Constructivismo educativo

La regulación de la educación, desde que se convirtió en una acción reflexiva y sistemática, no se limita a normativizar la organización institucional, determinar los ciclos o niveles del sistema, asignar los recursos, proponer los métodos o fijar los estándares de rendimiento. A partir de su control por parte del Estado, las leyes educativas pretenden prefigurar un determinado modelo de sociedad. Una ley educativa se convierte de este modo en un verdadero tratado de filosofía de la educación, al apoyar la práctica escolar en unos principios que justifican ética e intelectualmente tanto los fines de la educación como los procedimientos metodológicos para su logro.

Los modelos didácticos renovadores que irrumpieron en muchos países desde los años noventa, y que penetraron en los sistemas educativos a través de las reformas llevadas a cabo, concibieron la enseñanza-aprendizaje como la construcción de estructuras más que como asociación de estímulos y respuestas. El constructivismo piagetiano se produce como consecuencia de la maduración de los esquemas de asimilación, que aplica espontáneamente sobre los datos del medio.

En este sentido, el profesor, que es como un espectador interviniente en el proceso madurativo del niño, se sitúa en la perspectiva de que guiar a este último en la construcción de las estructuras de su actuar, su pensar y sus vivencias, significa contar con su colaboración activa en el proceso y, más aún, saber que una orientación supone siempre la predisposición espontánea a la actividad en el niño que es dirigido.

Así pues, puede considerarse al constructivismo como un enfoque psicopedagógico cuya idea principal es que el sujeto “construye” el conocimiento mediante la interacción que sostiene con el medio social y físico. Este enfoque pone énfasis en la actividad del educando en el proceso educativo, en contraste con una concepción nuevamente receptora del mismo.


142 respuestas a “Constructivismo educativo”

  1. Ahorrar tiempo en el trabajo es fundamental para los emprendedores que desean ser más productivos y tener la ocasión de encarar
    todas las tareas que les van a llevar al éxito.

  2. How does constructivism explain that North American children with Asian family background profit from their parents’ authoritative educational style?
    Constructivism focuses on the aspects that an individual assembles the various parts that he or she receives as an input. But the educational style also has a great impact on how the individual does that assembling or if he or she assembles the input at all.
    The balanced approach should take both sides into consideration – the side that delivers the input and the side that receives the input, as well as what happens before and after the actual act of input.
    Moreover the role of culture should not be forgotten, which determines unreflected behavioral patterns rather than intentional cognitive constructs.

  3. I think the most important fact to consider in a society is education, everything we create and every system we maintain is based on the education of each individual who also will transmit the same education to the next generation, almost everything is influenced by education. I mostly agree with the idea of constructivism, but I don’t think the actual education system is based on the principles of constructivism. Constructivism wants the student to be creative, the teacher just gives the tools and the student uses them with free will to construct(Create). Now, the problem is that the education system doesn’t value creativity enough(which I consider is the real intelligence), it is focused on giving a huge amount of information and what is valued is just the amount of information we memorize, not what we create with that information, actually, there is no time at all for creation, reflexion nor philosophy. Most of the information we receive we won’t remember in the future, memory is a limited thing, but creativity, what we construct with that information, from my point of view, is something unlimited, an infinite potential within each individual, children are so much more creative than we are, they just don’t have many tools or information, but we are so focused on just giving them so many tools, so much information, that we blind them from beeing reflexive, creative and from having that enthusiasm that every child has. I know it’s not easy, but I think the education system needs a radical change which really guides and helps the individual to open the potential that is inside of everyone, and not just giving a bunch of information and evaluate how much of that information is assimilated by the student. I think constructivism is a great idea, I don’t know if my expectations of education totally accord with this model, but I believe that slowly finally we will reach that point.

  4. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    I think sometimes the teachers forgot that the education process is very long. They want results, not in the next year or five, they want it now. Anyway constructivism seems to be good, because children can grow in their time. They have five steps to came from the outline to the center. We need to remember that in this system kids should be active and want to get knowledge, be curious of something and this is the role for the teacher. The teacher need to lead all the process using his skills and permit by his behavior to grow and develop childrens skills. In the end of this process kids should be in the center and the teacher a little bit out of the line.

  5. I am one hundred percent in accordance with this article. currently students at universities and students in schools are too active during their classes. The teacher or lecturer should try to establish a dialogue with their students. A perfect example can be American universities, where during a lecture guide is in constant dialogue with the students. Teaching constructive will also help reduce the difference between students and less capable, so I think it is a great idea because it increases the ability to be creative which is very important for our future, because in the twenty-first century is creativity makes us good workers.

  6. In today’s society, I find that students are too indifferent when it comes to the education process. This is because each student learns in a different way and if an individual is taught in a way that does not suit their style, this can cause a lack of motivation and lack of creativity. This can be quite difficult for teachers as each class can contain 20 or more students and trying to cater for each personality can be a momentum task for one teacher. Personally, I agree that schools should emphasise more constructivism within their systems, by teaching them life lessons and experience. We need to encourage the children of our generation to be more creative and to be initiative.

  7. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article which is very interesting and useful. In my opinion, educational constructivism is a very interesting method of teaching. This is because students learn to develop their knowledge and expand their mind by being independently active their own when it comes to their own individual learning process. One of the advantages is that pupils learn on their own which is a better way if learning than a teach just simy telling them something and telling them to learn it. I think is is a wonderful method and is a far better way of children learning. Being able to work on your own and as a team are very desirable skills and this method helps children learn how to do it.

  8. Nowadays students are too passive during the educational process. The methods of constructivism don’t allow that kind of interaction. Students need to be more active, they need to create new ideas, and they need to put all theory into practice. Especially that kind of studying is really important in early childhood. Children are open to everything, everyone has a talent in my opinion and with developing ideas maybe some of those talents would not be ‘destroyed’ as they are these days. The best solution is some kind of ranking. Children should be separated in categories. A child, who is better at sport or art, should learn for example math through sport or art.

  9. Different people learn differently, and psychologists have attempted through the years to spell out the traits of different types of learners and categorize them into different “learning styles.”

    Naturally, there are many models of different learning styles in education. The most widely used is the VAK learning styles model, developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming, a high school and university teacher from New Zealand. Its letters stand for the three learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Fleming later added a fourth, read/write, changing the acronym to VARK.
    As a teacher, your best option is to use a variety of teaching techniques to give all students the best chance to succeed.
    The student is the person who creates new understanding for him/herself. The teacher coaches, moderates, suggests, but allows the students room to experiment, ask questions, try things that don’t work. Learning activities require the students’ full participation (like hands-on experiments). An important part of the learning process is that students reflect on, and talk about, their activities. Students also help set their own goals and means of assessment.

  10. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    The constructivist education base on the children’s knowledge, they dont passive recipients, they active participants in the learning progress. This way its more effective than ever. Not just a teacher the one who gives knowledge, sometime the children already know that, they have knowledge from before.
    If a kid know a chicken, he know a lot about birds already, without more information. We have information about everything that surround us. Adaptive learning is fantastic, and help us a lot in different situations.

  11. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    It is a short but powerful article that has a lot of good content. In the Netherlands, we get lots of information about Jean Piaget and how he was the starter of constructivism.
    It is important that the students can be judgmental and more often have to do to re-evaluate themselves.
    Step back Evaluation is one of the most important aspects in the development of the growth of the child.
    Pupils to follow the strategy of piaget you should be able to create some offer much opportunity for independence. Proper learning environment

  12. Constructivism is a theory of knowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology, and
    cybernetics. It asserts two main principles whose application has far-reaching
    consequences for the study of cognitive development and learning as well as for the
    practice of teaching, psychotherapy, and interpersonal management in general. So, I totaly agree with this idea. Because this system lets children to create new ideas and do practise after the lessons. By using constructivism, every child can adapt easily the education system because when they learn something and when they do practise about it or create new ideas about it, it will be more instructive. If the teacher just teaches the knowledges and the children don’t do any practise or if they don’t create any idea about that, it won’t be didactic. So, I totally support constructivism.

  13. In education a teacher or university tutor must realise that each individual learns in a different way. Therefore different teaching styles must be adapted to cater for the needs of each pupil. This could be extremely difficult in schools where there are a wide range of abilities and personalities. In UK schools from a young age children are categorised into different classes according to their ability. Therefore the teacher of that particular class will be teaching children of the same level giving them the opportunity to maximise their potential. i agree that schools should think more about educational constructivism basing their methods on learning via real life experiences. We want them to become creative individuals, thinking for themselves with original ideas developing new knowledge.

  14. I consider the costructivism approach as very effective in the school education, as I share the opinion that students learn the best way if they have some individual responsibility. If it’s only the teacher who instructs the students with his knowledge, it’ a very one-sided process and will surely not have a motivating effect. In this sense, students remain only passive actors. However, if students are actively involved in their learning process they will probably be more motivated, and are able to bring in their skills and experiences.
    It is also a very useful skill beeing able to acquire knowledge and skills on your own, which is an important key qualification in the working life.

  15. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    If teachers were once «all-knowing » or » alive encyclopedia «… must now give up with this and be redirected to the integration of knowledge, opening the way for their creative use and for selecting and making sense of the abundance of information.
    The teacher’s job is not to process the prescribed material with students, but to use to the appropriate choice of materials and methods of work to reach a certain level of knowledge and skills. This gives teachers more autonomy, while increasing the complexity of their work.

  16. Our experiences are occured by the personal «mental models» so that learning is the adaptation of these models to new experiences. Learning should be a beginning on which students seek to understand the real knowledge. The proper instruction takes into account the mental models that students use to understand the world. According to constructivism learning should have specific goals that giving students the chance to set (also their own aims) should be an energetic (strong) and a real process. Moreover, learning process should develop cooperation and dialog between students. I think that constructivism has many advantages, which teachers should analyse in their mind and try to apply them in their classroom. Because the start in the brain is the most important thing for contructivism. If the teacher apply this method to his/her own mind, only then he/she can apply the same method to students.

