carmen Diaz Acosta dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista pienso que el CI es una orientación de la capacidad o rapidez que tiene una persona para adquirir conocimientos y que la alfabetización emocional tiene un papel bastante importante en nuestras vidas, así que los profesores deberían de hablarnos sobre ella y de alguna manera enseñarnos tácticas para controlarla. De poco nos sirve tener varias carreras y poder conseguir trabajo en una empresa con rapidez, si después no sabemos controlar nuestros impulsos y nuestros sentimientos, para poder trabajar en armonía y que nuestro trabajo se vea recompensado.

  9. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    La inteligencia emocional es muy importante a la hora de enseñar, se debe trabajar esta herramienta para poder extraer el máximo fruto posible para vivir en nuestra sociedad. No debe de faltar en la educación.
    Los futuros profesionales deben poseer habilidades sociales e incluso personales que sean muy útiles para ejercer su profesión, sobre todo cuando se trabaje con personas, por este motivo debería de haber una materia que se imparta en esta carrera en la cual aprendamos a utilizarla con los usuarios que posteriormente vamos a intervenir; son herramientas muy necesarias y hay que saber utilizarlas como instrumentos para conseguir motivación, empatía, entusiasmo, etc.

  10. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    En primer lugar y bajo mi punto de vista, pienso que el coeficiente intelectual (CI) es solo una orientación, que nos examina nuestro nivel de inteligencia, pero que en ningún momento debe ser utilizado para etiquetar a las personas.
    Por otro lado, podemos observar que personas con un alto CI pueden llegar a fracasar y personas con un bajo CI pueden llegar a triunfar a lo largo de sus vidas.
    Para concluir, pienso que un alto CI te puede llegar a facilitar el triunfo ya que una buena inteligencia facilita el triunfo en los estudios y posteriormente en el ámbito profesional, pero verdaderamente no te soluciona la vida. El éxito profesional no solo consiste en la cualificación de tu coeficiente, sino en valores como la perseverancia, la constancia o el esfuerzo.
    Me quedo con esta gran frase y para mí, gran verdad: «Hace más el que quiere, que el que realemente puede».

  11. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    Todo lo que queramos alcanzar necesita de constancia, nada se consigue sin esfuerzo y trabajo. Por eso, desde mi punto de vista, el coeficiente intelectual es un dato, que está ahí pero que debe complementarse con otras facultades.
    Nada podemos hacer si una persona tiene un coeficiente intelectual alto pero no es constante. Casos así podemos verlos muy a menudo, ya que existen muchas personas que tienen mucha capacidad pero que sin embargo no llegan a nada porque no le suman el componente del esfuerzo. Al igual que hay otras, que aunque su coeficiente no sea muy alto trabajan en sus habilidades y consiguen llegar a donde quieren. Esto nos demuestra lo que venimos hablando, que un alto coeficiente intelectual sin esfuerzo, trabajo, dedicación y constancia, no te llevará a desarrollar todo tu potencial.

  12. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    La alfabetización emocional desde mi punto de vista es un gran problema en la sociedad, ya que desde siempre nos han enseñado que una persona que sobresale en algo por una simple cifra que así lo determina como pasa con el grado de coeficiente intelectual va a alcanzar en la vida todo los logros que quiere llegar a realizar, como si solo por ser sobresaliente en una cifra ya no tuviera que cuidar y educar otras conductas en su vida. Más que demostrado está que para que las cosas te vayan bien no dependen sólo de una cifra sino de otras cualidades mucho más importantes como es la inteligencia emocional, ya que con esfuerzo todo es posible. Así que personas con alto coeficiente intelectual y alfabetización emocional se quedan estancadas mientras que personas con coeficiente intelectual bajo e inteligencia emocional consiguen sus logros.

  13. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    Bajo mi punto de vista y tras reflexionar sobre el artículo, pienso que el coeficiente intelectual (CI) es solo una orientación, un cifra numérica, necesaria en nuestras vidas en el sentido en que nos examina nuestro nivel de inteligencia, pero en ningún momento debe ser utilizado como una etiqueta. Como ya ha mencionado el articulo, podemos observar como personas con un CI alto fracasan y personas con un CI modesto triunfan. Yo pienso que un CI alto te facilita el triunfo, debido a que una buena inteligencia de base facilita el triunfo en los estudios y el posterior triunfo profesional, pero no te soluciona a la vida. El éxito profesional no solo consiste en la cualificación de tu coeficiente, sino en valores como la perseverancia, la constancia o el esfuerzo.

  14. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    Tras haber reflexionado sobre este comentario he llegado a la conclusión:

    Desde mi punto de vista, el CI solo es una prueba con unos resultados numéricos. Vale que algunas personas tengan un número mayor que otras, ¿pero que significa eso?,¿es necesario poner etiquetas por el resultado de tal prueba? …
    Da igual el resultado, porque como dice el texto hay una investigación hecha de que hay personas un alto CI pero fracasan en sus empresas vitales, mientras que otras tienen un CI más modesto pero triunfan.
    Si tú controlas tus emociones y le pones ganas y empeño a las cosas, todo ira bien.
    Como siempre he dicho ante todo somos personas, da igual lo que tengamos o como seamos. Siempre tenemos que respetarnos y jamás ponernos etiquetas.

  15. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    Por mucho tiempo se ha creído, en ámbito escolar y laboral, que la única manera de valorar un individuo, sus capacidades, su éxito, fuera su Coeficiente Intelectual (CI).
    Eso ha llevado a desvalorar personas poco capaces en calculos y lógica, afectando su recorrido escolar y en el mundo del trabajo, pero, últimamente, se ha puesto la atención sobre el hecho que las capacidades y aptitudes humanas no se limitan a la esfera lógico-matemática.
    Hay una teoría, la de lo psicólogo Gardner, que afirma que existen 9 tipos de inteligencias y que cada uno nace con unas potencialidades que se pueden desarrollar por medio del ambiente, nuestras experiencias, educación recibida. Particularmente en educación esto debe ser tenido en cuenta para permitir una adecuada valutación de los estudiantes y una apropiado desarrollo de todas las facultades de los niños y, como dicho en el artículo, la inteligencia emociónal es una de las que debe ser considerada y sostenida en el proceso educativo. Así cambia el enfoque, no se trata de reducir la inteligencia al desarrollo de habilidades mentales sino considerar también las capacidades sociales, la habilidad de interactuación con el mundo. Por eso lo que los profesores tendrían que hacer es adoptar una conducta que permita la sensibilización a este argumento y el desarrollo de la inteligencia emociónal, dado que es muy útil para la vida de los alumnos, en cuanto personas, el saber como actuar, comportarse, reconocer los propios, y de lo demás, sentimientos y emociones porque lo que hay que tener en cuenta es, como primera cosa, que somos humanos.

  16. Alba María Galván Ruiz dice: Responder

    El coeficiente intelectual es una simple cifra, que te describe la intensidad de inteligencia que una persona posee, pero aunque no tengas un coficiente intelectual alto no quiere decir que lo que te prepongas no lo consigas. Para conseguir algo propuesto no sólo hay que ser inteligente, sino también, trabajador, paciente, luchador, etc. Todo depende de uno mismo, hasta dónde quiere llegar, ya que con mucho esfuerzo se consigue lo que uno quiere.
    En cuanto a la inteligencia emocional es un elemente importante en una personas, ayuda al desarrollo de la personas. Además gracias a ella podemos controlar todos nuestros sentimientos y saber cómo actuar o poder comprender algunos de los comportamientos.

  17. Estrella Rasco Concepción dice: Responder

    En mi opinión en coeficiente intelectual (CI) es solo un dato científico que nos da una maquina, yo pienso que no una persona puede lograr mas por tener un coeficiente intelectual mayor. Pienso que una persona llega a brillar y a conseguir sus metas no por el coeficiente intelectual que tenga, si no por su esfuerzo, motivación y el apoyo de los suyos. Como bien dice la frase de «Todo esfuerzo obtiene su recompensa» no creo que por que una persona una tenga un coeficiente intelectual alto no pueda conseguir sus objetivos en la vida.
    Por otro lado también tengo que destacar que las personas que tienen un coeficiente intelectual alto les puede resultar mas fácil aprender y que se le quede mejor las cosas.

  18. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    Una persona con un alto CI (Coeficiente Intelectual) puede llegar lejos, pero bajo mi punto de vista, no podrá hacerlo sin el necesario apoyo y desarrollo de sus facultades, y además de un buen control de los sentimientos y emociones como dice Goleman.
    La base del éxito, para mí, es tener buenos senimientos, educación, conocimientos y ser una buena persona, mas alla del CI de cada uno, que eso sin más, son números.

  19. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FÉLIX dice: Responder

    Este comentario en concreto me ha gustado bastante, puesto que en mi proyecto para didáctica nombro el tema del coeficiente intelectual. En él hablo sobre la posibilidad de modificarse, tanto en la adolescencia como en la adultez. El CI es número, que ha de tener en cuenta en ciertas ocasiones pero que no debe limitar a la persona. El hecho de tener un coeficiente intelectual más bajo no va a conllevar fracasar más que uno que lo tiene más alto. En ciertas ocasiones este número hace que se etiquete a las personas, poniendo desde un principio en duda que pueda llegar a conseguir lo que quiere por el hecho de que su coeficiente no sea elevado. Un ejemplo de ello sería la educación, y en concreto la universidad. Está establecido que se dará beca a toda persona que la media de sus notas supere el 6.5, o las apruebe todas. Pues ahora bien, esto puede conseguirse o bien con un coeficiente intelectual alto o con esfuerzo y dedicación. Aquel que posea un CI superior, sino lo sabe aprovechar no tendrá éxito, y aquel que lo tenga más bajo, con constancia y esfuerzo, si que puede llegar a obtener buenos resultados.
    En cuanto a la inteligencia emocional, debemos apoyar la alfabetización de esta, ya que es imprescindible para el desarrollo de todos los seres como personas.

  20. Veo el tema de la inteligencia emocional muy interesante y realmente importante para todos nosotros. Todo en la vida se mueve por el interés, un interés, a su vez, promovido por emociones y sentimientos.
    Estando todo y todos conectados en esta vida, siempre una situación te repercutirá en otra, es decir, si por ejemplo, has tenido un problema en tu casa, posiblemente tu día laboral o escolar se vea afectado. Lo que quiero decir es que es bueno saber canalizar los sentimientos y las emociones, así como las de las personas que nos rodean.
    Una persona puede llegar a ser un gran abogado, por ejemplo, pero si no es capaz de afrontar situaciones dramáticas, de tensión o de violencia, ¿de que le sirve tener las mejores notas y el currículo mas amplio? También ante situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con facilidad culpamos a otras personas de no entendernos cuando realmente ni nosotros mismos lo hacemos. Si cada uno de nosotros pudiera canalizar sus emociones y saber lo que le afecta de una manera u otra, lo que le conviene o no, lo que le sentir y cómo, todos seríamos mas felices. La clave de todo esta en nosotros mismos.

  21. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    ¿Por qué se le sigue dando hoy día tanta importancia al CI? Cómo explica el texto, pienso que aún hoy, seguimos etiquetando a las personas por considerarlos “más o menos” listos, cuando la capacidad cognitiva que tenga una persona, no es lo que lo va a hacer mejor o peor persona, sino que ese papel lo juegan los sentimientos. Ante ello surgirá la pregunta de que es más importa, y para mí, la respuesta es la parte emocional, puesto que una persona se ha de valorar por lo que es y no por lo que sabe.
    En el ámbito educativo por tanto, ha de reforzarse que lo importante no es la capacidad que se tenga, sino las ganas, el empeño, la fuerza que se posean para conseguirlo, porque si se quiere, se puede. Por lo que considero que habría que resaltar y hacer conciencia de la importancia de la educación emocional en el alumnado, se debería de educar también y tener muy en cuenta contenidos actitudinales, ya que son los que van a dar lugar a la persona que se vaya a ser mañana.

  22. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista y tras leer el documento, el coeficiente intelectual solo es una cifra numérica que te proporciona una máquina que puede tener una persona, por lo tanto todo aquella persona que se proponga algo en la vida, lo puede conseguir y el hecho de ser más o menos inteligente, no quita que no pueda conseguirlo.
    No se puede considerar a una persona que no alcance esos límites como una persona que no es capaz de conseguir nada, y entre mal palabras » que no sirve para nada», porque pienso que ese desprecio no se le debe hacer a nadie.
    Por último decir, que el hecho de ser inteligente o no, para conseguir algo hay que ser constante, disciplinario, trabajador, tener fuerza de voluntad y se capaz de afrontar todas las trabas que nos pongan, y si recaemos y tenemos fallos ser capaz de levantarse, seguir para conseguir el objetivo y no vencerse, ni acobardarse.

  23. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    Creo que el Coeficiente Intelectual (CI) es únicamente una cifra, ya que si una persona se esfuerza por conseguir lo que desea, dedicándole tiempo y paciencia; seguro que lo conseguirá. Pienso que esa cifra lo que hace en muchas ocasiones es desmotivar a la persona que desea conseguir algo, impidiéndole lograrlo.
    Respecto a la Inteligencia Emocional, decir que es primordial, para el desarrollo de una persona; al igual que lo es también la alfabetización emocional. Ambos son necesarios para que una persona persona se desarrolle y evolucione a lo largo de la vida.
    Para acabar decir, que en la sociedad actual en la cual vivimos, las personas obtienen los méritos por sus esfuerzos y constancia,y no por tener un alto Coeficiente Intelectual; aunque sí hay que mencionar, que habrá algunas que si consigan sus objetivos por su alta capacidad.


    Pienso que el CI solo es un número, y no es para mí algo con total validez para determinar si una persona es más inteligente que otra, ya que interviene mas factores que deben de ser medidos a la hora de establecer si una persona es inteligente o no. Ya que como hemos estudiado la inteligencia se puede desarrollar, y a la hora de conseguir ciertas metas y éxitos importa más otras aptitudes como la constancia y el trabajo, que tener una buena inteligencia, aunque cabe destacar que es una gran capacidad. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo que la inteligencia emocional es muy importante en la persona, ya que gracia a ella podemos controlar los sentimientos, nuestros impulsos, tener un equilibrio emocional y podemos llegar a comprender determinados comportamientos.

  25. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    Tras leer este texto me lo único que me vine a la cabeza es la siguientes preguntas:¿ cuantas personas con un coeficiente intelectual alto están triunfando en la vida? ¿para ser feliz hay que ser inteligente? En mi opinión, no es mas inteligente el que resuelve problemas a la velocidad del rayo o el que se sabe todos los ríos o provincias del mundo, para mi una persona inteligente es aquella que usa su capacidades para conseguir lo que sea. Por ejemplo vamos a comparar esto con otra cosa: ¿De que me sirve tener muchos alimentos y recursos para cocinarlo si no se ni cortar una cebolla?, pues la inteligencia lo mismo, ¿de que me sirve tener tanta inteligencia si no se aplicarla para las cosas realmente importante?
    Creo que esta teoría en definitiva son datos, datos que lo que provocan al fin y al cabo es la desigualdad, desigualdad entre personas que tienen un coeficiente alto y otra que le cuesta más. Todas las personas somos buenas en algo y en otras no lo somos, tal vez el que es muy inteligente no sepa montar a caballo.


    En los tiempos que corren, entendemos que una persona inteligente es aquella que destaca por su habilidad a la hora de resolver problemas y comprender y memorizar unos determinados conocimientos y conceptos, pero en mi opinión, el ser inteligente no depende únicamente de estas capacidades si no que también se debe tener en cuenta la parte emocional del ser humano, que en la mayoría de las ocasiones es la que controla en gran medida los actos de la persona.
    Por ello, la inteligencia emocional, que es la capacidad de controlar los sentimientos y emociones a la hora de realizar una acción, es un elemento esencial para formar la inteligencia del ser humano, al que hoy en día no se le da la importancia que merece dentro de la capacidad intelectual.

  27. IXONE GOMEZ RAMIREZ dice: Responder

    Intentar medir la inteligencia es un tema que siempre ha interesado al ser humano, a mi parecer, por la «manía» de querer clasificar todo lo que conocemos. Antiguamente se media la inteligencia en función del tamaño del cerebro, posteriormente (como se explica en el texto) se procedió a medir nuestro Coeficiente Intelectual para clasificarnos en diferentes niveles de inteligencia. Pero una vez más esto no ha sido suficiente para determinar si somos más o menos «listos».
    La inteligencia ya no depende únicamente de las capacidades generales para resolver problemas y entender conceptos determinados, si no que también es necesario un control de los sentimientos y emociones que guíe nuestras acciones.
    Aquí es donde entra el juego el importante, y muchas veces desconocido,el papel de la Inteligencia Emocional, necesario para un completo desarrollo de las personas.

  28. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    Este artículo me ha parecido bastante interesante, ya que hasta ahora pensaba que el coeficiente intelectual (CI) tenía más importancia en nosotros y en nuestro destino. Esta concepción se debe a lo que he escuchado de los mayores y a las pruebas que nos realizaban en los institutos. Esa prueba consistía en hacer unas actividades de lógica, matemáticas, lengua…,en un tiempo determinado, para posteriormente, corregirlas y averiguar si teníamos un CI alto, normal o bajo. Allí todos nos reíamos del que tenía un CI más bajo y adorábamos al que supuestamente tenía uno muy alto.
    Yo creo que no depende del coeficiente que tengamos, sino del esfuerzo y ganas que le queramos echar a un trabajo determinado determinado. Todo depende de nosotros.

  29. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    El coeficiente intelectual no determina del todo las capacidades que tiene un individuo para formarse. Pienso que es un test que no tiene ninguna validez. Todas las personas pueden adaptar sus habilidades intelectuales, siempre y cuando las dinámicas sean adecuadas. En una clase siempre va a ver unos por encima de todos, pero claro todo el mundo no tenemos la misma capacidad intelectual. Cada uno lleva un ritmo. Pienso que la mente se puede entrenar como en el deporte, pero siempre y cuando se utilicen los ejercicios adecuados para ello.
    La inteligencia emocional también tiene que ser entrenada, cada uno debe de saber controlar sus emociones según cada momento de su vida.

