Cada día más escuelas se atreven a innovar con el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP)

Secundaria Ponce de León José Manuel Bautista 2 ABP proyectos

El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) parece tomar en algunas escuelas velocidad de crucero. ¿Es una manera de trabajar nueva? No. Pero…

La pedagogía del proyecto y la optimización del clima educativo de la clase son dos dominios que han sido retomados para advertir y resolver muchos de los problemas de la enseñanza de hoy.

¿Qué problemas tiene la enseñanza de hoy?

Será una respuesta somera porque no es el tema de hoy. Pero la enseñanza de hoy tiene problemas que viene arrastrando desde hace años y algunos otros nuevos que conviene, al menos, mencionar brevemente.

Del artículo de Óscar González, Los 10 problemas que más preocupan de la educación actual, podemos rescatar algunas ideas interesantes. Voy a resaltar ahora solamente, porque son los que más vienen al caso, los puntos: 4. Nuestro sistema condena el error; 6. No se individualiza la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos y 9. La educación actual no fomenta la creatividad y la curiosidad.

En ese contexto es en donde muchos tratan de aportar algo más. Uno de esos intentos se llama Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP). Yo tuve mi primer contacto con esta «pedagogía» el año 2000 en un viaje por las escuelas de Dinamarca. Viaje impactante por un país que organiza muy bien su educación.

La pedagogía del proyecto

No debemos llevarnos a error al hablar de pedagogía del proyecto. Una observación de las prácticas que se colocan la etiqueta de este tipo de proyectos pedagógicos, permiten constatar de manera rápida algo bien fundado. Se trata de:

  • Una pedagogía del “tema”, y de
  • Una pedagogía del «descubrimiento guiado».

Una pedagogía del proyecto es una manera genérica de entender el trabajo educativo de proyectos. Como tal designa variadas formas no necesariamente independientes: proyectos de trabajo o ABP, proyectos de formación, proyectos cooperativos, proyectos educativos.

En todos éstos, la transacción, la negociación, el contrato (o mejor, la sucesión de contratos), los acuerdos, son conceptos muy importantes en la relación pedagógica y en la pedagogía del proyecto, estando en el origen de su definición. Se trata de un verdadero compromiso que profesores y alumnos contraen con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

¿Qué no es ABP?

Lo anterior permite entender que cualquier cosa no es ABP, pese a sus diversas manifestaciones. Por ejemplo, un proyecto educativo diseñado por un director e impuesto al personal, o un proyecto de trabajo colectivo concebido por un enseñante e impuesto a sus alumnos, etc., dudosamente van a entenderse bajo el nombre de ABP.

Los proyectos de trabajo, individuales o colectivos, donde las características finales y las modalidades de producción son enunciadas en un contrato o sucesión de contratos, saltan cualitativamente sobre otros métodos de trabajo en la escuela, en el sentido de que los estudiantes aprenden a ser conscientes acerca de su aprendizaje. Esto tiene su importancia.

¿Qué es un proyecto de trabajo?

ABP y proyectos de trabajo se dan la mano. El primero hace referencia al aprendizaje como lo más importante que tiene que darse en la escuela. Cada día somos más conscientes de ello. El instrumento para esto se llama «proyecto de trabajo».

Un proyecto de trabajo es un modelo de trabajo y enseñanza en el cual los alumnos activamente y con un propósito personal muy claro investigan su entorno, forman ideas y conceptos acerca de éste, tratan de comprenderlo, forman opiniones acerca de él y actúan en él.

Las claves del ABP

La base de este método de trabajo es la continua discusión crítica, el debate y el diálogo entre agentes, es decir, entre profesor y alumno, alumnos y alumnos, y éstos y agentes externos. Esta metodología es una herramienta de la que los implicados en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje se sirven para la construcción continua de sus conocimientos. De esta forma se consigue el desarrollo y la evolución del pensamiento de los alumnos a través del uso de la capacidad crítica y reflexiva individual.

En términos de contenido, determinadas áreas problemáticas son seleccionadas y examinadas desde diferentes puntos de vista. De esta manera son tratadas ambas histórica y contemporáneamente, desde una visión que ayuda a los alumnos a adquirir una capacidad de discernimiento para la vida diaria, al tiempo que puede hacer de su vida en sociedad algo claro y comprensible.

Volveremos a tratar este tema el lunes 25 de septiembre.

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304 respuestas a “Cada día más escuelas se atreven a innovar con el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP)”

  1. The quote by Ken Robinson sums it up perfectly, institutions teach us how to think, how we are supposed to learn; by sitting in a classroom? It is very easy to stay safe and inside of the box.
    The idea of collaboration has been proven to be more effective than solo work, you are able to bounce off each others ideas, play to each others strengths and weaknesses and motivate each other. I refer to the famous quote ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ nowadays companies are looking for people who can work within a team, learning to work and cooperate with other people is a key skill not only in education but in life as well.

  2. Work in the group is a very effective tool to engage children and to incite interest in the subject, develop creative thinking skills, strengthen relationships with their peers and social reflexes. Thanks to the work of the group can pull the weaker students, because they are involuntarily involved in cooperation with distinguished individuals, from which they can really learn a lot. This advantage at the same time can be a disadvantage, because in turn gifted children can pick up weaker students the opportunity to demonstrate, they can to some extent their overwhelm. In this respect, a lot depends on the skill and sense of the situation the same teacher.

  3. Laura Pavo Gómez dice: Responder

    La existencia de un proyecto de trabajo en el cual los alumnos activamente y con un propósito personal muy claro investigando su entorno, formando ideas y conceptos acerca de éste, tratando de comprenderlo, formándose opiniones acerca de él y actuando en él es muy importante. Por lo tanto mayor es la importancia de su innovación, de su renovación para que el proceso activo de los alumnos sea innovado también.

  4. ROSARIO GARCIA SANCHEZ dice: Responder

    Aunque se pueda entender igual y tengan el mismo fin en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, la pedagogía del proyecto se confunde con el proyecto de trabajo. Para elaborar un proyecto hace falta una pedagogía que capacite de medios y recursos a los involucrados en dicho proceso y la pedagogía que se de, puede, o no, corresponder con la que se quiera trabajar para llevar al cabo el proyecto. Es decir, para un proyecto de trabajo, desempeñaremos una función en la cual trataremos de fomentar el diálogo, el debate y diversas funciones que ayuden al alumno a entender y comprender aquello que queramos transmitirles y de este modo, motivarlos a que participen activamente de él. La pedagogía del proyecto entonces, no será más que aquella en la que nos basemos para impartir la enseñanza.

  5. Cristina Venegas Pérez dice: Responder

    La educación tiene que estar en un proceso de innovación constante para mejorar ya que de lo contrario se estancaría y no evolucionaría hacia el fin de un buen nivel educativo y lo más importante hacia el fin del aprendizaje. Para ello es necesario plantear un proyecto con fines metas y objetivos a realizar. Es importante como dice en el texto el diálogo y debate entre profesor y alumno, alumno y alumno y alumno y agentes externos.

  6. ANA INFANTE VALENCIA dice: Responder

    Como dice el texto,una pedagogía del proyecto es una manera genérica de entender el trabajo educativo de proyectos. Con lo que hay que destacar que es muy importante una relación pedagógica entre profesor y alumno por lo que este hecho da una mejor enseñanza-aprendizaje.Estoy de acuerdo con un aprendizaje basado en un proyecto de trabajo, donde el estudiante colabora, y es útil tanto a nivel personal como académico. El sistema educativo actual no es ahora una columna muy fuerte pero todo lo que sea innovar y poner remedio para que todo esto sea mas útil para el día de mañana, bienvenido sea. Todo lo posible por un futuro mejor.

  7. Álvaro Fernández Pereira. dice: Responder

    En el sistema actual, los alumnos sobre todo universitarios no se sienten motivados para progresar en el aprendizaje que se les inculcan. Se limitan a aprobar y tener un título para una futura carrera. Pero la realidad es que no hay aspiración por algo más, por progresar en estos conocimientos que nos dan cada día en la escuela. Las prácticas, comunicación, trabajo e investigación deberá ser la mejor herramienta para que estos alumnos lleguen a conseguir algo más que un simple título, conseguir la capacidad de desenvolverse en cualquier ámbito y demostrar el valor que tuvieron durante los años de formación. Por último, sin unas habilidades y una preparación estimulada durante muchos años no será posible, pienso que es más trabajo del alumno que del profesorado, ya que se debe potenciar a veces de forma individual cuando se ha obtenido estas competencias.

  8. In my opinion the project work is really useful, because the children learn how to co-operation, and they can gave to each other their knowledge and share their opinion. Besides this, they learn how to be patient with the others, and how to make a compromise. With the team work they can create lots of good solutions, it can be more than one good answer, because all of them add something for the task. Then the small ideas and solutions can create a big one, a new, a better one. Of course there are exceptions all the time, which is of course not bad, but we can’t omnify that the team work is good for every pupils, sithence there are person who are more efficient if they have to work alone.

  9. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson and also with Albert Einstein “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.» and Nelson Mandela » “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nobody can take from you the power of your knowledge.
    Project work is a series of activities that allows the students to study, do research and act by themselves using their abilities, interests, personal experience and attitudes. All levels of students can do a project work. The students can work alone or with a group according to the project. I think working in the groups is really good for students, because they learn from each other. Project-based learning provides students with complex tasks based on challenging problems. It allows us to improve the students problem solving and investigative skills.

  10. I dont like this way of teaching, I love it! I think it is the best way to teach the children based on there interests. If the children can choose their own topic and you give them the sources where they get the informations they will do a great work. I also tried it! The pupils got a tablet. They choose their own topic and started to work. It was never so silent like in this two hours… It is also good for the children two work in group. So they can foster their social skills. After they finished their topic they should do a presentation about it. In this case the children also learn a lot!

  11. Maria Del Carmen Diaz Acosta dice: Responder

    Estoy de acuerdo con que se innove con proyectos en la educación, es algo diferente a la simple explicación de un profesor, es más dinámico, obliga de alguna manera al alumno a involucrarse mas, ya que tiene que buscar la información para llevar a cabo su proyecto. Además es una manera de innovar en la educación, que tiene que ir modificándose para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y a sus necesidades.

  12. Daniel Kinghorn dice: Responder

    I believe project learning is a necessity in education. By having this on the curriculum you are learning a wide variety of skills and experience which can be very important in future life. No only do they learn vital social skills, but they also gain experience in working in groups and which role they may undertake. Dealing and thriving in a group situation is something which arises in almost daily life and by teaching children how to handle in this situation is something which can only benefit them in the long term. I believe from my experience not enough project tasks are completed at a young age and this should be increased. A young person can help pinpoint their own skills by working in a group, they can compare with others their own abilities.

  13. Work on the project is one of the best ideas they could come up with our education system. There is nothing better that will prepare students for what awaits them in their future corporations, or their own ventures. Still, I think, however, that in the European education system is still not enough of this type of activity, and to work with the students of the school management should try to persuade people from larger corporations, that they helped the students familiar with the system operation. The corporation one of the most important factors is the ability to work in a group, as the creation of projects in the school develops in us. I think the designs are really wonderful thing for education.

  14. Katarzyna Grabska dice: Responder

    I really like the idea of Project Work. I think it should be used in every school or university. It can help develop many interesting ideas. In my opinion ability to work in the group is very important nowadays. Of course it matters to be able to work on your own, but group work is required in many jobs. Also you learn how to cooperate in the group, how to achieve a compromise or find a good solution. What is more I think this kind of studying/working is more dynamic, brainstorms are very often really effective. You can create more ideas when you work in the group, because there is more brains to think and more point of views around! What is more important you can support your colleges and you get support from them. If you lose your motivation, there is always someone who will keep u motivated. Those are the good points of teamwork. From my point of view it is quite good method of teaching and learning in the same time!

  15. Projects to improve the current situation in order to improve innovation are produced.Education is an important way to pedagoloji the project.Difficult and is a gradual process.I took part in many projects in my country.Project phases of writing, I know the challenges and training. And it took the project on education.Projects must be adapted to education.Training for a long period of time.Every time you need to review.I think the project group work with and can enhance the sense of responsibility.The learning process can be accelerated.We can combine this with the world constantly renewed.I think it should be used more in education projects.For example, instead of homework can be done several projects.I think that would be more permanent.New ideas are generated.And sometimes some of them can make our lives easier.

  16. Rebecca McClean dice: Responder

    In my opinion this is an extremely important way for children to learn. Learning how to work in a group is a skill that will help them later in life as being able to work as a part of a team is a very desirable skill which many employers look for. It teaches students how to listen to other peoples opinions with respect and to take them into consideration and it also teaches them to confidently express their own thoughts and opinions. Not only is this an important way to learn but it is also a fun and stimulating way to learn. I believe that this method should be used throughout a persons academic life, from primary school right through to university.

  17. Krisztina Szeman dice: Responder

    Project working is good for the children, because they have to think together, the whole group. Lots of ideas all the time, until they find the best, which is worth to work on. Sometimes working in groups can cause problems, lot os pressure, but its like a lesson. At the end, they solve the task perfectly, and nobody angry or under pressure. They use all of the members ideas, one little from that-one little from that. This is how the big projects born. But we have to choose the members carefully, because not every person capable to do this kind of work. Some people just cant work in groups, their ideas only workable alone.

  18. I like the idea of Project Work. I always found group work fascinating, because I really believe that more ideas can be born from individual when he/she is discussing a problem. The fact, that in Project Work you as well teach others, it means you need to be sure about the topic you are teaching. But still, it is not for everyone. Some people are just better on their own, they are more effective if they work individual. Another problem with group work is that there is always someone a weak link. And if this weak link is in a group with some strong individuals, he/she will become passive and the others will do his work.

  19. Young pupils who work in groups learn how to compromise and resolve petty arguments as well as making rapid progress in maths, science and reading.I suggest that teachers should act as «guides on the side» of the groups, rather than directly teaching children in the traditional whole-of-class way.Pupils became more focused on their work and the amount of thoughtful discussion between children more than doubled in many classes.Teachers shouldn’t just stand and teach whole class stuff. That’s an old-fashioned way of doing things. If children learn in groups consistently, then they really can learn to work together.

  20. Clara Gutiérrez Martínez dice: Responder

    La renovación y la innovación en materia de educación debe estar a la orden del día , ya que la educación es uno de los principales medios de socialización, es uno de los medios por los que el ser humana se adapta a la sociedad, por este motivo si la educación no se renueva, esta se va quedando obsoleta y desfasada, produciendo un estancamiento a nivel social.
    Por tanto, es primordial estar siempre en una continua innovación, adaptando los proyectos, estrategias, materiales, etc y todo lo que tenga relación con la educación, adaptándose a los tiempos que corren, para que así la educación este en un continuo reciclaje para que las generaciones posteriores estén a la altura de las exigencias de la sociedad.

  21. Agnieszka Mączka dice: Responder

    Once determinant of the authority and effectiveness of teaching methods was silence in the classroom, where children were listenig intently what teacher was speaking. Currently conducting classes looks completely different.
    Pupils are increasingly taking an active part in lessons and engage in group work. Teachers prepare lessons so as to mobilize students to work in groups. It turns out that it is a very effective tool to engage children and incite their interest in the topic, develop creative thinking skills, strengthen relationships with peers and social reflexes.
    Working in a group can draw the weaker students, because they are engaged to work with more able pupils, from which they can really learn a lot. On the other hand, this advantage can also be a disadvantage because clever children can pick up weaker students the opportunity to demonstrate. In this situation a lot depends on the skills and sense of the situation of the teacher.

  22. Thomas Scheffer dice: Responder

    This way of teaching as is described above is a great form of teaching. Unfortunately, getting this in elementary school often applied by organizing purpose. Pupils are most excited when they get something for intrested or have. These variants of teaching gives the students the opportunity to develop themselves and to rise. Above are The disadvantage is that you are often dependent on others in your opinion the wrong settings and do not join properly. It is important that teachers be able to combine different methods.

  23. I wish that all schools had Project Work. For me, it is quite didactic. Because when you are in a Project Work, you must think, you must share your ideas, you must teach the others. So, with team work, you create new ideas and you unite your ideas with the other people. And in team work, everyone has a duty and everyone is responsible for something. So, it prepares you for your future. Moreover, you become creative. As teachers follow the curriculum, you don’t create new ideas but with Project Work, you join a team and you create new ideas. So, I totally support this system.

  24. Group projects can help students develop a host of skills that are increasingly important in the professional world. Positive group experiences, moreover, have been shown to contribute to student learning, retention and overall college success. Properly structured, group projects can reinforce skills that are relevant to both group and individual work.
    Group projects can also help students develop skills specific to collaborative efforts and tackle more complex problems than they could on their own and they can also delegate roles and responsibilities so make them more responsable.

  25. It is extremely important to encourage students to maintain a level of curiosity in learning and education. Working as part of a team it is an alternative way of gauging how pupils can learn from each other. There is a sense of togetherness when working in a group and pupils must learn to respect each others views, opinions and contributions. This of course can improve their personal skills in other areas. In terms of future employment in todays society team work is highly successful in firms in all sectors of employment. Therefore it should be incorporated into education from the earliest stage possible making children aware of the importance of working together. Not only that but it gives them the opportunity to develop their skills as well as furthering their tolerance of future work colleagues/class mates.

  26. Jasna Rovčanin dice: Responder

    Project work is a great way of learning. During the project, students learn the techniques of independent and cooperative learning, work with texts, management interviews, performance analysis, comparison and synthesis, documentation of data collected and the entire work process and its results. But teacher it is also in ihe new position, so at this point it is very important to trust and respect each other. It is important that the teacher respects the interests of pupils, their diversity of skills and interests and allows them to develop in line with the opportunities and to encourage the learner’s holistic development and thus significantly contributes to the general social development.

  27. Group work and cooperative learning have a very positive impact on learning and necessary skills of the students. Students get the desired results in a different way and such learning is much more interesting, and also difficult to forget. Projects like this require dedication, initiative, decision-making ability, adaptation, teamwork, responsibility for themselves and other members of the group. Listed competencies are indispensable in today’s time, so students with such projects will actually be prepared to live and work successfully. In the future they will not have too much trouble if they will be involved in projects at their work.

  28. Irene Torres Domínguez dice: Responder

    Como hemos dicho durante todos los comentarios hechos anteriormente, el sistema educativo está en una situación «rara», por lo que bajo mi punto de vista necesita un buen cambio, ya sea modificando e innovando el presente o directamente creando uno nuevo que se adapte a todos los cambios de hoy en día.
    Principalmente pienso que la innovación es algo primordial en la actualidad, ya que vivimos en un mundo dinámico en el que todo está permanentemente cambiando, por lo que bajo mi punto de vista la innovación es un punto a favor para mejorar la sociedad y todos los ámbitos que alrededor de ella se crean.

  29. In my opinion learning based on projects and tasks is more effective than learning by classic way of classes. Of course, it is obvious that some part of education has to run in classic way: by listening and memorizing words of teachers. But this kind of lessons should be reduced to the minimum. Majority of classes should have an active form, like for example working in groups doing some projects and individual tasks. By this kind of activities pupils can learn in more effective way. Practicing, doing something on your own, following your own ideas not only teaches in better way but also helps to raise personal development of students.

  30. Mert yılmaz özbaş dice: Responder

    The objectives of the Education Innovation Project are to: improve, in selected higher education institutions, the quality and quantity of social science education and encourage better governance systems and efficiency in the use of resources; and improve the quality and availability of school textbooks. The project has three components: The Higher Education Innovation Fund encourages the reform of selected institutes; and establishes an Innovation Fund focusing on international best practice and on the development of social sciences and governance and management reform, which offers grants to higher education institutions. School Textbook Reform provides training and equipment for both the Ministry of Economy and regional educational administrators to strengthen educational standards and create new textbook titles; reviews and renews the federal list of textbooks; establishes electronic information and book ordering systems for schools, parents, and students; and trains regional and local administrators in these systems.

  31. Karolina Brodowska dice: Responder

    I think that teaching should be more practical. Only transmission the theory from the books does not give the desired results. Large part of this material is likely to be useless and probably will never be necessary in practice. That’s why working in groups, cooperation, active tasks, brainstorming are good solution for this problem. I think that this way of teaching allows students to achieve more, gives motivation between each other and really forces to think. Of course science can not rely only on group works, personal development is also very important, but I think the combination of this together can give the best results.

  32. alison mcnamara dice: Responder

    Group projects are a good way of interacting with others and also is good to share ideas and bring all ideas together to come up with a better idea. Group work can be successful or unsuccessful depending on the person, some people are not team players whereas others work better in a team than when working alone. Bringing students together to work on a project is a common teaching technique so there will be a range of ideas and students learn to respect each others opinions, it can sometimes be very effective but can also cause tension within groups. I think group work is important and is a useful teaching technique but I wouldn’t overuse it as students could become lazy depending on others to do all the work or others might take over. A mix of group and individual work in the classroom would be the most effective I think.

  33. Eliška Zejdová dice: Responder

    We worked a lot of time in groups during classes in my basic school. This kind of teaching has number of advantages. I think it is good for involvement of all students into the teaching. The pupils are more concentrating on the work and they can solve more difficult problems together, because «the more heads, the more ideas». They can teach and give new information and ideas to each other in this way. I think more shy pupils can enforce themselves there and they can say their opinion without fears. The students speak with teacher like team, so the students can be more sure in their expression.
    On the secondary school we had team works very seldom and I think it is pitty. Some students don´t like this kind of school work. However I think it should be contained in the classes in each age group.

  34. In my opinion the most effective way of teaching is this, in which the class is more dynamic either through discussions or talks or reviewing various topics. That’s why working in groups in school is very important. It includes so many different aspects- like cooperation, solving problems, being creative, pupils can exchange their opinions/ideas and also learn how to communicate. The importance of innovation in educational programs play a key role. I think the fact of innovation in any field always comes well, if it is to improve and reach new goals.

  35. Iveta Lošáková dice: Responder

    This working project containing these parts is very similar to the Framework educational program: 1) the child and his body 2) the child psychical thinking 3) the child and the other person 4) the child and society 5) the child and the world. All components of the program are as important as the basic curriculum. Person must first to think about the topic, collect information from the external environment, then that could still cooperate in a group of people. As a student I did not like performing in front of the class, I think that teachers should find programs to eliminate stress of students perform in front of a group of people present or enforce your own opinion.
    In the Czech Republic, I attended a conference focused on communication within the group, cooperation and stress relief in front of the group. This program is designed for elementary and high school, and I think that schools should use it more. As for work projects, I think they are very useful for the group, people can get to know and detect hidden knowledge and opinions.

  36. I agree that task-based learning and group work are very important factors in the process of learning. Such activities teach the learners how to use the knowledge or skills they have acquired, they motivate them by showing practical applications of what they have learnt, they teach them finding solutions on their own and cooperation when working in a group. Teaching with the use of task-based approach does not require fundamental changes in the way lessons are conducted, sometimes a 5-minute task is enough to help students learn better. It also helps their personal development – they learn how to work with other people, how to defend their point of view or admit their mistake.

  37. Ana Terrada Abril dice: Responder

    Las innovaciones educativas, para una mejora de los procesos de la escuela, sin duda ahora mismo es indispensable, debido al momento en el que nos encontramos. Cualquier intento de aumentar la probabilidad de éxito en el ámbito educativo, debe ser bien recibido. Si hasta día de hoy, el sistema educativo, ha fallado en determinadas ocasiones, es lógico pensar en la idea de crear innovaciones destinadas a consequir mayor efectividad en alumnos, como por ejemplo, mayor participación del mismo, más libertad de expresión y capacidad de decisión propia.

  38. Egemen Tuncer YILDIZ dice: Responder

    Group works is a great form of learning That in my opinion is too little used in schools.
    As you wrote there is a critical discussion Between students and teachers When working in groups.I think there’s positive and negative things to say about it. The positive thing Is that the students want to compete with each other,and want to give the best of themselves. Working with group is good Because of group members can find chance to see other thoughts acerca same subject. They can change Their mistakes if doing lot or any ides They Can Improve Their members by learning other’s ideas.It is possible to put all small thoughts together and create a new concept by working with group.

