La inteligencia ausente de los programas educativos (1 de 2)

Mucho se ha escrito sobre el desempeño docente, lo que remite, sin lugar a dudas, a las cualidades, habilidades, destrezas, responsabilidades y actitudes que todo docente debe poseer en el desempeño de sus funciones públicas. Hoy, además, el desempeño docente hoy ha venido de la mano argumental de las competencias.


El trabajo docente se dirige a una sociedad crecientemente diversa y plural, que demanda para todos los individuos un tipo de educación que los prepare para la participación ciudadana, activa, productiva y solidaria. Queda que ver si se están tomando las medidas políticas y pedagógicas para que esto sea así y si la sociedad está asumiendo esa ineludible tarea respecto de la calidad y equidad con que la misma debe dotarse para ofrecer a todos los ciudadanos sus servicios.

Considerando lo anterior, las funciones del docente se hacen complejas a medida que aumenta la cobertura de la educación, como también las necesidades sociales que se plantean al sistema educativo. Se trata de un desafío que es, al mismo tiempo, un complejo escenario en donde se cruzan los argumentos sobre si lo que deben hacer los profesores es instruir o educar. Tomar posición sobre uno u otro, permite dotar de más espacio a otros agentes, como la familia, en el terreno propio que se dedica a la educación.

Cuando los profesores asumen hoy en día roles de toda índole, aumentando sus funciones hasta casi una irreconocible situación (limpiar mocos, higiene bucodental, educación sexual, resolución de conflictos, etc.), nos estamos situando en el otro polo, el que considera al Estado y, por tanto, a los profesores, como los verdaderos educadores, los garantes del ciudadano educado e “ideal”.

En una sociedad como la de hoy, definida como de la información, va a primar la inteligencia y el conocimiento como los factores más importantes del progreso individual y social, en todos los planos.

El concepto de inteligencia, uno de los más complejos con que podemos definir al ser humano, ha sufrido a lo largo de los años múltiples conceptualizaciones. Desde el punto de vista cognitivo, como apunta la Dra. Alma Dzib Goodin, está relacionada con todos los demás procesos que nos permiten adaptarnos al medio, desde la senso-percepción, la motivación y la emoción, el aprendizaje y la memoria, algo obviamente también relacionado con el pensamiento y el lenguaje. La inteligencia se convierte en el mecanismo garante de nuestro equilibrio personal y social.

La paradoja surge cuando comprobamos que estos planteamientos están casi ausentes en los procesos de formación docente y, consecuentemente, ausentes en el desempeño posterior.

Entonces, ¿qué se cuece en los diseños de los programas educativos? ¿Por qué hoy los jóvenes cuando egresan de la secundaria tienen tantos problemas en áreas como la escritura, la lectura, la expresión de ideas, la creación de ideas propias y la resolución de problemas? Si se responde que esto no es cierto, ¿por qué entonces en muchos países de Europa la formación no está siendo suficiente ni está ayudando en lo fundamental a la resolución de los problemas de fondo de la sociedad: crisis económica, crisis de valores, creación de nuevas riquezas, invención de nuevas soluciones, etc.?

El problema es serio. Voy a proponer algunas ideas en mi siguiente artículo. Hasta pronto.

73 respuestas a “La inteligencia ausente de los programas educativos (1 de 2)”

  1. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    Nowadays people have so many problems in areas such as writing, reading, expression of ideas, the creation of ideas and solving problems. I think this has to do something with several reasons. The use of internet and technology is causing so much problems because people aren’t forced to train those skills. Applications as google translate, calculators etc. are the cause of lazy people. There is a huge flow of information and you should think that people have more knowledge because of this. One part of me thinks this is true but the other part of me thinks that this is not the case. People can search for specific information, really easy. You only read those things when you take the affort to search this in the google search bar. In the past people where forced to go to the libarary and really experience the search for information. People where taking the time they needed for reading and gaining new knowledge. I think this is much more stimulating and better for remembering information.

  2. Nowadays, being a good teacher is very difficult. Society requires enormous dedication of teachers and the best education. At the same time often just do not support teachers in that way, I am thinking above all of the parents who are being too overprotective, often tell the teacher what to do or what they should not to do. In my opinion, parents also require too much from their children, urging them to walk the extra classes often even without asking. In this case, the role of the teacher is very difficult, must adapt to the students but also to the parents and at the same time keep the common sense and follow the rules of teaching. A good teacher must be sure of their case and despite the opinion of the others should follow his teaching «credo».

  3. The problem of the graduates with their skill is mostly due to their own doing. I think that during their study they try to learn the subject out of their heads to pass the exam instead understanding it. Also the social media and the internet play a big roll because they don’t go out to play with others or even speak with each other, they only sit hours behind the computer to watch their social account and react to it.
    The teachers play a big roll in students live because during the period when they are the most vulnerable, the teachers help, teach and advise them to take the best road. Not only at school but also at home the students get an education and mostly different education and because of that most of the time they cant concentrate witch one is the real one. During this times the students use the advises and the teachings that they’ve learnt at school and apply to the problem.

  4. It’s a fact that they are multiple intelligences, some were more important in the past, others are important now. I personally wouldn’t blame new technologies for killing our intelligence, even if I know that it is true. For example without a calculator always available in my pocket, I would be better at mental calculation, but it’s the human nature to be lazy and go to the easiest solution. The intelligences that are more useful nowadays are for sure linguistic intelligence, social intelligence and being able to use technology efficiently. Another problem with our world is that finance as become so complex that the politicians or the judges that should regulate this world don’t know what it is about and this create enormous problems.

  5. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    A good teacher should have a lot of different skills. Especially those ones who are tutors. They should have a lot of patient, sympathy, tolerance. Be a kind of friend, not enemy. Treat them as your partners, because you have the same aim. They want to learn, discover world and teacher should show them the right way of it. Expect from students, but also give them helping hand when they need it. Also all the time try to improve yourself as a teacher. I know that everything is changing now. Sometimes children are really aggravating and not always well behaved. They are really hard, it is hard to get to them. Anyway I believe that if you treat your work really serious and you are motivated, trained and open you will strike a chord with your pupils. Then they will give you their respect, and when they finish the school for sure they will recollect what a great teacher you were..

  6. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Professional skills of teachers depend on their training. The level of student’s knowledge depends on how the teacher does his work, and how well it handles the material before him to teach. If you look at the problem not from the student’s side, but from the other side – the teacher’s side, everything becomes clear – you must have a high qualification to make disciples highly qualified. Teachers also need to be checked by the method of annual certification, sometimes retraining them. Scientific activity promotes the training of teachers, participation in competitions «the teacher of year» and self-learning.