  30. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    Con respecto a lo que dice el texto de que el consciente intelectual determina el destino, pienso que no es así ya que hay muchas personas que aunque no tengan un consciente intelectual alto, pero con su esfuerzo, su constancia y la superación consigue hacer grandes todo lo que se proponga, porque si solo estudiaran los que tienen un alto consciente intelectual, sería una mínima parte de la población.
    También cabe destacar que estos niños que tienen un consciente intelectual por encima de la media, si no se les enseña cómo se debe, puede ser perjudicial para ellos ya que les puede llevar a un fracaso escolar, por el ello de que se pueden aburrir en clase al tener claros todos los conocimientos que necesita para superar esa fase y por tanto dejar de ir a clase y con ello dar lugar al absentismo e incluso al fracaso escolar.

  31. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    Pienso que no siempre una persona con un coeficiente intelectual (CI) elevado, tiene que tener éxito en la vida, habrá aspecto que se le den mal. Tan solo es proponerse hasta dónde quiere llegar y hacerlo.
    Por otro lado, creo que la inteligencia emocional debería de ser incluida como actividad o asignatura en el colegio, porque es tan importante saber ésto como saber lengua, matemáticas, geografía, etc. De esta forma los niños tendrán estas habilidades adquirida, el saber cómo empatizar con los demás, manejar sus propias emociones…Para finalizar, quiero decir que no porque tengas el CI más elevado o más bajo, vas a ser mejor o peor en la vida: todo está en el empeño, dedicación que le pongas a tus metas.

  32. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    Hoy en día si una persona tiene un consciente intelectual alto es mucho mejor que una persona que lo tiene por debajo de la media. Podemos ver en muchos casos que esto no es así. En el texto se dice qué si el consciente intelectual determina nuestro destino, yo, personalmente pienso que no, que lo que verdaderamente determina nuestro destino es el trabajo diario, la constancia y el empeño que ponemos en lo que hacemos día a día. En la actualidad vemos como un niño que no tiene un consciente intelectual muy elevado alcanza sus metas, y otros sin embargo, que si lo tienen se confían demasiado y llegan a un fracaso escolar.


    Pienso que la inteligencia emocional es mucho más importante que el coeficiente intelectural.
    Hoy en día casi todo el mundo habla de que inteligente es aquella persona, esta supera a la otra…, todo en base a las notas que saca o a otras cosas relacionadas con su capacidad intelectual, sin pararnos a pensar lo importante que es tener tener un bienestar emocional porque sin el muchas cosas que están ligada al coeficiente intelectual no seria posible.

  34. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    ‘No se trata de una asignatura más, se trata de proyectar una conducta que garantice elevados niveles de bienestar personal y relacional.’ Me quedo con esa frase.

    Vivimos en una sociedad en la que parecer ser que una persona que tiene un mayor coeficiente intelectual sea mejor persona que otra, y no, bajo mi punto de vista no es así, tal y como dice esa frase, en la escuela hay que utilizar métodos, hacer clases dinámicas de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de la inteligencia, para el desarrollo del aprendizaje. Pienso que en muchas ocasiones la inteligencia está sobre valorada.

  35. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    El CI permite medir las habilidades cognitivas de una persona en relación con su grupo de edad, pero no creo que por esto los que tengan un nivel alto, sean más listos que otros.

    Pueden tener mayor conocimiento sobre un tema, pero a la hora de realizar cualquier otra tarea puede que no sean tan prácticos como alguien que tiene un nivel de CI inferior. Por lo tanto, lo que prima no es la inteligencia si no el esfuerzo que realizan las personas pero esto la gente no lo ve. Ponen etiquetas como dice el texto.

    Lo importante es lo emocional, la motivación, el saber estar, etc. Eso es lo que te hace subir en la escala social y no todo se basa en tener conocimientos.

  36. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    Se ha hablado mucho de la inteligencia emocional, de hecho hay libros interesantes sobre este tema. Esto es la impotencia, lo que puede desarrollar el ser humano, y es tan importante su alfabetización como lo es el hecho de aprender. El desarrollo de la inteligencia lleva consigo lo que puede dar de sí cualquier individuo. Sin un estudio sobre la inteligencia emocional de cada persona difícilmente se sabrá las posibilidades que tiene.

  37. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    Al individuo sentirse mal emocionalmente, comienza a entrar en etapas de desánimos y desmotivación, produciéndose así un factor negativo para realizar su trabajo bien y cumplir su función emocionalmente.
    Coeficiente intelectual ha de ir unido a inteligencia emocional para desarrollarse la inteligencia de este y sus funciones, siendo la segunda subestimada generalmente en la sociedad y pensando que cuanto mayor coeficiente intelectual se tenga más listo es el individuo.
    El saber controlar sus emociones, conocerse a sí mismo, la constancia y el trabajo favorecen a que se consiga el objetivo.

  38. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    Pienso que la alfabetización emocional es muy importante, puesto que es gracias al acercamiento en este campo, el que permite al educador acceder a áreas del alumno que de otra forma no podría.
    Históricamente el puesto que se ocupaba en la clasificación según el coeficiente intelectual, determinaba cual podría ser más o menos nuestro futuro. Pero está más que demostrado que hace falta unos mecanismos que activen dicho coeficiente. La implicación del profesor y alumno incluso en problemas que van más allá del aula, fomenta una empatía que hace más fructífera la alfabetización emocional.

  39. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    Cuando hablamos de alto Ci, hablamos de inactividad social. Traducido, hablamos de inadaptabilidad al sistema y sus normas. Lo que no se habla es que las personas con un alto CI son personas que viene predispuestas a una adaptabilidad a un sistema que lo que persigue es la ignorancia. Por lo tanto estas personas son un problema para el sistema, si no piensan según sus normas (existen numerosos casos en la historia) o un gran aliado si consiguen arrastrarlos “Al lado oscuro”. Pero claro si estas personas no piensan o sienten según unos determinados patrones, se determina que son personas difíciles de adaptar e incluso” raros”.

    Me ha llamado la atención un epígrafe, donde se resalta que las personas con alto CI fracasan “Empresas vitales” ¿Son realmente estas empresas vitales que alguien ha predispuesto las que realmente necesitan este tipo de personas?

  40. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    Vivimos en una sociedad que parece que la persona que tiene un coeficiente intelectual alto es mucho mejor que una persona que no lo tenga.
    Creo que hoy en día cada uno obtiene sus logros por su esfuerzo, no por su inteligencia. Tal vez un buen profesor ha llegado a ese estado, debido al esfuerzo y el valor echado a la materia o materias que desempeña.
    También quiero destacar que no todas las personas con un coeficiente intelectual alto tienen un buen resultado académico, ya que hay muchos niños que tiene coeficiente intelectual alto y resulta que llegan a un fracaso escolar. Opino que este fracaso es debido en mayor parte de los profesores, ya que un niño o niña que tenga un coeficiente intelectual alto tendría que desarrollarle unas actividades diferentes.

  41. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Creo que la inteligencia emocional es increíble, es una consideración fundamental para entender la relación que existe entre el coeficiente intelectual y el éxito profesional o social.
    En el mundo se han dado bastantes casos de personas sumamente inteligentes en algunas áreas y sin embrago, no tienen estudios superiores o incluso han tenido problemas sociales.
    Del mismo modo, se conocen personas que con capacidades intelectuales inferiores a la media han conseguido un éxito profesional considerable.
    Sin duda, la tenacidad, la motivación y el esfuerzo son fundamentales a la hora de conseguir unos logros, sean del tipo que sean. Por ello, creo que además de la inteligencia, se debe tener en cuenta otros muchos factores emocionales que dificultan o mejoran las relaciones con los demás y nos pueden llevar al triunfo o al fracaso.

  42. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    La inteligencia es algo muy importante y está sobre valorada en la sociedad.
    Para la sociedad aquella persona que sea inteligente es quien triunfará en la vida y quien tendrá un buen puesto de trabajo y un futuro mejor, por el simple hecho de que tiene un coeficiente intelectual más elevado. Y si por el contrario, una persona con un CI más bajo, dicha persona tendrá una vida mediocre con un trabajo normal y un sueldo base.
    Pero esto no es así, porque aunque la inteligencia sea importante no es esencial y hay otros aspectos que una persona tiene que tener, como la inteligencia emocional, también un entusiasmo y una motivación.
    Por ejemplo como dice en el texto hay personas con un CI muy alto que fracasan en su vida laboral porque aunque sea muy listo no tiene aspectos como la agilidad mental y otra persona que es menos inteligente triunfa y es un buen profesional.

  43. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    Todas y cada una de las personas somos únicos e irrepetibles, cada uno con sus defectos y ventajas.Las personas que tengan un coeficiente intelectual alto o por encima de la media tendrán mas éxitos que las demás personas que no tengan este coeficiente y las personas que por el contrario no tenga el mismo coeficiente no tendrá tanto éxito en la vida ya que tienen una menor inteligencia. Yo personalmente no estoy de acuerdo con esto, porque las personas que no tengan un coeficiente alto con su formación y esfuerzo pueden lograr lo que quieran en la vida, ya que con esfuerzo, ganas y motivación todo puede ser posible y por ello no se le deben quitar oportunidades a estas personas.
    Un factor muy importante es la inteligencia emocional, ya que son los sentimientos que tiene cada persona que debemos aprender a controlarlos y a expresarlos.

  44. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Opino que la inteligencia emocional es muy importante para el desarrollo del niño. Creo que un niño que de pequeño solo reciba órdenes, al cual solo se le limitará a ver, oir y callar, y repetir secuencias que ni el mismo pensara por qué las haces, estaríamos creando a niños y niñas robots, con muchos conocimientos, y con mucha educación pero niño sin valores, sin conocerse a ellos mismos, sin criterios, sin aspiraciones, sin motivaciones… Por ello creo que es muy importante, no que se ponga una asignatura especialmente para esto, pero sí que el profesorado educara sin olvidar la inteligencia emocional, promoviendo la participación ,escuchando al alumnado, dejando expresar sus sentimientos, es decir olvidar que somos profesor-alumnos, y tratarnos como personas.

  45. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    Tal y como habla en el texto, el coeficiente intelectual hace poner etiquetas a las personas, si tienes CI más alto mereces un mejor puesto de trabajo y mejores lujos y por el contrario, mereces cosas peores, algo que yo no crea que sea así, porque las personas con CI alto se siente más frustrada en algunos aspectos de la vida, lo mismo que pasa con la alfabetización emocional, ya que hay personas que realmente no tienen las habilidades necesarias para poder controlar sus sentimientos o emociones, y estas nos ayuda a interactuar con el mundo exterior.

    La alfabetización emocional es considerada una parte importante de la comunicación de las emociones dotando a la persona de una serie de habilidades para mostrar dichas emociones.

  46. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    Yo pienso que la comunicación, la expresividad de las emociones, la interacción con los demás, es mucho más importante que la inteligencia en sí. El primer paso para convertirte en una persona emocionalmente alfabetizada es aprender la habilidad de comunicar tus emociones a los demás. Por muy inteligente que sea una persona, si no es capaz de expresar sus emociones ni entender las emociones de los demás, no llegará nunca a socializarse, algo que es esencial en la actualidad. Por tanto, mi opinión es que el ser humano debe saber que es necesario e incluso de primera necesidad aprender a expresar nuestras propias emociones y las de los demás para así llevar nuestra vida de una forma íntegra y completa en la sociedad.

  47. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Es cierto que la inteligencia ocupa un lugar preferente, ya que sin ella no tendríamos lo que tenemos actualmente, por ejemplo la tecnología o simplemente una bombilla. Pero no por ello se es mejor o peor y mucho menos determina nuestro destino, se ve claramente hoy en día como personas que al tener un alto grado de coeficiente intelectual eligieron estudiar por ejemplo medicina y ahora están viviendo en la calle. Con lo que se cuenta de una persona no es la inteligencia, sino esa misma persona en sí.
    Antes de decir que eres inteligente, debes de saber cómo eres tú mismo y no valerte y defenderte sólo por tu inteligencia. Como esto también debes de saber cómo socializarte. Y por ello hay que tener una buena alfabetización emocional, aunque no necesariamente sea un asignatura más de la escuela, también te la da la experiencia.

  48. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    La validez de las personas se valora en función del coeficiente intelectual, si tienes un nivel normal o elevado te encontrarás aceptado en la sociedad, sin embargo, si es inferior a lo “normal”, te encontrarás excluido. Pero en mi opinión, y corroborando la información de Goleman, un aspecto que se encuentra olvidado y es de gran relevancia en la inteligencia emocional, ya que es necesario para diversos aspectos de la vida tales como: el control de los impulsos, la motivación, la expresión de sentimientos y emociones, empatía, entusiasmo… Por ello, es necesario que desde el ámbito escolar se comiencen a trabajar con los alumnos aspectos de la inteligencia emocional, ya que de ello dependerá en gran medida su socialización y adaptación a la sociedad. Además, fomentando esta inteligencia emocional, se fomentará la capacidad crítica de los alumnos, necesaria para comprender el mundo que les rodea y cambiar o solucionar los problemas existentes es una sociedad determinada.

  49. Goleman en texto se pregunta si, ¿el Coeficiente intelectual determina nuestro destino?, yo creo que realmente en la sociedad que vivimos sí, ya que como dice el texto a causa de tener un CI por debajo de la media a esas personas se le son colocadas etiquetas, restringiéndolos a muchos ámbitos de la vida como el laboral, personal…, resulta obvio que no por tener un CI normal o por encima vas a tener más éxito que otros individuos con uno menor.
    Pero a lo que realmente le deberían dar importancia no es al CI sino a la inteligencia emocional, ya que controla nuestras emociones y sentimientos y dirigirá nuestros pensamientos y acciones, debiéndose trabajar desde edades tempranas, de esto dependerá nuestro éxito en la vida.

  50. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    En la sociedad en la que vivimos hoy día, ¿qué es más importante ser listo y asocial o ser menos inteligente y social?
    Cuestión para reflexionar porque en ambos casos existen características que debemos de tener para una buena integración y adaptación en la sociedad. Aquellas personas que su capacidad intelectual es destacable, a la hora de adquirir mayor formación, les será más fácil, en cambio, son personas más débiles en lo social, en la interacción con los demás, lo cual tiene igual o mayor importancia que la formación, ya que yo creo, que para tú llegar lejos debes de saber moverte, integrarte, y sobre todo comunicarte, la comunicación como algo primordial, puesto que si algo nos diferencia del resto de las especies es la capacidad de relacionarnos y comunicarnos, tenemos la ventaja, por no llamarlo necesidad, de vivir en sociedad. Una persona que no mantiene contacto con los demás, puede desarrollar su inteligencia, pero acabará frustrado sin nadie a quien mostrarle tales logros, los cuales se acabarán desvaneciendo.
    Por eso más vale ser menos inteligente y social, ya que con tener constancia sobre las cosas, todo lo que te propongas podrás conseguir.

  51. Antonio Cosmo Narváez dice: Responder

    Todos queremos ser super-dotados cuando llegamos a etapas donde tenemos que estudiar bastante. Es un fallo pensar que un superdotado va a sacar notas muy altas, matrículas de honor y lo van a ascender de curso simplemente por tener u CI muy elevado. Sí es cierto que al tener mayor CI nos encontraremos más facilidades a la hora de iniciar los estudios, pero esto no determina la nota final. La mayoría de las personas con un CI normal, presentan mayores esfuerzos a la hora de estudiar o realizar ls tareas, por los que sus notas serán más elevadas que una persona con un CI muy elevado y que no le dedique el tiempo necesario a los estudios. Para las personas con este CI tan elevado, debería de haber centros gratuitos donde puedan desarrollar plenamente sus conocimiento, con docente especializados en este tipo de educación

  52. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Resulta abismal la relación existene entre crebro-corazón, es decir, entre pensamiento (intelectual) y sentimiento (emocional).Considero indispensable que un docente estimule a sus alumnos para su mayor desarrollo, ya que cuando motivas a una persona a través de deseos e inquietudes que puede llevar dentro, estás fomentando que aflore lo que siente dentro de su capacidad intelectual, y como resultado consiga mejores datos académicos.
    La clave del éxito se encuentra en la motivación sin duda.

  53. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    Para empezar con este artículo, he de decir que lo que dice que si alguien no llegaba a un determinado número de CI se quedaba por debajo de los demás no solo por ese número sino por las críticas que se le hacía a esta persona, se le menospreciaba… Recuerdo que en el colegio nos hicieron un test en el que se sacaba aproximadamente nuestro CI, hubo niños que les salió el porcentaje más bajo que el resto de la clase, el resto del año escolar, hubo risitas hacia ellos cada vez que se confundían. Pues estos chavales están haciendo una carrera al igual que otros que iban a esa clase, por otro lado los que se reían y menospreciaban se salieron del mundo escolar con el graduado escolar. Con esto quiero decir que no por porque tengas el CI más elevado o más bajo, vas a ser mejor o peor en la vida; todo está en el empeño, dedicación que le pongas a tus metas.
    En nuestra carrera, creo que una asignatura de «educación emocional´´ no vendría para nada mal, incluso la veo esencial ya que en algunos aspectos de nuestra carrera no podemos actuar con el corazón (sentimiento) sino que debemos de actuar acorde con las normas establecidas.

  54. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    Sobre el coeficiente intelectual(CI), pienso que no a mayor CI mayores son los éxitos en la vida.
    La inteligencia del ser humano pienso que se basa en la capacidad mental de retención de información y estructuración de esta información en el cerebro, a mayor capacidad, mayor información retenida y por lo tanto mayores conocimiento. Pero como bien dice el texto, se encuentra la inteligencia emocional que a mi parecer es más importante, el control de las emociones, sentimientos y actuaciones en la vida diaria, logrará que éste consiga mayores éxitos en su vida.
    Lo que ocurre, es que muchas personas no son capaces de ejercer estos controles de sentimientos y emociones ante acontecimientos y no sean capaces de afrontar los problemas que les pueden ocurrir en cualquier ámbito de la vida social, laboral, personal, etc.
    Por ello, sería importante trabajar la inteligencia emocional.
    Hay una frase que dice:»No es más inteligente aquel que todo lo sabe, sino aquel que sabe aprovechar lo poco que sabe». Esta frase puede aclarar que no por tener mayor CI, puede conseguir más logros, pues puede saber mucho y no ser productivos, sin embargo aquel que su CI es menor y potencia sus habilidades en otros aspectos puede ser igual o mejores que aquellos que más inteligencia intelectual tenga.

