Didáctica de la Educación Inicial y Básica, ¿existe?

Hoy en día, cuando hablamos de Educación Inicial y Básica (Infantil y Primaria en muchos países), da la impresión de que el niño ha cobrado el papel protagonista que le corresponde y han quedado atrás las vicisitudes de la infancia reflejadas en una literatura que ha versado sobre el tema de una manera variopinta.

Considerando la cuestión hay que decir que, a pesar de la afirmación anterior, aún estamos lejos de este ideal. Han sido reconocidos determinados derechos, pero aún no goza plenamente de su derecho a ser niño y vivir como tal, sino que, en muchas ocasiones, los adultos, tal vez olvidando que un día lo fueron, exigen conductas inapropiadas para esa edad o, por el contrario, no dan pautas que le sirvan de referencia para guiarle hacia el ser adulto en plenitud.

Muy interesante para tener una opinión sobre esta cuestión es la interesante obra de Neil Postman «La desaparición de la niñez» (1982), libro que leí en los 90.

La didáctica contempla la educación del niño como una totalidad y estudia la forma de enseñarle, teniendo en cuenta sus características evolutivas, respetando su singularidad y diferencias. Por ello considera sus aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociológicos y pedagógicos para atender sus necesidades primarias, secundarias y educativas, dentro de sus experiencias cotidianas que se desarrollan en la interacción con la familia y la escuela.

La idea general que sobreviene de la Educación Inicial y Básica como conceptos, después de la introducción de estos elementos iniciales, es que se trata de un sistema: puesto que es un conjunto de elementos (factores, agentes) que actúan solidariamente con vistas a una idea común; que ese sistema no está constituido por componentes idénticos sino por diversos conjuntos diferenciados: el medio socio-ambiental de pertenencia, las características de los sujetos, la acción educativa propiamente dicha, los mecanismos institucionales y/o marco normativo (legal, político, organizativo) que determina la intervención escolar.

Para entender mejor el círculo que se cierra en torno a la didáctica que interviene en estas etapas educativas tenemos que entender que:

La Educación Inicial es el primer nivel de etapa educativa y es necesario integrar en la escuela las experiencias cotidianas adquiridas en la familia. Se requiere elaborar un proyecto educativo coherente, que dé unidad a la vida del niño y a la colaboración de los padres.
La Educación Básica es la que asegura la correcta alfabetización, es decir, que enseña a leer, escribir, cálculo básico y algunos de los conceptos culturales considerados imprescindibles. Su finalidad es proporcionar a todos los alumnos una formación común que haga posible el desarrollo de las capacidades individuales motrices, de equilibrio personal, de relación y de actuación social con la adquisición de los elementos básicos culturales, los aprendizajes relativos mencionados anteriormente.
La Didáctica como disciplina pedagógica y como ámbito de intervención pedagógica estudia los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, reflexiona sobre qué, cómo y cuándo enseñar y evaluar, investiga sobre el aprendizaje y enseñanza en la escuela y la familia, siendo este último un aspecto más novedoso, y apoya el aprendizaje contextualizado y constructivo a partir de las experiencias y vivencias del niño.
La educación familiar es el primer ámbito de socialización y educación del niño que, al incorporarse a la escuela, aporta un bagaje cultural de conocimientos previos que es muy necesario contemplar.

Así pues, ¿la didáctica se especializa en su intervención en la educación Inicial y Básica? Claramente sí. De su grado de análisis, comprensión e intervención especializada depende el éxito de esas formas de educación.

Una propuesta posible de análisis tiene en cuenta la necesidad de contextualizar el currículum de la Educación Inicial, relacionando los que han sido considerados como ámbitos de conocimiento y experiencia: Identidad y Autonomía Personal, Medio Físico y Social y Comunicación y Representación.

Por ello, en la mayoría de los países, los objetivos de la Educación Inicial se centran en torno al desarrollo en los niños de las siguientes capacidades: conocer su propio cuerpo y sus posibilidades de acción; observar y explorar su entorno familiar, social y natural; adquirir una progresiva autonomía en sus actividades habituales; aprender pautas elementales de convivencia; desarrollar sus habilidades comunicativas orales e iniciarse en el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura; iniciarse en las habilidades numéricas básicas.

Al dar un paso más adelante comprobamos que la Educación Básica puede tener los siguientes objetivos generales: comprender y expresar textos orales y escritos en la propia lengua; comprender y expresar el sistema de numeración decimal y los automatismos de cálculo; conocer el entorno físico, social y cultural más inmediato; promover el ejercicio físico y la práctica del deporte; comprender una lengua extranjera y expresarse en ella de manera sencilla; potenciar la creatividad del alumnado, desarrollando capacidad técnica, manual, artística y estética; actuar con autonomía en actividades.

Siendo esto muy claro, me gusta preguntarme al final ¿por qué asistimos en tantos países europeos a un fracaso en los resultados y en los frutos de todo esto? (Como puede verse en las estadísticas del Programa PISA de la OCDE, evaluaciones realizadas cada 3 años a alumnos de 13 a 15 años, por tanto Secundaria, en áreas de Ciencia, Lectura y Matemáticas, los resultados europeos no son del todo brillantes. Yo me niego a hacer responsable solamente a lo que ocurre en Educación Secundaria, teniendo una importante responsabilidad, por tanto, ¿cuál es la responsabilidad de la Educación Primaria?


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198 respuestas a “Didáctica de la Educación Inicial y Básica, ¿existe?”

  1. There are many things that have an influence on the child’s development. The child’s behaviour towards education and their general knowledge is being formed by many factors, such as family, primary school and the child’s environment. All of these factors form the child’s personality and effect their future life. However, when students start going to secondary school, they should all have more or less the same level of basic education and general knowledge. I guess that in secondary school there is not the time and place to fix lacks of knowledge and teach things that haven’t been taught, although they are actually required. So maybe one reason, why children do not learn a lot of new things in school is because the students in one class do not have the same level of knowledge and it takes time to fix these issues.
    This morning I listened to an interview on the radio, one of the main points was that parents do not seem to be interested in working with the teachers and also they need to realise that they cannot expect to drop their children off at school and that’s all they had to do – parents have a huge responsibility when it comes to education and general knowledge, not only the school.

  2. i am still on that opinion that the first years is the most defined term in the children’s life when they learn the most efficient way. At that time the parents and the family has got the responsibility about their development. But when the children get into the school, since then the education also has got a responsibility about help them in everything. This article shows that every children have got some talent, we just have to give them an opportunity to discover their skills, and give them all tools and maintenance to be successful. We have to find a way to show them how funny and enjoyment are the studying. Anyway, i am still amazed about the finnish education, they are next to China on the top places..

  3. Childhood is the most productive time of life. Children’s perception is fully widened and they are open to learn more. They have the endless desire to discover the world around. They shoul be given opportunities to explore and sense the world. Teachers should not transfer knowledge to students. They should create spaces to discover on their own. Children’s imagination and desire to learn is a treasure. And this treasure should not be wasted. They must have autonomy in their learning. They should experiment the world by themselves. When they have this autonomy, they will become more successful and they will learn own their own rather than being told what to do by a teacher.

  4. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    I think percepcion skills are very important. This is everything what we belive, what we done, our dreams and our hope. Kids are curious about everything what is around them. They are discovering everything for they own, because it is new for them. In this days we heard a lot of times that 15 years old scientist-kid! discover a drug cuncer, or that 12 years old girl had knew about tsunami, before it cames. I think China have a good results, because of their culture, and the new technologies used in learning process. They don`t run after the world, they dictate him his steps. It is interest that a lot of east europe countries are so high in this rank.

  5. Marvin Klejdzinski dice: Responder

    The initial and the basic education create the educationally foundation of every human. After the construction of the foundation people can develop different skills in different fields of education. They can develop knowledge and explore new fields of interests. This happens in secondary school, where pupils have lots of different learning offers. They will improve their skills in languages, sciences or art like it fits to their personal character because they will put more effort in things they like. If studies now display a failure during the education in secondary school it does not mean that the reason of this failure can be found in the system of secondary school. If there are cracks in the foundation of the education later they can lead to a failure in secondary school. This is why studies like PISA only display a failure but not the source of it.

  6. Learing start with the first day of the babys live. Children start to learn after their birth. It´s very important to foster them in every case. It´s necessary that parents and instituions works together. Children learns everyday. They also should learn and have all the possibilitys to learn. The most important thing is that they have can learn without pressure. As you can see China is in the ranking almost at the first places but they have a lot of pressure. That means they are good at stuying and have a good knowlege in a lot of subjects but I think they dont have fun with it. Beeing social is also very important for the live!!

  7. In my point of view, children represent enthusiasm and creativity in human beings. In our whole life, we will never be so creative or open-minded as we were in our childhood period. We should take into an account that a ordinary kid can learn everything (there is not need for superior intelligence), and this is the right time for the role of family to develop kids’ hunger for knowledge. We should only help them know their skills, their dreams, their personality. As we all know it, when children begin growing up, they ask questions about everything; about nature, space, foreign languages, the world, etc. We should not say them it is enough. Sometimes it may be overwhelming but enthusiasm for knowledge appears only in this period of life. If you encourage them not to ask so many questions, their hunger for knowledge will dissappear slowly. Learning starts in the family, but school should also motivate students and encourage them to do their best. I know that in primary school learning is only forcing them to learn every subject not to develop their creativity or intelligence (I am only talking about standarts of my country). First of all children need freedom to express their feelings and to show us their potential and their talents which are very important for their future life. If we do not encourage them to make their dreams come true, after a while they will not feel any passion for any kind of knowledge. And for me , the passion for something to do is very important. For example, if my family did not support me about reading books, (because of the expensive prices of books) I am sure that I would not study literature that is what I am passionate for. Probably, I would be studying science because of my father’s choice(!). But they encouraged me to read books as many as I can, even they were so expensive. I am trying to say that we should (all human kind) keep in mind, that children are the future! We must not underestimate their potential and their willing to be creative and share with us their ideas and experiences.

  8. First of all i think that learning stages in life should be separated and thought each in detail. For example if you compare the students at the age of 15, this means you include all the learning stages that child has been through.. In the family, in primary school and middle school. But i want to talk general about the early age education. The importance of the early years is now well known throughout the world. These years are a time when the brain develops and much of its ‘wiring’ is laid down. The experiences and relationships a child has, plus nutrition and health, can actually affect this enormously. Positive experiences help the brain to develop in healthy ways. Seriously negative experiences such as neglect and abuse, on the other hand, affect brain development in more harmful ways, and contribute to emotional and behavioural problems later in life. So the experiences a child has in the early years can either support learning or interfere with it.

  9. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    Learning starts at birth and the initial learning begins at home, learning to walk and talk being the two major learning experiences in childhood. The family has a huge impact on the child’s learning as they are the first teachers a child will have. The basic learning is a mix between the childs first few years at primary school and that learning being emphasised at home. The child begins learning the basics to prepare for the education that will be offered throughout the years. Children should not be underestimated as there has been studies to show that the best time to learn a language is before thw age of 11 that way the child will be more likely to become fluent in that language. Children are just figuring out how to learn and should be allowed practise their interests so they will gain skills e.g. if they love music encourage playing instruments.

  10. I think this article is very interesting and i’am totaly agree that the early education it’s the most important for the children. If the children have early education they can achieve a better knowledge and they will learn also faster. Secondly it’s important a variaisons in teaching methods. Everybody know that the children are intelligent in a different way. for exemple some of them are interested about science,video, some of them are good at music, maths, sports etc. If we want them all to be successful and if we want to show them their capacity, we have to be aware of personal differences and make them appear.

  11. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    Early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Growth of mental and physical abilities progress at an astounding rate and a very high proportion of learning takes place from birth to age six. It is a time when children particularly need high quality personal care and learning experiences.
    We must know that education begins from the moment the child is brought home from the hospital and continues on when the child starts to attend playgroups and kindergartens. The learning capabilities of humans continue for the rest of their lives but not at the intensity that is demonstrated in the preschool years. With this in mind, babies and toddlers need positive early learning experiences to help their intellectual, social and emotional development and this lays the foundation for later school success.

  12. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    I think we inspired by children. And children are teached by us. So I admired levels of education. But being social is keynote which should be take its place in each part. Everything is related with socialization. teaching is related with it. Also learning is related with it. I can say that, what happened in secondary school. Children ages before 13, started to taking responsibilities and are more social(somitemes in good meaning like playing in street and talking each other,sometimes in bad meaning like working in a factory) Then as they are accustomed to being social, they started easily their theoritical knowledge with trained brain, which exercising all social day.

  13. I agree with this article. Erly education is very important. It’s a basic for our education in general. If children have good education and good educators from the beginning then they can achive more. I think that play is one of the best ways to teach children. We play all the time. We play at home with our parents, at school with teachers and other children. Every game has their own rules so it’s a good way for children to learn how to follow the rules. I also liked very much the video. It was very intresting to see this young girl so interested in science. If we want to make children interested in science or different areas we need to have good educators in our school and good educators in our homes for example: parents.

  14. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    Primary education means almost everything for a person for her/his character, knowledge and everything. If we want to have specialized education, we need specialized teachers. If we need specialized teachers, we need specialized education. All are connected. The point is innovation, development, alteration and variation. We need really professional, strong, stable and well-organized training. First of all we need variaions in teaching methods. We all know that all of the children are intelligent and successful in a different way. Some of them are interested in science as in the video, some of them are good at music, maths, sports and etc. If we want them all to be successful and if we want to show them their capacity, we have to be aware of personal differences and make them appear. We should help them to create their own ways. I believe that this is the most important element in early education of a person.

  15. Lukas Schaunitzer dice: Responder

    The foundation of our whole life is set in childhood. We should provide our children a safe and interesting space of living. Only when we wake the interessts of our students, they can grow in finding their solutions for problems.
    The big questions:
    How do I make teaching interesting?
    How can I link it to the curriculum?
    let’s start to play!

  16. Due to the fact that learning starts at birth, I think this blog, and video shows that there is a lot to be learned from children, and that we underestimate their ability to be inquisitive and problem solvers. One of the great things that this video shows is that children stumble upon information and even learn sometimes ‘by accident’ as they naturally ask things such as ‘what if’, ‘how’ or ‘why’?. It is my opinion that children start to learn within the home, and then primary school helps to unlock their hidden potential, other skills and talents. A well balanced mix of both home and school education can be extremely beneficial, as a child I remember my family members helping me to do different things like number games, or literacy work which helped me excel within the classroom setting. However for such things to work together there has to be cooperation between the school and the home.

  17. Education and Knowledge are two very important concepts that go hand in hand together. Education allows people from a young age to adopt many skills that help people learn and enrich their understanding of many different life situations. The ability to have and understand boundaries, morals and values are somewhat vital to help young people grow, learn and understand knowledge. I believe primary education begins in the home and is followed up in a school. It’s a crucial part of a young persons life, a good primary education helps a young student understand particular reasoning and understanding, this sets the student on a bright path for secondary education. It’s helping a student to adopt and think for themselves that is most important. In future life and education, these abilities are highly sought after. I believe it’s vital this is the case for all young children. My emphases is on home learning and the ability of parents helping their children understand guidelines set out in schools. It’s a mixture of different role models that shape a young child into a avid learner and student not just a teacher.

    Due to the fact that learning starts at birth, I think this blog, and video shows that there is a lot to be learned from children, and that we underestimate their ability to be inquisitive and problem solvers. One of the great things that this video shows is that children stumble upon information and even learn sometimes ‘by accident’ as they naturally ask things such as ‘what if’, ‘how’ or ‘why’?. It is my opinion that children start to learn within the home, and then primary school helps to unlock their hidden potential, other skills and talents. A well balanced mix of both home and school education can be extremely beneficial, as a child I remember my family members helping me to do different things like number games, or literacy work which helped me excel within the classroom setting. However for such things to work together there has to be cooperation between the school and the home.