  7. I think that the intelligence in educational programs suffer because of nowadays technological boom, involvement of students in social networks, superficiality of educational curriculum and decrease of human values, the prerequisites of human prosperity and development. I often found myself on the idea that so large implementation of computers and technologies into the educational programs do not help to create deep interpersonal relations, which in its turn prevents to be more human, more intelligent as a person, and communicative as a human being. I still cannot understand how the child may learn to draw by computer program if the best way to learn drawing is using colors, pens, and brushes. Several days ago I have seen a short program introducing 10 years old girl, who plays on “Musical Toy” which plays like a number of musical instruments, and there is no need to play on violin, piano, accordion, and saxophone, just push an appropriate place and that will play music with 5-6 instruments together. However, it never may substitute a real instrument with real music and sounds played by human.

  8. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    I think today the problems with grammar, reading and speaking appear between people more often than before. In my opinion, a large part of fault is in the using and communication in social networks. I think, when we chat to our friends, we aren´t focusing too much on spelling and typing accuracy isn´t important for either of them. But the problem is this kind of writing is only way, which we use for many of us. Also, we learn and take over mistakes each other unconsciously. At a time when we need to write any official document and we haven´t automatic computer repair grammar, we find that this is a big problem for us.
    I think that teachers today have a large and difficult task to convince children that learning spelling, writting, self-expression are very important for them. Computer always will not solve everything of them instead people.

  9. In my oppinion the main reason that students have problems even with basic knowledge and skills is that during their education they don’t learn for themselves but for the exams. Once they have learned something, they write an exam and because they don’t need this knowledge after the exam, they just forget about it and later on they have problems with remembering what they learned. We can’t really say that it is teacher’s fault for that, the problem is with the educational system. Sometimes we ask ourselves, are we ever going to need this what we are learning in our lives? Some things yes and some we will never see again. I believe if the education would be more focused on the things that really matters and if teachers would make their lectures like students would actually need to use what they learned previosly I think students wouldn’t have so much difficulties after graduation with basics. And also they wouldn’t be content with knowing just the basics but they would actually be strict about their knowledge and inteligence, they wouldn’t let themselves having these problems.

  10. Yesterday, I attended a lecture held by current Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg, he talked a lot about what it looks like in Sweden today and what it might be determining factors concerning that fewer aiming for high education and good grades today. He believes that we as students have to read more books and more student literature. In addition, the teachers also need to have higher expectations and more exams should be held in order to raise the knowledge in education in the country. I disagree with him on this point. Much else that he talked about I could relate to and understand, but on this point I found that he had a square approach to today’s education problems. I think instead (as we at repeated times talked about during this course) need to focus more on that it should be fun to learn. Today it does not work to have the same education system that we have had for decades, instead a new approach must be developed, where the creativity is the focal point.

  11. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    I have to agree with the opinion that more and more kids have problems with basic fields. I think we shouldn’t just blame teachers. I think the problem is always somewhere in the middle. The reality in which we live makes our lifes easier. If we will not use what technology and development gives us properly, probably we will go back and not develop… New things let us do things way much faster than before. For example books. We have to read some books for school, we don’t have to read them all, we can just read a little summary on the Internet or some essay form somebody who put it online. There are a lot of students who didn’t read a single book for the entire period of school. Sometimes there are things that teachers can not do anything about. The fatal condition and often bad spelling and knowledge of the meanings of certain words, punctuation rules poses a dilemma for teachers what to do to win aginst the big enemy in this area-the Internet. I think we all know how much time we saved when we were searching for information through the internet, and how much time we wasted for so little productive things, for example, sitting on fb.

  12. I think that one of the major problems we have in schools in Germany today is, that the teachers cannot cope with the varied needs which are demanded from the students and their parents, the society in general and the educational policy. Like it is said in the article, the children nowadays should be taught as individuals, so that can learn according to their strengths and impairments. Moreover, the teacher is not just broadcaster of knowledge, but he is also responsible for the human and emotional needs of the children and has to be a contact person for parents and colleagues. In my opinion this situation cannot be fixed without big structural changes, because with these wide requirements, no teacher can manage a class with about 25 students. I think that the situation of the teachers in my country can only be improved, when the amount of students would be significantly less or when there would be a second teacher in every class.

  13. Children with learning difficulties are often confused . Because their home and school life have conflicting and inconsistent statements. It is normal for children to feel sad or have a bad mood from time to time. Daily life at home and school can be a difficult obstacle. The parents and teachers approach on this issue is very important and critical.
    Unfortunately, parents do not realise the underlying problem and approach it in the wrong way. For example: They often repeat phrases like «Come on, work , do your homework , dont proctastinate «. They shout and give loud warnings over little mistakes, make threats and punishment: ( Unless you do this …) which conflicts with; bribery ( If you do this, then.. ).
    In fact, before the child even reaches school they are being shaped by their parents comments.
    Children’s response to the conflict becomes difficult. Therefore the child lacks self-confidence and does not like education. The child gets the message that : » whatever you do, you cant succeed».Who wants to continue if they are failing?
    As a result, the child finds something they can enjoy or to relax, for example, games, dreaming, computer, or activities outside of the curriculum. To find a soulution to these problems, we must idenfity the source of the problem. By trying to solve this issue we will see positive results.

  14. I think the main reason why graduated students that have problems with reading and writing is because of the social networks. Often young people use slang, because it is cool. They don’t care if the are not spelling correctly. They also thinks that reading a book is not cool anymore, so they don’t. The teachers and also the parents should learn/teach these children some new standards and values. Maybe they have to explain to the children what the consequences are in the future when you are bad in writing and reading. To think of a creative way you need a world where people can say everything. Of course this is not possible, because of people who are afraid of being wrong and not take the ‘risk’ of given their own opinion. Fortunately there are some people who are creative and are not afraid to give them opinions. So teachers and parents have to learn the children that you can not judge anybody, because it effects the way of people think.

  15. In todays society teachers need to be ready for any questions that students may have. Teachers are not just there to teach anymore; they are shaping our future citizens and it is imperative that students are educated properly on matters of life as the article says; sex education, oral hygiene, etc. If students are not being taught these things at home (which they very well may not be due to the increasingly diverse and pluralistic society we live in), then it is the teachers job to inform them.
    I said before about teachers being able to answer any questions that students may have, and these can be academic questions. Some teachers teach but do not actually keep up to date with what they are teaching, and in the UK there is talks of bringing in tests for teachers every 2-3 years, to make sure they are up to date with new theories which I think is an excellent idea.

