La primera lección que debe recordar siempre todo buen docente es ésta:
«Todo acto didáctico es un acto netamente comunicativo».
Dicho de otra forma: no hay buen profesor si éste no maneja bien la comunicación, dentro y fuera del aula.
El educador ejerce su influencia, comunicando
Hoy estamos convencidos de que hay que tratar de hacer del trabajo del docente una actividad cada vez más profesional. Y más profesional significa que garantice mayores posibilidades de desarrollo de sus funciones y competencias y, por supuesto, la mejora continua de su labor profesional.
El educador está facultado por la sociedad para ejercer una influencia que promueva el desarrollo personal, tanto como lo está el médico para ejercer una acción que garantice la salud.
Uno de los elementos que no pueden ser una opción al buen gusto, o las buenas intenciones del docente, es su competencia comunicativa, su eficiencia en el manejo de las relaciones interpersonales. Esta competencia forma parte de esta profesionalidad y es un requisito esencial para una práctica pedagógica científica y actualizada.
No siempre ha quedado explícito el carácter comunicativo del proceso de enseñanza‑aprendizaje. Parece como si todo fuera más importante que esto mismo. Pero la verdad es que cuando un docente está «solo ante el peligro» es precisamente su manejo de la comunicación «lo que le salva» (véase a la comunicación siempre en un sentido amplio).
La comunicación es un proceso esencialmente interactivo en el que interviene la subjetividad del que enseña y el que aprende.
Enseñar y aprender en el centro de la comunicación
Enseñanza y aprendizaje son dos procesos que se dan en unidad. No existe el enseñar si alguien no está aprendiendo. Sin embargo, son dos procesos diferentes. La enseñanza, acto por el cual el docente pone al alcance del discente el objeto de conocimiento para que éste lo comprenda, la lleva a cabo un sujeto, mientras que el aprendizaje ocurre en otro. Ah, pero ¿quién es «otro»? Que nadie se lleve a engaño: pueden ser ambos, el que tiene la misión de enseñar y el que en un determinado contexto desempeña el papel de aprender. Enseñar y aprender están permanente fundidos como proceso…
Ahora bien, la misma interrelación entre ambos procesos muestra la posibilidad de la bidireccionalidad de los mismos.

Cada vez más la comunicación en el proceso docente-educativo trasciende la participación de alumnos y docentes como emisores y receptores. Se trata de un verdadero y complejo proceso de comunicación interpersonal que lleva implícito también el establecimiento de relaciones entre sujetos.
Ahí se crean y recrean significados sobre la base de reglas previamente establecidas en un determinado contexto. Ahí es también donde intervienen las tres funciones básicas de la comunicación: función informativa, afectiva y reguladora. Las funciones que tiene la comunicación son básicas para el desarrollo de la persona. Además, este carácter interactivo del aprendizaje demanda una práctica pedagógica de corte participativo.
Recuérdalo, estas son las funciones básicas
Función informativa: a través de ella transmitimos la cultura, historia, experiencias, etc. Esta función es esencial en el ámbito educativo, si bien, no sólo reciben información los alumnos en los centros educativos.
Función afectiva: mediante la comunicación nos relacionamos emocionalmente con los demás, expresando nuestros sentimientos y afectos. Esta función de la comunicación es de gran importancia para la estabilidad emocional de las personas. La ausencia de esta función en los espacios educativos, escolares o no, tiene consecuencias negativas importantes.
Función reguladora: la comunicación puede ser utilizada para regular la conducta de los demás y facilitar su adaptación a la sociedad. Importante decir que hemos de intervenir aquí, decididamente, y no dejar que las televisiones o Instagram sean los que «lleven la voz cantante».
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Estoy de acuerdo en la importancia que tiene el educador para promover el desarrollo personal. Muchas veces el papel que ha jugado el profesor ha sido clave para que nos guste una asignatura o para que la detestemos. Sin fijarnos en el contenido en sí, solo en la manera y en las ganas cómo nos la transmitía. No todo el mundo tiene facilidad de comunicación, pero sí hay ganas de compartir los conocimientos todo fluye más fácilmente.
La comunicación es imprescindible en la vida, como no iba a serlo en la educación. Un proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje no sería posible si no existiera buena comunicación entre profesor y alumno, que no dejan de ser emisor y receptor. ¿cómo iba a saber el profesor una duda de su alumno si no existiera tal comunicación? o, ¿cómo le explicaría tal duda al alumno?.
En definitiva debe existir interactividad entre profesor y alumno para que se cumpla lo que se está buscando, el entendimiento y el fin de un buen sistema enseñanza-aprendizaje.
La comunicación es algo esencial en la vida, no solo en la educación. Pero si hacemos hincapié en esta, cierto es que la comunicación entre alumno y profesor es imprescindible para que se produzca una proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje adecuado. Cierto es que aquí deben de poner de su parte ambos, ya que si el profesor enseña pero el alumno no entiende, no aprende, por tanto debe de existir una retroalimentación para que esta comunicación fluya con buenas perspectivas futuras. Es una forma de lograr los objetivos alcanzados por ambos, realizándose en clase mediante debates, experiencias, o incluso aportando conceptos a las explicaciones teóricas, ya que se podría decir incluso, que el profesor también puede aprender del alumno en algunos casos, por tanto me parece una característica principal para que el proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje funcione de manera correcta y positiva.
Un libro, por mucha información que tenga y por muy completo que sea, no atrae la atención de un chaval, el profesor es el encargado de transmitir toda la teoría de los libros haciéndola más interesante para que capte la atención de los alumnos y esta información llegue y sea asimilada.
Para ello el profesor debe tener la competencia comunicativa muy desarrollada y trabajada, el docente debe tener una gran facilidad de comunicación para conseguir todo lo mencionado, ya sea captar la atención como saber explicar lo que no se entiende de la teoría.
La comunicación es esencial para desempeñar una buena educación. El docente debe relacionarse y comunicarse con los alumnos para poder llevar a cabo el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. En él debe existir la posibilidad del diálogo, de debates, así como de juegos en el aula, de modo que se enseñará a respetar las opiniones de los demás así como entender cuando nos equivocamos o cuando no estamos del todo en lo cierto.
El profesor, debe dar cabida a la comunicación debido a que debe haber un nexo entre los alumnos y él para la resolución de cualquier conflicto o problema que se pueda desarrollar en el ámbito educativo.
La competencia comunicativa del docente es primordial a la hora de la enseñanza-aprendizaje, ya que sin una comunicación entre alumno y profesor no se sabe si lo que el profesor quiere que se aprenda se ha conseguido y por parte del alumno si se ha interiorizado, de esta manera ambos pueden expresar sus inquietudes para que la enseñanza-aprendizaje sea correspondida.
Además desde mi punto de vista, creo que ayudaría a lograr las metas a alcanzar por ambos lados, ya que habiendo una comunicación más cercana pero sin llegar a faltarse el respeto mutuamente, este proceso sería más activo y dinámico y se conseguiría una satisfactoria consecución de dicho objetivo.
La comunicación es principal en la profesionalidad de un docente.La relación primordial del profesor y alumno es mediante la comunicación, se consigue que aumenten las habilidades sociales en el estudiante.Pienso que no es único el profesor quien tiene que colaborar para comunicarse, sino que también el alumno también debe poner de su parte y participar en ello.Esta comunicación debe de ser amena, expresiva y fácil de comprender, para que así muestren interés por educarse. Una buena comunicación hace que satisfagan las objetivos propuestos por el docente.A menudo, siempre no es así, y muchas veces debido a la mala comunicación los docentes no llegan a emitir la información de la forma exacta, por lo cual los que somos alumnos no la entendemos.
Para empezar a desarrollar la actividad profesional del docente, se debe desarrollar la planificación, la evaluación y la metodología. Pero después de esto se debe conocer y estructurar la clase, que es la escena de nuestro trabajo profesional.
Proyectar en el aula un ambiente prospero para ejercer en los alumnos un programa lleno de argumentos, valores y experiencias que influirán en sus vidas el día de mañana. Por ello, la comunicación hacia ellos será fundamental para conseguir estos objetivos. Para terminar, decir que aunque un docente tenga un amplio campo de actuación y conocimientos si no aplica un mensaje que destaque e influya en sus educandos la motivación de los alumnos se verá frustrada.
Para enseñar hay que comunicarse, por eso es muy importante que haya buena comunicación entre el profesor y el alumno. Así es mucho más fácil aprender.
Desde mi experiencia y supongo que a casi todo el mundo, aquellos profesores que han sabido comunicarse bien con sus alumnos, estos han aprendido bastante ya que las formas de dar las clases han sido bastante buenas.
Es cierto que auque haya buena comunicación, ante todo no hay que olvidar que el profesor/a es una persona a la que hay que respetar.
A los profesores que no he olvidado han sido aquellos que a la vez que me han enseñando ciertas materias, lo han hecho con muy buena comunicación. Había cierta confianza, no eramos colegas evidentemente porque como he dicho anteriormente ante todo había respeto.
Aquellos profesores que solo se centran en dar y dar materias, aburren y por lo tanto no cogemos la asignatura con ganas. Mientras que otros dan materia pero añaden otras cosas como por ejemplo: anecdotas suyas o de alumnos de otros años, dinámicas (centrandose en el tema) etc.
Sinceramente hay una forma con la que aprendo con más facilidad y es combertir la teoria en practica ( dinamicas etc).
En mi opinión, veo que es fundamental la comunicación, relacionada tanto entre los propios alumnos, como entre alumnos y profesores; es un apoyo muy importante de cualquier persona, pero fundamentalmente dentro del entorno educativo. La comunicación tiene un papel primordial en cuanto a los alumnos ya que de esta manera lo que pretenden conseguir es que presten atención, este es un objetivo complicado de conseguir. En las escuelas se necesitan docentes que tengan iniciativa, a través de ella se comuniquen con los alumnos durante las sesiones de clase, a través de esta técnica conseguirá llamar la atención del alumno. De este modo se facilitará el trabajo del profesor, haciendo que los alumnos se sientan seguros y a gusto, siempre y cuando se mantenga un mínimo de respeto entre ambos.
La comunicación es algo muy importante en todos los ámbitos de la vida, ya que somos seres sociales y necesitamos saber comunicarnos entre nosotras. Y que mejor forma que aprender a comunicarnos en las aulas, el educador debe de tener la labor importante de enseñar a los educando a hacerlo, para prepararlo para la sociedad y para que exista una buena relación entre profesor y alumno y sea mas fácil la enseñanza, siempre recordando cual es el lugar de cada uno y el respeto hacia el profesor.
Sin duda uno de los elementos principales en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje es lo de la comunicación; en efecto el requisito fudamental para que el docente desenvolva su trabajo de fomación y apoyo y desarrollo de las aptitudes de los estudiantes es que haya una comunicación eficaz entre ambos porque el proceso educativo se basa en la interactividad. Eso porque el docente no solo debe ser capaz de transmitir conocimientos sino tiene que aclarar que el alumno los haya aprendido y esto se puede verificar gracias al intercambio, puesto que para un aprendizaje significativo el estudiante no tiene que ser pasivo sino interactuante. Además la relación entre educador y educando consiste en un aprendizaje reciproco porque cada uno aprende de el otro y por todo eso es muy importante que el docente tenga una buena competencia comunicativa y que en clase no haya un clima de escarnio que no permita a los alumnos de exprimirse y de preguntar.
Cada profesor tendría que desarrollar su capacidad comunicativa para así hacer bien su actividad, conocer las necesidades y las dificultades de los estudiantes para así modificar su conducta y sus estrategías de enseñanza y obtener los mejores resultados por parte de ellos.
La comunicación en las aulas es muy importante puesto que en clase no solo se debe enseñar la matria, sino también educación, con esto me refiero a cómo debe comportarse un alumno fuera del ámbito escolar y etc.
Es importante, bajo mi punto de vista fomentar la comunicación entre alumnos y profesores y que sea más cercana y menos técnica, pero todo esto partiendo desde el respeto que se debetener a la figura del profesor, porque puede conllevar que el alumno piense que el profesor es su «colega».
La comunicación entre alumno y profesor es algo esencial en el proceso educativo. Pero pienso que el profesor es el encargado de que el ambiente en el aula sea el adecuado para que se lleve a cabo esa comunicación entre los educandos y el educador, y que este promueva una situación de comodidad a la hora de hablar o preguntar cualquier duda, ya que para que exista una buena comunicación debe existir también una buena armonía dentro del aula. Por otra parte, tengo que decir que existen mil maneras de captar la atención y ganarse la confianza del alumnado dentro del aula, pero también existen muchos profesores que, o bien no les interesa trabajar ese ambiente, o bien simplemente no saben como hacerlo ni de que manera enfocar sus clases para que estas sean lo más productivas posibles para los alumnos, haciendo que les de ganas de participar aportando ideas y así consiguiendo una buena comunicación.
Pienso que la competencia comunicativa es una de las cosas mas importantes que el docente tiene que desarrollar para poder transmitir toda la información y educación a los educandos. Por eso la competencia comunicativa es una de las cosas que se tienen que trabajar en un docente, puesto que no todos los docentes tienen esa capacidad de comunicación con sus alumnos. El docente tiene que tener la capacidad de adaptar la comunicación a los educandos para que ellos puedan recibir y entender bien esa información que el educando le esta transmitiendo para que puedan aprender. Por otro lado pienso que la comunicación es muy importante no solo en el ámbito educativo si no en todos los ámbitos que hay, tanto en el social, familiar, etc, ya que la comunicación es muy importante para que las personas nos entendamos y aprendamos unos de otros.
Estoy de acuerdo con este artículo, pues entiendo que la comunicación es de gran importancia en la vida, pues todos necesitamos de comunicarnos. Así una buena comunicación entre el profesor y el alumno debe ser la base de toda la enseñanza y aprendizaje, para de esta manera poder conseguir una relación más cercana y abierta entre ambos.
Por otro lado esto facilita que el profesor pueda conocer mejor las necesidades de cada alumno y así poder actuar más activamente, motivándolos en el desarrollo de aquellas áreas donde vea la necesidad.
Pienso que el profesor debe de desarrollar la capacidad de una buena comunicación, pues en muchas ocasiones son de gran influencia y un punto de referencia para sus alumnos.
La competencia comunicativa de un docente debería ser y tiene que ser un aspecto o habilidad básica y necesaria, sus mismos objetivos como docente requiere de esta competencia como aspecto inesperable de esta profesión, un docente debe formar en una materia o varias determinadas y educar o formar como persona.
Por lo que es aquí donde esta la razón del porque debe tener un docente una competencia comunicativa sobresaliente, ya que sera la base de todo proceso de formación y educativo, quizás debería de existir algún tipo de evaluación para medir ese nivel de competencia que posee el futuro docente.
Otro aspecto para que se haga un buen proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es la competencia comunicativa, ya que tiene que llevarse a cabo un diálogo bueno entre el profesor y el alumno. Además, hablando desde la experiencia vivida en el colegio y en el instituto, cuando tienes un profesor que te habla en formas más cercado, tú mismo te sientes cómodo y te abres con él. Y luego son de éstos profesores de los que te acuerdas, de aquellos que te han aportado más que el contenido de la materia.
Tras leer el artículo, debo decir que estoy de acuerdo con este argumento, ya que los alumnos deben mostrar sus argumentos y sus críticas pero deben mostrar respeto ante los profesores. Estos hacen más interesantes y amenas sus clases cuando la comunicación es menos estrecha entre él y los alumnos. Contar anécdotas o situaciones de su vida personal hace que tenga un acercamiento con los alumnos, y así estos se abren con total respeto y también comparten acontecimientos de sus vidas haciendo que la competencia comunicativa fluya y se intercambien los conocimientos.
En el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje es fundamental que el docente adquiera la competencia comunicativa puesto que la transmisión de conocimientos, valores, etc. que se proporciona en el aula se lleva a cabo de forma oral (como explicita el texto “es un acto netamente comunicativo), por tanto si no se dispone de ella difícilmente los alumnos/as puedan llegar a entender aquello que se les quiere transmitir.
Por ello si pretendemos que el conocimiento sea significativo para el alumnado, debemos de saber cómo hemos de comunicarnos con él para que este interiorice y aprende sobre aquello que le estamos intentando transmitir, y así mismo, debemos de despertar un interés y captar la atención sobre el mismo, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores que rodean al niño/a.
La comunicación es un proceso de suma importancia en todos los ámbitos de la vida. En este caso, el texto hace referencia al lenguaje en el contexto escolar. En primer lugar todo docente tiene una preparación previa para poder impartir clases, y ésta le dota de ciertas habilidades, una de ellas la capacidad del lenguaje. En primer lugar todo docente debe crear un ambiente de diálogo y comunicación en su clase, para que el alumnado se desarrolle en su totalidad. Esta comunicación y diálogo que he nombrado debe ser adecuado y adaptable al colectivo con el que se esté tratando. No van a tener el mismo vocabulario una clase de universidad que una de cuarto de E.S.O. Por ello el educador debe transmitir los conocimientos a través de un lenguaje asequible para que todos los entiendan, pero al mismo modo que sea rico en vocabulario para que poco a poco se vayan adquiriendo nuevas palabras, expresiones, y maneras de escribir y hablar que nos servirán en un futuro. Si el profesor fomenta una buena relación con los alumnos, la comunicación y por tanto la enseñanza será mucho más fácil y habrá mejores resultados. El alumnado al entender los conceptos y ver que hay una buena comunicación participará más en clase y, como ya he dicho, los resultados serán mucho mejores.
En primer lugar, decir que la comunicación es un factor muy importante en el proceso de la enseñanza, ya que es un mecanismo donde se transmiten valores, conocimientos y aptitudes correspondientes a los alumnos.
Por otro lado, si no fuera importante la comunicación ¿ cómo se comunicarían las personas?, la comunicación es un factor primordial en nuestras vidas y en la sociedad, ya que para que haya una buena enseñanza y aprendizaje, hay que tener una buena comunicación, a través de unos códigos linguísticos necesarios para que sea productiva.
También decir que el hecho de que haya una buena comunicación entre el profesor y el alumno, permite que haya un buen ambiente en el aula, de forma que ambos se entiendan correctamente, y puedan ir adquiriendo formas correctas de hablar y de expresarse para luego desempeñarla con el resto de la sociedad.
Desde mi punto de vista, creo que la comunicación es primordial en todos los ámbitos de la vida, pero en el ámbito escolar más; ya que se trata de transmitir unos valores y conocimientos al alumno, y lo que se pretende lograr es que éste los comprenda de cualquier manera.
Creo también, como se lee en el texto, que para que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se produzca, es de vital importancia la comunicación, una buena comunicación. Pero además pienso, que el profesor no debe usar un lenguaje de comunicación demasiado técnico, sino más adaptado al alumno; por que la finalidad del proceso, es que haya comunicación entre ambos y ambos se comprendan para que así el estudiante pueda comprender lo que el docente le ha comunicado.
Pienso que la buena comunicación es principal en la escuela, ya que la mayoría de los procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje están constituidos por la comunicación. Desde pequeños estamos acostumbrados a que el profesor imparta su clase de esta manera, utilizando la comunicación, pero incluso si nos remontamos a primaria o secundaria algunas clases eran apoyadas por distintos recursos y podías sacar fruto de varias herramientas utilizadas, porque los conocimientos a transmitir podían ser de manera dinámica, pero hoy en día en universidades y estudios superiores los conocimientos propuestos a interiorizar son muy teóricos, por lo que el canal de transmisión más eficaz y rápido es la comunicación.