  55. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    Con este texto se puede ver que quien tenga un Coeficiente Intelectual (CI) alto, no significa que sea más inteligente que los demás, que hay casos que teniendo CI alto puedes llegar al fracaso, es decir, que esfuerzo, la disciplina, la constancia, eso es lo que lleva a una persona a tener un éxito en la vida.
    En segundo lugar , la inteligencia emocional, es la herramienta para saber como podemos ser nosotros mismos, controlar nuestras emociones y entender el porque de nuestros comportamientos, si nos analizáramos cada uno de nosotros/as por individual entenderíamos muchos cosas y nos ayudaríamos a conocernos mejor.

  56. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    Por lo que hace referencia al Coeficiente Intelectual, una persona que lo tenga elevado, no significa que pueda conseguir más metas en la vida que otra persona, la cual lo tenga por debajo. Ya que probablemente se le pueda dar muy bien las matemáticas por ejemplo y no ser tan talentoso en materias referidas al lenguaje.
    Por lo que vengo a decir, que si una persona realmente se propone algo, puede conseguirlo a base de esfuerzo y ganas.
    Por otro lado, la inteligencia emocional se debería llevar a cabo como actividad rutinaria, con tal de poder apreciar nuestras propias emociones, lo que puede ayudarnos a motivarnos y realizar de manera más sencilla nuestra vida.

  57. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodríguez. dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, pienso que no siempre una persona con CI( coeficiente intelectual ) alto, tiene que tener éxito en la vida o en los proyectos que estos se plantean.
    Dentro de CI se plantean personas que se sienten orgullosos de ellos y se aprovechan al máximo, y otras personas que no demuestran ese CI por temor a rechazo de los demás.
    Suelen decir y en mas de un escrito lo he leido, que las personas con un alto CI, son personas que no se muestran emocionalmente como dice el artículo, son personas pocos sociables, y que no suelen valorar los éxitos de los demás, cosa que yo no estoy del todo de acuerdo, porque hay personas que verdaderamente aun teniendo un CI, es de vital importancia sentirse una persona mas con sentimientos.

  58. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, primero destaco lo del CI, no creo que a mayor CI mayores logros, puesto que aparte del CI hay que se constante, disciplinado, responsable, por ello todos podemos alcanzar las mismas metas.
    En segundo lugar destaco la inteligencia emocional, creo que es una base muy importante para la persona, y que tal vez sería bueno contar con una asignatura dedicada a enseñar como conocernos, como gestionar nuestras emociones, como expresar nuestros sentimientos… ,es muy importante conocernos a nosotros mismos, saber controlar nuestros sentimientos y comportarnos tal y como nos sentimos, a veces pretenden inculcarnos que comportamiento debemos realizar en cada momento, y somo maquinas que repetimos lo que hacen, muchas veces sin llegar a pensar lo que hacemos.

  59. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I agree with the ideas which are presented in this article. I think that emotional development is really important and in some situations underestimated. For succes in life you need to develop your knowdledge but also your emotional intelligence. Finding the balance between those two is a constantly search true your life. Teachers should keep an eye out for that balance and stimulate children in the search for the »perfect» balance. The accent should always be on emotional development because you need communication for the transfer of knowledge and information. Knowing how to give and receive feedback is a really important tool for developing your emotional intelligence.
    I think it’s really important that parents and teachers working together during the education of a child.

  60. Antoine Businaro dice: Responder

    This article speaks about the environment of the children at school which is really important. It means that their social environment is necessary from them like the emmotional environment which is important too. All children will remember this part of their education.
    The atmosphere of school is really necessary for children to enjoying and feeling good in all education administration; if children made relationship, if they develop a good social network they will be able to develop their emotional and social environment. Futhermore, it’s the role of teach to take care of their whole relation inside the institution. They occuped a position of coordionator and teachers. They are present to fix problems if it’s necessary for a better atmosphere inside a class group.

  61. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    Most people draws attention to the intelligence, having no idea that the biggest role in the life in my opinion playing emotional intelligence. How is it that capable students are just average employees, or that people with high IQ often struggling to cope in life. Even if this question seems trivial, the answer, which document the latest scientific research, debunks previous views on the role of the intellect in relating the life of success in life. It depends in fact on the main level of self-awareness, which is the controlling bring their own excitement, enthusiasm and perseverance in pursuit of the goal, and the ability to empathize and skills of social behavior .. so (as defined by Goleman) factor of emotional intelligence.

  62. This article says that to teach kids, the social and emotional environment they have at school is very important. They will remember that more than everything else, so for the academic part, the kids just need a right social and emotional environment to be able to develop themselves. This means the whole staff of a school has to care about the social and emotional aspects of their contacts with the kids but also between the kids themselves.
    This is not a very easy goal to achieve, but Dr Maurice Elias, seen in the video, thinks that the whole staff of a school chose this job because they want to impact in a good way the development of the kids, so the process that they have to improve should be easy. He also thinks that if the kids develop themselves in a more caring environment, they will be more caring after and the whole world will have less problems, … probably.

  63. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is an interesting question. Supposedly it is becoming urgent for us, but Buddhist monks for many centuries manage their mental and emotional state. This is achieved through persistent meditation aimed at full concentration in their thoughts. I understand emotional intelligence as a kind of asceticism in the consciousness. It determines what emotions are not needed, what could be left out, and what is really needed for effective thinking. And we all agree that this is a higher state of mind, when people in power to control their emotions and actively use thinking. Of course, this result always is achieved through hard training and long workouts.

  64. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    Very interesting article, Its important that people are actually researching into the topic of emotional intelligence. I think Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of others. I believe that teachers who have emotional can affect I think emotional intelligence can create a very strong relationship between teacher and students. Its very powerful. I think emotional intelligence can help children to develop as human beings. Emotions are so powerful and teachers who can connect to their students using emotional intelligence are very passionate about their work. I think that as time goes on the use of emotional intelligence will evolve and become more important in our everyday lives.

  65. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    The emotional and social intelligence are two concepts that should be more present in the process of education. When we are students, the majority of teachers ask us to learn what they are teaching us, but usually it is only in a theoretical way. However, when we start searching for a job or even a practice, employers wants to find out what are our others skills, what is different about us than anyone else. We are not just machines with a knowledge that we will put into practice. Most of the time, those are competencies that we develop by our own.
    Slowly, education is inserting it in schools, but this is in a negligible part. Like in the Dead Poets Society, education still gives priority to conventional education. In some countries, like in Japan, they develop emotional and social intelligence with club activities, school events and others projects and all the students have to throw themselves into it. In that way, they develop both emotional and social intelligence. There is no marks, just a way to develop personal skills.

  66. A student can sense when a teacher is not 100% dedicated to their work. From the moment that they enter the classroom. It is easy to sense the mood and atmosphere of a room, is the teacher here because they like to educate others and make them grow or only because it generates money? When a teacher is passionate about her job and reflects it with his whole body language, it’s those moments and in those situations that you as a student feel the need to give back a 100% of your time and presence. I agree with Maurice Elias when he says that he believes that we must start from the bottom and build up. By educating teachers in the importance of emotional competence, we may create a great starting point for students in schools. Many times, I think it can be easy as a educator to «give up» the hope of some students, the ones that do not seem to be present or to be a little messy in the classroom. However, I believe that all students have the same opportunity to develop and grow. We all have different starting points, but it does not mean that some are closer to the finish line than others. I refer this to an old teacher I had during my high school years. He was passionate about teaching and it showed in the way he wanted to teach others. Although I had many times given up on some of the messiest students in the class, but these came to be inspired and grow something incredible in those years. This for the simple reason that the teacher saw to each individual’s potential. He let us additionally make an EQ test instead of an IQ test, which was very interesting and educational. He made ​​sure to get all of us to realize that not everything has to do with how much we can but how we communicate. He made sure to communicate with us students as if we were on the same level as him, not the ordinary «teacher vs students» level you often come across. Instead many of the students came to see him as more of a friend than a teacher. He has come to inspire me, which is reflected in much of what I do today and I’m probably one of many who still pay him a visit every time I’m in my hometown.

  67. Emotional intelligence has a great influence on a wide range of people. Schools are placing importance on academic intelligence, whereas in my opinion emotional intelligence is just as, or even more important. Emotional intelligence is a concept very deep and is increasingly important nowadays. More recently, some companies have started seeing this as the most efficient way to measure success. Therefore the level of emotional intelligence of an individual can distinguish leaders from managers. A good or high level of emotional intelligence can give you a good advantage for employment. This relatively new concept is now being more widely recognised. I think that incorporating emotional intelligence into education is now so important for employment as companies are looking out for this.

  68. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    The second link is not working, but I saw this movie. I like it a lot. The think is about death. We are not aware. We are not thinking about the death, we don`t like it. But you will have a new power when you will realise this. When you are beginning with the vision of the end, you feel that you want to take more from the day, it is all carpe diem is about. If you will organise your work, and all things you need to do, you will have more time for the pleasure. I also like a lot the part of the movie(Dead Poets Society) when the professor, is saying to pupils that they need to rip some pages from the book which were talking about how we need to understand poetry. He was inspiring the pupils.

  69. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    I also believe that the emotional intelligence depend on our personal and professional success. People who understand their own emotions and the emotions of other people gain a lot in all areas of life. This ability is very useful in life. Satisfaction, fulfillment and joy in life depend mainly on the five competencies of emotional and social presented by Daniel Goleman: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills. Having emotional intelligence is very important for a teacher, because the development of emotional intelligence in children should be a priority in education.

  70. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    I agree that Social Emotional Learning is a very serious part of education, having a huge impact on children’s capacity of learning and emotional well-being. It is the foundation of healthy learning environment and influences a lot kid’s productivity. I was already familiar with the benefits of emotional intelligence in many contexts; however I realized watching the material, that emotional and social intelligence are the base of success in academic and professional life. The concept and its realization have so many benefits on kids and their interpersonal relations with teachers, schoolmates, families and other friends. I believe that schools which are successfully able to put in action the competences of emotional and cultural intelligence manage to report lower level of bullism and conflicts. Just to name few of the benefits of CI is the capability of kids to handle criticism in a positive way, ability to work in a team, being aware of their and others emotions etc. It is not smart to think that IQ is the only factor for determining success. Since we live in a society, the skills for true success are cooperation, compassion, self-control and so on. Therefore, I would suggest to first become aware of the importance of the emotional factor in the academic process and to integrate it as an organisational requirement at school. Finally, for the engagement of competent teaching staff and students it is important to measure it parallel to IQ by integrating the three concepts.

  71. I absolutely agree with this article. Emotional intelligence is crucial. Especially it is even more important educational life. Because the learning process is based on emotions. Having a high IQ does not mean that it will be successful in life. Someone who have enough IQ but is not emotionally adequate can not succeed. According to research, people who have high emotional and social capacity are becoming happier and more successful. Because these people are able to understand others very well and are able to control their emotions very well. But everyone defends that IQ is more important in life education. People who have a high IQ but do not know what they want, should not be forced to do anythıng. Therefore emotional intelligence should be given importance intensely in education curriculum.

  72. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    For me, the emotional education today is a big problem. I know that this is a topic which was, and still is highly neglected. I know from personal experience that when I went to school with few teacher who maintained its emphasis to emotional education.
    Both, then and now the programs are so plentiful where the intellectual education is more important. There is no time today for the emotional education BUT I think this is very important. Today, the world is very brutal – it it makes that have to learn to control over your emotions. For many of us it is very difficult. Seeing today’s young people I see the lack of education in the school.

  73. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    Today, the most important in classes are intelligent children. It is the understandable but I think the we can not forget also about those weaker. Many teachers treats class as the best student in the class. It is very deceptive. Weaker children often feel themselves wronged. My sister has a big problem with math. I know that she is often compared to the better students and it blocks her learning. She feels that she can not be matched with other students and the whole class begins her run away. Someone can say that this is the IQ, someone else this is intelligence and someone else with laziness …

  74. I agree that these three parts of the emotional impact of education on human rights and make it more noble and better. Emotional Education is so important in today’s world where lack of compassion, empathy, assistance to other people. As a result, children can learn an enormous compassion for other people, skills, resolve conflicts, combating negative emotions and above all know the main principles to cope with life. We all have the ability emotional, because they lie at the core of human nature, but sometimes are not sufficiently formed. Emotional balance helps us to maintain good health, happiness, success and achieve success.

  75. When I understood the concept of Emotional Intelligence correctly, it is the foundation of human interaction.
    So Emotional Intelligence starts at the understanding of our own emotions,recognize and admit them and at least control them. With this in mind it is necessary to handle our emotions approproately for each situation instead of dramatizing. This should be accompanied by the affecting of our own emotions to use them traget-aimed, which is the foundation of self motivation.
    And furthermore, the core foundaition of social interaction, Empathie.
    A human being, which recognizes the emotions of others, can often early realize the hidden signals in the behavior of others and can detect what is needed.
    Empathie considered in society as a whole, is the foundation of a successfull human society.

  76. Emotional Intelligence is good factor for healthy communication because teachers and students should have good emotional connection and that create awareness .We should use that active in their education .I think emotional Intelligence provides to learn them parmanent.Even high IQ people show to difference for learning because emotional intelligence is different things than other.I remeber now I was learned alot of things from my teacher when I was in primary school and I havent forgetten because I had emotional connection with them so it provided to leearn to me much more thing .It is very big factor for learning them parmanently .I think person succes and academic succes are possible with emotional inteligence and people can be much more happy with that.

  77. I really like this article.Maurice’s video very meaningful, realistic and objective tells a really accurate. identified are also very nice.I watched the movie Dead Poets Society a beautiful film.
    Emotional literacy; able to recognize and understand our feelings, to listen to the person opposite and to understand his feelings and also is to be able to express our feelings effectively.How we direct our lives and how we evaluate the surrounding facilities,In this way associated with emotional intelligence, are emerging. Emotional intelligence is low, emotional illiteracy,literacy is high in emotional intelligence shows.

  78. I totally agree with the article. Lots of people cannot deal with their emotions not only during their childhood but also in an adult life. For some, who did not have a perfect family situation, it can be impossible to show emotions and feelings. But not only for them, I think many people is just not able to control the feelings. That is why skills like self-awareness, empathy and other mentioned in the article are so crucial. They make it easier to interact and adapt in society. Thus, of course, it provides better learning results. Things seem easier to understand or more to remember when emotions are involved. Moreover, all of these capabilities connected with emocional intelligence enrich one’s personality in a such a big way.

  79. I think the most important part of emotional intelligence education .
    Because if you listen to your feelings , if you act as you feel , you will feel yourself more relaxed and stress free , this will make a great contribution to your education .
    Of your teachers have a very big role in that . For example, when I was in elementary school I loved my teacher , my school to go willingly , love has led me to study and consequently high -quality education and allowed me to take notes .
    But with the advancement of age , the importance of a sense of respect that comes along wall is reduced, course work and go to school is becoming a necessity .
    On the other hand , when the child is not afraid to say how you feel , but with advancing age the fear of being embarrassed a lot of people are not aware of what he thought and begin to ask fewer questions .
    So you lose a sense of importance .
    Teachers in the classroom in order to achieve discipline are generally more cold treats . As a result of this emotional bond between them disappears , and unfortunately does not go beyond being required training .

  80. I think social intelligence everything before income because people are social beings they are for socially What do you think should be, but to us today, a lot of people sosyalllik and social intelligence away from the prune them unhappy I am a teacher as a candidate when the teacher that if I once children to the spiritual intelligence to understand to delivering work because social intelligence develop a human looks at events from a different pain and other problems because it is happy because it is not filled with the mind. I think emetional intellingence children pushes to think ;control, self-awareness, motivation, enthusiasm, persistence, empathy and mental agility can only be acquired in class when a teacher is able to transfer flexible between the roles of mentor and teacher therefore the students in the course to infuse social intelligence, and when I see myself as a teacher debts if I will be working on it.

  81. I think it is important that students have an emotional bond with their teachers and the rest of the students in their class- when they are younger, it is easier for the, all to be friends and get along. When students are getting older, being in a class where everyone is friends, if they need help they would not be afraid to ask for it, meaning that they are more likely to succeed. It is also important that the staff maintain healthy professional relationships where they are seen as friends- it is important for students to see that the people in authority get along, especially if they do not have a stable life at home.
    I agree with what Goleman said about us remembering what we were taught by the teachers nicest to us, we relate the knowledge back to the caring context, something as humans with feelings, we like to remember. If knowledge is to stay with us for a long time, it is important to have the caring context within the school environment.

  82. Emotional intelligence this the first time when u hear or read about such a thing but it seems quite reasonable to use in school. It’s important that school gives us not only some knowledge about subject like math, history, chemistry and etc but some life experience, and emotional intelligence is a thing, a tool that every person could use in his daily life. But this is only talking about such a good thing never gonna make them be in our life. I’m pretty sure that most of the teachers don’t know what is it emotional intelligence not to mention explaining it to children, helping them realise how it should be used in their lifes. I like this idea but I’m not so sure that it’s gonna happen at a closes time.

  83. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    It’s interesting to figure out about the connection between IQ and emotional aspect of every individual person. I didn’t really know about that. And in the first video I really liked when Daniel Goleman mentioned that we remember those teachers who were emotional and kind toward us, and even remember the material they taught better. It’s a curious point and I’m sure it works. Something outstanding and not normal impresses your mind and stays there for longer.

