No saber idiomas ¿es bueno o malo?

La posibilidad de entenderse y comunicarse en más de un idioma -una realidad diaria ya para una buena parte de la población del planeta- es algo deseable para todos los ciudadanos. Aprender y hablar idiomas nos hace más abiertos a las demás personas, culturas y puntos de vista, mejora la capacidad de conocimiento y el dominio de nuestra propia lengua y nos permite aprovechar la posibilidad de estudiar y trabajar en otro país, vecino o más lejano. Abre horizontes, por tanto, de toda índole.


Como se ha dicho en múltiples informes y estudios, mejorar el aprendizaje de idiomas es primordial para que un país desarrolle todo su potencial, ya sea económico, cultural o social. El aprendizaje de idiomas como parte integrante de la educación y la formación tiene importancia no sólo por el enriquecimiento cultural del individuo, sino también por su contribución a la movilidad y la competitividad dentro y fuera del país. Cuando hablamos de enriquecimiento cultural lo hacemos en referencia a sus grandes beneficios para el desarrollo personal de hombres y mujeres, pues el aprendizaje de idiomas está detrás de un determinado desarrollo cognitivo, socio-comunitario, por cuanto abre al ser humano a realidades socio-culturales distintas, en un giro hacia la capacidad de comprensión de culturas distintas.

Hay, por tanto, un importante efecto intercultural en el aprendizaje de idiomas, cosa muy importante hoy por cuanto que el ser humano se desenvuelve en un contexto mucho más amplio que antes, con la posibilidad de intercambiar informaciones, opiniones, emociones y afectos con personas muy distintas a él, lo que suele provocar un profundo enriquecimiento del mismo.

Estas funciones del aprendizaje de los idiomas deben estar bien articuladas, como empezamos a ver, con una adecuada estructura y estrategia del significado y proyección que le damos a la enseñanza de idiomas. No hay aprendizaje de idiomas eficaz si no viene sustentada y apoyada por una eficaz enseñanza de estos idiomas, por lo general aspecto crítico en aquellos países donde el nivel de aprendizaje de otro idioma al propio es bajo. En muchas ocasiones hemos asistido a planes de formación mal estructurados, estrategias mal usadas, pobreza en los métodos de enseñanza de idiomas, ambientes nefastos para el aprendizaje de un idioma, lo que ha provocado ineludiblemente el aprendizaje cero de los idiomas. ¡Es ridículo pensar que así aprenderemos idiomas! Muchos años estudiando un idioma extranjero no es directamente proporcional a su aprendizaje. Comprobar esto en muchos países es asomarse a una triste realidad que nos ha hecho perder el tiempo, y el dinero, a todos.

Los profesores de idiomas están llamados a desempeñar un papel esencial de toda realidad que pretenda ser plurilingüe. Con la adecuada combinación de aptitudes lingüísticas y pedagógicas pueden suscitar en el alumno un entusiasmo por los idiomas que permanezca durante toda su vida. Y hay que recordar esto, además de metodología y ambiente es necesario dejar la huella, el entusiasmo, el afecto por esta cuestión. Lo demás es fútil banalidad.

La función de la escuela en la enseñanza de las lenguas no se limita a las clases y no sólo atañe a los profesores de idiomas. Las escuelas de nuestros días deben preparar a los niños para estar en una sociedad abierta a otras culturas y en la cual podrán conocer gentes de países y tradiciones muy diversas, esta realidad puede aumentar este entusiasmo, pero hay que crear concienzudamente el ambiente…


También tienen la gran responsabilidad de ayudarles a desarrollar todo el abanico de sus posibilidades de comunicación, entre las que se incluyen su lengua materna, la lengua de la escuela si es otra y las demás lenguas, todo ello junto con la dimensión intercultural.

Aprender idiomas en edad temprana puede ser muy beneficioso para los niños, según nuevos estudios publicados en lugares de realidad plurilingüe (EEUU, Australia, Luxemburgo). Al activarse muy pronto su aptitud natural para el aprendizaje de lenguas, los niños disponen de más tiempo para asimilar y adquieren una experiencia lingüística y cultural que puede beneficiar a su desarrollo en general, sea éste cognitivo, social, cultural, acústico, lingüístico o personal, además de darles una mayor determinación y sentido de la participación y una mayor confianza en sí mismos.

La enseñanza de idiomas modernos a los niños de corta edad no sólo les permite desarrollar su competencia lingüística, sino que les procura un mayor sentimiento de pertenencia, ciudadanía y comunidad, además de darles las primeras pistas para aprovechar las posibilidades que les ofrece una determinada realidad multilingüe y de diversidad cultural.

142 respuestas a “No saber idiomas ¿es bueno o malo?”

  1. Laura Aylin Hechler dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. Knowing different languages is very important nowadays. It is necessary for the communication with people from foreign countries. Additionally it offers lots of opportunities to get to know different cultures. Apart from the fact, that it makes traveling so much easier, it increases our chances to get a good job. Knowing languages is in great demand. I could not imagine a world without language skills. Therefore I think it is necessary to start learning languages at a very young age. Usually it is easier for children to learn and to use language. My own experience confirms that because I grew up with two languages and I know a lot of people in Germany, who grew up with two languages at home. They are able to speak them almost perfectly because they started very early. Language helps people to integrate and makes our world more open minded for different cultures and religions. Knowing languages unites people all over the world. So education system should continue and improve in the field of teaching languages in school.

  2. Don’t speak any other language is absolutely a bad thing! I am totally agreed with this article. In my opinion to know foreign languages is one of the most important thing, and i believe that children have to start to learn languages since as soon as it possible, cause in the early ages they are more acceptant than later. I know that Hungary has got some „two languages speaking” nursery-school, and in my opinion it is a very good idea, they can learn a lot, and when they start the primary school, they can speak fluently in another language too. Of course it worth the best if the parents try to cultivate the foreign language with the children at home also. If somebody able to speak more languages, it means that she or he has got better opportunities in the future such as in the school or to find a good job. With learning languages, you learn some of the other culture also, and it is very interesting for me. Unfortunately i just speak in english, but i am started to learn spanish as well in here, and i will continue when i will be in Hungary again. Otherwise it was a big surprise for me when i arrived to Spain and i saw that most of the spanish people can’t speak in english. I still don’t understand why, and now i feel it won’t be the same when i will go home, cause i love to speak in english, even if sometimes my english grammar is not the best. But they say, «Practice makes perfect.»

  3. Knowing a language opens lots of doors to people. It provides opportunities to get to know and understand the world. It arises not only cultural awareness and enrichment but also it helps individuals keep up with the changing and competitive world. Also, many an employer looks for employees who know at least two foreign languages.
    Learning a language needs determination, hard work, making sacrifices and diligency. There is a lot that a teacher should do during providing a meaningful, interactive and comprehensible input. Yet, teachers are not the only responsibles. Schools also have duties such as setting and carrying out a school policy based upon teaching foreign languages. Thus, students will foster a sense of belonging and appreciation of other cultures as well as producing a foreign language.

  4. As a philologist to say that knowledge is one of the most important skills you can have a man. In my opinion, a big mistake committed by Hispanic, or people from English speaking countries, who often fail to learn other languages. Knowledge of multiple languages ​​helps in finding often very interesting work in an international environment. Language learning should start from an early age because then the brain most easily absorb information. In my opinion, the easiest situation are children from bilingual families as well so parents can get to know both languages​​.So I believe that knowledge is very important.

  5. I personally believe that more than one language should be taught at a young age. As a person with a Filipino mother and living in the United Kingdom, I was never given the option to learn my mother’s tongue but was only taught to read, write and speak in English. I understand with any parents concern that for a child learning one language can be difficult enough but at this stage of a child’s life, this is the best time to learn. Children are like sponges, they will absorb different materials and new things and are more likely to remember them compared to an adult. As I was growing up, I always found this a hindrance and always left a bitter taste in my mouth as I personally would have loved to have grown up with two languages. Being able to understand a different language is a wonderful feeling to obtain. For someone who has travelled to another country to gain this, the experience that you encounter in a new country is one of the most worthwhile things you can encounter in your life. You get to learn new cultures, try new food and make friends from all around the world. As a British citizen, I personally believe that our schools should introduce learning new languages at a young age. Many countries in Europe will teach a child to learn English at a young age, therefore, I do not see the problem in why English people should not do the same. Are we too arrogant for our good? More than likely, yes.

  6. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    I believe that learning more than one language is something that should be taught from an early age. I am from the UK and there is not much emphasis on learning a new language as the rest of the world tends to learn english (example being the erasmus classes). I believe this should change in the UK, a language can only broaden your horizons and make you a more educated person. Learning another language is seeing the world through a different lens. Although in UK classes are taught in languages such as german, spanish and french, not much importance is placed on them and from my experience they are not classes which are taken too seriously. I believe learning a new language is as vital as subjects such as Maths, English,and History. In the UK i would like to see this happen but due to the fact other countries learn English, i do not see too many people agreeing.

  7. To start with, I would like to ask how it could be bad to know more than one language. Understanding people from different places of the world is always useful, and for example in my case, it makes me feel happy. It helps people get to know each other, get closer to each other, it makes life easier and much more fun. Learning languages is not easy for all of us, though, since some have great skills, whilst others have difficulties with it. Teachers need to engage students, of course, but if someone simply does not care, it gives them a hard time, too. The other huge problem is, when teachers are not well-qualified. How could anyone learn to understand or speak properly, if the one leading them cannot? When being interested in learning a language, you can help yourself improve by listening to music, reading the lyrics (even though sometimes it is gramatically incorrect) and using a dictionary to translate it – a lot of new words on the horizon -, watching movies, and if you are confident enough in your knowlegde, the best option is to start reading books in that particular language. Plus never forget to practice. There are lots of options to find someone to whom you can talk, thus being able to improve, whilst making new friends. Once I read an article about how knowing different languages affects our brain, and the results showed that different areas of the brain were activated when using different languages. I find it interesting how languages could train our brains, as well. All in all, learning, teaching and learning how to teach languages is one of the most important things in lifelong education.

  8. Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. When you move to a different country or region like Erasmus for example, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, for example if your Learn English and you move to the Netherlands, it’s still worth your while learning the local language. If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you’ll need a good knowledge of the local language it’s essential for studying but also in the life for asking something or just to make new friends.

  9. In my opinion, the knowledge of foreing languges nowadays is really essential. Knowing a foreign language allows us to express ourselves and increase our confidence in ourselves. The importance of foreign language teaching is gradually increasing in the global world. Most of the countries train their foreign language teachers according to the needs of employment and regulate education programs on this way. Particularly, sending their teachers to abroad or giving much attention to teach foreign languages are the main methods the countries apply. I agree that early language learning helps learners develop positive attitudes towards other cultures and languages.

  10. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Knowing a language is looking at world from one point of view, knowing two language is seeing world from two points of view. Thats why it is absoluately good to know a language more.
    Objects have different names in different languages. These names are given them by people of using mutual language, related to how they need it and use it.
    So meanings are based on culture, relations among close words are based on culture. This is the very main benefit of knowing language. There are lots of benefits in knowing a language.

  11. Learning foreign language is the most important issue in our lives. It does not matter that you are child or adult or old. Everybody feels its necessity. Even my mother tries to learn English because she wants to keep up with new world which is different from her generation. In my opinion, I speak for my country, we have quite bad sytem for the people and children who want to learn English or other foreign languages. We have to make them like foreign languages especially English but the thing that we do make them being bored and also hate English. For example, in high schools English is an obligatory course but teachers are not qualified enough. In this point, the problem is not the system, it is teachers. Because when they are unqualified there is nothing to be done for the system. If we talk about the enthusiasm of students, we have to say that it is so low. I have seen this in my high school years, because when my class mates and I had to attend English courses, they were skipping them all the time. On the other hand, when they attended the courses they just complaint about it and also they were bothering the teacher. Even they did not like maths or physics, they prefered to attend to them but English. Because of the fact that English is an obstacle for them to understand the teacher, they prefer attending the other subjects because they understand the teacher so they do not have to make so much effort to overcome that problematic situation.

  12. The inclusion of modern foreign languages nowadays, I believe is crucial. Speaking with a viewpoint from the United Kingdom, I believe we are extremely lazy, this, I believe is due to the fact that many other countries study English from a young age, here in Spain I have encountered many people eager to improve their English, this unfortunately is not the case in England when we are presented with someone who speaks another language. Only in the most recent years has the teaching of foreign languages been encouraged. I teach basic Spanish at a nursery near to my university, teaching greetings and numbers, colours etc, and the response from the children as well as the parents is extremely encouraging, the fact that learning a language when you’re below 7 is easier, this really needs to be taken advantage of as this can have a positive effect upon employability in later life, especially with the effect of globalisation.