La forma, la intensidad y el factor personal intervienen bastante en la comunicación por lo que a un buen profesor no solo le capacita de ello los conocimientos teóricos, sino también su personalidad. No todas las personas recibimos la información de la misma manera pero hacer de las clases algo diferente capta mejor la atención.
Como ya se expresa al principio del comentario la enseñanza es un acto puramente comunicativo. Es por ello que el profesor tiene que ser un buen comunicador y estar bien formado en la oratoria.
El docente debe ser capaz no solo de transmitir la información, sino de crear expectación, cautivar el interés de sus alumnos y crear cierta incertidumbre que haga reflexionar e interesarse por los temas a sus alumnos.
Pero esto no se consigue si no hay un interés, una preparación y una metodología que apoye los discursos, por parte del profesor.
En primer lugar, pienso que es muy importante la relación profesor-alumno para que se produzca un buen proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Con esto creo que si el profesor sabe como dirigirse a la hora de enseñar, los alumnos aprenderan más utilmente, sin que al otro día no se acuerden de la clase anterior, aunque para ésto es importantísimo que el trato sea recíproco y el alumno se dirija al profesor con respeto llegando a tener un buen clima en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Por otro lado, creo que la comunicación es importante en todos los ámbitos y no solo en la escuela, ya que con ella podemos vivir y relacionarnos en sociedad. Por ello la comunicación debe ser fluida y constante.
La comunicación entre profesor y alumno es esencial para que se produzca una buena enseñanza y un buen aprendizaje.
A la hora de comunicarse, el profesor tiene que tener en cuenta, como profesional, a quién se está dirigiendo, y adaptar así su forma de comunicarse para que la enseñanza que proporciona, de lugar a un aprendizaje significativo por parte del alumno. Si un profesor no es capaz de comunicarse adecuadamente con sus alumnos, éstos difícilmente aprenderán todo lo que se les enseñe.
Por otra parte, pienso que no es solo el profesor quien tiene que prestar atención al hecho de comunicarse, sino que también el alumno, debe tener en cuenta este aspecto y dirigirse al profesor de una manera adecuada y con respeto, además de comunicarle todos aquellos puntos y dudas que no entienda, con el fín de que tanto alumno como profesor lleguen al éxito de la intención comunicativa del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Pienso que las competencias comunicativas del profesorado son muy importantes a la hora de transmitir los conocimientos, la forma en las que se expresan, una comunicación fluida e interesante, porque de esta forma los alumnos están más atentos. A contrario si el docente tiene un tono monótono, que no se expresen bien y de esta forma los conocimientos no serán bien transmitidos, hará que los alumnos se aburran y no muestre interés por la materia.
Por otro lado, creo que una parte del fracaso escolar, no es solo culpa del alumno si no también tiene algo que ver el profesor, uno de los motivos puede ser, el no comunicarse bien, no transmitir con claridad el temario… Para concluir, si un docente quiere que sus alumnos obtengan unos buenos resultados y aprendan lo máximo de él, tendrá que tener una buena comunicación con los alumnos.
Pienso que todo docente debe tener el don de la palabra, el cual conlleva el saber transmitir bien los conocimientos que quieres que el alumnado aprenda, para así poder enseñar mejor su materia.
Esta comunicación, será más amena cuando entre el profesor y el alumnado haya una buena relación la cual hace que en el aula se respire un buen clima que incite a que esta comunicación sea la adecuada. Creo que en la educación actual la mayoría de los profesores saben comunicar bien los conocimientos teóricos, aunque no siempre ha sido así.
La comunicación en las aulas es un tema de mucha importancia. Si una comunicación adecuada el alumno y el profesor no se entendería y acabaría afectando de manera negativa a ambos.
Es necesario que el docente se comprometa como profesional cualificado a mejorar su comunicación con el alumnado. En la educación esta importancia comunicativa cobra de mayor importancia ya que esto mejora una enseñanza positiva para ambos, el docente enseña todos sus contenidos y el alumnado digiere claramente esos contenidos.
Los docentes, como profesionales que son, tienen que tener está cualidad para la enseñanza, tanto para el desarrollo personal como el intelectual de sus alumnos a lo largo de toda su carrera.
La comunicación es la base de la enseñanza y también de las relaciones entre individuos. Nosotros, los alumnos, recibimos y asimilamos mejor los conocimientos cuando hay una buena interacción entre profesor y alumno, cuando el docente nos explica los conceptos utilizando recursos que provoquen que esos conocimientos calen en nosotros. ¿Y qué mejor recurso que una buena comunicación en el aula?
Los profesores encontrarán mejores resultados a medida que su comunicación con el alumnado se va desarrollando cada vez de mejor forma, ya que es un factor para la motivación.
Actualmente, esta comunicación se produce, mejor o peor, pero existe entre educador y educando. Hace décadas no ocurría así.
Un buen docente, además de enseñar los conocimientos teóricos correspondientes, deber comunicarse bien y enseñar a comunicarse bien a sus alumnos. La comunicación es la base de la civilización, gracias a ella podemos vivir en sociedad y relacionarnos, y es por eso por lo que debe obtener un papel principal dentro de todos los contenidos, valores y actitudes que deben inculcar y desarrollar en la educación.
Por este motivo la comunicación en el aula debe de ser fluida y constante, debe de existir una relación entre el profesor y el alumno que facilite así el aprendizaje.
¿Qué seria de las personas si no pudieses comunicarse?*pudiesen*
La comunicación es imprescindible para la sociedad. ¿Qué seria de las personas si no pudieses comunicarse? Además no solo es importante para las personas sino también para los animales. Todo ser busca un código para poder expresar sus sentimiento, ideas…
Para un docente es necesario que sepa expresarse y que tenga habilidades sociales, puesto que si no fuese así no seria un buen docente. Los alumnos deben tener a una persona que sepa transmitirle muchísimos conocimientos y valores de manera que esto suponga una motivación para ellos.
Aunque he de decir que la comunicación no solo se basa en la capacidad del docente sino además en la capacidad o interés de alumno. En la actualidad es frecuente ver a un docente intentando transmitir y enseñar a unos alumnos que no tienen ningún interés de aprender y que se pasan la horas lectivas mirando el reloj o el móvil con ganas de terminar la clase.
En definitiva, pienso para que haya una buena comunicación son necesarios los siguientes elementos: un buen docente que sepa transmitir y un buen alumno que este al 100% receptivo y con muchas ganas de aprender.
Los docentes no solo deben enseñar, deben saber comunicar y transmitir para garantizar el éxito de su trabajo. Una buena competencia comunicativa debe aprovecharse para la relación profesor-alumno, esa comunicación puede permitir un mejor entendimiento entre los dos y completar con éxito la enseñanza.
El educador debe lograr una actuación competente como comunicador y esto implicará el desarrollo de una serie de conocimientos, sistema de acciones y operaciones que pueden sistematizarse en habilidades y hábitos, que van conformando toda una cultura de la comunicación.
Estoy de acuerdo con este artículo ya que pienso que la comunicación entre profesor-docente es lo más importante para que el docente desarrolle una buena transmisión de educación, y de esta manera motivar a los alumnos ya que cuando más cercana sea la relación con el docente mejor se llevará la dinámica de la clase. También, cabe destacar que cuando más cercana sea la relación entre el docente y el alumnado capacitará a los discentes a una mayor participación en la clase, una mayor atención etc.
Pienso que dentro de los tres tipos de docentes que hemos estudiado en asignaturas anteriores (autocrático, laisee-faire y democrático) deben de ser del tercer tipo, tener paciencia, motivar a los alumnos, dejar que se expresen, enseñar, escuchar opiniones y aprender de sus propios alumnos, de esta manera fomentará en el alumno todo lo dicho anteriormente.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este artículo, pienso que la relación que se establece entre el alumno y el profesor es muy importante para que se consiga una buena educación. Creo que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje será mejor si hay una relación entre el alumno y el profesor, ya que este conseguirá acercarse más a los alumnos. Esto hace que los niños se muestren receptivos en las clases y estén más motivados. Para que esto suceda el profesor tiene que saber comunicarse, es decir no deben limitarse a dar temario, sino hacer partícipe a los alumnos (aprendizaje significativo). Pero no solo es el docente quien debe comunicarse con respeto y educación a los alumnos, sino también los alumnos hacia los docentes, porque en la actualidad el respeto a los profesores cada vez deja más que desear. La comunicación es muy importante en la educación, ya que sino no se podría dar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.
La comunicación entre alumnos y profesores es muy importante para desarrollar el aprendizaje. Si el profesor tiene esta habilidad, sus alumnos siempre estarán cómodos y motivados, logrando así una mejor enseñanza, ya que el profesor al comunicarse con ellos también conoce cada nivel y cada situación de los diferentes alumnos. Además el docente se involucrarán cada vez más en este desarrollo al obtener la gratificación de que sus alumnos aprenden.
La comunicación no solo motiva al alumnado, también puede ahorrar muchos conflictos con alumnos ya que al existir esa confianza, los alumnos siempre serán honestos antes una figura sincera y honesta a seguir como la del profesor vocacional.
Si el profesor desarrolla su función no por vocación sino por profesión, dificilmente podrá comunicarse con el alumnado, ya que problamente, algún día no soporte ni lo que hace, ni los alumnos en sí.
La competencia comunicativa del docente es importante a la hora de transmitir los conocimientos. Las formas en las que se expresan, con seguridad, y de una forma fluida e interesante, hace que un alumno esté más atento. En cambio si el docente se expresa de forma aburrida, siempre con el mismo tono, hace que la clase acabe pensando en otras cosas o “mirando a las musarañas”.
También pienso que los alumnos deben comunicarse de igual forma con el docente, mostrando respeto. En cambio, en la sociedad actual, pocos son los que muestran respeto mutuo por el otro, y siempre acaba generándose un conflicto o “cambio de rol”, porque el alumno es el que acaba exigiendo más respeto y el profesor queda como por debajo.
Opino que nos pueden exigir que hablemos de forma correcta y que también nos expresemos de igual forma, pero para ello, ellos también deben dar ejemplo. No deben exigirnos no tener faltas de ortografía y ser ellos los primeros que las presentan o sus frases no tienen sentido ni coherencia.
En conclusión, para ser docente debes tener una buena competencia comunicativa.
Desde esta perspectiva la comunicación profesor-alumno es muy importante a la hora de emprender el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, ya que sin una buena comunicación no existe dicho proceso.
También creo que debe haber un respeto mutuo en las aulas provocando de esta manera que haya un ambiente mas sereno y pacifico y con ello pueda haber dialogo por parte ambas partes.
Considero muy importante la comunicación en la enseñanza puesto que, si hay una buena relacion entre el profesor y los alumnos, los resultados serán generalmente más favorables. Los alumnos se sentirán más cómodos, interviniéndo, dando su opinión, creando unos pequeños debates…El profesor conocerá mejor a sus alumnos y se dará cuenta en que aspectos debe hacer más hincapié en cada uno de los niños.
La mayoría de los jóvenes entienden la educación como algo negativo que le quita tiempo, por ello el profesor debe intentar borrar esa imagen y hacer las clases algo más dinámicas con el objetivo de despertar el interés por aprender. Pero claro está, debe darse una relación formal donde el docente marque unas pautas para que no se vaya todo el trabajo por la borda.
Opino que la comunicación debe ser un punto primordial que todo docente debe poseer. la comunicación no solo va influir en el ámbito educativo sino que es un aspecto clave en cualquier actividad que realicemos. Hay determinadas personas que estan acostumbrados a un ambiente familiar con una comunicación nefasta, con el uso de «palabrotas», con una mala pronunciación o con un tono de voz elevada. Por ello en las instituciones educativas debe haber una comunicación fluida, con un tono de voz adecuado, con un lenguaje no verbal adecuado, donde el profesorado no ejerza autoridad elevando la voz, y donde la participación del alumnado se realice con una adecuada comunicación. Creo que es muy importante que haya feedback entre el profesor y el alumno, y que el profesor en este caso de ejemplo de una buen acto comunicativo.
La competencia de comunicaciones es algo muy importante que todo docente debería tener, para que de esta manera se esfuercen más y más, con la finalidad de que el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje se lleve a cabo de la mejor forma, ya que si no hay una buena enseñanza no hay un aprendizaje, porque como bien dice en el texto, estos dos términos que son enseñanza y aprendizaje, están relacionados entre sí y uno no se puede dar sin el otro.
Por lo tanto todo docente comprometido con su profesionalidad intentará mejorar su proceso de comunicación, ya que si está entregado a su profesión, él mismo será el que quiera progresar.
Este es uno de los artículos que llevo leído hasta ahora que me parece más interesante, estoy totalmente de acuerdo de la parte en la que dice que el educador crea una enorme influencia que promueve el desarrollo personal del educando. Los docentes tienen que tener la capacidad de comunicación desarrollada con los alumnos, ya que puede llegar a ser un referente de estos en un futuro,y que una buena comunicación puede ayudar a entenderse entre ellos.
Como también dice el texto,el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje tiene que ser algo recíproco, porque si hay una persona que enseña pero no una que aprende no sirve de nada o al revés. Por lo tanto, la competencia comunicativa es algo esencial en el currículum de un profesor y que no todos tienen adquiridos.
Este artículo me parece muy interesante, ya que la comunicación es uno de los elementos que el docente tiene que tener muy presente a la hora de realizar su trabajo. Una buena comunicación hace que se cumplan las metas propuestas por el profesorado: transmitir la información a los alumnos de manera que estos la entiendan con la menor dificultad posible. En ocasiones, por desgracia esto no ocurre así, y muchas veces debido a la mala comunicación los docentes no llegan a difundir la información de la forma más correcta, de modo que los alumnos no la comprenden.
En definitiva, creo que es conveniente que este tema sea evaluado antes de que un profesor desempeñe la labor de enseñar, ya que es muy importante el saber transmitir los conocimientos, y no simplemente hablando, sino también con control, expresión emocional y cooperación.
Tras la lectura de este artículo que me ha dado pie a la reflexión, creo que es fundamental e imprescindible el dominio de la comunicación por parte de los docente, ya que estos son el ejemplo para los alumnos y además es imprescindible para los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Por ello, creo que sería conveniente evaluar a cualquier profesional de la enseñanza para comprobar sus habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas y digo esto porque muchos profesores se expresan incluso peor que sus alumnos y esto no debería ocurrir, al igual que tiene faltas de ortografía y de expresión y por todo esto creo que cabe la pregunta a cerca de ¿cómo enseñar un profesor alguna actividad sin la dominación del lenguaje? es imposible.
En mi opinión las competencias comunicativas es necesaria para que de este modo el docente con esta actitud muestra su deseo a su profesión, adquiriendo nuevos conocimientos e intentando adoptar mejoras en su método de enseñanza.
Con respecto a la relación docente-alumno es esencial porque en primer lugar el profesor debe prestar atención a cada uno de sus alumnos e intentar que todos participen, por lo que mostraran el avance de su aprendizaje y por otro lado el alumno debe tener la motivación para dar opiniones en clase, si tiene alguna duda comentarla y de esta manera el clima que se creara en la clase será cada vez más beneficioso.
Si es cierto que hoy en día todas las profesiones requieren de una buena actitud, de ponerle ganas y de tener los medios tanto económicos como académicos para llevarlas a cabo lo mejor posible, pero en mi opinión, pienso que el ser profesor requiere una pizca de algo más, porque es un trabajo en el que tu acción recae sobre otras personas que están comenzando a formarse y cae de manera directa, que no es igual que trabajar en una empresa o algo por el estilo, que sí, que también se verán personas afectadas, pero no del mismo modo.
Por ello creo que el docente debe de tener sus ideas muy clara y su forma de realizar su trabajo, aún más. Que la comunicación con sus alumnos o con sus mismos compañeros de trabajo les lleve al existo de todos sus objetivos sobre estos niños que son primerizos en la mayoría de los ámbitos, que dentro de la institución educativa, van a ir conociendo.
Merece la pena destacar y quedarse con la frase que aparece en el texto: «No existe el enseñar si alguien no está aprendiendo».
Estoy de acuerdo que debe de existir una competencia comunicativa por parte del docente, ya que sin esta la relación que se mantiene en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje no tendría un buen resultado.
Por otra parte la relación profesor-alumno es muy importante ya que si entre ellos no se entienden, el proceso de aprendizaje no tendrá resultado. También este proceso de comunicación tiene un pilar importante, el currículum. Este papel es el que debe de cumplir el profesor, como por ejemplo dejar a sus alumnos participar en clase, integrarse más con ellos… con el objetivo de captar la atención de éstos y poder relacionarse. Pienso que algunas de la causas del fracaso escolar, como tantas hay por parte del alumno y del profesor, es la falta de competencia comunicativa de el docente.
Es cierto que la competencia comunicativa es esencial para la transmisión de cualquier información oral (Siempre que haya un receptor dispuesto a recibir dicha información).
Poseer o no poseer dicha competencia la marca la diferencia entre conseguir que el receptor asimile el conocimiento o no lo asimile. Esta diferencia la capta de inmediato el alumno. El problema actual es que existen demasiados obstáculos para que el objetivo de dicha habilidad se conquiste con éxito. Si el profesor posee las habilidades comunicativas necesarias, fluidez expresiva, vocabulario, postura corporal, palabras cargadas de emoción y un largo etcétera, se encontrara con grandes barreras como son principalmente la distribución física de las aulas (en su mayoría totalmente estáticas), amplitud del aula y número de alumnado. Esto constituye una ardua batalla diaria del profesores/as y el maestros/as en el sistema educativo actual
La comunicación que debe tener el docente con su alumno, lo considerado una actuación imprescindible. Para la relación entre ambos debe de haber una buena comunicación, ya que opino que si hay buena comunicación suele haber un buen resultado tanto de relación entre ambos como de resultado ante la asignatura.
En mi opinión, considero que a la comunicación entre docente y alumno ha cambiado respecto a mejor desde hace unos años. Antiguamente los alumnos casi no hablaban y si lo hacían eran castigados. Hoy en día, por otro lado, para que en las clases haya fluidez considero que debe de haber una buena comunicación y con ello una buena participación.
En conclusión, si un profesor quiere que sus alumnos obtengan unos buenos resultados y aprendan lo máximo de él, tendrá que tener una buena comunicación con sus alumnos.
Si podemos estar seguros de algo realmente beneficioso para el sistema educativo actual, es la opción participativa del alumno. Hace unas décadas, era impensable que el alumno interviniese en clase, ya que ésto era considerado una interrupción más bien.
Hoy día, existe una buena comunicación entre alumno y docente, y ésta favorece la simbiosis de los mismos, haciendo que se cree una comunicación competente donde la opinión de ambos tienen la misma validez.
Con el uso de la comunicación bidireccional, la enseñanza es mucho más completa y se consigue que el aprendizaje vaya en aumento.
Debemos tener siempre presente que, no existe educación sin la respuesta del otro, siempre que queramos enseñar, debemos escuchar la opinión de la persona hacia la que va esa intención educativa.