  84. In my opinion it is important for your well being and reaching success when there is a perfect balance between EQ and IQ.
There was a man, who I very admired, who told me his view and experiences about the balance between EQ and IQ. It is one of the most hardest thing to reach this, to be in complete balance between knowledge and emotional intelligence; being social and educational in balance. 
EQ and IQ are the two things in life where you can develop yourself in; personal development en educational development. When you have the balance of interactive skills, self-awareness, empathy, mental well-being (or happiness), motivation, enthusiasm etc versus gaining knowledge, learning skills etc, you can reach success in your job and in your personal life. Still, not to forget that this is almost the hardest thing is life. 
Being a teacher for example; the teacher has all the knowledge and he is incredible smart – he has a high or regular IQ. But, he can’t interact with the world, he can’t express his feelings and so on – he has a low EQ. Which means that he wouldn’t be a good teacher, even though he has all the information students need to learn.
    An other example; a young women gets into a discussion of a conversation about some policital issues or about history or… She has great communication skills, she can express her feelings and she can interact with the world very well. But, she doens’t have the knowledge for these conversations, which means she isn’t able to have this conversation. 
Thats why I think, for succeeding your life, that EQ and IQ has to be in balance.

  85. Emotional intelligence is the one thing we really need to control and get to know. It is important for reflexes and fast thinking but can also be bad if your mindset it not straight or positive. You can get depressed and all once your emotional intelligence fails. I have worked on a school were social, emotional intelligence was more important then theoretical information. Ofcource the basic of all life is to be able to function on a society on your own. Once you can accomplish that you can work on theoretical aspects. Ofcource this is not for everybody since people can functionate very good on their own (thoreau) but even he did need to visit some life now and then.

  86. This is really interesting. I recently read an article about emotional development of kids but from the perspective of parents. These two sides (parents and teachers) are definitely the most important factors in this process of development. But from the early childhood our emotions are killed instead of developed and we are forced to fit in the boxes. I watched couple more videos from the movie (Dead poet´s society) and there is a situation when the topic of the class is «Understanding poetry». The teacher had let a guy from the class read the preface of the textbook and then he told them to rip out whole introduction part of the book. I cant imagine this would happened in czech school. The textbooks are usually sacred for teachers so they agree with everything what is in there.

  87. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is almost an instinct of man. This reminds me of our survival instinct. When we are in danger, unconsciously we develop capabilities that we often ignore. And it is not thank’s to the IQ, it is the nature of man. Everyone has it in itself, so everyone is predisposed to perform natural tasks, emotional …
    So I think that introducing this concept in education is a good thing. Understanding this, can help some people. In addition it is a way to change education, evolve it. This perhaps should not be a subject in itself, but at least consider this notion in other school subjects.

  88. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. It can be divided into ability emotional intellegence and trait one.
    The ability to express and control our own emotions is important, but so is our ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. Imagine a world where you couldn’t understand when a friend was feeling sad or when a co-worker was angry. Psychologists refer to this ability as emotional intelligence, and some experts even suggest that it can be more important than IQ. Learn more about exactly what emotional intelligence is, how it works, and how it is measured.

  89. For me this article touches a very important point. The schools today focus mainly on knowledge and people who have a high IQ and seem to be very smart are regarded as the intelectual leaders in class.
    But it is so important to not only work on your knowledge and use your inteligence, but also to develope social skills. For all your future life it is one of the most imortant things to be able to get along with people and know the secret rules of the society you live in. Just for your daily life you have to interact with people. Moreover of course in your job, you can be really intelligent but if you are socially akeward you will have a really hard time to get a job. And of course students should learn to be sociable with each other.
    In your life you will need to build up a social network, on which you can rely on in several occasions.
    Due to al this i think it should be cumpolsory to have a subject about emotional intelligence.

  90. I agree that emotional intelligence is extremely important and that it should be integrated into the curriculum in all schools. While a high IQ may be a positive thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean success in all aspects of life. It’s like comparing two people, one who’s «book smart» and another who’s «street smart». Both are intelligent but in completely different ways. One may know a lot of facts and have great success in education. But the other will know more about what goes on around him and how to handle himself in the real world, which in my opinion is more important. To give students the best chance of being successful in life I think teachers and schools should do what they can to develop the emotional intelligence of each child, which isn’t an easy task as some children are born being more in tune with their emotions than other but everyone has the capacity to become so. I think schools should make it a priority of theirs to include emotional intelligence in their curriculums.

  91. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    I totally agree. Emotional intelligence is important factor in education for students and teachers. Also film of Dead Poet’s Society is definitely good example about relation between teacher and students. IQ is our destiny but we can use effectively by true methods. In this part teacher and students are responsible. On the other point, should be free in learning, very cautious can be limit to learning. It effect negatively to education. Solid rules limit to people that what can be do and it doesn’t show real own capacity. Firstly, focus to strengths and weaknesses of students. Because of emotional intelligence emphasize on motivation, self-confidence, self-awareness, etc. If people aware own capacity, people can be successful. Especially, high IQ is not important value. Possible to with high IQ people can fail in education or business life. And also you can be successful with normal IQ. Focus point, what is important in learning, how can we give form? How teacher must be behave? In my oppinion, if student feel confident, can be show capacity effectively. It is also possible in all life. Swot analyse is important for recognize to own. And also teacher behaviour is really important on student success. Emotional intelligence follow to emotional development and emotional intelligence nested emotional education. Best example of emotional education I think in Curriculum Making class I feel more confident. And more extraordinary than the other class and more friendly atmosphere. Learn with communication together. Teacher behave by emphaty to students. Also in little time at small good information for our learning period. All of that cause to willing to go class so it provide to real learning. It show impact of teacher in real education.

  92. We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Navigating through this all takes tact and cleverness especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important.Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they’re telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively. People with high emotional intelligence are usually very self-aware and motivated.Emotional intelligence is very important part of life. Emotional education is a continuous learning process which every human being makes throughout his lifetime. Emotional education aims at dealing appropriately with the emotional and mental aspects.

  93. This is really important thing. We cannot focus only on clean knowledge in this i mean pure learning in school. Teachers should show students the emotional way of learning. It will benefit both sides. As teachers will recive good relationship with his students and the students will enjoy to classes. Its really nothing new that if someone like something he will take from it more and faster becouse thing is not stressfull for him. althought emotional education helps us to create and learn ourselfs. In life we have to make decisions and this decisions will creat choices for us, for our life. That’s why we should practice emotional learning as it help us in ours life to take the best choices for our life as we can.

  94. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    First of all, I must say that I completely agree with the sum and that will surely search for the book of Daniel Golemis. Teachers play the most important and dominant role in a child’s life and this is why the job of the teacher is ministry.
    The idea of social intelligence and emotional intelligence in particular are highly important in order to make the world a better place . However, developing social emotional intelligence is not only the schools’ job, but also the parents’ job.
    schools focus primarily on intellectual abilities. the importance of emotional intelligence is rarely noticed. Emotional needs of students are quite often overlooked by teachers, either for lack of time or lack of appropriate knowledge and skills. This is possible only if incorporated into school curricula are content for developing emotional intelligence in children.

  95. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    As I was written in the other comments, that the most important thing is the relationship between humans. There is not an exception the educational institutions. I totally agree with the minds of Maurice Elias in this video. The main goal of the education system should be developing children in educational, emotional spheres. The important thing that the learning process should be as an emotional. The children will always remember those teachers who touched them from the human side, not only from the sciences. The knowledge comes from the information you get known and the ability to use it. Because there is impossible to remember everything what is teaching during the lessons. The information you get, you cannot remember everything indeed. That is why it is important to take an attention not to information you have to know but the other emotional things which will contribute more to the every child life.

  96. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    If I where to choose between having high IQ and having high emotional intelligence I would choose to have high emotional intelligence. This is because I believe that these are senses that will affect you as a person and the choices you make in life so much more, than if you had a high IQ. These senses is something that I would wish teachers to encourage more and to make the students to understand the advantages with it. I experience it as it is too much focus in school today to have a high IQ to be able to get the best grades in school and that it is those who have high IQ who will make it in life. So it makes me happy to read that so is not the case, and that it actually are more important with having a high emotional intelligence or social intelligence.

  97. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    For a long time there was a public perception that only people with a high IQ coefficient can achieve success in life, but now people is beginning to understand the great importance is also of emotional intelligence to success, as well as their mutual relations with another to build a good career, and also everyday communication with people around us.
    The emotional intelligence, as I understand, it the ability to adequately feel, perceive, understand, disclose, manage emotions, as well as the ability to balance the emotional mind (emotions) with a logical mind (thinking).
    Moreover, nowadays when is growing professional field under stress sometimes the most important role play ability to control and manage our own negative emotions.

  98. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is how much we understand our emotions and the emotions of others and how much we are able to use these emotions. For a long time there was a public perception that only people with a high IQ coefficient can achieve success in life, but now people is beginning to understand the great importance is also of emotional intelligence to success, as well as their mutual relations with another to build a good career, and also everyday communication with people around us.
    The emotional intelligence, as I understand, it the ability to adequately feel, perceive, understand, disclose, manage emotions, as well as the ability to balance the emotional mind (emotions) with a logical mind (thinking).
    Moreover, nowadays when is growing professional field under stress sometimes the most important role play ability to control and manage our own negative emotions.

  99. Gülsüm Büşra DURA dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is the most important connection between teacher and student. For listening and understanding.. Emotional intelligence provide our empathy and understanding them. However students may feel closer to the teachers themselves. Emotional intelligence is the most important part of all the education process. Teacher subject knowledge is not enough. Teacher content knowledge from the right channel with the correct methods when transferring they also need to be put love and human values. Learning is based on emotional basic. Emotional intelligence are put self-directed person, motivation, awareness, empathy and social skills from person.

    We should not ignore and neglect to child emotional lives. Especially in the field of emotional intelligence education can provide many advantages presence.

    Is not our sense of who we actually feel like, we uphold ourselves, connecting loved ones, living love, bringing an ambition that saddens or insanely allowing us to move our goal? If the lessons taught in schools to give only the relevant content and devoid of emotional content can not cater to the students. Thereby becomes unattractive students. The teachers always responsibility to add feelings to whatever course, a combination of theory and practice, in conjuction give you right information they provide by asking question to make permanent for children.

  100. I definitely agree this article and Maurice Elias. I think emotional intelligence is very important for people who will be educators. Because they will cultivate future generations. They must to understand first of all their «own» feeling , strengths and weaknesses. They should adopt to changes easily. Also they should worry about others ideas and feelings.Teachers must be able to establish a bond between them and their students. If students feel comfortable, they can more learn fastly.First goal must be provide «emotional development», then should be academic development for teachers. People who don’t have to ability of empathize should’t be educators. Not just education life, it is same in the business life, teamwork, in family and about individuals issues, too. For turn to success, emotional awareness and motivation is necessity. If I were to set off from myself, i don’t like teacher, generally i don’t want to study or listen this teachers lessons. But if we are okay and i feel comfortable if i can express myself in lesson, my success rises acording to opposite.

  101. I think that emotional intelligence should play an important part in education. Teachers should try to create a bond with their students so that they feel comfortable with them. When you are young you are not afraid to say what you feel but as you get older you become aware of what people might think the fear of being embarrassed becomes too much and you begin to ask less questions. Thus this emotional bond would reduce this. Students should not feel anyway intimated in class. It would be more interesting and students would be highly motivated if they felt relaxed. It would mean more discipline and an easier class to control. For me a teacher who I felt I had a bond with thought me the most but I can only say this about the teachers I had as a child. I think for this to benefit students feeling most be integrated into all parts of education no matter what age the students are.

  102. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence can be described as the most important part of the whole education process, because it‘s easier to learn something when you are emotionally calm and concetrated into one thing. Teachers create the atmosphere in the class and this really helps to students to relax and feel comfortable, also students create the same thing for the teacher so this is some kind of mutual thing, depending from the both sides. Of course, is harder to be a teacher because he‘s standing on his own, in front of the big public, and that‘s why teachers should be more emotional intelligence. The best example of this kind of teacher is Jose Bautista, just because students come to the class and feel that they‘re more friends, than a students.

  103. I agree with the most of the comments here that the teachers are not the only one who can influence the amount of emotions of the childs. As i said before the parents play the most important role in a lot of processes. If they do not let a child to express his emotions after some time this person will not know how to the new feelings and emotions sort out. This imperfection could disturb his future in some job.
    Personally i think the term «emotional intellect» is a little bit unimaginable. I have always envied people who can control their emotions. But my oppinion is that how to work with your emotions is possible to learn in some way.

  104. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    I really like this article. I have already heard about issues of emotional intelligence and in this article I found some more useful informations.
    I have experienced that it is true, the part about persons with higher IQ missing or having lower level of emotional intelligence (higher IQ, less they care or show less empathy. I was actually always thinking how is it with Stephen Hawking).
    I find also interesting the optimistic opinion of doctor Maurice Elias and as him, I think that it is possible to make the teachers, lectors, educators think in the way : «I am here to promote the social and emotional and academic development of children.That’s my job.» But I think, talking about experience from my country, the teachers need to have the right working environment to keep their mind positive and ready to form the children in a good way, to the better persons. It is kind of difficult if you think about tired, overworked and bad payed teachers on elementary and high schools. I remember that even the best teachers I will keep in my mind all my life were sometimes under the big pressure. If school system can handle this, in my opinion it is possible to succeed.

    Unfortunatelly it is not possible to see the video from the Dead Poets Society, I have to say it is one of my favourite movies, I like especially the part where all of them say : I live to be ruler of my life, not the slave.

  105. Valda Anilonite dice: Responder

    I support and agree with the ideas which are presented in this article and videos, also I strongly agree with the importance of the emotional intelligence and the lack of attention to its development in schools.
    In the interview Maurice Elias proposed a thought that emotional inteliģence – „It’s something that has to be a basic part of the way that every single educator that steps into the building, sees their job. Teachers, principals, psychologists, social workers, counselors, every school staff member, if you ask them – what are you doing here? The first answer should be – I am here to promote the social, emotional and academic development of children.” It is important, that children develop not only their academic knowledge, but also develop their emotional intelligence, I don’t think that such subject as “Emotional intelligence” is needed. I believe that every teacher can teach something to the children and it doesn’t matter which subject you are teaching. You can see a very wonderful example of this in a movie based on true events “Dead poets society”.

  106. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    In nursery school pupils are used to be taught how to think emotionally. However, from the first year in primary school a major step is made towards what is called in the text «objective and content», tossing the emotional dimension onto the garbage heap of history. I, and I’m pretty sure of not being the only one, have suffered from that change. Tight now, I have no trouble to remember what taught me my teachers in nursery school, as at that time, general didactics was mixed with children’s sensitivity for them to understand, assimilate and remember quicker. From primary school until university, education tends to put this emotional aspect aside, certainly because we, as students, have got too many things to learn. Therefore, there’s a classical debate that is rushing back into my mind: «Should we separate personal life from professional matters?» The same question should apply to education, and my answer would be NO. Emotions are an integral part of every human being, and pretending the contrary is a mistake, otherwise we would be computers.
    Emotional literacy in order to develop social intelligence is like a first internship, a first contact with our peers and everyday’s life. Only theory won’t help them understand society and fit in it.I agree that pupils should be prompted into use their emotional intelligence to assimilate what they are being taught, AND vice versa.

  107. Social and emotional learning should be an integral part of academic life. School should go after enhancing all the abilities of students, also the social-emotional ones. I think it’s important to teach children about emotional intelligence. It’s a way to understand people’s unique personalities. I agree with Maurice Elias that every school stuff member should promote social and emotional development of children and provide opportunities. The importance of promoting instincts to develop sympathy and empathy, of teaching children how to collaborate and communicate with others as well along with skills of perseverance and self-control that are necessary to succeed in society…

  108. Agnieszka Bogusławska dice: Responder

    In my schoollife I was meeting a lot of teachers. Only few of them I still remember well. That’s because they was treating us like partners, not like machines which have to remember every informations. On their classes every pupil was treating the same but teachers know every character trail each of them. So every person felt special. Today, I think, there are more teachers who are aware that this style of education is more productive.

  109. I saw the whole film “Dead poet’s society” and of course I recommend this film to all who are interested in education, teaching or social work. The reason why it shows us the role of emotional literacy in classes and how affects on pupils. In the movie is perfect example to compare how lesson works with or without emotions. Also, there are examples how relationships among teacher and pupils are significant and necessary.
    In my opinion emotional intelligence is one of the abilities and skills which is very important and helpful on one’s life.

  110. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    Never before had I thought about emotional intelligence or any other intelligence than IQ. That is why I found this article very interesting and to be honest, surprising. People often think that their behaviour, their reactions and emotions are something innate. But as stated in the article, some of them we learn for the whole life. We can control our emotions to some point and we can also use them to learn new things, to explore the things that we cannot just describe. It is important to increase our intelligence on every field. Very often employers look for people that are not the smartest but who can think creatively and widely. I remember one of my teacher who told us that if bank wants to employ a new worker it will choose more willingly someone with sinology degree rather than economics. Economics you can always learn, but sinilogy means you are more susceptible to assimilate knowledge and probably more conventional because you decided to study something so «useless».

  111. I found this article, as well as the videos really interesting. It is known, that a safe and sound environment is necessary for your well-being. I think emotional intelligence should be used more often in teaching institutions, especially for younger children. If pupils are being taught in a place where they feel appreciated and taken care of, they will have an easier time to concentrate on learning, and also they will have a better time doing so and this knowledge will last longer than having to learn something with pressure of deadlines and sometimes maybe even in fear of the mean and unfriendly teacher. As Maurice Elias says in his interview, “Social and emotional development is essential for academic success and the success in life.” I am delighted by the project they are running in New Jersey and especially by the support this project gets from the State Department of Education. I hope the success of this project will be big enough that more states and more countries try this form of education. As he said, they are using what they already have, the basis is already available. Why should we not use our given resources and try to make education better. Everybody knows from themselves what kind of huge impacts emotions have on our lifes, so why not using them as well in schools, for the better?!

  112. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    We all know that emotions affect all people lifes, emotions affect people in the good or bad way. So, emotions are the most important part of human daily life. I think that because, mostly how we feel, how we react on things- this is the way how we live, and that affects all things that we do. And through that we can do bad or good things, it depends how we can control our emotions and how inteligent we are. And this is called emotional inteligence. And thats why this is so important for all people- we think that emotions is just emotions, but they play very big role in our daily life. We have to learn that our work quality depends also in emotions not only on knowledges our somthing else. Especialy in education- especialy for children`s is so important to be emotional inteligent. If children can learn that in early years, if he can think about his emotions in situations when need to be very careful with emotions- with other childrens or with him self, that children can live easier, with self confidence, with more positive look of things in further life. In education this is the thing that we have to look more serious and give to children that knowledge.