  39. Ainoa Méndez Regalado dice: Responder

    Estoy completamente de acuerdo en que un proyecto educativo diseñado por un director e impuesto al personal, o un proyecto de trabajo colectivo concebido por un enseñante e impuesto a sus alumnos, etc., dudosamente va a entenderse bajo el nombre de “Pedagogía del Proyecto”, ya que como cita el autor en el texto, se debe vincular con el compromiso que profesor y alumno contraen con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y la presencia de una continua discusión crítica, el debate y el diálogo entre el profesor, alumnos y agentes externos.
    Hay que decir que el sistema educativo actual no está pasando por uno de sus mejores momentos (como ya sabemos todos),así que todo lo que sea innovar en poner solución a los estudiantes a resolver sus problemas, dudas y demás me parece muy satisfactorio .
    Desde mi punto de vista los proyectos de trabajo nos beneficiarían bastante, ya que habría un continuo saber respecto a que todas nuestras dudas, inquietudes y otras necesidades, se van a solventar, que hay una relación más familiar con toda la clase y el profesorado, que estamos ante un buen camino de motivarnos y así aumentarán las ganas de seguir adelante.

  40. Adrián Santos Bermúdez dice: Responder

    No es algo nuevo afirmar que el sistema educativo español necesita de una serie de fuertes cambios en su estructura, ya que este no guía a los alumnos a buen puerto. Partiendo de esa base, pienso que la innovación mediante proyectos de trabajos puede ser una buena iniciativa en busca de la propulsión de esa innovación antes nombrada. La elaboración de esos trabajos, bajo mi punto de vista, lleva al alumno a profundizar sus conocimientos, a poner en práctica toda la teoría aprendida, lo que supone una ampliación y desarrollo de sus pensamientos y conocimientos que le ayudara y mejorara a nivel educativo.

  41. Carmen González Mira dice: Responder

    El tema sobre los proyectos está muy bien, estoy totalmente de acuerdo porque gracias a esto se pueden buscar soluciones a aquellas cosas que no funcionan o no avanzan:

    Un proyecto se crea no solo para el tema de «educación» sino para otras muchas cosas, como por ejemplo asociaciones, centros deportivos, empresas, estudios, política etc.

    Como muy bien se ha explicado anteriormente en el texto, un proyecto coge un tema determinado, se investiga a fondo, forman unas ideas, comprenden el tema y una vez hecho todo esto cada uno da sus opiniones (se puede hacer en grupo o individualmente, es preferible, y más fácil y ligero hacerlo de forma grupal, también depende del tema) y ya por último actuar.

    Sobre los proyectos educativos, me gustaría decir que como sabemos todo el mundo hoy en día este tema no está funcionando del todo. Nosotros que» somos alumnos» sabemos mejor que nadie los problemas ya que nos afectan directamente. Por lo tanto podemos crear proyectos educativos con más facilidad y con más ganas, ya que otras personas que ya no estudian, ni les afectan tanto como a nosotros, ponen tanto empeño para que hoy en día haya una buena educación y sobre todo igualdad para ello.

  42. Simona Maiolatesi dice: Responder

    Creo sea claro que para un aprendizaje significativo y eficaz el alumno no deba ser considerado algo pasivo por parte del profesorado, y no deba serlo, puesto que el proceso educativo es interactivo, es un intercambio. Además la relación entre teoría y práctica es imprenscindible y cuánto más los estudiantes ponen en práctica más aprenden. Por eso la introdución de proyectos de trabajo es seguramente beneficiosa para los alumnos porque estos implican la participación activa de los estudiantes que tienen que indagar, reflexionar, discutir y dialogar entre ellos y con los profesores y agentes externos también, para llegar a unas conclusiones. Esto permite al alumnado profundizar argumentos por sí mismo desarrollando su curiosidad y capacidades y consente experimentar el debate y el confronto constructivo.
    Lo de los proyectos de trabajo es un método innovativo de enseñanza que crea una conexión entre los alumnos y la realidad facilitando la comprensión de los argumentos porque requiere, como ya dicho, sin duda participión activa y reflexión sobre el tema y gracias a eso se obtienen buenos resultados.

  43. María José Valverde Bermejo dice: Responder

    La educación necesita de cambios, porque es algo «vivo» y que debe estar en continua evolución. Pero más ahora, que el sistema educativo no termina de funcionar para nada bien y se necesitan proyectos de cambios y renovaciones.
    Hoy en día, todo cambia, todo evoluciona, todo se transforma para adaptarse a estos tiempos,pues la educación también debe hacerlo, ya que es un elemento primordial, fundamental y muy importante para el desarrollo de las personas.
    Como ya venimos diciendo, el alumnado es el que más sabe de estos fallos, porque los sufrimos día a día, por eso, pienso que sea cual sea el proyecto, debe de haber un acuerdo, y un continuo diálogo entre las partes importantes del elemento sobre el que se hace el proyecto.

  44. In my opinion getting started on the road to group project success making the grade with group projects is easy when team members work together and follow a general project outline. Mention the words «small group» and some people immediately recall an unorganized, unstructured group project from back in high school. A logical place to begin with group projects is to schedule an initial first meeting where everyone shares their contact information and a general meeting schedule is arranged. The next steps are discussing and outlining the project’s objectives and assigning various tasks, including who will be responsible for what areas of research, data organization, and analysis, as well as how the final presentation is prepared and presented.

  45. Aleksandra Jaszcz dice: Responder

    This article is about Project Based Learning – in my opinion – very good method of learning, where students/pupils gain knowledge and skills by working on some project in order to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Later students present their work to other people and classmates – that improves presentational skills which I think are extremely important.
    Teachers find it easier to lead a class in the traditional way than to prepare for pupil some work and tasks to do in groups. I would say that during my education from primary school to university, I was given a lot of homework to do in groups or at least in pairs. But the thing is that many of them where really boring and not useful. So every teacher while thinking about preparing group works should think carefully about the good topic of course, but also the good way to organized this kind of activity.

  46. I believe that innovation is a critical aspect within an education. Year after year, each generation can be so vastly different from previous years that the system is constantly changing in order to suit the needs of the students. I think in today’s society, being innovative is such a useful skill to obtain. Education wise, I believe it can be acquired through the method of group work projects. By interacting with other people who has similar or different ideas, this will help a child’s creativity to expand beyond their first initial thoughts and will vastly improve their communication skills, which is vital in order to achieve success in the future. With this knowledge of working in a team, this form of education will trigger creativity, innovation and intelligence. This in effect will set the student up for his/her future career, where being creative and innovative is a critical form within the workforce.


    Como ya venimos diciendo a lo largo de todos los comentarios anteriores, el sistema educativo está en una situación de vulnerabilidad, y presenta claramente una necesidad de cambio, ya sea modificando el ya existente, como creando uno nuevo que se adapte a la realidad que vivimos hoy día.
    Por otro lado, pienso que la innovación es algo que no puede faltar en la actualidad, puesto que vivimos en un mundo en el que todo está en continuo cambio y lo que hoy parece ser lo más beneficioso puede que mañana ya no sirva por diversos aspectos de la realidad, por lo que la innovación es un gran punto a favor para el progreso en todos los sentidos de la sociedad en su conjunto y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con ella.

  48. Rocío Vázquez Alfonso dice: Responder

    Innovar con proyectos de trabajo es algo muy importante puesto que el alumno se encontrara así más realizado con la participación en clase.
    Dentro del ámbito de la enseñanza está bien innovar, adaptarse a los cambios y crear nuevos métodos de enseñanza más aláa que el que dan los libros de texto. Por lo tanto estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la realización de estos proyectos para poder así motivar a los estudiantes y que ellos, por lo tanto, se sientan más vinculados a su trabajo como alumnos.

  49. I think that people are in school for only a short period of time and that they need to learn as much as they can during that period. I think that students and teachers should work together to help set up a curriculum that works well over all. Students have to learn many different subjects but i think that the curriculum needs to be cut down to include many main parts in those subjects but all the useless pieces of information should be excluded. Too much information is not good for students as they need to sort through all the useless pieces of information and this does not help them.Teachers can use their own initiative by not expanding on topics but by tellling the students the information that is necessary for them.

  50. Margret Oberreither dice: Responder

    To learn with the childlike curiosity is in my opinion the most effective way of learning. In my opinion the education system should be based on the interests of children. Because if the pupils are not interested they will only remember a small amount of the topics they studied. This idea could be realized with open- educative – methods, which are centered on the pupils and not on the teacher. There should be a general aspect of knowledge, which all the children should learn and another part, where children could decide by there own, which topics are interesting for them. The eduaction system in Austria is already changing into a pupil centered system , but it will need much more time. The reason is, that many teachers are afraid to change their methods, they should learn more about this topic in their continuing education. Studends should also learn more about pupils centered methods at the university to use it in there futur in an effective way.

  51. Barbora Beňová dice: Responder

    Sin duda las relaciónes interpersonales son una de las cosas más importantes. Y como lo aprendemos si no relacionarse con otros? Haciendo los proyectos, solucionando los problemas y buscando los acuerdos? Es una de las cosas más básicas que deberíamos aprender en la escuela. Lo que no me gusta en nuestro sistema de trabajo de grupo es que muchas veces tenemos demasiadas reglas, ya sábemos exactamente qué y como lo quiere el profesor entonces nosotros solamente como unos robots hacemos automaticamente el ejercicio y ya está. Todos lo mismo, los productos homogenos, típico de esta era.

  52. Danique van 't Spijker dice: Responder

    I personally think that it is good to work with variable projects and working methods. Independent work is good for every student but working in groups as well. By working in groups, you learn to deal with others.
    Also listen to other people’s opinions and to respect them. Each way of working has its pluses.
    Working in steps provides planning and oversight. Working with ENL project work I think it’s a really good way of working.

  53. María Bravo Montero dice: Responder

    La educación está continuamente desarrollándose y evolucionando, por ello es necesario innovarla con proyectos de trabajo eficaces para que la educación de los alumnos fluya. Los proyectos deben ser interesantes y adecuados para que los alumnos vean esto como una mejor manera de aprender y de familiarizarse con su entorno, en este caso, la clase. Esto hará que expongan en clase sus críticas, opiniones y argumentos, que lograrán una comunicación, debate y contacto entre los docentes y el profesor. Esta es una de las maneras que se innova en el sistema educativo de forma positiva.

  54. Mitchell ter Haar dice: Responder

    The way of working that described above is used extensively in our university. I am also quite familiar with the steps that are put in order to achieve a good solution and achieve good results. I must also say that I work with methods like this, because there are many to be found, are very efficient. What I want to place as side note is the following. Sometimes it wil happens that people tip in the use of a method. Then, the use of the method, the objective in itself. Here you need to watch. it is good that you can work if it is efficient, with the method. But it should not be a goal in itself.

  55. I think working with projects in education is a very important matter. It strengthens so many skills of a person, that it should be used much more. Not only will a person improve their communication skills or teamwork, but she has to communicate with people he or she normally wouldn’t talk or hang out with.
    I think especially in schools and classes this should be a much more important matter. I had last semester a class where the pupils couldn’t present some short text without some help, they couldn’t hold eye contact, were nervous and sressed. So to overcome these fears we have to have much more presentations or projects where pupils have to worrk together.
    For me it only has advantages and I’m definitely going to have different project with my pupils when I start working as a teacher.

  56. ALEJANDRA AGUDO FÉLIX dice: Responder

    A lo largo de todos los textos comentados hemos recalcado la necesidad de cambios en el sistema educativo, por lo que la innovación es un elemento o proceso importante en un ámbito como este. La educación es dinámica, está en continuo cambio, por lo que debe haber proyectos de renovación e innovación adaptados a esos cambios. Además debe crear nuevos métodos de enseñanza aprendizaje que motive al alumno y ayude al profesor a impartir las clases. El proyecto de innovación recoge la metodología, los procesos y técnicas a través de las cuales debe llevarse el proceso de formación…

  57. Como venimos comentando a lo largo de casi todos los textos la educación necesita un cambio, por lo que veo muy bueno innovar con nuevos proyectos de trabajo. Un proyecto debe recoger toda la metodología, técnicas e instrumentos, objetivos, evaluación…, es decir, recoger todo lo relacionado la formación del niño.
    «1) Orientación hacia el problema
    Debe ser entendido como algo sobre lo que el alumno desea poner luz, o algo que desea resolver. Algo que quiere comprender en el sentido de poder manejar el conocimiento con soltura. Aquí lo importante es fomentar la “curiosidad” o “preguntas” que el alumno tiene o se hace.»Este principio a mi parecer es uno de los mas importantes, ya que sin curiosidad o motivación no llegamos a nada.

  58. Those kind of project are very important. In my opinion working in groups is very important aspect of children lifes. It is very usefull in the future, it teaches how to solve problems. Even those the easiest might be the hardest. But if we are taught how to handle with this kind of situations, we could be able to manage this. Also this kind of exercises such as presenting in front of the class, it is very scary for most of the student, but motivate us to fight with our fears and shows that the world is not that scary. Children are taught creativity. That is the main goal.
    If child will do a mistake it’s a duty of teacher, to give them some advice, to help, in order to develope this creativity, develope thinking. To stop being affraid.

  59. LAURA LUNA MURES dice: Responder

    La innovación en la educación es algo fundamental hoy y siempre, ya que sufre cambios constantemente y ha de estar en continua renovación, y además evita que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje caiga en la monotonía y en lo aburrido, y que por tanto para profesor y alumno se convierta en un infierno, puesto que ni el profesor podría transmitir los conocimientos de manera efectiva y despertar en el alumnado el deseo de aprender, ni el alumno por tanto los va a interiorizaría ni estaría interesado en los mismos, por lo que los resultados serían nefastos desde mi punto de vista como docente y futura educadora social, ya que nuestro objetivo no es que mecanicen los contenidos, sino que se asimilen esos contenidos, y por tanto, que adquieran un aprendizaje significativo.
    Por ello estoy completamente a favor de un aprendizaje basado en un proyecto de trabajo, donde el alumno participa activamente, aprendiendo tanto a nivel personal como académico; donde se le estimula haciéndolo partícipe de este proceso en todo momento y ayudando a que el mismo se construya sus conocimientos; donde se provocan debates, diálogos, etc. y así se fomentan las relaciones tanto personales como interpersonales y donde se incentiva una capacidad crítica y reflexiva en el pupilo, que hoy en día es fundamental para desenvolverse de forma autónoma en la sociedad donde vivimos.

  60. Elisabeth Otero García dice: Responder

    Desde mi punto de vista, la innovación tiene que estar más unida a la educación, para que conforme se vaya innovando se vaya creando unos métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje mejores para que la forma de enseñan por parte de los docentes, sea cada vez mejor.
    El hecho de no crearse proyectos educativos, hace que la educación este estancada, hasta el cierto momento que esta no evolucione, por lo tanto a partir de aqui es donde se produce más abandono escolar y fracaso escolar por parte de los alumnos.
    También decir que para que un proyecto educativo tenga éxito, tiene que haber un buen ambiente en el aula, tanto por parte de los profesores como de los alumnos, y se produzca un buen desarrollo de la educación.
    Es importante también que los alumnos tenga innovación para que la educación vaya en curso, ya que cada uno muestra una parte suya de innovación, hasta que se llega a crear un proyecto educativo, que en ese sentido tiene vida.

  61. I think that the concept of encouraging students to develop their curiosity is very important. That way they will learn more of particular problem because they need to search for information. Moreover when finally founding a response people usually remember longer things that required some effort to get to know them. Cooperative learning not only makes learning better but also teach how to work with other people. Gaining social skills is far more important that most people thing. Everyday we live among each other, we need do communicate and live together. Working in groups show as how to behave and talk with others to get things done.

  62. Ana María Volante Márquez dice: Responder

    En mi opinión la educación está estancada, o los cambios que en ella se han producido o se están produciendo no son del todo significativos. Creo que los proyectos de trabajo y la educación deberían de ir unidas, es decir, a la vez; cosa que están un poco separadas.
    Si de lo que se trata es de innovar, pues que se innove; ya que sólo nos centramos en que los alumnos estudien y aprendan, y no se trata únicamente de eso. Para ello se debería prestar atención a otros aspectos, como motivar a esos alumnos desganados, crearle esas ganas e interés por aprender que han perdido, etcétera.
    En definitiva, se debe de innovar y probar cosas nuevas; ya que los tiempos van en evolución y nosotros también.

  63. Why innovative?In most countries, the public education system is how most people earn their education, simply because they can’t afford anything else.When there is no effective competition, it’s easy to see how schools can get complacent. Things worsen when (as in some countries) the public education system is centralised and controlled by a bureaucracy.How we educate students has not changed at all to reflect this simple reality, and I cannot conceive of a logical reason for why this is so. There has to be a better way, but there just seems to be no innovation in education.All innovation and experimentation starts small, in the hands of one or two people who decide to try something new. A teacher might experiment with roleplaying to teach his students history, for instance.For such experimentation to occur in the first place, there has to be autonomy for teachers to control how they run things — there cannot be interference from a bureaucracy. Centralising control of the education system is thus obviously not a good idea.But for this experimentation to take off, if its hypothesis proves to be correct, it needs to be able to spread to other schools and other teachers. But for other educators to adopt something, there has to be an incentive to do so.

  64. Nuray Yalçınkaya dice: Responder

    To begin while most members of this kind of small group will have a broadly similar goal, chances are each individual participant will be very different. It is this unique variety of perspectives, skills, and strengths that can make a group project extremely successful. In fact, if the group is able to assign tasks based upon individual strengths while working in collaboration, they will be well on their way to success.After all, whenever a diverse group of people come together to work on a project there may be discussions about things such as who will handle what area of the project and how the project should be organized. However, it’s important to understand that this is, in fact, part of the process–and another reason why group projects are such an effective educational tool.

  65. In my opinion working in groups in school can be a good thing. While reading this article, the idea of collective intelligence came to my mind. If the group dynamic permits, the group can profit from each member of the group and as a whole, they can achieve more together, than they would individually.
    I really like the idea that this project changes the process in the class room, that it is no longer the teacher who tells the students exactly what to do, but that the students are able to work autonomously. In my opinion, this is really important since it helps the students to think more innovative and creative and come up with their own ideas, as well as learning how to work and communicate in a team and take responsibilities. This improves self-consciousness, students can find their strengths and each student takes the tasks they are good at and they can all learn from each other. Curiosity is the key to intellectual achievements. Encouraging the students in their work can lead to great learning processes and efficiency.


    Si la herramienta para que los alumnos tengan motivación y se hagan participe de su educación, es la innovación, estoy totalmente de acuerdo, en que se introduzcan en las aulas debates, intervenciones por parte de los alumnos, y charlas donde estos tengan un papel activo, ya que para mí es lo primordial, que una persona quiera aprender y quiera crecer profesional y personalmente. Creo que de una manera o de otra este debería de ser el objetivo a conseguir, ya que bajo mi punto de vista es lo más importante, y si para un docente su meta es que los alumnos aprendan, ¿Por qué no hacerlo y romper con esa monotonía?
    La forma de vida cambia y por tanto también cambiamos los seres humanos, por lo que hay que conocer al alumnado y saber de qué forma acercar mejor los conocimientos a transmitir.

  67. Alexandra Mc Gurran dice: Responder

    I believe project work within education curriculums are a vital part of our learning process and preparing us for the world of work. This shows students how to work together, being creative, innovative, and critical as a team, which is an essential quality and skill required to work in most organisations. Furthermore project based learning in my opinion is a more fun way to learn and teach as there is a lot more interaction involved. Project based work within the classroom is going to develop a students communication and social skills further. Therefore I feel innovating with projects will benefit even the youngest of children so should be introduced as soon as they begin their educational experience.

  68. Innovation is critical in educational environments. What a teachers suggests the students believes. Innovative education requires students to become involved in tasks that are very positive and rewarding. Students asking questions along the way helps them learn along with the class In a much better way, as all problems and thoughts about particular take are clarified there and then. Team work is key, employers around the globe require this skill, what better than to begin developing this skill young. Group activities are totally essential when helping a student improve there communication, integration and motivational skills. This is a very interesting and important factor that needs to be implemented on a daily basis.

  69. «Teamwork makes the dream work» is the thought process behind many successful teams across business, enterprise and education and it is in my opinion the motivating factor that drives them forward to achieve great things. Working in teams helps to develop skills and qualities that are useful in both an educational setting but also in a personal setting, but most importantly in a work place environment where tasks are often divided up between the team mates and this will require everyone to work together to complete the project or task. The skills used in this situation will have been developed at an early age, most probably early primary school showing how the skills learnt as children are used throughout life and highlighting how important it is for educators to help to develop theses skills so they can be used to help the person in later life.

  70. Nazaret Mª Mota Estrada dice: Responder

    La innovación y por consecuente la evolución de la educación debería de ir al mismo ritmo que de desarrolla las tecnologías. Si observamos a nuestro alrededor todo va progresando menos la educación. La educación sigue con el mismo programa educativo, los mismos objetivos…que hacia muchísimos años y ya se a quedado desfasada en el tiempo.
    En los tiempos que corren debería de elaborar un programa actual con unos objetivos útiles para el alumnado y por supuesto que les motive.
    He de reconocer que hay asignaturas que pueden innovar menos que otras pero aún así deberá de plantearse el cambio y no un cambio que empeore como ha sido el sistema de calculo ABN para algunos alumnos, sino un cambio que sea para mejorar y modernizar en sistema este que esta acabando con la educación y con las ganas de estudiar.

  71. Project based learning is very important as students become more engaged in learning when they have a chance to dig into complex, challenging, and sometimes even messy problems that closely resemble real life. Project-based learning offers a wide range of benefits to both students and teachers. For students, benefits of project-based learning include increased attendance, growth in self-reliance, and improved attitudes toward learning, opportunities to develop complex skills, such as higher-order thinking, problem-solving, collaborating, and communicating and finally to access to a broader range of learning opportunities in the classroom, providing a strategy for engaging culturally diverse learners. Teachers find that students who benefit the most from project-based learning tend to be those for whom traditional instructional methods and approaches are not effective. I think this type of communication is effective as students learn from others as new ideas are spread in the classroom.

  72. In my opinion many projects allow students to work together to show what they have learned and projects are a very good idea. If students are struggling with a topic working on projects in groups it is likely that their partners will help explain concepts to them, which facilitates a deeper understanding. I think that project-based learning promotes critical thinking, memory and creativity. Not only is it good for students but it is most definitely good for teachers too as it strengthens student and teacher relationships. Projects will benefit students in the future especially when searching for employment because a lot of future jobs will require not only higher levels of training and technical skills, but also the ability to work collaboratively in groups. Overall I think that projects within education are very beneficial as it improves social and communication skills and it is beneficial for future prospects.

  73. I think that communication has a big role in education process. It is really important that students exchange with their ideas with other students or profesors. I think that profesors should really inspire students to think outside the box and have a personal point of view about current themes in world. Nowdays education system works more in just one way. For example, students go to 80 minutes lecture and just lisen when profesor is talking and cant give his personal point of view because teachers are not interested to share with their personal opinion because they just need to manage lecture about subject what they have so communication is just one way from teacher to student not both ways. I think that lectures has to be more about communication and sharing ideas with others about everythink because that is how great ideas is made off!


    Con el paso del tiempo, los proyectos y estrategias educativas, también quedan obsoletos al igual que muchas otras cosas. La renovación y la innovación en materia de educación el algo de vital importancia, puesto que la educación es uno de los principales medios de socialización y por tanto uno de los medios por los que el hombre se adapta a la sociedad de hoy en día, y si la educación no se renueva y queda obsoleta, se produce un estancamiento de toda la sociedad.
    Por tanto, es importante innovar, adaptando los proyectos, estrategias, materiales, centros, y todo aquello que tiene que ver con la educación, a los tiempos que corren, para que así la educación que reciban las generaciones futuras esté a la altura de las exigencias de la sociedad.