Estoy muy de acuerdo en que los docentes deben contar con competencia comunicativa, esta habilidad juega un papel de gran importancia ya que a través de esta se establecen las relaciones interpersonales, está comunicación entre docente-educando resulta necesaria para la participación y la negociación en cualquier intervención educativa, además debe orientarse hacia los elementos personales del aula, del profesor adaptándose al currículum escolar. Está competencia debe ser trabajada, ya que no es una capacidad innata.
En cuanto a que la enseñanza y aprendizaje son dos procesos que se dan en una unidad y que no existe el enseñar si alguien no está aprendiendo, esto debería establecerse como un deber o una norma en todos los docentes, en muchos casos esto no se produce, como he dicho ya anteriormente en otros comentarios, la gran mayoría del alumnado utiliza técnicas de estudio para la memorización de los contenidos impartidos por los profesores de manera que no hay un progreso en el aprendizaje.
La comunicación es un factor fundamental en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana y por tanto en la escuela. Para que se dé comunicación debe de haber emisor, receptor, mensaje, canal, y demás componentes, pero sobre todo para que haya comunicación debe de existir RETROALIMENTACIÓN, es decir, cambio en los roles de emisor-receptor mediante el mensaje.
Si no existe la retroalimentación no hay comunicación.
El profesor debe de ser un buen comunicador, tener habilidades para ello, saber hacer llegar el mensaje y que este sea recíproco. Un buen comunicador capta la atención de los alumnos, los motiva a participar, ha abrir debates en el aula y así que participen, que expresen lo que piensan, esto conlleva a mejorar el aprendizaje del alumnado, a conocerlos mejor, averiguar sus necesidades y demandas dentro del aula, sus problemas en distintos ámbitos ya sea en su entorno, contexto, a nivel cognitivo, físico e intelectual.
Pienso que la comunicación es importante. Una buena comunicación previene malos entendidos, falsas interpretaciones como puede ser favoritismo con alumnos que es una cuestión que ocurre en todas los aulas.
Pero la habilidad comunicativa no la tiene todas las personas, por tanto, aquella que esta habilidad no la tenga potenciada tendrá que hacer lo posible para desarrollarla de la mejor manera posible para ser un buen docente y mejorar las relaciones interpersonales con los alumnos.
Creo que es muy importante que se mantenga una buena comunicación entre alumno y profesor ya que es una competencia esencial.
El maestro es el primero que debe de tener esta competencia, ya que su principal objetivo es que le llegue las explicaciones a los alumnos, y estos a su vez deben de interaccionar para que así se consiga un feedback.
Hay profesores que prefieren ir a clase, dar su temario, y que los alumnos permanezcan callados durante el periodo que dure la clase, y eso no es para nada bueno, ya que una buena comunicación es primordial para que la explicación llegue 100% a los alumnos.
Una buena comunicación entre profesor y alumno es lo más importante dentro del aula, para mi parecer. Pienso que un profesor que sepa comunicar bien lo que quiere enseñar es un arma muy poderosa a la hora de entablar un proceso de aprendizaje-enseñanza, ya que de esa manera puede hacer que el alumno le preste atención y con ello puede obtener la mayor información y así poder coger los conocimientos necesarios.
La buena comunicación es de lo más importante que se puede encontrar a la hora de querer enseñar a alguien, no solamente en referencia a la educación, sino en cualquier campo de interacción humana.
La comunicación mejora todos los aspectos de la vida, ya sean personales como profesionales y el que tenga la habilidad de una buena comunicación, le puede llevar sin lugar a dudas al éxito de cualquier esfuerzo.
Por lo tanto, un docente que tenga una buena capacidad para la comunicación podrá perfectamente motivar a sus alumnos y llegar a conocer lo que realmente les gusta e incluso lo que les asusta, con lo que puede ayudarles a avanzar y a que mejoren.
Una de las competencias más importantes de los docentes es la comunicación. Cada vez hay más profesores que dejan que los alumnos participen en sus clases de una manera activa, propiciando así que los alumnos se sientan escuchados. La comunicación docente-discente, es de gran ayuda para saber cuáles son las motivaciones y necesidades de los alumnos. Pero estas competencias comunicativas, no deberían darse por hecho que están presentes en todos los profesores, si no que son habilidades que se deberían trabajar, para así conseguir unos mejores resultados. Si un profesor no cuenta con habilidades comunicativas, no podrá conseguir conocer las necesidades de los alumnos, y por tanto, no conseguirá captar la atención de los mismos. Como dice Arturo Graf: “Excelente maestro es aquel que, enseñando poco, hace nacer en el alumno un deseo grande de aprender”, es decir, no se trata de enseñar muchos contenidos, sino de fomentar las ganas de aprender y para ello son de gran relevancia las competencias comunicativas del docente.
La comunicación es primordial en la profesionalidad de un docente, es un punto vital para el aprendizaje del alumnado.
El contacto principal del profesor-alumno es mediante la comunicación, haciendo que este lo lleve a su profesionalidad.
Esto a parte de marcar la profesionalidad del docente, es una condición humana, el buen profesor/a es el que sabe comunicarse bien con sus alumnos/as y estos reciben la adecuadamente la información deseada.
En mi opinión, la persona lo va adquiriendo con el tiempo, mediante la experiencia hasta realizar adecuadamente su profesionalidad.
Personalmente, pienso que la comunicación en un docente es una clave fundamental para
poder desarrollar su comunicación entre alumno- profesor correctamente..
Siempre decimos que el problema al fracaso escolar, el índice de suspensos, el desarrollo
de las clases, se le echa la culpa al docente, pero nunca pensamos que puede ser culpa
de la comunicación del profesorado, al no tener los dotes correspondientes para poder transmitir una lección con claridad y fluida al alumno, echo que vemos muchas veces en las clases
como alumnos ante el «sermón» del profesor el alumno queda anonadado, por no entender con una claridad precisa la lección del profesor.
En mi opinión la comunicación es un aspecto clave, no solo en el ámbito de la educación si no en el desarrollo humano, ya que necesitamos de la comunicación para sobrevivir, necesitamos comunicarnos con los demás para llegar acuerdos, para expresar lo que sentimos, como no sentimos, etc. Por ello creo que los profesores deben ser claros ejemplos de buena comunicación, educando con unas buenas estrategias comunicativas. Para mí en el acto de comunicar, es tan importante hablar como saber escuchar, por tanto también pienso que el alumnado debe expresarse y comunicarse no solo a través del lenguaje oral, si no también escrito por ejemplo.
La comunicación es a cave de todas las relaciones personales. Pero más aun en la educación, ya que los contenido transmitidos de profesores a estudiantes se hace principalmente por la comunicación verbal. Los docentes debe tener un amplio abanico de vocabulario, y saber elegir las palabras adecuadas en cada momento. Su comunicación con los estudiantes tiene que ser clara y precisa adaptándose al entorno, capacidades de los estudiantes, momentos…Por otro lado, estos profesores, deben estimular en sus alumnos la capacidad comunicativa para saber comunicarse perfectamente en la sociedad. El profesorado continuamente tiene que estar innovando su vocabulario para ir enriqueciéndolo más día a día. En cuanto a la pregunta ¿por qué educamos? la respuesta sería para intentar que las personas lleven lo mejor que pueda su día a día y hacer de ellas mejores personas.
Las competencias comunicativas es la clave de las relaciones personales en todos los espacio, no sólo en el educativo. Más aún es la capacidad el cualquier profesor de expresarse correctamente, de una forma clara y precisa para que sus alumnos entienda lo que explica. Los docentes deben tener un amplio diccionario de vocabularios para elegir las opciones más correctas en cada momento. Por otro lado, el profesor también debe despertar en sus alumnos esta capacidad de comunicación para incrementar el rendimiento de la clase. Este lenguaje debe adaptarse a los contenido, el entorno y las necesidades del momento. En cuanto a la pregunta ¿por qué educamos? la respuesta sería que lo hacemos para hacer de las personas individuos un poco más felices.
Every teacher should to do their job conscientiously, this is valid in any profession. However, it seems to me that the work of the teacher is as responsible as the work of a doctor, because in both cases the person is responsible for the human life. The teachers shape the behavior and personality of their students so they have an influence on what people they will be like in the future. It seems to me that this is a big responsibility, isn’t it? The teachers also cannot forget that they have to educate themselves all the time. This is crucial in this profession because at every step the teachers meet new behaviors of their students, and in order to help them, they have to have knowledge on this topic, that is why the continuous training of the teachers is very important. The teacher should be a «born teacher» if he isn’t, the entire educational process does not make sense ..
No wonder people say that «school – a second home». So it really is: a teacher’s profession is a kind of «parent» of student, who takes the part of parenting, which is called education. There will be no education, if there is no interaction between the student and the teacher. Therefore, they both should be maximally communicative to establish the dialogue. The teacher acts as a node that connects student’s knowledge and the knowledge that is available to our humanity. And student’s learning depends on efficiency of the teacher’s role.
As it is well explained in above article, teaching and learning are two processes that occur in unit, however, they are two different processes. Teaching can be a rewarding profession, but it is more than just imparting knowledge to students. A large part of teaching is about being able to communicate effectively to everyone in the classroom and in the school. When effective communication is missing, teachers can misunderstand or be ignorant of student’s needs and expectations. Furthermore, students may not feel listened to or understood and they may start acting out in other ways to get their needs met. Sometimes there are moments in the classroom when what you were taught at university does not help you. The behavior of children in the classroom is something that you have never experienced before and punishments and rewards do not work. The students don’t bother to do their homework, they are constantly playing tricks, yelling out across the room, and when asked to take out their books, they simply start a riot. How the good teacher gets these children to settle down and do their work? In this and other situations come to help different types of communication, so called communicative competence of the teacher, including conflict resolution skills.
In my opinion you need good communication skills to interact and convince people. In school you have a lot of students who are not interested in in the subject, so you need to convince them with good articulation and diactics.
In Germany at my school we were taught (more or less) to use communication skills…how to present and how to talk to people.
But unfortunatly there are a lot of teacher, who teach to have a job. Sometimes they dont even care about the students and let them just watch movies.
So all in all…Teachers and students should get taught in useing communication skills.
I agree with this article. Good comunication is very important. It is kind of key. ability to communicate is a fundamental step to reach an agreement with the student. It should be a basic skill for teachers. Good comunication is really helpful anytime and anywhere. Teachers through their behavior can motivate students to learn, or discouraged. Openness, honesty and understanding will always be better than screaming and punishment.
Teachers should praise their students for success in way that they do not feel awkward, and criticize them in a way that does not hurt.
In my opinion, communication is the main point of whole education system, because how teacher could transmit his knowledge if he have bad communication skills, and the same with student, he should know how to recieve the information. When you feel that communication with teacher is so pure and easy, you receive more information, because relaxation helps you to concentrate in things. Communication is really specific characteristic of us, because it can be so different and similar in the same time. Teachers and students should have balance between them in communication, just because it‘s the easiest way to create good relationships.
To my mind good communication skills are really important when you want to work as a teacher. I mean they are important in almost every sphere of our life, but when you have that kind of job is even more. Teachers are standing in front of 20-30 different people, different minds, characters. It is quite tough mission. Especially when they are teaching a hard or not so interesting subject. They have to speak that kind of way that will be understandable for everyone. They have to a strike chord with their students, show them that they are not their enemies. Make good, friendly atmosphere in the class. All that things could make them respected by the students and excite interest in them and the subject.
Unfortunately there are a lot of teachers in schools or universities that don’t have good communication skills. They don’t know how to get to students, or they don’t even care about this. They just come to do their job and get money for that. Some of them have big knowledge but don’t know how to pass on to the students. Those are communication problems. That makes that students don’t care about the subject and are not so interested in it. That is why right communication skills are so important.
In my opinion there is no doubt that for teachers it is necessary to have very good communicative competences. On the one hand, teachers should not just impart knowledge to their students, but should also teach them basic abilities in social graces and thus the students should learn from their teacher how to communicate in different situations. On the other hand, teachers need the ability to talk clearly and understandable, so that the student can follow their instructions and get the ideas, which the teacher is trying to point out to the class. A last thing, which I think is important about communication in educational settings is, that teachers should be able to communicate their rules for their classes clearly and in a forceful way, so that the students accept them.
The majority of the time, students are in school and spend most of their time with their school friends and teachers. Therefore, the teacher-student relationship and other relationships can have a big impact on the quality of education and even the students’ academic achievement.Teaching and learning is a process that requires two people; the teacher and the student. A special relationship between the two must be formed in order for learning to take place.In other words, bond or bridge between teacher and student as a kind of a connection must be established. In order to build this bridge you need to have good communication skills. Basically these communication skills are not very complex. It is not difficult as any teacher will know. As long as the teacher wants to communicate and engage with the students, it is sufficient to form a bond.
I think communication is the foundation for teaching and of course a structured and guided learning process. So if learing should happen in an verbal way, basic skills for communication should be in place.
Komplex theories should be explained in a way that is appropriate for the learners and of course key terms should be explained.
One question for the communication in learning is essential: «Is this necessary for the current subject matter and learning process?»
They way teachers educate their students is very important. Some subjects are quite hard to understand. For instance, many students have problems understanding science and mathematics. If a teacher delivers information in an interesting way, then pupils can understand better. Moreover, it is hard to remember information when someone delivers it badly. Some teachers know a lot about their subjects but they have problems sharing their knowledge with the students. It is essential that professors pay attention to their body language, gestures and the tone of voice. If a professor knows how to make his students interested in a certain subject, then he would achieve his goal and pupils would have better grades. Eventually they will even seek out additional information in the books or on the Internet. I have attended seven different schools or universities in my life, so I had many teachers. Some would not know how to communicate well with their students and I would not be interested in their subject. But if they are passionate about it, then I would listen very well and seek out more information in the library or the Internet. In conclusion, I would say it is neccesary to have a good atmosphere in the classroom and there has to be a dialogue between a teacher and a student.
I absolutely agree with this article. Teacher is the basic elements of training. And, teachers is started teaching process. Many teachers think to be adequate of only theoretical knowledge for teach something to student. Let’s imagine a teacher. He/ she has a lot of knowledge, but does not know how to teach information. This information could be useful for only teacher. Teachers should know to contact how with students. But I think, communication skills is related to character trait. Where and know how to behave is very important. This situation can develop in training life of teachers with experience. Therefore credits of application courses should be increased in faculties of education.
I think that communication is a very important aspect of education. According to me, only a person well communicating with others will be a good teacher. I want to here also noted that such a person should be firmly flexible. Primary school teacher must otherwise make contact with children than in high school or university. Communication according to me is the basis for the transfer of knowledge. Just understanding the problems of others can help in education or high communication skills.
Communication is also empathy, a person who wants to be a good teacher must have in himself a lot of empathy and understanding. School this not the military, children need to feel good at the classes.
Also another aspect of communication in the school is Cooperation teacher – parent. In this relationship, communication is an equally important.
According to me communication is a very important issue. Only good communication between people gives good results. Both silence and screams never are not solve the problem. The only thing that gives solution is a dialogue between a human. This applies to all areas of social life. Both in the shop, on the street, in the family at home and at school. Only a teacher who understands the needs and concerns of students well will provide valuable assets. Also, interpersonal communication is important in terms of teacher-parent contact. Only the good cooperation between the two cells fire for the third best benefit that is student-child!
The teaching profession is a profession difficult, responsible, and above all demanding. Teacher apsolutnie can not be withdrawn. It must be an open person who understands the needs of students and is their understanding. He can organize great lessons, has good teaching methods, techniques, tips, arouse curiosity and interest of children. Personally, I really appreciate the teachers who have a sense of humor, it also provides intelligence. It allows the creation of a favorable climate and prevent aggression. Unfortunately, in my life I knew not many of these teachers, I hope there will be more, because the memory of them is for a lifetime.
I feel teachers can be put under a lot of pressure to keep improving and bettering the way they work. They are constantly being judged by students parents and social media.Teachers are always trying to improve to help students achieve the best possible outcome they can achieve. A teacher must be good at communicating with others because it is the basic essential skill for teaching. The communication between a teacher and a student must be understood at both ends for it to work efficiently. I think students and teachers should both respect each, another part of communication is listening. Both sides must be listening to each other to fully understand whats going on.
I tihink that first of all the teachers should be happy and I think there are two ways to be happy all over the world first love ,second money or first money ,second love as you know people are still arguing about that .Therefore government should try to provide this two situation on teachers because nowadays alot of teachers are working with other jobs because their salaries are not enough second they have a lot of problem with their wifes because also this is my opion first reason they have economic problem second they are working so much also here I think two big problem they need money and population is so high they have to give a lot of classes . So I think first we should solve this problem because if someone has a problem they can connect with people so easly actually they cant think healty actually they can just think their problem becasue this kind of problem are fundumantel problem in our life .I also would like to talk about the title in this article ;informative, emotional and editors factor are so important .I think communication is important as reading and writting .In addition if someoen want to have good communitaion first they should have communitaion culture so on this way they can feedback on education positively.For example when the teahcer had bad communication I never liked these lessons .As a result I think that the first step in education is communication .
Teacher without communicative competence in almost as god as any book from the library, or perhaps even worse. In my opinion competence mostly comes from teachers own literary and oral capabilities of expression and presentation. But according to time it also comes down to teaching methods and strategies, to keep recievers on their toes, to keep them interested in more, even tough sometimes knowledge and the contents given aren’t realy that great object of interest. For teacher’s performance in my opinion it’s also good to keep tight social, conversational and cognitive skills. And not just geet them once, but keep honing them, because practice makes perfect, and it’s never perfect enough. And there’s never enough practice. Only that way, one can realy qualify as a good and realy compettitive teacher.
Interpersonal relationships are the foundation for learning and human development.
Teacher-student relationships should not be left to chance or dictated by the personalities of those involved. We can and need to support healthy, safe and engaged relationships that provide the optimal foundation for learning. By using properly strategies (supportive and caring relationships, cooperation, a concern for the diverse needs and opinions of students, promoting school-home-community partnerships…) teachers can influence the dynamics of their classrooms and build strong teacher-student relationships that will support student learning and provide opportunities to enable families to be actively involved in their children’s school life.
Communication is one of the most important thing in school environment. Important communication is between teacher and student, because it is necessary for learning process, teacher have to speak with each of student to motivate them for learning. Also important communication is between teacher and parents. Teacher have to inform parents about their child success, problems, progress in school. Communication between children and parents are necessary for children too feel parental support even child have some problems in school or outside of school. Communication helps solve problems.
This topic focused on really good point. Main components of education are teachers and students so communication is main chain between them. Teachers have so serious role in personel development and learning process of students. And definitly, teachers like doctors to take care of students. Effective communication have important role for good learning process. There are some dimensions such as each students have different qualifications; about backgrounds, mental ability, talents etc. Against them provide dynamic learning in class. Also, ensure to informative learning. I think, If I say one example about value of communication. If teacher be more angry,more patient when students don’t understand or don’t answer to question so students feel more stressfull, more shy and possible to scare to behave comfortable. Also effect to badly flexibility of thought and expressing their thoughts. And it will effect all future communication life; such as work. As a result, teachers have spesific importance in our life, when we create our personal identity. Communication, students and teachers are nested point of education so good communication is leading for all life.