  17. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Constructivism, as a teaching model, has a very important part which should be underlined. It builds structures rather than as an assosication of stimuli and response. As above-mentioned in this method teacher is more like a spectator, as this method is the result of maturation. The act of learning is performed in two basis I think. First one is between teacher and student second one is between student and student. Also teacher has duty such as to teach results of behaviours, manners, actions, thinkings, I think another important thing in this article is » child being addressed» It means that child has responsibilities as mature person. It is the most crucial part I think for a person for all of his life.

  18. I couldn’t agree more with this article. Teachers very often forget that teaching/learning process is very extended. For example english teachers don’t teach only english but by teaching this subject they can broaden it a little and teach their students a little bit more about culture of other countries, customs, monuments. While teaching one subject we can teach our students some things from others. Very important is also developing social skills in our students. By different exercises we can help them to be more sociable, open, tolerant, etc. Doing this we can help our students to get a better job in the future.

  19. The whole learning process should be cross-curricular. What I mean here, is that it does not matter if we teach Maths, Physics or English – we as the teachers should always take into consideration that we are kind of guides to our pupils. If we are guides, then what we have to do is not only to put a theoretical knowledge about the subject, but also practical one. Showing examples, talking about our own experiences is a clue to good teaching. Something connected with a real life will always interest children. All of the teachers should focus on issues which are within the area of his/her subject. Sticking only to one aspect or even two is not enough.

  20. Learning through reflection on doing is one of the most effective ways to acquire knowledge we need. Interactivity helps people remember things easier, since they are part of the action and they get an insight into the process, whilst living it their own way. Teachers need to accept that everyone has a different way of learning and it cannot be forced. Nowadays, it is only up to the teachers how much they involve kids during the classes and for example in my country, not only in primary education, but secondary and higher education, as well, they focus more on giving us the theoratical knowlegde, than letting us put it into practice and in my opinion, there should be some changes made in the educational system.

  21. I could not more agree with this article. Previous education viewpoints suggested that teachers should have the responsibility of learning. Thus, it led learners to play a passive and receptive role. However, in nineties, constructivism – a theory of knowledge put forward by Piaget- brought light to education.This approach is of lots of benefits such as ; constructivism gives students ownership of what they learn, since learning is based on students’ questions and explorations. Education works best when it concentrates on thinking and understanding, rather than memorization . This approach concentrates on learning how to think and understand. Teachers help their students construct their own learning. Students associate the new information with their experiences and previous knowlege. So, the newly gained information becomes meaningful and permanent. Nowadays, many school put this theory into the center of teaching which is –no doubt- the most effective way of learning. I would like to share a quotation from Benjamin Franklin which fits in here best. “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

  22. I really agree with this article. I like the way of constructive learing. The pupils can learn so much. If they learnin groups they learn so much for their live. Thei learn a lot of social skills witch is very important! Learning by doing is the best and easiest way. The children ant to learn and want to work so just let them try and they realize in how it work. The teacher just helps them or give them the topics.even that isn´t necessary! The students will find their own topics and work on them.

  23. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    I think the biggest problem in the education system is that teachers give students too much (often only) theoretical knowledge, from which the large part probably will never be used in practice. That’s why it is very important to give children a chance of learning through their own experiences and activity. I believe that interaction between the students and shared discussion on the topic allows for faster and easier science. Of course it has to be supported by theoretical information from books, which are certain base, but an attempt to use this in practice, solving some problems and look for knowledge of our own will and interest can bring the best results.

  24. I like the idea of constructivism and I also agree that this is the best (or at least one of the best ways for educating), because it is easier for students to remeber and absorbed better the learning material when they have as many as it`s possible participations in the educational process. People (students) can learn and reproduce way more better the material if first they participated in some discussion for example about the topic, beacuse this can make them think about the essence of the material, and not to look at it like something which is just obligatory for this praticular moment. Other good way is the physical one- when something is presented trough some kind of physical activity-it`s better because usually practicing physical activity produce more endorfins in our brains and reduce the sterss hormons, which is essential for better learnig. That`s why I really approve the constructivism beacuse it united the both sociological and physical methods.

  25. The more children know about their world, the easier it is for them to read and learn when they get to school. The family have an important role to play for helping children learn about new information, ideas, and vocabulary and how to use this knowledge to become full participants in their own learning.
    I think It’s really important for young children to be able to know about what things are and how they work but it’s also important for them to learn information about the world around them.
    THe educator have a very important role and he must teach also the things that affect the environment

  26. I think,This concept assumes that learners construct their own knowledge on the basis of interaction with their environment. The role of the teacher as a constructor of the learning experience to ensure authentic curriculum and assessment which is responsive to the skills, needs and experiences of the learner, within established curriculum framework and with the reference to the achievement of literacy, numeracy, retention and attainment of outcomes. Constructivist teaching recognises and validates the student’s point of view rather then the necessity of a correct answer. The child is then able to reassess their knowledge and understandings, which in turn boosts self-esteem and confidence. It also encourages children to be involved in classroom activities by self-questioning, seeking answers, comparing situations and establishing links between different ideas.

  27. This blog raises some interesting and also very helpful points, constructivism is one of the most valid and it certainly sheds light upon the learning process in a different way. As we already know, everyone has a different learning style, which the current education system does not cater for. The teacher in a classroom has control over how involved they are in the child’s development and when to intervene and when not to, personally I think that learning through trial and error, and making your own mistakes can often be the best way. Due to the fact that most symbolic learning happens before the age of seven means that the most optimal time of learning will be in primary school this gives a great opportunity for teachers to help children at this stage of their life, however this also includes a lot of responsibility. This is also means while learning languages as a child before the age of seven is better than learning than when you are older. Within the UK education system we consider Constructivism as an important part of learning, this is why we have such things as the field trips and different experiences and opportunities for children while learning.

  28. In my opinion constructivist model of teaching is very interesting and thanks to this model, children can learn faster. I totally agree that learning through our experience is really important. If you have your own experience for sure is easier to look back to your memories and just remind yourself what did you learn in the past, than only having theoretical knowledge from books. That is why it is so important to try in life more and more new things to gain experience in different fields. Of course everything has its pros and cons, that’s why it would be better if we combine constructivist education with a little theoretical knowledge too.

  29. One of the first things a teacher must do when considering how to teach students is to acknowledge that each student does not learn in the same way. This means that if the teacher chooses just one style of teaching, the students will not be maximizing their learning potential. But still if i am to talk about constructivist theory of education; after getting the proper education, the best way for you to really understand what constructivism is and what it means in your classroom is by seeing examples of it at work, speaking with others about it, and trying it yourself.

  30. Constructivism assumes that all knowledge is constructed from the learner’s previous knowledge, regardless of how one is taught. Thus, even listening to a lecture involves active attempts to construct new knowledge. But using a mixture of learning theories can help instructional strategies foster student learning and create new and innovative ways for students to master subject content. Regardless of the students learning styles, students can master content standards with proper learning tools, technology, and allowing their mind to think using critical thinking with new knowledge to relate to what they are learning with real life experiences.

  31. Knowledge is a construct which need to upgrade everyday. The characteristics of modern education are an active learner at the center of the learning process and the teacher as an organizer of new learning situation.One of the leading tasks should be that everyone in the classroom achieve results consistent with their capabilities and that all students stay «curious» and eager for new knowledge.Teachers should try to catch the attention and interest of students because in this way their knowledge will be stronger. Students that will achieve the desired aim by themselves will also develop intrinsic motivation for further learning.

  32. I fully agree with this article, Constructivism is by far one of the best theories of education. Education is focused mainly on developing students, helping young people adopt and enhance skill sets that will be useful when helping lead a positive and prosperous life. The role of education is much more than one specific achievement, it actually focuses on a much wider range of skills and goals on a global level. Teachers help students get actively involved in educational activities. Students control themselves how they become involved and learn best from their own experiences, teachers support and suggest good ideas along the way to aid the learning process. Using many different goals alongside one another seems to produce the best end result, it’s a rock mixture of tasks and involvement that will allow the student to absorb as much information as possible. Teachers need to make learning fun. Fun, creative, energetic and motivational teaching is exactly what we as future teachers need to implement into all of our teachings.

  33. The theories raised in this blog are very interesting. The ability of a child to learn new facts and figures differs from child to child, and from environment to environment. With this thought in our minds we must ensure we do not simply use a blanket teaching method for all pupils. I feel that we should often take a step back and re-evaluate the progress of the pupil and question what else or different could the teacher could be doing to help grow the child’s ability and to help to nurture them. This point is realised in this blog which asks the teacher to help the student ‘mature’ by guiding them and letting them make their own mistakes in order to learn from them. I feel this is the best way to teach a pupil new things as if the pupil knows how or why their answer is incorrect then they will not be as likely to make the same mistake twice the next time around.

  34. I think that students and children can learn the most when they are activie in the process of leaning. In my opinion it’s very important to give children opportunity to active participate. Also I think that we can learn a lot through our won expiriences. I agree with this article and I think that the teacher should be guiding lesson but also he should give children a space for their own action. I think that understanding learning process is one of the possibilities to improve our knowledge.

  35. I think educational constructivism is a very useful and interesting method of teaching. Like the article said it should ‘guide the child in the construction of the structures of their actions, their thinking and their experience’. It’s really an interesting way of a teaching method because pupils learn to develope their knowledge by being active on their own and also a little bit independent when it comes to their learning process.
    It hast the advantage that pupils have to learn something on their own, which can result in that they will keep their knowledge much longer than if they would just hear it from a teacher themselves.
    I really like this kind of teaching method and I think it would work really well in a classroom. I’m definitely will try it in my future career as a teacher.

  36. I agree completely with this article. I think that children should build their knowledge through experience. I believe that constructive education is much more effective than theoretical education. I agree with this article as Piaget’s theory argues that people produce knowledge from meaning based upon their experience. People, including young or old, learn by doing. I think a major factor of this theory is integrating. Integrating causes an individual to combine new experiences into the old experiences. This later triggers the individual to foster new viewpoints, look back on old mistakes and assess what is valuable, eventually changing their perceptions. Additionally, the teacher has a major role to play. Their role instead of a lecturing is to aid the student instead of crowding them with theory. In this way, the attention is drawn away from the teacher and placed on the students and their learning. In this way we see that there is more teacher student interaction, with more conversation flowing, hence creating the learning experience that is open to new ways depending upon the needs of the students as the learning developments. On the other hand, books are very important, but putting theory into practice and play in my opinion is much more beneficial. Nowadays, children are more focused and interested in media rather than sitting down reading a book; they become easily bored. If this is the same in the classroom children will become more easily bored and will not be eager or motivated to learn. This is why the teachers play a major role. It is up to them to come up with a better and more interesting method of teaching. Overall, I think that Piaget’s theory of constructivism is a very beneficial method of teaching as it makes the students effective critical thinkers.