  75. Christina Burgholzer dice: Responder

    It is proved that working and studying in groups and strong personal cooperation enhances learning, ideas, creativity, fun etc. The single sitting in front of books and trying to understand or even worse learning the content by heart should definitively be a matter of the past.
    Nowadays, the world and all the surroundings and environments we are in are changing tremendously fast. Therefore also the teaching methodolody needs to adapt to that new developments and possibilities of a life-long learning. In my opinion the first step is set, if people cooperate more and communicate with each other in order to exchange ideas and views. In universitites the personal experience of teachers and professors is simply a required must have.

  76. In my opinion, working in groups is a great idea, students learn to work together, to express your opinion and respect the opinion of others. Working in groups is really usefull. We can share our ideas with classmates. it is really great How to get to know each other more.Group works will not be more expensive for the schools or the students will not miss out on any knowledge as they practice knowledge all the time within the groups. In Turkey for example we have a lot of group work, and this saves the teachers more time but it also allows them to see the students from a different view.

  77. By bringing real-life context and technology to the curriculum through a Project Work approach, students are encouraged to become independent workers, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners. Teachers can communicate with administrators, exchange ideas with other teachers and subject-area experts, and communicate with parents, all the while breaking down invisible barriers such as isolation of the classroom, fear of embarking on an unfamiliar process, and lack of assurances of success. Project work is not just a way of learning; it’s a way of working together. If students learn to take responsibility for their own learning, they will form the basis for the way they will work with others in their adult lives.

  78. Sevde Sena Kuzucuk dice: Responder

    No matter which level it is or which principle, I always believe the advantages of project work. It is what a learner needs. They follow their own ways to collect information. It enables them to be creative and curious. They search and they create something concrete to show. It is totally student-centered. Learners are free to follow their ways. They can use their learning style. Work projets are also can be the sources of innovational, creative ideas and concepts. That is what we need in today’s world. We always mention the importance of creativity and innovation. In educational concept, projects must be supported and improved because it helps learner and develops educational system.

  79. IXONE GOMEZ RAMIREZ dice: Responder

    Los proyectos de trabajo dentro del ámbito escolar son esenciales para llevar acabo un buen trabajo y desarrollo educativo. En este aspecto los proyectos como ya se ha comentado anteriormente, deben estar en continua renovación, transformándose para una mejor aplicación y una mayor consecución de los objetivos marcados.
    Es necesaria una retroalimentacion entre los componentes de los proyectos, con el objetivo de conocer y mejorar los defectos que puedan tener.
    Como bien se dice en el texto, los proyectos deben tener los siguientes principios:
    1) Orientación hacia el problema
    2) Orientación hacia el producto
    3) Regla colaborativa (dirección y cooperación conjunta entre profesor y alumno)
    4) Interdisciplinariedad
    5) Acerca de la selección del contenido ejemplar

  80. Sandra Maloversnik dice: Responder

    As I already mentioned in a lot of other article comments, it is very essential to renew the school system. Everything changes so why do we stick to the old school system? We need to incorporate the new technology as well as new teaching strategies. We do need teachers that are able to motivate students to learn new things and to try out new things. We do need teachers that make the students interested in new topics so that they really want to know things about it to scrutinize things. Students should be free to ask whatever they want to know. They need to get the theory as well as practical experience. The best way to learn new things is through practical experience. And if they have to do something to explore something they won`t get bored and will be very interested in finding out new things.

  81. Ana Cordón Masero dice: Responder

    Vivimos en un mundo que está en continua transformación, por ello, se necesita que el sistema educativo se vaya renovando, para poderse adaptar a la actualidad. Los objetivos, las creencias, y las competencias, entre otros aspectos, cambian según la generación, y por ello se requiere que los proyectos de trabajos se actualicen para que los alumnos despierten su interés por conocer. Se debe fomentar la creatividad, la integración, la motivación, la relación entre profesor y alumno, la capacidad crítica…, haciéndo las clases más dinámicas a través de actividades grupales que permitan a los niños relacionarse con los demás.

  82. Manuel Orellana Ahumada dice: Responder

    La institución de la escuela, es bueno que tenga proyectos pedagógicos renovados, que estén en un proceso de reciclaje y renovación. A la hora de poner en marcha un proyecto en las aulas, siempre se tiene en cuenta al destinatario, pero no siempre el grupo es el mismo y van cambiando, por eso tiene que ir cambiando y teniendo en cuenta siempre una evaluación final.
    Otra cosa que también se debe tener en cuenta en los proyectos pedagógicos es que las herramientas de guía para el alumnado. Muchas veces con un grupo se trabaja bien con una serie de materiales y en otro grupo con otras.
    Una cosa muy importante y de opinión propia es preguntarle a los alumnos como quieren ser educados, ya que son ellos los que van a recibir esa educación.

  83. Carmen Tierra Burguillo dice: Responder

    Creo que la innovación es algo muy importante en la educación, ya que si se sigue utilizando material antiguo y no se renueva, no se le podrá dar la misma utilidad que se le daba anteriormente ya sea porque ya no se utilice o porque estén en mal estado. Por tanto creo que es algo esencial esta innovación y algo principal en la pedagogía.
    Para esta innovación hay que saber lo que se quiere conseguir, para que así se pueda llevar a cabo mejor.
    Con respecto al alumno tener una capacidad más crítica y una buena resolución de problemas.

  84. Cristina García Macías dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que los proyectos pedagógicos que se utilizan necesitan reciclarse. Porque los profesores no pueden utilizar el mismo material de hace unos años porque los tiempos han cambiado y éstos se tienen que adaptar a la realidad.
    Los profesores no deberían de olvidar que ellos también un día fueron alumnos y pensar cómo podía hacer las clases más amenas, participativas, saber las opiniones de los alumnos… También es importante que los contenidos teóricos que hayan aprendido se puedan poner después en práctica, porque al no ser de esta forma con el paso del tiempo la teoría se le van olvidando.
    Para finalizar decir que la innovación lo veo como algo esencial que debería de tener todas las clases.

  85. Teresa Gómez Pérez dice: Responder

    La innovación en el mundo de la enseñanza demuestra la vida de la misma. La creación de nuevos proyectos educativos, hace que al igual que las células humanas, mantengan viva la enseñanza. Pero como todo proyecto nace de una iniciativa personal o de grupo que a la postre se ha de aplicar a un colectivo ajeno al mismo. Esto hace que sea primordial una tarea pedagógica que sepa transmitir los objetivos, que inculquen una misma visión de lo que persigue. La innovación por sí misma no tiene sentido sin una utilidad sin un fin y eso se consigue con una tarea pedagógica, hay partidos políticos que innovan lemas, decorados de campaña e incluso modelos de mítines, pero si no transmiten no habrá fruto.
    Una vez que se consigue transmitir la finalidad del proyecto a los alumnos y a los profesores les será más fácil conseguir los objetivos fijados puestos que el esfuerzo será común y en una misma dirección.


    La innovación en el ámbito educativo es muy importante a la hora de estar dentro del aula, a través de dicha innovación el alumno es capaz de adquirir una capacidad más crítica y una mayor capacidad a la hora de la resolución de los problemas.
    Con todo ello es muy importante la capacidad del profesor a la hora de impartir sus clases para que con ello halla una mayor fluidez en la enseñanza-aprendizaje sea mucho más efectiva.
    Es importante la interacción entre los alumnos porque así es más fácil hacer los trabajos ya que cada uno aporta un poquito de sus conocimientos y así aprender desde unas relaciones más cercanas.


    La innovación en el ámbito educativo es algo muy importante a la hora de estar dentro del aula por el cual el alumno es capaz de adquirir la capacidad crítica para su evolución.
    Para ello el profesor debe tener técnica de innovación a la hora de impartir sus clases, de esta prestando ayuda al alumno a la hora de aclarar ciertos conocimientos que debe que aprender para así poder desarrollando su capacidad.

  88. Marisol Pastor Fernández dice: Responder

    Creo que la innovación nunca puede faltar en el ámbito educativo. Al igual que están en continuo cambio todos los demás ámbitos sociales, el educativo también, y debe adaptarse a todos los cambios que se produzcan, no quedándose atrás en ninguno, ya que la educación es algo imprescindible en la persona para que se pueda desenvolver en el día a día. El docente debe estar al día de todo, ya que este es el que transmite los conocimientos a los alumnos, y depende de él, que el niño aprenda correctamente o no. Que el docente o educador tenga capacidad de innovar, provoca en el alumno una motivación que le lleva a mostrar un alto grado de interés por la enseñanza y como consecuencia que este aprenda correctamente.

  89. Laia Pereira Casado dice: Responder

    Como en artículos anteriores, vuelvo a la resaltar que la educación es una de las instituciones más importantes de la sociedad para la socialización del individuo, su formación, etc., por lo que todo lo que esté relacionado con su mejora lo considero esencial, como son los proyectos de enseñanza. De esta forma, los proyectos de trabajo que se realizan deben de seguir todos los principios explicados en el texto: orientación hacia el problema, orientación hacia el producto, regla colaborativa, interdisciplinariedad, y por último acerca de la selección del contenido ejemplar.
    Bajo mi punto de vista la educación tiene que renovarse, actualizarse.. para el progreso de la humanidad por eso estos proyectos deben de realizarse con especial atención teniendo en cuenta múltiples aspectos.

    – See more at:

  90. Sara Fernández Jurado dice: Responder

    La escuela siempre ha sido un lugar donde el profesor se dedica a dar sus clases y el alumno solo escucha lo que el docente le cuenta.

    El hecho de innovar con proyectos educativos es muy enriquecedor para que el alumnado pueda aprovechar y preguntar todas esas cuestiones que se plantea a lo largo de la enseñanza y así, de este modo, aprende de una manera más significativa. También se trabajan las competencias aprovechando los conocimientos de los alumnos.

    Me parece que es algo que debe estar presente para que todos aporten su granito de arena a la enseñanza.

  91. Sheila Pinela Barrero dice: Responder

    La innovación en la educación como en los demás ámbitos de la vida es imprescindible para su evolución, sino existe innovación, difícilmente mejorará la enseñanza. Innovar nuevos proyectos que aseguren métodos eficaces, esto garantiza la evolución del sistema, mejorando la pedagogía y optimizando los métodos educativos.

  92. Jessica Fernández Jiménez dice: Responder

    Está claro que la pedagogía ha de ser actualizada a día de hoy, ya que nos encontramos en una crisis educativa importante. Lo que antes podría funcionar hoy no, ya que las personas, unido a las nuevas tecnologías evolucionan. La innovación es algo importante, al igual que la motivación, desde la escuela hasta el profesorado.
    No pienso que realizando las mismas actividades,simples o no, cada año, con diferentes alumnos, sea precisamente la mejor manera de motivar e innovar con este proyecto ya que cada clase es diferente, cada año y cada alumno.
    Sin la innovación la educación se estanca a medida que el tiempo va pasando con los años y épocas diferentes, siendo más difícil cada día el éxito educativo. Además si se da la participación del alumno,este éxito se conseguirá más fácilmente.

  93. Débora Barranco Ríos dice: Responder

    En la actualidad, la palabra innovar estar al orden del día, como bien define el diccionario de la real academia española “innovar” significa mudar o alternara algo, introduciendo novedades.
    Considero que la palabra innovar y educación deben ir ligadas siempre. Debemos de reconocer que la educación de hoy no es la de años pasados, se puede decir que hemos innovado. Pero ante el cambio debemos innovar todos como son profesores, alumnos, padres, educadores, etc. Para que los niños tengan una buena educación los profesores no deben olvidar que tienen que adaptarles a la actualidad y no dar clase como tal vez daban cuando fue su primera clase tras haber terminado la carrera.

  94. MARIA VALENZUELA MORALES dice: Responder

    Sin duda, la innovación es fundamental en la educación, ya que al igual que los tiempos y las sociedades cambian y avanzan, los procesos educativos deben cambiar, mejorar y avanzar con el paso del tiempo. De igual modo avanza la medicina o las tecnologías por ejemplo.
    Además, creo fundamental el realizar unas innovaciones que sirven para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza de las generaciones futuras con lo que consigamos eliminar problemáticas tanto sociales como educativas.
    Por último, y como ya he dicho en otros comentarios, creo que la innovación de los proyectos educativos debe realizarse con el apoyo de alumnos, padres, profesores y educadores.

  95. María Tirado Recio dice: Responder

    ¿Innovación? esta palabra nunca puede faltar en el ámbito escolar y sobre todo en la mente del profesorado o educador. Tampoco puede faltar en su plan de enseñanza porque la rutina cansa, y si el profesor no hace actividades distintas ni explicaciones que motiven los alumnos se aburren y se desganan.
    Por este motivo y por el profesorado mismo de querer ser mejor en su trabajo, siempre tienen que innovar con nuevos proyectos educativos.
    Pero los docentes que llevan ejerciendo su profesión desde hace muchos años quizás no le han enseñado esto y por eso no lo hacen o también hay otros que simplemente escogieron esa profesión por hacer algo pero no es su vocación y por lo tanto, sólo es su trabajo y no su pasión.

  96. Silvia Cerrajero Barranca dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, se debería innovar con nuevos proyectos educativos y seguro que la situación actual que tenemos en las escuelas cambiaría. Suprimiéndose de este modo, a aquellos profesores que aún llevando muchos años dando clase NUNCA les ha dado por innovar, por incluir algo nuevo en sus temas, para ellos es más cómodo quedarse sentado sin hacer nada, pero me pregunto ¿ Porque esta persona ha decidido llegar a ser maestro ? ¿ Se merece su puesto laboral ? Todo esto provoca la situación actual que tenemos y de esta manera es normal que se produzca el fracaso escolar.

  97. María Eugenia Santos Delgado dice: Responder

    Opino que la innovación es algo que debe darse por hecho en la educación. Como he comentado en numerosos artículos del blog, no debemos estancarnos con unas mismas estrategias y metodologías que aburran y desmotivan al alumno y alumna. Debemos adaptarnos a los cambios, y el profesorado debe asumir un rol donde motive e incentive al alumno y alumna a seguir estudiando, a participar en clase, a opinar libremente sobre aquello que sepa, a preguntar toda aquella duda que le inquiete. El profesor debe tener la capacidad de innovar, de adaptarse al alumnado, de buscar las mejores estrategias de educación para que el alumno y alumna además de aprender, no se aburra, y crea, que la educación es una obligación y no crea que es un placer.

  98. EVA REDONDO GONZALEZ dice: Responder

    Un proyecto educativo implica identificar un problema para atender unas causas y unas consecuencias. Los proyectos son importantes para los conocimientos del alumno, debido a esto es bueno ir innovando en educación, para que no se algo monótono y aburrido y así poder alcanzar nuevas metas o objetivos. En la actualidad, los proyectos educativos no son lo más adecuado,de ahí el desinterés de los alumnos por las materias lo que conlleva al abandono y al fracaso escolar.

  99. Cristina Fernández Martín dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, los proyectos son muy importantes en educación, ya que son investigaciones de diversos temas que los niños realizan en el aula. Además, los proyectos permiten adquirir conocimientos de diferentes áreas a través de la mejora de la investigación.
    También me gustaría añadir que los proyectos son una forma de trabajar en la que se busca la participación, la libre expresión, y la búsqueda de opiniones que luego pueden discutirse en clase, haciendo que los alumnos exterioricen sus ideas aprendiendo no solamente a buscar información y copiarla, sino a valorar las opiniones de los demás compañeros.

    En definitiva, me parece excelente que se innove con estos proyectos, siempre y cuando además de trabajar la parte teórica que estos exigen, también puedan llevarlo a la práctica fortaleciendo aún más el conocimiento de los alumnos.

  100. CINTIA LOBATO ANILLO dice: Responder

    Considero que estos proyectos no tiene resultado al ser llevados a cabo, ya que para que un alumno aprenda debe de llevarse la orientación del proyecto de trabajo. Esta situación se ve día a día con alumnos que no están inspirados en seguir aprendiendo.
    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con estas orientaciones, debido a que el alumno debe de tener interés por el trabajo que realiza y así plantearlo con más motivación. Por otro lado, todo el esfuerzo de éste lo motiva aún más si el conocimiento aprendido se los transmite a otros. Y por último, también estoy de acuerdo en que el alumno cuando haya aprendido un conocimiento lo ponga en prácticas, porque si no es así ese mismo conocimiento al tiempo terminará desapareciendo como muchos que han desaparecido de mí mente.

  101. Juan Celedonio Pérez Páez dice: Responder

    Si hablamos de la aportación de estos proyectos educativos al ser humano en cuanto a capacidades críticas, libertad y desarrollo personal, son factibles. Pero, en mi opinión, volvemos a darnos de bruces con el mismo muro y la misma problemática. Tenemos un proyecto o iniciativa con grandes proyecciones de desarrollo humano dentro de un sistema educativo que lo que busca es la limitación y la adaptación al sistema.
    Podemos ir refrescando e ir introduciendo proyectos de esta índole (llegando a funcionar sus expectativas), pero él es que sólo reconstruimos el tejado. Si queremos una serie de proyectos con metodología activa, en todos sus sentidos, se debe sustituir la base ( que no es reducida) que lucha en contra de dicho objetivos.

  102. ARÁNZAZU RASCO POLEO dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, los sistemas educativos actuales no son los adecuados, y esto lo podemos corroborar con el abandono escolar, el fracaso escolar… Esto es debido a que la sociedad se encuentra en continuo cambio y por tanto es necesario que el ámbito educativo lo haga con ella, para así adaptarse a las necesidades sociales de ese momento concreto, y que mejor manera que innovando. Por eso creo que Innovar con proyectos de trabajo en educación es una muy buena forma de hacer que los alumnos se motiven y obtengan una capacidad crítica. Además, me parece acertado que el papel del alumno tenga un papel importante en estos proyectos, y se tengan en cuenta a la hora de la toma de decisiones. Esta motivación creada a los alumnos, no es solo beneficiosa para ellos, sino que también lo será para el docente, ya que estos serán más participativos, se interesaran por aprender e intentar solucionar los problemas.

  103. MARÍA JOSÉ MORILLO SUERO dice: Responder

    Dato que me ha aportado este artículo y el cual comparto al 100%, es aquello de que una vez que tú has recibido una clase o explicación teórica sobre cualquier concepto o tema y la has interiorizado, debes de llevarla a la práctica sea como sea, ya sea mediante un caso práctico de realizar actividades, realizando una intervención real, etc.
    Creo que esta es la única forma que de verdad tú aprender algo, por el contrario, si no realizas una práctica, lo teórico solo lo habrás tenido en mente durante X tiempo, y en la mayoría de los casos al adquirirlo de memoria. De esta manera, tú puedes olvidarte de alguna definición o de algunas de sus pautas, pero sabrás al 100% que es lo que significa, por el simple hecho de verlo reflejado más allá de solo en los libros.

  104. Los proyectos constituyen una estrategia de enseñanza eficaz, permitiendo establecer vínculos entre docente y educando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, igualmente hace conscientes a los alumnos sobre su aprendizaje. Además constituye una potente herramienta pedagógica que nos permite ponernos en la situación de otras personas, potenciando el valor de la empatía, asimismo ya que las áreas son examinadas por un grupo de personas, se da una cierta interdisciplinariedad, abordando así un tema desde diferentes puntos de vista y perspectivas, comprendido su forma de vida, también nos posibilita aprender y comprender sobre un tema acercándonos a ello, incluso nos tolera desarrollar nuestra capacidad crítica, promoviendo el debate y el diálogo. Pienso que una de partes del proyecto que nos pueden servir de gran ayuda es la metodología ya que esta nos servirá de instrumento en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje durante la construcción continua de conocimiento. Aunque no debemos olvidar que estas herramientas pedagógicas tienen la necesidad de innovar

  105. María Álvarez Espada dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que hoy en día el sistema educativo no es el que se debería de tener, entonces, que mejor que innovar con proyectos educativos. La innovación lo veo algo esencial que debería de haber en todas las aulas, porque así ni profesor y/o alumno se aburriría con el mismo «rollo´´ de siempre.
    Hay proyectos que son antiguos, que ya no se deberían de seguir utilizando. Como dije en uno de los artículos del blog, tuve un profesor que seguía con los apuntes de años y años, seguro que la metodología que llevaba a cabo con mi clase, la llevo a cabo en tiempos pasados, eso no debería de ser así ese profesor tenía que haber innovado, porque vale que el fin de su asignatura era el mismo antes y ahora, pero los métodos no deberían de ser los mismos, las necesidades han cambiado.
    Para finalizar quisiera decir que si el profesorado innova, el alumno aprende a innovar.

  106. Bella Gallardo Rodríguez dice: Responder

    La innovación en la actualidad es lo que manda en todos los ámbitos sociales, y como no en el educativo.
    Pienso que la innovación con proyectos en la educación es importante, es una herramienta efectiva ha utilizar en los centros escolares.
    Ser creativos, innovar en metodologías, actividades interactivas. Todo ello, fomentará el interés del alumno, la participación, integración, motivación y lo más importante a la interacción profesor-alumno.
    Proyectos a nivel individual o colectivo como menciona el texto, el trabajar en grupo, que trabajen sobre su entorno, despertará especial atención por saber y conocerlo, obteniendo información y captando conocimientos que serán convenientes para el mejor desarrollo personal e intelectual del alumno.

  107. Macarena López Ruiz dice: Responder

    La sociedad avanza y consigo la educación. Ya las escuelas y la educación no es la misma que hace 50 años gracias a nuevos proyectos y nuevos programas educativos.
    La innovación, es el primer pensamiento que lleva un proyecto en mi opinión, por motivos de continua evolución y nuevos cambios, siempre buscando la mejora de todos los sistemas, dando igual al ámbito que sea; educación, sanidad, transportes,…
    Se busca cambios positivos y mejoras mediante estos proyectos nuevos e innovados, pero para conseguir un buen proyecto pienso que el profesorado debe buscar la participación del alumnado para buscar las necesidades que realmente hacen falta, ya no sólo la que ellos ven sino desde otro punto de vista ya que estos serán quienes reciban estos cambios.

  108. Elena Romero Mancebo dice: Responder

    A lo largo de los años, la educación ha cambiado y probablemente ya no se considere tan estricta como lo era antes, de todos modos, opino que las clases y la forma de impartirlas deberían ser más prácticas, más didácticas, ya que realmente creo que es como mejor aprende uno, por el mero hecho, que si el alumnado asiste a clase solamente a escuchar la teoría de las asignaturas sin apenas participar y sin dar su opinión acerca de lo dado, la alumnos dejan de mostrar tanto interés.
    Por lo tanto, creo y veo conveniente, la continua renovación de la educación con los diferentes proyectos de trabajo.
    También veo importante el hecho de trabajar en equipo, ya que a la vez que un alumno da su opinión y los demás escuchan, los otros darán la suya al respecto de lo que piense y como un círculo, todos acaban aprendiendo de todos.

  109. Rocío de la Cinta Robles Rodríguez. dice: Responder

    Como he comentado en muchos de los artículos del blog, sigo pensando que hoy día en el siglo XXI y en nuestra sociedad, necesitamos un cambio en cuanto a lo educativo se refiere.
    Necesitamos proyectos innovadores,y donde toda la comunidad educativa sea partícipe de ellos, ahora si, una cosa de la que estoy totalmente de acuerdo es que todo proyecto tiene que ir acorde a una serie de necesidades de la prescinda la población, ya que existen muchos modelos de proyectos repetidos. Por eso es idóneo, mas que idóneo diría necesario, la creación de proyectos INNOVADORES,con una pedagogía clara, y una consecución de objetivos claros.

