El juego en el ámbito didáctico y organizativo

Conviene tener en cuenta que niños y niñas antes de llegar a la escuela, cada día a una edad más temprana, han realizado ya aprendizajes imprescindibles para su desarrollo como seres humanos y en ello el juego ha tenido un papel fundamental.

En el ámbito escolar los planteamientos didácticos y organizativos deben cuidarse ya que cobran especial interés debido a la peculiaridad de cada etapa. Lo didáctico y lo organizativo, y más visiblemente en un primer momento, han de “moverse” en el marco de una doble área de experiencias: la de la expresión y lenguaje, por un lado, y la cognitivo-motriz, por otro; en esto, el desarrollo de vínculos afectivos y la construcción de la autonomía personal deben estar presentes en todas las experiencias que el niño viva.

Más tarde, a partir de los tres años, podrá hablarse más propiamente de áreas de experiencia como la de la identidad y autonomía personal, medio físico y social y comunicación y representación, hasta continuar creando núcleos disciplinares que, guiados bajo los principios de la globalización y la interdisciplinariedad, podrán servir de marco para todas las experiencias de aprendizaje del alumnado.

Es evidente que el profesor es un agente clave de estas etapas en lo que se refiere a la actuación didáctico-organizativa. Pero, por otro lado, puede entenderse que el juego es la otra clave, sumando que quien prepara los ambientes, crea los climas, establece orientaciones, prepara materiales, etc., aun en las posibilidades del juego libre, es el profesor. Por eso, juego y profesor forman el eje clave de la actuación en buena parte de la educación escolar, fundamentalmente la inicial y primaria o escolar básica. Por razones obvias, los padres o tutores o familia representan un papel de vital importancia para sellar estos iniciales elementos claves en la formación del niño.

Son muchas las síntesis que se han hecho en torno a las “virtudes” del juego en los entornos de aprendizaje. Algunos de los aspectos más relevantes del juego podrían ser:

  • • Desarrolla las aptitudes físicas, intelectuales y su capacidad para la comunicación.
  • Permite el encuentro entre el adulto y el niño, sirviendo de válvula en su seguridad vital.
  • Constituye un factor de exploración y comunicación más amplio que el lenguaje verbal, porque los símbolos, producto de su imaginación, son más asequibles al niño que el “signo” arbitrario y, al tiempo, llevan al lenguaje comprensivo.
  • Por el juego “simbólico”, aun con regla arbitraria, existe un reparto de “papeles”, que genera una “microsociedad”, donde el niño inicia su primer aprendizaje de vida social.
  • En el juego se origina un espacio preferente para la exploración y la creatividad.
  • Permite, de forma continuada y progresiva, el aprendizaje y entrenamiento en valores culturales de la sociedad.
  • Instaura una fluida comunicación de los niños entre sí y con el maestro, cuando el lenguaje no ha sido aún constituido.
  • El juego es la vía natural por la que el niño aprende a establecer una relación entre hecho y valores.
  • Permite al niño exteriorizar sus vivencias y pensamientos.
  • Promueve un ajuste armónico, desde la propia infancia, entre mundo interior y mundo exterior, entre subjetividad y objetividad.
  • El juego supone la primera inmersión del niño en el mundo de la cultura.
  • Juego y acogimiento afectivo son pilares fundamentales en el afianzamiento en el niño, del “sí mismo” personal, en el que se asientan la autonomía y la seguridad básica.


Por todo ello el juego es un medio privilegiado de iniciar, promover y mantener el aprendizaje dentro del marco del currículum. Las relaciones entre juego y aprendizaje dentro del marco curricular, por tanto, son las que exigen una mirada atenta para comprender y mejorar lo que ocurre en los espacios dedicados a la educación intencional y sistemática que el niño recibe desde su infancia.

Finalmente, para jugar de un modo eficaz los niños precisan:

  • • Compañeros de juego, espacios o áreas lúdicos, materiales de juego, tiempo para actuar y que los juegos sean valorados.
  • • Oportunidades para jugar en parejas, pequeños grupos, etc.
  • • Tiempo para explorar a través del lenguaje lo que han hecho y cómo pueden describir la experiencia.
  • • Tiempo para continuar lo que iniciaron (con demasiada frecuencia les falta y trabajos muy valiosos quedan inacabados e inapreciados).
  • • Experiencias que amplíen y profundicen lo que ya conocen y lo que ya pueden hacer.
  • • Estimulación y aliento para hacer y aprender más.
  • • Oportunidades lúdicas planificadas y, también, espontáneas.

81 respuestas a “El juego en el ámbito didáctico y organizativo”

  1. I couldn’t agree more on this article. Educating a child is essential for any parent or teacher to teach, and there is no better way to do that than teaching in a fun, dynamic and creative way. Allowing games to be integrated within the learning process can help captivate a child’s interest and will leave a more lasting memory within their mind. This is a great way to help motivate a child to learn and to keep their focus and attention. I recall a particular memory when I was in school, I had an English teacher who always made our English lessons fun and in order for us to become creative, she would sometimes make us close our eyes and picture a scene/place that we would like to go to, afterwards we were made to write about our feelings and describe our chosen destination. This kind of teaching is a wonderful way to keep a child focused and enhance their creativity skills.

  2. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I totally agree on this article. I think playing a game is a lot more then »only» a game at first sight. Children will learn a lot at the same time during one game, probably without even knowing they are learning.
    It is really important for the development of didactics. Also they learn to communicate, to be social, to obey rules, to have a drive for winning but also being able to accept the fact if you loose.
    Learning goes a lot easier when you are fully interested in the topic. Children are always in for playing a game so if their is a possibility for developing a game to teach knowledge, this is absolutely the best way. We also need to make sure that things are well balanced. Real life is not a game, so children also need to learn in other forms.

  3. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    Fun is a very important aspect of childhood. It is also important that the parents were able to have fun with their children because it allows a parent has better contact with the child. But the play is also a different kind of game. Every child should know that in every game apply any rules. It shapes their approach to life / to the world. Not all parents know that the games have many advantages and they learn not only how to work in a group or how to play the «fair play». The game allows you to shape appropriate behavior, that young man will be able to use in the future. Games shape strategic thinking and creativity. We should allow children to create games, parents should watch over the rules of the game but let your child make a game yourself.

  4. Like the article said, games are important for the daily lives of the children. Personally I have a lot experience in the game industry. There are companies that try to combine gaming and learning for the kids and the adults. This is one of the ways that can motivate kids to learn without getting bored of the system. The only thing that the schools need to do is to integrate the game based learning in their curriculum so the children can get the theory and afterwards play the game and use the teachings in it.
    Like in many companies that use this technical way to get better results, I think that also the school in whole EU can use it no only at the lower schools but also on the universities to teach more.
    Here we see that teachings and games are a good combination of innovative ways to teach.

  5. Learning by playing games is nowadays very trendy, I worked in a company that did e-learnings for bankers and we thought about using serious games to teach them through e-learning, it’s a very good idea, but technically difficult to do.
    In the article they are talking about a younger audience which is even more interested in games. As a child spends a lot of time playing at home I guess he will feel better if he can do something similar at school. The fact that it’s good for learning how to interact with others, and learning about yourself is pretty clear. So learning through games is a very good idea, but maybe it’s less necessary as students are growing up.