In my opinion, communicative competence includes well-developed literary oral and written speech, knowledge of foreign languages, modern information technologies, effective methods and techniques of interpersonal communication, and also implies the observance of the rules of the culture of speech and speech etiquette by the teacher. Many of us had the teachers who were just reading material without emotions. We did not even want to listen to such teachers, and according to it we were reluctant to learn their subject. There also were teachers who forced us to love their subject thanks to his charisma and public speaking skills. It seems to me that in childhood and youth, when most children are in a period where they have little desire to learn, only a teacher with a high communicative skills, can help them to want to learn.
I like this article, because as everyone else here I think, that a good communication is one of the most important skills in our lifes. But not coming only from teachers and professors. Children should be taught to communicate well already in the family and in public places. Often in your daily life you can see examples of bad communication between people which creates only misunderstanding and frustration. In your workplace, in the supermarket, with your friends, everywhere you can think about. That is why I think it is important to learn how to communicate from the beggining in school and in the families and also to think twice before you say something which could be badly misunderstood.
School microcosm is like a separate world , which cover the whole range of society , a groups, rules by which we communicating. Verbal communication in the school can be classified as communication between students , communication between teachers , communication between teachers and students , etc. . I think the most important communication among students and teachers . These forms of communication , I think, is most affected by student behavior and attitude to learning , other students,and life.
To produce the growth of thinking of children is important for adults to get growth stimulating messages. Children should be taught that effort makes our brains grow and become smarter. Children need to receive messages from adults, confirming their belief that children’s ability to achieve high-quality results. If you believe in constant talent, that talent imposes a ceiling of our life – we can only grow as far as the great talent we have. But the growth of thinking opens up unlimited horizons – we can become anything, if we want only then we need some exertion.
Communication is the path to all, also in the school. Communication skills of the teacher are one of the most powerful tools in his work. The teacher’s professional competence, the role of the expert from certain, taught subject or subject area, should always go hand in hand with his pedagogical competence, ie the ability and skills that allows students to methods and forms of work that are appropriate to their abilities. The school premises are increasingly entering the pupil’s parents, who are interested in his school work and progress. The teacher must also be in a relationship with them choose appropriate and high-quality forms of communication and cooperation, which in turn enrich pupils’ lives.
«The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” (George Bernard Shaw, Leadership Skills for Managers)
I think an impressive communication has huge role in education .Therefore the students and the children should have very strong connection between them , because the students see the teachers much more than their parents . So the teachers are observing their growth. First of all, I think in primary school the students show what kind of skills they have so the teachers should discover it and i think it is possible with good communation then when the students are in high school wh students are developing their skills but this time is little bit sensitive for students because they are in puberty so they are so fragile and this time a teacher should be like a friend and as same time I ,teacher should lead and be guide for them .I know it is not very easy so advise that if you dont like to be teacher ,go and find another job it is better for you and the students .
This text really reminds us the importance of the communicative competence of teachers, that is, in my opinion, the major competence.
Indeed, the better way to catch students’ attention is having the capacity to interact with them with spontaneity and honesty. Some professors can do their work very well but there won’t be this flame, this passion that some others can have when they teach students. And this is so important for a good contact between professor and students. These latters must not feel they are like compelled to listen, this just has to be natural. Communication then becomes a help for everyone, and enables everyone to feel at ease, and to be understood. Thus, through this, results can be better, because we all know that self-confidence is the key to success.
Finally, motivation being the most important thing to carry on going ahead, professors really must have this communicative competence/quality to inspire their students.
As I mentioned in previous comments, communication / leading skills (which are related in an important way, because a good leader knows how to communicate good as well) are very important for teachers, because these are the tools you use to educate pupils.
Even if you have the best knowledge of each topic, if you don’t have the tools to pass
them to the children, it is useless if you can’t teach it to them.
Communication includes both speaking but also listening (to not just verbal but also non-verbal messages), and include this in your way of teaching.
Well, not by accident great personalities of human history whom reached masses of people where great or excellent rhetoricians.
You`re a good speaker, you got a good sensibility of communication – you`re going to reach a lot of people. As a teacher you want to reach people so what you need are pretty good communication skills. Makes sense so far…
Communication skills enable the offering of attention-catching and informative classes. Only in this way students will have fun with the subject matter. Also it includes to be sensitive, no pupil should be left behind because he didn`t understand the material. To ensure this, it`s necessary that pupils feel like they can ask questions without being disgraced.
In general communication skills are elementary to create good interpersonal relations. Teachers need that to reach their pupils, to inspire and motivate them but every interpersonal relation is based on successful communication. So I think, as a person who is interested in communicational studies since years, it`s one of the most important tools in every pedagogical profession and furthermore one of the most important abilities in every part of our lives!
Like we’ve discussed in the previous article about emotional intelligence, I gave a example about why I think EQ and IQ should be in balance for a teacher. A teacher can be very smart, but when he can’t communicate it to the students/pupils he won’t be a good teacher, thats why it is important for a teacher that the EQ and IQ has to be in balance, with other words: he needs to have the knowledge for the subjects he’s teaching, but he also needs communication skills for actually teaching.
Teaching is very hard but also very necessary, which is not ony a task for teachers but also for parents.
Having good communicative competence makes often a teacher an ‘inspiriring teacher’ which is motivating for pupils/students in my opinion.
I Think communication has a huge role to play in education. Effective communication between a teacher and a pupil is essential for them to learn. They teacher must first give clear instructions for a task or give a simple explanation of a topic. A pupil on the receiving end of this communication must be able to fully understand what has been said. I think a good relationship between both the teacher and the pupil also has a huge role to play in good communication. They should feel comfortable enough to ask questions if they feel the need to. I feel that there should also be a good line of communication between parents and the teacher so that they too can participate in the child’s education. Therefore if they’re any problems or any misunderstandings all three parties will feel comfortable when communicating with each other, thus making the job of a pupil, a parent and a teacher much easier.
Communication is extremely important when it comes to teaching. Effective communication between students and teachers has a huge impact on a student’s learning experience. If there isn’t good communication between teachers and students, how are students supposed to learn? As a teacher you should have exceptional communication skills to be able to cater for all the different types of learners in your class. You have to be able reach all of your students to ensure they understand things. This is impossible in a class without good communication. Lack of communication doesn’t just leaves students misunderstanding things but it also leaves them being misunderstood by others, including the teacher, therefore it is a essential to have a teacher who can communicate well with their students in every way.
Yes, ofcource communication is very important, not only vocally but verbal as well. Children will have to learn a lot of things about good and bad, interaction with others and ofcource the cognitive skills. Not of this can be realised if it is not for communication. Also the way of communicating is very imortant, proven is in the positive psychology that a boss shouting at their employees has less results then when he is asking nicely. So a friendky way of communicating and ofcource a lot of patience with small children is pre. If a teacher can communicate on a nice and friendly way the children will most likely give you the same behaviour, nice and friendly. In big classes that is very important because else the teachers job changes in the one of a police officer in a classroom.
Communication is the key to everything, especially in the field of education. Often children do not understand why they should do that or that or how to do it. Teachers should answer their pupils’ questions and show them how learning can be fun. Furthermore teachers also should be open-minded and be able to learn from their students and to have a look at their perspective on things. In our society teachers are so important and should do their job because they love it and not for the money or they could not decide what to study after school. They should see from the beginning of their career how important they are ad what influence they have on the next gerneration.
I think the teacher; mother and father of a child’s life is the most important person after the start. Children with the help of teachers of various knowledge and skills gained on the one hand, On the other hand from his thoughts, emotional reactions, values and habits are affected. At this point, the teacher models the feature of being put forward for the child. Accurate and qualified models in their children’s education and training are critical.Child:with most mothers and fathers
,teachers-especially the kindergarten and elementary teacher-is taken as a model. Intentionally or unintentionally as its acts.teachers, with speech, with behaviors ,with dressing as become is a model;students, teachers must not forget even for a moment as they care to be.
The most important thing in educational process is communication. The most part of quantity depends on it. If teachers know how to communicate with students in that way in which students will have more willingness to learn then the learning process will be easier and more qualified. In this case, the teachers have to educated not even it what they are teaching but more in how to communicate with others. Especially, they have to know how to express the knowledge of the sciences to the children that they will understand everything and could use it in their real lifes. When there is no communication between teachers and students, the quality is decreasing. Having good communication and relationship in the classrooms makes all education process to become not as a boring obligatory thing which is hated by children, but it becomes as a real life school for everybody.
Like many students before me have written and told: YES, the competence of communication is one of the most importants in the filed of teaching.
But besided all the theoretical dimenions and aspects I want to focus on two things that are very important for the «función informativa»:
1. Select the information (content) you want to transmit and teach carefully.
Not everything in the Syllabus is important!
Take care, and think wisely: Will this and that really be importrant in the future of our pupils?
Or might it be better, to talk about their thoughts and build connections to the daily politicial happening, for example.
2. Speak slowly, choos understandable words and make sure that everybody can understand you.
It’s a very practical point, I don’t need to explicate more, is it?
Sometimes communication between teacher and students is really complicated. I think that if teachers enjoy classes their classes with students- students will enjoy it too. Teachers have to help their students not to be afraid of asking questions. One of the best teachers in my life told me :» don’t be afraid to ask question, be afraid not to ask» and I think it was a really good quote .
Communication is very necessary between teacher and student. To improve these things teacher need to tell students what to expect from the first day of class. Students are more likely to know and understand what teaher expect from them if expectations are defined at the beginning. Teachers must be skilled at listening to their students as well as explaining things clearly. Teachers need clarity of thought to present the material. They must be able to break down complex ideas into simpler parts and smaller steps to transmit to their students. They must be able to adapt their methods of communication to all students regardless of ability or learning style. Therefore, it is important for teachers to have children respect each other. Those teachers who demonstrate respect towards their students, automatically win favor by having active learners in their classroom. Understanding the children problem, fear, or confusion will give the teacher a better understanding of children learning difficulties. Once the teacher becomes aware of the problems, he or she will have more patience with the student, making the children feel secure or less confused when learning is taking place in the classroom.
Communication between teacher and students is a key to success in education. They are spending a lot of time together so if they know how communicat this benefits all. Teachers will enjoy their work and students will enjoy classes. Walking to school will not be stressfull situation for students. I think it will even help in situaction inside the classes. Nowadays a lot of students are affreid to ask questions becouse they think they will ask a stupid one. If the communication in the class will be comfortable students will ask as they will no more be in fraid. As for the teachers I think this situation will motivate them to improve to search for new and interesting thing that can be showed in the class.
There is no doubt that for me, the teacher’s job is one of the most difficult jobs. That is why, because you do not have only to make children learn reading, writing, maths and history. After their parents, teachers are responsible for their students, as they spend many hours per day with them. Children can only learn in my opinion in a warm and friendly environment, which the teacher has to create. An honest-friendly relationship is the best motive for children to be educated. Communication for me is the most important. Teachers should be willing to develop dialogue in their classroom. To leave space to children to express without doubts their opinion, their feelings, their talents. Teachers should persuade students that they are not authority in the class and they can also learn many new things from them. We should always bear in mind that learning is an interactive and communicative process.
The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher? All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favorite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. I will be focusing on the relationship between the student and teacher, involving a setting in the primary grades, which I have found second grade to be extremely important for the student to gain a positive attitude for their future education.
Children have different strategies for learning and achieving their goals. A few students in a classroom will grasp and learn quickly, but at the same time there will be those who have to be repeatedly taught using different techniques for the student to be able to understand the lesson. On the other hand, there are those students who fool around and use school as entertainment. Teaching then becomes difficult, especially if there is no proper communication. Yet, teachers, creating a positive relationship with their students, will not necessarily control of all the disruptive students.
The communication between the student and the teacher serves as a connection between the two, which provides a better atmosphere for a classroom environment. Of course a teacher is not going to understand every problem for every child in his or her classroom, but will acquire enough information for those students who are struggling with specific tasks.
Communication is both receptive and expressive. Teachers must be skilled at listening to their students as well as explaining things clearly. Teachers need clarity of thought to present the material. They must be able to break down complex ideas into simpler parts and smaller steps to transmit to their students. They must be able to adapt their methods of communication to all students regardless of ability or learning style. They are able to «read» their students and adapt to the needs of the individual. Effective communication includes transforming the boring into the interesting and having good presentation skills.In addition, good teachers communicate concern and caring by their tone of voice and use of body language. They transmit genuine commitment and affection for their students. Good teachers care about their students’ progress and let their students know it at all times. They learn their students’ names early in the school year and use their names when addressing them. They get to know their students’ hopes, fears and preferences and communicate this knowledge to their students. They communicate their appreciation for what their students do by celebrating their successes and constantly encouraging them. This helps students feel recognized and validated.
I likethe fact that for our last comments we should sespond the question : Why are we educating? As I thought about the answer I finally also asked myself why we introduced a shool system in our society, why are not parents do all the education process of their childs. First of all i thought about teachers as experts. One person can not be expert in all fields of life. Thats why we divided into several subjects? Another reason is the lack of time parents have because of their work….At the end of my thoughts i came back to the topic of communication. Learning is a process which is mostly generated when people come together and get in contact. No matter if they are talking or communicate in any other way. And in schools, as you are in a group of your clasmates and have different teachers, there is a big potencial of learning. Communicacion is the key to accumulate new knowledge, and the more variety there is the more children can learn for their future.
Why do we raise children? That is a very good question. In my opinion it is necessary to raise kids so they will be good adults in the future. How and which way it’s not a given thing. Some one who is well educated doesn’t mean he/she is a better person. It only means that they better in adapting of the way of learning that we think it’s the best, by teaching in school. In a lot of countries this can be different. People learn also from experiences from parents and grandparents. I think there must be a combination between those two. Educated is also experience and who can teach you better that then your own (grand) parents!
Communication is very important between relations, any relation! Between teachers, teachers to student or student to student. We teaching to respect the other person. That means it is rude to talk when somebody is already talking or not listen to another person. A lot of professors also teach that they are very important and that they know everything (better then the student). Students think it’s a real big deal to give their opinion or ideas because he/she made this big distance between student-teacher that they don’t feel comfortable at all. In my opinion should the teachers be thinking more about what they radiate to the students and also if that is their goal that want them to reach.
Sonja Boven
Communication is the main tool for a successful learning. But I think it is on the one hand very important that the teachers are educated in the ways of how communication works but on the other hand it is as well important to have students who are interested in communication. If you are a teacher who has the content of what should be taught but you cannot convey it to your students you will fail. If you convey it in various ways but the students are not motivated in giving you feedback you might feel unsecure as well. In the end we have to say that the combination of both – content and communicational skills – and a mutual willing to communicate are the basics of every act of education.
Communication is something that needs to be learned and improved throughout life. Communica-tion is a process and takes always place between at least two persons and has an aim that you want to reach by communicating. In a relationship between teacher and pupils, the aim is of course to transmit knowledge. Teachers need to know that they also learn something from their pupils while communicating with them and they should be aware of the chances they have to learn whether their communication is good or has flaws. And by perceiving their students ‘opinion, it is possible to improve their communication and obtain an assertive style of communication.
This article once again proves how many characters one teacher has to be… teacher has to be a friend, coach, an actor, salesman, psychologist, keeper of the faith, politician, spokesmen.. And the list could probably go on like this for at least 5 pages…
Only through communication a teacher can teach something to children, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal. The teacher has to find/make a special bond with every pupil separately and to all class together, at once. Only in that case students can feel safe to express their opinion or even more importantly – their doubts and even understand the meaning behind those doubts, as Simon Sinek said :“Listening is not understanding the words of the question asked, listening is understanding why the question was asked in the first place.”
As a tool of building relationships and achieving interactions, communication is also important for education. I agree with that. In the old times this understanding was not exist. At least in my country, there was the strong authority of teachers trying to provide discipline and make students obey everything. By this way, they tried to teach something by always telling them what to do, what to say or what to learn. Now, it is not that common. In the modern times it is important to teach students how to think and learn rather than teaching what to learn or what to think. It is achieved well by communication. It is harder to provide an education by communicating, because teachers need to know more things and update themselves constantly. Time changes, people change and every day there are different things, so the teachers should know these improvements and add them to their knowledge daily to use in their lessons. When they go to classroom they should be ready for possible questions as the main element of communication. It is not only students who ask questions, of course. In communicative education, teacher should ask questions and let students think about it, broaden their mind and make them see what they can do. This is how communicative competence of teachers help students.
Having incredible knowledge doesn’t make people good teachers. The point is delivering the knowledge to learners in understandable way. Using the language correctly on conveying information is indispensable part of teaching process. If it doesn’t happen, students cannot learn anything. That’s why communicative competence is fundamental in education for both students and teachers. Also, it is necessary for students too. They should have this competence but they will learn it from teachers. What makes the teachers are teachers is that they could reach out students. There must be mutual understanding. Also, teachers should draw students into this process which is called communication by society. They let students express their ideas freely. If they can achieve to make a communication each other, both side start to learn new things from each other. Yes it is possible that teachers, too, can learn from students as they do. Teaching and learning process are something that need not only a teacher who just talks or not only a student who just listens but also there must be a connection with each other which make this both processes real, useful and permanent. I think in this point personalities of teachers step on because how they are acting, what they are interested in etc. in social word affect their teaching style. Let’s think a teacher who doesn’t have any hobbies, friends. I am sure when she comes to class what she does is that just telling the subjects, giving information without asking students’ ideas or checking whether students understand or not. We can imagine how much those students will be successful in their life. On the other hand, let’s think a teacher who has lots of friend, many hobbies, interesting personalities. When she comes to class, her behavior and character reflect her teaching style. She will have a class with full of talking, ideas, comments. Briefly, a good communication ability provide a good, useful,successful, inclusive and permanent classroom practice.
En mi opinion tener una buena relacion profesor-alumno es algo primordial, ya que así la clase sera más amena ya que habrá participación de los alumnos, que al ver que el profesor le toma en cuenta y hay una buena comunicación no se sentirán cohibidos a la hora de hablar en clase y exponer las ideas, y también el profesor sentirá más motivación al ver que sus explicaciones tienen exito y sus alumnos participan en las explicaciones.
Creo que en educación todos los profesores deberían saber tener una buena comunicación con el alumnado, ya que en mi opinión los profesores que llegan a clase sueltan el rollo de dos horas y se van no dan la talla en la hora de saber transmitir los conocimientos y ganarse a los alumnos.
It is quite logical that communication is an extremely important element within the classroom, especially for the teacher as it allows he or she to track and provide the knowledge & development upon the children. It is quite common with the educational system that many people with a master or PHD class degree complete a PGCE, become a teacher and then, ace the interview as a result of their CV status but their communication skills are extremely bad; therefore this portrays the view that having all the knowledge is not the only quality needed to teach, but that there are many more such as great communication, a personality, organisational skills and so on. Communication is so important for the teacher, the first reason is so that he or she can deliver the information or direction to the children, and the second reason is so he or she can receive the children’s response in he or she, the teacher must judge whether the children have understood what the teaching was explaining. Finally to conclude, it is evident that effective communication is extremely important, not only for the children’s knowledge but also for each child’s development of qualities.