  37. Constructivist teaching is a method of teaching based on the constructivism learning theory. According to the theory, students learn by building on their previous knowledge and experiences and by actively engaging in the learning process, instead of receiving knowledge passively though lectures and memorization. There are both advantages and disadvantages of constructivism in teaching. The constructivism curriculum also caters to the students’ prior knowledge, encourages teachers to spend more time on the students’ favorite topics and allows teachers to focus on important and relevant information. In a constructivism classroom, students often work in groups. This helps students learn social skills, support each other’s learning process and value each other’s opinion and input. I think this method of teaching works extremely well in the classroom and it is very beneficial.

  38. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    From my point of view, the considerations of the constructivism seem very useful. I think, it is an important process to adapt systems like the education system permanently and investigate in this area. So people collect lot of new knowledge about the human brain, how the human being works and first of all it´s important to consider that the society is changing constantly and therefore also needs new norms. I like the approach that education is seen as something individual, that knowledge acquisition is something unpredictable, which depends on previous knowledge, experiences, perception and context. You can´t control it, just try to give some impulsions, that would be the teachers part. But on the whole it´s easy to say, the students should work self-organized. I like the idea, but I think the implementation is quite difficult. And also there are always students who need a bit more external pressure and motivation to achieve what they really can achieve.

  39. I believe that children gets the most eduction at school and from their parents as well. It is important that teachers are the leaders and to orient the children in the right way as well it is important to involve them in the group work with other children so they can get in that way more social develope and they learn to work , to cooperate with others. Constructivism should develop student mind and to give the best things from education. That kind of learning is the most effective for the subject if it can handle the process of learning by itself. Therefore the students has to know what the best way of learning is for themself. Also depends how old are children/students, for younger one has to be more on the way of a game, to be more interested and fun for them.

  40. In my opinion, although constructivism isn’t an instructional approach, it provides a model of knowing and learning. It seems that constructivist instructional design is more effective than objectivist instructional design in creative teaching. Contemporary teachers are greatly interested in the constructivist approaches in education in order to develop better classrooms and schools in almost every country. The National Ministry of Education in Turkey has attempted radical changes in elementary school curriculum in recent years and stated that the new curriculum would be developed based on the constructivist approaches. I think, structuralism as effective and efficient implementation in educational institutions, teachers, first of all, this approach requires training is about…

  41. I think Piaget’s thinking is correct.Children’s mindset is completely self-centered.Is independent of the mindset of adults.So act according to its own logic.That’s why adults struggle to control their children.Because children want to act according to their wishes.However, the mindset of adults in children’s encounters with the logic starts to look.They do not know right or wrong.There is no sense of contradiction.Piaget theory, everybody’s gone through some level that does not change and that they separated from each other as revealed measurable.As a result, the mind’s cognitive development of children is different from adults.

  42. I agree with the idea that constructivists’ ideas are better than the behavioural methods of teaching and learning. If we learn something on a stimulus-response basis, we are very passive and this process is not individualised. It is also more like memorizing individual elements, separate puzzles that do not make a general picture. Therefore, if we forget one element from this, triggering the others,, the whole bunch of ´puzzles´ falls apart. In contract, if we learn according to the constructivists´ ways of learning, we are building a structure in our mind. Every new element that we are learning is connected to the older one, so that it´s easier to associate facts and remember things for a longer time.

  43. I like the part where the teacher is the guiding person for the students. It can be a good thing to let the students find their own way, with guidlines from the teacher. But in the beginning, they would also need more supervision. They need to be explained how to do some things. That’s why there are teachers. The constructivism in the education is part good, i think in the competentional focused school, where they put the emphasis on the development and practicing of different compententions of the students, it is a good way the teachers guide the students in their process. But there are, like Piaget points out, different ways to learn and different ways to cope with new situation and new information or another opinion of someone.

  44. nuray yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    First of all , Piaget’s most prominent contributions to education include his theories on cognitive developmental stages and his theory on how children inherently learn. According to Piaget, children learn through a process known as adaptation which is the ability to adjust to one’s environment . Learning is an active process and knowledge is subjective as each person creates personal meaning out of experiences and integrates new ideas into existing knowledge structures. In order for us to teach the children better, we ourselves must understand the way students are thinking when they become aware of the world and take for granted that their ideas are right. One key concept to constructivism is that «constructivism» in and of itself is the act of constructing meaning from one’s environment.
    finally It is easy to become influenced by the topic of social learning and constructivism since I relate to its importance in regards to all learners yet especially our youngest population. The nuture of the next generation begins today.

  45. Oberreither Margret dice: Responder

    In my opinion it is very important as a educator to care and look about the constructivism. Methods which are developed of the idea of constructivism promote the individual talents of children. The institutions of education in the past wanted all the children on the same level of knowledge and with this idea, they lost so much potential. The reason is, because the talents didn’t grow and children spend to much energy for topics and subjects, where they are not interested or good at. Now the schoolsystem is in a huge change, more and more teachers start to practise new, constructivism methods, which help the individual to increase their talents. Of course, all the children should learn the basic knowledge, which is very important for the daily grind. The main focus certainly should be on the talents and interests of the child.

  46. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con este artículo, también por creer que todo el mundo es especial, es diferente entonces tiene una manera de aprender específica, diferente. No se puede generalizar cuál manera es mala y cuál buena, es que esos son solo palabras, los adjectivos que usamos para caracterizar algo pero cada persona le entiende diferente. Yo personalmente creo que todo elmundo tiene que buscar y, ojalá, encontrar su propia manera de aprender. Hace pocos días he leído un artículo de una gran persona de mi tierra, donde hablaba sobre el sistema educatívo y presento una idea muy interesante, que porque los ninos son naturalmente curiosos y quieren aprender todo entonces porque no le ensenamos en las escuelas como le conocemos solo el básico (leer, escribir, contar) y despues le dejamos que siguen aprendiendo de su misma manera, que buscan que le interesa de verdad y que quieren aprender en vez de forzarle que todo esto tienes que aprender ahora! La verdad que me interesaría como funcionaría eso en realidad.

  47. I think constructivism teaching has advantages and disadvantages. This method of teaching helps students to better relate the information learned in the classroom to their lives, which is really important for students. The constructivism curriculum also caters to the students’ prior knowledge, encourages teachers to spend more time on the students’ favorite topics and allows teachers to focus on important informations. In a constructivism classroom, students often work in groups. This helps students learn social skills, support each other’s learning process and value each other’s opinion.
    There are also some disadvantages to constructivism teaching. The training necessary for constructive teaching is extensive and often requires long-term professional development. This may be hard for school budgets. With an average number of students in one classroom, teachers are unable to customize the curriculum to each student. The constructivism curriculum also eliminates standardized testing and grades.

  48. I agree with the article, I believe constructivism could be used in a lot of environments and with a lot of groups. I’m specializing myself to work with people with all kinds of disabilities, I think it’s interesting to compare Piaget’s theory with my experiences during my internships. It’s interesting to see and compare the development of children’s behavior and the behavior of adult people with a mental disability. There are a lot of similarities, which contradicts Piaget’s theory because he talks about people without disabilities and he distributes people among stages. It’s not obvious to distribute any kind of group in the different stages of Piaget’s theory, it’s a challenge to interpret this theory correctly.

  49. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I agree with this article. Although books are important I do believe children should also learn through play and being creative within a social and physical environment. Depending on topics, some children may find books boring meaning they will not be motivated to learn. It is therefore up to the educator to come up with a different way to teach and motivate their pupils. What better way to do so than through a creative and physical environment.

    Being able to adapt methods of teaching is an important part of being an educator. Knowledge of topics is not enough; this does not make a good teacher. Enthusiasm, creativity, being able to adapt along with a good constructed teaching plan will lead to a happy teaching and learning environment.

  50. I agree with the article in the way that by experimenting yourself rather than listen to a person talking about the same stuff all day, you acutally learn more. I, personally learn better and more if I learn by myself, thinking about problems and achieve a solution. I do not forget the solution as fast as I do forget it, when people tell it me. However, there are friends of mine, who tell me, that they understand things better, when taught in the ‘traditional’ way. As I do prefer the constructivism and they the traditional lecture it seems there is different ways in how people can be taught something. Apparently, to find the best way to teach somebody, you have to find the best way to reach him/her.

  51. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    I totally agree with this article. Constructivist teaching stands that the one who learns are creating meaning and knowledge. That’s the point. I think that teachers should not be only observers of children’s growing up process but they should be active not only in case of learning from curriculum but also giving them practical everyday life knowledge. They can use various methods in order to encourage students and pupils to learn for example by experimentation: students individually perform an experiment and then make class discussions about the results. But it’s not only about teacher, it’s also attitude of people who learn – do they really what to get knowledge? are they taking effort to do this? are the open for new experiences?

  52. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    In Practice- constructivism avoids direct instruction. Instead, the teacher guides students in discovering knowledge on their own. In constructivism, students are actively involved, rather than passively absorbing information; the learning environment is democratic, the teacher is not seen as an authority figure as much as a learning guide. But the biggest disadvantage is its lack of structure. Some students require highly structured environments in order to be able to excel.
    Generally constructivism calls for the teacher to discard standardized curriculum in favor or a more personalized course of study based on what the student already knows. Since there is no evaluation in the traditional sense, the student may not be creating knowledge as the theory asserts, but just be copying what other students are doing. That is why I think students may benefit with some constructivism principles integrated into the classroom setting, however, most students need more structure and evaluation to succeed.