  13. To learn an other lanuage and speak it is very usefull. I was all the time very bad in languages. For my opinion was the teacher the reason an the pressure of the school system that I have to learn more and faster! In the high school my language skills became better because I had an awesome teacher who teached us with a lot of passion. After that I also startet to learn english by watching movies in this language. For me it´s very important to keep speaking in english. It´s the world language. After finish highschool is not the reason to interrupt learning english. Espsecially for teachers it´s very important to speak very good english. These days I also learn spanish. Of course I talk a lot english with the other Erasmusstudents but If it´s possible I speak much spanish as possible. Fortunately I live in a flat with 3 people from Latinamerica. In this three months now I improved a lot of my spanish skills. It´s also very usefull in the school if you speak more than one language. Nowadays there are a lot of children with different mother tongue. If you as a teacher speaks a language from one ore more pupils they become more in with you. It mean also that you are more open minded.
    «To speak more languages is sometimes more worth than money.» L. H.

  14. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    I think learning languages with under one of the most important training is that we receive. In my school days I had a teacher in English who has the pleasure taken me to the language. He has excited beyond measure about each of my mistakes and given me fear of speaking. After I was done with school I had fears of speaking with others in English. The more I traveld, the better I became in English and have finally lost my fears! Especially in Spain would be desirable to improve the language skills. I also believe that the vast unemployment is due a little to the lack of language skills.

  15. I entirely agree that learning languages makes us more open to other people and cultures, improves our language and allows us to study and work abroad. Learning languages and their structure, especially at an early age, leads to better cognitive abilities and increases future opportunities in this global world we live in. One can see it as the mirror to this global world, that people are able to communicate with people from all over the world, not being restricted in their own habitat.
    Language learning at an early age may support children to have an open mind about different cultures, since knowing languages enables cultural exchange and intercultural relationships.
    Nowadays it is common to offer early language education, for example in kindergarten or preschool, because it is easier to learn languages, the younger you are. Learning Latin at an early age helped me to understand the structure of languages and to learn other languages later on. However, I think it is most important that children have a basic education in English, for the simple reason that this is the world language.
    In my opinion, every child should have the chance to learn a foreign language, since it improves cognitive development, cultural understanding a future opportunities.

  16. If you learn another language, you have to start from childhood. Because when you were child, if you can be educated in this topic, its better for you. Another language can help to improve, exchange of emotions, learn different cultures and experience abroad for yourself. We have to use the right strategy for this. If we use right strategy that time it can be right education for ourselves. For this reason teachers are so important for education. Because children gain the firt information from their teacher. Thereby children will have oppurtunities to study abroad and work in different fields.

  17. I know and experienced this situation for years because I am hundred percent sure my country is one of those countries who has poorly structured and strategically misused language teaching. We saw throughout years that it is not enough to be able to communicate in a foreign language by attending the courses in school. From the childhood one should be given a foreign language somehow either by cartoons, activites, having a pen friend abroad or traveling abroad to at least start feeling that environment. Only this way one can grow being not shy to speak 2nd language and being more open to communicate. This duty must start from the first school which is ‘family’ and continue with the modern education environment which we call ‘school’ …

  18. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    The child’s speech is developing due to the need to communicate with relevant persons (parents, teachers, other children). If this person speak different languages to communicate, develop bilingualism with them. We can talk about bilingualism or multilingualism, when an individual can communicate in two or more languages. It has been proven that a child’s speech is most intensely developed in an infant or toddler (0-3) and during early childhood (3-6). To develop speech children need stimulating environment in which it will be used a speech in various contexts. This means that children should have the opportunity to hear and use the language in different situations and needs encouragement by adults and peers. Mainly symbolic play encourages children’s language development. At the same time the speech also encourages the development of thinking and the development of various social competence. Early teaching of foreign language should be associated with the game, especially symbolically, and motivation of children it is also very important.

  19. Children should start learning foreign languages at their early age. Parents should not be afraid that child this way is overloaded, because young children’s brains can absorb information much faster than adults. Therefore, we should not worry that we are offering too much and too early to child, but that he was offered too little. The right approach to early language learning is when learning is as close as possible to natural language acquisition. Projects where schools from various countries connect together and then using Skype to talk in English are very popular and successful in our country. Children can learn foreign languages through games and still having fun.

  20. Language detection method.Other people, other communities and the world.Through the language of the cultures of other countries, their identity, their differences would have seen.Thus, by communicating with people expands our vision.We try to understand them.I support this kind of project done.I think it is very convenient to learn the language and culture of Erasmus example.In my country, a lot of importance is given to this project.Because of the many advances in language learning and knowing.In my country we go from elementary school to learn the language.But do not be effectively and continuously.Only the words are training on.So do not practice.So do not talk much.When I came here I saw that this situation is very different in other countries.As you said in the article to language training should be started very early and accurate methods.Because language is a heritage of the country.

  21. Language detection method.Other people, other communities and the world.Through the language of the cultures of other countries, their identity, their differences would have seen. Thus, by communicating with people expands our vision.We try to understand them.
    I support this kind of project done.I think it is very convenient to learn the language and culture of Erasmus example.In my country, a lot of importance is given to this project.Because of the many advances in language learning and knowing.In my country we go from elementary school to learn the language.But do not be effectively and continuously.Only the words are training on.So do not practice.So do not talk much.When I came here I saw that this situation is very different in other countries.As you said in the article to language training should be started very early and accurate methods. Because language is a heritage of the country.

  22. I completely agree with this article. Communication is one of the most important thing in the world, for sure knowing the language will help you to express yourself and intercommunicate with other people. That is why, in my opinion you should start to learn languages from early childhood, because when you are young is easier to learn new kind of things. Parents should find the best way of teaching their kids languages. For example by play or by watching cartoons in different language. This knowledge definitely must be continued in school. Knowing at least one foreign language gives you a lot of possibilities, especially nowadays when traveling became more common than before. You can discover many countries and their culture without any inconvenience. Now only imagine, what would happen if you knew how to speak in 4 different languages…

  23. I totally agree with this article. I think that we should learn foregin languages from the first years in school. Nowdays it’s necessery to know other languages. We go abroad to work or study so we need to know foregin languages. I also think that children should learn more that just one language. I think that we must know more than just one foregin language. It gaves us more possibilities. I also think that if we want to learn languages we need not only a good teacher but also we need to be motivated.

  24. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    In my opinion it is so big think to communicate with people which we want. Of course, now we have a lot of tools helping us in this communication, like translators for example. In mail conversation we can talk with someone, without knowing another language! You are putting your mail to a translator, and that`s it. Of course sometimes the translations are not perfect, and someone should take a look before sending this massage. Anyway when we want to communicate with people in a real world, without technologies, we are on our own, so that`s why we should learn languages as much as we can, and choose this language, which probably will be useful in our future.

  25. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. I think nowadays it is very important for children to be taught another language from a young age and to be brought up as a bilingual person. It is important to teach them this second language from a young age as the brain is more absorbent in an younger child and they will be able to speak it more naturally than if they were taught it when they are older. I also believe it is important to have more than one language as it gets you further in life and opens up your life to more possibilities and experiences. Employment is a hard thing to come across in today’s society and having more than one language will make you stand out as a candidate. Also from experience having a second language will help you if you go abroad, as an Erasmus student I have to rely on my ability to speak some Spanish on a daily basis and I think I would really struggle if I didn’t speak any Spanish at all. Therefore I think that having more than one language is extremely important.

  26. To know more than one language is not only something good- in these days- it is something nesecary. Knowing more than your own language present you the opportunity to comunicate with more people from all over the world which presents the unique chance to share some useful information and expireance and also not to forget see more cultures and learn different traditions. In my oppinion knowing at least one forigner language and comunicate on it with different people
    can make is more tolerant and open-minded. I also agree with the idea that the forigner language classes should start at the early childhood even before school age, because the kids will have more time to use with the language.

  27. I totally agreed that teaching children second language while they are still young is a great idea. Moreover by teaching I mean more surrounding them with the language. Show them movies in the foreign language try to make it fun. The ability to speak with other people from other countries is an enormous possibility to do things that are impossible for people that don’t know any languages. For example get a better job, move out abroad or just meet with people. What I think more is that we also should learn something about the culture of the country. The best way I think is to make friends with native speakers not only to improve language but also because they can teach us more about their own culture.

  28. Our teachers that we need to learn a second language, would be more advantageous when looking for work in later years tells us.2 Language over time employer who knows if people will still told we we continue to move up to wave.When I look at job advertisements already know English as a second language is perceived as something natural in the countries where the company’s business or the industry in which I see is specified by. Foreign language is very good positions without knowing that there are no people who are?Yes,of course.But the time to do that on this issue there was a perception and a lot of people did not need to know a foreign language.Good position at the end of a certain period of time most people just come to the knowledge of foreign languages because they could not get promoted I often hear.The world is changing and globalizing economy was no longer having such limits, especially after the internet has completely changed the way of doing business.In this new century, just not enough knowledge and experience, but also good to know a foreign language is regarded as one of the requirements.

  29. I agree with this article. Nowadays languages are really important; for communication with people from other countries and with knowledge of other languages you can find job abroad easier,… It is important that teachers in schools prepare children to be open to other cultures and it is also very beneficial for children to learn different languages in their early childhood, because children learn languages easier when they are 5 or 6 years old. I started with English lessons in primary school, when I was 9, but I think this was too late. I know that in some kindergardens in Slovenia start with lessons of foreign language at 4 or 5 years old and I think this is really good for children’s development.
    In the Spain (Huelva) a small percent of people speak English. I hardly understand this, because English is international language and you can not talk with people from other countries if you do not speak English. I have one subject with just spanish students and nobody in classroom speaks English. From the beginning it was really hard for me, because I did not understand a lot, but now it is better. The best way to learn language is communication with people. I also think this is the only way to improve foreign language.

  30. The option to learn a foreign language at primary school is attractive for several reasons. Firstly, it is easy for children to naturally speak foreign languages because their accents are not affected by the native language. Likewise, if they start learning speaking at secondary school when their throats already established, their speaking skill is not as good as that of children who started learning at primary school. Secondly, it has been shown that bilingual children are more intelligent than the monolinguals, the ability considered as an effect of learning a foreign language at primary school. Hence, this practice does improve intelligence of children in early stage.

  31. I think the more languages you know the better.
    I’m thankful that we have in Austria the opportunity to learn different language in schools. Students come in contact with English the first time in primary school. There are also some English nursery schools, which is a great idea, in my opinion. The earlier a child comes in contact with another language the better.
    And then in 7th grade you get to choose another language. In my school you could decide between Latin, French and Italian.
    But for me it’s really important that pupils learn and know different languages and are motivated to learn them. I think especially English is nowadays one of the most important languages you can learn. It’s a world language and everyone, who has to do international business, has to know this language.
    Without my knowledge of English I couldn’t study this semester abroad, where I get to know a new country and their culture.
    People, who refuse to learn another language makes me really sad, because they don’t know what great opportunities a new language can bring with itself.

  32. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the article, because I also think that it’s a very good chance to grow up with two languages. But it’s only effective for children, with parents who care a lot of the improvement. If the opposite is the case the children are not able to learn both languages in a good way and will get many problems. Teachers, which know more languages or native speakers, are very important for the pupils, because so they get the chance to improve both languages . In my opinion it would be wise to allow people to work at schools as native speakers more easily. Students for example, which speak different languages or Erasmus students, could work in schools for a few hours a week and help children to improve and practice. It would be a cheap and easy possibility to support children and students.

  33. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    As any parent of a young child knows, young children are naturally drawn to learning new words so learning any language is quite natural for a small child. A young childs are unable to differentiate between a first and subsequent languages and starting second language instruction early means a child can have more than one «first languages.»

    Some research suggests that children who receive second language instruction are more creative and better at solving complex problems than those who do not. That’s why so strong opportunity for language learning should not be wasted.

    Besides, with ever-increasing levels of international trade and business, tourism, immigration, and random cross-cultural experiences it is obigatory to be able to communicate with other citizens in antoher countries. With globalization in full swing, there’s a good chance we’ll be working with people whose first language isn’t English. That’s why I think the reasons to learn a foreign language or two have never been stronger. We should also remember that it is never, ever too late to learn a language.