  16. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I believe that not only the teachers are responsible. I agree, we may not have the perfect educational system. But parents, culture and the enviroment are also a part of education. Like I said, we might not have the perfect schools. But many students fail completely. They skip lessons, their priorities in life are partying, drinking and smoking. Basically, we live in a hedonistic society where only a few of us want to achieve something meaningful in their life. I was taught by my parents that you have to do everything by yourself and don’t expect much from others. In Lithuania, you can get free education if you pass your exams well. Several of my teachers lacked the competence and they did not know how to teach properly. But it did not matter to me. I had lots of willpower and learned most of the things by myself and eventually got free education and saved lots of money for my parents. I believe motivation is the key and if you want to become more intelligent, you can do that. And the rest… would blame government, enviroment or teachers. I don’t blame anyone. You should have certain virtues and pick your friends wisely and you would not have many problems in your life. Eventually you would succeed in our society.

  17. Yes, I agree. Many of the people can not self expression. But I do not think that it was their fault. Students are taught only information in many schools. Students are not taught how to use the information. Many teachers are forced to direct memorizing their students. But, this is not the fault of teachers. Training curriculum is directing to teachers. Teachers implement curriculum. Teachers can not develop other aspects of the students because of teachers try to give students the information in the curriculum. Students always done in the homework , working for examinations can not develop yourself in other areas. Every teacher want to educate creative, confident, knowledgeable students but conditions do not allow it.

  18. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    The big problem today is to express their own opinions. According to me this is due to wrongly understood TOLERANCE. Today, in the name of TOLERANCE we have to think at any time over the words. Contrary to appearances, we can not freely express our own opinions because we have to take care of it to offend anybody. I honestly do not like this. Yes, you have to know how to control the language but not to such exaggeration would not be able to say your opinion.
    Another problem is the creation of new ideas. Today, we are stifling the ideas of others. If we come up with something that at first – we look to the Internet where already waiting for us a lot of ideas.

  19. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    Children all life learn from parent and from school. Mostly these places is places in wich children learn most from life. Children are like a sponge that absorbs everything that they heard or see or what are tought to them. Education have to understand that also school affecting little children life and children thinking about things. School are responsible about children future, our future and what children will become. What things to children will be most important to the future and what person they will be. In school shouldn`t be all about theoretical things, and about that we are saying to children that they are not so good because they dont know math so well or something well, bet teacher and all school need to teach children how to dont give up and show children how good they are in different things, how good they are that they are learning and wanting to learn. If children get negative emotions then they will give it back, and thats also affecting future, they will be more negative in life, in things that they do. School need to think how to exclude that.

  20. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    I agree with the opinion that young people today have big problems with writing, reading and especially with expressing their opinions. I believe that this is due to many factors. I believe that here are guilty of both educational programs and the development of communication technology. All programs and applications such as FACEBOOK, WhatsApp, etc. make our speech is getting shorter and compact. We use abbreviations, language errors causing worse use of speech. So as we use all amenities for faster communicating should not be surprised that of this evokes many errors.

  21. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    Classrooms recently are very diverse. People from different countries, race, religion, gender etc. can be all found in one classroom. Teachers are expected to cater for all these differences. Teachers must be flexible and open minded to help deal with all the differences. Today teaching is a very demanding role. Teachers are expected to teach students skills that they can use outside the classroom and be able to answer any questions pupils might have. A lot of the school system is read theory learn it and then regurgitate it back for an exam. There is no learning there, it’s all a memory test. Not a very big percentage of people today will learn like that. Teachers need to feed the mind of their students, make them ask the questions and want to know the answers. Actually do things instead of sitting in a classroom reading theory.

  22. Many behaviors, habits, and recharge your child is out of the family home but also at school. The teacher has a huge impact on the child, his behavior, creativity, motivation, willingness to act in the life. This is what tells to do, such as homework, the child needs to do, because if they can’t do this can have problems. The same is happening with thinking if the teacher imposes a point of view on some pro problem, automatically his students think alike. It is therefore important that as a teacher always been a wise and responsible person. People try hard at what they do and want the best for their students and future generations.

  23. The teachers need to appeal to students different ways in front of nowadays changing culture and developing technology .Students trends and their interest are changing in front of technology so intelligence eduction programs are getting muhc more important.Therefore this situation will help to children for learning to write ,to read and listening ect. we can use to provide this situation with technology.This event provides to describe theirself much better much more succesful.So I believe that the teacher can convert this situtaution on advantage .I mean , the teachers povide it with children because we cant imagine education without children .

  24. The problem in my opinion goes down to the roots of the whole concept of school system. It’s like a written recipe: X hours of this and Y hours of that subject, exam, and we’re done. No, each person is differrent and has it’s own inteligence, each has his own cognitive skills and each child has different perception, and it’s all environmental, parental, and geneticaly related. So yes, because of that, senso-perceptive, emotional and motivational skills are so much different. So the best and most optimal way would be to adapt education and time of every field of education to every individual after therral research of his interests and percepcions, but logicaly it’s impossible with teachers having 20+ children to educate at the same time, and things are already going worse with economical crysis. Best that could be done here from teacher’s side is learning and honing skills for fast and precise reading and recognising each individual’s perceptions and skills. And this way at least some improvement can surely be done.

  25. To be a teacher is undoubtedly very hard job from many views. I think that in these days the teacher is placed into a lot of demands make by parents, university, companies, society, or themselves apart. I am sure that each teacher who stayed with the children more than one year play very important role in their future life. But the education has to be provided from more sites, i mean the family is not less important and these components has to work together. The teachers can not replace the parents in so basic things as personal hygiene for example. They should tell the children the basics but then is up to the family how will manage it further.

  26. I think people tend to look at the intellectual challenge of teaching from the wrong point of view. Teaching today is a more complex and demanding role than it has ever been. There is an intellectual element to teaching. Teachers must know their subject matter, explain concepts to students, determine the best way to evaluate if students learned what was taught and find ways to reteach the material to students who didn’t grasp it the first time. Reaching students with different skill levels, interest levels and personalities in the same classroom, figuring out how to motivate, explain something to, or interest students is challenging work. It can be difficult for teachers to prepare students for the future and their participation in society without support and collaboration with family and community which also have an important role for education.