  18. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    Early education is very important because it is the basis for further achievements and successes. Children are able to assimilate knowledge very quickly if it is passed on to them in an appropriate way. Therefore it is important to educate not only in school but also at home, because parents are the first teachers in our lifes. Both, they and teachers should find the best way to reach children, cause they interest in science and help to find their passion. Every child is different, parents and teachers should have a more individual approach and don’t induce pressure, because it can only cause discouragement and problems in the future, adult education.

  19. The compulsory school age in Ireland is 6 and all forms of pre-primary education are optional. However, children from the age of 4 can be enrolled in infant classes in primary schools. In my opinion I think it is vital to enrol your child in education at an early stage. At this age the child is still physically and mentally developing. They are active and eager to learn. By enrolling your child in early education in his/hers early years allows him/her to develop relationships with other children and adults in that same environment, which offers a sense of wellbeing. A child who feels more self-confident and happy in themselves is more likely to partake in learning prospects and in advanced cooperative play such as playing games with rules and working towards goals. In addition children who experience uniformity in their early childhood education validate less hostile behaviours, hence of their capability to interact with other children in the learning environment, because they use their skills they have learned to resolve encounters. In addition, language development occurs at a fast pace in children between the ages of one to six. The children who are self-confident in their learning environment and with others around them are more likely to engage in conversations with others in the same environment. In conclusion, these frequent conversations develop the child’s vocabulary and interpersonal skills. This video shows how we must advance and also how new ideas in schools should advance the development of a child and let them have more of a say rather than being pressurized by teachers most of the time.

  20. Cathérine Jové Skoluda dice: Responder

    The most important aspect in primary education is the way the teacher transfer knowledge and information. The playful way always is the more attractive way for children to learn something. Also it seems to be fundamental that children learn in a practical way, which connects the new information with their daily life and helps them to use their new knowledge directly and keep them in mind for a longer time. In addition the learning process should be conform with the individual necessities and abilities, when there are too many children in one class and too many contents to learn in one school year a lack of individual attention will be generated and this could block the whole learning process of the children, because perhaps the child gets bored in subjects that are too easy or overstrained in subjects which are too difficult. When the teacher has no time to consider these things the condition of the school system has to work with some essential problems.

  21. I agree that the early learning is definitely the foundation for everything. Children brains have the greatest potential to develop language, symbols, and numbers by the time they are four. By the seventh year, when our children are going to school, this time is already over. We start to promote abstract thinking when children are ten but at that time these capabilities are already declining. So definitely too late. Children which spends several hours a day sitting in front of a television or computer, misses a lot of movement which is very important for brain development and this leads to brain creating less synapses that should. One research has also found that almost half of children in Central Europe have (major and minor) problems with speech, half problems with the fine kinesiology and eye accommodation. Because of that, today more and more children have dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia.

  22. I agree with this article. Primary education in the strong connection with family education is the most important for child’s early development and also for his later life. It is important how parents, educators in the kindergardens and teachers in the primary school treat the child. I think it is also important that teaching includes the education of the child as a whole person, considering his/her characteristics, respecting their uniqueness and differences.
    I think it is necessary to begin with education in very early childhood, from the birth on. The most important things for children are motivation and interest. Learning have to be like an interest game, fun and without pressure. It is easier if we teach the children through the game.In my opinion children need more freedom and responsibility to develop themselves during the childhood. The formal institutes of education, schools usually do not see the needs of children and their parents. Children need more space to develop themselves in their unique way.

  23. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    I believe that the primary education is the most important stage of a child’s life. When they are young this is when the brain is at it’s most absorbent therefore they should be taught properly from a young age to help them to flourish academically but also creatively. I think it’s important that a child is taught in a way that is suited to a child. They should be taught in fun educational ways with things such as fun exercises and even games. Activities like these will allow a child’s brain to develop but will also make learning fun for them and they will ultimately want to learn more if they are learning in a fun yet educational way and environment.

  24. Without doubts, the first years of school are crucial in the process of a child´s education. He or She can get either motivated or discouraged to the whole system of education, can develop a high or a low self-esteem and resourcefulness, can learn to ask for help and count on parents all the time or can start dealing with problems independently and using his or her own creativity. I think that one important thing about teaching in 21st century is to adjust the methods to the present state. Therefore, if after school kinds spend hours in front of the computer of a TV, we could use it to their benefit. For example, there are games that develop motoric skills, teach concenttration and group work. Other, strategic games, can teach financial planning or using your resources in a profitable way.

  25. For me, the most important thing in primary school is to find a way how to treat the children correctly because I think that in many cases they are not treated like children but like adults. If you just let them be children and teach them in an appropriate way with exercises, with games and with easy things, they will learn a lot. Because this is exactly the periode where they can learn most, that’s why primary school is really important because it makes the first step in education.
    For me also the parents play an important role during primary education. They should try to support their children as much as they can and bring them away from all the computers and internet and everything.

  26. Firstly, I really like this article and this video. I am really surprised that the young girl’s interests about sciences. She knows that the science is not boring as people think. This is a really good way to make children interested in science or other boring issues. Primary education is the one of the most important steps in education system. When it is connected with family education, I think the most important step can be achieved. If children are educated well in primary education, they can be succesful in their other education steps.

  27. Education starts early education.Provide primary education to children in their control and are trained to resolve their daily needs.Basic education in reading, writing, counting as the main training phase will begin.This period is very important for children.I think early education be given more information.Because of this period of childhood is the time when the greatest number of information retrieval capacity.Children can be directed to their interests.They want to make things more fondly.So happy, healthy and peaceful individuals can grow.Environmentally sensitive children can be better educated for the future.

  28. People need to be aware how important is primary education. During this period children are able to absorb information very fast. The point is to teach them in the right way. Although in my opinion primary education in my country is not bad I consider that there is a lot that can be improved. In my opinion people need to put more focus on practical things. I think that a great idea is to make some classes outside of school in other places for example history in museums, biology in parks etc. Moreover there should be more time spend on working on children creativity. In today’s world it is very important to have new ideas to think on our own. Why not to develop it in the first years of children education.

  29. A private school in Atlanta is home to «un-schooling,» a concept where there’s no curriculum or tests, and adults are just there to watch as kids decide exactly what and when they want to learn.Parents who embrace «un-schooling» say it’s an alternative to learning that should be explored. Some experts say it’s putting children at risk of not developing the skills needed.On the other hand is good to let children to discover their abillities and have fun with learning. In my opinion we need to find middle of way to teach them for the life how to live and how to be happy the way as we are.

  30. Education is very important and indispensable process in our lives and each of us should had to take the best of it at the end. But is not so easy to realized. Today’s i can hear from many sites that the parents took out the child from this school because they were not satisfied by the program. Is very easy and silly throw the blame just for one site (the school). My opinion is that if the parents and teachers will work together the success will be much higher than now. The parents have to be helpful during all education process of their child. At the start they have to provide the child the initial education (as is mentioned above) , support its creativity and develop its mind by daily activities. Than is up to teachers how and by which methodology they will work with the students.

  31. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    This article and the video showes that all the children have talents and they just need a chance to improve and practise it. Nothing is impossible and exactly that should be communicate to the pupils at schools. Teachers should also motivate children to improve subjects and topics, where they are interested in, and to research an their own. Sure the teacher has to arrange the conditions for it and support the pupils, but there will be many ideas of the children. Teachers have to communicate in an motivating way to make the children interesting in creating new ideas and get results with their own strategies. The problem is that lot’s of children never learned to think self-dependent, so the impact from the teacher is very important. This part of education is in my opinion fundamental for creating new ideas for the futur.

  32. One of the most important things in education is that you show pupils from their early childhood on, that learning new things can be interesting and fun.
    If they know that they can enjoy learning something new, it’s so much easier to motivate them. You could motivate them with games when they are little and continue that until they are old enough to do things by themselves. I think that’s the best you can do for a child and their education.
    We should think of tools to motivate them. Sure they get good grades and it is some kind of reward but I don’t think it’s enough. They have to realize that the biggest reward will be, when they finished with their studies and can start a life and a future on their own without the help or guidance of their parents. And I think that is the biggest motivation you can give a child, but to let him understand the importance of it is really hard to achieve. But we have to try.

  33. In my opinion I think that education in the early stages of a child’s life is extremely important. At a young age children show their personality as well as their interests and mannerisms. Primary school is an important for educating children as it guides them at a young age to achieve goals in later years. Primary education is a stepping stone into secondary education and if children do not receive stable education in primary school it can be a massive struggle for children throughout secondary school. Parents also play a huge role when it comes to educating their children. At an early age parents should educate their children to behave in an orderly way and show their children appropriate mannerisms. Children can also be educationally influenced not only by their parents or teachers but by different tv shows, movies, books and also their peer groups. These can also influence the personalities of young children. In conclusion I think that the early age and education of a persons life greatly influences their future.

  34. This blog focuses on a range of points however I would like to explain my understanding of the basic education principle. The education of a child is not done solely by one parent, one guardian, one teacher, one priest or one actor on a child’s favourite television programme. All these people share an important role within the development of a child, from their communication ability to the ability to know right from wrong as well as developing mentally and sometimes as importantly spiritually. These basic education principles are taught and nourished from an early age and are of vital importance in my opinion for a child to develop fully rounded and informed on society and the dos and do nots. The parents who spend most of the time in a child’s life compared to all the other people need to ensure they are the children’s main leaders socially and psychologically.

  35. Education and Knowledge are two very important concepts that go hand in hand together. Education allows people from a young age to adopt many skills that help people learn and enrich their understanding of many different life situations. The ability to have and understand boundaries, morals and values are somewhat vital to help young people grow, learn and understand knowledge. I believe primary education begins in the home and is followed up in a school. It’s a crucial part of a young persons life, a good primary education helps a young student understand particular reasoning and understanding, this sets the student on a bright path for secondary education. It’s helping a student to adopt and think for themselves that is most important. In future life and education, these abilities are highly sought after. I believe it’s vital this is the case for all young children. My emphases is on home learning and the ability of parents helping their children understand guidelines set out in schools. It’s a mixture of different role models that shape a young child into a avid learner and student not just a teacher.

  36. First years of pre-school and school are crucial in the process of child’s development. Children at this time display the natural curiosity and willingness to learn. This should be used by the teachers in order to help learners engage in their education process. Sadly, mostof the students lose their enthusiasm for studying around 2nd or 3rd grade in primary school. Secondly, teachers, by well-planned tasks, should teach children confidence and at the same time provide the necessary help so that the learners won’t get discouraged by their problems with e.g. languages or math. Moreover, what is taught in school should be related to learners’ environment and the world in general, so that the children can see the point of learning it. The support from parents or carers is also significant, it helps to build children’s self-confidence and shows that what they are doing is important.

  37. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    The first thing I want to comment about is the inspiring videos, that shows us how children are already so intelligent if you give them the oppurtunity to explore them selves and the World.lyly
    this is sometimes really hard because we life in a World that doesn’t really allow and accept the opinion of a young child. As the man in the video also said, teachers will loose there grip on the situation if children are exploring and learning things that the teachers doesn’t know anything about. I think Children have great ideas and I’m really supporting the fact that the children should more interact with science and getting that possibility.how ever a child will stay a child and also need that basic ground were he can stand on and build his/her live on.

  38. Thinking about the question what the responsibility of primary education is, I think the video posted is very inspiring as it shows that children in primary schools are able to experience and develop an understanding of a certain matter by playing. It shows that children should be treated like children, so in my opinion teachers should find appropriate teaching methods which do not only include strict learning by a standard book. The experiment has also shown that children should be encouraged in their creativity which can be beneficial for their own development, so this may be an aspect of improvement when speaking of primary education.

  39. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    The learning process already starts in early childhood. Children learn through doing things. I think it is very important to start to learn something very early but children should learn through doing things, as mentioned before. Children should be free to try out things and learn through that. In my opinion there is too less education in preschool in our country. As far as I know from my cousin here in spain they already start to learn numbers and letters in nursery education. I think this is a good preparation for the primary school. Children should learn such essential things in nursery education but not in the way they do it in primary or secondary education. They should be able to learn by trying out things and playing. School should be «fun» and contain a lot of practical learning.

  40. In my opinion I think that primary education is very important in the growth of the child’s educational ability. If a child does not get a stable education at the beginning of its life how can it be expected to progress well into secondary education. I think that primary education should expand its subjects and cover many more areas instead of just the basics. It should help cover all the different abilities related to different children so that each child can find their interests and skills. I think music, art and languages are very important to be taught in primary education. Not all children come from well off backgrounds so they will not be able to develop their skills and this is why it should be offered in all primary schools.

  41. Learning starts in your mother’s womb. Of course that kind of learning is very different from learning at school, but it’s a kind of learning. You definitely learn trough playing, trough incertaintly. This is how babies and toddlers learn. But this is also how joung children and even older children, even adults learn. If school only focuses on the learning trough books, the kid won’t learn as fast as if he would learn trough playing. Additionally, he will get bored, loose interest and loose his motivation to go to school. I think it’s important to keep the playing in the kids, even when they grow up. You can’t tell me a teenagers doesn’t want to play anymore… Some education kicks out the playing part of children. I think it’s a pity. You keep learning till the day you die, in my opinion, so why not doing it while playing? It’s much more fun, much safer and more attractive.

  42. Learning is a lifelong process and it is important not only to never stop beeing curious and to broanden your own mind, but also to start education in the early childhood. This does not mean nececarily a form of education like in schools, but more the education at home from parents to their children. Parents have the responsibility to prepare their children for their future life and therefore also for the education they will recive in the future.
    In my eyes a big problem nowadays is, that pupils can not worship the education they recive in scholls and use it for their best, because they never learned how to do it. I have the feeling that a lot of parents have the attitude that the schools are responsible for the education of their children and not in the first place the parents themselfs. Due to this, we suffer a big lack in the family education and a a result in the inital education and so on.

  43. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    Teaching is important every stages of life. The first is in the family, all of the kids have to get the right teaching in the family. At the age of the Infant school, kids should know a few things, not so much, but some basic. In the Infant school i don’t think that have to be teaching, i mean not in the school meaning of the word. Of course something, but in the little children level. That age is to play, and not stress about the life and the learning. Its okay later, for example in primary school. There is ok to teach them, thats the point. At the begining not so hard, just in a good friendly way, after when they understand all of this, what will happen, its necessary to continue, and don’t stop until the diploma.

  44. Lisa Hammaräng dice: Responder

    I also think that the education starts from birth and continues during all of our lives. The home is one of the most important factors of education, and studies shows so too. I’ve recently read an Swedish article (Elisabeth Elmeroth, 2006) and her studies shows that the home has a big impact on the childs school result. She talks about for example the importance of parents who encourage their children and the use of books in the home.
    I think that an encouraging parent, who cares about the childs education is important during all the schooling. The Swedish result in PISA gets worse and worse for every year and one of the reasons because of it, I think, is that the parents care less and doesn’t take their responsibility. I also believe that the education has to be close to the child’s everyday experiences. That helps them to understand and develop.

  45. I think it´s important to be aware of to treating children as children and still teach them to take responsibility. They have to take responsibility over theirs actions and later on their work an school. If they don´t do that, then we have problem in school because the kids doesn´t care and they don´t want to take responsibility over school.
    I also think it´s important to have the education close to the every day life. Because children starts learning from birth and not when they start going to school. So they are used to the “home education” so when they starts going to school many pupils thinks that’s hard and can´t understand what they gonna do with what they learn. But if you can teach them and at the same time have a environment that is similar to which they are familiar with then I think many childrens would had easier to learn and we would have better results in PISA.

