Learning is more important than education

In many sectors, the paths that knowledge and learning are taking and the scene to which they are exposed coincide with the objective of developing education and training along the whole life, that is, the expression of the will of promoting the highest level of knowledge possible through a wide access to education, an integrated education, which is continuously updated and in which the most used social and tecnological mass media are integrated.

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Commonly, three main dimensions refer to the integration and updating of what is called “the society of knowledge”. They are the following:

In relation with knowledge, in order to participate actively in the transformations which are taking place citizens will make their knowledge evolve permanently, so that they will increase and will be renewed constantly.

In relation with citizenship, this means an enrichment of the citizens since common values will be shared and a feeling of belonging to a common social and cultural space will develop.

In relation with abilities, the development of attitudes for work through the acquisition of the abilities which turn to be necessary due to the evolution of work and its organisation (in this point exists an important problem as Ronald Barnett shows). This means that, now, more than ever, it is fundamental to foster, along the whole life, creativity, flexibility, adaptability and the ability to teach how to learn and solve problems. These abilities are related to the new knowledge and the perspectives about it, and also, with the introduction of the mass media in educational centres, although, this may be done through the use that teachers make of them. Following these premises, the gap between qualifications can be avoided.

The final step in these three dimensions of international concern seems to be the necessity of introducing intensively the technologies of information and communication, in order to have satisfactory results in relation to what was planned.

These attempts show, deep down, the fact that education and learning are not exclusive of educational centres, but also of other learning centres, in which genuine educational activities take place, such as vocational training centres, cultural organisations (museums, theatres, cinemas, bookshops, etc.) and youth associations.

Yes, learning is more important than education.


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72 respuestas a “Learning is more important than education”

  1. Davud Annamyradov dice: Responder

    This is the one of the issues that is discussed in each society.Humanbeings in al points in accordance with abilities are incomlete .İn every field of life our knowlede is incomplete by learning we r getting completed.Human is learning during the whole life even itsn’t enough 20 years that we give to education. We need to be perfected through learning and progress by aquring knowledge . İn the education systems today that we are encouraged they need to educate how to learn and improve abilities by using innovative technologies. And education makes you better. Learning is integrated with education and to improve learning skills of persons depends to education that we have encouraged. Therefore learning is a part of our life everytime we need to learn new things in this changing world.

  2. I totally agree with this statement. The moment we are born we are constantly learning. Let it be consciously or sub-c. throughout the whole day. Learning is a life-long process and has no limits with regard to scope or facets. However, as not everyone has the same opportunities and attitudes to learn, it is necessary that the government offers and establishes a good basis of education to enable every citizen the equal opportunity to learn. To be more concrete, education helps to ensure equal opportunities for everyone in the society and allows to have common ground of knowledge in order to be able to communicate and to do business together. But in the end, the ability to learn is fundamental and enables us to be critical with what we receive from the education.

  3. I also agree partly with this article.For me education and learning should be connected and combined in our lives. Especially in nowadays, in order to react,understand and have an opinion about what is happening in the world (ex.politics) we need to have some education.Of course learning is also very important and absolutely necessary.What i am saying is that education and learning should be equal .Because knowledge can give us the «base» from where we start and learning can «lead» us as far as we wish.

  4. Katharina Linka dice: Responder

    I personally agree to the statement ‘Learning is more important than education’. We learn in all kind of situations, even without noticing it. We start with this learning process as soon as we are born, in our childhood, as young adults, when we become parents and even when we are old.
    Learning is not restricted to education: to the norms and values we get communicated and to what we learn in schoon and university.
    Learning goes beyond that as we can learn new things in each situation of our life.

  5. Increasingly in the public space appears discussions related to changes the paradigm of education, where the focus shifts go more clearly from the teaching process to learning process. When I think about education I increasingly focus on students rather than schools. In my opinion, going in this direction is the most justified because learning process is absolutely the most important. Keep in mind that the school is not the only place where we are learning. The learning process takes place in different contexts and takes many forms. Very important is also the concept of Life Long Learning, especially in the modern world – characterized by continuous changes in every field of life.

  6. I am only agreeing partly with the statement that learning is more important that education. I would not really say that learning is more important but maybe more frequent. Education is highly angraving us in our life, especially in the first 20 years of our lives. Even though we are not being educated throughout the whole life time. Learning on the other hand is something we are doing throughout our whole life in many different situations. We never stop learning, if it is from our experiences, abilities or knowledge. All in all, I really like this article and I agree on the three main dimensions. I just would not say that one is more important than the other.

  7. Karolina Kozłowska dice: Responder

    For me it is obvious that learning is more important than education. As I can understand it, education is only one of the many ways how we can reach something more and get some new knowledge. Because new knowledge and new experiences are neccessary for living good and fully, we are learning everyday by choosing the most developing environment and the best available conditions. Sometimes from simple conversation we can get something extremely developing for ourselves. That’s why I’m sure in 100% that learning is far more important than simply education!