  110. Cristina Hernández Valiente dice: Responder

    En mi opinión pienso que la educación está en continuos cambios y evolución, y por ello la innovación debería ser tanto necesaria como obligatoria. No podemos seguir con proyectos antiguos y monótonos, que hacen que el alumnado vea el hecho de ir a la escuela, a que le den el contenido y le suelten la «chapa» y no pueda intervenir o participar . Creo que deberían escuchar al alumnado, sus inquietudes, sus intereses, e innovar e introducir actividades que motiven al alumno a seguir aprendiendo. Hay multitudes de profesores con unos metodologías que las utilizan desde que comenzaron a dar clase y aun siguen con ellas, pensando que si han sido buenas antes lo serán ahora, sin pesar que se han producido numerosos cambios que crean la necesidad de innovar.

  111. Antonio Cosmo Narvaez dice: Responder

    Los estudiantes estamos cansados siempre seguir el guión marcado por lo profesores. Las clases se hacen aburridas y monótonas. Se puede innovar con bastantes cosas, o por ejemplo en la forma de dar los temas, de evaluar, o del propio profesor. Estas innovaciones adquieren gran importancia en el desarrollo académico de los alumnos, y que si estos cambios gustan en el aula, los alumnos pondrán de su parte para llevar mejor el día a día. Pienso que la innovación debería de ser algo obligatoria al cabo de cierto tiempo, ya que hasta los propios profesores también se cansan de impartir las clases de manera similar. De esta manera estimulas más el desarrollo de los alumnos e incrementas la satisfacción del profesorado.

  112. Learning competences doing some group activies, about a company for exemple, it’s a very good maneer to learn some aspects of a theory : the negociation for example. Create a situation like an appointment with employers can be really usefull like exercise for students just to know what can he do and doesn’t. This way, the teacher is more than a profesor, is a coach for students he is an help for them. Usefull for students and teachers !
    This way, students will be more prepared for internship and appointments with employers and CEO of a company. Then, team working is really used inside of companies just for fixed problems and just for win time.
    Team work is really efficent than work alone.

  113. Laura van Lankeren dice: Responder

    I believe that working together in projects is a really good way to developing yourself. You learn a lot about teamwork, clear communication, leadership skills and receiving feedback from other people on your work and your work attitude.
    I think this needs to be a part of every education system but also combined with other types of teaching. Working together in projects is not always a good experience. It really depends on the motivation of all the students in the group. (Although I also think you can have this problem as well in real life.)
    Working in groups stimulate creativity and you can really reach a higher level together, but this is only the case when there is synergy in the group. This means for example 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5. Four members of one group double their own capacity so the outcome is higher.

  114. Emilia Michalska dice: Responder

    The method of the project is one of the activation methods of education, or – more broadly – a teaching strategy. Activating methods are methods of teaching to increase the active participation of learners in classes. Underlying the project method as a concept
    pedagogical philosophy is pragmatism and cognitive constructivism. The method allows for independent projects seeking different sources of knowledge and on this basis to build the knowledge base necessary to solve the problem. Entering projects in education is something very important, and above all, creative. Thanks to the projects, students develop their creativity, and have the opportunity to learn through experience.

  115. When it is possible, making projects together in school is a very good way to learn. Sometime by doing that you realize that you don’t know how to do something and you can just ask your colleague or if nobody knows the teacher can explain, acting here as a coach more than as a teacher. This is so much more interesting and gratifying for both the teacher and the student. And this way it’s not only possible to work but also to create great things. We do that in startup weekend, 54 hours to try to turn your business concept into a real startup, I did that a couple of years ago and I were surrounded by so much interesting people that I learned there more in one weekend than in one semester at the university.

  116. Maria Betekhtina dice: Responder

    Group projects help students to adapt to the conditions of the collective work that awaits them in the future after graduation. Undoubtedly, this is one of the effective approaches in teaching, by which it is impossible to pass. In this case, the teacher plays the role of chief of certain units, and working groups perform a variety of tasks. In the process, the students significantly upgrade teamwork skills, management skills and ability to prioritize responsibilities. The teacher should monitor the work of the groups and adjust activities if they deviate from the course. Then the process of learning will be efficient and effective.

  117. I think that the one of the biggest complaints from students regarding team projects, is that there always seems to be a ‘slacker’ within the group, a student that ‘rides the coat tails’ of other team members efforts, and ends up with the same mark as everyone else for contributing little or nothing. Having experienced team projects and individual ones myself in high school and university, I understand why students get so frustrated when someone is doing little or nothing to contribute to the project. Of course there are many advantages for group or collaborative work projects. Particularly it gives a chance to build new relationships, moreover, when you have a good team, you can accomplish more! During this type of educational process one may learn how to manage different people as well. Moreover, the initiative and the real contribution of students in such projects are really important for the development of their responsibility, self-discipline and self-motivation to discover knowledge by their own means. So, it is important to analyze how to successfully make educational group work, because team projects aren’t going away and they can be a positive experience if managed properly.

  118. Danielle Murphy dice: Responder

    I found this article very relevant and interesting. I believe it is crucial to incorporate both group and indavidual learning and projects. I beleive in primary education there is far too little group projects and group work, i think this is a real problem as in majority of work environments and in third level education it is a big role and commonly practiced. I think it would be very beneficial for people to learn. As some people are natuarally solo workers and it is needed in many types of work it is very important to find an equilibrium in both group and solo projects.I also think on a broad scale group activity and work should be implemented as in some systems it is already currently active.

  119. Tassadith Hamadouche dice: Responder

    I think that this kind of project should be good on education. Students have to learn to be autonomous on a hand, and be used of group projects on the other hand. This work method gathers both together. Students can develop creativity, curiosity, being critical, and develop personal skills and professional ones. Plus, with this kind of work, they will be used of this way of working when they will start a job or a practice, and it will be easier for them to be integrated on the company.
    When I was in middle school, we had a similar project which was in an experimentation state for only two years. It was very interesting and we learned a lot by ourselves, but about ourselves too. If the experiment had been carry on at least until last year of high school, it would have been a great experiment and a very effective one. As middle school students, it just aroused our curiosity, but it wasn’t enough to be effective.

  120. I think it’s a great idea to make use of the work projects in today’s school education. This because many times I myself may find it difficult to grasp things that are only learned through reading literature or listening to lectures. I know that I learn significantly better and get a greater understanding of what I do if I can discuss it with others in order to then come up with new solutions. By working on projects, we as students also get a detailed picture of how it might be done at a future workplace. I think that especially the universities today should focus more on these type of projects, maybe instead of writing our final thesis we could get the opportunity to work with a project at a company. After talking to many of my classmates I got the picture that many of us are a bit scared of what is actually awaiting us after our years of education, we learned a lot by reading but not how it is done in practice.

  121. Fedora Morozová dice: Responder

    The famous Czech socialogist Ivan Možný once said that «All society is full of constant competition but social sciences has proved that people will succeed more likely when they cooperate. Well I think that it is important to teach a pupil (student) to think individually and simultaneously (or a bit after) to cooperate in a team with other guys. People in general tend to think that their ideas are the best. During my teamworks I discovered, that higher amount of original ideas creates better outcome of the work. (and it’s more fun.)
    I especially like the last sentence of the article, because the curiosity to know and learn is the motor of the society.

  122. Piotr Jaworowicz dice: Responder

    It is proven that the people when they are cooperating they can achieve more, than if they will work solo. Teamwork is this what we to need to learn. Of course everybody should learn and develop his self solo, because the chain is so strong as his weaknes link. Teamwork is the highest step of work, beacuse all time you are still making a motivation between you and the people who are involved in this project. Sometimes when you are working alone you are losing the motivation, in teamwork you will feel the kick of motivation for more and more harder tasks. You will also learn more about emotional inteligence and you will learn how to have a buisnes relationships.

  123. I think that group projects are as important as individual once. I´ve got the feeling that at primary and secondary schools 90% of project, homeworks or assignments are only individual work. There are even rules that kids can´t help each other, because that is considered as cheating. And on the other hand universities, where most of the assignments supposed to be teamwork. So I think it´s good idea to create a balance between these two levels. More group projects could also help the kids to find out which possition in the team suits them the best so they can focused on it in their future studies.

  124. Project-based learning is usually determined by the student’s own solutions to a problem. Students actively participate in the educational activities within groups and it is their own work which creates the learning. Here, instead of being seen as an authoritarian figure, in this role, teachers support the students and are available for an open exchange of ideas. With this type of “teaching” the class is led by the students ideas and thoughts, rather than the teacher who takes more of a back seat. The teacher should be a good guide for the students, but the students should have the autonomy, confidence and incentives to construct their own plans. As a result, at the end of each session, a product developed entirely by students is revealed. Personally, I support project-based learning because this method increases the student’s participation as a whole. To me, it appears to have similar roots to Dogme method of teaching which has been popular and successful within the communicative teaching feild.

  125. Of course, work on joint projects is very valuable and worth. Working in projects allows us to active antiviral activity, show their strengths and skills. Comments and tips can help colleagues to change our view on various issues. Joint work teaches creativity, thinking develops us. Each of the groups can actively participate in the project. Participation in the group allows you to share your experience, can show people that they feel good in managing other participants and people who conforms to surrendering to others. Many things change and innovation are necessary for further work.

  126. I think innovation is very important for education because nowadays technology and sciences are changing and developing as everybody knows that and eveybody wrote it in here .I think education is parallel with science and technology for example before we didnt use computer in class but now even we have online class as your lesson. However I would like to speak about mathematics because I am student of mathematic and I saw in my education we are using classic method , I think we should change this because it doesnt allow to learn their lessons parmenently . Therefore we hould make some poject group and I think they will enjoy and they will learn muhc more . Last 10 years in my country ,Turkey we started to make projectes in high school but also now some of univesities also making some projectes.This situation will be advantage in their education life and in their real life .

  127. It’s a good idea to use project works in school education. Children can be teached to work as a team, to collective thinking these are skill that every grown up person needs nowadays at any workplace. Project work will help children to be ready for grown up life, where if asked they could work with others and feel themselves in a known environment. Work project or any group play in school is very helpful but I’m not sure that there are a lot of teachers who are using such a methods at their teaching tool.

  128. I absolutely think that a ‘work project’ has value to education, but I don’t think that this is ‘innovating’. Still, besides that, it will give in my opinion certainly value and it should be done in every educational schoolstystem.
    When students are working on a work-project with a clear personal purpose, where they can express their ideas and concepts, it will create more interest and motivation for doing this right and with plessure. These are very important factors for education and learning with plessure, which creates a better education.
    Besides that it also creates coorporative skills, teamskills, leadership skills, planning-skills etc.
    The part about what I do think is innovating, is by ‘staying innovating’, which means that this method of work is an ongoing process where there is space for innovating thoughts, critical discussions and debates. This is how you stay innovating!

  129. I think that it is important to work in projects. It is good for teamspirits and connections for the close future. Also the view of diffrent persons on the same subject is important as is the feedback teammembers can give you. It is an extension of the playing together in the previous article. If you are good in playing with other kids you will most likely be good in doing projects. I am not really a teamworker myself becausei think that sometimes it can be annoying and lohof time will get lost in leadership rolls, making sure eveybody is doing the same effort so nobody can lean behind doong nothing and get the same grade or result.

  130. Marta Serdakowska dice: Responder

    I agree that project method od learning is a good and very prospering idea. It’s quite sad that although the method was invented many years ago it is still not that much popular. Nowadays, we face at schools methods of very narrow minded teaching, which gives systematized knowledge. Working in group, making project with others is its opposite. While making group projects students have to rely to their own experience, to the environment, to the world development and so on. They have to use their own observations and it is known that each of us perceive the same thing in different way. Cooperating with other students contributes to the increse of their interests, evokes more active attitude, teaches independence in thinking and solving problems. For me there is no better method to teach young people things that they should be really teached.

  131. Kübra Nur Turhan dice: Responder

    Education with project provide team spirit, creative thinking. Project is an effective method for promoting student lessons. Student research project so learning more effective . because of Project gruop child’s consider different ideas. İn this way child learn by searching and debate. And Project contribute socializing and personality development. During the Project teacher should be guide for student. During the Project with teacher supervision be more efficient and rightly.
    People have too much information stored that is not needed, and is mind racking! Many people had this ability and then lost it, forgot about it, others never had it but Everyone can start to think creatively! Teaching process is much better in groups because you put all brains together and manage to firstly hear different opinions and the exchange ideas, whether good or bad, you will at least know why its bad! –

  132. Julia Budzich Bohdan dice: Responder

    The group work is very important on a basic education. Children often have a problem, they need to discuss it and have to find out which member of the group has which talents and deficits to disperse the work correctly and finally they need to find out a solution. So I think project work is a very effective way of learning and it’s a possibility to diversify the lessons. But of course also the teacher gets a very important rule in this kind of learning. Especially in primary school the teachers should support the children and shouldn’t give them the feeling of being alone. Work project should encourage curiosity which is very good for individual, because he is learning by his own motivation.

  133. Tobiasz Budzich dice: Responder

    According to me to work on projects is very important. This is a problematic work that brings a lot of good. Teaches solving life’s problems. Often also work on projects is carrying out in big groups. It is important to learn to solve common problems.
    I believe that work on multiple projects can later find a job people who have completed their studies. In companies employer looking for people who are able to solve problems and to oppose difficulties. And this teaches the type of action in a lot of projects.

  134. Anete Krastiņa dice: Responder

    In my university in each semester at least at one of the subject we had to develop some kind of project. Of course, it is much greater, and currently work roomier than the small tasks and problem solving, and discussion of, but working with these types of projects students can learn a lot of new skills and the knowledge that he will be useful to their future – professional lives and careers. In addition, every project that we developed, we became more and more proficient and knowledgeable and knew how to do better, learned from our previous mistakes thus increasing our level of skill and quality of work.

  135. I totally agree that more projects should be present in students’ education. It is important to make such a stimulation in order to make it easier for future workers to find themselves in a business. Investigation of job environment and market rules as a practice lead to being always up to date and understanding changes better. Then, to be ready for moderation and make up with new ideas. Working on a project forces students to muse over an issue and get deeper in it. Result of working in a group is developing of critical thinking and teaching how to collaborate with others. Realization of the project allows to use the knowledge which was gained before and also leaves a room to maneuver. Therefore, it enables to be more creative. Projects are definately a good solution which should be added to traditional education.

  136. Aymesey Ismailova dice: Responder

    I find group’s project making very productive and entertaining. I like working in teams with other students, it’s always interesting to hear other person’s opinion on a topic, to share your opinion with them. You can learn from your fellow mates, you get exciting working with a group of people and often some new thoughts and ideas appear in your head that would never come to your mind if you work alone. In Russia project making is not very popular, but I’d like it be more involved in our education, because it’s kind of getting some practice experience. So I think it’s a really productive innovative method in education.

  137. Ramune Nemeikaite dice: Responder

    The education system should be innovated. I agree with the project which is described in this article. The main goal is that there have to be colloboration between teachers and students. The most important thing not even in the schools but in the entire world is relationship between people. When the students will be encouraged to take part in learning process they will learn more. Students should be encourage to discuss with teachers or other students. It is a very good way of learning when you are working in the teams. It makes a synergy go on. The synergy is when 2 + 2 = 5. This equality shows that for example when two different teams are working together and are sharing with their ideas or minds, they will discuss about all the different issues and will get a wider viewpoint of certain thing they are discussing about. It is like the sight from the different spots. Then they will put all the ideas they have discussed and will find out more new ideas. Because new viewpoints are making us to think in different way.

  138. What is written about the interaction between student and teacher, a critical discussion and dioalogue in lessons between teacher and student, reminds me of a theory by Friedrich W. Kron.
    In which through a critical diologue methods and positions are up for negotiation. That means that students can insert their views and ideas on lessons, furthermore in this case the authority of a teacher is not absolute.
    Teachers authority is in this case acknowledged by students, so there is a lot more self-determination as in other forms of lessons.
    And in my opinion, authority that is acknoledged by the students and furthermore can always be dissolved in a critical discussion, is way better than absolute authority, which is often practiced by teachers.
    Moreover a more self-determinated lesson affects the learning in a positive way, if the subject matter can be chosen by students, they will leran more effective as if they were forced to learn something.

  139. Elin Fornbrandt dice: Responder

    To learn by doing a project is something that i believe is more developing for one than just having the theoretical knowledge. Because, like you point out very well in the article, a project is something that is divided in several steps, and therefor teaches one more than just to solve the «problem» itself. One will be able to develop many different sides of oneself and can work with the project in the way that is the best possible for yourself, together with the teacher, who can coach and support the student and make sure that the project is developing properly. So the teachers role in this is to inspire, inform and support the students, but still let the student be the creator of the project and push them to do a little more than they think that they are capable of doing. That is what I believe can develop the students most of all, and make them thirst for more knowledge.

  140. in my opinion innovation is good in education even this is so completed . First of all world is changing everyday so education systems should be changed too and also changing is always good because everyday same system like a everday same food specailly for teachers that is so good becasue the teahcers are teaching everday same things with same metheod than after a time the teacher’s excited and energy is dying they are coming to class for killing to time so first , changing is really good for teacher second for stduents are also like change because people are always curios for new things specailly children they alwasy want to learn new things so we should make much more innovation but we should consider to children and teacher but we can imagine them with our goverment ıf we consider all of them and we do this innovation together it could be really useful .

  141. This idea of a teaching-learning process in form of projects is a great idea. In general I’m in favour of a more interactive and interdisciplinary educational system and these points are reflected in this idea. It offers student the possibility to act more independent and reflect their ideas and thoughts with other people, who might have a different point of view. This way it brodens your horizon in an interactive way and can lead to intensely interesting discussions, out of which you take way more information and knowledge than simply reading a book. Giving students personal space to develop ideas and thoughts is important, but that alone is not enough. It is necessary to give them the opportunity to reflect their findings and thoughts with a supervisor or teacher. Therefore we need qualified people, who are interested in the findings and discoveries of a fresh mind and not only on a «right/wrong» answer in a test. Giving proper feedback is enormously important for the success of a project.

  142. I think that projects are really effective way to teach. Projects provide students a chance to learn in a different format than the normal lectures and allow them to expand their minds and think beyond what they normally would. They encourage curiosity, creativity, new ideas; require
    critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration.
    It gives students the opportunity to learn from their peers. Although students usually work in groups they become more independent because they are receiving little instruction from the teacher. Projects are an easy way to incorporate creativity into learning.

  143. Santa Mandelberga dice: Responder

    The pedagogy of the project is innovating learning method in schools who are not really developed and reflected through the end. Schools and teacher`s need to think it through about how we can offered to pupils this project method that pupils really wanted to participate in this and really think and estimate about offered problem that pupil have to solve. Actually i think to children that would be very interesting and thrilling, because i think when children know that he can do big things, can solve some porblems, they feel smart and useful and big. This project method help pupil undesrtand things, think for the problem and what should do to solve this. Also in this method, children learn think in different ways, pupil mind become more flexible, and this is preparing for life. But this have to be offten, pupil have to adapt on this thing, because it is not easy and it can develop only step by step, children have to be very patient, and he will learn that result come step by step, thinking and solving problems- problem by problem, not all together. And this is the hardest thing that pupil should learn- and this project method in pedagogy is really useful for that.

  144. In education process, importance of project can not be underestimated in recent years. In my opinion, learning something by method of project is more memorable and instructive than classic learning technique. During my life i liked more practical work according to theorical works.Because I think the more beneficial.For example,we share our ideas about some issues. Then, if there is something that i don’t know but you know this.we can complement each other with brainstorm. In this wise, childrens can complete their missing more easily. Also, they socialize and gain self-expression. It reinforces the sense of sharing and cooperation especially for children. In future, they will be faced with teamwork, project management and project leadership to groups such as topics in business life .So they should get used to teamwork at early age. They’ll gain consciousness of responsibility.

  145. The main objective of the project-based learning approach, rather than transferring the information available to students to gain skills to access information.Project Supported Education rather than a method, an approach is the style.Projects, dramatic play of young children, handicrafts and photos can all be outside the school enriches lives by connecting with.Children outside to ask questions and do your research, decide for themselves to activities;have the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills;They share what they have learned, they can use the information gained in the project.Students, to work in their own way, to solve problems, to think, to question, to access information, process it and allows for blending.Both individually and as a team that can be done through projects students have the opportunity to work in collaboration with classmates.Through projects students to do research and give you the opportunity to discover issues that concern them the means to leave them empty head is not.

  146. Olga Kowalińska dice: Responder

    This project is a great idea. What we want is to stimulate creative thinking and new ideas.
    I think it’s a good way. Design method engages students to work, and combines other methods and learning techniques. It is known that just a good idea of education project is not enough. If the project will be boring, uninteresting, without meaning it will not change anything in education. However, when they are ambitious they have a large impact on the development! During the project, students gain knowledge, new skills, establish new contacts. Projects also teach independence and creativity! I think it’s a very good idea and appropriate implementation of this is an alternative to boring lessons!

  147. I think that innovation is really good in education actually I think we need much more innovations in education because I think last 20 years we are using same way for education and it makes to lessons boring and bored teachers for example students they are leaning on same way and almost every year same things again again for example in spain I met some freinds who they cant speak english then I asked them did you take any english course they told me we have english class from primary school and especially with native speaker it is for me little bit strange and it shows us something is wrong in spanish edcuation system and someone should fix it actually I think it is possible to fix it with innovation .And I want to indicate that It is not a example for spain ,all over the world we have some problem with education.

  148. Lukas Petrulaitis dice: Responder

    I think this kind of project should be integrated in all education institutions, because it involves everything what students need for succesful learning strategy. Nowadays there‘s too much theory in schools and universities, and the process of learning is not very attractive for young people. I‘m not saying that it‘s not attractive for all, also there‘s a motivated students, and they learn a lot of things by themselves, but this work project can make learning really attractive and interesting. The most important thing to attract students to learn is to show a good example how it should be in other way i. e to show them how easy and interesting it could be. Of course, not all student will be involved in this kind of project, and not all will be interested but I think big part of them would be in.

  149. İzel Selin DEMİRCİ dice: Responder

    First of all projects show to us creativity in education. There are some projects. Such as work projects, training projects, cooperative projects. All of this consider pedagocial relationship. Yes, no doubt work projects provide to aware to learning. For exampe after any project I feel that I really understand because I did plan, researched information and acted on it. And what is work project? Group or individually generate a draft. Work activelt, searching, form new oppinions, try to understand and perform to it. For sustainable relation about project necesarry to discussion between project managers. It provide to oppinion be bright, change your perspective. You can reasoning to society. Otherwise, I think it provide to teach work methodically in our life. We need to follow some principles for projects. What about are we curious? What we want to learn and solve? After that, ordination of information. Cooperation between participant. And understand relation about phenomenon. We can select any problem and try to understand and learn. As a result, projects create new perspective in education. For personal development and learning process it is benefical. Also, optimization of effective learning and learning work in a group about any problem.

  150. John Dewey, the person who promoted the idea of „project-based learning”, once said «The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these……. I believe, therefore, in the so-called expressive or constructive activities as the center of correlation” and I agree with him. People always learn better when they get to experience it on their own skin, and the more organs of the senses are used in the learning process the better you learn. There are a lot of scientific research which proves that students in project-based learning classrooms get higher scores than students in traditional classrooms. Of course this kind of learning is hard to manage for the teacher, because not all students are willing or able to organize their own work and manage the time on their own, especially if the teacher uses this method in, for example, 5th grade children whose classes has been only teacher-centered. That is why I think this method should be used as soon as possible, so children get used to this kind of learning.

  151. in my opinion, project-based teaching methods and this kind of teaching methods should be used much more in today’s age of education. Because project-based teaching method gives to students the opportunity to practice. Project-based teaching method makes use of theoretical knowledge. It provides to compare students with real-life problems. Of course it is difficult to make these kinds of studies. Each student or group of the problem is different and student control is difficult. And this kind of work can require very time. However, teachers often must use such methods for an efficient education. While teachers implement such methods,they should guide students. Teachers should be passive and students must be active. Cooperation should be encouraged within the group.