  46. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I believe children’s education does not start when they enter into a classroom but it begins from birth at home. Therefore families/ guardians are extremely important to a child’s early development. This fact is clear as when a child starts education they already have basic skills, for example communication, and in a lot of cases within today’s generation technological skills etc. The majority of children learn through play at home before they enter a school setting. Therefore I feel this should be continued when they begin their formal education. After all, within a classroom there are a lot of different age groups and abilities, thus I believe at times children are just not ready to be handed a pencil and be forced to write. If they learn this skill through play then it will eventually come to them naturally. As my younger brother’s primary class was one of the first within my country to experiment with learning through play, I witnessed first hand how it benefitted not only the pupils but also the teachers. It was that successful it is now incorporated into the primary learning curriculum in Northern Ireland.

  47. «Play is way of beeing». This is true and we adults, forget about it in daily life.
    When we start our education when we were 6 years old, the «play» word, ahould be the key word.
    Teachers should try to mix studying and playing in order to instill in the children the joy of learning. This is a duty of primary education and not only.
    But not in every school it’s like that. That’s the point. Again there is a problem of education programm.
    It shows us what do we have to know, how much time do we have to achive this not entirely accurate target, and how should we do it. If you don’t fit to the programm, you have many problems with it. This is not how it suppose to be. School should help, not give impossible to achieve tasks.

  48. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Perhaps the reason that the results are not exceeded expectations is in a feature of the personality of children in pre-school children and primary classes. Education is an important stage in the socialization of the child. The stage when you have to realize that you are a part of society, and this society lives according to certain rules. Our children need to learn basic skills of communication and interaction with other members of society. And it turns out that the rest of the training is secondary for the child. So because of this here are not always such high results.

  49. Natalia Chernykh dice: Responder

    Primary education has its own characteristics, which clearly distinguish it from all other steps of the systematic schooling. In this period there is the process of the establishment of the foundations of educational activity, cognitive interests and cognitive motivation; in favorable conditions of training there is a formation of self-consciousness and self-esteem of the child.
    Education in primary school is the basis, the foundation of all subsequent studies. First of all, it concerns the formation of common educational skills and methods of activity, which bear a significant share of responsibility for the success of the learning process at basic school. The level of their development determines the nature of the cognitive activity of the student, his capabilities of appropriate and purposefully organizing, own speech activities and ways of working with information, etc. Thus, the modernization of the primary school is a key element of education reform, because it defines a vector of creative self-development for the whole future life.

  50. Çilem Suna Akar dice: Responder

    As the start of long education lives of the students, primary education is certainly essential. In this process, the child should get used to the school environment, lessons and having his/her own responsibilities which are passing the exams, attending the activities etc. These are the responsibilities of the child. But the significant part of this process is the responsibility of the teachers. In this period, children start to know themselves. Their personalities occur slowly. Their favourite colours, the movies they like, the games they like the most and most importantly, the person they would like to be are emerged. We can see the reflections of these features in every field of their lives. Especially in their education lives, we can see that it is the most important process they have. While this is so important, the required care should be given by everyone. In the Asian countries, I think people are more aware of these things. Asian people are the most respectful people in the world I think. It starts from their family at first. They respect each other a lot. Apart from that they know to thank everything they have. They always see themselves lucky for the things they have. We are so different than those people. We can see the difference obviously in the chart. Before everything, it is about the structure of the society. After, it is about how the education system and the teachers treat students in their primary school years.

  51. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    While reading this article I realize, that lately lot of videos I saw on Ted were about trying to remind to people, that once they were children too. And how was the feeling to play. And the speakers are trying to ignite the creativity in them they might have lost in a proces of growing up. The video talking about the issue of perception and uncertainty is really interesting. For the question How can we ever do somthing new I would only add the quote of Dan Pallota who speaks about the topic From what depends making new ideas: «When you prohibide failure, you kill inovation» And I think it is the same with making something out of nothing. When we are scared or lazy to be uncertained, we cannot get questions and so we cannot get any answer to this question.
    PS: Poor frog in the begining of the video, everybody is making fun of it!

  52. Edvinas Leščinskas dice: Responder

    I believe that a little bit individualized teaching would be better. Everyone is unique and it is true that the same education for everyone would not be appropiate. Every student has different needs, personalities and goals in life. Thereofore, the education should not be the same. I believe that education starts at home. Parents, siblings or grandparents are the first teachers. Children copy them and usually have the same opinion like them. If your parents are christians, than there is a great chance that you will become a christian as well. If your parents believe in certain values, than it is quite likely that you will believe in them as well. Some children learn many things even before the primary school. For instance, my parents taught my younger sister how to recognize letters and read. After that, I taught here some mathematics and English language. Children learn very fast and we should use this oppurtinity to make them better individuals and prepare them for the future. And as for the European countries not doing that well in these tests… I know that Asian parents teach their children that hard work is essential in life. You have to earn everything by yourself and you must fight for your place in life. Meanwhile, in there are many people in Europe who already have what they need: a house, a car and enough money. So they place less emphasis on education and that is why most of them fail ( although some European coutnries are doing quite well).

  53. In primary school or secondary school children should be able to election subjects that interest them and to shape the direction that think for themselves for the most attractive. Unfortunately, today many schools children learn things which do not like. In addition, from the first moments of a child in school should be a big collaboration of parents with the teacher. Sharing insights, the child’s behavior. The teacher should correct the mistakes of the child, refine his work. With school child can establish and maintain contacts and friendships for all life. Every educational system has flaws, but we have to draw, choose from it the best things. The school should teach and develop children’s imagination and skills.

  54. Mariam Simonian dice: Responder

    Primary education gives the base for children in their future education at seconday level and higher education. So it has a big importance for giving children the right content and teaching it in a meaningful way. For this reason, every aspect of the primary education must be correctly chosen with more responsability. I believe that the existing talents and strong skills of each child should be identified at an earlier age, and later to be considered for individual approach towards education. Moreover, as a point from the video with TED, since the age of kindergarden, children should be encouraged to start asking meaningful questions and to be allowed to look for creative answers. Once the beginners have the right conditions and the support from adults, I believe anything would become possible in all the areas in the frame of education. It is not a coincidence that many European countries experience failure in education process, for example compared to China and Finland , as the International Test Pisa demonstrates with the lists.

  55. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    The effectiveness of learning depends on the regularity and how the learning process is organized. Students should receive knowledge to students step by step, and the teacher should to follow the results and the progress of students in leraning. If a student does not absorbed the material the teacher should be seen it and help him learn the material, which is not absorbed. It is important that the educational process was interesting and not chaotic. Important is also regularity and this is how the teacher donate knowledge to students. The film shows very well how we should advance in education. This video can be our guide in teaching.

  56. Education and knowledge are two highly related concepts which complement each other. Education helps us build our personalities, our values, norms, boundaries and somehow affects our understanding of the knowledge that we recieve. Primary education is usualy the education we get from our families and I think this education is the most important. If the child gets good basic education has good foundations (of education) to build on. After we’re aware of the surrounding world we’re able to achieve and understand the things we are thought and to understand the knowledge we’re recieving.

  57. First of all, I would like to say that I am very inspired by the movie of Ted, about perception, uncertainty and by asking questions and playing creating new unknown answers, knowledge and an eye-opener.
    Our perception is bases on history and so is our education; it is bases on history. If we would to like create new, better or challenging education, we should step into uncertainty, being in un-knowledge and finding answers by playing.
    I would like to see that every education; primary school, high-school and universities, should do experiments like this. I think it will create new opportunities, new knowledge, new competences, new experiences, new creativity which is all innovating and will lead education to success.

  58. Pre-school is very important, not only for knowlege but also for interaction with other kids from the same age, there are of ource diffrent theories about it. Some say it is important for the interaction others say so for thr information. I think it is a combination of all. Even to know the hierachy teacher student as paralell to employee and boss. I think all teachers do the best they can, tough ofcource the system could be improved on some points. I am still glad about my education but that was also thanks to my parents. The knowlege we all have about education should be put together for best results. We should not see if we have or have not better education then others but what others can offer us, then we shall succeed.

  59. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Education isn’t only process that begins with school. From birth until death continues. Education is continuous lifelong. Education’s is the most important stage of basic education, so; primary education. Primary education just isn’t a step that prepares students to secondary education. The first step of preparing living individuals, the discovery of the abilities children and guided by himself was the period. The most important primary responsibility is to help children recognize themselves.
    I think the most important stage of formal education is PRİMARY ! good a basic aducation; children’s social skills should be endowed, diagnosis of people should be empowered environment, support for having a wide view of the world should be.
    The most important : teacher has to be equipped for ; to discover student’s ability and to direct students….!!!

  60. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    Education is one of the most important things in our lives. It starts from our first days, our first teachers are parents. They teach us how to speak, walk, later they teach us how to behave, live and how to be a good person. They should give us an example. All this, than is countinue in kindergarten, infantil, primary school – teachers should lead the way to improving and extending our skills in different subjects, but also develop us as humans. Since the first days at school it should be an cooperation between teachers and parents. They should help children grow up as people full of passion, show them the culture, different ways of life, develop the tolerance in them. The main problem is that the school programme is not well prepared, often is full of boring excersies, not enough practise lessons, there is only theory which is often not intresting for students. That sometimes kills the intrest in children to study. For sure we can say that education in all senses of this word has got a really big influence for our future life.

  61. What comes into my mind after reading this article and watching the video is:
    Why aren’t there more questions in your articles?

    As Beau Lotto says: We need uncertainties to learn. And good questions are the best source for uncertainties!
    Therefore I would like to encourage you (Jose Manuel as well as all of you) to ask more questions!

    Referring to the articletext I would like to begin asking
    What are the most important «basic skils» every human should get, before getting more responsibility (for exmaple in form of freedom of decision what to learn) for their own learningprocess?

  62. I can totally agree with the point, that one part of early education is to get to know your own body and its possibilities. The development of new moving skills and knwoing the boundaries of the body is accompanied by the development of linguistic skills. So sport education in primary und even in secondary is very important. If theoretical mediated knowledge can be accompanied with physical movement, I my eyes learning would be much eaysier.

    To the Pisa study: In my opinion the educational system of each country can follow the Scanidnavian countries example.
    But I think the educational system of China should not serve as an example for the education in europe. The far I read is, that teachers and family puting a lot of pressure to perform on pupils, , moreover lessons were hold in a very authoritarian style.

  63. I had very good science in classes at school. We did many experiments and the teacher often used things from our daily life to eyplain things in a more interesting way. But I also had a bad experience where I just had to write tests every second class and the teacher was more of a person that created fear of bad marks. This definitely destroyed a good and friendly learning atmosphere. I think it is important to make science more practically and let children get in touch with things. In biology, e.g. , we often went out to our own school garden and analyzed thewater in a little lake near to our school.

  64. as we know that alot of students and children find education is borring .Also they are so curious for world and they are asking a lot of questios about life and workd specailly in primary school .but what are we doing ? dont ask questions ,play a game .I think it is our big mistake because we are starting to teach them in primary school with games I think games make them lazy and they are used to study with game so when children need to study or read they dont want to study or read they want to play game so I think we should teach them first of all how to read and how you can learn something from books I mean we should not give them fishes ,we should teach them how to fish .We should teach them how to discover world and we should provide how they can do it theirself but we are teaching them games and giving alot of borring lessons then they are losing their interst about their questions and studying and learning new things .we are killing their imaginations therefor we should change educations systems

  65. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    Primary School is a very important period in human life. Children are very quick to learn new things and languages. The sooner the better. It is very important if school develop children’s creativity, not to focus only on the books, homeworks and tests, but also fun. The more fun in learning, the better children acquire knowledge, they have new ideas and a lot of energy .
    Kids have open minds, they see more, have a better imagination, schools should encourage these things. Primary education should take care of the comprehensive development of the student, establish and maintain contacts with other children and develop interests after the lessons…

  66. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    Primary Education (also well-known like basic education, basic education, basic studies or primary studies ) is the one that assures correct Alphabetization, that is to say, that teaches to read, to write, basic calculation and some of the Cultural concepts considered essential. Its purpose is to provide to all the students a common formation that it makes the development possible of the motor individual capacities, of personal balance; of relation and social action with the acquisition of cultural the basic elements; the mentioned relative learnings previously. Secondary Education is the first passage for and superior . In the majority of countries it constitutes an obligatory stage and one distributes in schools or schools. The children must begin the primary education agreeing with the natural year in which they turn 6 years and normally they finalize to the 11.

  67. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    First of all, we start education with family and school. Family is necesarry concept before Inital and Basic education. Family teach to children basic habits. Sometimes parents can be do wrong. Such as ‘you are young for this, you can not do this.’ It can be effect of children personal skills badly. In my oppinion first step of growing and learning can be not a good guide. Inital Education start in family beside basic education start in school. School also first level of socialization. We just to learn new information also we have some friends and after family second place of socialization. School not just for education. It include also teaching. It provide to meet biological, psychological and sociological aspects. Conclusion, I think that first primary education effect rest of life. Such as we saw on th statistic of PISA OECD Programme second education students results are not clearly bright.

  68. When I was a child, my sister taught me to read and write because I wanted to. Primary education contributed greatly in my life. Becasue I already had the basic skills, I was able to develop and improve these at school. Therefore, I think that basic education from the family is very important. It is also necessary to help your child throughout school life. However you aid must benefit the childs creativity and not promote laziness. For example, the family must help and ilicit information when going over homework rather than completing the childs homework for them. From time to time, children must implement thwir own ideas to develop their creativity and the family should be there to guide them. Besides good family support, successful teacher training will no doubt show improvement in a childs development.

  69. Also in my previous studies in Germany we had a lot of discussions about the importance and the actual situation of Initial and Basic Education in Germany and the whole Europe. I think it is right, the the basic knowledge of reading, writing and calculating, which is teached in primary schools, is the most important knowledge children get from school, or with other words, is the basis for all the other contents which are teached in secondary Education.
    Looking at the results from PISA, it is quite obvious, that the education children get in primary schools, is not sufficient. In a lot of the european countries, plenty of children did not get good results in fields, which tested or required the basic skills such as reading and writing.
    To give all children the admission to higher education, it is necessary that children have a sufficient knowledge of reading, writing and calculating, when they change to secondary schools. Teachers have to be really attentive to these skills, because otherwise, students will have huge problems in their whole following education.

  70. I really enjoyed this video. I am totally agree that everybody of us, it is not important how old are you, even the children can create something. It is good to see the young girl talking about the sciences. She said that the sciences could be not bored but very interesting. It should be an inspiration for those who are thinking that you have to be very clever, well educated, that you have to learn many boring things to become scientists. The video shows that children could be as good scientists as adults, or even more better. So it is important to take attention to children education from the early childhood. Every of us has a very big potention to create things. We have to use our all resources we have. Human abilities are enormous so we have to use them.

  71. The value and role of ”knowledge” is different in every culture but good basic education is essential in every culture and at all levels. A carpenter needs to know what an angle of 90 degrees is. When a mother does not want her child to get diarrhea, she needs to know the basics of hygiene. Millions of Africans do not have access to information on HIV/AIDS because they cannot read. Basic knowledge and access to information enables people to choose good governments. The effectiveness of investments in health and sanitation depends on good basic knowledge among villagers. The effectiveness of extension services for poor farmers depends on their capacity to understand what is being explained to them.The absence or the poor quality of basic education not only becomes visible in illiteracy but also shows its effects among people who do finalize secondary school and university. Ministries, factories, hospitals and farms in developing countries often work inefficiently, not because the people working there are not capable but because they lack the right knowledge and skills.

  72. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    The primary education is the main base of the whole education in children‘s life. Everything is new and untouched, and in the primary you can experience whole bunch of new things. Childrens always like to explore new things, but if you want to teach them something, you should serve this subject or thing in very curiously way, because pupils want to explore these things which looks interesting for them. Primary education can be described like a step to other level, because when you get pack of knowledge in primary, you can improve it in higher class. Nowadays, primary education is served in not interesting way, because everything there is strict.