  53. Ashling O Neill dice: Responder

    I agree with this article, to a certain extent. I believe that it should be systematic but i also believe that the system that was brought in to schools in the nineties wasn’t the best that could have been brought in. There are so many ways to learn and in some cases there wasn’t really an open minded approach to teaching certain topics. The teachers who studied hard for their professions and who had a difficult job compared to others. I don’t think the word «construct» should have been the word to describe the actions because for me to construct something is to see it as building something the way you want too. for example like each house is constructed brick by brick to gain the end result. But I think teaching should not be described as constructing. It is a learning curve, helping children and adolescents develop in to their own person and not this constructed person that the government wanted them to be.
    schools should be teaching children to be «more proficient» as one of the previous comments mentioned. Like in college for example, i feel that continual assessment should be the more important form of testing. it is developing a grade over time and not crowding in information that you will forget 10 seconds after you finish the exam. it also helps students work in teams and work out problems and disagreements which is better in the long run for business meetings etc.

  54. I strongly agree with that article. Teachers should be a help and guide in learning not a person to whom children are listening and from whom they mindlessly copy the words into their notebooks. This kind of teaching techniques require active participation. What’s more, besides that pupils learn more and faster, they develop their creativity. Thanks to lessons like this they are thought how to think by their own. However, nowadays not every school works like this. In my country there should be huge changes in the teachers education. Also they should participate in special courses that would show them how to use this kind of methods in classes.

  55. I agree completely with article. It is important that a child has the opportunity to learn though interaction in a social, physical environment as well as learning from books. Often learning from books can hold very little relevance to a child. Due to this, they can often feel unmotivated to even care about the material in front of them.
    Teachers need to be able to adapt an approach where they can guide a child as opposed to simply lecturing at them as this can bombard a child with too much information for them to manage.
    it is important for a teacher to also understand what appeals to children as this is constantly changing, for example, through shows that children enjoy. Through this, it is possible to make a connection with the material to be covered and what appeals to a child. This will allow the child to make their own connection and understand the material in a more effective way.
    This is also similar in how physically doing a task can make a child remember the material better. A case where this could be demonstrated is in science, where physically doing an experiment is more effective than reading about it.

  56. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Starting with 2005, my country, Turkey adopted the concept of constructivism in educational system. Teacher centered system started to turn into student based approaches. Many other countries also adopt it. We have been taught these strategies and steps in universities as a teachers of the future.
    Beside, the theories of Piaget, his studies and stages are very important. It may not cover all of the children but generally he has important points. What we should do is to know everybody’s studies(as much as possible), theories and to create the ability of integrate their best parts as an educationist. Most of the studies that we want to apply in a classroom must be based on students, experiences and their needs. We are supposed to construct new and creative educational forms in this new age.

  57. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    In sweden we talk and learn a lot from the construtism of Piaget. We learn about the different stages and the importants of the childrens learning process. Piaget uses the concepts of assimilation and accommodation, two concepts we’ve been talking about a lot. It’s important to know about these concepts and the stages because Piagets theory is everywhere around us, in our education and the schools we’re having our practicum in. It’s important to understand the goals and aims for children, to have an stimulating environment and to guide the children. This article is very intresting and brings out some good points.

  58. Jannike Vester dice: Responder

    During my education in my home university we have learned about different theories and especially about Piaget and Vygotskijs theories. And I like them both and think these thoughts about how the children learn is very good. They have different thoughts but I think that to use a little bit of both we get a good education.
    Vygotskij theories is about that children learn in a social environment and that I really belive in, and when children learn they always assimilate like Piaget mean. It´s also important to have knowledge about Piaget´s different stages about how children develop cognitively when we teach children in school so children get the opportunity to learn in the best way.

  59. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    I’m actually quite a proponent of constructivism. especially since it has such realistic assumptions. I am clearly agree with this article.
    Within my training in the Netherlands, we often go into great detail on constructivism. So I know that Jean Piaget was a pioneer in the constructivist learning theory.
    The beauty of constructivism, I think it is very purposeful. It is an active way of learning. Students must actively process the information and convert ingested. They need to convert it into usable pieces of applying them in other ways. Learning never stops, then moves on to the next each time. This is why it is so appropriate teaching theory in primary education, it does not stop and is active. Kids are always looking for activities, they want to get started. It is important to be aware of contructivism informed.

  60. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I completely agree with this article. Constructuvisme is one of the best theories of education. Education is focused on developing pupils generally.
    Not focused on one specific goal, but much more global. The students are actively involved in their own learning and the teacher supports them. The students learn from their own experiences, the learning is much easier.
    Relate different goals and let it flow into each other, so you can remember it better.
    We need a creative and stimulating environment, so that the child is able to learn well.

  61. I agree with the article. Being a child is a very important stage of our lives. The creativity is developed the most. We did not know the boundries. We could do everything, because we were not limited by anything. We did not know that we can be.And I believe that teaching should be excactly like this. We should be tought from the easiest things, in the easiest possible ways in
    order to develope our minds, and then we could go on to the more difficult things. Sometimes we forget how was it to be a child. And if we remember about carefree life, we can create
    something new, which does not exist yet.

  62. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    It is really important to adapt the learning process to the different stages of the childhood and to try to reach every pupil through differentiation and a great variety in the teaching method. Children, at their different ages, have different interests. It is really essential to try to find out what is interesting for them and with which teaching method the pupils will learn a lot about the topic. You can only reach a child’s attention if it is interesting for them. It is also very important to connect the topics with real life because this is the best way to illustrate important topics. Through doing things, through connecting the theory with the practice children will learn for their life. If you only teach them the theory and don`t show them what it means for real life they will forget it anyway.

  63. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the stucture of Construcvism of Piaget. The different stages of the childhood of a child are essential in the learning process. It’s really important for our society to have relevant knowledge about those stages, so we can educate young children better. Especially in primary school, the education systems really forms them. The experiences in this stage of development really influences their thinking and their behavior.
    Society nowadays is responsible for the next generation. We need to make sure that the education system now is prepared for »tomorrow».
    We need to create a stimulating environment so children from primary school develop the best way they can. In this case we are prepared for the future and able to create a good foundation for the next generations.

  64. I am strongly agreeing with this article about the teachers helping students to get the knowledge that they need for there latter self. I think that the teachers need to get more credit about what they do because they are constructing a part of the students life and therefor helping him to overcome latter obstacles. I think that the teachers need to help every student on their own way with the knowledge because everyone has another way of learning and by adjusting the learning process for that students they will learn better and get more knowledge. There is also the problem that the students in some of the countries don’t respect their teachers and because of that, the teachers on their own way have less motivation to teach the students by using different ways.

  65. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    The teacher should be the guideline. He should produce knowledge that the student will be able to assimilate. In fact, the process of education in the majority depends on the teacher. However, the process of constructivist learning is sometimes fatal. Too expansive use of constructivist methods when teaching – both traditional as well as via the Internet – causing confusion to education, which is to provide students with the skills and collected by researchers and practitioners of knowledge. In a social sense, despite the intentions of the ideologues of constructivist education, it causes expansion of the gap between those engineers, doctors and sociologists who know something and are able to construct things, convert or estimated, and the graduates’ constructivist studies «, who remain largely self-taught , niepozbawionymi reasonable thinking skills, but not umiejącymi its full advantage because of the lack of concrete achievements of science.

  66. The fact that the kid has to build by himself, spontaneously his knowledge is a good idea in my opinion. But I’m not sure that it really works like that in the new educational system. The fact that the student has to be active to learn is also probably true, but sometimes students have to fill gaps or cross cases all day, those standardized exercices kill creativity. In Switzerland, the biggest part of the learning system in primary and secondary school works like that. It can be fun and add competitiveness between the students which can make some work harder, but it might be better to learn by seeing and copying with his own words, or by working with the new concepts learned.

  67. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    In this article I’ve read for the first time about constructive education model. I think it is an interesting idea and a bit different look on education and learning processes. Followers of this current dispute with belief that knowledge is the thing that you can get only from books or teachers. They are saying that we create the knowledge in the process of learning, using information’s that we get from the environment. That we learn more when we are discovering something by ourselves, when we are looking for information’s and using the knowledge we already have. That we can build our own learning system using our prior knowledge.

  68. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I would strongly agree with this article. I think teachers should be put in place to assist teach and help all students in their own findings and to guide them, to make it more of a personal and memorable learning curve and effective. I also strongly agree with this system to promote creativity and innovative in students. I believe creativity is one of the most important skills or talents to promote. I also have learned and view a lot of predated teaching systems as solely memory based test and information regurgitation and I do not believe this is as effective as a constructivism teaching method.

  69. I believe that the theory that Piaget developed is very interesting. I have learned a lot about him and his theories in my university. What he explaines as the different stage of childhood is very important for every single teacher or teacher to be, because we need to understand children, what and how are they thinking. Teachers need to understand them, so that they can teach them thing in the way children will understand. That is why I agree that educational system should be constructed. And also students have to build their knowledge with starting with easier to more difficult. If knowledge’s is given in this kind of way students can understand things better and extract the most important from the whole learning. This theory is also very importand for parents and their way of raising the children.

  70. Piaget’s model of development explains many phenomena of human knowledges that have not been explained, because it covers both the theory of how we gain knowledge about objects and our reflections on their own actions. For example, points out how children progressively enrich their understanding of things by using prior knowledge and thinking about them, so they are able to organize their knowledge in increasingly complex structures. I completaly agree with argument that very important thing is to categorize information and choose what is really important to be teach and what is not.

  71. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    In my humble opinion, state should should interfere as less as possible with our lifes. The major things of education must be to promote creativity, encourage the pursuit of knowledge and provide information about various subjects. Of course, there are other things that the schools should teach but those are the most important ones. I believe that reforms are both positive and negative. Normally, I would say various things in life, like technology for example, move forward. And so education should evolve as well and change. On the other hand, I have some bad experience with these reforms. When I was studying in the 12th grade, the government decided to experiment on us. We knew 4 years before our final exams what will be expected from us. However, when there was only 6 months left, they made some reforms and the content of exams changed. This caused a great controversy in Lithuania. Later, the government were doing the education reforms every year and eventually the people demanded that our Minister of Education should resign. People wanted stability. It is good to try and do better, but it is also essential to keep a balance between stability and reforms. Students should also have a bigger voice when reforms are being made.