The words of Simon Sinek in this video could not be more correct in my opinion. I agree that idea that a person should not see themselves in a way that puts them into a higher position, just as Sinek suggests when speaking of the concept of the mentor-mentee idea. In truth, there is always an opportunity for everyone to learn something from an experience with a person- one is a fire to be kindled, not a vase to be filled. In my opinion, effective communication is the most important quality that a teacher needs, both in terms of communication learning ideas and concepts and in the development of good relationships with others. To communicate successfully is to engage the class in the learning process: sharing ideas; explaining and understanding concepts; problem-solving; making decisions; reflecting; and evaluating. A teacher with all the knowledge of the world is no use when they cannot share their knowledge with others in a way that benefits them. To be a good communicator, a person needs to: be confident; speak clearly; explain effectively; take into accout the learner’s prior knowledge; and most importantly, be enthusiastic about what they are trying to communicate.
It is so hard to imagine live in society, family or organization without communicating with each other. It gives us an opportunity to sharing ideas, cooperating or going in the same direction. If we want communication to be good it should work in both directions, and this is what Simon Sinek was talking about. He has the mentor, but at the same time he is the mentor of his mentor. Without effective communication it is hard to create effective operation in each areas of everyday life.
This issue is also extremely important in our education. Not only in our families but most of all in school with friend and teachers we are learning to understand things, but also to be understand by others. If we learn it properly it will be a very big step, which will help us in the future, while finding a job or getting married.
We should remember that good communication is a key to satisfaction in our private and professional lives.
In my oppinion it’s really important also for the teachers to be able to study from their students. My mother was also teacher and she told me many times that she always can learn from her students and she really loves it. Also quite often she went out with her students after school for an ice cream, also during the breaks she always had intresting conversations with them. But of course it’s even more important that teachers should have really good communication skills, because during teaching they use those skills, so if they don’t have good skills, they can’t really do their job good. I had one teacher in high school and all of their students were listening all the time during the classes. One other teacher had really bad communication skills, so we were all the time sleeping during the classes. He couldn’t keep our attention at all, he was too silent and slow. Even if the subject would be intresting, if the teacher can’t communicate well, he can’t teach well.
Yo pienso que el docente debe de hacer notar la diferencia entre el profesor y el alumno para darse a respetar pero sin ser demasiado autoritario y sobre todo saber acercarse a los jóvenes pero siempre guardando la distancia.
El profesor tiene que tener una comunicación fluida, expresiva y participativa por parte de los alumnos para que estos vean que sus opiniones también son importantes y sobre todo con un lenguaje sencillo, comprensible y adaptado al nivel de los alumnos para que los educandos entiendan lo que el docente les explique sin que se aburran y para que puedan seguir el ritmo de la clase sin perderse. Para ello la comunicación del profesor tiene que captar la atención de los alumnos.
This is a very interesting topic! I think a teacher should be willing to learn from his students as well. A teacher should know what he is talking about but it is also important that he is open to different opinions and different views about what he is teaching. A teacher can learn a lot from his students if he is willing to listen.
As I told in my comment in an earlier article a good teacher should also be a good communicator. A teacher needs to be able to present his subject in a way pupils understand. It is also important to motivate pupils and to be enthusiast when you are explaining or teaching something.
If a pupils wants to learn something he should like his teacher but if a teacher wants to learn something he needs to like his pupils. Only if there is respect in both ways and open communication there can be “learning” (teacher and pupils). So I like the way this was explained in the video and I totally agree!
Yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este articulo, pienso que el docente debe mantener una postura y una comunicación que haga notar las diferencias entre profesores y alumnos por dos motivos: el primero y creo mas importante es que así (pienso) que habrá mas respeto por parte de los alumnos a los profesores, el cual creo que se está perdiendo últimamente, y en segundo lugar, pienso que con una buena competencia comunicativa el docente podrá enseñar a los alumnos de una manera mas correcta y hacer que ellos también tenga una buena competencia comunicativa, pero mi duda es, ¿hay alguna asignatura que nos enseñe a tener una buena competencia comunicativa? y la respuesta es No.
During the lesson the children can exchange, through the dialogue, not only their ideas but also, they can lead to a conclusion.
The student learns to worry, think and respects the opinion of his classmates. Also, he can ask questions and learns how to answer them. Finally, develops his personality and acquires intellectual development.
For dialogue among students is necessary:
-To cultivate a sense of equality so that students can express their opinions
-To have trust, honesty and respect from both sides(teacher-student)
So, it’s important that the teacher creates opportunities during the lesson for the development of dialogue. The teacher’s role is prescriptive in this process and only can participate in the dialogue of his students.
There are competencies a lots of the teachers. For example as the teacher communicates with and obtains feedback from students in a manner that enhances student learning and understanding. The teacher effectively utilizes student assessment techniques and procedures. With student and society communication. Communication is the most important competencies their, ıt be should. But this component isn’t taking care of although it is important. There are lesson communication in lisence programme. As it is giving the education. Yes it is giving, theoretically. But ıt should give practical. Also teacher should encourage the students to communication. If teachers don’t do that, the communicative problems see student in later years. I am remembering one my memory. I was going to tree class. My teacher didn’t allow to commuication in class. Sharing of information didn’t do in class generally. My teacher spoke,we listened. Did this case effect us? In my opinion ıt effected me. Therefor mental coaching a very well idea for teachers. Actually it is necessary for teacher. Teachers get training quadrennial in universities. But it isn’t enough. They can get training about communication from one skilled and they can go to seminar. And other will do applications is teacher’s ability…
Para los profesores es importante que son comunicativos. Lo que el profesor es más comunicativo es mejor transferencia de conocimientos a los estudiantes.El sabe cómo encontrar una manera de acercarse a los alumnos. Todos nosotros quieremos más los profesores que con nosotros a veces comparten alguna anécdota. Más maestros pueden utilizar el mismo ejemplo para explicar de diferentes maneras. Aprendizaje debe ser bidireccional. Profesor enseña al estudiante y el estudiante a profesor. Cada persona no tiene la capacidad de ser un profesor.
I really liked the idea that there is a mentor – mentor relationship. And I think it is a very important quality for a professor to be willing to learn from his students and to be open for discussions. In all conversations, in all discussions there can be something new to learn, some new thoughts and opinions. If a professor is only teaching the students and saying his point of view or the material from books and researches without any feedback and opinions from students, then in my opinion the class is not so effective and the students willl forget most of the information what was said. Only if a proffesor is a great comunicator and can make students involved in the process of learning, it can be enough just to tell all the information and let them think about it and maybe leave some coments at the end of the course or somewhere later.
Some video in the earlier articles said that teacher should be good comunicator, it is not enough that he knows his subject very well, he needs to be able to present the information in a way students can understand and get interested in it. I totally agree to it, because even very difficult and boring topic can be presented as an interesting and exciting one. It all depends on the abilities of a professor.
Creo que las competencias educativas es algo primordial para la educación, ya que lo primero ante todo, en una relación profesor-alumnos tiene que haber comunicacion.
Esta comunicacion deberia de ser dinamica, expresiva y facil de entender para los alumnos, para que asi presten atencion y muestren entusiamo por aprender. Aunque hay muchos profesores que no tienen una capaidad comunicativa con los alumnos y por eso la mayoria de los alumnos se pierden o no echan cuenta a la explicacion del profesor. Creo que eso es muy gran problema.
Pienso que la comunicacion tiene que ser algo muy importante en las escuelas, para que los alumnos participen clase y se desenvuelvan mejor en ella.
La competencia educactiva deberia de estar mas presente en las aulas.
One of the most important personal skills a teacher is required to have would be to have good communication skills. Being able to communicate to pupils in a way that grabs their attention and excites them on whatever topic they are teaching it vital for a student to learn fully. A good communicator can keep a student fully focused and interested on what he/she is talking about. This extra focus gained by the students will allow them to gain a better understanding on the topic and if the information is being giving clearly and effectively then the understanding of the topic will be better on the students behalf.
Another aspect of being a good communicator is usually that there is a better learning environment within the classroom. This leaves it easier for students who are interested in the subject to ask questions and try and gain a better understanding of the subject. This should always be encouraged by the teacher and always answer to the best of their knowledge
pienso, que si el profesor tiene una postura cercana a sus alumnos, la tarea de enseñar le resultara mucho mas facil. pues si el profesor domina la comunicacion y tiene destreza para acercarse a los jovenes que tiene delante cuando le toca dar su clase, siempre habra un buen ambiente entre ambos, y cuyo resultado sera que la calidad de la enseñanza sera mas elevada. y que aquellos alumnos que aun no esten muy convencidos para decantarse por el facilitarle las clase a ese profesor, se veran en la tesitura de que el profesor es cercano y ademas les gusta hablar con el por lo cual si tendran ganas de participar en las clases. y asi el profesor vera como ha conseguido lo que queria y ha conseguido enganchar a sus alumnos al ritmo de la clase.
Por eso en las facultades de educacion se debe trabajar mucho la comunicacion de los futuros docentes con sus alumnos.
Communication skills are really important in the teaching-learning relation. The perfect teacher is the one who really know about his subject and who is able to communicate his knowledge. Because there are many teachers who are really intelligent but who are not able to communicate the knowledge in an efficient manner or who are not able to make people understand something or to make something easier to understand. Obviously, it also depends on students, because if a teacher needs communication skills, a student needs to learn how to listen.
Totalmente de acuerdo.
En este punto yo me pregunto ¿ se enseña a los docentes en las facultades de educación habilidades comunicativas? después de preguntar a varios, la respuesta es «no».
A lo mejor hay que empezar por ahí. Incluir este aspecto comunicativo en el currículum de la formación docente.
Communications and knowledge are the two most important skills of a teacher. My question now is always how a teacher can reach all pupils: One communication style could be good for example for the best people in the class but not for the children with problems. I think that is the important question: How can a teacher reach every pupil in his class with different expectations and knowledge? At the moment I do not know how to solve this problem.
My second point is about the communication itself: It should be bidirectional and that is often the problem. Mostly the teacher speaks and leads the communication and the education is not learner concentrated.
Teachers should integrate the pupils more into the education to allow own thoughts and connections which are very important for the long-term memory.
La persona que sabe comunicarse tiene la gran facilidad de llegar a solucionar los problemas y a la misma vez manejar los proyectos que se le plantean a él mismo. Pienso que unas de las exigencias más básicas para la comunicación serían la claridad con la que se expresa, la corrección y la concesión, estas son las que yo pienso pero abarcan muchas más. Las personas estamos en continua comunicación una con otra llegando en algunas ocasiones a algunos objetivo aunque no haya sido previamente planteado. Este objetivo se trata del cambio de informaciones que llega a influir en el cambio del comportamiento o en las relaciones interpersonales. Para finalizar decir que lo importante no es lo que decimos, sino el cómo lo decimos, y en algunas ocasiones llegando a empatizar con la persona.
Communication skills are one of the most important skills a teacher must have. You can learn, foster and improve professional competence and the subjects’ knowledge step by step and continously but the relationship between children and teachers is a very special one and is based on communication. I think it’s very hard to learn communication skills. You can train them but you already have to bring them from the first day in the classroom. Communication happens everywhere – with colleagues, school staff, children and parents. And it’s not only verbal communication but also body language which is mostly unconscious. If a teacher’s communications skills are good and there are no barriers between him/her and the pupils it will be much easier to convey knowledge etc. Children recognize very fast if a teacher acts in an honest, authentic way and they will trust more if the teacher’s skills are like that.
I think teaching and learning completely communicative. An educator in the process of teaching and learning to teach it effectively,he/she need to establish a healthy communication with students.In real communication, you need to understand speech and need to say that you thought. The purpose of the communication is understanding.So if the educator want to teach a topic in lesson she/he must establish a good connection with their students. Learning environment, students and teachers communicative verbal or non-verbal ways with each other. Teachers, educational processes should know better without this,they use language well,must be discreet, be understanding, should empathy, use of body language and gestures with effective.If they do this, they can communicate effectively.In this end they can teach the topic or anything else what they want to students correctly.I want to finish my write with one sentence from Tony Robbins. ‘The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives’
It is clear that effective communication skills are an essential attribute to possess for all educators who are working in the education system. How many times have we seen in the education system whereby there are extremely intelligent teachers who cannot communicate the knowledge in an efficient manner. Thus, they are failing to educate the student properly. Therefore, effective communication skills are pivotal when it comes to teaching. It can be argued that good communications skills provides clarity and less misunderstandings in the classroom. Indeed, effective communication will hopefully lead to higher grades and success while also increasing productivity within the confines of the classroom. However, to find an even balance between teaching and learning, a even/mutual relationship must exist between a teacher and a student.
Communication is of course necessary in the teaching-learning relation and communication needs two parts, the sender and the receiver. It is obvious that communication-skills are obligatory as a teacher but what is with the receiver, the pupil? Isn’t it necessary too to learn to listen?
The perfect teacher should be able to make the subject matter interesting and communicate it exitingly but what if it is not? I think nevertheless it is possible to find something interesting in something boring. It depends on the capability to find the important statements in a boring speech and to filter new information and to connect it to your own life and interest. Maybe it is not easy for a little kid in school but we can try to tell, if someone is bored it is his own fault because there is always something interesting to find in everything and if you are able to filter it, to find it in every situation you will have happier schooldays.
The other thing is not only the teacher is the communicator, of course the pupils also should be communicator. They should be able to communicate their problems, their needs and their opinions and the teacher should be able to listen and to respond, also to learn because children are very creative and intelligent and «the mentor also can be the mentee» and visa versa.
Being an expert in a particular subject does not mean that you will be an excellent teacher. A good teacher obviously has to know a lot in their subject but they also need be able to communicate their ideas to their students. If a teacher can explain their subject well then the students will learn. From my experience some teacher forget that we are not experts in the subject and that there job is to teach us the subject and not get angry when we get something wrong. Also a good teacher must be able to teach a class so that the students remember what they have learnt and not just teacher them so that they learn what they need to pass the exam and will more than likely forget after they take the exam.
The video was also very interesting and it was based on mentor mentor relationships rather than mentor mentee relationships. This highlights that we can always learn from someone else.
This passage has a very clear meaning when it comes to the idea of teaching and learning going hand in hand. These are two very important aspects of education. To be a teacher you need techniques to make the learning process an easy and accessible process as well as getting across your lesson in an efficient way. Communication techniques as a teacher are extremely important as you need to be able to teach in an effective way as well as interacting with your students in an effective way. Each teacher has different communicative techniques that have a positive effect on the students which make them eager to learn and the lesson stick in their minds with longevity. As a teacher you need to be animated while also being effective and making sure your students are listening and paying attention and most importantly of all learning. Having worked in a school for a semester I have witnessed how various communicative techniques have a positive effect on what the students learn.
This particular passage is very interesting and expresses that teacher’s knowledge alone is not enough. A teacher that has an extreme amount of knowledge in their subject but lacks in social skills is far less beneficial to the students than a teacher that has is equal in both. In Ireland in order to be a teacher good grades are the only essential, which I believe is ridiculous. Anyone can be clever in school, or in other cases learn reams and reams of material off by heart in order to achieve good grades and be accepted into a teaching degree but in some cases the selection process fails in that the person lacks any social skills including communication. If a teacher cannot communicate or is socially awkward students will have little respect for the teacher and will not learn effectively. A teacher must be able to communicate with the students and voice their ideas and opinions and also present their knowledge and content in a clear understandable manner that students respect and appreciate.
In the video we are presented with the idea of mentoring as a lifelong process important for career development. The idea of a mentor mentor relationship is excellent in that teachers teach students but students also teach teachers just as much. It is inevitable that the aspect of student contribution is essential if we want the next generation of students to be able to think for themselves and create things like new technologies.
What I have grasped from this particular passage is that a teacher soley having knowledge will not suffice. Being a teacher requires numerous traits and skills, such as organisational skills and social skills. A teacher that has an in depth knowledge of their subject and lacks in social skills is far less beneficial to the students than a teacher that has an equal balance of both. It is essential that a teacher has the skill to communicate with the students and voice their ideas, views and topics clearly in order for the students to learn efficiently. It is also extremely important that teachers provide students with the correct assignments in order for them to uncover the core of the topic which includes thought provoking material. Independent thinking of the student is the ultimate result of a topic which conveys the students true understanding of the subject.
Una buena competencia comunicativa por parte del docente favorecerá siempre una actitud más positiva en los alumnos y mayor entusiasmo en el aprendizaje, a parte de que fomentará que el alumno adquiera también dicha competencia comunicativa. En mi opinión, según cómo el profesor juegue sus bazas, es decir, cómo utilice esta competencia con sus alumnos, conseguirá reducir esa gran distancia que siempre ha separado al alumno del profesor, lo que ha constituido un gran obstáculo en la comunicación en las aulas. Si el profesor cuenta con una serie de habilidades sociales y dotes comunicativas le será mucho más fácil ganarse el favor de sus alumnos, así como llevar a cabo con mayor comodidad la difícil tarea de enseñar, siendo flexible y tolerante en sus pensamientos.
Mentoring, a lifelong process particularly important for career development in academic areas, is essential for a mentee to develop confidence in his or her work. Effective mentorship is likely one of the most important determinants of success in every kind of academic area. Many papers focus on mentoring from the mentor’s perspective, but few give guidance to mentees forging these critically important relationships. The authors apply “managing up,” a corporate concept, to academic medical settings both to promote effective, successful mentoring and to make a mentor’s job easier. Managing up requires the mentee to take responsibility for his or her part in the collaborative alliance and to be the leader of the relationship by guiding and facilitating the mentor’s efforts to create a satisfying and productive relationship for both parties. The authors review the initiation and cultivation of a mentoring relationship from the perspective of a mentee at any stage (student through junior faculty), and they propose specific strategies for mentee success.
Language and culture cannot be dissociated from each other. This makes the communicative process a crucial one, where teaching Strategic Сompetence plays a major part in Communicative Competence development. As far as i am concerned a new notion of communicative competence is needed, one which recognizes English as a world language. This would encompass local and international contexts as settings of language use, involve native-nonnative and nonnative-nonnative discourse participants, and take as pedagogic models successful bilinguals with intercultural insights and knowledge. As such, it would aim at the realization of intercultural communicative competence in ELT.
Often, the communicative approach is deemed a success if the teacher understands the student. But, if the teacher is from the same region as the student, the teacher will understand errors resulting from an influence from their first language. Native speakers of the target language may still have difficulty understanding them. This observation may call for new thinking on and adaptation of the communicative approach. The adapted communicative approach should be a simulation where the teacher pretends to understand only what any regular speaker of the target language would and reacts accordingly (Hattum, Ton van (2006), The Communicative Approach Rethought).
Today communication is everything. At home, at work, at school communication is essential and indispensable. A good communication means a good life. Communication is the basic element of education. However knowledgeable a teacher is, if he/she doesn’t have a healthy communication with student, he/she is ineligible. We have an expression “to be able to go down to the students’ level” . This expression is really meaningful. Communication is not only vocal. It is being able to express what you are talking about with your movements. Therefore in teacher’s training schools the most important thing that should be put emphasis on is to make the students’ communication stronger.
One of the most important features a teacher must have is communicative skills. Otherwise he cannot make his points and his content cannot really be received by the pupils. Unfortunately some teachers so not have this skill – they might be a genius in their subjects, but just cannot transfer their knowledge to the pupils. These teachers need help to develop communicative skills, because otherwise they will never become good teachers. How can he learn communicative skills? It is the way he speaks to the students, he has to practise how to translate his complex knowledge into a language the students understand and keep in mind. He always has to think from the view of a student and that they do not have the same knowledge as the teacher.