  73. The first steps in education for children starts with initial education, it is about some important things in education. It is important for every children because education starts with this and children is getting ready for much more difficult thing in education.
    But the most important part of education in basic education, because this gives the basic and more important things of all education, about mathematics, science etc. And these basic things is for all children life, after basic education they can decided which one subject is the better for themselves and they can connect future with some of these basic things like science, mathematics.

  74. I think education is a process lasts life long. And in this process there are important parts that must follow step by step and complete each other. As we know family education is the firat step of this process. Everything starts in family and many children learn basic things in family environment. After complete this process, the second step is initial education which is the basic stage of education. In my opinion initial education unites children, family and social life. May be thats why it is important. After this step, basic education comes. It makes everything sense because children start to realize basic components of being a person. Of course teaching is the fundamental. Without it , nothing is possible. And finally , for the answer of the question in the article, it could be because of skipping steps. I mean that as i said before those process should be completed step by step. Probably European Countries dont complete all steps properly and thats why , in the end of process, many deficienceis come out.

  75. From the moment an individual is born begins to learn. Even, some research argues that unborn babies start learning . Baby coming into the world of education begins in the family and formal schools continues. Formal education begins with pre-school education in Turkey. After primary and secondary education continues. I read in another article that people learns 70% of their information until the age of 15. As will be understood from this, primary education is a crucial period for people. During this period, student should supported such as issues creativity, self-confidence, research . However,In most schools do not give students the right to speak Under these circumstances theknowledge of all things but afraid to talk to the lack of self-confidence individuals are raised. But individual’s education is not only task of the school. The student’s family has a great importance on education. Families and schools must cooperate.

  76. Children start learning from birth. I think primary education starts in the home for everyone. You get thought to speak and what’s wrong and right. Parents are the primary educators in a child’s life. I believe that a lot of different subjects should be introduced to children. I think they should be introduced through play and stories. This is the way children learn the best having fun. Teachers need to start introducing more fun into the classroom. Children are the next generation they have very bright ideas and it’s a shame that adults don’t take them seriously.

  77. Early Education plays such a huge and important role on every child’s education. It is the foundation to everything they will learn. Children develop in so many ways at such a fast pace in the early years without even realising. Through playing in their enabling environment children are given the opportunity to prepare themselves for school and develop social relationships. I believe teachers should learn a lot through how children are taught in their early years and use these techniques throughout the school years. Teachers should encourage learning to be a fun and enjoyable process by making their lessons into games that allow the children to actively investigate and develop their learning at their own pace. In the video it shows how through making a serious science experiment into and investigatory game the learning achieved from the activity was incredible because they were all fully engaged, passionate and having fun whilst doing the lesson that was created for them.

  78. Primary education, the development of an individual’s brain technology is the first and most important step.Brain develop technology; thinking, understanding, classifying, sorting, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, and development of the use of higher-level cognitive strategies to teach.A successful primary school, educating qualified individuals
    As can improve the country, a failed education can darken the future.
     In primary education to be imparted to children bad habits, behavior and attitudes,so that leaves a lasting impact on individuals, learning what it’s wrong to correct the secondary nor tertiary education.To fix the wrong learning new behaviors is not easy to give up.
    As Einstein said «shred bias is more difficult to split the atom.»Primary education important reason that makes, Children begin to appear in the superior capabilities of the period is between 6-16 years of age.Students with outstanding ability in specific areas
     should be identified and developed in this period.
    Teachers will make this determination and routing knowledge and equipment must be in.

  79. Like we all know, Children are like little sponges. They absorb everything they`re snapping and that catches their intention. This is a great chance for us to use this and bringing for example languages, but all kind of knowledge, in a playing way close to them.
    What is most important is the way you transfer the information, which has to be attractive and appropriate for children. I like a lot the concept of Maria Montessori by the way! What is demanded here is creativity!
    But what is even more important, nowadays we know a lot about the ability of memorizing and how it works. If you don`t want that children immediately forget what they just have learned, we have to connect information to others. For example you want children to learn something about geography, society and biology – so take them to a little emarginated trip to the daily life of a child in their age in a different country and you can combine in a demonstrative way all the information.
    And at last I think we can`t mention enough the importance of good teachers who are motivated and trying to build up a god relationship to the pupils. Children are learning for their teachers! We have to enable the teachers to do their work good without rushing from one class to the other, without having 20 children in the class with completely different needs. But unfortunately under the conditions in which many teachers are working it’s very hard, in a lot of cases impossible to do a good job.

  80. Education and learning starts with the birht. Every toy and every game makes people learn and become creativ. The most important task for teachers and educators is to show the little childrens the way to learn not what to learn. You need to give people a chance to test and experimentate. And you always reach the biggest knowledge if you fail. But if you fail you should start from new and never give up. To learn how and not what is the important fact. To socialize and keep calm is important too. But never forget, that parents play a very big role in the education. If they dont care about the child, if they dont give them a lot of attention it will be more difficult for the children to get along with everything. And dont forget that every person is different, which means that you should treat every person different and this means that there is no perfect solution/formula to educat and teach people. Everyone need attention and a diffrent way of treatment.

  81. I can see 2 components of the primary education. The first formed by the family, where the emotional sphere is shaped. That is very vital, many of researches proved that care of a child in the first years has huge influence on his/her character and social interacts.
    The second component of early education I can indicate in kindergarden and at school where the child begins to learn the most basic knowledge about the world.

  82. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    The main aim of primary education is providing care and supporting , forming comprehensive and hormonious growth. The early education develop children in physical, mental, social and emotional way. In details teach regularity,durability, independence. Learn how to listen, how to see, how to count, how to prenaunce. That’s the basic (and more important!) things which enable to get the knowledge of the entire, strange world in the future!

  83. The initial phase of education is to me the most important thing. That’s when childrens are most willing to learn, study, trying. Therefore, at this time you need to show them all in a fun way, becouse you not only learn through books. Teachers should show kids science in a more interesting way to attract, to show that it is not as difficult as it seems. However, the responsibility lies with the parents of children aswell becouse they spend a lot of time. They also need to increase the curiosity of their children which will result in success in the future life. I was quite surprised with the results of the international education test, not the Fact That China takes all highest scores, but the fact That few other States have dry low results even though this country is full of successful business, creative ideas and so on..

  84. My opinion is that, people learn everything all the time from birth time. Sometimes they learn something just sitting on the sofa and look outside through window. They don’t need a teacher and people who all the time is showing them something. At the same time they can do everything themselves. The science is that creativity point and motivating point where you can do one thing in so different ways which are easier for each person. Sometimes young people can know much more than older people who thinks they know «Everything». I think the problem is there that in school children think that science is very difficult and you need to learn only theory and nothing else. But if you watch at science like in the video than it comes more interesting.

  85. Children are very eager to learn and explore everything when they are young.
    In my opinion, threre is a chance and a responsibility for not just primary school, but
    also Kindergarten and parents to reveal talents and interests of the children, and guide them to develop those talents. There are many possibilities beside «textbooks» which can be easier for children to learn. But you have to differentiate: All children are different, and all of them have different strengths to learn, so there is not just ONE solution which is perfect.
    Therefore it’s very important in my mind that parents are always there to balance the education, because, as Tommy said, a good school education isn’t enough if the parents miss their part in it.

  86. In my opinion, one of the most urgent issues is the promotion of the child’s creative ability and as well – parent and teacher education in this area. Each child need to develop their creative ability, beacuse in later life exactly the creativity will help them find the right solution for difficult situations and issues.
    It is important for a child to unleash curiosity. Modern educational process should unleash interest to ask questions, seek answers, to understand it and enjoy the pleasure of cognition.
    One of the main goals of the school, in my opinion, should be to unlock the man’s natural curiosity about themselves, the world around us and technology. I believe that a every person has a unique potential. An exciting discovery process is the beginning of long-term development.

  87. The early stages of education are so important. Young children are strongly influenced by everything around them so I think what they learn with their family and in the first few years of primary education impact them so much. Before they enter school,children already have a certain understanding of manners and respect. Then in school this understanding is developed further. They also begin to develop more of an understanding of the world around them. Children that are very young learn best through play because they’re not mature or developed enough to learn through theory alone. The best way for them to learn is through play which keeps them entertained while also teaching them a lesson. They part take in play that is new to them but through observing the outcome of their actions they learn something new or develop more of an understanding of something they may have some previous knowledge of

  88. As we know the majority of children find education boring. When we look at it their minds are full of questions about life. Why do we encourage children to read things from a book that have been discovered in the past? I find this video interesting. He gave children the change to be scientists and discover something new for themselves by asking question and carrying out the investigation. This will be a more effective way of learning rather than just reading something from a textbook. If we encourage children to play and be creative they will ask questions. It is easier for them to remember things if they are interested in something and if they are the ones to carry out the procedure. We should push our education system towards this type of learning rather than what we read about in text books as these are only things of the past. We should concentrate on what we can give to the future.

  89. What is the responsibility of primary education? I think this is a very interesting question after seeing this video.
    Kids are the best persons to pick to do such an experiment. Why don’t we normally stimulate this in de classroom? Why are the teachers hold on to the things that they already know and are afraid to change or do something new. Nowadays children needs to sit on a chair and be quiet and listen to what the teacher tells you. I really think we should change this idea of teaching kids in primary school.

    I like this experiment a lot because it’s a different way of teaching and learning to and FROM kids! I think it’s a good way to stimulate children to play and found out their interests. Like the video already said kids need to play. It’s stimulate so they can be cooperate, intrinsically motivated, celebrate uncertainly, adaptable to change and can be open to possibilities.

    I like this experiment and it says a lot by publishing this made by the children itself. And that is was downloaded 30.000 times at the first day says enough about the success of this experiment. And in my opinion also scientist and teachers downloaded also that would like to change the idea that this is only meant for adults. Let’s hope they gonna do something about that!
    I googled the question what the responsibility is from a teacher of primary school; it says,
    «Plan, prepare and deliver lessons to meet the needs of all pupils, setting and marking work and recording pupil development as necessary. Includes advanced skills teachers and supply teachers. Often work in partnership with teaching assistants.»
    I think it is sad that the word play in this description doesn’t even exist in the responsibility of a primary teacher. I think the needs for a pupil after this video is pretty clear and hope that scientist and teachers will improve the way of teaching and stimulate playing more.

  90. I was quite surprised with the results of the international education test, not the fact that China takes all highest scores, but the fact that Unated States have such low results even though this country is full of successful business, creative ideas and so on.
    I think that primary education in ways is even more important than high school or even higher education. By that I mean, that children in primary education are still looking for their personality, their interests, talents, principles… Mostly the child’s personality is created by parents and teachers. Teachers have to bear in children’s minds love for the sciences. As Amy said in the video which is put in this article „then I realized science isn’t just a boring subject”, teachers have to be as creative as they can and sometimes step out of their comfort zone (textbook), to make children think differently.
    I truly believe that anyone can make a scientific discovery, it takes just one simple question to start looking for an answer which can lead to magnificent scientific discovery.

  91. It is actually easy to motivate children to learn if they find an appropriate environment for it. And that is a fact that should be used for their education. Important is that parents know how to support their children to offer them the best opportunities and to choose a good kindergarten. That should be the first step to be done, before children actually enter school. But unfortunately, kindergarten teachers, at least in Germany, mostly have to take care of too many children to support every single one as it would need it for his best personal development. But to change the situation, the government would have to spend more money on this field of education. The foundation is made in kindergarten and in primary school, so the education of kindergarten and primary teachers should contain more didactics and with this, there could be a change in the educational system from the first years what would then impact the following educational system.

  92. Primary education is very important no matter where we go, and it should be taken seriously by parents, educators and students. In primary schools, we all learn the basics of education and what’s going on in life and etc. We are getting education to live our daily lives in society. As the article says, due to the lack of primary education in Europe the kids between age 13-15 fail because of the primary education that they have received. We can prevent this from going to negative way by improving our education system and have responsible parents that value education. Today’s generation is our future educators and in order to keep the education going we need to support primary education. In addition, we also need to educate new educators to give their best value to the new generation.

  93. Raphaëlle Touraine dice: Responder

    It is really reassuring to see that children can have a part in science research. To note that the article was finally published is a real advance. And it is true that playing can lead to science, a subject which should be more highlighted at school. I really think that children can help science, and this was demonstrated in the project we heard about in the video.
    Moreover, initial education is very important. Not only is it the base for everything, helping children in their studies but also in everyday life. It has to be solid so that children have a good balance, and can open up in the sector they want.
    Finally, it is very necessary that there is a concrete dialogue between professors, parents and children, who have also their say.

  94. Each primary school is different but all aim to give your child the opportunity to learn and grow. Children from the very beginning should be supported, motivated and encouraged by parents and also by teachers to develop their interests. Learning by fun is one of the best options to do it. Children learn, explore and test new ideas through their play. Play develops their imagination and creativity, reading, writing and counting skills, problem solving skills, social skills, physical skills, flexibility, talking and listening skills, confidence, understanding of others and the ability to accept difference… I agree with this article as it highlights the importance of science. In these times it is important for the younger generations to be creative and coming up with new ideas and technologies.

  95. What all those european education tests show is, that there is a big difference in between many european states and their sytem of education. This is what I see in this article. Those european education and intelligence tests don’t show that there are different children in the different states, it only blames the system. Now, in my personal view, I have to say is that german kids mostly don’t get the best marks in those tests. If we agree that we cannot totally blame the secondary school we have to notice that there are two reasons left to explain the bad results. It’s the primary education or the mentality in the society. Let me explain the second resaon. I think that children can have the best primary education, but they’ll fail to be able to use it if their families leave them in front of the television all day long. I think we need another typ of common sense to imrpove our children’s learning ability. Like.. if primary education and the education from the parents work togehter, both can attain a better result. Like if primary school shows – more or less – theoretical, but discriptiv, facts and the parents take them to the zoo or the forest to make the children experierence nature and in that way to express their own reality. If a child like to do something else then it is up to the educators to recognize and to offer enough and various ways to let the child make it’s own experiences and to express it’s view of it.
    If this could be reality, if parents would have had as much time as the children need, then I think we weren’t in a need of such a discussion.

  96. Children are full of ideas, enthusiasm and creativity. And we should always keep in mind that they can learn everything. We should just help them develop their learning skills, their fantasy, their personality. Learning starts at first in the family, but school should also motivate students and encourage them to do their best. In Greece the primary school does not really help children. Many teachers are still too traditional and they have not adapted to children’s needs. First of all children need freedom to express their feelings and to show us their potential and their talents. And it is the teacher’s job to do it. I think that we should all keep in mind, that children are the future. We must not underestimate their potential and their willing to be creative and share with us their ideas and experiences. School should change the way it considers children as young people, who don’t know enough yet. Without doubt adults could learn many things from children too, especially a way of life.

  97. After watching the video I was thinking that science is the right game for children. Through the game, they can express their own ideas. But when children say something new, something different, usually adults say: »No, that’s not true. What do you know about it, you’re too young. You don’t understand.« Why should we always follow »the old rails«? Where’s our creativity and uniqueness? I really like the part of the video where they were talking about that may people are obsessed with what they know from the past and don’t have enough courage to think a little bit different. I totally agree with this part. Children are more able to think different and that’s how they get new, different experience. For me, children are more open mind as adults. And adults should learn to think out of the box.

  98. I am amazed about the results of the experiment which were presented in the video clip. It shows me that science is for everyone, including children. – Especially children, because this is how they are: spontaneous, curious, inquisitive, greedy for knowledge, always about to explore something new. They are able to do so much more than adults would often expect, as we could see in the video. What they need therefor is freedom and time to explore and develop, with less pressure and rules from the teacher, clearly this would only handicap their own ideas and creativity. During my schooldays, the teachers totaly missed out. As soon as I am a teacher, I want to do it differently. What they learn from it is not only the scientifical background, but also some important things for life: «If I don’t know about something yet and I want to find out, I have to try it. Maybe I succeed, maybe not. If not, I might have to try another method. But anyway, I will find out by myself.» This is the step into uncertainty.