  8. Niko samsonidse dice: Responder

    In my opinion the ideas or specifically concepts of learning and education differ a lot. Even though they cause each other (other comments) .
    Moreover, calling learning and also education a life long process, what would happen without the aim to develop and adjust to the new possibilities (e.g. technology) ? Being stuck in a system without any changes even though the people’s views and possibilities change?
    So in my opinion the experiences we get from the life long learning (doesn’t matter if that’s happening in an institution) , should always influence the education or better the concept of it. Without learning there wouldn’t exist education.

  9. I agree, that learning is more important than education, because i regard education as a part of the life-long learning process. We are learning throughout the whole journey of our life. First we learn from our parents and family. We learn new things through our sences like sound, touch and hearing. During life we meet many people, we experience a lot of situations that allow us to exchange experiences and also to learn from each other. Sharing experiences is important because you can learn from other peoples mistakes. I think the experiences we make create a big part of our personality. Of course, education plays a big role in our life, but in the end the real life always teaches you best.

  10. Learning and education are both very different concepts, however at the same time they compliment each other so well. The idea that learning is more important than education is a difficult one, learning is something which is constant in our lives, from the day we are born until the day that we die we are constantly learning new things. The education side is the knowledge of which we are learning, so without the actual knowledge we wouldn’t even be learning. Nowadays within education I think it’s more important to be able to think critically and be able to learn and explore, not just have information relayed to us so that we are able to put it onto an exam, without a deep and meaningful understanding of it.
    Learning is also often a more trial and error way of acquiring information, whereas education is formal and sticks to a long tradition of theories etc, when we are young we learn how to stand, talk, play and societies norms through trial and error, so why can’t we apply the same concept to education the whole way up to further education?

  11. I totally agree with this article, sithence all the thing which are surround us, have got some knowledge, we aren’t learn just from the school, we can learn a lot in for example from museums, cultural programs, we can learn from new persons and new experience. Therefore along with the education we have to let them to learn by themselves. Moreover this kind of learning starts from when they were born, and the children can learn the most resultful in their first few years, but it is see us through all the life, it takes until the death, it is never stop to being, but the education just takes through some life period. In the school they teach us how to read, write or count, they teach us about history, but they don’t teach us how to stand in our ground in the life, how to solve the biggest questions of life, which i think it is the most important knowledge in the life!

  12. Some wise person said: «People are learning through their entire life.» And i can say that i agree with this words- our education in the «study of life» begin with our first breath taken. And in the first years, step by step we gather some general knowledge. But after some time we need to learn more and more and this supose to happen through the educational school system. We go to school to have not only «sientific» knowledge, but also to develop some social skills and etc. But personaly for me the most important role of the school is that the school is the place, the institution which should make is a good learners. With education we can improve our learning skills. But infortunatly this days in the schools it seems that the social skills and improving the learning process are not that important things. I agree with the article about the importance of the mass media because in my oppinion it`s good way for teachers (and students as well) to share an experiance, and to develop their creativity and flexability as well and it`s also a good way to enlarge our «cultural knowledge» which can be helpful by makin us more open and tolerant to the world.

  13. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    We should learn all our lives, and not only develop this skills which we have, but we should try to get the new one. Nowadays we need to adapt very fast for a lot situations and the world is changig very fast, thats why flexibility and creativity and the knowlegde of how to solve the problems should be our guides. We need to create a habbit to learn in childrens, because we have just fiew years to educate them, and later they are for their own, thats why it is so important to create this habbit. From another hand education is also really important, because our societies are using this process to get the same basic knowedge for everyone.

  14. Learning is the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something: the activity of someone who learns. The education is on the other side the action or process of teaching someone especially in a school, college, or university; the knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from attending a school, college, or university. Learning is more or less connected with life, education with schools, teachers. It is hard for me, to choose one of this component, but I think learning is more important, because we learn something new every day. Also schools are important to get formal education. But nowadays even if you have formal education, two or more degrees, you can be without job. In Slovenia is this normal. And we have to change this as soon as possible.

  15. It´s difficult to write about this topic… On the one hand with a good education we also learning how to learn. And I thing that´s the point. It always depends on the eductionsystem! For examalpe you can work with your children that they learn by itself.Don´t give them task. Ask them what they want to know. Children are interested in a lot of things all the time. So they will look for the things they want to know ant learn it by itself. You only have to give them the sources. Learning also start much earlier as education. In Austria the school starts at 6 years but you start to learn after your first day. Of course you also get educated in the kindergarten or in by your parents. But you cant compare eduaction with learing! You learn you whole live, from your first day until your death. If not you will not have sucess! There is an old german adage: You don´t learn for school, you learn for your life!

  16. To be honest I never thought about the difference between the two sectors, but this article drew my attention to some fairly fundamental issues that differ these two things. After 3 years of study, I can see perfectly that much more important in our lives is learning. That’s what we learn useful to us in our work, or the future. Education also is incredibly important because sometimes without it we cannot show full of our potential, however, does not give it everything and in most cases it is »empty» learning something that does not completely make sense.