  6. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    On my mind this article is very interesting and I agree with it. Children start to learn through play from the beginning of their life. That is why especially in early education, teaching by playing is most successful. Kids get bored easily. They have so much energy, they are used to be in motion. It is hard for them to sit for 45 minutes in the bench, concentrate and listen to the teacher. For that reason if they learn during playing some education games it is much more effective. They learn to work in groups, co-operate together, they can improve different skills. They get to know each-other better, during playing they are focusing more, become more creative. Also when they waste some energy, it would be easier for them to sit and concentrate on next lesson, because then learning and time in school would be varied. I think it is also the way of ‘studying’ that they prefer the most.

  7. Based on my personal experience and academic reading on the topic I appreciate the role of game as it usually makes an education more effective, especially in their early ages of education. The interest in game-based learning has accelerated considerably in recent years, driven by clear successes in different type of training. As for implementation of games in educational process, there are many interesting ways applied in learning contexts. There are also more complex approaches like collaborative problem solving, role-playing, and other forms of simulated experiences have broad applicability across a wide range of disciplines, and are beginning to be explored in more classrooms. Using games for educational purposes is a controversial issue among educators and parents. However, the evidence suggests that the educational games allow students to connect with their peers in new ways. Teachers must also prepare effective ways of integrating the games into their regular lesson plans smoothly and efficiently, while knowing how to supplement gaming with educational lectures and activities that will enhance what has been learned.

  8. I think, especially when children are younger, it’s way easier to
    catch their attention with something like a game, not just ‘dry’ teacher-centred-teaching.
    When it’s about a game, children are interested very fast, and if you are interested in anything, you learn much faster and can remember things a lot easier.
    So I think it’s a powerful method of teaching children, but it’s quite difficult
    to think of an appropriate game for each topic you want to teach.
    But especially in elementary school, that should be used way more often, since the attention span of young children is quite low.

  9. I completly agree that learning trough playing is one of the most effective ways for little children. They start school quite young, at age 6, some even with age 5 and most of them are quite exited about goint to school. But they are too young and active to just sit in their desks and learn. Teachers have to make their classes interesting and active. Little children can not really sit still for more than an hour, they need to move around, they need to experience what they are learning about, they need to use their imagination. If not, they start to get bored and you can not really teach then anything in this kind of state. But as teachers we also need to set boundaries between just playing and playing with learning. Children need to know that they are learning new things in school and not just playing, this is just a way to get them more exited about school and learning.

  10. This is a very interesting article and I completaly agree with the author. One old proverb says, who play the games is not naughty,. The concept of games can in many ways replace the traditional method of teaching based on passive information. The big plus is the involvement of the pupils themselves, who are not only passively accept information but also actively used them. This new information, pupils can learn much faster, memorize and easily use them. Games also develops imiginatory and creativity. However, it is necessary to find a certain limit and balance of the way of teaching for their efficiency. But not always are available space and resources for this way of learning.

  11. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    It is true that kids start education quite early. I have a younger sister and she tells me quite a lot about her school and what she likes and hates. I agree that subjects should be taught in a interesting and funny way. Children can not maintain their attention for a long time so the books must have lots of pictures and not much of complicated information. Moreover, I think the most imporatant thing is to teach children to raise questions. They should question their environment and they should be eager to learn more. Many kids are creative. It is even said that everyone is born as geniuses but the society and school crushes the capacity for creativity. I think there is a lot of truth in these words. Teachers should not shout at their pupils. Children should not be afraid of expressing their opinion. Learning trough play is very effective and children will not look at learning as something as hard. Pupils should be also encouraged to try and do better if they fail and their successful work should be appreciated.

  12. I think, learning through play is the most effective method, especially at the primary level. This is because children get bored without playing games and won’t want to learn. A method of creating the desire to learn in children is through games. When children play educational games and engage in the activities within a group, it will develop their personal skills which are needed in life. During games, the child will not only learn information but would take part in group activities learning how to share. The use of bodily movements in kinesthtic activities will contribute to the physical development and finally the child will learn compliance and obedience with rules will and learn how to develop a strategy. Therefore, using games at primary level is not just about disguising information to maket he child learn, but also to have fun and maket he child interested in an educational setting.

  13. This article describes the bond between learning while playing. I believe that it is important to take this matter in count concerning the didactics of today. I can only see to myself when it comes to learning as a kid. I preferred to play and interact with other classmates and in that way I came to learn more about both the people in my surrounding but also about the subject itself. I can also adapt this to my studies at the university, where I believe I learn more during seminars when you get to discuss a matter and come with a solution, in comparison with a teacher who holds a loooooong lecture. Also practical things that requires a certain amount of creativity gets me thinking and learning on a whole different level. I believe that we could favor from exerting various types of «games» even at a higher level of our education. Why is playing games in connection to education just for minors? All ages could benefit from a creative way of learning.

  14. I think I really agree. I think that learning with playing games is the best. You will learn how to handle in different situations. I think everybody could imagine how it feel to be playing a game, just a random game at your primary school. During the playing you will get involved with certain situations, how to play with each other for example. There is no doubt about that that I woulld not improve your social skills. So that’s why playing in school is a good way to learn how to act in the real world.

  15. I think playing it’s one of the most important things in a child’s life. Any kind of playing it’s necessary in the didactic and organizational level so that the child can improve different skills. In primary school I started to train handball. At first it was not about the sport but about the game. Only now I can see the good impact that it had on my life. It’s a team sport so I’ve quickly learned that the game won’t work unless the playmates stick together us one. By playing sports I’ve come to understand and learn about trust, unselfishness, hard work, commitment, compassion, strength, weaknesses, and many other things that are very important guides through life. That’s why I think that by playing individually or in a group is always a good idea. I’m surprised how many things you can learn just by playing.

  16. I think this article is amazing because our lessons are boring and we are getting bored or I am getting so much bored so how can we make it enjoyable ? I think everybody remind first games because everbody likes games specailly children .We should make education yield in class and i think we can provide it with games specailly in mathematics but I would like to state that we should choice really good games and useful for subject for example I am mathematics teacher if I want to teach my students with a game this game should be useful for mathematics and also it should be enjoyable I know it is not very east to provide it but we must do it because we should take high yield in class becasue children are getting bored from homework and I think we should let them to whatever they want after school.In addition
    they can learn how to work with group and they can develop their personality with games becasue nowadays alot of children are egoist becasue they are learning everything alone and with computers .

  17. I think that play is an essential factor when considering a child’s education. First of all, when children are learning through play, they are constantly engaged with their task, but they are interacting with others, and practicing other skills at the same time.
    Learning through lay helps a child structure their own learning, although the teacher must ensure that the game is appropriate for the children; is it helping them with a specific area, or is it all rounded? Can all the children play it or is it level specific? Although learning through play seems like an easy option for the teachers, there are several important factors that they need to consider.
    In the UK, almost all the primary schools use learning through play as a teaching technique, and it appears to be working extremely well.