  34. I think that this article sets a perfect debate regarding the concept of learning a language is a good or bad thing. In my opinion I think from Primary school, children should be thought different languages. In my case, Gaeilge was the language that I learnt during my time in Primary and Secondary school. Gaeilge is native Irish language, but nowadays, the majority of people in Ireland speak English and other foreign languages. I think that students should study their native language as they are learning not only their native language but also about their culture and who they are. I strongly stand by the fact that students should have a choice of which foreign language they wish to study in Secondary school. The Secondary school that I attended only gave the option of studying French and did not let us explore other languages. For me, studying French was not useful in the long run as I am currently not studying a language in university. Moreover, learning a foreign language helps children in many ways. Nowadays children are more active than before. For example, English nowadays is a very important language to communicate and used by most of the people in the world. In conclusion, I believe that most children should strive to speak a foreign language fluently. This will give the child more opportunities in life when it comes to job perspectives or traveling abroad. In today’s society you can see that languages are becoming more and more important. Learning a new language today is more than just words and phrases it is more about culture and people lives. Learning a new language is important not only for communication but also for personal development.

  35. In my opinion I think that learning more than one language is vital. Learning more than one language is an insight into different cultures. One of the most important reasons to learn a foreign language is the stimulation it offers your mind. Learning a language is not just learning grammar and vocabulary; it is learning new sounds, expressions, and ways of seeing things; it is learning how to act in another culture, how to know a new community from the inside. You are never too young to learn a new language and it is never too late to begin one. There are numerous benefits why speaking more than one language is important. For example speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure. You can use languages when seeking employment because if you know more than you native language there is going to be better opportunities available in different countries where the languages are spoken. I think it is very important for young children in schools to learn languages because studying a language at a young age because it will stick in the mind of a child at a young age. In my opinion, in Ireland not enough primary schools across the country offer foreign languages to pupils. I think that there should be a variety of languages offered in primary schools so that it can be thought to children at a young age.

  36. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    It is said that world is a global village. Yes, we live in Europe – a world of independent countries but interconnected with each other by many factors like economics, trade, society. But different countries means different languages, so it is extremely important to know foreign languages in order to be a part of this world.
    As it was mentioned in article, speaking in foreign language can give as chance to study abroad. For me this opportunity to study abroad have been extremely important experience. As an exchange student I developed new skills and I gained experiences a classroom setting will never provide. Studying abroad definitely broad horizons and make people become a «global citizen» skilled at interacting in and between multiple cultures.
    Considering that, I think that schools should pay more attention on teaching languages, as nowadays it is so important to be able to communicate with people from another countries. But teaching with appropriate methods, not to overload students with grammar but to make them able to speak in foreign language.

  37. Being able to speak a second language is the life long dream of many people, yet only a fraction of these people ever realise their life long dream. I know from personal experience that the ability to speak a second language will help you to secure a job at international level easier than someone with only one language. Take for example the European Union who will ask a job candidate for the ability to be fluent in two languages. I believe, using this as an example that schools across the globe should have a language programme in their curriculum from early age. Firstly because it will show the pupils the differences in culture but mainly because research shows that the ability to learn new skills, ie. new language is more developed at a younger age. If this research is true then the younger we start to teach pupils a new language the better as it will give them a good head start into grasping the new words, phrases and proved them with a good basis for future more intense language classes.

  38. I would recommend that all children should be tought a second language from a young age, whilst their brains are similar to a sponge and learning in different ways is much more easier to adopt to. Not only does learning a second language allow a young person to enhance their communication skills bit it also allows them to enhance many very important life long skills eg Flexible Thinking, Problem Solving, Abstract Thinking etc. The idea of a young person being able to adopt and react to challenges is one that will play a huge part in their future life, when in employment, family life and general every day scenarios. With many research suggesting that the capability to think differently and more effectively makes a person much more employable, then it should be wright that this is introduced to all young people, at such an age were it seems to be a ‘normal’ subject. Having older students try and learn languages, after their brains and thinking methods have some what adopted already, makes this much more challenging. Using fun and exciting props when teaching children languages is something that all should take into consideration, if these benefits are so important, then collectively teachers and parents should fully embrace the idea of helping young people achieve this, using whatever method necessary.

  39. I think the article has named most of the problems existing in a system of a foreign language teaching. Of course, there must be some solutions that, once applied, will significantly improve the quality of teaching. However, while reading the article I was thinking about the times where people used to go abroad in order to learn languages, did a sort of ‘tour around Europe’. This was a very efficient way of studying because they had the chance to learn a real language and culture, not only grammar and vocabulary from the books. The situation does not seem to be very different now.For example, I know several Spanish students – those who speak significantly better English than others have been abroad for a longer period of time or have studied abroad. Maybe this might be a possible solution? If students knew that e.g. in high school they would be sent (or given a chance to study) abroad for 4 or 8 months, via some school exchange programme, they might feel motivated to learn even during their earlier years of studying. They just need to see the real need to know the language, something more than the need to pass the exam.

  40. Knowing and learning new languages is without any doubt desireable as it’s beneficial for everybody in many ways, may it be for a study abroad or for understanding a different culture. As mentioned in the article, knowing foreign languages requires an efficient teaching of these. Unfortunately, many countries do not have established effective teaching methods. From my own experience I can say that a focus should be on practicing the language. Of course, knowing the grammar is also important, but not sufficient and speaking the language in class should play a major role. For successfully teaching a foreign language in my opinion it is also fundamental to motivate the student, which can be achieved by variegating teaching methods including role plays, teaching cultural aspects etc.

  41. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    Of course it`s good to be able to speak more than only one language. The more languages you speak the more possibilities you will have later on. I think it is very important to learn other languages because it is more or less essential if you will be successful later in life. You also will have more possibilities. For example you can work abroad and connect own ideas with ideas from a foreign country. Therefore it is essential to start learning other languages in early childhood. But it is also very important to practise the language. It is always an advantage if you can specify that you speak two or more languages fluently. And to be able to speak a language fluently you should spend time abroad and practise the language in the country where it comes from. Later on in life languages will be more and more important.

  42. Language is the main tool for communication. Before 20 years, learning a foreign language wasn’t popular as much as today. Today, it is so common in the world. Everybody knows at least one foreign language. Learning a foreign language gives people a lot of advantages. I think when you learn a foreign language, you also learn the culture of this country, people, history, food, economic, political and social structures etc.When I started to learn English, I started to enter a new world. I learned lots of things about England. Because of knowing english, I am here now. You see? Knowing a foreign language gives you lots of advantages. And because of I am here, I started to learn spanish. So, I started to enter another new world. Lastly, I think people should give importance to learn a foreign language. If you know a foreign language, you have a key for another world.

  43. In my opinion the more languages you speak the more doors will open in life. Learning languages from a young age is a good thing because children have less difficulty to learn languages. It encourages them to read books and watch movies in other languages than their mother tongue. Once you are a student and you are investing in you’re future it’s important to have the possibility consulting articles and scientific studies in English for example. Once you’re a professional you can work in another country, if you’re able to speak other languages. You will be more successful and self confidence, that’s what we need in the future, because there are a lot of professionals out there what means there’s a lot of competition.

  44. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    Of course, the knowledge of foreign languages is necessary nowadays. It gives you many opportunities and opens doors to the world. According to me, it is very important to start learning foreign languages in childhood. During this period, children acquire knowledge easier and faster, and this is the time when parents and teachers can induce enthusiasm for learning, which for sure will result in future. The way of teaching also plays an important role. Sometimes teachers forget that the ability of communication is the most important thing. Of course, we have to learn grammar, vocabulary and tenses, but again without the practical use of this knowledge we will not go forward. I think that everyone should know at least one foreign language. It gives the option to get a better job, study abroad, get to know not only the new people, but also to understand their cultures and habits, what makes you more tolerant and open minded.

  45. For me, the title of the article was no question: of course it’s better to know more languages. The most important advantages is that it gives you the ability to communicate with so much more people, with people from other countries, with another culture, with other traditions, with other habits, with other standards and values. This opens your eyes and it facilitates to position yourself between all these other cultures. It helps you to discover yourself, trough other cultures, through other people. It gives you the opportunity to get to know so many other points of view.
    Imagine you only know your culture, your language, your way of life, your point of view… It would be hard to appreciate some things that seem very basic for you. If you get in touch with other culture and get to know the differences with your culture, you can appreciate things of your culture more. And you can also understand other people’s actions if you know their background, if you know their points of view and if you know their motivation that are hidden behind their action. For me, it also learns you to have more respect for other people and their opinion, their points of view on some subjects and their way of life… And respect to me is the most important thing to be able to live togethe on this planet with so many different kind of people…
    A language is more than just a way of communication. It contains a lot of the cultures, it contains a lot of the lives of those people.

  46. This is a subject when majority agree that learning more than one language is useful, important and necessary. It’s essentially for whole world, culture, labor market. Nowadays a lot of parents start to teach their children other languages in really early age, what will make children unique and competitive when they will come to the labor market. And in this point we get again to another problem: over-saturation of high educated people. The level of competitiveness is getting higher and higher and I’m afraid that in 10, 20 years it’s not going to be enough to know one or two foreign language. The knowledge is not going to be as valued as it is now and the person such as ‘polyglot’ will not exist anymore.

  47. I can’t imagine that nowadays people can’t speak at least one foreign language. As you mentioned in your article it is very profitable to speak foreign languages. It is always an asset which helps you get a better job. I personally believe that learning lenguages should start vary early like for example in the kinder garden. Schools and kinder gardens should hire qualified language teachers. Those teachers et the knowledge how to teach foreign language in a funny and efficient way. If they are good teachers they can help young children to learn to speak foreign language fast. Schools should also increase amount of foreign language classes. I think that having for instance english classes twice a week is not sufficient to learn this language. It is also a good idea to give students the oportunity to practice their foreign language skills with native speakers of that language. Students will learn how to use their knowledge in practice.

  48. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    Its one of the most important thing to learn languages. Not just for me, for everybody. Here in Erasmus i feel it the most, because now i have to talk, there is no other option, so my skills developed, and fortunatelly not just english, but spanyish too. And its useful and give me a great feeling too. I think everybody should feel this, because until you don’t feel you won’t interest in learning it. I know because i was the same once.
    But here i faced with an other problem, the people speak only their mother language. First i didn’t want to beleive it, because that was so strange to me, not just because ususally people study english in primary school, but because its an erasmus city, with a big university. I thought it obvious that people speak english. At least a little. But where i find someone who can speak, she/he always say: I can but just a little! And after they can speak fluently and this is really nice! Isee that there are two extremity, either know other languages in a good level, or maybe a few words. I hope this will change in a good way.

  49. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    The knowledge of other languages isn`t just helpful to communicate with people from different countries, it also makes the understanding of other cultures and viewpoints possible. So it should be an important part of the education system. If it´s common in a society to learn languages from a young age on, it can broaden the whole society´s horizon and comprehension of the world.
    But I think for learning a foreign language it´s also always helpful, if you have a former personal interest in learning this special language and culture. My personal experience is, that it was quite much easier for me to learn Spanish than for example English just because of my (Spanish) family background and perhaps also because of the learning process beginning during my childhood. I started to learn English with the age of thirteen with lots of difficulties, so I think it´s really important to start learning a language during the childhood. The knowledge of different languages is also really important concerning globalization and the economic situation and could be supporting in finding a job.

  50. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    I think that language is very important, if you know a lot of languages you appears to be intelligent. In Sweden today we have a lot of focus on language, especially on english. And we are quite good at it too. In Sweden we have english everyday around us and it comes natural to us when we learn it. Unfortunately the average time the kids from ages 7-9 spend on English in school in Sweden is only 40 minutes. And it’s optional for every different district if the children should start with english when they 7, 8 or 9 years old. I think the children should be allowed to spend more time with the english subject, it’s one of the most appriciated subjets in school and we should take advantage of that the children actually wants to learn. Since it helps us communicate with better with more people from different cultures. 40 minutes every week is not much…

  51. Language is one of the most important subject right now in Sweden, where I´m from. When you search jobs they directly looked what languages you speak and many people want it to be more english teaching on school. In Sweden the students on the university who are becoming teacher they learn how to teach English in a new modern way. Because researchers has show that IT, songs and plays is the most effective way to learn English.
    I think that is a good way to teach English and I also think it´s important to talk about other culture so that they would be more open, as you said. And also if they are more open, then they might becomes more motivated to learn a new language so that they can speak with people from other country.
    And the pupils should start early with language teaching in school so it´s come more naturally and they might get more confidence to speak language. If everybody could speak some other language, maybe the people from different culture would be more open and friendly to each other and then we might have less rasism and hate to each other. That would be great!