  17. Learning is an educational process.This process of understanding and applying must pass. Otherwise, they would not be learning.Nowadays, education systems and curricula are constantly changing.Because we are in an age of technology.And we must comply with the return of this era.Because education during certain periods of our lives would be.If learning takes place throughout our whole life.And in this case, is necessary to keep pace with the innovations of the age.I think learning should attempt to sustain more.This is should be.In every area of our lives that may be required should be able to learn outside school information. For this, various courses, short-term training seminars can be opened.Life to those who have completed the training courses may be short-term.Thus, they would have continued the process of learning.I think sometimes more advantageous to be trained to learn.Because of our human learning experience.

  18. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    I believe that there are two types of learning. The type you gain from academic institutions and the type that you gain for experience and being out in the world. Both are equally important for a persons mental and personal growth and development. I think that both this processes go hand in hand for the most part however I do believe that there are some things that you can’t learn in the classroom and can only learn from experience. However I do not think that one process you more important than the other. I truly think that a person’s individual thoughts and opinions are shaped by their experiences but that their academical knowledge is learnt in the classroom.

  19. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    Learning is absolutely more important than education, however education is important also. But to learn there is a lot of opportunity in life, not just with the education. In life we can learn in many different ways. We meet a lot of people, go to many places, learn about their history, culture, and habits. And of course in daily life we learn the most. Every day can be a challenge, in every day can be some new. Otherwise education sometimes gives plus information about the things what we already know, this way learn something new about it again. The knowledge is everywhere, dont need education for it, jus need an environment and good abilities.

  20. Actually I have never thought about the difference between learning and education. And yes, I agree that learning is more important than education. It’s a fact that everything we learn in our life, we will use somehow, because we have actually learnt from experiences. And education is in some ways nothing more than a ‘brain-washing’. The problem is just that with education you get a piece of paper that proves your knowledge. That piece of paper gives you some kind of value. I believe, that is in a world a lot of people without any degree and they are much smarter than some people with MD. But, who is going to hire them?

  21. During the last century we have moved from the Industrial Age through the Information Age to the Knowledge Age. The ability to obtain, assimilate and apply the right knowledge effectively, will become a key skill in the next century. Our ability will no longer be judged solely by qualifications gained in the past, but will also be assessed by our capacity to learn and adapt in the future.
    Learning isn’t just about economic success, however. It is the key to achieving our full potential. Human beings are uniquely adapted to learn and we have the ability to do so throughout our lives.

  22. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    At our university we teach the students to actively participate in society. So how can a student as an individual a citizen and what things are there to watch. I just do not agree with the title of the article. I agree with the fact that to grow as a citizen is important internationally, but I will not go weigh towards education. It is best if you can mix the three dimensions of education. It is important that the student these three dimensions takes intensively taught, so that they can make to society and help with new and innovative ideas to help the world.

  23. We have a proverb that who knows more? Is the one who travels or wander or Is the one who reads a lot? We always say the one who wander or travels a lot. As it is mentioned in this article, going to the museums, theatres etc. will be more effective because you will see everything and you will think about it at the same time and you will learn in that place. So, you won’t forget it beacuse while you are learning, you see, hear and touch. With this senses, you will learn easier than reading a book or listening the lectures in the class. When the teacher says to you that there is a museum it has bla bla bla, you will forget it after 1 month maybe. Buf if you go to the museum and when you see it’s features, you won’t forget it never. So, I think that learning is more important than education.

  24. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    Modern man should learn throughout life. It requires people not only high motivation but also the skills of learning that we gain is through education. Nowadays, progress of civilization, each human must learn and expand their horizons. More and more valued education and preparation for life, allowing for adaptation and development in a constantly changing environment, while becoming less popular is the theoretical knowledge which is not useful to adapt. Currenly increase sense of responsibility for education as a process of preparing the student for the challenges of a complex and full of life. Learning is a necessity, as is the quality of our life, both material and spiritual. At the same time by the possibilities that science give pepole allow them to decide about yourself, help to shape the personality. Therefore, I believe that learning is more important than education

  25. I agree that learning is by far more important than just education and that it is a continous process. Reading this article I was reminded of the constructivism model of education which I consider as very useful. If education aims to teach their students how to acquire knowledge and skills in a self-dependent way, education constitutes an excellent basis for a successful life-learning process. Therefore students should be more encouraged playing an active part in school. Of course learning not always happens in a conscious way. We learn by experiences, mistakes, experiments, observation etc.

  26. I agree that learning should be more important than just education. However, in order to attend college and university you require a certain level of education. Im not saying that what you have learned in school is not relevant but they tend to be more interested with what you have achieved in terms of grades than what knowledge you have consumed. I wish it was different but todays education system and teaching has unfortunately driven us to becoming a grade orientated society, putting many students at a disadvantage. However its important to strive as an individual to further your knowledge and learning as well as achieving academic success. in doing this you are therefore maintaining a healthy balance which will greatly benefit you when seeking employment.

  27. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    I certainly believe that learning is a process which never stops. Throughout your life various experiences can alternate your perceptions and also make you grow as a person. A common phrase is ‘you learn from your experiences’ and this is a very true statement. I believe you can learn something new almost every day, whether it be about yourself, another person or indeed anything which is relevant in your life. Education does not continue throughout your life therefore I would deem it less important than ‘learning’ if it is necessary to distinguish the two. Education is the grounding whereas learning is the building which you can grow into.