  99. This video is such an impressive example for how much more children can do than we would expect them to be able to. In school teachers tend to guide them into one direction and the worst is that all the students have to take them same way, same method, same requirement, same schoolbook… although we have so many individuals. I think what really counts is to give the pupils room for their own ideas. A teachers task then is to encourage them and show them what they can do and achieve by simply believing in themselves. If we underestimate our students qualities, how should they believe in them? This is the direction we should aim to – giving them a voice and a chance.

  100. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    Free basic education is the right of every child and in some countries; this right is guaranteed by the constitution. Basic education is essential to children since it facilitates their acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills considered vital in the society. However, the importance of basic education can also be attached to the distinct influences that promote or constrain the freedoms that individuals have, including their ability to make use of economic opportunities. Besides, there are various interconnections between education and health which can be of great strategic importance in the process of economic development.

  101. Studies have shown that a child’s earliest years of development are the most critical. The vast majority of neurons are developed between birth and age three, as this is the brain’s peak capacity to retain new information. Since children are most receptive to information at a young age, early learning exposure plays an essential role in fostering mental development. Science shows that taking in new sights, sounds and information plays a paramount component in the formation of active neural pathways. By their third birthday, the child should be able to do many things, including throw a ball overhand, feed themselves, ride a tricycle, balance on one foot or copy a circle, just to name a few. And by age 4, the child will begin knowing their first and last name, following family rules, recognizing colors, eating by themselves, dressing themselves, etc. So, we should provide them a good basic education in family environment at first to help them develop their own freedom, sociability or ability.

  102. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    When we encounter with new situations or learn new things , we don’t ask questions why they are so or how they are so. We just admit these information without questioning. As it is mentioned in the video, our brain doesn’t like ambiguity, it wants to ask questions which have answers. The technolgy has developed so much in recent years thanks to brave and inquisitive scientists.In the past people believed that the world was round troy but today they understand that it isn’t true.The thing which helped us understand the truth was the information which was questioned and tested by people.This become thanks to the feeling of !! in people. People like playing couse they have a good time while they’re playing.That’s why students !! get a lot of and get !!1 information by the help of plays.I want to give an example about an activity which was applied to a school that i went to make study internship.The teacher had prepared some kind of cards and had wrote on them the name of some fruits.He thought them fruit’s name in english by playing with cards and he reworded them when they learned.Thanks to this,that teacher attacted student’s attention.I think playing is an important way of getting information easily not only for but for everybody as well.If we want to make different things,we should try our best.Kids who are 3-7 age ask many questions like a scientist because they don’t have stereotypes.They wonder about everything.But we give up asking questions as we get older.

  103. In my opinion the basic education so important for children. Especially in family. Because firstly the child learn from family. For example, the child learn to hand wash or to toilet habits. In addition they learn respect or the rules of eating. A child should learn basic rules of life before education of school. So, education is so important in family. Also family should discover ability of child before school. I think, if a child can take good education in family, he/she will be more succesfull. Already i don’t support that children go to school so early. Because, children need that to play and improve their creativty. So, this is to prepare children for education. When child start to education in school, teachers must take into account their family training. If they work with family for child, it will better.

  104. Petar Valchanov dice: Responder

    In my opinion children need more freedom and responsibility to develop themselves during childhood in there own unique and creative way. The formal institutes of education an society in general are very steering and blind for the needs and question of children and there parents.Children learn the best in contextual and practical situations where its possible to play. Learning should be fun and without pressure. Children need more space and freedom to think for them selves and less rules that pressures there creativity.The practice is essential for learning and remembering of »new» things in life. I think that ,every school system, which allows for more practice of students in the natural environment, is more productive and successful.

  105. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    There should be places that a child can express himself/herself freely. In these places the child should complete himself/herself biologically, psychologically, sociologically. These places are pre-school education institutions. In these intuitions learning through experience should be based on. In a program children should be able to do whatever they wish in the guidince of the teacher.
    The point of the institutions is making the children complete their personalities by considering that each child is different.Today’s schools are teacher centered. This is very wrong. Teacher should be a guide to children. Children should be given the right to choose. In my country (Turkey)) pre-school education is based on improving the fine motor skills of the child; improving artistic, psychological aspects rather than improving literacy skills. The collaboration of family and school is the main matter of basic education. I think in basic education the student should be given psycho-social subjects aimed at preparing for life and preparing for school life instead of materialist mindset like literacy, arithmetic. If the individual doesn’t feel ready for school, studying and life, he/she can neither learn literacy nor can be successful in his/her future life. As a pre-school teacher candidate I support the individual’s socializing, his/her physical and mental activity’s being prioritized in basic education.

  106. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.also importance of education seen first in preschool.because the first and regular education be givens in here.we can say that :preschool education very easy.but this false. Because children’s sensations are very high 0-6 age .On this account teachers should make plan very well. also did you know that the capacity of the brain to absorbe new learning peaks at age 3? Scientists have learned that a toddler’s brain develops over one hundred trillion brain synapses. A brain synapse is the «wiring» between two brain cells that grasps new learning. The more the synapses, the more your brain will learn! It is during this time that the human brain has the highest potential for new learning in its lifetime. Recognizing shapes, drawing, singing and playing with toys are all examples of behaviors child learns in the first few years of life.We can say that wonderful children’s brain.they are small inventors.We should make project ,for they prop up .for example VİSİON make like in the Germany.. you can watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNAQczV7-RE

  107. Los niños aprenden desde el nacimiento. Lo mas importante es la educación primaria en la familia. Además, los niños más fácil aprenden otras idiomas con sus padres en casa antes de ir a la escuela. La escuela continua ayudar a alumnos que aprenden todo lo que no saben de antes. Por supuesto que complementa lo que se aprende temprano. La educación debe estar basada en la educación básica. Los padres deben estar involucrados en la educación del niño igual que la escuela debe participar en la vida social de un niño por parte de su padres. Cada alumno necesita apoyo de padres iqual que de los profesores.

  108. Maria Prashkova dice: Responder

    This is one of the most inspirational videos I have ever seen. In today’s world the children are underestimated by the elder people. When a children starts to express opinion on social topics the teacher or parents say: «You are still young for this.» However, here I see that children can be springs with information and new ideas. People say that you can judge one society from its care to the children and that is the truth. Everyone says the children are our future! Ok, that’s great, but what we are doing for this future!?! Are we taking enough care for them, is the education in high level. I believe that in school children should not be taught only on the basic skills like reading, writing and calculating, the school has a much greater role. The children should be taught how to me motivated, how to keep their motivation, how to be responsible, how to be a PERSON. If that is done, the whole society will change, the whole ossified thinking will change. And the best way to do that is to change the whole system of educating. Children need more plactise skills that just to sit in the classroom. And I will let myself the write a quote from the video: «If you ever want to do something different you should step into uncertainty! «

  109. In this speach was showed the way how colaboration can be very useful in the process of education. Normally school is considered to be the place where teachers teach and children learn, but in reality the teaching and learning process is mutual from both sides. Everybody has his strengths and weaknesses – adults and children. If the roles – teacher and student – are «forgotten» in this process, then everybody can be both and gain more than salary and good grades.
    Other thought is about uncertainty which was said to be scary. In the video was an interesting thought about scientists and uncertainty. In the school more or less everything is certain – almost every task has his right and wrong answers. But in life and in science there are many situations when the outcome depends on the chosen action and there is no right or wrong answer. If in the school a person learns that in every situation there are right and wrong answers, it can be difficult to meet with uncertainty in real life. For me it was an interesting thought about scientists who works with uncertainty almost all the time – ask questions, try and see what happens.

  110. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    I think it is really fascinating how easy and fast children learn. That’s why one should utilise this fact and teach children as much as possible in their early ages. Of course, this must happen in a way which is adapted to children’s interests. For example teaching a foreign language by playing games or singing songs can be a lot of fun for children and their curiosity is saitisfied. About science I am not sure. Is it really necessary to sorround small children by technology? Their parents can naturally explain them how things work, but I think that children don’t need to deal with smartphones, computers, etc. in their early ages. Concerning maths: I will become a maths teacher and thus I was and am very interested in this topic. In my opinion children can have a lot of fun with logical games or quizzes which train their logical competences. So for me it is very important to teach mathematical issues in early ages.

  111. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    This video is about integrating playing in science. I think this is a very interesting subject because in my opinion this is the key to learn something. Pupils learn much better when you make a game of the stuff that they need to learn or to memorize. In Belgium they teach us (to become a teacher) that it is very important to have the attention of the pupils when you are teaching so I even had to make a game for one of my lessons in primary school. In my practice I also see a difference when I make the class funny and I try to make a game of a lot of things instead of just “teaching”. When children are discovering things they remember it so much better than when the teacher tell them the answer to a problem.
    In my opinion this video is very interesting and it is really true. Playing is not just for children but also for adults!

  112. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    American author, Joseph Chilton Pearce, rightfully claimed play to be ‘the only way the highest intelligence of mankind can unfold.’ It is bewildering that teachers continue to differentiate between ‘learning time’ and ‘play time’, failing to see the crucial connection between the two. Play is often perceived as unproductive and childish. a perception wholly accepted in primary schools throughout Europe. In Ireland, time dedicated to play in the classroom is removed after the first two years of primary school education. In my opinion, this removes the opportunities for children to hone their problem solving skills, improve their interpersonal skills and express their creativity. As we grow older, we dont lose the need for ‘play.’ As Beau Lotto points out, ‘play is evolution’s answer to uncertainty.’ He compares play to science when considering the five ways of being. Therefore, without play, how can we produce a new generation of scientists to pioneer new ideas?

  113. Si comparamos la exploración de OECD, tendríamos tener en cuenta el enfoque cultural de los paises particulares. Como los alumnos de educación primaria y secundaria de este pasan en la escuela más tiempo, es claro que van a tener mejores resultos. Tenía compañero de Ásia durante mi estudios de bachillerato, quien pasó muchas horas más en la escuela y aprobó casi todos los examenes con la nota mejor. Además los países europeos intentan a abreviar la enseñanza cotidiana, por ejemplo con la manera no tan eficiente- abreviar los pauses entre clases particulares. Hay que tener en cuenta también, que muchos alumnos asiaticos estudian en países europeos y tambien hay tendencia que la gente europea vaya a estudiar o trabajar a Singapur o Shanghai. Sin embrago deberíamos pensar porque no alcanzamos los resutos mejores cuando de hecho tenemos las condiciones iguales, quizas mejores.

  114. Children’s education begins in the family.Every child live the their family’s life style and create own truths.I mean family effects children’s life. Generally childrens continue their lifes with truths that they learned from their family.If not family call him/her rebellious. And at school generally they sustain politics guidance and they don’t give true education. Every country struggle that problem. I am looking at myself and ı am what my family and generally ı can’t break down the wall they masoned. Because their all detail’s processed my blood.So family is very important and they should give sized freedom.

  115. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    I think that the video from the TED conference is a piece that is really eye-opening as regards to how we should view children in their learning and the value they present to the modern-day world. I completely agree with Lotto that perception is grounded in our experience, which is why the method in which pupils learn or what they learn all stems from their previous experiences. As Lotto explained however, we must branch out and take a risk in our learning as this is the only way we can discover something new. Hence, why play is of such high importance in early childhood. Play is not about the possibility of being wrong, which many pupils are of afraid of nowadays in the current education system, but about discovering the unknown; something which the human race has always gained pleasure out of. As mentioned in the video, play is about celebrating the uncertain and children have the priceless innocence and curiosity to explore and use their imagination. Play for pupils is fun, as they are using their own minds and experiences to create something new, therefore they learn through motivation and zeal. Giving pupils the free choice to play puts them in charge of their own learning, making them more independent and and the general knowledge and skill acquiring more learner-centred in accordance to the experiences they previously have: their characteristics and uniqueness. They have the opportunity to practice their skills of co-operation, team-builiding, social skills, and decision-making. I believe that wholistic teaching is not only more valuable for the child but also for the teacher as facilitator, as the teacher uses their own innovation and imagination when guiding the individual to meet their needs. Providing pupils with experiences rather than reems of facts and figures (although these are sometimes important in order to support experiential learning) I think is a more effective and rewarding in learning. Creating these experiences at the earliest possible age provides an important and essential basis for the child, setting up with the skills they need for their life in the future.

  116. In my opinion it absolutely neccessary to teach in a wholistic way as good and as often you can. In every subjects. Of course this should happen in every school and at every age but I think it’s even more important to really teach in that way at primary school. It’s essential that children experience and learn everything with as much senses as they can! If this happens they will learn easier, faster and they will have a fun while learning. Three mighty enemies of learning are excessive demand, too low demand and routine (the outcome of the last to is boredom). Excessive demand and too low demand can be prevented when the teacher knows every child with it’s special needs, talents, skills etc. The lessons and work assignments must be individualized so every child can achieve the best results for itself. It’s so important that children don’t see learning and school as obligation but as exciting way to discover something new.
    A wonderful and priceless feature EVERY child has is curiosity – and that’s the best precondition for learning something new. So if we as a teacher arouse the children’s curiosity at school, learning won’t be that hard or boring anymore.

  117. In my oppinion it’s really important from the parents to give the opportunity for their children to learn from as early age as it’s possible. I have three nieces and all of my family we try to teach them with different plays and they are all interested. The main point is to search for a play with that you can get their attention and if they have fun they can learn really easily and quickly. I think that it is much easier to learn lanuage as a child, and it’s really important nowadays to speak as many lanuguages as you can. My brother has czech girlfriend and their two children can speak fluently czech, hungarian – because my bother is hungarian – and french, because they go to french infant school. They can also change the languages and translate very quickly and it is because their parents play with them a lot and therethrough teach them a lot as well. I am happy for it, because I will have lot of experiences and I am planning to do the same with my own children, cause I think it is really important in order to improve your child’s skills.

  118. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    I vehemently agree with the outline of the teaching stages that are listed above. The initial and basic methods of teaching as well as discipline are all equally pivotal in school. One must understand that an educator with merely knowledge of the subject will not succeed. the ability to analysis the students indivual as well as having the ability to discipline a class is an extremely influential factor to the students results. The text provide an apt outlook on the educational system. Students are provided with a rigid learning environment that forces them to learn through theorectical methods. The TED video provided is rather thought provoking and the speaker raises interesting ideas. These include an array of experiments that he carried out in order to uncover the most appropriate and advantageous ways in order to obtain optimum learning. He also speaks about the human being and the various capabilities that we each have as individuals. This highlights how important it is that varying methods and perhaps more practical methods of teaching are introduced in order for each student to gain an optimum level of learning.

  119. Educating children from an early age is extremely important! The primary level education is so important as it helps to provide the building blocks for the people and advances of the future. The children learn through play allowing developments both psychologically and physiologically. The psychological aspects can be allow children to acknowledge what behaviour is socially acceptable, which can be achieved through’ fair play’, also they learn to share and become caring. The children are also developed physiologically through play by learnings the fundamentals such as movement, co ordination, running etc. These fundamentals are key for the future and are developed through play. Children learn through play as the outcome of their actions are uncertain but the children record the outcome when they first complete the action; this is repeated over and over therefore allowing the action to be perfected through aesthetic knowledge and guidance. I believe children learn through play because it is FUN! when enjoyment is present in learning, it ignites motivation to participate therefore resulting in devlopment. In conclusion, learning is ignited through play, which would describe early learning is essential. Play is also good as it can be related closely to real life experiences. If early learning is delayed or cancelled then the future population would suffer greatly and would restrict their level of confidence, intelligence and moral reasoning.