  27. I can enhance it again and again, on of the key problems f many educational systems in Europe are to big classes.
    Out of this issue arise most of the other problems teachers and students have to deal with.
    Of course a teacher can not be a replacement of the parents, but to care for their students , they have to.
    But in classes with about 30 students, it is alomost impossible for the theacher to give individual support for each student.
    Some other problems may arise from overcrowded classes, disturbed learning behavior and poorly trained writing, reading and calculating skills.

  28. I agree that nowadays students have problems with writing, reading, sharing ideas. And I don’t think that teachers have to take all the blame. In my opinion, children have these kind of problems, because they haven’t parental support, parents don’t help them in home with homeworks. Parents have to follow up to their children education. Nowadays some of parents don’t take as much care of that as much is that necessary.
    In my country school have support measures for children with learning difficulties. Some children have about 20 minutes twice a week for reading together with teacher. It is just for training. Also teachers trying to communicate with parents to involve them in educational process.

  29. Recently in Czech republic, new ways of teaching are emerged. They are focused on creative activities and personal development of pupils. New school curriculum is flexible and teacher can adapt his way of teaching skills and thus fulfill their potential. But the problem remains in the way of financial evaluation of teachers, which is more demotivating than motivating and teachers have little interest in improving their teaching skills and learn new alternative ways of teaching, which are more based on the personal development of pupils and encourage their creativity. Another problem is education college system for new teachers and its quality.

  30. Teacher can have a very big influence on somebody’s life. I know it from my own experience. My teacher inspired me to choose the direction of my studies. Contrary, the other teachers were very good at discouraging to the subject. The point is that not everybody can become a teacher. The person must have a vocation and feel the thing. Everybody spends so much time at school that obviously this institution has a big matter not only as far as education is concerned but also on socializing process. Teacher is important person in everybody’s life and he should be well prepared and capable to work with children, teenagers, students. He should not only teach but also educate children, because in many cases parents fail. And this is the matter of somebody’s life so they should do just the right thing. Teacher should never suppress his students and let them be scared of him. He should be always open-minded and conversation is the key to solve every problem. Teacher’s job is kind of full time job, not for ignorants.

  31. Although certain child mental capacity, insufficient exposure to stimuli during the child’s development and the necessary education and training can not be given exactly,various stress factors affect the family,lack of interest of the child,an artificial mental motor retardation
    or It can be seen that the existing capacity does not develop.Today, human activities impact in education so far is the most complicated of all the applications.An overview of the teaching and learning of skills training scheme within a team;human knowledge intuitively and enhances mental function as a set of activities and concepts are addressed.

  32. To be creative and to have own ideas you need to have some knowledge, to link different information to new ideas. Additionally you need a lot of experience and you need to have seen a lot to be creative.
    The problem with the worse writing is, in my opinion, defenilty related to the internet. Of course we can learn a lot with technoligie and the WolrdWideWeb, but in many chats and in many forums you write fast and incorrect. This might happen because you are more anonymous in the internet. We also use Application which correct our grammer and spelling automaticly, which means, that we dont write with the most effort and concentration, because we know, that there exist an autocorrect.

  33. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    Also I have read, that in nowadays increasingly, schools are faced with reading or writing disabilities. I know that, in Europe dyslexia and dysgraphia is a very urgent problem, and experts think how to solve it.
    Educational process for teachers are often faced with students who, dispite to they highly developed intellect and great efforts, however, have some difficult to learn to read or write properly. Children also have difficulty keeping up with write or read. As I know, in Latvian specific reading disorders are only little studied.
    I think to fight with this problem its important to find the program in wich collaboration professionals, teachers and parents to help the child. Do the main act together and be patient and believe in the child’s ability, also to support him, but in no case to scold and shame children.

  34. Not everyone can be a teacher. In my opinion you have to be born to be a good teacher. It’s not all about learning in school and knowledge. Of course it’s important but we shouldn’t forget about upbringing children, to learn how to solve problems, communicate, rich for their goals, wishes and have good relationships, teach them about responsibility, etc. But not only teachers, also parents are responsible for socialization of children.
    And in my opinion, the reason that there are many graduated young people who have problems with reading and writing, is too much using internet and chats on web and too little attention to their own knowledge.
    “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.” – ― Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Stories.

  35. The teachers should have information on everything, so you should be in universities teacher candidates better prepare should be. Ogretmen after this application must be continued .For example the teacher who is insufficient, 1-2 years more education out should be again ,teachers those other areas teacher in for communication should be with them and idea exchanges must be in especially my for teachers of those students and their families with good relationships possible and one should recognize even think teacher at the same time the student’s parents also should educate , I know they are not easy, let alone now more difficult population more and european , including the world a general in crisis, but training my real sense of quality to achieve I think if we want to be in these skills.

  36. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    First of all, I think that the major problem, in some cases, is the negligence of the educational system.
    I have the impression that nowadays, because of the social pressure we can have upon ourselves but also the large assistance, people do what they must do but it is sometimes the bare minimum. For instance at school, with the increasing number of pupils in a class, teachers can only give their lesson without having a lot of opportunities to help students closely. For sure, pupils have to work by themselves also, but if motivation is not here because of bad working conditions or another thing, this won’t help them to improve their level.
    Additionally, teachers should be more heard, as well as parents and students, in order to make the system better.
    Moreover, to develop children’s intelligences, the entourage’s commitment is also very important to make them sensitive and to open their mind towards other areas that those seen in class.
    Finally, I find very sad that there are still these problems of writing, reading etc. which are the basis of everything, and which are not always completely acknowledged for some students after secondary school or even after. I think there should be more demand about this, but also in the examinations, because it happens that students pass them while their level is not enough, and this risks to penalize them in the future.

  37. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    It’s completely true that students make lots of mistakes in writing, they can speak perfectly but when they put down their thoughts, sometimes it even terrifies. Don’t know exactly why it happens, but I guess it’s not only a fault of teachers or parents, it also depends on child himself. If speaking about this it’s a deeper problem where use of different methods, teacher’s proficiency, student’s desire to learn, problems with memory and remembering etc. are involved. Generally speaking, it concerns more a student than a child, it’s my opinion. If he wants to study, to know more, to impronpve grammar he does everything like teacher asks and even work on himself, if a student is not showing any interest in becoming intelligent nobody can force him. And here is Internet and modern tools are involved: some days ago I read an article on one of the official sites, it seemed ok in the beginning, but later I was terrified by so many mistakes and unacceptable phrases that the article had, so if people keep on reading these kinds of articles, they we’ll not be able to understand what’s correct and this is one of the reasons which confuses us.