  18. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    For a children being able comprehensively to show their mental faculties it’s important to teach them the material in the form of a game on the early stages of socialization (entering a school). Because sometimes the presentation of the material is rather boring, and the other thing – the game. During the game the children become acquainted with the rules and with the things that the rules do not prohibit for achieving goals (this trains extraordinary thinking). So, the child develops a picture and a special relationship to the process of formation, thereby increasing his performance. That will definitely impact on its further development.

  19. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    The game is the form of the activity of children that they prefer to accept and love the most. In childhood game is the norm and the child must always play, even when he makes a serious thing. The game tested opportunities, wake up the dormant until then powers, the ability to receive gets a powerful impetus to development. Game and the skillful guidance of an adult are capable of performing magic. Lazy can become hard-working, inexperienced – masters. Game helps secretive and shy children to be involved in active operations. The game may change the attitude of the children to what seems to them sometimes too ordinary and boring. Learning without enthusiasm is impossible. While playing, the children learn to put their knowledge and skills in practice and to use them in different conditions.

  20. Fun and games is the best way to develop your skills for children and adults. Games developing our psychic and physical, learning is the best way of learning through fun. Through play we learn a lot about ourselves, know yourself and about other people, behavior, sense of humor, coping with losing, fast memory, individual work and group work. Everything which is useful in adult life. This is the best way to learn, through a good time alone or with friends. Of course we all prefer to play something good and wise than yourself long to learn from books, and the effect can be the same or much better. For example, always more we learn by practice than the theory itself.

  21. I agree to this article that playing is one of the most important things for children in the didactics.
    During my primary school we had every day one hour of ‘playtime’. We had a lot of tools, games and other games which were organized by our teachers. 
I think that a child should ‘play’ every day, not only with other children but also by him/herself. 
Playing creates and develop different skills in my opinion. Such as; independency, teamwork/coorporation, acting by rules, increasing confidence, space for creativity and communication skills for expressing your feelings (typical childdish, can’t handle the fact that he looses a game for example, thinks its not fair or gets angry).
    When I was a child, I also went to the scouts, once a week and during summers 3 weeks on a row. We’ve learnt to coorporate, we’ve learnt different rolls like ‘you are the teamleader today and you will be alert if everybody is keeping the rules’. 
I was always very shy and I didn’t really liked to talk or coorporate with people. The scouts introduced me to an interactive social life where I’ve learnt to be assertive and express my feelings. The most, I’ve learnt to be independent like knowing how you built a treehouse out of wood, setting a tent up, making ropes or a campfire for example. 
I think that these kind of didactics should be very good during education at schools, because not every child gets this opportunity.

  22. I think that the act of playing is not just an amusement for children, but it is also a way of learning. While playing, children practice for example how to act and react in different social situations and moreover they are inventing worlds and characters which contribute to their development of creativity and open-mindedness.
    Therefore the school should not only give children the opportunity to play during the breaks, because it is also important to let them play learning games with each other or also on the computer during the lessons. Playful learning conforms sometimes more to the childish mental activity than the conventional ways of learning in school and furthermore children enjoy playing every type of games and so will have more motivation during the class.

  23. Children playing together is indeed very important. They will learn diffrent rollmodels and other very important things like teamwork, endure other people, showing their limits and boundries and diffrent other very important aspects.
    In my studies of music therapy i learn diffrent theories and methodes to use music for people who have not had the change to play with others during their childhood. It is very interesting all al points to the importance of playing together. It is even more important for children who dont have any brothers and sisters. Because is such a family they also learn to play with others. Teachers should have modules where kids learn to play togethe (apart from videogames)

  24. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    At the very first stages, I agree that students should be guided. But, while doing this, we have to always remember the part that they are going to learn or even live alone after all those years. So it shouldn’t be only guiding what to do. It is about teaching them how to think and act against the problems. But it is impossible to keep a child focused by giving them only a book or activities to do, texts to memorize etc. It is more like a pity. The best way, I think, to achieve all these things on a child while keeping him focused and making him go with the flow is game. That is the best thing they know. Putting exercises and activities in the games should be the indispensable method of a primary school teacher. Children learn best with kinaesthetic ways. By this, I mean moving, doing actions etc. In games there are basic instructions, tasks, competition, desire to win. They would think that they just learn how to play or how to beat the rivals. But in fact, they will learn without even realise. This is the best part. Apart from all these, it is fun!

  25. Vendula Víchová dice: Responder

    I agree that the game is very useful for the development and learning of children. I even met with the view that play is the most important in childhood. I read the book «Summerhill Scholl» and according to it Summerhill is school in which a play is of the greatest importance. According to A.S. Neill the game based on fantasy is more important than athletics and organized games. Childhood should be playhood. Children can play as long as they want in Summerhill. Lessons are optional, timetable is only for the teachers and children do what they want to and when they want to. Neil hold that the aim of life is to find happines, which means to find interest and learning isn’t important to everyone. The game is really important for mental health. Adults ignore that children need to play and parents still want to organize a time of children, often even a whole life. He said: „If child plays all he wants to play, he will be able to pass college entrance exams after two years intensive study – if he EVER WANTS to pass the exams.“ Children that brought up freely, with maximum of play don’t tend to become mass-minded. I think this is unusual view that people have trouble accepting, but I think it can be useful to think about it.

  26. Everything that could be used for raising an interest of a child to learn is good. So is a game. There are a lot of games useful and useless and it’s up to teacher or to parents to decide which is good and which isn’t. Not every game is interesting and mostly useful games are not interesting but skilled and resourceful teacher or parent may present even not interesting one in such a way that it would arise children attention. Using games is a right but at first child must be prepared to that game or there would be no point.

  27. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Playing games has positive effects language and brain. Learning with playing is a permanent method. Child during the play does many oprations at the same time like; matching, categorization, ordering, analyz. It has a great contribution to the development of intelligence. Child who play verbal and sociable skills, imagine and creativity more superior. Developing technology has negative effects child’s creativity. Children loves playing computer games and watching television. So children don’t play with another things, they don’t play outside. So child creativity blunt. That affecting negatively social life and society. Duty of educators; encouragement play about child’s intelligece appropriate, informative games .

  28. Cäcilie Bivort dice: Responder

    Integrate this natural creativity is too brilliant to not take advantage of it. The ability to play, learn unconsciously rules of social rules and contact, communication, win and lose, ability to handle frustration an success, test yourself in roles and demands of the “real adult life” for example in role plays. All of this basic competences we definitely have to support. Furthermore physical aspects which are threatened in the “computer generation” can be supported and improved. To shape learning contents and material which profiting from games is a task for teachers which are fun for them too and promote the relations between them and their pupils.
    Schools and teachers need some creativity and adequate circumstances – space, materials and so on. If this is given learning can profit a lot of this natural instinct and energy.