  113. Learning process should be based on emotions. Maurice Elias emphasizes, that social and emotional intelligence plays a big role in education. He told that relationships between kids, kids and teacher are very important and I agree with him. As he said, we better remembered teachers, with which we had better relationships, whose lessons were interesting, emotional and with individual approach. For teacher the most important thing is that pupil are able to learn, get success in life, but to each teacher are different methods how to make it possible. In my opinion, the best way is to make pupils feel good in lessons. School is place, where we can give to pupils opportunities to learn, feel emotions, because later they will use them in their lives.
    I saw this film «Dead poet’s society» and I recommend this film to all, who are interested in education, teacher profession,in examples about good/bad teachers, school organization, ect. In this movie too was good example how works lessons with emotions and how it works without emotions – what emotions gives to pupils.
    Teacher needs to teach how to control our emotions, work with ourselves – give an opportunities. I think that all things starts with emotions – if you feel good and object are able to give an interest to people, then all things will happen.

  114. Janis Priedkalns dice: Responder

    I agree with the video, that teacher and children relationships are very necessary in learning process. And for good classroom environment also children need to have a good relationship with each others. Emotional intelligence plays very important role in our study process. We can show exactly how good we know some things! We don’t need to be shy and afraid to say some answers, we need to cross that barrier and show our IQ. The real level of human intelligence we can see not from their results in studies, but how they are in social life how attractive people are. We need quite a long time to better know all people and than we can talk about their intelligence level.

  115. Maurice Elias in the interview said the following: «social-emotional development is essential for academic success and success in life» and I think it’s totally true. We’re too much concentrated on collecting huge amounts of information from different fields and we forgot that this doesn’t really serve us for life. What is the most important and useful thing is to know ourselves, know how we emotionally react in different situation, know how to express what we feel and thing and also how to start and build the relationships with other. But whose responsibility is to teach us this? School? Family? In the video it’s a lot of talking about how the teachers should be dedicated to the fact that they help children to reach emotional intelligence, but I think just teachers can’t do this. In my opinion the most important here is the family. It is a child’s example of understanding, expressing and controlling the feelings and emotions. When I child build the basic there is the teacher’s turn. I agree that he/she should be aware of importance of the feelings and also teach about it. But I think it’s not efficient to have a presentation about this topic, but in stead of this, create a learning environment where feelings are part of this process and where it’s «ok» to express them. The thing that a child needs to learn is how to control feelings and how to express them in a suitable way. In that way he would be able to interact with other and through this grow on the inside.

  116. In my opinion emotional intelligence is one of the abilities/skills which is the most important and helpfull on one’s life. Of course it is important to collectknowledge but people who have high emotional intelligence can help others in understanding them better and teaching them to understand theirselves better. There was a time in Germany where we got marks in schools about our behaviour towards others and about ourselves. But this did not last long. Actually I think these marks had two sides. Of course a chef of a company will hire you more likely if you behaved good in school and he han see that through the marks, on the other hand just one teacher formed these marks and of this was a teacher who did not like his pupils much then that was a problem.

  117. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    The content of this entry is something I cannot disagree with and that it is not emphasised enough in our curriculum. There is too often more focus being placed on the acquisition of knowledge rather than skills and personal development in education systems today, but I do believe that we are working at a steady pace towards turning this around. Emotional development is an important element to the wholistic development of the child, one which is carried with them and enhanced through experiences for the rest of their lives. The role of the teacher is to facilitate this development, to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential and create in them valuable members of our society. I believe that each and every person has a specific talent and no matter what that may be, big or small, it should be celebrated and enriched to its full capability. This can help to light in the child something which they love- knowing that they have discovered their special talent. For me, the clip from ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ was quite interesting. Individual thinking is the way for the future. Whether a person is working on an individual scale or as a group- each and every mind is that of an individual, with unique qualities, talents, opinions, beliefs and it is only just that they should be appreciated.

  118. Yes, I strongly agree with the theme behind this article. It is clear that emotional development is an intrinsic part of education and life in general. However, emotional intelligence is often overlooked and ignored in the education system. In my opinion, it is not all the teachers fault. They are under severe pressure to get material covered in a set time. That said, a teacher’s aim should be to move every child forward and to push them to their maximum capabilities in order for them to succeed in life. This might not be in a general classroom. It could be in the art room, the music hall or the sports field. Every person is born with a talent and its a teachers responsibility to try and nurture that talent. Furthermore, I found the clip from ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ very interesting. The main idea of individual thinking is lost in the classroom today. We take what we read in textbooks and on the internet to be the truth. It saddens me to think that thinking for yourself is a dieing art. We are oblivious to the fact that words and ideas can change the world we live in.

  119. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con este artículo ya que creo que la inteligencia emocional es bastante importante para conocer nuestras emociones y saber controlarlas porque es algo fundamental en nuestra vida y en nuestro día a día y también para llegar a tener éxito en el ámbito laboral.
    Creo que debería de haber una asignatura que tocara este tema en los colegios y sobre todo en el grado de educación social así nos enseñarían a ser empáticos y ha saber llevar nuestras emociones y sentimiento.
    Para finalizar me gustaría decir que tener un gran coeficiente intelectual no quiere decir ser mas listo que otro que tenga un CI mas bajo porque ¿de que vale tener un CI alto si no saber aprovecharlo?
    Desde mi punto de vista dependiendo del coeficiente intelectual que se tenga todo se consigue con esfuerzo, dedicación y constancia en lo que se quiere conseguir para poder llegar lejos en la vida.

  120. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is a very important thing, which we should start teaching as a young persons. These are the abilities to understand our and other people emotional states.
    In schools and universities we should not only learn some theoretical things and issues, but most of all practical things and I mean mainly we should learn how to live and cooperate with other people. It should be shown by teachers and their attitude to students and other persons in school. They should teach us respect but also equal treatment. Learning the real live is not only about relationships between people but also an ability to win and loose and what is more important to make a decisions.
    That is why I like the interview with Maurice Elias, and his idea about giving more attention to problem with human relations.

  121. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    We should realize social emotional development is totally a way which goes to academic succes and also succes in life as well. It improves relationship between childrens and between children and teacher. We always remember our teachers whose use an unordinary teaching way,and what we learn from them ,always stays with us. Forcing for memorising hundrad of pages for the exams are not a way to improve their imagination. Not every people have high IQ also have success in their personal lifes. It’s not a criterion .IQ ratio actually influence our lifes less than we think because,in reality who has lower IQ,in point of fact are ready to do everything. Certainly , they don’t look at IQ level ratios. Because ,in order to create good relationship in education,intelligent and other abilities must be supported by emotions. This is also importance for all other movements. As a result of this education should be based on emotions because with this way,everything would be more harnessing the mind.

  122. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think the psychologists like numbers and statistics and that is the mean reason for the traditional understanding of the concept “intelligence”. It is easier to define and test the IQ than to develop new concepts like the “Emotional Intelligence” (EQ). I think hardly any psychologist would negate the fact that there are a lot of facets of intelligence. But it is tough to test and so for a lot of people it does not exist. That’s why the book from Goleman is so important: The public has to see this fact because it influences our lives: In the employee selection, career, school etc etc.

    Especially today the EQ is even more important because we don’t have so much “face-to-face” communication anymore which means we communicate with tools like computers and smartphones. This tools are very rational and so is our communication with and through them. But in “real life” we have to deal with “real” persons and so we should learn this skills in school and the psychologists should develop tools to measure them.

  123. I think that the way that the professor from a movie is teaching is a very good and interesting way for a students and the professor shows his emotional inteligence. He felt that not every student is the same and he knew how to support the strenght of each individual. To do something like this you need a personal width and emotional reflection. We are all emotional creatures and we shouldnt forget about this part of our social interactions. I think that having a professor like this, would be necesary today but the sad thing here is that we still dont have the system which would support this. We are still different persons which are tested in same way. It is always a combination of things and for classes like this we need a supported professionals, good comunication and a system which allows this.

  124. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Me parece muy buen artículo, sobre todo muy interesante ya que la inteligencia emocional es algo esencial en nuestra vida tanto personal como profesional; desde mi punto de vista es cierto cuando se dice que los niños con el coeficiente intelectual mas alto no siempre son los mas triunfadores, incluso se piensa que no son los que mas provechos sacan a las clases, en cambio, aquellos con un coeficiente intelectual medio o bajo en un futuro acaban siendo mas victoriosos; el coeficiente intelectual de una persona es muy importante, pero en el caso de que no fuera un CI alto no se debe de señalar como una persona inferior.

  125. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    We all have emotional abilities, as they lie at the core of human nature, but sometimes are not sufficiently formed.
    Nowadays, schools are primarily focused on intellectual abilities. The importance of emotional intelligence is rarely recognized. This should change as emotional intelligence determines such things as: the ability of empathy, self-confidence, control emotions. This is the basic ability to see ourself, characterized by traits such as patience, respect and empathy. This means an awareness of our needs, but also the skills of resignation, which is expressed in kindness, commitment to self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. And all of this leads us to action.

  126. Manuel González Fernández dice: Responder

    La referencia a la obra de Goleman es todo un acierto, en lo referente a la importancia de la alfabetización emocional, puesto que este autor va más allá del concepto estricto de inteligencia que sólo se detiene en el coeficiente intelectual, y abarca otros parámetros relacionados con las emociones. Afortunadamente, a lo largo de los años y tras la realización de numerosos estudios y ensayos, hemos pasado de esa visión estrecha de la inteligencia humana a tener en cuenta la amplitud de las emociones que están vinculadas con nuestra conducta. Todos recordamos cómo se ha evaluado en el pasado y valorado en exceso el coeficiente intelectual de una persona, sin tener en cuenta otros valores que marcan su vida, y por ende su enseñanza, de manera tan acentuada como su inteligencia. Por ejemplo, el caso de un alumno superdotado, con altas capacidades intelectuales, que carece de habilidades sociales y emocionales para relacionarse con sus iguales. En este caso, la aplicación de la alfabetización emocional es fundamental para el bienestar personal y relacional de ese alumno. Como vien se dice en el texto, no es una asignatura más, sino una enseñanza adicional y necesaria.

  127. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    Estoy muy de acuerdo con este articulo, pienso que la inteligencia emocional es muy importante en nuestra vida, ya que controlar nuestras emociones y conocerlas es algo fundamental en nuestra vida. Pienso que la educación, se debería añadir una asignatura con este titulo «Inteligencia emocional», puesto que bajo mi punto de vista, a través de ésta podremos conseguir nuestras metas, y desarrollarnos en torno a la educación, así como también conocernos mejor a nosotros mismos y aprender de nuestros defectos, poniéndoles un toque positivo, ya ninguno somos perfectos, pero de cada defecto podemos sacar algo positivo a través de esta inteligencia emocional, así como también fomentar nuestro amor propio y nuestras virtudes.

  128. In the clip from the «Dead poets society» the issue of free thinking is arisen. Free thinking, I believe is extremely important as it brings new ideas to life in this generation. Within the education system, especially in Ireland we learn a lot of things from the past, that many people have learned before us. We are given the information and we just have to learn it and reiterate it in an answer. Also in our university we are not allowed to give our personal opinion in essays which does not allow to us to give a full coherent opinion, we have to have a statement backed up and supported by other critics. By introducing free thinking and intelligence into the education system now it gives many more varied and valued opinions and students a chance to have their input and express themselves. After all it is the students of today that will be leading the future generations. Emotional intelligence is also discussed in this article which means you can control your emotions to be much more open accepting of the opinions of others and that everyone’s opinion is valid and counts in life

  129. I found this article very interesting including the video and the film clip from ‘Dead Poets’ Society’. I think an education system that aims at social, emotional, academic development is the best type of education system for the students. Also, teachers should try and teach their students to think for themselves like the teacher in Dead Poets’ Society was trying to do. He wanted them to become free thinkers and not just dependent on what people tells them the answer is. This type of education allows for students to look at things in a different way and find their own voice. The teachers that are best remembered by students are the ones who make an impact on their lives not just academically but socially and emotionally. Education systems should places more emphasis on the social and emotional side as it will be very beneficially to students in the future. I found this article very interesting and thought provoking.

  130. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    I agree with Maurice Elias, that social emotional development is absolutely inalienable part of academic success and success in life. Emotional education is the base of everything. Of course, after many years we will not remember all math formulas or chemie, but trough those subjects we develop ourselfs, our mind. It will help in further life. It depends on us, how much acknowledge we want to get and how much attention we want to pay on it. Also Goleman phrase, that emotional intelligence is a way of interacting with the world that takes into account the feelings, and includes skills such as self-awareness, motivation, enthusiasm, perseverance, empathy etc. They make up character traits like self-discipline, compassion or altruism, necessary for a good and creative social adaptation. Not every time people with high IQ ar tend to success, achievement, but people, with lower IQ are ready to everything. They are certain, they are sure, and they don’t look at IQ level or other ratios. IQ ratio influence our lifes less than we think it does.

  131. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I really liked the movie clip in the article. This is a kind of a teacher who will leave a impact on our life. To be different and to use something that is not ordinary, not just to reed the books to the students and to push them to learn who knows how many pages for the exams which eventually we will forget. In order to encourage imagination in a students this kind of lecture is needed. I love how the student s reacted when he entered in to the classroom whistling, because it was something unusually. He was so relaxed and it can be seen that he really enjoys the job he does. If students see a professor as someone who enjoys doing his job, not just doing it because you have to they will be more relaxed and will enjoy coming to class because every day they will experience something new. I completely agree that good emotional relationships between teachers and students and students among themselves are very important. In order for a student to feel that it can talk freely and not to be afraid of what other will say this relationships have to be developed. When relationships are based on tension and anxiety, there is no place to progress because everyone feels it. In order to create good relationships education, intelligence and literacy have to be supported by emotions because the emotion is the most important thing that launches all other movements.

  132. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    I believe that the idea of the social, emotional and academic educational system would be that of a great one. In my personnal experience weather a student succeeds at a given subject or topic or not is totally dependent upon weather or not they get on and are friendly with the teacher or leader. Often if we as human beings do not like another human being we will not listen or want to listen to what they have to say, this is purely out of spite and stubborness, but we are all the same.
    Moreover, Education should not just be about the giving aspect of the teacher, there should be interpersonnel elements experienced by the teacher and the student, as many many times the teacher goes above and beyond to help the student out, above their call of duty.
    I believe that a good teacher is one who is genuienly concerned for their students well-being and wants to see them succeed, encouraging positive actions within the students life and asks questions to the students by name, which I believe is a great interpersonnel skill, to know the names of each student. I whole heartily agree that there needs to be emotion injected into the educational sphere and I can say that in Ireland this seems to be of a present and progressive nature.

  133. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    My ideas is emotional intelligence is very important, because every day we communicate with people around you and often find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, and something to not offend or not hurting, we have to control our emotions. I think everyone has their own specific emotional intelligence through which us different with each other as one more motivated, others more conscious the feelings of others, and still others a very emotional personality, etc. Therefore, we need to cultivate our emotional intelligence

  134. Emotional intelligence is very important part of life. All the time we are interacting with the world, with people, with friends, family, neighbours, even strangers in the bus or on the street. Emotional intelligence helps to understand how the conversation is going, what people think and doesn’t say. Sometimes friends or family really want to say something but don’t know how to get the message to you, so they something else. But emotional intelligence helps to understand what is said in their thoughts.
    There are very beautiful lyrics in a song «What a wonderful world» by Luis Armstrong:
    I see friends shaking hands.
    Saying, «How do you do?»
    They’re really saying,
    «I love you».

  135. From what I understood, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is something any and all of us have except it’s more or less potent from one person to another. After listening to Maurice Elias, I have first to say that people that are that enthusiastic and motivated about theirs beliefs should deserve a serious consideration. I can and everyone can say something about how EI has been a part of their life since the very beginning whether we noticed it or not, we all found ourselves confronted with situations in our daily lives where we had to use our emotions to come out on top or simply to assess a situation, to pretty much live. Now as to whether, we should promote the «training» of that emotional intelligence, that is question that definitely deserves some serious thinking and planning but considering how emotions lead our lives, I’d say, the answer is self-evident, wouldn’t you say?

  136. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    La inteligencia emocional, creo que es algo muy importante tanto para el exito personal como el profesional de las personas.
    Pienso que la inteligencia emocional podria ser una buena asignatura para impartirlas en las escuelas sobre todo en la universidades, ya que con ello los alumnos podrian medir sus emociones en diferentes ocasiones, asi desenvolviendose mejor en un futuro para sus profesiones.
    Creo que los educadores sociales seria bueno que se formasen emocionalmete,para luego plantearse y afrontar las diferemtes situaciones y problemas que ocurran en su trabajo.

  137. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Pienso que la alfabetizacion emocional como has mencionado. es algo muy importante y ademas lo considero muy importante y bonito. creo ue en la escuela ya se deberia dar alguna asignatura que tocase esto desde edades muy tempranas. ya que las personas nos vemos sometidas a multitud de emociones a lo largo de nuestra vida, y si tuviesemos un conocimiento mas exhaustivo de ellas, lograriamos ser un poco mas felices y aprovechar todas las que se nos presentan.

  138. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Totalmente de a cuerdo. Inteligencias múltiples:
    inteligencia lingüístico verbal.
    inteligencia lógica matemática
    inteligencia espacial
    inteligencia musical
    inteligencia corporal
    inteligencia intrapersonal
    inteligencia interpersonal
    inteligencia naturalista

    Así la inteligencia no se puede medir en un campo concreto. Parece ser que la inteligencia es mucho más holística de lo que se pensaba

  139. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista creo que para la vida social es importante la inteligencia emocional. Pienso que la inteligencia emocional es la capacidad del saber de nuestros sentimientos y tratando de conseguir el modo de llegar a los objetivos positivos. Es muy importante tener el conocimiento de nuestras emociones, como lo son las emociones directas, la capacidad de motivarnos, la sensibilidad que tenemos frente a las emociones de otras personas, etc. Cada uno de nosotros tiene más de una cualidad mala, ya sea por hábitos malos y debilidades, para ello debemos dejar que juegue nuestra inteligencia emocional y poner en cada cosa negativa algo de positivismo, sabiendo siempre controlar nuestras emociones.