  52. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    No podría estar más de acuerdo con este artículo. Saber idiomas gana más y más importancía cada día, anteriormente sí, se podría vivir solo con el conocimiento de su lengua materna pero eso era en la época cuando la gente vivo todo su vida en el mismo sitio donde nacío. Eso cambió muchísimo, actualmente tenemos tantas oportunidades de viajar, estudiar o trabajar en otros países y la clave para pasarlo bien y ganar lo más que se puede son los idiomas. En checo hay una declaración que dice: » Cuantas lenguas sábes, tantas vezes eres humano.» lo considero muy verdademente y por eso también sigo aprendiendo más y más idiomas.

  53. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I am very much in agreement with this article. The world today is a lot more multicultural therefore learning languages and being able to communicate with different societies opens up a persons cultural and social horizons. I believe it is particularly important in a world that is becoming more and more dependent on multiculturalism and bilingual skills within business and every day life. If we learn a foreign language from a young age we are more inclined to grasp it quite quickly opening up our minds to other languages, making it easier to learn and pick up other foriegn languages. Being bilingual means better job opportunities, and the ability to travel the world with confidence and without hesitation. Therefore the benefits of learning a language most definitely outweigh the disadvantages, as in fact I can not think of any disadvantage for enhancing ones intellect and learning a new skill.

  54. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I completely agree with this article. A world without language is unthinkable!
    A language is not only to communicate with others, but also to understand others culture.
    Nowadays you go increasingly traveling to other parts of the world.
    Can you come far with only your own language? Of course not.
    It’s so important to speak other languages, Over the years, it is increasingly important
    The younger you are, the better and faster you learn the language.
    Why should children ever get used to English at school? A child picks it up quickly, and then can well explain the link between his mother and his second language.

  55. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    The learning of a language is in my opinion not just about using the language. The proces you have to go through is very important and difficult. I thinks its very good for your brain. Learning a language is ofcourse necessary to life in this mordern world, even an foreing language is necessary to learn. If i only learned Dutch in my schooltime, i can only life and behave in the Netherlands. Learning a language is also learning a culture, a country. When you want to learn more about a culture, way of living in a country and get to know the people you have to learn the language. Because the language says a lot about people. The way they say something, the meaning of words in the language is very interesting. I think learning a language teaches you much more then only the language. Use it in a good way and it will teach you a lot. A language is more then just some words.

  56. It has always been debated whether language is good to learn or not, with the general consensus being that it is good.
    I believe that learning new languages can never be a bad thing. It is of extreme benefit to an individual to have the ability to communicate with another person through the medium of a different language. If we all were to be ignorant and refuse to communicate with people in no other way except our own language, we would be hiding ourselves from the world. We would not be able to experience fully how amazing and interesting the world and the people that live in it are.
    In Ireland, we begin to learn Irish from the moment we begin school at the age of 4-5. This continues until one finishes school at the age of 17-18 as it is compulsory to continue the language to the completion of school, with the exception of a few due to valid reason ie: dyslexia. However, this is not the case for any other language in Ireland which is a shame as Irish is not understood elsewhere except in Ireland itself. When one goes to secondary school, the option is there to study a language, for example German, French and Spanish being the most common ones. However, if a student does not take a language up to the completion of school until 18, they limit their university options as it is a stipulation with the many universities to have another language that isn’t English or Irish. This without a doubt, strongly encourages students to take a language in fear that they will close many doors for them in regards to university options.
    However, I do believe that the way that a language is thought has a serious impact on how well a student picks it up. For example, my sister has very little Irish despite studying it for 7-12 years, whereas her French was excellent, and still is despite studying it for only 5 years. This clearly demonstrates how teaching can affect how well you learn a language and not just the length of time in which you study it for. This is why I feel that how language is taught is extremely important and should be closely looked at to ensure that it is the best it can be.

  57. Nowadays, language learning is one of the most beneficial field of study. As you write in the article, knowing languages makes people open, sociable and , what is more important, gives people much more opportunities to get a perfect job. There are many theories and methods concerning language teaching. A lot of them fail because they do not focus on practice, it’s just grammar which matters. Such methods are used in Polish schools. That is why speaking fluently is not so popular among young people in Poland. Teachers care only about making students pass the exams and get good marks on tests. There is nothing about practical abilities like speaking, for instance. When young people graduate from high schools they have got perfect knowledge of grammar, but the haven’t got any idea how to communicate in a real life. In my opinion this is the biggest problem when it comes to language teaching in Poland.

  58. In my opinion to know everykind of foreign language is very good and very useful. A person who knows more languages is more worth in that way that he or she has more open doors to succesful and its more competitive to the others. They are more open person and more flexible in knowledge and in making new frieds from other countries and making their social conections bigger. It is important that the children have to start very early with studying other language, because their brains are »fresh» and they can remember a lot and can start using as well. Of course it is important that this early learning foreign language have to be shown in funny way, through some interesting games and singing song ect., because they are still children which must enjoy their childood. With speaking many foreign languages can be person more employable and can find better job, even out of his country.

  59. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    Can you imagine a world of one language? Think back a little. One of the major barriers to mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples has been the language barrier. Therefore It is very important to learn the language because ,the developing world is growing communicate with people.We can really confirm that knowing languages becomes necessary. Not only is it beneficial for the open-mindedness, but also for the working sector,With the globalization we need more and more to be open to other cultures, and know them. And the language is the way. This has become inevitable, at least being able to speak ,and finally
    should start to learn the language age children

  60. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Learning a foreign language in early age has always been thought whether it is bad or good. There are many studies that claims it is beneficial or useless. For example Marinova-Todd(2000) present three misconceptions about language learning and age. They claim, the concept of ‘youngers learn better’ is wrong, language and rules are very abstract for them to get, on the contrary adults do better in language learning and moving on. Jeanette Vos states in her article that ‘Language learning is a natural process when children are young and It would be a waste, not to use this natural process’
    Both theories have accurate sides. For example it is true that learning a second language is so abstract for a child and I observe that they mostly are not able to get correct pronunciation or get the reason, they just memorize. In my opinion ,nevertheless, it is good to start to learn in early age. Even if they are not able to comprehend, it improves their thinking skills and it is helpful in all respects. It is an important step in language for their future. Also in Turkey, children are thaught English at the age 7 and also in the kintergarden. Before this new system(4+4+4), English was introduced in 4th grade in primary schools. Generally most of the countries change their system to teach second language in early age. And I’m for this system.

  61. I agree with this article. Learning languages is not only essential for the labour market but will help to understand another person’s culture. When learning a language you have to be open-minded and embrace every mistake because it leads to a better understanding of the language. These mistakes will soon forgotten and confidence will be part of your life. I found this article very much connected to the earlier ones. (Learning and speaking a language with sucess will push your confidence and milder fears to speak in public). Learning a language is far from easy, I personally think it is one of the most difficult task you can try to accomplish. It takes a lot of brainwork to sucess but if you are able to speak other languages there is a new world open for you, not only different countries but the people within it.

  62. I agree that knowing languages is quite important. Nowadays if we want to get a well-paid job, knowing two laguages is required. Especially to this kind of jobs like
    «project-manager» or others, where you work with people.
    As it is written in the articul: learning a language at an early age can be very beneficial for children. I agree with that. We should teach our children other laguages from the very beggining of their life.
    Children are fast learners and if parents will lead the child through the educational path correctly, they can change the world for a better place.

  63. Ashling O Neill dice: Responder

    After reading this article it is clear that the world is becoming more culturally aware and interested in different aspects of other countries including language.
    One paragragh caught my attention where it said how laguage teachers «can inspire in students enthusiasm for languages that remain throughout life. » I think this is so true, but I also feel that it has to work from home and school because the more the student is having fun while learning the language the easier it will be.
    Nowadays most young school children have access to laptops and devices alike, so I think that providing school children with activities to do online is a possible step forward. Also, I had a penpal in school whereas now, whats stopping children from making an email account and having a e-mail friend from a language they are studying?.
    Culture, travel, connections, communication are all becoming a lot more important and they will be as of now extremely important for personal growth as well as for growth of a country.

  64. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. I believe it’s really important to learn a languages. It’s not »only» the language for better communication, learning a language is also about learning a different culture, seeing things from a different perspective and knowing that your frame of reference is not the only one in the world. You grow up and assume that everything is »normal» in your personal enviroment and everything else is »abnormal». In this world their is no normal and not normal. Learning a language contributes to this wider perspective that allows you to grow as a person. People would be more tolerant for eachother if they learn to open up. Learning a language allows you that. It also gives you a lot of changes in this global labour market. Learning languages is important for everything; communication, personal growth and more changes as emplyee.

  65. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    In my view nowadays is really important to speak at least one foreign language. That gives you opportunity to communicate with other people, could help at work, at studies, and give you a lot of other possibilities. Especially these days when we have so many opportunities to travel abroad or study abroad. From my point of view, I am really glad that I was learning English from early childhood. It helped me a lot in my life. For example in high school I was able to go for school exchange to the Netherlands. I was able to attend classes there, and I could communicate without problems with people there. Now I can do my Erasmus in Spain, and have the best time of my life, thanks to the fact, that I can speak foreign languages. I think it makes you more open-minded for other people, for other cultures. Gives you opportunity to make international friendships.

  66. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    I think learning another language is not a decision, it is a MUST in today’s world. I want to talk about personal aspects first. It gives the person a different character. I remember a saying about this. «One language is one person. Two languages are two people.» At least, we have a saying like this in Turkish. You see? I can give an information about my native language because I know English and you know English too. This is what I want to talk about. The person who knows a different language is always a step further than the one who doesn’t. You are a whole new person when you talk in a different language. You can connect with people from very different cultures and countries. It gives you more knowledge, self-confidence and respect from other people. This is another plus. And if I talk about the public aspects, of course it is essential for economic, international and social issues of a country. We all know that. In today’s world, technology is growing really fast. There are many things that we could never imagine 10 years ago. To follow these rapid improvements and keep up with them, there should always be some people who know languages and follow these in a closer way and share it with their own country. Of course there are many other important things, but one of the most common issue is this. Briefly, knowing a different language is always a plus.

  67. Economical studies have proved a long time ago, that the well-being of the economy but also of the people gets way much better through exchanges between cultures and countries. We all benefit so much from that. Our differences make us european, or swiss, or person from Lausanne interesting for the others and vice versa. Sometimes I think that if the whole world would speak the same language a lot of things would be way much easier, but on the opposite, it would so less interesting and challenging, for our mind and our cultures/differences. To sum up, I think learning languages is the most important thing of our century, to live and interact in our world of the XXI century.

  68. I believe it’s important to learn new languages because world these days in completly consumed by media, internet and television. Everything is worldwide, multicultural and multilingual. If you learn other languages it doesn’t mean that you’re not proud of your country, language and inheretance. It’s actualy because you’re proud of all these things that you should start learning new languages. How are you going to promote your own country to the world? You can’t do that if you don’t talk any other language other that your own. I also believe that children should start learning new languages in their early age, bacause later it’s much harded because they are consumed by other things, like school, sports and other activities. It’s also much easier to teach kids a new language by singing songs, playing games and such other than just teaching them grammar and new words. In their early age they are more active and ready to learn new things.

  69. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I think it is both good and bad. Learning a new language takes quite a lot of time. Of course, there are similarities between, let’s say Portuguese, Spanish or Italian languages. So, if you speak one of these languages, you could easily learn another one. In my case, there are many similarities between Lithuanian and Latvian languages, so I think I could become fluent in Latvian in a couple of years. However, usually it can take from 5-15 years to learn a new language depending on how much effort a person puts. So if you speak just English, you can communicate in most parts of the world and you could save a lot of time and put your attention to other things. I also have read a book by Michio Kaku and he predicts that most of the languages would become extinct in the future and English would dominate the globe. However, I believe it is not enough to speak just one language. I also have read several articles which state that if the person learns a new language then his IQ increases. Moreover, by learning new languages you can communicate with different people, read magazines and newspapers in foreign languages and find out more about different cultures. Children can easily learn new things and I think all of them should be learning at least one foreign language.

  70. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    Teaching different language is very important in education. If we will start to teach languages ​​from an early age, then it will give better results. Therefore it is important to introduce at least two foreign languages ​​in school. Learning languages ​​gives us more opportunities in the future work, we are not afraid to travel and learn about other cultures. Knowledge of the language gives us more choice in the future. Schools should to put the accent on learning foreign languages, but a lot of depends on the country in which we were learning. Not everywhere is required perfect learning a foreign language. I hope that in every year it will be changed.