  29. Asuman ŞİMŞEK dice: Responder

    I completely agree that games should take part in school. When we think about students’ age and cognitive development, games could be inevitable source for teacher to teach basic knowledge. First of all, when students play game, one way or another they have to improve their physical and cognitive skills. In this part, games are the good solution. But to make it better, teachers are necessary in this second part. They help students by making them realize that games have very important effects on their development progress. Because even if teachers do all they can, i am sure verbal communication is less effective for students who are on primary school. I can say that they have really amazing brain and it is very hard to imagine what it is going on in their mind. So while they are playing, they unconsciously learn how to make communication, what the cultural values are and how thoughts are expressed. This is because game would be the first door which is opened the real world for children. They are climbing step by step social life stairs and while doing this, they will have ongoing learning progress. They will learn to establish friendships by the help of games. Also those games let children express themselves freely because during games, they don’t even realize what they are creating, thinking and saying. They start to integrate their inner world into outer world. Sum up, this idea should be applied in schools considering its plentiful benefits by supporting within framework.

  30. I think playing a games in teaching process promotes creativity and faith development, self-sufficiency. Students learn how to finish what they have starded, and also set a goal of variety facilitates access to learning process and life as well. The games must be educational and developmental thinking, modern and easy to use, aesthetically enjoyable games for example in chemistry, biology, mathematics and physics. To create intresting and good game for the student, first you must understand what the student are like and what’s important for them. I think we have to create for the youth games and other pedagogical weapons that would allow them to protest, and looking from they environment, helping to find targets in parallel and providing expertise. It must be modern design game, which placed the right content, that you can perform these functions, and the young people will play it with joy, because such training takes place in the social environment unrestrained.

  31. Vendula Dlouhá dice: Responder

    In my opinion, a game in school environment is good way for develepment of the child. The game is amusing for children. A lot of skills are developed during the game. I think especially games in groups are very useful for development of social skills.The child play different roles in diffent groups (games). It can be very good for understanding the feelings of others. The child develop his emphaty. Also other social skills are developed – communication, cooperation, competition. The child learn to win and to lose. The game help for building good team in the class, for good relationships between pupils. In my opinion, the game is also useful for formation good relationship between child and teacher. The child is natural and spontaneous during the game. The teacher can recognize child´s strong and weak points. The game is the way how to know a child better. And if you know the child very well it is easier to find the right way for teaching.

  32. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    Fully I agree with the statement of the game positively affect the development of children. Child through the game develops your physical abilities and intellectual. Let me give an example here of my younger siblings. I have 6 siblings. The oldest brother is 28 years old, the youngest – 6 years. The youngest very often plays with us in the game. Both physical as football and intellectual – all sorts of educational games, board games, social. First, when he do not understand the rules or the relevant playing cards he observe us-the elderly. It is amazing because after a few games of it even though he can not read-he can use the cards. Stores the card after pictures and accompanies us in the game as equals. What’s more-knows how to choose his tactics per game thus often able to beat us. I think this is a proof for it that fun and games have necessarily a positive effect on the development of the child.

  33. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I really enjoyed this article and I also agree completely with it. In my opinion children learn the best through play. Play is a fun, simple way to get children interacting with others. Whilst learning through play its putting no pressure on children allowing them to relax and be comfortable. One of the things children do best is to play so learning new things and having new experiences by playing is hugely beneficial to a child. As a teacher myself I can see that playing games is great to introduce new things into a childs education. Whilst playing they are also picking up very important skills, for example communication, interaction, confidence ans many more.

  34. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    A great article. In my opinion, games are a very important aspect in the education of children and young people. Especially team games, in whose children can incarnate in different characters and envision different situations. It teaches children creative, but also critical thinking, combining and coping with life situations.
    What’s more, children in social games viewer their weak and strong points, I recognize personality traits. They can learn to fix them, or try to accept. Finally, games are an interesting alternative for learning by fun.

  35. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    Learning by playing has a big role in education, especially in primary school. Little children easily get bored. Including games preserves their attention for longer as they love games and always get excited with the opportunity letting them play with their classmates, and they understand better and easy this way, because they’re all involved in the activity. And it’s good to keep some movement in class, so that they don’t get bored or tired. I also can add that it’s the best way of keeping the child’s attention.

  36. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    There is no doubt, that playing games is the most important thing during childhood. Children want and need to play. That is why playing should be part of the educational process. Children can express their feelings, their opinion, their thoughts. Moreover they learn to cooperate with other people. Every game has specific rules, that all of the participants should follow. Through playing children learn to respect and help each other, to be patient, to work with other people together to succeed something on common. They also learn to be competitive, to try their best, to fight for something. All these are required in our society nowadays, so children have to be ready for that. School should help them develop these abilities. Furthermore, we can not deny, that learning is more effective always, when you have also fun at the same time. Playing is not a waste of time, is a way of life…

  37. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    I agree with this article. Games are important part of learning. They should be included to each teaching. Especially at small children. There exists a large number and types of games. All of them are good for the development of a certain kind of skills, abilities and knowledge. Nowadays, especially computer games are very popular among children . I think we should not condemn them. They also can learn a lot – for example, new words in a foreign language, analytical thinking, imagination, systematic methods and many others. However it is good, if old classic games are included in their regular day too. I think, very important games are these, which develop their motor and physical skills, abilities, creativity, imagination, self motivation, self control, patience. I think that team games are very good and useful.
    As teachers, we should include as many kinds of games into teaching.

  38. Games have ever been a part of human nature, there are various archeological discouveries proving that even early humans used to play. So it is not surprising that humans keep playing in every thinkable form.
    As already said, with the aid of play children can learn how to behave in their social environment through playing other social roles, for example a father or a mother. With the aid of play in pre- or primary school numbers and letters can be learned in an easy way, without getting all the children bored and getting deterred off school.
    Even with the often deomnized computer games children can learn, not only to make fast decisions, but also history. I have seen an example, were a teacher used the strategy game «Napoleon: Total War» for history lessons and succeeded.

  39. At the beginning children learn by playing which is their way to discover the world and shape their personality. In my opinion it is very important to provide as much educational games for kids in early age as possible and also accompany them in playing. They need a lot of parents attention and support. Games develop children’s brain. Learning combined with fun is much easier and it does not make children bored so fast. Group games teach them some social skills, how to work in a team and also how to compete. Computer games are helpfull for learning english and develop many other skills like analytical thinking, strategic planning, fast memorize, reflex etc. Therefore games should be used also in education process.

  40. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I think games are really good aspect of children developement. Firstly, it seems attractive to children what makes them more eager to play and learn. Secondly, games are like practise. Children don’t just read, hear or imagine «something somewhere» but they are the real participants of the situation, of the activity. What is more, by playing games with children we can create situations that maybe we wouldn’t ever face in normal conditions. But still, due to the games children learn how should they react, what behaviour could be helpful for them. Finally, it’s great opportunity to know ourselves and to realize how different people are, that not everyone has to think like we do.

  41. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    The things that makes the game so successive in the way of learning is because of the ways children get to solve different problems on their own, or together with other children. During games they can experiment with and find out by them selves that they need to communicate with the other children and sometimes compromise to be able to find a solution to the «problem». If a teacher is smart he/she will use a game to let the children do something they are genuinely interested in and combine that with one or several important subjects in school, like math, reading or geography for example. In games it is also, like you mention, very important to make the child feel like they are a important part of something. Make them understand what they are able to achieve and also make them see the thrill of seeking for a target and then manage to achieve it. That is something that I think can help them in many other tough situations in life.