  140. I really agree to the sentence Maurice Ellias says, that not one single classroom can function without a good interpersonal relationship. I think this is a main sentence what all learning is about. For me the IQ of a person does not determine intelligence, because I think intelligence is more than having good marks at school or to finish a certain academic level. Moreover a mark doesn’t say anything about the personality of a person. In my opinion one single test can’t measure how intelligent people are. But in our success-oriented society, in which everyone wants to be the best, this is apparently one possibility to displace others. So I think beside the family it’s up to the teachers to instil the children that also social and emotional intelligence can be an essential part of a successful life.

  141. Pienso que independientemente de la inteligencia de cada persona esto va con su personalidad. Una persona que es inteligente lo puede desarrollar o no es algo subjetivo, en la sociedad nacer con más inteligencia una persona que otra, ya que, esta se puede ir desarrollando poco a poco durante el periodo de vida la cual vivimos. Pienso que en la enseñanza tendría que haber una materia o asignatura para desarrolla las habilidades de esfuerzo, fuerza de voluntad, motivación, entusiasmo, empatía, el controlar los impulsos, son hechos que durante la vida son muy necesarios de controlar, ya que por ejemplo una persona puede ser muy lista pero no tener fuerza de voluntad para nada y no llegar a ser nada en su vida, mientras que otra que es menos inteligente va desarrollando su inteligencia poco a poco llega a un punto que su motivación y esfuerzo le ayudan para conseguir todo lo que se proponga en su vida.

  142. MOISÉS ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    Este es el artículo con el que estoy más de acuerdo. Pienso que esto es lo primero que se debería trabajar en la institución llamada escuela, para después mejorar en lo demás. El desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional determina el éxito en la vida que tenga una persona, ya sea en el trabajo, en el grupo de iguales o con la familia. La inteligencia emocional desarrolla la empatía para ponernos en el lugar de la otra persona, la motivación ya que querremos mejorar al ver los éxitos que tendremos teniendo más empatía y con ella la perseverancia. El desarrollar la inteligencia emocional nos hará comprender mejor la realidad que nos rodea y sobretodo las personas que nos rodean, ya que vivimos en sociedad como ser social que somos. Al ser más conscientes de todo podremos actuar de forma más correcta que siendo subjetivos totalmente.
    Pienso que el desarrollo de esta, será el primer paso para una educación mejor.

  143. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    La alfabetización de la inteligencia emocional es muy importante llevarla a cabo y desarrollarla adecuadamente.
    Creo que para poder desarrollarla debería de haber una asignatura, para que así lo alumnos y los que se estén formando para ser futuros educadores puedan tener una buena inteligencia emocional, ya así podrá triunfar en muchos ámbitos de su vida, tanto personal como profesional. Pienso que poder controlar los sentimientos, las emociones, tener empatía son capacidades muy importante.
    Para finalizar, creo que poder adquirirla no es algo que sea fácil, pero poniendo esfuerzo y constancia se puede llegar a conseguir.

  144. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    Primeramente tengo que decir que no es necesario tener un gran coeficiente intelectual para poder ser alguien en la vida, pues encontramos muchos así que después no lo aprovechan por el simple de ser “vagos”, pero por el contrario encontramos a otros con un coeficiente más normal y que por sus esfuerzos y responsabilidad consiguen mucho mas.
    En cuanto al concepto de inteligencia emocional me parece importantísimo para todas las personas ya que no es fácil para algunos expresar las emociones en público, pero cuando consigues sacarla te conoces más a ti mismo, y hasta donde puedes llegar, superando tus propias metas.
    Por ello, en todo los grados que tengas que interactuar con otras personas, por ejemplo psicología o educación social, etc., te preparan para que puedas enfrentar los distintos problemas sin que tengas que llevarte el trabajo a casa y haciéndote que seas completamente neutral con tus sentimientos.

  145. Mangeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    «Para hacer feliz a los demás tienes que ser lo tu primero»

  146. Me parece de gran valor e importancia una buena alfabetización emocional, ya que con ella los alumnos aprenden a medir sus emociones en diferentes situaciones, pero creo que esto no es una de las cosas que más se aprendan en la escuela, ya que de las emociones que tenga un alumno/a es de poca importancia para la mayoría de las escuelas, ya que gran parte solo se fija en la teoria, por lo que creo que si se debería dar mayor importancia a una enseñanza emocinal, ya que una inteligencia emocional y el enseñar a transmitis nuestras emociones, o el saber empatizar, me parece algo esencial y útil en el aprendizaje de los alumnos.

  147. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, la inteligencia emocional consiste en la capacidad de saber gestionar las emociones propias e incluso las ajenas desarrollando lo que se conoce como empatía, que es la capacidad de saber ponerse en el lugar de orea persona sin llegar a identificarse emocionalmente con ella.
    Por lo tanto, como podemos ver hoy en día el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional dentro de las aulas no se ejecuta cono se debería, ya que el desarrollo de las clases son enfocadas a la parte teórica de la asignatura.
    Uno de los problemas más destacados es la participación unidirrecional ,es decir, llevar a cabo la clase por parte del profesor. Bajo mi punto de vista, esta actitud del docente es perjudicial para el alumnado, ya que su falta de participación durante el desarrollo de la clase, acomoda al alumnado.

  148. La inteligencia emocional es verdaderamente importante, como se dice en el vídeo esta inteligencia es responsable del éxito personal y académico de las personas. Yo opino de igual forma, ya que me parece muy interesante educar o alfabetizar a las personas emocionalmente. A ayudarlas a mediar entre conflictos, saber solucionar problemas que se les planteen del día a día…
    En nuestra vida como educadores sociales también deberá de ser fundamental que estemos bien formados emocionalmente, ya que nos veremos envueltos en situaciones que puedan abrumarnos o sobrepasarnos. Situaciones límite que se nos plantearan y que debemos de superar con temple.

  149. Ana Delgado Marín dice: Responder

    Es difícil encontrar a una persona con un coeficiente intelectual (CI) muy alto, pero para mi, es más difícil aún, encontrar a una persona totalmente alfabetizada emocionalmente.
    Encontrar a una persona que exprese sus emociones totalmente, no es algo fácil.
    Ser inteligente emocionalmente significa saber evaluar tus emociones, controlar tus sentimientos…
    Por ejemplo, para ser educadores sociales nos piden que seamos neutrales, aunque a veces vaya en contra de nuestros principios, ya que de esta manera no das a conocer tus sentimientos , controlando así emociones que te puedan perjudicar en tu trabajo.
    Por eso, que tengas un coeficiente intelectual alto no quiere decir que seas inteligente en todos los aspectos.

  150. ISABEL CORDOBA SOLIS dice: Responder

    Según Goleman y así hace costar en su libro el coeficiente intelectual es algo que tiene su importancia, pero no es determinante en la vida del individuo.
    Ya que está demostrado y podemos ver en nuestro alrededor y día a día, como alguien con un CI alto o muy alto fracasan o no llegan al lugar que esperaban en la vida, y otros con un un coeficiente medio triunfan en cualquier estamento de nuestra sociedad, ya sea laboral, personal
    Por esto la inteligencia emocional no es tener un coeficiente muy alto, sino que engloba otros factores en sí que son imprescindibles y que tienen que tienen que engranar para que se triunfe en la sociedad «perseverancia, empatía, motivación etc.»

  151. Azucena Gutiérrez Burguillos dice: Responder

    Personalmente me gusta el tema de la inteligencia emocional, y es bueno no, muy bueno, aprender a controlar las emociones. He hecho varios cursos de inteligencia emocional, para mi misma y para trabajar con niños, es una experiencia muy buena donde se aprende muchas cosas de uno mismo que a veces no se espera.
    En cuanto al CI, como dice el artículo, yo también pienso que realmente no tiene tanta relación con el triunfo de las personas en la vida, ya que a mi parecer es más importante saber desenvolverte en la vida social para llegar a conseguir tus propias metas, y nos encontramos diariamente con muchas personas que gozan de ser inteligentes en cuanto a un CI alto, y carecen de inteligencia emocional para afrontar los desafíos sociales que les presenta la vida.
    Es muy importante dedicar tiempo a desarrollar o fortalecer la inteligencia emocional, propia como la de cualquier persona con la que estemos trabajando.

  152. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    Pienso que una asignatura como tal expresamente creada para intentar hacer una conducta que garantice elevados niveles de bienestar personal y relacional, es muy difícil de hacer, yo lo veo más como hacer algunas clases prácticas, talleres, juegos,etc. a lo largo de toda la vida del niño en la escuela que haga de ellos personas con conciencia de igualdad sean cuales sean las diferencias existentes entre ellos, pero no creo que por hacer una asignatura en un determinado año los niños vayan a cambiar de parecer.
    En cuanto al CI, pensaba que el que lo tuviera más alto tendría más posibilidades de triunfar, y desde luego este artículo junto con las palabras de Goleman me han dejado fuera de serie. Aunque alguna que otra vez que he pensado en personas superdotadas, casos de niños que se aburrían en las escuelas y demás, y pensando esto creo que de esta forma si puede ser que no triunfen por eso, porque de pequeños se aburren, nadie les entiende y hablen con quien hablen nadie estará a su altura, sólo otras personas con su mismo CI, lo que hace reducir su vida a un pequeño círculo de personas que puede que no sea lo que quiera en su vida, y que prefiera ser ‘normal’, de ahí a que los que tengan menos CI si que triunfen.

  153. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    En mi opinión una persona con un alto CI puede llegar a donde quiera aunque sin una buena administración de los sentimientos y emociones no llegaría a ningún lado como bien dice el texto y no lo podría decir mejor «Goleman entiende que la inteligencia emocional es una forma de interactuar con el mundo que tiene muy en cuenta los sentimientos, y engloba habilidades tales como el control de los impulsos, la autoconciencia, la motivación, el entusiasmo, la perseverancia, la empatía, la agilidad mental, etc.» yo pienso que esa es la base del éxito aunque no se tenga un CI esplendido

  154. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    La capacidad de una persona tanto personal como profesional pienso que se basa een como se plantea sus emociones. La inteligencia emocional ayuda a que las personas se den a conocer y a que sean más naturales.
    Si es cierto que una persona con un CI alto tiene más facilidades en muchos ámbitos, por ejemplo, en los estudios.
    Me ha gustado bastante este artículo y me ha parecido muy interesante.

  155. Mª Carmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    Creo que el tema del CI, es un tema que interesa mucho en la actualidad, pero para qué sirve realmente tener el coeficiente intelectual más alto, como dice el texto que tenga el CI más alto no significa que sea más triunfante ni que tengas más posibilidades en la vida. Creo que todo el mundo tiene las misma posibilidades todo se consigue con esfuerzo y sacrificio, ya que tal vez por tener un CI más alto se aburre más en las clases o simplemente se confían y después fracasan. Creo que no deberíamos juzgar por el CI sino por la habilidad que tiene esa persona para relacionarse, hacerse respetar, llamar la atención, etc. Ya que eso es lo realmente importante ya que eso es lo que se valora a la hora de trabajar no el CI.

  156. Mª Carmen Chamorro Carrillo dice: Responder

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo cono este artículo ya que considero que el coeficiente intelectual de una persona es bueno y muy importante para la vida pero solo en un ámbito en concreto, el académico o el laboral. Sin embargo la inteligencia emocional es un aspecto muy importante en las personas que ayuda a relacionarse con los demás de manera más natural. Como bien dice el artículo hay personas con un altísimo coeficiente intelectual en las empresas y muchas de estas personas tienen mucho menos rendimiento en su trabajo que otras que poseen el coeficiente intelectual más bajo pero sin embargo tienen mucha inteligencia emocional.

  157. Luci Toledano Y Maldonado dice: Responder

    Me ha gustado bastante el art, muy interesante.En mi opinión ,el exito de una persona tanto personal como profesional esta determinado por su capacidad para gestionar las emociones. .. Es la forma de interactuar con el mundo,destreza en los sentimentos..En cuanto al coeficiente intelectual ,son habillidades dsitintas pero complementarias. La alfabetización emocional es muy importante,saber lo que se seinte,las emocioens son parte inseparables de la vida. .Existe controversia con el Coeficietne intelectual quien no recuerda de pequeños cuadno en le colegio nos hacian los test…..apartir de 130 eres un superdotado . De que te sirve entenderte muy bien con los numeros pero ser un desgraciado si no sabes razonar en la vida… saludos

  158. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    Para mí una persona con un alto coeficiente intelectual tendrá muchas más facilidades para determinadas cosas pero debería de complementarse esto con la inteligencia emocional. Cabe destacar que el coeficiente de cada persona no determina mucho su destino como bien dice Goleman. En definitiva, me ha parecido excelente artículo dejándome claro que la alfabetización emocional es muy útil para trabajar con todo tipo de colectivos fomentando la motivación, empatía, confianza, agilidad mental, etc. La alfabetización emocional favorece el incremento en la calidad de vida de las personas y en todas sus instancias y actividades particulares.

  159. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    Que un niño o niña presente un coeficiente intelectual alto podría verse no solo como algo positivo, puesto que sería aconsejable que llevara un nivel más alto con relación a los estudios, pero siempre sabiendo que no hay que presionar, ni abusar puesto que ante todo es un niño y hay que dejarle su tiempo de ocio. Además, un niño con un coeficiente mas alto no tiene porque llegar mas alto que otro que lo tenga en un nivel normal, puesto que éste puede contar con otras característica que el sujeto A no tenga. Por esto , la educación emocional debe de estar presente, pero no debería decirse que tendría que estar como asignatura, sino que debería de estar presente en todas las asignaturas, ya que enseñando a lo largo de nuestra vida académica unas determinadas normas que nos ayudaran a sacar lo mejor de nosotros mismos.

  160. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión el coeficiente intelectual no es determinante de la inteligencia, ni de saber aprovechar los recursos cognitivos que tiene el hombre, sólo es una medida que encasilla como bien dice el artículo, a las personas. Esto sucedía hace años atrás, por lo que nos impidirá avanzar si ese pensamiento no cambia. Gracias a la inteligencia emocional que se destaca ahí en el texto, podemos decir que hemos evolucionado en cuanto a este aspecto, aunque nos quede mucho por indagar en este ámbito, y profundizar en temas como el control de impulsos, emociones, el aprendizaje y desarrollo de nuestras conductas y de cómo recabamos la información para posteriormente utilizarlas para el bienestar y promoción de nosotros mismos, etc. Yo lo considero como un avance para la sociedad, que nos ha permitido alejarnos de las etiquetas personales y basarnos más en las cualidades de cada individuo tanto sociales como emocionales, ya no tan sólo guiándonos de la inteligencia mental o CI. Además debo decir que la inteligencia emocional va asociada o ligada intimamente a todo lo social, con lo que corresponde a la disparidad de personalidades y de formas o estrategias para conseguir el mayor beneficio o máximo rendimiento a la inteligencia general.

  161. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, la alfabetización emocional podemos incluirla en una «asignatura» para poder darla en las clase, porque los colegios además de dar asignaturas sin más deben enseñarnos el cómo debemos comportarnos en el momento adecuado, y sacar el máximo de nosotros mismos.

    cuando habla sobre los niños que tienen el CI (coeficiente intelectual) más alto no son los que mas disfrutan de las clases, sino los que tienen un CI medio son los que en un futuro sacarán mas provecho de su inteligencia y triunfaran.

  162. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    Precioso artículo, uno de los que más me han gustado. Me recuerda aun capítulo de un libro llamado » Tus zonas erróneas» de Wayne W. Dyer. Considero que una persona con un buen nivel de CI, tiene más facilidad y/o habilidades para ciertas cosas, pero que no servirían de mucho sin inteligencia emocional. En el mercado laboral, a menudo se nos exige que produzcamos cantidades y supongamos un bajo coste, con un alto nivel de CI podemos llegar a producir lo que se nos pide, pero si no tenemos un buen dominio de nuestra inteligencia emocional podemos suponer grandes costes. Y ya no solo me parece importante en el mundo laboral, en nuestra vida diaria, según como manejemos nuestra inteligencia emocional, iremos por un camino u otro, determinando nuestro destino. En el ámbito escolar, considero que de forma indirecta el/la prfesor/a transmite a los/las alumnos/as valores vinculados con dichca inteligencia, y que por el bienestar de los/las profesionales, y por el bien del alumnado, una persona que se dedique o se esté formando para dedicarse a la enseñanza, debe poseer un buen control de inteligencia emocional. Considero que dicha inteligencia, nos aporta beneficios como por ejemplo: aumenta la autoconciencia; favorece el equilibrio emocional; fomenta relaciones armoniosas; potencia el rendimiento laboral; aumenta la motivación y el entusiasmo; puede otorgar mayor capacidad de influencia y liderazgo; aumenta el bienestar; facilita una buena salud…etc.

  163. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    La alfabetización emocional debería ser enseñada en la escuela como todas las materias que son para adquirir conocimientos y salir mejor preparados para futuros estudios u ocupar un puesto de trabajo. La alfabetización emocional es necesaria para saber comportarse según cada situación. El coeficiente de intelectual no es tan escuchado actualmente antes realizaban estudios en las clases para saber el coeficiente de cada alumno, y saber que le deben ensañar y como se lo deben enseñar. Los niños con el CI alto no suele sacar partido de las clases ya que prefieren no destacar para que sus compañeros no lo insulten, aquellos alumnos con coeficiente medio obtienen mejores resultados. Aunque el coeficiente de cada persona no determina su destino estoy de acuerdo con Goleman. Por ejemplo yo no soy inteligente, necesito estudiar mucho, de forma constante para obtener los buenos resultados que he obtenido. Me costaba más estudiar que a otras personas con solo leerlo lo memorizaban y solíamos sacar resultados similares.