  28. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    In fact, there are several types of education. Basic education means ability in reading, writing and arithmetic. When you obtain professional training, we trained for a profession. And that was enough 30 years ago. But what about nowadays? What’s the new recipe for success?
    Imagination and creativity are more important than knowledge, because it helps to find new solutions to problems and give us new insight. If successful people, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,… would not have the imagination and ideas, they would be quite average and we won’t even know them. Once you have developed your imagination and you are not afraid to explore your ideas, then you will learn everything necessary. And that is what most people can not – fear and laziness paralyze them, and they stay where they are.

  29. In my point of view learning and education are really important but education it’s also a part of learning so learning and to be educate are coordinate, learning is probably a longest process because you will learn during all your life without exeption but education it’s only a small part of your life.
    Sadly the education today is very strict and the children need to folow only one way for being educate but we don’t put to much importance about the hobby or the creativity but the children learn only how to being a good person in the society and that’s kill them own personality.

  30. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    We are learning throughout all life. First we learn from parents and family. We learn new things through sound, touch and hearing. During the life we meet many people, a lot of situations that allow us to exchange experiences, to learn from each other, sometimes also to make a mistakes and then to know how to fix them. That’s why i think that learning is the most important thing and it create our personality. Of course, education is not without significance, but it’s only some period of life and if not learning and our experiences we won’t even be able to use this knowledge in practice. We should do our best in education process, but at the same time remember that life is the best teacher.

  31. “Learning is more important than education” – I strongly believe that this sentence is 100% true.
    Our processes of learning lasts all our life: from birth to death. First, we learn from our parents, family. By playing children discover the first information about the world. Later our own actions and experiences teach us a lesson of live – this is the most important lesson e can learn.
    Of course education which pupils get from the school is very important, but not enough. As important as lessons in schools are meeting other people, spending time with friends, reading books, going to theatres. In my opinion on every step of our life we have a possibility to meet someone or something which can teach us something new – this is the most precious lessons.

  32. Learning things and skills that are important for quality life is very important. Undoubtedly, the level of education helps, but not enough. I know quite a few very smart people who have dedicated their lives to learning and they achieved the highest level of education, but unfortunately I cannot say that they are successful and happy in life. They lack other skills which you get by hanging out, free time activities, student work, and so on. Very important is self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, so I think that teachers should give this more focus and strengthen the students in this area that they will be happier, stronger, and thus easier to cope with everyday situations that life brings.

  33. This article should be a guide for the teachers to make them realise how important roles they are doing in the society. Education is a very important aspect in everyone’s life. It starts in early childhood and continues through many many years. The point is that it continues ONLY through many years, not through the whole life as does the learning. Learning means gaining knowledge from various fields of human life, not only the knowledge connected strictly with school and its subjects. Learning assists us from the beginning till the end of our life. Thank’s to it we know how to behave, how to live in the society. Education has got nothing to do with it.

  34. I completely agree with this article. I strongly believe that polish educational system should be changed. There should be subjects like polish and history to help students understand what happend with our country in the past. I think that everyone should possess this knowledge about one’s country. There should be also subject like cultural education which will help students to become a better citicens. And there should be subjects which teach students how to think creatively, how to solve problems, how to be more efficient, how to learn more effectively, etc. We can’t also forget about IT subjects. Nowadays it is a must.

  35. As the title emphasizes, learning is more important than education. The most crucial reason is that learning is a lifelong process while education is taken at some point of in our lives. And the other important factor is that learning is relatively individual while education is something that that an individual gets from an outside source. Learning starts from birth and lasts till death. The article indicates three main dimensions called “the society of knowledge”. I would like to put emphasis on the third dimension; which suggests that we need to know how to learn and how to solve problems. It implies that we should take responsibility of our own learning. That means we should learn outside the educational places- everywhere. There is an approach that support to teach how to learn and how to solve problems on your own. It is called “teaching learning strategies”. I do believe that when students know how to learn they will learn more and more and they will take the responsibility of their own learning; which means educational needs will be met.

  36. In my opinion education is more important than learning, because education is only one of the many forms of learning. From the day we are born, we are constantly being bombarded with input from various impressions. We learn from this, either we want or not. It’s going straight to ours subconsciousness. We learn by mimicking others, listening, reading, the list could go on forever. Education is different, you either learn or not. Education it lasts for many years of our lives and it finishes at some point. Unfortunately some people don’t want to continue to develop themselves… That’s why learning is more important. If you are interested, the chances are that you will succeed and become a master.
    Because curiosity is the very heart of learning!

  37. I agree that education and learning are not the same concepts. For me, learning is a process that does not stop, we learn every day, we acquire new skills and knowledge. Education is more like a tool that can help us to absorb knowledge better, it can show us how to use it and what there is to learn. It is very important to contron one´s learning and education process. We shouldn´t study just for the sake of studying of passing the exams, we should know what we want to achieve and why, what aour short- and long-distance goals are. Also, we should look for a diverse sources for our learning – not only books or the Internet but also talking to people, carrying out our own little research or experiments, using the experience of other people.