  71. In the Middle Ages, the learning of languages was ​​only a privilege of the nobility , which had the financial reources and could afford to hire the best scholars from all over the Europe in that time. Many of dukes or earls spoke many foreign languages, while the common people could not read or write even in their native language. The development of education increased the literacy rate ignominiously. Learning a foreign languages was always subordinate of cultural , historical, social and geostrategic aspects. In the early modern period the dominant language was Spanish, because of the boom of Spanish colonialism in the New World . Later French language became dominant, because of Napoleon’s campaign in Europe and finally English language due to the expansion of the British Empire . Nowadays English is still dominant language, because of advent of new information technologies and the Internet in the USA. Globalization and market- oriented environment brought a common language as a side effect, and these two factors have become far more effective instrument of learning foreign languages than the traditional classes.

  72. In the UK, it is not a stipulation in the curriculum that a student has to learn a new language until they reach secondary school- even then it is only for 3 years minimum. I think that all primary schools should teach a language to their students- there are so many people in the world who speak English and it becomes too easy for the native English speakers, most people are selfish and do not believe in learning a second language but I do not think that they realise the opportunities given to those who speak a second language- cultural diversity, improves knowledge, different viewpoints etc. I think it is sad when people do not show an interest in learning a second language.
    Although studies have shown that learning a second language is not only beneficial when it comes to visiting that country and for cultural reasons, it has been shown that learning a language keeps the brain fit and healthy and some say it helps tackle dementia.

  73. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Earlier studying of languages was necessary in interaction with the cultures of other peoples. The religion was the main engine: the countless transfers of the Scriptures and ancient manuscripts undeniably affected the distribution of currently known to us the world’s languages. Now, in my opinion, the main reason for learning foreign languages is the uncontrolled globalization. The process, when the neighboring countries with different cultures and languages are forced to learn each other’s ones, or to seek a single universal language (English), obliges society to learn foreign languages. And whether it be good or bad, people have to learn them.

  74. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    Not to learn foreign languages means limiting yourself in cultural moral and social ways. More languages you know more intelligent you are. So the answer is everybody should know more than one language. It is not only if you work as interpreter or teacher of languages. It is good for your self-development in common. What about lack of good teaching in schools that’s true. But I think that it’s because teachers today maybe good in languages but don’t know how to teach them and on the contrary. At first teacher should motivate their students, depend on the age he should invent some ways to make process of learning intresting and sometimes funny. And the best way of learning foreign language is to spend some time in country where this language is native.

  75. I can’t agree more with this article, because of the fact I am studying International Business and LANGUAGES. According to my study it is essential to learn languages, especially with regards the the international business perspective. Not only you are more attractive for companies, knowing more than one language will give you a lot MORE opportunities. For example when you are in Spain and you already speak a little bit spanish, the Spanish people will appreciate it a lot. Because you are trying to speak like them, which means you are interested and showing that you want to integrate. This will lead to association. Those people will understand each other more easy and feel more connected. Which is already very common because of several studies, still I think countries should make learning a language mandatory during highschool. For example in the Netherlands, when you are doing a pre-univeristy education it is mandatory to have exam in at least one foreign language ( besides English ) also German, French or Spanish.

  76. In my opinion, knowledge of foreign languages ​​in the life of every human being is very important. With this knowledge we can learn a lot, get to know the culture of the country, customs and mentality of society, views on various issues. I believe that every person should know at least one foreign language. This makes that look at the world through a different pyzmat and opens up to us the world, we become wiser, we have less problems. Language skills are important in finding a good job, now requires the knowledge of at least two foreign languages​​. Of course, all languages ​​are important but knowledge of the very popular languages ​​such as English, Spanish, Chinese or French gives us a lot more opportunities as other languages​​.

  77. I think, that learning a language and the development of languages are very important. It is important for creating a global feeling, to understand each other better, to be able of communicating with everybody all over the whole world, which creates understand different cultures better, different values and habits.
    Learning a languages opens new and more doors, such as traveling, working abroad, discovering the world and its cultures and diversity, and last but not least, it will create, in my opinion, more joy to life.
    I can speak or understand several languages such as English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish. I’ve chosen to study the first four languages at school and chose to study Spanish in my spare time. I love to learn new languages because only then, you can communicate at the same level, you can enter a new culture and create a feeling of community.
    So to say, I very agree to this article and I think that stimulating multilingualism is very important, because by knowing several languages, the doors are open to learn more and more cognitive skills. Win-win.

  78. Ofcource language is very important, the question is, is it more important then other skills. In pre articles we are talking about the fact teachers have to little time etc. But we should teach the simpel basics. Language is not more important then creativity or math or whatever. I am here in Spain and i dont speak any Spanish, do i have a hard time here? No.. I can ofcource choose to learn it but that us my own choise of my own personal interst. I prefer to sit on the beach or develop my guitar skills because that brings me luck. When i find myself in a situation were it is important to speak diffrent languages, for example if i make a life switch and want to be a translater i am sure i will learn it. But for me on my pre school i got to many language grammar stuff and to few art cources. I think the balance is good and should not change unless it is good for your own indivual life and then it is your own choice to take a language cource or not.

  79. Learning other languages is for me a very important part of education and it gains more and more importance since today we live in a globalized world and our daily lifes are influenced by international matters.
    In most european countries, english as a second language is already a standart programm. But a lot of students seem to struggle already with this one foreign language. How can this be? I think the way of teaching the languages is in this case often a problem. The teachers have to make it interessting to learn and have to make the students understand, why it is so important and good for themselfs to learn this. Furthermore there has to be a lot of practise in speaking, which is the most important part of learning for me. If you just study the grammar, you will never be able to really speak.
    Because if you are able to speak, it gives you so much opportunities. You can buikd international relationships with people from different countries and also for travelling or your future work it can bring you hugh benefits.

  80. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Our age is the age of information. English is the language of Access to information, so every human has to know english ! we need a coomon language fort o acces information, to communicate with other people in globalşzed world. To learn language is a need. Because we live in a cosmopolitan society anymore.
    Language education has gained more importance in order topline in the development of a competetive economy. Language education isn’t only schools mission. Because ; pre-school is a critical period for language learning.
    18 months of a baby’s vocabulary = 20- 30 words
    24 months a kid’s vocabulary = 200-300
    3 ages a kid’s vocaby-ylary = 900-1000 words
    4 ages a kid’s vocabulary = 1500-2000
    This increase how fast children learn language is an indication that. So; is the best to start early language education. The benefits of knowing foreing languages:
    – Advent of the ability to Express oneself.
    – Learn different languages opens wider horizons to every people
    – Develops creativity
    – Strengthens the mind
    – İncreases the power of communication
    – Gives a broad perspective

  81. Language is a communication tool. Will make our lives easier and will provide quite large on the horizon unless there is reason why not learn a foreign language?Certainly everyone wants it in today’s world conditions Individuals living in a society communicate with each other by speaking the same language. Today, we have in a rapidly evolving and changing world to communicate with other nations. In other words, in every field can exchange information with other countries, to be able to conduct our economic relations to express our own thoughts and our own language we must know at least one other foreign language. Knowing a language can provide you a great advantage. Also foreign Language Teaching at early childhood period has been of great importance recently.Linguists and educational experts have explained that foreign language teaching at early childhood period helps children improve their cognitive development

  82. It is always good to know more than one language. It helps people from different countries to communicate with each other. Learning language is always learning other culture too and it’s always good. There are a lot of people who thinks that they do not need to know foreign languages but they are mistaken and when they realises that it’s mostly to late. Everybody learns foreign languages at school but only few of them know the language. This happens because there is no incentive for them teacher tries to explain that but it mostly doesn’t work so here is the question how to help children realise that the more languages they the better?
    Of course it is a hard way to learn a language but if one knows it that is only advantage.

  83. Learning a new language is one of the best things one can do. Of course it gives you better jobs opportunities but also a new world opens for you. You will get to know a new kind of thinking and living because you can communicate with people from different countires whcih have a very different life as you have. You become more of a global player and understand other people better if you can communicate with them in their mother tongue. Furthermore, I think it is a kind of politeness if you travel to a different country and at least try to use words from their language to communicate.

  84. it is really good to know another language especially now english is international language now ıf we didn’t know this language we couldn’t be here I am so happy to know another langauge because it gave me chance to know new culture and ı travelled so much and I learnt alot ot thing from spanish life . besides learning more than one language it brings a lot of benifits for example we can work in other countries and we can find really good jobs and we can travel .but just I think the most important guestion which language should we learn after english ?because I remember now 10 year ago german was so important Turkey we just learnt german after then year english is internatianol language so we should look for which language will have good future for example now maybe we chould learn chiness.

  85. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    The study of foreign language gives students tremendous advantages. As the world becomes a global village and interaction within and amongst countries increases, the need for understanding people who speak different languages is growing. Earlier, learning a language was more of a hobby. But today, individuals proficient in more than one language can use it to their advantage, both personally and professionally.

    Language skills on their own are of very little value. What matters is the framework of technical, professional or practical skills within which a person can apply a language. There are very few careers for which languages are the primary skill required, but for a growing number of careers, the knowledge of an additional language is a useful, and sometimes essential, secondary skill.

    It is considered that any educated person have to know at least one foreign language otherwise he or she will lost many opportunities like reading books in original and communication with educated people from other countries.

    At first English for me was like a hobby. But then I discovered that I need it for my future profession as it is used widely in Internet, programming, documentation for software etc. And now I’m trying to learn more and more language to be more smart and communicative.

  86. Discovering new things and meeting different cultures are some of the most beautiful things in the world. By learning the language of the target culure you want to explore, it provides a positive contribution as it gives you a deeper insight into one aspect of their life.
    Language is a neccesary aspect for business owners or those wanting to gain employment in the future. However, learning the target language is not only important in the business world. İt allows you to connect with all types of people from different corners of the world.
    For me, the more foreign languages you know, the better. Because, as mentioned, it allows you to see their way of life through the language. By integrating into different cultures, which has been facilitated by learning the native language, it has given me a different view on life. İn some situations I will look at it from a Spanish point of view, others a British point of view. İt is to say, that learning new languages can provide a different outlook on many things.

  87. Learning more than one language is neccesary. I’m glad that we have in Slovenia opportunities and obligations to learn not just slovenian language but also english and german/italian/hungarian languages in primary schools, italian/spanish/french/latin/russian/ … in high schools, secondary schools. So in this case I can say that in average we are a multilingual nation. And because of ex Yugoslavia countries, we can also speak fluently croation, serbian… languages. When we travel around the world, we can see, that speaking just english as foreign language is not enough. For example, if u travel to Spain, most people don’t speak english and this can be a problem if u need help. It is also recommended to learn languages as a child until the age of 6,7. Few years ago I watched a film made in Japan, where they made an experiment with 3-6 years old children. They were learning a lot of languages better, faster and without any accent problems. To conclude, I would recommend learning more languages, at least 2, already in kindergarden.

  88. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    Knowing a different language or may be several languages apart your native language makes you feel so happy and smart,it is really awesome! When I started to speak English well I felt myself so proud and confident, I just loved myself!!!:-) And now starting to speak Spanish and being able even to understand the least part of the conversation among Spanish-speakers makes me so happy, you really start to understand things about people, culture, life,knowing language or languages definitely enlightens you,makes you smarter. In some countries including Russia(the country where I am from) it’s a real problem to be able to speak a language, I wish these countries find a solution to these problem because it’s e real pity when you study a language for many years and you start speaking the language you realize you can’t do it due to the lack of practice.

  89. Learning a foreign language is more than just a boost to your CV or handy for travelling. It will make you smarter, more decisive and even better at English. Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. This skill boosts your ability to negotiate meaning in other problem-solving tasks as well. Foreign languages are also important to those working in business, communications and nearly every other career track. Even if your potential clientele speak English, there isn’t a better way to understand their needs and cultural desires than to learn their language. It helps make a great first impression, and it shows that you are willing to go above and beyond to maintain the relationship. In many cultures, attempting to speak the language is viewed as a sign of respect and has the potential to open doors in the future.

  90. I agree wtih this articte. Nowdays I thing it is really necessary to learn foreign language, because we live in in multicultural society. Every day we meet people from different culture, we live close to them. I think it´s qiute important try to know their culture and find a way how to communicate. The way is foreign language. Of course, nobody will learn language of each minority, but some universal language,for example English (it depends on place where do you live – Europe, South America, Asia,…) Of course, to know foreign languages is good for your personal growth, for improving you communication skills and for possibilities in your life. You have more oportunities to get a job. Everything then relates with economy, social situacion and culture in the state.