For me the communicative competence is one of the most important abilities of a good teacher. I think it’s also important to focus on this skill during teacher education. I’m studying to become a primary school teacher in Austria and in my university there was only one subject which focused on communication and rhetoric. But I think this is too less to improve this competence perfectly. So either I have this competence or I need to improve it on my own.
I think the communicative competence is not only important for teachers, it’s one of the main things of a good education. So it’s also necessary to improve the pupils communication skills. This is why teachers should give this competence to the boys and girls in the class, so they can learn how to communicate in a proper way with the other classmates and with the teacher. I think this should be a part of the lessons from the very first day at the kindergarten.
Today, school teacher must be a specialist with knowledge and scientific culture, be able not only to impart knowledge, but also raise students’ interest and develop independent learning skills, acquire knowledge, improve their intellectual culture. And here we can see that communication is very important in school, between students and also communication between teacher and student. This should be effective and efficient message. At the same time it is important to receive information, to create good relations and avoiding communication barriers.
The teacher is not just a person who is teaching in the school, carrying on his business, limited by a curriculum. This is a person who has contact with another person (student) and consciously affect their attitude, beliefs and thinking.
Education is communication, it’s as simple as that. If their is no good communication between the teacher and the pupils there will be no good education. This counts for both sides, if the teacher isn’t interested in communicating with the students, the students will not be interested in communicating with the teacher.In a good education there’s a good interaction an both sides. I think that the effective communication is very important not only about study material but about social life, about real life. Its very important ,when the students , someday will go out from the school. A good communication link between students and teacher helping about their behavior and friendly relation, and it’s a useful about pleasant atmosphere in a class room .
Desde mi perspectiva educativa pienso que la competencia comunicativa es la base primordial de todo proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta debe ser desarrollada por el educador siendo capaz de crear esa conexión con sus educandos para poder enseñarles. El educador debe desarrollar la empatía en primer lugar, para poder ponerse en el lugar de sus alumnos y mejorar en sus actuaciones. También es importante usar la terminología adecuada que sea clara y concisa, ya que una misma idea puede ser captada de varias formas distintas en diferentes personas. La pregunta «¿Porque educo?», deberían preguntársela todos los docentes. Desde mi punto de vista la respuesta más adecuada sería: «Para mejorar a las personas». Siendo más conscientes de sus objetivos, animándoles a luchar por ellos y ofreciendoles herramientas para ello. Esto será imposible de efectuar si no existe conexión entre educador-educando. Por ello es imprescindible una «competencia comunicativa eficaz».
La comunicación del docente hacia el alumno es primordial e importante, para que lo que se explica «enseñanza» y lo que se escucha «aprendizaje», deben ir unidos.
Ésta, debe ser expresiva, comunicativa, fácil y sin palabras rebuscadas, que lleven a la no comprensión por parte del que las escucha, por eso debe de haber un vínculo fuerte entre ambos «profesor- alumno» y que debe establecerse mediante la comunicación.
Debe de tener complicidad, para que la calidad de ese vinculo formado por las dos partes repercuta en la calidad de la educación.
Creo que la comunicación que debe haber entre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje debe de ser presencial, también no es solamente importante para que haya una buena enseñanza de calidad que el profesorado esté preparado, sino que sea un buen comunicador.
Es evidente, que la compentencia crece con creciente acceso de educación y con creciente número de los niños en escuelas. Como se aumenta la exigencia para los profesores y maestros, hay que aumentar su labor profesional. Por eso mucha gente del ámbito educativo intenta a asistir las conferencias y seminarios sobre métodos de enseñanza mejor y más efficiente. En general el desarollo ayudará a aceptar a los profesores métodos nuevos y al mismo tiempo debatir con algunas personas sobre problemática de tratamiento de los alumnos, de enseñanza alternativa y sobre todo comparar sus experiencias con otros. Actualmente es una cosa muy corriente, por ejemplo los médicos suelen tener conferencias frecuentemente. Como se ve en vídeo, hay maneras diversas, por ejemplo podemos comparar las experiencias con una persona que elegimos – con un mentor.
Nowadays we are often asked: «What is the perfect teacher?» And most of the people try to illustrate the most desirable qualities of the teacher. However, the most vital characteristic of the teacher is to be able to communicate with the students. Not only for the school matter but as whole. The teacher should be great orator but also better listener. In order to be successful the teacher should take into consideration the needs of the studets. And make the communication with them effective. What is effective communication? The effective communication is when the both sides are satisfied and have gained something from the conversation.Therefore, the teacher should stimulate the communication but also to be able to take something from the student. In that way the student will feel of benefit as well as the teacher. So the communication competence is of great importance, because in today’s world we communicate often but rarely effective.
Within the education system in Ireland today, educators and examiners are trying to promote the aspect of critical thinking and critical acknowledgement of a subject instead of just students intaking bucket loads of information.
However, within the secondary level education system, I can speak from experience and say that when the teacher was talking no one else did, it was simply taught and learnt experience, there was no room for incorporating views or participation from students. This type of teaching in my opinion is bad technique because after the final test of qualification and the student has passed they will forget all the information that they learnt of because it is never going to be used again within everyday life, so the spoon feeding technique used by many is proved to be of negitive results.
Finally it is inevitable that the aspect o student contribution is essential if we want the next generation of students to be able to think for themselves and create things like new technoligies, we must stop spoon feeding information within the field of education.
Pienso que la competencia comunicativa es un requisito esencial,elemento basico en la docencia.Se tiene que establecer una comunicación para que ocurra ,Enseñanza y Aprendizaje..El dialogo facilita el crecmiento indivildual y social.La competencia comunicativa, son un conjunto de habilidades que un buen profesor tiene que conocer.
Para favorecer la sociabilización de las personas es imprescindible estimular la competencia comunicativa en ámbitos tan importantes como el familiar y el escolar. Esto es así debido a que estamos en un mundo globalizado y en constante evolución tanto en aspectos como el conocimiento, los cambios tecnológicos…que hacen necesaria una buena capacidad para enfrentarse a la diversas situaciones, y hacer posible el fomento de innovación, motivación y creatividad, siendo por lo tanto necesarias las reformas en los sistemas educativos, y por lo tanto, la función del docente, debiendo de tener un papel activo ante estos cambios de los procesos comunicativos para el desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas y comunicativas que se desarrollen en el contexto actual.
El docente, por lo tanto, debe poseer o desarrollar una formación cuyo fin sea dar respuestas a las nuevas necesidades educativas de una sociedad en constante cambio, y dar un mayor resultado al rol del profesor a modo de dar una adecuada solución a las recientes demandas que la sociedad hace a la educación.
Creo que la competencia comunicativa es algo esencial para la eduacación, un docente que no tenga la capacidad de expresasrse dificilmente va a saber expresarlas a sus alumnos, los cuales a lo largo de su trayectoria academica va a necesitar de esta.
No es lo mismo ir a clase de un profesor el cual tiene una amplia capacidad expresiva y comunicativa a otro profesor/a que no la tiene, ya que sus propias clases demuestra quien las tiene y quien no, creo q la capacidad comunicativa hace que las clases sean más participativas y dinámicas, ya que los alumnos sienten ganas de participar y colaborar con lo que el docente está transmitiendo.
En conclusión pienso que cada docente debería ir evolucionandose en su competencia comunicativa, para así obtener mejores resultados en su aula y es sus alumnos/as.
Indudablemente, el docente tiene que tener o cultivar competencias comunicativas que les facilite la labor de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pues sin éstas o pocas competencias comunicativas la labor del docente se hace mucho más difícil, la calidad de la enseñanza disminuye, y por consiguiente el alumno sufre de esa ausencia de competencias comunicativas, lo que mermará su capacidad de aprendizaje.
Quizás sea importante que las estrategias en la formación o formación continua de los docentes, tome en serio este asunto, y provea a los docentes de mejores competencias comunicativas para ayudarlos a alcanzar un mayor éxito en su labor de enseñanza.
De todas formas, pienso que, las competencias comunicativas de los docentes, es una tarea que tiene que estar a lo largo de la formación continua de los docentes.
Efectivamente tal y como dice el artículo, la comunicación es la base de la educación.
Pero también es un problema porque no todos los educadores tienen esa capacidad comunicativa con los alumnos.
Yo creo que entre alumnos y educadores debe haber, como factor principal, comunicación, ya que esta puede llegar a resolver muchos problemas y además, entusiasmo por parte del alumno.
¿Pero cómo va haber comunicación entre un alumno y un profesor que no tenga vocación por enseñar?
Por último la comunicación también es importante porque el educador puede llegar a aprender del alumno, y no solo el alumno del profesor.
La capacidad comunicativa del porfesorado es algo que no debe faltar a la hora de impartir las clases. Es primordial desarrollar y poseer esta capacidad, ya que al dar clases lo que se pretende es que se produzca un aprendizaje, y si no existe una buena capacidad comunicativa la relacion enseñanza-aprendizaje no se conseguira.
Esta capacidad, durante la etapa universitaria no se imparte, creo que deberia de hacerse, por que la finalidad de cualquier docente es que sus alumnos aprendan y obtengan conocimientos.
Con respecto a mi experiencia como alumna, no siempre he tenido la suerte de que todos los profesores tuvieran una buena capacidad comunicativa, y aunque el alumnado tenga que poner de su parte para aprender y comprometerse con sus obligaciones, si el profesor no la posee dificilmente podra conseguir la atencion de la clase y por suspuesto la participacion de la misma.
Si de algo es realmente necesario en un educador, es la competencia comunicativa. Entre otros aspectos fundamentales, la capacidad expresiva de un docente es algo de vital relevancia en el mundo de la enseñanza. Para alcanzar una educación de calidad se debe de trabajar a conciencia en esta capacidad pedagógica.
Entre otras ventajas evidentes como la ayuda a la comprensión de conceptos, una buena competencia comunicativa despertará en el alumno mayor interés en lo que se enseña. El buen desarrollo de esta capacidad permitirá al docente dinamizar sus clases, alejándose de aquellas horas interminables que todos hemos sufrido alguna vez durante nuestra experiencia educativa. Permitirá la participación en clase de sus alumnos, propiciando debates que ayudarán también a ellos a aprender a comunicarse.
Pienso que el docente cada vez tiene que ser más competitivo, ya que tanto en el mismo país como fuera hay demasiados avances y este se tiene que poner a la altura, además que los avances hacen que la educación, es decir, el aprender y el enseñar sean mas amenos y más cómodo de llevarlo a cabo. Así también mejora su profesión la cual tiene que ir adquiriendo nuevos conocimientos continuamente.Como podemos ver la base de un profesor es la comunicación, esto hace que haya competencia comunicativa para que esto conlleve a un aprendizaje lo más correcto posible, siempre mirando hacia el beneficio del alumnado. También tenemos que tener en cuenta que tanto el enseñar como el aprender son dos factores que van unidos, no se puede enseñar si al que enseñamos no aprende. La comunicación podemos ver que se da tanto en el alumnado como en el profesorado y a veces es recíproca. La comunicación se puede desarrollar desde diferentes sentidos, pero siempre son el fin de enseñar y aprender en el entorno de la educación.
En mi opinión, me parece fundamental la comunicación relacionada tanto entre los propios alumnos, como entre alumnos y profesores; es un apoyo muy importante en la vida cotidiana de cualquier persona, pero fundamentalmente dentro del entorno educativo. La comunicación tiene un papel fundamental en cuanto a los alumnos ya que lo que quieren conseguir es que todos presten atención, objetivo complicado de conseguir, desde mi punto de vista. En las escuelas se necesitan profesores que tengan iniciativa y que se comuniquen con los alumnos durante las lecciones de clase, eso llamará la atencion del niño y facilitará el trabajo del profesor, y hará que los alumnos se sientan seguro y a gusto, obviamente manteniendo un mínimo de respeto entre ambos.
En mi opinión, con este proceso de constante comunicación entre docente y alumno se consigue que crezcan habilidades sociales dentro del alumno, dejando a un lado la exposición de conocimiento que hacen los docentes de manera equivocada y unidirrecional.
Ahora con el establecimiento de un ambiente en el que la comunicación y el diálogo son prioritarios da lugar a que las relaciones interpersonales entre docente-alumno se vean como elementos positivos. Además de promover que los alumnos se expresen sin sentirse avergonzados, atemorizados de que todo lo que digan pueda estar equivocado, que permite sentirse libre de compartir experiencias u opiniones a cerca de algún tema, creando así un lugar de aprendizaje participativo, cooperativo y comunicativo.
Es de vital importancia que en las aulas exista comunicación entre alumnos y entre profesores alumnos, debido a que la comunicación es un pilar fundamental para la vida cotidiana de cualquier persona. Creo que es muy importante que dentro de las aulas se creen debates entre alumnos y profesores y entre los propios alumnos ya que a través de la comunicación puede resultar cada lección más amena, además de esta manera se les permite a los alumnos que aprendan de sus propios compañeros y a los profesores que aprendan de sus propios alumnos.
Creo que la comunicación en las aulas es muy importante tanto entre alumnos como entre alumnos y profesor sin obviar el respeto que debemos tenerle, tenemos que aprender a comunicarnos con todos aunque de diferente modo. Creo que este es un tema que debería tratarse en las aulas ya que la educación es un pilar básico y fundamental para poder desenvolverse con respeto.
Pienso que la competencia comunicativa es un requisito esencial,elemento basico en la docencia.Es de gran responsabilidad del docente,tiene que ser cada día más profesional.La forma en que se organice el rpoceso entre profesoeres y alumnos es primordial.. Se tiene que establecer una comunicación para que ocurra ,Enseñanza y Aprendizaje..El dialogo facilita el crecmiento indivildual y social.La competencia comunicativa, son un conjunto de habilidades que un buen profesor tiene que conocer.
Una buena comunicación se basa en un pensamiento flexible, una atención que capte todo tipo de señal y en la observación. Es importante responder a la pregunta – ¿por qué educamos?
El proceso de comunicación del docente es fundamental para el buen aprendizaje de los alumnos, ya que si falla la comunicación fracasará el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
La comunicación debe ser fluida para que no se produzca monotonía, cansancio, aburrimiento, etc. A través de la competencia comunicativa se activa el diálogo y la convivencia entre personas, puede verse como una herramienta de interacción mediante la cual se establece una relación con el entorno haciendo uso de mensajes y signos que pertenecen a un código en común o idioma.
En definitiva pienso que la competencia comunicativa es el elemento central de la docencia.
La comunicación es el método más útil por el cual un niño aprende, por lo que desde primer momento hay que medir las palabras, y saber entendernos con los otros. Por ello en mi opinión es necesario que cualquier persona que se dedique a la educación debe de saber cómo transmitir de la mejor manera posible ciertos conocimientos e intentar llamar su atención para que no se distraiga, y así los niños poder aprender con mayor facilidad. Por esta razón siempre se ha dicho que la labor de educar no es nada fácil. Debido a esto en las escuelas nos encontramos con profesores que no conectan con sus alumnos por la falta de comunicación por lo que provoca que no haya ni enseñanza y por lo tanto aprendizaje ocasionando los fracasos escolares y la falta de motivación del alumnado.
Para finalizar quiero destacar que desde mi punto de vista es necesario que el profesor se muestre cercano a sus alumnos para que ellos se sientan seguro, pero siempre mostrando la postura que le corresponde, y así poder tener una buena armonía en la clase y una mayor fluidez a la hora de la comunicación.
Se dice que los niños/as son como esponjas porque todo lo que ven lo absorben, aprenden rápido, y es por esto que desde muy pequeños ya es posible iniciarlos en la lectura.
Antes, a los 6 años se tenía una muy ligera idea de algunas palabras, letras o números, pero era a partir de ésta cuando se daba comienzo de verdad la lectura más intensa en los colegios, ayudada y reforzada en casa por los padres, pero actualmente con las reformas educativas y el avance de la sociedad, se está impartiendo desde más temprana edad, hasta incluso se les está enseñando otro idioma como es el inglés, para que desde pequeños se familiaricen con él y tengan en un futuro un mayor dominio.
El docente debe de poseer, a mi forma de ver, una buena forma de comunicación, saber hablar, unas desarrolladas habilidades sociales, para poder comunicar, hacer entender, expresar correctamente e interesar al alumno.
Esto es importante para que no se den el típico tipo de clases aburridas en el que el profesor/a se limita a hablar sin parar sin moverse de la silla, lo que hace que los alumnos acaben por desistir y dejar de hacer caso a lo que escuchan, y esto conlleva, a la larga, a la falta de asistencia a este tipo de clases e incluso al abandono de las asignaturas.
Al tener el docente ese carácter comunicativo, el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje se realizará de forma más enriquecida puesto que interviene educador y educando, al hacer la clase participativa los alumnos se interesan por dar su opinión y es una forma de no perder el hilo de la clase, como dice en el texto ‘’ es un acto netamente comunicativo’’.
Ya que enseñanza y aprendizaje son dos procesos que se dan en una misma unidad y que ‘no existe el enseñar si alguien no está aprendiendo. Sin embargo, son dos procesos diferentes.’
Es muy importante que exista una gran comunicación entre el docente y el alumno ya que ese es el material de aprendizaje principal. El vocabulario que debe de utilizar el profesor debe de ser uno que el cual, deba de captar la atención del alumnado ya que es muy probable de que si no es atractivo aparezca un gran desinterés de la enseñanza por parte de los alumnos. No todo los docente poseen esta cualidad, deben de centrarse mucho en la elaboración de esta capacidad tan importante.
Este hecho debemos de recordar que no ha habido siempre en la educación ya que antiguamente los docente son los únicos que hablaban en clase, siendo las clases monótonas y aburridas, por suerte, este hecho ha cambiado para mejor.
En mi opinión, es muy importante que exista una comunicación entre el alumno y el profesor, sin la comunicación no hay enseñanza ni aprendizaje. Debe haber ciertas habilidades en los docentes, que ellos utilicen en el modo de interactuar con los alumnos, ya que cada uno es diferente.
Para finalizar, bajo mi punto de vista, la clave estaría en que el docente preste una cercanía y una confianza hacia el alumnado, siempre dejando claro el respeto que se le debe. Así le será más fácil llevar a cabo las actividades que se quieran realizar.
El proceso de comunicación es un elemento esencial entre alumno y profesor para la captación de los conocimientos necesarios, y ya no solo para ese aspecto, sino para muchos otros más. Porque la comunicación interpersonal, ayuda a la relación con los demás, a la autoestima personal, a enriquecerse con más vocabulario, etc.
La comunicación que ejerce el profesor respecto a los oyentes, es decir, a sus alumnos, debe ser clara, entretenida, informativa, que especialmente capte la atención de éstos, aunque es algo difícil, que más de uno no se distraiga, por eso tiene que tener entre otras muchas características dinamismo. Pienso que esto es una cuestión personal, pues pocas personas tienen la cualidad de poder captar la atención de sus alumnos con solo comunicar unos conceptos, debe tener cualidades aledañas, para que se produzca una comunicación receptiva y fluida, y que con este proceso puedan intervenir también los educandos, pues entonces perderían de nuevo el interés de ella.