  38. Cäcilie Bivort dice: Responder

    If we assume that lots of young people and children are suffering by the lack of basic skills like reading, writing, expression and creation of ideas etc. we have to consider that there`re lots of cases in which education, in a larger sense, is just left at formal education in schools.
    Just like someone said before, school is limited by a few hours a day – and we already expect a lot from teachers and schools – sometimes I think people expecting miracles from teachers (on the other hand of course we have lacks in our education systems) but there a limits and not every kind can be and needed to be turned into a genius!
    We have to consider that to educate kids just like their parents had the chance to do is beyond the possibility of schools. Emarginated a father who takes his kids to the zoo, to excursions, involves them into things in which he`s interested (fishing, sports etc. ), involve them into certain kinds of the parents` daily life…, children profit so much by these influences and are able to develop great creativity, diversity of knowledge, maturity and lots more precious skills.
    I noticed that a lot of children who has several siblings are cognitively extremely fit. I think it`s because they profit so much by the influence of the older ones and also they need to be more independent and take more functions in the family such like take care of the younger siblings.
    Unfortunately families such as family activities are suffering by achievement-oriented societies, economic trends and so on.
    If we expect comprehensive skills from children, they have to be able to profit by a comprehensive education not left on the responsibility of schools and formal education.

  39. I think that there are several problems which are grounded to the ‘problems’ of nowadays.
    The first problem of nowadays is that there are many perople whom are having problems with writing, reading, expressions of ideas, the creation of ideas and resolution. I think that there are writing and reading problems because of the internet. It makes it all so much easier to write because of automatic corrections or because you can google words or translate languages to your own. About reading as well, I think that we read less than that we used to do, because there is now so much more to do. I do think that there are writing problems, but I’m not sure if there are also reading problems. Because people I know, they are all reading a lot and even the people who aren’t reading books, do read subtitles during movies or read other things on the internet. 
Expression and creation of ideas, or lets say creativity, is in my opinion created by the rapid changes in this society, where there is less space for being creative and less space of ‘dreaming away’. We have to do this and that and this that.. etc. For creating and after that expressing ideas, there must be space of creating it first. As we talked before in a previous article, there should be space for creativity at schools. Only when there is space for an open-mind, in my opinion, there will be more creation of ideas.

  40. Vendula Víchová dice: Responder

    I agree that young people which graduate from high school have problems with writing, reading, expression of ideas, the creation of ideas and problem solving. In my country, students have the same problems, especially boys. It is very difficult to solve this problem only at school because children spend at school only a few hours per day, but they still learn in all other environments. Children don’t read books today and their communication has also changed. I think that few parents read to children and talk with them a lot and then for children, of course, is impossible to obtain communication skills from the television or computer games. In my opinion, it is important to develop extracurricular activities and cooperation with parents, because these environments are often more important than teaching at school.

  41. I think the problems that some graduates face when it comes to reading and writing is mainly to do with the way in which they’re taught. For example, in Ireland, so many people don’t know how to use your and you’re or their, there and they’re correctly. It’s a problem not just amongst children but amongst adults as well. It’s something so basic and really not difficult to understand but so many people have problems with it. I think it’s the method of teaching through which we learn is what determines how good our literacy skills are. Teachers need to be sure that their methods of teaching different things are suitable for the kids in their class because, if children can’t grasp a concept as simple as your and you’re then there’s clearly something missing, whether it’s an effective teaching method or communication between teacher and student. These basic skills such as reading and writing need to be taught to children in an effective way as soon as they start school so they adapt to it and form good habits, like for example reading a passage of a children’s book every day in class. This way the teacher can keep track of the development of their literacy skills and decide what should be done should there be any problems.

  42. We live in a society that is constantly changing and where technology is developing at a rapid pace. However with all this happening I feel education has been left behind. The same text books and teaching methods have been used for years. Things that used to interest children no longer do. In order for education to have an effect on children nowadays it needs to take a step into the 21st century. In my country I know they have introduced interactive white boards which have been a huge success but we are still teaching the things just changing the methods. I don’t think this is enough. For children to truly benefit from education I feel it needs to relate to them. The interests among the youth has changed we need to update our education to make it more interesting for them. Teachers need to motivate students and show them the importance of reading and writing. If education was brought into the present children would be happy to learn and express the ideas they may have.

  43. I think in many schools creativity is not often supported but rather suppressed or not really wanted. We can see that by looking at subjects like music or art. You defintely do not have as many lessons there as in other subjects. Sometimes you even have to choose between the two and can’t do both at the same time.
    I think nowadays it can be quite easy to awake creativity in children by looking at new trends. In Germany the poetry slam scene is growing and you could use that, e.g. to integrate creative writing in lessons.

  44. What a interesting start!
    Your ending up with questions like «Why today when young people graduate from high school have so many problems in areas such as writing, reading, expression of ideas, the creation of ideas and resolution Problem?»
    I want to answer this question out of my point of view, as a freelance education trainer:

    I think the most people are overstrained with being creative and developing solutions or making their thoughts come true, because they never learn how to. And how could they, as most people / teachers in schools never left schools for more than 4 years, in which they learnt how to survive the rest of their live inside these boxes?

    I think for getting good role models, we need to open up the dusty structures of traditional institutions and let new people in!
    People that know how to do things, how to realize ideas etc.
    And you simply won’t get persons like this coming out of university, as long as the only big difference to schools is the amount of people inside a classroom.

  45. Today this is a very big problem. In my country can’t teach quality education,during longtime school children were sentenced to race just information overload so they were active in the mental area. The education system seriously has deteriorated. Nowadays students growing with inefficient education. A teacher carries a big responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all students depend on her/him. Everything the teacher will have an impact on the students. If the teacher feels joy of feels anger, it will be spread among children because the attitudes of the teacher gets contagious .Teachers are responsible for the social behavior in the classroom. I believe a teacher should be guide for student. All teachers have the key to provide a good environment for the students. The benefits of having a pleasant environment are for the teacher and students. In conclusion, I believe that teachers need to show respect, caring, become role models, make a pleasant environment, treat students right, instructs them but not be totalitarian, and guides them through the road of success.

  46. The reason that there are many graduated young people who have problems reading and writing, is in my opinion, that it’s just not important for most of them to write correctly, especially in times of internet chat and it’s not «cool» to read on your own. So I think it’s task of the teachers and especially of the parents, too, to give their children the sense of importance and of the general knowledge you can get through it.
    The lack of creativity and ideas is partly caused by that, too, because you need a basic level of knowledge to have your own ideas, on the other hand, it’s possible to practice creativity in school, which should be part of the curriculum, too.