  120. I think it is very important to show the children that learning can be fun. Learning can be creative and offers the possibility to explore the world. Like the project in the video is demonstrating learning can be a play which includes fun and creativity. Children are very curious in the beginning and it is important to stimulate this curiosity and to respond to it adaquately. Therefore it is necessary as a teacher to think sometimes like a child.
    Also important in primary school is to learn to trust the teacher. In another video before about finland’s school-education a teacher said the most important secret in school is «trust». Trust also in school, that school isn’t a place which is only connected to pressure and grades.
    Another point which is possible to teach in primary school is tolerance. Kids can be very mean and are mostly very clear in what and who they don’t like. School is a small society where one can learn to live with other people and accept different people. Also they can be teached to help each other.

  121. In my opinion, Preschool education and kindergartens emphasize learning around the ages of 3–6 years. The terms «day care» and «child care» do not convey the educational aspects, although many childcare centers use more educational approaches. The distinction between childcare centers and kindergartens has all but disappeared in countries that require staff in different early childhood facilities to have a teaching qualification.It is very important for parents to stay engaged in their child’s learning process even if they are getting most of their education from a daycare, day home, school etc. The knowledge learnt from a parent will be more cherished and remembered by a child then if any other person taught them, especially at an early age. Early childhood education is crucial to child development and should be entered into cautiously with someone you trust will benefit your child.I think the parents and teachers should motivate childrens for learn new knowledges and they should show to children that are a individual.

  122. There is no doubting the importance of education at an early age. It could be argued that this is the most important stage. Right from we are born we are constantly learning. The family education stage is very important for the development of the child. It is at this stage where the solid foundations are set to build on the child’s education. The child learns the basic fundamental skills such as talking,listening and good manners.
    The child at this stage learns through play and this is what makes this stage so important because they are experimenting and learning through play. In my subject area physical education many children come into primary school with their essential skills such as running jumping and co-ordination below par because they do not spend enough time physically playing. The same applies for math and reading if we do not make these lessons fun the children will lose interest and not develop to their full potential.

  123. There is no doubting the importance of education at an early age. It could be argued that this is the most important stage. Right from we are born we are constantly learning. The family education stage is very important for the development of the child. It is at this stage where the solid foundations are set to build n the child’s education. T

  124. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    Primary education is the most important for the psysical and mental development of young people. In primary school the students develop many of the cognitive functions. The educational process in school reenforce these capilities in a different way each time. However, the education plays an important role in the way that young people are integrated to the socety. As I can see from the table in this article China is the leading country in the areas of science , reading and maths, On the other hand, my country, Greece, is situated low in the table. So, we all have to wonder why this is happening and that the educational system should be changed and adapted to the needs of a child in the twenty first century.

  125. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    In my opinion it is through the ‘family education’ stage that the child learns most, it is at this stage when they are taught about manners and respectfulness, even simple things like sharing and taking your turn. These steps are neccessary in order to socialise the child into the next step of education which would be the primary education. I also like the expression ‘education and uncertainty through play.’
    This bee experiment which was carried out by the children has shown the importance of foundation and pre-foundation family teaching, as without these levels the children would not have been able to carry out this experiment. It is often the case that if a famous person or well known adult were to carry out a task it would become wanted, however because a normal joe bloggs undertook the task it does not get recognised, it was the same for these children if it had of been adults then the paper would have been published right away.

  126. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    In my opinion the education of children from an early age is very important. Right from the start we teach them everyday activities, in a kindergarten they learn to compromise and play together with their peers and in primary school teachers show how to read, count, etc. However we should remember not to discourage a child to learn. Because in my mind every child has an innate desire to acquire knowledge and skills. In kindergarten children are happy to learn to read and write, that they will learn about the world around them. But unfortunately, in school many students change their attitudes to learning, which they begin to be seen as a boring job, that is not giving any pleasure. Therefore, motivation is really important. In my mind, learning has a higher quality when the child likes it, when he learn of his own accord. People with a strong motivation learn better, they understand more and remember for longer time what they have learned. I think that here a big importance has a close and positive relationship with their parents, based on acceptance, understanding of needs and feelings of the child and support in the life of the child.

  127. There is no doubt that both the article and the speech offer many interesting points. Firstly, I strongly believe that basic education is not of an adequate standard in Europe and the United States when it comes to subjects such as science and math. In the education system today students are told what to believe through published textbooks and the internet. There is no more time for creative or original thinking. How are we supposed to advance in relation to science if we do not question facts and concepts anymore. Thus, I believe education must become more interactive. Amy and her classmates would not have made that scientific breakthrough if Bo did not give them the opportunity. Anyone has the potential to discover something new. Therefore, the education system and educators alike have a responsibility to encourage students to change the way they think about something thus taking the necessary steps to walk into uncertainty. In relation to our performance in science and maths, Ireland differs considerably to China. In Irish secondary schools, science is not a compulsory subject at any stage of education. 80% of students choose to study biology compared to the low percentage of students who choose to study chemistry and physics. Also, in the final two years of secondary school, many students study ordinary level math because higher level is more time consuming and many students feel they will achieve better results in other subject areas. Therefore, this might explain our poor performance when it comes to science and math.

  128. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    For me this article and speech was very interesting. Children from the very beginning should be motivating by parents and also by teachers in kindergartens and primary schools to develop their interests. Childhood is a period in our lives of shaping the character and personality. That is why children should be encourage to learning and to be interested in everything. Learning by fun is one of the best options to do it. I think also that very important thing is to give them feeling of self-confidence by praising and believing in their abilities. Now in 21st century there are so many things to be interested in and also so many things to do with, that the more scientist and educated the better world. And everything starts from these little tots.

  129. Education has a whole has many different stages and is moving very fast. Basic education involves teaching children reading and writing which are the most important factors of education because without them we would not be able to learn anything or move forward with our preferred subjects. Dr. Lotto makes many valid points in education most importantly that science plays a huge part and that mandy different discoveries that effect the world can be made by anyone that is educated or that can observe what is going on in the word. Humans adapt themselves to new situations when they need to and we learn this growing up in the education system as it is how we learn to grow and flourish by adapting to the situation. Education is the key to any discovery and shaping you as a person and someone that will make a difference.

  130. Lorène Fauconnet dice: Responder

    I believe that the key of success to make students interested in a subject it’s to teach them things in a «funny» way. Show them that even a subject which can seems boring could be interested if the teacher know how to teach it in a good way. I think that it’s important that children learn things by getting to know more practical things than only theory, by playing games etc.
    The teaching process must be significant, diversified and interesting in order to make children interested in the class. It’s important to convince children that things they learn in school will be really useful for their everyday life and for their professional life. (Even if i think it’s not always the case…)

  131. I can see from the PISA table that Estonia has results above the average in two subjects and average in one. Even though I’ve heard some critics about PISA testing and I’d rather be critical as well. China has very high results, but I would agree with previous comment that the Asian kids are paying very high price for their results. I think the childhood is taken away from these kids. And there has been some studies in Estonia about children’s creativity and well-being in general. And the results are not that good, there’s a lack of creativity and children are struggling with stress. They say, yes, we have good results in PISA test, but our children are not happy.
    And that’s the main thing- PISA test doesn’t show anything about creativity, social skills etc. People are used to think about these two subjects (creativity and science) separately. But actually they are connected and need to collaborate. I’m now very curious about studies of children’s creativity level in China, also social skills and well-being in general.
    I think we shouldn’t push children to be the best in sciences, there are more important things they need to study to cope in this world. We have to let children play and give them opportinuty to discover by themselves (like happened in this video).

  132. François Glénat dice: Responder

    I’m not totally agree with the fact to attribute importance to Science again. We’re living in a scientist world, every thing is experiments, methods and rigor. Of course a child wants to lead experiences but we have to take it easy.
    It’s a hard topic because sometimes the childhood innocence can rise up true questions and make you feel uncomfortable because of a lack of immediately answers. But to me this is the beauty of childhood and I think it’s ridiculous to publish that kind of report like in the video. It’s just gonna lead to children with an incredible ego.
    Maybe I’m wrong to think in that way but it’s one more time reacting like kneeling in front of the child and make him feel superior.
    Of course we have to take into account what the children are thinking about or willing to do, but not to yield to them all the time.

  133. I agree with this article and that video as it highlights the importance of science. In these economic times it is important for the younger generations to start innovating and coming up with new technologies. As seen from the chart, the countries at the top of the list such as China, Korea and Finland are investing in innovation therefore leading all the other countries behind such as Spain as it does not make it on any of the list. Why is that? There needs to be a reform in the educational system to put more emphasis on the sciences and creativity so the these countries will not be left behind. Some countries are trying to improve this such as Ireland now have a competition called the young scientist and technology exhibition. This is only a minor step as not everyone takes part but it is a step in the right direction.

  134. The film shows very good that teachers should give the students an active part in learning. Pupils should get the change to explore on their own and they should have the freedom to learn about what they are interested in. They look different at certain things, have a different way of acting and a wider range of view, which is not affected by something. For me it’s very important that they should get the chance to use this ability at school all the time. For sure they need someone who leads them into the right direction, so teachers should be more like a companion for them. Childhood is also influenced by technologisation and mediatization, as articulated by Neil Postman. Advances in this parts doesn’t stop in front of our children. This reduces the protected space of childhood. Instead of exposing them into this environment we should rather prepare them for this world. This is why our education system should be changed and adapted to suit the needs of a child in the twenty first century.

  135. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    The Asian pupil were always better in the PISA-ranking over the last few years. In Europe many people think a good ranking means a good education, too. I am not sure if that is completely correct. It is true that PISA tests skills which are highly important for a successful life (e.g. text understanding or math).

    But in the end the Asian kids pay a high price for the good results. The “Spiegel” (a German Magazine) writes that an 8 year old Chinese child has school till 9:00 pm and the free time is very limited. Memorizing is very important in these systems and so the test results are good. On the other hand free work and new ways are not highly recommended. That’s why, writes the Spiegel, Asian university graduates fail in social skills and creativity. But this “soft skills” are very important for a successful work life, too. I think in the next PISA-Test they should also evaluate these skills. It shouldn´t be our aim to have only good rankings. The developing of skills, which are learned in the free time, are very important, too.

    Source: http://www.spiegel.de/schulspiegel/wissen/chinesische-schueler-auswendiglernen-sehr-gut-phantasie-ungenuegend-a-734775.html

  136. I agree with this article. I don’t believe that secondary education is solely to blame for the poor results of European countries. The first five years of a childs life are the most crucial according to pyschology. For many European countries, children start school at this tender age. The environment must be stimulating and ecouraging for these children in order for them to learn. I believe that many of the European education systems are failing to provide this. As discussed in a previous article, Finland have had great success in their education system. This is proven in this study. I believe that perception and the reluctance to change are major factors hindering a better education experience in Europe. As Beau Lotto says in the video, many of us are obsessed with what we know, with the past. How can we change if we are reluctant to let go of the past? It is this fear of uncertainty that is holding us back. Children don’t have this fear. It is for this very reason that schools should be utilizing the most innovative and stimulating environment possible. Children are susceptible to change and they benefit from it. Childhoods are being cut short as children watch television and become obsessed with the adult world, as articulated by Neil Postman. Instead of exposing them to this sort of environment we should be creating one in which they can embrace uncertainty and change, and flourish from it. In this way children can create their own perceptions and become open to new discovries, adapting best to their environment. It is us adults that need to open our minds to this change and uncertainty to ensure the brightest future for our young people.

  137. Primary school children in today’s world are sadly loosing there childhood and elements that make them who they are. Experiencing childhood is one of the most essential elements of successful education. Children must enjoy education and want to partake in education in order to learn effectively . Children must develop themselves in there own unique way and with confidence and support.
    From the table in the article China is the leading country in all three areas of science, reading and maths.if this is such an effective model already in place and working in China, why are European countries not following it/ MY home country Ireland is situated low on the table for all three categories and is the lowest category for maths. As outlined by Neil Postman in the video the education system needs to be changed and adapted to suit the needs of twenty first century children. Perception is grounded in our experience. We must teach our children not to live in the past, other wise we will only respond to what we have seen before.We must let them live and be who they want to be.

  138. Nowadays the primary school aged child is slowly but surely losing their childhood and I feel the video comments on this idea and outlines it clearly, with regards to the work of Neil Postman. Education, I believe, needs to include all aspects of a child’s life, relate to them, and thus help them learn continually from all people, places and situations about a wide variety of topics. As shown in the table, China is leading in all three areas of science, reading and maths. I would be very interested to find out how their system differs to the European model and how we would be able to copy it, as, for example, Ireland is in the bottom half of the tables for science and reading and is actually placing last for maths. I feel that this can be addressed, even if only partially by approaching primary, or basic, learning with the whole child in mind, and as the video outlines, it needs to be changed and adapted to suit the needs of a twenty-first century child.

  139. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    Parents teach their children from an early age a basic hygiene such as washing their hands when going from the toilet, washing the hands before eating and so on. They also teach their children how to behave in a polite way e. g. polite greetings. This is the responsibility of each parents to teach children to get familiar with these basic habits and societal rules. In my opinion, the situation in Czech Republic is that there is an assumption on the side of the parents that after putting a child into the school there are teachers responsible to take care about the further education. As a result of that the children are sometimes rude, they do not accept authorities and so on. There is also a case of 14 years old boy attacking his teacher who ended at the hospital.

  140. Well, we are really like a robot, thats crazy. you can see just some words and know know what mean all sentence. and that frog??? woow, it was real? thats amazing 😀 such a smart frog 😀 I think i saw some advertising at Tv. No i am not sure if it was about google or about some car. but i really like it. thats great tat we can tell something just in few words and dont have write long sentence

  141. I really like this video. It was very interesting and shows something new. I realized that in our school curiosity is a big problem. Not because of the children, they are curious and they have many questions. The problem is in teachers and system. There is no room for children’s questions. Teachers do not have time to answer them and they do not support different way of thinking. Many times this is not their fault. Because of our system they do not have time to let children be curious. But I think that it is very important to encourage kids’ imagination so it is teacher’s job to find time and let children be curious.

  142. Nowadays there is a lot of talking about children with special needs and children from other culture and countries and how to inclusive them in schools. I will give you one example from my country. All around Slovenia there are also many immigrants from former Yugoslavia. These kids are equal to Slovenian children. They go to same schools and do not have special programs. There are many problems because they are often discriminated by Slovenian contemporaries .I think that teachers should encourage tolerance and acceptance of different cultures and different languages. In our school we should talk about these problems more often. It will be good to have different workshops, where children could talk about their own cultures and make knowledge about others.

  143. Interesting topic as well. So in my opinion is that firs of all you have to find a funny happy way of teaching. That the children are curious and that they’re asking all kind of things even if it’s not related to the subject. Because they have to know that they have their own thinking and tha they are all diferent and the same as well. Of course some countries have better resaults in education but that have to do a lot with money. Unfortunately money is king of the world and all the countries don’t have the same amout of money for education. But also that is not most important because you have to have good cultural understanding. That your country is premiting you to thing with your own head. Than you can see every body the same and mybe nod that bad as they are shown on some news.

  144. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    I think that the video is covering a really interesting topic:
    The way globalization brought with it the need to adapt outdated and inappropriate systems to today’s society and why past systems are often not usable nowadays. Especially when talking about educational systems it is crucial to evolve with the development of the societies instead of clinging to the past. Of course, there are always people that believe ‘’ what was good in the past can’t be bad today’’’ but I completely agree with Ken Robbinson that the past educational system is not made for children of today and should therefore be modernized. Obviously, not everything about the past system should be changed but many things have to be adapted to today’s conditions and lifestyles. First of all children face so many distractions in their life which make it hard for them to concentrate on something for a longer period of time. Also, it’s often the case that due to the fact that children are often lulled by Television and the Internet, they are not used to think anymore by themselves. This all leads to a lack of concentration many children suffer from especially in school, indicated by the fact that more and more children are diagnosed with ADHD. Medicine to treat this lack of concentration is the completely wrong way in my opinion. It’s the task of the Government, the schools, the parents but in fact all institutions or organizations that have an influence on children’s upbringing to help them dealing with the mass of information and distraction they have to face in their young lifes and get the ability to concentrate!