  42. In my opinion it is very important for kids to play in primary school. Know how to play and with who. Kids learn to play in different ways and they develop cognitive, social, emotional and motorial skills. This is very important to improve those skills when you are younger. In education terms this is called; learning with head, heart and hands.

    Watching a video on youtube from a school in holland that explained why it is so important for kids to play. The kids love to learn this way and also it is a easy way to get to know other kids. They learn to win or to lose a game. They learn how to count, because other kids will teach them. But also to wait for their turn and be patience. Also i think another very important thing for kids is that they learn how to share and communicate on the right way. We want them to do that in the future as well. Games also have rules that you need to follow and kids learn how to give each other feedback.
    It is also very important for kids to play because they found a way for not given up easily, connecting and working together with classmates but most important to have a day relaxed and cosy moment by doing a simple game. Every kid will be challenged with playing games, so every kid will develop something! That the strength of playing games. Knowing all of this, we need to have more play hours in the future in primary school but also playing more at home.

  43. I think games are so good way to educate to children but for me the most important things in this article which games are useful for children and how mnay games? we should teach them some games which can teach them work with group ,making news friends ,and hellping for improving their skills and we shoudlnt let to them just play a game I think ıf they just play a game later they can be so lazy because nowadays alot of students they dont want to read they just want to play games and surfing on internet ıf we educate them well they will also read in addition to they dont want to learn anything by theirself specailly nowadays they can leearn everything on internet anf they can arrive to library very easly but they dont like to search anything for education so we should start to teach them with games but after that we should teach them how they can find knowledge .

  44. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    In my opinion, nowadays, because of the intensity of modern life, the role of game, not only in the educational system but also in all the sectors of our life, is more important than ever. It is indisputable, that especially these days, the intensification of children’s daily life is getting increasingly worst, and as a result children do not have personal leisure time to enjoy their childhood. So, it seems to me that the integration of the game in the didactic and organizational level will benefit both the teaching-learning procedure and their life generally.
    I totally agree with the author about the benefits of the game in learning environments. In my opinion the most important, is that through the game, children have the opportunity to enjoy more the teaching-learning procedure. Thanks to the game, children can combine learning with pleasure, studying with fun. Through playing, they can learn easier and they will have more passion, excitement and enthusiasm of the new, incoming knowledge. They can express their feelings and their thoughts better because the game is part of their childhood.
    Unfortunately, nowadays, children are forced, by the system and the modern life, to grow up faster than they should. To occupy fast a place in the labor market, to gain money and be ‘’useful’’ and at the disposal of the society. They are losing their childhood more and more, so it is necessary for the game to be part of the educational procedure in all the educational levels. As a result children will take all the advantages of the game to all the sectors of their life, and so, we will talk less about sterile academicism, and more about real substantial knowledge and learning skills combined with passion and entertainment.

  45. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    In the games, children are preparing for life. In my opinion, this shloud be the main thing in childhood- game. Because in the game- children never bored, and they learn how to do something all the time. They are inspired in the games, and this is the real life for children, it should be, they learn all the time while they are playing- social realitionships, language, different things about world and so on. And thats why to children in early ages teachers should continue this game thing in schools, teacher have to all the time give advices and suggestions how children can develop his game and learn more. And i think that games make to children real happiness, so we have to let children live completely this game period- childhood, so than children will be able to live adult life, he will be happy and he will be learned lot of important things. And i think that in school all the topics of subjects teacher can make in some kind of game. Teacher have to think more creative and think how children can learn better one thing- and that is through game, children will understand anything if that will be served in other way, more playful, more interesting way. I know lot of children who in class in very boring or hard thing, subject that most of children dont like, heard from teacher- lets play a game ( and teacher in this game included topics of this subject), most of children already wants to yoin, want to try what it will be, they want to participate and in the end they learned lot of things, even in the first time they even didin`t wanted to learn something like this.

  46. Children need the freedom to explore and play. Learning occurs when children play with blocks, paint a picture or play make-believe. During play children try new things, solve problems, invent, create, test ideas and explore. Children need unstructured, creative playtime..
    In my opinion play is the best way to learn. It motivates, stimulates and supports children in their development of skills, concepts, communication skills and concentration. Play also contributes to brain development and it also provides opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes and social skills (empathy, problem solving; children can build relationships, learn to resolve conflicts, negotiate and regulate their behaviours…)

  47. Nice article.Games for children is a universal language.Game of life and natural resources combines formal knowledge.Children discover the world and themselves through play.One of the most characteristic features that define small children «enthusiasts» are formed.Children interact with the environment to their curiosity reside in.They touch, taste, they try to remove the sound, they turn, they open, close and so on. are found in a variety of physical experience.In addition, they talk, they listen, ask questions, and eyes, etc. mimics.are found in a variety of mental experience.All of these experiences enrich the child’s behavior repertoire and the world of knowledge, deepens.Game of the child can be earned many vital experiences is an effective learning environment.Child’s sense of the world through the game, but also constructs its own world.Open-ended learning through play is a creative process.There are the basic features of learning through play.Rather than rote recall of generating ideas, research, analysis, observation, participation trials, the process creates.Processes and actions rather than the teacher, the child is guided by.The training program is not linear and sequential, flexible and is a creative process.and finally Teaching-learning process of dealing with children in the event of their choice, in the realization of learning, guided by adults, are more effective than active.

  48. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    In my opinion also play is the best way to learn things. If we want to children be able to assimilate a lot of information and also teach them cooperation with others we should absolutely combine science and fun! Thanks to this active form of education children can develop better concentration, focus and perception. Active program of education increases involvement and brings better results. For example dancing, singing, drawing, painting etc. stimulate creative thinking. Sport games in groups teach cooperation, competition and rules. Everything can be show by fun and games. then learning is more interesting for kinds and for sure more effective…

  49. Martin Siostrzonek dice: Responder

    As i am studying sports of course i have to confirm what is written in this text. Playing games is probably the best way to teach children. You can pack almost every topic into a game, you won’t have problems of motivation, its always diversified for children and us as teachers and overall its a lot of fun for all participants. Not to mention, that the intention of a game can be very different. It can be used to create feelings of group interacions, to familarize with new team characters, to create moral attitudes like fairness or respect and much more…
    When we talk about playing games we always just think about children. But games are still playing a big role in adults life as we can see at the importance of futbol games or game shows on tv.

  50. That true. Pay is a really good way to Learn. Memory, affection, reflexion, curiosity, there are a lot of words we can develop aroud game’s subject. A good way to learn education rules in general.
    Every children use and develop their capacities during they are playing.
    So how long should we play, or how long can we play to learn.
    At pre school, play is one of the things the most important. Teachers are spending a lot of time to learn with playing. And after, this time of playing decreasing year by year. And if the game is so good for children development may be we can instaur good games for adolescent development.

  51. I agree, that learning by playing games is one of the best ways you can learn things. I was always excited when we played games in the school. But learning by games starts earlier. As a baby/ small child you got a lot of toys etc. you played with them and used your brain. Maybe you didnt know what exactly you did or for which reason, but you learned how things worked.
    Learning in school with games is also a great way, not only kids get used to a new topic, also because students learn to interact and socialise with others, which you cant deny is one of the most importent skills in our society.