  47. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    Nowadays, we are living in a society that is rapidly changing. We are living in a capitalist system that demands specific type of people, of future workers, with more and more qualities, skills, responsibilities and abilities. The whole society, our family, our school, our boss, and as a result we by ourselves, expect from us the increasingly possession of skills and successes.
    So, in addition, as the education is part of this society, the role of the teacher has also changed, and everyone also demands more responsibilities and abilities from her. It is true that they demand from the teacher to undertake a big variety of new roles and be perfect at them. They expect from the teacher to give to her students the appropriate qualities in order to be productive citizens ready to contribute to the progress of this society. But not only the teacher but also the families of the students and the whole society are responsible for the attitudes, the morals and the abilities that the children will obtain.
    What is more, I partly agree that intelligence plays a big role in the individual and social progress, but not only this. In my opinion, the most important thing of a teacher is to be able to help children create their personalities, gain knowledge, have morals such as solidarity and team spirit, be independent, be critical, improve their abilities, be their selves and change this society. These things, these qualities will help them success in their lives, and also improve other people’s life. Even if the people have intelligence but still they only care about their selves, about how to compete each other in order to be in a better economic position, to have prestige, to gain respect without giving respect, to be in the upper class at any cost, for me this is not social and individual progress.
    In the question, why today when young people graduate from high school have so many problems in areas such as writing, reading, expression of ideas, the creation of ideas and resolution, the answer lies in the whole educational system, which is determined by the state and the capitalist system. But it seems to me that the most important question that we all have to ask ourselves is who the reason of all the underlying problems of our society such as, the economic crisis and mainly the crisis of the values, the poverty, the bad living conditions, the illiteracy, the racism, the fascism and the sexism is. And it is indisputable that the answer is not lying only in the teachers, the education system and the lack of the administrative and political support of schools. The initial and main cause is hidden elsewhere. We have to find it, and change it.

  48. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    As I said in my previous comment you have to be born to be a good teacher . But it seems like nowadays teachers are thinking just about money, but like 30-40 years ago (as my parents said) it was totally different. I think that it’s possible to have a really good basic knowledge, but only in Private schools , where teachers have a good pay and where they are more friendly and ,of course , with a good qualification

  49. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    As I said in my previous comment you have to be born to be a good teacher . But it seems like nowadays teachers are thinking just about money, but like 30-40 years ago (as my parents said) it was totally different. I think that it’s possible to have a really good basic knowledge, but only in Private schools , where teachers have a good pay and where they are more friendly and ,of course , with a good qualification.

  50. A teacher must have many skills. He/she does not just educate children, but also upbrings, which means that sometimes upbringing can outweigh educationing. There is also a problem (I think) in most of the European countries, is a «fresh» teacher capable to «breathe» with children? In my country, in Slovenia, if you want to become a teacher, al you need are middle grades. So in this case almost everyone can become a teacher. But what about practical skills? Are they really not so important? You have to emphasize, smile, make children laugh, end fights and conflict between them, help them socialize – mix with people or include and not exclude from the group etc. Many «smart people» are not able to do this, and in these cases children won’t listen to those teachers, they won’t be obedient, they especially will stop listen to them. That’s why we need to make «entrance examination» to show students if they are capable, able to be a strong, powerfull teachers.

  51. Our society today expects more and more of their future members, the students. Due to that their education equally has to contain more and more, while society gets more and more complex.
    The first in line to be responsible to prepare students for their future life are in the opinion of most people the teachers. They should educate theirs students in order to anable them to live their lifes self determined. But this get’s more difficult, since more and more skills are requiered from society.
    Why students nowadays struggle after graduation and are even not able to use basic skills, i don’t precisely know. But n my opinion not the teacher is the one to blame, but the whole educational system. And with it also the parents nd the surroundings of a shild affect the outcome of it’s education. Parents have to support and help their children, too.

  52. Don’t know about all countries but education system in Russia isn’t in a good shape. Everything is moving ahead developing and education system is stuck at the same place it is not developing. There is no new books, knew methods of education all we do is study by the books that was written 20 or more years ago. Education system needs some revolutionary ideas these days coz students are not interested in education itself they just want to get their degrees and thats all. So if everything is gona a be this way for some time education will go down and it would be a lot harder to get it back.

  53. I think the role of a teacher has changed through years; a hundred years ago it was a figure that pupils looked up to, respected and admired. It was also the teacher’s job to instill certain values in students, teach them not only subject but also about life, how to behave, what is important. Unfortunately, these days such functions are fulfilled by mass media. If students have questions of any type, no matter how old they are, very often the first thing they do is to ‘ask Google’, which is not always a good way of learning about our world. Maybe we should make students see something in teachers, some source of knowledge they cannot find in a virtual world? Maybe it is important to build some kind of a bond, trust, some willingness to connect between a student and a teacher, so that they can share their knowledge about life. Maybe the initiative to building such relationships needs to come from the teacher who will open up and make the first step.

  54. Nowadays this is a really big problem. We know that education system is not perfect and the worst thing is that we are doing nothing with it. We cannot blame only teachers but all the school system. Students now dont know how to be creative, they think in a really short way of thinking becouse school dont teach this . Thats why teachers should help students . They should show the way , they should spend some of their time to students if they want to ask a question or they want a bigger and deeper explain. But teachers dont do that . For me they are obligated to do that. Teachers are responsible to helping us and leading trought. We students cannot do it alone (we can do like 70% but for the rest we need a hand from the expert such a teacher)

  55. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    What I have experienced is that it is a very big part of a teacher’s role to educate, and in some cases raise and form their students. These are subjects that for sure are really important in school, but I don’t think that you should mix it up with the education. In my country we have one separate subject where you learn everything from how to cook and take care of ones health to how to pay ones bills and keep ones economy stable. This is a subject that we have in two years and I think that that was enough knowledge. When it is divided in to one subject, there is no need for the other teachers to have to bring these subjects up again, so they can focus on their own teaching subject. If the teacher feels like there is a need among his or hers students to learn more about some specific topic that is «outside the teaching plan» they should maybe have a special time one hour a week or more, where the students can ask questions and discuss subjects that they want to learn ore about.