  72. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    The knowledge we recieve in schools based on books and theoretical classes, is clearly not sufficient to memorize and to learn. With constant practice with real life examples and active observation of childrens experiences, we can find out more valid ways to teach them better. I believe that when a study is presented not only through theory but also through a real example, its ideas are strongly impressed in childrens brain. So it is important to always consider the social and physical environment in order to construct knowledge.In that case , emphasis on practical methods are what matter for passing knowledge with success to the children. There are many activities which are useful to construct solid knowledge and to increase interest of children in the subject. For example, visiting museums, watching documentaries about topics, going for excursions, making smart games in groups and organising other interactive meetings. This process would stimulate in children more creativity. Besides, through active involvement with the environment they would develop maturity much earlier. The constructivist method has the advantage as it gives space to children for creating their own interpretations and evaluation of certain experiences, rather than forcing our ideas.

  73. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    I support the idea of constructive education of course. There is the expect from the student to create something at the end of every process. But if there is no practice at all about that, if there is only mechanic-based activities or structures to make students fit in, it is impossible to help them to gain skills of creativity. Our knowledge shouldn’t be limited by the books we read or the education we received. We should broaden it in every aspects of our lives. Even while doing daily works, going to a walk or listening to a music we should think different aspects of life everytime. That is the main point of being constructive I think. In education, it should be involved just like this. Real-life tasks and situations are better for students to understand and add something from their own experiences. Therefore, constructivism one of the things teachers must place their teaching strategies.

  74. In my opinion constructive education is much better than just theoretical education. The way of teaching is usually also influenced by the country and the culture within whose inhabitants live. The crucial things about constructive education are individual experiences and views of the surrounding world. The way of thinking of each of us is affected by our core values, education and experiences and that’s what makes us who we are. Constructive education is a good foundation to start from and to develop ourselves into something unique and special, but to get there we must be involved with the education and participate in it, in order to gain from it.

  75. I believe that every person have the responsibility to rule over their own life. In the early stage of their lives, they get influenced by their parents and as we already know it is known that the school use books and exercises to educate their students. Parents on the other hand tend to «educate» and inspire their children by a more constructive way of thinking. We usually talk about «learning by living». I believe this is a quote to take in count and actually live after. One could not only learn from books and getting drown out of facts. To listen and form your own point of view is a very important part. When it comes to learning new things, for example when practicing a profession you have to experience it. Be in the heart of actions, first then can you gain experience and knowledge enough to learn others.

  76. Yes I think that learning through experience is a very effective way of learning.
    You won’t experience things you experienced yourself that fast, but it’s more likely to forget things you just heard about from other persons.
    But it’s not the only possible way of learning, since it’s also possible to do it ‘classical’, but there, every pupil has different strengths, one learns faster if he reads something on his own, another one if it’s being explained with graphics etc.
    So I think learning via experience should be included more in the educational process, but it’s quite difficult to manage, that you teach everything through experience. That’s the reason it’s not possible to learn everything through experience. (As a pupil, later you will maybe learn it with your own experience)

  77. I agree completely with the idea of ‘constructivism’ and that we should «construct knowledge through interaction holding the social and physical environment». I also believe that instead of lecturing students, the teacher should be there to guide and support them throughout their time in schools. The idea of constructivist activities within the classroom makes so much sense, for instance, learning through experience. If you were to take a class of children to a zoo to learn about the animals, it would have a much bigger impact on them and they would retain more knowledge about the trip than they would if they were just learning about animals in a book.

  78. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    I totally agree with the fact that knowledge cannot be transferred trainee in finished form. You can only create a pedagogical conditions for successful “self-design” students ‘ knowledge. Throughout the life of each of us everybody constructs his own understanding of the surrounding world. That’s why each of us is unique in its vision of the world, their beliefs, their worldview. That is why we are interested in original point of view of another person, what is why it is very important to be yourself, with his own style. And the teacher should create conditions for independent mental activity of pupils and supports their initiative.

  79. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Perhaps, with the help of constructivism we depart from our ancestors, thus showing that a constructive understanding of the world reflects a more complete environment, rather than naturalistic perception. This applies to education. Nowadays there is a lot of information that must be carefully filtered (a junk), so that’s why we can’t manage without structuring. Training must be carefully formed. And each section of knowledge was a rich information area; was separated from the adjacent areas.

  80. I think education on a constructive way is better than just normal education. Teachers should be as soon as possible teach on this way. Although I think it depends in what culture the teachers are teaching. Some countries attach more value on a theoratical way of teaching, they probaly think that there is only way one of teaching. But in countries where the own way of thinking, expressing and experiencing is accepted, in those country to should start as early as possible with a constructive way of teaching. I really think that the kids/students would have benefit from it, these kids will understand the society more easy and so it will be easier to survive for them in this world nowadays. I would not say that constructivism is the only way of teaching, but I think it is more efficient and better dan only give theoretical way of teaching. I am also convinced that children are learning the most of their own experiences. Especially when the children have the feeling that they are really involved and playing a part in their way of learning, this will have benefits of their way of thinking of the world.

    1. I think education on a constructive way is better than just normal education. Teachers should be as soon as possible teach on this way. Although I think it depends in what culture the teachers are teaching. Some countries attach more value on a theoratical way of teaching, they probaly think that there is only way one of teaching. But in countries where the own way of thinking, expressing and experiencing is accepted, in those country to should start as early as possible with a constructive way of teaching. I really think that the kids/students would have benefit from it, these kids will understand the society more easy and so it will be easier to survive for them in this world nowadays. I would not say that constructivism is the only way of teaching, but I think it is more efficient and better dan only give theoretical way of teaching. I am also convinced that children are learning the most of their own experiences. Especially when the children have the feeling that they are really involved and playing a part in their way of learning, this will have benefits of their way of thinking of the world.

  81. Aikaterini Terzi dice: Responder

    Constructivism argues that reflecting on our experiences we understand the world that surrounds us . Our experiences are processed by the personal » mental models » so that learning is the adaptation (accommodation) of these models to new experiences. Learning should be a starting point on which students seek to understand . Specific topics will be included in context and emphasis should be given to primary concepts . The proper instruction takes into account the mental models that students use to understand the world. According to constructivism learning should have specific aims, giving the students the chance to set also their own aims, should be an energetic and a real process. What is more, learning process should develop cooperation and dialog as well. I think that constructivism has many advantages, which we as teachers should bear in mind and try to set them in our classroom.

  82. I really like the theory ‘constructivism’ but it also seemes to me that this theory is just the way of living. 
‘Learning through real-life experiences where you contruct your own knowledge and understanding’.
Almost every day, we learn something new. We learn things by living our lifes, even if you just go to the supermarket or make a walk through the forest.
    There are many discussions about students who did their study, but who are still not prepared for the ‘real work, the real job; the real life’. They have learnt too much of the books and too less of the real life. 
I think that the theory contructivism will develop pupils and students better for the real life, because they are now going to learn through real-life experiences and through learning-intelligences which matters. 
By then, students will be prepared for their real job and the real life!

  83. Education is one of the most important issues in the life of every human being. Thanks to it we build the necessary knowledge about the world, the environment, society. However, in addition to knowledge are also important contacts that we get in school. But of course not everything is great in school because the school teaches above all a good memory. But even without the memory may include lessons when exams are in the form of test. You can select any answer do not know the correct answer and you can hit well, nothing teaching, whether it is good? However, in spite of all education makes sense thanks to the teachers. They tell us about their valuable life experiences and give us many valuable suggestions.

  84. Vendula Víchová dice: Responder

    I think the constructivist concept of teaching is good and appropriate to nowadays. We still get new and new knowledges about the world and therefore I think the better way is to create a logical structure in our mind than just get a lot of knowledges without connection. Surely everyone knows from own experience that if he found any knowledge by itself because of activ approach, he will remember this knowledge much better than the information that he only passively accepted. Every child develops differently and this method allows each child to achieve his maximum. This method is appropriate for the world of technologies in which we live. Media learning environment can stimulate active participation of pupils in class and teachers can use the internet in their practice, which facilitates learning.

  85. Vendula Dlouhá dice: Responder

    In my opinion constructivism is really important theory in education. Everyone of us is individuality. Our physical and mental development is different in the same age. That´ s why learning should be more individual. I think, learning – teaching as a building structure is better attitude than learning as association of stimuluses and reactions. Every stimulus causes some reaction. That goes in every age. It is basic form of learning – teaching. But if we want to learn something more dificult we have to be ready for that. We have to have „good base“ for it. On this base we can „build“ – to get new knowldges and to improve them . Teacher is spectacor in the maturing process of the child. He knows the grade of development of the child. If the grade of develompent – the base- is strong, the child can receive new informacions and increase the level of his knowledges. But if the knowledges and experiences of the child aren´t satisfactoty, the child can´t receive new informacions. Or rather the child can receive new informacions, but he can´t process them. After that the child is more confused and his knowledges weren´t improved.

  86. Constructivism is, think the best way for primary school.
    It is for a kid very important to have such education in order to walk trough the development stadias. Teachers therefore have to pay attention to every individual kid and the needs, knowlege and abilities of that child. Also the group forming in primary educucation is therefore important.
    We should keep inventing new ways to make it better and to combine it with the theoretical aspects of education because the one thing is deffinitly not better then the other thing. Also i think it is therefore important that parents are involved with schools so they can tell them their input and ideas about the education and also about their individual child.

  87. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I think it is very important to realize that knowledge is not something that we can just learn from the books and other people. Of course it contributes to the knowledge we own, but it is not everything. I agree with the statement of the constructivists that knowledge is something we «built» ourselves. It is something «private», made by every person on his own due to the information he gains and observations he mades. That is why the knowledge of every person is different even though its range can be the same. Cognitive process can evaluate in everyone’s mind differently. And that is amazing and that makes each of us unique. Due to the knowledge that we construct on our owns, there is such a diversity, so many good and different ideas.

  88. This method is good but it is only a method and there are a lot of others. And the case is how to use all these methods coz for some children one might be a good method and other one bad. So what the society needs more now is really good teachers. Teachers who could have used different methods of education, who knows something about people nature ( not only children but their parents too ) and what we have instead bunch of student who just finished university and have no clue what to do in the class or old conservative ones.