  91. Knowing foreign languages it’s realy important so that we can understand other cultures and so that we can communicate with citizens of other countries around the world. I think it’s easier if you start learning a foreign language in the early age, because in youth the brain reaches the top of cognitive development. It’s also easier to start to learn a language by watching cartoons, movies, tv shows, reading books and later upgrade it with the theoretical support of the language in school. Knowing foreign languages it’s very important for each individual because it opens a lot of oportunities in knowledge and labour market. With knowledge of foreign languages you can become more competitive in domestic and foreign market.

  92. I agree with what was stated in the article that is beneficial for small children to start learning at an early age because the children are more unifies with the language and then it’s easier for them. Foreign language teaching in schools is necessary, but I think that schools should concentrate more on quality. Not only the quality of the main foreign language, but also the quality of a second foreign language. Teachers of second language much too ignore the quality of teaching and it is in my view a big problem. Older people, because they had quality lessons in the school looking for evening classes so that they can improve because the foreign language skills in this time necessary for getting employment.

  93. I think, besides learning more than one language – which for sure brings many benefits, like mentioned in the article – we should discuss the question of *which languages* again.
    It might be comparatively easy to learn catalan, when you are able to speak spanish already. Or a low german dialect, when you’re a german native speaker. But the beneftis and profits are surely not as eminent, as if you learn one or two of the big world languages.
    Sadfully the languages offerd in most schools, likewise the countrywide language-curriculums, are very conservative. Whilst in some german schools you still have to learn dead languages like latin, it is proven that Esperanto ( ) would be the best deal for everyone.

    Maybe also the univserity of Huelva should deliberate about it’s language offers…

  94. In my opinion everyone should know more languages, not just mother tongue. Is is necessary because then we can communicated with foreigners. in my country students have to learn at school English and Russian language, it’s obligatory, in some schools can choose Russian or German, but one of them is obligatory, and English is for everyone.
    When I had choose my secondary school, I thought how I can supplement my languages skills so I went to secondary school where I can have more than one or two languages. We had possibility to choose between Chinese or Japanese and Spanish or French. I had chosen Japanese and Spanish. And now when I am in Spain for Erasmus it is very useful to know Spanish. And while I am here I also can improve my Spanish and English skills.
    All in all, it is very useful to know more than one language for everyone.

  95. Ofcourse, in my opinion, there is no doubt, knowing more than one language is more than good. I think that knowing more languages is like a treasure that people can have. That is something very special for human being, especially in nowadays, because that means that you can understand and know more, explore more, get more from world. If you know more languages you can not only see onother countries, but also meet and talk with that country people, get to know them, know something more about there culture, there personalities. And why we need that? Because we can learn from anything we see, from any people, from any culture, and if we can talk to his tongue, we can know more, we can think more deeper and bring ideas that you learn from others to your world. And i think, that we need to teach young children more languages, because that is something very special for human being, if children from early years learning languages, later he will be more interested in other countries, other cultures, and he will be more respectfull for ontoher people. If people know more languages, they can better understand other people, and maybe do something good for people who need help in onother countries. Knowing languages to people is one more knew way how develop a life of their own.

  96. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    Nowadays we live in a multilingual reality. We live in an environment that more than ever before, people travel around the world, build friendly, sexual, and professional relationships with other people from other nationalities and migrate to other countries in order to find a job and have a better life there. So these days, learning languages is definitely very essential from many aspects, but in my opinion the system of learning languages is not the correct one and should definitely change.
    From my point of view, the most important thing is that by learning and speaking languages the borders and the nations that unfortunately exist and separate people, for some minutes are destroyed. Learning languages helps us communicate with other people and take advantage of the great benefits of these relationships. In other words, makes us more open to other people, cultures, viewpoints, makes us more open to understand the different. Furthermore, it helps us exchange information, opinions, emotions, feelings, improve our sense of belonging, citizenship and community. As a consequence, each person improves their personal enrichment. Moreover, from a professional aspect, it is true that learning and speaking languages, gives people the opportunity to study and work in another country. People can create every type of relationship with other people, and as a consequence this leads to the economic, cultural and social development of every country.
    Furthermore, nowadays due to the intensity of modern life, the development of technology, the capitalist system that we live in and the capitalist way of production that wants us more competitive and generally due to the intensification in all the sectors of our life, children are forced to learn not only foreign languages but also every type of knowledge from a very early age, in an extremely intensive way, in order to compete with each other and quickly find a place in the labor market. To make matters worse, as far as the system of learning languages is concerned, children can only certificate that they know a language, through their success in certain language examinations. Consequently, they are forced to give millions in order to take these examinations every year, succeed, and get a certificate that certifies that now they know how to speak and write in a language different from their mother tongue. Otherwise, in case of failure, they have to pay again and repeat these exams. By this intensive way of learning languages, children do not learn foreign languages for themselves and because they really want to. They do not have the enthusiasm for them, they do not understand the real meaning of learning and of course they do not benefit from its advantages to their personal, cultural and social development. By this way of learning languages, the only one who benefits from it, are the private institutions that gain millions ‘’thanks to’’ the examinations. In contrary, children waste so many hours from their personal leisure time, instead of enjoying their childhood, to ‘’learn’’ a language, without really learning anything substantial.
    Taking everything into consideration, I believe that the system, the structure and the strategy of learning languages should definitely change. Not only children, but also everyone should learn in a non-intensive environment, and because they really want it by themselves. Only by this way, they will have passion, excitement and enthusiasm of learning different languages, they will understand the real meaning of them and they will benefit from them.

  97. In my opinion, to provide effective communication, people need to know a language different from their mother tongue. For sure every government wants that their countries must be the most developed countries or must be the most rich countries. To achieve this, people should see and understand what is going on excluding their countries. They need make wide their viewpoint and find new things every day. So it is inevitable that they should learn more common language such as English, Spanish etc. I mean communication is important to make everything better and it is possible after learn different language. In this process there are basic things for foreign language learning such as teacher, environment and time. Firstly, i think teacher is the center of this process because learner is the obly one affected by teacher’s methodolgy or learning style or behaviour. Teacher is the one direct this process. But there is something else that complete teacher role. It is environment and the first thing comes mind is of course school places. There must be such a environment that can make either limitless language learning or zero language learning. For instance, Erasmus project is a chance that provide many opportunities. This is the exact things what i meant while saying limitless language learning. Finally, age is the last thing complete my chart. Briefly like it has been told you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. It is also true for language learning process. There are fresh times and we should use those times. All in all, knowing more than one language opens many doors.

  98. To begin with, the motivation of students and citizens in general has to be increased, the will to learn a new language. This have to be build from scratch, you can’t just say «it’s great if you learn a second language «, no, it requires a change of attitude, only then can the person take in and understand the advantage and importance of a second language. It’s the same example with a smoker; it’s only possible for a smoker to quit, when it’s their own decision. Information about smoking being harmful or even deadly has no significant impact, instead a change in attitude needs to be made and a routine has to be broken. Everyone knows that it can’t be negative to know other languages, it may even help to put a country on the map, but it’s not the facts that make it possible to attract either a country or a person into a change, it’s the motivation of each individual that determine if he/she will take the step to actual learning. Therefore I believe that it is vitally important that i.e. teachers are trained in motivational interviewing (MI), which will aid them in the understanding of choices each individual make. In other words, the teachers will be able to work with motivational exercises which in turn may contribute to a change in attitude and finally conduct. In addition to this I think it is important to introduce a second language at an early stage, only in this way can a new linguistic generation be created, which in turn leads to greater awareness and curiosity. In today’s society, the distances between countries have decreased, more bridges and intercultural relationships have been built up and you could say that the world has become smaller. This makes it even more important for “monolingual countries” to take the plunge into a new generation, in which language plays a significant role when building a well-functioning country. A language is more than words and terms, it’s an exchange of knowledge and culture.

  99. We can live without know languages. Probably, it’s a good thing to have an important local cultur. His own way of thinking, own way of doing…
    But nowdays, be opened on the all world it’s really important to understand the changing and the functioning of the world.
    Learn other language it’s open the doors of knowledge. So yes, it’s really important for people and society.

    But i want to repeat, of course you can have an interresting life without language, but in this case it’s propably difficult to be open-minded.

  100. I think that in first paragraph is already written why we need to learn and improve our languages skills. I think the same, It’s very important not just because is easier to communicate with foreigners, but because it make us feel more confident, more open and comfortable in any time and situation. Of course most of us don’t have real possibility to know all the languages, but if we would know 3 or 4, our life could be easier in some situation… Even here in Spain…a lot of times i felt embarassed because I couldn’t ask simple questions or give easy answers. Diffrent people think diffrent it’s not a news, for some of them languages are not important in life. One day I realized that they really are. This article inspired me to checked How the knowledge of english (for example) looks like in Poland. According to Education First from 2012 Poland is in the top 10 out of 60 (750,000 people) countries surveyed. I dont know if result is measurable if yes – good score:)

  101. I think that the most important thing between people is communication. When somebody is not able to talk with other, then many problems appears. It is not only about knowing other languages but generally. Obviously, lack of language skills makes the problems bigger. However, sometimes even if we know the language it’s hard to communicate because of cultural differences. There are expressions in our mother tongue which cannot be translated correctly to other language and cannot express the same thing. I even know some cases where it was a cause of relationship breakdown.

    As far as professional life is concerned, it’s necessary to know other language and the base is english! The world has decided that this is english and I do agree because there is many reasonable grounds. It is a standard today that employers demand language skills so it is obligatory when applying for a job. The more skills the better. Nowadays we have many easily accessible international source of information so we should have a linguistic knowledge to understand and learn more, to be able to equalize opportunities with others.

    Referring to the role of schools, I would like to mention of the norwegian education system which is the best example how public schools deal with intercultural society because of many different nationalities in the country. There is no division among the children, they play, work and learn together since kindergarten. They are tought to be open and to cooporate in international environment. However, there is one requirement, they have to speak norwegian. Norway encourages foreign people to learn norwegian in many ways. It’s necessary if somebody wants to have a good job. They also offer free language courses. For personal experiance, for kids the best way to learn other language is to watch cartoons not in mother tounge and play with other kids in kindergarten. Then it comes easy. My little brother is bilingual and it will be interesting to see how he will struggle with more difficult polish language in the future.

    At this point I want to recommend an article about most difficult languages and about learning leanguages. The winner is suprising. Maybe some of you will find it quite interesting. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!

    Despite globalization we should never lose our traditions and our own language because in my opinion it is the most beautiful thing that makes people different all over the world.

  102. England is known as one of the most common countries to not speak a foreign language. Some people believe that because English is spoken worldwide people who speak English have no need to learn another language. This is shown in primary school as it is not obligatory to learn a language in the National Curriculum. I think this is a huge shame and by doing this we are isolating ourselves and future generations away from the rest of the world. By learning a language it allows us to diverse ourselves into other countries and cultures and by not knowing any other language you will never be able to truly understand and integrate into a non-english speaking country. When living in another country your eyes are opened to the many opportunities that are available for people who speak foreign languages not only can they travel but they can develop personally and cognitively in a way that people who do not learn another language will never do.

  103. Knowing a foreign language is really important nowadays. If we know foreing languages, we can find a comfortable job very easy way. This will improve our quality in our business world. But I think there’s a more important point. Knowing a foreign language allows us to express ourselves and increase our confidence in ourselves. I came with just knowing a few spanish words in here, and my english is not so good. Yes, I have foreign language skills for I could continue my daily life. I can understand the subject, but I can not speak most of the time. I met a lot of foreign people in here. When we chat a matter I know a lot more about that topic. But I seem to not know anything for I can not fully express myself. However, for those who know little if the self-expression that seems to know a lot.Language training is given as theoretically in my country. I think, If language training is given as a practical, it would be more useful. Moreover, in many countries very little a chance to practice. Economic issues, travel issues, etc.. Therefore, I am very happy to be in Huelva.

  104. In my opinion know the language I can sort of benefit to an individual as follows:
    Personal benefits:
    In other countries the possibility to travel easily,Foreign language literature, movies and music with the opportunity to see the original shape,The world the opportunity to see cultural differences.Intellectual benefits:
    Learning a second language structure and language skills the opportunity to better understand our own language.Memory improves the ability Develops the ability to express oneself
    Vocabulary expands, as well as our ability to use our own language increases in new areas.
    Career Benefits:Language requirement in life after college.Opportunity to study in foreign universities.Opportunity to study in their official duties.Opportunity to work in international and foreign-funded enterprises.etc.and I certainly language education from primary school even’m for kindergarten because children at that age What if it gets automatically record going permanent and, unfortunately, in my country, foreign language education in public schools are not given enough attention.but in colleges foreign language education from kindergarten begins
    and emphasis is taught.This demand is increasing in the private sector, etc..