  164. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    La inteligencia emocional repercute directamente sobre los educandos, hay que trabajar para sacar todo el provecho posible e inculcar estas herramientas tan útiles para vivir en nuestra sociedad y que resultan tan necesarias que pienso que se debería de impartir en la enseñanza reglada. Los futuros profesionales debe de poseer habilidades sociales e incluso personales que sean muy útiles para el devenir de los días, sobre todo cuando se trabaje con personas. Como futuros Educadores Sociales son unas herramientas muy necesarias y hay que dominar muchas de estas instrumentos para conseguir motivación, empatía, entusiasmo, agilidad mental, etc pues en estas profesiones hay que llegar a las personas con el manejo correcto de las emociones, sabiendo leer muy bien los lenguajes corporales e intuir que a nuestros usuarios les puedan ocurrir algo que por algún motivo nos oculten,,me ha parecido muy buen artículo y de gran calidad, Enhorabuena José Manuel para mí este ha sido el mejor de los que te he leído.

  165. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Personalmente considero que la alfabetización emocional es una “asignatura” más y por lo tanto debería de ser complementaria con el resto de materias, ya que es importante que nos enseñen a lo largo de nuestra vida académica unas determinadas normas que nos ayuden a sacar lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Por otra parte haciendo referencia a lo que menciona Goleman creo que el coeficiente intelectual (CI)de cada persona no determina su destino, ni tampoco creo que influya a nivel académico ya que en mi opinión es la constancia y el esfuerzo que se le dedique a una cosa lo que hace al triunfador.

  166. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    Pues yo pienso que hoy en día, ya no se mira tanto el coeficiente intelectual que tenga cualquier persona como hace unas décadas atrás, yo creo que sigue siendo importante, pero con mucha menos importancia que antes, estoy de acuerdo con las palabras de Goleman cuando dice que el coeficiente intelectual no determina nuestro destino para nada. Desde pequeño nos quieren inculcar las diferencias entre el/la que es inteligente y los que no lo son; sólo por qué se basan en una prueba o test para medir el coeficiente intelectual de cada uno/a y de ahí se determina la inteligencia rpopia que puede tener. Hace un par de años, yo misma hice un test de inteligencia y el resultado me sorprendió gratamente, pero no lo considero relevante, sólo me pareció curioso de hacer y punto. Por otro lado no pienso que aquel que tenga un mayos coeficente triunfará más que el que tenga uno más bajo; la persona inteligente puede ser igualada por otra que tenga menos coeficiente que ella. Por último, creo que la alfabetización emocional debería de ser como cualquier «otra asigantura» pero garantizando un gran nivel de bienestar personal.

  167. AGUEDA GAMERO SANTOS dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que la alfabetización emocional debería considerarse como otra asignatura más ya que hace hincapié en los aspectos cognitivos, como la memoria y la capacidad de resolver problemas.
    Otra cuestión que nombra el texto es como el CI no explican plenamente la capacidad cognitiva, y aunque los alumnos que sobrepasen el limite determinado del CI, se les señala como que tienen una inteligencia por debajo de lo normal, esto no significa que no van llegar más lejos que las personas que lo superan, incluso llegando a obtener mayores estudios y siendo más profesionales que los más inteligentes.

  168. Creo que la alfabetización emocional si es otra «materia» a impartir en clase, ya que vuelvo a repetir lo mismo que he repetido en textos anteriores, en el colegio no solo se debe impartir matemáticas, historia, e historia, sino también como comportarse en el momento adecuado, y como dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos.
    Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice el texto: que los niños que tienen el CI mas alto no son siempre los que mas disfrutan de las clases y mas provecho sacan de ella, ya que en la investigación se ha visto que los niños que un coeficiente intelectual medio terminan siendo los mas triunfadores.

  169. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    There certainly is a plenty of literature about how to manage emotions. I also found a lot of articles regarding the emotional intelligence. The emotional intelligence is very important in a daily life. We often are exposed to different situations, in which we have to prove that we are able to manage our emotions. It is very good when someone has a high IQ but it is not the only thing which is important. In my opinion, people should observe themselves, how they behave in particular situations and how the others react on that. I am trying to do that. When the respond on my behavior is positive I may conclude that I can behave the same way again. When a respond on my behavior is negative I can have an another look on the situation considering different points of view and change it the very next time. But not everyone is able to observe himself and critically assess his behavior.

  170. I have never heard this term, but if I am thinking about that, it is absolutely true what this article is saying. It is very important to take into consideration that there is not only Intelligence Quotient (IQ), but also something like omotional intelligence. No one can say what is more important and everyone has ech of these levels different. One has «higher» this and the other one the other. But this is ehat human need no to be all the same. Never the same people can invite something. There is needed the view of different way, so we could not oppress either one group.

  171. What is more important? Emotional intelligence or IQ? I personally think that emotional intelligence has much bigger importance than IQ. People with high EQ can often better recognize and control their own emotions, and recognize emotional states in others. Because of that they can be successfully at work and in personal relationships. On the other hand high IQ means you have better logical reasoning, word comprehension, and math skills. You can learn how to improve emotional intelligence but you were born with IQ. So, that is why teachers have to develop emotional intelligent at children, to teach them how to become a good person and successful and satisfied with your life.

  172. I really like this article. This topic is very interesting for me and I am always motivated to learn something more about it. I think that emotional intelligence is something that teachers should really pay attention to. It is so important for children to show them how to be aware of their feelings, how to be confident, what is empathy… And the best way to teach them that is to be a good example. That is why is so important for teacher to be emotionally mature as a person. And also we have to know kids in our class, so we can see if they have any problems and where they need our help.

  173. I think that Emotional Intelligence is verry important for you life. Like in the video Maurice Elias said » social and emotional development is an absolutely essential part of academic success and success in life.. » so this thing is guideing you threw all your life. We have to teach our children firstly in schools that they will come better citizens.So you have to try it develop in your life. Even if you don’t have it so good. It like IQ yo can have it big goo bad ecs… but you can work on it with new knowledge new experiences in you life. Of course is hard IQ you have you have threw all life but you can at least try to make it better. If you’re emotional dork than you can’t feel everything you should of. I also loved the clip form the movie Dead Poet’s Society because teachers like that would make miracles.

  174. Before I came to Huelva, I haven’t heard about emotional intelligence and education a lot. It was not so accented. But here I have met one really great teacher who made his lectures differently, from the emotional point of view. He has given me a lot of new knowledge about his subject and proved that emotional education is one of the most important aspects that should be used in education. Emotional intelligence is the most important to be developed in our children, because only healthy and happy child will be able to focus on something with great interest and perseverance. What will provide the knowledge, if we do not feel it? – it all disappears quickly. I know a lot of students, which have proved them to be successful athletes, artists, musicians, geographers, etc.., just because they love what they do, even if they are not successful with the other subjects. Such people who love what they do, will be able to get success in their life.
    So, as my teacher told me, SMILE! Smile in your class in front of your children, love what you do, be passionate and children will do the same.

  175. Emotions in school are really big of a deal, especially before highschool. To sum up my earlier comments, i emphasized that first children needs to feel good and safe at school to have a motivation to learn. Good teacher should think really careful about relationship between children and other childrens, and of course childrens and teacher, if there will be established a great atmosphere then childrens’ mind will be open and ready to learn. I had a really bad relationship with one of my highschool teacher, i was angry at him, and didn’t wanted to learn from him anymore. theese things can’t be let to happen.
    Since this is my last comment, I want to thank you Jose Manuel for experience you gave me, you helped me see things differently. And I would loved to keep in touch with you, It was an honor to be your student. Gracias y buena suerte!

  176. Although IQ shows the level of knowledge and partly skills, it is still just a number. This is because success in life is not just based on ready-made knowledge or capacity of one’s brain; even more, high IQ is not always the key factor for success in academic life. Therefore, this idea of emotional intelligence, in my opinion, is of a great value. Success is grounded as much as in one’s character as in knowledge. And it should be acknowledged by teachers and all the employees of the school, creating the environment where it is promoted and developed. But we must keep in mind that, at least for me, this emotional and social intelligence goes beyond schools and all the burden of developing it should not be put on educators. Parents, relatives, friends and society in general are as important “teachers” of this emotional intelligence as real teachers in a school!

  177. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    For me emotional intelligence is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in our lives and careers. Especially teachers must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better education. Whether your a teacher or a social worker your responsibility to your students is to teach. Your students look up to you for the wisdom you have gained from research, your educational background and your practical experience and your overall intelligence. However, being an effective educator does not solely depend on your intellectual quotient, IQ it also depends on how well you can use your emotional intelligence

  178. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    We are communicating every day with different people with different approaches, lifestyles and the way they are expressing their emotions. And the most important thing is communication skills. We are not asking about person‘s IQ when we are talking but we can do some conclusions about the emotional intelligence. It is the way to succeed in life because then person can recognize his emotions, realize how those emotions can affect people around him and how to react to a situation. In my opinion a good teacher has to understand the importance of emotional intelligence because then he is more able to make his students feel better. It is more easier to go through the life with a smile, positive attitude because it makes other feel the same. We have to remember this!

  179. As a social worker/ teacher in social skills i focus on improving my emotional intelligence. My emotional intelligence allows me to understand, empower and reach people. In the world were living in this day emotional intelligence allows us to be successful and happy in life. It gives us the power to reach the feeling of belonging and self-actualization conform the theory of Maslow. This is very essential information for a teacher. A teacher prepares people to succeed in life played conform the rules of society to achieve happiness. Emotional skills like impulse control, self-awareness, motivation, enthusiasm, persistence, empathy and mental agility can only be acquired in class when a teacher is able to transfer flexible between the roles of mentor and teacher. His task is to involve/ motivate and inspire his students to explore their emotional intelligence and let them develop their unique vision and authenticity.

  180. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand them and see how those affect around you. I heard that concept before, but I did not know that it is so important. I learned that today in many companies use EQ tests to hire new staff because it is believed that emotional intelligence is at least as important as IQ. Also, a person with high EQ means self-confident, self-aware and able to handle difficult emotional experiences that is why companies give so much importance to EQ. There is a crucial difference between EQ and IQ which is the former can be improved upon and learned, however the latter is something you are born with. Then why don´t we use EQ in our classes? Since every child is unique, every child has different emotions, by using EQ we can get better results about education.

  181. Alena Urbanová dice: Responder

    I think that high IQ is not everything. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to direct them and navigate through them in different situations. Is therefore emotional intelligence important? I think that the answer is yes. It isn´t a cure-all, that replace the intelligence or technical skills, but it is certainly a significant foothold in life. It plays an important role in the guidance of others, in the work development and in understanding himself and others. There are school programs that emotion teaching, or supporting social behavior engaged and the result is lesser conflicts and better equanimity of personality.

  182. I have to say that I read about the concept of emotional intelligence for the first time. It is true that intelligentce has to be supported by the emotional side of personality. In the case of weak emotional personality, the total intelligence is deadening. I think, emotional intelligence can be opposed to intellectual intelligence influence during life, to strengthen it or to weaken it. In my case I think, I have to improve my emotional intelligence to be emotionally more stable and more sure in my attitudes.

  183. Emotional intelligence is so much important, but it is hard to observe. It’ an empathy but also ability o observing and controlling our own emotional system. It’s this part of our mind where difference between us and other people are not as great as in reality. If you see sad baby, you are sad also, why? It should be just only some information! But naturally we are creating some community with other people, we have to do it, because it’s much more economic and natural for our specie. When you problem is problem of all group, it means, that there is no individual problems, or individual persons, we are one group, one community, but constructed by a lot of pieces. That’s why in african or indian tribes number of crimes were so small. In our post-modern inteligent world there is no place for any community, you have to carrying about yourself, more often even in family. ,,That’s not my problem», is more popular in using than f*ck. The most terrible for me is that more often we understand someone’s problem, but we are not able to feel it with this person.

  184. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    In my opinion emotional inteligence influences our lives in a large extent. It determines the measure of empathy and understanding to others. Nowadays in many situations people are thinking more likely of themselves therefore we should develop our emotional intelligence and be more empathetic in face of other people. Emotional intelligence can be evolved and influenced from a child. If we are forced to not to keep down and hide our emotions from others, our potential of emotional intelligence will be decrease. We can find great impact of emotional intelligence in many types of professions from artists to managers. For example especially artists need to let their emotions and feelings to come out because in every piece of art we can find hidden emotions. Empathy is important part of coexistence among people, it makes life easier and helps to improve our relationships with others.

  185. Another wonderful video from professor Bautista. It wouldn’t be better final context. As we are human being we all have senses and emotions. There is old saying that says » You can forget what somebody did o you but you can never forget what did make you feel.» That saying explain whole context I guess. So as we are future educators we need to try to reach people emotion. Give one touch to their heart. When we were born we didn’t have any knowledge about anything but we had senses from the begging. Whatever we learned we just put it on our senses. So human senses and emotions are the base of what we learned about so far. As Maurice Elias says; social emotional development is central part of academic success. So we need to try to reach people emotion and give them one significance touch to their life. That’s my dream as future educator. Instead of giving so many information to my students I want to touch their heart , make some contribution to their emotional life, and help hem to find themselves in the best way.

  186. Emotional intelligence is largely an individual’s personal emotions, self-perception index. Working with your emotional intelligence development, man and train the emotions, feelings and thinking areas. We are able to manage and control their emotions and feelings. This aspect is a key element of self-control that can be achieved by practicing positive thinking and working on emotion recognition and awareness. You can know all the secrets of the world, but if you do not have to be in to share, or make sense of it?! Yes, indeed, we can have great professors, to write a great book smart, but at the same time be closed from the public, because we are not able to socialize. I think that everything has to be in balance in order to survive, we need to deal with other people. I have a personal example, my brother has a high IQ level, teachers have always praised him, but where he is now! Two drop-top, and now works in a hospital for medical assistants, but will he be happy? Or has he been working on a self-realized all the way, I do not think so.
    Thank you, Professor, for instance bet to think about the truths of life 

  187. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I totally agree with Goleman about the emotional intelligence. The IQ of a pupil plays of course a role in his future life, but only moderately. Even more important for every person is his/her ability to act in society. One can be a genius in mathematics or speak 7 languages, but what if this person is totally incompetent in communicating with other people? This person will fail. In my opinion one must not be the most intelligent (according to IQ) person to have success in life. A good example for how society in Germany does NOT work like that is that there are not enough university places for those who want to become doctors. So nearly only people with really good marks in their Abitur are accepted at Universities. But does that mean that they will become good doctors? I don’t think so. Probably there are more competent people among them whose Abitur was worse. What is the advantage of having good marks if you are socially incompetent? Is a doctor useful who cannot interact with people? NO. So we need time until society accepts that the IQ of a person does not mean automatically that he/she will have success in life, but that the emotional intelligence is more important.

  188. en mi opinión, hay dos aspectos a considerar:
    1 – el factor emocional es un componente indispensable de aprendizaje y se puede decir que no hay aprendizaje sin emoción. En mi opinión, si una persona no siente una emoción, positiva o negativa, de un argumento que no se puede aprender nada! existe la posibilidad de almacenar alguna información, pero si no te sientes una emoción esta información se borrará rápidamente! Otro factor emocional muy importante, además de la emoción de un tema específico, es la emoción que suscita la relación con el profesore. Se imparte principalmente por el estudiante llega al alma y hacen excitar el tema para que pueda aprender todo! profesore no debe ponerse en un pedestal en contra del estudiante, ello debe ser un «maestro de vida».

    2 – «Otro elemento importante es enseñar a los estudiantes a cultivar su inteligencia emocional para que puedan confronare en la vida de todas las personas que conozcas. Son a través de la empatía y las habilidades sociales tendrán la oportunidad de disfrutar al máximo de las relaciones con los demás y las relaciones de trabajo. Cada persona es diferente, percibe el mundo de una manera diferente, por lo que, no puede pensere de utilizar la misma actitud de ponerse en contacto con nadie! distinguir el camino correcto para sintonizar una persona es difícil.

  189. Soňa Hrušková dice: Responder

    Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is, along with IQ important element in everyone’s life. I think that in terms of education, IQ is very much more than EQ. But I disagree. After all, when you just look at children with ADHD or mentally disabled and disadvantaged people, they all have more developed EQ. Because children with ADHD disorder is logical that those that are different from their peers, they become more emotionally based because of innate differences. The mentally disabled people is more than obvious. And what about animals? Not all have the intelligence of dolphins, but they have feelings on the bases of which survive. So I think that should also be taken into account schools for emotional man pages. The best solution is that it should go hand in hand in IQ. Of course some people are more sensitive, others less. So I think that would be in addition to IQ and EQ development school.

  190. Lucia Púšová dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is a important part of education, because it´s connect with every part of life. We need emotions to understand people, to understand situations and things, which happened in our life. I think our teachers have to teach us also this site of education, because as children growing up, they learn step by step how to live in the society. Without emotions teachers don’t get a success. During our life we create new relationship and we need emotions for that. Emotional intelligence don’t belong to my new terminology, in my field of study we learned about that in many ways, but nowadays educational system miss emotional education and I think it has a important position in education.

  191. Emelie Edbacke . dice: Responder

    I think it is essential to focus on the emotional intelligence throughout all the years in school. It should be a natural part of the education just like any other subject that is taught because in my experience people most of the times make decisions based on their feelings and not on their intellect. That is why it is important to be aware of the feelings we have and how they could be expressed in different ways. We need to be aware of both our own and others feelings. It is necessary that we understand the different feelings and know how to deal with them which is possible if we can recognize them and relate them to ourselves. Communication skills are of significance as well because I believe that it is just as important that we can put words on what we are feeling for increased understanding and to prevent actions that sometimes are related to specific feelings. Emotional intelligence will make you evolve as a person and you will have a greater understanding for yourself and others and also your surroundings. (Perhaps the awareness will change our decisions based on feelings). In addition to that it would contribute to good relationships between people and that is essential to life.

  192. When we are talking about inteligence I think there are not a lot of people who would think about emotional inteligence. It is not really the topic at the forefront in education. The article is interesting and I also think that emotional inteligence is very important in childrens development, school and their education. In school I think there is more focus on intelectual capacity and emotions are in a lot of cases left behind.
    I think that it is important to encourage in schools also emotional education which provides a better development of children and in this part role of the teachers is very important.