  38. Learning and education are two different concepts and I do not think we should lump them together. Education is also necessary, but has nothing to do with learning. We all learn a million things every given day simply by living our lives, getting to know new people, taking a walk in the park, having a nice dinner. We all learn something from those experiences and we all draw a lesson at the end of the day. If education was more life-like, we could call it learning. Education gives us loads of examples of things we will never be able to use in our everyday lives, but we need to get forward with our studies which helps us get closer to a life we would like to live (if that is what we want). So, in this case, their importance is equal.

  39. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, which can be beneficial to an individual. On the contrary, learning is the process of adopting knowledge, values and skills.Learning is knowledge gained through experience, and education is knowledge gained through teaching. Education can be said to be well organised, whereas learning is something that is related to an individual’s perception.
    Learning is a first order activity a species engages in for self benefit.In human beings, learning is a process in which someone comes to know something. The learning can be: guided and intentional (on the part of the learner); unguided and intentional ; guided and unintentional;unguided and unintentional.
    Education is the definition by a source external to an individual of what is to be learned according to the external sources’ wants,needs and desires.

  40. I am not sure if everybody knows the real meaning of education. Education does not mean a prison for students to teach them knowledge. The real meaning of education is to improve your capacity about what you learned and what you are still learning. Education spreads awareness in society about how we can be a good social being and help others in our daily life. Education removes blanket of ignorance and helps people in making them know about their fundamental rights. Education helps in imparting moral values which are missing in our youth and need to be addressed carefully for creating a good society. We see that there are many uneducated politicians running our government selfishly and for the proper functioning of governance we need to bring more educated people in politics. Our brains are appreciated across the globe for their intellect and it has been in our blood and only education can help groom it.

  41. I agree that learnig is more important then education. Like the article says, we learn in different kind of situation, not only at school. Just a small percentage of our life time, we spend learning on school, and what we learn there, is just information, it’s not life. From the moment you are born, you start exploring, you start learning trough exploration. Two years ago, I took a sabatical year and went to South America, I travelled around all by myself. I have learned there heaps of thing that I could have never learning in high school. It’s called life experience, you learn things for life, you learn them through a different kind of way, through experience. When I was playing with my siblings in my youth, I was also learning. When I saw people call to their solidarity and volunteer, I was also learning. I was learning the important things in life, to be able to survive, in a human way.

  42. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    Yes, learning is more important than education. Our learning starts from the moment we are born. We learn during all of our life and I believe the learning never stops. And that will help me become a better teacher. The children learn in their everyday life, from friends, family, media and culture. This learning happens both in school and outside of school. While I think that education mostly happens in school, for a specific purpose. We need to use the knowledge, learning and education in the right ways together in school… I believe that we need all this in a balanced way so that the learning and knowledge is real and «deep».

  43. Yes I think that learning is more importatnt than eduction. We’re learning all teh time not only in school but also in our life each day. Chilrden are learning outside playing with other kids. I agree with this because we start to learning since we are small and we learn sometings even before we go to school and start to focus on education. But I think that for most people education and learning is still the same thing. For example I think that teachers think that too. That education and learning is the same. But we should be aware of the diffrence especialy the teachers.

  44. In my opinion, learning is important. Very important. I would never deny that. However, learning can quickly and easily become a self-indulgent addiction in the information age that deters us from the action required for any level of success. As I have more subtly pointed out before, Too often we confuse engagement with productivity. Yes, there are a lot of smart, wealthy individuals in this world – we hear of these stories most often. But the side of the story seldom discussed is the fact that there are even more poor and struggling geniuses in this world. We are often led to believe that knowledge creates a better life. This is not entirely so. If knowledge were all it took, there would be many more happy, wealthy people.

  45. When I read this text I realized that I never thought about the difference between education and learning. For me those words has always walk hand in hand and that we learn thru education and of course our every day life. But now I start thinking that in our society, at least in Sweden it´s so much focus on education and that we have to be better at education in our schools. But we forget about that the children are in school to learn and they need new ways to do it, and the school has to be creative and flexible to find out new ways. But they just focus on that the school needs a better education, on paper, like more educated people and new expensive digital tools. But I think we have to start lay all our focus on the learning, because it´s like you say, Learning is more important then education..

  46. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    Even the new technologys of information and communication getting more and more important in our society, I only would use them for teaching, if it’s really necessary. The reason is, that nowadays children spend a lot of time at home in front of the computer, smartphone, tablet and so on. For me it is pointless to use the new technologys also all the time at school, because I think children shouldn’t spend their majority of time with it. Maybe the children would be more successful in their futur job and earn more money, but in my opinion that is not the most important thing of education. I would use new technologys to teach children how they can use it to get new knowledge and learning games are also very meaningful. Education shouldn’t be always coupled on economy interests, it should be coupled in the interests of the children.