  105. In my opinion, nowadays, it is very important to know at least english as a second language, because in the time of globalisation nearly everyone gets in contact with people from other countries, even if you never leave your home country. So even shopman should be able to communicate basic things in english, whereas people in higher positions, especially in large concerns, often have to negotiate in english and so are required to have a fluent level of it. English consequently is a world language that has to be teached in every school, at the best in very early years, so that every child will be able in his futur, to work in the field of work they like to. In my personal opinin it is very enriching to know even more languages, it gives you the qualification for jobs in international working companies as well as for jobs which are actually abroad. Furthermore it helps you while travelling and could make you broaden your mind, when you get to know the corresponding culture.
    But as i know from my own experiences, it is difficult to learn a language «just like this». So, to get children motivated to learn a foreign language, they have to experience the usefulness of this language themselves, for example having a cooperation with a school from another country would offer the possibilty for the students to communicate in the teached language in a real way.

  106. I came here to spain, with just knowing a few words in spanish, and I am still alive 😀 I came here, because i realy like the sound of the languege and becuase I am interested in learning spanish. In my oppionion you should not force people/students to do something what they dont want to do. If someone wants to learn a languge you should support him, if someone is not, you should informe him about the opportunities. With different langueges its easier to travel, work and socialize. But as I can see it here in Huelva, many students (included me :/ ) dont mix up with other people from other countries, to share the langueges, cultures and experiences, altough this is propaply the best way to learn a language.
    How to solve to problem? Like I said, you should not force people to learn something, you should give them oppertunities.I think parents have a great responsibility for the children, regarding the lengueage education, because they can «decide» which way is propably the best. If I will have some children oneday, I would like to send them on a bilingual shool, but if they dont like it, I will accapt it and put them into a «normal» school.
    But never forget, it doesnt matter in which country you are, which langueage will be spoken there…a SMILE means every where the same. So dont forget so SMILE =) and enjoy your life.

  107. I think we can`t accent enough the importance of languages and language learning. It gives us the possibility to be able to understand people from different countries and societies with their own knowledge, mindset, religion and experiences. This is causing progress but also it gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and in this way to prevent mistakes which people made in the past.
    If we`re taking a look at the history of mankind, we`ll find a lot of examples of which can happens when people aren`t able to communicate and understand each other. The limits of comprehension can promote the appearance of conflicts until the leading of wars. People are suppressing others or assuming themselves as the only superior culture or “race”. I think to prevent this (and we`re never save from the repeating of history) we have to be able to understand, investigate and show interest to different cultures, mindsets and ways of live – if we`re able to understand each other, the chance of a peacefully living together is much better.

    I think to enable communication in general is one f the most desirable things in general!

  108. In today’s world is still more and more important to speak different language than is your own. How was mentioned before the knowledge of the other languages is necessary not just for the job offers, but for the personal life also. Today’s the foreign people are everywhere. You can never know when or where and how important it could be for you to know at least one foreign language. For example, i live with one girl from Turkey, who doesn’t know any other language apart from the Turkish. I think in general that she is very quiet and bashful girl. But the main reason for her behaviour like this could be actually very easy. She just cannot properly express because of missing the language knowledge or skills. Unfortunately, not in all countries has the same possibility to study foreign language, as in Spain for example. Actually my opinion is that this is one of the main block in the Spain crisis situation. The spanish students needs to pay for some courses of foreign language in the school. That take the chance from the people who would like to study abroad but have no finance.
    The sad reality.

  109. I think that teaching young children is very essential. Firstly because very young peaple teach easier and more effective. Secondly that present world impose conditions, which fullfilling is impossible without knowing foreign languages, especially English. Languages is the basis in all spheres of life.
    Especially now that he lives abroad as an Erasmus student, I could use a greater knowledge of the language. However, when I was a kid I can´t learning English because in my school I did not have this possibility. So now I have to re-skill myself.

  110. Currently, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is key to achieving success in life. This opens unknow path due to the possibility of associating with foreign cultures.Currently childrens should learn at least two foreign languages​​. Learning should start from early elementary school as children have the greatest tolerance to the acquisition of knowledge (physical and mental). In this way we receive in adult life skills and knowledge that we were not confined within its language. This will enable to exchange ideas with people from other cultures, looking for work, travel. Personally, I think that nowdays childrens should learn at least 2 of the most used languages ​​in the world.

  111. I think that it is very important that the teachers introduces other languages in a early state to the students. Because if it is made in a early state it will be more natural for the students to develop an interest in other cultures and countries. When you can speak or/and understand another language a new world will open up to you, and you will be able to get to know new people from other countries. If you know other languages it will encourage you to travel more, because you know that you will not have any trouble to be understood. This will in return make you understand how other cultures works and teach you about how it feels to be «new» in another country. If you know how that feels, you will be more understanding to immigrants in your own country.

  112. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    The knowledge of foreing languages nowadays is really essential. As it was stated in the article, it helps people to develop, to raise their self-esteem, make traveling easier, increase mobility and independence. However, people often realize it too late. To be the most effective, we should start learning languages from an early age. But it’sreally hard to encourage children to study instead of playing. The only way is to make them interested by presenting another culture. By telling the stories about another countries and important people, showing the pictures, telling how children from abroad spend their time, introducing to foreig cuisine and so on. It works another way round: the interest in otherness leads to learning.

  113. I think children learn a second language is very important and that’s the easiest and the best way learned a little while. The advantages of knowing more than one language is not limited to the easy of communication. Mental flexibility, abstract thinking, proplem solving, learning and working memory which are critical for knowing more than one language are affected in a positive way some of communicating the advantages of knowing more than one language. Knowing of different language provide to benefits academic and vocational area. Finally; not skeptical of the benefits of knowing more than one language in terms of communication.

  114. I think the skill of another language is the way forward, especially in the business world. The business market has become global and it’s essential to be able to communicate with all potential markets to be able to maximise market share and profit. A lot of jobs nowadays are looking for employees that have 2 or more languages. A lot of these top paid jobs in multi-national firms require more than one language. Learning a new language will make a person more flexible and diverse. It will help to understand certain cultures better and it shows respect when doing business in another country to speak the language. As top jobs are hard to come by due to the economic state of countries candidates who have the skill of more than one language are coming out on top. I believe communication is one of the most important skills in business so it’s important for firms to be able to communicate to potential customers in a language they understand. I think languages should be thought from a young age. I don’t think children should not be pressured into learning languages, they should be thought it in a fun way. Knowing more than one language will open a number of different directions for people with an enhanced chance of a brighter future.

  115. I think, today it’s obligatory that children learn a second language very early, because it’s easier for them to learn it if they are used to that language from youth on.
    For example, children learn much easier if their parents speak two different languages.
    For many jobs today, a second language is obligatory, I think tendency even goes to know a third language.
    Furthermore, learning languages does not only provide you the ability to communicate, but also to better understand the people.

  116. I believe that knowing more than one language really does benefit an individual. When you learn a language you don’t just learn how to speak the language of a different country, you learn about the culture, the customs, the people and the problems of that country. Being able to speak another language can also dramatically increase your chances of getting a job in certain areas. Although I believe it’s great to be able speak different languages, I don’t think children should be forced to learn languages as that can sometimes take away from the enjoyment of learning as some children may look at it as a chore,as something they have to do because they’re told they have to. If you can learn a language on your own accord it’s much more interesting and easier because it’s something you want to do. Today the world is so interconnected between continents and countries that to be able speak more than one language is hugely beneficial to an individual

  117. I believe that second language acquisition success is based on the child’s motivation and development. Colin Baker in their studies confirms that attitudes toward language and second language learning motivation is the main language seasoning recipe, main elements to the language. If you have a talent for languages​​, but there is no motivation, the results will be worse than if the learner will have both the talent and motivation.
    Successful language learning is when the parents of the child manages to combine social interaction in learning situations with learning at school.
    It is important to remember that motivation and success in learning influence each other, as are closely related.

  118. We have one proverb in our country: „How many languages you know – that many times you are a person.“ and also: „What you learn in your youth will be useful when you are old.“ So I think that the topic „learning a foreign languages“ isn´t only modern issue. But nowadays it´s important to know foreign languages ​​to get a good job and as in every age learning a new language can bring us a lot of positives. Children learn faster than older people and what they learn in their youth it will be easier to relearn in adulthood. But we shouldn´t forget that if we don´t know well a native tongue then it can be more difficult to learn a foreign language.

  119. Firstly to answer the question I believe it is good to know another language. The world in which we live in today has become a more globalised place. Firms all over the world are constantly looking for people with foreign languages to deal with clients all over the world. Not only is it beneficial for job opportunities but it makes us aware of the world in which we live in. We become aware of different cultures and customs. It gives you the opportunity to travel and meet people from all parts of the world, influencing your personal development. I do believe it is easier to learn a language at a younger age but for children to take advantage of this it must be enjoyable for them, I do not believe in putting pressure on children to learn a foreign language as they simply do not understand the importance of them for their future.

  120. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    We completely agree with the statement that multilingual knowledge is necessary in the contemporary world. Especially English is vital. The world has become more open and trend to be unified, uniform. The best example is European Union. Travelling is more available for everyone, people are more willing to travel abroad. There are formed more international companies, organizations, shops etc. That’s why communication is very important and depends on knowlegde of different languages. Thus knowing different languages help in life. Make the life easier, more interesting, eventful.

  121. I am a girl from Holland. There is not a change that you not learning (at least) one other language in school, there is just no way. I am glad that we have a school system that start already with primary school teaching English. And in Secondary school you can choose a lot of languages, for example; French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek. I think that language is very important to connect with people and also learn and understand differences and equals from other countries. Also to get to know a culture it is much easier to understand each other with language. Also it helps people in the future to be open minded and maybe work abroad easier when the opportunity is there.

    Another point is by learning another language is that we hold on to that. We are getting less creative to communicate when we are going to another country. For example; I was an (international) dance teacher for 4 years. We went with the team to a lot of countries where i didn’t know the language of. But it didn’t matter! I can tell you dance is an international languages that you share with people without even say a word. And we did a lot of communication. I think we need to keep that in mind!

  122. Manuela Allgäuer dice: Responder

    I totally agree to your comment, Moritz. There is more than one reason, that make language learning so important. On the one hand there is, of course, the big benefit for the economy of a county and the whole globalisation. On the other hand, it does so much for one’s personal development, too. Learning and speaking languages makes us more open to other people, cultures and points of view. Plus, it opens the mind for alternative ways of thinking. That just means, for nowadays, early language learning is more important than ever. School needs to know that and to prepare the children for their future life, a life where they will surely have an advantage from knowing other languages – personal and economical advantages.

  123. I share the opinion of the previous writers, knowing other languages besides your native one is very important today, but I do like to disagree, too. Most comments are only about the importance of languages because of the present job market in an globalized economy, this is true but also very sad.
    In my opinion knowing other languages opens many doors to different knowlege, to different ways of understanding and problem solving and in my eyes the major good of other languages: it opens the view to new ideas. As a reference to my own situation, how would it be even possible to discuss this article, if I would not know how to write at least in english.
    This is why I support language lessons in an early age and early exchanges as well. If a child is in a foreign country, it has to adapt to this new situation, so it has to learn the foreign language and it will adapt to the new environment, including the new language, very fast.
    So the need for language teachers is huge, their education and work need support more than ever.

  124. My opinion is that we need to know other languages as much as we can, because if you want to get a good job you need more than your native language skills. For example in my country if we want to get a good job we need to know at least two or three languages. That is the reason why in my country children is starting to learn foreign languages in primary education. The big business world consists from a lot of big country languages and that is another reason why we need to know these languages.
    I think language teachers are very necessary in schools right now, to give a lot of knowledge in another culture and language. Also for traveling if you will know foreign languages it will be very easy to communicate with other people.

  125. I think there is no doubt in answering the question about whether it is good or not to know the languages and along with that other cultures. Every language opens a door to a new culture, new people, new connections, new opportunities and more knowledge. Also because of globalization process it has become necessary to know other languages besides your native language. For example in Latvia you have to know Russian language to get a job or sometimes just to get wait upon restaurant or served in a shop and English language is even more and more demanded too.
    I agree that teachers nowadays have a very important mission – to inspire pupils to study languages, because it mostly depends on the teacher’s methodology, if the lessons won’t seem attractive to the pupils, the language learning won’t be attractive to them too. Especially in primary and high school teachers, because when you are younger it’s easier for you to learn new languages, and as you get older it gets harder to learn languages and knowing them is getting more important.