  145. In every country the school system if different. If you, for example, compare Germany and The Netherlands together. But every child needs the same base to develop themselves and create an identity. The creativity is most of the time a sub-title but teacher can make use of that in their classes. I went to a Montessori-school and I always remember the way of teaching because it made fun and they use a lot of tools to teach us something.

    You can also do this with a not interesting class. I’m sure every subject you ‘need’ to learn from the government can be interesting if you know how to teach it. I don’t think it is an good idea to teach the children only what they ‘need’ because you don’t know how they develop, what they will be or were they getting interesting in. In this time of crisis’s you better be creative that have a lot of studies.

  146. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    Science is not only a field of work for a very small group of crazy, dedicated and furthest- away- from -the -society people. It basically refers to a restless person who makes questions, is open to possibility, willing to escape from the certainty and safeness of present beliefs and thoughts and adaptable to change; it’s a way of life.

    Young children normally have all these characteristics. That’s why science would be an appropriate field of activity for them.

    Instead of that, school most frequently offers them very specific and structured knowledge, whereas, it provides them with very few chances of personal action and active participation in the learning process. Especially young children have a great potential, which teachers should constantly try to take advantage of and help them to progress, according to their talents, abilities and interests.

  147. My opinions is that it dosnt matter in which age a human being is, the important part is its motivation. Without motivation what should i learn, study or work for? In the young years children should have fun while learning. If someone would tell a child «You should study really hard then you will get a nice and wellpayed job» that would be absolutely no motivation for a child. After someone knows where he wants to go with his life and if he has an aim then he can decide by himself how much effort he wants to put in his own development. After someone is educated and has a job is the motivation to satisfy his needs maybe to feed his family or to save money for little extras or when it is perfect just to enjoy his dreamjob.

  148. In my opinion children can learn the best way while playing, it is more fun for the children, and this way they will be able to keep an interest in learning. I also think it will make them more interested in learning in general, because they don’t assosiate it with boring things, and it doesn’t feel like something they do because they have toThe PISA shows that kids who get a good basic education, have an advantage later on in life .I think that this should be recognized, and that education systems should be adapted to get the most out of every child. To get to this point, I think more research is required to figure out exactly what would benefit a child the most.

  149. Kristīne Mauriņa dice: Responder

    I have read research that the main features of the human personality develops to 5-6 years of age, then the personality develops in a set direction and the direction of a particular characteristic is almost impossible to change. Tying together both- International education test results and this research (assuming it is true) I have a question- maybe this difference in test results between young people in China, Asia in general, Europe, USA is somehow related to parenting differences, culture, tradition, toys, games, nursery, kindergartens, TV shows that have impact on small children in time when they grow up? Or it’s only the education system differences?
    Would be interesting to find out.

  150. If in early age, you show children that to study is fun and useful, that kind of perception remains always. Just like it was said in video, everything depends on how you see things, what kind of perception you have. And of course first impression or first perception is the most important. For example, if children in young age has started his/her studies and parents or someone else has told children to be perfect, to get the best grades, and put on him/her a massive pressure, then mostly children grows up as determined to be perfect and reach for perfection, but the saddest thing without wide perception. And actually, it happens in most of families, because they don’t know how to convince children to study, so they choose the easiest way – put massive pressure on children

  151. Marco Michaelidis dice: Responder

    Like Dr.Lotto said i cannot describe the way i feel after watching this Video. This is a marvel example of what the human brain is capable of doing if changing the way of thinking and questioning in a good and enjoyable way each situation. Each idea we ahve we sometimes think is impossible becasue we thought of it and not a scientist, author, professional in general becasue they all ready exist, however, the world need more, eventually they will walk away from life, Hence there will be new ones. They should be given a chance to children to think out of the box and discover, and are capable of changing the way of thinking , change is good. LIfe is a game play it, and it is extremely easy as long as you have one opportunity that comes once in a lifetime.

  152. To me, primary education is the core of the education life. In those years children get some basic skills to go further.Each year is as a floor and if a child gets a qualified education, than it is possible to make a strong building. If the foundation is weak, it means that student will have hard times in higher grades.As far as I see, a big amount of successful high school students were successfull in their primary years. To support learning in primary years, teachers and families can do some important things such as extending learning environments to everywhere.Because everywhere has a potential for learning and children can learn many things when they play. So, the most important role of adults is to make learning as a joyful thing, where children make some emotional contacts and feel excited about the material or subject.According to me, this approach will improve education and help European countries to gain their past reputation and scores in educational field.

  153. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    I my opinion PICA test is not reliable. It is difficult to compare for example Shanghai and Estonia, Asian countries and European countries. Every country has a different culture and a different education system.
    What about primary school? The education for little children should be like a game – interesting and exciting. Teachers have to open them mind and take a different way of teaching. When I was a child every lesson looked almost the same and it was really boring. We’ve never done any experiences and games. I think it is really important to make education more interesting and more useful, as a result.

  154. In this time education kill natural curiosity of children. It is very important to inspire kids for the matter. It all has to start like a game which arouse in children a desire to learn and learn more than others. Already in kindergarten learn to sing, perform various tasks and play with others, thereby gaining their first habits that must be fully learn when entering school. Teachers must know how to motivate each individual. A major role is also played by communications teachers and parents. Parents shouldn´t leave children to use only modern technology all days, when they coming from school but is connected fully in the normal life. As seen in the table, in Asian countries, children since childhood stricter regime than in the European countries and therefore the benchmarks perform better.

  155. Eglė Domarkaitė dice: Responder

    Human approach, the way he/she understands the whole world, who he/she will be later depends on initial and basic education. Pupils spend childhood building their personality, learning things that they will need later in their life. Adults are responsible of children education and they should understand that the main thing they want is to play. So they should teach children throught the games, especially in initial education process.
    Every country is different from other by culture, language, climate, appearance. But they are also different by the way the children are teaching and stimulating to learn. So the data of PISA just shows that Asian countries have a better way to educate children than European and they should use leading countries as an example.

  156. I don’t know the education system in Asian countries, but if we see this and no other statistics in that something must be. I think that in Poland we have too general education course. We learn a lot of unnecessary things, and if someone is a good example, in mathematics there is not too much more opportunities to develop. In Poland, we can not pick their own subjects in school, we just have to pass that which is provided for in the curriculum. I don’t think this is a good thing, because we just can not grow through it. Perhaps in Asian countries ensure that their students to develop into what they’re really good.

  157. Teaching of Basic Education Development Project is there?
    In my opinion, the answer is no…
    Educational system in primary schools kills skills and abilities of children instead of developing them. Children are born to be smart but the way in which they are educated make them lose their abilities while time is passing…
    In fact, children must be the teachers of adults…Scientists should focus on and analyze the way children see, imagine, think, understand etc. and mime them in order to improve the education development.

  158. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    It is good to see that kids have the opportunity to become scientists. I also have the same experience directly related to the video. As a prospective primary science teacher, I worked in a science center during a year so that I would be more experienced and well-informed in my area. The science center where I worked appeals to kids aged between 4 and 11. The aim is to make kids love science instead of teaching it. It is a center where students have the opportunity both to do entertainig experiments and to enjoy. I worked there as a guide rather than as a teacher. I got surprised when I saw that most of the students wanted to be scientists when they completed the course. In my opinion, the best side of science centers is that almost all of the students change their points of view about scince. Therefore, we should present our students such kind of opportunities so that they would be our prospective scientists.

  159. Michiel van Ballegooijen dice: Responder

    I’d say more emphasis on the practical side of learning.
    You may score high on tests but if the knowledge you have gained during your studies will not be applied afterwards it is worth nothing. You need to have experience together with the knowledge you have gained, only then it will contain value since you are learning to make decisions as you are appropriating your knowledge to certain situations. The only way to reach the required level of competences you should have at the end of your study is through the direct application of information you have gained by your studies.

  160. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    When I was watching the video I was reading the same as the whole hall – I was reading the words but not the letters separately. And after that I thought:”No way! I’m a robot”. I saw the whole but not the separated parts so, I thought, now my brain works as a conveyor.
    I definitely agree that the first institution of education is our home and family. In this institution the main ‘mark/result’ which we can get is spiritual and cultural sophistication and value – system. On the basis of this we built our further construction of education.
    When we were children only one we wanted was play. I think that the most powerful and productive way to teach children is to make a science like a game. My goddaughter is 5 years old and she remembers a lot of things for example geometric figures or something like that by singing the songs which she has learnt in kindergarten. In this case, in my opinion, it is impossible to teach that age children without things or process in which they are interested – games and playing.

  161. We have to remember, that Asians are often more inteligent than white-skin people. It is maybe because of their culture, climat, maybe gens, it has no matter. It is also possible, that they only better passing some kind of exams like IQ tests. Moreover, what does mean IQ and how we can be sure that it is correct scale and telling us something more than only rate of passing this exam? Our world is loving scales, tabels, tests and classification. More often it looks like we will be classificate just after born and we will create some closed classes because of science researching and tests. In my opinion word ,,inteligence» has no sens, because don’t telling us nothing. Only exist stupidity, but doesn’t mean that someone is not ,,inteligent», only that someone is not using his potential and he now it.

  162. What does it mean that some countries are better in some scale and other are worse? It means that they are better human, better race or something like that? Using scales is not health and in future will cause nationalist movemen, some country, some people will be better than other. Scales only creating rat races, but still don’t saying nothing important. Do we really have to be the best in some ranking? It is important? Let you watch football funs, they have also their rainking- UEFA, their enemies and competitions. The question is, do we really need that? In this rank USA is not the best one, but still is the greatest power in the world. China is the best one, but in this country is the greater number of death punnishment and more than 200 000 000 peaople are living for less than one dollar per day, are they still the best one?

  163. I’m not sure if comparing very rich and highly economical situated countries with poor countries is the best decision. Ok, this kind of specification of data shows the differences in education but it’s not reliable, I think.
    When we talk about primary school we should remember that students are very young people. They need to learn, of course, but in a funny way. The methods used to teach them should be based on games, plays where they can collaborate with peers, widen their imagination and learn in the same time.
    I’ve been leaving for a few months in London. I’ve visited Science Museum and I was observing people there from very young kids to adults. From my experience I can say that this kind of places, where collections include exhibits from various fields of science and technology and are compatible and adapted to all sections of society are the best places to learn, because you mix fun with science together. And that’s how the primary school should work.

  164. Who changed the certain ideas about math, chemistry, physic or engineering? People who had courage to look differently to the things that look unchangeable. People who had curiosity about life and things around us. In 21st century most of physic rules were changed by quantum physic. Before the biggest set number was known real number set. But today we know it is not. One mathematician came up with new idea and he ignore all the traditional rules. He created a new number set which is complex number set. Today known as the biggest number set. To be able to came with new ideas everybody has to have curiosity at the first place. Today education’s system kills curiosity in student’s mind. So what I want to say is as long as we don’t feed students’s curiosity and make them create new question and lead them to answer by their own, we won’t be able to generate creative people. What we only need is curiosity and courage so that way we can change the whole world in a good way. We can discover lots of things that hadn’t discovered yet.

  165. In my opinion school is not just about to teach the children that they become smater.
    It is also about to become an individual, to be educated and to know what is right and what is wrong.
    So the PISA studies just show everybody a small part of education and not the general thing, like the whole package.
    I mean it depends of how you teach children. The PISA studies does not show what country is good in teaching and which not, it deals only with the results of the test and not the way of teaching. So it is important that the children become smart and inteligent in school but that is not the only important thing in this whole system. So it does not matter if one country is just in the middle of the table of the results of PISA.
    There are more things which count.

  166. I think it´s not good to see the PISA studies as a hight status quo. You can not compare for example China and Germany, they are two completly different countries. They have different views of education and school achievements. In my opinion in China they look for good results and disciplines. In Germany too, but more orientated on the single individual succsess. That is why i don´t attach importance to these studies.

    Also I think that teachers and the society shouldn´t forget that teachers nowadays are more than people how teach something. Sometimes they are the one how discover special abilities of children during clase or projects. So it is really important to have this time and these posibilities during school. There should be more space for expirimentes and projects where children can discover new interests, like for example „science“.

  167. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    I think this movie is really important for teachers and becoming teachers, because many teachers are just teaching the pupils about stuff that are too abstract and that the pupils has no earlier experience with. This results with that the pupils don’t understand, and the teachers are thinking that the pupils don’t listen. But the teachers just has to put the abstact information clear or put it in a situation that the puil has an experience with. For example math and physics are really abstract topics that many times have to be realated to some other topic or experinece that the pupils are familiar with. In math for example they need more assignments that are close to their everyday. I also think this will help them to keep their attention to the topic.

  168. When experiencing an illusion or when you realize that what you see, isnt really true, that is when you stop and think; «wow, I could never have seen it that way».. So what did they learn from their project?(beau lotto et al) or what did the childrens teachers learn (according to beau)?. Their students stepped into unfamiliar land, and they succeded. I assume that they got interested in science after this project, and the teachers learned that; «hey, we didnt learn that method in the university».. much like perception i guess..

    So what is wrong with primary school? I see that many here think that children should explore what they like and see the world from their perspective, and eventually, learn from that.. And I agree, we should have room for exploring.. I only speak from my point of view, and my experiences. but what happens when the children become 10-15 years old, and still walk around exploring, with no particular direction. They dont explore much education for sure.. The teachers dont know what to do bcause there is no general «idea» of how things should be done, and there is no guideline that says; «this really works, try this method»- <– (why Finland is succeeding?) Of course it isnt that easy.. It all boils down to one big soup of factors where one is depending on another(curriculum, teacher quality, family, education and so on..) To succeed, the whole society must be willing to work hard, and they have to know what they are working towards. Guidelines – that work…

  169. To me ,children start to be educated and trained after they are born by their parents. that means their future is in their parents’ hand. Then each person and event start playing a role in it until school time. At this point school life start. This contributes to them in two ways, profession-wise and character-wise ,which are both important to survive in the society we live in. Actually parents and teachers share the leading role in that. Therefore , teacher training and parent training pragrams should be developed. We already have teacher training pragrams, but it is not enough. We cannot leave the other contributors out of children’s life. They all add something to children’s development. However, while doing this, we should not only take professional development into consideration ,but also personality development. Now EQ is more important than IQ to lots of scientists. Again to them, however good at subjects you are , without having good communication and relation people , you cannot be successful, or lets say be to some extent.

  170. I think it is very important to give children the oppotunity to develop to the full.
    In my opinion therefore it is necessary to give them the freedom to try what they want to try and to let them see the world through their own eyes.
    But they also need something to hold on, they somehow also need somebody who is leading them a little bit.
    I think it is important to let them play,decide,be free and act and learn how they think it is the best way to do it, but there should also always should be somebody they could ask for help and his point of view.I think there should be a certain balance in it…but particulary in the years of being a child or a teenage they should have all the freedom to develop their own skills in a creativ way, that they are choosing on their own,because that is what makes people more intrinsic motivated for their whole life.

  171. I think that education is very important, expecially in the early ages. But I do not agree with education bases like in the school system. I think that in early education is important that children learn things by playing games, getting to know practical things and to be more flexible in the classroom.
    Significant part of the school are also parents which should cooperate with school and be very close to child education. They known their children and they started with education of their children. It is important to encourage creativity, develop thinking and that children are actively involved in their education.

  172. It is really important to make the teaching process meaningful and that the pupils think that the education makes sense. One opportunity for the teacher is to always try to make the education close to the reality, like in the movie above. But it’s also important to use this key in more than one subject to convince the pupil that the things they should learn are important and also are reality anchored. In language related subject one idea can be to write letters to the editor. I guess, in advance, that many pupils would complain and tell the teacher that they should never do that anyway, but as working in the process of creating letters to the editor and then later on get it published in a real newspaper it would be a good evidence to see that it works and a way of keeping the motivation of learning.