  152. Gulsum Busra Dura dice: Responder

    Projects increases team to work and creative thinking skills to student. Innovation encourages to student motivation and innovation can be the source of inspiration for create different idea. Project helps many field of our lives to us as method of teaching. As a group we how to successful, projects provides pitch sharing different ideas. This situation develops the ability to think critically to person. For example; to undertake a project must organization. In this way; projects tenders exchange of views, communication and using time of good for us.
    I am studying business administration and we took project courses each period. Now and future I believe it is most useful to me. I am sure that is made one of the more exroverted and more creative to me.

  153. I agree with this project, because a lot of things we can learn from the learning process. You cannot become more clever only by reading theoretical books if you do not know how it works in real life. That is the reason why we need to do more practical things and ask ourselves a lot of questions, why it is like that and not different. That is the way how we can discover something new that we did not know before. I did not like when teachers give me a lot of homework to do at home when I was in primary school, but right now I understand that it was good for our logical thinking. I think that group works are very important, because each student has a different opinion about something and we can do our work in different correct ways.

  154. Projects are great opportunity for children to be creative, innovative, share ideas and of course opportunity to improve relationships between them and teachers.
    Teacher should be only like delegators, gives children freedom, only have consultations. On the other hand, children have to be motivated a lot, have self-discipline and self-control, independently learning, works in groups, deal with all members of group, be open mind, make plans, debate, etc. Usually children feel responsible for their projects – for learning. It’s harder that they aware their responsibility. In case like that, children have more experience with learning projects and innovation in projects would be very successful.

  155. Tamta Ulumbelashvili dice: Responder

    The Project-Driven education can be really maturating for students and pupils, Indeed Responsability and team working and team communication are the key words in this text.

    To me this way of learning can be really more effective for the students to learn. Indeed this interactive way of learning can be much more efficient than classic lecture. Classic lectures can drive the attention and awareness of students away because of its lack of of interactiveness.

    Whereas team oriented project, in order to be successful focus all the awareness and energy of students on this project. that can only be good and better to learn this way to me.

  156. The topic of project work with children is really interesting. What should be noticed is that teachers have to be aware that in the beginning of the project, they can never know what exactly will be the outcome or rather where the project takes them. Teachers give the students the freedom to be creative, innovative and share ideas. This includes a lot of individual thinking, debates, planning and organisation, that the students have to handle. For me, this is a lot about self-responsibility and reflection. I have never done project work with children before, and I am sure it takes a lot of time. But it can be worth it, because students learn to be aware about their learning.

  157. I believe innovation is good in education as it is constantly evolving. Innovation is good for research, new ideas and also develops skills like team work and creative thinking. Teachers and students tend to co-operate more through innovation especially if materials or needed or if a student doesn’t fully understand. Innovation encourages motivation in students and can inspire them to create fantastic new ideas and they are also encouraged to listen to the ideas of other people and compare them.

  158. This kind of projects are really important. It gives us situation that both sides win. Students will feel better because they are part of something big , because they can say what is good for them and what is wrong in the school system. They will try to give as good ideas as they will think. Teacher will learn need of students and after that they will improve their teaching system (teaching methods).This two enviroments have to learn from each other. It must go step by step. Any side can’t be stronger because other can think that it can be forced to do something. Project learning is a good idea to improve both : students (as they will learn how to work in a project) and teachers

  159. Jérémie Gauthier dice: Responder

    I believe that «communication» is the key-word in this text.
    In terms of educational innovations, I consider project-based learning as one of the best ideas I’ve lately heard about. Why?
    First of all, this method is a prologue of life. Long-term and collective work, communication, investigations on the outside world, creation of reports about the knowledge you’ve acquired are all aspects that you’ll find in your professional career. But first and foremost, projects give students the sense of purpose.
    What I also particularly like about project applied to learning is that it let students’ minds free (or not conditioned and limited by nowaday’s teaching methods) but also the teachers’. And free minds lead to creativity.
    This technique has to be seriously considered as it presents a «win-win» situation for both learners and teachers, as project-based learning is basically focused on communication between the two parts: students are more motivated and teachers also learn more about their own job, by getting to know better their students and therefore by taking part in their project too. In this way, not only would creativity emanate from young spirits but also from teachers who would be able to identify the loopholes present in today’s education.

  160. Nowadays with knowledges in projects, we are able to get more opportunities, materials and abilities. Projects as a teaching method can help for students to think, work individual, in pairs or groups, see the problems, which are actual in nowadays and solutions for them. Very good way how to create new ideas, which will be important in their future profession. I agree that his method is like instrument, which helps to discuss, build knowledge, ideas. It is good for critical thinking, because it is not for all people, but it is very necessery, in order people can see actual problems, fit in society, solve problems and communicate. These five points need to train and learn in school, because later students can do projects for their interests, work. This method becomes more required, and in schools are searched ways how to develop it.

  161. Project based learning and the working in groups that is mostly combined with it, are getting more and more commom in schools and also in kindergardens. That is what i know from my experience in germany. And i think that is a good thing.
    The students have to organise their work themself, they have to manage the time and to devide the work load. In this way they don’t only learn about the topic they are working on, but also have the possibility to improve their social organisatory and management skills.
    But a project also means almost everytime a lot of work, more than students have to do in conventional clases. Because of that teachers should watch out that there are not to many projects in to short time. If that happens students can not benefit from project work anymore, but get stressed out.

  162. To manage a project can be a really great issue for the children to develop their skills.

    To manage a project (any kind of project, to work, to play, just something with a goal ! ) gives an opportunity to develop a lot of different skills. To undertake a project requires organization. So that permits children to communicate and exchange ideas. It is important to listen to the point of view of each other and to give responsabilities to each other.

    With this way of education, children can learn severals life rules.

  163. I think interaction between teachers and students or pupils is very important and has to be improoved. They can learn from each other, especially when it comes to social aspects. Furthermore group learning which can and should include discussions and self-reflection is a very good way of learning, too. The individual can learn about other opinions, include or exclude them from their own thoughts and create new ways of thinking. New ideas will spread. I think Sir Ken Robinson is definitely right with saying that human intelligence is much richer than all the stuff that is just taught in school. Individuals can learn so much if they just work together with others

  164. I totally agree with the article. To include students in the process of learning and to build a working «relationship» between them, teachers and environment is in my opinion one of the essential things for the successful teaching – learning process. It’s important to take its source from students curiosity and keeping it during the whole teaching process. In that way students have the most benefit out of it and they usually learning faster and without special effort and resistance towards the learning process, subject and school in general. Besides that I think that learning through debate, dialog, discussion is not just an advantage for a students, while they train themselves in expressing their opinion, in thinking critically and in reflection of themselves, but also for the teachers and environment in which students act. Students can open knew perspectives on the same thing and whit this make teachers think about his believes, knowledge and force him that he auto-reflect him/herself. Moreover interaction between teachers and students can lead to great conclusions, salvation of some society problems which can have a big positive influence on the environment where they’re both situated. To sum up with the following quote: «Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth» (Sir Ken Robinson Ph.D.).

  165. I think that work projects should be included in all school settings. Not only does it allow children to communicate and collaborate with each other, it helps them to learn how to work in groups preparing them for the future. I believe that shy children would feel more comfortable contributing to a small group of their classmates rather than individually in front of the whole class. In group work, children can build upon and develop ideas, learning from their peers as they do so. Group work/ work projects could be essential at the end of a topic area to reflect on what they have learnt throughout. I also think that by working in groups (especially randomised) they are also making friends as they do the work.

  166. I think this project-based learning is very important. Learning and teaching process is a very difficult context. In this process, teachers must be very hardworking and successful because this road is gradually. Students are always active and are open to learning and teachers should guide students to the topic. Child must wonder about subject and understands thought should form.Learning becomes easier with the family,school and student.Child must associate other matters for literally learning. The final stage is the student clutched the subject and then to produce new ideas and they should improve a new opinion.In this section,it is important that the creativity.Creativity is to establish relationships between different topics. Creative thinking is free, it is moving, is a productive process and very versatile look, we need to find ways to address multiple choice.Finally projects allows students to play active role this is very important for learning.

  167. I believe that work projects would work very successfully in the school setting. Work projects allow children to explore and investigate a topic actively. In addition I believe children learn best this way when they are allowed to kinaesthetically indulge themselves into a topic and build their own knowledge upon first-hand experience. Children are allowed to be creative and are left to work in a group in order to organise their project. Through working in a group to create a project would also benefit them too. Children can scaffold each other and push one another to other levels by building on each other’s ideas to create something much better than maybe what they could do alone. I also believe that a work project is a good idea to do at the end of learning a topic. Therefore it allows children to reflect on what they have learnt and understood and create something to represent that.

  168. I think innovation in projects would be very successful. Working in groups can have its advantages and disadvantages but I personally prefer working in groups rather than working independently. Working in groups allows us to hear other peoples views and opinions on certain things. Hearing different thoughts on things can broaden your awareness and sometimes change your opinion. Group work allows students to work together, discuss the problem and come up with a solution. All the while students are learning, new opinions, how to work as part of a group and also providing them with the chance to voice their opinions on certain subjects which often motivates students, keeping them interested in the task

  169. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder

    Pienso que innovar en proyectos de trabajo es muy beneficioso para los alumnos siempre y cuando estos sean de su interés, ya que la educación como he mencionado ya en artículos anteriores están en continua evolución. De esta manera se motiva a los alumnos haciéndolos aumentar su capacidad investigadora y critica ayudándolos también a sentirse mas sueltos en los debates y ha hablar delante de sus demás compañeros.
    Esto crearía también una clase menos monótona, mas diferente y dinámica evitando el aburrimiento y desmotivación de los alumnos.

  170. LORENA MENDOZA GARCÍA dice: Responder


  171. NURIA MARTIN BERNAL dice: Responder

    Me parece muy interesante eso de innovar en proyectos de trabajo, eso lo que hace es motivar al alumno para que tenga unas expectativas claras sobre su futuro, así se hace más práctica la educación y a su misma vez ayuda a que el alumno se familiarice con su entorno incluso para que haya mas atracción entre alumno y profesor. Como ya he nombrado anteriormente en otros artículos, la educación es la base de todo y actualmente nuestro sistema educativo está fallando, por lo que innovar no vendría nada mal y así intentar lograr que los alumnos se impliquen aun más en el ámbito educativo.

  172. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    La educación esta siempre en un continuo movimiento evolutivo, por le que innovar en proyectos de trabajos me parece ademas de una muy buena idea, necesario ya que motivando a los alumnos de esta manera a investigar, buscar datos e informaciones, debatirlos después en clase… se fomenta su capacidad critica, de razonamiento, así como también se le enseña a escuchar y analizar las opiniones de los demás, a tener claras y defender sus ideas con argumentos.

  173. Saray Garcia Herrera dice: Responder

    La educación esta siempre en un continuo movimiento evolutivo, por le que innovar en proyectos de trabajos me parece ademas de una muy buena idea, necesario ya que motivando a los alumnos de esta manera a investigar, buscar datos e informaciones, debatirlos después en clase… se fomenta su capacidad critica, de razonamiento, así como también se le enseña a escuchar y analizar las opiniones de los demás, a tener claras y defender sus ideas con argumentos.

  174. Bridgeen Campbell dice: Responder

    As regards to being a teacher, I think it is incredibly important to remember that the teacher should not be seen in the classroom as an «I tell you information and you learn it» sort of figure but indeed, as Sir Ken Robinson states in the video, in a role of facilitator. One who leads a group to discover and flourish their creative abilities, working together as a team to learn from each other- collaboration, sharing ideas and developing a successful outcome. This general creativity I think is an important set of skills and qualities that are immensely important in order to function in society, including team-building, becoming creative, innovative and reflective thinkers. The creative mind in my opinion is one who can gather ideas from a range of different sources, create interdisciplinary links between them to generate a new idea and perhaps learn from mistakes- gaining a wiser knowledge of the concept for future reference, such as onto different platforms. Agreeing with Robinson, creativity cannot be measured on a set scale. I believe that we are all indeed creative in our own individual ways. However, some may not fully express their creative potential as a result of a society of conformity, conservatism and security- generally as a result of our cultural or social environment. The view that creativity involves solely the Arts subjects I think is quite a narrow-minded view, as stated in the video, creativity and innovation can be expressed through many different mediums such as in terms of of ideas and concepts, views and opinions as regards to the multi-cultural and globalized world we live in today. I am a firm believer that a person’s brain is a «fire to be kindled not a vase to be filled».

  175. Rodoula Gavalidi dice: Responder

    It’s really important to exist innovation and creativity in the schools. In this way the student will be able to develop a well-being personality through the participation in the class and also, can express his ideas and opinions about different topics.
    If the teacher innovate during the lesson, then the student will innovate too and the two of them will achieve the necessary goals.
    That’s why, I think that innovation in the classes plays a very important role.

  176. Team work and group projects are very useful way how to train children to cooperate and show them their own capabilities. Because in every team there are different functions which somebody needs to fulfill and most effective is when these functions are divided between group members. During these kind of projects students can figure out what they are capable of, what is easy for them and what is hard. And if it takes place in school, then there is the teacher who can help to get better and give the feedback about how they did the job. Sometimes a person doesn’t recognize what he did and how important it was, he just thinks that it is so easy that everybody can do this. But if there is the feedback about the process, about the work and about the role each person had in the team work, it can be very educative and useful for a development of this person. And helps to appreciate the importance of the work others did.

  177. From my own experience I know that engaging in all kinds of projects in school are more interesting than sitting on books and learning. It’s a great way to interest people a specific thing. Working in a group to prepare something interesting is more impressive. Each of us learns in this way also the creativity. Practical preparation encourages people to become more involved in science.

  178. Claudia Diaz Fernandez dice: Responder

    Creativity is important in life so it is important in everything we do. When I think about the relation between creativity and teamwork I think it is about making creative groups based on diversity. Everyone has his personal intelligence and talents but if you put different persons together in one team you will have the intelligence and the talents of all this persons together which will automatically lead to creativity.
    Teamwork is good and it is inspiring because everyone is different. When you work together with someone you will learn a lot from each other and you can solve a problem quickly because more persons are thinking in different ways about solutions.
    In my opinion teamwork is great but there is a disadvantage because if you have to work together with irresponsible persons you will have to do all the work by yourself.

  179. Creativity. As Ken Robinson stated in his video, anyone and everyone is born with the capacity to be creative, to be able to reach a state of creativity, one needs to practice and it’s never too late to start. Something else he said and that actually was the conclusion of the video was that great things can be achieved if the conditions are right for it. How to analyze and comprehend this sentence will depend on everyone’s thought process and there is also a need to understand that there is not only one way to answer this question. How I personally understand it is as it follows: with the creativity concept in mind, great things can be achieved if the proper requirements are already set, requirements that could be people among a group all having reached a state where they could be considered creative or an environment that offers the best possible conditions for the birth of creativity.
    In any case, Ken Robinson did say that it is always and never too late to start being creative, as long motivation, effort and your desire to practice are there, you can always mature towards a form of intelligence. Don’t restrict yourself to one way of seeing things, it’s through sharing and taking part in more than just one’s world that one really gains intelligence.

  180. Dovydas Jasiūnas dice: Responder

    In my opinion discussions at school and university is very important and a good method of helping students better understand the subjects taught. For a discussion of the dispute and sets out the broad range of opinions. Furthermore, at least to me during the discussion more understandable taught theme and our memory for better and for longer essential aspects. I would like that all the studios would discussions principle because it encourages people to communicate, and through communication and discussion is often the being born best and the most appropriate projects.

  181. LAURA RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ dice: Responder

    Innovar en proyectos de trabajo, creo que es algo importante en las escuelas; ya que estos proyectos pueden ayudar y mejorar a los alumnos a desarrollar sus capaidades y conocomientos, por ejemplo, podrian sentirse «mas sueltos» en los debates realizados, en la participación en clase, etc. Pienso que es un buen método para las escuelas, ya que así se puede tener mas cooperación entre profesores y alumnos, o entre ellos mismos, y así se beneficiarian y se enriquecerian para su futuro.
    Pero lo fundamental es que se cree un proyecto en el se que fomente la motivación por aprender. Creo que deberian de hacerse muchos mas proyectos para que los alumnos no se desmotiven y sigan estudiando.

  182. KEVSER NİHAN MEMİŞ dice: Responder

    In the video, it says “Great things can be obtained only in the right conditions”. I think this is very true. Every person learns literacy if the atmosphere is good but what is important is not giving the cliché education. What is important is to reveal person’s creativity. Every person has different creativity and different interest. If we want to create a good country, family, group; we should motivate their creative ideas. This is valid for all organizations. What is important is to raise dynamic individuals instead of sleeping individuals. Teachers should guide the students. They shouldn’t be left alone in curiosity and with questions. Teamwork should be done. The student should ask questions to his/her friends and teachers. In this way, a good project can be launched out which makes them creative.

  183. ROSA MARIA ROBLES MARQUEZ dice: Responder

    Pienso que si ya es importante la innovacion en sanidad por ejemplo, como no dar una gran importancia a la educacion. pues de ella depende las personas que formaran nuestra sociedad. y pienso que desde la innovacion se puede llegar a las personas de una manera mas cercana a todas las personas, por eso pues desde el gobierno se deberia dar mas ayudas para la innovacion educativa y no seguir recortando en algo tan fundamental como la innovacion para los medios con los que se formaran los profesionales del futuro.

  184. javier sanzo cid dice: Responder

    Desde mi corta experiencia, en teoría esto es muy buen método, mucho mas que exámenes absurdos y descontextualizados. En la práctica es otra cosa, como trabajos deficiéntemente tutorizados o no tutorizados, trabajos fuera del interés de los alumnos, trabajos sin un sentido o mal enfocados, etc.

  185. Irene Moreno Cánovas dice: Responder

    Desde mi perspectiva puedo decir que la manera más eficaz de enseñanza es esa en la que la clase es más dinámica ya sea mediante debates o charlas u opinando sobre temas diversos actuales o no. Pienso que innovando sea en el ámbito que sea siempre será una mejoría para poder llegar alcanzar las metas propuestas durante un curso, por la tanto estoy totalmente de acuerdo con que estos proyectos se realicen, ya que es un método eficaz de motivación para los estudiantes, sintiéndose así con más vinculación en sus trabajos y como alumno.

  186. Agnieszka Głowacka dice: Responder

    Nowadays leading creativity is the challenge for schools but it should be just as learning one of the core purpose of schools.
    I think schools are so tied down by of exam results that there is little room for creativity and little appreciation of the vocational value such skills offer. Sometimes it can gives also some disadvantages, such as it may occur in a team leader exerting pressure on the other, but in general, work in group is a much more effective and substantial way of learning than individual learning, I think.
    In my opinion with working in groups in school is very important. Students can exchange opinions, share an ideas, ways of solving problems or discuss everything. It can also learn comunicate.

  187. A. Doğan Yalçın dice: Responder

    Firstly, innovation and creativity are different two concepts but they can be confused a lot. The main difference between them is the focus. Creativity is about unleashing the potential of the mind to conceive new ideas. Those elements could accur themselves in any number of ways, but most often, they become things that we can understand via our 5 sense organs. On the other hand, the concept innovation is completely measurable. Innovation is about introducing change into relatively stable systems. And in my opinion i believe that innovations occur when people in need of something or when the current system can not provide the demand anymore. In that case creativity can be seen more valuable but as far as i am concerned the fact is the vice versa. In that case, there is a good expression from Theodore Levitt who is An American economist and professor: “What is often lacking is not creativity in the idea-creating sense but innovation in the action-producing sense» it mainly means putting ideas to work.

  188. I guess creativity is a subjective thing; every individual’s idea of being creative is different, which in itself sums up the very concept! For some it is inventing new things, new ways of thinking and doing things. While for others, it is about uncovering new forms of knowledge or using existing knowledge in new contexts. Whichever approach they take, all of these require children to have space, and time to think and to experiment. We use creativity in every aspect of our lives, everyday and so, we need our next generation of students and workers to be more creative, and to essentially shape future society. We can take steps in our local schools, encouraging educators to promote creative thinking across all disciplines. We can take steps in our communities, through volunteer work focused on providing creative outlets for children. And we can take steps at home, to engage in creative activities with our children. It is a collective effort, as all worthwhile causes are.

  189. Isaac Pérez Infante dice: Responder

    Yo creo que innovar siempre es lo importante sea donde sea, porque si te estancas con algunos medios, vas a estar retrasado respecto a otros medios, personas o instituciones.
    Actualmente, en mi opinión, creo que en España se debe de innovar en Educación en Tecnologías para potenciar algún que otro aspecto y también sobretodo en Sanidad.
    En lo que a mi me incumbe, de lo que he vivido en Bachillerato y la Universidad creo que lo han estado haciendo muy bien, en las clases dándole la importancia vital a los debates durante el horario.

  190. MOISÉS ROMERO GUERRERO dice: Responder

    Desde mi perspectiva puedo decir que esta forma de educar es efectiva, la he vivido en algunos ámbitos de la educación formal no obligatoria.(Ciclo formativo y Universidad). He vivido las dos formas de educar y la segunda es mucho más efectiva. Si potenciamos los debates, el hablar y opinar sobre las cosas se aprenderán mucho mejor los conocimientos, ya que se habrá dado algún tipo de experiencia mientras se daba el concepto enseñanza-aprendizaje. No estamos instruyendo, estamos educando, pues aprendamos a «educar» antes de intentar hacerlo. Si convertimos la clase en un clima democrático, donde los niños puedan expresarse tanto en sus aciertos, como en sus fallos, en mi opinión habrá más número de personas donde se de el concepto enseñanza-aprendizaje.

  191. Nuria González Domínguez dice: Responder

    Pienso que innovar en proyectos de trabajo es algo muy importante , ya que así el alumno se encontrara de una forma mas realizada en cuanto a participación en clase, opiniones respecto al trabajo que se realice en el aula, poder intercambiar puntos de vistas con sus iguales y profesores, etc…
    Creo que el hecho de innovar en cualquier ámbito, siempre viene bien, si es para mejorar y poder alcanzar nuevas metas.
    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la realización de estos proyectos, para así poder motivar a los estudiantes y que ellos se sientan mas vinculados con su trabajo como alumnos.

  192. Isabel Córdoba Solís dice: Responder

    Una vez leído el artículo, debo manifestar que si existe un buen proyecto de trabajo en el sistema educativo, esto hará que la calidad de la enseñanza sea mucho mejor, él mismo tiene que admitir ( proyecto) aspectos de todos como: críticas, debates sobre el mismo, diálogos etc.
    Creo que innovar sobre algo y sobre todo en educación es mejorar, con esa innovación, mejora el docente, mejora los alumnos y ello les repercutirá para que tengan a posteriori éxito en el trabajo y en la vida que les tenga la sociedad.
    Si el docente innova, el alumno aprende a innovar, así mismo decir que para innovar se necesita se necesita una buena tecnología de la información y la comunicación, ya que innovar es crear, inventar una situación que nos conduzca a la situación ideal de otra no deseada.

  193. Generally, I agree with this article and the video, because I think that people are born as a creative intelligence, but that person’s educational system and cultural structure grown on this very effective. So we need that creative intelligence is certain that those projects that drive innovation in education. Obviously my mind was very specific solutions. But there are many benefits to this study, it appears that as a group, provided the participation of everyone in solidarity is seen as a working person is not pacified. For example, because there are so uncomfortable with the work of my group is a little bit of getting. This is because I see it working in groups, sometimes not share equal responsibilities prevent it is for everyone to lead the group should be an individual had to face many situations.

  194. Hatice Şeymanur KURT dice: Responder

    Another great speech by Sir Ken Robinson. I think his views can change so much in the world, from spiritual to educational. The only question is, why isn’t the world doing anything about it? I agree with him, he told to us that everybody born genius but they don’t use their mind because of several reasons.Because of school,education system,family,environment.. etc.The creativity is really important for all sectors.If we want to change and to be more good than yesterday.Is the world the same from the first?Of course no because it changes everytime.People find new inventions always so they change the world day by day. We must think different always.We try to find new solution for problems.It takes to us different ways,new inventions.And also we should work together like a team.In the team everbody say his/her thinks about topic or problem.They should discuss the problem they try to find solution for problem.It is very important for creativity.
    I want to show you a video about importance of creativity.