  89. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    in structuralism gıve ımportance learning more than teaching. “the human mind isn’t all data storıng an empty tank”. this should forget. structuralist education is more permanent.
    learning ın tradıtıonal classroom envıronment rely on to memory-based informations again. ıncorrect data acquısıtıon can confıguratıon rearranging, constructivist teaching of education should provide applıcatıon and actıve partıcıpatıon. ıf a student course how actıve and funing, so learn. and be stable ınformatıon learned. we’s(educators’s) maın dutıes can gıve educatıon student centered ın structuralism ground.

  90. Cäcilie Bivort dice: Responder

    Fortunately we`re figuring increasingly more about the way children are learning. In the past ex-cathedra teaching in the classrooms was considered as the only common method of learning so education systems were configured on these standards. Now like brain- and social researches are gaining new aspects of learning we know better how to provide easy and efficient classes and so slowly our system are changing. At least in Germany the education system starts to follow the awareness “teaching individual pupils instead of classes”. This includes that classes shall be more individual, teachers should offer different learning materials so that pupils are more free to decide on what they want to work, also curriculums are more flexible now and they even trying to come up to the different preconditions and skills children have in classes from 20 to 30 pupils. Actually a lot of this ideas just existing theoretically on papers and the state should provide money to realize this ideas, but if they`re realized or not still depends on every single school and aren’t subject to public instanced which guaranties access to “good schools” for everyone . There is a long way to go until we left this stiff system behind, but in some points step by steps things are improving.

  91. Asuman ŞİMŞEK dice: Responder

    Up to me constructivism is an education approach which let students create their own comprehension. In this approach the aim is not teach the text books or other things but help students to find out the truths about subject. If students learn by discovering by living, it will be more permanent because students create the knowledge from the beginning instead of accepting ready information. Also they will have the ability which they can make comment on subjects what they read or learn by thinking their previous knowledge. Students become more curious about the world. Constructive education means more active students and teachers being less officious. This approach makes students free during learning process. They will even learn how to think because they need to explore new knowledge. I am sure it makes them motivate and helps to encourage them because in my opinion courage and motivation are indispensable two things throughout education life. All in all, the knowledge comes out when students actively interact with their environment like Piaget said.

  92. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I think this is an important theory. People learn a lot better from real life situations rather than being told something or reading it in a book. Its also by the way they are being I think to fully understand something you must experience it yourself. I this there is lots of money and work that goes into the reform of education but there is never huge positive change from it. Educational reform should be aimed at developing students in a beneficial way to all, it should not be focused on one specific this but the educational system as a whole. When one problem goes away another problem will arise so educational reform is a very difficult thing and thats why a lot of countries all over the world struggle with it.

  93. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    Education involves more fun and interest when it includes something new, captivating, but it’s even better if a new material is based on some previous knowledge. Providing some changes into education and not only in education always leads to success, because if you are not trying or taking risks you’re not doing anything. But sometimes kids can get confused when they’re asked to do something they’re not used to, that’s why it’s good when a topic is based on a previous one or maybe if not based connected with the material they’ve already learnt.

  94. The constructivist theory of learning provides an indiviualistic acces to learning. According to the constructivist model, each learning subject creates his/her own reality of learning. This means that every individual decides what he/she wants to learn and how to learn.
    With the constructivist model, teachers got an instrument to create methods that encourages the best way to learn for each individual.
    But in my opinion there are some problems, when this theory clashes with cruel reality. I think a constructivist lesson requires small classes and high rate of individual support by the teacher, but the reality is the exact opposite, to many pupils in classes, stressed teachers and authoritative forms of teaching.
    I think this grievances has to be overcome to use the constructivist model successfully in reality.

  95. I am totally convinced by the psychoeducational theorie of constructivism, which means that I am of the opinion that learning is a process of construction (which requires self-motivation) and is not an association of stimuli and responses. I think that you just have to take a look in the past and contemplate your own process of learning: For me it is obvious that I did not keep a lot of knowledge about contents and topics I was not interested in and which I just had to learn by heart. I am quite sure that intrinsic motivation has a key role in the learning process, because just when a particular phenomenon is arousing the interest of a child it is really willing and able to concern itself with its nature. The teacher surely can try to awake the students interest for a relative content, but I think that it is nearly impossible, that all children of a class will be intereted in the same subject, so I am arguing once more for more individual organized education in schools.

  96. in this article I think so Piaget’s theory is making to children learn from their own experiences. I agree with this theory all children learn in different ways and from different life experiences. so if Constructivism was used as a method in schools children would become more effective learners. So they should not have homework and they should learn in classroom and for me much more important thing is that they should learn by example science because when ı try to remember primary school I remember all things from example science.And they are not so borring and so useful.So I think all teacher should discover the example science and try to make lessons are much more enjoyable and interesting then teaching and lerning should be very nice and so useful for children .

  97. Persefoni-Fenia Chatzinakou dice: Responder

    In every country, every state legislate its own laws in the field of education in order to organize and determine not only the economic policy of this institutional organization but also its teaching methodology, through which tries to achieve the goals of the educational system that the state puts itself.
    The constructivism of Piaget is a teaching model which in my opinion is very interesting. The concept of the educational constructivism is based on the idea that children will learn through their own experiences, their own actions and their own thoughts. Like the author says, they will discover, ‘’construct’’ and integrate the knowledge through their interaction with their social and physical environment. Instead of being passive recipients of an external, non-empirical knowledge, they will be active and they will have the main role in the teaching-learning procedure. In other words, the Piagetian constructivism it gives emphasis to the freedom of students and respects their right to learn through their own way and through their own experiences from the environment in which they are growing up.
    It seems to me that nowadays the constructivism is not at all spread to the majority of schools. The truth is that the majority of teachers are not even well informed about the principles of the theory of this teaching model. But the whole educational system is the main reason that constructivism is not applied in schools. Unfortunately, the state, through the educational system and in addition through the educational laws, tries to reproduce a specific model of society and to create specific type of people, of future employees. As a result, in this educational system, teachers sometimes gain too much power and wield authority to their students, the knowledge that children are forced to integrate is very specific and of course they do not have quite freedom to learn through their own way, their own experiences, their own actions and ‘’construct’’ the knowledge by themselves.
    In my opinion, the constructivism should be part of the educational system and combined with other teaching models in order to achieve the real goals of the education. Children and teachers have to work together. Children should have the freedom to discover and ‘’construct’’ the knowledge by themselves and teachers should be next to their students and help them in this difficult but very interesting and creative journey that will determine their thoughts, their choices, their actions, their relationships and their life in the future.

  98. I think constructivism is a good way of learning.
    In the constructivist classroom the focus tends to shift from the teacher to the students. The classroom is no longer a place where the teacher pours knowledge into passive students. In the constructivist model the students are actively involved in their own process of learning. The learning environments are designed to provoke the kinds of thoughtful engagement that helps students develop effective thinking skills and attitudes that contribute to effective problem solving and critical thinking.

  99. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    I think that constructivist model of teaching is a good idea. Is very effective to learn through experience. Of course everything has good and bad sides. I’m not an expert in this area but for me this model of education helps kids with stimulate creative thinking,be independents, helps them to explore the world, acquire many practical skills.
    There are a lot of pluses, but the fact that the student has to be in the center, and the teacher is in the background, can make the students will treat the teacher as a classmate what the effect may be counterproductive.

  100. martin siostrzonek dice: Responder

    I would say that we always learn in the way piaget is describing his theorie of constructivism. There is always something in our mind, which you connect with new things your learning from your surroundings. for me there is no doubt that our knowledge is always affected by our past, so we all create different realitys about life. For children in schools its easier to accumulate knowledge wich is connected to the knowledge they already posess i think, because it doesnt seem abstract to them. they already have an idea how to handle the new content. I am convinced that its one of the most important things for teachers to know about the past of children, so they can connect new knowledge with their lifes…

  101. Teachers play a very important role in children’s life. They can encourage them to learn as well as totally discourage when they are just talking in a boring way without bringing anything new, without experimental learning which seems to be more interesting for pupils. By basing on real life experience acquiring knowledge can be easier for them because there is already something known. New things should be put step by step and have a connection with things that we know. This is how the knowledge is constructed. Definitely, prior experience is necessary to create new knowledge and innovation.

  102. I think that constructivism is a very good way of learning, and therefore very important and should be included in teaching, as early as possible. Because I believe that one learn more by creating and experiencing things, than one do by only having a theoretical knowledge about the subject. If you have your own experience it is usually easier to remember it, than if you only read about it in a book, and the student can draw it’s own conclusions and learn from them. When the student are able to be constructive they will be able to use the information they have been thought earlier, and in the same way learn new things. But as in many ways of teaching and learning, the best way to teach is to vary the theoretical with the constructivism. Because each subject need some theoretical teaching because the both way’s of teaching complement each other.

    You can for example know theoretically how to drive a car, but you have to have the experience as well to be able to actually do it, and the other way around.

  103. Constructivist approach to learning involves learning from experience.
    In contrast from being given information directly, the student must gain the information themselves. Based on this approach, the process of learning is based on the available information but also depends on the experience. No matter how well information is presented, the student needs to use their past learning experiences to truly internalize and learn something. Therefore, the constructivist approach in developing the student’s own perspective has an important place. Overall, I support the approach, and I find it makes sense.

  104. I am not sure, if i understood the work and the comments 100% right. So the main statement is, that children can learn on their own by making experience?!
    In my oppinion you should combine the «normal» education system and the cunstructism approach. But its already in use. For example, If you are in a training to become a cook, good cooks start to travel around the world to experience all the different flavours, smells etc. Or If you are a student, for many students its obligatory to do a internship or study abroad, to make new and own experiences, which they can use in their normal study.
    Which means, why not test this approach with children.

  105. Constructivist theory doesn’t deny the existence of the external world, but believes that objects do not exist independently and separately from the sensing organism. Constructivists assumption is the existence of a real-world experience that allows, but the knowledge of external reality of the world and attributing meanings and making sense of the world outside the individual design of each individual.
    Constructivism gives children the opportunity to learn based on their life experiences. For me is very important not to forget about creativity.