La comunicación es un elemento esencial en cualquier tipo de relación interpersonal, por lo tanto se hace muy importante en el ámbito educativo en cuanto a la relación alumno- profesor ya que facilita el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Por este motivo opino que todo docente debe tener cierta habilidad para expresarse y para ser entendido por sus alumnos, esto no es algo sencillo ya que muchas veces el simple hecho de hablar en público causa cierto reparo y dificulta así esta labor.
Sin embargo el profesor debe adquirir esta competencia para facilitar la fluidez comunicativa en el aula y mejorar así la relación con los alumnos. Además considero que debe transmitir esta capacidad a sus alumnos desde pequeños porque tarde o temprano se tendrán que enfrentar a hablar delante de un público y mientras antes se acostumbren mejor.
Es indudable que la comunicación es esencial para que se desarrolle el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Las personas que se dediquen a la enseñanza deben poseer ciertas habilidades sociales y dotes comunicativas, para lograr una interactuación fluida y productiva.
Como se menciona en el artículo, el/la docente debe de desarrollar un pensamiento flexible, al mismo tiempo que distribuye la atención y sin descuidar la observación perceptiva.
En mi opinión, no es tarea fácil, y hay personas que tienen estas capacidades desarrolladas, y otras que tal vez tengan que trabajar y esforzarse para desarrollarlas, para dedicarse a la enseñanza.
Es admirable esta profesión.
En las aulas debe existir comunicación entre el alumnado y profesora donde ambos se puedan ayudar y se complementen entre las ideas de cada uno, es decir, contar con ambas opiniones. Así damos lugar a un buen ambiente utilizando los cuatro tipos de comunicación. Siempre teniendo en cuenta el respeto y el apoyo, sin olvidar que la autoridad siempre la poseerá el docente. Este debe causar buena impresión al alumnado saber comunicarse con ellos y poner en marcha aquella habilidades que le permitan acercarse a ellos desde el primer encuentro poner sobre la mesa la unidad didáctica planteada, los objetivos…Es difícil llegar a todo el alumnado, que no se te distraigan, que ha todos caigas bien …pero debe llevar acabo aquellas técnicas que aprendió durante sus estudios para atraer el mayor tiempo sus atenciones, hacer las clases más amenas…
Pongo en boca de muchas personas que la comunicación en las clases de todo el mundo es muy importante,ya que en clase además de enseñar la materia de cada asignatura, también es importante el saber hablar en cada momento y circunstancia y sobre todo en cada momento con educación.
Aunque exista cuatro tipos de comunicaciones (dimensión contextual ecológica, dimensión instructiva, dimensión perceptiva-actitudinal, dimensión humanística) creo que todas son igual de importantes, porque si a alguna le falta algo, otra se lo complementa.
Como nos dijo ya un profesor cualquier los docentes debemos «ser intelectuales en acción», al escuchar esta frase me hizo gracia, pero es la pura verdad todo aquel que se dedica a la docencia en mayor o menor medida, sabe que no es fácil ponerse ante un «público» que está esperando que le transmitas tus saberes, ya sea de cualquier edad…es muy bonito cuando un profesor da una clase magistral y los que tiene delante sólo prestan atención a él, y para que esto ocurra y las transmisiones y las comunicaciones se lleven a cabo de manera efectiva los docentes deben tener ese «don de palabra» que los hace únicos. Por supuesto todo este merito debe ir unido a un reciclaje continuo del docente, en el que se ponga al día de todas las innovaciones que surgen frecuentemente en el tema educativo.
En mi opinión un docente debe conocer las tácticas para comunicarse con los alumnos de forma clara, usando los conectores adecuados para entender, elaborar e interpretar los diversos sucesos comunicativos, teniendo en cuenta no solo lo que se dice, sino el sentido intencional, ya que la comunicación en el aula es elemental, siendo importante los cuatro tipos de comunicaciones y de apariencia cercana, y estimulando en todo momento al alumno, creando un ambiente más confortador, esto se hace utilizando diversas estrategias, la cual se adapte al sitio y en el momento adecuado.
Creo que el docente tiene que saber comunicar. En esta era que vivimos, es muy difícil que los alumnos mantengan la atención en clase, tanto por todas las tecnologías que tienen en su poder o somplemente por la poca falta de atención que puede tener un estudiante de hoy en día. Está claro que si el docente es un buen comunicador en la clase, sus alumnos aprenden, lo que éste les dice y también escuchan, comentan o preguntan. A los alumnos hay que mantenerlos atentos, y eso se consigue con una persona comunicativa y agradable, que transmita confianza para que así los alumnos se sientan mejor en clase, y se olviden de que van a la escuela sin ganas y sólo desean que acabe la clase para que el profesor se vaya; éstos deben de sentirse tan a gusto en la clase que tienen que concentarse sólo en lo que explica el profesor. Por úl timo, pienso que al ser muy importante la comunicación en el docente, deben de aprender estrategias para ello desde que empiezan a formarse.
Un profesional que se dedique a la enseñanza debe poseer unas dotes comunicativas junto con unas habilidades sociales personales tales que le proporcionen una interactividad positiva entre alumnos y profesor. ¿Se puede aprender a comunicar empaticamente de una forma interactiva durante un largo tiempo? Yo pienso que todo se puede aprender pero hay personas que poseen ciertas habilidades personales de manera innata que dominan la comunicación en todos sus sentidos y conectan con los educandos. Es muy difícil trabajar una clase de dos horas sin que los alumnos se distraigan y los conocimientos se generalicen pero el docente tiene que trabajar esa capacidad comunicativa y crear un ambiente motivador, para ello se puede valerse de todo tipo de estrategias que atraigan la atención de los oyentes, pues es el mensaje y el comunicador quien es capaz de provocar una simbiosis alumno-profesor.
Pienso que la comunicación en las aulas es muy importante, ya que en clase no solo se debe enseñar materia, sino también como hablar y expresarse libremente con educación. Aunque exista cuatro tipos de comunicaciones creo que las cuatros son iguales de importante, ya que todas complementan al resto. Otro punto importante que creo que sería interesante tratar es la comunicación entre alumnos y profesores, cada vez mas cercana y con menos técnica, lo cual creo que es bueno porque el niño tratará con el profesor con menos miedo, aunque creo que también es algo que hay que mirar bien y estar en alerta con eso, ya que el alumno puede coger la confianza por su parte y tratar al profesor como un igual mas y con el mismo respeto, lo cual creo que también se convertiría en un problema, ya que el profesor no es un igual mas, es una figura superior con lo que tiene que existir un respeto mayor.
Communication is the main tool of a teacher. A teacher should be able to communicate with his students as well as to attract their attention. I personally like teachers who speak loudly and from time to time say some joke. This way they can attract the attention of students. In my opinion, a good teacher should know how to ,,sell“ his subject, to demonstrate that he is really interested in the topic and to share his knowledge with students. He should not only explain the general facts but also some interesting and actual issues related to the topic. I like teachers who behave to their students as they were at the same level. Usually this approach is adopted by young teachers because they are somehow closer to students. I have a respect to teachers but the same I expect from them. We all are human beings.
I think that to be a good teacher is not only about professionality. It has to have a person in herself or himself as well as communicative competence.
Communicative competence is one of the requirement to be a good teacher. What more, it is necessary, because the overwhelming majority of teaching is about speaking and the teacher needs to be understood. If we have had a teacher at university who could only read his book or notes, it has been very boring and nobody has remembered anything. On the other side when we have had a teacher who has told us many examples and stories, almost everbody has known almost everything.
I also think that communication between students and teacher is very important. I like communication between Spanish teachers and students with facebook, because our university doesn’t have this type of communication. It is maybe for this that our faculty is quite big. We meet the teacher only on one subject of whole our studium and than are students just numbers.
As someone says nonverbal communication is very important too. It is much better for me to pay attention a teacher, who is excited for the subject of which he says, than someone for which is teaching only obligation and routine.
Once I told one woman I am going to be a teacher and she said: I was teacher too. This profession is not going to give you a lot of fortune but you will receive something much more important – it will offer personal growth and bring you happiness. In my opinion teachers many times forgot that they are not the only ones who give in relationship with children. They definitely give a lot to their pupils but usually they receive so much more. I think this is one of the reasons I decided to be a teacher. When I am around the kids I feel good, I always learn something new, something that really counts.
I like this video about mentors so much! It remanded me on my mentor teacher two years ago at school practice. She was a teacher in first class and I was just a student. But we had really good relation. She was kind, she helped me a lot but she still allowed me to do things my way. She preferred to do teaching preparation as I imagined. She gave me just a topic about what I had to teach children, other things (methods, instruments, forms, didactical material…) I choose by myself. And I know this way I learned a lot by myself (you get the best knowledge with trying things – practical), from her and she also learned a lot of new things from me. I know it was practice which improved both.
I think that good communication is a key to every relationship but especially teacher-pupil. Students have to feel like they are being understood, listened to and taken seriously . So in my opinion it was really well said on the video that if you have a mentor it doesn’t mean that you are not giving anything valuable to the other person as well. Of course everyone knows that teacher is to teach but it is not like students are supposed to sit and do nothing. They can have an open discussion with the teacher and bring something valuable to the lesson. It can be some curiosity, opinion or just the attitude.
The video about mentors is interesting the point of view is good. The thing is that relationship between teacher and students have to be good. Because if is good than you lisent to teacher more than usual. But you have to earn good relationship because you have the kind of students who can use teachers kindnes and in the end he won’t lisent anything he’ll disturb other classmates so in the end in the whole class can be anarchy. In the other hand teacher have to be strict and not to rough to students because they will hate the class and because of it they may not pass it. Ok you’ll say that’s students problem but in the end it’s a problem in relationship with teacher and student. I aslo have some teacher that we have really good relationship and because of that I really enjoy the hours in classe even if I don’t love or like that course.
It is so good if person have a mentor. Whenever you feel unsafe or uncertain about something, you can just go to mentor for a help. I have a mentor as well, and it helps so much. I feel more safe, because i know that in every situation i can ask for a advice, and usually they are really great. I agree that perfect situation is when your mentor also is your mentee. In the world everyone is different, no one is the same, because of place, environment, language, religion, etc. And there is so much to learn from each person. In my opinion everyone you know is a mentor, it doesn’t matter if you realize it or not, but you learn from others so much, just some of them are stronger mentors some of them not as much.
To be a teacher you need to be sure that you will be able to best pass on their knowledge. I think that not everyone has the talent to speak, for me, for example, it is stressful when I appear in front of more people. I guess you have to like it. I think a primary school should have been in such classes, so everyone can show something in front of the class because it teaches courage and in the future these people cope better with stress. Best if it will be in the form of a play, so that children do not stress. If it comes to student-teacher relationship, unfortunately, is so that the teacher is not able to personally even don’t know all of their students, because there are so many in the class.There is no really time for discussions, because he has to fit in the allotted time.
First I want to reply at the movie. I really like the idea behind the we are all equal and there must be no different in hierarchy. You don’t reach a lot when you have the attitude I’m the professional – you are the student, I’ passed the exam already – you only fail. But in my experience there are also some students who need this hierarchy because of a lack of respect. It’s only the way you talk with them. Otherwise there is no win-win situation and nobody is helped with that.
And the other hands, the four dimensions that are mentioned in the article, are not only good for teachers but also things a Social Worker needs to handle with. It is really useful to have this as a guideline. It’s make’s you think about the different ways of working with each other.
Than the question: why do we educate? I think that is very simple. Education is actually everything that happens around you. You only need somebody who show you were to look and how to look.
Good communications skills are important for any kind of teacher.
The art of communication involves listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. Teachers need to be highly skilled in all these areas to excel in their profession. Proficient communicators receive information, understand and synthesize it and express themselves at a high level. They make excellent teachers because they are able to transmit knowledge, skills and values at the same time they communicate their caring for the students entrusted to their care. They help motivate students to learn.
We all want to feel cared for and valued by the significant people in our world. Students are no different. This knowledge is a powerful tool in the arsenal available to teachers as they form their classroom discipline plan. Teachers have a great deal of power over their students, simply due to the fact that they control their destiny for up to six and a half hours each day, five days a week. When students feel that teachers value and care for them as individuals, they are more willing to comply with teachers wishes.
Teacher and student has to communicate – it is the main thing in teaching and learning process. The teacher also has to listen to the students, their opinions and suggestions. From my point of view it is more easy for both sides when the relationship between them are not so formal. Then the students can feel more relaxed, not affrait of talking with teacher, asking him what they don‘t understand, make some mistakes while learning. And of course for the teacher it is more easy to understand his students, their approach. But a lot of teachers are just giving the information about their subject but not encouraging the discussion which is really good way to learn and assimilate new things.
Communication is used in our lives every day. We need to communicate with other people in school, in job and of course in our families. It is really important to learn how to communicate and the sooner, the better. Most of education is formed as a monologue on the part of the teacher. Then when students go to high schools or universities, where is inevitable to make presentations and more communicate with teachers. This can be a serious problem because students are not used to doing that in front of people. In my opinion teachers should evolve communication skills of students since early age. They get used to performing in front of others, they will know how to use communication skills in practice which is very important and useful for their future. They will know how to communicate with people whether in their family or their job, this makes easier their life and improves relationships with others.
If you are in a place where you are looking to improve your life, you’ll find that one of the first things that you need to consider is improving your communication skills. In this regard, schools are the places where students learn about communication and we-prospective teachers-are the people who serve as role models to the students. If it is taken into consideration that students develop communication strategies with the help of teachers, teachers should develop an effective communication strategy to the students. Since the communication skill that student obtains in the classroom will affect rest of his/her life, teachers provide an open communication environment so that student feels comfortable to ask questions (in a respectful way). That leads to an increase in learning, I guess. Therefore, we need teachers who are not only experts in their areas but also can use communication skills effectively.
I think it is very important that teachers are aware of how they communicate, and that they are willing to analyze and change their way of teaching/communicating. My experience is that teachers often think that «this is my way of teaching» or «this is how I do things», they see their teaching as a static procedure that cant be changed. Teaching, or communicating should be seen as a dynamic procedure.
I dont know if I am on the wrong track here, but when I worked as a seller, I was constantly reviewed, not only on my salesnumbers, but on how I approached the customer, how I talked to him, the whole communication-process was reviewed either by a co-worker standing nearby or on video. The wholde idea was of course that I eventually would sell more.. Now, in all of my years in school I have never heard of a teacher being reviewed anything like this. Maybe a littlebit hard to review teachers like this, it is a much more complex process to teach a child than to sell a product, but I think teachers deserve, and should have some feedback on how they are communicating..
The teacher supports the students’ activities, he provides assistance to students and helps them to be their own teacher.
This assistance is done because he prepares the lessons.
Methodological teaching, communication skills and a strong attitude of willing to trust and are therefore the basic conditions for a pedagogical teacher-student-relationship.
Teachers and students encourage each other and learn from each other. Of course the teacher should be a kind of authority for students but should treat them appropriate and not condescendingly.
Learning and teaching is a mutual process. As far as i experienced it most teacher didnt realize this fact. It’s about respect and trust in the other one-also in the pupil/the mentee.But we have to be fair to say that in most of our systems this one-on-one communication-the mutual learning is not easily to realize,because we have at least 20 persons in one class-the way they sit even makes learning difficult…everybody is turning the bag to the other and sits with the face turned to the teacher. This is for me not the way it should be. It should be like this:you sit in a kind of round where everybody can see the other one, the teacher gives inputs..then the pupils among themselves develop ideas-teach each other something and share thoughts and ideas,which they give back to the teacher in a conversation which i ncludes all (teacher as well as pupils). It should be a communication between all of them and not a input of the mentor,who teaches the mentees sth. This is why i totally agree to the quote: it should be mentor-mentor and not mentro-mentee. I guess thats what we all should wish to have in our lifes-if at school or in privat relations-this is what communication in generell should be about-equality,trust in oneselve and the other and sharing ideas from both sides-Teaching and to be taught.
Communication is the key to better understanding , being understood, finding solutions and building good relations. It is the way of interaction and Interaction is the core in teaching – learning is important to understand how teacher communication behaviors and strategies can enhance student learning. Positive, encouraging, honest teacher student communication and teacher student interaction shows mutual respect between teacher and students in the classroom. Showing interest and caring for students will create a trusting and genuine bond with them and in most cases they will reciprocate, establishing a win-win situation for both student and teacher.Establishing trust and bond with students is so crucial in the teaching profession, it can make or break the relationships with students and can also affect the strength of the parent teacher communication.
If we think schools like companies we should put teachers into the department of public relations where interpersonal relationships are very important to succeed in the area. Teachers should be some kind of experts on their skills of communication as teaching-learning process involves a big amout of communication There is a relationship between communication skills and teaching, therefore it affects the quality of the process in a good or bad way. To be successful on communication teacher should know about pedagogy, understand the importance of communication, and be a successful performer of communication to surpass some barriers during the process.
Teachers have been one of the most respectful class of societes since the first usage of the concept »teacher». Not only with varied knowledge about his area,but also his attitutes, responses in a problematic situation and of course his communication ability or »quality of speaking» are the main elements that making teacher guide of public. No matter how many books have you read about your area,or how succesful you are in your »expertise», if you cant create a prolific communication atmostphere and if you cant share your »wealth» with your students very well,it doesnt make sense.(at least in education world) .The ability of classroom management is the main requirement that every teacher should have ,and communicative competence is the indispencible part of it.
I really liked the video about mentors. I think that this is really good point of view which was presented by Simon Sinec. I think that mentoring is learning both was so it is not just one-way process. I think that this is also a problem in teaching. Education should be both was, so teacher is learning students but also she is learning something from them, she needs to be open for their opinion and arguments which nowaday I think that is missing. Teacher is the one in the class which needs to start providing the good clima in the class so it is very important which values does she have and also her communicative competence. I think that this is very important part of being a tecaher.
Having a good communication with you students is a mainrule in education. But I still think that not a lot of teachers do that. But normally every teacher gets during his bachelor education ‘communicative skills’ as a main topic. And still more then 70% don’t do that. What when wrong then?? I think it’s also having to do with you own caracter. I think that people nowadays don’t have a social behaviour anymore. In the old days it was normal to salute people when you enter a little bakery from you city. And now everyone has come Asocial. I think that’s the main reason why teacher don’t have a good relationship with their students anymore. But I also think it’s maybe a big difference between the north countries (belgium, germany, france, denmark etc.) and the south countries (Spain, Portugal etc.) I think that the south countries are more easygoing. So I think we can learn a lot of the south countries of the way they teach!
I do not exactly agree with this video, if one compares it to education and learning and whether it would improve education. this mentor to mentor idea is good, but cannot be practiced in schools since children firstly dont have so much knowledge to compare with that of the teacher. Secondly, the student is there to learn, and thirdly it should be crystal clear, that the students can talk free and express their opinion. Then with the teacher with judgement and criticism will create the conversation flow. I am not against the mentor to mentor , idea or that students as well should teach teacher and teachers should be open to things they had never heard of or forgotten, because. » An old man tells u new things you have never heard of and the child tell you things you have forgotten» So there is a receiver and transmitter in education, but the main transmitter should be the teacher!
I do not exactly agree with this video, if one compares it to education and learning and whether it would improve education. this mentor to mentor idea is good, but cannot be practiced in schools since children firstly dont have so much knowledge to compare with that of the teacher. Secondly, the student is there to learn, and thirdly it should be crystal clear, that the students can talk free and express their opinion. Then with the teacher with judgement and criticism will create the conversation flow. I am not against the mentor to mentor , idea or that students as well should teach teacher and teachers should be open to things they had never heard of or forgotten, because. » An old man tells u new things you have never heard of and the child tell you things you have forgotten» So there is a receiver and transmitter in education, but the main transmitter should be the teacher!