  56. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    Of course the problem is serious and it would be foolishness to say that educational programms are good and prepare young people to the future life. The problem is serious because students are not teached how to think widely, how to find more than just one answer. They are not given enough time to debate and reflect on the issue. Book, teachers, exams, all of them predict just one clue and expect students to stick to that. But this not how we could develop intelligence. Intelligence comes from knowledge, from observation, from discussion, from knowing new points of view. This are things that should be introduced at schools. The range of knowledge given can be sufficient but the way of presenting it should really change.

  57. Iveta Lošáková dice: Responder

    The teacher has in his professional life very responsible role . He holds in his hands the child’s personality . Already in kindergarten shapes the personality of the child , it is very important that teachers know how to motivate a child to develop a child to be well prepared for school education. The teacher must have a lot of knowledge, so that he could pass for a child who is in the development of the most curious. It is important to continually educate teachers , because nowadays they are subject to higher requirements than it was before. The teacher should also be friendly , active and positive to motivate the child to learn and it could develop their talent or intelligence.
    I also agree that students who graduated high school has problems because the school learned a lot of theoretical things, which in practice will not use or they do not know how to use it. The teacher should be concerned about a child at school and ask what he wanted to do in the future and possibly advise him to have a clear mind.

  58. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    It is true that nowadays, the teachers’s job has become more and more complicated. It is not like the past, that teachers should only teach students basic things, such as maths, reading and writing and even discipline. Their role has changed, because the society has also changed rapidly. Now teachers should being educated all the time. They have to be informed bout everything new, that may influence their teaching. Children also know more now, and they can have access to every kind of information through the internet. Teachers should have a lot of skills, so at to be flexible, to prepare students for the society and the situations they have to face, to be competitive. Students must be taught things that will help them later to be strong personalities, with willing, skills and motive to be and live in a society, that demands a lot from them.

  59. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Teachears have got lots of responsibility. I think; teacher had better teach; information to help business of student. Teachers shouldn’t create knowledge crowd of students minds. Firstly ; Teachers should explore the students learning style and teachers should teaching with this method.
    The task of teacher is to prepare children tol ive the future. This isn’t an easy thing. This is very sensitive and complex work. Very difficult life are waiting children at after school. Challenging to prepare children tol ive is a very important job. Teachers should be made taking their tobs seriously.
    If you thought a teaching job was a cakewalk, think again! The responsibilities and duties of a teacher are many and varied. Teachers act as facilitators for incorporating and encouraging intellectual and social development in the formative years of a student’s life. The emphasis that education helps uplift someone socially, intellectually, emotionally, and personally is what a teacher fosters in children all through preschool, high school and college. A preschool teacher plays a pivotal role in a child’s development, and although, the role of a preschool, high school and a college teacher may differ to meet specific age and subject criteria, it cannot be argued that the duties and responsibilities of a teacher will always remain the same.

  60. Gülsüm Büşra DURA dice: Responder

    In this instance, education system is incorrect with teachers. According to me when people graduate if still is not enoigh in reading, writing and self-expression , teacher was unable to teach them with nothing. Teacher only should not enter and exit course for take a salary. Teacher against student’s should know to express of future generation. If the teacher wants to see, what should exert. Because at the same time student can reflect them teacher to environmentally. For example; when we started school, what we saw this behavior in our family-size and when we graduate or starting to working life, what if they gave us from our families plus our teachers we will forward them environmentally. If a teacher did everything from hand and when student graduated is still unable to express yourself this situation education system incorrect. But i believe that it is still the biggest factor in teacher.

  61. Janis Priedkalns dice: Responder

    Teacher is that cretive person from who we take a lot of knowledge. Yhe teacher need to see how good or how bad students understand the subject. Teacher is responsible for knowledge which gets childrens, but not only he. Also a big role takes parents which motivates children to do things better and better. Also parents are very good teachers because they can give us knowledge from their experience. That is ver good if teacher is also good in other fields. He is very creative and he can give a lot of iteresting ideas.
    Also teacher need to be flexible and very kind to students. If teacher will be kind and understanding students will not be upset and closed insade them. Teacher need to show students strongest sides and help them all the time upgrade it.
    He need to be understanding about student emotions and feelings, and let students to tell their experience.

  62. A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. To be successful, a great teacher must have:
    An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style: A great teacher is very engaging and holds the attention of students in all discussions.
    Clear Objectives for Lessons: A great teacher establishes clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.
    Effective Discipline Skills: A great teacher has effective discipline skills and can promote positive behaviors and change in the classroom.
    Good Classroom Management Skills: A great teacher has good classroom management skills and can ensure good student behavior, effective study and work habits, and an overall sense of respect in the classroom.
    Good Communication with Parents: A great teacher maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
    High Expectations:A great teacher has high expectations of their students and encourages everyone to always work at their best level.
    Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards
    A great teacher has thorough knowledge of the school’s curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
    Knowledge of Subject Matter: This may seem obvious, but is sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the material interesting for the students.
    Passion for Children and Teaching: A great teacher is passionate about teaching and working with children. They are excited about influencing students’ lives and understand the impact they have.
    Strong Rapport with Students: A great teacher develops a strong rapport with students and establishes trusting relationships.

  63. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    Defenitely, teachers have to fulfill higher requirements nowadays, than they did before. As the socierty became more complex, also teachers have to act in many new fields, which are not directly linked to their main subjects. As parents mostly have a fulltime-job nowadays, the responsibility of a teacher is increasing. They are now responsible for a bigger part of the children´s education. Many parents expect from their children´s teachers to resolve personal problems of their child, because they are not able to manage serious problems or just have no energy to bother with these problems after coming home from work. So i think that absent support from home is nowadays a serious problem children have to force. On the other hand i also think that teachers are not prepared to handle such situations, because they never received a particular formation on these fields.

  64. The new educational programs not contain yet the tools we should use this time. Creativity we already have unlearned at this age, so to use that all of a sudden, we are simply not used to it and is thereby an uncertain factor to use. Furthermore, we want young people to learn things as long as it’s a «real» subject, like math, history etc. Teachers and professors don’t teach life lessons and other issues. They assume that parents will teach them that, but what if they don’t. What in my opinion is very important to develop yourself the best and make yourself a better person. The solution will be that there would be a subject that contains questions about life and personal development. For example; What do you want in future? Not only the job you want to have, but also what makes you happy and what talents can you use to reach your goals in life!