  193. Joachim Eduards dice: Responder

    Good article! The concept of EQ has been known to me for a long while. In the schools in Sweden (at least my schools) we often talk about the importance of EQ and how to develop it thru group work for example. I think it plays at least as big part as IQ in succeeding in life. From what I can tell IQ is more important in earlier years in school. Some kids are just better. But when you start college the EQ plays a big part. In college it’s more important to be able to work with big project than before. I can see clear patterns that those people that have a hard time negotiating and work in teams will have a hard time no matter what their intelligence level are. So its important to work with your EQ from early years or you will have a rough time later.

    I also think that EQ gets more and more important these days than before. Now we work with different cultures and over land borders. Then we will need this social knowledge to succeed.

  194. I totally agree with (most of comments) about IQ & judging individuals personality just by a number. I mean, why should we judge one by just a number. We might never have tested that person in a real case scenario, or in other situations. Emotional intelligence is though also very important in this century & society we’re living in, personality, motivation and to be able to express youself might be as important as intellectual intelligence as it will help student work & study. I would also say that developing students social emotional intelligence cant be just thrown over to teachers, parents have a bigger part to play here since children learn most from them in their early age. I would also thank the author for writing a bit different article this time!

  195. In a lot of schools it’s important to have a high IQ, but personally think that the EQ is more important to functionate as a good person in life. You can be the smartest person in the whole world, but if you have a retardation of EQ and don’t know how to communicate approperly with other peoples, I think it’s also hard to find a job then. During a solicitation you also have to show to you future boss you have a teamspirit, and you are able to work with other people. Having a high EQ is also good to work together with other people because you have the knowledge to understand the people. Also even if you don’t know the people it’s important you can work with them together.

  196. Klára Šulcová dice: Responder

    The concept of emotional intelligence, I havn´t met many times. I know just the notion of IQ, at school and on the Internet, I met with these tests, but personally I do not like it very much. It is a number that indicates the intelligence of person, but I think intelegince person can not be express just by number, becouse intelligence of person is more branched. Psychological tests and IQ tests do not tell us anything about what they will in their lives and if we achieve what we set out to do. Here comes emotional intelligence. If a person has developed emotional intelligence, far more likely that you will reach its pre-determined and can overcome bad habits that it be limited in diversity.

  197. Emotional intelligence is a new term and field of science for me, and, I`m glad to get to know it through this blog! I was very surprised but happy to read about the fact that high IQ is not necessarily the determiner of somebody`s success in life. It is a common view that all the ‘smart and intelligent’ people have great jobs and careers while people with lower IQ are just their employees. However, I truly believe that emotional strength and character`s uniqueness is equally if not more imporant and essential for innovative and creative ideas. Therefore, emotional intelligence, I think, is a great concept of how to connect two basic key factors of success together. Because, the intelligence is measured by standards believed to be true and correct, but they are still human-made. While emotions and character cannot be measured. And the things you cannot measure are usually the ones that help you the most in your way.

  198. Creo que no se habla suficiente de la inteligencia emocional. Esto es lo que nos da fuerza cuando la necesitamos. Inteligencia intelectual se necesita construir a pesar de que como niños tenemos IQ muy alto. Inteligencia intelectual nos puede ayudar a estudiar y trabajar. La inteligencia emocional se desarrolla la gente creativa que expresan a sí mismos y el aprendizaje. Ellas son muy conectados. La inteligencia emocional se puede ver mejor en los niños pequeños. Importante es control de sus emociones y saber cómo llegar bien a la meta. Me gusta mucho leer sobre esas cosas. Pienso que nos puede ayudar mucho.

  199. Both IQ and EQ are very important, but the importance of EQ is often underestimated. When it comes to happiness and success in life, emotional intelligence matters just as much as intellectual ability . Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Everyone probably knows people who are academically brilliant and yet unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual intelligence or IQ isn’t enough on its own to be successful in life. IQ can help you get into college but it’s EQ that will help you manage the stress and emotions of sitting your final exams.

  200. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    Emotional intelligence is a very important matter in our society nowadays. In many fields, such as art, education and others, having much knowledge and craftsmanship is not enough to succeed. Personality, character, motivation and expectations may be some more important factors.

    This is why the emotional literacy must be one of the main goals of school. Teachers must help their students become able to coexist and cooperate withs others efficiently.

    Finally, according to scientific research, teaching itself is much more effective when it
    targets to the emotional involvement of the students. This means that on the one hand, teacher can gain the attention of his students when he uses humor, surprise and provokes emotions. On the other hand, when he encourages the development of possitive relationships between him and the students, or the students themselves, as well as cooperation and understanding each other, he helps them feel safe and desire to involve into the educational procedure.

  201. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    The emotional state of mind can or will affect the learning in that matter that the child will focus in something else and thereby can get an instable learning. I did a practice in a preschool were a lot of the children were or had origin than Sweden. In one of the sections they worked a lot with emotions and worked in smaller groups with painting, singing, playing and talking about different emotions. They talked about that it is ok to be angry but how can you do to make yourself happy again. What do you do when a friend is sad but at the same time point out that it is ok to feel sad sometimes. A lot of these children came from war or a conflict affected areas/countries which impeded their language learning and concentration skills. They did not learn as fast as they should but by the time they got into the system the section used it made them a lot calmer and more receptive to learning.

  202. It is interesting to finally read something different to intellectual «abilities». What is important is not only the intellectual abilities, the importance of emotional intelligence is as important as well, and it is sad it is so rarely noticed. However, why emotional education is important is because the base of anything later in life is more based on the emotial part than only the intellepart. It matter what kind of person you’ll have become trough good education, not only how good brain you have. And it is important for the own personal developement!

  203. Marco Michaelidis dice: Responder

    Extremely interesting to know that education today is trying to involve emotional and social intelligence. It will help each individual student create their personality with beliefs and most importantly trust their OWN opinion, in order to obtain, a voice. Which will show them how to act in different situations and how to handle everyday life with ease and no clueless thinking. It is this thinking that sinks every man’s dreams, it is time this chapter of intelligence was brought into the theme, since from now on people will start thinking differently, and trust me the results will show in processional and social life. In other words, starting from schools up until university, teachers and professors should direct children into this behaviour so that they can see the world from a different perspective.

  204. Moritz Janowski dice: Responder

    Very interesting article. Emotional intelligence is an important, but less adhered, factor in education. In my opinion it is so important to know the own emotions and to handle with them, but probably it is as difficult as to teach such skills than mathematics or other school subjects. Mainly if you consider that persons in leading positions (e.g. politicians) or entrepreneurs, who have to take long-range decisions for many other people(s), it is important that these persons should have a high emotional intelligence.
    So this would be so important for each pupil to learn more about itself and teacher should support and believe in them, because it is so important for the own personal developement!

  205. Tereza Gemelová dice: Responder

    For social life is important emotional inteligence. I think emotional inteligence is ability to know our feelings and treat them the way to lead to positive goals. important is knowledge of our emotions, managing emotions, the ability to motivate yourself, sensitivity to the emotions of other people and the art of interpersonal relationships. Each of us has some bad qualities, bad habits and weaknesses. Field emotional intelligence is optimistic in that on their characteristics in this area we can work on it and be better. woul be nice to know how control our emotions. life would be more easy and we understand more to each other.

  206. Sophie Kaphengst dice: Responder

    This is a great article, thanks for a new topic! I think it is very important to know about emotional intelligence and to work with it. Often people think we don’t have to learn how to interpret and how to handle our emotions, thats wrong. Emotional intelligence can be and has to be learned. To recognize your own emotions and those of others helps to encourage and promote people, especially people in leading positions. Children already have a tendency towards empathy, but depending on the environment in which they grow up, they have partly no chance to live these feelings. That’s why it is so important that teachers believe in their students and help them to talk about their emotions and to create an environment, where everybody can be him/herself. Let me call it «the art to feel comfortable with each other». Then we can achieve a better world!

  207. Katarzyna Bejda dice: Responder

    schools focus primarily on intellectual abilities. the importance of emotional intelligence is rarely noticed. School curricula are overloaded, and emotional abilities are treated marginally. Emotional needs of students are quite often overlooked by teachers, either for lack of time or lack of appropriate knowledge and skills. Emotional abilities are the essential foundation of all learning. emotional education of children should not be left to chance. the school is standing in front of new and difficult task. It has shaped the whole person, taking care of both his mind and heart. This is possible only if incorporated into school curricula are content for developing emotional intelligence in children. Because thanks to emotional intelligence children will be able to effectively influence their lives, because their action is determined not only understanding, but also feelings.

  208. I like the article much because ,to me, emotional Intelligence and social intelligence are the core things in today’s education system. It would be much more practical to teach these concepts while teaching other subjects. Students need to know about their feelings because many students are too sensitive about the wrong things, such as phony boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. If a student has all the knowledge in the world, but no confidence, they probably won’t make it very far. People need to mentally tough as well as sensitive to the feelings of others. However, I have some doubts that schools could teach EQ any more than they can influence IQ. I suppose the best they could do is to point the way. However, developing social emotional intelligence is not only the schools’ job, but also the parents’ job. Children as young as 4 or 5 should already come to school with SOME skills in how to make good decisions and control their emotions.

  209. Agata Klopotowska dice: Responder

    Emotions are accompanied by a human at every stage of life. Only on his ability to recognize emotional states and others depends on if he will be able to solve the problems that he’ll face.
    Success in school depends largely on the characteristics of emotions formed in a child’s early years. Education programs should include learning basic human skills, such as self-awareness, self-control, empathy, listening to others and the art of conflict resolution and cooperation.
    The most important contribution that schools can make to a child’s development is to help him to find an area that best suits his talents in which he will be a competent specialist so that in the future he will have a job which will give him satisfaction.

  210. Martina Johansson dice: Responder

    This is a great article, and I agree completely with the importance of emotional education. The idea of social intelligence and emotional intelligence in particular are highly important in order to make the world a better place. I have never recognized IQ tests as something good since I believe that social intelligence and emotional intelligence is much more important since it does not matter how high your IQ is if you cannot communicate with other people both socially and emotionally. Sometimes the educational system has flaws and it can result in overlooking some student’s individual skills. Therefore, emotional education can help to find a balance, whereas by gaining emotional intelligence we will come to consent where we understand that no one is less intelligent. Instead emotional education should be taught to the students so that they learn how to control certain situations, recognizing empathy thus reach a great self-awareness. This will later on help them to find themselves and their creativity, and this does not only regard their student time but their whole life.

  211. To get the knowledge about how to interact in different situations are a big part of the social life, therefore it´s important that we learn how to handle different situations and get the tools for it. The emotional knowledge is a big part of it and it´s important with knowledge about it to keep the developing of the humans. It may sound a bit cliché and some people don´t want to talk about it but it´s necessary to feel good and have an emotional mind to succeed with your profession and keep your career moving further. That´s why it´s important to talk about these questions on a serious level and not only trying to joke it off.

  212. Christina Vaismenou dice: Responder

    First of all, I must say that I completely agree with the sum and that will surely search for the book of Daniel Golemis.
    Teachers play the most important and dominant role in a child’s life and this is why the job of the teacher is ministry. How different would the world be if we could through schools and universities could create emotional and moral people and how different would our society.
    Unfortunately, in Greece where I come from, emotional education does not exist anymore and unfortunately the education system becomes increasingly cruel and inhumane creating «people-machines».I really hope at the end this will change.

  213. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    I love one adage:” Behave with others the same as you want that they will behave with you”. To show kinds a good and proper example – this must be the main reason and person’s purpose why (s)he wants to be a teacher. I definitely agree with Dr. Maurice Elias that child always must be pushed to move forward but not to be left behind and the main role in this action have teachers. Moreover, teacher is the person who can stimulates kid’s wishes, dreams and inspires (s)he to achieve it. Teacher has to collaborate with children and other teachers and tries to connect social, emotional and academic learning in one place but not separate pieces. About the emotional education I think that it is very very important because it provides and can develop some very important characteristics of person for example impulses control, self – awareness, persistence and so on.

  214. Parabens pelo artigo nobre Prof. Bautista!
    Seu trabalho preenche perfeitamente as lacunas de meus pensamentos…Realmente as emoções nos movem e deixam transparecer a nossa subjetividade apontando aquilo que verdadeiramente somos em determinado momento. O grande desafio da humanidade é educar os sentidos para uma existencia mais digna… Eterno abraço!

    1. Caro amigo Everaldo:
      Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Tenemos claro que nuestra razón no puede funcionar sin la energía emocional, de ahí que necesitamos explicar cómo funciona la conducta humana y hacer propuesta sugerentes.
      Espero que sigamos en contacto.
      Forte abraço.
      José Manuel Bautista.

  215. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    Believing in yourself and in your students is the first step to good education.
    If you have no one to look after you, no one who believes in you, your way to succes will be much more difficult.
    Emotional education is important because like they’re saying it’s the base of everything.
    later in life it will not matter what you’ve learned in maths or history, it will matter what kind of person you’ll have become trough good education.
    Only when you have enjoyed good emotional education, you’ll become and be the person you where destand to be from the beginning.
    You will get much furder in life when you know how to communicate and speak your mind than when you have learned everything out of a book.
    Speak your mind and learn that what you have to say will matter, only if it’s just for yourself.

  216. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    Great article. I think it’s good that we pay attention to topics like emotional intelligence. Whether it’s in the boardroom or the classroom, individuals need the skills to communicate, work in teams, and let go of the personal and family issues that get in the way of working and learning. Such skills add up to what is known as emotional intelligence, these skills are critical to academic achievement.
    Social and emotional learning programs work best when parents and teachers are partners, and that means that they both need to promote behavior that improves communication, empathy, self-awareness, decision-making, and problem-solving.
    this is a vision of education that says that educating the heart is as important as educating the mind,

    1. Thanks Josje, all the best. JM.

  217. The further development of our emotional and social intelligence is a lifelong process. Associated skills of emotional intelligence are important in all areas of life. For me it is logical to develop new practice concepts which promote this skills in school. Implementation can sometimes be simple. For example in Germany there was a research project in which three classes were involved. Over several weeks exercises were conducted in the classroom such as reading stories, relaxation exercises or Qigong. As a result can be emphasised that the pupil reacted less impulsive in their emotions and social behavior. They were able to deal calmly with school challenges. That proves that through low efforts promotion of emotional intelligence is possible in schools.

  218. Estimado José:
    Muy buen artículo. Pienso que la educación emocional es el punto nodal al que nos enfrentamos los educadores, en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. Considero, además, que será la clave de la alfabetización «ampliada» que exige este siglo XXI, donde nuestra propia supervivencia como especie, como sociedad humana, dependerá de nuestra sapiencia para relacionarnos con el otro y con lo otro, en una nueva realidad envolvente, totalizadora, donde la construcción de nuestros vínculos entre los seres humanos, entre las culturas, entre las civilizaciones y con la naturaleza serán el pilar fundamental desde donde se proyectarán, y dispararán, nuestras acciones en todos los órdenes de la vida.
    Está en nosotros, educadores, saber leer los nuevos signos de este tiempo. Y el manejo de las emociones es, sin duda, el aspecto central que tenemos que APRENDER a cultivar, corregir, mejorar y potenciar.
    El inicio del nuevo año (2013) es una buena ocasión para comenzar a trabajar en esta dirección.
    Magister Emilas Lebus
    República Argentina

    1. Estimada Emilas:
      Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Aunque la cuestión no es nueva, es cierto que ha sido muy desatendida de manera práctica a nivel aulico. La importancia viene dada por cuanto que no sólo somos cognición, somos también emoción, y es esta última la que en ocasiones descuidada viene a obstaculizar o destruir la primera.
      Afectuosos saludos.
      José Manuel Bautista

  219. Emotional Intelligence and social intelligence are some kinds of skills that are very difficult to recognize them and of course to cultivate. Nevertheless, in my opinion such skills are the most admirable in a person’s character. For this exact reason, it is sometime difficult to cultivate them within the school education. Some kind of emotional intelligence can be cultivated by literature courses in school but still remains in the lowest level of its cultivation. During the history there where examples of teachers that tried to improve this field but unfortunately they weren’t acceptable by their co-workers in the academic system for the way they think and the way the “teach” the students. Nevertheless, has be proved that all of the students had been improved themselves through such a system and they really enjoyed the meaning of “course”.
    Emotional intelligence shows us that nobody is “stupid” or “unable” to achieve something. Just the educational system is incomplete and non-ready for giving to every unique personality the ability to improve his/hers unique skills. It is true that schools need update and one of the most important fields of updating could be the cultivation of emotional intelligence.

  220. Buen artículo. Yo digo que la felicidad consiste en saber gestionar los conflictos, que va en consonancia con tu artículo.

    1. Es cierto Fernando, la felicidad consiste en estar en paz con uno mismo y en estar en paz con los demás… «Por experiencia interior, la persona se nos aparece entonces como una presencia dirigida hacia el mundo y las otras personas, sin limitaciones, mezclada con ellos, en perspectiva de universalidad. Las otras personas no la limitan, la hacen ser y desarrollarse. Ella no existe sino hacia los otros, no se conoce sino por los otros, no se encuentra sino en los otros» (Emmanuel Mounier).
      Un abrazo.

  221. Jose, muy buen articulo, nos da mucha luz sobre el tema de la educación del ser humano. Realmente muchas personas no prestan mucha atension a este tema que marca al ser humano. En mi caso al ser padre preste 1% sobre el tema y luego pase a 20% y asi subiendo… es de locos esto al darme cuenta que la educacion mundial esta diseñana para guiar a las personas pensar lo que LAS EMPRESAS/FABRICAS NECESITAN asi empezo todo creo y continuamos asi, con toda la revolucion tecnologica el cambio es lento.


    nery segovia

    1. ¡Gracias por tus palabras Nery!
      Aumentar los niveles de conciencia sobre las cuestiones que nos afectan es importante, estás en el camino, razón de más para seguir trabajando. Ánimo y a luchar por lo importante.
      José Manuel Bautista.

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