The mentor concept he is talking about in the video is very interesting and it is unfortunate that this way of looking on mentorship is not used more in the schools. Because by looking on mentorship this way, as a mutual relationship, it might contribute to increased student talking time. Today teachers are talking most of the time in class which is an issue since students also can contribute with knowledge and it is of importance that they get the chance to participate and feel that their opinions/ideas counts. The reason the teacher talking time is much higher in class than the student talking time could be a result of how we are looking at the mentorship. If it is seen that the mentor is superior, someone who knows more, it might feel natural to talk most of the time and then the teachers are paid to teach. But if we change our point of view the classroom climate might be better and the student talking time would hopefully increase and the students would grow more and maybe also in a different direction than before.
If a person knows the art of communicating, in most cases, a good team worker. It can effectively solve problems, manage projects himself. The basic requirements for communication are clarity, conciseness, correctness, completeness and courtesy. People always communicate with each other for any purpose. Such a purpose can be as exchange of information, influence people’s behavior or influence interpersonal relationships among individuals as well as their own person. Important is not only what we say but how we say it. For successful communication, we need to be able to empathize with other people and gain their trust.
Communicating is a reciprocal process. It demands two persons that are capable of exchanging information. When it’s about the competence of a teacher to communicate, it’s very important in my opinion that the teacher involves his students by giving them the space to discuss and react on what he teaches. In my opinion teachers in general don’t communicate that effective since they put the emphasis on giving long lectures without giving space to discuss or react. The disadvantage of teaching students in this way, is that the teacher himself doesn’t learn anything either. It’s not only in the interest of the students but also in the interest of the teacher himself that he puts the emphasis on communicating in a reciprocal way. In this way the teacher will stay motivated and his lessons will be interactive and interesting.
Communication is the basic presumtion of education. Without communication there is no interaction and therefore no possibility to teach, learn or to exchange. Learning or teaching is a dynamic process and not static. So teacher and pupils have to express their opinions, the student should be able to say if they need help or if they have critics. I think not only the educator must have the skill to communicate but he has to teach the students how to express themselves. Communication means also to be a good listener. Only if both sides are able to respect, to express and to listen the relation between «Mentor-Mentor» is possible.
What is communication? For me communication is transmitting information. And there is the link between “teaching” and “communication” because teachers are transmitting new knowledge. If communication in teaching should be effective, teachers have to try to minimise barriers to communication, I think. They should using words which the students should be able to understand, speaking clearly and slowly. In my opinion non-verbal communication is also very important. From the body language of their teachers students pick up if they are confident and enthusiastic. If teachers attend to the body language of their students they will know when they are bored or confused.
We should remember that communication is a skill – and we should improve our skills every day.
For me to be a good teacher means not only to have an excellent knowledge of his/her teaching area, to work in the greatest institution of science and to have crowded classroom but also to be a good psychologist. The latter can note some details, can say a good word in order to motivate, can try to understand learner’s problem and help to solve it. I think that teacher who is unable to communicate, who does not have this skill and even does not try to improve it cannot be a good teacher. In general all teaching process is based on communication and as much this communication is more frequent, closer, more frank as much more good experience get both teacher and learner. I really like the opinion of man from the video that teaching must be mutual and teacher can learn something from leaner. In this way both sides can improve ourselves.
The teacher is the authority due to personal characteristics, regardless of the perception of possessed students. Being a teacher is the authority in conjunction with a high degree of individuality and self-realization. If the teacher has the seen and appreciated by the students features, then, in their opinion, is an individual worthy of emulation. In this case, the authority having and being are mutually dependent.
Multidimensionality of teacher communication competence determines the educational process, the process of arriving at a common understanding of the content of concepts and their interpretation with the participation student and teacher. Educational goals can be achieved only when the message reaches its destination, whenever the intent is received and understood.
Personality of the teacher is one of the very important factors, social climate of the classroom and social knowledge and skill of the teacher, too. Basic communication skills of the teachers are: formation of positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom, the ability to support and help students, cultivation of features such as tolerance, responsibility, respect, warmth, discretion, authentication and empathy of the teacher, the art of giving ear to student and use compliments for him (her), the ability to work in a team, to overcome conflict situations. Educational style of the teacher is important, too.
I think, teachers underestimate communication skills, some of them do not even know about this skills. This basic skill is not taught on the pedagogical faculty at all, which is one of the reason of the poor professional skills of graduates of teacher education.
Being able to communicate with people is one of the basic elements that must undoubtedly teacher control. Not only that he was talking with his pupils, but also must be able to communicate with their parents and be able to solve various problems.
Nowadays, communication is very important and accelerates with all possible technologies, so should the teachers interact with students via email, facebook or other social networks and adapt to today. Maintain communication between teacher and student is definitely the key to a good future of his study life.
For teachers and their professionalism in the job the skill of communication is essential. During schooltime I always felt terrible when a teacher wasn´t able to express properly or not able to settle conflicts and situations with the skill of communication. It is one of the most important qualities of a teacher. If I wouldn´t be a communicative person, I would never dream to become a teacher, because communication is the key to success in the classroom. To teach and to learn is an absolute process of communication.
Our whole life is a constant communication. Words, gestures or behavior of communicating with the world. Good communication with the student affects the relationship, it is an important aspect in the life of a school student. The student knows that someone understands him and can trust. Good communication is a challenge for teachers to know how to communicate with the student their faith and confidence in his ability, his uniqueness, his strengths. Mobilize his activity and creativity, openness in their own relationships with people was a factor lifting self-acceptance and giving the child a sense of respect and the respect of his dignity, to his attitude contributed to the creation of man open to themselves and others.
A good teacher should remember that he, too, was once a student. Should not exalt the students should learn but it should also be able to reach out to students. Teacher is an important person in the lives of students, should be seen as someone to whom you can go with a problem or just to talk. However, very often the case that is formed no visible wall between students and teacher. The teacher does not give anything to each other, and the students think that is not proper to go to the teacher. There are many teachers who do not even try to make relationship with the students, for what? They have at least peace of mind, they can make up for his and quietly go home. For me, they are not good teachers and very nice to these recalls. We should also point out to the fact that young people is difficult in these times, raised by colleagues or yard and not the parents who are busy and overworked. The more teachers should have more contact with students.
Interaction between teachers and students is one of the cornerstones of education. It should take place mainly through the communication. Communication is essential. It is often communication between teachers and students which is inadequate, especially from teachers. They feel their authority and right to determine the rules and they don´t give space for students to say what they want or act how they want (in proper way of course). Doing right by this interaction can learn and become familiar with different attitudes and opinions, and thus as a way to improve teaching. It is true that students in puberty often don´t respect the teachers and therefore understandable that don´t come along very well with each other. Problems like this are everywhere, but they are mainly caused by children who are not given proper education from their parents.
Education and communication walks hand in hand, without communication it won’t be education. For referencing to Vygotskij who advocated the speech as a way of interaction as the most important thing in education, this is not only the traditional way of education in the school bench, it´s also a way of lifelong learning and a kind of unconscious learning outside school. That means that we teach each other without thinking about teaching. I think that everyone should know this, especially becoming teachers, because this may lead to more interaction in our classrooms and hopefully create a more inspired learning environment in our schools.
I think the communicative competence is the one of the most important competence of teacher´s profession. No just in education, also in the life, everything depends on communication, right words can solve many of our problems. When students compare teachers, they usually speak about who is more interesting for them. There can be a teacher, who has a very good knowledge about the field, but he isn´t enough interesting.
I agree with Mr. Simon – to be a good mentor, there is also very important the position of student and mentor as well. The mentor should to consider the student as the equivalent partner. The good mentor doesn’t show students the big authority, I think the good mentor can participate with students. They can learn each other, the mentor can accompany students on their way.
I really don’t like when teacher still want to be more like the students, when they´re strict and very principled and they don’t listen students. Both of them have the same aims, so they have to participate. And really good mention of that is: If I want to be someone´s mentor, first I have to ask if I wanted to be mine.
Simon Sinek is pointing on very critic subject. If we translate that interview in education system, we should start to think about teachers and students role in the classroom. As we discuss last week with Professor Jose Manuel Bautista Vallejo, teachers have to change their attitude towards their students. I m studying math in Turkey. Sometimes professors have hard time to see the solution right away. When we try to help professors they just got angry and try to shut us up. This is he biggest mistake that professors make. We should realize that teachers is not somebody who has to know everything all the time. Teaching and learning must go on both direction. Teachers also can get some new ideas from their students. It is not ashamed for teacher to learn something from students. What I m trying to say is teachers shouldn’t be the mentor all the time in the classroom. Teachers and students should be mentor for each other and hey should let the information go on both sides.
i remember from school that me and my friends hate some subjects. it wasn’t because this isnt interesting at all. only way how teacher explain us the subject was so boring. they have big knowledge abut their subject, it was easy to recognize it but they didnt have any idea how they should communicate.
How to communicate its significant in a lot of jobs but for the teachers its one the most important things. Most of people are not perfect in it, but recognize what kinds of problems we have and trying to improve our communication its only one way to take attention of students and communicated with them well.
Teachers who don’t believe that they are the only and the one for being special teachers but they think that they can be educated by others during their whole life, this kind of people are real teachers…
The lecturer of the video said a great thing…I will be the mentor of someone only if he/she can be my mentor too, which means that I want to be taught not only teaching. Because the truth is that if a teacher wants to be a good one has to improve him/herself day after day, and this improvement can only be possible via mutual teaching. As I mentioned in another article…Good teacher is the one who can be taught by his/hers students, not only teaching them.
During the past, there was the idea of the perfect teacher. In other words, they used to believe that the teacher knows everything and can be the one who has right. So students had to follow their teacher’s opinion. This opinion has been refuted nowadays, as people can be improved till their old age. As a consequence, what makes a great teacher is the ability to be educated by students ideas too.
I believe in that in order to reach as many pupils as possible it has to exist communication. Not only from the teachers but also from the pupils, allowing them to express their opinions, thought and questions. That way you can see if your methods of teaching are relevant and appropriate for the group of pupils. Nowadays the TTT (teacher talking time) is more and I think that we have to find some way to increase the STT (student talking time). Letting pupils have a two-way communication situations would help the fear pupils may have regarding thinking and expressing themselves. In order to be innovative we have to let us be and do wrong sometimes and by helping pupils with communication we can give them tools to use so they can develop their skills in various ways.
I like the vvay of thinking that learning is interactive process involving the subjectivity of the teacher and the learner. I think that this also has an ansvver for the question vvhy do vve educate? VVe are doing this because this is a uniqe moment that teacher and student share, the moment vvhen you give something and other recive something, it is interaction betvveen them and vvould be complitely different if there vvould be another student or teacher. Simon says that mentor means that bouth can learn from each other. And maybe interesting is this that also John Dewey from 19th century said:
“Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.”
The main task of education is to encourage individuals to develop their potential as people in the intellectual, the ethical and aesthetic sense.
I commented in another article of yours today about how important it is as a teacher to communicate with his students. Without communication there won’t be relationships, and people will not get to know each other. And how would the students feel with a techer who can’t communicate with them, they will not feel important. I also think that they will not feel that they have space to be creative and have ideas and opinions. Communication gives so much to students in so many ways. I think that communication is a way itself for students (or everybody) to develope as humans, both in specially topics (to learn) and to shape the person (interests, opinions and much more).
I really hope that the students who is studying to become teachers today has education about how important it is to communicate.
I commented in another article of yours today about how important it is as a teacher to communicate with his students. Without communication there won’t be relationships, and people will not get to know each other. And how would the students feel with a techer who can’t communicate with them, they will not feel important. I also think that they will not feel that they have space to be creative and have ideas and opinions. Communication gives so much to students in so many ways. I think that communication is a way itself for students (or everybody) to develope as humans, both in specially topics (to learn) and to shape the person (interests, opinions and much more).
When i watched the video i was surprised in a very positive way because the author defined a new defiition of mentoring. It is not anymore about that only one person teach something. This defintion of mentoring deals with a kind of symbiotic relationship, it is about learning from each other which is a very nice thing in my point of view.
The opinion of the author is the modern way of mentoring.
So it is about learning from each other which is very interesting because you can mix old things, theories or whatever with new things and this is very important.
It is important because the «mentor» can develope himself although he is a mentor. So there is never a stop of self developement.
Another fact what i like when i watched the video was also that he was talking about an equal relationship between two persons not only in a knowledge way what i already mentioned also in a social way.
I want to say something about the relationships that teachers have (with students, parents and colleagues) and about the communication. First task is to establish a relationship and to work on it all the time. For that you need a respectful attitude towards everybody and some communicative skills. First thing is to listen carefully to the things somebody says. Lots of teachers don`t do that. That is so bad because when a student says something it is his\her opinion and we can always learn something from it. Then we have to accept certain views of people we talk to and try to understand them. If we communicate we also have to send clear messages and we have to distinguish between perception, effect and interpretation. We also have to allow emotions during communication. To do all this and to establish a good communication in claasroom I always establish some communication roles, that we formulate together. This really worked so far! Very important, like Simon Sinek said, is that the teachers always want to learn from their children as well and that they show it to them. Especially in the view of things we can learn a lot of children. The other day the son of a friend of mine said: «When I am laughing, it is always such a nice feeling in my tummy». This is so true but we as adults forget how to see the world with such eyes and I think it will help us a lot.
When relationship are mentor-mentee we call it teaching, old, prussian, traditional style of studying. Relationship mentor-mentor are more modern, but not to all curriculum is good. Some material we have to just remember, some rules, information, material. It doesn’t have matter that we understand it, want and other, we have to know it. But even then the most important is to be an authority for children or students, because even if they don’t understand why their are doing something, they trust their teacher as a leader, he know what is he doing, he want our best. But most common are teacher which are not authority or only have authority by causing fear, distance, severity. It’s safe situation for a teacher, but unjust for children and students, because they are entities in the clearest form…
If we take the teacher as the beginning point translating and adapting the curriculum, then he or she has to have classroom management firstly to get a communicative competence in a classroom environment. Moreover, this communicative competence provide students with language skills and interpersonal relationships. The teacher should be careful with classroom dynamic, learner characteristics and individual differences so that the students can adopt the process. Additionally, the cooperation between teaching and communication while teaching plays an important role to make the learning conscious. If we think about Simon’s saying, we can say that it is wrong to call mentor or mentee. What to do and how to do should be the point rather than Who are you?. The point is not to be a mentor or mentee, just to get something.
If there is a both-sided interest of mentor and his mentee of being the counterpart, this will be a good basic prerequisite for a good atmosphere and a good cooperation between both sides.
It is an interplay. The mentor can give good advices to his mentee, because the mentor comes from the practise. But the mentor could also be a beneficiary of the mentee. For example, if the mentee comes directly out of university, he/she knows the newest scientific findings of education, pedagogy and didactics.
But for this knowledge acquistion, the mentor has to be come out of his role of mentor and has to accept, that she/he is a mentee as well.
This could be a problem for some teachers, because they think they are „completed teacher“ and don’t have to improve their working and teaching further. Teachers have to be open-minded, because they can learn something new every day, but only if they are willing to do it.
For high school students, equivalence between students and teachers are crucial for their evaluation of their relationship with the teachers. Recognition, justice and honesty have a very important role in this.
Improving students’ relationships with teachers has important, positive and long-lasting implications for students’ academic and social development. If a student feels a personal connection to a teacher, experiences frequent communication with a teacher, and receives more guidance than criticism from the teacher, then the student is likely to become more trustful of that teacher, show more engagement in the academic content, they will have better classroom behavior, and achieve at higher levels (academically.) Positive teacher-student relationships draw students into the process of learning and promote their desire to learn
I think he has an interesting view on the mentor topic. It made me think about all my ‘mentor’ experiences during my internships. And I have to say that it’s more often a negative then a positive experience. Now i realize, it’s just because of what he says in the video. Mentors tend to give you the exact feeling that Simon Sinek describes: » I know everything, and you are the mentee».
That’s the feeling I’ve got during quite every single internship I did so far. The mentors just seem to give you the feeling you’re useless for the moment, and they have to make you usefull.
The problem is that it never gives you self confidence, and without self confidence you achieve less.
So I think he’s totally right if he says that the relationship shouldn’t be ‘mentor-mentee’ but ‘mentor-mentor’.
I TOTALLY agree with him about the mentor theory. In the past I had a lot bad luck with mentors and I think it should be so much better and easier if you could choose your own mentor and also that they choose you, because if it is a one way street it will never work. Now when we do an internship you never have the possibility to choose your mentor, the school organizes everything for you and they just dump you there without even asking if you also want this. I think an good or bad internship depends on which mentor you have and how your relationship is with him or her. I think students and mentors should have the right to choose who they want as their ‘partner’.
I also liked it when he said: ‘it shouldn’t be mentor- mentee, but mentor-mentor’. In this way you both have the feeling you are equal and there can be no hard feelings from one to the other one because now both of them can learn something of internship and you don’t have the feeling you are in the way of someone because you also mean something for the other one.
Education is communication, it’s as simple as that. If their is no good communication between the teacher and the pupils there will be no good education. This counts for both sides, if the teacher isn’t interested in communicating with the students, the students will not be interested in communicating with the teacher.
In good education there’s a good interaction an both sides. The teachers will learn from their students and the students will learn from their teacher. This way students will keep being interested and the teachers will keep wanting to learn their students new subjects.
The attitude of bboth sides is important. If you’re a teacher that doesn’t love the job, the students will see that and the communication will be below 0 but if they see that you love your job and are very interested in getting to know your students, if you listen to them and if you respect them there will be a good student-teacher relationship.
You see examples of a good teacher-student relaionship in the movie ‘Freedom writers’ a movie about a teacher that is willing to do everything for her students and they trust and respect her, they start seeing her as their mentor and she sees them as hers.
There’s no doubt about the important role of the communicative competence in the teaching/learning process. But unfortunately I could say that there still are 2 big groups of teachers – the one that know how to communicate and the one’s that don’t. The problem lies in the fact that many teachers are building a huge gap between them and the class. There are plenty of possible reasons for it – the lack of self-confidence of the teacher, the laziness of a teacher or simple underestimation of the necessity to have a free and unforced atmosphere in the classroom… Although some people have already been born as good communicators, I still believe that in the course of time communicative competence can be developed. Therefore, it would be strongly advisable that in universities emphasis would be put on developing practical skills as much as on theoretical knowledge. But let’s not forget that 50% of the efficiency of communication in a classroom depends from students!
This is a very important topic in the field of education (not only, of course) because many people tend to forget the significant power of communicating effectively. Learners need to be reached, need to be paid attention to because only if you show that each student matters, you will make them want to learn better and care more. If the professor remembers my name or if he remembers my opinion in previously discussed subjects, I feel encouraged and inspired to explore the subject more thoroughly. That`s why this one-on-one communication is so important. Moreover, no matter how many years you might work in education field, you still have to revise your communication skills and make sure that you still reach the audience (students); otherwise, you can teach what you want but the students will just pass the exam and immediately forget the subject without any further interest in it.