  195. Rocío González Morgado dice: Responder

    Es necesario contar con un buen proyecto de trabajo, para ayudar a resolver sus dudas, conocerse a sí mismo y a los que se encuentran a su alrededor. Me parece una idea estupenda ya que se aprende mucho de lo demás, y además se podría resolver los grandes problemas que se encuentra en la educación, tarea que no es nada fácil.
    Con esto además los alumnos tienen la capacidad de intervenir y decir su punto de vista, esto es realmente importante pues hay muchos profesores que se dedican a dar el temario y no le dan importancia a lo que sus alumnos dicen y con este método se aprendería mucho más.
    Para terminar quiero decir que mediante los proyectos de trabajo se aumenta la motivación, creatividad, autocrítica y por lo cual el fracaso escolar estaría menos presente.

  196. Mangeles Espino Espina dice: Responder

    El innovar ayuda a avanzar en todos los ámbitos y para mi el más importante es la Sanidad y la Educación. Ya que estamos hablando de personas y por ello opino que debería de aportar más dinero el Gobierno y ayudas para que todo el mundo tenga una excelente educación.

  197. Creativity is so important to us that we find we can’t leave it alone when we see it in others–we can’t allow our children simply to be themselves. And so we must praise, reward, direct and intervene. We all know a better way to do things, an easier path–and all this does is to divert the creative action from its source by introducing something external. It is so easy to «help» the child, to enlarge its world. But if we are all to play we must learn the importance of having the total freedom to be wrong, to make mistakes, to push something to its limits and then throw it away. The teacher and the parent must develop courage and creativity. There are no rules, no one can tell us when to step in or when to stand back.

  198. Un proyecto de trabajo puede ayudar al alumno a su desarrollo personal, a descubrir que es lo que quiere conseguir y como sería capaz de hacerlo.
    Pienso que a la hora de desarrollar un proyecto el profesorado debe de dejar claro sus puntos a seguir, aunque en cierto punto, los proyectos se eligen de un tema «libre» es adecuado que los alumnos sepan como realizarlo.
    Los proyectos, creo que sacan la capacidad creativa del alumno/a, las ganas de conseguir el mismo algo por sí solo, el plantearse una organización y un material el mismo, por lo que a mi parecer, creo que los proyectos de trabajo son un factor importante en la educación.

  199. Margarita Ortiz Paredes dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, la incorporación de proyectos de trabajo en educación conseguirá resolver muchos problemas de la enseñanza de hoy.
    Clarificar que un proyecto de trabajo es un modelo de trabajo y enseñanza en el cual los alumnos forman ideas y conceptos acerca de éste, tratan de entenderlos formando opiniones acerca de él, actuando de una manera activa.
    También es recomendable que exista una metodología en la cual aparezca discusión crítica, debates, diálogos entre profesores y alumnos y con agentes externos. La cual será la herramienta del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. De esta forma se obtendrá el desarrollo del alumnado de una manera crítica, incorporando la autocrítica y la reflexión de nuestras propias ideas.
    Decir también que es importante que el alumnado comprenda el contenido para manejarse con soltura y así fomentar la curiosidad y el atractivo. Es importante la compresión de conceptos como seleccionar el contenido para conseguir una verdadera compresión y aprendizaje.

  200. Me parece una muy buena idea emplear nuevos proyectos de trabajo en las escuelas que sirva para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos por aprender, ya que parece que está extinta hoy y día. Un buen proyecto dirigido por un profesor deberá buscar que el educando tenga ganas por investigar lo que se plantea, deberá de alguna forma, como líder de su clase, fomentar la capacidad creativa de sus alumnos, de sacarle el máximo de sus capacidades… Que exista la cooperación entre él mismo y sus alumnos, pero también entre ellos mismos.
    Con estos proyecto me parece que se fomenta también algo que creo que es muy importante, la creatividad. Como se dice en el vídeo, todos nacemos con un gran potencial creativo, solo que debemos de desarrollarlo. Y bajo mi parecer, en la escuela hoy por hoy la creatividad no se fomenta.

  201. Como vemos el texto nos explica y nos informa de los proyectos de trabajo sobre la educación, yo pienso que cada docente tiene que llevar un proyecto desarrollado por él, el cual siga todos los pasos correspondientes de forma correcta y así la enseñanza del alumnado seria más fácil y llevadera. Por otro lado pienso que ese proyecto tendría que ser obligatorio para cada profesor así podría asignar el temario que correspondiese a cada nivel educativo, las actividades y todo lo correspondiente para la enseñanza del alumno en las aula de forma más fácil desde mi punto de vista.

  202. Sarah Jane Mallon dice: Responder

    Apologies, posted this as Matthew Dempster by mistake!

    I believe that creativity in our society has declined. There may be a number of reasons for this; too much time spent watching TV, solutions to problems readily available on the internet or a lack of encouragement of creativity within the schooling system. It is mistakenly assumed that encouragement of creativity necessarily involves the Arts. It can be encouraged through other subjects in the curriculum too. Group projects can be an excellent catalyst for creative thinking. Discussing and debating ideas is an excellent form of active learning as well as looking at an assignment/problem/project from a different perspective. The department of education has a role to play in encouraging personal creativity. As Sir Ken Robinson points out, intelligence is too often stereotyped as academic excellence. We must recall all the great musical geniuses, all the picassos of the world and the scientists (past and present) when we aim to define creativity. Schools must take a leading role in promoting and celebrating everyone’s creativity.

  203. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    I believe that creativity in our society has declined. There may be a number of reasons for this; too much time spent watching TV, solutions to problems readily available on the internet or a lack of encouragement of creativity within the schooling system. It is mistakenly assumed that encouragement of creativity necessarily involves the Arts. It can be encouraged through other subjects in the curriculum too. Group projects can be an excellent catalyst for creative thinking. Discussing and debating ideas is an excellent form of active learning as well as looking at an assignment/problem/project from a different perspective. The department of education has a role to play in encouraging personal creativity. As Sir Ken Robinson points out, intelligence is too often stereotyped as academic excellence. We must recall all the great musical geniuses, all the picassos of the world and the scientists (past and present) when we aim to define creativity. Schools must take a leading role in promoting and celebrating everyone’s creativity.

  204. Ana Delgado Marín dice: Responder

    Pienso, que para llevar a cabo un buen proyecto pedagógico, este debe «crear» a través de sus actividades, personas que sean críticas y capaces de evaluar todo lo que le rodea.
    A la vez, este artículo, sirve de gran ayuda ya que refleja los principales principios que debe contener un proyecto de trabajo.
    Por ejemplo, fomentar la curiosidad del alumno, que se cree un diálogo entre ellos, que halla una cooperación entre alumno y profesor, relación entre los conceptos de diferentes asignaturas y por último crear un proyecto en el que se fomente la curiosidad por aprender por parte del alumno.
    Por todo esto debe haber una continua innovación de los proyectos, para que los alumnos no se desmotiven.

  205. tuba topalbekiroğlu dice: Responder

    Primarily we should to know the project with pedagogy’s means for than project pedagogy to speak .the project is desinging of thought and idea.pedagogy is education teacher-centered,It is use synonymous with teaching usually. Briefly the pedagogy is all teaching element.ıf we combine pedagogy with project, we see that : “the disciplined group work”.the guide is important in the project pedagogy. The guide should know group’s property. The person who has guide should know,what will do and they should deteminite real targets for group. İn this way the project reach to true targets in the shorter time. In my opinion I am believing that studying on projects will improve the education system. Because this methods make feel valuable they are to students. Furthermore ı want to give an example of this.there are workschool in to my country(TURKEY). The disabled students make different projects here.this project isn’t difficult projects. It is suitable to their levels.for example like to make overshoe. this way their manual skills develop with projects.

  206. Matthew Dempster dice: Responder

    To be a good teacher and leader I belive that you must use your creativity and sense of fun in order to teach, especially when working with children. It is proven that children as well as adults will losen up and learn more, when the activity is conducted in the form of a game, this I believe is because it distracts there mind from the given topic or problem and instead they focus on the creative or fun aspect. In order to do this the teacher themselve must be creative and have a varied creativity.
    Furthermore, a good teacher will lighten up the activity for the student in order for them to understand and remember it better, this is often the line between a good and a bad educator.
    If you learn a topic through your creavtive mind it is more likely that you will remember it more and will want to further spread your knowledge, instead of if your learn it out of a text book, it is likely that you will forget it.

  207. I enjoyed reading this article as it allowed me to think and gain knowledge on creative thinking, and how it can be inspired through teaching or within the workplace. In today’s education iniating creative thinking, I believe is extremely important as there are many problems in today’s world, for example unemployment, conflict and geological etc. Not only is it important to iniate creative thought to solve the problems but also to progress the world onto a new era, for example technology. Sir Ken Robinson’s idea of creativity sounds extremely logical and is impressive by promoting creativity through practising the creative abilty by cultivating diversity; Sparking new ideas by group work, listening to ideas but then putting their own perspective on the idea. I feel the teacher is key as he/she must create the environment which is correct to help entice the individuals personal creativity by introducing an appropriate environment allowing the children to use their talent/ability.

  208. I believe that group work enhances your creative thinking. When working as part of a group I feel that it is here where you find the best results or outcomes to a situation. Group work allows the individual to listen to other peoples views and opinions in certain topics or situations, Then through discussion and reasoning as a group you can come up with the best answer to the problems having viewed different outcomes from everyone.
    Group work takes away that narrow single minded approach some people might have. It can open their mind to different possibilities in which they may not have considered while working on their own. From learning this ability to view things from different angles will allow us to become more creative and and progress in the future.
    There isn’t only creative benefits of group work. Group work benefits students by developing their discussion technique, listening and understanding these traits are all important traits to have in order to survive in the work field.

  209. First I must say that I am really thankful for these videos in articles. Sir Ken Robinson`s speeches are encouraging me to think and enlightening me that anything is possible when there is a will. As I already said in previous comment, I am not huge fan of team works. In general I see them as a waste of time, because in most cases I would get same result in shorter period of time working independently. I might have been in a team with the wrong people who weren`t too interested, so I created an aversion to work in groups. I hope that this negative perception would change in the future. There is an expression: “Two heads are better than one”, and of course that there are many advantages of team work because total knowledge of the group is greater than the individual and group usually generates a large number of solutions to problems. But what I really don`t like is amount of time spent in the process of group decision.

    Furthermore, I am truly interested in this idea of project work. That is point when we can put all our knowledge into practice. I think that such way of learning is a more efficient than traditional and definitely encourages creativity that can result in a variety of innovations. Work on a project can help us to prepare for what awaits us in real business situations and that is a purpose of educational system.

  210. Azucena Gutiérrez Burguillos dice: Responder

    El artículo deja claro cuales son las bases para la buena creación y desarrollo de un buen proyecto pedagógico y lo que significa trabajar bien. estoy de acuerdo con que el alumno debe ser en todo momento totalmente consciente de lo que se desarrolla a su alrededor, lo que el maestro quiere conseguir indirectamente a través del alumno. Las materias son mas asimiladas cuando el alumno se implica directamente con su desarrollo personal.

  211. A friend of mine studies mathematics and german to become a teacher and he is a very curious type and in his freetime he has always his personal projects. He taught himself to program and can solve every problem which I or other people have with computers. One day he discovered «Clock two», a stylish clock which has a typografic display which tells you the time in words. But it was too expensive to buy… So he decided to solve this problem by building it himself. He programed it, he designed it, he finished his project perfectly. Then he told me, «Listen, this is an easy project which you can realize with the students, with pupil in schools! It combines different disciplines including art and informatics and in the end you see a result. You can learn about different things which you can use also in other projects or later in your life if you are interested in this fields.»
    I wanted to tell this story because it is a very good example for the interesting aspects of a project: A person (the pupil) has a particular interest -> but for realizing it you have to solve problems and have to be also creative -> you learn to solve problems and to be creative -> you see a result
    Of course in school pupil need help and sometimes a special knowledge but as I wrote in another comment I think everybody can be an educator and more people, companies, organizations and so on should feel obligatory to tell, show, to teach their knowledge and also the beginning of their ideas and the realization. I know it is difficult because of buisiness secret and economical aspects but they can at least tell and inspire with their own sucsess stories. So the function of the schoolteacher also should be to organize for the realization of the projects.

  212. Patrycja Perzyńska dice: Responder

    Innovation and new products are very important in all areas. They allow for the development and better use of resources, materials, etc. Therefore, teachers in their work should make innovative curriculum. Undoubtedly an example is innovate with working on education projects. It allows the students to prepare alone the material at their own pace, but under the supervision of a teacher. In this way we take care of the development of the student’s personality, stimulate independent thinking and creativity. It is also a good way to motivate the students to active participation in the lesson. To sum up, the school, which reacts to changes in technology will not only be friendly and interesting for students, but also it will prepare better a young people for the challenges posed by globalization, the economy and labor market.

  213. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder


  214. Leticia Romero Valeo dice: Responder

    Este interesante artículo nos explica de forma clara las diferencias entre un proyecto educativo o de cualquier tipo y una pedagogía del proyecto, y es bueno saberlo, ya que tendemos a confundir desde nuestra ignorancia. Recordamos que en otro de los artículos hablábamos de la importancia de la unidad didáctica para el profesor, y creo que aquí es un poco lo mismo: la importancia del proyecto y sobretodo de la pedagogía del proyecto, ya que hay muchos tipos y formas de hacer uno y debemos tener claro cuales van a ser nuestros objetivos a seguir, los medios que vamos a poner para lograrlos, etc. Y sobretodo también tener una buena metodología y saber conocer las partes para hacer este proyecto (como están indicados en el artículo).
    Por último y no por ello menos importante si no que puede que más, la importancia de la innovación en los proyectos educativos, haciendo referencia al título de este artículo. Creo que es muy importante la innovación, primero porque lo nuevo, si sale bien, dos veces bueno y si no, una experiencia, y segundo porque no debemos dejarnos caer en la rutina y podemos hacer uso de todos los recursos existentes y que cada vez se están extendiendo más en la educación, entre ellos la tecnología, para sacar el máximo provecho y hacer de la enseñanza algo motivador y atractivo.

  215. Antonio Manuel Blanco Ramos dice: Responder

    De este texto resaltaría la importancia de que cada docente realice su propio proyecto educativo, ya que así se entiende con mayor claridad el objetivo del proyecto, la finalidad y la intención. Si realiza otra persona el proyecto distinta a la que va a llevarla a la practica en el proceso se pierde mucho sobre la esencia del proyecto. También es importante trabajar sobre la consciencia de los educandos ya que si ellos tiene la idea de cuales son las metas establecidas se realizara una mejor transmisión de conocimientos.
    También es importante innovar ya que con ello se produce un crecimiento personal tanto por el profesor como para el alumno, a parte de resultar más atractivo el hecho de aprender.

  216. Inmaculada Morales López dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, me parece muy bien que innovemos en temas de la educación, ya que esta en continua evolución y si no se innova es muy difícil que avancemos nosotros.
    El proyecto de trabajo creo que es muy positivo tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores porque intervienen los alumnos y se van conociendo más entre ellos y los profesores también va conociendo mejor a sus alumnos.
    En conclusión el innovar ayuda a avanzar en todos los ámbitos de la educación.

  217. I like this idea of project pedagogy. I think It’s the best way of learning something. And besides learning something new, It includes so many different aspects- like cooperation, sharing your opinion/ideas, solving problems, being creative etc.
    I know some teachers in kindergartens use project pedagogy. Every week they ask from the children, what is the thing they would like to know more about, or what are they interested. Children are very curious about everything, but if they ask a question and want to know about something, they’ll have more interest and at the end they are also learning something new. So having a topic from children, teacher can make a project. And all week long there are many activities, problem solvings and group works around this topic. And having a project doesn’t mean not following the curriculum. You can integrate curriculum with the project. And I’m sure It would work also in schools. There is some of this project pedagogy in schools, but should be a lot more.

  218. This article and video are very interesting, Project-based work is a method of learning that many teachers are using. This method of teaching can be very beneficial as it becomes more practical and allows students to put theory into practice. Project-based work is more realistic and is more beneficial to the student and helps students to be able to adapt to many situations.
    This type of work in the school or in the workplace often requires teamwork. Teamwork can be a great way for problems to be solved or ideas to be generated. This type of work can be a great confidence boost to the participants provided that it is run correctly so that everyone can voice their opinion and not be shot down. That is why a leader of the team is invaluable in order to boost creativity and ensure that enthusiasm remains high.

  219. In the video clip Sir Ken Robinson poses the question: What fires your imagination and what makes a employee/student come alive in a creative sense? There is no doubt that there are many answers to this question but group work must be one of the more obvious answers. It is clear that group work is often the catalyst for some of the most creative ideas. From experience of working within a group in an educational capacity, students are almost forced to become more active in regards to learning. In fact, it also gives students the opportunity to listen and learn to other students ideas. An idea that they might have not previously thought of themselves. Thus, alternative ideas and opinions are generated. These ideas might not have been conceived if a student/person was working as an individual. In my opinion one of the major benefits of working within a group is the development of critical thinking among the students. Suddenly students begin to question ideas, preconceptions and facts. And this is where creative ideas are born.

  220. Sir Ken Robinson states in the video clip at the beginning of the article that, ‘you are born with great creative potential, but you may not realise it’. I feel that working as part of a group you are more likely to realise this creative potential, as it is always going to be a different situation as the tasks, the group members and even the group size can be constantly changing and therefore changing the group dynamic. From my own personal experience of working within groups, both in a classroom and work situation, they are extremely beneficial. It can allow you to discover your own strengths and weaknesses, which you may have been oblivious to in an ordinary classroom setting. In a group, especially in a group of peers, I found it to be a more informal setting in which it was easier to discuss topics and ask questions – this gave a lot of clarification I otherwise would not have gotten. I also found it was a good way of learning as you pick up on what other people are doing sometimes without even realising. Group work is also very important as many employers use group interviews when selecting potential employees and so I feel it is a good experience to be used to group scenarios from an early age.

  221. Marika Tauriņa dice: Responder

    On my opinion, group works are really good to develop people thinking. Normally in groups are many members and then every member can express his opinion. But there are also shy people, who better work alone, because they are afraid, they aren’t certain. And thats why group work is needed to help shy person to deal with their own uncertainty. And directly discussions, debates and dialogue with teachers, profesors, other team members help to develop person mind, improve their skills, to be more creative. In group work each person has his own assignment, duty, task, and he is responsible to do it, because he is one the team members. They trust and rely on each other. In many schools, they have system, where profesor or teacher just give texts, and students need to read it. No discussions, no questions, no explanations, just nude text and it’s all.

  222. Johannes Nitschke dice: Responder

    I think every teacher knows that group work has a positive influence on the learning outcome. But in the practice it is not often used, at least in Germany. For teachers it is a lot easier to lead a class in the traditional way than to work pupil orientated in groups.

    Also the government in Germany has shortened the school time from 13 to 12 years. So there is not so much time left for individual reflection which is normally produced in group work. There is the same situation in the universities: The professors have only time for the content but not time for reflecting the content by the students.

    On the other hand knowledge is useless when a person cannot use it for a skill. And this person is not able to use her knowledge when she does not reflect and produce her own thoughts about the topic. Maybe it would be better not to produce so much knowledge but rather to have a look on the quality which means individual learning and reflection.

  223. Mª Carmen Díaz Pérez dice: Responder

    De este texto podemos decir que el proyecto es una cosa muy personal y que cada persona debe hacer su propio proyecto con sus fines y metas muy bien desarrollado para poder ejecutarlos y llevarlos a cabo. Creo que si una persona hace el proyecto diseñada para otra tal vez lo fines u objetivos no se consigan con la misma intensidad o ganas puesto que él no lo ha diseñado. Una de las claves para el desarrollo de un proyecto es la innovación, vivimos en una sociedad donde el cambio es el principal característica, lo que hoy es actual mañana ya queda antiguo, por ello debemos estar alertas y usar estos cambios para desarrollar buenos proyectos educativos.

  224. People are social creatures by their nature and this means, that it is much easier to succed in the group than alone. I think that everyone of us can remember at least one expwerience when he was more productive in the group and sometimes we also have much more ideas when we can openly talk about our idea. When we tell it out loud and maybe someone add his thought, we can get some great inovations. I belive that both, group work and individual work have his good and bad aspects. Maybe in school is hard to assess the individual knowledge of students if they are working in a group but I am sure that the skills that result fom a group work are much more valuble for a crativity and students personality than a accurate estimate of the knowledge.

  225. Está claro que para que la educación funcione además de otras muchos esfuerzos está el de la innovación. Los tiempos cambias, las prioridades no siempre son las mismas, los objetivos no siempre se consiguen y para ello no hay otra escapatoria que innovar. La innovación en los tiempos en los que estamos es fundamental, ya que los avances de las tecnologías, y el tiempo en el que vivimos en el que todo dura el tiempo de un suspiro hace que los viejos métodos de enseñanzas se queden anticuados y no nos sirvan para el aprendizaje de hoy en día, si los métodos que se utilizaban antiguamente se utilizasen todavía quizás la enseñanza se hubiese quedado empobrecida, triste y con un índice más alto de abandono que el que existe.

  226. Luci Toledano Y Maldonado dice: Responder

    El art me ha dejado ver la importancia de un buen proyecto educativo.Un proyecto es una propuesta de hacer , conocer,de llevar acabo, evaluar y mejorar ..Plan de acción, para conseguir unos resultados.La Innovación es pieza clave en un proyecto.,no podemos estancarnos ,tenemos que transformar. En mi opinión no podemos educar en la conformidad,desarrollemos el pensamiento critico.Me gustaria comentar que soy de las que espera que la nueva reforma la Lonce nos traiga nuevos proyectos educativos ,proque se ha demostrado que la que tenemos no ha funcionado.,y ala vez elevar la educación publica que en España es de lo peor. saludos

  227. Shauna Corbett dice: Responder

    Group work is an method that can be argued for or against. In education group work can have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages would be that you can combine your work and thoughts with the thoughts of another to enhance and further make your point. Group work is also beneficial for those who would have the confidence or stamina to work on their own but this point could also be argued as a disadvantage because if you are less motivated in a group, you may rely more on other students and be reluctant to use your creative side. Creativity is a key characteristic in any human being. Everyone has a creative side but some chose to use it and others don’t. In education by using your creative side you are shaping your future and you are also being inspired as a person to prosper in whatever career path you choose to do. Sir Ken Robinson makes a good point when he says that everyone has a creative side but it is up to you what you do with and how you let it influence your life. It is never too late to be creative and by being creative you are being different to everyone else.

  228. For me as a primary teacher, group work is an important form of work organization in the class. It’s not only a simple exchance of ideas and work sharing but also an enormous learning process. The children have to accept other opinions, they have to make compromises, they have to find solutions which satisfy every group member more or less. That social skills are needed in everyday life and the children have to learn them and to handle them. Group work also affords many different and personal aspects and opinions which is very interesting and often boosts creativity and intellectual approach. Of course it’s not always easy to work in groups and so, arguments and conflicts can happen. It’s up to the teacher to observe and control the situation but in my opinion, he/she should be as reticent as possible. School is not only about teaching contents but also teaching important social skills.

  229. PAULA ROMÁN FERNÁNDEZ dice: Responder

    Un proyecto de trabajo es una herramienta muy útil para mejorar la educación si se llevan a cano procedimientos adecuados y justos. La innovación es una de las características fundamentales que ha de tener un proyecto de trabajo, ya que va evolucionando en el tiempo por lo que habrá que corregir, reformar o quitar aspectos innecesarios o poco convenientes. En definitiva, los objetivos didácticos que tiene un proyecto de trabajo son la creatividad, cooperación, interacción, participación, etc. de los niños y niñas.