  106. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Constructivism focuses on how bodies of knowledge come to be. This perspective is important to note even though this view of constructivism is not discussed in the educational literature as frequently as other views. Constructivism as an epis-temological theory holds that disciplines, such as history and mathematics, are constructed by human interactions and decisions. For some disciplines, such as literature, this idea is fairly well accepted; there are certain books that most people agree are worth reading and others that are purposefully forgotten. For disciplines such as science and mathematics, however, the idea that people (and not nature) construct the bounds of the disciplines and the concepts within them remains contentious.

  107. According to constructivist education is very important in the students’ prior knowledge. Because new information is associated with the student’s old information by teachers. In a way, Children learn by using their own experiences. This means that implementation of constructivist approach becomes easier If children have different experiences. The most important feature of constructivist education, the learner’s knowledge to configure, create, interpret and is an opportunity to develop. Many educational system adopts a constructivist education system. But teachers implement the program and many teachers do not give students this opportunity. teachers continue to provide training to students with traditional training methods. Students is getting passive not active in this situation. Students must be active in a constructivist approach. Teachers should guide to students.

  108. In almost every country where there are rapid changes to improve schools today, teachers constructivist approach based education have to show great interest in. Because constructivism, we encounter new information correlates with our previous knowledge and we already know the issues are created in conjunction with the new learning.Contemporary teachers are greatly interested in the constructivist approaches in education in order to develop better classrooms and schools in almost every country. This is partly because of the fact that constructivist approaches, makes learning easier by connecting, the newly learned information with pre-existing knowledge. in my country has attempted radical changes in elementary school curriculum in recent years and stated that the new curriculum would be developed based on the constructivist approaches. It seems that such philosophical changes in teaching and learning affect teacher training programs. All students come in the class with their own experience and the experience of cognitive structures composed. They may have right, wrong or missing information but teacher should be placed correct information in the mind of the student.

  109. I also agree, and i think that the constructivism is essential. As i think, the own exeperience is the several way to learn in general.
    Also i think that constructivism is not sufficient by itself and that there must be a few frames. Somehow I return to the question of freedom of the child in education, and how far education should intervene.
    Maybe contructivism can be a solution to combine both freedom of the child and also the necessary intervention of the educational system !

  110. From this reading I guess that Piaget’s theory is making the point that children learn from their own experiences. I must agree with this theory all children learn in different ways and from different life experiences. Therefore if Constructivism was used as a method in schools children would become more effective learners. Back home no all subjects use this method only for those which are considered more important for example science. In primary school this method was used when we were to carry out experiments which I can still remember. I think teachers need to incorporate this style of teaching so that education becomes more enjoyable and interesting for children.

  111. Constructivism is a wonderful philosophy of education, which allows children to learn based on experimental learning through real life experience to construct and conditionalize knowledge. Which, as I have said in other comments, I think is the best way to learn. In this way pupils are more interested in learning, it’s more motivating than just listening to the teacher talk. If this theory is or isn’t put in practice in a school is mostly depending on the teachers. I would like to say that in Latvia in all schools you can see constructivism, but that would be a lie. In Latvia mostly young teachers are full with enthusiasm and support this theory, but a lot of older teachers do not like to change their methods, the same is with the usage of new Technologies. But I look at this positively, because there are very many young teachers, who are inspired to change the system and not afraid to use new things, because of lessons like this one, reading articles like this one and watching inspiring videos of speeches like in most of the articles.

  112. I think the constructivism in education system is very good and necessary for students. Each time when they are going to the school they don’t know what they will learn new, what the teacher will be prepared for each lesson. Another thing is that all reforms in schools make some things in education system better. The teacher brings to class some visual materials and something like that for students, to let them understand things better. Constructivist learning is transferable. In constructivist classrooms, students create organizing principles that they can take with them to other learning settings. Education works best when it concentrates on thinking and understanding and constructivism concentrates on learning how to think and understand.

  113. Constructivism is basically a theory – based on observation and scientific study – about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know. In the classroom, the constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. The teacher makes sure she understands the students’ preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them.

  114. I agree with the Piaget’s concept of constructivism That learning is most efective, if a child has some awareness about theme. In constructivism, the point is that the teacher comes a new knowledge, and it is assumed that the more a child knows better understand the world. He hopes that quantity will change into quality. Pupils’ experiences are part of the cognitive structures and are not indifferent to suggestions from the teacher.
    But I’m not sure whether this theory can function as a small child still can not fully understand some topics.
    Systematicness is also very important in this aspect of traditional education is often missing, so they should make reforms that would focus on the individual parts of the education and not the issue as a whole.
    I agree That the learner’s knowledge is built interacting with the social and physical environment.

  115. Constructivist learning the actual acceptance of the information is not received by the learner, How to make sense of an individual’s information is that.Information learned by the existing values ​​and experiences are produced.All efforts at Constructivism, persistence of learning
    providing and is to contribute to the creation of higher-level cognitive skills.
    I find it very true constructivist to education because Constructivist approach based education program, to ensure the permanence of learning and higher-level cognitive skills that are designed,students are at the center of such an approach Constructivism, learning to learn to teach and information that is meaningful to them

  116. Piaget believed that children construct their own knowledge through first-hand experience. I truly believe in this theory and see it best with children in the early years. In England teachers will organise the indoor and outdoor classroom in an enabling way with a variety of resources and activities so that children can explore, play and actively learn. Children are much more motivated to learn this way as they become excited and interested with the environment and resources. When children are unaware of learning especially at a young age children can develop at a much faster pace and take an interest into their education. As most children learn best kinaesthetically by allowing children to become actively involved they are much more likely to remember knowledge learnt too. Not only is active learning important for young children but it also important for children/adults of any age.

  117. What I understand from the article is that constructivism provides children with the opportunity to learn through experience and use previous knowledge to help develop knowledge and understanding. This way of learning gives children a chance to see that the process of learning through experience isn’t limited by any means. I also think that this way of learning would bring out each individual’s creativity. This might help both the kids and their teachers to figure out the child’s strengths and weaknesses as well as their talents. When these things are realised early in life, it gives people a better chance of reaching their full potential in every aspect of life, especially education.

  118. We have a lot of different teaching methods, a lot of teaching tools and still we invent new. The main aim of these things is improve teaching, results of pupils and students. if it is possible, it wants to sweeten and simplify learning for students. Certainly it has many advantages and it finds use in education. Some of them are better than other, but I think that the most of them have the same main problem.
    It is, that user misses possibility of creative application of these things. From the begining they have rules and instructions how they have to work with them. There they miss possibility actively engage own creativity of students and their imaginative skills during class.
    I think that this is big challenge for each teacher. We use this adage in my country: «Even with a small puppet you can play a good theater». I think, that this is true even in this example. The creative teachers don´t need the most modern and the best equipment and instructions. It is enough when teacher gives ordinary things other («third») dimension. So he actively engages students and their imagination and they themselves may
    make teaching class. In this situation students don´t need exact instructions how to do activities.
    If it would come in fact, the teaching will commemorate ideas by great teacher Jan Amos Komenský. These ideas are written in his famous work called «School by Play». Maybe the teaching programs and methods will remind creative game in the future. The smaller children it works, the more creative it will be the game.

  119. Constructivism is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct application to education. The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge and meaning from their experiences. Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy. Piaget’s theory of Constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact on learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of many education reform movements. Research support for constructivist teaching techniques has been mixed, with some research supporting these techniques and other research contradicting those results.

  120. The concept of educational constructivism is very interesting. I agree that it is really important for kids to learn through experience. They need to explore and discover on their own with their body and their senses, in this way they learn a lot and they learn in their own speed according to their abilities. There are already some schools that use constructivism in their teaching, such as Montessori-Schools or Waldorf-Schools. But i think it should also be more widely spread in general public schools, not just in some special ones. There should be a way to combine the convetional education we have nowadays with concepts like the educational constructivism. Because i think Constructivism alone is also not the solution, too. It is especially an important concept for young kids, but it should be combined with a little theoretical learning, too.

  121. I think the idea of constructivism is what teaching should be based on. Unfortunately, I do not think that the teaching model of the majority of schools meet the goals of constructivism. There might be some that base their way of teaching on it but in general I don’t think that all teachers are even informed about the main ideas of constructivism. In general I think that having some deeper knowledge about e.g. Piaget’s model of children’s development can lead to a far better understanding of how the children’s brain work which as a result helps the teachers to provide learning material that meets the children’s status of development. It would be such an enrichment and certainly improve the quality of teaching.

  122. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    Constructivism in education is a very important learning theory.
    Not only does it show another perspective in education but it also releases learners from the simple idea of learning for learning. It enables them to reconstruct reality as they see it personally. It highlights the fact that each person has his/her ideas about the world, and that there is not only one true representation of reality. So this theory is very important in education and in everyday life, to show that the human knowledge does not have only one representation but depends on everyone experiences, and should be a tool for these experiences.
    In this way, it would help learners to bring they creativity out, and for this, the teaching staff has to take steps to promote this, and needs to be heard by the politicians who sometimes pass bills without really taking into account Education’s opinion.

  123. In my opinion constructivism is really good concept of learning and should be used in schools more often. I believe that learning process which is based on «stimulation – responds» is not so efficient. Is because student is active just when there is a particular stimulation (for example when teacher ask him something, when he is writing an exam…), the rest of the time (when there is a lack of stimulation) he is passive. Moreover, he gets to use to that kind of learning and he loses all his curiosity, inner motivation and he becomes dependent on a teacher. In my opinion here starts the typical student’s behavior of doing all other things during classes except listening, blaming a teacher for not learning a lot in school etc. It’s interesting that more we want to stimulate children less they are stimulated, motivated and less they are ready to listen us. However I think a child need a stimulation, but a not from a teacher (not artificially created one) but from the environment. The latter is more natural, more vital and like this more interesting and attractive for the child. Nevertheless the teacher still plays the important role in this. He is the creator of the environment for the students who is he teaching and the most important thing, he is still the one who is teaching the child. Not in a traditional way of teaching but in a way of orienting him, leading and supporting him. In that way a student is able to spontaneously build his knowledge from the point he has stopped on, develop skills he is bad at, keep and spread his curiosity, build relationships through cooperation with the teacher and essential thing – learn, react and react because of his inner motivation, not the outside stimulus (teacher, marks, job…).