  126. Speaking many languages and understand the culture of the country is really important if you want to get a job in 21th century. Every country has it’s own culture that is incorporated in the company’s of the country. So if you want to build up relationships with the company or work for the company the first and most important thing to do is to learn, understand and respect the culture of the country. I think that when we say culture we mean also the language of the country because the language is a small part of the culture.
    When we look at the country’s where they speak the same language we will see that beside the language the most aspects are different.
    Personally I think that when you move to a country for work or to live there the first think to do is to learn the language and to learn the ways of the culture and move according to it.

  127. New language can be hard to learn no matter where you go. I have had this experience since I moved to Spain. Turkish is my native language and I live in a country where to native language is Spanish, and I don’t fully understand it. This doesn’t mean I should be ashamed, I’m here to learn the language with my full ability and improve my Spanish skills, to become a successful primary teacher to payback the community that I was raised in. Learning a new language can be hard, also it can be easy depending on the conditions you are in but the most important part is never give up on something you want to learn. Turkish being the native language I speak, being bilingual makes me more valuable towards my society and where I live to help educate others. It also gives diversed educational background to others I will influence in primary schools.

  128. Nowadays, multilingualism has become very important. Knowing a foreign language can be extremely beneficial. I agree that early language learning helps learners develop positive attitudes towards other cultures and languages. The role of a teacher in school is also important. He should arouse in students enthusiasm for languages, bringing an intercultural dimension to them and helping them learn about languages. But learning languages should not be limited only to classes. It can be more effective if students get a chance to experience foreign language from real life situation (travelling to the countries where that language is spoken), meet people from many different countries and traditions. Learning a foreign language open up opportunities for college and careers. It improves the knowledge, opens horizons, change perspectives on some issues and a way of thinking… If you know the language you are able to travelling abroad and this is a great opportunity for personal growth. Being able to communicate in a foreign language gives you a better understanding of the country’s culture and the more language you know the better you can express yourself.

  129. A good overview about the importance of learning a foreigne language. I’d share the thought that it can be very helpful for children if they learn another language as soon as possible.
    It is also true, that the circumstances in that children are – more ore less- forced to learn another languge have to fit to it’s needs. Nevertheless, if a child knows a language like Frensh or Spanish and on top it’ll learn English in by primary school, this kid will have 3 languages in that it can express itself. No we can have a look about where those languages are spoken – if you are able to talk in English and Frensh and Spanish you nearly coverd the whole «western world» plus large parts of Africa. It offers an enormous mobility for work and for publishing and sharing thoughts. We can have the opportunity to share our ideas with lots more people than in our mother tonge. Also, if the sharing person recives feedback he or she can improve it’s first idea and maybe someday we can solve big scientific problems by sharing thoughts in a international way.. I mean.. even better than we already do.

  130. Linguistic diversity is in Europe and in the world very wide. There are seen a lot of advantages in the knowledge of foreign languages.
    Every language that you know means benefits for your personal and professional life. Language skills allow better and wider communication and mobility between people, countries, cultures.
    Language education isn´t only learning of a foreign language, but it brings cognition other culture also – through literature, movies, music…
    I think, that it is good for people, the children to chose learning of foreign language according to their geographical position of their country also. They can increase their competitiveness.
    The pupils learn two or more foreign languages at some elementary schools already. This should further help their development and future career.
    One of proverbs of my country says: «How many languages you know, the more you are human».

  131. The problem of language competence is more relevant than ever. Knowing at least one foreign language is no longer an avdantage but rather a neccesity, just like having a driving licence. Not only does it improve one’s self-esteem or help during social situations but also creates new work opportunities and a new space to share ideas, as it was mentioned in the article. Since all this is very important to the countries’ growth, the necessity for language competence puts the L2 teachers in a very important position – they are responsible for the future success or failure of many. Therefore the teaching personnel needs to be well-chosen and well trained so that the learners can build their careers thanks to them.

  132. there is no doubt, that today is too difficult to find a job without speaking one or even two foreign languages, despite your studies. And of course is really important to have the chance to communicate with people from other countries, to develop tolerance, to become more opened mind and connect to other cultures. I think that the teacher plays the most important role, so as the students will really want to learn a language or improve their knowledge. But as teachers, i also think that we should accept the fact that not all the children are interested in learning a foreign language or have the skills to do this. Learning a language should be a free choice, a kind of hobby or entertainment, so as to fulfill its purpose and not just a way to find easier a job.

  133. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    We can really confirm that knowing languages becomes necessary. Not only is it beneficial for the open-mindedness, but also for the working sector.
    With the globalization we need more and more to be open to other cultures, and know them. And the language is the way. This has become inevitable, at least being able to speak English. More and more, speaking three languages is required or very well-like, above all in the working sector, for instance in the tourism industry or all jobs linked to international backgrounds.
    So I think it is very important to teach languages since childhood, so that children can already have an approach to the different cultures, they can already be more able to comprehend the world, to see its diversity, and communicate.

  134. martin siostrzonek dice: Responder

    For me, learning different languages, was alsways important. It was easier to get in contact with peoople from other countries, travelling to other countries and get to know new coultures. At the end, it had a big influence on me and on the way i was travelling through central america and other spanish spoken counrtries. Without any doubt, its opens you mind, which is never a bad thing. As an erasmus student it also gives the posibility to understand teachers opinions, their different access to methods of teaching, etc.
    If it comes to english as the most spoken language worlwide, i am absolutely sure we should keep on teaching it in schools so every student has a good basic knowledge. On the other side the need of raising children with three different languages (multilingual), which is a result of our way of lifestyle (parents feel in a competition and feel a big pressure to give the best education), is absolutely not given i think. This could be one critical aspect about learning languages.

  135. I think that learnig languages in childhood is very good and important for children the reason why they gain a feel for the correct intonation and pronunciation, lose fear of speaking in a foreign language, feel more loyal to the environment. Today, the majority of children are enrolled in language courses in kindergarten. Also, children learn language in school but I think that in school they should have more practical courses not just leraning from the books, for example: some games, may be conversation with teacher from a foreign country, etc. So, in my opinion knowing languages is very good. It’s great benefits to the personal development, you have more options for the job, traveling in foreign country are easier, you feel more comfortable when you have to speak in foreign language in school, etc. When we have topics like this, I always remember the quotes: «One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.»

  136. Language skills will never come for trashy. Nowadays, it is very good that a people knows at least two languages. I think that one of them must be English, because it is very popular in most of countries. In Latvia we need to know English and Russian. If people know these languages, then it is easier to find a job. Knowing a foreign language, people are able to travel, exchange of experience, study and work abroad and learn about other cultures. In Latvia English begins to teach in pre-school age. This is a good way to accustom the children to language learning in the future, because preschool children are interested in something new and interesting. In formal learning English is a compulsory subject, which happens at least twice a week. There are people who understand other language very easily, so they are open to all, for them do not pose a problem to travel, to use the facilities and participate in various projects. I have heard to the fact that learning to play a musical instrument or developing musical skills, people are easier to learn a foreign language, because language is a sound repetition. In my opinion, then you should practice it very seriously. Language skills are good for everyone, because nowadays is important to collaborate, compete. I consider that language learning is also in the country interest, not just the people, because country need growth, but in other hand, people can go to other country and build their development. It depends on the state – full of opportunities or not. I agree with the statement that teachers should be able to make interest in pupils to learn the language, on my own experience I can say, that in school language teachers did not do this, they were self-rigorous and their methods did not work very well. Nowadays, it is easier to learn languages, because there are many opportunities how to learn languages – in the internet, in courses, in schools.

  137. Now a day it is usually required to know at least English as a foreign language to find a job. And I think that it´s true what is said in the article: knowing languages makes you more open-minded. I really feel it now being as Erasmus student in Spain. You can easier connect to the culture and habits knowing the language because you understand what people are saying.
    In my opinion, it is inevitable to learn at least English at school or better, starting already in kinder-garten when it is easier for children to learn the basics of languages. But at the same time, it should be avoided to put pressure on little children already like it´s the case for example in Japan. I think they exaggerate the principles of early learning.

  138. By reading this article, I am glad to see how more and more today’s society sees the necessity of foreign language learning as a tool and a way of thinking. At the same time, it makes me sad to think that after so many years of education, there is still a lack of efficiency in many countries to teach a foreign language on a more advanced level. For many years, I had myself the opportunity to live and to get education in a multicultural environment. The new environment where I experienced diversity and motivation combined with discipline and practice, gave me fluency in few different languages. Now I admit that when I start speaking in a language which is not my mother tongue, I am much more excited than I was before. The point is that learners, be it children or adults, should get the chance to experience a foreign language on a daily basis from real life situations and not only from their school books. For example, music, games and visual material are a great method for creating enthusiasm and curiosity in young learners. I strongly agree that being familiar with different languages and cultures, is a big instrument both for personal development and for broader socio-cultural integration. It makes us realize and especially to make the children be aware of their own culture and to be able to appreciate and objectively evaluate them both. Finally, I think, that travelling to the country where that language is spoken is always more fun than trying to memorize all the grammatical rules from our school books.

  139. Nowadays languages are really something essential, which you need to survive. Maybe this fact is more obvious in smaller countries where are people (especially lately, in time of crisis) forced to cross the border in searching for a job, education, international experiences etc. For all this you need to learn a new language or even more languages. It’s interesting that I people, when they’re forced to, actually learn a language pretty fast. And even better, they’re not even aware that through this process of learning they actually build on themselves, become more open to other people, change the perspective on some issues and the most important lose negative prejudices about foreign country and people. I think this is such a good way how the whole world can become one huge community, which lives in harmony and peace.
    On the other hand, who is responsible for the lingual skills of the people? I agree with the article that it’s not just a language teacher who is responsible for the level of knowledge of the students. Of course his attitude towards languages, his support, help and motivation play big role here, but it’s the duty of the whole school system, even wider, whole society. In my opinion what is missing is positive aspect on learning a new language. We usually hear that it’s hard to learn a foreign language or that there is just a group of people who is talented for learning and speaking in another language. However, what is important is the will and self-confident of the individual, supporting environment (schools, home…) and opportunity to meet people who are unlike and don’t speak your language. Everyone can learn new language, someone just need more time than other.

  140. Being able to speak different languages is not only an enrichment for your personal development, it is also always an advantage in working life. As stated above, if you’re able to speak a few languages, you are able to go to different countries, get to know different cultures and see how diverse life is around the world. In my opinion – nothing broadens your horizon that much and contributes so much to your personal growth than travelling. And language knowledge is a requirement for this. Also in working life you can only profit from knowing a few languages. It does not only impress you superiors but also gives you far more options for jobs. To sum up, knowing at least one foreign language that is widely spoken on earth like English, is really necessary to know, if you want to bring out the best of your life.

  141. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    More than an oportunity to improve our feeling of belonging and promote cultural diversity (which are two essential consequences of language learning), I wonder if knowing a foreign language hasn’t become a primary necessity. For sure, a hundred years ago, this article wouldn’t have been as relevant as today. Nowadays we live and feel a stronger and stronger globalization, so it is our duty to prepare our students for it. Frontiers has grown weaker, so that Spanish people are now likely to work with French, German, English, American people. This is the trend. In this case, how can’t we learn foreign languages? I believe that now, we are beyond the question «Is it bad or good not to know how to speak a foreign language». We must provide a foregin language education to our pupils, because we do not know how the future is going to be like, (maybe a total globalized world will be taking place).
    Globalization has given us the opportunity to have an easy access to foreign cultures. In return, we have to arm future generations.
    Since it is now a necessity, I do totally agree with a strong education of foreign languages from an early age, for them to know how to act in a context of cultural diversity. For a young pupil, this is a simulation, unlike us, Erasmus students. We learn and we live with foreigners. An ideal would be for young pupils to do the same but… kind of unrealistic.

  142. Katarzyna Bejda dice: Responder

    i’m erasmus student in spain. and i don’t know spanish. how do i feel?
    strange. i’m in love in culture, im really interested in country, and i have a lot of questions. but not every time i can find the answer. why? because i cant ask!
    but to be honest i can’t imagine my life without knowing another (even a bit) other language than my native language. for me it makes from your country- prison, because you cant move outside because you cant communicate. and i cant belive it that someone can be really openminded without knowing any language- for me conversations and opportunity to see behavior of others make your mind open.

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