  230. Group work I believe is a very controversial topic, one which I have experienced on many occasions myself. As Ken Robinison states in his video great things can be achieved if the conditions are right for it. This is certainly true as team work requires everybody on the team to “sing off the same hymn sheet” meaning everyone on the team possesses the same goals, objectives and aspirations. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean ‘team work’ this phrase itself answers the question. There is without doubt strength in unity, moreover a combined effort from all the members gives better results. Finally it gives confidence & boosts morale when everybody work as a team. On the other hand team work has its downfalls one being co-operation and lack of motivation. The disadvantages of working in a team may be that you have to rely on other people to get work done and they may not be responsible. The team members may also disagree on a single plan. Arguments can occur and projects or plans may be left unfinished due to this. Personally I both agree and disagree with team work, while two heads are better than one and the social aspects of teamwork are excellent I have often worked as part of a team where each student does not co-operate and pull their own weight. This can be trying of ones patience and confusing and on many occasions had led me to do my own work as well as the work of others.

  231. Rocío Díaz Blanco dice: Responder

    En las sociedades actuales por ser tan competitivas innovar con proyectos educativos resulta imprescindible para la educación, y poner como opción el trabajo colectivo entre profesor y alumno es enriquecedor para todos los componentes ya que la transmisión de información es recíproca y más íntegra. En conclusión, hay que desarrollar el proyecto de forma que los alumnos generen una curiosidad permanente por aprender.

  232. En la enseñanza moderna ya están los proyectos de trabajo incluidos, la cooperación entre los estudiantes también. Para aumentar la eficacia de este nuevo elemento hay que tener en cuenta los caracteristicas y los perfiles de caracteristicas propios de cada un estudiante. Por lo menos marginalmente. Los grupos hay que crear con estabilidad. Es mi opinión pero creo que solo así puede la pedagógica de proyectos funcionarse. Si no hay posibilidades elegir los grupos, podemos dejar crearlos los estudiantes solamente.
    Los miembros de los grupos individuales aprenden a entender los opiniones y sentimientos de otras personas y tener en cuenta sus deberes del proyecto propio.

  233. I agree with the article and think that the work on a certain project with a group of pupils is a method with a lot of advantages. It’s not only a big motivation for the children, furthermore it also helps them to develop certain social skills, for example to communicate, to interact, to lead, to trust, to discuss,…The work in a group on a certain project also prepares them for the life. They have a problem, they need to discuss it and have to find out which member of the group has which talents and deficits to disperse the work correctly and finally they need to find out a solution. So I think project work is a very effective way of learning and it’s a possibility to diversify the lessons. But of course also the teacher gets a very important rule in this kind of learning. Especially in primary school the teachers should support the children and shouldn’t give them the feeling of being alone. Because also group work is a method which pupils need to learn and which is not an easy going thing for everyone.

  234. Aisling Arundel dice: Responder

    I feel an ambialence of opinions towards the concept of group work. it possesses various advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, it is a way in which students can improve their social skills as they are working as a team.If there are more peoplr working together a problem may be solved quicker as people have the opportunity to voice their opinions and views on the subject matter which by default conjure a series of solutions once combined. More views and ideas are suggested which in effect can be truly thought provoking and inevitably inspire the other group members. However on some cases, whilst working as a group some people fail to co-operate and do as much work. In addition to this, groupwork provides a chance for the students in the group to become more confident in both their thinking and projection of their views. These are both immensely benefical aspects of learning that will assit them throughout their entire life.

  235. Kristína Kamenská dice: Responder

    Group work is a type of cooperative learning. The last years it became the part of many teaching methods and approaches. It develops students’ knowledge, improve communication skills, collaborative skills, critical thinking skills. Students can share their different attitudes and discuss them. It is a quiet popular method among the students and in my opinion it is much more interesting and exciting than just listening whole the lesson what is professor talking about because it is not «all in the same key» . This type of learning always bring something new. It is also effective for the many careers if we learn how to work as a one team. Student can learn to accept different opinions. It also leads to better relationship between the students and teacher.

  236. In my oppinion working in roups in one of the best way to motivate children to work harder. They can motivate each other, they can learn from each other, but they also have fun. With working in groups they can get also other useful experiences, like how to assimilate, how to listen to the others, how to explain your thought, etc. In Hungary at my school we have lot of group works in many subjects. Our teacher have lot of good experiences connected with group works, so we usually have the opportunity to work in groups. Because of this I have also lot of friends from my school, because during these exercises I could get known more people and we spent lot of time together, so I’m also really greatful because of this. I think working in groups is also important because of you future career: at the workplace we also have to work together with the others and it’s really good if we already have some experiences how is it working.

  237. Anastasija Korolkova dice: Responder

    Working in a group is one of the most productive methods. Children learn to perform not only the task, but also to work in a team. Listen to other opinions, to find a common and draw conclusions. Such works are productive for both- students and teacher. I think that this method has too little attention in schools. Perhaps, because teachers believe that every student must work independently, and perform the work, relying only on their knowledge. I worked 2 years in school and often used this method. You could see how kids like to work in groups. My task was to put in the same group of children who until then could not find a common language. They argued, and sometimes even a little swearing, but in the end always came to a consensus, and the results were amazing. Moreover, after such public works, children have become more unified, and they always wanted to do something together.

  238. Blažević Andrea dice: Responder

    I find this article very interesting because at collage we often discuss do we love to do assignment and tasks alone or in a group. I am always for group assignments. In high school and college we had a lot of group assignments and I loved most of them. The reason why a love doing group tasks is because you connect ‘business with pleasure’. First thing is that you learn to communicate and express ideas. Of course that sometimes you will be annoyed because someone else in the group is the leader and is intrusive, but when that happens you learn to cope with some situations that will happen in real life, for example on your job. When you work in a group and you are trying to resolve some problem, you will get to the solution quicker because you are brainstorming and some idea that someone else sais will stimulate you to say some other even better idea, what would not happen if you work alone. One more advantage is that most of group tasks you have to finish with the presentation, and if you do not present it good you are not only making a bad impression about yourself but also of the other members in a group, so you have to do more effort in order to satisfy yourself and other members. When working in a group it is important not to make fun of someone else ideas and always try to motivate members. Group tasks always emphasize your and other member’s creativity more especially if the group has done many assignments together and they already know which task they have to do. Also if it happens that someone in the group does not know what do to, there will be always someone else who will explain and help him. In groups you are learning how to resolve problems, accept someone else ideas and build your social skills.

  239. Julia Rodziewicz dice: Responder

    Working in groups in school or at university is an activity which has a lot of advantages. Very often, after ten minutes of teacher’s speech no one in classroom pays attention what is he or she talking about. But when it’s about a group work, everyone has to think about concrete subject or case and can easily express his or her opinion. Thanks to it everything is better remembered. We can also learn from other students some interesting things.
    Except for advantages in working in groups above, unquestioned is gaining social skills as well. In such group as in everyday life there is a leader and others who have to subordinate. Very important is also shared responsibility. These aptitudes for cooperating together, in group for sure will help everyone in future life or job, that is why there should be more activities like this in everyone’s education path.

  240. Lorena Castillo López dice: Responder

    El proyecto de trabajo es una herramienta muy importante para la educación, pues hablamos de una proceso para la adquisición de conocimientos, mediante la enseñanza- aprendizaje para los alumnos, profesores y demás elementos que la conforman.
    Aunque varios aspectos que forman el proyecto, son deficientes, con lo que deben ser examinados y lidiar, para corregir esos defectos, visionando diferentes puntos de vista para llegar a la mejor opción, sobre todo en cuanto enseñanza-aprendizaje, para formar alumnos ejemplares, gracias a una organización y coordinación adecuadas.
    Además debo de decir que el proyecto de trabajo es un instrumento positivo, porque ayuda al alumnado a introducirse mucho más en el ámbito educativo, que permite relacionarse con el profesorado y directivos, para una búsqueda que no cesa del bienestar de todo el complejo. Y un elemento fundamental a la hora de llevar a cabo este proyecto, es el término de innovación. Éste incluye una amplitud de vertientes nuevas, para guiar y desarrollar los objetivos didácticos que se pretenden, y planificar con más acierto, una estructura que fluya a un acierto casi completo en todos los aspectos.

  241. AGUEDA GAMERO SANTOS dice: Responder

    En mi opinión creo que un proyecto de trabajo tiene abundante consideración en el entorno educativo, ya que contribuye para una buena formación del alumno, siendo también importante todos los intermediarios que participan en la formación y aprendizaje.
    También en la sociedad en la que vivimos es conveniente el hecho de innovar, ya que la educación a través de estos proyectos nos ayudaría a la resolución de muchos problemas que hoy en día nos rodean, en una sociedad competitiva como es la nuestra.
    Y como se cuestiona en el artículo la base de este método de trabajo es la continua discusión critica, el debate y el dialogo entre profesor y el alumno, esto servirá para la evolución continua de los conocimientos, ya que hace que el alumno sea capaz de utilizar su capacidad crítica y de reflexión.

  242. Alba Romero Galván dice: Responder

    Creo que los proyectos de trabajo, llevados a cabo tal como se indica en el artículo, son una metodología ejemplar y muy positiva, ya que dan lugar a la participación, cooperación, interactuación, es una forma de trabajo constructivista que permite comprender el entorno y que puede fomentar la creatividad y la innovación. Me parece genial, y sobre todo enfocado a los/las niños/as, porque esta metodología permite asimilar la información mucho mejor desde sus capacidades cognitivas y al participar es más facil mantener la atención, y las cosas que se deducen, son más sorpresivas y más fáciles de recordar en mi opinión, más que si los/las niños/as actúan solo como agentes receptores inundados de nueva información.

  243. Alba Azogil Buenaventura dice: Responder

    Posee gran importancia los proyectos de trabajo junto con las personas que colaboran para su formación tanto profesores, alumnos como otros agentes externos. Como ya he comentado en otros artículos, la innovación es necesaria en los proyectos de trabajo, en las unidades didáctica, en el fracaso escolar etc la innovación en todos ello es imprescindible para la mejora debido a la competitividad que existe en la sociedad. La competitividad es un punto positivo ya que buscamos llegar a la mejor perfección posible y cuyos resultados sean una buena educación del alumnado. Como ya sabemos el sistema educativo actual está fallando requiere de un nuevo proyecto innovador donde el alumnado logre conseguir los objetivos establecidos y podamos ver mejores resultados.

  244. ANA ISABEL GARCÍA VIOQUE dice: Responder

    Este articulo muestra la importancia que tienen los proyectos de trabajo en el ámbito educativo, ya que favorecen a los alumnos en muchos aspectos como conocer su entorno e investigar, además conllevan una colaboración entre alumnado y profesorado.
    Asimismo estos proyectos permiten un perfeccionamiento del alumno, que es algo muy beneficioso tanto para él como para la sociedad en la que vive, pues la innovación educativa a través de estos proyectos podría ayudarnos a resolver otros problemas que tiene la sociedad, por ejemplo la economía, ya que como he dicho en artículos anteriores la educación es la base de todo.

  245. Domingo Jesús Carrasco Barrios dice: Responder

    Este artículo pone de manifiesto todo lo relacionado con los proyectos de trabajo que intervienen en la educación y la importancia que tiene todos los agentes que intervienen en su formación y concreción. Y como está muy bien definido y ademas estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su estructura y utilidad, me voy a referir al término INNOVACIÓN.
    En sociedades tan competitivas como las actuales, innovar con buenos proyectos educativos fomentan una educación de calidad y crean las bases de una sociedad muy preparada para afrontar los retos que se nos presenten en un futuro.Hay que innovar e invertir en profesionales que tengan esa capacidad y formación, no podemos destinar tantos recursos en educación si que los objetivos más importantes no se cumplen o simplemente los objetivos son inadecuados en la realidad que nos afecta, debemos intervenir para conseguir metas más encaminadas al éxito comunitario y a la vez este se revierta a la sociedad.

  246. María Blanca Alfonso Alonso dice: Responder

    En mi opinión, los proyectos de trabajo son muy importantes, a través de éstos, los alumnos investigan su entorno y tratan de comprenderlo. En el proyecto de trabajo intervienen tanto profesor como alumno, alumno y alumnos, y alumnos con otros agentes externos; con esta metodología, todos los implicados pueden construir sus propios conocimientos. Por supuesto, un proyecto de trabajo tiene que contar con los siguentes principios básicos: orientación hacia el problema, orientación hacia el producto, regla colaborativa (cooperación conjunta entre profesor y alumno) interdisciplinariedad y acerca de la selección del contenido ejemplar. Para acabar, destaco la frase de ken Robinson, «human intelligence is richer and more dynamic than we have been led to believe by formal academic education», traducida viene a decir que «la inteligencia humana es más rica y más dinámica que hemos sido llevados a creer por la educación académica formal»

  247. Johanna Kantalainen dice: Responder

    During to checking this article I started to think about social skills. Social skills are very important in our society for the people in different ages. It is good skill if you can make attention for other people and if you can work with different people. Group working gives us a great opportunity to practice and learn social skills. And actually in my opinion that point is the most important benefit of group working. But I do not say that it is always easy to work in the group because sometimes is it not. But I think that those problems or difficulties in a group working are totally worth of it. Actually they are really good situations to practice social skills. It can help the members of the group to practice for example: How can I say my opinion? How will I react if the others are disagreeing with me? How can I help the members who have problems to work in this group? I am really sure that as a teacher I will use a lot of group working.

  248. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    …There is a plenty of projects in the classroom at the university. We study how to search for the information, process, analyze, and apply them on a given topic. We learn how to present and express ourselves in front of our classmates. I have to admit that I am not really satisfied with that. It is true that I learn new information, expand my general overview, but on the other hand I see these projects to be just an easier way to gain some points for the exam. Teamwork is not good either as some students work harder while the others not for the same grade. Even though there is an assumption that while working in teams we are learning how to get along with people and it can be very useful for our future employment, I do not see so many advantages of a teamwork.

  249. Helena Wenzelová dice: Responder

    There is a plenty of projects in the classroom at the university. We study how to search for the information, process, analyze, and apply them on a given topic. We learn how to present and express ourselves in front of our classmates. I have to admit that I am not really satisfied with that. It is true that I learn new information, expand my general overview, but on the other hand I see these projects to be just an easier way to gain some points for the exam. Teamwork is not good either as some students work harder while the others not for the same grade. Even though there is an assumption that while working in teams we are learning how to get along with people and it can be very useful for our future employment, I do not see so many advantages of a teamwork.

  250. Creo que innovar educación y enseñaza con proyectos de trabajo es la idea muy buena. Es u modo como el educación puede ser más interesante y más práctico.

    Este sistema puede mejorar la situación económica. En muchos países tienen problema con desempleo y esto es un modo como lo bajar. Estudiantes puedrían hacen estos proyectos con las companías de sus especialidad, perfecciionarse y conseguir el empleo en adelante.

  251. Project work is very good, but unfortunately is seldom used in the classroom. Maybe because of it teacher has much work and that is why he avoided it. But I think that that kind of work is more motivated for children and also more effective to learn things. They do things on their own or in groups and the knowledge you get by yourself it is permanently. Very important is that children faced with problem and they tray to find a solution. His ideas, solutions and result compare with other students. Together they find the best way. Project work is also very good because you can connect more school subject together with similar topic. And this is for children in primary school much more productive.

  252. I think group work is very good. There are things in school you have to do individual, but different projects, where students can work as a group are very important. As a future teacher I think in primary school should be also much more working in groups. In that way children learn how to cooperate, share their ideas, listen to each other… These are qualities they could really use in future. The problem is that it is very hard to organize group projects. Teacher needs a lot of time if he wants that it will be good and useful. And unfortunately many times teachers do not take time and they choose the easiest way.

  253. Katarzyna Stawrakakis dice: Responder

    I think that group work it’s a great idea! It develops abilities to cooperate with others for the future when you might need it at your job. It also helps your creativity, you don’t listen to (often boring ) lecture given by a teacher, you have to come up with the solution with your friends. Also i think that group debates are really good. I remember this one time our history teacher divided us to groups, every group were given some history event to discuss but one of them were supposed to justify it and the other were supposed to be against. It was actually really good way to learn something about a history and in a very interesting way.

  254. Team work is really important for every student. Because from it we’re learnig that if we put our heads together we can do more an better things. Every one of us know something else something new. So in the end together we’re the best. Now days in school the’re teaching that kinfd of way more than they just to but still not enough. I think that the teachers are a little bit scared of team working. Because they think in my opinion that some of the team will not do any thing. But the team has to work like a team and a team work all together. If some part of the team is not working that everything is going to fall down. So they have to work like a team if they want to be successful. So fear of teachers is not that good so in the end team work is the best because students are going to use team work in all of their life.

  255. Group work is one of the most important methods of teaching that prepares children to real life. It develops that kind of skills like cooperation and unity, the ability to express their views to a wider range of people. This shows whether the child is able to be a leader or not. And if any group work or project ends with presentation, it develops the ability to speak in public, and it is no less important.
    Anyway, from my own experience, this method has seemed to me one of the most difficult. In my practice, I have faced a variety of problems that sometimes make me to say – I could do this faster and better. But still, that was an experience and taught that “life is not a rose garden” (Latvian expression), there are problems to be solved, there are people who want to have everything made for them, there are leaders and there are people who follow them, there are creative souls that makes this project to flourish, but do not know how to present it to others. It is our daily life. In that way we all live.
    How to avoid those situations when there are one or two people in group who work and others not? To work more efficiently, children should be divided to do different task.

  256. Aleksandra Bruch dice: Responder

    Group tasks a great thing because of all the required creativity and thus it resembles more the things that escaped somewhere. The teaching is very hard work really, there are so many things you need to remember not only what but also put into practice and then be able to communicate in the best way. But to do this you must first really well to absorb this knowledge. After all, someone who will tell us their knowledge and know I can be his deputy will ever want me doing it in such a manner that he did. In this way, the teacher also encourages deeper thinking and feel into what you are doing. It’s a very developed.

  257. I am pro work projects. Work projects can work as a catalyst for generating innovative ideas and allow people to share their ideas and bring them to a next level. Working out of a problem works motivating since the goal is clear, to solve the problem. Making the student curious and give him/ her full access and freedom to use his/her creativity and unicity builds a strong and studious student. The great key is to cultivate diversity. The purpose of the role of the teacher should be to facilitate the singularity of students so they can develop their maximum potential. Education should not be about creating homogeneous groups but diverse groups, all having their unique qualities and talents. Generation Einstein (the youth of today) wants to be unique, authentic and social. Education should make use of this knowledge and facilitate that.

  258. In our life, in every field we need leaders. To became a great leader you need a lot of abilities, one of the most important is creativity. Leader must know how to teach its’ group the creativity. A perfect leader knows how to lead the groups for projects, and if every of group member knows his/her job to do, then the leader is great. To become a better leader, you need to think about internal environment as well, for example just some small things like saying compliments to others, it helps a lot. Unfortunately you can be the smartest person alive, but that doesn’t mean that you will be a great leader, theese skills you can’t learn in school, it’s a talent.

  259. Christine Schiffmann dice: Responder

    I remember those projects i had to complete in school. How I asked my friends to come help. Or how we as a group made sure everyone in the class approved of what we’ve done. The projects I done with the help of friends always turned out better. Yes, there were times when i would get upset because my suggestions seemed stupid in front of somebody else’s. Then, there were also times when I thought I were better off doing this alone.
    But now I think the more members you have in a group, the more resources you have at the end of the day. This means you can meet more ends with these resources. Another way to look at it is that as the number of people go on increasing, the knowledge of the team also increases. All these people bring in their very own experience which adds to that of the group. This means, at the end of the day, the group has more knowledge, more experience and more resources.
    I work in a school of special needs and I really like it when my students are working in groups. The students feel less isolated and alone and, especially at the beginning, they have support at the ‘where do I start’ stage. And especially the peer learning is important to me, I mean the learning from each other.
    It improves their social skills which i think is the most important thing.

  260. The use of group work also creates an environment in which a variety of cooperative learning strategies can be carried out. Cooperative learning improves student achievement, increases the participation of reluctant learners, and promotes positive social relationships among students.
    Good group work has great potential because students are encouraged to become active rather than passive learners. It also enables students to share their thinking, brainstorm ideas, learn to consolidate, evaluate and edit the contributions of group members, and take pride in their work as individuals and as members of a team. Students can also learn to be more independent and communicate better with each other.

  261. Döndü Gülşah Tepe dice: Responder

    Undoubtedly, working in a group has many advantages not only in groups but also in working life. Last year, I applied an academy about leadership (called Young Guru Academy) and 2000 students were chosen for the conference including me. However, there was one more elimination to register. There were two men who were working in the administration part of famous firms, chose one student from each group that included 5 students. While the interview was going on, they wanted us to decide the most three important factors to build a firm as a group. 5 of us have never met before and they wanted us to make something as a group. It was strange for me to work with other people whom I have never met before. I was not chosen for that academy, but that day, I understood that group working is very important.

  262. Group projects have many useful sides for both teacher and students. First of all, students feel free to work on projects according to their interest and abilities. They can use their abilities to maximum extent. While they are working in group students’ critical thinking ability develop and they make use of some thinking methods and try to solve different kind of problems. In group projects students are active learners and they are responsible for their own learning that gives the opportunity to students learn by heart. It helps social interaction also cooperation between students and learn how to coordinate things in social life. The most important one is it helps to enhance student teacher relationship in teaching learning process. ‘Two heads are better than one’ .So, working in groups is one of the ways of being more productive and creative.

  263. Nicolay Stokvold dice: Responder

    Group works is a great form of learning that in my opinion is used too little in schools.. As you wrote there is a critical discussion between students and teachers when working in groups. It is only when you interact with others that you are able to challenge your opinions and point of view. Kids have many skills outside of their academic abilities, and i think that many kids dont get the change to express/develop these skills during education. I think a reason for that might be that teachers havent been aware of the importance of other skills than the pure academic, so they highlight the academic skills of students, and the students that are best at this run the show..

  264. Paradeisi Aimiliani dice: Responder

    Εach individual has a great potential of many different abilities and talents. However, the traditional school helps him to use and cultivate very few of them and more specifically, the ones that are related to the “basic” courses (Language, Mathematics, Physics, etc). Because of that, a significant percentage of students seem to have very few academic

    Project working is an alternative method of learning. According to this, one or more persons investigate a subject from different points of view, they gather information, make some conclusions and write them down with a form that they choose.

    In this case, each person has the opportunity to contribute to the procedure in different ways, according to his abilities (f.e. organizing, designing, forming). Additionally, he acquires much more knowledge during his research, as it is on a subject that he is really interested in, while he gains the great experience of personal creation and cooperation with other people.

    In my opinion, project working is a much more effective and substantial way of learning.

  265. Laura Steigerwald dice: Responder

    In my opinon project working is a great way for the pupils to prepare them for real life. First of all they learn how to work in groups and their capacity for teamwork will be developed. Furthermore, they learn how to solve problems and how to handle them. And moreover, if they have to do a presentation after the group work, they learn how to speak in front of an amount of people (here the class) which is really very important for their life. I also think that pupils really like this kind of lessons, because it is diversified to the normal lessons and probably they will find it exciting working on a project and finding their own solutions with a group of people. So a teacher should think about doing at least one project per year, I think.

  266. Katarzyna Bejda dice: Responder

    I think that projects are really effective way to teach. These are the self-realization of students’ tasks, which is coordinated by the teacher. The project is solving by children / students practical problems in performing the task, and the end result is a product. The teacher should target students in the development of productive thinking skills. Students have become «constructors» of their own knowledge.
    Projects of this type of integrated knowledge and skills in different subjects. This method learning thinking and not repeating. it is learning creativity, coping with stress and pressure, work planning and allocation team, logical thinking, which will use in practical action, seeking information from different sources and their critical evaluation for suitability.