  52. I agree that for children creativity and learning one of the important things are games. It is more interesting when children can develop something new using games, because this learning style is very interesting for them. Playing games children can easier understand things and with visual objects they can imagine some better or different ways how to do the task. I liked when the high school teacher give us to play some games, we can use our strategy, get new experience. It was very useful for us. We can set games in a lot of categories and teach a lot of interesting useful life things. For example when we use games in school, children easier can communicate with each other. They want to say they experience what is right and what is wrong, to help others.

  53. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    Learning environment firstly begins in the family. At this stage kids want to apply what children saw and when they lived events , never delete their own subconscious. In fact, at this stage most important for children life. After child meets with external environmental. They make different friendship and plays a game on somebody. Game is most important element of childhood period. When children plays a game, they uses and improves creativity and imaginativeness. Because actually game is small word of them. Kids discovers new things, recognizes themselves and they draws a path on life of their own world. When they are happy playing games.
    The human smile while reading this article. Its reminds my childhood memory me. As a result we see that game is beautiful something. Thank you so much..

  54. During the game children can be taught in the best way. It’s good opportunity to develop them-self, skills, use creativity – children in the game develops its functions in the broadest sense of the word and gain new experiences. I totally agree that the game is the first immersion of children in the world of culture, allows the child to express their experiences and thoughts; and it’s very funny to learn something new during playing games. For me are very important social games. Here are also developing social emotions such: sympathy for the man, affection, sensitivity, solidarity and self-sacrifice. I think, life is a game, so we are playing all the time…

  55. Games take a important part in every children childhood. Big part of day children spend playing. Children are very creative while they are playing games. Also important for children is that parents sometimes take a part in their games. Games is a way how they learn about the world. Because games for children is their own little world. They feel safety, like no one can disturb them. I remember my childhood, I also all day spend playing several games. And it was very interesting time for me. I play games together with my older and younger sisters, it was more interesting. In summer we spend all day outside with children from yard. Probably, it was terrible time for mother, because she never know look what we got home. Sometimes with dirty clothes, bruised knees. But it was really enjoying childhood, and I never forget that.
    All in all, games and everything around that is necessary for every child, because it is not a productive childhood without games.

  56. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Game has always been important in the development of children. One proof is that toys are engenereed to develop children from the baby ages till the high school and beyond ages.

    Even at school playing time holds an important spot during sports or break time or even during class like in art class etc.

    This playing time is one of the most important thing for the development of children, a way of continuing learning while charging the batteries.

    Why so many boardgames are made for adults and adapted for children too, This last sentence is great proof that playing time is crucial for children development.

  57. This is a very nice article. Games is very important for children. Everyone knows that. Children learn social order with play . Because the children play by the rules of the game. And while the they play, children learn a lot things as informally. (Creativity, discovering new things, self-knowledge, psychomotor development and so on.) And they enjoyed it. Actually, games are a necessity for children. Because children express herself / himself with play. We try to teach them something When the children reached the age of game. But children must be done them with force by teacher and their family. However, they want to play games. I think, the duty of the teacher teach with the game. children both may take pleasure from education and may be in the natural environment. Moreover, the game has such a power that can entertain people of all ages. I think, teachers can implement «teach with game» tastefully.

  58. From my experience working with children of different ages have to say that the game is the most important part of how kongnitiv and psychomotor development. It is not important whether it is a spontaneous game, when a child is more open, and suggestions based on his belly, or controlled game where the child is motivated by environmental influences. In kindergarten the game is the main activity of the child, then it is difficult to come to one class and focus on the full tuition. Children should be in school more accepting elements of alternative schools (eg Montesorri where children in one class only play and getting used to the school environment ).
    Toys are very important for the child , whether it is a plush toy, like a best friend, or aids in thematic play. Also J. A. Comenius highly evaluated the importance of play, through which the child should be comprehensively developed, see Informatorium of school infancy. I agree here with Comenius in all directions: to the children played together, ran outside, chased and joking. Provide convenient and safe place to invent and show them various exercises and give them the opportunity to joint motion games. Educational value of the game is mainly applied in collective games, so kids have mutually converge on a daily basis to play together . Or as Froebel appears as an educational toy – called Froebel «gifts.»

  59. As a language teacher, especially roleplays seem important to me. The children discover the phenomenon to see from another point of view and they practice how to take another perspective. Additionaly, they are more likely to experimentalise different sides of their behaviour. This may sound simple, but I can find an effect onto other skills, such as social and affective improvement, self-confidence, verbal expression skills and story-telling competences. In my opinion, roleplays are of importance for issues of personal development. The outcome is even bigger when their is a heterogeneous group of children of different ages. I believe that children learn a lot from each other and and in roleplays we give them an opportunity.

  60. As a teacher I couldn’t agree more with this article. From my own experience children learn the most through fun activities and games especially when competition is involved. They are eager to learn, they are motivated, interested and most importantly having fun while learning. We should encourage more games in a classroom and less books. Children just become bored and frustrated. They lose their creativity and sooner or later the majority of children begin to hate education. Games allow children to be themselves and use their imagination. It can also relax them by reliving stress. If we put an emphasis on more games rather than exams we would soon have a generation full of life and creativity. I would highly recommend using games in the classroom as a methodology for teaching.

  61. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    Through this article, I can remember my very first years at school. Indeed there were games, and they really helped us to have communication, to begin little works in groups, and to be creative. By games we can imagine and create new things that we can share.
    I think it is really important for children to begin learning by games and also to do the distinction between work and game, thing which is done by the professor. Thus we need to make children think about what they do, what they play in order to initiate the process of work that they will apprehend later. First school’s years are very important, and for sure they are the most important in children’s lives who have to deal with their personal environment and school background. These first years must give children the desire of learning, not in a competitive spirit but in a team spirit, respecting the others and their ideas, which must follow them all through their path.

  62. I liked this article. In Poland i’m studying Turism and Recreation and i know how important is recreation in our life. Not only kid need it. Adults also have to tak part in recreation. The facts that recreation develop movement skill is well know but there are still people that dont know that recreation affect our way o thinking. It alsow help us when we are tired to regenerate our forces because the best way to regenerate is to do something for yourself but it must be a acctive thing witch will force our body to move . We can add learning aspects to games and they will be more attractive for kids. through game kids grow their personal point of view (competition) or they learn how to cooperate with others (team games)

  63. I totally support the usage of games in the learning process. Especially to children, because in that way children are more motivated and interested in learning something and while learning theory in game, they also develop and promote many important things such as creativity, critical reasoning, collaborative learning. For adults and higher education students games are also very useful, I say this from my experience. In Latvia all my lessons are very congeneric, you come to class, listen to the teacher who shows you some kind of presentation, you write down something and that’s all, group-works appear very rarely. Before I went to my first Dr. Fernando Rubio Alcala lesson here in Spain, I thought that maybe all lessons in universities have to be like that, after all we are adults right now, have to hold on to formal correctitude. But when I went to this lesson “Teaching English in primary education”, the lesson started and the professor told us to stand up and start walking around the class, I was so confused, a little bit afraid and had no clue of what was going to happen. So professor told us to stop and find a partner (person who is closest to you) and told us one question which we have to discuss. In this way I got a chance to hear Spanish students’ opinions, express my opinion, communicate and made me think – do I really know the right answer to the question? which lead to – I definitely want to know the right answer. Every lesson professor surprised me with some kind of interesting game or activity and I have to say I really loved and enjoyed studying, and it is a shame that most professors don’t even try to make their lessons student-centered, instead they prepare hour and a half long monologue (because that is the situation in Latvia).