  47. Learning and Education to people can mean many different things. Personally, learning is a process which is not forced on a child, it is very natural and can be influenced in many ways. Such examples of learning include how if a child was to touch a hot surface and hurt him/herself, they would learn not to do that again. Education in the formal sense is not needed for the child to understand this.
    In the formal settings of the education system it is very easy to forget this. It’s hard on teachers to take such an approach sometimes when there is a very direct focus on curriculum that needs to be carried out and a clear set of tasks.
    Education, clearly is very important and necessary for people to enhance themselves as human beings but it is possible our approaches to education is wrong. Often, you can ask a child if they enjoy school and often they don’t. However, a child will thoroughly enjoy playing educational games and books when in a much less formal situation. This demonstrates how the child will crave to learn and is very willing to, but once when get the approach correctly. It is widely known how you learn through practise and doing and often is the case that educators do not practise this concept.

    We need to not forget the importance of learning as we go through life as when it comes to it, we are learning everyday through the people we meet, experiences and simply by living. We need to recognise the importance of education but also understand that there is much more to just education and we need to open our eyes to other corners of the world.

  48. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    I believe that learning is life long process, for me this word doesnt connect just to the school area and youth. Therefor I totally agree that is more important than achieved education as we know it form nowadays society. This is usually not more than just a piece of paper and kind of certainty that you are able to memorise some stuff to pass the exams. i also believe that we all have different things we are supposed to learn in this life, which means we all have different ways how and what to learn. I personally am not a big fan of the whole homogeneous education system we are living in, but it is up to everyone himself to discover his very own way (out of it).

  49. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    I agree with this article in that way, that the learning process is the most important during the whole live, people never finish with learning. But you can´t divide both parts completely. Education is not possible without learning and also the learning process is sometimes bound to education process. Both are important for the future life and opportunities. Especially it should be more important that students really understand the contents and learn to use them in future life than accomplish high educational attainment. I also like the idea to start at an early stage to lead children to new technologies, because it´s necessary for their future professional life and a deeper understanding of those things, particularly also to know about the risks of social and technological mass media. However I think it´s also important not to forget the traditional way of teaching and learning and not lose sight of the creative and active part during a face to face contact.

  50. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I completely agree with this article. Learning does’nt happen only during school hours and education. You learn every minute of the day, how old you are, if you are a child or an adult, that doesn’t matter. In education, you learn it for certain purposes. You’re busy and focused more on one particular, specific purpose. Ultimately, ‘learning’ has still a connection with each other.
    At school you learn what «learning» actually means.
    This can eventually apply in your daily actions.
    Learning is one of the most important aspects in life. But each person is doing it at his / her own way.

  51. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. And as I’ve already written a previous comments, I am convinced that learning occurs not only in education. Learning starts before a child goes to school, so outside education. Even in everyday life learning infants, children, adolescents and adults. Even older people who have long been out of education and often slipped out of the fast daily life will still experience moments in which they learn. It is important to be here. Really aware of As a teacher you should therefore not be blinded by the education and teaching. Try to children, pupils and students, to learn in other ways.

  52. In school it can happen that some teachers focus too much on education and forget about that learning is just as important if not more.
    Sure it is really important to have a good education so someone can get a good job later on. But I think just the education isn’t enough. We should also focus our time and compassion just on the learing part. There is a quote I really like, ‘we are learning for life’. Even if we close our course books we just don’t stop learing. Every day we get new impressions, meet new people, cultures, get new ideas, see new things. There is no time when we are not learning something. Even in our sleep we have to process all the new things we learned, so we can use them in the future.
    So it is really important to not focus our whole energy just on the education because we need just that much energy what we learn by living, breathing and existing.

  53. I agree that learning is really important, as well as problem solving. Due to the increasing technologies, it is easy to look things up online, for example how to solve a problem, instead of thinking and finding new strategies to solve these problems. Therefore it is important that from a young age children learn how to learn and come up with good strategies for solving problems, autonomously, because we can only be creative and come up with innovative ideas, if we know how to do so.
    I feel that nowadays there is a lot of pressure on the students and pupils. At university, for example, there are more and more people matriculated, it seems to be important to finish university as soon as you can, within the designated period of study and as discussed in previous articles, having a degree is not worth as much as it used to be. Due to this pressure it seems like the most important goal at university is to have good grades and not the fact that the student actually understood what he or she was revising.
    But learning is a process, which leaves traces in the brain, there are new connections in the neuronal networks. So when students have good grades, but forget what they revised once they finished this exam, we cannot say that the process of learning has taken place. I often wonder, how we can give significance to grades, when they in some cases do not give evidence about the students abilities. So when it comes to the facts I pointed out, I entirely agree with you: „Yes, learning is more important than education.“

  54. Of course, learning and education are connected, but I think that is learning is more important than education, because we are learning all our life. Every day we learn something new and useful. We get the knowledge through the lifetime, but it is pointless to have it if we do not know how to use it in different occasion. So we need to know, we need to learn how to use our knowledge in the right way.