  267. Agata Klopotowska dice: Responder

    Working in groups gives many benefits for students, like for example: educates the ability to communicate and collaborate, teaches the observance of the rules, helps children become responsible for their own learning, provides a greater sense of security, strengthens the belief in their own abilities, enables learning from each other, increasing responsibility for themselves and others, gives a child a chance to overcome their shyness, teaches tolerance and kindness, encourages open discussion, prepares for public performances.
    But in some cases it can brings also some disadvantages, such as it may occur in a team leader exerting pressure on the other, reflecting authoritarian attitudes.
    The most common threat is the spread of liability – that is sense that the responsibility for the situation lies on the other side, not mine.
    If there is no clearly defined tasks and individuals assigned to them, it may
    happen in such a way that each person in the group thinks «this thing does anyone else» and consequently, any operation is performed.

  268. Group work is an effective way of working, but it is also a challenge for the group members. Two essential requirements for success are to create targets and a timetable. Group work must be well organize otherwise it ends in chaos. Often it fail, because in the group dominates a lack of communication with each other or each want to enforce his opinion and objectives.Precisely these challenges can strengthen the social skills. Forming of a leader can create advantages or disadvantages. A leader can direct a group in the right direction. He is characterize through a visionary thinking, but he should not be too dominant. I’ve done so far good and bad experiences with group work. Basically i like to work in a group, because it brings together many ideas.

  269. Working in groups has postive sides but also negative sides. Positive because it’s good to learn to communicate with different people who has other perspective and other ideas. It can help you see things different. Things you would never think about. It’s also good to negociate on different levels. And some people think there’s only one leader, but I think that everyone can have a part of the leadership. Everyone makes his part of the job and then you can have a good group. But there are also negative sides of it. People who take advantage of it and don’t work as much like everyone. People who don’t get along with eachother so it’s hard to make decisions together. Personally I prefer to work alone. Because I think that ‘what you do yourseld, it’s always better’. But still I think it’s important that you can do both ways.

  270. In my opinion, work projects are very beneficial measures to teach and learn. Students can work in groups and it improves their creativity, speaking skills, teaches how to collaborate with others. They can communicate, share their opinions and make really big discoveries after that. Working in groups helps students to find out and comprehend better the topic or lecture they are learning. It is said that the best way to learn is to teach. So after group work students could share what they have founded and share those discoveries with other students or teachers. However, there are some students who work better alone. But I think that it is neccessary to encourage them to work with others, improve their communication skills which are very needful nowadays.

  271. Simona Martinkutė dice: Responder

    To begin, develop and finally to get the best results of any kind of project should be important for everyone member who is related to this. In my opinion, the biggest part of the project success depends on well – formed team and one person (in other words leader) who can inspire the team. The leader cannot to overshadow the members of team because good communication inside the team can bring better solutions, new ideas and new ways. The same situation is in the projects of education: government must talk to schools’ and universities’ community, the latter must pay attention to the students’ thoughts, ideas and the students must talk to each other. Of course, sometimes when the team cannot to find one solution of critical situation the leader of the team must do this and if he/she can do this it means that the team has the strong and unafraid of responsibility leader from capital l.

  272. To start with working in groups in school is very important. The reason is, that this method is demand in almost every occupational field. Moreover, if pupils working in groups, they can exchange opinions, ways of solving problems or discuss everything. If they work on their own, it is more possible, that they have just one (maybe stringent) dimension of thinking. If they discuss or work with other pupils, it is easier to broaden their horizon. Furthermore, in a group of more pupils, every pupil has its own excellence in a certain school subject. So it is easier to take relations between several different school subjects.
    The only disadvantage of working in groups is, that there is always the possibility, that some group members work more than other group members, respectively that some group members lean back and rely on the other, that they will do the whole work.

  273. Lot of people like to work alone, and they are sometime very good at it. But I think that group work is also very important, it will not only benefit you at school or university level, but it will also help you in your job. Nowdays teachers are rating group work more in their courses, because they know how beneficiary it is. There are lot of positive sides by group works, pupils can discuss the idea, and find solution to the problem they might have, and solve it together. Some will also learn to take the leader role, which might help them later their life or job context. It will also improve creativity among students a lot. We are living in a century where cooperation, and teamwork is very important, and I think that we are on the right path!

  274. Working in groups is one of the organizational forms of teaching, which responds to the demands of contemporary society (cooperation,solve a problem in team) and that also complements teaching about the procedures, which frontal teaching doesn’t enable. Benefit of working in groups is developed communication and strengthening social development of pupils. Besides the indisputables advantages has some disadvantages as: low level of involvement of some members of the group to work, unsuitable composition of the working group, bad organization of work in group, lack of cooperation between members of the group. The correct procedure and approach the teacher is very important in this style of teaching.

  275. I think, work in group is really good possibility to improve our knowledge. But according to my experiences, teachers don’t like to give students team work. I think, many of teachers want to have quiet in the class (what isn´t possible in team work), they think students won´t do that project, just speak each other (what is usual, but I think, everything has a reason and the teacher has to find it), they think some students will do everything and others just take a mark. Team work has many negative which teacher can see, but I think, if they “ learn us to work in the group”, it can get better. In the alternative schools, they work in the group all the time and it´s working good, but in the formal schools students usually aren´t disciplined. We can thinking about why. Students in some alternative schools have exam like they can look at the other classmate what it´s writing and make a copy, it´s doesn’t matter, ´cause it´s without marks and stress. It´s little bit funny, but I can remember many things, what I described of my classmate during the exam.
    Anyway, I think students can learn many things each other sometimes it´s going to be easier put in to the mind.

  276. Like everything else there is advantages and disadvantages by working with group about improving the creativity. Working with group is good because members of group can find chance to see other ideas about same subject. They can change their mistakes if they have any or they can improve their ides by learning other members’s ideas. It is possible to put all small ideas together and create a new idea by working with group. On the other hand, some people have no confidence or personality to work with group. They could be destructed easily so that way they can not develop their ideas. That kind of members also would harm other members of the group. So it is important to work with somebody who has ability to work with other people to improve their creativity.

  277. Creo que el trabajo en equipo es importante y beneficioso para el aprendizaje que en otras, en su opinión, usted puede aprender acerca de sus propias faltas y corregirlas. Es importante porque a través de las diferentes opiniones se puede llegar a un verdadero creativo mediante la adición de varias ideas. hay actividades que si svoglte en grupos conducir a mejores resultados que si se hace solo, porque, por ejemplo, hacer frente a las opiniones de otros, muestra aspectos de la probleme que por sí sola no fueron considerados. enseña a compartir y permitir a conocer a su grupo de compañeros. hay algunas actividades que, en mi opinión de que no debería llevarse a cabo debido a que el grupo no suelen comprender a fondo el tema si usted lleva sólo una parte de ella. especialmente si algunas personas settoposte un grupo de trabajo para expresar mejor su braza porque están influenciados por las opiniones de los demás. En conclusión, no siempre funcionan grupo es útil que usted debe considerar cada caso y persona para decidir.

  278. Ability to work in a team is a positive message, because most teachers are convinced that it is the team’s job is the best returns and the best results. However, despite the pluses, such forms of work organization are disadvantages as well, which should be taken into account – for example, where the Group has a very able man, who at the same time is not a team player, it can be both vivid personalities with unique ideas both too shy, introverted people.
    Collective work of a number of important advantages: First, increase the speed of work, on the other hand, it is often a team born in a non-standard solutions, third, the number of students able to do more with the amount of work than individually. Teamwork providing expertise, increases the student’s level of knowledge, allowing them to pivot from one another to look at the overall objective of the work
    This gives students the opportunity to learn from their peers, organizing a special training process, but on the other hand, helps to better identify individual students’ abilities and skills. Joint work develops qualities such as tolerance, the ability to listen to another point of view and the ability to discuss. At the same time one can’t deny that teamwork creates a series of negative events – conformism, dependence on others’ opinion and evaluation, group egoism, uniform thinking. The larger the group, the more likely to occur in the discussion, which in turn slows down the rate of completion of the work – one of the parameters, which is considered a main advantage of teamwork. Even bigger problem is that as more people are in the group, the less each of them affects the overall results and less responsible. Often, in a situation where the bulk of the work done by some of the most active members of the team, but the rest of them just accept and try to avoid job.
    Team work is important to allocate tasks and continuously monitor and coordinate the work.

  279. El trabajo en grupos tiene una parte buena y mala. Todo depende de la persona y de los temas con los que se encuentra la persona involucrada. A veces, es más fácil de resolver algunas de las tareas independiente. Trabajando en grupos ayuda cuando la persona no quiere tratar con algo sola. Entonces se puede perder en el grupo. Personalmente creo que es para mi más fácil trabajar en grupo en clase pero cuando tengo que hacer algo para facultet en casa, prefiero ser sola. Sola puedo concentrarme mejor. Las cosas que no entiendo siempre puedo preguntar a alquien. Cuando trabajamos en grupos no podemos ver cuanto realmente una persona vale.

  280. Working in groups promotes communication between students and develops a social conscience. I think, it is one of the most frequently used and most effective method of work. But on the other hand, if a person works alone, he’s doing much better than with other people. A person who works in the group, solving the problem, the individual is not so concentrate, he relies on the other and his cognitive abilities temporarily fall, I think. In this case, depending on the personality of the individual. For example, someone can be inspired by ideas of the others and then can further develop the ideas. Someone may be attenuated by the ideas of the others.

  281. Josje Vandenaweele dice: Responder

    I also think, working in groups can have two sides. Working in groups can be positive when everyone shares their ideas about the subject, and listen to each other and you can come up with things you wouldn’t think about yourself.. on the other hand, like Emma said, it can be hard to work in groups when not everyone makes the same effort to bring the work to a good end. It’s often the case, in my experience, that 1 or 2 persons do all the work. I’m not saying everyone needs to have the same role in a group, not everyone can be the leader. Some are more silent and shy than others. But I do think work needs to be done by every member of the group.

  282. Working in groups is really usefull. We can share our ideas with classmates. it is really great How to get to know each other more. we can learn comunicate, work together and be more creative. But sometimes there just one working person in group who doing everything alone and than it is not real group work. i would be good if teacher or students say to everyone some position in group, someone will do a presentation in pc, someone will find information,…..and than everything put together. than everyone have any work and it is group work.
    Actually working in groups is variegation of class. it is more interesting and unusual. I prefer use this kind of class more.

  283. I think group works are very important but it depends on the use of it. I think there’s positive and negative things to say about it. The positive thing is that the students want to compete with each other, and want to give the best of themselves. At the other hand, my experience with group works weren’t always positive. In my school in Belgium we have to do group works all the time. And quite every time I had one or more persons in my group who didn’t work as hard as we were supposed to. Some people always depend on the others, and that’s a hard thing to measure as a teacher. So it sure has his pro’s and contra’s, so i think it’s good to do groupworks, but not all the time. And also it’s important as a teacher to keep an eye on who does what, so there’s not one person who does all the work.

  284. Vinka Arancibia Duran . dice: Responder

    I consider that in order to work this way you should have the knowledge about it. According to Marton & Booth (2002) in Thulin (2006); they mean that it depends on how an individual comprehend an assignment has to do with how the content, the teaching situation and how relevant the phenomena is for the understanding. Therefor it depends on what you put focus on and demonstrate. Phenomenology is a perspective that you could work and use in any grade/age and anywhere. By that I mean you can focus on a phenomenon that is important for exactly that era. Combining phenomenology and the socio cultural perspective you can make the pupils get a bigger understanding for it surrounding and for each other. That is something teacher should do as well to try to cooperate and develop the education system so we can confront the future.

  285. I think it is an excellent idea to have the children’s interest and curiosity as a starting point for learning. Because then the knowledge will feel useful to them, since they can apply it in the real life. But it is also important to trust the pupils in a way that makes them understand that their opinion is of value so that they realize that their creativity is an important tool for the development. Working in groups could increase that development (Vygotskijs PZD). If children get the chance that from their reality discover phenomenon by themselves in their environment, and solve the problems that are relevant for them, they will get a greater understanding for their surroundings and existents. This is knowledge that always going to be relevant. I think the key of learning is to have the possibility to choose what to learn, because if you choose it by free and genuine will the acquired knowledge will remain for a long time.

  286. I personally think that projects are beneficial in learning process and they are essential for students in order for them to realize that there are many opinions about one theme. Moreover, students learn to communicate with each other. The drawback though, is the fact that there is no way how to evaluate which student has done equal part and which has done nothing. All group members are treated equally even though their participation differs. I have faced situations where I have to take the lead in group and urge others to do something. And this is very annoying. Therefore, I have learned to prefer individual work, or work in groups only with people I know personally. But this is certainly not the initial idea of this method or learning. So there are definitely drawbacks of group work that have to be dealt with.

  287. Sir Ken Robinson is a really wise man as he understands that the key to successful human organization is to be creative. And every classroom is to be considered as a human organization and, therefore, a living organism. In order to fulfil the real purpose of education – to make a human being into an intelligent personality – we must understand the necessity to include emotional perception in the learning and teaching process. Education is not only about learning facts and numbers, but about logical thinking and general understanding and that’s where emotions come in. In addition, a creative teacher will perceive a class as a living organisms in order to be able to make students interested in the subject so that they would want to develop themselves into a particular subject even outside the lectures.

  288. Working in groups is a good option, but it is rarely used in the classroom, and it is because of lack of time, or just out of laziness teacher. I remember that I liked to work with my colleagues in the group. This method should be used regardless of whether it is mathematics, art and biology. I think that working with a group of reliable help children remember much more of the lesson than sitting and listening to a teacher lecture, and by the way children have fun. I know that the teacher should keep the curriculum, but I think there can not run out of space to develop children’s creativity and group work it is developing, as well as helping children to express their views and take notice that his sentence may be different mate sentence and be able to accept it. I hope that teachers will bring new and varied teaching methods.

  289. Working in groups I would say is neceassayr to increase the creativity among people. apart from that you get different thoughts, ideas and opinion that can develop yourself to either the better or worse. You alsio learn a lot when perticipating in group conversations. However, to big groups are not necessaraly the best groups, iI think you learn more when you are in a group of 4 than for example 10 because then there is time for both you and other to have a say. I also think it is good to mix physicall group activities with mental problem solving avtivities, so both body and mind are in action. In other words I do agrre with what Ken Robinson is saying; everyone is creative in its own way and the knowledge of people should be shared with one another for exapmple through group conversations.

  290. In my opinion, working in groups is a great idea, students learn to work together, to express your opinion and respect the opinion of others. Working in groups should be very common in our schools. Unfortunately, this type of learning can be seen mostly on physical education classes, the children are playing team games, when there were some games. I think that group work should also find its place in the teaching of other subjects. Children have the opportunity to get to know each other better by the fact that they have time to move one topic, I’m sure each child will have their different opinion.

  291. To work in groups can mean many different things; it can be boring, it can be fun, it can be instructive. No matter what kind of education it may be, kinder garden, primary school or university level, it´s always good to learn from each other. The thing about working in groups is that you often learn more than the things you are supposed to learn through the tasks. The exchange can take the group to new information and create new ideas and opinions that in the long run can lead to better rates or even better, innovative suggestion outside the school. One other thing that you practice during working in groups is patient among people that you feel you doesn´t fit with. It´s important to practice to work with people you don´t have the same opinion as, to respect and learn from each other.

  292. I definitely agree with the idea of ​​working project entered into the Czech education system. My younger brother is visiting primary school, where is together with other 29 schoolmates and I think its really a lot. Chances to succeed yourself and be creative between so many children is not large. Therefore, I think that is where it would be appropriate to work in groups. Pupils in groups to learn to work in a team, which is important for their future. In addition, they will be transferred between the already acquired knowledge to enable them to learn faster.
    I personally have a positive view of the work in groups here on Erasmus. Work in an international team is very interesting and educational.

  293. I totaly agree with Sir Ken Robinson! In todays society failure is not accepted. In fact failure should be ok. Because when you fail, in the future you’d do everything to make it right.
    We learn from our failure, but unfotunately in todays society sometimes you only have one chance.
    At school I think by working with groups would definitely improve creativity. Students can learn from each others knowledge by collaborating and ideas exchange.
    Also instead of giving too much homework, the teachers can spend a little more time with students at school everyone can share their idea to the class and then they can discuss it together I think it will improve the creativity among students alot!

  294. Swaenepoel Liesbeth dice: Responder

    I must say that this presentation of Ken Robinson is different than the others I saw of him, for me it was a little bit boring.
    But I have to agree with him; leadership is not something you can just teach. It is hard and with some people it is naturally better than others. Leading is a quality that just a few people have. Yet there are numerous training courses that help to teach leadership.
    As not everyone has the gift to lead, has everyone the possibility to think creativity. Creativity is really important as a kindergarten teacher. You have to be able to guide and steer a group of children in a creative way every day. If you’re not creative with children they will not be interested in what you say or do or just wouldn’t understand you. You have to be able to empathize you in their world and theretofore you need creativity.

  295. Fredrika von Braun dice: Responder

    In my education I’ve heard much good about pupils working in teams or groups. I think it is a good thing to work in groups because it helps the pupils to prepare for their future. But I am also a little critic because of my own experience, I feel that some children are more confidence than others and these children are taking more place in the groups and there are always one or two children that don’t dare to take place. It is almost like they haven’t been there. This is not because they are bad in the topic, don’t want to learn or are lazy. It can actually be because they just are so shy and don’t dare to say what they think. In a group people always take different roles and if some other pupil is very confident and want to take place, some other pupil will be shy and not confident. This is the same with adults and not special for children. I think that teacher has to know that all pupils don’t work better as a team. But I think it is very important to have many and different styles to educate. Some pupils work probably better in a team and if we vary the education all pupils will have a chance to learn through their own way.

  296. I will base this commet mostley on a part from the video when Ken Robinson talked about creativity. He said that everyone is creative in its own way. The problem is though that the school is very formal and everyone cant develop their form of creativity. Acctually I have nothing to add to this except that i totaly agree with him. I also agree with that in a group our creativity develops much better, In a group differnet ways of thinking is needed and that will lead to that everyone in the group will think in their own way and by that develop in their own way and their own creativity, compared to doing a work by yourself were the structure of how the work shall be is very strict. That will often only lead you to think as the teacher wants you to think. That will supress your creativity due to that everyone needs to think in their own way.

  297. Femke Van de Walle dice: Responder

    In education working in a team is one of the most important things you have to learn. Once you start working in a school or if you’re doing an internship you meet a group of people that are most of the time working together because in this environment it is very important to work as a team because your students will benefit from it.
    In our training to become a kindergarden teacher we have to work in groups a lot and that’s good, it’s not always very nice, but it’s good because you have to work in a group in your later life anyway. Being able to work in a group depends on your personality and creativity. Your role in the group depends on yourself, everyone has a function or a task it is your choice if you do that function or task and how you do it.
    So working a in a team is very important if you want to become a teacher but it’s also very important that you stay yourself within the team because sometimesit happens that people chance, that their not creative anymore, don’t speak or speak to much, some may take the leader role without being capable of doing it.
    Everyone has his own place in the group and that’s a place that will suit you the most.

  298. Working in groups is a good way to see how pupils can learn from another angle. When the teahcer enter work for a group his aims to achieve is to get certain result. This result is focused on mutual cooperation, tolerance, views, ability to succeed in a group and the ability to speak in front of audience. Teacher reaches that the work in groups is more fun and interesting for students and also it is easier then to develop other skills. These skills will find a good guide in life. Prepare them for different situations in life. It is also a good preparation for their future careers because mostly people work in colective and use a teamwork and make a teambuilding. And of course, learning by own experience is the best learning. Problems are teachers, especially the older ones who are not progressing with the times and do not change the style of learning. Learn by the old methods makes today’s youth bored.

  299. Work project is something that I really missing in primary and secundary school. In some way schools are made very individual and it encourage individualism among people. Work projects can provide a lot of competence and experience which are important in life. In a group is possible to operate with several opinions from diferent people with their own point of view.
    I think that work project encourage creativity. It is related to active role of person in a project. It is good because people can investigate on their own and it is also important good relationship between teachers and students. Work project should encourage curiosity which is very good for individual, because he is learning by his own motivation.

  300. I really like project-based-learning. Project-based learning is a teaching technique that provides students with complex tasks based on challenging questions or problems. It allows us to improve the students’ problem solving-, decision making- and investigative-skills. Project-based-learning is a different method that promotes and practices new learning habits, emphasizing creative thinking skills by allowing students to find that there are many ways to solve a problem. Also students have to work together in a team, which is a good practice for later. With project-based-learning we don’t need to divide the timetable into 45-minute-subjects because, at best, the projects include diferent knowledge from diferent areas. «Learning by doing» (John Dewey) is one of my principles when I go into a classroom.

  301. I believe that group work is an excellent method to use in order to reach creativity Nd interactions among people. By working in groups students will naturally achieve creativity, but also curiosity of the other people’s creativity in the group. This origins of the notion of the importance of putting information or theory into practice. However, I do believe that is highly vital that the there should not be one leader in the group, so I would never assign someone the title group leader. Instead I believe that this will grew automatically if one ask the question; what are you intelligent in? Or moreover, what is your interests in this group? I believe that by bringing people together in a group, new ideas will flourish that would not have been experienced if this people’s minds did not work together and inspired each other. Although, this can be both bad and good things that the group work result in, however, it will always result in some kind of learning and practices. Group works will not be more expensive for the schools or the students will not miss out on any knowledge as they practice knowledge all the time within the groups. In Sweden for example we have a lot of group work, and this saves the teachers more time but it also allows them to see the students from a different view. This is very effective as it prepares the students for the real life, especially for the working life, whereas in the working life one has to be able to work in groups in order to make a good job.

  302. It’s a reality that pedagogy system needs updating!
    We have to believe that such a system lacks of creativity, imaginary, innovation.
    In order , a teacher, to understand this issue have to be in the position of the student. Because it is very easy for the teachers to forget themselves as students, so they teach only what a teacher have to teach to a student. But in fact they sometimes are away from the educational system…And if someone wants to be a useful teacher has to be experimented all the time by him/herself as also by each different personality of student and also by each unique group of classes according to the separate situation. Education may be the most difficult thing to be succeeded. A good way to improve the educational system is to be taught by students and to introduce new methods of teaching asking the students for their opinion about the courses, for their ideas etc.

  303. Change our school organization to that, where it will be possible to working in group, being creative, changing our opinion, is not easy. Pace of life is much more faster than earlier. To ,,know» something we have to gain more and more and more informations, usually there is no time to thinking about them or sometimes even to understand. If teacher has only two or three lessons per week, each for 45 minutes, he has to decide that it’s better to taught them everything, and they will decide what they will do with that knowledge, or learn him some part of material what will result in some ability. For example in course history we can listening about all medieval period and have general knowledge about it, or choice few aspects and try to really understand them. In second way, we were learning only about Mongolian invasion, we were analyzing their origin, climate, warfare, everything. Each of us had to prepare his own knowledge at home. We spent for it more than 7 hours, 3 lessons. Normally in that time we are taugh about history of 4-5 countries. But learning and be taught are two completely different ways of studying. Of course learning is much more creative, it give us opportunity to create something new, to do some combination of different field of knowledge. But in this way we will need much more time or we will not gain general knowledge.

  304. Sir Ken Robinson seems to have found the key to thinking creatively and if everyone manages to turn on this fragment in our brains, we would broaden our horizons and think extremely efficiently! People have too much information stored that is not needed, and is mind racking! Many people had this ability and then lost it, forgot about it, others never had it but Everyone can start to think creatively! !Teaching process is much better in groups because you put all brains together and manage to firstly hear different opinions and the exchange ideas, whether good or bad, you will at least know why its bad! The level of ingenuity rises sharply like the collaboration Reflection Graph shows, since many ideas are combined and at the end the result can be extraordinary and Even if they didn’t do so well or failed if the teacher gives them feedback it will be a successful failure. Because one on one tutorials are extremely crucial for the students understanding that the Tutor is actually interested in evolving and feeding this beautiful mind………!

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