  64. What a nice article!
    I’m happy to see an academic professor approximate to the topic of games.

    As a adventure/outdoor pedagoge I could highly recommend the methodology of games in every group- and learning-setup. It is such a nice chance to have some fun, improve the nonformal communication skills and even in highly academic contexts, like in classrooms with fixed seats and tables, where the people usually are forced to listen for a much longer time than a human attentionspan is, it brings the opportunty to wake up a little und break with the stupid always passive ex-cathedra teaching.

    Interesting sidefact or rather -question:
    How many games you know where you’ll find a hierarchy similar to the classic student-teacher gap?

  65. Definitely, the elements of game or play are a very important and at the same time undervalued way of learning, and therefore also teaching. There are some subjects where implementing games poses more difficulties but they can be introduced almost to every discipline we are learning. Fortunately, the recent methodologies in a sencond language teaching emphasize the importance of games and there are various techniques based on games and activities associated more with fun than with school. Such an approach allows the students to acquire new material in an easier and more productive way. It is so also because when we feel strong emotions while doing some activity, it is very probable that we will remember for years what we have learnt during this time.

  66. While Reading this article I wondered why games are rarely considered in learning as an effective method, because actually it is true: playing is the first way humans learn. But I think, as our educa-tional system aims at producing workers, it was always more thought about what to learn than how. Although this changed in the last years, research and discussions about this topic are still not finished. Playing as a method of learning should be considered a possibility to learn in school as it is in kindergarten. As it always creates a more relaxed atmosphere, I consider playing as a very effective way of learning also for teenagers or adults. But the problem that we have is that adults consider playing games childish behavior instead of seeing all the advantages it has.

  67. Learning does not start in school – it starts as soon as we’re born. At the very beginning we learn basic but essential things necessary for living and surviving. We learn how to eat, drink, we learn to remember faces, to talk to and so on. But as soon as we come to school we learn things that make our lives easier – we learn how to read and how to write and through our school career thing get more and more challenging. In our childhood years we learn a lot through playing – especially our kinesthetic skills grow through playing – games are a wonderful way to teach and they should really find their way in our classrooms – since we are consistently moving away from traditional old-fashioned teaching – it a new and better way to create wonderful lessons that teacher and student can enjoy.

  68. I am a big fan of games. They can be used in serveral contexts, not only with children, but also in adult education. Depending on the game and on the group of people they are used in, they can have different effects.
    Regarding children, there are a lot of aspects already listed in the article and i can just totally agree. But the importance of games also for groups of teenagers and adults should not be forgotten. Games can be used in workshop or project groups, to loosen up the athmosphere. Or they can be used in companies to strenghten the team spirit of the employees. Some companies and organisations are already starting to include games in their working routine and in my opinion, this should be continued.

  69. I think that the games (different types of them) are very important in each age. It depends on the game which can improve our though or helps us to disperse in each situation. I am talking about older age because increasingly you can see some supportive programes for employees in different forms.(assorted exercises for body and mind or some entertainment) The hard working people need some distraction to clear their mind, get new interesting ideas, be relaxed. For children the games are even more important because they could provide them great way how to learn new things, to know itself more and so. Of course that It depending on ambient conditions (people, children, teachers, toys, subjects. type of the game, timing). Personally i think that the selection of the game is the most important step. And here we are getting back to the teachers because they are mostly the ones who can change or improve something.

  70. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    Just like anybody else, I have never enjoyed going to school or being in class. For fifteen years, I have been given tons of exercises, exams, questionnaires and so on. I have never done them with a big smile. Why ?
    First of all because it isn’t playful. Secondly, it is compulsory, and as we can see below, «compulsory» is an important word according to me.
    Indeed, it is undeniable that games offer many virtues and advantages to children. When I hear the words «game» or «play» I usually think of «mind freedom», «creativity» and «fun». On the other hand the words «school», «work» or «exercises» are likely to be synonyms for «compulsory», «concentration» and «serious».
    I want to emphasize the fact that there is a conflict here: Indeed, how is it possible to mix carefree activities and at the same time remind young learners that they must behave this or that way and assimilate this or that by the end of the year ? How can teachers put frontiers between what is fun and what is serious? Are 3 year-old children mature enough make any distinction between both sides and not to create a form of chaos in their class? To me, the answer to this last question is definitely NO.
    That’s how games applied to general didactics appears to be a two-edged weapon: if it would be a powerful tool to stimulate children’s potential in any field, it would also tend to make them forget that life isn’t a game.
    Surely we can’t erase children’s carefreeness during nursury school. But I believe teachers’ role is to prepare their pupils for the next step. And as we’ve all experienced it once in our lives, the gap is huge between the last year in nursury school and the first year in primary school. Consequently, we need to make sure that pupils have the capacity to quickly assimilate what is serious and compulsory. I’m therefore not really convinced by this method.

  71. Playing is the first form of learning for children. I think playing as a form of learning is not just for children, also adults can still learn by playing. For example, there are games existing for learning about how to programme or for learning or improoving another language. I really like this way of learning and tried it out by myself. Also as a child I had a computer with playful learning programms for mathematics and so on. I really liked it and did it very often. Playing combines the aspect of enjoyment with learning and creates a totally relaxed atmosphere of learning. It should be used more often

  72. Education in the early part of the twentieth century tended to focus on the acquisition of basic skills and content knowledge, like reading, writing, calculation, history or science. Many experts believe that success in the twenty-first century depends on education that treats higher order skills, like the ability to think, solve complex problems or interact critically through language and media.Games naturally support this form of education. They are designed to create a compelling complex problem space or world, which players come to understand through self-directed exploration. They are scaffolded to deliver just-in-time learning and to use data to help players understand how they are doing, what they need to work on and where to go next. Games create a compelling need to know, a need to ask, examine, assimilate and master certain skills and content areas. Some experts argue that games are, first and foremost, learning systems, and that this accounts for the sense of engagement and entertainment players experience.There are other attributes of games that facilitate learning. One of these is the state of being known as play. Much of the activity of play consists in failing to reach the goal established by a game’s rules. And yet players rarely experience this failure as an obstacle to trying again and again, as they work toward mastery. There is something in play that gives players permission to take risks considered outlandish or impossible in “real life.” There is something in play that activates the tenacity and persistence required for effective learning.