  55. I totally agree that learning is more important. In my opinion education is necessary to make our life easier, we need to know basics to be able to function in modern world. However it’s for sure not enough. This is the learning that make us who we are, the knowledge we obtain during our lives and the way how we’ll use it is different for everyone. We learn something every day by watching tv, talking with people. Sometimes we are not even conscious of that process. What I think is important is to be aware that during particular situations we can obtain some knowledge and moreover create possibilities to learn something.

  56. I totally agree that learning is more important. In my opinion education is necessa

  57. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    Totally agree. But I’m a student that’s why the process of learning is only useful when I apply it and rapidly to help myself learn even more and others as well.: Education and constant learning is very important. But… after a certain point, we must start removing the “isolation” aspect of education and spend more time learning through doing.Without the addition of action following one’s conventional education, we unwittingly remain stuck while convincing ourselves that our education alone is, in fact, thrusting us forward. Here’s the reality: Education is merely a tool; the vehicle is what we do with it. It’s a slight but significant shift from study to studious – something I don’t think our conventional education emphasizes enough.

  58. Too many college graduates are not prepared to think critically and creatively, speak and write cogently and clearly, solve problems, comprehend complex issues, accept responsibility and accountability, take the perspective of others, or meet the expectations of employers.The core explanation is this: the academy lacks a serious culture of teaching and learning. When students do not learn enough, we must question whether institutions of higher education deliver enough value to justify their costs. Resolving the learning crisis will therefore require fundamental, thoroughgoing changes in our colleges and universities.There must be real change -change beyond simplistic answers such as reducing costs and improving efficiency -to improve value.

  59. I think what is the most important thing to know is to learn how to learn. If you are able to learn whatever you want to learn efficiently it does not really matter what kind of education you have. You are just able to figure out whatever you need to by your self. Yes, education is important to achieve, that children are somehow taught and basicly educated, but in this world you have to specialise yourself anyway. So therefore learning how to learn is in my opinion the most important lesson you can have. Unfortunately many schools and universities fail to teach this prudently. Every person has its own way, its own talent its own thing he or she wants to achieve. Because of that I think it is important to learn whatever you want by yourself, and not rely on any education for all people and be satisfied about it.

  60. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    When I started reading this article I believed learning and education go hand in hand, as the ultimate goal of education is to teach and learn. However the more I read and thought about it I asked myself the question, do we solely learn by education. I do not believe this is true as we are all life long learners, from birth the death.

    Nonetheless I do feel education is important for learning purposes. Primary school is vital as these are the critical years where our brains are like sponges and absorb everything. However when we progress further in education I feel a lot of students stop caring about gaining knowledge and are more preoccupied with gaining a certificate or grade to have a better chance at getting a good job. In my own experience I have studied for exams and after the exam forgot everything I learned. I feel this is quite common for today’s societies. We need to remember that the most successful people are those with the grades but also the retained knowledge!

  61. Learning is the foremost most important aspect of education. The reason why students go to school is to learn. This is not always the case. Most students in today’s society go to school to gain certificates, that’s the main goal. Employers and university need students who poses these. So, young people a lot of the time don’t care about the actual information being taught, it’s only a means to receive grades. This seems to be a trend, good professions = good grades. I believe we need a mixture of both. We need to get grades but also take interest and learn the material so that it can be called upon in later life when required. The most successful people in life are those who have the grades bit also poses an in-depth knowledge. It’s a fine mixture between both.

  62. «Learning is more important that education» is a statement that I feel is incorrect as in my opinion both learning and education go hand in hand within the school environment but more importantly in the outside world and in a life long learning environment. Certain people are not able to record and remember as much information on a variety of topics, while other people appear to be human sponges and can absorb facts and figures easily. Eduction I feel is a narrow term and can sometimes be misunderstood while learning is a more general term and easier to relate to in terms of a school environment, a workplace setting or in our social lives. Learning provides us with the tools we need in school, work and in life where as education in my opinion shows us how to use these skills to the best of our ability, ie. computer skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills or the ability to reason in difficult circumstance, making education in my opinion more important that simply learning.

  63. Learning is a process which is used in education, obviously. In my opinion it is used wrongly. Childred do not associate learning with school. School is not always a place, where you can learn a lot of things.Learning is more individual thing, if we want, we study and gain experience.
    In education is different, it lasts for many years of our lifes, but it finishes at some point and some people stop develope their selves, and some want to learn more. If people are taught to study, learn only the most important thing during education and have bad memories with it, they won’t do anything more later.

  64. Learning and education are both important factors in a persons life. There is a difference between learning and education. Learning is a process early in a persons life, a person is always leaning from the moment they were born until the very last moment of their life. On the other hand, education is a learning process which a person develops throughout their school years. Education is thought by an educator which transfers knowledge onto other people. Education and learning are similar but they are not the exact same thing. A person is constantly learning where as education is based on what they learn throughout their education. I think in many schools in Ireland teachers drill the curriculum into students rather letting them learn out of their own initiative.