  124. Piaget´s theory is basic knowledge for everybody who is in contact with children. It is that important I think, because it is very important and not too difficult to understand. Having in mind, that depending on the age of children, they learn in different ways, I wonder why there isn´t more afford to organize kindergartens and schools to support children to learn in their way.
    I think only in some schools with different pedagogic foundations, like Montessori´s pedagogy, chil-dren have more chances create their mind. Teachers are mostly helping children but not by teaching them like it is the case in didactic teaching. Every child has his own exercise to learn in the time he needs for it. And as this concept now exists successfully since more than 100 years, proves that this kind of learning for children is a good thing. Persons responsible for decisions on education should consider this in their decision making of new reforms of the education system.

  125. Manuela Allgäuer dice: Responder

    Actually I cannot say that our school system does not match with the ideas of constructivism. In some parts it does, in some parts not. I think the young teachers get introduced to the key benefits of the constuctive theory during their whole course of studies, while some other teachers do not take a turn. For me, it means to let children ´construct´ knowledge step by step by thinking imaginative and creative and finding their own ways for problem-solving. As teachers or parents it is very important to know about Piaget’s theory and to keep it in mind. In my opinion, it should be way more mentioned in the current debate about educational reform and help us to set up modern improvements.

  126. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    In epistemology, constructivism is a certain way to acquire knowledge. It is based on the idea that we build our own knowledge like a huge scaffolding. The same scaffolding is made up of pieces of knowledge, which represent tools and not a faithful reflection of reality such as it is advocated by positivism. This is the basic difference.
    For instance, if, as students, we are said: «Knowledge equals reality. You should learn and know things to get closer and closer to reality.» Well, okay, but what then? Actually, it only conveys a theorical approach to acquisition of knowledge. However, with constructivism, students are encouraged to you use knowledge as a personal tool. Constructivism let learners free in their minds, in their imagination. It therefore encourages the circulation of creative ideas and new impetuses. We need everyone’s own ideas to change our way to apprehend education and its demanding throughout time instead of trying to uniformize them to reflect reality.
    In this way, teachers can accompany students and help them acquire the necessary tools to the forming of their proper ideas.
    That’s why I definitely stand up for constructivism.

  127. I agree with the Piaget’s theory of constructivism because i think that each lesson or subject should be systematic and should have some structure to students understand the point of the topic. But this is job of the teacher. The teaching the pupils how to think constructively is more diffucult. Each time It should be connected with a little of creativity to get it easily. I think that constructivism is great help in each situation but not everybody know how to use it. I think that during our study period each of us has unique oportunity to learn how to think over and study more constructively because this is the most important know how what the university can give us.

  128. As I didn’t get the full meaning of Piagets constructivism from the article (or it’s porous google translation) at first I could recommend to read the wikipedia article on it: – even availabe in many other languages ;o)

    As the wiki-article mentions like 10 different types of learners-intelligences [«self-directed, creative, innovative, drawing upon visual/spatial, musical/rhythmic, bodily kinesthetic, verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences»] it becomes very clear, that the school system as it is at the moment completely misfits the needs and requirements of the most learners (or «pupils» like they still are called in most countries).
    I mean, how could you adress one of the above mentioned learning-types by using dusty blackboard and chalk methods?

    And therefore yes: We need more changes. But as Einstein stated many years ago, I think we couldn’t solve our recent problems with/through the same thinking and antique institutional procedures, we created them with.

  129. Constructivism must lay in students. They can be subjects of thinking if our system of education is good or not. Only on them we can check it. This knowledge, for me, is a must know !. As a teacher you must know how engage students in constructivism thinking. They must think , they must create their own ways of doing thing. Not only doing things in the way as the teacher said or they learn at school. They have to think. They have to try to find new way, new ideas. If we want to achieve that , teachers have to think a way to encourage the students by showing them education system in a very interesting way.

  130. Of course school lessons should be more organized and systematic. But if we speed this two things, will there be enough time for children’s wishes, desires, aspirations? Teaching is a process that contains many branches: organization, paperwork, time to play etc. As a teacher I have to combine all those things to achieve minimum of what I want to achieve. And this is hard and it takes a lot of time and energy. I think every lesson should be fun, spontaneous, joyful, energetic … but also educational. Especially children between 6 and 10 years old should learn during/with games and playing. Every minute should be like a fun for them. That’s why we need a lot of modern and interesting devices, accessories, toys, instruments to fulfil children’s happiness. If the child is satisfied while learning that means we have achieved our goal – education and game.

  131. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I believe if we itegrate constructivism more and more into the eductional system in the future, people will develop themselves more innovative and creative. I do think this system fits to those type of learners who are creative and thinking often outside the box. I also believe that some type of learners may not prefer this way of learning. The propose of this type of education is to become more innovative and creative but some types of learners may excell on a different kind of teaching. In the future we have to explore the possibilities and the perfect combination between creativity and innovation and theory and practise, so we have the best of both.

  132. I agree with the concept of constructivism that learning is most effective for the subject if it can handle the process of learning by itself. Therefore the learner has to know what the best way of learning is for herself. But that could also be a problem because the learner first has to learn what this way is. Therefore education in kindergarten is an important thing.
    In university you can see theories of constructivsm often teachen through E-learning where the learner can learn by his or herself but also has the opportunity to get in touch with the teacher. That is a good mix.

  133. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    Prior knowledges are most important from constructivist approach. Because new knowledge relation to configure with before knowledge. Configuring is integration process of information learned from previous with next the information leaned. Constructivist approach to the field of the basic objectives of a training program; instead of the use of information to individuals and expend, how to learn how to elevator that reached and information, should show where you will see. Also they can be provide new information should be such that information. This situation should not be set precise and solid targets. Targets can not be expressed toward the behavior. Only there are expected to reach the overall goals of students. So; targets should be flexible in the approach.

  134. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    In my opinion, if every schools will think more about this idea- Educational constructivism, and if education system think more about how to establish and work on ideas of contructivism in schools, education definitely will be more determined and more better for student future. Why constructivism is good for students? As defination says that constructivism is a perspective in education, is based on experimental learning through real life experience to construct and conditionalize knowledge. And that is what education need from our students, from our children, that children want to think and learn to think diffrently. The purpose in education is to become creative and innovative through analysis, conceptualizations, and synthesis of prior experience to create new knowledge. The educator’s role is to mentor the learner during heuristic problem solving of ill-defined problems by enabling quested learning. We need to get from students more creativity and orginality. Constructivism must play big role in educational system.

  135. So, I understand that constructivism should develop student mind and to give the best things from education. I agree that educational system should be constructed. And also students have to «construct» knowledge’s, starting with lightest to more difficult. If knowledge’s is given from lightest to more difficult it is more easier to put all things together and extract the most important.
    Every country made own system for education and all who are involved in education have to follow to these system and follow the rules, system includes teaching methods and programs what should be learned at school.

  136. As I understand, constructivism is based on an understanding of what is happening in the children/students brain. Many of these educational theories are based on the highly respected scientific work, which is based on, that children actively construct knowledge and
    the construction of knowledge in the social context. In internet I found lot of famous scientists words,like, John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner, who is talking about constructivism and education system. Vygotsky believed that all learning takes place «zone of proximal development». This zone is the difference between how a child acts alone and if someone helps. By building on children’s experiences and providing minor changes to the task, the teacher can help to provide the necessary «intellectual support» that children have the opportunity to learn and progress in various stages of development. So as I understand, a constructivist theory means that person who learns, develops and constructs new knowledge are doing it by gradually building and developing new knowledge on the already existing knowledge base.

  137. If we involve more in education, then it is more systematic. Education reform helps us to move forward, to look for new ways how to learn and develop. I agree that the state has its own model of society that they create through education, laws of education and education reform. Constructivism in education is centered on the student and his previous knowledge. Education is designed for students to learn about new and could also use their previous knowledge, as well as adjusted to the new conditions. I think this theory is effective because the pupil is in the center. But on the other hand, this theory fails to operate successfully in all situations, because some things child can not fully understand, or accept stereotypes, which he/ she heard before. I agree that the learner’s knowledge is built interacting with the social and physical environment.

  138. In my opinion the theory of Piaget is very interesting. Especially Piaget’s Stages of Intellectual Development. He describes the different stage of childhood, what i think is very important the have knowledge of those stages. As adults it is very important to keep this in the back of our mind if we’re raising children. Also for teachers and education developers for making a new system of education the theory of Piaget is very important. He found out that a child that is 2-6 (or 7) years old is in an pre operational stage, that means that the child begins to represent the world symbolically. Knowing this you can find better ways to teach and stimulate the development of children in primary school. That is what they are trying to do now, to develop nowadays school systems of teachers guiding the latter in the construction of the structures of their actions, their thinking and their experiences.

    This is the same for concrete operational stage for 7- 11 (or 12) years old children. I think children are way more better off with a system that stimulate «construct» knowledge through interaction holding the social and physical environment then the system that we had before.
    I think we need to keep studying the theory’s of this man very carefully to make good school systems of education that stimulate the environment and development of children/ young adults in the future.

  139. I think the constructivism of Piaget should be way more mentioned in the upcoming political discussions in the politics. Coincidently we should focus the apprenticeship of teachers, I see a need of new and innovative techniques and a learning-friendly didaktik. By now I have never witnessed a reform of the educational system that actually improves the qualitity of education. Most of the time it seems to me, that those reforms aim and demand more knowledge of the students, in the same or worse conditions than before. Let’s just see the confusion after the reform from Bologna.
    Indeed, I’d be happy if those reforms actually would change in way that does not try to change and arrange all the circumstances, but leave more self-reliance to experience and learn.

  140. Me parece que este tema es muy importante para todos los educadores y administradores educativos. Sin embargo, me preocupa las nuevas tendencias en materia de educación, ya que ahora se está apostando mucho a las competencias en un marco individual.

    En mi opinión y tomando en cuenta los recursos de los centros educativos, se debe impulsar más el constructivismo para alcanzar la competencia. Me gustaría saber su opinión… Gracias….

    Con aprecio, Juan Diego Hidalgo.

    1. Estimado Juan Diego:
      Creo que se responde bastante bien a estas inquietudes en el artículo de mi buena amiga, la neurocoentífica Dra. Alma Dzib, léelo con atención:
      Cordiales saludos.
      José Manuel Bautista.

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