  65. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    The text highlights the importance of «intelligence». I believe that developing children’s intelligence may have been put aside by nowadays’ teachers. Obviously, they can’t be responsible for it. Society has been changing and keeps doing so faster and faster, and that’s what unsettles our educational system today. The question is: «Where can we find a solution?». Well, I think the solution can be fund among children as they are the goldmines. During their critical period, they may be the only human beings who are able to assimilate and absorb knowledge as quick as society mutates. Their creativity and imagination could lead the entire educational system, provided nowadays’ teachers «exploit» their pupils in an effective way.
    This effective way might be that of intelligence development. Many scientific researches have proved that everybody is provided with several kinds of intelligences: intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, bodily, logical, linguistic and spatial intelligence. I think we have managed to develop almost all of them so far, except intra and interpersonal intelligence. Indeed, these two intelligences are those mostly related to students’ emotions, which is close to the emotional alphabetization promoted by Goleman. Emotional alphabetization being considered as key to succeed in society, I believe that teachers should be trained to provide their pupils or students with an emotional intelligence as a social guideline to understand the world they live in. Only then will they be able to solve the social structural issues that we are going through.

  66. Teachers really have a big field of tasks to manage. In my eye there are more duties than teaching itself. Nowadays teachers are educater, scientist and also mediators, they have to look beneath the surface of their students family background to understand their actings. Also, in my opinion, even if the number of duties and needed abilities is increasing the public view of teachers decreases. In the public there is still the opinion that teachers are lazy people who only spent 45 minutes to entertain the children. I think this is a big problem for the professionality of teachers, because the public only sees that more and more students recive bad marks. Instead, I think that the society gives its duties away and does not even think about that education also takes place in a public (-cultural) and in a family level.

  67. Valda Anilonite dice: Responder

    Society’s thoughts, values and needs are changing very quickly, so it is becoming harder and harder for teachers to educate and prepare children for real life and society which awaits them after finishing school. In my opinion the new teachers should have to study more psychology and sociology, both teachers and students could benefit from that.
    But I don’t think that the whole blame falls on the teacher if child isn’t fully prepared for real life after graduating school, because not only the teachers are responsible for students problems in areas such as writing, reading, expression of ideas, the creation of ideas and so on… I agree with Sara Idzig that first the school system and the thinking of the society needs to change. One of the things that society needs to change their opinion about is that parents and society are the role models for children too, they become the person they are because of all that surrounds them, so to blame a teacher for that and on top of that to not know the value of a good teacher is just frustrating.

  68. Before the society expect from teacher that they would teach about all kind of information (health, emotions, mediation in the time of problems etc.) besides the learning material of their subject, it should equip them with the corresponding knowledge, starting with teaching about that at the faculty of education. In my opinion it is not the blame of the teachers that the “output” of the school system isn’t a person who is capable of active, productive and supportive citizen participation. It is the school system and the thinking of the society which needs to change at the first place. To educate a child is not just a responsibility of a school, but also family and the society (with its values, good example) in general. All this have an influence on a growing child. I think when we would change our thinking, when we would stop blaming teachers, when we would realize that we all contribute and we all are responsible for changes, then something can change on that field.

  69. Iris Eliane Heß dice: Responder

    As said in the article, children nowadays need to be prepared for a society that is becoming more and more complex. So it is really difficult for teachers to prepare pupils for the future and their participation in society. That they can handle this, they need to be well prepared themselves and that means that they must have a profound knowledge about our society and what´s going on. They have to integrate sociology and psychology in their studies. Teachers have to do a complex and demanding job. I think they gain too little recognition for their job and they are sometimes not supported enough during all their working time to improve their skills. There are some teachers who see their job as their vocation and these are the ones who give their best for every single student, but not everybody is like that. They should be encouraged to do that because our whole society gains profit from good teachers.

  70. Pierre Lefebvre dice: Responder

    As you said there is a problem. We should deeply revise the teacher’s formation. The role of the teacher is so important that we can’t neglect any point of the formation. And also, if we are aware of the problem we have to work on.
    How it’s possible to educate children if you are not aware of you role in the child life. The teacher has to be able to listen the children and do an analyse of them. Like that, to know how to take answer them, what to give them. For exemple, i think that equality in school is not necessarly the best thing to do. How we can give the same to everybody if we are all diferent. We are not able to receive and take the same thing. And moreover this equality can show up, bad consecuenses. Contradictorily, equality can show up jealousy.

  71. Asuman ŞİMŞEK dice: Responder

    Teaching process is something very complicated. When you have a class with 30 pupils, it means you need to apply thirty different learning styles. I think that’s why it is complex. Teachers should focus on diversities in classroom. Each pupils need to be educated differently. Of course it seems attempting to impossibilities at least in Turkey. But nothing is impossible when there is a such a curriculum which makes students learn being productive and creative. In this point teachers contract lots of liabilities. I think the education programs still cannot pass beyond being stereotyped that’s why students graduated don’t know how to be a creator because in school, they were taught how to learn existed creating things. They don’t know what means solving a problem, because until that day they just saw stereotype solutions and problems. They don’t know expressing their ideas because they were taught only how to listen ideas. I think this is our problem should be solved as soon as possible. We are afraid of getting out of line. We don’t even try to see other ways because this is what taught us in our education life. Intelligence is not something you will gain in school but you improve, use it in school. Educators firstly should realize it.

  72. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    This is all about lack of learning about values in the process of studying to be a teacher. In our primary education, high school education or even in our family we are taught some specific values common among society. But I think after, in our academic life in university, we focus on our future and topics required by our departments. We totally forget about what we learned in our previous educational processes. Some teachers just think that they are perfect because they know everything about their department and give every required information to their students. But being a teacher is not about just that. When you are the teacher of somebody you are also their life coach, their friend, their family. When they look from this aspect maybe this problem can be solved easily. I know many teachers see teaching just a job and care only about their salary. Teachers should improve their skills everytime and develop their knowledge. So in my opinion, in the education of being a teacher, these requirements should be involved and teacher should think broadly.

  73. I agree that teacher should be with lot of skills, with competences and responsible, because they work with other people, whose only base is teacher, who build them. Nowadays society are competitive, so, teacher must be flexible, give all kind of information, educate about modern and useful things. Of course, state wants the people, who will work for them, and they ask it to teacher, make educational system as them need, so teacher profession is very hard and wide.
    I agree, that pupils, who graduated secondary school has a problems, because them teach a lot of things which they can not use in their lives. One of the reason why pupils have a crisis of values is, that, teacher do not know how to make an interest in them, teacher do not have recourses.We have an ideals in society, but not in individual life, in survival. Some people learn it by themselves, some converge with society.

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