  65. Education can be said to be a process through which a society passes on the knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another. Learning can be defined as the acquiring of new skills, knowledge, and values. Both learning and education has a great influence on the mind and character of an individual. However, learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals, and, on the the other hand, education is acquired by individuals.Education is something that one gets from a school or university; education is related to classroom learning, and some other set standards. On the other hand, learning evolves at the personal level, for which there are no set standards. Both education and learning are very important factors in a persons development. In Ireland, the current system assumes what is learned in the classroom is more important than what is learned elsewhere. However, a range of 21st-century learning skills such as collaborative working, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, communication skills and the ability to learn from, and with, others are poorly served by the Junior Cert. These skills are successfully developed in non-formal learning environments and in positive out-of-school activity. It is increasingly accepted that how children spend the 80 per cent of their time out of school has a huge impact on their development as learners. Children need and deserve opportunities to engage in learning beyond the classroom. Our current system does not facilitate or encourage this out-of-school learning.

  66. Ashling O Neill dice: Responder

    To me the word learning is a completely different term than education, learning for me considered more natural, thus expressing the «creativity, flexibility, adaptability » mentioned in the text. But the education given by schools teaches the ability to learn other topics and solve problems.
    A toddler learns by watching, listening and trying to do things himself. Where as in school we are given these topics that the government think we should know and as somebody had mentioned in their comment that the teachers explain things precisely and tell us what book to use what page to find it and basically give us the answers as well. I have experience from this trying to learn spanish where the teacher was speaking english and explaining everything to us but not letting us figure it out by ourselves. So you can see that the education system has turned from letting us learn ourselves to making us learn from others.
    Nowadays, knowledge is not permanent. At least of school subjects, I know a lot f people and I am one of them that if i am not interested in the topic of the class its harder to learn and we cram so much information in to our heads for big exams that our brain spits out the information and then forgets it all. Because the way we are being thought to memorise is just not the best way in which we can be thought.
    As regards to attitude to work, I believe it starts when you are young. For instance, since i started school I would first do my homework then have dinner and then i was free to do what i pleased. And because of this I feel this is why i do my assignments and work right away instead of waiting until the last minute and stressing.
    Technology in education is keeping students up to date on the software and learning how to do everything so that they are at a high standard. There are tests where you can check your writing speeds so you can apply it to you CV for work places as well.
    In my opinion everything we are thought in schools leads up to the work place, and not for ourselves to learn. Thats why travel is being promoted so much and from being on Erasmus is where iv learned the most about culture and attitudes, not in the culture class.

  67. Both learning and education has a great influence on the mind and character of an individual. However, learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals, and, on the the other hand, education is acquired by individuals. Learning is said to be an ongoing process. An individual is always learning, from his birth till his death. Education is something that one gets at some point in their life. Another thing that can be said, is that learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process. To conclude learning is the process of adopting knowledge, values and skills which are the goals of education.

  68. Learning should be more important than the education itself if we assume that all of us are going to school for learning new things. But im afraid that it is not like this for the majority of people. We started getting education for certificate, for job oppurtunities. But again i think that we were driven into this situation and we are left with no other choice because in todays’ conditions, you would not earn enough to spend a good life by just learning what you like to learn or study what you want to study. Anyway to speak about rights; Whatever your target is, it’s important to ensure you’re always aiming for some kind of new knowledge and growth. Also candidates who can show they’re lifelong learners, interested in improving themselves, and business results, are more valuable than ever to employers.

  69. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    I strongly believe the idea that is »education and learning are not exclusive of educational centres»
    A moment or a knowlegde in a theatre can be much more effective than a book in a school.
    Learning centers don’t mean everything. They are accepted as a basic source of education but learning can be actualized in anywhere. If you don’t learn in an educational centre, then it means nothing, yes learning is much more important than education. What we should do is trying to get effective learning primarily in educational centers and not to limit it with an educational centre. Learning environments are not limited.

  70. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    I think that one problem of today`s teaching is that the teachers don`t give students the possibility to learn or do things on their own. The teachers explain every task in detail. What they exactly have to do, which book they have to use, which colours they need and so on and so forth. The students forgot how to understand instructions from the books on their own. It`s really exhausting to make sure that every student has his book and understands what to do. Here in Spain during my practical training all teachers only explained shortly what they have to do and then they were on one`s own. They had to read the instructions on their own and it worked. In Austria in the schools I taught I had to explain everything, no one of the students could understand the instructions of the tasks on their own. They really lost their independence, creativity and the ability how to how to solve problems on their own. We need to change that because if the teachers need to explain everything in detail before the students are able to do something they will need this also later on when they are working. They won`t be able to try out new things because they will be so used to it that somebody tells them what to do.

  71. When I read the text, my thoughts went straight to the philosophy of Habermas, in particular when he says that the contemporary world is dominated by technology: is the base of the statements’ knowledge society ‘and’ learning is more important than education «will not stand a instrumental rationality? Are we to transform education into a learning technology? This is only a small philosophical reflection about what seems to me the essential: education aims at the improvement of being, learning to adapt the individual. These two dimensions unite in the formation of Homo aestheticus!, like Luc Ferry said.

    1. Dear Isilda,
      thanks so much for yuour words, precisely the Homo aestheticus is one of the forgotten in current life, it is necessary to recognize both technology and being…
      Best wishes.

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