  173. When I was young, I really hated sciensce/Mathematiques. Because the teacher teached his scienscelessons VERY boring. I didn’t get anything what he was saying, because we have to practice in our head. Personally, I can learn something new easier by PRACTICE the new lesson, then just read the theory in books. The line that’s stands out for me was: «We play to play. Play is his own reward.» I think that the teacher of today has to have this line in his head. First you give the theorie to the children and then you let them play so they can understand what you where saying, WHILE they are playing. It’s also good, because then the children can learn on there OWN! It’s also good for the communication between the children. They can talk to each other and communicate their tought. So at the end, the children are rewarded while playing. because they learned.

  174. I suppose it’s a different style of teaching from the very beginning of human learning, in an early age. These processes may be poorly built by Europeans in the above table. Children in Asian countries are educated strictly and rigorously. In their personality is already rooted pile and strong-mindedness.
    But in any case, important is access to knowledge already in kindergarten. Philosophy of kindergartens for children is to develop self-confidence and a healthy natural way of education enable children to their education from an early age, of course, taking into account their capabilities, interests and needs. Any effort directed staff to the children among us feel most happy and satisfied.

  175. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    In my opinion China and Korea are leading in education because they have very strict rules,they just have to be the best in everything, but education system in Europe is very different,in fact it’s different in every country here. I think that when children are starting their education in the primary school they should have much more interesting classes,maybe kind of games connected with the subject or some experiments? When we watch any movie about American school they are always in the laboratory on their chemistry or biology lessons and i don’t know if it’s really like this, but in my schools we were more looking at experiments in the books,which wasn’t interesting or motivating at all.

  176. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    Well well, this so remind me of the time I learned about science in School when I was younger. In Belgium, we have like a big science building, made for children, to get to know science better. It’s a platform for science and technology. As a child I’ve been there on a school-trip and I have to say, I normally hate science and technology, but on that day, I really had a great time. We could do all this experiments, on our own, on our own terms.

    When children can do things like that, experimenting on your own terms, we as teachers will have more stimulating kids in our class, because they experiment while they are learning about science and technology by simply playing with the things around them.


  177. I really do like the idea of getting children to be more interested in science by giving them the opportunity to get in touch with science by simply playing. I honestly think that this is one of the crucial factors of modern education. If children are interested in science it is more likely for them to find something the truly love to do and discover even more things- not only related to science but all other topics of everyday life. Moreover it shows that the perception of children in science needs to change – the experiment in the video is the best example for this.

  178. i have distance to this kind of tests like from PISA. because what is it the true what is it mean in real life?
    ok, we can say that this countries from the top of the list have also hight economic results. but what was first? good quality of education and the reason of it good results of economic they had more money for education and it start be like a circle(?). it s difficult to evaluate. there are too many variables. and how can we translate it for quality of life?
    in other hand i thing that it some problems with correlation education in institution and family life. it is still separated. it is especially important in early teaching. but i dont know how much attention is putting in be the particular countries and that it is the reason of secondary illiteracy or not. but for sure it has very big significance at further results of education children.

  179. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    The one line that stands out for me in the video is ‘the teachers didn’t believe the kids could do it’.
    As a teacher you should believe in your pupils and not immediately assume that they can’t do it.
    That’s a big problem a lot of kindergarden teachers have, because they believe that the kids are to small to do something there not used to doing but the fact is that little children are much more capable of doing things a lot of adults aren’t.
    Like it is proven in this lecture, all kids can be scientist they just have to get the right motivation and persons how believe in them.
    In my childhood I was never a big fan of science and that is mostely because I was never introduced to it in a interesting way After seeing this video I feel like learning more about science because science can be very interesting if they teach it to you in a funny and nice way
    It is also important to start the process of learning about science at a young age because young children have a different look at things than adults, their prespectif can be very interesting and new, they have a different way of thinking, their thoughts haven’t been ‘poluted’ yet by the things you see and learn through the years
    So as a future kindergarden teacher I will try to let my kids experiment with sience and learn from their point of view because as a teacher you can learn a lot from your pupils

  180. The results of PISA don’t show succeful education or failure of educacion. It is very obvious that the asian countries are on the first ranks but the children there are more than in europe i.e. forced to do a lot for school and have hardly freetime. I think primary schools have the function to show the children the possibilities in the world, to help to create a picture of the world. It is not only important to spark interest in math or science but rather to take the fears of uncertainty and pressure. The children don’t have to like everything but they have to know about the existance of different things, of different thinkings and various ways to live.

  181. I think the primary education is a stepping stone for the future. It has a big influence for us, ´cause during the study in the primary school we create our relationship of the school. The primary school has to motivate us for learning, there we began understand, why we have to learn, I mean the sense of learning. There we began to take responsible for that. Parents should choose the primary school for their children very carefully. The most important things, which will influence our school success, create in primary school. For example logical thinking, responsible, effort of success.. If one day we became to teachers we have to thinking about that. For pupils the school has to be like a very interesting game, where can they develop many new things. We have to leave them freedom of childhood and don’t push their fantasy. Just this is the way like they can grow up like individual personality, whose can give something for other generations.
    Here, in Huelva, I had one lesson and the teacher was speaking about smiling. Just smiling, or laughing, so simple. Everybody needs to do it. We tried to compare how many times per day laughing pupils in primary school, how many times students in high school, after in university and how many times laughing adults. It´s unbelievable, there are really big differences. Adults people almost don’t laughing. The teacher asked us, why? Why it´s like that? And his answer was like: ´Cause from our childhood they all the time cat our smiles. All the time they learn us to sit on the chair and listen, they learn us to be serious and quiet. Why? Is it a pleasure life? It´s not. I am all the time thinking about what he was speaking.. And he´s definitely right..

  182. From my point of view I think nothing of teaching kids a second language in the nursery school. When I did my civilian service in Germany, for most of the children were german the first foreign language. In my opinion it suffices if children learn a first foreign language in school. Many parents overburden their children with the requirements they have. Their kids have to learn a foreign language, they have to learn reading and writing fast, playing tennis or piano etc.. They want the best for their children but they create much pressure to preform. Children should play and learn whatever they want and not that kind of things which their parents project onto them which they never had in their own childhood.

  183. The primary education is clearly the cornerstone for the following one. When you take into account first day in school. I think that we all rememver our first day in school and also for sure our first teacher. And this age is very important that the teacher made a good impresion on the child. In the next step are here parents, who have to be in cooperation with the teacher. They have to know, how to help their children and make the study easier fot them. In present time there is a lot hobbies for the children. This also good for their envelopment, because stay home just with playing games on computers or iphones is not the best. Parents should know how ofen can let treir childern be with new technoligie.

  184. This is not only problem of education. The most problematic place is not a school only home, there are beginning all troubles. For parents it’s easier when children are playing computer games than they hade explain something or spending time on teaching children. When they are angry, they are giving punnishment- don’t taugh the computer! And they don’t offer nothing other to do, the computer was the only way to spending time, parents take him back, kid don’t know what to do, is angry. School also doesn’t offering nothing more atractive than computer or TV. If we want to change something, at first we have to do something with our entirement, not only with education system.

  185. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    I think that we should not bother by the PISA results. Every country and even every region in the country is different and has their own problems and issues. The question is what we can do now for the educational future. We must start now to encourage and motivate children from the beginning. As soon as the start school, basic or primary. I’m sure they must feel the pressure. All earning is part of a social practice where we are co-creators and where the learning occurs between individuals. Every situations turns in to a part of learning, that is why according to the phenomenology perspective you have to use methods of teaching that encourage the pupils to reflect, think and share their experiences in different ways.

  186. I want to use this to express the doubts I have with the PISA-Tests. First of all, the whole thing is financed by governments of some countries that take part in the tests and some private sector institutions accomplished the tests. I don’t have to tell what that can mean. Then there is a lot of data that public were not allowed to see, so it’s not scientifically verifiable. Then, why do we have to standardize education? The only thing what happens then is international competition and rivalry. The interest on the individual in the educational process then is very abstract. Then there are lots of problems with the translation of the tests and familiarity to the tasks. Also the PISA-test don’t test the increase of the cognitive abilities during school time but actual state. The PISA-test doesn’t look at national facts and conditions. For example, in germany it’s very important that we talk about the history during 1933-1945, other countries have their own important things that students have to deal with. So how can we compare? Moreover, they test the test-ability but not the real competence of a student. So if we look at those tests and then say oh Europe is doing so bad that is, in my opinion, not the right thing or at least we have to consider the things I wrote above.

  187. The given data definitely shows that Asian countries are leaders, but we must take into consideration that this most probably is not only the result of their good primary education, but of social and cultural environment. The whole background of their daily life is different and, therefore, the perception of importance of studying is higher. For example, the Chinese language itself requires much greater work to be acquainted. Moreover, we have to be aware of the pressure children in Asian countries are under because sometimes for me they seem really capable, but at the same time – like trained robots (just seeing some youtube.com videos of 5-year-old children playing guitars like pros). And despite the results of effectiveness of primary education I believe that a child has every right to have a childhood.

  188. In my primary school i had a few good teachers and some not that good and the difference between them was that good one were teaching with passion and others were there just for a job. I remember those with passion because it was so amaizing for me to watch them explaining the subject and usually those teachers had my attention and they provoke my feelings and this is what you need if you want to learn something. With the teachers who were boring of there job I was asking myself why do I need this and i had thoughts that this is something that I will never use in my life. So question now is why did teachers lost their passion and why nobody cares if they will found it again.
    I think that this is not Asia style of thinking but they are still first on the list of PISA so maybe we lost the thrust in ourself. Maybe we need someone who will believe in us and tell us that we can also discover something and that we are important and that our opinion counts. It might be the question of each individual person or country or the europe, i dont know actually. I know that believing in others brings good results and I will try to give this to people and I believe that this is also what our primary school need. This sense that children are not lost in the system but they are people who are learning and developing their curiosty. And the curiosity will be there, where children will be save and suportet. Like Albert Einstein said once: “I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.”

  189. An important element in the education is the individual approach and also the interaction of family and school. Parents should be involved in the school education of child exactly as school should be participate in the social educationof child by parents. In contrast. Nowadays there are already many interesting hobbies, so parents can give the child a choice. The child can tested and selected hobbie, which he most enjoys. On the other hand, but also a lot of parents, who are planned every day the other hobbie for child, regardless of whether is the child enjoys it. And this just because they do not have their private time for them. As a teacher in music school I see it every day. Half of my students go to music school only because they must. Then it’s hard for them but also for me as a teacher. Child will be motivated when he will have freedom of decision. When he self-select what he would like to do. Also, it is necessary to combine theory with practice. Kids are bored when they have to learn by heart many theorems. Easier would be to apply the theorems to simple game.

  190. I have never really liked subjects like science, but after this video I feel like I have missed something important. In my primary and secondary school in Norway, we never had enough money to do experiments or other interesting stuff, so everything we did was only reading about it – and this was really boring for me.. That was the reason for not choosing science related subjects in high school. In this case it was difficult to make the pupils interested in science, because they never had the opportunity to try out some of the experiments they read about. It’s important to make this subject more interesting for children i primary school, let them take part in the class and feel like they have been part of something meaningful. This means also in education in general – it has to be «fun» for the children. I think we need more practical teaching in schools.

  191. To me, school community shouldn’t be the only effective point of child’s education. Parents should contribute to this as well. The most important support to be done in the schools is to take notice of their individual/motivational differences and learning styles and to constitute an education programme at that level considering their real life experiences. The child should be educated by its parents as a follow-up. In this education, the relationship between parents and teacher should be consistent. The child’s education should ground on basic education and I think there is not such a development project yet.

  192. Lucie Kancianová dice: Responder

    In basic and primary education the most important thing is to target the potencial of child and its development. Therefore it´s essential that teachers should operate with every child separately and the basic and primary education should be quality. In my opinion the radical turning point comes at primary and secondary schools and also at high schools. And what is very influential is the collective of children in class and vicinage of each child. The bad collective can put down the potencial of child. Some of children have evil influence to good students, they are able to teach them bad habits, make them to hang around, skip school etc. And this affects their next education. When I went to primary school, the most troubleshooting years were in period of puberty but nowadays it´s at the age of 12 when children e. g. learn to smoke. Another important step in education is the choice of secondary school and high school which influence life of children and then selection of their job.

  193. In my opinion children need more freedom and responsibility to develop themselves during childhood in there own unique and creative way. The formal institutes of education an society in general are very steering and blind for the needs and question of children and there parents.
    Motivation comes with responsibility and the freedom to learn and develop your own learning skills. Children need more space to develop themselves in there unique way, with confidence.

    In my opinion children learn the best in contextual and practical situations where its possible to play. Learning should be fun and without pressure. Children need more space and freedom to think for them selves and less rules that pressures there creativity.

    The key word should be «involving». With involving children in organising there own playful curriculum/ assignments and giving them responsibilty, they will feel more intrinsic motivated and happy to learn.

    Hendrik Hofstra

  194. In my opinion it is true, that it is necessary to begin with education in very early childhood. But the most important of all the motivation is. Because for very little, for litte and even for bigger children the education must be something like a game. They have to enjoy it and want to do it by themselfs. After that I think it is possible to teach children anything.

    Perhaps in the very young age it is not so complicated, but afterwards it should go on. I mean the school. But in many cases it does not. In school there are grades as a tool of motivation. And here the question is: Is this enough? I do not think so. Because grow-ups can not to explain to children that they do it for themselfs and for their future. If children had understood it, there would have not been this problem and question.

  195. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    I think it’s a great idea to show in this way that sience could be interesting. Because I was never interested in sience, never! So that’s why I chose Tourism when I was in highschool because then I would never have sience. Maybe if they would have shown me when I was younger that it CAN be interesting, than my vision if would be different now.

    In Belgium we have also a “museum” that shows to children that it can be interesting and when you are there it is really fun, I have been there too. But it was already too late for me 🙂
    The name of the museum is ‘Technopolis’ and this is the link of their website:

  196. Experiencing childhood as much as effectively is one of the most essential elements of succesful education. While deciding rules taking children’ physical and mental needs into account is very important for their »healthy» improvement. For education is a cumulative and living process each of the component such as primary or secondary education should be perfect to make student ready for upcoming step.When it comes to the result of PİSA,it is clear that basic education (primary education) is linked to the performance of a student in foollowing yearsieven his/her math or science performance may be affected.What we need most is understanding the steps of the education to start the prolific tratment.

  197. It`s hard to answer why China, Korea or Japan are the leading countries in those tests as I have no idea about their school system. But I know why European countries are not the leading ones – it`s because of the lack of strict requirements, intensive learning process and lack of respect for the teachers. Maybe it`s wrong to judge by what I`ve seen in the movies, but it seems that in China there would be no problem to physically punish children in class, while European countries would make a big fuss about it. And such punishment is not right, but at least children would have respect. That`s why I don`t see any problems with primary education except the fact that children should have more intense study process and clear understanding how to treat a teacher.

  198. The basic educational skills must be wider (contain/accept more abilities). What does PISA results actually mean? Countries with high results are not automatically better or smarter; they are just very good in those tested, high valued skills, deceptive? Different countries probably have different thoughts about education and therefore develop different skills depending on aims with education, and we need the diversity to develop. But obviously we have to evaluate and reflect on our aims and way of teaching with the child in focus. It seems that childhood disappears too quickly since the constant stress to perform. Have the adults forgotten what childhood is like and the significant of play? Why not measure creativity or innovative skills? When only certain skills are admired children get limited and think that they have nothing to offer since they do not have the “right” skills. The clip shows, when children are allowed to be children and use their natural creativity new discoveries can be made.

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