  73. «The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery.” – Erik H. Erikson

    I believe playing is not just the key for making the learning process more interesting for a children but also for older students and adults. Good structured play have such a strange power that help us to relax and forget that we are actually learning. And it’s even strangest that all things that we learn through playing seem so easy and we remember them so quickly. Probably the reason is in the feelings that we feel and express during the play. Games are usually funny and interesting, especially if we’re playing in a group of people. Maybe this positive aspect that we have about games in general, our brains connect with positive feelings about the new things we are crossing while playing. The consequence is that we adopt new knowing spontaneously, without effort and constraint. I can tell from my own experience that I have as an adolescent improved my English while playing games with group of Americans on a summer camps and also by playing strategic and constructive computer games. Games definitely can help people of all ages to learn new things in all fields of our life. But I agree that the first years of life are essential for learning and that’s we should use the right strategies during that time. Like i write down at the beginning of my comment, I thing just play sometimes it’s not enough. Especially for kids who are, in their first years of lives, capable of receiving an enormous amount of information. Here I agree with the article, that the teacher has the important role! He should include the play in the curriculum, but structured it that way that it would bring a child to new discovery, that it would offer him an option of diverse knowledge that he can get out of it. Structured in that way that the child would be during the whole process curious about it, that he would spontaneously interact with people and that he would at the same time build his autonomy, develop his creativity and construct knowledge in his proper (for him the best) way.

  74. We all know the importance of play for children. Almost all children wants to play game. Games and toys, child development is important. Children learn by playing discover the world. Children’s learned patience,obey the rules, concept of competition. Games,awakens the child’s ability. Games are a fit. Game is the child’s natural learning environment. That release energy accumulated in children is a tool.For example, I remember our teacher would feel very good when she play with us. Children often tend to play when they find necessary material(sludge, wood, water, rags, etc..). Children also develop their own personality while creating toys. Children playing the game, the game’s purpose and what would give him, without thinking gives himself fully to the game and the experience gained through the game without noticing much benefit to the child’s future life.The game just does not have to be outside the classroom. Playground is a place of learning for all children.

  75. I agree that for children the most important thing for learning, development and communication are games. Through games children learn everything. Games inadvertently teaches to children daily things, for example, relationship, communication, hygene, motor skills, basic abilities, ect. In children we should be able to give an interest about game or activity, because without it, children do not feel emotions and do this fully. Teachers are the most important persons in children’s development, it means, that teacher must be able to organize lesson, game, activity so that the children can develop with harmony – mental, emotional, physical. Teacher is like organizator and environmental creator. With the help of games, children can prove their individuality, autonomy, social, intelectual and physical skills. After teachers, second important people are family and parents, who can train children, let them play games and play with them at home. In my opinion, education process should be more with games, in funny way, so that children feel happy and want to learn.

  76. I think learning with games is the best way of education for children until the age of 10. Education shouldn’t be just learning by heart with all theories. So if we include games to every subject, children would not just learn but they will also have fun, enyoj learning etc. Games can really be educational. So every game has to have a purpose, for example if we want to teach children multiplication in maths, we can use some interesting accessorise and materials. I found something for multiplication on the internet. It is in croatian language on url: http://www.lino.eu/zabava/printalice/super-interaktivna-tablica-mnozenja/ . I also think that if children make their own materials, they become more important, pleased with themselves and more effective in learning. It’s not just enough to put some games on computer or just bring «already made materials». Children have to be more involved in «making education». And we should encourage team work – learning in mixed groups. The teacher’s role should be more like helping if help is needed, just giving instructions and encouraging and motivating children for independent work or work in groups. Children also like playing outside (if the weather is good), so we can take them outside and play some games for different subjects. To conclude, games are the most important part of children’s education period.

  77. Indeed, play is more than just an action for fun. My personal opinion is that games are most important and a component of evolution. It is in a childs nature to play and to recive and to process the information in their surrounding. Also I am pretty sure the possibility of a role-play is more effectiv for children to learn that a pre-school. Of course games might not support the learning of numbers nor reading but it’s improtance for living in a particular society. Giving and taking away, as well as working together is learned by games way before they even enter the first grade. Sure, in school the role of games is not less important but to my mind there are less possibilities to play as there could be. I don’t see a reason why those possibilites (room, time, materials) aren’t given. Maybe because we place our value more on learning objective things like reading or mathematics? Nevertheless, we should be way more aware of the meaning of play.

  78. At the beginning of children’s education children learn emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually all through play. Although through some eyes people may feel that teacher’s in the early years have little to do. ‘All the teachers have to do is watch children play.’ However this is not the case at all, the environment in which a child plays in needs to be thought out very carefully by teachers as well as many other things. Are the games targeting children’s interests? Are the activities challenging enough? Is there enough space for children to carry out activities in a group? Are the games and activities created and moulded around what the children need to learn? Once the environment is created in an exciting and enabling way it is important that teachers model how games and activities are carried out properly. The teacher may sit back and watch the children play and join in through child-led play or the teacher may ask stimulating questions and lead the play encouraging children to think about the games and activities properly. I believe that the early years of children’s education are the most important as it is where children progress the most throughout their lives. Therefore I believe the importance of ‘play’ needs to be recognised.

  79. I think play is an extremely important and effective part of learning for a young child. Play is something that really engages the child. Play keeps the child interested and holds their attention. By being interested in the games, children pay attention and concentrate without even realising it. By playing games children learn the consequences of their actions in the game, they learn from this and build on this knowledge each time they play. For example if they learn that by making a certain mistake they can lose the game,they’ll use this knowledge to change their actions the next time so they won’t lose. As well as this it develops skills such as communication skills and observational skills.

  80. Caro Professor José Manuel, a escola não é um elemento natural para os alunos, é artificial. Jogar é divertido. Aprender é difícil. De facto, porque não aproveitar o melhor dos dois e integrá-los? O seu artigo é muito inspirador… temos de agendar uma conferência online para o meus professores.

    1. Caro amigo Luis, muito obrigado, sempre suas palavras ajudan-me a refletir. Mi primera cuestión es: ¿qué es lo artificial y qué lo natural? ¿Dónde está la barrera?
      Esta cuestión es más importante de lo que parece porque se escucha hoy día sobre la necesidad de simplificar las cosas, hacerlas más naturales, más ecológicas, la vuelta a los orígenes, conciliar el progreso y la vida natural, etc. Es como si nos hubiéramos cansado del progreso o, tal vez, que una parte del progreso quizás no lo sea y nos sentimos engañados… ahí puede haber una gran verdad, porque tenemos la certeza de que una parte de lo que hemos ganado con el progreso se ha hecho posible despreciando la sostenibilidad de nuestro mundo y de aquello habría que haber considerado como bueno permanentemente para el ser humano. Pero ésta no es una cuestión fácil.
      Hoy el juego ha evolucionado mucho, polarizando entre lo más simple, básico y tradicional hasta lo más sofisticado, tecnológicamente hablando hoy. La ingeniería informática está haciendo evolucionar el juego y su impacto cognitivo hasta nuevos horizontes, y eso que estamos aún en la prehistoria del desarrollo de la tecnología informática… imagina dentro de 50 años. Si bien esto, el uso de la tecnología es muy deficitaria aún…
      Te recomiendo esta magnífica entrevista a mi gran amiga la Dra. Alma Dzib Goodin, prestigiosa neurocientífica americana (con ella estoy escribiendo un libro):
      Sin despreciar el asunto online, tal vez sea interesante organizar un seminario o conferencia presencial, no estamos tan lejos…
      Forte abraço!

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